VOL. XI, NO. .17, KOC'KAWAY, N. J., Tl I l/KSDA Y, J L M : 7. vj>,n. VJ-;.\R A SHOE YOU DONTIIAVETO " BREAKIN " TRY .'i |>,iir of «E«6V pipes' and you will not be tliss;tpointci Misess' Patent Leather Slippers. MINOR'S "EASY"5H0E FOB WOMEN Ladies' and Misses' Oxfords. Children's Shoes in great variety. Some Dot-gains in Broken Liues and Odd Pairs of Shoes. MINOR'S EASY"5H0E -MDBWMEN- ~ E. H. TODD. A SERIOUS FIRIi AT DIM. Four Houses Burned-Tliroo Families Made HomelosB—Partial Insuranoo— Work of Inoondlarles. Loo uvonuo, Dover, was (ho scone of n huge conflagration early yesterday morning, which completely destroyed four houses und rendered tliroo families homeless, causing n loss of several thous- and dollars, which wus but partially covered by insurance. Tho oooupouts of tliroo of tho houses worn Peter Martin, employed nt tlio Dover onr shops; Robert MoNish, em- plorod at tho Mo.rlN Comity Maohiuo nmllrou Worku, mid L. M. Yuukis, em- ployed at tho Oyolo Components Works hero. Tho othor houso was vueutod ou Friday. Tho fnmily of Mr. MoNlsh had rotirod (it I) o'clock nud woro nwnkonod at 1 o'clock in tho morning by i> sousoof suf- focntiou i\nd fnoml tho boil room tilled with smoko. It dawned upon them Im- mediately that tho housu wus 011 (ireiind the eutire fnmlJy WI\H uroused, und iu luru thofamilies In tho adjoining houses woro uuido awnro of their dauber. Wliilo tlio others woro making every oft'ort to rescue what household Roods they could Mr. McNIsh proceeded to summon the (ire dopurtmout. It wns abont I") hour before tho dromon nr- rived mid the. four buildings were so fur burned tlmt no effort wus nmde to save thorn, but by liurd work 11 double honso adjoining wus prevented from catching fire. Three hours from the time the lire wns discovered thn (lumos were subdued. To nil appearances tho fire was of an iucoudiary origin having started near n bnckeollar door of tlie houso occupied by Mr. MoNish. 'Die loss to the proper- ty, owned by Samuel Clark nnd Joseph Giles,will amount to i\bout $10,001), cov- orod by iusurnnoo. Messrs. Murtin aud McNish, wlioso loss is not fully known, also carrlod au Insurance but Mr. Ynukia, who had lived lu Dovor but a few months, onrrlod no iiisnnuioo. As thoro is no city water In that part of Dovor the tlrouioii wore greatly handi- oappod ami uood a grout deal of prnlso for saving what property they did. May Honor Pupils. The list contains the names of thosu pupils of the Rooknwny Borough Sohcolfl who stood, nt tho closo of tho sohool month just past, nt tho head of their respective classes: F.1.KV1INTII OHAIMC. 1. Revonn Slmwgnr, 11(1. 3. Arthur Knyhnir, Bll. ITN'TH (HlAllK 1. Elvira Stickle, ion. a. Oliutou McKiunon, H6.fi. NINTH llUADK. 1. Oorn Hankiuson, Nil.5. 3. Anna Kiornnu, 87.5. KIUHTll OKADE. 1. Nellio Hnff, 1)1.0. fl. Thomas Shnwgor, 01.11. SEVENTH 11KAUK, \. . Loo Hart, US S. . Mosos Sanders, 1)0. SEVENTH lilt AD It, 11. . John Clmwoy, ltrt.fi. . Angle Borry, H3.3. SIXTH UH.U1K. . Garret t Shuwgor. nil. . Dnlsy Morcom, OH. KIFT1I (HIAOK. . Arthur Johnson. 100. Krnost Sanders, »-l. (1. FOtltTH DKADK, A. Herbert Wiggins, 113. . Bdwurd Clark, 86.5. KOURTH (lUAPE, II. Arnim Avres. 1)7.0. Bouuio MacKinnon, SS.t). Cores, Oornp, Oorna. Why enffer with coma nhon ono ton qout box of Frioud's oorn plaster* will dlsolvo tho coma Mini rolievo yon of lots pain and anffortai;, tho best ou tho uuuktt !B the Frloiul'o. Boo thnt the naino la on tho box, fall directions wllh ovory boi. Wai. Geruid. The Result of the Inquest. At tho inquest hold Hominy night by Oorouor Leonard, of Morristown, to in- crniro into the nurting of tho dead body of au nuknowu infant in tho woods near thatplnco, only three witnesses woro ox- amiuod. Dr, Wright, who nindo tho nutopay, toatiflod that the infant was abont throo old nud to nil appearances, its ilonlh was not n natural one, Tho jury rendered a vordiot thnt tho ohild mot its domli from HOMO unknown onustv That Lame Marti onn t>o \vUH Emma Huff, fiA.d. Cocil Gerard, H8.ll. SEl'ONP lilt.VWS, A. Harold firnen, ml. I Edward Dnvoy, j .,. j Ohnrles Hart, \ "' SEl-ONtl llHAlll!, II. liulu Mailer, 1)3.B. Harold Beai-h, lii.fi. ' ...~l' URADII, A. Lavir .a ShivwRpr, 02. Nottio May, 110.(1. FIRST CIUAI1H, 11. Knymond Hopler, 1)3. Ma'bol MorRan.DO. Ask for Grlaeoni's Little P. D. Q Pllle for tho prompt rellof and speedy euro of l tl blll lk ooDBtlpnMon, c t l , , hoftdnoho, dyspopsln, poor appetite aud for nil diseases omitiod by an ncoumilatlon of Irupnrltlea In tuo blood. Snfe. ltellnblo, Prompt in notion. Douot omiso nnusca or gtipo, Wm. Qeranl. Card of Thanks. Mu. Ennoi;: We, tho\uidorsiniied, wish to express our thanks, tlii-on^ii iln> iiieiliniii of your paper, to our many friends who so kind- iy assisted us in our Into IHTIMVUHPIII. W.M. A. I'AHI.HIAV. OKOKOK A. DOVK. LOTTIE L. I'AULIMAN. ELECTRIC TOWER M THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITIOIJ. fnnn .Mi Ueadncho luulF Oot M11W 1'alD i'lOk (JUlf ol Ml'M' 'itv ;i(/a IN (,i ' i u/ oil •J I ultll IKJi.' tin- i ill) *1'\. iil-'l ( II ill''in l \v I t h a i l urn! in tit ii y i^ very iriuntmu Copyrttflil, 11)00, liy the Pan-American Kxposttton (.n. Tin* dlKtiltliMl mid statoly benuty «f the pn»nt Klrctrlr To^vi-r, wblcli will form tho conHpifiioiis cptiterpit-ci' nf tIn* Piui-Ani(*rU'nn Kxponltlon nt Buffalo May I to Nov. I, UH)l, «'IJI canuunm) the ra\tt /idniimtion of i>vvvy visitor. Tlio fool lil^'l ontlro oxtortor of tho HfiO foo \ TRIP TO MEXICO, tower will In? Htmlilod with electric lights. erH, 210 feet high, I boliove, which gave us a line view over tlie city and acroBB to tlie lakes of Tetzcooo uud Xochimilco. A Elmor C. Grlfflth, Formorlv of Now York City, Tolls of tho Many InteroBtlnn Things Ho Saw. Tho following lot-tor, reoclvod by Miss Edith George, of this placa, WUB writ- ten by Elmer O. Gr(',Iltli, formerly of Now York City, who about a yonr n left for Sierra Mojndft, Mexico, to net as book keopor for a raining company there, nnd is publishod by us owiup to its hlntoricnl value. SIEIIKA My Dour Edith : , MEXICO, May (I, 11)00. id Sunday todny, ftnd quiot, n»d 1 think that I can pivo myself the lou« postponed plonsuro of writuiR to yon. aud shall I not inclndo nil my friends at .vonr home], (iRood IOIIK lotter. Your father mlKht bo interested to Ituow that tho company mines hore about flvo thousand tons of oro a month, worth say thirty American monov. thonsuud dollars ID In Noveniborinst I made n trip of two weeks to theCity of Mexico in company with a Mr. Hackley, who is U. S. Con- sular Agent here and is also an employee of onr compnny and abont my owu ngi\ Onr jnuruoyiugH aud return were nearly as long as my trip hore from New York, and nwirly ns interesting us that journey, but the sights were as dif- ferent as could be, and nover to be for- gotten. We came into thoroal Mexico, to which this upper part, where we live is comparatively a dosort and here tho ;ieoplo are also moro Americnulzod than in the moro southern parts of the coun- try. On the wnysonth [tho railroad is con ducted by Americans and travelling in Iho Pullman was the same ns if in Iho States| we passed through much dry country, tint also through a lnrgo cotton growing district whoro men, women and boys were picking thecotton aud putting it in sacks which ihoy linil in front of tliPtn tied about their ivnists We went through many ancient towns and much beautiful country also, nt one town thov hring baskotw of strawberries to the trains every mouth iu the your, to sell to the passengers. At another place it was opals, and at another drawuwork. ing tho city of Mexico, the train passed along the bank of a canal which about sixty miles long, and wns com- menced by Cortoz, the Spanish conquer- or, nearly four hundred years ago for the purpose of draining tho vnlley in which Mexico City lies aud making the localitv more healthful. The canal hns lately ."been finished, nil the soil excavat- ed having boon carried ont on men's barks. When we passed over tho lout Rnnimit nnd be: tho city volcanoes and soou they woro iu eight abend, covered with their caps of per- petual snow. Mr. Huckloy's brother mot ns at the boy pointed out to n« all tho principals points of interest for a sinull considera- tion—the Ii til of Ohapultepot), thehill of Gundnlnpe, the National Palace, Nn- tioual Library, Sim Carlos Art Gallery, National Museum, Mint, etc. tho most of which wo afterward visited. Tho flnost drivo about the city is » bonlovurd nbout n mllo long bordered with statues and tall trees and loading out to Chapultopec The viow from Olmpultopec Castle over tho valley of Mexico Is a muguiflctont panorama aud u-onld in itself repay for the jonrney. Tho castle, whioh is now the Military Academy and President Diaz' palace, is upon a hill rising abruptly from tho plain and Burrouuded by a grove of giant cypress trees which wero thoro in tho time of tho Aztec omperors. Thero was Mooteznmn's country seat, and a spring at tho foot of the hill is called Moctezumn's Rath." Tho circuit of the hills aud mountains surrouudiug tho valley must bo more than a hnudre.d miles. Above all tho buildings in tho city rises tho two towered cathedral, be- yond nro tho throe large lakes, and in the line of mouutuius to thooast are the two volcauoes, Popocatapetl, (smoking mountain) nnd Ixtnocihuatl (womau iu while) bolh snow capp d. Theso aro pretty hard uames to pronounce with- out hearing thorn, one is Popo-catn- poll, accented ou last syllable. Tlio other is like Eots-starts-see-wartle, ac- cented on "see."' Tito first of tiiese is a cone but Ihe second has a very striking likeness to the figure of n person lying with arms crossed nud covered with a n whiti! sheer. Not Iho least interesting plnoc wns the church hours ndn especial shrine for tbe Indians, for thero some three hundred years ago the Vir- gin was supposed to have uppoared to one of tlii'ir number, a priest named .hum Diego, go.i In the posed miraculous picture of the Virgin winch he then received upon his blank- et, and the Maliu (iuadalupe (Mah-r«o- ah Una-cln-In-po) or Virgin Mary of Guadiilupe has since been the patroness saint of Mexico. There arc a number of very large aud very good pnintiu^s there, but tlu j socalled miraculous pict- ure of the Virgin is in a gold frame of great value with a gold crown above it, iu a sort of tbrouo high over the center of Ihe altar. Tho ultar railing is about a hundred and twenty feet IOIIR aud four feet high, of heavy work, and is solid silver. It is snid to contain a value of about $4(10.IKK).(10 (American money). That, with other decorations, aud iu fact the whole work of the building was contributed by the Iudiaus. There were there many rung.'. '1 l io ilr.-'-i I,I from iln lit iilxuil a laui.li.-'i H,.1 liliy i:uM ut thfritv, w ;i.-a n'-.sid-n.-iici-uf the Orizaba which ir, H i t Inj-'In-M nitmniiiiii but erne uu tin-CIHJIIMI'IH IT. .11, net i tliu dcnccut begun, winding nrouiiri tho mountain spurh. through tunuc],., brid^. nig vhusum, going diiwn through tho oiuuds to where tin; luwer level stretched away to the I'U.Mwuill toward the const. Of all tho beautiful placet. Ihat 1 have ever seen, none seem lu me to bo so charming us Orizaba, the city to which we now came. The foliag'- was sonii- tropical and luxuriant, tlie oranges, ba- uauas and colf'ou ripuuiun on the trees, the landscape beautifully varied, moun- tain, river uud plain, Orizaba's snowy pe.uk looking down from umuug the clouds. The uliuiim- is moderate and ono of the most healthful iu the world. We stopped there ul what IH said to be the befit hotel lu the country aud WITO sorry to come away—until wo saw our bill. Well it wus a most delightful trip, al- though I crowded into two weeks what should have been given a mouth, and I can't begin to toll iu a lutter of tho curi- ous aud interesting things that we saw. Perhaps when 1 sou you again thure >vill bo souiothiug loft of the story, which you would like to hour. One of tbe things I like best about this laud is the horseback riding, of which thero comes u plenty iu tho course of work. J wish you could see the hand- some bluck borne which I have of my owu. He is quite the admiration of the town here, where a good home is appre- ciated at that. Ho is all black except for a white streak from his forehead to his nose. He in full of life audspirit as Fauny was, aud how he doos like to rnu ! I boliove I have traveled ns fast ou him as I over did or could on a wheel at top speed. Wo have had several ad- ventures, uut dangerous ones, aud ho nnd I aro as great friends as Billy, the brown setter, uud I used to bo ut King- wood. He is strong, Ityhcfootod and of an entirely good disposition. We hnvo many fine trips togother. Yours sincerely, ELMER C. GIUFFITH. / Anyone having it cold and will call at oar itore with tlie cold and tventy-Qvo ceut£ IDcaflb, we will exebnn^eone lar^H bottle of GrisonnTR Pitieapplo Oon^b Bui- Bum u never tniliuR oore fur cuuguti, oiilds, cronp, elo. Wui. Gorurd. of Guadalupe, nbout a half from the citv, which is an (prouounced Hwnu Do-a- memorial chnrch is a sap- Mise Smith Won the Boon On April 20 we opened a news-gather- ing contest, offering a handsome book to the boy or girl in the county sending UH tho most nows items during six weeks, tho t.iino to end liny 31. Also to pay 1 cent for all items recoived tliat we could use. After onr last isRne hadbeen printed we found that Miss Lillian Smith, of Tubnr, was entitled to the premium, having sent an Nil items. The name of the coutentauts with items furnished are ns follows: Miss Lillian Smith, Tabor, 14:1 Fred Puder, Rockuway, « Minnie Lidle, Rockuway, 27 Cora Haukiusou, Kocknwuy, 27 Nellio Huff, Rockaway. ]!i May Blanchnrd, Boekuway. 10 Mabel Banghart, Rookawuy, 11 Mary Osorun, Mine Hill, » Aleua Mott, Rockaway, 7 In another column we publish the facts coucoruiug the coutest which cuds July 1. Geo. W. Batler, Philadelphia, Pa., Tes- tifle»: Belnu a boss dyer oftentimes burn my hnnds with tbe «oid« we n*e, nud must BUJ I Und Grisoom'a Bone Marrow Lini- ment gives the best results for bnins sprains, braises, etc., nnd highly reaom- meiid same. Wm. Gerard. Will Take Action. Tlio Morris County Board of Freehold- ers, at its uext mooting niny take some, steps either to reduce County Colloctor McLean's present salary or confirm it by a new resolution. It is the opinion of many that the Oounty Collector can draw but $1,000 per year as salary, tliat being tho amount fixed some years ngo by resolution passed by tho booril. Tho resolution also contains a proviso that the salary of a couuty official coald uot be changed rtunut; his term of office. Whil h t d b d aont riRht^ g ; While tho county road bonds, amount n we passed over tho lost Rnmmit thoro many enrions sights, among them K p j B ^ ^ ^ gnn to descend into tho valley of a boiling spring, ovor which a cbnpol was by the then County Collector McCrack- wo commenced to look for the built, and whose waters aro medicinal, en, nn additional compensation of »J0O One of our two-hundred milo side trips took us thousand grades that looked hko toboggan slides over a mountain pasN ten feet high, nnd then down was allowed for extra work. This extra compensation wns nud is still paid to formor County Collector McCraokon's station, nud wo drove first to his olllce, into a low country whero thero were which wo made moro or less a reudez- ninny, sugar plantations with growing vous during onr stay, Arranging for | cane. Thou wo wont through a won- my room and getting my baggage traus- i dorful cnuou two miles long where tho ferred finished thoevents of thnt dny. I sides rose V shaped, rising iu some The first thing next mowing wo went plnoes to n hoight of fnlly eight hundred to tho Cathedral. This is an immntiso feot and nearly straight above, ns. That fracture of limestone, built by tho Spanish upon the site of tlio Atiteo tem- ple wlni'h tiny duMTOvod. Thoro wore services going on when wo wont iu, nnd tho music of the great organ was granil, resounding under tho high dome. Wo went up to thobelfry o£ ouo of the tow- trip took us dowu into a wild nnd. uutil lately, almost unexplored ropiou. whoro mining is being newly developed. We reached there a point about n hundred inilfs iulaud from tho oity of Acapnloo whioh you cnnflniJ in thogeography, ou tho Pacific const. successors. You're There to Stay. On tbe- Laokawnnna Limited there's no ohnngo botweoa New Vork anj 8t Loots. NHW doily service via Niagara Palls and Wabaab. B41»cad, luavtng New York at 10 n. m., arriving In St. L mis 2 p. m, noxt dny Host anil quickest route to the West. Luxurious sleeping oars. Dining oar ser- vice unsurpassed lu qualUv and price. Close oonncation foe KaDB&s Oily and tho BouthweBt. Ton-Say stopover permitted at Niagara Falls. 0-7-3*.

A SHOE YOU DONTIIAVETO TRYtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1900/1900-06-07.pdfure of the Virgin is n a gold frame of great value with a gold crown above it, iu a

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Page 1: A SHOE YOU DONTIIAVETO TRYtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1900/1900-06-07.pdfure of the Virgin is n a gold frame of great value with a gold crown above it, iu a

V O L . XI , NO. .17, K O C ' K A W A Y , N . J., Tl I l /KSDA Y, J L M : 7. vj>,n. VJ-;.\R


«E«6V pipes'and you will not be tliss;tpointci

Misess'Patent Leather



Ladies' and Misses'Oxfords.

Children's Shoesin great variety.

Some Dot-gains in

Broken Liues and Odd Pairsof Shoes. MINOR'S EASY"5H0E


E. H. TODD.A SERIOUS FIRIi AT D I M .Four Houses Burned-Tliroo Families

Made HomelosB—Partial Insuranoo—Work of Inoondlarles.Loo uvonuo, Dover, was (ho scone of n

huge conflagration early yesterdaymorning, which completely destroyedfour houses und rendered tliroo familieshomeless, causing n loss of several thous-and dollars, which wus but partiallycovered by insurance.

Tho oooupouts of tliroo of tho housesworn Peter Martin, employed nt tlioDover onr shops; Robert MoNish, em-plorod at tho Mo.rlN Comity Maohiuonmllrou Worku, mid L. M. Yuukis, em-ployed at tho Oyolo Components Workshero. Tho othor houso was vueutod ouFriday.

Tho fnmily of Mr. MoNlsh had rotirod(it I) o'clock nud woro nwnkonod at 1o'clock in tho morning by i> sousoof suf-focntiou i\nd fnoml tho boil room tilledwith smoko. It dawned upon them Im-mediately that tho housu wus 011 (ireiindthe eutire fnmlJy WI\H uroused, und iuluru tho families In tho adjoining housesworo uuido awnro of their dauber.

Wliilo tlio others woro making everyoft'ort to rescue what household Roodsthey could Mr. McNIsh proceeded tosummon the (ire dopurtmout. It wnsabont I") hour before tho dromon nr-rived mid the. four buildings were so furburned tlmt no effort wus nmde to savethorn, but by liurd work 11 double honsoadjoining wus prevented from catchingfire. Three hours from the time the lirewns discovered thn (lumos were subdued.

To nil appearances tho fire was of aniucoudiary origin having started near nbnckeollar door of tlie houso occupiedby Mr. MoNish. 'Die loss to the proper-ty, owned by Samuel Clark nnd JosephGiles,will amount to i\bout $10,001), cov-orod by iusurnnoo. Messrs. Murtin audMcNish, wlioso loss is not fully known,also carrlod au Insurance but Mr.Ynukia, who had lived lu Dovor but afew months, onrrlod no iiisnnuioo.

As thoro is no city water In that partof Dovor the tlrouioii wore greatly handi-oappod ami uood a grout deal of prnlsofor saving what property they did.

May Honor Pupils.The list contains the names of thosu

pupils of the Rooknwny BoroughSohcolfl who stood, nt tho closo of thosohool month just past, nt tho head oftheir respective classes:


1. Revonn Slmwgnr, 11(1.3. Arthur Knyhnir, Bll.

ITN'TH (HlAllK1. Elvira Stickle, ion.a. Oliutou McKiunon, H6.fi.

NINTH llUADK.1. Oorn Hankiuson, Nil.5.3. Anna Kiornnu, 87.5.

KIUHTll OKADE.1. Nellio Hnff, 1)1.0.fl. Thomas Shnwgor, 01.11.

SEVENTH 11KAUK, \.. Loo Hart, US S.. Mosos Sanders, 1)0.

SEVENTH lilt AD It, 11.. John Clmwoy, ltrt.fi.. Angle Borry, H3.3.

SIXTH UH.U1K.. Garret t Shuwgor. nil.. Dnlsy Morcom, OH.


. Arthur Johnson. 100.Krnost Sanders, »-l. (1.

FOtltTH DKADK, A.Herbert Wiggins, 113.

. Bdwurd Clark, 86.5.KOURTH (lUAPE, II.

Arnim Avres. 1)7.0.Bouuio MacKinnon, SS.t).

Cores, Oornp, Oorna.Why enffer with coma nhon ono ton

qout box of Frioud's oorn plaster* willdlsolvo tho coma Mini rolievo yon of lotspain and anffortai;, tho best ou tho uuuktt!B the Frloiul'o. Boo thnt the naino la on thobox, fall directions wllh ovory boi. Wai.Geruid.

The Result of the Inquest.At tho inquest hold Hominy night by

Oorouor Leonard, of Morristown, to in-crniro into the nurting of tho dead bodyof au nuknowu infant in tho woods nearthatplnco, only three witnesses woro ox-amiuod. Dr, Wright, who nindo thonutopay, toatiflod that the infant wasabont throo old nud to nil appearances,its ilonlh was not n natural one, Thojury rendered a vordiot thnt tho ohildmot its domli from HOMO unknown onustv

Tha t Lame Marti onn t>o \vUH

E m m a Huff, fiA.d.Cocil Gerard , H8.ll.

SEl'ONP lilt.VWS, A.Harold firnen, ml.I Edward Dnvoy, j .,.j Ohnrles Hart, \ " '

SEl-ONtl llHAlll!, II.liulu Mailer, 1)3.B.Harold Beai-h, lii.fi.

' ...~l' URADII , A.

Lavir .a ShivwRpr, 02.Nottio May, 110.(1.


Knymond Hopler, 1)3.Ma'bol MorRan.DO.

Ask for Grlaeoni's Little P. D. Q Plllefor tho prompt rellof and speedy euro of

l tl blll l kooDBtlpnMon, c t l , ,hoftdnoho, dyspopsln, poor appetite aud fornil diseases omitiod by an ncoumilatlon ofIrupnrltlea In tuo blood. Snfe. ltellnblo,Prompt in notion. Douot omiso nnusca orgtipo, Wm. Qeranl.

Card of Thanks.Mu. Ennoi ; :

We, tho \uidorsiniied, wish to expressour thanks, tlii-on^ii iln> iiieiliniii of yourpaper, to our many friends who so kind-iy assisted us in our Into IHTIMVUHPIII.



Ueadncho luulF Oot M11W 1'alD i'lOk

(JUlf ol Ml 'M'

' i t v ; i( /a IN

(,i ' i u/ oil•J I

u l t l l IKJi.'


i i l l ) * 1 ' \ . i i l - ' l ( I I i l l ' ' i n l \v I t h a i l

urn! in

tit iiy i^ veryi r i u n t m u

Copyrttflil, 11)00, liy the Pan-American Kxposttton (.n.Tin* dlKtiltliMl mid statoly benuty «f the pn»nt Klrctrlr To^vi-r, wblcli will

form tho conHpifiioiis cptiterpit-ci' nf tIn* Piui-Ani(*rU'nn Kxponltlon nt BuffaloMay I to Nov. I, UH)l, «'IJI canuunm) the ra\tt /idniimtion of i>vvvy visitor. Tlio

fool lil^'lontlro oxtortor of tho HfiO foo

\ TRIP TO MEXICO,tower will In? Htmlilod with electric lights.

erH, 210 feet high, I boliove, which gaveus a line view over tlie city and acroBB totlie lakes of Tetzcooo uud Xochimilco. A

Elmor C. Grlfflth, Formorlv of Now YorkCity, Tolls of tho Many InteroBtlnnThings Ho Saw.Tho following lot-tor, reoclvod by Miss

Edith George, of this placa, WUB writ-ten by Elmer O. Gr(',Iltli, formerly ofNow York City, who about a yonr nleft for Sierra Mojndft, Mexico, to netas book keopor for a raining companythere, nnd is publishod by us owiup toits hlntoricnl value.

SIEIIKAMy Dour Edith :

, MEXICO, May (I, 11)00.

id Sunday todny, ftnd quiot, n»d 1think that I can pivo myself the lou«postponed plonsuro of writuiR to yon.aud shall I not inclndo nil my friends

at .vonr home], (iRood IOIIK lotter.Your father mlKht bo interested to

Ituow that tho company mines horeabout flvo thousand tons of oro a month,worth say thirtyAmerican monov.

thonsuud dollars ID

In Noveniborinst I made n trip of twoweeks to the City of Mexico in companywith a Mr. Hackley, who is U. S. Con-sular Agent here and is also an employeeof onr compnny and abont my owu ngi\

Onr jnuruoyiugH aud return werenearly as long as my trip hore fromNew York, and nwirly ns interesting usthat journey, but the sights were as dif-ferent as could be, and nover to be for-gotten. We came into tho roal Mexico,to which this upper part, where we liveis comparatively a dosort and here tho;ieoplo are also moro Americnulzod thanin the moro southern parts of the coun-try.

On the wnysonth [tho railroad is conducted by Americans and travelling inIho Pullman was the same ns if in IhoStates| we passed through much drycountry, tint also through a lnrgo cottongrowing district whoro men, womenand boys were picking the cotton audputting it in sacks which ihoy linil infront of tliPtn tied about their ivnistsWe went through many ancient townsand much beautiful country also, nt onetown thov hring baskotw of strawberriesto the trains every mouth iu the your, tosell to the passengers. At another placeit was opals, and at another drawuwork.

ing tho city of Mexico, the trainpassed along the bank of a canal which

about sixty miles long, and wns com-menced by Cortoz, the Spanish conquer-or, nearly four hundred years ago forthe purpose of draining tho vnlley inwhich Mexico City lies aud making thelocalitv more healthful. The canal hnslately ."been finished, nil the soil excavat-ed having boon carried ont on men'sbarks.

When we passed over tho lout Rnnimitnnd be:tho cityvolcanoes and soou they woro iu eightabend, covered with their caps of per-petual snow.

Mr. Huckloy's brother mot ns at the

boy pointed out to n« all tho principalspoints of interest for a sinull considera-tion—the Ii til of Ohapultepot), the hill ofGundnlnpe, the National Palace, Nn-tioual Library, Sim Carlos Art Gallery,National Museum, Mint, etc. tho mostof which wo afterward visited.

Tho flnost drivo about the city is »bonlovurd nbout n mllo long borderedwith statues and tall trees and loadingout to Chapultopec The viow fromOlmpultopec Castle over tho valley ofMexico Is a muguiflctont panorama audu-onld in itself repay for the jonrney.Tho castle, whioh is now the MilitaryAcademy and President Diaz' palace, isupon a hill rising abruptly from thoplain and Burrouuded by a grove ofgiant cypress trees which wero thoro intho time of tho Aztec omperors. Therowas Mooteznmn's country seat, and aspring at tho foot of the hill is called

Moctezumn's Rath." Tho circuit ofthe hills aud mountains surrouudiugtho valley must bo more than a hnudre.dmiles. Above all tho buildings in thocity rises tho two towered cathedral, be-yond nro tho throe large lakes, and inthe line of mouutuius to tho oast are thetwo volcauoes, Popocatapetl, (smokingmountain) nnd Ixtnocihuatl (womau iuwhile) bolh snow capp d. Theso aropretty hard uames to pronounce with-out hearing thorn, one is Popo-catn-poll, accented ou last syllable. Tlioother is like Eots-starts-see-wartle, ac-cented on "see."' Tito first of tiiese is acone but Ihe second has a very strikinglikeness to the figure of n person lyingwith arms crossed nud covered with an whiti! sheer.

Not Iho least interesting plnoc wnsthe churchhours ndnespecial shrine for tbe Indians, for therosome three hundred years ago the Vir-gin was supposed to have uppoared toone of tlii'ir number, a priest named.hum Diego,go.i In theposed miraculous picture of the Virginwinch he then received upon his blank-et, and the Maliu (iuadalupe (Mah-r«o-ah Una-cln-In-po) or Virgin Mary ofGuadiilupe has since been the patronesssaint of Mexico. There arc a numberof very large aud very good pnintiu^sthere, but tluj socalled miraculous pict-ure of the Virgin is in a gold frame ofgreat value with a gold crown above it,iu a sort of tbrouo high over the centerof Ihe altar. Tho ultar railing is abouta hundred and twenty feet IOIIR audfour feet high, of heavy work, and issolid silver. It is snid to contain a valueof about $4(10.IKK).(10 (American money).That, with other decorations, aud iufact the whole work of the building wascontributed by the Iudiaus. There werethere many

r u n g . ' . '1 l i o i l r . - ' - i I , I f r o m i l n

l i t i i l x u i l a l a u i . l i . - ' i H , . 1 l i l i y

i : u M u t t h f r i t v , w ; i . - a n ' - . s i d - n . - i i c i - u f t h e

O r i z a b a w h i c h ir, H i t I n j - ' I n - M n i t m n i i i i i i

b u t e r n e u u t i n - C I H J I I M I ' I H I T . .11, n e t i t l i u

dcnccut begun, winding nrouiiri thomountain spurh. through tunuc],., brid^.nig vhusum, going diiwn through thooiuuds to where tin; luwer level stretchedaway to the I'U.Mwuill toward the const.

Of all tho beautiful placet. Ihat 1 haveever seen, none seem lu me to bo socharming us Orizaba, the city to whichwe now came. The foliag'- was sonii-tropical and luxuriant, tlie oranges, ba-uauas and colf'ou ripuuiun on the trees,the landscape beautifully varied, moun-tain, river uud plain, Orizaba's snowype.uk looking down from umuug theclouds. The uliuiim- is moderate andono of the most healthful iu the world.We stopped there ul what IH said to bethe befit hotel lu the country aud WITOsorry to come away—until wo saw ourbill.

Well it wus a most delightful trip, al-though I crowded into two weeks whatshould have been given a mouth, and Ican't begin to toll iu a lutter of tho curi-ous aud interesting things that we saw.Perhaps when 1 sou you again thure >villbo souiothiug loft of the story, whichyou would like to hour.

One of tbe things I like best about thislaud is the horseback riding, of whichthero comes u plenty iu tho course ofwork. J wish you could see the hand-some bluck borne which I have of myowu. He is quite the admiration of thetown here, where a good home is appre-ciated at that. Ho is all black exceptfor a white streak from his forehead tohis nose. He in full of life aud spirit asFauny was, aud how he doos like to rnu !I boliove I have traveled ns fast ouhim as I over did or could on a wheel attop speed. Wo have had several ad-ventures, uut dangerous ones, aud honnd I aro as great friends as Billy, thebrown setter, uud I used to bo ut King-wood. He is strong, Ityhcfootod and ofan entirely good disposition. We hnvomany fine trips togother.

Yours sincerely,ELMER C. GIUFFITH.


Anyone having it cold and will call atoar itore with tlie cold and tventy-Qvoceut£ ID caflb, we will exebnn^eone lar Hbottle of GrisonnTR Pitieapplo Oon^b Bui-Bum u never tniliuR oore fur cuuguti, oiilds,cronp, elo. Wui. Gorurd.

of Guadalupe, nbout a halffrom the citv, which is an

(prouounced Hwnu Do-a-memorial chnrch is a sap-

Mise Smith Won the BoonOn April 20 we opened a news-gather-

ing contest, offering a handsome book tothe boy or girl in the county sending UHtho most nows items during six weeks,tho t.iino to end liny 31. Also to pay 1cent for all items recoived tliat we coulduse.

After onr last isRne had been printedwe found that Miss Lillian Smith, ofTubnr, was entitled to the premium,having sent an Nil items. The name ofthe coutentauts with items furnished arens follows:Miss Lillian Smith, Tabor, 14:1Fred Puder, Rockuway, «Minnie Lidle, Rockuway, 27Cora Haukiusou, Kocknwuy, 27Nellio Huff, Rockaway. ]!iMay Blanchnrd, Boekuway. 10Mabel Banghart, Rookawuy, 11Mary Osorun, Mine Hill, »Aleua Mott, Rockaway, 7

In another column we publish thefacts coucoruiug the coutest which cudsJuly 1.

Geo. W. Batler, Philadelphia, Pa., Tes-tifle»: Belnu a boss dyer oftentimes burnmy hnnds with tbe «oid« we n*e, nud mustBUJ I Und Grisoom'a Bone Marrow Lini-ment gives the best results for bninssprains, braises, etc., nnd highly reaom-meiid same. Wm. Gerard.

Will Take Action.Tlio Morris County Board of Freehold-

ers, at its uext mooting niny take some,steps either to reduce County ColloctorMcLean's present salary or confirm it bya new resolution. It is the opinion ofmany that the Oounty Collector candraw but $1,000 per year as salary, tliatbeing tho amount fixed some years ngoby resolution passed by tho booril. Thoresolution also contains a proviso thatthe salary of a couuty official coald uotbe changed rtunut; his term of office.Whil h t d b d a o n t


g ;While tho county road bonds, amount

n we passed over tho lost Rnmmit thoro many enrions sights, among them K p j B ^ ^ ^gnn to descend into tho valley of a boiling spring, ovor which a cbnpol was by the then County Collector McCrack-

wo commenced to look for the built, and whose waters aro medicinal, en, nn additional compensation of »J0OOne of our two-hundred milo side trips

took usthousandgrades that looked hko toboggan slides

over a mountain pasN tenfeet high, nnd then down

was allowed for extra work. This extracompensation wns nud is still paid toformor County Collector McCraokon's

station, nud wo drove first to his olllce, into a low country whero thero werewhich wo made moro or less a reudez- ninny, sugar plantations with growingvous during onr stay, Arranging for | cane. Thou wo wont through a won-my room and getting my baggage traus- i dorful cnuou two miles long where thoferred finished tho events of thnt dny. I sides rose V shaped, rising iu some

The first thing next mowing wo went plnoes to n hoight of fnlly eight hundredto tho Cathedral. This is an immntiso feot and nearly straight above, ns. Thatfracture of limestone, built by tho

Spanish upon the site of tlio Atiteo tem-ple wlni'h tiny duMTOvod. Thoro woreservices going on when wo wont iu, nndtho music of the great organ was granil,resounding under tho high dome. Wowent up to tho belfry o£ ouo of the tow-

trip took us dowu into a wild nnd. uutillately, almost unexplored ropiou. whoromining is being newly developed. Wereached there a point about n hundredinilfs iulaud from tho oity of Acapnloowhioh you cnnflniJ in thogeography, outho Pacific const.


You're There to Stay.On tbe- Laokawnnna Limited there's no

ohnngo botweoa New Vork anj 8t Loots.NHW doily service via Niagara Palls andWabaab. B41»cad, luavtng New York at 10n. m., arriving In St. L mis 2 p. m, noxtdny Host anil quickest route to the West.Luxurious sleeping oars. Dining oar ser-vice unsurpassed lu qualUv and price.Close oonncation foe KaDB&s Oily and thoBouthweBt. Ton-Say stopover permitted atNiagara Falls. 0-7-3*.

Page 2: A SHOE YOU DONTIIAVETO TRYtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1900/1900-06-07.pdfure of the Virgin is n a gold frame of great value with a gold crown above it, iu a

Rockaway RecordT l n n - M . l i t y , . I n n o 7 , l l l u i ) .


State Convention Instructs Dele-

gates to Kansas City Foi' Bryan.

l l o M i l i i l l i i n i i 1 ' I I M I B I . H i i i u i o r l c>r .\t\y I ' l n t -

l u r m T l i u t i l l u y I I . A . l i , ; , | , - , 1 b y

I I H ' N i i t U u i i t l 1 ' I H I v t n i L l o l i .

N e w V u r k I ' i i v ( S g n - i - h i l P . T l w l i n n -

O c n i l i r S l ; i l r < ' i i l l \ t ' T i l l u l l n u ' l ; t l t i n 1

A r m i r n i y nl' . \ ] i j > i r I ) I T « ' . ; i m l M - h ' e l r d

< l i ' l i ' ) . ' M l i ' s U> t l i r . V i t l m m l 1 ' i i i i v i ' i i t l u i i

J i t K m i s i i s C i t y , I ' l . T h ' i l I ' r i ' x i i U ' i i t l . ' l l

t ' l e c l o r s I I I H I a u i ' W S h i i i 1 ( ' i i i i i i n l i I i ' i ' .

T i l l ' i l i ' l i ' ^ l l l i ' K ' l l l l i i r p ' r l l i i H l ' l l W i T l '

I l u v l i l 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . H i l w a i - i l M i n p l i y , . I r . .

K l c h i i n l C r u U i ' i - m i l l A U K U H I I I S V I U I

, \ V y r k . ' J ' J J I ' ( I t - l i ' ^ i i t i ' H w c i v i n s l n i c l i ' i j

t i t v o l e I I H u m i l t I ' u r W ' l l l l n l i l . I r n -

D I I I K M H r y u n n t K M I I S M H ( ' h y . T i n 1

i ' h l c n t r i ) p h i i l w n i ] \ v : i s i m i l i u l o r s c d .

l l l l t t i l l ' I o i l V t ' J l l i o l l p l r c l l l i ' i l I 111' H u p -

j i o r l o f t i n 1 p i i t ' t y I n N r w Y o r k f o r n n y

j i l l l l l o r i i i a i l ' i | i l i > i l l i y I l i i ' N i i l l i i u n l

C o i r i ' i i t I o n .

T i n m m c u t I n n w a s r i i l l c d t j u n l i T

l i y C l i i i i n i i t i > < * n i n | i l n - l I . o f I I n ' N i n i i '

C o m m i t I t ' i 1 , W ' l i u p i ' i ' S i ' l l t i - i l l i l t ' I n l i n e

O f , 1 < l l l l l T . . N i l M l l l l . l l f I t r l l - S I ' l . ' F I ' l '

County , IIH t i ' i i ip i i r i i ry < I H I | M I I : I I I . At1

( I T I l l s s p i ' l ' c h l l i c f u l l W H S c . l l l i ' i l i i l l i lt i l l ' U s u a l e n l l l l l l l l l i ' r s u r n - j i l l -

I l o l l l l i T i l . K l l l u t I i . - i n l n r t h \ v a - l u a i l rp i ' l ' i i u i n r n l i l i a i n i i a n . : i m l n l l l n

d n M m i • » / ' I I I * i i . l i l i - i - . - . - I I n ' ] • • • ; " • ! • ! n l "t h e < ' i i i n i n l i I n 1 u i i U r M i l u i i u i i . - . w a sl i i ' a n l - T l i r n S I I I I I I I I I I I S r i . | i u r i i ' i | h yt i l l ' r o l n l i l i l h ' c W i - i r a i | i i | i l r < l l l n a l l lIliously.

T i l l ' ] il:l I f'< >|-1 II i. 1.: s • • • •• 1 | . l i < ! : ' . • * i i i .

D r u i o r r . ' i i y u l 1 i h i s s t a l l ' i m t m i l y I 'm-

B r y a n . h u t ; i h < j l u 111. • n a i l ' i n . i l u ) i :

f u r m . y i ' t t<> ! » • i n l o p t i ' i l . T i n ' i. m i l '

t u r . \ | i l a i i U I n l u l l I s i h i s :

" W o f i i v i i i - I m t l i u u l i l m i l l H I I V C I - a n

: h i ' s i i i i u l i i i - i l u i i i i i r y n l 1 I l i r I ' l i i i t i i r . v . t l i •

t n o n c y u l 1 i l i r C o n s t l l n t I n n n i n 1 «>r u ' l i

f u l l i i ' f s , I ' . ' t i l i l u I n ' n i i i l i i l i i l n r i l i l l ;i

p n r l t y w i t h I l i r n l h r r I n i i i u r l u s l i i i ,

a n i l I n i l i ' l i i i m y l i i u p n w i T w h i i ' i i l i a s

b e e n t h e s i r a i l f a s l i m l l i y u l 1 I l i i ' I ) - i n

D c r n t i r p a r l y s l m r t J j • - i l a y s u l ' . l o l ' I V r

n o n , \ \ l i u i l i - c l a i ' i ' i l t h a t " T l i r i n o i i r c i r y

u n i t i m i s i s t i i m l o n l n i t l i i n r t a l s . \ \ V

| > I < ' < I K < ' o u r U t ' s t c I T o r t s I n m n t l i n u ' t h o

w o r k u!" i i i o t i c t i i r v r o l ' u r i n . "

T i n ' o n l y r i ' l i ' i ' i ' i i c i ' l o t i n ' H o i ' i ' w a r

I R t l i I K : " \ \ ' I > a n ' o p p o s e d t o a n y : i l

l l n n i ' i ' x . I ' x p r i ' S H in- I m p l i e d , w i t l i a n y

f o r e i g n ( J o x i ' i ' l m i i ' i i t , w h o r e h y t l n > l n -

l l u c t i r i ' o f t i l l s c D i i i i f r . v r i i n n u l n t a l l

t i m e s h i ' I ' r r i ' l y I ' x c r t i ' i l I n l u ' l n i l f o f

t i n - i i i i i l i i t c n a n i o m i l l e x t e n s i o n o f K e -

p u t i l l c a i i l i i N t l t u t I n i i H , n i i ' l I n 1 ' a v o r o f

a n y l i r a w [icv>|f i i> tttragitllnf; t o l i e f i ' . j o

f r o m p l u l o c r i i t l c o r n i o i i a r c l i l i ' i i l f i l l ' "

T h e p l a f l ' o n n I I IHO c l r e l n r e H I 'ur t h e

f l o c t l o i i o f I ' n l l i ' d S t a l e s N i ' i m t u i N i l l -r i ' c l l . v Uy t i n 1 p e o p l e , a n d c o n l a l i i s a l s on luiif* p l u n k o n i r i i s t M . r o i H v r i i l u gi v l i l r l i t h i s d i ' r l i i r a l l o i i IK n i a i l r :

" ' r i i i ' I i r i n u r n i t l r p a r t y p l e d g e s I tRc l ft l i n l II' I n t r u s t i ' i l w i t h p o w i T , in e i t h e rt i n ' S t n t i ' o r t i n - N a t i o n , II w i l l i l i ' v u t i '

ItH iH'St I ' l l lTKi t 'S t o I l i e r i ' l l i ' l ' uf t i l l '

p i ' c i p l r f r o m t h e s e o p p r e s s i v e i n u n u i i o



4 < l m l r u l H i ! i n p l T L i u u l n n i d r o A u u ' r l c i k i tl l l u t - | , , , l , , - i . ill T u k u .

W a s h i n g t o n . I ) . C . ( S p i ' i - l a l ) . - T l n '

B c t r t i a r y uC t in - N a v y h a s r r r i ' l v i ' d

t i n - l i ' l l . i w l n ^ - r a ' . i l i ' i l l s p a t i - h f r o i n A i l -

i n l r a l K r i n p H 1 , c u i i i u i a n i l l i i ^ ( l i r f i i i t r d

S t n t f s s l i i p N r w n r k . l y l n ^ a t I l i r T a k n

f o i l s a l i h i ' i i n m t l i ul1 t h e P i ' l Im l t l v i ' l - :

" l - U L : a ^ f m r i i i l i a s I ' u i n i i H ' i i f i ' u . I I I I N C

liimlcu r"in nf i l fty scanirii mnri '-l i a t i a l i o i i nl1 n i i i r l i i i ' S , K K ) I I ' I V I " . ' 1

At a C i i l i l n i ' i I ' u i n i r l l ll w a s i l n l i l r dt o s i - n i l A m i ' i ' l i a u t r o o p s I n C h i n a f r o m( l i e l ' l i i l l f i | M i i i ' s s l n / u l i l r i r c i m i s t a o r c vi n a k r it n r r i ' s s a r y .

A i n i ' i ' l i ' i i n t n i s s i o n a i i i ' s n t I ' I I O - I I I I S -

l-"il i i p p i - i i l i ' i l I n Il i i- I ' n l l i ' i l S l a l r s M i l l -I s t r r a l 1 ' i ' k i n I n r l i n i n i ' i l h i l i ' n i i l . I IHt i n ' n i i s s u i i w a s l i c l n a a l l a t - k i - i l a n i l In-I r i i s r i t n l l i r n a t I o n w a s lVi i nwy d i ' l a yI n s i ' i i i l l n i ; i l i i ' i n i T l i i f u r r i ' i i i i ' i i t s ,n l l l s i ' i l l .y C h l n c s i ' r i ' i l t a p , - .

T i n 1 I l i i w i l L ' i ' r I ' l n i p r i ' s s u f C h i n a h. ' iso r i h - r i ' d t i n ' T s n n ^ - l l Y a i n i ' i i t o r i ' M K tn i l I h u w o r l d r : i i l i r r I l i n n s u p p r e s s t l i r

I t l iXi ' l -x .l i i i s s i a l i n s o i ' i l iT i - i l 211(10 C o s s a c k s t o

P i - k i n l i o t n 1'iirt A r t h u r .


Foil a30 Feet I'Mim tin. Mi.thndlM clini I'llSli'i'pln lit CnM Niirlnc.

Cold S|irlnj:, N. Y. i N p i ' d n l l . - S t e p h -e n W, lloimiliii', iitfi'il Iwriit.v-I'cdir, ofVonkcrs , wlio w a s known a s SteepleJ a c k , wus killed here by n fall fromtile Methodist Clmrcli Kteeple. l i ecllinlieil the Ktee]ile, ll d l s tnnec of 'J5Uf w t from the siilewniu, liy the llniil-nliiK rod, and w a s In tin- net of jirnNii n ^ the linll that surnioiiiiiH It whentlie roil nave nwny anil lie Cell. Holived nhout two hours nf ler his full.

l toninlne hail Ueen hired In slid thebal l mi the steeple. Jus t th i r ty yenrsnpn the li.'ill w a s ij]»eei) in poHillon.nnd no wnrli had Uecn done on thes teep le since. The steeple c l imber a ttliat t ime niei his deiuli In the s a m eiiiiiiiner us did Uoinaine.

Onvn I)n WlMlllh For I.ovc.U'l l l la i i i U l l t e n h o i i s c , a l a h o r e r , w a s

Mllei l II.I- f.'illliiK f n m i n fiir HI n o w l -ill!.' l i r ee l l , Oliln. It lieellllle k n o w nt h a t K i t t e n l n j u s e o w n e d a l a r ^ i ' e s t n t eIn liilll Imorc . l i e h a d r e c e i v e d n cnl-l e ^ ' i ' c i l r c j l i ' , > u n u i ' i " ' I i j i i . l . ( I H I I I . ' u I 1

l u x u r y . An unhappy love a ll'nlr causedhim lo exll; ' himself from his familyani l f r iends and live IIH a common ln-ibnrer.

Short Talks on

By Charles Austin

N u . t>-People used to say :••Oli, I never pay any attention to advertisements; they never tell the truth.'1

Now it's different ; people do road advertisements and they believe them.Advertisers are becoming more careful and more scrupulously truthful every day.

1 kumv a firm of advertising agents who also own a medicated suup. I -said ;" I.s it really such a wonderful thing, and do you take tbe care you say you

do in making it ?"The answer was :" Of course it is a

good thing. We haveseun too much of adver-tising to he fools enoughto spend money pushinga pour article."

Most all advertisersunderstand this nowa-days, nnd that is wbyadvertising pays betterthan it used to.

The best place to putan advertisement is inthe paper that enjoys the confidence of" the community. 2 believe that thestanding of tbe paper reflects on the advertisements it carries. There is anotherthought which never occurred to me, but which was conveyed in a remark recently

made to mo by Mr. M. M. GiUam, the advertising managerat Wanamaker's. He said :

"A sleepy paper gathers a sleepy constituency. An alert,wideawake, progressive sheet gets rcaclers who liko that sortof thing—or lifts them to its level."

Wideawake people are the ones most influenced by advertising— progressive people who nre not afraid of a new thing or a newidea; people wlio believe in the papor they read because they havelearned to rely on it.

Depend upon this. If the editorials carry weight, the ads. willpay. Put your trust and your money in that sort of a paper.

Occasionally an advertisement will fall flat. The wise manlooks for Lhe reason. He doesn't Bay blindly: "Advertising doesn'tpay." He looks at the condition of general trade, at the weather,

nt tbe goods and the priee and tho way the ad. was worded.This is certain: A readable ad. in a readable paper will bo

read. Probably not by all of the readers of the paper, butby a sufficient number to make the ad. pay, if the goods areright. No doubt about it whatever. It's as sure as sunshine.A cloudy day comes sometimes, but it doesn't stay long.

II,. idittiriah carryany weight." C '<'!<yri£h<, ClmrUs Austin Battl. Nnv York.



S n l i j o o l i T h o R o l l o f H o n o r — A T r l t m t o t c

E v e r y d a y H e r o e s — I n t l i e F i n a l R e a d -

J u i t i n o n t T h r W i l l R e c e i v e t h e

C r o w n o f V a l o r .

[ O o p y r l c h t i n o u . l

W . V K M I M . T U N . l> . I " . D r . T n l i M i i K < \ - v i m

I- J)'> .v J i l r i l i ' l i l U y !i» l ; i r y c f i U i l i r n n ' H i n

H i ' 1 KTiMl i- i l i i 'M n t K i i ^ l a i u l h i u l S r u l l . i m l .

* < - m l * t i n * i l i s i . m r w , i n u l m - l i lit- M I M U M

l l l . l t IM.l l lV \ \ | [ i > It l t i l l s U ' n l ' l l l pUHH H:J n l

In 111' I I M ] " . i f a n c t * w i l l MI t h e i l , l V o f , n , i l

n;ul)u\twt>ut I ' c m m n n l m i l l ht'uli l i o i i u r ;

' • • M . M T l l l i n l l i V I I . It, • • T l m i i l l l i T f i . H - f<'ii< I m i ' l i a n j n c s ^ .

M i - t u r n u i s a r c i m | n l n w I n a c k r m u U ' i | n t >

I I n* I M I T I U <>l g r c i i t m i l i t a r y I - I U C H H I I I H .

\ \ i* U.wv t i n - iul\ l i - r i u ' l l i ] i n i i r a i | s u ! t h e

f n . m w f l l s , t i n - W a s l i M i ^ l i i i i s , I l i r N J I I . I I -

l r . . i M t i i i i l t l i f W f l h - I I M I S «.[ l l u - H u i i i l .

l l i H l i u - y i s n o t w r i t t e n I I I l i i i f k i n k . n u t

w i t h r e d i n k n f l n t m ; u i M o o d . T h e ^ I M I H

' • 1 ' I I I 1 1 n a n a u i l n l i n t i < i n r m i ( { r i n k f r o m

h u u l s n i m l c n l l t <>1' s i l v i T u r u u l i l o r | ) M ' -

' •M»i is s l . n i r s , I n i t . o l l l u t I f i t 1 I I I C I U ' I I I M I

s k u l l s n l t h e l a l l r n . l i n t . 1 i i m n o w L o u i i -

i - ' . l l l . i - h . n - \ , . u a K . T O I I <,f \n.ytH'H t h a t t h e

\ \ « » i l l l u i h i i c \ i - r i u - k i i m v U ' r l t f c i I i h u . s e w h o

l i i r n l n o n u i i - i , l i U - i v n o h u i r i , . l , [ l l H t , e o n -

i p i f i - e l l n u i i t n - s , r h a i i u > 1 1 n o c u p l i v i ' H t o

t l i c i i 1 c h a r i o t u l i e e l s . a n d y i ' t i n t i n . 1 n m u t

i l . i y u l r u - n i i t y w i l l s t a n d l u s h e r l i m n

s n i i i c n l t h u s r w l m s f i i a n u - s H l u r t l i ' d t h o

h a l u i t ! •* i i n d M T i i p l i a n d r a p t . - s | t i n t u n d

a i - f l i a n u r l W i l l I t ' l l t h e i r < | i - r d s l u u l l . s l e n -

i i i K I H I I \ - I ' I ' M V 1 m e a n t i n 1 I n - r u e s o f i-i m -

l i i...,. . . \ r rwlay Jnr.In this nd l in tlie first place I t iml all

l l i ' 1 hi-rt'i'v ul ihe Mck mum. Wlu ' i i SatanII.MI I .IIII-II 11 > nvi- l 'cnl l l l ' , l u h , In- min i I n' • • ••I , " I ' m i n r l h T i , v h a n d n n d t u i i c h I n sI " H I . " , a m i Ins f l e sh , a n d lie wi l l c u r s t :T I M ' C t u "I l iy l ; i u \ " S a l a n h a d f o u n d o u ttl i ' i l u l n r h UL' h i i u - nil 1'nund u u l l l i a t-n Kin ' s - ih t h e ur t ' - i l t ' s t Lest nT n n c ' s r h a r -.M-ii-r. A n u n w h o c a n M i m d I h u t c a nM a u d a n \ t h i m ; . T o iio s l m t i n a n u m i a st.i>l a*. t h , . n - h i l \ V I T C a h a n t i l t ' , t o U> sni n ' i \ u i i s \ . i u l a i n i i [ e n d u r e t h o t u p uf af l u l ' l s l o u t , t n h a v e luscimiH i ' r n i t , w l i i e hU ' l n p t - tln> n p | i i ' t i l e of I l i t ro lu int . a n dh e a d h y . e \ c i i r i m r l o a t h i n y - n d d i s g u s tu h e n it h r s t app i -u rH o n tin.1 p h i l t e r ; t ohavi - tin* ] JI | Mir uf p a i n s t r i k e t l i r n u ^ h t h us n l e ni1 i icr i iss t h e t o n i p h 1 l i k e u r a z o r o rt<> pu t l l ic h i n t i n t o a v i s e o r t h r o w l l a -u l n . l e l imly i m o n h l a z c nf I V V L T . V e tt h i i i1 h a v e ht'iMi [nen a n d w o m e n , h u ti n u r e w o m e n t h a n u i t ' i i , w h o h a v e c l u ' e r -ful ly e i n h i m l tliiK h a r d i i f s s . ' J h r o n t i hy e n r s nf (.'xlmiiHtinjf r l i e i i m a t i s n i H a n d c \r f u c i a t i i i t f neu ru ln i i iH t h e y h a v e y o n e m i dI h r n u u h b o d i l y d i s t i ' c s s " t h a t r a s p e d t h e

n e r v e n a n d t o r e t h e innsck-w a n d ' -a le t l t h ec h e e k s u n d N t o o p r d t h e s h o i l h U ' i H . I lyt h r di l l ) l i j jht nf t in- s ic l ; 1-iMHii tJiJiff t h e ys a w mi t l i u i r w a l l t h e p i c l u r t : of t h a t l u n dw h e r e t h e i r i l m t u l i i n M a r e n e v e r Kiel;.Thrnuuli the deud nilenee nf the night theyh e . i r d tla> c i i o r i i s of t h e at i t f r tH.

T i i e i - a i i c e r u ( e I IWIIV lu-r l i fe I n n n wvvkt o wi. 'ck m i d d u y t o t i n y , a n d s h e liecii i in?w c a k . c ii l i d u f a k e r a m i e v e f y " ^ o n dm c l i t " w'us f ce i i l tT t l m t h e ••jiouil n i u l i t "l . e t n r c , y e t n e v e r s,,d T h e e l u j d r t - u l o o k e du p i n t o h e r f a c e a n ' I *.,i w s n f l ' T i n ^ t r u n s -l u r i n c d i u t e a l i e a \ i - n l v s m i l e . T h n n e w h o^ M l l t r c d o n I l i e l i » l t l< : !u ' l . | a m i s l i o i , H i df h e l l Wt ' t e n o t m o r e h e r u c ' s a n d h e i ' n i n e st h a n tliOM- v.. | , u , in ,• j l ( d d I m s i . i t i d m i di n t h e H M I U I M . h a d feverH U l i i r h l lu icec n l l h l c o n l a m i liu > u r : ; e i v c i r c . N o s h o u tuf a COl l ' l i l de t n ( d i r e r l l i ' l l l . tHit TlllUlli l iessa n d l i c l i u m a n d l u n i i e s i c k n e n s , y e t w i l l i n gt o ' . « f f t r . e n n ' n l e n t i n l i u . l . I K U W ' I ' U I ofl ie i \ e n . l l t ' l ' ix-4 o | r l i e ' iMia t i f i i i , h e r o e s o]n e u i a l f f i a . lici-ucK of s p i n a l c o m p l a i n t , h e -

r n i s « £ r M e k h e i l . l . i e h e . Ilernt-H i.f l i l . ' lo . lHin\ iduUain, hcrui'M iind liernineH! TheyH)UI]1 l^Ijfu for cvur und ever. JIark! Icaleh juat one note of Lhe eternal uuthcni ,

••There shall he no ninre p a i n ! " l lk 'ssCoil (or t h a t !

In th is roll 1 uls'i Iind tho hei-oen of toil ,who do the i r work uneoinplaminRly. I tis eoinpttnit ively easy to lend u reg imentin to ba t t i ' w'huM you knt)\y t h a t t he wholena t ion will applautl the v ic tory , it ia com-pfU'iitively easy , to due tor t he sick whenyou k n o w Unit your Hkill will be appre -ciated liy a lnrge company of f r iends a n drelat ives, it is compara t ive ly eiiny to ud-thi'ws an aud ien re when in t he tfleiunitmeves and Hushed elieelcH you know tha tyniir sent i men ts are adopted , Imt to dosewnm when you expect tlie employer willconn' ami t h r u s t liis t h u m b th rough t hew m i tu show how imperfect it is op toha \ c t he \\ hole jjunni'tit i ..rowii hack on\ mi lo he done over aim in; tn build awill) and know t h e r e will be im one tonay \nii did it well, hut only u Kwearinueinpluver howling UCI'OSH t bt1 scat) old; toM mk i;itli) in iii' even a re iliin and yourhael; .uliew and voiir heart f a i n t s and loknow thitt if y.m s top licfore nifzht yourchililren will siarvi1! Ah. the s u n r d husnut slain wi ninny as t he needle! T h oWftit hatt leiicl ' ls of our civil wuv wrrv notI ic t tyshuru and Sliihdi and South Almint-HIM. l he yreat l iatUctields were in theai-Henals and in t ' e shops and in t he at-tics, w here \wniieti made a r m y j acke t s fora s i \pence . I hey toded on tititd 1 hoydied. Thev li.nl n'o funeral vuln^iuin, butin tlie n a m e nf my ( tod. thin day I enrollthei r names among those of whom theworld was nut wort hy. 11 ernes of t heneedle! i f erne* nt' the sew ing mach ine !Heroes of the a t t i c ! Heroes of t he cel-lar! l i m i t ' s and heroines! Hless Godiur t h e m '

1 n tins roll I also (ind t he heroes whoImvc iinruiiinlaiiiingly endured domes tiein just ices. ' P i e \ jiru men w ho for the i rtoil and a n \ : e i v have no symnut hy inI heir h"»IIies. | - \ ha i i s tmg itpplicat ion tohiisjoesw i;i-]< i hem a livelihood, bu t aniinimi/al u H " ^ ' i n t e r s it. Mi> is fretted atIrom lhe liiumi-iit he e n t e r s t he door unt i lhe cniiies <iii( ui it. The exi isperul ions ofIni-iine^- 1:1.', a n - m e n i c d liy t he eNaspcrn-I ((.if. uf' duiiic.) tc life. S n r h men a r eInnuhed ;M. hut they have a hem thre:ikinntninl i le . and t In y wmild have Ion is neopune inlu aii)ialliiig dissi | iatitni but for t he(irtnr of Cod.

Sueict y tn-day IH s t r ewn wit ii I hewrecks <ii nii'ti who, u n d e r t he northeti.stst ornts of il 'iineslic felicity, luive beendr iven mi the rucks. T h e i r nre tens ofthousands ot d r u n k a r d s to-dny, m a d e suebby thei r u ive-. T h a t is not p o e t r y ; t ha tis prose. Hut the wrong is generally inthe opposite d i rec t ion . Vmi would no thave In ,:•> far to find a wife? whose lifeis a perpetual m a r t y r d o m — someth ingheavier than u s t roke nf the list, unk indwttnlf, Miiuuenng hnme at in itl night undei mit ant n i . i l t rea tment , wliieh have lefther only a wreck of wlmt she wns on t h a tdiiy wlieji in t he innUt of u br i l l i an t us-stMiiblnge t he vnwrt were t aken nnd fulloruuii pliived the wedding nuweh nnd t h ecarr iage ndled away with t he benedic t ionof the people. \ \ lint wiiH tlie bu rn ing ofJ^.tInner ;md 1 i idlev a t t he sti ike com-pared with this'.' Those men soon becameii unit isc urns in t lif» fire, bu t t n e r e is at h i r t y years ' m a r t y r d o m , a fifty yea r s 'hu t t ing In dea th , ye t uncom plain ing, no'fi t ter words when t he rol l icking rmnpflii-inns at 'J U'I luck in the m o r n i n g pi tch t hehusband dead d runk into the front e n t r y ,nu b i t t e r won Is when wiping from t heKWiillen In-.iw the blnod s t ruek out in amiduiuld <arn.is;L|, bend ing nve r t he bat-tered iiiul bruised form nf him who whenhe took lier from her fa ther ' s hnme prom-ised love and Kindness ami pro tec t ion , yet.no th ing but s\ input hy and pruvers andl'urgnetless in•inre t h'ev are a^ked l'nr;no l*i Her \ \un l s when t he family Hi hiegoes l'nr rum and the pnwnbrnke r ' s shopir'Ms lhe l.iht .leeciii. dre-v-i. Some duy,ih'sirini: t<> evoke the s tn ty nf her vtw-i ou A, \ II'< s;i\, "'Wei!, how :ire vim gef-t in,; iihiim nnv\ '!" and . ra l ly ing he rt rci I'.'biu \oici ' and tjiiieting he r qviivorinptlip. she i,ii\s. " I ' r i ' t t y well. 1 thiinlt you;l>rettv well." She never will tell you. Inthe delirium of tier last sickness BIIC may

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tell all the o the r Neeretw of her l i fet ime,hut hi it will not tell t h a t . N o t unt i l t hehooks o( e te rn i ty a re opened on thet h r o n e nf judgmen t will ever be knownwha t she has miflfrred.

Oh, ye who are twint inu a ^nrlnnd fort h e victor , put it on t hut pule brow.When she in dead t he nci^hboris will \wulinen In make her a shrnud . and sdie willhe e a r n e d out in a plain box wi th nomlver plate to tell her yearn, for H |ie haslived a thmisand years ut t r ia l and an-iwinh. Thr KtiinlAcrx <tn<{ .sntndcrs whodestrnyed her hiiFband w ill nut » )tnt- • nthe tiineral. (»he caniajre will be euoii^htu r a i n the orphan* nnd the two Chrls-t inn women who presided over ; iic oh-seipnew. Hut (here is JI /lanh, atul theopening (>l ii eidestial dour and u Hliout," Li 11 up \ "(»iir hem I, vt> eve riant ing pate,and let her mine in 1 ' ' And Christ wills tep lorth and say: "Come in! Ye HufTereduill i Mv on eartli , be jrl<.ri(ied with Me inheaven." What \» the highest llironein heaven1 ' \ mi say, "The throne nt theLord Cud Almighty antl the Lamb."' Nodntlbt ahoiit it. \Vhnt is the next luph-

est throne in heaven? While I speak itseems to me that it will lie the throneul the drunlciml'u wife, if she with cheer-ful patience endured nil her earthly tor-ture . HeroeH and hei-ninetd

I find HIHO in this roll the heroes ol( 'hristiun char i ty . We nil admire the(Jeni'ise. J'cabotlyfl ntitl the .laniew Lenoxesoi the ear th , who nive t<Mis and huuiiredHof thouwujds of do!hus to ^otnl nlijocts.Hut I am flpenkinj: now of those who, outof thei r pinched poverty, help others—ofsuch men as thoHc* Chris t ian niiHHioiinriCMat the weH*, who proehiini Chriwl to i . epeople, one of them, writ ing !o tlie. seere-tary in New York, saving: '"I thank youtor that $'J"i. I 'nt il yew ten lay we huvehatl no meat in our house Un- threemouths , \V* have sufTered tcrr ihlv. Mycliildroii Imvc nt* shoes thin winter.^ /\i*i!'of those people who have only a half loafof bread, hut jjive a niece o f ' i t to o t h e nwho are hungrier , and of thofie who haveonly a Bent tie of coal, but help o thersto fuel, and of those who have only adollar in their pocket and uivu twenty-live cents to somebody else, antl uf thntfat her w ho wears a shabby rout antl oftha i mot her \\ ho \\ earn a fudt d dresw,t hul t heir children may be we 11 appar-eled. \ <m call them paupers or ra^amuf-linH ur emigiiints. I call them he rues undhe mi lies. You utid 1 may not nowwhere t hey live or wlmt their mime is.(ind knows, anil tbev have more an^eUhovering over them than you unit I have,and they will l ime a higher se:it in hoiven.fhrv may have only u cup of cidd water!u fiive n pour t raveler or nuiy have "idvjiieked a spl inter Irom the nail of a child'stinner or have put only two mites *ituthe t reasury, but the Lord knows them.Considering what they Imd, they diditiore than we have ever done, and theirfaded dress will become, a white robe.and Uie small room will be an xterniilmansion and the old imt will l e exchangedfor n coronet ot victory antl all the np-plause of ear th ami tlie shout ing of lieiiveuwill be drowned out when (Jod rises upto nive His reward to those humble work-ers in IIis kingdom and to sav to them,"Well done, u ». and faithful Hervant."

Von have all seen in- heard of the ruinsof Mel rose Abbey. I suppose in sutue.respects they nre the nm ;t exquisite ruinson ear th , and yet, 'noliing a t it, 1 wasnot so impressed- you may set it do ito bad taste , ln;t I was not so tleenlyst irred as 1 was at a tombs tone n t thefoot nf that abbey, the tombstone placedbv Wal l e r Scott over the iirn .*.« nf anold man wlio hatl served him a poodmany years in h'i* hinise, the script ionmi^{ sijjniticant. :.nd 1 defy any man tostand there ami read it. wi thout tearscoimiiK into \\\< eves tile e | . i tapb, "Wel l

dune, jftiud iind faithful s e n imt." Oh,when our work is over, will it be found,bee ui.>e o[' any t hi liu we have done for(Jod or llu1 church fir sulTeriny humani tv .t hat slidi an inscription is approp. iatefor us? inn] grunt i l !

Who ure those who were bravest nnddeserved the ^rent''- (. monument —Lord("I aver house and his hurlv soldiers orA ohn ltrnwn, the Kdinburgh carrier, hndhis wtt'e? Mr. Atkins, the perswutf <!minister of Jesus Cliriat in Scotland, wassecret etl by .lohu Mrown nnd his wile,ami ('laverlmuse rode up one tiny withhis armed men nnd shouted in front ofthe house, .lolin Hrown's little jrirl enmenut. He said to her. "Well, miss, is Mr.Atkins here?" She made no answer, forshe could nut bet ray the minister of t heRospe.1. "llu!" ('lnv-r)iousL' RUUI, "Thenyou are a chin ol' the nid block, are you)1'I have sonHthinn in my pocket for you.I1 i.s a unseenv. Some people call it athumbscrew, but T cull it a nosegay."And he trnt «IY his liorsp. ant! I.e imt iton the little girl's hnnt! and benmi to turnil until the lumes cracked and who ened.Me said: "Don't cry, don't crv. Thisisn't a thumbscrew; this is n noscjuy."And they heard the child's erv. and thai:ither and uio'lier came out. ami C.'hver-house said: "It seeniH that you threei . i i v i * l j . - . l v . v - I ' - I v ' - I - 1 - l o . ' . - i h - - . • ' • •

tenninetl In die like nil tin1 rest -f you:-hv|ioeritii'J>l, rant inu. sniveling crew.Rather than eive up \:not\ Air. Atkins,pious Mr. Atkiiw, you would die. I havoa telescope with me that will improvevoiir vision." Antl lie pulled out u pis-tol. " \ (nv ." Ire s<iid. "you old pivicrinntin.lest you HIIOUWI eatrh eold in this coldinornina of Scotland, ami for the honorami safety of tin? kin p. ' o say nothincof the ulorv of (lotl and tlio (rood of ourHOUIH, T will proceed sinmlv nnd in Uiotieatef.t. nntl inost exueditio. H style ioblow yo-ir lirniim out."

John Ilrown fell unon liia Uncea andbcunn to JUMV. "All!" said Cluverhouse,"look out if you nre poing to pray. Steer

clear (if tlie king, the council ami 1 ^Ouiieron." "O Lord." KUUI John Uro^n."sinrt'it KiH'niK to be Thy will thnt I shouldli*uvi' tliIN AYi>rlu for a world ".vIu>re Irun love Thee butter and serve Thee more,1 i in t t tun poor widow woman imd thesohelpless, futlierleas children into Thyhands. We have been together in peaceit good while, but now we must look fort I*tn n hotter meet iim m heaven, nnd as forthese poor creatures, blindfolded und in-IuUnited. 11 int stmid before me, convertthem before it he too lute, and may theywlio have sat in jud mi lent in t his lonelyplace on t his lilcssei) morning upon me.ii poor, dcfennt'lens fellow ereat lire, mavthey I;I lhe mst judgment find that mercyM hirli they have refused to me, Thv mostHUM orthy I nil faithful servant. Amen."

lie nwe and *nid, "Isabel, the limit- hasmine ol winch 1 spoke to you on themorning when I proposed hand ami heart! n \ mi, ami are You \vt Ihn^ no« . tor t helovr of God to let me ilio?" She put herfirms .itouml him ami snul: "The Lordira\c, iind the Lord lnitli taken nwuy.Blessed he the name of the Lord." "Stnj>that sniveling." said ('Inverliousc. "Ihuve hud enough of it. Soldiers, do y>urwork! Take aim! Fire!" And the headof John Hrnyvn was scattered oil theground. While the wile wus iratlienngup in IHT MIM'IHI the fragment of her hus-hinid'w head—gathering them U|t for bur-ial- ('luverhnuse lookeil into her face fine!saiil: "Now, my good wo in tin, how do onfeel now about your honnie iirin' ' "O'i,she said, "I always thought weel nf him.He has been very good to me. I hnd noreason for thinking unythiitg Imt weel nlhim. and I think hotter of liim'now. ' 0!i.lvhut a ginud thing it will ho in tlie 1 M-*tday to see God pick out His heroes nndheroines! Who nre those rmupers .>f i U.T-nitv trudging off from the gates of '.vwvc.i'!Wlio nre they? The Lord duvet-homesfind Herodtf and those who had *•('•»*.li-i.<ami erowiiH and thrones, but they hycifor their own aggrandizement, and theybroke the heart of nations. Heroes ofearth, but pnuners in eternity. I beat thedrums nf their eternal despnii*. " Woe, 'woe, woe!

Hut there is great excitement in heaven.Why those long processions? \ \ hy thebooming of Hint great hell in the tower?It is roi-unntion day in heuven. Who aret hose rising on the thrones wit h crowns-of eternal royalty? They must have beengrout people nil the earth, world renownedpeople. No. They taught in n raggedschool. Taught in a nigged school! Inthat all? Th.it in nil. Who are tho-e soulswaving *eepters nf eternal dominion?Why, they are little children who waitedon invalid mothers. That all? That isall. She w»rt cullr-d "Little M.irv" onearth, she i.< an empress now. Who arethat great multitude on llu' highestthrones of heaven? Who are they? viliv,ihev foil t)n* hungry, they cloihed the.naked, they healed the sick. I hey com-lot-ted the heart broken. They neverfound any rest until they put their head<down on the pillow of the sepulcher. God"iitclicd them, God biu^hcd defiance att he enemies who put t heir lice Is harddown on these His dear children, ami oneduy the Lord struek His hand m hardon His thigh that the omnipotent swordrattled in the lun-kler aw He wild, " h i mtheir Hod and no weapon funned againstthein shall prosper."

What harm can the world do you whenthe Lord Almighty with unsheathed swordtights for you? I preach this sermon forcomfort. (in home to the place justwlu-re Cod hu.s put you to play the heroor the heroines. Do not envy any manhis money or his np-iause or his social po-sition. l)o not envy any woman her wnrd-rohe or her exquisite appearance. Be tliehem or the heroine. If there lie no flourin the house and you do not know whereyour children lire to got bread, listen, nndyou will he.ir something tupping againstthe window pane. Go to the window, andyou will timl it is tho beuk of n r.iVen, andopen the window, and there will My in themessenger that fed J-Jijuti. Do y HI thinkthat the <!od who grows the cotton nf thesouth will let you freeze for lack ofclothe**? Do voii think that the God whoallowed Ili.s di-scinlcs on fNihbnth morning;to go into (lie grain Held mid then takethe grain ami rub it in their hands andeat —do you think God will let you starve?Hid you ever hear of the experience oftliut old man, **1 have been young andnow nni old, yet I have never seen therighteous forsaken or his seed beggingbread?'' (Jet up out of your discourage-ment, 0 troubled soul, O sewing woman^O man kicked and cuffed by unjust frpL

ployers, () ye who are hard hone, in thebattle of life and know not which w y toturn. O bereft one, O you sick :ne withcomplaints you have told tn no one, coiiieand got the comfort of tVs subject! Lis-ten to our great Cantnin'a cheer, To himthat oveicometh will I give to eat of thefruit of the tree of life which i.s in themidst i.f the paradise of God."

-_Dr. David KennedysFavorite RemedyCURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH */CURES ALL KID



Cnllforiifn Fruit llenclicfl Pnna.Tho fresh fruit from Los ADROIOS, Cnl.,

for tho Purls Exposition hna boun roooivodlu iiortoet ooii'iltlou, uttor tmvollni} 8000wllos, nntl bulng roUnmlloil nt Now YorkCity, Soutlminptoii Hud Havre. Goldstornso wn9 uso.l. Tho oonsigutneat con-9lnts ot lomoiifl abil orauuoa, iiml nmountato two curloiula. Tbo OutKoruli\ cotnmta-slon, under whoso uuaplooa It Is forwfirdtiri,Intends to mnlntaln n Oalilornln Iroali fruitexhibit throughout tho Exposition.

Page 3: A SHOE YOU DONTIIAVETO TRYtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1900/1900-06-07.pdfure of the Virgin is n a gold frame of great value with a gold crown above it, iu a

Rockaway RecordThiii'siliiy, June 7, I'.Mill.


Wnpililnicton Iteinft.The T'niicd Stnli-H steamship Tro

<liioin willeil from Honolulu for Mid-way Island, premiumhly to collect fur-tlii'i1 lufonimtlon iiH to ilK nvullu''llilyfor use us a cnlilt' Ktation.

A Kult MKniUHt the Government forliinviird of $(>4,000,000 was dismissed)>y tlie Court of Claims.

iSecrctnry Long reduced from two.rears to six mouths the senteuce ofsuspenslou on hnlf pay of CaptatuJohn McGowim, found nullty liy court-martial of shooting 11 Filipino.

An niTiin^cineiit htm been made Itywhich tin; Sloutium ScnatorBlilp ques-tion will go over to next winter.

The SeuaJi passed the Subsidy Civilbill parrying an appropriation of$5,00(1,000 for the St. Louis Exposition.

Postmaster (Jenernl Smith Rtato.dthat the defalcations by postal ofll-clals In Cuba have not exceeded .fBU,-OtlU.

The State Department issued over,'i000 pussiiorta to European traveler!-In Slay.

Our Adopted Ielnmla.Nueva Helen, n town In Cimlnlm,

I*. I., has been liunied, and inimy poorfunillles lire rendered homeless. (i >n-E'ral Whenton recommends (Joveni-tiienl succor.

The Havana floating dry dock is tolie purchnscd from Kpitiu by the I'nl- jted StnteH (lovcrninent, and reinoveu Ito San Juan, Porto ltlco. ]

W. H. Ueeves, former deputy andl- jtor lu the Cuban I'ostal Department, jwus released from Jail In llavuua on |lieiiosltlus .Won hull.

The Mntnnfa faction In Samoa linve iprotested against German r\ile, Imt 'the natives of Tutulln have welcomedAmerican control.

Generiil Miixlmo Gomez has arrivedin Cuba from San Domingo.

Sweeping reductions lu Ralarles nndodices hmv been made lu the PostalDepartment of Cuba.

The fugitive Governor of BongnetProvince, a rich, Influential and de-Voted friend of Af,'uinaldn, was cap-tured by American troops.

Queen LilhiokalnnI has returned toHonolulu. Hnwall. She Is said to lie.hopelessly ill, and hastened home totile with her own people.

The Hawaiian authorities have de-llared the Hawaiian Islands free frominfection by the bubonic plague. Thehuarantine of the islands has been

. jnJ«i>il.Reports from Manila announced that

fi number of small engagements lindtaken place lu various Islands, the iniurgents losing many men.


Iloinetitlc.Two Christian Scientists were found

cullty of practicing medicine In viola-tion of the State medical law at Mil-waukee, WIs. An appeal was taken.

Dr. O'Haulon of the Coroner'sOfliee, lu New Yolk City, declares thattvomen's long skirts are a menace topublic health, and should lie regulatedby law.• Robert E. Ronner. of N*"-.v York City,found $7(1,001) worth of bonds In anbid magazine, where his father, thelate Robert Bonner, had concealedthem.

A kiss was given each juror by Mrs.E. R. Sutton, of Detroit, WIK:I the juryat Lansing, Mich., acquitted her hus-band of complicity In the State mili-tary clothing frauds.

William Clements, nged seventeenrears, was caught by tli-- cage lu theTaylorville (111.) mine and bis headivas severed from his bod}'.

Charles A. Naulty, UVenty-one yearsDid, shot auu killed his stepmother,Mary Naulty, thirty years old, at theirhome In Newark, N. J. The murdertvas the result of frequent quarrelsDver food.

A National Civic Federation, non-partisan, has been organized with COOtnen of national reputation as un ud-flsory council.

Cranks and beggars besieged HelenSould nt her hotel In Cincinnati, Ohio.

A cyclone struck Portland, Mich.Farms were covered with debris and»at and wheat Uelds were badly dnm-»ged.

The Inauguration of Governor Will-iam Gregory at Newport took plncetvith the usual ceremonies.

Formation of the Nntlonal Sugar3eflnlng Company of New Jersey,uniting three independent refiners, islegnrded lu Wall street as practical-ly ending the sugar war.

Fire ruined the stock of the largeSepartmcnt store of the Tltts Klinballpompany at Boston, causing n $200,-foo loss. The adjoining buildings Buf-jered much damage from water.

The indictment against "Governor'William S. Taylor, charging him withlelng an accessory before the fact tohe murder of William Goebel r.tFrankfort, Ky., was put to record Inhe Franklin Circuit Court and atench warrant for his arrest was is-

sued.• At a meeting In Boston In which theleading colleges were represented nmovement was started for an Inter-tolleglate Socialistic organizationamong the students.

Forelsn.Bubonic plague has upiiwivd nt

Smyrna.The arrival of the foreign guards nt

Pel;In had . a marked elfoct on tbobenrlng of, the Chinese toward foreign-ers.

NInftty-aevon arrests wexe made forBcoroWng in Now York Olty on a recantBuuday.

Tbe doeidod advantago of tbB toe ollp istbat It keeps tbe foot Qrm, affording asteady bold.

Many rldore have ovoreomo tbolr horro1

of too clips, OH more are soon ou tbe wheel9

Iban over before.It will do no harm to oxamlnotho nuts

nuen in n while. Accidents may be avortodby this precaution.

Tbe larpro number of rldera this aoaeonIndicates t hut tntoreat lu cycling 1B by nomenus luogulsbing.

Tbo rider who takoa every euro of biswbeol envta lilmsoJf from inuny annoy-ances wbllo out for a trip.

Tbo attempt to Introduce thlrty-lnobwhools is uot (i 8UCC0.H9. Must riders pru-for tho tweiity-cight-Inoh slzo.

Tho oyelo racing that will be given a 'tbo National moot of the L. A. W. ut Mil"waukoo this nuiiiiimr will lududo wovoralof tbe National Cycling Asaoulutlou oha in-plonahlp ovoutH.

A few rklurs wbo liuvo beoomo attacbedto tboir whoola htivo gonn to much oxpenaoIn hnviuff tboin repaired, when for tboraouoy thu8 oxponded they could liivo pur-ctmsod now machines.

At Cheater Tfirk, In Cincinnati, Ohio, AlNuwhoiiso, of Buffalo, N. Y., made a in lie in1.33 1-5, breaking tbo record bnld bv TornCooper ou t bo tmmo track of 1.35, alsobrmiklritf tbo State record for n milo.

When tbo tiro hiiR boon damaffed Deyondropulr on a long rldo from homo the novelIdea of a Muluo wueebuun may bo adopted.Procurw a sbort pl.?eo of ropo ami att noliIt to tbe rim with Btronp strlnp. Tho rimWill bo saved from Injury wbilo rldlufibo me.

Thn Jovelopmnnt of club Hfo In oonso-r(uunco of tbe bicycle bus beon somethingrennirkahlo. With tbe ndvout of the eafotytypo of bioyolu and Its oonaequent adapta-tion to women's use, wheel clubs havebeoome social bodies of recognized Btandlugaud cousldurable influenoo.

TUo L. A. W. nnnounoes that Its IIlRh-way Improvement Commlitee i.q nlroadsrocolviog sujiport 1Q the movement to buvogood roads pltinka Inserted In tho politicalplatrorms. The newspupors ID tbo ugrl-oultural diBtriots all over tho oountry bavtitaken up tho support of tbe movement andtbo farmers as a OIUBS lire organizing tosupport It.



XIo l>lsaiip«iared ATtor Htartliic to Inspectl'oltn In riilllpplnos.

Tho nnuie of Mitjor Charles M. Hoolie-foller, of the Ninth Infantry, who disap-peared In tho Puilipplnea lu April, 18W, baabeon dropped from tho army resistor.Shortly nttor Major UookefHllor'a urnvulin the Philippines he wont to Inspect out-posts and was not seen again by bis com-rades. For Bome time it was aupposodthat be had beon assassinated nnd his bodythrown Into one of tho wolls cr pita In thevicinity of his oarap. Every effort wasmade to dlaoover bis whereabouts or to re-oover his body In ooso ho had beou klllod,but to no avail.

Cenmis Man Fnnml a 611I0I1I0.Mrs. Harriet Barnes, a prominent

resident of Mlllville, committed sui-cide by hanging herself. Tlie bodywas found by her daughter, wbo hadgone In search of her mother to obtaininformation for the census enumera-tor.

To Search For Coppor In tho State.Activity around the entrance to the

;entury-old Field copper mine nearWarrenville, during the lnst few daysleads to the belief that Philadelphiacapitalists hnvo secured control of theproperty und vylll work It again.

In All Partu of tlis Stnta..» new band has been started at Al-

loway.Several Brldgeton packors arc can

nlug strawberries.All of the large Qshing firms of Bay

Side claim to have lost money nnd arebreaking camp.

High tides at Somer's Point have de'stroj'od largo numbers of mud honeand their eggs.

out of 100 eggs placed In tin lncu-hntor by an hjiiuer uinu, but twelvehatched, nnd five of these were crlp-plea.

Mrs. Peter Fisher, flfty-flvo yearsold, of Frencbtown, committed sui-cide by hanging herself in an outbuild-ing. No cause for the deed can begiven, although Mrs. Fisher often re-marked that she wne tired of living

The cold weather of several daysago gnve setback to fruit and truck.Strawberries, which need n hot SUDat this time, have been retarded, al-though several growers have beeDpicking.

Shad ashing Is almost over for theseason, which has been a fairly profit-able one. The sturgeon fishermanhave lost money.

A lifeguard at Atlantic City killedwhat was supposed to be a sea ser-pent, but which proved to be n moray,nearly _twelvo feet Ions.

_ Dr. David Kennedy!;favorite Remedy

General Roberts Leads His GreatArmy Into the Boer Capital.


funeral Ilotliu Ahuiulouml tlir liefonce

of Froturln After Sovorul Hliurp l-;n-

counturH Will* tike Ovuru-lioltnlii;; I t l .

vtbtllng Forco—Ail li-lgli Uuttulloii Cut

Ofl'bj Itourain Orange Klver Coluny.

Ixiiulon (liy Cable)—At the head ofhis great nnny Ueui-rnl Hobcrta en-tereil the KulintlHalve cupltal of theSouth African Republic Tuesday af-terjoon, "-iiili days from the lic^'luiiiugof tlie war, and live WIM'UM ficiiii theliH'i'iitlon of the northward movementfrom lilooinfoutvlu.

A short rngiigiMiient preceded thetown's capitulation, (Ue IUWVH openinglife With wen concealed artillery andat tempting to Hank the lirlilsli, themovement being frustrated by thework of (icneral IIiimlltun'H troops.The KrltlKh loss was KIIL'III.

The occupiiiloii of I'rctiirlji ^va.s an-iioiuiced hy (,'eneral Kcjlierts in thefollowing <lls]in li-b:

'Tretorhi.—\\ 'e are now- In |><ISKCK-Klonof I'lvtoriii. The olllclal ,-niry willbu nnide Tuesday nfIcfhooli at twoo'clock."

Details of the negotiations for mir-render were given lu this later lacs-sage:

Stylein a vr»jMiiti'f. Slioc

docs not ncceM.arily inr;in 11 Micnlici-oi c.-it-c mul comfort in walking — theHcrrick Shoe JHOVCS tlmt.

Stvlc nt'cd not cuvt-r infiTinr cjuaht vand wor kiiiiiubhi|) ciilicr—tho lon^ ser-vice lliut 'J'hc Hcrrick Shoe ^ivch awomnn proves t/iat a\bo. The IlrrnckIH the vuay shoe for walking, hoube ordress occaoions. btylit.li, durable, com-fortable. The Shoe of quality — thoShoe of common sense. Your choice ofthree good grades nnd each one guar-anteed—$2.50— $3.00—$3.50.

THE HERRICK SHOEOsfords 50 Cents per pair lci,s than above prices.

tl Notice—Name and frict plainly ilamfcd on toll o/rvrry shoe.



ALL PRICESi'rom 80 up..

A. G. BUCK,Dover, N. J.John Norris.

Real Estate andInsurance. —--~«*-

"Pretoria.—Just before dark Mon-day the enemy were beaten hack fromnearly nil the positions they bad beenlioltline. and Ian Hamilton's mountedInfantry followed them to within twethousand yards of Pretoria, througrwhich they retreated hastily.

"De Lisle then sent mi officer with nflnR of truce Into tho town, demanding Its surrender In my name. Shortly before midnight I W.IB awakenedby two ofllclnls of the South AfricanKepuhllc, Sandliar, military fiecretnryto Commandant (ii'iural lioliia, nnd afieui'ral olHeer of the Uoer army, whobrought me n letter from Hotha, pro-posln/; an armistice for the imrno.seof settliuif the terms of surrender.

"I replied that I would gladly meetthe comuiandimt general the nextmornhiK. but that I was uot preparedto (liscusss any tt'rnis. as the stirreuderof the town must be unconditionalI nski'd for a reply hy daybreak, as Ihad ordered the troops to march orthe town us soon as it was llpht.

"In his reply, Hotha told me that hihad decided not to defend Pretoria, andthat he trusted the women, eliildret!and property woulil be protected. Atseven a. in. Tuesday, while on themnrch, I was met by three of the prillelpnl officials with a tlnir of truce,stating their wish to surrender thetown. It was arranged that I'lvtnrlnshould bo taken possession of by HerMajesty's troops at two o'clock in theafternoon.

"Mrs. Hothn nnd Mrs. Kruser arcboth in Pretoria. Some few of theBritish prisouers have heen takenawtiy, but the majority are still at

Careful imd Prompt Attention Given to tiioReining imil Stale or I'mpurty nnt collection orHones. Money to Luim cm i:oud an<l M»rtgilgo


and sec the handsome Sil-verware that is to be [,'ivenaway at our store. You canfind here


in town. Also a large assorlment


Box Papers and Pads

and all ltir.ds of

School Supplies


I represent t.honc3t companies, win nmke youpurfucUj- aato III caflu OI tire. Provlrl*' you wltbready moooy My cuuinanleR pertly all ululiuiquloklr, Insuro now. It will cost jou less ihaD70U thlDk.

W. J.

; The Sidneys, liver and Blood





White Grapes



L em our



Fresh Roasted Peanuts


WnUu'vni. Over n hundred of thooiiK'cra arc In l'n»torlu. Tuo few Ihnvo PCCMI are looking wpll."

The War Otllee hud lnfurmntlon thntone of the ilr.st things done by Gen-eral Roberts uftcr »uf occupation ofPretoria was to direct General Frenchto relieve the British prisouers con-lined nt Wnterval.

While tho eoiiuimuder-lii-elilef of tnogrontest nnny Groat Hritnln ever putin the Held ivns fuiniliup the promisehe made to the Guards nt Uloemfon-teln to lead them Into the capital ofthe Trnnsvnal England was oelebrat-ing the -event with wild enthusiasm.

Throughout the length nnd hiojulthof the country the news spread likewild tire. Bused on the recollection ofrecent European wars, whllo tho oc-cupation of tlie enemy's cupltal signi-fied tho eud of hostilities, GenernlRoberta's teloprnm was universallytaken to mean tho practical' finish ofthe wor which tins tried Great Brit-nln'a military forces ns they were nev-er tried before.

In sharp contrast to this jrrent suc-cess General Roberts reports the cap-turo nenr Iitndloy, of- tho entireThirteenth battalion of yeomnnrynumbering 400 or GOO men. X re-markable march by General Metuuen'amen of forty-four miles in twenty-fourhours did not avail to save them.

Albion, N Y.t ooaipliilua ot a. shortnffo oilaborers.

Tliero wore no strlkos in North Carolinalast year.

Twenty thousand work mou in tho buildingLnuloa liuvo Iioon lo,jkoJ out at Stookholm,Swodon.

OuuMii Copper Miuo, I n Kowoonnff Coun-ty, Mloh., Inm bemi rooponod aft or toayours' it! lunfas.

C»rpoDtor3 ut Hnzloton, Ponn,, liavoboon i-onouiiuil tnolr dtmiaad o( £2.25 for anlnu-liour working Jay.

Tlie i-reat scarcity of Iocs has ootupcllotitho i>rluolpiLl mills In tho lo{>£ln£ districtsof MiuuHsotu an t Wljoonsln to sliut down.

Striking tnasoua ninl bricklayers ut OU1-cago, III., luivo \Mtotl unaulmously not towithdraw from tlie Uuiidlug Trad«s Coun-cil.

Nearly 1000 men tiavo boon tbrown out oiwork by tlio closlnp of tbo oouvorter nadhlllut tulllH ol Lbu Illinois Stuol Com puny,ut Jollct, 111.

The PanamaCunal Company hasrooolvodorders from l\irl-* to rosuuio work ou atarge sou I is. A gr«nt many moobnnlos andlaborers aro bolus oujjacrod,

Tho Brotborhood of Locomotlvo Ettffl-noors has decided itot to build or l»uy auofiloo building for tlio ^unorai oHlcoa of t!>tiorganization la Milwaukee, WIs.

Tho loailora of tbo Amalpninntod A.3soclfi-tlon of Iron, Stot'l and Tin Workers (it In-diannpotts have dooldod to orpiiuU»» uuloumills ut BnuKluek uud Homestead, Ponu.

Boismiso of !ai>or troublos, the McKayfactory of Urn L'nllod a»ioo» Mnohlnory('orapnuy, at Wmchostur, Mass., has boeusbut down, tlirowini* out COO omployus.

A committoo of tho Allied PrintingTrades of N»nv York Una eallod ou Con-troller Color, of Now York City, to tatkwith him about u municipal printing plant.

Tho Pluno-mnkora1 International UnionIs growlUR fast. Tbo organization has nowovor 1200 inuinburs In RDod standing, andflvo braucbas of tho trado nro now boinRformed.

Tho ttttpubllo Iron nnd Stool Company,whlob operates a lar^re plant at Prankton,Md ba^ olosed tho plant. Throa bun-dreU oporatlvos nro thrown out of wort .Tho plant hud boun lu operation only uwouk attor a Bbut-dowu o( four months.

John 0. McGrath,Undertaker


Residence, Church St.


Dyspepsia CureDigests what you eat.

Itartlticlally digests tho food and aidsNature in strenKthonlng and recon-structing the exhausted digestive or-gans. It is the lat est dlscovorod dlgest-ant and tonic. No other preparationcan approach It In efficiency I t in-stantly relieves and permanently curesDyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,Sick Headache,GastnilMlu.Cramps.andall other results of imperfect digestion

Prepared bv E C. DoWltt aco.. Chicago.


CIKII IXTKRSI I : N « I . I N H In Hrd »nilUold uu'lnlllo boxrei, iwalnl with Wuo ribbon.TnUi> n o oilier. I t r ruar <lnnui-r<>u. «ub>ll>lutlonnnntl liullntlonit. Huyof youTDniHRlrtl,nr ncntl t r . In stntnm for Par t lcnlnra , Tr«1l-mnnlKln nml " Holler ftor l.adl»«." IM ir.'lrr,by r c m r n n a i l . 10,000 nsilmonlals. 3olil byall l>niK[;t>«lft.

OBicnesTEa CI IEMIOAL CO.U00 SInOlaon Square . P I 1 I U L , PA.


COPVRIQHTB ACAnyono BpncttnR a nkctcb Bnd dMtrlntton m»T

qulcldr naoortnln onr opinion freo whothor «ntnTcmlon ta ptobnbly pAtontabto. Communloa,lions •trlctlronnndcntlft). Handbook on I'ntonusont. frca. Oldest RRonar for Boourlnff patonlK.

rmoim l»licn lliroueh Munn A Co. rocolranvrial notice, without cbnrso, In tlio

Scientific American.A kondnomoly lllndtrattd wcoklr. Jjuirwt rlr<culatlon of imj nolontiflo journal, T 93•oar: fourmontfat, $L Bold by alt

Jjuirwt rlr<TcnnB« 93 a

Page 4: A SHOE YOU DONTIIAVETO TRYtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1900/1900-06-07.pdfure of the Virgin is n a gold frame of great value with a gold crown above it, iu a

Rockaway RecordP u b l i s h e d m i c e II w e i ' l i III ( h e linrkn-

w n y I ' l i l . l i s l i i n i : H n u - r . K ' . c l c i i w i i y ,M n n i h ( I m i i i l . v . N i - w Ji'i-M'.y I n d e p e n -d e n t , l i u l m i l M i ' i i l n i ! H I | i i i h l i > >

W M 1 1 1 ' H I ) , . I I I . I ' M i l u r m i l l I ' r n p ' r .

' J " J i ID .'W 1,1 \ , J u n r 7 . I i;oi>.

Spec Jill Notice.i'ni,i:^ i - l 1 I t i - f i i i p t j 1 n i . i y ) M I I M I I I I I ( H i

I l l i ' a l \ V i i f . l i i i i | . ' | n i i 111 I I I l l c i ' u l 1 m i l

• I a! 1 , , I T I ' . - | l ' ' i i l . I' !• Sunn i>, m *

I-1 s I N W Wii - lu i i i ' l i ' i i . D C

N r \ e l l ) u - l i " . s , t l n ' i c i s M I I M I ' -

t l i n i | ; I n l > r s . i i i I l u r t i n 1 l l n x c r s

l ' l u \ . 1 1 r 1 1 • . 1 1 1 \ l i \ ; i i | j I n | i i r

s i - 1 \ r t l u - i r i i i u n t i \ l i " i n l n i r i ; : i i

( I n U l i n n , J U s l ; i s i n n ; i n i r s l u r s

d i d . ' I h e p r e s e n t I I ' I K I I I O H l u x

I H T I I I n u i i * ; l " I o n l ' \ l l i r ' - l i . i n u 1 -

l u l 111 i n r r s M i 111 <>l l ! u * ( H N I U M

i . u l w . i v 11 v 11111 <_• r N , w l i u c x t i ^ ^ c i 1 -

; i t r i l I ' V i ' M l l i r 111 v l . i t n n . i l m i I I n n I s

u l I I n ' ( u M i l a n ,11 n i ) ' i n i h r i i p i n -

1 (.' i : 1111 n . ' . s .

S i ' i i i - t i i r v ( j a ^ f h a s i u M l u n i / r i l

t l i c S i i r j ^ i ' i i n ( j c i i L T i i l I n i i b s u l u l i ' -

1\ piuliiliit tin- travel "of allAsiinii's and olliiT r net's pecul.ir-ly suliji'd" to llir luilionii; plague.This is diuslii* enough in all con-scii-nce, hut not ton drastic. Ifthe plii^'uc OIK c ^cls amonj; thesoulliL'i'n nt'^roi's, no one 1.7111 tellWIHTC it will end.

Spaniards are Hoiking to Cubaby thousands, with the intentionof settling there and growing u|)with the country. The)1 are verywelcome. The Spanish laborers'reputation in Cuba for hard work,gooil behavior, and thrift is of thevery best, lie is much superiorto the Cuban.

Dewey has annouiKed, it issaid, that lit; will accept the sec-ond place on the Bryan ticket.Now the question is, whetherhe um get it.

Someone oujjht to informAguinuldo that the war is overand that Otis has ^OIK* home, ashia men keep pecking away atour soldiers.

For a short lime, al least, ihcpolitician must give way to lliesweet girl graduate.

Htuall in HJsn mid (jrtMtt. lu ropoltHiiro I)o-Will'n U t l l o Kurly IUMTH, tlm fiinimm ltt-tlo plllH llml Moiilne tho llvnr Mid buwulH.Tboy do not uripo. Wm Gemi'd.

To be Observed.Tho I'reNhyterian t'luireh will ohHervo

Children's buy next Sunday. In tlu>inoriiiiiK tin' pastor will preach 11 HtoryHormnii In (lii> i'lillilri'11 entitled "Tin' lit-th1 lad wlmse luui'li fi'il a nmltiiudc."TI111 Hiililmth-Hi'lmiil I'XI'VCIHCH will In'hold lit J : .'III in the afternoon, when aproHxam, "Korwurd (Hir Watchword,"Including HOII N mid recitalioiiH by tin*clillilri'ii will In' rendered All Interest-IMI in Ihn cliUilrxii, tiri' cnrdUlly invitedto be present. The evening service will1)1' OUllttl'll.

Ni \l Sunday will lie celebrated I»NC h i l d r e n ' s Day In t h e M. 10. C h u r c h . Inthn muruiiiK the ptistnr will preach 1111appropriate Kiu'iniMi null 111 the ovonltiK(lie tfuniliiy-Hchool will present 11 pro-Uraill The enllei't inns of lhe liny willbo Used for 1'iliii'Hlloinil purposes.

A MoiiHtor Dovll FlnhDiistroyltiR Hn vlcilin, IH n typo of Oon-

ntipntlon. Tho pnwor ui* thlH ninlittly INfoil on oruuiiH, norvea, uinHclcu mul brain.Bat Dr. KIIIR'.* NOW Life Pills nro a iiftfonud cortKin euro. Ht'Ht iu Uio world forHtonauoli, Ijlmr, Kidneys mid Uowoln.Ouly !ll> coutn nt Wlllliiui Ooritrd' iBtoro.

A Free Excursion to theLake.

Ony Artuins. Mie truvulinu punmiiiRer[lKl1tit of tlie Ijiiekiiwnnnu Hfillroiid. IN-HUI'CI lnvitilliniiH to lihout three Inliulri'dprnfiiHHiniinl miwi, Imvyiir.i, pliyNiHniiH,olernymmi mi I edltnrH to visit Luke Ho-piititnim on Fridiiy IIIHI by Bpeolul tmlu,whom t!»' pnrty wiw imti'rtniuod with upollution anil ulso enjoyed u rldo nvonndthe lnlce, Ht(• 1 > 11 i 11 tr lit the HHVIM'III pointsof lutiiriint. The olijool of the vxnurfiloiiwftH to iici|uiilnt t he medleiil profeHHlonof New York and Hrooltlyn with tho i\d-vmitiiiti'K of t,i\ki' HopatcoiiR IIH 11 lionlth-fill Hninincr rnsoi'l. TIIIH bi'iiiillfnl Hheetof wnttir IH nine nillim lone mul iihnntthrno 111II0H wldi' and 1,000 foot ntmvoHOB lovul,

Ivy polHOiilim, polKoii won mid mid nilotlmr ftoulilimtiil InJiirliiB mi\y bo quicklyourod by OBIUR DOWIU'H Wltnh lined Nnlv,-.It In nlHu I oortiiln onrn for III1M< nud nkln

Tako no ottiur. Wm, Ooranl,

TABOH.[ T i n - H l i ' i i l i l i ( l i o n H i i l r I ' V i T y v i ' i ' l ; I I I H i t ' I r n

C I . ' . I I I I m u l I ' l i i i l r i ' l l i i i u ' r y . s l u l o l u I I n - " ' I ' u l u ' i -i i n i ' l e " I m l l ' l l n i ; . i - i i i i i l i i i ' i i ' i l I ' j 1 M I I - I I L u i i l i 'l t l U l l H I - I C l i l l l l l l 1

M r , u u i i M i t i .1 I ' . M u i ' i i l i y m i ' n i r i ' l . v l i i i ' . i i i r i l

I I I t h r u l i ' M l i l i ' t i i - i ' m i t l i r t i l l !

M i n i m i l l i ' i i i r i i l h l J i ' H H l c 1 > u - K i ' r n o l t . l i e t u l d

r u l l l i i h i i i u l . l u i i l i M i ' . l i n l M n r i : 111 w l l l i t i n - l n i ' t t -

Mi unit Mm I I. i U i I. mul Mm H. M. I.PIIK,

l l l r l i : l v I ' l i n i i h , U M ' • l i r i ' l i I H H I ' i i ' i i n v i i l l n i ; M r

r m r i . ' i . r u n n e r t " i i i ' i i n n i :

t i n 1 i i i i i i i n i i c i ' i i t t n C i i i i i i i i i i t n i ' i n i ' i m i I ' l i i ' H i l n y

I n m u l , r I I I i II HI-1 i ' i n I ' l l I '< I n ) ' I n ii i l li m i l i ' i i i i i | u i i r i ' l

i t i ^ : , i s l i l . l i U I n u p i i i i , n a C i h i i ' n i l t i . i . A i i j ' , 1 1 ' , 1 h

)!,:• M i l l ' |'| illlllhlllH.' .It IL \M. I t l l ' l l l l l l l l l i l l l ,i l l I l i i u i i U i h M m ^ i i l i . u [ N t ' > I l l ' k , u n i t \ V w u i l l l i l t

Mr A l l ' l i , .•(

( i .T t . j j ) u r - n j j i >

M I h I I I I i

t u i i l l l l i l i K i l l I

u l I n t u l l \ , u l N r w n ) I * . \\t\\ c I t l i l -

. l l l | | j » l ' I l l l I I I I I K ' U I I ' l l ) .

. t f - . - i f M i * I N V i m ' l i o i i f i r .

M i u u i i M i * \ - l < . " t i h M I I H H I , n l l i n m l ; l \ n ,

N ^ , l m \ r u | i . u i i l i l i - I I i t l l l u i ' " I t » K ' ' " ' I

U u l U f H • ( H i l l i n i l i n t I I M ,\ I n u i ' ( \ M i l l i i ' i n I I t t ' l l

[ I I I / . ' ' I ' l l t f < l l r | J " i t f . U I I \ , '

M l h x i . i m . H n K r i M i i i I I I I M i c i u t t H ' i l U n t i l N i l 1

h u ^ r U i i | i l i i n o l i i i j . M n i v l l u U r n 11 .1

I ' u H l I n i i n l n M < i n i i ' U r l i . O l l > u \ O I , l u i l i l i l ' O i l I l l l -

I t l l l U l l l f I l l h | I | U | I | ' 1 1 > l l l ' l f

M i . t . , i i i ' t i , u l I . i i - i u N n n . - t h i m 1 1 1 h i i i l l i i h i i i i -

, i I M U M U , i i i i i j d I J U I I U J . " I S i - n i i r l t , i i t t u 1

i it K< l i i Ur " H u l l ' > u l I t i t i r I ' l l I I n t a m i i m I .

I M ' W 1 | | , I \ > - I I , M i i i i u l l i l i t h u p i i l l l i i M ' 1 l l u v r n ,

]>H - i i i - l n - i l I . m i , I L I I ' I h i l i i j K l i i i i - v i - I i l i i K l i " 1 M U H I I I J

O H ( < ( \ I l l i i h h i i u m l i i u i i l t y l u i w I m I I I C I I i n i l i i ' U 1

I ' d i t a i l " ' l o r I l i e u t i i i i i i i i u ' ,

A l e x 11 . l o l i t i f i n i i , m l l r i i i i k l y i i , N . V . , H i t 1 \ \ f i v

f o r l l i r - n i . - M ,

T l i r M i T u l . u i I ' l l ' " 1 ' u b l l r L l h l ' i U ) I I I L H o p i u i n i l

I U K I l « I n C I U U K < ' u f M i n n k u U i l i t i ' i i K I I U H , w l i u

I l l l l ' l l l i l t1 p U i l l U O l l HO h U l l H l l L L ' t O I ' V l l ' M f l L M l H O I l

I t . W , N o i o u i t ' l f n n i t i j u n ' n o w i i v i i i n l i m n f u r

The (JliliuiHii link " h e w In your llvi'iP"liiatuiul of "huw <ln you do?" fui wliou Umliver ift iiutlvti tlifi hunltli In gond. l)i'-Wilt'N Lilt I le ICurly KIHITH uru dun mm ll'lli'pllla for Uio livur nud bowcla. Wm. Our-iird.

MINE HILL.'Hie IHMr i l u u y h l i T of J o U n Mcl.iuitflillti IH

i |uuo ill wi l i i la K'll'tn'-

Mr. tuitl Mi-H \\ in IliiHHi't, o[ Nowivrlc, mionl

H u n d u y vvMti Mr. HUHHUI'M p tn« ' IUH tit Uio f iu iu

Cliiii'Mi* l lnii i i i iui IM rldiiiH u now " t r i ' m ' O i i i "Ui u in I f i tuu IUH wurlt ,

MI-H. Di i r l lun, <if Ni-vv Y o r k , IH Hpoiulhiu w fewwri'liH wlUi Mrs I't'H-i-Ih'iitilH.

Wu rcirrcl wry nnicli la \onvu of Ilitf i lontli 0/l l i ' I i r j l>nlt>', who hart biiiin in Mout in in for HUIIU1

yimiM, bu t wuH uii IIIM wiiy i H u n i ' t o \i»M lim pur-

I'lltH. Ik1 WU8 tlllJUtl llllUKOrOtlMlV 111 III 1(1 (Hud III

N o t t l j D H I I D I I I , Tho h\n\y hutt nut t i r r lvml y\H.

T h o iHinuiiHOd h u i l b u o u Hiult fur HOIIIO u n i o au i lt l i o u y h t tlio t r i p l iomo w o u l d IILMIOIU. h i m .

M m J . r i a n - i j m u l d i m ^ l i U T A n n l i . or i 'or tO n u i i , vlrti)LMJ trlMidn littiw uj) .siu)iin(v,

Mm. Alfi'ml OrtUonic IH uluwly I'uiiVult'HiltiK(ruin a voi> HUVIUO Hpiiuti .

MIM. TIIUH. Kciihtit ly ditnl on Hiimlu.v n r m n i u i t n .

Hho h a d ho«u «!•. ti for a nuinlit<r t• f ymif-H, m id

(nr tllO pilHl t'llllll llKUlthH UllM HUfTt'lOil 111 1 UllhUly,

u m w h e n llic mill I 'unii ' Mhtulri)[)|nHl UMlt'i-p UM Uuni t* i l i i i i l , mul [inhMini i i ca io iu i ly i i w u y .

MIH« iMirtHiiiip Al l i r rumii i , i>r Dovi«r, W I N VIMHUIHIIUUKIM lit'ii* ott Miixl i iy.

o n Su lu i i l i i y liim m i r paHtor, Mr. t ' l i iu i i l ieni ,u i^ i i i i i / i ' i i u .h in lu i r i i i i h l i u i i iJiUt ' i ivur M j t i e i jtor our llttiu tolUrt.

Ucportfi »hfiw Mint otor lliu»t'u hnudrcdIlvi-H biivu btt'ii HUVIIII ibrnuiib tbu nni» ofOut' Miuntt) OouKb Uuro.Mnnt of. tboHo wurrOH«OH of urtppi', croup, iiBllinm, wbooptnyt-ou^h, bioiiubnl.4 uuii piiiuimuuiii, 1(Hpftrly tiau |irwtitit« ouiiHUuipUou. Wui.Oornrd.

DENVILLE.Mtm i.cKhii" Hlfntiumti [ (onf lncd 10 d o r h o m e

w l i u ti HOVI'HI ni lai'K uf \vh'>o|Miiif cuii|fIi.

MIHH Mnntli* 1'i'Or, uf llnliukiMi, IH LboifUOKl Ofher ut in i , Mr«, ,1. K. \'w\\

I'tMjpic itn1 a i r i M n u ilullv for l ri 'iUnuuii i\i H I .

Krillli'lH >*Hlll!lll Illlll. II H WI'U Illll'll Ul lllU plt>H-n i l t ime

t» M . HlKlih-r IN i io in^ \hv |iminbtii|{ w^rlc ui)Unix. Imi'ii^' ti.-w miminut ' limirio ut Lli I IIMQII .

Mr. W nintiti, i-r NuwarU, IH ocoiipjlUK hlH mini-

innr a i t l a n ' '

K M. hi ther! ))»Hii)i>i'(*d ft'oni Miu S1V|iJit<u lHrlt-urnttti limux' in l 'uh' iMin.

Mrs iliit 'vt'j \ onuii hiiH riuuriH'tl t imu un i>x-

ttMHU'd vinii w i th I H T t l iu inh lor u l Nnwtvrk.

Mr thinkin, ti( l inli l inort ' , Mil., IH .sLnjiplii^ i\\

Mrn. J . i l . H U H ' H hn t h o HiunuuT,

Mr. u n d Mrs. V. L. HlffliUT, of MurrlHiuwit,Hpt'til Suiuluy w u li Mm. Jui iu

Htdrvfttlon not or y«t ourod riyHprpnluPormiUH with t»KH«OBt.lon am ulroiuly hulfwlnrvinl. Tboy uoud ploiity of WIIOIOHOIUI*food. Kodol DyflpopHlu (Juro dl HiiiB whulyon out *Q Lno body oun bo nuurlrhodwbilo tbo woru out or unH aro bolh^ ro-uuiiHtrnotod. It is tbo only prop-rationknown (hut will ln»tuntly rollnva ami uoiu-plotoly ouro all «tunmoli troublow. Try ItIf yuu nru .HtilTniluH from ludlutmtlon. Itwill certainly do you wood. Wm, Oornrd

Don't Stoptaking Scott's Emulsion be-cause it's warm weather,

f I Keep taking It until you arecured.

It will heal your lungs andgive you rich blood in sum-mer as in winter. It's codlifer oil made easy.

f iB0c .«nJ$ l . All Orugglili.

Till'] PARIS IMPOSITION.M i n - O c i - . A N , M i i y ~ n , Ji»*»*».

M r . K i l l l n r :

1 1 1 i i n l i ' l ' l o r i ' i i r l i l l i r 1 ' l l l l n I ' l x i K i s i l i m i ,

w o A i n m ' l c u i i H i i i i H . 1 I ' l i i l n i i ' k . ' J ' l i r r i ' I N

n i ) i l r y n u i d l l i i l l i i ' i ' . K i u l i n r U u l i n n m i u

i r i ' c m l i n i T I M H I J i i r . i m i I I t r i ' i i i H t i i « v

w i t h I ' . i i i i i i n , m i ' l c i l n t m i i t l e m u l i ' V 4 ' i i

l i ' i i ( , ' l n K c i ' i i C H . T h e h i i | , ' u v e i m e l I I I I I I I I H

i i l o i i f { H i < l e t I m p i i M T i n - h i m r I n i ' h i i i l -

l l l | ( 1« I I , 1 H i t t l l l V I ' 11111111- I ' l l l ' l i l ' l ' I l l l )

j i U H h u n ^ n i H h e ) . ; i i i t u u r n v i ' w i t h I U I K m u l

I ' l l R K H K e , n r l ' l j i m i l l h i r i | i | m ( n ' , n u i i l i 1 w i t h

f l l l l l i l y V i h ' t M I L l I l l I I I I I H ' H U t l l i ' l ' h I l l l l l H i

S i i i n i i w i l h n i x I n i i i U s , u t I H T M w i l h u

| . ; r l | i a n d 111) l l D l l i l ' i ' l l l i S n n i r I I I l l v i ' l i n i l

e i i i ' i ' i i i K H " , i i l l i e r n m i i l i i ' K t r i ' i ' 1 i n ) - M i ' K -

H ' t l ( . : i T H U M ' l v e W l l l l l l o W ' e l ' s 1 1 1 ' ' ( : i l t ' u f

1 1 ' H ' I I I I M i - i i i l m 1 u l [ I n ' l i i n i i | i i ' ' l r . u r i ' l i i i i j t

I I I I I I M I I I I m i l l C A I K ' l i i - l t ' i ' T l l i ' . l ' l l i r I l l i w ,

l l u ' i ' t ' i h i V N n u t , ( h h | i h i v i ' i l i n t i n - M t r i i m n r

M i i i i n n m i i l i l i i ^ i t l i m i t i i U r I I I l i i i r - l ' i ,

l i i i / i u 1 . ( h i t ' I H I J J I ' I I U I I I I ' L I I ' I u t r r u n 1 M I N I ' S

I I I H I o r c h i i ] * I M I M t n l i l C U N I u l I c i i h l u m .

h i i n . l l r i l i l n l l n r -

l l \ i f I l l l I n u i l ' o r l i H ' l ' i ' 1 ' i ' l n l i ' t h e t i m e

I d r H u l l i n g t h e i h ' c l i h u u i i j i n h h r I ' I H I I D N

e l t 111' J / I ' e l l l V I ' N h i I 111 e r l ' O W i l i ' l t , I ' l l l I I I ) '

l l m l i i d H t p i t r i l i y r e h i l i v c B m i l l I ' I I I ' M I I H

f I h u i e w l i u h i i v r I ' l i i i n i n H i - e t l i r p i t * .

K n i ) i ; e r n o i l ' . ' 1 ' l i u h u u i ' f u r M i l l i n g I H n i ' i i r ,

t l i e w ' . r e w H o f t h e h l i ' i u n i ' i H I T t i i r i i i ' n :

I n n n i i ' i e l v f o r p i i i c t l i i e , K i > I 1 1 1 1 ( j l l i " l r

h i i n i l I n t i t ' l ' i i r n t h i y N t r i l i e ( h e ] < > i i | { \ N r i

s t l ' e i i k I K U U M H t h e A l l m i t l i 1 T i n 1 i - l i i | ) t *

lllUlll lll'llllllH lipiill Illl 1 Li 111 ill' 111' loil|".lr,,wil h ii l i ve ly pniii iei i itde. Many , Mip-

nHiii(( the hour li IIH nnine, TIIHII ilinvtiin plunk leHl they he liiketi to lOutnpe

iiii]iii'piiii'il ; hut iIn- inure (ixpiiriiiiii'eil(DViilt Ihii Iliinl Niniinl, fur l) ie himil wi l l ,wi l l ) ititerinliiHloiiH, piny Hevnrnl ninrenli'N. T h e i t i n e fur purtlnit IHIB eunie.

iiBK w h o Hall o n l h e lliiiulnirK Anii ' i i -run IA lie are h u g e l y ^ iei'inim- Ani i ine im*,imil they ulthi'i" feel more , or pretunilto fuel more , or rrMniiii the ir IrelliiKHIIIHH thiin w u umlKiiKiiiNlrulivi) u n l i y -pheimtei l AmerleiiiiH . T h e y IUHH, mnhriiei'Dial w e e p , null I lien a l ter I) IjliMit IHHKi.|)ell niHh ul filch o ther lit111 ilo II iiKiiniMen kl«M IIKIII i>ml w o m e n IIIKH WOIIIKII,ul vlco vm'Nii ml 11 Iii t ii lit. nil Ihn w h l l oUiokltiK ul etxih oi l ier w i t h Hiioh looks ofIOII^IIIK (leHpulrliiK fondnoHs IIH WO urnuri'iiHlimiml t o Hue only w h e n thn col l lnIlll OIOMIW for lh« li)«t time. Flnullythuro IN II Hi^mil for fi'iendN {a limvo tholimit anil lifter ll laHt repetition of har-row i UK nurtitiRH, the iliniieliHO hteelflotitiiiK uotol moveH Hlowly from t.luipier and Mion will) inornnHliiH MpeddSIUIH dowt) the buy and out to Him. Wohud beaullflll HtartiiiK weather, but linnweather will not prevent HCU KielmcHH inthe jirediHjiofied, for we were not out oful^ht of thii UoildoHH of Ijlhcrly in NuwYork llarhor liuforu HOIIHI of the piumtm-K«rH were nie'.liunh' on Hleiunnr chalruand Hiiokin^ loiuotiH.

After Imvilin eniHHeil the Alhuitlo H!XtlmuH, I uonfeHH to a pmfoi'uiiuu for Uur-niaiiniDiined boutH. Tho Her vine ondook, In (mbtu mid lit tho tahlu IH thobest I huvo foaud It IH prompt, Intelli-gent mul ciliourful without otamiuiouH-noHH, nnd without tho por])ot(ii)l HUUfiON-tlou of tlpH or extra pay, itlthoiuh nodotilit they IUIOTV that will onmo. iinf1 ]iriifiM' thene boatH mnlnly on aoeonntof a foelliiK of nruutor suourlty, whluhone alwuyn experlencoH In thu preHiniooof mirl'uot order and rinld dlwilpllne.In tin' crnwH which man tho Kl'i'lU |IIIH-Nenijer "hlpH of thn (-)orinan LiuorH theCiermun Knipiro IIIIN tulueuted a rano ( fM'unieii tlmt IH HITOIIII nuinerluiillyto thai of litiffliuid alone, andpi»rhapn not Hoooud in thu HUHI,oduniK" mid H«II wortliiucHH of thnluilividuiil sailor. It imiHt hn re-memlierud thut thimo ti'ulneil men of Ihnmerchant nierlne belong to thu reservefnruo of tho Ueniiuii navy and can bocalled on ut any moment to man thewar hhipn thai thn Ueriiian KaiHer Is soindustriously building. It Hluiuld lie re-mnmbernd by our euuiitrynien andHtatusinen that wltliln the last your theUnited Htut'OH huHNont uti army of Heven-ty thouHiind men over u HCU routn of7,nOU milt'H and that IUIK'IUIII II IIH Ira-verHod the sunin dintanoe with morethiin 'il)(),(M)0 mul (iO.OOO hoi-Hes. We areno longer the isolated peoplu soil ^irt ushy tiro we on™ worn and we have notun overwhelming navy like that of KUK-liuid to protect us. (Jount von Molfkesuid hi1 hud (Iruwu a dozen HuecesKfulplans for tlie inviiHion of MiiKland, hutliad never been able to plun a HiiceesHfulretreat after ho hud landed un over-whelming Herman army. Would hnHud Ih esuine dlltloulty with the United.Stalin? He, or rnlhnr his suoeesKor cor-tululy will if our sea power keeps paouwith our wonderful lnutorlal ilevulnp-lucnt ami our widening IntcreslH abroail.

We are now in Hinht of (Jhcrhouri;with Its ijrrut walled nrtilicinl harborand I'OIIONHIII staltie of !lin urvnt Napol-eon, astride a biK bron/.e stallion, hiwarm extended pointing to the iimniiill-cent wiill strnlehliiK far nut in tho HCUand in,ii:ill)i'il below in exi-ellmit French,tliuuuli he spoke un Itullaii putols, "Iwill reproduou ut. OhurliourK tho murvolHof Knypt."

I BIIUII mkii tlio triiln for 1'iirln to-mor-row and In my next lottnr will tiinldntbo I'xpiiMltlou. Tho Hubjoet ban alrnadybeen nitioh hv-writton nnd I would dus-pair of aildliiK anythliiK worth ])riiilingworn It not for the fnot that it IH II phyHl-tal lmpoHHibillty Hclontllliiully provedthat no two nyiw ovor sen tho HMHO ob-fret. If this is truo of thu physical slubthov*- profoundly truo It 1H of thn pliyni<inlluslKhl. CluitLlH.

Qlorloua Nown,Ceuiim from Dr. 1). 11. CurniW\ of

Wimbllii, I. T. Ilo wrltus: "Elimtrlu llit-torH bun onrud Mrn, Ilrnwor of hiirolulii,whlub bud niuiHml ber f rul^ tuilTurlug forjrnrH. Tnrriblu Horon would brouli out onher liuiul mid fiioo, nud thu bi'Rt doutornuuiilil Kivu mi livlp; but now but liimltli lipxoolliuit," lilnotrlo BIHotB In tbo bostblood purltlur known, li'd tho nupromnreiundy for uo/,omn, totturt Halt rhumn,nloom, bolln nnd ruiioliiK eoron. It htlmii-litiw I Ivor, lililiinjn nud bowuln, exp.'l«pnlriouH, iiul)iii ill«entloili builds IIH thoHtroniiih. Only Wl utn. Hold by WllllumUcriitd, DrngBim. Ouurunteod.

Hellebore and Paris GreenAt Lowest Prices


Gerard's Drug Store.t o XJ«=»ra,t O l t l o o .


SA'I"1'UIMV SUMMKK 11 A 1. S.-itur-d , i \ , Ju l ) ' 7 ' l i ' s lor t ; c l o s e s n o o n S a t u r d a y s . Opi ' i i I ' r u l a y K v n g s .

H i r e u r i ' 11 l e w Huj- j l i eht i u i i H i i i e u u l v* e a r f i r w a r m d a y s t h a t ' l l r o n i i n d

l i n l l i u i o t l i i ' i - s m i d ( h m | ( l i l n i ' H o f t l i e h i i ' i j c M y l i * h c l i o d K i n ^ h W u n i u u ' M

. ^ u i n i i i e r W e a r M K I O I C H Iwvv c i u i ( ( l i e t h e m

I ,AIJ IKS ' M A T H I N O H l ' I T S1 ' l l i r i | i l a 1 1 1 I l l r l l l n u i l l i M ' w l l l i i i i l l l n i ' i i ' V i i r i ' e u l l n i I I I K I l i n i l i l i ' i l > o l u ' i t l s i i ' I ' W I U L ' I I 4 > O Q A

M i l l l l u ' l , I M I I I ' I I t u n l l l i ' i l w l l l l l u l l i n g u e l l l l l . h K I l I H l i l i l i - l j l i l ' i i l i l r i l , tptO,U\J

(IIKliS' liATIIINd SUITS,SI/.UH h 111 Hi JI'IU'1, I'lllHT Illk'll OC InlV I kH Wl t l l l-CllllllIT t:t>lllLI-

U l I m I ' l i i I ' l l i ' c l , l i l i f l j 1 1 1 1 1 U V . i ^ i m i l i | u u l l t . y l l i c l m l l ,

(illlLS' WAHH DHK.48EH.l ' u in ' 3 ph i i i l tfiiiuliinii w i t h i i i q i i i ' j u k e i"l(iuil vvltli I ' l i i lmi i i in ry i i n d p l i i u i ' I-MITM i i rQ l t l nd : a l a o l i no

l l l u u i i w n l i i i i c l i i ' i l y o l i o a u i l l imu i ' i i uu lii ' l t Hirlpi ' i l p i q i i c m i u HI | n i ro c o l l u r O Q Ql m l l i lN iC.t/OInul i l i ' i l mi l l l u i u y n i l N .

CilHLS' WASH DRKSS1CS.U ' l i i l • | i i i | i i i ' w l l l l i n n i ' i i l ' , 1 1 t i o u n c i ' , i n ™ J ) . 114 m u l ai l l i ' i m l l i - 'I in i n n t e r l u l H i i i u l c m - < J j 1 r n

b i ' o i u e r y U H I K I l u t l i u ^ i i n i u M i t i s i i i u u u m u U H t l m i i im- i ! i n i l u ' f i . u ^ M i l l i n , ipA.,V\J

Mull onlor« llllcd. No Agouti. No Broni'U Storon. Kreo Dollverles."

7 0 7 - 7 2 1 H H O A D S T . , . . . . N E W A R K , N . J .



Best LocationBorough Water

Electric LightsRent Eeasonable



No liiMtiiWH cull possibly bo HUOOOHH-fnl that l« not advertised.

TIUH IH a Kwoeplu^ Htatoniont, but it INtrim. There are HOIUO nuirohftiitH in thtucoinniunlty WIIOHH oxperlonco apparont-ly PontrnillcilH the Htateuient.

Tlio conti'iidletion. hownver, is onlynppurnnt. If they Imvo iittaiiiod anydetlioo of HUBOTHH tliey huvo ndvurtised.They huvo let ))iio])le know what thoyhad to sell, what thoy wore, hero for nndwhat I liny proposed to do. Just In pro-portion to tliii tlioroii(/linfiHH with whlollthey have done this and mot thn ramdi-tlon* of their conipotltors thoy have suo-oeeded.

If they havo used thn nowNpapers thnyhuvo worked wilh till) bust tools so faran nettlnK publicity [H ooiKMirnod. Ifthey Imve worked wIIbout tho nowspii-pel's they have lii'on Imliilicapiied midliiivn nut attained tho hifthoHt possiblonieasuro of NUOOONK.

A fertile smwl planted in fortiloKround, eiirufiilly watiiroil, will thrlvoand bear fruit. A properly oi'Kiiuizodbiislnoss, in any inhabited pluoo, wollulvdrtlrted will Hiieuood. Tno law ofgrowth IH as cortuiu 11ml Invxurnble iuotio OIIHO IIH tho other.

A Wonlth ol BooutyIH often bidden by uns-lglitly Plmplon,

Ei'i-.tnm, Tottor, Krymptilon, Hnlt Ulioum,oto. Itnoklon'H Arulcn Sulvo will glorifytho tno.i by miilun nil 8I1I11 KinptlonB, alsoCntn, HriiiHoi, Onrna. l)o{la, Folotm, ijloorsnnd worBt foiiun of Pllos. Only 25 otn. 11box, Cure unarnuicml. Bold by WilliamUorurd, d l t


itM-iioh K Mo ii (irdnliiPd by tho Mayor nndcouncil or thu Horoiitfli "f Uockawoy, Hi tliocomity or Morrlx, Unit It aliuli bu unlawful foruny IIIM'HOII or IIUI'BOIIH to Klvo or CUUHO to l»oill von any i'ulHt> HIT ulann on any or tlio Piootrlolife iiiurin wiri'H In (ho mild iioroutfii of Ilofkn-wny, nnd Mint any PPIHOU or porHOim tftvlng orcuiiHltiff hi be nlvcn any such HUHC llru iilurm aniifuiiMnio hhull In? (li'L'iiiiid guilty or a violation olthin onlituitice, and nlmll /Or oitcii unit tnoryofTi'ni'c Toriftt IIH u |ir.naUy tlic amn of Ttiuliolliup, (f lu.no) to heproiu'cuiuii for butoro anylomil irlbuiiiil and rom»\oit;d to^uthor with coatoffliiit, tor t\w unit ot ilia snld Boroiiffh of Hook-away, and in Helium of the payment thereof,ttu> piMHiin or puTHonH HO uoiivtutod tlioroof Hhulll'O iiiiprlfoncti in lhe Jull of the (Jounty ot MDITIHfur u n iiiOdiij-H.

U'cuoii Uml. !t«> n rurtlior onlulnoil thut thlHliimiirc uliall laku ofloct on thu 20LU day of

Jiuif, IUUII.

Ajljiluvi!(l Mny 84, 101X).ALloM:

D. U, UKHKY. SlUDKi). UtKWBNTllAl.,cierli, Mayor

Remember the Night,Hurry Allen will (jivn n phonographic

nonenrt 111 Htloltliw' Hall on SntnnlnynvnuiiiKi betiinnliiK at H o'oloolt. HoUHOH an Kdlson Oriuid'with (I luoli roo-ordn and n fid innh horn, whieh otui bopliiluly hoard. Sonio tlino URO ho lostliin loft linnrt In an iiooldunt ou tho mil-road and IH UHIIIK tills method to pro-euro i>u iirtillolal Imutl. Help tho youiiKman hv your uttontliuioo.

w AN TED— 1'onltlou by n yauoR aiftu IIHulurk lu uturo. Willing to work.

0. , Itooard o|Uuo.

FOXl SAIJI'J—TrouapnHB notloea at thisulllco fur 2 cents ouch.

Arrival and Uoparturo of Malls.

AUUIYALFrom New Yorte, Hovor, ICiiBtorn and Woaloro

tSNiicH— H:1D u. m.rroni Mount Hope -Hifin a. in.From l i ihcrnhi- -0:10a in.Kroni New York, lOuHturn nnd Woatorn HtatOB—

\):lti)a. in.Frcnn Dovur, High Ili'kltfo and I'otinsj'lvaiiiu—10

a. ni,ITcmi Mihrniln and Muroolhi—8iDD p. in.iron, hnvcr, UaokotUtown and runnuylvanta—

i\;\iu p in .From Mtii'ilNtown. New York, RiuHurn ami West

urn Mt,iih>n-O:!lft n in.From Ifiburnlu ami Muroullft-lJMfl p. m.

IlKrAKTUHICMitlln doHt1 for MniTiBKiwn. Now Vorlt, Kastorn

ami Wi'Ht (ifn suituB—7 :su n. in.For IIHi(>nili\ uml Maroplla—H:io n. in.For Dover, New York ami I*ununylviinla— 8rfO a.

in.F<ir Mounli llnpu—0:.lin a. inFor MoriiHiuwii. Now York, KaHlorn and WoHt-

orn StntoH--«:!Jft p, in.Kt>r DMVIT, IUK-II Hridiro imd runnHylvnnlu—3:10FoiUHicrnlu and Maiuulhi—4:(M> \>. in.

p. in.Ft r Dovor, IhiokoitBtuwn and l*onnnylvanla—

•\:W p . til.CloHi'd pouch fur Now York for K°"iM'al doatrl-

tiulloll— 0:4(1 p. in

Ooiitral R . R. ol N o w JcrBoy ,

(Ainhraclto uoul UHLVI «xul»nlvoly iiiBurlnguJniinlliu^H and cumfnrt.)

Timn Taiilc in tifroui May ;M, IQIH).TIIIIIIH loiivc Etorkuway lor

Now York, Nmvark and Kilzubuih at i> vn a. in.,u in -rv lift p. in.

Dover and Tort oram o ti, H 411 a. m., a u>, f> H5p. in.

MlnilunHln Hiffh Hridtfu uiii a. in., aiu, o n p .in.

UiiiLM-nia 10 (H) a. m., 4 <u p. in.l.iiku lloimtmnitf 0111, H 10 a. in , fl H.i p. ni.KiiHton 11 n d HUiloijH to Man oil (,'lunik, fltfl,

a. ni,. a 10 (t\ [in io baNtoion, 111rimiuluinliia, flsi n. in.,ii 10, ti ;n p. in.

J .LI ULIIAUSKH II. P . B A L D W I NUon'l 8upt. Gen*l Pass. Atrt

Russel Blanchard,TonsorlQl Artist. ROCKAWAY, N. J.

Two chairs operated. No longwaits.

I onrry it full lino of

UIQARS AND TOBAOOO.Agont for Uovnr Htoau) Ltuindry.

For sale.A double bouuo, 7 rooms ouob aldo,

porch (IU loot, uloo Inwn, splendid Hhailotruou, Kood gnrdun, rult troou nud vinos,lot 50x1 nil ID ttood oouditlon. A first olnnaiuvi'iiimeiit. North Wont corner of Oobbnud Kloi strooto, Oost |2,G0O. For tormeapply to Q. W.Btloldo.

Page 5: A SHOE YOU DONTIIAVETO TRYtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1900/1900-06-07.pdfure of the Virgin is n a gold frame of great value with a gold crown above it, iu a

Rockaway RecordThursday, June 7, Kjoo.

77/( litttn'tl hs on stili vm h ten I;

(if tin ]*\inhfjj'i\r Kin/ t'm'nit Xrtcs

tffuntl. O'thj I In it it ill'.s tt. t "jiif.

AV(C suhsfrfftftnuti trill <i(,so In ri-

nmwm OF THE \UIK,11 t i l th , I I I I H I I , l iutil i ,

H u l l ' r u l i n g l l u ' ( n i m u w M u nli t - ci . lncM a l i u t i i l o r i n d y o u o u l

l l r ' h ' r l l l i l j i ' i " 1 m l l i t ' u i nH e W I H I I H 11n. Hlory uf ) u n r u t f o n u c i m i | U T

l i i ' i i a ivc l i l i iu .S O \Lh lilllitl, I j l l H l j , tniKll,

I l l l l ' l ' L ' d H I U H 111)' C . I ' I I M I H I l l l l l l

Martin Ohdykn rules u m'W wheelHiiuon Cole IH on tho sick hut again.Wm. Matthews spent Sundny nl l'ort

Ornm.Fred Kitolu-l has piirnliiiHiKl ii now

Kdwunl TnrliiT is working for Mllloi& Mot I.

Mrs. ICliner iiailey in Horiously ill utthiH writing

Milton Stono, of Mori IK I'luins, spentSunday horo.

Mrs. T. A. Koovus 1H vlsting friends litMntnwmi, N. Y.

Murtin Willis Hpont Hunduy with hi»pnrouts nt Miltou.

Mnurioo nnd ThoniiiH Nichols visitodat Sparta ou Friday.

Misa [Inttio Nichols Is louming tho artof drossiuuklug at Dovor.

Mian Elvn Duulup, of Dovor, visitodrolatlvos horo lnst wook.

Miss Oorii Hankiusou spout n fowdnys lust wook ut Dovor.

Mr. and Mm Dnuiol Spnugoubnrgspent Suuduy ut Boouton.

Miss Mnbol Stout spout Sunday withhor pnrouta nt Trauquillty.

Augustus Lyons, of Hibornia, npont ndny last wouk iu thin nlnoo.

Throo wooks from noxt Woduosdny istho gloriouN Fonth of July.

Rov. Jnoob Norris, of Nownrk, is VIBking his brothor .lolui horo.

Mrs. J. M. Uorard, of Dovor, spoutSuudny with hur sous Iioro.

E. W. Donuisou, of Morristown' visit-od Wui. Gerard on Sunday.

Mrs. Prank Willis spout Xuosdnypivlt)i.he.r pnrouts at Hlbornla.

Mrs. O. A. Ornm lias had hor houseson FrnnkUu nvouuo numbered.

Miss Ll/.zio Piilnior, of Orango, viflltodfriends hero ono dny lust wook.

MIBS Jounio SparRO, of Port Oram,visitod rolutlvos horo lust wook.

Mr. and Mrs. Hlnun Nix aud duughtor spont Suudny nt Povorville

Tho township cotnmittoo lmvo boouropnlriuK tho rands ut Frnukliu.

Miss Ethel Ahronn, of Jorsoy Oity, istho guost of Miss Nottio Tippott.

Miss Ida Knufnmu hns booufrom moronry poison on hor fi\oo.

Miss Ellznboth BaiiRhnrt visltod rela-tives at Onlifou oue day last wook.

J. Q. Bower, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. spoutWednesday last with friends horo.

Dr. F. W. FIBRRO and fiiiiiily iiroi hu wook at Atlantic Oity.

Bortio Huff spout ix portion of lustwook with his paroiits ut Hnukottstowu.

Mr. und Mrs. Wnrron Simibargor uroabout to tnovo In tho IS. B. Mott block.

Mr. nnd Mm. John Stono and familyspout Sunday with friouds ut Hiborniu.

Miss Bnrlhn VanFlnet nnd ArthurKayhart spout Saturday nt Sprlnifllold.

Miss Miutilo Pnlinur, of bouoh Ulnn,spout lust week with hor cousin Ellahoro.

Arthur Aufuiau, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,spout a few days lust wook with friondshoro.

Mayor Loowonthnl has presented Mar-shal Dobhius with a handsome newbadge.

H. D. Tnttlo and wifo Bpont Mondaymid Tnosduy with friouds nt Lyon'sFarina.

M. Honglnud, Jr., and 0. L. Bonohhavo onoh puroluised a uow rnbbor-tirodwagon.

Miss Graoo Buck, of Now York Oity,was the gui'St of Mrs. Joseph Tuttlo ouSunday.

Miss Auuto Enrlos, of Bridgeport,Oonn., spout a fow days last wook withfriouds horo.

Sydo Thompson is uow busily oooupiedwith his portablo photograph gallery ntLnko Hopntooug.

Mr. nud Mrs. Aaron B. Hilor, ofOraii^o, spout a fow days lust wookwith friends horo.

MIBS Lillian Yottor, of Bonoh Ulon.vlsltod her oousiu, Miss Emma Hull,ouo day last wook.

AVm. K. Lyon, our oilloiont mall oar-rior has boou ooutluod to tho house nfow dnys by illuoss.

Bir. Spnruon, of Hlbornia, spoilt Sun-day with his dnughtor, Mrs, Frank•Willis, of this plaoo.

Dr. aud Mrs. H, M. Brookon, of Mln-iioapolis, Miuu., aro visiting frloudathrough Now Jorsoy.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnbert J,nylon, nl Newink, Hpi'iit Sunday wllli Mr. mid Mrs.O. II. Kn^los, ut Dover

John 'J'utty mid wife linvr returnedfrom ii lew dnys visit milling friends mNew Yolk uiiil IJrookhn

Mrs J. W. Morgan, of Port Orninlms returned home lifter VIHIIIIIK hor parouts hern for several days.

Misses A mi ii and Alniedu VaiiHorn,of Blair, viHited Ihrir uncle, lien. <)Hull , a few days lii.si i n r k

i'rnlection Hoiilc and Ladder On , ofDover, went lo Si rou 'Hluu1!.: yenlenluyto j(iI11 in a Iheiuen's parade

Minn Mamie Force, of Oalit'on, has re-turned lionie afler spending a few (layswi th her sister Untile ill this place

('ciiloii, son of 1'Yeehnliler ThomasHnn^'lund, will Kriuliiatti t'runi Si(icoi^e'h IIMII, Suiiiniil, lo-mniTnw

The New .lornoy Medical Societyiield its i.'WIh iinnmil eon vent ion at At-lantic Oily on Monday anil Tuesday

Three Hungarian Sucieties held aL'lanil picnic at lllhcriiiii on MondayIt IK tiaid iilimii fcHOll was I lie net receipts

Warren Pevcy, formerly ef this pluro,late of linoiiton. drives a Imkery wn^onthrough this phuui for a lloonton con-cern.

Thi) sulisnriptloii list of Ihe ltr.rniuioonllniHis lo ^row l'Mfteen new sub-sorihorH have boon added Ihti.s far (binwonk.

Wm. Saline in employed nt the On-trill round hous(> la tile place of Wnllue.cHlaneliurd, who is enjoying a fow duysvaeutlon.

Thu diuiKer-slKU luiu^iuf; unross Mainstreet at thu Oniitral railroud him re-ooivod u now oout of pnlnt nnd lius buonro-lottored.

Tho Morris Oonnty Hlblo Society willbold its 8)id imnlverHiiry in the First M.K. Ohurch, Dovor, ou Tuosduy next nt10:45 a. m.

Mrs. G. W. Smith spoilt n pnrt of lnstwook and thin with her sinter, Mrs. A.K. Tnylor, of Brooklyn, N. Y\, who 1Bseriously ill.

J. M. Ohnpmnn, of Morristowu, hasInvented n tuuico bottlo, and '/,. B.Wobb, of Whlppnuy, hua two luvoutiouBou u folding box.

Thomas Thoiuns has boon grading hisproporty oornor of Olmrch nud Hillstreets nud nlso Rrndod tho sldowulkund ourbod and pavod tho «uttor.

M. Honirlund'8 Sons Oo. are Rofctiupout n IIU'RO rolling mill oonsiHtluR oftwonty-four stnnds nnd sevonty-tworolls, for a firm at Onrdeu Oity, L. I.

On Friday nftornoou Mrs. Oox, ofTabor, will addross tho Loynl Toniper-anon Legion in tho led urn room of thoM. 15. Ohurch ou "Bunds of Moroy."

Ou Momorial Dny M. L. HOUKIIUHI OU-joyed a fow hoars llnbiiiR nt WbltoMondow Lnko. Ho rotnrnod withoightoon woighinR from ;1., to 4 poundsonoh.

Tho LOUR Distnuoo Tolophono Oompnuy uro about to roinovc Ihoir lines,londlnff from here to Hibornin, 'rom offtho Ooutral ltnilrond proporty to thopublic roudwiiy.

Tho brldKOs about towu nro receivingn coat of white paint whioh Rouiplioswith tho suxKestiou mnde iu thosocolumns two wooks ago. Lot tho im-provements KO on.

Miss Snyro, of Ohostor, who nttotidstho Normal sohool nt Tronton, is toni-pnrM-lly HIlliiK tho position of MissVonKht, ns tonohw In our sohool, tholnttor linvluff rotirod owing to ill health.

Ou February U7, 1S7I1, the 3 yoar-oldchild of Wm. Gustin, of this plaoo, wasbnrnod to donth throuuli tho net o( its 1yonr-old brothor, iu pouring korosonoonu llru during tho absence of its mothor.

Wo bog to inform our friouds that wonro n "judso of strawberries" and thatif they will submit samples of now oroxtrn lino stock, wo will tost thorn nndreport thereon with neatness nud dis-patch.

Work will soon he oommeucod on thoalterations to be iiiude to the Presbyto-riuu Ohurch. An addition will bo builtnt thu rear to ncuommodnto Ihe largoplpo (irniui prosoutod to them by thoI'roNbytorinn Ohurch nt Dovor.

On Tuosdny nftornoou n piokod niiiofrom tbo borough crossed bniH with tiioDonvillo ball t-ouni nt this plaoo. Thobutteries wore Tippott nnd Dovo forHocknwny and Brooks nnd Boldon forDonvillo. Tho homo tonm wou with ascoro of 10 to 0.

Presldont Truesdnlo linn written a do-uinl of tho story about n change ofterminal nt WnsliinRtou. Ho says thoplaoo ' i l l havo n now depot nnd someradical ohnngos Iu facilities for tho Iraiw-notiou of business, but thnro will bo nonbniidoumout of tho terminal at PortMorris.

Tho Button onso nt Morristowu, con-cluded Friday nftornoou, whon tho Juryafter doliboratiug for ovor au hoar n>-turnod Into court with a vcrdiot of "notguilty." Tho verdict wns rocoivodwitli loud npplnnso by tho lnrgo andl-enoo present, among whom woro ninuywomen.

Tho Wntor Oommittoo of thn BomngliOounoil lind tho rosorvolr olonnod outyestcrdny, whioh necessitated tho townbeing without water nil dny. The olti-zeiis would approiato it very highly iftho oonnoil would notify tho usurs oftho wntor a fow hours boforo shuttingoff tho flow.

On Sundny ovoulng about s : HO thostillness was broken by tho blowing oftho whistle nt tho Lioudnlo Works. AInrgo crowd of pooplo rnn to tho worksonly to Und that tho men who were,making some repairs in tho boilor roomnooldoutnlly Htrnok tho whistlo cord,thus causing the whistlo to blow.

Obnrh'H Cro/jjiui-r and wife ami broth-er ljouin, nf Brooklyn, N. Y , splint .Sun-day with friends hrri1.

People wlio have fooled away theirl i m e d u r i n g !}]<• />ji.sl l eu yuai'w \vi]J boiujbe broiiglit to the i r c e n s u s .

T h e S a c r a m e n t of the Lord ' s Suppe rw a s a d m i n i s t e r e d in t h e Pres l iy l c r i anC h u r c h /ui -Sunday At tin1 Miine Mni'-ten persons were a d d e d to t h e c h u r c h .

T h e bad cond i t ion (if t h e coun ty mac i i d i t i u m u d t h r o u f / h t h i s p h i ' - p i s u < i j v

^ ' r a c e I / , I M » | ] I ( b e c o i u i t y m i d t i i i - h o i - -

( H i [ , ' ! i l l i s a s l i i i m c I h u l a r o i e l t l i n t c ' i . - . r i

I h e t u x j i a \ e r s o m u c h s h o u l d h r l , i c.(

l o | i i r c i ' s , w h e n II c o u l d l i e r i ' [ i ; i l r r i | a i i

s l i > : h i e x j H ' i i s c W e i r n s t i l i i i i I M V I

h o l d e r I l i i a c l a n i l w i l l l o o k l u t u t i n . - l u a l '

l e i '

( ) n M i i n i l a y \ \ ' c w e n 1 p r e s e n ! i - d w i t h

a n u j i j ' l e I r n n i I h e f a r m o f J o s e p h I ' n r ' i . i

o f C i i l i f o n A l l h i i u j i h h e h a i l p i e l n d M '

a n d w i t h (itbi 'rn pai ' l ied it a w a y , last l.ill,it w a s as luc ious a n d as sdl id as if u hadj a m heen p i cked from t h e t r e e l i e is allindei t r a i l pri!fc.er\per a n d w e wou ld notobject if he. h lmuld KUIKI us a i d u n d a Ibunlllil of 1 h e m |

A few d a y s a|/o W i n Onoper , w h o h a sbeen r e s i d i n g al t h e a l m s h o u s , . of IEIT• •left wit llf illt l e a v e a n d r u n i c to t hisp lace , his f o r m e r h o m e . In o r d e r forh i m Ki get buck it w a s m c e s s i i r y fur( Ive rnee r (if t i le Pour D o b b i n s In h a v enew papers made out and 'o I hrovi rhIhe same proiecdurc as for n new iumate, lie was sent hack to-day.


La (lies' Shirt WaixfsAt 4 5 t " 491-'-. ' j j t , <)')i . and $i -5 Styles aru beautiful.

Ladies WrappersAt 7 5 L \ , 85c. and

Summer Store Half Holidays.U<>liuiiu« H.iturduy, Ju ly 7ih. L. 8

Pluut A-. Co. will dur ing July nnd Augustolomi ihij Now«rk lice lilvu nn Biitardaynat VI uoou. Thu titoru will b« open Fri-day evouln^s dur ing the Hume tnouths.

"Music Hath Charms."Thu Dovor Male Qnnrtet Club, consist-

ing of W. J. Ournow and Uoo. E. Jen-kins us firHt tenors, E. W. Douuisou and0. H. Benedict us second tenors, A. P.VnnGoldor und K. J. KAttorman asfirst bassos, (J. B. Sohooumaker nudGeo. F. Peer us Recond baitsos, aud theHookuwny (jnurtct Olnb , consisting ofArthur Benrdwood. (lrst tenor; Wm.Oerurd, second tenor; Olarouco Beach,llrst biisso; Syduey Joues, second basso,aro invited to sing ut the Morristowulyoeum on tho evening of June l.'lth.Friday evenlug the Dovor coutingencycmno to this plnco to pruotico with tholoonl club, after whioh they all went totho Central hotol mid eujoyed n tapperspread by niinu host Georgo. At a latehour tho Dovor pooplo left for theirhomes previous to which they sang iufront of the hotol aud at the depot.Thoso who honrd it speak iu high termsof tho music roudorod, espeoially by ourlocal tuleut.

Ml who «uffor from pilen will be glad 10learn that DoWitt'a Witoh Hatel Halve willgive thoiu laataut and permioeut relief.It will cure oozetna aud all skin diseases.Beware of counterfeits. W E Gerard.


Boys and Oirls do you waut to earnpounios, uickols, dimes? If you do, hereis your opportunity. If there are anyout-of-towu visitors at yonr house or attho houses of your uoighbors, if any ncoidouts, births, marriages or deathsocour in your neighborhood, if any birth-dny pnrtios or social happenings takeplace iu your vicinity, mako a note ofthorn, aud send your copy to this officeduring tho wook, not later than Wednesday. All uows that wo oan use iu thispnpor will bo paid for a( the rate of onocent for oach soparato itom. We do notrequire any laborious attempts at com-position ; just jot dowu tli9 fncts in auyway nnd wo will put them in shape.Road our Homo Nows column nud youwill havo an idea of just what wo want.

In case the same item is sout in byouo or more contributors, wo will usetho tlrst one furnished, provided it is themost complete

Writo only on one side of Ihe paper,and be careful iu spoiling and writingproper namos to havo them correct andlogiblo.

Write your uauio iu full at the bottomof onoh shoot.

All copy will bo fllod ns roooived, audpayment for all itoms appearing iu eachwook's paper will bo mado ou tho follow-ing Satnrdny between !1 and 4 o'clock p.m.

Bosides paying ouo cent for each itemwo will givo tho boy or girl sending nstho lnrgest number of items boforo July1, 11)00, 11 liiindsonio Storeoscopo with anumber of hnudsomo photoprnphicviews. It can be soon nt our office- atany time.

This offer is extended to any boy orgirl iu tho county, and thero is noreason why each ono Bhould not bo abloto make from 35 to no cents a week, bo-Rldes contesting for this hnudsomoBtoroooopo.

WM, BURD, JR. , Editor.

Ladies' MuslinUnderwear

Consisting of Shirts, Dsawers, Night Dresses and Corset Covers atpopular prices.

Ladies' Out SkirtsAt $1 and $1.89 each.


For all

In Abundance.Peas, Beans, Sweet Corn and Onion Sets

by the Q,uart.Beet, Onion; Radish and Turnip Seed

toy the ounce,Clover and Timothy Seed.

SEED POTATOES—Houlton, Maine, Rose andBeauty Hebrons at 65c, $1.35, and $1.50

per Bushel.

Fertilizers for the Garden and Lawn.A Large Stock of Hoes, Rakes and Shovels,

Do not forget our line of


which we have in abundance

GROCERIES.Best Flours, $440 per barrel.

Granulated Sugar, 35c. for 7 pounds.3 cans of Tomatoes for 25c.

Mackeral by the kit, full weight, $1.15 each. Finegoods.

5 quarts ot Peas for 25c.Bushel Sack of Salt at 35 c.

3 pounds of Prunes for 25c.

Finest Elgin Creamery Butter, 24c


are always plesaing to look at.


Page 6: A SHOE YOU DONTIIAVETO TRYtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1900/1900-06-07.pdfure of the Virgin is n a gold frame of great value with a gold crown above it, iu a

The Eminent Kidneyand Bladder Specialist.

The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work InHis Laboratory.

There is a disease prevailing in thiscountry mo:;t dangerous because GO decep-tive. Many sudden deaths .ire caused byIt—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failureor apcpleay are ofien the result of kidneydise;i:ic. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad-vance ihe 1'idncy-poisoned blood will attackthe vita! orpana, or the kidneys themselvesbreak dev/n and waste away cell by cell.Then the richness of the blood—the albumen—leaks out and the sufferer has Bri^ht'sDi'j^ajf.', the wor:;t form of kidney trcn.ble.

Dr. Kilmer's S w a m p - R o o t the new dis-covery is the true specific for kidney, bladderand urinary trouble:.. 11 has cured thousandsof app:ir-_'Mtl/ hopeless car.es, after all othereffort:; havu failed. At druggists in fifly-centand d : 11 a r :.izes. A .--.ample bottle sent freeby mail, also a book telling about Swamp-Rod and if s w/ndcrful cures. AddressDr. Kilinrr fit Co.. liinghamton, N. Y. andmention ihis paper.

Rockaway RecordT i . r . r - . J i i y . l u l l . - 7 . I ' . M I M .

NEWS OF THE STATE.A l l u c l u i i l II IN M n t l i r r .

SlMIMU'l M o i i l V , Slill III' I ' n s i l l l ' l l tI l i ' i i r y ( ' . M u n r i ' ' i f t h e T r e n t o n I ' u s -s i ' O L r > i - K i i i l w ' i i y < ' e i i i ] ' M l i y . i n : i l i t o fl u s : i l i i ? y . n I I n e k e i l h i s m o l l i e r w i l h : lv . r / . i ' V n i i i ] i i l l l i c U - t l n s r r l n i l s w o i i l n l i l l( I n ' i n - . l ( . M r . M o o r e I - I I M I I I - I ! i n h i sl i f e ' s ; I s s i t ; I I M " I ' l l l l l l [ H ' e Y i I I 1 1 ' ( ] f l l l ' -i t i i - T i n j u r y . I ' I n s l o l n n s w e r e q w l e U l yc i i l l r i l . I I I I I I i l i i ' . v r r | i i i r l H i n t M r s .M u n i ' i ' s i n j u r y w i l l n < i i p r o v e I n t n l .T i n ' l i u v W i l s I n l i r l i h i H i e N e w . l e r s e y

S i . - i i i ' I l n . - | i l i , i l f u r t i n ' l n s i i n i ' . H i ' I st u e n ! v - l h r o i y c n ; ^ u l i l . i t n l n e , T ; i i l t l n l ou l ' l ' r i i i i - i ' i u n I ' n i n r s i i y . l ' " t » r t w oy r : i r < I n h n - < i i i n i i l l ' i ' s l i ' i l n h i d i l y M C I T -n i l s I 1 K | K I M I I n n . w l i i i ' h 1 I : H l u ' i ' i t i m i i ' l ]H i ' i ^ i ' i l i i n n . u ' I l i r p . i s t l e w i n u n l l i s .H i l o r e i l l . ' i i i i r i c k , l n . w o v i - r . h i s m i n i -H I T « n \ e I I I I i n l h n : U i n n o f ( h e I n s a u l l yt l i u l I n n ) u v i ' l ' t i l U i ' l i l i l n i .


Tho Atlantic Lciiguo Hpiiunri) to 1)0 uponl tB IllSl J(!|,'S.

I l i ' i i i i i iHini IH i - a l i - l i l ng In lila o l d - t i m o f o r m; fu r S I . L n u l r t .

W i u r - s t r r IIUH t i n 1 l i l^ l io i i t a u l u r l u c l t o n mIn I lin Kii.-jtern Lel l^- io*.

'J 'hi ' l i r i ' i i U l y n l i m t l o , " S l r d i K t h o n lit t i n y(•0*1," Is H i e 'Hi r t h a t u i n . i .

I la-Hoii Is I I I U ' i i ln.vlnt, ' t h e [ H i o r u s t e n -Ifiiit'i.j'iiii-iit of lii-r ImM'ImU i : i in i | i r .

I l f c k ' i n i i n Ic l.'nliii! I r lm' l lit ( l r t n l f u r NnWV o n . . J I I T I ' I T ha.s bui ' l l s l l l f l o . l t o l l i o u l l l -l ln l . l .

(Sutli I t u i r i U I HIM] C r i L i v f n n l , t l m w o n d e r snl t i n : I . ' { n c l n l n i l l t i ' i i l n , u r u o u t ut l l i uK m " '

] N ' l c l io l s Biiyn (lii '.l M i i d r n w , " f Ht . L o u i s ,irt l i l t ' lil ' iilt JIIIliMlU Illilll 111 t l lO LllMKUll tO

' |>l t« | j l o .

' CIl l . ' l lK' l llllS II P l r l l l « <)( SIX BHIlBOIHllII 'Ui ' l iu rx In ( l i l l l l l l i , C i i l ln l J i i i i , T n y l o r , U u r -v l n . M MIIOTI'I ' i nn ] K l l l e n .

M i u i u K o r ^ - ' l m \ of l l m i t o n , Ima u w l l o l i o . 1h lu U U I I I O I I W H , K l n l i l K " h ' K t o luf l fl«lil m i l ll ' ' r i) ' ' i ) i i i i i t o r l b ' h l , w l i k - h Is t u n l u t l u r ' Hl i o m n p o s i t i o n .

L o u l t i l l r u o o , III ' ! I I I I I I H I I p l l u l i o r o t t h oi T o r o n t o t n i u n , l« of d m M o l m w k t r l l m . I I IHI !>mipln Ii vn o n t l m C a l l g l i n i n v i l f £ n HoHOrvt l -i t l o n , C o r n w a l l , Oi t .

T I H T I I r n u l l y u r o n o y o i i n ^ l n r H o n d i n1 r o ( , ' u h i r B r o o k l y n t e a m . E v ' n r y i i i u n o n

t l u i l t i ' i tm IIIIH IKHIII p l a y i n g p r o f e s s i o n a lb u l l f o r n f^ooil n i i u i y yeiir.-i.

' J ' h" r i t t s l i i n g Clul> l i n i f n r l h o r H t r n i i K l h -eni ' i l l u l i m i u lo H i o n l y w n i l k M p u t — I l l ' l( i i i l ch i i iK ' l " | i | i r l . m o n t - h v MM) pui 'H) l l" i> (ifCJnh ' l i i ' r O ' O n u i i o r f r o m t l i u H t . L O U I H (Ml lh .

T h a t ^ r n i i t IHIHOIJII I I I ' l t y , W m l i l n ^ ' o n , lar o s l r l o t m l fo r t h t ; s i ' i i s o n t o Hi iml-prnfMS-B I O I I I I I h u l l w h l i ' l i Is l o In. r i i r n lH l iml liy d i n" I . n i i m i r o r M i i r y l u n d , V i r g i u l " n u . l J t l . i -t r l i ' l o( C o l u i n l i l n . "

T h n K n u i ' l ul i i iul of t i n ! C h i d n n i i t l H n s o -b i t l l C l u h w u s ul in DBI i l n s t r o y m l h y l l ro afi'W i l ny» n u n . T i l " I"» H l» n h o l l t eiC.OUII.

. ' J ' lm Btuil i ivill In' i ul in II t h y Llni t l l l i o t b od u l l r e t u r n s f r o m H» K i i s l o r n I r l p .

" T h n t l m i ' w i l l (MM o , " Biild M n n n K O rI l i i i i l o n t h n ut h o r i l u y , " w l n m t l i n LniiKUiiw i l l h n v o t o l o ^ t s l n t o ii j^iil i ist [ i l n y o r s w h os t u m l u p u l I h " p l u l o n i u l l o u l o l l h u l l a l t e rb u l l . H o y T l ' o i n n s , of t h n I ' l i l l . u l o l p h l u s ,l.s o in i of t l i o s i ) ImtHiii'M). H o Is u s v u l u i i l j l ot o n l a iwn us u .100 p n r u o n t . l i l t t u r , Tor Uouf iv iT s t o p s I o Hit) p l n l t ) t h a t h o i luna n o tw o r r y n p l t c h o r by bin p u i v l s t n n t f o u l i n g . "

Country Trolloy I^lno Calnplfitoil.T i n ' l i isi ti-olli'.v M r lo r u n d i r e c t

fn i in r i i i in l l i ' Id lo Kllziiliclli iiiiidc t h et t i p a I'ru* i lnys n ^ o . It \vus Hindi1 pos-s i d l e hy Hi" onmpli ' l l i i i i of t h e brldKuUnit ITOSSI 'S d i e IriickK of ti le It. mill I) .II. It. nl Kiisl Ci'iiiifnril. T h e t l i r im^l ic o t m l y Iiii" bus I n o p e n Cor fourw e e k s , bin i b " p:i-sciit,'"fH lind to wiUha c r o s s I In' 11. n n d O. t rnc lw .

1.11. SnviTK Got ii Il.-nt.F r o m J u n i ' unt i l Auc imt 1 tlit' c r o w s

of tile Now .Ii'i'scy llft'-suvinir siti 11onswl . . lie oil (lm.v. T h e onptulna of tlins t a t i o n s rcniii ln (in d u l y nil the ycur .Wlitfii tin* iiit'ii rosn inc work tlieli- pitywi l l lie Ini ' ivnsed JJ") » inontl i . T h e yn o w r tc t ' lv i ! $110 n m o u t h .

Kllloil HorwU With n Sliotgnn.Mrs. Mnry Stevens, tin- wife of a

farmer living nciir Frimkllu, com-mit ti<(l suicide liy whootlnR herself Inthe neck with n Hl111rU-b11rrello.1l,breecli-loniliiiK BliDtRtin. The rlinrgcwent through lier neel;, killing lior lu-stnutly.


( n l v i - n J I j I'i,,I..B(.,,i Una N . ' H Mullioil ofA |i|>roil('hluu: I'lli 'lll.

r r o f i w H m - ] ' 1 . I I . I l n r r b ' l ; , (,r W i ' B l o n i l l o -- I ' f v i * L ' n l v i ' i s i l y , I I I M i l l s t ' i i v n r f i l i l n i - wi n i ' t h o i l o f u | . ; i r I I I I ' I I I I I : , ' b l r < l s I n u H l u t o o fn a t n r i ' . I I I i m i u p | -I I o.-i I l o u o f e n r t i i l ni v n l l - k H " \ v n [ i r l n i ' l [ I I M I o r u l i l m u l ] i s \ c h o | .) J , ' V , U l l ' l U l l l U iVi I t | M I S - 1 h i o t O S t i l l / t i l l )

I ' l ' h u v l o r " f i v i l ' l h i n t - n t I I I I I H L I I I U ' K o r f r o m• i h ' l i t c o u t o t w i ' i i t y - : ' i ' V ' ' i i I m ' l i o s i i i o l t o

h i i - u - u ( ! u o i " r ; i ' b r o c t l v u p i r n t h o h l r i l 11 H O I [i i i i - l I n k " p b ' l i i r t ' s . i t L ' r o u t b i t M r n s t u l i i lv . i b i " . l ' r i i f i ' S - u r l h ' r r h ' k i x p i v t n t o x | i m u lI h o s o n ' n i l ' r I n N n w E o ^ ' l u u .1 u x i i i ' l i m u u t l l l t . 'W i t h w l l i l l i l f . l . - , .

©r. David Kennedyso j ink * m

C U R E S ALL K I D N E Y , S T O M A C H. —• • A N D LIVER T R O U B L E S .

T w o O d l c l u l B F o r O n < ! S n l l i r y .

l l a i n n i o l i i o i i i s I n n n o d d lej .- ,- . l m u d -

d l e H U T i I n ' o i l ] I' C l l y A t t o r n e y . I l l

M a r c h l ; l . - t M l l l l h e w . l i ' f f o i ' H u l l . o f f . ' l l l l -( l e l l . M . ' i s e l l ' i - l i ' i l l i y I l i f C o u n c i l MS C l t . VS o l l e i t o r o v e r i - :n" I I . c l i n i M l l e r . o f A t ' -h i i i i i e e n ' . w h o h a i l h e l d i h e p o s l l i o nf o r I w o j o u r s T h i s i s s u p p o s e d l oh a v e I . e . 11 t h e I n : i n l i w o r l i o l 1 n e o i i i h l -

i i . - i i i o i p o s e d i n M r . C l n i n i l l e r . n n dv, : i < n M i r p r i . - o . M r . . [ e f l ' e r s i . n , h o w -e v e r , l u l l e d l o I , - i k e I l i e o a t h o l ' i i l l i e ea s r e . | i i n v . l l i v l a w a n i l ( ' h a n d l e r ' sf l - i e l i i N r a l l i e d ' t h e i f f u r e e s . a - l . , p : e d ,1fi •-. .1111 i. ll d ' - o l n r i l l u * I I I . ' e l l i e e \ ; l , -:1 l i tm i d . 1 . • • i . 1 M r . C h u n . H e r t o h i s I o r -iiLI :• ] . . . - i t . . . I I . l l I s r e p o r t e d ' i . n i t M r ..!( I l l : « .11 p l - o p i . M ' S l o l i - l i l H i e . - l i t i l l ] )

'>[' i h r C . i n i o i l a n d t - o l l i - e t h i s s a l a r y ,

M u l e T U T m i C i > r | K > n t t l n n s .

T i l l - S t a l e I S u n I 'd n l ' A s s e s s o r s l l l l S

t i l e d i l l t i l e o l l l f C o l l l r o l l o l - l l M I l -

eoek a p a r ' i a l si-lii'ilule of t h e lux a s -s e s s m e n t s on lo isee l la l ieo t l s e o r p o r a -t io i i s for t he y e a r liuni. liallt-ond n n d :ciinnl eo i i ipan ies a n ; nut in t h i s c l a s s .T h e list lih-il e n d i n i c e s on ly nlioiit litlp e r eel l l . of i h e c o m p a n i e s 1(1 lie t a x e dt h i s your, lint a s all t h e hi;; t r u s t s a r e •In t h e scl io i lu le It Is e s t i m a t e d Hint t hon s s i ' s s u u - n t s re j i resen t a l iou t 'HI p e r |c e n t , of nil t h e t a x e s to We i m p o s e du n d e r t h i s h e a d . T h e w h o l e n t l in l ic rof c o m p a n i e s in t he s c h e d u l e Is .'ITTIln n d t h e i r t a x e s aKs re i j a t c ?l,."i.")4,lit).i)l,w h i c h is si',r,:;.iiiiu lum-r t l tnu t h e ]ti i i ionut of h ' s t y e a r ' s s c h e d u l e . I

I I , til I'll on it Loniily Konil. :Kd'VMi'd lHi r re l l , u me tn l i c r of Ihe

T o w n s h i p C o m m i t Ice of F l o r e n c e , wanheld up a n d rojilied I'.v t h r e e co loredm e n . l i e w a s proce i ' i l ln^ nliiii^' n lone-ly r oad \\ lii'ii h a i l e d liy t h e m . l i e re-s i s i . . l , a n d l'or i h l s w a s l iea ien s e v e r e -ly. T h e men w e r e p u r s u e d liy c i t i z e n s

w h o r e s p o n d e d to .Mr. I nirri'lI'M CIIIIHfor he lp , mid a f t e r a Ion;; c h a s e t h e yw e r e inke i i . T h e y p r o v e d to he I s a a cI l n i i i s . W i l l i a m T i m b e r s n n d WUIhiniC o l l l s k e y . T h e j ' ivcre Inkel l lo t h o.lull ,-it Hii i i i t i i r iun u n d e r c o n i i n i i i n c u tfor t he i i r a n d J u r y .

If you are young you nat-urally appear so.

If you are old, why ap-pear so?

Keep young Inwardly; wewill look after the out-wardly.

You need not worry longerabout those little streaks o(gray; advance agents of age.


will surely restore color togray hair: and It will alsogive your hair all the wealthand gloss of early life.

Do not allow the falling ofyour hair to threaten youlongerwith baldness. Do notbe annoyed with dandruff.

We will send you our bookon the Hair and Scalp, freeupon request.

Wrllo to tho Doctor.If you (In mil obtnlu all Hie hone-

Qtfl vnu I'xtieotoil from thA UHfl (iftlin Vliror, wrllu tho doctor about It.I'rnflmlily thnro In flomo (Uflloultywllh your ^snornl eTitoni whichtuny bo rn ally roninvod.

Address, DR. J . 0 . AVER,Lowoll, Ma i l .

SHOT IH A TEIiS CODII.Sheriff ol San Augustine and Two ol

His Relatives Killed.


• n o t ! l i £ ItnMUlt (if Oni) T l n - r o M i m t l l l

/ l u u , W l i l i li C m t I.Mil of <li ior | [« M u l l

T h i i i i H l u r i l l — I l i a l l r o l h n r ,1 VCIIKIHI

H i m — I I oni I lo l u c t l i . M On. im- . l I l i e al

t l m T r i a l o r till) l t i -oLlinr—Ti-uo| in Ht'lil


! D a l l a s , T c x m (Spec ia l ) -She r i f f Noel

Hohi'i'lH, of Snn AiiKiisl l i ic C o u n t y , n n d j

Ids t w o l i ro t l ie rn . F e l i x <1. niul S y d n e y

I Itohi.'l'tM, w e r e nliot to (lenti l 111 t h e

C o u r t H o l m e at Ihe old t o w n of Knn

A.U(,'U8tlnc, In H o n l h c i i s t c n i T e x a n , liy

m e m b e r s of tin1 H r o o k s ' nni l I ( o rde rn '

fo l lowln^H. S y d n e y n u d F e l i x Huh-

er tu w e r e k i l l ed I n s t a n t l y , n u d ttit?

Hheriff d i ed nl noon , t w o h o u r s a f t e r

t h e Hhootlnj. r.

T h i s IH I h e t h i r d I n t ^ o d y w i t h i n

I h r e e m o n t h s in a n old feud Hint h a s

I n v o l v e d d i r e c t l y o r I n d i r e c t l y n e a r l ye v e r y fntnll.v of p r o i n l n e t In SnnAiiKiiHlliu- C o u n t y . SlicrllV l i corKeWn 11 w a s ki l led I h r e e m o u t h s nfru liyl.yeurKUH B o r d e r s . Noel Hol ier ! x, nr e l a t i v e of Hie s l a i n Nliorlft'. i n n clecl-ed In s u c c e e d h i m . Ill feellll),' l o w a r dIlie H o i i l e r s r e s u l t e d .

S e v e r a l dn.vs ui_'o l lenj i i i i i ln CHrooUs, n rel. ' i t ivi ' of 1 . jcurir i iH Hoi'ilei'H, w u s klllcil In a pu l i l l c r rmi r t liyIOu^'cne W a l l , n hrolli i ' i1 of t in ' uliilnSheriff. Votiiit.' Wal l Kurrcn i lc rc i l loSheriff l t o h c r l s . I.yclll'KllH l l i i n l c mwen t f r o m Sun A u g u s t i n e to l leat t-inotit a m i ra l l i ed a p a r l y of f r i e n d s ofB e n j a m i n I t rooks , n n d r e t u r n e d loSnn A u ^ u . s l l n e wit li t he a v o w e d In ten-t ion of llvcllitlliK t h e kllllllK of l l r o n k s .

W h e n Shi'i-HT liiihei'lH ani l h is t w ohni lhefH n p p e n r e d In t h e C o u r t l l o i t s elo p ro t ec t K t u o h t ' W'nll, w h o w n s lo 'ni ipenr for invlii i i l iuw-j ' t r ln l for Ihe !sll l l ir , ' id' H r o o k s , Ihe p a r l y f r o m l l cnu-inon t , n n d i r l . \ cu r^ t ]H Murders , o p e n e dlire. ' ;

.News w n s lnti ' l ' lnl lo Nticoj^ilorlicH, •Miirly mi l l ' s n w i i y . niul c o D n n u n l r n l l n i i \liinl wl l l i < Jovi ' i i inr S.-IVCVK. nt A u s l i n .H i ' o n l i T e t ! M ni t l l l ln cuiiinan^" nt \ n -t'o^jiUu'licH lo lu i r ry lu Sun A u g u s t i u u .


nt Voof M


To Itiipruvo Fornnt ItoBorves.Commls-iloui.'r Ilinirfjr Hnrnninn, of tint

Oouernl IJIIIHI Ollli!U ut Wiialiluntoii, llualasuiMl mi oribir Instructing tbo auptirln-tonilenls ol forest royorvort tUroUKbout tboWont ID plnnt HUltublu BiiplluRS and truoHwlioro portions of tho forosU lmvo boonil()Hlro>oil by Mrn. It Is hopud by Increii9oilCIUH niul olTort to repair thu Injury douutht.' [oroHts of llio Uultod HtutoH hy tUo llrosol thu lust flvu or HIX vonrs.

ilomn In tli.v Aiiu'iltimiN.

^'eIldoIne, l- 'rauce (Hy Cnhle) .—Thes t a t u e e re i ' l ed by subscr ip t louH opeaet lIn l ' ' rance a n d In t h e I ' n l t od S t a t e s Inhonor of f feaern l Uoe lmnihemi (tin1

Krench oflleei1, Iiorti l iero, w h o , 11117SII. w a s Ben! w l l h 11,(111(1 m e n t o IheI'tiileil Si l l ies ID t a k e pa r t In Ihe Ilev-( i lu l ionnry W a r l , w a s nuvel le i l herewi th Ki'cat c e r e m o n y . T h e c l ly ini.irielil.\- i l econi l i 'd nnil t h e h o u s e s w e r e !fes tooned wl lh F r e n c h nnd Ainerh-an jHairs.

T h e u n v e i l i n g e x e r c i s e s c o n s i s t e d of iII spcei li (loliiitlll): Ilie s t a t u e lo I beclly, a n o l b e r by t h e Mnyor of \ 'eii-(buae . a n d ul' s p e e c h e s liy tJe l lera lI ' u i l c r and Hie l ' re fee i nf I,oh'.el-Clier, Hie de | i n r l i nen l In w h i c h Veil-ihiine Is s i lun t i ' d .

Al Ihe conc lus ion of Ihe c e r e m o n yIbose w h o pa r lb - lpn icd hi It v is i ted iheloinb of Iloi'hnnilioMii.

T h e s ln l i i e IN t h e work of l l a i n a r . nVi' i iethui s cu lp to r . Mnuy Ainei ' l f i insnl t e n d e d t he e i ' rc iuonv.


IIvo I'mniinii Kllloil Nnnr Iliinilltnn mill IThrou Nnnr FrnuKinl. |

Illlinllloii, Ohio (Special).—The (-11- i

f ine of a fust freight on the Cliu In-

mil, Hami l ton mill Inillnnniiolls Hall- I

fond Jumped the t r ack west of this

•Ity. Klevi'ii curs loaded wi th stockwere wrecked. T i m o t h y Mnlioney,Dnvlil S tnrkey nnd Amhrose Snillli,trnliiineii, nnd Iwo u n k n o w n hoys whowere s teal ing « rlile were killed.

I-'rcntont. Ohio (Spcclnli .—Sprcndlnyrails en used the wreck of mi cusl-liiiinul freight nt Kiiln. ICnocli llow-set-, llrctnnn, nud .Tohn I 'urtel l , hi'iull irakclnan, bull) of l.linn, w e r e kllleil

j Itixtiintly. A boy who wns henllimI Ids wny wus crushed heiicnlh IheI wreck. The iliinmjre will i v u d i $50,-



A Wfirltiimii lu u 811W111III Cut In Twii 11tho W.O.I UIKI inn Arm Cm On. '

llollviir, N. V. (Speeliib,—I'lilllp Kv- JIn^linin, forty yours of n(,'e, employeil111 the sti'inii sawmil l of M. K. I lunier ,Iwo lnllcs Houth of Iteluiont, Ntuhheil jhis toe and fell ncrons a Imzz wnvinnkln^ l-loi) revolut ions a minute,AH lie fell he I lire w up Ills a rm. Thrnrni w a s cut off nnd the wiw pnnseilIhroiiKh his body nt the wiilst, 11 thinstrip of t issue hold 1111; the dlstnelnliered pa r t s together . Nolle of themill hninls s a w the nccldent . T h e jwere outs ide the mill when he fellXu iiutci-y was heard . The body lajon Ihe runn ing na\v for live minute*nnd was linolied horribly lu'l'ure t inaccident w a s discovered.

Nuvnl Wnr Colluno O|ion*

The Nnvnl War College nt Newport,It. I., was formally opoucil for thoKinnnierentirHeof lust ruction by Kninli\V. Ilaekett, ABBlntaut Seci'etiwy olIlie Nitvy. Tlio oxorclBos woro nt-tended by nearly nil of the oflloors ultho nnvnl station, those of tlio wnivessels at Newport niul from FoilAdnniR. and those of tho elnsH, hcsltlcimnuy clvilluna.

;iro the most (lanj;('roiiK,'iilii]ont3

(liat iilllicl iiiunkiml -— to bu

drriuli'il cvi'ii iiioro than lunjj

:ill'i'i:Uoiin. W'ry often t.hoy

cause no ]inin, mill (jet a deep

foothold boforo tlio pa t i en tknows it. A man or womanmuywe.ll bu friifhlonod when thourine is diticolortiil or contains aKediment ; wlicn tliuru is juiinin tho nmnll of the buck, a scald"

inp Rennation in jiarisinK water and frequentdcsii'tt to urinate, especially at night. ThoseHymptonia are positive proof that ruliof muatie found quickly lieforo it ia too lato.

Science- has producud a veRetahlo cure in

Dr. David SCcmtatstly'aFavorite Remedy,

which Hpoodily corrects and cures not only Kidney DiHunsus, but also tli9many disorders! of Liver, llladiier ami Hlood. It is a health-builder and ahealth-keeper. It makes men and women well, and then koep.i them well.It is tho (jronU'st medicine you ever RIIW for ('onstipation.

Cn|)t . Wm. Wollur, H):t \Vualiiii|;tiiii Avr-mm, \Viislilii);t(m, N. J . , r.ni-s: " Iw:ui truubloil fenrfully wi th my liver ninl liludder two yours II;JO. Tliori ' WHS nncii l iru 8luppii|!ii of my u r i n o . I lull In u.-io a cii t l iotur. My (Im'tor diil mo nojioott. 1 rnuil lo ts ulioilt l l r . I'uviil Kiiiino(iy'n Knvuritn Keini'ily. mnl I jfnt ftlinttlo. I t luilpi'd urn from t h e won! JJO. I woitfll Lwcnly piniiulu h.-nvier t lnm Idid, nnil I hiivo no morn iilliiinicn in my u r i n e . In iiluu-l, I inn curei l ."

A Jurgo bottlo ot Rivorito Romoily Is until I


1 lor I I , or t l i Imttloi) lor !

TRY nun rear.

1-11 i - n t t - rnnllli'i

ll Ihoil Unit


Restore VitalityLost Vigorand Manhood...

Cure Impotoncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Memory, nil wasting dls-onsus, nil otlccts of solf-abuuu or excess and jndiscrotion.A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings tlio pinkglow to pnlo chocks and rostoros tho firo of youth. Byni l l i l 50 C- Por I K » . « b " x e 3 l o r $ 3 ' S° . with our bank-aI)1° guarantee to euro or refund tho money paid.Send for circular nnd copy of our bankable, gunrnntoo bond.

'EXTRA STRENGTHImmodlato Results

Positivoly Runrnntood euro for Loss of Power, Vnrlcocolo, Undovolopod or ShrunkenOrgnns, Pnrosis, Locomotor Ataxla, NorvoiiB Prostration, Hystorla, Fits, Insanity,Paralysis and tho Results of EXCOGSIVO Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mallIn plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $3.00 wi th our bankable guarantee bond to .euro In 30 days or refund money paid. Address


Sold by Win. Gerard, I)rupi;ist. Roeknwny, N. J.




! ORGANS!•NKW B O r V K N I K CATAT.OC3ITKA v,-,,ri< ->t uil Uluniriiu-il In KK-ului •>. Wtirlli llf> \V t-Id litIn (Jultl. w>s )«vyolmrixi-noiillniul KOIKI It F l t l lF .u l l vnuhp*o to do jatnniik i't»r It lo-ddT nlrn«r, UprnpniltprElUnln tlic nlii itiUililtnhwl l*«'uw o ' CORNISH A (*».. the

frnm MAIM) to tiwimv Write m otio« lo<'O^Jrit«h^JW vj«i\m_W_n»hlnirion,_N,.J1_« < » I 1 \ I Mil _l»



Rockaway N. J.



Sold Cheap forCash. In AllQuantities,

M. HOAIiLAl'S Ml CO.,Eookaway, N, Z- •


TJottor than a Piano, Or^an, or MIIHIO BOX, for It sln^s unil talks as woll as plays, nnddon't cost as much. It roproiluceH tho niuslo of any Inst rumen t—hand or orchestra—IdleBtorloa and alnga—tho old familiar hyinim an woll aa tho iinpnliir SOURS—It la al ways rc-udy.

floo that Mr. Ktliaim'.H Kl);iiatiii-(i h on ovi'ry machlnn. r"ata-louiU'3 ol all Usalurs, or NATIONAL PHONOQRAI'H CO., 135 Fifth Avc, New York.







Visible,Durnbto Con*


NO BOTHER, MUCH FUN.All (ho Won dp r s and Picas arcs of a

High-Priced Tdikln- 'lachlno.When nrcompnnled by a hecurder this

Ornphophone cuti be used tomnke Ki ortla.Price wfth HctMirdor, S7.BO, Hvprodu e 1 nilttio stniulartl Records. Send ordar and moneyto our noarcst o/ffce,COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. DopL 30

NEW YORK, n j i a j llron.lwny.CHICAGO, Hi Wnl.mli Am

ST. I.OUIS, jici-711 Olive Si.WASHINGTON, QIO IVnnxvtvanlb Avo.

rilll.MlKI.IMUA, 10,1 Cli<<ilmil SiIIAl.TIMOUK; to li llilllmonSL

Htn-TAl.ll, , 1 , Main SI.SAN'I-'KANUISCO, m OenrySt.

TARIS, ^ llonlcvnrtl den Itnllcnn1IKKI.1N, 15 Krnnrmlrn..fl.



ADVICE AS TO PATENTADIUTYNotice In " Invontlvo ARO "Book "Uow to obtain Patents"CTiariwi modtrale. NofootlllpntontlSBOOuroJ.

Lotten ettlotly oonfldontlal. Addroaa,' E. O.SiaoeRS, Patent Uwnr.WMMnaton, 6. C.


Page 7: A SHOE YOU DONTIIAVETO TRYtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1900/1900-06-07.pdfure of the Virgin is n a gold frame of great value with a gold crown above it, iu a

Homo l>'*ftlrilb!<i Slump*.

Nothing iu a email wuy in moroBUgEOBtivu of t h e clunigo tliut. lmntoken pluoo in tlio fortune of war, nndin ])urtic;iilar of tho furtnnu of tliciOrange Freo State , thiui tliu pontngoiitnuiim h o m o hy this latent muil-luUrrHfrom BlouinfontniM. Theno Hlmnpfiwill uot iiiiprcilmhly bo much eon ((litafter by ]>nilntcliHlH, Three vniictiaHto liiiml uro I'OHpeutivcly of tlio VIIIUUHt>f "hti lf- j ieuny," " con -penny , " "ZOHlionci)"- (sixpence), uud are coloredliRht oriuiKt', lieliotroi)!!, mid li(,'l)tb lue. All ulilio bear tlio ligure of ntree, v/lumo Hyujbolic meaning innocentuulvd by tho word "vrij"(freely) nbove it, lining part of tholegeud "Orango Vrij Htaat." All Uiisis fumilinr euuugb. What, however,makoB tho little colored nquiiren in-tei'OBiing ia tlio evidence they boar o(tlio J3ritiuh occupation. Immediatelybonoatb tlio "vri j" of the Taal iu-Boription aro Htampod iu black lottorn"V. 11. I ." Ami "V. K. I . ' juBtnowto the Froo 8tntor monns a very dif-ferent thing from "vrij."—LondonDaily News.

Tito ltomiitme Hpollotl.A Btory baa beou going tho rounds

tbftt a eeoret ohnmbor oontniuing aeUull and crumbling bones had boenfound in the biatorio old Virginiamansion known as Lower Brandon.Tho Boornt ohambor was (Uncoveredindood by Mias Gulio Harrison,daughter of tho present mistress ofBrandon; but, acoording to tho younglady hernolf, as quotod by o Rioh-mond oorrospoudent of tho BaltimoroSpu, gruosomo romains of poor hu-manity alleged to have boon foundoxistod only in tho vivid imaginationof some romancer. Tho floor of thoBooret olosot was coverod with thodust of agos, but was empty of olao.As to tho uao to which this inyBto-tious room was put or its purposonouoof thoso acquainted with its historyknow. It was poRsibly constructedfor tuo unroinnutio but highly piaoti-oablo purpose of ooncealiug tho silvor-varo and other valuublos of the oarlyowners of Brandon.

The LurKORt Flonh-Erttor Alive.Tho Unitod Statoa possesses nt Ka-

dlak Island, on tho southeast coast ofAlaska, a few living BpocimouB of tholargest carnivorous animal now in thoworld—a monster bear—whioh has notnt any timo been brought into oaptiv-Ity. Professor Langloy has been try-lug for two yours to obtain livo Bpeoi-mous of tbis and other great mam-mals of Alaska, for tho National Zoo-logloal Park, in tho hopo of preserv-ing the epeoion.

Tlio World's Croinntortof.Thcro aro now Bovonty ororaatorios

*T5 iJiinJpe and America, of whiohtwonty-sevon aro in Italy, twonty intho Unitod States, nix in Germanyand four in Groat Britain. Paris had4513 incinerations last year. TheKingdom of Sinm, in Eastern Asia,has more than 200 oromatorios. Thosoof tho Eoyal Palnoo in Bangkok arogeuuino art works, surrounded bypagodas.

'Co T i n c l i o n iThoso littonillnK National Edunntlonnl Con-

vention, Uhnrli'Hton, S. C, can tako ft aide tripto tlio moiintnlnsnf WcBU'rn North Unrollnn,tho " I.nml of Ilio Sky," <>u their return fromtho Ohiwlobton Oouvontlon. Tbo routo of t(iuSoutllM-n Hallway. New York to Clmrlont6n.1R In CIOKO tounh with tlio mountain roKlon ofNorth Ciirollim. Tho pimk ot tho "Land oftho Sky." Mount Mltclioll, tho ulifhont mouu-talo of tho Eimt, I'ISOM (1711 foot, anil la ouo oftorty-throo POIVKH wliinh look down on tbohighest of Now En«l»nd tmimullB. Thoaogoing to Churli'Btnn liy tho Kontliorn Railwaypass throtiHh tho hlfltnrlo battlefield peetlnuof Vti'Ktula. IntcR'KtlnK lltortituro of tlio tripwill ho furnlHhotl upon appllontion. NowYork to Charlonton, Cor tho OCOIIHIUII of Ntt-tloDal Educational AfiHoalutlon, ouo faro forthe round trip. pluH &y uiomlnTHhlp foe. 'I hotrain tor Chimentun loaves NowVork I1.JJ5 P.M.nnrt 1310 mldnlitht. Full partloulnrs at 271and 1185 Broadway. Alox. S. Thweatt, East.Pass. AUt., llA'i Hnmdlvay, Now Vork.

ConntorTultln^ may ho n dangorousgam", hut lorKtuR 1H all writo.

BeUer HealthIf you don't fool woll to-day you oaa ho

mndo to Tool bottor hy making your bloodbottor. Hood's BiusapnrlUn 1B tho Rreutpuro blood maker. That Is how It ourosthat tlroif fooling, plmplos, soros, saltrhotitn, Rorotula and catarrh. Qot a bottloot this (front moAIoluo and bogln taking Itat onoo and BOH how quickly It will bringyour blood up to the Good Iloalth point.

Hood's SarsaparillaIs America's Grontost Blood Modtclno,

contribute moro to It thantons of Ira niul ugruHs of tana.

0 gallons for £1 rents.tt'rlta fur Hit of (ironiiutni offtt

frve tor lktirli,

DON'T STOP TOBACCO SUDDENLYIt InluroH nervous «y»tom to .In nn, DJfin ft mnto tho only uimit lint It rally C!m-r« DlluU-UUIIUfcnA notliloa you v?lu>u to Btnv. SoUl with ttRill tin 111

<" vonotahln ntul hnnnloHH. It hUHU a U n oillr-a IIIOUHHIKN, It will i:im< you.At»llilrui:i(l«'» orliymnll i<ri<i<ntil. WI.OU a lmxi> l , NL'.rtO. linnldL't trim Wrlto UUUEUA

OA ., Ln Oro»Bo, Win.

11 Thpmpson'o Eye Water


Engineer Ran Away With tlio TraitAfter It Had Boon Hold Up.

a n i l l iv l . jM' ,1 i , ,

I l i o n u l , I i I !>„„.

rnlil)cr» Mii]ipi'() it i ruin mi i hi' I inn--

iiiitldinil ,V (JIVMI Niii-ilicrn itMllri.nd.

Klxiy IIIIICH friiin t l , | n , n V i , ,n,| , , ] • , , . ,

t.'ililiifr KiiKliK'ur Cliiu-li'H Kli-li iitui

Klrciiiiiii lA>\-i' from tlH . |n,-,,motive.,

niiitk' tlic latt .-r Uit'iik ii 1I,I]I. in | |io

door of tin; exiuvNa cur, wlilcli thi>

brave c.\pri'HH IIICUHCHKIT, ( icorne

Uuthcrfoi ' i l , ri'fiitscil in n|icn.

Hi! luid put out tlii' llttliln in itii!car and Imrrleiiileil liliimclf Iwlilml tin-frt>l|?lil. N.it wlHliing to tulii. clinnccHtlK'lllHl'lvCH. till ' lllllldltM CDllcllKllHl toHPIHI Love th rough the hole, w i th In-Htnic'tlona to anlix-h the door. Tbc(lremiui, n!i<>Mt!ii(- to t h e im-Hm-iiKor notto shoot CIIIIIIIIM] IIIOUKII the hole, lie-iiiK Impelled by the night of four ro-volvurn leveled ill lilin.

IiiHldo the cur Love In Um darluieBscnuvl i 'd behind the linrrlciide the ex-proBH iiieHHeiiKcr had arrmiKud, findWILB ftirnlHhed w i t h n Hlmtnuii. TholinndltH had unwi t t i ng ly re inforced theman who Blood be tween then) and(hull1 booty. They concluded Hint thohewt t i l ing to do wim to KCIII-I' Hiitlier-ford mid t in ' llrctiinn by HhootinirIhrongli tlie NIIICH of the i'.iir. Theyshut unti l tho cxprcMH car looked likethe top of n pepper box, hut no wordDf Kitrrender cniiii' frum the IIIOMHCIIKCI'31' bin C(ii\i|iunk)ii.

Willie thin WIIH going (in tlio bandi twho had cha rge of the eng ineer m e w"Xcltcd. l i e o rdered Rich to cllnili tothe ground , w h e r e he could view thi>tiomhari l tneut . In the confusion Hlclieluded the gua rd , r an back to the en-nine, pulled the t h r o t t l e wide open•mil run n w n y wi th the cnrH, luavlngthe bullied load ngeiitK behind.

A quick run WIIH innde to .lackHon-I'llle, llfteen nilleH nor th of tlu> Bceiioof the robbery , and n n n e d men andbloodhounds w e r e Bent ou t .


[l«£iilnri Will llpiilnce Voluntaeri, W\mAro to Ilo Hont Homo »ntl I>Ubuildod.

Washington. 1). C. (Hpeclnl).—In or-der to prevent uilmipprcheusion aH tothe future policy of. the War Depart-ment respecting the military forces lathe riiillpplni'H, Adjumnt-tionernl Cor-bin IlllH made n brief Htnteiiii'ut of thofuels In the cnne. He Hnid there lindbeen no change of policy Hlnce the de-par ture of Ucncrnl Otln and tlmt nimowus contemplated. Under the law tlioentire volunteer nrniy now serving Intlio PhilinplnuH will go out of exlm-enee June 30. inoi .

Adjiitnnt-ticnerr.l Corbln Hnys It Isproposed to ninlntnlu mi nrmy of •Jt).-0(10 regulars In the IMilllpiilncs n« longns I'ciiulred, and to do IIIIH it will b<>oeccHmiry to draw upofi the troopn nowIn Cuba. The army hi the I'hllippUivalit present nnmliers nlio'ut IIL;,IIIIII men,equally divided between rcgulnrn millvolunteers. All the voluntecrH lire tobe brought home mid mustered outnt the place of millxtincut .luni- IHI ofnext year, and In order to accomplishthin with certainty mid with the lcnsleniliiiiTiiHKiiicnt the homeward move-ment will begin curly iu the coming[November. : >»

Otis Says lloBlfttniic** !• Ovrr,Snn Frnnrlsro tSpociiih.—Aftev tlve

days in (juanintlue at Angel IKIIIIKI onaccount of Hinnllpox on board thetransport Mcitde, Mnjor-Cii'iiernl Otlnlanded here and started for Washing-ton. He HitUl nil organized resistanceIu tbe Philippines had disappeared.

No Jtoolrift to Itu I lu i l .

Tho day Queen Victoria cnleredD u b l i n a l'uw woolen ii(;(i tins i iutab(;r(jf viijitoi'H WIIH HO gi-(!at t h a t i t WIIHimpoHuiblo to tfut u room. A (untaii ifitraiigtir (JII a r r i v i n g at i ho l r inhcap i t a l cuture.il u cub and nuid to t hod r i v e r :

"Tiilco mo to a K°<Jd bo to l , j i i rvoy,"" W e l l , nil', which d 'yo w a n t ? "" A n y will do HD long an 1 citu |M-t a

r o o m . "

" T h o u , nxitj ' yo r lave , Hir, yu 'dbot th i i r (. o uorutiH uu ' t h r o w tituuen utu ] i eeh ; r . "

"Why?""Yet get locked up thin, hir, an'

'tin tliu only way to get u loom inDublin tliiH ninlit, sir, heuv'n hopruiood!" — Han I'Vancisoo Argonaut.

Niiw Alarm linn.JamoH Mowror, of Oatjpor, Wyo.,

hat) iuventod tin alarm guu to ho utiodin nhcop campa to frighton iiwuyWOIVOB, coyotiiu und laouutaiu lioim.Tho gun has n uapnoity of twontyshots anil iu mounted on a rovolvingtable, the gun and tho tablu buingoporatod by elookwork. A lantern inIIIHO placod on tho tablo. Tho ina-chino can bo BO arranged as to llro aiiliot as ofton aH desired. The alarmgun lmfl boon triod with BUOOOHS undtho muGuinoa will shortly bo placedon the market.

Gonorul Gomez Axilla In Iliiviinn.Maximo tlomez arrived In Ilnvann,

Culm, n few dnys ago. lie WIIH metby representat ives of political socle-ties and an eiilhvislnMU' crowd. Onpassiug tlie pahice t!ciHiral tiotnez

stood up In his carriage, and snluted(Joveruor-Oeuernl Wood, who wnn onthe balcony. Ucncral Uonioz said hehad kept his promise to return to(.'uhn, and that be had never Intendedto turn his Imclt upon her people.

lllril l*rott)otoi-M Win.At n meet ing of the Amlnbon So

elcty in -New York city It wns minounced that the .Milliners' rroteetlvtassociation bad olTeri'd to ngree noito make use of the feathers of AmorIciui birds, except thosi- of gntuo bird!killed in Neiisoti. nftcr 1002, on condltlou tlmt no nttompt be mnilc to pro.vent ilio. listi.ol. liuueilfiil ffifltbsi'S. ..

Tho ARO of Grlokot.Tho gamo o( oriokot datonfrom 1598,

when it was oallod "olub-ball."

Vo Ytiur Foot Aclin and Hum?Hluilco Into your BIIOOB AIIUH'B Foot-KaBO,a

powdor for tho foot. It niakoB tight ornow tihoOH foul oasy. Ourun Oonin, Ilunloug,Hwollou, Hot, Hmartlng and Bwoutlng Foistand Ingrowing Nails. Bold by all drugglxtsund HIIOO Htorofl, H5 ots. Bampln&ont FltEK,Addross Allon H. Olmstad, Lolioy, N. V.

Tho girl who pnlntB hor faao Balls nndorfalBe colors.

IVlint Nliull W i I l av i i l o r DencTlIThin qtiOBtlon arlHOB In tliu faintly dutlv. Lutu» answor It to-day. Try Joll-O, a dullolotiBand honlthful dosBort. Pronarod In 2alia. NotiolllDKl no baking I Him ply add ii litt to hotwatorjeaot tooool. FLavore: IiOmon,OrHngo,Uusiiborry and Btrawhorry. M groooce. lOo.

rorlunioB aro much In voguo aitnln, af-tor tho few yonrs of compnratlvo (IIBUUO.

K l i . i ' t r l r <:i>i>kli i i : I n ( 1 . . . V l l l u c c .

U'IKI model villiiKo of J i i l tn iorc , N.(J., Imilt und niuniiK"d by Mr. ( i o u n / oVnnd.- ih i l t , n o t only IIOUHIH of c l o d r i oli | r l i l in;; fur uti'i'iitii, Imt for IIOUHI'H UHwull, and , wha t in m o r e , Ihn roii idrnti iU!MJ lutvi) t in. advnntu('.M4 of e lee t r iohcu t in i ; und ruuk in ; ' . Klm' t r io cuoll-iii|.^ in u l u x u r y l i ryond tho rout'h oftho uverii!.'!! hniuii iholdur, lu l l M r .Viuidcrlil l t ' i i villiiK'1!'" enjoy il to t l iofull u.\lout uf itH p r o u - n t duve lopuiont .

I I, i,li...I.I I'm (,.!>.

Wo lira told of u priu'.ticiil rli 'clric-iun, who, hnvini,' hocii f.;reutly diu-tuiliod liy iiui^liborn' ontii lot out duurau ighU, lm» jmt up nil ulo»tri«ul up-piirutuH in hin huoli yard, which, onliiH toutdiiint Ik hutton at )IIH bodnido,given out midli it (linobnrgo of olirotrioBjiiiil'. 11 IIH Huudii nil tho cutH homo iu nh u r r y . — O u r D u m b AniinulH.

riortflus ull tll(^ ti\iiil\y. Vour i\uvnrp:~-Loiuon, OraiiK11, Itiuiplnirry nnd Btrawburry.At .your yrooora. 10 utB.

Even tlid llbuiMit-inludud man Holdom for-st& htB troubluH.

To Cure m C(il(l la On* I>»7.Tike I.iiiTlvB llROnn ({DIXINI TIBLITS AlldruuKlnU rvfiind the mon^y If It (alU tn our«.11. w. UHOVi'a nguituro u uu «actt box. Ua.

Tho Iron Imiuntry tn tho Ural dlutrlot,Hlburln, In 300 yosiH old.

Ilatl'n Oittnrrh <7itro U u tlijulil atid 1H inkonInternally, am] autHdlrnutly on this lilonri anilinucoUH mirfiiceu of the nynteni. Writ*) for tiiii-tlluuulnlB, floe. Maniifiu'tiircil liy

K. J. ciiKNity (fc Co.. Tult'do. O.

Mn. WtiiHlow'iiHoatliliiu Myrui> (urehtMnutoothlnii, HoftuhH tlio ifuius, rtultieuHtnlliiiuiiut-tlon, allayn pain, ouron wind rollo, LTio.n bottle.

It, II (niitx'H HIIJIII .if AUnnt». cm,, aro tlioonly »uo fill l ) r . . j . i ) ' H)M.,'laliHla In tlio wi.rM.Hci. t l iclr l ibera l i.lf,-, In n.lvvi-lUviiu.m tn on-ut)u<r uulliiun of tlilH i» iju>r.

Tho man wlin tiulhlH rnatlon Iu tho ulruhould iuixt Invent an air Hlilp.

IMHIJ'M Cure In (lie bunt Imulb-lne we ever nwodfnr all alTenllmiH (if tbrottt and llinKM.— W M .(J. IOMIHI i:v. Vanbuniu. I ml.. l".-h. 111. IUXI.

The populutlon of Obiim Is ontliimtoj ntaoa.uoo.ouu.

The n e i t PreiCTlptl»n foi Chilli•nd I'oTor Is ft lioltlo ot Oliov»'» TiBTiLlHCUU.L TONIO. It Is nlmply Iron anil quinine la* lastoluoi form. No our«— no pay- Vtln Ouo.

Tho flower trndo of London oxooods Iuvalue 610,000,000 por annum.

H. M. Norton. Rt. Paul, Minn., Rayn: PloaBOBund me ono liottto Froy*B VormlfiiHu for en-tiloBod 26c. 1 oaunol gotn hottlo hi thlti ulty.

Tho ohnnoo of two flngor prints polugallko IB not ono In fifty-four billion.

IndlROMtlon is a bad companion, dotrid of It by ohewlnfl a bar of Adamu' Pop-sln Tutti Fruttl iiftor onoli raoal.

No woman oan pin bor faith on a bus-hand without piu mouoy.

FITS oormimoiitlyoiirud. NoOtHornorvouH-nc»H AfUT llrwt day H IIHO of I)r. Klino'H Oi-oncNt'rvo ltortt.or(ir.&3 trial bottlo and tront|ne frooDr. II. II. IC l.l KM. Ltd.. Illll A roh Bt., Plilln.. I'm

Womon nro omployod In Ohllo «B trameonduotorB.

Try Crain-0!Try Grain-O!

Ask your Qtooor to^Uy to showyou a pnokago of OllAIN-O, tho nowfood drink that tukos tho pliico ofcoffoo.

Tlio clilldron may drink It withoutInjury as well at tho adult. All whotry it, liko It. GUAIN-0 has thatrich Houl brown of Mooha or Java,but It is mado from puro grains, andtho most dollunto 8tomnc.li receives itwithout dlstrosa, { tho prico of coffco.

IS cents nna 25 cents per package.Sold hy all grocora.Tauten Ilko OofTooLooks Ilko OofToo

iQBtglthfttyourRrocarulAocupt no itulutloiL

B A.lIl'l.liH or (I lUtrcrpnt

liitcnitliiii baukn no r th81.l>(), null Illiiptrntod Ontnloi; Kent touuv fttl.lr.-hn fur HO (>f<ntni Htntnim. 'l"ry «n

W. ANAKUHCII. | : 1 I I U I . I »Mth Vil., N. V.

LIKE MANY OTHERSC l n r n K u p p W ' r o t t . f o r M r « . I ' l n l t l i B m ' f A.&.

v l r i ' m i l l ' J i l l k M h u t I t d i d ( o r I l r r .

" l ) i ' ,A i i Mr.w, 1 ' i N i u i A M ; 1 l i u v i - fcoeix(in n i n n y I f t t r r . ' j f p i m l t fd i r :> i\ l i o \vi r »c u n ' i l l i y J-v<)ii i K J ' i D l d i i i i u ' s - L r n c d t e *t h u t 1 l i n . n i y l i V 1 w o u l d IL.-U y \ , m < l r i c »

hu\ i b r t ii i!octuiiijj.f fojfl o u r \ i , rs u n d h a v a

ti iUiii d i I T i ' i t n t put*LMlt llH'dicilllfJ, bufcrcf r iv i -d vtJ tv J l t t l *h i ' i u ' f i t , I a t ati 'niblrd witli back-uchi\ in fact tufwholu Inuly iichaa^Htomucli twin bore,by hpi'llr* (jrt Khorluf brouth and a,tn

'ury nervous. Meu*truutlun is very ir-eful ur with 6t'.vor«jcuciiiff down puius,criuni>a ami back-ache. I hopo to ha&r

frout you ut once. "—CI-AHA ICoi'i*, Hoclcport,

Ind., Sept. 27, 18UH.

141 tliinlc it Is say duty to write tletter to you in reffurd to what Lydlt13. rinltlium'a Vcfjotablo Compound didlor mo. I wrote you ionic timo Bg-o,describing my symptoms and asldnffyour udviee, which you Tory kindlygave. I am now healthy and cannotbegin to pnilao your remedy enough.X would say to all fiuflVrlujf woniea,' Talco Mrs. PluUhum's udviee, fora wo-man best.understands a tvomnn's suf'foriii(f.s, nnd Mi*n. I'lnUhuin, from hervust experience in treating femulo Ilia,cantflvu you uilviuo tliat you can g-ctfrom no other source.' "—CUAIIA K.UJT,Uoaltport, Ind., April 13, 1800.


WILLIAM H. CRAY'S,Old Established Carriage Repository

01 & 08 Wooalor S t ree t .375 & 377 Woit Brondway.


JOHNSON'SMALARIA,CHILLS&FEVERCrlppo nnd Llvor Olsoasos. o c ,

KNOWN mpwicicHM. JQC,D R O P S Y NEW DISCOVERT; .l * I > * J ' r ^ O • Quick rill*'ind cam Koft D n « aiLK' ai>wi BooS oltMlSnnnuS ml lOdira tiuttaictfttt. Dr. n. «• aiLK'i luai.«» a, IIUIU, M.

A D V E R T I S I N G {•NA-TI"8-|IA"EnI'AYB. - K T O T T

Puffs under the eyes; red nose; pimple"blotched, greasy face don't mean hard drink-ing always as much as it shows that there isBJLE IN THE BLOOD. It is true, drink-ing- and over-eating overloads the stomach,but failure to assist nature in regularly dis-posing of the partially digested lumps of foodthat arc dumped into the bowels and allowedto rot there, is what causes all the trouble.CASCARETS will help nature help you, andwill keep the system from filling with poisons,will dean out the sores that tell of the sys-tem's rottenness. Bloated by bile the figurebecomes unshapely, the breath foul, eyes andskin yellow; in fact the whole body kind offills up with filth. Every time you neglect tohelp nature you lay the foundation for justsuch troubles. CASCARETS will carry thepoisons out of the system and will regulate

you naturally and easily and without gripe or pain. Start to-nteht—one tablet—keep it up fora week and help the liver clean op the bowels, and you will feel right, your blood will be rich,face look dean, eyes bright. Get a 10c box of CASCARETS, take as directed. If you are notcured or satisfied you get your money back. Bile bloat Is quickly and permanently



T o any needy mortal suffering {rom bowel troub!:s and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a box free. AddressSterling Remedy Company, Chici go or New Yor t , mentioning advertisement and paper. CO

10c.25c. 50c.

Page 8: A SHOE YOU DONTIIAVETO TRYtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1900/1900-06-07.pdfure of the Virgin is n a gold frame of great value with a gold crown above it, iu a

Rockaway RecordThursday, June 7, 1900.



F r i d a y i i i n n i i i i n l a . s t M i l t p , t l i t - :i y i ' i id k l s o n u f . l u l u i n n t l S u s a n K a n . ^ k i , *>fH i b i - i - m a , ' H c d I ' r c i i n l i n m c h i i i s a f i r r ap n i l d i i f T i ' c l i l l m w . ' D i e 1 ' u i n - n i l U i i . - l n l i lill S i 1 ' i i l r i i ' k ' s C l u i n ' l i , l ' ] i | » r H il u n i i i i , m i S u n d a y w i t h K i - v . l ' \ u h : i -K r l i o n h i i r t n l l i i ' i i i t l i i t . ' . 11 i r i - i - i i i . - t i l 111 t i l l '


uxamine the

(Sen.1 TOUI. b o r u S e p t . i : i , 177- ' , w e n t I n N r a - Y u r i e

O i t y . M a r y , b n r n A p r i l 1 " , 17I-"). i n i i r -

l u l)ii> i i i i m i i i i f ( J o i ) , A j m > n . I r j t , ( | S i u i i i i f J . s o u o f . S t i - p b e n J l u o r r , w h o

1, W i l l i i u n W i n d s , uf t i n ' t o w n s l i i p o f I N v a s ) „ „ . „ j77. - . , d i e d M a r . l ! l , 1V>1.

M i ' i i d l i a m , a n d l l»u c o u n t y nf M o r r i s , i n j j U ] l i L , i b l i n l M - , V S i i . i 77- , . i n m i i c d I l a n -

c l i u i ' i ' l ] r i ' i n

us dirt-dorwith Johu (.' McUralli I the State of New Jersey, beinf,' very weak

M< 1 I ItDV

1 111 Wedl l r sd i iv nl(,'h( of l.i-l "•••(•!;J o h n MrCur t l .v , S r . . of l l e n v i l i e , ilirfla f t e r a lout : i l lness from run r i - r nf t hes to inac l i . aKi'd Ti y e a r s . T in 1 f u n e r a lo c c u r r e d o n S o n d i i y j i f ' e i - H o o i i j i l i h e

house, w i t h lU-v Mr Kniiisi-y otlirint-tin); . In te r i i i ea t in tin? Dciiville I 'enu'-H-ry

A Life and D e a t h F i g h t .Mr. \V. A. IlincH, of Miim-tit'ster, I.i..

writing of hla nlmoxt mirnrulonn ovoupt<friiui d«uth, eay? "Iix|/eMiro »liw DieiiBletiudtumd BeiinQH WHIR trouble, ivbicb timlodin Oontuiuiplitm. I hml frtqaont hfmnr-rhagoti und couybeil night utid day. All mv(JoctnrM said I tuUHf i^ou die. Ttifii 1bfgftu to nue Dr. Kiug's New DiHOOvnrywhich wholly oureil inn. Unndreiln bun-imed It ou my iidvice uud ull Hiiy it nt'var(nils to curt) Tbruiit, Clu'Bt mid L'liiBtroubled." Ke^nlm- w/.n Tjllo mid SI.HOTrial bottlim free at Wui. (.iumnl's DrilyBtore.

in body, mid in a very declining stateof hi'iilth, though of iH'rfect mind andmemory, in a firm belief of Ihedortr inesof Christ 's holy religion, tin ordain thislo bi' my last will and testament.

In the liist place, whenever it shalll l i e j f l - i ' l l t O i ' i i t n r o f t h e I ' l i i v e l - s i

out of time, I heiiueatb my


l l l c I n i ' h l r u t o f lh<- ( i n j l i i u t A i l -m l r j l l ' N K t ' r r i J l \ l s i l t o

I'M l l u d i l l i l i l u .

M r s . Dewey smi led II l i t t l e , nnddi 'da lit tii-, lotiki'd itlioiil ii (,"'•"! deal inn]ivufi not rect j j jni /ed Ity Inilf tbu house ,ivhich w h i s p e r e d feverishly over he rIdent i ty d u r i n g this lu-*l nf t h eIteet l io \cn , sajH thu i ' l i i l iuk-lpliiaN o r t h A m e r i c a n .

A n d w h e n t h e miisii1 was: over t h e r etvas ten in the fn.yrr jiliove—served bythe Iteil Crona f^irls a t ~j c e n t s a cup ,und d r u n k , so far n.s I onuld see , bynobody l in t MrK. l l cwi 'y . T h e i idmin i lhfid a CIIJI ^ r i \en h im, ami w a n t e d It, 1t h i n k , very m u c h , lint be had to haveu g r e a t nniiiy people int rodiieed toliini, to every o n e nf \\ bum be e;ave al-ordiril Mind nud one i>f tho.se Itinilly,hulf-Kpnken se r i t enees of h is .

" A d m i r a l , ] \% iint t o p r e s e n t myd u u y h t e r . "

And d o w n w e n t Uie nrlmiral'M cujion t h e t ea tub le and o u t c a m u t h e ad-ni i rn l ' a h a n d .

" Y o u r d i m e t e r ? A h ! c e r t a i n l y . I

can Bee t h e "

A n d a g a i n It would b e :" H e r e , d e a r ! I w a n t t o i n t r o d u c e

yon t o t h e in l in i rn l ! "

A n d t h e r e wou ld be n n o t h e r s l ip be-t w e e n t h e cup uuil t h e l ip. In t h e endbe k'ot n o ten at nil —fur, juKt a s bet u r n e d f rom tin* w r y ln.st i n t r o d u c -t ion a n d iisbecl nut t h e l,it nf l emonfrom t h e cup a n d l i f ted t h i s lung-de-f e r r e d de l igh t , Mrs. Dewev suid :

"Wel l , I nu[i|)nse we' l l L e t t e r be (,re<-t ir iy a w n y n o w . "

And awuy t l i ey w e n t . Only a l iedCrnss (,'irl at I l ie end of t h e t a b l e ,wlh w l m m the a d m i r a l s t o p p e d t oFpcal;, sa id :

" I ' d like, u d m l n i l ,o t h e r eui) nf t e n . "

t o g"ive ynu nn-

Negleot IR the Rlmrt Btpp 10 ninny tnknfrom a POURII nr cold tn co'iMim|ii iou . Thi,eurly u«e of Oo/» MhiuiH COIICIJ i'nrn yrf-vontH coiifiiitn|,t ion. It is ILP only hiirui.IOBH rouindy Hint gives iiuuii'diitu lesul ' s .It ouren nil ihrotit uuil luii^.' tronblen. l l i i l -dren nil like it nud uioihort) fudorao it.Wui. ( ierard.

of Priil of

D. nf L.,following

Resolution of Condolence,Urn KAWAY, N. .1., May 17, ll'tli).

At the staled meetingHnekaway C^ouiieil, No.held on the nhnve date,was unauinioiisly adupted.

WiiKnr. \ s . It bus pleas-ed Almighty(Jod, in his infinite wisdom and lovn. tncall frtiui o.ur midst tn the SupremeCouncil above, our sis;pr Kittiu Dovetherefore he it

HESOI.VEIJ. that ill the doatli nf SisterDove, this Council has lost 1111 enrnestand faithful meinher, one whom, hyher kiiidiit'^ and ^ood qualities, en-deared herself to all who had thepleasure of her aciiuaintancu.

RESOLVKH, that while we bow in humbUipubmisHimi to the Divine will, we can-not but nionrn with thosi! who havelost aloviuR wife, diui'-jhter nnd sistor.

RF.SOI.VEI>, That our Chiii'te.r be drapediu niuarniuit for thirty days, the fore-Koin^ be ydaoed ujion the luinutes, acopy thereof duly attested, he trans-mitted to the family of the bnreaved,and be published in the HockawayRECOHD.



L'uleep food is digested qnlokly it willferment And irrittttn ibe nlouinnb. Afct-reoob menl toke n tiwpooDfn) uf Koilol Djt-pepniu Onre. II diRnatn whnt yon eat andwill nllow yon to eat nil yon need of wb»tlike. It Dover fnila to pure tbe worbt GUBGB

to railbody to tin, dust, to be buried in a de-cent iiimiiiiT. according to the discretionof my executors lierciifter iiiiini'd ; andmy soul to [Hod whti KIIVO it, in il firmbelief of-fl rosurreetioii to eternal life.

1 do likewise will nud ordor llmt myfuneral charges and all my just debts bepnid out of my movable estate. Item.—I do hereby (jive and bei|Uentb lo mydear and well beloved wile, Hnliiiiunli,the roniaiiider of my estnte, re.il andpersonal, to be at her disposal, ami forher sole use and benefit, (lnrillK he limeof her remaining my widow, a u d i t sheshall see lit to marry, after my decease.I do siill will and ardor tlmt she shallhave tbe use and bem'lit of the one-thirdpart o( my whole estate, thai thru re-mains, ilnrhif; her natural life, and tlmtshe, shall, at uo time, nor nu any oceu-siou, nor by any person whatsoever beobliged to nive any account for anywaste or ilnmiiRt' done by her, or herorder on said estate. I t em—I dofurther order after her decease, thatwhat shall then remain shall be disposedof as follows :—To Abigail, Hulilnh audSusnuna Beeman, the daughters ofJosiiih Boemau, I «ivo lifteeu poundsouch. To Barnabas Winds nud to hisbrother, Samuel Winds, I do (jivu severally tbe one-twentieth part uf my wholeestate. To William Winds, J u n r , soiof Barnabas Winds, I give o i ic teu thpart of my whole ostnte. To WillianWluds, sou of Abigail Winily. I (,'lvt1 aimthe ono-ti'iitb part of my whole estatealso to William HUSH, son of WillianRoss, Esquire, I jjivo the one-tenth partof my whole estnte. To MehetibliGonldstnltl), daughter of Josiali (iould-smith, I Kive the ouo-twontiet h part ofmy whole estate. I do also ^'ive unt(John Cory, whutever he may bo indebt-ed to me by note, hook or bonds, andhereby order that nil his obligation.*hall bp. null and void. Item.—For the

(treat regard 1 have for tho iuturast ofChrist 's kingdom, ami for tho benefit oftho Presbyterian Olinrch ; I do herebypivo aud bequeath to the PresbyterianChurch at Rockuwny, all the remainderof my whole estate for a parsoniiRe, nuddo hereby, further will and order, thattho suirt remainder of my estate shall bonud reuiuiu forever, for tlmt nso midpurpose, only ; nnd tbut it shall uever belisposed of for any other purpose what-

soever.And I do appoint William Ross, Esqr. ,

aud Samuel Liudsly my executors, andny dear wife Ruhainali, executrix, to•xeeuto this my last will nnd testnuioiit,ircorrliiii! to the true iuteut uud meiin-iifl Iheroaf,—

Siprncd, sculed nud publi.slu'd, pro-uounced and [loclnrecl, this eleventh:lny of October, Auno Domini, 0111thousnud seveu lmuilriscl aud eishty-line, in the presence of

Joel I'helps. |i.. s ]Abraham Lyon. WILLIAM WINDS,Josinli Uoulrlsiulth.

nf dyspepsia.Gorord.

It in jdensnut to tuho. Wm,<


Robort Ayres was boru nt Wood bridge,N. J , July 17, 173s, cixuic to Frnnklinor Rockaway perhaps as early as 17t'.u.married Anna, daughter of Gen, JosephJncksou, •who caino to Rockiiwny asnirly t\s 17!il 01-2, J au . 1 1713*. She was

boru Aug. », 17-It>, 9I10 married, .fit Dea-cou David Benman, aud died Mar. i'l,

810. Duvid Iieaman nmrried (11 MarvStauborrouRh, aud dind 1S01I. RobertAyre.s died Wnr. t', 17S7, nil buried ntRooknway.

Children of Robert and Annn [Jack-ion] Ayres : Elizabeth, boru Sept. a-.',701, married | l ] Couper, [2] Asa Berry,jrobnbly buried nt Rockawny. Jneksoii,

born Feb. 14, 1700, mnrriod Botsoy,dnughtor of Stophon Moorp, went to

iucimiati, Ohio. Robert, horuDi>c. 'JM,T07, wont to New York City, probnbly

died there. Willinm, boru Aug. ill,1700, nud wife Jnuo removed fromRookawny to Spnrta, N , J . Hud chil-dren, David Lowis, Josoph, Asm nndprobably Abigail, boru 1810. Josoph,

null, daughter of David UuiThius, Uec.1-1, lHIWi, she was born Jan. ^'i, 17^)1, diedSept. 1, l-su'l, married ••-.'] Mary (nirri-(,'us, dauKhter of Joiin, Kch. li, 1 v-v:J. shewas boru Auf.r. ^7, 17 .-1, died De<". 'M,1H75. All buried lit Rockawny. Anna,born Jan . <i, 17Mi, m a n led Henry Berryof Dover, Mar. Ill, 1SOU. l l um. i r , bSopt. Hi, 17sf>, died Nov. 21, 17IU, buriecat Rockawuy.

Ohildrnn of Daniel and first wifeAnua, born at Franklin, Nov. 11, lHU.'imarried David, son of William CooperFeb. lsai!; sin) died May 2">, 1M12. DavicCooper was born Dt>o. S, 1WI1, died tioptJit), IK'.lli; both buried nt Deuville. Jo-seph Jackson, born Feb. I I, lsoti, married I'hebe Ann bosey Sept. 'J7, 1S27died Uvi\ 11, 1SH2; buried at Hill Ceinetery. David G a n i g u s , born Nov. sl«07. married A lifeline Oliver ; remove)lo Iudiaiin and died there. Abigailborn Feb. an, i s to , married JonathaiOliver ; buried in Baptist Cemetery a-Morristown. Hannah M., born JUMCI (iIM2, married | 1 | Bethuel I'iei son, (•_>Caleb l'ierson ; buried at DrakestownN. J .

Children of 2nd wife: William, hornNov. l."i, l v j | , married Phehe, daughte rof William, son of ( ierret t Smith. 8hewas born Sept. Hi, 1MII. Ho died Feb. 41MI0. Jiiliu, born Aug. 2S, 1S2(1, married Hiuumli, daughter of E/.ekiel auc!.Sarah (Hull | Palmer, died Aug. I, 1M<7buried at Rookawuy.

Children of Willinm and PhebeISinith) Ayros : (ipoi-Re, born Dec. i!isr>r>, died Alar. U), 1S1III; buried at Rockaway. Emma, horn .Inly II, 1857Martha, born Doc. S, 1S5!); Mary, boruFeb. 2(1,18(11, Lawrence, born Aug. 18,ISIl,'i;Priiiik, boru J an . 27, l-Ni'w; Amandaboru Mar. 22, lsils, died Feb. 21), 18iWHnttio, born Ju ly lit, |.s(iU.

THE BRUEN FAMILY,Obndiah, son of John Brueu, came

from Staploford, England, with his wifeSnrali, in 10-10, and had children : Hnu.nub, born l(14!l, married John BaldwinSr. ; John, boru l(!((i, married KstherIjawrence, Rebocen, married ThomasPost. Obadiah removed to Newarkwith tho Milford Colony in KHi7. Tindescendants of Johu nud Esther worenumerous, nnd many, like most otherNewark families, cntne to Morris coun-ty. Tho Brucus came, to Chutbntu nudMadisou.

Joseph Bruon mnrriod Rachel Carter.Ho died 182(1. Who wns John Braeuwho diod at Rocknway, Apr. 1H20?

Children of Joseph and Rachel: Phobe,Alexnuder, boru Jnn. 17, 177!), marriedMatilda Bounell, Sept. 22, 1S08, diedMay 5, 1KB7, she was boru Feb. 11, 17K4,diod Nov. 20, lKliu. Benjamin hadchildren: Isanc H., Elias R.,Ashbel,Jncoh. Phobe, Eliza. Jane and Caroline.Ichnbod, had childrou: Moses, ElijnhW., Sanford, Jontinu, Juliana audRachel. Caleb Carter had childrou:Ambrose, Mary, Ann, Margaret, Mar-tha, Jonnun, Sarah, Joseph and Ueorfjc.

Childrou of Alexander aud Matilda :Juliette, boru June. 27, 1S04, diod Sept.5), isOo; Cyienus, born Sept. II, ls0(i,married Charlotte A. Burnett, Feb. 10,1KH2, died April 17, 1W.">; Jouathau B.,boru July 1, iso'l, m:\rriedSarah P.MucJiuiore. Nov. -1, lsy,"t, die<t Aug. 14,

Hnrriet 1C, born Mar. 25, lsia,marrit'd John Knnpp, Nov. 5, ls:i4 ; Al-fred F.. boru Oct. 20. 1X14, mnrriedCiithariuo, daughter of Henry and ElizaHnldrou, Feb. IS, I Mis ; Jolm Cnrter,born Dec. 2s, 1S17, married Mary M.Woodruff, Dec. 2S, 1S4:1; Charles Alex-ander, boru Juue 2(1, l,s20, mnrriod Cor-nelia Nop, Nov. 21, 1x4:), died Aug. 2,"i.

James Harvey, horn at Madison,May 25, i,s23, came to Rockaway nbout1S40. married Emily, dnughter of JohnB. aud Delia Kelsey, May 2 \ ls-Wl, diedMay il, 1KM>. His wife born Is2">, diedFeb. 2H, 18!)i); both buried nt Rockavny.Charlotte Ward, boru Oct. 12, lvjn,married Johu Allen, May 2S, 1 4S, diedJuly 5, 1K54.

Childrou of Johu, Harvey nnd Emily :Jnnics Wright, born Is4s, ninri'iodEmmn A,, dnughtor of Charles DeHnrt,Apr. 17, 1872, died Feb. 2s, lsmi, ou thosame dnto, and nt tho sninu house, ns hismother; both buried at Koekaway. UevArthur N., of Jnsper, N. Y.. Delia K ,lorn Fell. I. 185S. died Auur. 1:1. lsi;7,

Childrou of James Wright and EmmnA., Olmritw I). Arthur 11., i.otli un-dyoung, Mrs. Edwurd T. Davey, J i.-. 1 -1-:. r.Sarah, Fiinuy, Harvey, Louisa andHarold.

Labor Saving KitchenCabinets

also the


as well as the

Porch RockersSwinging HammockChairs

to make you comfortable during the hot weather.

H. D. & J. P. TUTTLE.


Table Cutlery.Pocket Cutlery.Shears and Scissors.

Every Piece Warrented.

Rockaway Hardware and Stove Co,C00KS

Fnrnncos, I-'ire Plaoes and Opon Frnnklin Heftter?, Parlor and Cook Stoveshavs Btood the test for over thirty years. Would be pleased to sendcBtulogne or other information upou receipt of icqniry.



Hand Articles

In our trading, buying, and selling second-hand articles wehave accumulated considerable material, which is as good as newind much cheaper, that we want to dispose of at once. They con-sist of:

(Cciiid'niicrf next leer*'.)

Autoharp, 50 cents,"lour Chest, 50 cents.5 callon Oil Tank, $1.00.folding Fishing Rod, 15 cents,'radle, 75 cents.

Raby carriage, $2.00.'ylinder Stove, $5.00.pall. Oil Tank, 25 cents.Brass Hanging Lamps, $1.50each.

Soda Fountain, Good as New,COJ! $lf>5. will sell for $50.

3 Nickel Hanging Lamps, 75cents each.

Lot of two-quart Candy Jars, 10cents each.

Three-foot Oval Front, Nickel-trimmed Show Case, $2,50.

2 Four-foot Square Front, Silver-trimmed Show Cases.

Automatic Blue Flame Stovegood as new. Cost $14.Will sell at a bargain.