55 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3QL www.taxpayersalliance.com 0845 330 9554 (office hours) 07795 084 113 (24 hours) 1 www.taxpayersalliance.com Research Note 84 24 February 2011 A statistical analysis of secondary school spending Simon Cook On the 12th January 2011, the Department for Education published schools’ spending data for the financial year 2009-10. This TaxPayers’ Alliance study is the first to investigate that data, and provides new insights into how schools spend their budget and the results they obtain. We have performed a statistical analysis of spending by secondary schools, taking averages for each of the 150 responsible local authorities. Secondary schools tend to be of a similar size which makes them more comparable than those at other levels of education. Detailed information on school spending, broken down by every single non- academy school in England, is provided in a table later in this research note. The key findings of this research are: A total of £293 million was spent on supply teachers in the financial year 2009- 10 in non-academy secondary schools, which is over £100,000 per school. Schools in deprived areas use supply teachers far more frequently. Schools with over 30 per cent of students on free school meals spent an average of over £140,000 each on supply teachers. This suggests that the pupils who need stable teaching the most do not get it. There is already a “pupil premium”. Schools with over 30 per cent of students on free school meals received an income of over 26 per cent more per pupil. There is little apparent correlation between pupil funding and academic achievement. Many areas that have low attainment are those with the highest funding per pupil. The data confirms that higher deprivation leads to lower academic achievement.

A statistical analysis of secondary school spending

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55 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3QL www.taxpayersalliance.com 0845 330 9554 (office hours) 07795 084 113 (24 hours) 1


Research Note 84 24 February 2011

A statistical analysis of secondary school spending

Simon Cook On the 12th January 2011, the Department for Education published schools’ spending data for the financial year 2009-10. This TaxPayers’ Alliance study is the first to investigate that data, and provides new insights into how schools spend their budget and the results they obtain. We have performed a statistical analysis of spending by secondary schools, taking averages for each of the 150 responsible local authorities. Secondary schools tend to be of a similar size which makes them more comparable than those at other levels of education. Detailed information on school spending, broken down by every single non-academy school in England, is provided in a table later in this research note. The key findings of this research are: A total of £293 million was spent on supply teachers in the financial year 2009-

10 in non-academy secondary schools, which is over £100,000 per school. Schools in deprived areas use supply teachers far more frequently. Schools with

over 30 per cent of students on free school meals spent an average of over £140,000 each on supply teachers. This suggests that the pupils who need stable teaching the most do not get it.

There is already a “pupil premium”. Schools with over 30 per cent of students on

free school meals received an income of over 26 per cent more per pupil. There is little apparent correlation between pupil funding and academic

achievement. Many areas that have low attainment are those with the highest funding per pupil.

The data confirms that higher deprivation leads to lower academic


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55 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3QL www.taxpayersalliance.com 0845 330 9554 (office hours) 07795 084 113 (24 hours) 2

About the Author Simon Cook graduated from the University of Oxford with a double first in Engineering, Economics and Management. He worked for 10 years for a hedge fund in London and Hong Kong, as a quantitative analyst and trader. He is now a full time parent.

Sources and Methodology 1. Data for this research was obtained from the Department of Education’s release in January 2011. It is available from: http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/adminandfinance/financialmanagement/b0072409/background/ 2. We performed statistical tests to show relationships between different aspects of the data release. 3. Where data was not given for a school, we have excluded them from the analysis. 4. 150 local authorities in England are responsible for education.

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Analysis The Department for Education (DfE) released a full data set of schools’ spending data in January 2011. Their aim was to encourage parents and taxpayers to compare the spending and performance of schools in their local area. DfE released the data set in an accessible format so that it could be used for further analysis. The TaxPayers’ Alliance ran statistical tests to look for relationships between different variables. We were particularly interested in whether the percentage of pupils on free school meals affected expenditure and achievement, as this is a common measure of deprivation and is often the measure that the government uses to target spending. The data was analysed on a “per pupil” basis to allow for the variation in the size of each school and of each authority. We first looked at the correlations of the percentage of pupils on free school meals with funding and expenditure and the results are in the table below. The results for positive relationships range from 0 to 1, and the closer a number is to 1 the stronger the relationship between the two factors is.

% on FSM

% on FSM 1.000 Grant Funding 0.808 Self-Generated Income -0.081 Total Income 0.796 Teaching Staff 0.717 Supply Teachers 0.709 Education Support Staff 0.580 Premises 0.519 Admin 0.564 Catering 0.802 Other Staff Costs 0.367 Energy 0.297 Learning Resources (not ICT) 0.437 ICT Learning Resources 0.335 Bought in Professional Services - Curriculum 0.314 Other Expenditure -0.047 Total expenditure 0.810 Average achievement -0.378

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Pupil premium As expected, there is a high correlation between the percentage of pupils on free school meals and funding. This naturally leads to a high correlation with expenditure – most notably on staffing costs. This might be because schools spend more money on teachers (either for higher quality teachers, more expensive teachers or to reduce class sizes) in order to advantage deprived children. Looking at income per pupil, across different schools instead of local authorities as shown in the full table, that pattern is very clear. The average school has around 15 per cent of students on free school meals. Schools with over 30 per cent of students on free school meals received an income of over 26 per cent more per pupil.

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Results There is a smaller but significant negative link between deprivation and achievement. In areas with more students on free school meals, results were worse. There is a small, negative correlation between grant funding and achievement by pupils. The result was -0.054, which may as well be zero. That suggests greater funding put in to a school is not associated with greater academic achievements by the pupils. This is not conclusive as it is only a one year snapshot, and is simply based on raw achievement, not taking improvement into account. However it suggests further investigation is worthwhile and supports anecdotal views that simply throwing money at schools is not what is needed to improve pupil achievement. Averaging data across diverse local authority areas could be misleading, so we looked at the 6 largest local authorities to gain as many data points as possible. The statistic that stood out was the correlation of the percentage of pupils on free school meals with achievement: Local Authority

Kent Lancashire Hertfordshire Essex Hampshire Birmingham

Achievement -0.834 -0.785 -0.839 -0.747 -0.735 -0.735 This reinforces the conclusion that there is a strong link between deprivation and poor academic performance. Again this isn’t conclusive as it is only a one year snapshot but it certainly provides a robust platform for further study.

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Supply teachers

Supply teachers are essential to ensuring that schools are able to cope with disruptions such as staff on sick or maternity leave, and there is no suggestion that they are not committed and talented teachers. Many parents are concerned when their children’s classes are taken by a series of supply teachers instead of a regular teacher over a sustained period, though. Supply teachers themselves are not the issue, but they necessarily tend to provide a less stable learning environment. That can be particularly difficult for children already struggling for some other reason. Using supply teachers will normally also be more expensive and therefore divert resources from other priorities. A total of £293 million was spent on supply teachers in the financial year 2009-10 in non-academy secondary schools, which is over £100,000 per school. We looked at the data set to see if schools catering to children in deprived areas made greater use of supply teachers. The results are initially inconclusive. There is a strong correlation between the percentage of pupils on free school meals and spending on supply teachers, but there is also a strong one with spending on full time staff. Perhaps this is more money being spent on teachers generally? Looking at a plot of the data gives a clearer picture:

The data has been normalised to make it comparable, as spending on full time teachers is so much more than that on supply teachers. It is clear that, although spending on both types of teachers increases with deprivation, the increase is far greater with respect to








0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0%

Teacher costs

Supply costs

Linear (Teacher costs)Linear (Supply costs)

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supply teachers. There may be any number of reasons for this, for example: schools in deprived areas find it harder to fill full-time positions; and there is increased time off for sickness. But the simple conclusion is that the children who need good, stable teaching most, are the most likely to have instability in their teachers. This cannot be good for the education system.

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This study reveals some strong relationships between different factors that affect spending on schools. However, correlation is not causation, and there are a number of other external factors to consider. For example, we can prove that children from deprived backgrounds perform much worse academically than those from well-off backgrounds, but why? Is the extra funding that schools in more deprived areas get simply wasted? In order to really answer such questions, we need to look at the data over time, and try to measure academic improvement as well as raw achievement. We have shown that there is much higher spending on supply teachers in deprived areas – why is this? It certainly doesn’t help the pupils, and it may be that it results from fundamental problems in deprived areas. The next step would be to delve deeper into this by going to the schools directly. Anecdotal evidence and other less reliable qualitative surveys often lead to claims about these relationships on a national scale. But our research – using reliable primary data – shows strong statistical relationships exist, so policy makers and education experts can and should use them as a concrete basis for further study to discover why they exist. One thing is for sure – the release of this data set by the DFE is an incredibly useful resource for examining school spending. We would encourage other departments to follow suit and publish as much usable data as they possibly can. Evidence-based policy making is a phrase loosely and often incorrectly used in broader political debates, but information like this can make it a reality in the future.

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A full table of school spending information broken down by local authority and non-academy schools in England Source: http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/adminandfinance/financialmanagement/b0072409/background/

Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Barking and Dagenham

The Warren Comprehensive School

1,287 26 7,932,658 6,164 5,151,007 306,624 39

Barking and Dagenham

Barking Abbey School, A Specialist Sports and Humanities College

2,118 19 13,247,289 6,255 7,038,352 321,200 62

Barking and Dagenham

Eastbrook Comprehensive School

1,190 26 7,644,209 6,424 4,815,843 145,174 41

Barking and Dagenham

Eastbury Comprehensive School

1,704 39 10,710,241 6,285 5,399,732 343,736 43

Barking and Dagenham

Robert Clack School

1,803 27 11,085,775 6,149 5,922,615 511,046 57

Barking and Dagenham

The Sydney Russell School

1,667 33 9,917,603 5,949 5,685,475 127,022 59

Barking and Dagenham

Jo Richardson Community School

1,333 29 9,640,806 7,232 4,656,731 225,208 50

Barking and Dagenham

All Saints Catholic School and Technology College

1,102 15 6,151,106 5,582 4,185,258 40,330 72

Barnet Friern Barnet School

786 33 5,050,644 6,426 2,508,948 132,398 51

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Barnet The Ravenscroft School A Technology College

871 34 6,035,403 6,929 3,231,498 197,826 38

Barnet Whitefield School

799 50 6,127,023 7,668 3,473,185 157,766 50

Barnet Queen Elizabeth's Girls' School

1,146 10 6,404,503 5,589 3,799,243 111,423 78

Barnet Copthall School 1,128 21 6,293,750 5,580 3,656,996 198,652 77 Barnet Christ's College

Finchley 953 15 5,338,337 5,602 3,402,440 80,195 76

Barnet East Barnet School

1,258 12 7,570,898 6,018 4,576,922 179,419 69

Barnet The Compton School

900 18 5,847,873 6,498 3,184,590 98,898 58

Barnet The Henrietta Barnett School

698 3 3,769,095 5,400 2,253,456 - 14,122


Barnet Hendon School 1,292 33 8,477,559 6,562 5,057,977 316,151 69 Barnet Queen

Elizabeth's School, Barnet

1,172 2 6,217,827 5,305 3,907,656 15,066 100

Barnet Mill Hill County High School

1,726 11 10,238,331 5,932 5,742,301 279,003 79

Barnet St Mary's CofE High School

773 21 5,044,587 6,526 2,804,580 120,050 43

Barnet St Michael's Catholic Grammar School

753 4 4,204,613 5,584 2,664,619 70,645 100

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Barnet Finchley Catholic High School

1,131 9 6,199,532 5,481 3,677,713 15,337 76

Barnet Ashmole School 1,423 10 7,649,662 5,376 4,588,981 33,829 78 Barnet St James'

Catholic High School

1,140 14 6,455,632 5,663 3,503,355 184,238 61

Barnet Bishop Douglass School Finchley

842 33 5,305,334 6,301 3,009,298 59,826 39

Barnet Hasmonean High School

1,017 5 6,735,100 6,623 3,871,441 126,876 87

Barnsley Priory School and Sports College

773 26 5,227,281 6,762 2,851,143 91,242 30

Barnsley Darfield Foulstone School of Creative Arts

714 20 4,516,487 6,326 2,351,357 114,227 41

Barnsley Wombwell High - A Humanities College

872 20 4,533,503 5,199 2,425,267 156,215 34

Barnsley Darton High School

1,054 14 5,149,847 4,886 2,433,919 151,753 46

Barnsley Willowgarth High School

869 29 4,705,318 5,415 2,365,318 148,551 34

Barnsley Penistone Grammar School

1,573 6 7,735,814 4,918 4,378,183 179,850 59

Barnsley Kirk Balk School 1,195 17 6,161,170 5,156 3,621,457 101,814 40 Barnsley The Kingstone

School 1,414 15 7,467,378 5,281 3,706,004 77,128 52

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Barnsley The Dearne High - A Specialist Humanities College

1,145 29 6,489,597 5,668 3,415,686 99,964 30

Barnsley St Michael's Catholic and Church of England High School

708 10 3,531,503 4,988 1,824,004 68,355 45

Barnsley Holgate School Sports College

939 16 5,017,349 5,343 2,590,388 131,597 39

Barnsley Carlton Community College

1,153 24 4,722,206 4,096 2,281,898 122,965 27

Bath and North East Somerset

Hayesfield Girls School

1,127 12 7,044,114 6,250 3,289,936 76,417 53

Bath and North East Somerset

Culverhay School

356 21 2,624,543 7,372 1,389,950 28,796 31

Bath and North East Somerset

Norton Hill School

1,477 6 6,987,253 4,731 3,859,970 104,800 69

Bath and North East Somerset

Chew Valley School

1,172 4 5,597,005 4,776 3,399,121 78,123 68

Bath and North East Somerset

Broadlands School

995 10 4,873,725 4,898 2,668,806 151,768 48

Bath and North East Somerset

Ralph Allen School

1,095 8 5,543,673 5,063 3,035,889 99,788 72

Bath and North East Somerset

Somervale School

548 13 3,226,624 5,888 1,709,697 74,908 56

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Bath and North East Somerset

Writhlington School

1,393 7 6,886,211 4,943 3,391,040 61,884 62

Bath and North East Somerset

Wellsway School 1,329 4 6,042,222 4,546 3,940,652 65,844 78

Bath and North East Somerset

St Mark's CofE School

277 16 2,099,879 7,581 1,041,900 47,448 38

Bath and North East Somerset

Saint Gregory's Catholic College

821 6 3,692,223 4,497 2,160,960 53,908 64

Bath and North East Somerset

Beechen Cliff School

1,152 7 5,217,645 4,529 3,291,651 22,075 67

Bath and North East Somerset

Oldfield School 848 4 3,977,055 4,690 2,184,894 61,966 73

Bedford Hastingsbury Business & Enterprise College

948 16 4,975,711 5,249 2,881,934 74,844 33

Bedford John Bunyan School

601 34 4,073,719 6,778 2,121,644 101,721 29

Bedford Mark Rutherford Upper School and Community College

1,124 13 5,801,878 5,164 3,306,958 79,828 50

Bedford Biddenham Upper School and Sports College

1,113 16 6,639,867 5,966 3,537,810 142,627 50

Bedford St Thomas More Catholic School

831 17 4,489,868 5,403 2,512,599 51,442 48

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Bedford Sharnbrook Upper School and Community College

1,799 4 10,735,075 5,967 5,910,751 23,929 76

Bedford Wootton Upper School

1,250 6 6,342,519 5,074 4,010,620 142,191 60

Bexley Bexley Grammar School

1,514 4 8,151,530 5,384 4,965,665 29,771 100

Bexley Townley Grammar School for Girls

1,465 3 7,675,597 5,239 4,652,591 31,137 99

Bexley Blackfen School for Girls

1,362 6 7,362,285 5,405 3,562,278 266,164 56

Bexley Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School

1,331 2 6,356,482 4,776 3,902,943 54,214 100

Bexley Welling School 1,525 21 8,430,607 5,528 4,441,261 64,210 51 Bexley Erith School 2,008 14 11,485,666 5,720 6,087,633 294,442 36 Bexley Bexleyheath

School 1,948 13 11,068,685 5,682 5,561,548 311,043 39

Bexley Cleeve Park School

1,057 16 5,869,547 5,553 3,335,167 209,076 37

Bexley Trinity School, Belvedere

1,045 7 5,810,246 5,560 3,608,228 52,454 49

Bexley St Columba's Catholic Boys' School

864 8 4,474,284 5,179 2,392,666 29,753 54

Bexley St Catherine's Catholic School for Girls

1,058 8 5,094,925 4,816 2,850,813 132,497 79

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Bexley Beths Grammar School

1,187 1 6,107,819 5,146 3,465,944 60,164 99

Bexley Hurstmere Foundation School for Boys

1,033 4 5,600,919 5,422 3,217,121 134,414 42

Birmingham Saltley School and Specialist Science College

934 56 5,694,782 6,097 2,818,811 225,984 41

Birmingham Waverley School 826 54 5,052,127 6,116 2,319,677 116,173 49 Birmingham Hillcrest School

A Specialist Maths and Computing College and Sixth Form Centre

669 33 4,338,030 6,484 2,648,602 42,578 53

Birmingham Hodge Hill Girls' School

710 25 4,293,626 6,047 2,296,214 182,771 55

Birmingham Lordswood Boys' School

688 34 4,744,389 6,896 2,552,976 105,188 39

Birmingham Lordswood Girls' School and The Sixth Form Centre, Harborne A Specialist Media Arts College

854 20 4,947,474 5,793 2,651,890 115,861 70

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Birmingham Kings Heath Boys Mathematics and Computing College

599 49 3,965,410 6,620 1,798,503 80,640 35

Birmingham Sheldon Heath Community Arts College

1,086 40 6,507,198 5,992 3,564,630 102,501 47

Birmingham Washwood Heath Technology College

1,399 44 8,479,398 6,061 4,233,026 140,446 51

Birmingham Bartley Green School A Specialist Technology and Sports College

894 37 5,562,514 6,222 2,525,141 171,000 57

Birmingham Perry Beeches School

895 26 5,491,295 6,136 2,641,888 702


Birmingham Bordesley Green Girls' School - Specialisms: Business, Enterprise & Applied Learning

605 43 5,168,895 8,544 2,170,972 61,987 56

Birmingham Dame Elizabeth Cadbury Technology College

581 40 4,018,769 6,923 2,016,496 181,159 42

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Birmingham Golden Hillock School. A Specialist College for Sport

858 55 6,637,651 7,736 2,990,852 260,988 42

Birmingham Harborne Hill School

526 59 4,617,913 8,779 1,716,997 311,635 35

Birmingham Queensbridge School

654 40 5,434,523 8,310 2,078,046 69,478 47

Birmingham Selly Park Technology College for Girls

695 50 4,243,480 6,106 2,378,155 219,397 60

Birmingham Turves Green Girls' School and Technology College

729 27 4,079,165 5,596 2,181,175 116,895 54

Birmingham Turves Green Boys' School

628 32 3,752,968 5,976 1,903,360 122,354 48

Birmingham Wheelers Lane Technology College

605 25 3,933,041 6,501 1,980,998 12,183 47

Birmingham Hodge Hill Sports and Enterprise College

1,140 38 6,655,075 5,838 3,402,073 60,958 38

Birmingham Stockland Green School

650 37 4,563,359 7,021 1,861,231 108,117 46

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Birmingham Handsworth Wood Girls' Visual and Performing Arts Specialist College and Sixth Form Centre

721 44 4,376,678 6,070 2,627,154 103,499 45

Birmingham Castle Vale Performing Arts College

811 41 5,159,450 6,362 2,471,946 192,433 31

Birmingham Kings Norton High School

368 42 3,652,372 9,925 1,847,569 17,149 32

Birmingham Aston Manor School

732 58 5,203,003 7,108 3,003,095 34,140 52

Birmingham Holte School 949 66 6,313,691 6,653 3,933,991 - 49 Birmingham Four Dwellings

High School 631 54 5,860,857 9,288 2,628,450 127,251 34

Birmingham Broadway School

1,120 44 7,492,739 6,690 4,229,123 185,369 49

Birmingham Cockshut Hill Technology College

1,449 24 8,459,571 5,838 4,706,479 114,362 52

Birmingham Swanshurst School

1,742 23 9,547,746 5,481 4,944,094 381,132 60

Birmingham Bournville School and Sixth Form Centre

1,278 22 6,716,417 5,255 3,906,056 81,815 57

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Birmingham Hamstead Hall Community Learning Centre

1,254 23 7,110,959 5,671 3,566,787 309,956 65

Birmingham Holyhead School 1,030 53 6,575,417 6,384 3,711,108 58,692 60 Birmingham The

International School and Community College, East Birmingham

851 53 7,629,016 8,965 3,507,256 268,678 41

Birmingham Moseley School A Language College

1,386 48 8,860,971 6,393 4,143,866 163,456 46

Birmingham Yardleys School 916 44 6,180,873 6,748 3,219,270 163,768 44 Birmingham Sutton Coldfield

Grammar School for Girls

1,036 3 5,556,905 5,364 2,846,173 63,132 100

Birmingham John Willmott School

1,187 20 6,500,179 5,476 3,352,714 47,577 52

Birmingham The Arthur Terry School

1,607 6 8,253,169 5,136 4,183,265 72,908 80

Birmingham Park View Business and Enterprise School

598 59 4,151,570 6,942 2,135,151 240,153 71

Birmingham Kingsbury School and Sports College

871 39 6,470,507 7,429 2,582,983 91,107 44

Birmingham Plantsbrook School

1,272 8 6,850,196 5,385 3,853,448 53,410 69

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Birmingham Frankley Community High School

431 44 4,336,237 10,061 1,746,799 71,807 40

Birmingham Al-Hijrah Secondary School

294 30 2,642,665 8,989 1,033,175 58,432 72

Birmingham St Paul's School for Girls

987 14 5,123,044 5,191 3,168,864 75,494 71

Birmingham St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School

1,257 22 6,355,619 5,056 3,590,626 37,318 61

Birmingham St John Wall Catholic School - A Specialist Humanities College

622 48 4,019,454 6,462 2,267,576 25,396 44

Birmingham Bishop Vesey's Grammar School

912 4 4,611,844 5,057 3,088,886 23,664 98

Birmingham Bishop Walsh Catholic School

997 7 5,079,219 5,095 3,065,421 69,674 76

Birmingham St Edmund Campion Catholic School

982 26 5,384,687 5,483 3,408,414 4,641


Birmingham Holy Trinity Catholic Media Arts College

607 51 4,234,951 6,977 2,040,721 117,908 41

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Birmingham Cardinal Wiseman Catholic Technology College

599 37 4,125,032 6,887 1,916,442 142,724 55

Birmingham Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School

1,299 53 7,615,854 5,863 3,853,724 127,161 53

Birmingham Baverstock Foundation School and Specialist Sports College

1,248 33 7,226,558 5,791 3,948,002 199,834 37

Birmingham Small Heath School

1,332 49 8,029,493 6,028 4,444,587 125,361 50

Birmingham Handsworth Grammar School

929 12 6,106,126 6,573 2,619,087 164,875 99

Birmingham Great Barr School

2,323 17 13,500,576 5,812 7,638,065 169,730 45

Birmingham King Edward VI Handsworth School

906 5 4,940,492 5,453 2,568,129 43,826 100

Birmingham King Edward VI Five Ways School

1,139 3 6,030,054 5,294 3,234,687 110,273 99

Birmingham King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls

864 4 5,360,379 6,204 2,640,506 76,480 100

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Birmingham King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys

709 3 3,954,181 5,577 2,328,682 61,541 99

Birmingham King Edward VI Aston School

749 10 4,827,851 6,446 2,487,026 61,940 99

Birmingham Hall Green School

893 15 5,331,685 5,971 2,779,504 208,047 72

Birmingham Fairfax School 1,380 11 7,033,846 5,097 3,744,584 50,667 61 Birmingham Ninestiles

School 1,395 27 9,370,749 6,717 5,544,466 - 64

Birmingham George Dixon International School and Sixth Form Centre

1,036 65 6,864,720 6,626 4,004,252 183,556 47

Birmingham Bishop Challoner Catholic College

1,162 20 7,557,775 6,504 3,770,473 49,527 71

Birmingham Kings Norton Girls' School and Language College

930 15 5,390,187 5,796 2,972,672 136,361 75

Birmingham King's Norton Boys' School

741 14 4,163,224 5,618 2,291,320 41,434 52

Birmingham Colmers School - A Specialist Sports and Science College

1,027 23 7,468,998 7,273 3,857,933 23,501 56

Blackburn with Darwen

Beardwood Humanities College

860 26 5,344,849 6,215 2,779,965 - 41,285


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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Blackburn with Darwen

Pleckgate High School Mathematics and Computing College

1,203 27 6,525,564 5,424 3,379,862 23,533 47

Blackburn with Darwen

Witton Park High School

1,046 28 5,804,896 5,550 3,236,007 101,835 47

Blackburn with Darwen

Darwen Vale High School

1,170 23 6,344,409 5,423 3,661,714 67,112 53

Blackburn with Darwen

Our Lady and St John Catholic College

983 27 5,660,322 5,758 3,083,094 182,640 39

Blackburn with Darwen

St Bede's Roman Catholic High School, Blackburn

1,019 10 5,254,875 5,157 2,957,286 121,151 64

Blackburn with Darwen

Blakewater College

433 45 3,371,078 7,785 1,739,327 35,569 26

Blackburn with Darwen

Tauheedul Islam Girls High School

427 21 2,626,712 6,152 1,037,259 - 98

Blackburn with Darwen

St Wilfrid's CofE High School and Technology College

1,555 7 8,708,541 5,600 4,568,545 125,157 70

Blackpool Highfield Humanities College

1,094 14 5,305,871 4,850 3,111,566 26,551 50

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Blackpool Bispham High School - An Arts College

873 31 4,644,888 5,321 2,468,720 170,286 42

Blackpool Montgomery High School - A Language College and Full Service School

1,441 11 6,532,515 4,533 3,557,987 233,228 66

Blackpool Beacon Hill High School Business and Enterprise College

570 41 4,048,651 7,103 1,823,922 184,342 28

Blackpool Collegiate High School

826 30 4,965,564 6,012 2,968,637 99,214 45

Blackpool Palatine Community Sports College

997 41 5,374,399 5,391 3,083,570 32,194 40

Blackpool St George's School A Church of England Business & Enterprise College

953 17 4,744,867 4,979 2,784,412 132,859 46

Blackpool St Mary's Catholic College

1,211 14 5,728,431 4,730 3,635,714 29,728 54

Bolton Westhoughton High School

1,241 14 6,282,245 5,062 3,667,794 109,182 48

Bolton Turton High School Media Arts College

1,662 8 8,485,143 5,105 4,934,152 88,907 61

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Bolton Little Lever School Specialist Language College

1,020 15 5,041,713 4,943 3,028,137 161,334 41

Bolton Harper Green School

1,445 32 7,649,556 5,294 4,306,056 131,841 45

Bolton Sharples School Science Specialist College

921 24 5,258,023 5,709 2,964,119 38,913 47

Bolton Smithills School 1,439 32 7,566,268 5,258 4,059,097 146,873 34 Bolton Rivington and

Blackrod High School

1,879 13 9,440,533 5,024 5,363,362 233,157 57

Bolton St Joseph's RC High School and Sports College

890 8 4,262,116 4,789 2,520,285 104,984 71

Bolton Mount St Joseph: Business and Enterprise College

884 27 4,625,152 5,232 2,768,374 51,887 44

Bolton Thornleigh Salesian College

1,445 14 7,339,003 5,079 4,442,439 182,850 61

Bolton Ladybridge High School

836 33 5,163,397 6,176 2,406,613 126,651 46

Bolton Bolton Muslim Girls School

455 22 2,043,272 4,491 1,006,751 17,088 85

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Bolton St James's Church of England School and Sports College

1,036 12 4,999,066 4,825 2,946,508 78,077 69

Bolton Canon Slade CofE School

1,705 2 8,491,683 4,980 5,113,734 230,570 87

Bolton George Tomlinson School

415 37 3,173,209 7,646 1,627,367 35,228 32

Bournemouth Kings High School

582 21 3,380,196 5,808 2,034,996 99,899 37

Bournemouth Portchester School

810 23 4,422,476 5,460 2,141,850 128,491 39

Bournemouth Glenmoor School

764 12 3,553,640 4,651 1,903,490 84,513 51

Bournemouth Winton Arts and Media College

856 13 4,065,268 4,749 2,094,021 86,751 33

Bournemouth Oakmead College of Technology

1,260 23 6,756,395 5,362 3,726,037 62,386 47

Bournemouth The Bishop of Winchester Comprehensive School

685 20 3,564,946 5,204 1,778,635 187,127 40

Bournemouth Bournemouth School

1,058 6 4,968,706 4,696 3,153,291 51,070 99

Bournemouth Avonbourne School

1,067 16 4,969,684 4,658 2,839,042 144,103 60

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Bournemouth Bournemouth School for Girls

1,099 4 5,038,761 4,585 3,171,458 42,694 99

Bournemouth St Peter's Catholic Comprehensive School

1,591 8 7,570,764 4,758 4,735,187 58,680 67

Bracknell Forest The Brakenhale School

885 13 4,440,728 5,018 2,465,455 164,432 37

Bracknell Forest Edgbarrow School

1,163 2 5,527,114 4,752 3,367,556 74,660 75

Bracknell Forest Sandhurst School

1,117 5 5,374,964 4,812 3,191,176 155,483 51

Bracknell Forest Garth Hill College

1,322 5 5,954,403 4,504 3,541,592 106,126 51

Bracknell Forest Easthampstead Park Community School

958 10 5,196,118 5,424 2,880,335 226,969 47

Bracknell Forest Ranelagh Church of England School

923 1 4,885,475 5,293 3,119,995 45,268 84

Bradford Buttershaw Business and Enterprise College

1,539 40 9,309,156 6,049 4,717,422 208,998 31

Bradford Belle Vue Boys' School

624 37 4,424,620 7,091 2,094,299 147,862 29

Bradford Tong High School

1,478 35 8,356,379 5,654 4,267,803 176,134 36

Bradford Belle Vue Girls' School

1,130 28 6,563,250 5,808 3,689,064 82,953 39

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Bradford Beckfoot School 1,610 13 8,560,633 5,317 4,505,127 41,769 60 Bradford Greenhead High

School 691 35 5,392,465 7,804 3,007,320 83,698 29

Bradford Queensbury School

1,122 17 5,950,133 5,303 3,351,510 138,910 44

Bradford Titus Salt School 1,409 17 7,200,041 5,110 4,109,215 192,324 50 Bradford Aire Valley

School 885 40 5,976,762 6,753 2,953,488 83,067 27

Bradford Carlton Bolling College

1,417 40 9,113,143 6,431 4,774,851 302,907 36

Bradford Grange Technology College

1,852 35 11,463,499 6,190 5,893,635 325,497 39

Bradford The Challenge College

940 44 5,830,601 6,203 2,964,135 105,602 42

Bradford Parkside School 1,070 9 5,655,719 5,286 3,144,375 327,717 57 Bradford Ilkley Grammar

School 1,586 3 7,664,182 4,832 4,175,589 92,790 76

Bradford St Bede's Catholic Grammar School

955 13 4,556,075 4,771 2,558,942 100,556 55

Bradford The Holy Family Catholic School

917 10 5,159,529 5,627 3,031,172 61,891 46

Bradford St Joseph's Catholic College

1,004 13 4,730,181 4,711 2,816,936 210,297 53

Bradford Yorkshire Martyrs Catholic College

507 30 4,819,360 9,506 2,599,142 28,274 27

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Bradford Feversham College

626 35 3,817,564 6,098 1,951,204 145,669 57

Bradford Immanuel College

1,167 24 6,236,261 5,344 3,195,845 132,385 39

Bradford Bingley Grammar School

1,890 9 8,837,451 4,676 4,971,555 153,576 74

Bradford Hanson School 1,782 18 8,856,452 4,970 5,271,705 147,009 38 Bradford Oakbank School 1,825 20 9,587,143 5,253 5,466,941 147,631 41 Bradford Thornton

Grammar School 1,464 21 7,825,527 5,345 4,495,871 168,415 45

Bradford Laisterdyke Business and Enterprise College

1,054 44 6,945,977 6,590 3,083,857 174,895 38

Brent Wembley High Technology College

1,312 32 8,302,771 6,328 4,501,987 70,580 75

Brent JFS 2,066 9 16,832,505 8,147 7,582,005 682,199 88 Brent Claremont High

School 1,489 13 9,050,173 6,078 6,197,673 61,361 76

Brent Copland - A Specialist Science Community College

1,716 31 11,947,598 6,962 7,313,475 215,700 37

Brent Kingsbury High School

2,023 21 12,930,861 6,392 7,672,608 457,897 66

Brent Queens Park Community School

1,205 24 8,725,271 7,241 4,988,394 241,591 57

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Brent Convent of Jesus and Mary Language College

1,020 22 6,252,062 6,129 3,591,674 202,478 61

Brent Alperton Community School

1,398 23 9,040,859 6,467 5,096,585 187,553 58

Brent St Gregory RC High School

1,035 19 6,191,546 5,982 3,835,929 74,102 67

Brent Newman Catholic College

500 23 4,322,813 8,646 2,170,373 68,918 41

Brent Preston Manor High School

1,481 24 9,995,795 6,749 5,944,644 171,490 60

Brighton and Hove

Varndean School

1,310 19 6,215,156 4,744 3,605,422 17,369 58

Brighton and Hove

Dorothy Stringer High School

1,654 9 8,373,854 5,063 5,416,484 147,559 63

Brighton and Hove

Longhill High School

1,202 20 6,243,748 5,194 3,315,456 156,609 43

Brighton and Hove

Falmer High School

688 38 4,635,388 6,737 2,388,369 349,251 23

Brighton and Hove

Portslade Community College

939 21 5,692,356 6,062 3,186,373 89,641 35

Brighton and Hove

Blatchington Mill School and Sixth Form College

1,777 13 8,715,151 4,904 4,664,659 91,831 65

Brighton and Hove

Hove Park School and Sixth Form Centre

1,713 18 8,976,921 5,240 4,924,507 319,687 41

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Brighton and Hove

Patcham High School

915 19 4,980,206 5,443 3,022,236 122,914 36

Brighton and Hove

Cardinal Newman Catholic School

2,093 9 9,683,256 4,626 5,423,526 293,792 59

Bristol Ashton Park School

1,161 12 6,522,426 5,618 3,831,205 84,299 49

Bristol Henbury School 805 27 4,847,027 6,021 2,484,022 84,813 38 Bristol Brislington

Enterprise College

1,097 24 6,018,405 5,486 3,350,927 111,076 37

Bristol Orchard School 788 27 5,033,111 6,387 2,399,137 59,922 37 Bristol Bedminster

Down School 1,012 14 5,456,543 5,392 3,018,618 109,342 40

Bristol Bridge Learning Campus - Secondary

666 37 4,548,954 6,830 2,296,207 63,570 34

Bristol Cotham School 1,291 18 6,716,892 5,203 3,810,478 69,173 77 Bristol Fairfield High

School 935 31 5,345,211 5,717 2,490,603 88,646 49

Bristol St Bede's Catholic College

902 6 4,064,002 4,506 2,450,626 59,269 72

Bristol St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School

1,499 9 8,147,228 5,435 4,174,551 124,393 70

Bristol Redland Green 765 3 5,861,066 7,662 2,690,010 65,820 -

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Bristol St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School

754 11 3,591,051 4,763 2,113,231 107,501 37

Bromley Cator Park School

1,176 25 6,065,710 5,158 3,932,898 61,811 41

Bromley Bishop Justus CofE School

1,035 12 5,626,357 5,436 2,833,363 84,290 60

Bromley Bullers Wood School

1,439 9 7,538,303 5,239 4,818,153 25,915 73

Bromley Coopers Technology College

1,503 17 7,567,913 5,035 4,732,157 40,281 51

Bromley Langley Park School for Boys

1,681 3 8,704,457 5,178 5,818,051 162,339 79

Bromley Ravens Wood School

1,508 5 8,476,984 5,621 5,564,452 148,355 76

Bromley Kelsey Park Sports College

928 29 5,660,569 6,100 3,212,312 210,522 46

Bromley Newstead Wood School for Girls

987 1 4,977,902 5,043 3,432,298 68,072 100

Bromley Kemnal Technology College

1,109 13 6,039,598 5,446 3,912,309 - 57

Bromley Hayes School 1,628 4 7,963,745 4,892 4,994,040 70,475 77 Bromley Beaverwood

School for Girls 1,318 12 6,174,489 4,685 3,987,474 310,102 55

Bromley Charles Darwin School

1,314 7 6,537,910 4,976 4,405,165 55,816 57

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Bromley St Olave's and St Saviour's Grammar School

957 1 5,236,089 5,471 3,126,359 3,760


Bromley Langley Park School for Girls

1,622 4 8,237,345 5,079 5,561,566 91,086 78

Bromley The Ravensbourne School

1,447 20 8,188,779 5,659 4,799,549 47,117 55

Bromley Darrick Wood School

1,715 5 8,611,187 5,021 5,239,767 49,718 71

Bromley The Priory School

1,281 24 7,955,942 6,211 4,491,738 64,977 58

Buckinghamshire Highcrest Community School

770 28 4,719,576 6,129 2,436,662 126,295 45

Buckinghamshire Buckingham School

932 5 4,851,359 5,205 2,270,745 333,001 48

Buckinghamshire John Hampden Grammar School

1,015 1 4,684,338 4,615 2,574,966 131,733 97

Buckinghamshire The Grange School

1,278 9 5,827,437 4,560 3,303,320 123,616 45

Buckinghamshire Princes Risborough

936 4 4,714,491 5,037 2,834,676 34,092 50

Buckinghamshire The Misbourne School

1,226 6 5,668,187 4,623 3,206,760 330,666 54

Buckinghamshire John Colet School

1,008 2 4,282,521 4,249 2,412,280 86,309 59

Buckinghamshire Burnham Grammar School

833 3 3,957,875 4,751 2,318,314 68,000 98

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Buckinghamshire Aylesbury High School

1,289 0 5,592,627 4,339 3,373,155 76,600 99

Buckinghamshire Dr Challoner's High School

1,052 0 5,127,483 4,874 3,075,290 104,880 100

Buckinghamshire Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School

1,016 3 4,774,577 4,699 2,769,885 82,867 99

Buckinghamshire The Mandeville School Specialist Sports College

1,049 13 5,818,620 5,547 2,892,281 125,659 32

Buckinghamshire Holmer Green Senior School

869 2 4,200,520 4,834 2,440,262 24,849 61

Buckinghamshire Cressex Community School

504 52 3,768,423 7,477 1,684,996 121,592 38

Buckinghamshire Burnham Upper School

663 17 3,683,131 5,555 1,905,332 139,722 37

Buckinghamshire Chesham Grammar School

1,269 1 5,426,576 4,276 3,395,643 55,592 97

Buckinghamshire The Beaconsfield School

874 6 4,467,912 5,112 2,389,025 70,581 44

Buckinghamshire Sir William Ramsay School

1,023 11 5,071,762 4,958 2,959,438 35,884 48

Buckinghamshire The Wye Valley School

790 11 4,956,103 6,274 2,343,780 108,953 46

Buckinghamshire Amersham School

779 9 3,757,006 4,823 2,116,926 53,157 50

Buckinghamshire Chesham Park Community College

705 10 3,946,687 5,598 2,327,598 100,506 48

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Buckinghamshire Aylesbury Grammar School

1,281 1 6,124,926 4,781 3,595,865 58,197 99

Buckinghamshire Royal Latin School

1,262 2 5,525,705 4,379 3,377,463 72,968 99

Buckinghamshire Wycombe High School

1,317 3 5,987,300 4,546 3,443,796 90,929 99

Buckinghamshire Dr Challoner's Grammar School

1,286 0 6,325,425 4,919 3,480,117 13,150 100

Buckinghamshire Sir William Borlase's Grammar School

992 0 4,906,756 4,946 2,653,577 25,953 100

Buckinghamshire St Bernard's Catholic School

653 4 2,795,818 4,281 1,594,994 100,013 64

Buckinghamshire Beaconsfield High School

1,075 0 5,446,213 5,066 3,243,532 11,269 100

Buckinghamshire The Chalfonts Community College

1,784 5 8,907,226 4,993 4,411,408 131,294 59

Buckinghamshire The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe

1,374 1 6,524,100 4,748 4,133,128 24,290 100

Buckinghamshire The Cottesloe School

1,132 4 4,810,186 4,249 2,877,206 156,919 50

Buckinghamshire Waddesdon Church of England School

970 3 4,758,257 4,905 2,682,733 26,137 72

Buckinghamshire Great Marlow School

1,196 11 5,602,466 4,684 3,165,740 125,524 50

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Bury The Elton High School Specialist Arts College

940 13 4,294,819 4,569 2,559,737 165,317 72

Bury Manchester Mesivta School

186 1 1,179,489 6,341 697,118 27,224 84

Bury The Derby High School

866 25 4,370,675 5,047 2,516,677 71,985 51

Bury Tottington High School

944 8 4,185,800 4,434 2,426,403 89,395 64

Bury Parrenthorn High School

820 13 3,768,436 4,596 2,102,765 61,852 65

Bury Philips High School

873 19 4,022,418 4,608 2,405,922 78,354 61

Bury Woodhey High School

986 7 4,808,860 4,877 2,761,156 229,399 80

Bury Prestwich Arts College

828 30 4,224,449 5,102 2,259,484 151,125 39

Bury Castlebrook High School

784 16 3,952,869 5,042 2,166,627 120,524 58

Bury Broad Oak Sports College

532 34 3,361,352 6,318 1,914,656 19,993 47

Bury Bury Church of England High School

782 3 3,641,177 4,656 2,131,835 94,979 74

Bury St Monica's RC High School

1,126 9 4,917,523 4,367 3,041,357 298,326 76

Bury St Gabriel's RC High School

1,040 8 4,475,301 4,303 2,914,830 113,597 71

Bury Radcliffe Riverside School

418 30 3,382,641 8,092 1,676,114 156,170 29

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Calderdale Park Lane Learning Trust

516 43 3,805,732 7,375 1,801,301 101,709 23

Calderdale Calder High School, A Specialist Technology College

1,326 12 6,682,611 5,040 3,749,963 135,854 56

Calderdale Sowerby Bridge High School

1,012 25 5,556,224 5,490 2,945,348 87,278 40

Calderdale Todmorden High School

741 16 4,068,845 5,491 2,168,199 31,209 50

Calderdale Halifax High at Wellesley Park

796 36 5,260,640 6,609 2,740,237 244,310 44

Calderdale The North Halifax Grammar School

1,113 1 5,229,245 4,698 3,062,291 44,753 99

Calderdale The Crossley Heath School

1,038 1 5,056,544 4,871 2,802,370 92,478 98

Calderdale Rastrick High School

1,443 12 7,251,659 5,025 4,153,410 138,523 56

Calderdale Holy Trinity CofE Senior School

1,028 11 4,828,498 4,697 2,902,439 149,803 48

Calderdale Hipperholme and Lightcliffe High School and Sports College

1,366 7 6,628,894 4,853 3,305,164 190,753 50

Calderdale The Brooksbank School

1,659 12 8,333,896 5,023 4,638,889 76,502 57

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Calderdale Brighouse High School

1,354 7 6,523,136 4,818 3,694,086 77,084 61

Calderdale St Catherine's Catholic High School

805 28 4,303,878 5,346 2,581,896 156,798 30

Calderdale Ryburn Valley High School

1,427 12 6,680,122 4,681 4,064,368 78,718 46

Cambridgeshire Bottisham Village College

1,049 6 4,849,140 4,623 2,627,415 43,435 70

Cambridgeshire Impington Village College

1,377 8 7,416,502 5,386 4,048,020 66,922 64

Cambridgeshire Swavesey Village College

1,211 4 5,683,661 4,693 3,200,021 148,367 79

Cambridgeshire Parkside Community College

601 8 2,945,666 4,901 1,601,587 11,229 63

Cambridgeshire Chesterton Community College

949 14 4,533,300 4,777 2,393,640 16,736 61

Cambridgeshire Coleridge Community College

547 21 3,010,663 5,504 1,686,723 6,530


Cambridgeshire Cottenham Village College

869 6 5,173,933 5,954 2,675,907 63,237 59

Cambridgeshire Melbourn Village College

535 5 2,857,773 5,342 1,503,919 44,850 66

Cambridgeshire Cromwell Community College

1,079 8 4,678,206 4,336 2,817,195 179,897 47

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Cambridgeshire Sir Harry Smith Community College

1,055 9 5,026,901 4,765 2,674,283 55,654 67

Cambridgeshire Witchford Village College

798 8 4,017,115 5,034 2,237,714 43,764 57

Cambridgeshire The Manor - A Foundation School

360 26 3,003,949 8,344 1,335,430 33,365 49

Cambridgeshire The Netherhall School

1,290 10 6,194,970 4,802 3,850,092 34,692 61

Cambridgeshire St Ivo School 1,813 7 8,151,598 4,496 4,927,383 100,953 66 Cambridgeshire St Neots

Community College

935 14 5,206,450 5,568 3,017,876 173,209 36

Cambridgeshire City of Ely Community College

1,275 9 5,890,473 4,622 3,413,038 80,980 52

Cambridgeshire The Neale-Wade Community College

1,653 14 8,212,768 4,970 4,545,985 125,915 52

Cambridgeshire Hinchingbrooke School

1,928 7 9,602,151 4,980 5,011,649 83,752 65

Cambridgeshire St Bede's Inter-Church School

750 6 3,661,606 4,882 1,885,998 88,160 68

Cambridgeshire Abbey College, Ramsey

1,474 9 7,255,982 4,923 4,225,858 169,094 63

Cambridgeshire Thomas Clarkson Community College

1,353 19 7,093,250 5,243 3,699,610 395,537 27

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Cambridgeshire Bassingbourn Village College

676 5 3,305,603 4,890 1,770,204 16,820 69

Cambridgeshire Sawtry Community College

1,375 9 6,231,504 4,532 3,945,417 49,769 56

Cambridgeshire Comberton Village College

1,401 7 7,501,908 5,355 4,450,423 127,228 82

Cambridgeshire Sawston Village College

1,055 7 4,731,641 4,485 2,284,863 60,483 69

Cambridgeshire Longsands College

1,760 7 7,103,292 4,036 4,413,084 53,365 67

Cambridgeshire St Peter's School

1,191 14 5,975,140 5,017 3,520,767 8,175


Cambridgeshire Soham Village College

1,340 7 5,830,144 4,351 3,422,046 92,646 64

Cambridgeshire Linton Village College

819 4 3,989,735 4,871 2,107,787 45,100 66

Camden Haverstock School

1,262 56 9,643,187 7,641 5,489,078 324,440 37

Camden Parliament Hill School

1,245 43 8,626,297 6,929 4,789,911 231,923 63

Camden South Camden Community School

898 53 7,371,044 8,208 4,154,830 169,411 38

Camden Hampstead School

1,290 37 9,173,732 7,111 4,887,679 219,690 54

Camden Acland Burghley School

1,250 29 8,914,064 7,131 5,291,276 81,394 51

Camden The Camden School for Girls

1,014 28 7,043,517 6,946 4,190,367 57,423 74

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Camden Maria Fidelis Roman Catholic Convent School FCJ

824 42 5,315,316 6,451 3,161,087 122,800 47

Camden William Ellis School

910 34 6,751,793 7,420 4,067,411 159,932 54

Camden La Sainte Union Catholic Secondary School

1,217 19 7,233,293 5,944 4,667,089 137,837 76

Central Bedfordshire

Redborne Upper School and Community College

1,385 3 7,125,259 5,145 4,376,159 45,894 70

Central Bedfordshire

Stratton Upper School and Community College

1,244 7 6,514,128 5,236 3,712,218 15,972 56

Central Bedfordshire

Cedars Upper School

1,267 5 6,432,036 5,077 3,786,262 149,361 60

Central Bedfordshire

Sandy Upper School and Community Sports College

830 6 4,183,946 5,041 2,239,692 115,641 51

Central Bedfordshire

Samuel Whitbread Community College

1,690 4 8,811,103 5,214 5,128,261 111,465 57

Central Bedfordshire

Harlington Upper School

1,362 4 6,438,842 4,727 4,170,499 46,633 73

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Central Bedfordshire

Vandyke Upper School and Community College

939 8 5,521,660 5,880 2,895,586 97,701 50

Central Bedfordshire

Queensbury Upper School

1,261 5 5,899,275 4,678 3,531,822 36,853 42

Central Bedfordshire

Manshead CofE VA Upper School

1,089 7 5,521,923 5,071 3,089,486 30,880 46

Cheshire East Tytherington High School

1,150 9 5,501,715 4,784 3,216,680 107,955 50

Cheshire East Alsager School 1,346 8 6,300,323 4,681 3,737,897 78,812 74 Cheshire East Sandbach High

School and Sixth Form College

1,359 5 7,230,818 5,321 4,051,313 203,624 74

Cheshire East Middlewich High School

694 8 3,756,338 5,413 1,842,657 62,770 53

Cheshire East Ruskin Sports College - A Community High School

683 16 3,889,710 5,695 2,077,379 234,537 50

Cheshire East Malbank School and Sixth Form College

1,299 6 5,711,518 4,397 3,515,599 72,775 69

Cheshire East Shavington High School

751 10 3,602,918 4,797 2,111,953 153,966 50

Cheshire East Knutsford High School

1,437 8 6,665,027 4,638 4,079,151 83,894 66

Cheshire East Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School

1,178 4 5,283,259 4,485 3,104,881 77,588 79

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Cheshire East Poynton High School

1,594 3 6,977,087 4,377 4,559,695 103,726 69

Cheshire East Brine Leas High School

1,057 5 4,762,001 4,505 2,782,824 115,585 73

Cheshire East Kings Grove School

762 17 4,083,093 5,358 2,264,379 52,065 49

Cheshire East Wilmslow High School

1,977 8 9,331,281 4,720 5,212,370 60,220 72

Cheshire East Congleton High School

1,068 8 5,057,712 4,736 3,038,564 76,838 59

Cheshire East Eaton Bank School

975 12 4,877,018 5,002 3,044,409 39,045 54

Cheshire East St Thomas More Catholic High School, A Specialist School for Maths & ICT

613 5 3,043,236 4,964 2,003,687 41,091 67

Cheshire East All Hallows Catholic College

1,088 8 5,042,002 4,634 3,130,610 96,386 63

Cheshire East Sir William Stanier Community School

948 32 6,026,749 6,357 3,240,672 97,628 47

Cheshire East Fallibroome High School

1,535 5 6,996,198 4,558 3,978,093 73,251 75

Cheshire East Macclesfield High School

826 23 4,448,607 5,386 2,394,431 120,254 42

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Cheshire West and Chester

Blacon High School, A Specialist Sports College

479 39 3,853,956 8,046 1,771,929 83,716 38

Cheshire West and Chester

Queen's Park High School

834 24 4,898,377 5,873 2,612,462 56,506 47

Cheshire West and Chester

Neston High School

1,569 8 7,211,460 4,596 4,591,987 73,086 56

Cheshire West and Chester

Rudheath Community High School

639 20 3,783,874 5,922 1,924,591 54,277 34

Cheshire West and Chester

Woodford Lodge High School

463 35 3,534,982 7,635 1,998,120 87,360 27

Cheshire West and Chester

The Verdin High School

902 19 4,974,616 5,515 2,804,437 154,178 38

Cheshire West and Chester

Weaverham High School

1,029 9 4,510,775 4,384 2,789,726 45,496 69

Cheshire West and Chester

The County High School Leftwich

932 8 3,985,285 4,276 2,400,645 70,689 64

Cheshire West and Chester

Tarporley High School and Sixth Form College

1,013 4 4,560,716 4,502 2,718,203 72,944 74

Cheshire West and Chester

Christleton High School

1,319 7 6,050,227 4,587 3,689,412 112,235 73

Cheshire West and Chester

Upton-by-Chester High School

1,662 9 7,185,290 4,323 4,648,785 115,788 68

Cheshire West and Chester

Bishop Heber High School

1,038 6 4,658,745 4,488 3,059,102 34,677 74

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Cheshire West and Chester

The Whitby High School

1,584 10 6,695,858 4,227 4,466,096 86,335 56

Cheshire West and Chester

Helsby High School

1,540 7 6,555,933 4,257 4,334,101 74,433 68

Cheshire West and Chester

Hartford High School A Specialist Languages and Sports College

1,075 13 5,075,053 4,721 2,889,569 70,887 56

Cheshire West and Chester

The Catholic High School, Chester A Specialist Science College

1,010 9 5,231,560 5,180 2,940,057 83,541 52

Cheshire West and Chester

St Nicholas Catholic High School

1,238 4 5,591,388 4,516 3,562,235 30,002 72

Cheshire West and Chester

Ellesmere Port Catholic High School

1,070 10 4,946,291 4,623 3,079,372 66,226 60

Cheshire West and Chester

The Bishops' Blue Coat Church of England High School

1,055 7 4,929,844 4,673 2,888,975 81,548 50

Cornwall Launceston College

1,357 10 7,048,233 5,194 3,893,309 40,419 51

Cornwall Treviglas Community College

1,013 10 5,583,913 5,512 3,047,760 150,787 53

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Cornwall Sir James Smith's Community School

552 12 3,099,281 5,615 1,541,646 86,064 52

Cornwall saltash.net community school

1,347 9 6,687,099 4,964 3,987,251 86,395 53

Cornwall Torpoint Community College

915 11 4,731,574 5,171 2,642,559 82,963 52

Cornwall Fowey Community College

988 11 5,475,544 5,542 2,749,437 180,481 43

Cornwall Helston Community College

1,578 6 7,964,256 5,047 4,483,161 37,915 71

Cornwall Penryn College 1,006 12 5,821,853 5,787 2,912,853 58,642 66 Cornwall Budehaven

Community School

1,280 10 6,455,127 5,043 3,777,520 80,356 58

Cornwall Callington Community College

1,381 9 9,295,986 6,731 4,524,373 103,600 56

Cornwall Falmouth School 1,113 12 5,838,857 5,246 3,184,060 80,468 51 Cornwall Wadebridge

School 1,225 7 5,627,000 4,593 3,194,149 75,659 67

Cornwall Bodmin College 1,544 15 7,903,962 5,119 4,454,896 190,283 46 Cornwall Brannel School 722 11 3,463,526 4,797 1,869,286 100,900 49

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Cornwall Penrice Community College

1,322 9 6,207,433 4,695 3,648,404 93,804 62

Cornwall Poltair School 813 16 4,759,103 5,854 2,688,359 112,602 36 Cornwall Camborne

Science and Community College

1,272 15 6,529,418 5,133 3,575,361 190,065 40

Cornwall Redruth School: A Technology College

1,173 13 6,822,903 5,817 3,805,035 156,875 49

Cornwall Richard Lander School

1,335 10 6,564,578 4,917 3,868,316 76,313 66

Cornwall The Roseland Community College

609 7 3,191,708 5,241 1,593,412 92,434 53

Cornwall Pool Business and Enterprise College

845 15 4,328,712 5,123 2,203,576 62,947 43

Cornwall Mullion School 525 9 2,719,956 5,181 1,561,300 70,958 70 Cornwall Newquay

Tretherras School

1,617 9 7,825,422 4,839 4,682,137 62,350 61

Cornwall Penair School A Science College

1,195 8 5,955,276 4,983 3,469,825 129,763 69

Cornwall Liskeard School and Community College

1,206 12 6,723,358 5,575 3,587,264 71,709 43

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Cornwall Looe Community School

615 6 3,057,770 4,972 1,786,115 58,236 45

Cornwall Cape Cornwall School

409 16 2,755,023 6,736 1,247,054 91,973 52

Cornwall St Ives School, A Technology College

668 9 3,185,874 4,769 1,741,226 89,378 52

Cornwall Hayle Community School

720 15 3,551,128 4,932 1,985,527 77,515 49

Cornwall Mounts Bay School

887 12 5,332,447 6,012 2,760,358 223,745 51

Cornwall Humphry Davy School

725 18 3,976,190 5,484 1,917,399 49,440 53

Coventry Barr's Hill School and Community College

706 40 4,848,930 6,868 2,349,541 67,506 29

Coventry Stoke Park School and Community Technology College

1,095 24 6,243,862 5,702 3,581,559 - 322,165 47

Coventry Coundon Court School and Community College

1,689 7 8,284,341 4,905 4,880,108 68,498 54

Coventry The Woodlands School

881 15 5,436,554 6,171 2,912,283 63,010 52

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Coventry Caludon Castle School

1,561 10 8,094,556 5,185 4,568,029 9,855


Coventry Foxford School and Community Arts College

1,000 25 5,831,508 5,832 3,327,723 64,647 53

Coventry Lyng Hall School 649 36 4,979,083 7,672 2,274,074 42,144 34 Coventry Tile Hill Wood

School and Language College

1,268 15 6,739,085 5,315 3,871,975 124,832 51

Coventry President Kennedy School and Community College

1,385 24 7,654,233 5,527 4,360,110 181,672 44

Coventry Finham Park School

1,492 6 8,005,983 5,366 4,487,629 217,024 76

Coventry Sidney Stringer School - Specialising in Mathematics and Computing

1,233 42 7,717,540 6,259 4,179,315 92,195 41

Coventry Ernesford Grange Community School A Specialist Science College

815 31 6,073,143 7,452 2,870,818 174,830 40

Coventry The Westwood School - A Technology College

594 24 3,578,911 6,025 1,903,993 7,130


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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Coventry Whitley Abbey Business and Enterprise College

769 30 4,379,281 5,695 2,042,109 51,430 45

Coventry Bishop Ullathorne Catholic School

858 16 4,749,573 5,536 2,970,539 63,189 66

Coventry Cardinal Newman Catholic School A Specialist Arts and Community College

1,271 15 5,930,067 4,666 3,275,730 130,035 53

Coventry Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School and Language College

1,382 22 7,796,252 5,641 4,200,945 77,398 50

Coventry The Coventry Blue Coat Church of England School and Music College

1,388 10 6,939,569 5,000 4,138,243 53,120 79

Croydon Westwood Girls College for Languages and Arts

693 32 4,391,072 6,336 2,299,812 155,280 41

Croydon Woodcote High School

1,074 7 5,784,376 5,386 3,390,538 137,413 65

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Croydon Selsdon High School

634 33 4,554,556 7,184 2,544,917 36,684 23

Croydon Addington High School

791 40 5,520,330 6,979 3,270,551 42,583 38

Croydon Archbishop Tenison's CofE High School

772 4 4,325,320 5,603 2,459,478 87,635 77

Croydon St Andrew's CofE Voluntary Aided High School

696 7 3,814,836 5,481 1,942,403 240,553 56

Croydon St Mary's Catholic High School

715 17 3,995,829 5,589 2,563,885 42,214 45

Croydon Riddlesdown Collegiate

1,986 7 9,317,400 4,692 5,443,307 57,773 66

Croydon Edenham High School

1,143 20 5,899,433 5,164 3,596,243 324,785 44

Croydon St Joseph's College

1,054 9 5,316,197 5,044 3,530,021 123,181 64

Croydon Thomas More Catholic School

732 18 4,400,327 6,011 2,491,368 20,270 51

Croydon Coloma Convent Girls' School

1,052 3 5,325,277 5,062 3,349,442 125,059 88

Croydon Norbury Manor Business and Enterprise College for Girls

1,060 16 5,916,422 5,582 3,651,396 30,869 61

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Croydon Shirley High School Performing Arts College

916 14 4,609,309 5,032 3,070,300 35,966 60

Croydon The Archbishop Lanfranc School

1,051 25 7,171,911 6,824 3,824,883 125,212 45

Croydon Virgo Fidelis Convent Senior School

889 13 4,946,452 5,564 2,452,294 275,360 54

Cumbria Beacon Hill Community School

166 18 1,363,705 8,215 692,365 58,575 28

Cumbria Solway Community Technology College

185 21 1,309,034 7,076 720,439 37,167 40

Cumbria Samuel King's School

200 7 1,203,595 6,018 655,129 34,942 57

Cumbria The Lakes School

665 4 3,401,121 5,114 2,016,331 86,223 71

Cumbria Settlebeck High School

191 6 1,417,324 7,421 743,418 8,958


Cumbria Cockermouth School

1,400 6 7,183,594 5,131 4,096,971 98,703 68

Cumbria Netherhall School

788 20 5,459,215 6,928 2,710,908 80,579 54

Cumbria Dowdales School

1,060 9 5,148,143 4,857 3,326,438 36,840 63

Cumbria John Ruskin School

197 8 1,303,573 6,617 642,452 6,863


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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Cumbria Ulverston Victoria High School

1,104 8 5,619,670 5,090 3,234,697 92,331 64

Cumbria Millom School 635 11 3,562,306 5,614 2,077,190 41,306 45 Cumbria Walney School 657 20 3,905,730 5,945 2,032,342 25,899 36 Cumbria Ullswater

Community College

1,443 6 7,663,674 5,311 4,139,790 36,540 52

Cumbria Southfield Technology College

607 23 3,760,694 6,196 2,451,389 66,747 47

Cumbria Stainburn School and Science College

920 15 4,939,178 5,369 2,383,651 216,031 55

Cumbria Whitehaven School

1,300 19 7,107,351 5,467 4,089,247 282,370 40

Cumbria The Nelson Thomlinson School

1,371 7 6,354,833 4,635 3,799,610 34,180 63

Cumbria St Benedict's Catholic High School

1,398 11 6,613,856 4,731 4,159,768 67,280 56

Cumbria Newman Catholic School

541 21 2,675,784 4,946 1,602,708 71,197 46

Cumbria St Bernard's Catholic High School

859 12 4,015,505 4,675 2,468,641 29,768 60

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Cumbria St Joseph's Catholic High School, Business and Enterprise College

631 16 3,268,927 5,181 1,665,012 24,219 65

Cumbria Kirkbie Kendal School

1,048 5 4,843,241 4,621 2,956,978 38,151 61

Cumbria Queen Elizabeth Grammar School

833 1 4,327,145 5,195 2,678,016 48,291 96

Cumbria Trinity School 1,805 9 9,118,605 5,052 5,210,253 65,043 64 Cumbria The Queen

Katherine School

1,414 5 6,827,247 4,828 4,128,496 88,452 65

Cumbria Dallam School 1,026 4 5,031,789 4,904 3,032,991 70,568 68 Cumbria Kirkby Stephen

Grammar School 421 10 2,734,946 6,504 1,210,103 46,416 63

Cumbria Appleby Grammar School

640 6 3,344,010 5,225 1,722,366 84,874 48

Cumbria Cartmel Priory CofE School

370 7 1,950,235 5,271 1,022,018 32,040 58

Cumbria Queen Elizabeth School

1,439 3 7,251,311 5,039 4,551,024 70,961 77

Cumbria William Howard School

1,601 4 8,509,278 5,315 4,225,273 39,490 69

Cumbria Caldew School 987 9 4,827,808 4,891 3,089,045 39,525 53 Cumbria Keswick School 1,057 2 5,398,106 5,107 3,021,593 28,918 75 Darlington Hurworth School 657 8 3,616,935 5,505 2,011,715 129,205 77

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Darlington Haughton Community School

849 28 4,868,346 5,734 2,686,814 212,239 41

Darlington Branksome Science College

578 19 3,563,144 6,165 1,723,352 95,732 35

Darlington Longfield School 896 13 4,716,965 5,264 2,533,186 112,476 51 Darlington Hummersknott

School and Language College

1,208 9 5,964,132 4,937 3,328,179 105,156 62

Darlington Carmel RC College

1,146 8 6,173,420 5,387 3,582,272 21,807 80

Derby Sinfin Community School

900 27 5,222,573 5,803 2,846,101 56,591 26

Derby Bemrose School 757 32 5,248,320 6,933 2,638,236 143,122 37 Derby Derby Moor

Community Sports College

1,322 21 7,390,405 5,590 3,783,783 347,659 45

Derby Lees Brook Community Sports College

1,176 12 6,133,036 5,215 3,577,567 106,386 61

Derby Littleover Community School

1,496 6 6,785,203 4,536 4,334,037 102,377 88

Derby Saint Benedict Catholic School and Performing Arts College

1,471 14 7,836,940 5,328 3,941,995 163,593 45

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Derby da Vinci Community College

626 34 3,719,754 5,942 1,948,420 114,355 36

Derby Chellaston School

1,707 7 7,759,414 4,546 4,895,773 24,467 78

Derby Merrill College 1,054 34 5,824,885 5,526 2,857,642 138,969 32 Derby Murray Park

Community School

982 12 4,778,771 4,866 2,953,644 141,091 62

Derby Noel-Baker Community School and Language College

1,273 18 6,706,127 5,268 3,844,881 57,639 39

Derby West Park School

1,293 12 5,625,389 4,351 3,404,604 10,160 72

Derby Woodlands School

1,187 8 5,713,468 4,813 3,266,330 182,153 72

Derbyshire Swanwick Hall School

1,310 13 6,480,381 4,947 3,634,762 136,176 47

Derbyshire Alfreton Grange Arts College

731 31 4,039,678 5,526 2,046,480 61,969 34

Derbyshire Chapel-en-le-Frith High School

912 9 5,050,306 5,538 2,569,674 36,865 52

Derbyshire Tupton Hall School

1,888 11 9,218,983 4,884 5,055,866 139,031 59

Derbyshire The Long Eaton School

1,302 10 6,634,640 5,096 3,561,368 115,316 54

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Derbyshire Wilsthorpe Community School

864 16 4,234,264 4,901 2,468,342 70,513 59

Derbyshire New Mills School Business & Enterprise College

678 12 4,218,073 6,221 2,176,841 65,613 62

Derbyshire Deincourt Community School

322 15 4,221,312 13,110 1,622,781 39,135 40

Derbyshire William Allitt School

941 15 4,466,290 4,746 2,552,507 55,019 51

Derbyshire Aldercar Community Language College

908 15 5,342,836 5,884 2,909,569 121,428 47

Derbyshire Granville Sports College

709 12 3,192,271 4,502 1,823,677 101,191 46

Derbyshire Frederick Gent School

915 14 4,446,957 4,860 2,666,246 55,221 51

Derbyshire Hope Valley College

595 4 3,153,859 5,305 1,645,535 82,218 64

Derbyshire Eckington School

1,565 8 7,230,936 4,622 4,822,306 161,395 55

Derbyshire Ilkeston School: Specialist Arts College

1,067 11 5,359,702 5,023 3,041,868 61,709 48

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Derbyshire Bennerley Business and Enterprise College

412 35 2,759,627 6,698 1,352,700 75,683 38

Derbyshire Kirk Hallam Community Technology and Sports College

1,136 13 5,281,231 4,649 3,103,835 56,117 66

Derbyshire John Flamsteed Community School

607 7 3,437,967 5,664 1,624,097 179,390 54

Derbyshire Tibshelf School 718 14 3,905,127 5,439 2,134,664 96,588 60 Derbyshire Highfields

School 1,442 8 6,520,721 4,522 3,895,303 158,410 60

Derbyshire Glossopdale Community College

1,516 11 7,480,126 4,934 3,906,887 193,677 49

Derbyshire The Meadows Community School

642 18 3,707,762 5,775 2,037,309 246,588 37

Derbyshire Hasland Hall Community School

863 12 3,778,670 4,379 2,254,379 50,380 59

Derbyshire Newbold Community School

1,124 18 5,577,027 4,962 2,787,176 129,992 51

Derbyshire Parkside Community School

494 27 3,890,345 7,875 1,715,493 76,901 41

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Derbyshire Brookfield Community School

1,340 4 6,201,684 4,628 3,871,429 120,491 65

Derbyshire The Bolsover School

803 19 4,492,249 5,594 2,733,654 106,659 47

Derbyshire Heritage Mathematics and Computing Specialist School

983 19 5,291,136 5,383 2,870,463 93,526 46

Derbyshire Shirebrook School

726 23 4,068,716 5,604 2,609,279 34,928 44

Derbyshire Springwell Community College

883 22 5,507,733 6,238 2,830,640 113,661 39

Derbyshire Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School

1,397 4 6,680,713 4,782 3,806,432 173,276 67

Derbyshire Anthony Gell School

657 7 3,689,396 5,616 2,231,429 36,552 61

Derbyshire Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School

1,806 5 7,945,774 4,400 4,692,327 73,649 68

Derbyshire Buxton Community School

1,289 8 6,540,348 5,074 3,798,240 175,973 51

Derbyshire St Thomas More Catholic School Buxton

395 6 2,007,511 5,082 1,227,818 9,711


Derbyshire St Philip Howard Catholic School

493 12 2,489,605 5,050 1,357,512 113,826 53

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Derbyshire Netherthorpe School

1,116 15 5,239,459 4,695 3,121,494 81,451 46

Derbyshire The Ecclesbourne School

1,436 2 6,612,782 4,605 4,040,833 66,104 90

Derbyshire Belper School 1,477 10 6,874,921 4,655 3,992,424 208,918 52 Derbyshire John Port

School 2,019 3 8,623,033 4,271 6,240,749 96,241 69

Derbyshire Heanor Gate Science College

1,302 11 6,281,992 4,825 3,815,677 47,152 55

Derbyshire Friesland School 1,365 12 6,230,935 4,565 3,678,284 10,892 47 Derbyshire The Pingle

School 1,219 12 6,302,786 5,170 3,717,462 157,847 42

Derbyshire Lady Manners School

1,551 3 6,813,458 4,393 4,188,582 95,602 70

Derbyshire St Mary's Catholic High School

1,273 6 6,025,506 4,733 3,685,126 105,181 76

Derbyshire Saint John Houghton Catholic School

622 5 2,890,928 4,648 1,785,035 14,587 63

Derbyshire Mill Hill School 1,137 10 5,296,043 4,658 3,486,294 74,586 53 Devon The Axe Valley

Community College

876 9 4,071,598 4,648 2,381,702 29,992 65

Devon Queen Elizabeth's Community College

1,563 7 8,562,337 5,478 4,506,216 119,326 52

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Devon Honiton Community College

989 8 4,933,153 4,988 2,779,986 22,902 58

Devon The King's School

1,100 4 5,741,396 5,219 3,121,571 76,695 71

Devon Clyst Vale Community College

1,006 7 5,383,078 5,351 3,126,376 63,328 57

Devon Cullompton Community College

604 10 3,059,161 5,065 1,814,865 32,629 55

Devon Sidmouth College

879 9 4,085,367 4,648 2,348,735 73,835 63

Devon Exmouth Community College

2,616 10 11,707,126 4,475 6,842,571 91,809 59

Devon West Exe Technology College

1,283 12 6,366,518 4,962 3,769,934 91,260 51

Devon Isca College of Media Arts

780 22 4,239,500 5,435 2,124,534 61,589 31

Devon St James School 625 22 3,494,987 5,592 1,940,521 80,095 52 Devon Braunton School

and Community College

715 6 3,531,695 4,939 2,040,029 54,089 55

Devon Chulmleigh Community College

573 7 3,331,152 5,814 1,481,897 86,240 68

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Devon Great Torrington Community School and Sports College

881 8 4,891,518 5,552 2,487,221 57,778 59

Devon Holsworthy Community College

707 6 3,649,872 5,162 1,936,654 92,346 54

Devon South Molton Community College

583 10 3,203,136 5,494 1,679,529 21,015 56

Devon Ilfracombe Arts College

1,127 17 5,556,099 4,930 2,954,762 131,463 42

Devon The Park Community School

1,440 9 6,508,716 4,520 3,741,168 50,576 45

Devon Pilton Community College

1,349 13 6,663,245 4,939 3,695,473 99,364 50

Devon Bideford College 1,608 13 7,768,123 4,831 4,494,971 139,565 36 Devon Dartmouth

Community College

372 15 2,700,073 7,258 1,368,188 36,826 42

Devon Dawlish Community College

856 13 4,327,687 5,056 2,094,243 66,984 46

Devon South Dartmoor Community College

1,660 11 9,110,788 5,488 4,753,076 92,165 52

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Devon King Edward VI Community College

1,806 12 9,273,362 5,135 5,083,408 118,819 59

Devon Kingsbridge Community College

1,354 7 8,037,462 5,936 3,711,864 74,779 63

Devon Coombeshead College

1,358 17 7,401,205 5,450 3,714,879 12,535 49

Devon Teignmouth Community College

1,037 14 5,398,067 5,205 2,965,418 70,851 61

Devon Tavistock College

1,723 9 9,076,976 5,268 4,675,596 139,216 47

Devon Okehampton College

1,358 8 7,621,591 5,612 3,885,651 62,283 62

Devon Ivybridge Community College

2,228 8 11,085,559 4,976 6,184,605 341,733 64

Devon Tiverton High School

1,323 13 6,059,432 4,580 3,212,008 126,556 46

Devon St Luke's Science and Sports College

955 18 5,466,256 5,724 2,723,092 85,748 45

Devon St Peter's Church of England Aided School

1,231 8 5,766,804 4,685 3,174,967 135,981 72

Devon Colyton Grammar School

801 2 3,871,742 4,834 2,107,389 8,977


Devon Teign School 1,367 8 6,652,339 4,866 3,820,308 51,185 57

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Devon Newton Abbot College

1,060 13 5,098,400 4,810 2,553,935 26,714 51

Devon Uffculme School 947 7 4,971,098 5,249 2,394,082 106,637 77 Doncaster Danum School

Technology College

1,977 23 10,922,912 5,525 5,816,512 231,424 44

Doncaster The Armthorpe School

763 15 4,486,949 5,881 2,362,109 108,433 38

Doncaster Hatfield Visual Arts College

1,057 28 6,207,856 5,873 3,250,035 140,716 39

Doncaster Don Valley School and Performing Arts College

1,340 20 7,222,623 5,390 3,951,377 114,819 39

Doncaster Sir Thomas Wharton Community College

1,094 16 6,278,354 5,739 3,251,443 205,958 47

Doncaster Mexborough School

1,148 23 6,560,656 5,715 3,481,340 183,052 43

Doncaster Ridgewood School

1,266 4 5,981,717 4,725 3,318,620 230,799 67

Doncaster Campsmount Technology College

785 14 4,250,443 5,415 2,541,965 27,158 42

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Doncaster Hungerhill School A Specialist Centre for Science, Mathematics and Computing

1,123 6 5,399,122 4,808 3,031,631 28,658 70

Doncaster Balby Carr Community Sports and Science College

1,207 25 7,767,106 6,435 3,530,419 188,115 38

Doncaster Hall Cross School

2,144 14 10,956,611 5,110 6,481,030 173,910 58

Doncaster The McAuley Catholic High School

1,739 7 8,781,080 5,049 5,446,976 179,918 71

Doncaster Rossington All Saints Church of England (VA) School - A Sports College

664 24 4,838,442 7,287 2,182,118 96,877 39

Doncaster The Hayfield School

1,093 6 5,666,162 5,184 3,426,025 63,831 78

Dorset The Sir John Colfox School

864 9 6,966,878 8,064 2,587,539 18,197 51

Dorset Ferndown Upper School

1,024 11 5,704,590 5,571 3,183,472 84,126 58

Dorset The Purbeck School

1,047 7 5,893,678 5,629 3,487,876 37,357 46

Dorset Lytchett Minster School

1,231 7 5,734,916 4,659 3,576,606 73,536 63

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Dorset Twynham School

1,567 5 7,406,046 4,726 4,369,034 - 19,332


Dorset The Grange School

627 22 4,181,365 6,669 2,075,814 11,404 42

Dorset Sturminster Newton High School

559 8 3,264,074 5,839 1,959,358 18,136 53

Dorset The Wey Valley School

959 15 4,788,303 4,993 2,783,643 24,292 49

Dorset Royal Manor Arts College

728 16 3,674,141 5,047 2,031,029 - 12,153


Dorset Gillingham School

1,742 4 7,838,895 4,500 4,975,382 10,452 64

Dorset Queen Elizabeth's School

1,481 5 7,265,414 4,906 4,337,205 69,767 67

Dorset Beaminster School

740 7 3,687,439 4,983 2,155,780 - 22,667


Dorset The Blandford School

1,151 11 5,635,124 4,896 3,264,422 83,571 47

Dorset Shaftesbury School

1,048 8 4,528,566 4,321 2,370,267 35,613 46

Dorset The Gryphon School

1,538 7 7,378,522 4,797 4,086,050 55,528 65

Dorset The Thomas Hardye School

2,231 6 12,193,263 5,465 7,124,558 105,532 78

Dorset All Saints' Church of England School, Weymouth

922 8 4,101,657 4,449 2,673,412 31,650 64

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Dorset The Woodroffe School

1,065 3 4,622,979 4,341 2,884,840 144,467 64

Dorset Budmouth Technology College

1,558 12 7,265,538 4,663 4,909,135 56,833 66

Dorset Highcliffe School 1,404 7 6,050,215 4,309 3,879,643 103,350 63 Dudley Thorns

Community College

1,340 14 6,776,075 5,057 3,627,400 225,161 48

Dudley Summerhill School

1,006 3 5,175,976 5,145 2,652,868 90,565 78

Dudley The Dormston School

1,117 13 5,115,234 4,579 3,063,239 109,229 53

Dudley The Crestwood School

716 16 3,637,595 5,080 2,111,838 157,178 45

Dudley The Coseley School

950 21 5,030,538 5,295 2,654,751 208,500 45

Dudley The Wordsley School

752 25 3,815,339 5,074 2,301,796 83,598 46

Dudley Pedmore Technology College and Community School

685 29 3,948,073 5,764 2,098,882 141,460 51

Dudley The Earls High School

1,192 11 5,799,176 4,865 3,544,260 229,275 67

Dudley Leasowes Community College

1,107 18 5,483,252 4,953 3,570,307 76,086 44

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Dudley The Hillcrest School and Community College

908 25 5,117,137 5,636 2,796,318 - 55

Dudley Pensnett High School

291 42 2,723,962 9,377 1,441,489 121,818 32

Dudley Redhill School and Specialist Language College

1,166 9 5,492,901 4,711 3,301,853 258,925 77

Dudley Ridgewood High School

911 16 4,114,451 4,516 2,462,548 121,751 61

Dudley Castle High School and Visual Arts College

979 38 5,711,938 5,834 3,087,742 151,423 44

Dudley Bishop Milner Catholic School

775 7 3,807,140 4,912 2,242,174 76,546 69

Dudley Old Swinford Hospital

638 0 8,377,617 13,131 2,440,516 11,033 94

Dudley Ellowes Hall Sports College

986 14 4,501,348 4,565 2,763,864 68,708 66

Dudley The Kingswinford School A Science College

915 8 4,322,797 4,724 2,633,527 56,406 75

Dudley The High Arcal School

1,215 17 5,994,253 4,934 3,363,746 71,376 52

Dudley Windsor High School

1,399 14 6,855,864 4,901 4,323,946 58,367 64

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Dudley Holly Hall Maths and Computing College

728 28 4,114,561 5,652 2,502,798 6,383


Durham Seaham School of Technology

914 18 5,231,995 5,724 2,889,532 142,031 54

Durham Roseberry Sports and Community College

585 23 4,137,415 7,073 1,925,563 62,137 41

Durham Park View Community School

1,449 7 7,236,099 4,994 4,032,688 259,654 64

Durham Fyndoune Community College

346 24 2,710,540 7,834 1,111,903 122,434 64

Durham The Hermitage School

992 12 5,302,810 5,346 3,034,155 59,585 53

Durham Stanley School of Technology

662 26 3,813,582 5,761 1,995,431 148,035 53

Durham Greencroft Business and Enterprise Community School

551 25 3,614,110 6,559 1,875,287 165,024 48

Durham Tanfield School, Specialist College of Science and Engineering

635 14 3,694,640 5,818 2,011,673 73,766 65

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Durham Moorside Community Technology College

597 20 3,332,423 5,582 1,768,828 75,642 62

Durham Consett Community Sports College

677 15 4,136,150 6,110 2,093,338 141,285 57

Durham Parkside Sports College

754 20 4,296,721 5,699 2,105,345 141,082 50

Durham Wolsingham School and Community College

767 16 4,354,261 5,677 2,245,289 100,844 61

Durham Tudhoe Grange School

575 25 3,706,959 6,447 1,952,950 82,419 51

Durham Ferryhill Business Enterprise College

627 23 3,740,334 5,965 1,986,010 58,788 52

Durham Spennymoor Comprehensive School

781 21 4,111,416 5,264 2,273,355 102,692 55

Durham Bishop Barrington School A Sports with Mathematics College

684 26 4,235,464 6,192 1,900,947 123,712 59

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Durham Staindrop School A Business and Enterprise College

624 9 3,200,205 5,129 1,810,152 119,150 61

Durham Teesdale School 781 8 4,142,843 5,305 2,220,759 102,027 68 Durham Woodham

Community Technology College

897 14 5,203,050 5,801 2,776,258 73,600 49

Durham Greenfield School Community and Arts College

763 20 4,451,693 5,834 2,228,000 100,861 44

Durham King James I Community Arts College

749 29 4,832,424 6,452 2,382,397 115,921 53

Durham Sunnydale Community College for Maths and Computing

422 36 3,059,325 7,250 1,385,887 85,031 48

Durham Belmont School Community Arts College

735 16 4,042,345 5,500 1,945,407 192,717 45

Durham Framwellgate School Durham

1,244 7 6,375,331 5,125 3,382,762 65,094 70

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Durham Durham Gilesgate Sports College and Sixth Form Centre

1,392 28 8,996,680 6,463 4,714,976 141,072 37

Durham Durham Community Business College for Technology and Enterprise

421 32 3,534,924 8,396 1,511,913 101,195 58

Durham Durham Johnston Comprehensive School

1,492 8 7,465,983 5,004 4,474,106 344,247 71

Durham Dene Community School of Technology

747 31 4,302,498 5,760 2,082,553 107,471 48

Durham Shotton Hall School

1,150 24 6,058,343 5,268 3,121,630 76,555 59

Durham Wellfield Community School A Specialist Maths and Computing College

832 29 5,347,940 6,428 2,746,535 141,069 40

Durham Sedgefield Community College a Specialist Sports College

865 16 4,924,511 5,693 2,204,673 141,493 64

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Durham Easington Community Science College

761 28 4,293,645 5,642 2,114,430 118,195 55

Durham St John's Catholic School & Sixth Form Centre

1,396 10 7,160,531 5,129 4,151,370 133,515 63

Durham St Leonard's Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided Comprehensive School

1,376 5 6,383,862 4,639 3,927,132 85,367 76

Durham St Bede's Catholic Comprehensive School and Byron College

841 15 4,691,134 5,578 2,693,905 136,297 54

Durham St Bede's Catholic Comprehensive School and Sixth Form College, Lanchester

1,395 10 6,839,009 4,903 3,930,302 211,991 77

Ealing Villiers High School

1,208 28 7,396,123 6,123 3,927,616 58,551 59

Ealing Dormers Wells High School

986 36 6,812,680 6,909 3,797,168 143,334 54

Ealing Featherstone High School

1,466 33 15,027,582 10,251 4,745,768 208,325 44

Ealing Acton High School

1,184 38 8,320,681 7,028 4,742,076 134,750 52

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Ealing Elthorne Park High School

958 17 5,717,346 5,968 3,061,060 90,419 69

Ealing Twyford Church of England High School

1,368 11 8,241,428 6,024 4,511,790 270,963 79

Ealing The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School

1,862 11 10,379,474 5,574 6,990,943 189,159 77

Ealing Brentside High School

1,255 31 8,254,621 6,577 4,890,962 95,557 57

Ealing Greenford High School

1,748 27 10,845,327 6,204 5,805,580 141,543 71

Ealing The Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls

1,379 27 8,335,025 6,044 4,546,536 414,850 60

Ealing Drayton Manor High School

1,561 25 9,196,086 5,891 5,313,358 503,512 64

Ealing Northolt High School

1,445 27 8,403,299 5,815 5,015,258 324,117 43

East Riding of Yorkshire

Goole High School

989 13 5,323,734 5,383 2,890,217 69,159 36

East Riding of Yorkshire

Beverley High School

852 7 4,044,417 4,747 2,269,973 44,743 81

East Riding of Yorkshire

Longcroft School

1,466 7 7,167,897 4,889 3,801,624 126,607 55

East Riding of Yorkshire

Hessle High School

1,542 9 7,067,936 4,584 4,212,895 12,805 61

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

East Riding of Yorkshire

Withernsea High School Specialising in Humanities and Technology

927 13 5,303,196 5,721 2,599,298 65,005 46

East Riding of Yorkshire

The Market Weighton School

622 4 3,191,589 5,131 1,874,883 60,528 55

East Riding of Yorkshire

South Hunsley School

1,925 3 9,575,264 4,974 4,272,270 151,241 70

East Riding of Yorkshire

Driffield School 1,931 8 8,865,619 4,591 4,991,616 171,819 63

East Riding of Yorkshire

Cottingham High School

1,432 11 7,299,118 5,097 3,874,803 120,503 55

East Riding of Yorkshire

South Holderness Technology College

1,831 9 8,323,577 4,546 4,550,618 228,899 55

East Riding of Yorkshire

Woldgate College

1,353 4 6,099,124 4,508 3,628,114 184,801 72

East Riding of Yorkshire

Hornsea School and Language College

1,266 8 6,017,289 4,753 3,400,599 60,705 62

East Riding of Yorkshire

Wolfreton School

1,827 4 8,837,002 4,837 5,124,621 123,567 70

East Riding of Yorkshire

Howden School and Technology College

828 8 3,980,124 4,807 2,130,678 95,791 45

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

East Riding of Yorkshire

Headlands School and Community Science College

1,236 14 6,498,988 5,258 3,365,940 107,538 44

East Riding of Yorkshire

The Snaith School

843 6 3,867,317 4,588 2,275,126 58,402 63

East Riding of Yorkshire

Bridlington School Sports College

908 28 6,022,120 6,632 2,827,977 119,524 45

East Riding of Yorkshire

Beverley Grammar School

868 4 4,100,618 4,724 2,405,047 49,570 66

East Sussex Peacehaven Community School

827 12 5,203,006 6,291 2,472,778 42,432 44

East Sussex Claverham Community College

1,184 6 5,221,772 4,410 3,222,437 64,384 67

East Sussex Beacon Community College

1,612 5 7,956,660 4,936 4,406,711 321,502 56

East Sussex Hailsham Community College

1,207 11 6,309,838 5,228 4,062,122 118,713 58

East Sussex Heathfield Community College

1,441 4 6,736,319 4,675 4,205,806 13,395 63

East Sussex Robertsbridge Community College

611 8 2,954,250 4,835 1,892,754 76,978 58

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

East Sussex Seaford Head Community College

1,018 8 4,861,970 4,776 2,710,713 81,592 56

East Sussex Uckfield Community Technology College

1,688 5 8,452,794 5,008 4,826,341 95,307 63

East Sussex Uplands Community College

1,044 4 4,777,301 4,576 2,799,218 35,373 61

East Sussex Willingdon Community School

970 6 4,198,351 4,328 2,557,108 53,549 66

East Sussex Ringmer Community College

817 10 4,785,367 5,857 2,285,490 18,999 57

East Sussex Chailey School 828 6 3,953,669 4,775 2,311,119 15,667 64 East Sussex Bexhill High

School 1,558 14 7,431,673 4,770 3,625,241 256,380 51

East Sussex Rye College 695 10 3,803,495 5,473 1,891,959 26,836 54 East Sussex Tideway School 607 18 3,776,587 6,222 1,782,176 28,081 44 East Sussex Priory School 1,152 8 5,252,082 4,559 3,029,922 73,212 67 East Sussex Helenswood

School 1,231 14 6,045,587 4,911 3,629,764 51,215 60

East Sussex Hillcrest School 704 29 3,906,963 5,550 2,035,281 73,006 38 East Sussex The Grove 599 26 3,925,232 6,553 1,997,547 94,873 43 East Sussex Eastbourne

Technology College

732 24 4,076,310 5,569 2,176,184 43,964 36

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

East Sussex Ratton School 1,205 9 5,759,592 4,780 3,232,179 59,023 54 East Sussex The Cavendish

School 995 8 4,344,119 4,366 2,600,763 111,938 62

East Sussex Filsham Valley School

871 23 5,513,879 6,331 2,815,371 50,296 44

East Sussex The Causeway School

779 22 4,020,928 5,162 2,115,015 131,206 59

East Sussex William Parker Sports College

1,303 13 7,047,638 5,409 3,811,693 58,253 39

East Sussex St Richard's Catholic College

1,017 5 4,255,929 4,185 2,599,553 67,423 76

East Sussex The Bishop Bell Church of England Mathematics and Computing Specialist School

1,052 9 5,243,392 4,984 3,003,155 56,414 63

Enfield Edmonton County School

1,609 26 9,001,324 5,594 4,958,154 252,688 54

Enfield Kingsmead School

1,436 33 8,046,294 5,603 4,970,498 147,742 54

Enfield Winchmore School

1,452 28 8,041,720 5,538 4,685,408 258,398 59

Enfield The Gladys Aylward School

1,354 46 8,632,849 6,376 4,699,175 195,137 30

Enfield Southgate School

1,515 10 8,264,518 5,455 5,028,003 155,103 68

Enfield Enfield County School

1,099 14 6,021,301 5,479 3,633,140 113,818 68

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Enfield Chace Community School

1,312 23 7,483,636 5,704 4,432,372 115,144 42

Enfield Lea Valley High School

1,283 45 8,665,520 6,754 4,527,637 262,121 43

Enfield Turin Grove School

992 47 7,286,205 7,345 3,589,481 142,370 27

Enfield Highlands School

1,443 7 8,040,120 5,572 4,628,256 35,344 73

Enfield Bishop Stopford's School

1,080 14 5,966,521 5,525 3,761,235 108,194 57

Enfield St Anne's Catholic High School for Girls

1,080 17 5,713,400 5,290 2,902,100 293,814 65

Enfield The Latymer School

1,369 3 8,170,156 5,968 4,432,185 77,231 100

Enfield Broomfield School

1,338 27 7,289,562 5,448 4,399,953 38,998 51

Enfield St Ignatius College

1,121 12 5,845,116 5,214 4,041,041 94,004 68

Enfield Enfield Grammar School

1,079 12 5,938,972 5,504 3,540,832 144,663 69

Essex The James Hornsby High School

854 30 5,821,686 6,817 2,590,875 30,357 35

Essex Debden Park High School

769 13 5,018,408 6,526 2,378,501 12,626 63

Essex The Sweyne Park School

1,274 7 6,676,505 5,241 4,321,424 103,832 58

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Essex The Thomas Lord Audley School

653 16 4,292,592 6,574 2,184,049 67,671 39

Essex The Ramsey College

613 8 3,880,459 6,330 2,029,933 52,828 34

Essex Hedingham School and Sixth Form

1,175 4 5,535,669 4,711 3,217,505 99,223 45

Essex Mark Hall Specialist Sport College

1,063 13 6,562,180 6,173 3,365,126 257,291 40

Essex St Peter's High School

841 9 4,370,009 5,196 2,165,559 44,132 39

Essex Passmores School and Technology College

874 11 5,331,223 6,100 2,797,118 82,226 48

Essex Burnt Mill Comprehensive School

1,134 14 6,353,595 5,603 3,366,853 370,539 36

Essex Stewards School - Science Specialist, Harlow

1,011 24 6,314,112 6,245 2,779,687 166,494 41

Essex Alec Hunter Humanities College

1,004 12 5,369,119 5,348 2,565,731 71,691 51

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Essex The Mountfitchet Mathematics and Computing College

467 10 3,156,778 6,760 1,773,811 51,449 37

Essex Great Baddow High School

1,384 7 7,575,287 5,473 4,041,787 62,760 58

Essex The Honywood Community Science School

1,000 3 5,100,508 5,101 3,082,203 8,651


Essex Notley High School

1,336 7 7,036,071 5,267 3,769,341 149,562 55

Essex Woodlands School

1,479 12 8,161,380 5,518 4,715,919 13,684 47

Essex Tabor Science College

1,059 10 5,544,840 5,236 2,987,270 76,798 48

Essex Mayflower High School

1,453 3 7,477,875 5,147 4,344,142 71,223 62

Essex Moulsham High School and Humanities College

1,584 6 7,591,387 4,793 4,222,480 102,219 58

Essex Roding Valley High School

1,203 9 6,247,545 5,193 3,372,433 95,602 48

Essex St John's Church of England Voluntary Controlled School

787 10 4,139,879 5,260 2,405,989 60,418 47

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Essex De La Salle School and Language College

744 21 4,475,222 6,015 2,431,828 137,435 42

Essex St John Payne Catholic Comprehensive School, Chelmsford

1,167 3 5,584,475 4,785 3,507,680 122,662 63

Essex St Peter's Church of England and Specialist Arts College

311 35 3,664,270 11,782 1,613,064 44,223 19

Essex Plume School 1,841 10 10,118,128 5,496 5,410,034 141,182 54 Essex The King John

School 1,861 3 8,541,865 4,590 4,711,065 201,782 81

Essex Philip Morant School and College

1,642 10 7,743,511 4,716 4,577,638 15,861 58

Essex West Hatch High School

1,295 8 6,859,133 5,297 3,741,027 83,166 52

Essex Beauchamps High School

1,336 6 6,467,917 4,841 3,128,903 245,950 66

Essex The Bromfords School

1,183 6 6,216,246 5,255 3,426,816 128,346 61

Essex Saffron Walden County High School

1,998 4 10,605,103 5,308 5,867,966 80,278 70

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Essex Chelmsford County High School for Girls

894 1 4,514,816 5,050 2,721,030 26,022 100

Essex King Edward VI Grammar School, Chelmsford

888 1 5,184,007 5,838 2,962,533 34,263 100

Essex Thurstable School Sports College and Sixth Form Centre

1,142 5 6,579,402 5,761 3,279,244 82,832 49

Essex King Harold School

571 13 3,866,124 6,771 1,902,535 79,062 32

Essex The Boswells School

1,477 5 7,553,915 5,114 4,095,710 124,205 68

Essex Furtherwick Park School

247 18 2,821,189 11,422 1,103,988 349,929 29

Essex The Appleton School

1,196 7 6,289,911 5,259 3,371,623 112,231 59

Essex Castle View School

1,012 12 5,162,747 5,102 2,754,715 81,358 40

Essex The Cornelius Vermuyden School and Arts College

907 19 4,715,802 5,199 2,307,275 160,251 48

Essex The King Edmund School

1,512 11 7,612,137 5,034 4,115,154 199,319 50

Essex The FitzWimarc School

1,351 3 5,987,630 4,432 3,621,015 70,459 73

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Essex The Deanes School

1,025 5 5,988,827 5,843 2,798,128 184,863 42

Essex Sawyers Hall College

504 11 3,969,697 7,876 2,066,455 267,594 31

Essex Davenant Foundation School

1,153 2 7,317,468 6,346 3,886,016 52,691 83

Essex William de Ferrers School

1,919 5 9,077,130 4,730 5,615,400 214,497 69

Essex Chelmer Valley High School

1,143 11 5,574,977 4,877 3,010,058 134,137 64

Essex Tendring Technology College

1,920 14 9,498,125 4,947 5,849,700 189,382 55

Essex St Martin's School

1,762 2 8,393,451 4,764 5,144,852 98,797 75

Essex Newport Free Grammar School

1,030 3 5,222,000 5,070 3,006,842 138,634 70

Essex The Gilberd School

1,324 8 6,138,066 4,636 3,287,941 25,908 69

Essex Anglo European School

1,370 2 6,778,040 4,947 4,283,375 118,680 69

Essex Colchester Royal Grammar School

805 1 4,683,172 5,818 2,729,080 13,798 100

Essex Clacton County High School

1,692 15 9,664,842 5,712 4,760,173 102,371 50

Essex St Helena School

994 13 4,975,240 5,005 2,852,679 103,122 53

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Essex Sir Charles Lucas Arts College

884 20 5,150,405 5,826 2,622,975 16,191 34

Essex The Harwich School

1,239 16 6,461,940 5,215 3,375,959 90,588 41

Essex Colchester County High School for Girls

781 1 4,194,177 5,370 2,414,654 84,310 99

Essex Hylands School 928 15 5,148,432 5,548 2,994,374 106,060 43 Essex Helena

Romanes School and Sixth Form Centre

1,396 6 6,895,716 4,940 4,008,992 49,503 65

Essex St Mark's West Essex Catholic School

1,074 7 5,473,296 5,096 2,990,577 157,546 51

Essex Brentwood County High School

1,421 5 7,220,631 5,081 4,079,204 47,684 56

Essex Colne Community School and College

1,419 7 7,462,473 5,259 3,925,188 57,590 59

Essex Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School

1,002 3 5,149,539 5,139 2,888,595 118,386 80

Essex The Stanway School

1,120 5 6,343,179 5,664 3,665,595 121,256 62

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Essex The Sandon School

1,226 6 6,040,185 4,927 3,465,992 28,163 67

Essex Alderman Blaxill School

329 19 2,963,228 9,007 1,588,731 130,838 31

Essex St Benedict's Catholic College

843 7 4,377,889 5,193 2,397,178 102,807 61

Essex Shenfield High School

1,531 5 8,422,206 5,501 4,920,452 31,201 59

Essex The Billericay School

1,670 5 9,181,581 5,498 4,885,476 163,072 62

Essex Manningtree High School

833 6 4,121,949 4,948 2,284,087 39,305 53

Gateshead Lord Lawson of Beamish Community School

1,509 12 7,338,815 4,863 4,440,035 110,584 53

Gateshead Whickham School

1,626 10 8,479,980 5,215 5,249,934 131,876 58

Gateshead Ryton Comprehensive School

1,283 14 6,238,050 4,862 3,992,980 66,280 45

Gateshead Heworth Grange Comprehensive School

1,339 23 6,607,307 4,935 4,796,017 113,881 51

Gateshead Hookergate School

470 25 3,446,210 7,332 1,735,067 25,179 43

Gateshead Kingsmeadow Community Comprehensive School

635 32 4,533,411 7,139 2,353,198 101,787 44

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Gateshead Thomas Hepburn Community Comprehensive School

697 36 5,033,194 7,221 2,585,241 114,677 41

Gateshead Joseph Swan School

1,253 27 6,486,650 5,177 4,076,377 95,577 45

Gateshead Cardinal Hume Catholic School

1,097 25 5,720,512 5,215 3,542,688 100,375 61

Gateshead St Thomas More Catholic School

1,539 7 7,729,819 5,023 4,536,321 158,779 74

Gloucestershire Sir Thomas Rich's School

798 1 4,035,329 5,057 2,743,334 12,867 100

Gloucestershire High School for Girls

832 2 3,944,526 4,741 2,569,957 33,283 100

Gloucestershire Barnwood Park Arts College

701 19 3,432,047 4,896 2,088,043 43,296 46

Gloucestershire Beaufort Community School

1,199 15 6,172,482 5,148 3,380,171 115,529 41

Gloucestershire Cleeve School 1,608 4 7,373,264 4,585 4,578,440 15,901 71 Gloucestershire Archway School 1,150 11 5,435,357 4,726 3,220,194 79,540 44 Gloucestershire Vale of Berkeley

College 259 15 2,106,897 8,135 1,074,490 53,360 34

Gloucestershire Brockworth Enterprise School

657 16 3,937,682 5,993 2,203,247 11,150 44

Gloucestershire Severn Vale School

1,162 11 5,252,132 4,520 3,053,234 83,537 61

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Gloucestershire Thomas Keble School

686 6 4,207,411 6,133 2,396,956 40,357 61

Gloucestershire Farmor's School 1,047 4 5,105,004 4,876 3,426,790 31,830 59 Gloucestershire St Peter's

Catholic High School and Sixth Form Centre

1,642 4 7,812,826 4,758 5,240,230 42,244 60

Gloucestershire Bishops' College 483 40 3,625,711 7,507 1,616,319 69,583 11 Gloucestershire Christ College 781 22 4,855,950 6,218 2,312,909 52,361 38 Gloucestershire Ribston Hall

High School 819 2 3,794,350 4,633 2,600,915 46,403 97

Gloucestershire Marling School 836 2 3,808,978 4,556 2,466,777 51,043 94 Gloucestershire Stroud High

School 860 2 4,247,679 4,939 2,515,555 31,277 100

Gloucestershire Pate's Grammar School

980 1 5,009,696 5,112 3,117,830 41,904 100

Gloucestershire The Crypt School

771 3 3,664,540 4,753 2,209,974 21,730 99

Gloucestershire Tewkesbury School

1,693 11 7,774,632 4,592 4,851,587 29,724 55

Gloucestershire Katharine Lady Berkeley's School

1,506 3 6,841,545 4,543 4,239,531 63,612 74

Gloucestershire Rednock School 1,393 6 6,602,780 4,740 3,891,410 61,991 58 Gloucestershire Balcarras School 1,305 4 6,046,983 4,634 3,626,650 50,075 80 Gloucestershire Churchdown

School 1,333 7 6,300,980 4,727 3,799,381 66,510 39

Gloucestershire The Cotswold School

1,141 5 5,238,086 4,591 3,064,981 48,339 68

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Gloucestershire Newent Community School and Sixth Form Centre

1,299 6 6,472,004 4,982 3,925,360 89,615 60

Gloucestershire Chosen Hill School

1,413 7 7,113,000 5,036 3,979,858 45,095 68

Gloucestershire Central Technology College

383 29 3,039,583 7,936 1,506,963 40,712 46

Gloucestershire Chipping Campden School

1,154 5 5,569,269 4,826 3,438,482 83,054 67

Gloucestershire Wyedean School and 6th Form Centre

1,242 5 6,017,798 4,845 3,553,249 54,800 50

Gloucestershire Winchcombe School

476 7 2,539,433 5,335 1,486,824 20,083 55

Gloucestershire Cheltenham Bournside School and Sixth Form Centre

1,814 6 8,113,561 4,473 5,180,743 109,885 73

Gloucestershire Cirencester Kingshill School

819 4 3,847,629 4,698 2,269,615 39,753 63

Gloucestershire Cirencester Deer Park School

1,056 5 5,198,330 4,923 3,256,352 82,883 61

Gloucestershire Pittville School 688 30 3,598,312 5,230 2,210,436 61,922 41 Gloucestershire Dene Magna

School 747 6 3,698,120 4,951 2,040,174 33,817 72

Gloucestershire Lakers School 723 14 4,172,103 5,771 2,235,813 70,193 39 Gloucestershire Maidenhill

School 550 9 2,978,340 5,415 1,661,958 47,919 40

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Gloucestershire Heywood Community School

367 19 2,667,940 7,270 1,203,322 32,655 38

Gloucestershire Whitecross School (Foundation)

1,064 9 5,214,785 4,901 3,019,500 162,874 45

Gloucestershire Sir William Romney's School

489 6 2,586,145 5,289 1,526,480 41,697 53

Greenwich Eltham Hill Technology College for Girls

935 24 6,042,816 6,463 3,249,495 112,202 64

Greenwich Plumstead Manor / Negus School

1,870 33 12,936,755 6,918 7,128,347 277,827 53

Greenwich Kidbrooke School

1,290 45 9,374,434 7,267 4,986,199 260,943 40

Greenwich Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys

1,188 38 9,053,775 7,621 5,222,358 246,491 58

Greenwich The Eltham Foundation School

1,029 34 7,831,795 7,611 3,598,264 334,768 28

Greenwich Crown Woods School

1,454 30 10,327,088 7,103 6,155,058 301,730 45

Greenwich Thomas Tallis School

1,631 23 11,394,569 6,986 6,783,749 309,604 49

Greenwich The John Roan School

1,177 35 8,102,179 6,884 4,486,973 111,682 35

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Greenwich St Ursula's Convent School

621 14 3,639,155 5,860 2,251,808 52,005 80

Greenwich Blackheath Bluecoat Church of England School

687 29 4,834,989 7,038 2,909,107 163,216 41

Greenwich St Thomas More Roman Catholic Comprehensive School

617 7 3,492,244 5,660 2,101,563 88,481 79

Hackney Haggerston School

704 45 6,383,310 9,067 2,769,903 103,178 53

Hackney Clapton Girls' Technology College

981 51 7,755,593 7,906 3,866,088 186,889 60

Hackney Stoke Newington School and Sixth Form

1,314 27 10,355,242 7,881 5,267,568 158,376 49

Hackney Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School

243 4 1,604,204 6,602 628,611 275


Hackney Our Lady's Convent Roman Catholic High School

744 22 5,420,017 7,285 3,218,931 292,919 71

Hackney The Skinners' Company's School for Girls

308 45 3,380,124 10,974 1,935,179 106,467 39

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hackney Hackney Free and Parochial Church of England Secondary School Specialist Sports College

731 50 7,049,842 9,644 2,961,788 76,079 41

Hackney Cardinal Pole Roman Catholic School

1,001 38 7,179,000 7,172 3,874,772 199,267 46

Halton The Heath School

1,054 18 5,292,486 5,021 3,298,367 70,092 61

Halton Grange Comprehensive School

907 37 5,830,685 6,429 3,252,036 194,393 43

Halton Fairfield High School

534 29 3,590,319 6,723 1,813,542 100,452 53

Halton Wade Deacon High School

1,130 12 5,869,475 5,194 3,360,349 115,305 77

Halton Halton High School

554 48 4,014,298 7,246 2,177,941 52,219 40

Halton Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College

1,602 19 7,946,230 4,960 4,718,275 133,887 46

Halton St Chads Catholic and Church of England High School

1,016 32 6,001,142 5,907 3,641,613 74,539 48

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Halton The Bankfield School

748 32 4,490,654 6,004 2,636,618 29,940 35

Hammersmith and Fulham

Henry Compton Secondary School

569 52 4,548,030 7,993 2,672,788 81,408 36

Hammersmith and Fulham

Phoenix High School

871 59 7,836,521 8,997 3,273,620 70,778 44

Hammersmith and Fulham

Fulham Cross Girls' School and Language College

600 51 4,820,398 8,034 2,313,849 73,904 69

Hammersmith and Fulham

Hurlingham and Chelsea Secondary School

528 45 3,857,506 7,306 1,955,994 176,513 49

Hammersmith and Fulham

Sacred Heart High School

813 7 4,363,759 5,367 2,504,338 33,436 94

Hammersmith and Fulham

Lady Margaret School

612 10 3,784,654 6,184 2,418,094 43,328 90

Hammersmith and Fulham

The London Oratory School

1,351 6 8,086,613 5,986 5,026,944 61,557 94

Hampshire Eggar's School 836 4 4,339,332 5,191 2,362,364 54,074 72 Hampshire John Hanson

Community School

958 5 4,632,342 4,835 2,585,180 108,685 58

Hampshire Costello Technology College

1,022 7 4,986,813 4,879 2,779,250 117,197 64

Hampshire The Westgate School

1,109 5 6,185,042 5,577 3,066,371 92,174 78

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hampshire The Mountbatten School A Language and Sports College

1,411 6 7,361,200 5,217 3,965,844 175,357 71

Hampshire Amery Hill School

928 4 4,377,899 4,718 2,535,118 60,993 66

Hampshire Cowplain Community School

1,072 8 5,520,224 5,149 2,892,939 73,354 47

Hampshire The Toynbee School

1,041 7 5,778,452 5,551 3,116,752 106,269 55

Hampshire Court Moor School

1,096 4 5,183,258 4,729 2,927,712 43,685 78

Hampshire Hamble Community Sports College

1,012 13 6,445,913 6,369 2,659,644 198,561 50

Hampshire Wildern School 1,841 6 8,542,766 4,640 5,064,200 100,512 77 Hampshire Noadswood

School 1,083 8 5,237,717 4,836 2,858,271 35,120 66

Hampshire Priestlands School

1,220 9 5,733,574 4,700 3,289,580 64,765 57

Hampshire Perins School A Community Sports College

1,017 4 5,936,738 5,838 2,536,556 82,184 79

Hampshire Portchester Community School

769 9 5,184,459 6,742 2,320,469 100,384 40

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hampshire Brookfield Community School and Language College

1,739 2 8,132,120 4,676 4,758,296 96,230 60

Hampshire Mill Chase Community Technology College

713 10 4,095,737 5,744 2,279,931 78,226 37

Hampshire The Romsey School

1,107 7 6,118,611 5,527 3,175,758 76,011 65

Hampshire The Hurst Community College

998 7 5,980,210 5,992 2,842,946 68,472 60

Hampshire The Hayling College

590 10 3,466,721 5,876 1,720,616 57,787 48

Hampshire Swanmore College of Technology

1,281 5 5,920,879 4,622 3,396,722 89,401 70

Hampshire Quilley School of Engineering

439 18 3,056,936 6,963 1,678,118 93,751 44

Hampshire Test Valley School

781 4 3,772,820 4,831 2,052,022 74,904 59

Hampshire Aldworth Science College

636 14 3,935,917 6,189 1,984,723 19,261 34

Hampshire Crookhorn College of Technology

781 13 4,242,347 5,432 2,136,718 90,879 44

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hampshire Wyvern Technology College

1,332 4 7,316,919 5,493 3,781,373 97,964 65

Hampshire The Clere School

706 5 3,868,533 5,480 1,884,178 69,035 65

Hampshire Harrow Way Community School

817 10 4,676,725 5,724 2,384,671 146,526 46

Hampshire Cranbourne Business and Enterprise College

758 12 4,281,385 5,648 2,161,725 79,013 62

Hampshire Yateley School 1,558 3 8,078,998 5,185 4,407,366 110,444 78 Hampshire Hounsdown

School 1,217 6 5,760,628 4,733 3,296,579 173,609 67

Hampshire Everest Community College

612 21 4,115,938 6,725 2,018,232 42,904 17

Hampshire Calthorpe Park School

1,016 4 4,674,305 4,603 2,767,098 110,551 75

Hampshire Horndean Technology College

1,169 7 6,472,915 5,537 2,851,640 51,117 58

Hampshire Henry Beaufort School

956 9 5,757,469 6,022 2,723,597 75,180 63

Hampshire Thornden School

1,408 1 6,688,487 4,750 3,757,497 94,891 88

Hampshire The Vyne Community School

716 11 4,301,285 6,007 2,333,781 66,925 33

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hampshire Brighton Hill Community College

1,244 3 6,153,845 4,947 3,588,111 86,544 58

Hampshire Frogmore Community College

579 5 3,424,628 5,915 1,852,593 74,811 61

Hampshire Winton School 492 15 3,696,190 7,513 1,920,397 85,845 31 Hampshire Fort Hill

Community School

710 13 3,680,170 5,183 1,858,628 112,973 50

Hampshire Crestwood College for Business and Enterprise

585 13 3,493,814 5,972 1,880,502 49,185 44

Hampshire Cove School 1,002 9 4,773,274 4,764 2,920,319 40,714 50 Hampshire Fernhill School 904 11 4,559,742 5,044 2,870,329 106,829 57 Hampshire The Wavell

School 858 7 4,243,047 4,945 2,521,565 63,452 54

Hampshire Oak Farm Community School

138 29 2,651,307 19,212 1,284,379 20,361 27

Hampshire The Henry Cort Community College

868 10 4,761,961 5,486 2,636,776 90,395 59

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hampshire The Neville Lovett Community School and Continuing Education Centre

768 12 4,489,832 5,846 2,277,607 60,912 45

Hampshire Kings' School 1,657 7 8,553,927 5,162 4,235,554 115,027 75 Hampshire The Connaught

School 710 25 4,270,138 6,014 2,289,917 136,983 40

Hampshire Bridgemary Community Sports College

711 15 5,706,531 8,026 2,300,885 81,881 34

Hampshire Brune Park Community College

1,607 18 8,838,287 5,500 4,798,685 176,531 39

Hampshire Park Community School

889 27 5,748,097 6,466 2,993,723 79,354 43

Hampshire Staunton Community Sports College

489 13 4,788,821 9,793 2,080,188 93,785 27

Hampshire Warblington School

636 17 3,686,588 5,797 2,174,791 51,621 51

Hampshire Robert May's School

1,219 3 6,077,148 4,985 3,526,102 61,064 72

Hampshire Bishop Challoner Catholic Secondary School

646 2 3,145,655 4,869 1,679,227 58,795 76

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hampshire Hardley School and Sixth Form

820 15 4,307,141 5,253 2,853,244 - 43

Hampshire The Burgate School and Sixth Form Centre

983 4 4,890,190 4,975 3,190,987 13,572 63

Hampshire The Arnewood School

1,131 9 5,623,798 4,972 3,705,093 13,190 69

Hampshire Ringwood School

1,634 4 7,484,485 4,580 4,671,653 66,926 63

Hampshire Crofton School 1,079 3 4,940,207 4,581 2,770,192 135,225 66 Hampshire Testwood

Sports College 895 10 4,864,779 5,436 2,616,553

6,034 51

Hampshire Bohunt School 1,279 4 5,920,832 4,629 3,463,824 22,846 68 Hampshire Bay House

School 2,149 7 10,893,602 5,069 6,078,353 14,068 61

Hampshire Testbourne Community School

777 4 3,979,119 5,121 2,146,487 88,780 61

Hampshire Oaklands Catholic School

1,285 3 6,051,976 4,710 3,529,733 32,880 80

Hampshire Applemore College

517 10 3,146,262 6,086 1,649,729 61,509 51

Hampshire Purbrook Park School

842 8 4,128,776 4,904 2,376,957 50,807 56

Hampshire Cams Hill School 1,042 2 5,442,952 5,224 2,838,227 48,949 67 Hampshire The Petersfield

School 1,240 6 5,749,490 4,637 3,298,676 85,825 68

Haringey Hornsey School for Girls

1,371 39 8,599,151 6,272 5,189,597 239,519 53

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Haringey Highgate Wood Secondary School

1,372 22 8,587,446 6,259 4,950,147 293,146 46

Haringey Northumberland Park Community School

1,028 53 7,605,172 7,398 4,066,753 152,564 40

Haringey Fortismere School

1,634 8 9,539,540 5,838 6,113,425 94,204 73

Haringey Gladesmore Community School

1,246 63 9,270,479 7,440 4,986,683 177,412 41

Haringey Woodside High School, A Business & Enterprise Specialist School

885 55 6,950,600 7,854 3,571,614 21,549 47

Haringey Alexandra Park School

1,344 20 8,682,680 6,460 4,714,173 140,760 66

Haringey Park View 1,211 39 8,301,667 6,855 4,084,401 318,239 45 Haringey St Thomas More

Catholic School 841 31 6,187,898 7,358 3,818,615 161,308 31

Haringey The John Loughborough School

247 23 2,071,673 8,387 1,280,468 25,626 31

Harrow Hatch End High School

1,447 27 8,872,741 6,132 5,065,309 243,374 55

Harrow Park High School

1,295 11 7,167,176 5,534 4,448,460 10,600 66

Harrow Canons High School

805 32 5,326,613 6,617 2,710,759 190,025 54

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Harrow Nower Hill High School

1,534 11 8,754,271 5,707 5,138,836 174,723 79

Harrow Whitmore High School

1,245 22 7,617,566 6,119 4,196,167 74,777 60

Harrow Rooks Heath High School

882 25 6,174,748 7,001 3,693,944 175,015 52

Harrow Bentley Wood High School

792 28 5,009,954 6,326 2,591,613 136,637 61

Harrow Harrow High School and Sports College

747 36 5,084,438 6,806 2,568,171 168,877 31

Harrow The Sacred Heart Language College

748 9 4,100,085 5,481 2,422,381 131,216 77

Harrow Salvatorian Roman Catholic College

707 10 3,711,925 5,250 2,107,605 81,880 74

Hartlepool St Hild's Church of England Voluntary Aided School

916 30 5,612,428 6,127 2,769,838 135,417 41

Hartlepool Dyke House Sports and Technology College

1,109 36 6,881,247 6,205 3,513,461 81,350 45

Hartlepool High Tunstall College of Science

1,266 14 6,356,016 5,021 3,028,140 197,787 57

Hartlepool Manor College of Technology

1,214 22 6,643,078 5,472 3,763,367 61,637 56

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hartlepool The English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College

1,749 13 8,696,448 4,972 5,109,728 113,738 51

Havering Hall Mead School

966 4 5,312,094 5,499 3,341,875 33,397 76

Havering Redden Court School

629 16 4,160,655 6,615 2,464,001 32,083 58

Havering Brittons School and Technology College

1,092 17 6,165,994 5,647 3,346,991 100,068 45

Havering Emerson Park School

955 7 5,334,274 5,586 2,818,650 199,682 54

Havering The Sanders Draper School and Specialist Science College

953 13 5,105,912 5,358 2,772,853 255,761 61

Havering The Chafford School, A Specialist Business and Enterprise College

952 14 5,103,617 5,361 3,010,299 32,170 65

Havering The Royal Liberty School

578 19 3,695,829 6,394 1,818,737 97,235 43

Havering Gaynes School Language College

914 5 5,220,292 5,711 2,940,658 185,170 66

Havering Marshalls Park School

805 10 4,696,951 5,835 2,604,838 57,470 54

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Havering The Albany, A Business and Enterprise College

914 11 4,763,632 5,212 2,815,274 148,203 55

Havering King's Wood School

513 35 3,978,777 7,756 1,733,667 93,543 42

Havering Bower Park School

814 21 5,247,233 6,446 2,735,853 145,618 37

Havering St Edward's Church of England School & Sixth Form College

1,277 5 7,026,066 5,502 4,331,538 136,167 70

Havering The Campion School

1,055 4 5,842,464 5,538 3,452,655 63,432 79

Havering The Frances Bardsley School for Girls

1,265 9 6,236,877 4,930 3,927,077 142,781 67

Havering Abbs Cross School and Arts College

836 7 4,773,903 5,710 2,765,051 86,294 67

Havering The Coopers' Company and Coborn School

1,335 2 7,542,929 5,650 4,484,536 102,922 96

Havering Sacred Heart of Mary Girls' School

822 3 4,400,576 5,353 2,883,336 62,478 82

Herefordshire Queen Elizabeth Humanities College

297 15 1,701,344 5,728 1,004,389 45,887 35

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Herefordshire Whitecross Hereford; High School and Specialist Sports College

898 7 4,771,215 5,313 2,436,527 90,008 54

Herefordshire Aylestone Business and Enterprise College

760 12 4,064,946 5,349 2,562,941 71,645 51

Herefordshire Kingstone High School

616 10 3,406,446 5,530 1,902,954 57,534 52

Herefordshire Lady Hawkins High School

482 12 2,523,494 5,235 1,560,993 29,291 47

Herefordshire Earl Mortimer College and Sixth Form Centre

646 15 3,653,299 5,655 2,119,448 77,075 55

Herefordshire Fairfield High School

395 6 2,249,019 5,694 1,207,444 18,677 71

Herefordshire Weobley High School

463 11 2,425,838 5,239 1,364,476 27,802 56

Herefordshire Wigmore High School

459 9 2,270,947 4,948 1,340,900 22,190 69

Herefordshire John Masefield High School

882 9 4,522,028 5,127 2,614,237 27,230 64

Herefordshire John Kyrle High School and Sixth Form Centre

1,277 9 5,739,839 4,495 3,404,413 137,634 59

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Herefordshire The Bishop of Hereford's Bluecoat School

1,181 5 5,621,827 4,760 3,335,106 38,778 60

Herefordshire St Mary's RC High School a Specialist Science and Applied Learning College

691 5 3,355,789 4,860 1,990,117 90,003 72

Hertfordshire The Priory School

942 9 4,921,171 5,224 2,574,669 42,419 55

Hertfordshire Hertswood School

1,346 20 7,562,596 5,619 4,080,573 26,795 46

Hertfordshire The Hemel Hempstead School

1,187 6 6,428,537 5,416 3,899,208 949


Hertfordshire Richard Hale School

1,093 4 5,767,972 5,277 3,339,640 31,499 72

Hertfordshire Hitchin Boys' School

995 3 5,354,809 5,382 2,877,431 103,119 71

Hertfordshire Hitchin Girls' School

1,069 5 5,332,201 4,988 3,090,044 40,436 82

Hertfordshire Fearnhill School 975 15 5,163,206 5,296 2,940,833 68,496 45 Hertfordshire Verulam School 992 5 5,434,941 5,479 2,892,181 111,304 70 Hertfordshire Presdales

School 1,053 4 5,801,554 5,510 3,367,904 40,290 86

Hertfordshire Stanborough School

1,077 11 5,537,439 5,142 3,299,132 135,439 61

Hertfordshire The Knights Templar School

1,366 7 6,985,887 5,114 3,942,098 95,891 74

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hertfordshire Sir John Lawes School

1,174 5 6,787,549 5,782 3,744,375 42,963 84

Hertfordshire Adeyfield School 729 23 4,903,875 6,727 2,938,900 12,974 32 Hertfordshire Beaumont

School 1,196 5 6,192,322 5,178 3,836,726 45,522 78

Hertfordshire Barclay School 1,142 11 6,025,806 5,277 3,380,568 180,731 53 Hertfordshire The Heathcote

School 528 10 2,851,835 5,401 2,428,459 110,623 53

Hertfordshire Barnwell School 1,439 12 9,678,703 6,728 4,738,873 72,087 43 Hertfordshire Simon Balle

School 1,056 6 5,870,893 5,560 3,102,693 16,881 74

Hertfordshire Roundwood Park School

1,187 6 6,813,900 5,740 3,812,685 29,937 79

Hertfordshire Longdean School

1,199 14 6,014,926 5,017 3,643,294 73,988 48

Hertfordshire St Albans Girls' School

1,132 4 5,663,282 5,003 3,469,654 63,533 81

Hertfordshire Sir Frederic Osborn School

813 16 5,021,876 6,177 2,508,144 63,223 46

Hertfordshire Kings Langley School

1,072 6 5,562,099 5,189 3,162,516 115,024 59

Hertfordshire Bishop's Hatfield Girls' School

699 7 3,540,132 5,065 2,113,379 48,570 71

Hertfordshire The Cavendish School

1,177 15 6,383,340 5,423 3,458,269 118,068 47

Hertfordshire The Broxbourne School

1,252 5 6,550,087 5,232 3,750,699 43,858 69

Hertfordshire The Nobel School

1,203 8 5,933,458 4,932 3,599,872 87,269 57

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hertfordshire Turnford School 1,029 16 6,050,624 5,880 2,803,073 204,669 47 Hertfordshire Westfield

Community Technology College

1,153 18 6,456,891 5,600 3,074,625 201,464 48

Hertfordshire Marriotts School 887 16 5,007,165 5,645 2,562,189 35,141 40 Hertfordshire The Sele School 417 19 3,418,337 8,197 1,461,466 64,576 52 Hertfordshire Monks Walk

School 1,236 8 6,252,429 5,059 3,652,070 65,392 60

Hertfordshire The Highfield School

1,086 12 5,350,489 4,927 2,847,669 106,875 66

Hertfordshire Sheredes School 719 10 4,103,623 5,707 2,343,953 63,687 45 Hertfordshire Meridian School 571 8 4,418,358 7,738 2,125,661 23,915 59 Hertfordshire Freman College 831 3 4,669,229 5,619 2,793,113 22,735 70 Hertfordshire Onslow St

Audrey's School 462 21 3,339,627 7,229 1,685,563 49,373 54

Hertfordshire Sandringham School

1,227 5 6,281,181 5,119 3,668,104 31,862 80

Hertfordshire Birchwood High School

1,238 7 6,807,750 5,499 3,373,484 224,991 55

Hertfordshire The Thomas Alleyne School

655 12 4,025,338 6,146 2,038,579 138,198 49

Hertfordshire The Chauncy School

975 10 5,015,758 5,144 2,870,931 10,225 63

Hertfordshire The Astley Cooper School

577 23 3,991,975 6,919 2,016,713 93,209 40

Hertfordshire Tring School 1,494 6 7,664,281 5,130 4,393,571 55,784 71 Hertfordshire Townsend CofE

School 867 8 4,363,660 5,033 2,451,441 32,729 63

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hertfordshire St George's School

1,278 2 6,912,606 5,409 4,223,985 74,956 94

Hertfordshire John F Kennedy Catholic School

1,146 8 6,019,504 5,253 3,474,822 94,327 79

Hertfordshire Loreto College 846 5 4,429,194 5,235 2,525,595 69,193 80 Hertfordshire Yavneh College 569 3 3,382,996 5,946 1,805,967

4,384 -

Hertfordshire Rickmansworth School

1,283 2 6,812,695 5,310 4,048,318 58,082 83

Hertfordshire Watford Grammar School for Boys

1,266 3 6,485,309 5,123 4,330,152 40,806 89

Hertfordshire Francis Bacon School

440 21 3,964,233 9,010 2,054,238 26,889 31

Hertfordshire Watford Grammar School for Girls

1,261 3 6,564,760 5,206 4,080,467 80,539 96

Hertfordshire Parmiter's School

1,258 2 6,349,624 5,047 4,072,586 28,247 95

Hertfordshire The Bishop's Stortford High School

1,134 3 6,155,451 5,428 3,487,281 36,110 83

Hertfordshire Ashlyns School 751 4 4,253,221 5,663 2,468,467 77,672 65 Hertfordshire Dame Alice

Owen's School 1,431 2 7,311,210 5,109 4,709,087 16,526 97

Hertfordshire Bushey Meads School

1,068 10 5,691,913 5,330 2,901,010 136,072 72

Hertfordshire Queens' School 1,666 8 8,240,911 4,947 5,194,648 46,360 78

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hertfordshire Mount Grace School

936 12 5,131,462 5,482 2,846,973 186,073 50

Hertfordshire Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School

1,031 8 5,093,950 4,941 3,069,830 23,640 51

Hertfordshire The John Henry Newman Catholic School

1,446 3 7,055,083 4,879 4,770,370 67,319 70

Hertfordshire Marlborough School

1,250 11 6,183,043 4,946 3,540,982 90,358 52

Hertfordshire Goffs School 1,281 7 6,706,642 5,235 3,816,819 102,000 72 Hertfordshire The

Leventhorpe School

1,186 3 5,947,741 5,015 3,420,710 35,064 79

Hertfordshire Saint Michael's Catholic High School

1,089 8 5,212,324 4,786 2,965,208 21,949 70

Hertfordshire Saint Joan of Arc Catholic School

1,291 6 6,042,406 4,680 3,613,107 200,288 72

Hertfordshire Chancellor's School

1,049 6 5,229,266 4,985 3,287,286 88,496 61

Hertfordshire The Hertfordshire & Essex High School and Science College

1,041 3 5,104,500 4,903 2,936,308 119,518 81

Hertfordshire St Clement Danes School

1,317 2 6,627,775 5,032 4,076,477 53,330 85

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hertfordshire Saint Mary's Catholic School

942 4 4,760,939 5,054 2,802,440 67,168 80

Hertfordshire St Mary's Church of England High School (VA)

658 17 3,985,938 6,058 2,011,026 251,760 57

Hertfordshire Cheshunt School 969 17 5,407,372 5,580 2,844,084 149,689 39 Hertfordshire The John

Warner School 1,204 7 5,767,452 4,790 3,514,499 39,244 59

Hertfordshire Hockerill Anglo-European College

793 2 7,168,638 9,040 3,011,889 24,213 95

Hillingdon Ruislip High School

598 7 3,728,633 6,235 1,754,607 39,391 -

Hillingdon Bishop Ramsey CofE Voluntary Aided Secondary School

1,226 4 6,634,727 5,412 4,299,514 52,029 78

Hillingdon Guru Nanak Sikh Voluntary Aided Secondary School

659 10 4,051,837 6,148 2,233,086 37,565 67

Hillingdon Bishopshalt School

1,296 11 7,067,776 5,454 4,382,032 38,260 60

Hillingdon Haydon School 2,026 8 10,886,326 5,373 6,022,864 278,533 75 Hillingdon Vyners School 1,142 4 6,122,581 5,361 3,500,894 87,835 74 Hillingdon Queensmead

School 1,168 12 6,137,081 5,254 3,511,685 129,714 62

Hillingdon Uxbridge High School

1,080 33 7,144,650 6,615 3,261,288 38,029 64

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hillingdon Northwood School

596 24 4,795,343 8,046 2,427,606 117,682 49

Hillingdon Rosedale College

586 35 4,760,289 8,123 2,876,587 79,781 58

Hillingdon Mellow Lane School

907 24 6,459,611 7,122 3,798,703 285,357 35

Hillingdon The Douay Martyrs Catholic School

1,368 10 7,078,341 5,174 4,427,917 99,368 63

Hillingdon Abbotsfield School

606 26 3,983,645 6,574 1,991,802 97,347 41

Hillingdon Swakeleys School

1,046 17 5,591,383 5,345 3,380,346 42,851 68

Hillingdon Harlington Community School

1,150 31 7,169,653 6,234 3,645,162 296,981 31

Hillingdon Barnhill Community High School

1,398 25 8,618,329 6,165 4,521,338 123,551 49

Hounslow Chiswick Community School

1,194 30 6,993,970 5,858 3,721,890 245,618 60

Hounslow Hounslow Manor School

894 26 5,754,155 6,436 2,980,885 151,351 28

Hounslow Longford Community School

1,179 26 8,286,058 7,028 3,766,421 136,097 40

Hounslow Feltham Community College

1,156 27 9,747,356 8,432 4,679,536 150,832 44

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Hounslow Brentford School for Girls

948 34 5,665,694 5,976 2,900,994 329,237 55

Hounslow Heston Community School

1,268 18 7,079,120 5,583 4,026,993 218,488 61

Hounslow Lampton School 1,384 19 8,886,215 6,421 4,894,472 175,519 63 Hounslow The Heathland

School 1,813 20 9,463,139 5,220 5,464,754 269,517 63

Hounslow Cranford Community College

1,403 27 9,399,775 6,700 4,301,703 386,837 53

Hounslow Isleworth and Syon School for Boys

1,017 19 5,990,202 5,890 3,434,086 208,951 53

Hounslow The Green School

849 13 4,423,119 5,210 2,789,386 43,691 76

Hounslow St Mark's Catholic School

1,232 7 6,235,713 5,061 3,750,002 145,514 82

Hounslow Gumley House RC Convent School, FCJ

1,164 9 6,199,212 5,326 3,642,835 12,485 75

Hounslow Gunnersbury Catholic School

1,183 21 7,084,034 5,988 3,687,099 129,263 76

Isle of Wight Cowes High School

852 12 4,459,003 5,234 2,773,475 55,810 42

Isle of Wight Ryde High School

747 17 4,063,467 5,440 2,564,643 79,490 47

Isle of Wight Carisbrooke High School

1,272 13 6,625,604 5,209 3,468,963 171,762 49

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Isle of Wight Sandown High School

1,613 17 8,435,490 5,230 4,546,208 98,403 48

Isle of Wight Medina High School

1,170 14 5,760,078 4,923 3,102,695 56,992 43

Isle of Wight Christ The King College

926 9 3,377,713 3,648 2,157,190 103,716 -

Islington Highbury Grove School

968 56 7,272,986 7,513 4,437,456 157,013 44

Islington Holloway School 785 48 5,929,195 7,553 3,429,034 164,883 42 Islington Highbury Fields

School 736 44 5,173,659 7,029 2,873,493 290,750 47

Islington Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Language College

909 51 7,236,224 7,961 3,926,661 292,687 52

Islington Islington Arts and Media School

815 50 6,514,019 7,993 3,914,491 29,093 44

Islington Central Foundation Boys' School

830 41 5,981,094 7,206 3,269,822 185,340 67

Islington St Aloysius RC College

871 40 5,364,502 6,159 3,587,731 31,816 73

Islington Mount Carmel RC Technology College for Girls

676 36 4,498,921 6,655 2,606,416 99,350 49

Kensington and Chelsea

Holland Park School

1,320 24 9,649,572 7,310 4,051,150 163,200 67

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kensington and Chelsea

Saint Thomas More Language College

599 26 4,549,180 7,595 2,799,611 209,359 65

Kensington and Chelsea

Sion-Manning RC School for Girls

578 40 4,315,938 7,467 2,249,341 195,711 61

Kensington and Chelsea

The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School

944 9 6,679,917 7,076 3,913,526 157,066 90

Kent Dartford Technology College

876 12 4,067,475 4,643 2,422,146 74,585 35

Kent Swanley Technology College

553 24 3,765,069 6,808 1,863,763 84,755 37

Kent Northfleet School for Girls

1,148 13 6,243,401 5,439 3,352,380 74,573 52

Kent Tunbridge Wells Girls' Grammar School

997 2 4,644,704 4,659 2,585,487 14,606 98

Kent Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys

1,245 2 5,513,902 4,429 3,204,034 23,864 97

Kent Weald of Kent Grammar School

1,069 1 4,854,775 4,541 2,831,284 63,177 98

Kent Invicta Grammar School

1,134 3 6,096,789 5,376 3,333,136 60,690 100

Kent Swadelands School

788 11 4,390,329 5,571 2,503,238 69,487 37

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kent The Astor of Hever Community School

612 17 3,577,855 5,846 1,986,494 123,603 43

Kent Holmesdale Technology College

907 11 5,286,479 5,829 2,239,949 214,043 37

Kent Highsted Grammar School

858 3 3,935,050 4,586 2,470,372 12,174 99

Kent The Community College Whitstable

937 16 5,636,660 6,016 2,819,516 208,220 34

Kent Highworth Grammar School for Girls

1,234 2 5,498,452 4,456 3,228,232 55,568 99

Kent The Harvey Grammar School

895 7 4,960,615 5,543 2,668,073 42,211 96

Kent Dover Grammar School for Girls

775 5 3,532,915 4,559 2,298,743 35,347 99

Kent Astor College for the Arts

1,095 20 6,377,023 5,824 3,854,391 25,445 30

Kent Archers Court Maths and Computing College

952 21 6,240,702 6,555 3,599,263 102,626 28

Kent Clarendon House Grammar School

787 5 4,096,271 5,205 2,463,603 42,469 97

Kent King Ethelbert School

725 19 4,940,567 6,815 2,321,795 57,874 34

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kent Walmer Science College

780 13 4,255,150 5,455 2,513,100 41,130 44

Kent Hartsdown Technology College

1,070 28 6,905,068 6,453 3,289,366 141,627 43

Kent The Towers School

1,485 12 8,008,628 5,393 4,343,166 - 41

Kent Wilmington Enterprise College

791 12 4,984,609 6,302 2,438,529 253,733 35

Kent Castle Community College

624 16 4,080,993 6,540 2,168,345 25,131 36

Kent Hextable School 752 11 4,395,595 5,845 2,208,917 118,166 37 Kent The Abbey

School 989 22 5,904,317 5,970 3,211,254 58,148 35

Kent The North School

1,057 14 6,320,800 5,980 2,821,467 82,127 40

Kent Sittingbourne Community College

1,328 25 7,896,252 5,946 4,001,794 - 32

Kent Valley Park Community School

1,041 9 5,179,930 4,976 2,664,678 122,025 45

Kent Swan Valley Community School

615 24 4,675,603 7,603 1,944,141 130,136 34

Kent Maidstone Grammar School

1,291 3 6,237,458 4,831 3,399,151 143,207 99

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kent Maidstone Grammar School for Girls

1,205 2 5,249,285 4,356 3,104,204 27,979 98

Kent Borden Grammar School

779 5 3,749,847 4,814 2,393,162 30,547 92

Kent The Norton Knatchbull School

1,049 2 5,294,784 5,047 3,358,028 25,603 92

Kent Simon Langton Girls' Grammar School

1,029 1 5,205,663 5,059 2,962,642 12,541 99

Kent The Judd School 966 1 4,384,519 4,539 2,901,568 22,478 98 Kent Ashford Christ

Church Church of England Maths & Computing Specialist College

901 18 6,429,965 7,136 3,036,812 53,508 31

Kent Ursuline College 767 9 4,497,561 5,864 1,982,133 115,612 57 Kent Wilmington

Grammar School for Girls

804 3 3,724,533 4,633 2,271,847 16,446 97

Kent The Maplesden Noakes School

1,032 10 5,172,471 5,012 2,907,559 41,756 46

Kent Wilmington Grammar School for Boys

897 2 4,767,069 5,314 2,682,115 52,749 95

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kent Saint George's Church of England School

1,129 13 5,541,156 4,908 3,099,647 39,234 46

Kent Dartford Grammar School

1,232 2 7,097,764 5,761 4,144,591 1,097


Kent Thamesview School

801 20 5,883,390 7,345 2,446,244 38,708 32

Kent Homewood School and Sixth Form Centre

2,074 7 10,424,634 5,026 4,969,139 189,340 44

Kent Wrotham School 712 9 3,346,174 4,700 2,200,508 3,883


Kent Aylesford School - Sports College

960 8 5,196,803 5,413 2,667,630 181,327 27

Kent Dartford Grammar School for Girls

1,070 2 5,265,235 4,921 3,132,211 14,223 99

Kent Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys

1,012 3 5,215,596 5,154 2,922,630 22,268 98

Kent Fulston Manor School

1,187 7 6,026,840 5,077 3,386,970 3,299


Kent Cranbrook School

773 1 6,740,879 8,720 2,651,141 29,102 99

Kent The Skinners' School

819 1 4,175,952 5,099 2,349,372 30,584 100

Kent Angley School - A Sports College

914 12 5,109,834 5,591 2,705,965 149,921 28

Kent The Canterbury High School

1,093 23 7,136,558 6,529 3,774,988 33,915 38

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kent Oakwood Park Grammar School

1,007 2 4,602,500 4,571 2,587,058 6,459


Kent Meopham School

741 9 4,251,371 5,737 2,214,143 48,571 35

Kent The Malling School

445 23 3,982,470 8,949 1,528,126 153,640 26

Kent The Archbishop's School

865 5 4,730,681 5,469 3,131,176 48,079 49

Kent Sir Roger Manwood's School

913 4 4,888,555 5,354 2,965,420 9,410


Kent The Bradbourne School

869 9 4,125,681 4,748 2,289,878 61,696 59

Kent Hugh Christie Technology College

1,202 12 6,493,895 5,403 3,660,201 77,222 45

Kent St Simon Stock Catholic School

1,062 6 4,772,662 4,494 2,931,538 34,235 68

Kent The Wildernesse School

450 14 2,672,023 5,938 1,258,640 74,421 35

Kent The Westlands School

1,691 13 8,894,625 5,260 5,400,956 10,033 51

Kent St Gregory's Catholic Comprehensive School

1,092 7 5,257,729 4,815 2,665,369 82,510 54

Kent The Folkestone School for Girls

1,047 6 5,270,136 5,034 2,964,802 56,191 98

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kent The Charles Dickens School

1,125 14 5,639,945 5,013 2,871,706 67,548 28

Kent Mascalls School 1,436 6 6,926,543 4,823 3,725,771 144,874 52 Kent St Edmund's

Catholic School 841 12 4,349,166 5,171 2,670,039 30,612 40

Kent Tonbridge Grammar School

1,042 1 5,345,578 5,130 3,046,514 12,889 99

Kent Barton Court Grammar School

878 4 4,168,306 4,748 2,622,230 37,026 96

Kent St Anselm's Catholic School

1,051 8 5,006,293 4,763 3,094,796 81,713 51

Kent St George's Church of England Foundation School

1,149 17 5,757,275 5,011 3,693,626 15,784 41

Kent Herne Bay High School

1,507 11 7,644,523 5,073 4,117,036 93,156 42

Kent Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School

864 2 4,103,415 4,749 2,557,131 44,874 98

Kent Hillview School for Girls

1,261 11 6,320,413 5,012 3,392,922 63,257 65

Kent Chaucer Technology School

1,206 12 6,221,725 5,159 3,449,673 67,173 35

Kent The Hayesbrook School

915 10 5,644,320 6,169 3,082,194 98,465 58

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kent Northfleet Technology College

922 17 6,333,008 6,869 2,721,022 122,005 36

Kent Pent Valley Technology College

1,332 19 8,146,802 6,116 3,864,610 4,475


Kent Dover Grammar School for Boys

750 6 3,591,651 4,789 1,986,658 13,578 92

Kent Dane Court Grammar School

1,173 6 5,506,916 4,695 3,916,084 94,136 97

Kent St John's Catholic Comprehensive

1,111 13 5,809,373 5,229 2,979,767 112,205 51

Kent Chatham House Grammar School for Boys

914 5 4,207,975 4,604 2,497,867 59,405 94

Kent Sandwich Technology School

1,381 12 6,522,654 4,723 4,084,054 - 38

Kent Bennett Memorial Diocesan School

1,426 2 6,294,843 4,414 3,870,530 90,414 86

Kent Gravesend Grammar School

1,023 2 5,104,576 4,990 2,763,065 4,684


Kent Brockhill Park Performing Arts College

1,190 13 6,431,048 5,404 3,800,260 49,138 42

Kent Gravesend Grammar School for Girls

1,004 3 4,676,338 4,658 2,880,928 73,218 99

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kingston upon Hull

Winifred Holtby School Technology College

1,412 22 7,695,286 5,450 4,102,803 53,288 42

Kingston upon Hull

Kingswood College of Arts

863 32 5,734,235 6,645 2,699,281 139,403 32

Kingston upon Hull

Endeavour High School

701 41 4,957,214 7,072 2,267,968 214,368 30

Kingston upon Hull

Malet Lambert School Language College

1,453 11 6,310,973 4,343 3,819,833 92,897 62

Kingston upon Hull

Newland School for Girls

848 29 4,846,902 5,716 2,602,915 145,785 43

Kingston upon Hull

Kelvin Hall School

989 18 5,045,027 5,101 2,680,940 57,438 52

Kingston upon Hull

David Lister School

823 30 6,230,343 7,570 2,719,804 269,552 26

Kingston upon Hull

Sir Henry Cooper School

592 43 4,010,149 6,774 2,022,674 44,708 21

Kingston upon Hull

Sydney Smith School

1,198 27 6,534,858 5,455 3,437,116 107,406 35

Kingston upon Hull

Andrew Marvell Business and Enterprise College

1,127 24 6,066,822 5,383 2,924,518 117,179 48

Kingston upon Hull

Hull Trinity House School

285 14 1,878,513 6,591 983,369 29,536 89

Kingston upon Hull

St Mary's College

1,590 15 9,484,719 5,965 4,816,093 78,850 60

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kingston upon Thames

Coombe Girls' School

1,498 11 7,925,095 5,290 5,239,168 39,301 69

Kingston upon Thames

Chessington Community College

747 18 4,269,894 5,716 2,514,393 74,187 41

Kingston upon Thames

Southborough High School

749 13 4,056,213 5,416 2,373,430 83,917 61

Kingston upon Thames

The Tiffin Girls' School

893 1 5,046,103 5,651 2,817,002 22,764 100

Kingston upon Thames

Tolworth Girls' School and Centre for Continuing Education

1,335 10 7,015,620 5,255 4,200,138 105,005 62

Kingston upon Thames

Tiffin School 1,058 2 5,843,100 5,523 3,330,786 15,807 100

Kingston upon Thames

Richard Challoner School

931 7 5,500,846 5,909 3,266,557 10,137 79

Kingston upon Thames

The Holy Cross School

943 6 5,063,743 5,370 2,892,256 124,129 77

Kingston upon Thames

Coombe Boys' School

757 14 4,207,602 5,558 2,649,984 96,893 43

Kingston upon Thames

The Hollyfield School and Sixth Form Centre

1,114 7 5,667,344 5,087 3,405,667 60,042 56

Kirklees King James's School

877 7 3,959,617 4,515 2,238,478 115,172 67

Kirklees Royds Hall High School

804 26 4,523,110 5,626 2,222,478 153,669 50

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kirklees Nether Hall Learning Campus High School

390 37 3,107,339 7,968 1,580,359 60,094 44

Kirklees Salendine Nook High School

1,319 10 5,966,578 4,524 3,565,281 136,032 71

Kirklees Almondbury High School and Language College

656 22 4,105,858 6,259 2,245,096 143,681 42

Kirklees Fartown High School

377 46 3,170,348 8,409 1,617,224 122,335 31

Kirklees Moor End Technology College

779 33 4,762,436 6,114 2,482,219 219,137 42

Kirklees Newsome High School and Sports College

538 28 4,688,254 8,714 2,453,309 189,725 33

Kirklees Honley High School

1,283 10 6,114,581 4,766 3,617,351 153,563 70

Kirklees The Mirfield Free Grammar and Sixth Form

1,424 13 8,162,528 5,732 4,126,531 67,647 62

Kirklees Colne Valley Specialist Arts College

1,408 13 6,364,358 4,520 3,507,219 105,414 45

Kirklees Batley Business and Enterprise College

560 28 3,733,363 6,667 1,788,254 117,350 44

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kirklees Holmfirth High School

1,300 7 6,777,121 5,213 4,001,077 64,972 63

Kirklees Batley Girls' High School - Visual Arts College

1,123 23 6,034,773 5,374 3,125,499 157,462 53

Kirklees Shelley College - A Specialist Centre for Science

1,396 6 7,300,790 5,230 4,083,889 222,617 64

Kirklees Birkdale High School

480 32 3,499,722 7,291 1,878,895 106,690 38

Kirklees Westborough High School

879 30 5,533,827 6,296 2,772,273 179,958 41

Kirklees Earlsheaton Technology College

866 23 4,493,289 5,189 2,580,095 155,431 32

Kirklees The Community Science College at Thornhill

660 21 3,858,967 5,847 2,008,918 99,498 44

Kirklees Spen Valley Sports College

891 17 4,889,498 5,488 2,626,324 265,207 35

Kirklees Whitcliffe Mount - Specialist Business and Enterprise College

1,271 11 7,053,397 5,549 3,698,738 207,723 53

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Kirklees All Saints Catholic College Specialist in Humanities

827 15 3,997,317 4,834 2,270,678 108,152 42

Kirklees St John Fisher Catholic High School

1,204 9 6,141,219 5,101 3,247,308 258,093 53

Kirklees Castle Hall School: A Specialist Language College

853 7 4,278,435 5,016 2,210,784 289,152 60

Kirklees Heckmondwike Grammar School

1,312 3 9,457,459 7,208 4,031,701 90,936 100

Knowsley Christ The King Catholic and Church of England (VA) Centre for Learning

533 52 3,994,169 7,494 1,997,881 144,228 35

Knowsley Halewood Centre for Learning (Community)

1,207 24 5,393,320 4,468 2,813,991 43,035 57

Knowsley Huyton Arts & Sports Centre for Learning (Community)

1,307 40 4,863,442 3,721 2,690,324 147,903 30

Knowsley Knowsley Park Centre for Learning

1,252 30 4,769,339 3,809 2,627,826 104,521 36

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Knowsley Kirkby Sports College Centre for Learning

1,159 40 7,846,887 6,770 4,129,629 107,377 31

Knowsley All Saints Catholic Centre for Learning (VA)

1,161 33 1,878,003 1,618 1,063,444 99,120 38

Knowsley St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Centre for Learning (VA)

886 24 1,415,560 1,598 835,184 10,466 55

Lambeth Norwood School 723 42 5,524,421 7,641 3,287,739 120,169 58 Lambeth Lilian Baylis

Technology School

625 61 5,427,837 8,685 2,607,525 76,210 47

Lambeth Stockwell Park School

981 59 7,491,562 7,637 3,577,830 423,892 70

Lambeth Charles Edward Brooke School

611 30 5,524,990 9,043 3,198,438 557,828 41

Lambeth The Elmgreen School

524 37 3,980,084 7,596 1,988,727 76,509 -

Lambeth La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls' School

898 20 6,146,868 6,845 3,292,005 136,103 72

Lambeth Bishop Thomas Grant Catholic Secondary School

987 12 6,535,372 6,621 4,032,303 257,375 52

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lambeth Dunraven School

1,212 24 8,192,762 6,760 4,451,901 287,666 62

Lambeth Archbishop Tenison's School

537 25 3,809,720 7,094 2,086,401 91,659 62

Lambeth St Martin in the Fields High School for Girls

856 24 5,880,310 6,870 3,383,742 187,556 64

Lambeth London Nautical School

691 26 5,298,090 7,667 2,922,154 98,691 42

Lancashire Ashton Community Science College

1,020 24 5,268,904 5,166 2,964,256 75,817 48

Lancashire Skerton Community High School

237 40 2,726,878 11,506 1,198,335 39,452 29

Lancashire Heysham High School Sports College

1,092 23 6,532,172 5,982 3,345,954 82,944 32

Lancashire Hodgson School 1,108 6 4,916,427 4,437 2,813,850 50,354 82 Lancashire Millfield Science

& Performing Arts College

556 20 3,177,646 5,715 1,744,119 10,614 50

Lancashire Ribblesdale School

1,299 6 5,474,475 4,214 3,463,354 81,744 56

Lancashire Norden High School and Sports College

698 20 4,182,198 5,992 2,293,713 161,651 56

Lancashire Colne Park High School

913 17 4,348,534 4,763 2,541,252 49,121 58

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lancashire Colne Primet High School

610 25 4,344,948 7,123 2,167,865 94,898 33

Lancashire Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School

885 24 6,204,905 7,011 3,163,020 66,653 45

Lancashire Alder Grange Community and Technology School

681 13 3,573,735 5,248 2,080,858 227,940 46

Lancashire Wellfield Business & Enterprise College

413 19 2,410,837 5,837 1,270,360 130,237 40

Lancashire West Craven High Technology College

654 12 3,302,280 5,049 1,954,297 210,777 46

Lancashire Bowland High 554 3 2,471,168 4,461 1,463,050 16,885 69 Lancashire Southlands High

School 903 12 4,355,448 4,823 2,822,785 33,708 41

Lancashire Priory Sports and Technology College, Penwortham

805 10 3,947,822 4,904 2,255,589 32,413 55

Lancashire Lytham St Annes Technology and Performing Arts College

1,636 11 7,475,530 4,569 4,419,216 113,936 65

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lancashire Worden Sports College

377 25 2,703,555 7,171 1,487,249 77,876 44

Lancashire Walton le Dale Arts College and High School

544 20 3,051,742 5,610 1,723,904 9,258


Lancashire Carr Hill High School and Sixth Form Centre

1,210 8 5,934,940 4,905 3,439,325 210,062 54

Lancashire Fearns Community Sports College

770 16 5,481,204 7,118 2,689,007 57,523 36

Lancashire Burscough Priory Science College

713 7 3,172,008 4,449 1,906,656 63,480 56

Lancashire Garstang High School : A Community Technology College

744 5 3,314,313 4,455 2,017,533 32,427 62

Lancashire Carnforth High School

519 10 2,660,151 5,126 1,620,361 40,543 60

Lancashire Longridge High School A Maths and Computing College

740 10 3,452,568 4,666 2,072,359 69,994 51

Lancashire Up Holland High School

874 13 3,940,029 4,508 2,445,188 71,007 53

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lancashire Tarleton High School, A Community Technology College

784 6 4,150,478 5,294 2,011,001 152,902 62

Lancashire Whitworth Community High School

538 19 2,833,327 5,266 1,476,416 112,857 39

Lancashire Lostock Hall Community High School and Arts College

796 8 3,673,726 4,615 2,292,076 50,438 64

Lancashire The Hollins Technology College

748 17 4,042,223 5,404 2,255,550 52,396 61

Lancashire Glenburn Sports College

683 32 5,787,022 8,473 2,676,396 173,286 38

Lancashire Broughton Business and Enterprise College

892 7 3,910,843 4,384 2,473,123 41,336 85

Lancashire Morecambe Community High School

1,495 15 7,116,465 4,760 4,422,001 28,280 53

Lancashire Parklands High School

1,115 11 4,733,636 4,245 2,787,688 107,873 56

Lancashire Penwortham Girls' High School

720 9 3,185,151 4,424 2,091,581 29,784 72

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lancashire Haslingden High School

1,519 13 7,543,736 4,966 4,514,885 71,603 77

Lancashire Albany Science College

482 18 3,069,474 6,368 1,685,529 13,484 60

Lancashire Central Lancaster High School

700 16 4,434,687 6,335 1,950,636 102,760 42

Lancashire Fleetwood Sports College

929 26 6,561,888 7,063 3,147,814 196,338 34

Lancashire Moor Park Business and Enterprise School

522 32 3,767,932 7,218 1,666,649 78,658 44

Lancashire Lathom High School : A Technology College

670 22 4,135,640 6,173 2,122,310 92,858 47

Lancashire Ormskirk School 1,402 8 6,924,843 4,939 4,039,011 115,221 67 Lancashire Balshaw's

Church of England High School

925 7 4,019,093 4,345 2,567,673 50,209 66

Lancashire Our Lady's Catholic High School

873 8 3,787,406 4,338 2,253,144 60,928 69

Lancashire Corpus Christi Catholic Sports College

771 23 4,152,998 5,387 2,186,187 86,558 41

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lancashire Christ The King Catholic Maths and Computing College

346 30 2,900,942 8,384 1,491,036 84,499 50

Lancashire Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic High School and Engineering College

775 21 4,297,427 5,545 2,314,245 62,203 51

Lancashire Brownedge St Mary's Catholic High School

616 13 3,344,999 5,430 2,081,310 7,634


Lancashire St John Fisher and Thomas More Roman Catholic High School, Colne

744 10 3,645,191 4,899 2,121,840 68,967 57

Lancashire Bishop Rawstorne Church of England Language College

931 5 3,996,561 4,293 2,601,139 73,694 85

Lancashire St Bede's Catholic High School

732 6 3,443,506 4,704 2,087,341 76,988 71

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lancashire Saint Aidan's Church of England Technology College

835 6 3,576,365 4,283 2,089,058 16,555 61

Lancashire Accrington St Christopher's Church of England High School

1,013 3 4,361,810 4,306 2,697,858 32,990 71

Lancashire St Bede's Catholic High School

685 4 3,139,944 4,584 1,894,692 69,237 66

Lancashire Hutton Church of England Grammar School

842 5 4,041,277 4,800 2,410,780 97,118 70

Lancashire St Michael's Church of England High School

1,135 4 4,488,208 3,954 2,950,041 94,113 79

Lancashire Ripley St Thomas Church of England High School

1,597 3 7,267,719 4,551 4,474,060 41,860 85

Lancashire All Saints Roman Catholic High School, Rossendale

436 18 2,368,730 5,433 1,223,565 51,233 53

Lancashire Our Lady's Catholic College

1,013 18 5,400,936 5,332 3,101,834 141,779 58

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lancashire Cardinal Allen Catholic High School, Fleetwood

799 10 3,866,912 4,843 2,204,835 53,779 57

Lancashire St Cecilia's RC Technology College

461 5 2,752,776 5,971 1,399,561 49,997 67

Lancashire St Augustine's Roman Catholic High School, Billington

1,073 6 4,819,975 4,492 2,897,509 48,283 67

Lancashire All Hallows Catholic High School

904 5 4,067,053 4,499 2,647,065 47,974 78

Lancashire Holy Cross Catholic High School, A Sports and Science College

826 9 4,022,082 4,869 2,262,372 140,013 52

Lancashire Mount Carmel Roman Catholic High School, Hyndburn

780 19 4,012,279 5,144 2,202,537 135,812 52

Lancashire Pendle Vale College

917 23 5,582,353 6,088 2,810,501 101,062 47

Lancashire Marsden Heights Community College

713 25 5,098,912 7,151 2,654,592 80,052 45

Lancashire Shuttleworth College

929 24 5,388,347 5,800 2,465,835 370,570 23

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lancashire Hameldon Community College

625 18 5,516,546 8,826 3,111,175 112,661 36

Lancashire Sir John Thursby Community College

898 32 6,310,110 7,031 3,437,882 65,501 47

Lancashire Blessed Trinity RC College

1,270 11 6,811,031 5,363 3,912,993 152,605 51

Lancashire Unity College 981 27 5,941,401 6,056 3,411,589 116,434 36 Lancashire Bacup and

Rawtenstall Grammar School

1,305 2 6,111,911 4,683 3,915,979 133,028 99

Lancashire Lancaster Royal Grammar School

1,045 1 5,015,831 4,800 3,252,976 64,547 98

Lancashire Lancaster Girls' Grammar School

864 3 4,199,792 4,861 2,657,208 58,215 99

Lancashire Clitheroe Royal Grammar School

1,278 2 6,421,124 5,024 3,536,620 90,664 100

Lancashire Baines School 1,008 3 4,892,808 4,854 3,063,268 99,811 75 Lancashire Archbishop

Temple School, A Church of England Specialist College

771 3 3,226,841 4,185 2,230,575 38,325 91

Lancashire Leyland St Mary's Catholic Technology College

791 7 3,517,190 4,447 2,289,686 77,553 66

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Leeds Lawnswood School

1,465 25 8,427,787 5,753 4,181,809 273,720 45

Leeds City of Leeds School

520 40 4,605,336 8,856 1,956,362 74,245 32

Leeds Allerton High School

1,135 12 6,238,279 5,496 3,101,237 92,762 62

Leeds Allerton Grange School

1,564 20 8,787,147 5,618 4,930,496 155,882 45

Leeds Carr Manor High School

789 37 5,276,222 6,687 1,921,232 116,400 34

Leeds Primrose High School

914 48 6,790,530 7,429 2,596,169 107,048 25

Leeds John Smeaton Community College

921 36 6,035,250 6,553 2,883,843 148,360 32

Leeds Temple Moor High School Science College

1,272 17 6,224,653 4,894 3,161,156 33,627 47

Leeds Cockburn 1,051 33 6,111,983 5,815 2,941,642 36,639 36 Leeds Farnley Park

Maths & Computing College

826 22 4,435,534 5,370 2,174,039 98,021 45

Leeds Parklands Girls' High School

667 45 4,655,319 6,979 2,448,373 117,378 32

Leeds Ralph Thoresby School

1,032 21 5,733,626 5,556 2,755,098 90,116 49

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Leeds Roundhay School Technology & Language College

1,541 14 8,521,021 5,530 4,155,951 229,155 65

Leeds Morley High School

1,555 10 7,806,610 5,020 4,632,778 32,145 60

Leeds Pudsey Grangefield School

1,130 12 5,942,899 5,259 3,221,289 104,876 40

Leeds Rodillian School 1,212 20 6,537,674 5,394 3,461,642 128,157 48 Leeds Royds School

Specialist Language College

1,242 20 5,889,566 4,742 3,478,555 85,200 51

Leeds Woodkirk High Specialist Science School

1,851 9 8,565,942 4,628 5,229,761 98,632 70

Leeds Benton Park School

1,417 8 6,627,522 4,677 3,983,943 26,026 56

Leeds Crawshaw School

1,151 12 5,724,347 4,973 3,123,324 92,868 62

Leeds Guiseley School 1,335 6 6,066,890 4,544 3,561,565 153,295 72 Leeds Bruntcliffe

School 1,494 19 7,621,930 5,102 4,549,447 166,117 42

Leeds Priesthorpe School

1,159 15 5,935,402 5,121 3,278,315 57,445 56

Leeds Wetherby High School

965 9 4,761,893 4,935 2,639,264 54,422 64

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Leeds Garforth Community College

2,008 5 10,026,330 4,993 6,044,576 214,402 74

Leeds Brigshaw High School and Language College

1,383 11 7,203,219 5,208 3,777,980 49,688 56

Leeds Boston Spa School

1,696 13 8,634,542 5,091 4,762,330 273,335 51

Leeds Horsforth School 1,388 9 6,195,165 4,463 3,831,349 52,127 67 Leeds Otley Prince

Henry's Grammar School Specialist Language College

1,425 6 6,730,481 4,723 3,804,678 88,449 62

Leeds St Mary's Catholic Comprehensive School, Menston

1,201 3 5,544,059 4,616 3,485,914 130,963 84

Leeds Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School

903 15 4,616,870 5,113 2,419,388 115,632 64

Leeds Corpus Christi Catholic College

929 24 5,081,621 5,470 2,806,037 56,443 42

Leeds Mount St Mary's Catholic High School

926 24 5,027,374 5,429 2,686,041 99,284 46

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Leeds Abbey Grange Church of England High School

1,249 9 5,779,556 4,627 3,392,143 19,931 72

Leicester New College Leicester

766 34 5,099,395 6,657 2,604,476 69,161 28

Leicester Crown Hills Community College

1,204 28 8,223,860 6,830 3,547,129 167,029 56

Leicester Sir Jonathan North Community College

1,187 18 5,731,047 4,828 3,210,960 94,697 62

Leicester Beaumont Leys School

1,048 20 5,310,839 5,068 2,875,067 122,861 48

Leicester Rushey Mead School

1,391 20 6,926,717 4,980 4,115,413 125,654 67

Leicester The Lancaster School

1,028 17 6,075,728 5,910 3,182,361 103,655 40

Leicester Hamilton Community College

940 25 5,743,109 6,110 2,488,392 216,563 34

Leicester Soar Valley College

1,283 19 6,384,092 4,976 3,882,888 153,730 61

Leicester Judgemeadow Community College

1,199 19 6,371,320 5,314 3,751,101 46,586 56

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Leicester Riverside Business and Enterprise College

415 29 4,764,874 11,482 2,184,891 95,035 30

Leicester Moat Community College

1,054 34 6,173,858 5,858 3,252,396 208,558 51

Leicester Babington Community Technology College

765 35 5,798,268 7,579 2,841,495 123,014 35

Leicester The City of Leicester College

1,369 19 7,069,704 5,164 4,191,642 300,238 55

Leicester Fullhurst Community College

844 28 5,872,058 6,957 2,680,061 227,038 37

Leicester English Martyrs Catholic School

1,046 11 4,896,021 4,681 2,859,634 43,987 49

Leicester Saint Paul's Catholic School

1,043 8 4,989,107 4,783 3,049,730 13,752 54

Leicester Madani Muslim High School (VA)

593 22 2,591,145 4,370 1,300,554 95,688 74

Leicestershire King Edward VII Science and Sport College

1,002 10 5,650,175 5,639 3,010,921 102,323 45

Leicestershire Burleigh Community College

1,038 13 7,291,193 7,024 3,168,893 32,055 50

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Leicestershire The Robert Smyth School

1,338 4 6,809,982 5,090 4,003,451 117,790 62

Leicestershire King Edward VII School - Specialist Training School and Technology College

1,077 5 6,839,791 6,351 3,415,556 23,396 56

Leicestershire Guthlaxton College Wigston

1,452 11 7,666,178 5,280 3,778,802 141,208 46

Leicestershire Belvoir High School

533 4 2,723,212 5,109 1,531,129 58,349 65

Leicestershire Longslade Community College

1,218 6 6,573,606 5,397 3,178,511 54,112 43

Leicestershire John Ferneley College

724 8 2,747,893 3,795 1,518,991 27,314 -

Leicestershire The Beauchamp College

2,103 4 12,213,079 5,807 5,169,441 56,117 73

Leicestershire Bosworth Community College

1,304 5 7,049,031 5,406 3,452,298 42,502 50

Leicestershire Wreake Valley Community College

1,497 6 7,368,471 4,922 3,788,218 136,483 54

Leicestershire Countesthorpe Community College

1,028 7 6,160,933 5,993 3,202,698 47,256 47

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Leicestershire Groby Community College

918 5 4,700,718 5,121 2,540,082 31,194 61

Leicestershire Hind Leys Community College

619 7 3,589,104 5,798 2,064,818 30,459 56

Leicestershire William Bradford Community College

501 10 3,349,126 6,685 1,652,632 67,495 45

Leicestershire John Cleveland College

1,724 5 8,618,608 4,999 4,613,326 72,941 55

Leicestershire Lutterworth College

2,053 4 10,691,500 5,208 5,571,252 28,593 65

Leicestershire Rawlins Community College

1,480 8 7,932,473 5,360 4,175,056 101,392 51

Leicestershire Ashby School 1,676 6 9,507,937 5,673 4,661,373 117,212 62 Leicestershire De Lisle Catholic

School Loughborough Leicestershire

1,362 4 6,403,910 4,702 3,463,585 116,188 76

Leicestershire Long Field School

619 7 2,927,939 4,730 1,497,973 123,261 -

Lewisham Deptford Green School

1,076 30 8,636,344 8,026 5,019,342 339,383 54

Lewisham Sydenham School

1,461 22 8,829,121 6,043 5,567,098 192,371 47

Lewisham Conisborough College

773 33 6,032,423 7,804 3,234,295 150,209 39

Lewisham Sedgehill School 1,625 32 10,605,537 6,526 5,935,932 275,250 36

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lewisham Forest Hill School

1,424 19 8,841,794 6,209 5,445,664 255,472 52

Lewisham Prendergast - Ladywell Fields College

787 25 5,538,126 7,037 2,745,052 221,451 29

Lewisham Addey and Stanhope School

595 31 4,165,225 7,000 2,027,371 132,255 59

Lewisham Trinity Church of England School, Lewisham

476 29 3,769,191 7,918 2,214,236 208,235 53

Lewisham Prendergast-Hilly Fields College

793 16 5,524,468 6,967 3,223,019 113,580 70

Lewisham Bonus Pastor Catholic College

747 17 4,665,566 6,246 2,844,030 41,160 58

Lincolnshire The Robert Manning Technology College

1,215 6 5,685,485 4,679 3,563,997 104,227 53

Lincolnshire Kesteven and Grantham Girls' School

1,113 2 5,035,086 4,524 3,092,857 96,404 96

Lincolnshire Kesteven and Sleaford High School

864 2 4,061,943 4,701 2,446,649 85,104 98

Lincolnshire The Deepings School

1,453 4 6,696,893 4,611 3,955,188 146,588 61

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lincolnshire The Lafford High School, Billinghay

38 22 890,712 23,440 438,148 35,870 8

Lincolnshire The Charles Read High School

247 9 1,909,714 7,732 890,040 74,662 36

Lincolnshire Grantham the Walton Girls' High School & Sixth Form

773 6 4,014,476 5,193 2,200,536 83,417 54

Lincolnshire Boston High School

784 2 3,951,574 5,040 2,118,987 257,507 97

Lincolnshire Gleed Boys' School

632 11 3,481,079 5,508 1,789,462 159,727 27

Lincolnshire Spalding High School

990 2 4,928,485 4,978 3,046,229 45,077 95

Lincolnshire Middlecott School

532 12 3,122,573 5,869 1,452,489 232,021 41

Lincolnshire George Farmer Technology and Language College

915 11 5,429,211 5,934 2,536,869 535,322 47

Lincolnshire The Peele Community College

670 12 3,749,265 5,596 1,852,288 88,632 58

Lincolnshire The St Guthlac School

343 11 2,178,919 6,353 1,200,420 97,575 44

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lincolnshire John Spendluffe Foundation Technology College

635 15 3,703,505 5,832 1,821,605 20,785 37

Lincolnshire Caistor Yarborough School

554 7 3,021,312 5,454 1,524,263 119,952 58

Lincolnshire The Banovallum School, Horncastle

625 9 2,923,004 4,677 1,666,235 89,762 52

Lincolnshire Cordeaux School

598 13 3,892,528 6,509 1,773,792 153,360 33

Lincolnshire The Mablethorpe Tennyson High School

305 27 1,983,802 6,504 978,702 91,434 28

Lincolnshire Birkbeck School and Community Arts College

314 12 2,040,580 6,499 974,521 55,137 41

Lincolnshire Cherry Willingham Community School

494 12 3,721,757 7,534 1,575,615 86,425 49

Lincolnshire The Queen Elizabeth's High School, Gainsborough

1,183 2 5,595,951 4,730 3,249,615 98,270 99

Lincolnshire Stamford Queen Eleanor School

473 11 2,872,760 6,080 1,349,025 90,333 41

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lincolnshire King Edward VI Humanities College

464 19 2,771,986 5,974 1,179,548 209,390 31

Lincolnshire Haven High Technology College

785 17 4,907,239 6,251 1,997,308 274,160 28

Lincolnshire Bourne Grammar School

987 1 4,421,991 4,480 2,592,657 113,499 97

Lincolnshire The Thomas Cowley High School

626 8 3,557,764 5,683 1,804,561 64,046 51

Lincolnshire Market Rasen De Aston School

1,053 7 5,789,888 5,498 3,230,716 43,962 66

Lincolnshire William Lovell Church of England School

442 7 2,567,899 5,810 1,411,086 69,899 44

Lincolnshire Spalding Grammar School

919 2 4,685,710 5,099 2,811,505 23,875 99

Lincolnshire Saint Bede's Catholic Science College

325 12 2,346,589 7,220 1,034,481 66,271 20

Lincolnshire St Clements College

975 27 5,265,573 5,403 2,474,879 168,843 36

Lincolnshire The Skegness Grammar School

762 3 4,204,146 5,517 2,132,553 73,662 85

Lincolnshire Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School

549 6 2,723,743 4,961 1,773,584 21,368 100

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lincolnshire The King's School, Grantham

1,003 1 4,889,890 4,875 2,865,954 63,523 95

Lincolnshire Carre's Grammar School

718 2 4,083,065 5,687 2,165,298 33,039 98

Lincolnshire The King Edward VI Grammar School, Louth

785 1 3,820,437 4,867 2,347,812 28,852 97

Lincolnshire Caistor Grammar School

630 0 3,434,108 5,451 1,940,803 39,758 100

Lincolnshire Yarborough School

833 21 4,281,400 5,140 2,724,004 19,184 37

Lincolnshire Lincoln Christ's Hospital School

1,384 15 7,351,333 5,312 4,075,539 192,073 55

Lincolnshire The Gartree Community School

517 16 2,585,110 5,000 1,219,691 151,285 38

Lincolnshire Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Horncastle

892 1 4,398,220 4,931 2,658,377 36,095 100

Lincolnshire North Kesteven School

1,425 4 6,838,362 4,799 4,016,118 64,036 56

Lincolnshire Robert Pattinson School

1,298 8 6,766,365 5,213 4,184,234 47,107 55

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lincolnshire William Farr CofE Comprehensive School

1,508 2 7,344,989 4,871 4,231,937 20,251 83

Lincolnshire The Gleed Girls' Technology College

867 10 4,470,766 5,157 2,144,287 81,270 51

Lincolnshire Monks' Dyke Technology College

1,122 11 6,315,559 5,629 3,991,144 129,693 55

Lincolnshire Branston Community College

1,059 5 5,459,367 5,155 2,809,103 56,990 63

Lincolnshire The Grantham Church (VA) High School

410 18 3,586,399 8,747 1,861,036 6,826


Lincolnshire The Sir William Robertson High School, Welbourn

897 4 4,246,017 4,734 2,510,795 98,988 55

Lincolnshire St Peter and St Paul, Lincoln's Catholic High School, A Science College

609 11 3,337,470 5,480 1,876,452 - 47

Lincolnshire St Hugh's CofE Mathematics and Computing College

530 20 3,382,305 6,382 1,449,041 30,201 47

Lincolnshire The Giles School 987 11 4,939,088 5,004 2,569,910 2,883


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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Lincolnshire The Boston Grammar School

523 3 2,787,123 5,329 1,661,378 85,968 97

Lincolnshire The Central Technology and Sports College

696 6 3,525,447 5,065 1,976,248 110,994 49

Liverpool West Derby School

1,046 29 6,101,201 5,833 3,288,558 193,169 56

Liverpool Holly Lodge Girls' College

1,222 41 7,393,828 6,051 4,137,048 150,404 51

Liverpool Shorefields School

699 74 6,253,039 8,946 3,161,141 143,472 28

Liverpool Fazakerley High School

844 29 4,449,622 5,272 2,415,873 16,607 48

Liverpool Alsop High School Technology & Applied Learning Specialist College

1,763 48 10,677,737 6,057 5,959,000 202,781 37

Liverpool Croxteth Community Comprehensive School

182 57 3,060,110 16,814 1,643,459 47,562 33

Liverpool Broadgreen International School, A Technology College

1,226 45 8,760,011 7,145 4,252,364 121,138 39

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Liverpool Childwall School - A Specialist Sports College

1,166 38 7,880,443 6,759 3,963,263 617,835 47

Liverpool Calderstones School

1,520 17 8,153,708 5,364 4,855,075 123,016 57

Liverpool New Heys Comprehensive School

577 35 4,549,338 7,884 2,544,467 110,780 50

Liverpool Gateacre Community Comprehensive School

1,364 24 8,242,730 6,043 4,588,521 207,101 53

Liverpool Parklands High School

485 49 5,239,623 10,803 2,015,318 98,155 23

Liverpool King David High School

660 4 3,364,070 5,097 1,920,354 107,592 84

Liverpool Archbishop Blanch CofE VA High School, A Technology College and Training School

908 12 5,110,824 5,629 2,861,073 85,127 83

Liverpool Notre Dame Catholic College

895 45 5,881,683 6,572 3,154,895 87,392 46

Liverpool Bellerive FCJ Catholic College

900 33 5,158,039 5,731 2,715,355 276,158 59

Liverpool St Benedict's College

750 48 4,855,037 6,473 2,855,864 39,692 24

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Liverpool St Julie's Catholic High School

1,212 15 6,275,544 5,178 3,091,792 415,083 63

Liverpool Broughton Hall High School, A Technology College

1,264 19 6,551,334 5,183 3,942,828 51,810 59

Liverpool Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School

1,427 21 8,124,028 5,693 4,479,900 135,050 58

Liverpool St John Bosco Arts College

1,034 33 6,100,620 5,900 3,095,135 75,261 57

Liverpool De La Salle Humanities College

494 40 3,048,192 6,170 1,739,833 114,959 38

Liverpool Archbishop Beck Catholic Sports College

1,306 29 7,754,989 5,938 3,567,868 137,019 40

Liverpool St Francis Xavier's College

1,295 13 6,587,798 5,087 3,764,759 220,918 54

Liverpool St Margaret's Church of England High School

989 5 5,332,843 5,392 3,397,697 19,232 79

Liverpool St Hilda's Church of England High School

859 15 4,389,841 5,110 2,517,088 102,012 72

Liverpool The Blue Coat School

961 4 4,858,031 5,055 3,110,720 73,423 100

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Liverpool St Edward's College

1,202 5 6,665,348 5,545 3,371,715 - 16,415


Luton Challney High School for Boys and Community College

827 33 5,142,358 6,218 2,814,356 68,649 66

Luton Challney High School for Girls

907 31 5,308,752 5,853 2,875,780 155,059 46

Luton Denbigh High School

1,119 29 6,467,347 5,780 3,113,321 107,613 61

Luton Putteridge High School

890 14 5,644,765 6,342 2,807,113 150,813 46

Luton Lealands High School

881 19 4,714,041 5,351 2,530,655 211,245 57

Luton Cardinal Newman Catholic School A Specialist Science College

1,437 11 7,362,904 5,124 4,121,460 88,070 56

Luton Ashcroft High School

999 20 5,524,084 5,530 2,496,421 204,472 51

Luton Lea Manor High School Performing Arts College

1,109 25 6,859,117 6,185 3,177,464 106,268 44

Luton Icknield High School

1,436 14 7,606,019 5,297 4,090,212 175,209 54

Luton Stopsley High School

970 13 5,505,417 5,676 3,009,384 100,466 61

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Manchester Parrs Wood High School

1,856 25 10,935,657 5,892 5,173,573 639,772 57

Manchester Burnage Media Arts College

877 33 5,751,473 6,558 3,121,708 82,148 43

Manchester Whalley Range 11-18 High School and Business and Enterprise College

1,533 43 9,446,661 6,162 5,027,941 96,695 53

Manchester Plant Hill Arts College

602 53 4,874,739 8,098 1,973,091 90,703 43

Manchester Abraham Moss High School

1,188 38 8,815,885 7,421 4,493,944 211,985 38

Manchester Wright Robinson Sports College

1,745 38 10,522,780 6,030 4,721,929 147,652 33

Manchester Levenshulme High School

953 36 6,133,696 6,436 3,213,269 176,879 52

Manchester Chorlton High School

1,487 30 7,752,735 5,214 4,499,971 169,692 54

Manchester Newall Green High School

1,009 38 6,515,669 6,458 3,009,781 69,578 37

Manchester Cedar Mount High School

849 46 5,874,558 6,919 2,913,323 255,462 34

Manchester Loreto High School Chorlton

492 37 3,118,627 6,339 1,849,612 73,187 41

Manchester Our Lady's RC Sports College

743 46 4,689,149 6,311 2,161,397 83,229 44

Manchester St Matthew's RC High School

1,124 26 6,174,551 5,493 3,421,774 106,374 50

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Manchester Trinity CofE High School

1,187 22 6,881,786 5,798 3,600,073 62,036 59

Manchester St Paul's Catholic High School

783 41 4,682,852 5,981 2,413,458 129,290 44

Manchester The Barlow RC High School and Specialist Science College

887 30 4,857,207 5,476 2,493,803 47,771 55

Manchester St Peter's RC High School

858 55 5,703,418 6,647 2,969,543 60,913 55

Manchester The King David High School

837 3 4,770,638 5,700 3,141,702 30,401 84

Medway Chatham Grammar School for Boys

978 4 5,055,751 5,169 3,346,700 5,706


Medway Fort Pitt Grammar School

824 4 4,134,678 5,018 2,600,055 41,584 99

Medway The Hundred of Hoo Comprehensive School

1,578 10 8,848,275 5,607 4,607,882 408,971 33

Medway Walderslade Girls' School

897 15 4,632,832 5,165 2,557,880 76,864 49

Medway Greenacre School

921 10 5,380,019 5,841 2,931,605 2,680


Medway Rainham School for Girls

1,500 9 7,304,890 4,872 4,363,447 128,180 46

Medway Chatham South School

848 15 4,374,790 5,159 2,532,032 183,046 26

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Medway Medway Community College

437 25 3,256,956 7,453 1,401,862 146,649 25

Medway Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School

1,188 3 5,998,410 5,049 3,578,205 86,317 99

Medway Rainham Mark Grammar School

1,236 4 5,722,275 4,630 3,446,056 147,173 98

Medway The Robert Napier School

1,319 16 6,737,635 5,108 3,650,832 133,481 33

Medway Chatham Grammar School for Girls

927 4 4,476,491 4,829 3,074,168 17,668 98

Medway St John Fisher Catholic Comprehensive School

1,079 13 5,429,833 5,032 2,879,179 205,473 34

Medway The Rochester Grammar School

1,096 2 5,491,736 5,011 3,078,772 37,270 99

Medway The Thomas Aveling School

1,103 15 5,839,047 5,294 3,508,354 91,153 47

Medway New Brompton College

981 29 6,762,316 6,893 3,361,958 228,866 39

Medway The Howard School

1,329 10 6,079,994 4,575 3,977,420 13,090 53

Merton Ricards Lodge High School

1,189 15 6,022,043 5,065 3,429,923 262,153 57

Merton Raynes Park High School

1,171 17 6,462,321 5,519 3,575,269 111,881 41

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Merton Bishopsford Arts College

880 20 5,543,397 6,299 2,937,945 291,529 35

Merton Rutlish School 1,098 16 5,703,607 5,195 3,392,424 183,387 60 Merton Wimbledon

College 1,242 7 6,827,089 5,497 3,898,314 125,726 75

Merton Ursuline High School Wimbledon

1,325 9 7,364,639 5,558 4,152,071 136,584 79

Middlesbrough Hall Garth Community Arts College

520 49 4,165,941 8,011 2,464,273 58,003 31

Middlesbrough King's Manor School

843 43 5,801,803 6,882 2,852,499 287,400 31

Middlesbrough Ormesby School 811 51 6,535,645 8,059 2,972,890 174,942 33 Middlesbrough Acklam Grange

School A Specialist Technology College for Maths and Computing

1,345 20 6,854,640 5,096 4,290,655 97,268 50

Milton Keynes Walton High 1,463 7 7,672,334 5,244 4,011,325 36,623 60 Milton Keynes Ousedale School 1,994 3 9,436,916 4,733 5,708,916 96,984 68 Milton Keynes Leon School and

Sports College 761 37 5,172,728 6,797 3,008,919

2,812 25

Milton Keynes Shenley Brook End School

1,472 6 7,271,457 4,940 3,797,500 128,080 69

Milton Keynes St Paul's Catholic School

1,685 9 12,233,586 7,260 5,074,703 163,525 53

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Milton Keynes Oakgrove School

971 11 4,958,660 5,107 2,574,058 6,653


Milton Keynes Hazeley School 994 7 4,671,754 4,700 2,382,902 64,598 69 Milton Keynes Stantonbury

Campus 2,534 19 15,135,483 5,973 7,562,306 144,484 43

Milton Keynes Lord Grey School

1,399 10 6,873,569 4,913 3,741,149 251,127 39

Milton Keynes The Radcliffe School

930 25 5,786,617 6,222 2,517,615 204,705 52

Milton Keynes Denbigh School 1,367 8 6,934,199 5,073 4,043,625 201,122 70 Newcastle upon Tyne

Gosforth High School

1,705 12 9,579,184 5,618 5,389,480 108,548 69

Newcastle upon Tyne

Walbottle Campus

1,599 18 9,148,899 5,722 4,851,219 128,488 40

Newcastle upon Tyne

Walker Technology College

1,172 36 7,216,033 6,157 4,085,450 89,247 41

Newcastle upon Tyne

Benfield School 838 36 5,225,438 6,236 2,825,583 24,217 39

Newcastle upon Tyne

Kenton School 2,117 28 13,247,131 6,258 5,969,508 167,812 40

Newcastle upon Tyne

Heaton Manor School

1,915 15 9,931,762 5,186 5,487,736 258,120 62

Newcastle upon Tyne

All Saints College

764 44 5,732,774 7,504 2,864,490 93,731 21

Newcastle upon Tyne

St Mary's Catholic Comprehensive School

867 18 4,904,528 5,657 3,088,387 67,778 59

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Newcastle upon Tyne

St Cuthbert's High School

1,129 12 5,360,642 4,748 3,643,239 50,615 68

Newcastle upon Tyne

Sacred Heart High School

1,359 16 6,810,277 5,011 3,835,918 86,595 74

Newham Forest Gate Community School

1,020 42 7,145,316 7,005 3,623,613 395,096 47

Newham Little Ilford School

1,301 51 8,753,893 6,729 4,472,226 574,510 55

Newham Rokeby School 676 55 5,345,100 7,907 3,108,400 95,604 67 Newham Lister

Community School

1,318 44 9,335,496 7,083 4,808,470 474,097 38

Newham Langdon School 1,755 53 12,567,885 7,161 6,254,318 306,671 51 Newham Brampton

Manor School 1,428 51 9,595,482 6,720 5,034,599 197,479 59

Newham Plashet School 1,346 36 8,392,912 6,235 4,953,591 102,393 61 Newham Cumberland

School 1,342 47 9,847,623 7,338 4,656,285 344,060 39

Newham Eastlea Community School

998 67 7,890,804 7,907 3,609,647 401,603 29

Newham Sarah Bonnell School

1,189 42 7,266,582 6,112 3,833,882 347,859 56

Newham The Royal Docks Community School

1,030 43 7,997,045 7,764 3,871,616 294,437 36

Newham Kingsford Community School

1,447 40 9,383,073 6,485 5,084,965 249,586 46

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Newham St Angela's Ursuline School

1,369 23 9,056,737 6,616 5,496,120 110,185 84

Newham St Bonaventure's RC School

1,308 21 8,123,315 6,210 5,100,215 104,271 73

Newham Stratford School 899 32 6,065,494 6,747 3,603,484 42,695 56 Norfolk Northgate High

School 1,157 11 5,462,076 4,721 2,725,396 98,203 49

Norfolk Hellesdon High School

1,317 9 6,468,539 4,912 3,717,150 70,362 60

Norfolk Hobart High School

844 10 3,906,712 4,629 2,073,209 52,541 64

Norfolk North Walsham High School

843 13 3,850,907 4,568 2,028,049 147,057 50

Norfolk Stalham High School

504 11 2,602,514 5,164 1,519,189 27,849 40

Norfolk The Park High School

752 23 4,241,390 5,640 2,258,463 70,853 20

Norfolk Smithdon High School

1,003 7 4,941,124 4,926 2,865,837 68,530 41

Norfolk Wayland Community High School

722 10 3,855,288 5,340 1,826,004 34,965 47

Norfolk Broadland High School

704 6 3,185,491 4,525 1,908,940 62,204 64

Norfolk Long Stratton High School

654 7 3,072,852 4,699 1,747,956 100,112 60

Norfolk Reepham High School and College

936 9 4,254,062 4,545 2,345,275 36,485 56

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Norfolk Sprowston Community High School

1,761 6 9,329,813 5,298 4,468,219 140,871 59

Norfolk Framingham Earl High School

778 6 4,176,951 5,369 2,121,677 117,253 71

Norfolk Aylsham High School

998 8 4,845,435 4,855 2,613,147 95,339 73

Norfolk Methwold High School

739 12 3,469,436 4,695 1,906,528 16,238 50

Norfolk Charles Burrell Humanities School

659 25 4,319,657 6,555 2,204,383 36,315 18

Norfolk Attleborough High School

981 7 4,682,215 4,773 2,434,748 23,038 51

Norfolk Litcham High School

561 10 2,942,688 5,245 1,607,132 31,402 70

Norfolk Old Buckenham High School

601 7 2,782,417 4,630 1,586,054 74,887 71

Norfolk Alderman Peel High School

304 17 2,711,701 8,920 1,229,360 22,386 52

Norfolk Wymondham High School

1,552 4 6,945,070 4,475 4,304,980 75,257 68

Norfolk City of Norwich School

1,729 11 8,471,607 4,900 4,400,643 72,652 60

Norfolk The Hewett School

1,000 26 5,608,018 5,608 3,085,354 132,752 28

Norfolk Sewell Park College

994 26 5,779,413 5,814 3,013,124 31,043 39

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Norfolk Oriel Specialist Mathematics & Computing College

756 28 4,453,297 5,891 2,206,567 173,632 36

Norfolk Springwood High School

1,611 11 7,090,476 4,401 4,289,086 8,866


Norfolk Hethersett High School and Science College

735 7 3,575,568 4,865 2,024,958 109,225 58

Norfolk Thorpe St Andrew School

1,678 9 8,210,793 4,893 4,561,088 91,680 71

Norfolk Taverham High School

1,150 5 5,220,331 4,539 2,984,617 78,822 68

Norfolk Dereham Neatherd High School

1,297 7 6,228,650 4,802 3,237,017 85,636 66

Norfolk Hamond's High School

723 15 3,764,183 5,206 1,910,480 127,726 38

Norfolk Diss High School 1,189 7 5,368,235 4,515 3,293,164 81,540 68 Norfolk Fakenham High

School and College

1,279 12 6,787,246 5,307 3,977,972 74,318 53

Norfolk Rosemary Musker High School, Thetford

775 12 4,116,166 5,311 2,003,649 98,525 39

Norfolk King Edward VII School

1,385 12 7,121,662 5,142 4,056,798 119,632 52

Norfolk Archbishop Sancroft High School

407 11 2,310,610 5,677 1,322,272 43,462 51

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Norfolk Notre Dame High School, Norwich

1,429 7 7,059,144 4,940 4,078,726 67,450 70

Norfolk Wymondham College

1,211 2 11,338,075 9,363 3,609,658 32,801 86

Norfolk Cromer High School and Language College

529 10 3,078,013 5,819 1,685,261 12,859 58

Norfolk Downham Market High School - Technology College

1,703 10 7,671,148 4,504 4,584,833 139,876 34

Norfolk Costessey High School

922 21 4,882,913 5,296 2,928,235 132,301 38

Norfolk Marshland High School

806 12 3,705,962 4,598 2,185,733 69,124 48

Norfolk Acle High School 789 10 3,447,357 4,369 2,020,991 55,673 57 Norfolk Sheringham

High School and Sixth Form Centre

846 7 3,830,245 4,527 2,485,304 42,530 65

Norfolk Lynn Grove VA High School

1,131 10 5,141,148 4,546 2,991,650 81,573 57

Norfolk St Clement's High School

644 8 2,934,072 4,556 1,604,805 91,734 45

Norfolk Cliff Park High School

1,027 13 5,058,135 4,925 2,664,655 144,761 44

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Norfolk Flegg High School

965 8 4,240,355 4,394 2,460,100 80,183 64

Norfolk Great Yarmouth (VA) High School

977 34 5,364,507 5,491 2,501,971 150,565 35

Norfolk Caister High School

756 16 3,936,840 5,207 2,317,631 21,033 46

North East Lincolnshire

Hereford Technology School

1,048 23 6,219,131 5,934 2,591,574 267,315 36

North East Lincolnshire

Whitgift School 680 24 4,193,847 6,167 1,750,881 110,625 38

North East Lincolnshire

Tollbar Business and Enterprise College

2,065 4 10,045,865 4,865 5,940,341 - 61,664


North East Lincolnshire

Healing School, A Specialist Science and Foundation College

807 4 4,213,055 5,221 2,246,879 22,409 87

North East Lincolnshire

The Lindsey School and Community Arts College

816 21 5,139,047 6,298 2,404,616 132,098 50

North East Lincolnshire

Humberston Maths and Computing College

710 4 3,719,800 5,239 1,949,094 58,791 77

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

North East Lincolnshire

Matthew Humberstone Church of England School

668 23 4,832,936 7,235 2,208,983 119,609 44

North East Lincolnshire

St Mary's Catholic School

292 27 2,420,097 8,288 1,156,680 96,559 44

North Lincolnshire

Huntcliff School 742 6 3,540,937 4,772 2,058,491 77,536 66

North Lincolnshire

Brumby Engineering College

689 18 3,549,203 5,151 2,259,574 4,086


North Lincolnshire

FTC Performing Arts College

695 22 4,031,080 5,800 2,098,436 57,194 42

North Lincolnshire

North Axholme School

435 11 2,327,077 5,350 1,414,853 58,986 49

North Lincolnshire

South Axholme Community School

937 6 4,087,707 4,363 2,519,649 96,790 68

North Lincolnshire

Frederick Gough School - A Specialist Language College

1,156 12 5,237,843 4,531 3,098,114 72,295 55

North Lincolnshire

Winterton Comprehensive School with Specialist Status in Engineering

716 9 3,161,115 4,415 1,864,314 80,344 44

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

North Lincolnshire

Vale of Ancholme Technology & Music College

738 8 3,634,150 4,924 2,310,270 49,963 69

North Lincolnshire

Baysgarth School

927 17 4,655,140 5,022 2,406,271 139,924 46

North Lincolnshire

Sir John Nelthorpe School - A Specialist Technology College for Science, Mathematics and Computing

772 8 3,933,398 5,095 2,553,222 81,492 63

North Lincolnshire

St Bede's Catholic School

674 8 3,106,651 4,609 1,884,503 59,068 58

North Lincolnshire

Melior Community College for Business, Enterprise and the Arts

922 22 5,398,902 5,856 2,749,439 154,460 33

North Somerset Backwell School 1,685 5 7,858,923 4,664 4,797,405 103,621 66 North Somerset Gordano School 1,863 6 9,023,025 4,843 5,157,719 117,256 73 North Somerset Clevedon School 1,223 6 5,711,068 4,670 3,200,194 124,032 62 North Somerset Nailsea School 1,217 5 5,893,146 4,842 3,188,754 103,594 65

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

North Somerset Churchill Community Foundation School and Sixth Form Centre

1,538 12 7,255,248 4,717 4,338,392 147,868 66

North Somerset Worle Community School

1,497 12 6,950,183 4,643 3,981,582 129,912 44

North Somerset Wyvern Community School

762 31 5,347,556 7,018 2,569,024 125,472 35

North Somerset Broadoak Mathematics and Computing College

897 16 4,624,255 5,155 2,369,031 102,680 40

North Somerset Priory Community School

1,196 14 5,698,259 4,764 2,963,592 51,346 54

North Somerset St Katherine's School

881 15 5,265,908 5,977 2,661,084 96,726 47

North Tyneside Marden High School - A Specialist Maths, Science and Media Arts College

912 6 4,408,999 4,834 2,620,865 108,843 64

North Tyneside Norham Community Technology College

617 33 5,262,739 8,530 2,571,133 85,841 37

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

North Tyneside Whitley Bay High School

1,620 3 7,768,948 4,796 4,803,439 79,968 65

North Tyneside George Stephenson Community High School

879 13 5,005,568 5,695 2,537,138 41,305 50

North Tyneside Burnside Business and Enterprise College

1,506 15 7,373,912 4,896 4,138,219 166,924 54

North Tyneside Churchill Community College

840 16 5,676,532 6,758 2,533,714 57,899 54

North Tyneside Monkseaton Community High School

767 14 4,340,879 5,660 2,479,483 88,388 34

North Tyneside John Spence Community High School

861 14 4,668,143 5,422 2,674,928 72,111 48

North Tyneside Longbenton Community College

1,109 17 5,810,558 5,239 3,427,139 38,940 50

North Tyneside Seaton Burn College, A Specialist Business and Enterprise School

657 15 4,151,030 6,318 2,358,321 75,719 51

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

North Tyneside St Thomas More Roman Catholic High School Aided

1,736 10 7,762,342 4,471 5,028,777 83,347 66

North Yorkshire Risedale Sports and Community College

480 11 3,516,347 7,326 1,592,892 73,568 34

North Yorkshire Easingwold School

1,303 3 6,147,996 4,718 3,793,159 179,382 68

North Yorkshire Ryedale School 560 6 2,804,835 5,009 1,709,253 34,257 76 North Yorkshire Thirsk School &

Sixth Form College

1,073 5 5,343,550 4,980 2,917,448 115,543 56

North Yorkshire Whitby Community College

797 13 4,394,839 5,514 2,108,868 128,345 58

North Yorkshire Stokesley School

1,243 5 5,852,294 4,708 3,630,601 94,596 78

North Yorkshire Bedale High School

823 5 3,763,611 4,573 2,078,280 98,969 53

North Yorkshire Lady Lumley's School

979 6 5,515,500 5,634 2,726,084 139,199 59

North Yorkshire George Pindar Community Sports College

839 22 4,922,758 5,867 2,648,230 185,464 46

North Yorkshire Graham School Science College

1,306 14 6,352,432 4,864 3,944,810 151,270 56

North Yorkshire Raincliffe School 335 35 2,575,120 7,687 1,318,777 56,250 41 North Yorkshire Scalby School 868 12 4,620,883 5,324 2,223,356 119,188 69

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

North Yorkshire The Wensleydale School

486 6 2,608,277 5,367 1,469,846 71,252 69

North Yorkshire Richmond School

1,565 6 7,282,284 4,653 4,758,481 96,387 61

North Yorkshire Malton School 723 10 3,809,015 5,268 2,210,623 65,602 57 North Yorkshire Filey School 817 16 3,983,886 4,876 2,358,079 144,269 46 North Yorkshire Norton College 897 9 5,158,817 5,751 2,628,092 97,345 57 North Yorkshire Harrogate

Grammar School 1,751 4 8,496,316 4,852 4,783,907 112,337 83

North Yorkshire King James's School

1,704 4 8,531,363 5,007 4,983,160 82,684 67

North Yorkshire Ripon College 514 11 3,390,369 6,596 1,734,541 78,346 55 North Yorkshire Settle College 463 4 2,658,652 5,742 1,709,110 26,123 47 North Yorkshire Upper

Wharfedale School

283 5 2,061,659 7,285 1,067,878 24,516 65

North Yorkshire Aireville School 608 8 3,694,271 6,076 1,647,871 90,430 47 North Yorkshire South Craven

School, the Technology and Engineering College

1,736 6 8,104,890 4,669 4,379,985 132,721 63

North Yorkshire Tadcaster Grammar School

1,597 4 7,719,782 4,834 4,629,593 92,730 57

North Yorkshire Ripon Grammar School

842 1 4,321,386 5,132 2,453,944 43,729 97

North Yorkshire Sherburn High School

810 9 4,176,316 5,159 2,438,678 72,651 45

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

North Yorkshire Rossett School 1,411 9 6,436,486 4,562 4,014,602 47,626 69 North Yorkshire Harrogate High

School 844 17 5,317,223 6,300 2,431,133 87,370 44

North Yorkshire Boroughbridge High School

724 5 3,488,789 4,819 2,082,906 50,653 66

North Yorkshire Nidderdale High School and Community College

443 5 2,486,399 5,613 1,387,386 49,690 62

North Yorkshire Brayton College 733 12 4,110,897 5,608 2,159,068 161,058 39 North Yorkshire Selby High

School Specialist School for the Arts

1,027 10 4,675,465 4,553 2,492,780 65,109 47

North Yorkshire Barlby High School

693 7 3,615,336 5,217 1,810,467 101,191 48

North Yorkshire Northallerton College

824 5 4,638,924 5,630 2,680,334 32,065 61

North Yorkshire Skipton Girls' High School

795 2 3,691,797 4,644 2,106,460 47,106 100

North Yorkshire St Augustine's Roman Catholic School, Scarborough

505 12 2,472,570 4,896 1,437,738 47,590 57

North Yorkshire St Francis Xavier School

448 4 2,118,255 4,728 1,284,914 68,325 73

North Yorkshire Ermysted's Grammar School

794 2 3,605,848 4,541 2,456,972 22,186 99

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

North Yorkshire St John Fisher Catholic High School

1,396 2 6,590,157 4,721 3,850,077 177,238 80

North Yorkshire Holy Family Catholic High School, Carlton

459 9 2,578,471 5,618 1,297,578 45,603 54

North Yorkshire St Aidan's Church of England High School

1,893 2 9,817,651 5,186 5,289,701 109,113 90

Northamptonshire Sponne School Technology College

1,221 5 5,643,308 4,622 3,255,928 47,220 60

Northamptonshire Caroline Chisholm School

1,637 4 7,118,803 4,349 4,264,739 75,317 66

Northamptonshire Montsaye Community College

1,189 10 6,261,011 5,266 3,607,737 55,946 61

Northamptonshire Huxlow Science College

816 15 4,219,020 5,170 2,217,226 92,970 43

Northamptonshire Moulton School and Science College

1,387 6 6,142,123 4,428 3,935,805 78,217 62

Northamptonshire Roade School Sports College

1,072 5 5,899,164 5,503 2,848,672 246,083 51

Northamptonshire William Parker School A Specialist Humanities College

950 14 4,766,942 5,018 2,763,098 107,405 39

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Northamptonshire Wollaston School

1,369 6 6,257,320 4,571 3,787,450 144,938 56

Northamptonshire Kingsbrook Business and Enterprise School

856 7 4,282,550 5,003 2,532,940 155,463 58

Northamptonshire Guilsborough School

1,325 4 5,984,968 4,517 3,583,147 142,875 67

Northamptonshire Campion School 1,465 7 7,014,394 4,788 4,154,487 24,154 63 Northamptonshire Prince William

School 1,113 4 6,234,921 5,602 3,676,620 24,796 62

Northamptonshire Danetre School 1,014 13 4,739,372 4,674 2,770,031 57,641 54 Northamptonshire The Latimer Arts

College 1,157 5 5,626,685 4,863 3,230,024 70,749 49

Northamptonshire The Duston School

1,170 17 7,220,034 6,174 3,012,166 14,492 45

Northamptonshire Weston Favell School

1,291 26 6,721,805 5,207 3,740,757 108,809 27

Northamptonshire Abbeyfield School

1,166 19 6,430,784 5,515 3,431,735 46,854 34

Northamptonshire Kingsthorpe College

1,337 16 6,651,247 4,975 3,917,678 290,341 39

Northamptonshire Northampton School for Girls

1,719 9 8,493,167 4,941 4,643,061 23,735 72

Northamptonshire Chenderit School

1,148 3 6,140,457 5,349 3,492,182 60,703 68

Northamptonshire The Ferrers Specialist Arts College

1,113 10 5,466,625 4,912 3,376,163 - 51

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Northamptonshire The Rushden Community College Specialising in Mathematics and Computing

980 17 5,868,808 5,989 2,956,327 248,837 44

Northamptonshire Unity College 1,116 20 6,633,425 5,944 3,562,058 41,166 30 Northamptonshire Magdalen

College School 1,481 3 7,634,575 5,155 4,185,988 46,534 65

Northamptonshire Bishop Stopford School

1,447 3 7,946,444 5,492 4,242,866 34,616 86

Northamptonshire Thomas Becket Catholic School

1,018 13 4,921,017 4,834 2,496,830 175,673 37

Northamptonshire Southfield School for Girls

1,012 9 4,556,150 4,502 3,018,242 107,640 61

Northamptonshire The Kingswood School

1,231 19 7,267,436 5,904 4,066,285 126,431 39

Northamptonshire Northampton School for Boys

1,530 4 8,907,175 5,822 4,703,284 102,866 83

Northamptonshire Lodge Park Technology College

1,219 8 6,281,677 5,153 3,625,896 114,617 41

Northamptonshire Manor School and Sports College

849 9 12,293,091 14,479 2,557,202 41,566 51

Northamptonshire Weavers School 740 19 5,112,581 6,909 2,455,552 81,402 36 Northamptonshire Sir Christopher

Hatton School 1,181 12 5,889,303 4,987 3,262,845 51,499 60

Northamptonshire Wrenn School 1,492 11 7,636,490 5,118 4,444,225 324,084 45

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Northumberland Haydon Bridge Community High School and Sports College

723 7 4,901,764 6,780 2,371,365 81,062 44

Northumberland Prudhoe Community High School

853 8 4,514,068 5,292 2,661,743 72,267 64

Northumberland Ashington Community High School

1,092 14 5,957,828 5,456 2,979,110 169,203 42

Northumberland Queen Elizabeth High School

1,310 5 6,646,978 5,074 4,019,274 148,650 72

Northumberland Cramlington Learning Village

2,181 14 10,325,287 4,734 5,124,317 264,704 65

Northumberland Ponteland Community High School

1,113 4 5,411,920 4,862 3,356,029 33,201 63

Northumberland Bedlingtonshire Community High School

882 22 4,647,510 5,269 2,683,362 101,901 30

Northumberland Berwick Community High School

798 9 4,419,346 5,538 2,422,214 166,088 54

Northumberland The Duchess's Community High School

1,165 7 5,713,770 4,905 3,113,643 180,418 55

Northumberland Coquet High School

545 16 3,159,759 5,798 1,817,023 77,455 49

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Northumberland Blyth Community College

962 25 6,092,916 6,334 3,438,883 80,423 36

Northumberland The King Edward VI School

1,467 5 6,956,629 4,742 3,807,020 98,828 73

Northumberland St Benet Biscop Catholic Voluntary Aided High School

955 10 4,793,922 5,020 2,633,690 92,243 61

Northumberland Astley Community High School

833 8 4,224,357 5,071 2,306,094 51,156 54

Nottingham Manning Comprehensive School

501 39 3,550,759 7,087 1,634,865 71,471 38

Nottingham Ellis Guilford School and Sports College

1,319 32 7,972,107 6,044 3,865,062 330,296 40

Nottingham Farnborough School Technology College

921 32 5,866,059 6,369 2,717,172 312,306 39

Nottingham Fernwood School

1,001 14 5,049,592 5,045 3,156,162 89,892 76

Nottingham Top Valley School & Engineering College

719 29 4,581,936 6,373 2,500,314 85,182 32

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Nottingham Big Wood School

755 27 4,484,421 5,940 2,304,382 50,881 31

Nottingham Hadden Park High School

582 51 4,323,839 7,429 2,022,567 97,463 27

Nottingham The Nottingham Emmanuel School

980 26 5,769,413 5,887 2,920,445 164,502 45

Nottingham The Nottingham Bluecoat School and Technology College

1,814 21 10,704,057 5,901 4,916,278 68,298 58

Nottingham The Trinity Catholic School

1,115 10 5,959,657 5,345 3,692,897 107,977 76

Nottinghamshire Kirkby College 599 26 3,925,777 6,554 1,990,462 77,277 44 Nottinghamshire Ashfield

Comprehensive School

2,620 13 13,078,534 4,992 7,407,221 180,177 56

Nottinghamshire The Manor School

1,278 14 7,261,250 5,682 3,729,527 80,310 42

Nottinghamshire Garibaldi College

1,106 15 6,194,645 5,601 2,983,738 188,541 46

Nottinghamshire Quarrydale School

948 15 4,323,750 4,561 2,380,711 40,741 56

Nottinghamshire Sutton Centre Community College

850 23 5,703,040 6,709 2,913,734 95,990 39

Nottinghamshire The Meden School and Technology College

1,175 17 6,208,674 5,284 3,324,962 257,835 36

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Nottinghamshire Redhill School 1,329 17 6,493,554 4,886 3,517,830 145,669 54 Nottinghamshire Arnold Hill

School and Technology College

1,673 9 7,746,829 4,631 4,795,203 62,033 57

Nottinghamshire The Gedling School

639 14 3,727,440 5,833 1,929,273 115,314 39

Nottinghamshire Wheldon School and Sports College

874 17 5,310,030 6,076 2,699,028 370,292 32

Nottinghamshire Carlton le Willows School and Technology College

1,331 8 6,244,145 4,691 3,542,405 93,744 57

Nottinghamshire Alderman White School and Language College

992 19 5,200,761 5,243 2,972,072 96,512 45

Nottinghamshire The Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School

710 15 3,681,228 5,185 1,982,891 136,217 48

Nottinghamshire Chilwell School 1,078 8 5,133,975 4,763 3,072,250 148,352 61 Nottinghamshire Eastwood

Comprehensive School

848 15 4,207,558 4,962 2,290,865 63,467 49

Nottinghamshire Kimberley Comprehensive School

1,343 11 6,131,022 4,565 3,652,926 188,462 47

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Nottinghamshire Selston Arts and Community College

758 12 3,943,391 5,202 2,153,432 113,484 53

Nottinghamshire The West Bridgford School

1,452 2 6,093,007 4,196 3,713,102 64,822 80

Nottinghamshire Rushcliffe School

1,398 9 6,609,798 4,728 3,827,266 94,114 80

Nottinghamshire Valley Comprehensive School

1,581 12 7,758,152 4,907 3,988,294 235,496 41

Nottinghamshire Portland School 1,598 18 8,353,650 5,228 4,315,608 205,050 31 Nottinghamshire The Grove

School 1,098 16 6,344,674 5,778 3,456,062 190,722 33

Nottinghamshire Toot Hill School 1,396 6 6,739,767 4,828 4,009,979 68,202 76 Nottinghamshire Joseph Whitaker

School 1,229 12 5,777,191 4,701 3,616,715 110,489 57

Nottinghamshire Colonel Frank Seely Comprehensive School

1,088 6 5,334,391 4,903 2,889,673 94,566 57

Nottinghamshire Harry Carlton Comprehensive School

1,080 8 5,318,886 4,925 3,381,977 123,587 62

Nottinghamshire Serlby Park A 3-18 Business and Enterprise Learning Community

1,022 24 5,556,594 5,440 2,899,882 99,313 37

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Nottinghamshire The Holgate Comprehensive School

1,199 17 6,459,611 5,387 3,797,906 181,505 41

Nottinghamshire The Dukeries College

1,179 19 7,312,634 6,202 3,596,231 101,469 31

Nottinghamshire Dayncourt School Specialist Sports College

693 12 4,260,698 6,148 2,323,435 134,969 45

Nottinghamshire Tuxford School 1,431 6 6,827,401 4,771 3,819,403 44,069 69 Nottinghamshire South Wolds

Community School

997 5 5,082,004 5,097 3,075,684 158,358 65

Nottinghamshire The Elizabethan High School

1,204 13 6,195,106 5,145 3,512,751 151,932 55

Nottinghamshire The Brunts School

1,608 11 8,070,796 5,019 4,134,663 120,525 58

Nottinghamshire The Queen Elizabeth's (1561) Endowed School

968 25 5,902,382 6,098 3,203,446 149,739 30

Nottinghamshire Retford Oaks High School

739 18 4,832,320 6,539 2,259,448 124,015 42

Nottinghamshire Magnus CofE School

1,002 23 5,529,841 5,519 2,828,186 132,600 39

Nottinghamshire The Becket School

1,049 8 5,044,985 4,809 2,966,148 181,117 72

Nottinghamshire The National School, A CofE Technology College

1,153 8 5,099,329 4,423 3,047,900 262,163 55

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Nottinghamshire Minster School 1,645 3 8,229,844 5,003 4,729,932 142,839 78 Nottinghamshire Christ The King

School 678 13 3,267,187 4,819 1,709,647 104,990 51

Nottinghamshire All Saints RC Comprehensive School

1,051 9 5,145,159 4,895 3,089,466 213,441 58

Nottinghamshire George Spencer Foundation School and Technology College

1,353 5 6,191,887 4,576 4,084,277 72,338 65

Oldham Counthill School 840 23 5,030,249 5,988 2,526,715 273,251 48 Oldham Grange School 769 58 4,909,209 6,384 2,850,881 79,812 37 Oldham The Hathershaw

College of Technology & Sport

1,008 43 5,838,355 5,792 2,907,856 45,736 48

Oldham Breeze Hill School

732 42 5,189,985 7,090 2,824,453 90,695 38

Oldham Kaskenmoor School

578 44 4,095,729 7,086 2,327,171 70,753 26

Oldham South Chadderton School

717 26 4,272,523 5,959 2,073,807 73,614 44

Oldham Royton and Crompton School

1,170 17 6,067,526 5,186 3,670,355 44,398 61

Oldham Failsworth School

1,470 15 7,766,158 5,283 4,067,459 134,939 51

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Oldham Saddleworth School

1,316 5 6,219,246 4,726 3,361,721 133,821 60

Oldham North Chadderton School

1,549 11 7,803,608 5,038 4,536,023 110,731 51

Oldham The Radclyffe School

1,386 29 7,586,965 5,474 3,763,467 61,289 51

Oldham The Blue Coat CofE School

1,415 5 7,056,675 4,987 4,269,153 71,120 75

Oldham Crompton House CofE School

1,338 3 7,228,972 5,403 4,070,976 150,796 78

Oldham St Augustine of Canterbury RC High Specialist Humanities School

631 26 4,021,582 6,373 2,229,728 93,649 40

Oldham Our Lady's RC High School

1,125 17 5,722,305 5,086 3,300,085 146,672 57

Oxfordshire The Warriner School

1,140 5 5,058,868 4,438 2,988,796 42,014 62

Oxfordshire Chipping Norton School

1,125 9 5,877,564 5,225 3,334,747 46,319 68

Oxfordshire Banbury School 1,360 15 7,352,790 5,406 3,788,989 46,612 40 Oxfordshire Bicester

Community College

1,119 13 5,911,922 5,283 3,269,783 200,456 55

Oxfordshire The Cooper School

926 5 4,531,026 4,893 2,568,392 42,999 57

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Oxfordshire Burford School and Community College

1,184 6 5,955,025 5,030 3,589,905 69,651 62

Oxfordshire Carterton Community College

622 5 3,346,968 5,381 2,085,236 43,491 51

Oxfordshire The Henry Box School

1,324 5 6,176,541 4,665 3,743,519 65,152 62

Oxfordshire Wood Green School

1,115 9 5,574,882 5,000 3,308,734 60,381 62

Oxfordshire Bartholomew School

983 4 5,234,278 5,325 2,824,906 34,140 73

Oxfordshire Gillotts School 895 5 4,271,010 4,772 2,389,505 48,448 66 Oxfordshire Gosford Hill

School 1,066 8 5,565,032 5,220 3,032,625 100,142 44

Oxfordshire Wheatley Park School

1,152 7 5,770,924 5,009 3,110,553 144,125 59

Oxfordshire Icknield Community College

603 8 3,019,048 5,007 1,542,025 121,456 50

Oxfordshire Chiltern Edge Community School

615 9 3,207,386 5,215 1,923,466 90,167 67

Oxfordshire Langtree School 544 6 2,850,335 5,240 1,574,523 38,309 61 Oxfordshire The Cherwell

School 1,816 10 8,490,728 4,676 4,933,462 139,616 66

Oxfordshire Oxford School 1,019 25 6,305,621 6,188 3,218,675 260,269 31 Oxfordshire Cheney School 1,424 16 7,906,092 5,552 4,016,160 132,318 50

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Oxfordshire Larkmead School

847 8 4,234,431 4,999 2,465,133 23,167 56

Oxfordshire John Mason School

894 8 4,610,949 5,158 2,268,809 136,963 66

Oxfordshire Fitzharrys School

811 7 4,203,347 5,183 2,309,369 49,973 58

Oxfordshire Matthew Arnold School

1,102 6 5,211,727 4,729 2,824,375 89,667 73

Oxfordshire St Birinus School

1,240 6 6,361,298 5,130 3,670,962 66,288 59

Oxfordshire Didcot Girls' School

1,274 9 6,276,748 4,927 3,915,805 106,675 58

Oxfordshire Wallingford School

1,103 9 5,404,437 4,900 3,056,282 34,232 58

Oxfordshire Faringdon Community College

962 6 4,627,115 4,810 2,817,534 70,301 69

Oxfordshire King Alfred's (A specialist Sports College)

1,743 5 9,002,120 5,165 4,733,885 169,952 65

Oxfordshire St Gregory the Great VA Catholic Secondary School

1,116 17 5,573,668 4,994 3,239,759 121,789 44

Oxfordshire The Marlborough Church of England School

1,037 4 5,227,145 5,041 3,003,283 70,489 58

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Oxfordshire Lord Williams's School

2,081 4 9,962,390 4,787 5,392,545 187,680 69

Oxfordshire Blessed George Napier Catholic School and Sports College

835 7 4,836,746 5,793 2,466,644 34,881 67

Peterborough Ken Stimpson Community School

1,007 12 5,501,746 5,464 2,896,078 100,428 54

Peterborough Hampton College

679 10 3,379,556 4,977 1,841,562 17,240 73

Peterborough The Voyager School

1,599 23 9,518,506 5,953 4,842,657 171,504 24

Peterborough The King's School (the Cathedral School)

973 3 5,152,210 5,295 2,797,188 1,356


Peterborough Jack Hunt School

1,625 17 9,240,825 5,687 4,507,007 167,988 44

Peterborough Stanground College

1,505 14 8,180,396 5,435 4,747,234 161,504 39

Peterborough St John Fisher Catholic High School

740 37 4,353,065 5,883 2,100,504 140,384 31

Peterborough Orton Longueville School

963 13 4,961,501 5,152 2,659,061 89,396 34

Peterborough Arthur Mellows Village College

1,457 3 7,013,979 4,814 3,764,563 59,021 65

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Plymouth Devonport High School for Girls

820 3 4,024,000 4,907 2,384,972 41,601 96

Plymouth Plymouth High School for Girls

813 4 4,086,368 5,026 2,322,138 43,107 89

Plymouth Sir John Hunt Community Sports College

688 21 3,831,688 5,569 2,263,300 59,104 28

Plymouth Ridgeway School

1,236 12 5,669,979 4,587 3,173,541 78,694 41

Plymouth Hele's School 1,392 6 6,690,749 4,807 3,992,061 58,181 70 Plymouth Plymstock

School 1,632 7 7,623,853 4,671 4,580,094 57,713 65

Plymouth Coombe Dean School

1,121 12 5,326,052 4,751 2,674,298 63,945 60

Plymouth Eggbuckland Community College

1,411 10 7,043,298 4,992 3,839,304 118,094 56

Plymouth Tor Bridge High 1,239 17 6,395,416 5,162 3,424,393 67,595 43 Plymouth Lipson

Community College

1,377 24 7,508,126 5,453 3,767,017 161,001 39

Plymouth John Kitto Community College

1,141 31 6,945,253 6,087 3,608,406 70,855 33

Plymouth Tamarside Community College

1,088 31 9,256,641 8,508 3,580,797 126,600 31

Plymouth Stoke Damerel Community College

1,452 30 8,435,218 5,809 4,400,611 7,767


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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Plymouth Notre Dame RC School

854 10 4,147,240 4,856 2,222,446 60,289 66

Plymouth St Boniface's RC College

823 9 3,972,714 4,827 2,345,727 73,147 51

Plymouth Devonport High School for Boys

1,136 2 5,381,858 4,738 3,211,463 235,970 96

Poole Carter Community School

333 26 2,565,026 7,703 1,332,903 27,028 23

Poole Rossmore Community College

512 23 4,354,056 8,504 2,040,714 87,561 21

Poole Ashdown Technology College

760 14 4,370,341 5,750 2,313,257 91,074 35

Poole St Edward's Roman Catholic/Church of England School, Poole

875 7 4,383,280 5,009 2,767,720 59,697 62

Poole Parkstone Grammar School

1,075 4 5,366,561 4,992 3,148,795 86,546 99

Poole Poole High School

1,673 10 7,951,035 4,753 4,731,932 69,495 35

Poole Poole Grammar School

992 3 5,122,277 5,164 3,153,458 24,052 100

Poole Corfe Hills School

1,584 4 7,602,247 4,799 4,833,837 116,451 64

Portsmouth Miltoncross School

987 15 4,894,178 4,959 2,351,297 116,810 41

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Portsmouth Priory School (Specialist Sports College)

1,243 18 6,220,581 5,004 3,269,584 221,495 48

Portsmouth City of Portsmouth Girls' School

993 22 5,292,714 5,330 2,883,220 63,312 47

Portsmouth Springfield School

1,113 2 4,925,012 4,425 3,265,603 35,209 63

Portsmouth King Richard School

819 28 5,193,838 6,342 2,868,433 140,156 35

Portsmouth Mayfield School 1,159 14 5,781,092 4,988 3,514,936 84,493 41 Portsmouth Admiral Lord

Nelson School 1,005 9 4,812,883 4,789 2,567,240 28,646 52

Portsmouth The City of Portsmouth Boys' School

492 20 3,107,798 6,317 1,707,421 37,212 48

Portsmouth St Edmund's Catholic School

917 14 4,508,582 4,917 2,189,739 34,456 37

Reading Highdown School and Sixth Form Centre

1,354 13 6,500,077 4,801 3,912,214 66,456 52

Reading Reading Girls' School

649 18 4,194,330 6,463 1,766,813 254,596 45

Reading Reading School 886 1 4,464,631 5,039 2,967,410 44,683 100 Reading Prospect School 1,123 24 6,640,593 5,913 3,625,795 96,778 43 Reading Blessed Hugh

Faringdon Catholic School

792 14 4,091,630 5,166 2,347,473 85,112 34

Reading Kendrick School 712 0 3,987,195 5,600 2,547,911 9,294


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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Redbridge Caterham High School

1,246 20 7,040,965 5,651 4,191,215 172,776 57

Redbridge Ilford County High School

862 6 4,846,557 5,622 2,883,718 66,276 100

Redbridge Wanstead High School

1,562 16 7,784,351 4,984 4,650,537 238,044 68

Redbridge Woodford County High School

857 4 4,170,423 4,866 2,619,537 40,793 99

Redbridge Loxford School of Science and Technology

1,614 41 9,238,712 5,724 6,010,614 161,349 62

Redbridge Woodbridge High School

1,549 15 7,886,731 5,091 4,727,019 175,152 64

Redbridge Beal High School

1,634 13 9,453,046 5,785 5,322,656 225,421 79

Redbridge Seven Kings High School

1,416 19 8,129,949 5,741 4,949,087 132,811 78

Redbridge Valentines High School

1,260 24 7,150,056 5,675 4,130,117 104,438 72

Redbridge Mayfield School 1,473 33 8,409,943 5,709 4,719,460 84,385 48 Redbridge Hainault Forest

High School 891 33 5,350,270 6,005 2,962,563 213,753 40

Redbridge Oaks Park High School

1,495 18 7,946,583 5,315 4,230,784 162,660 64

Redbridge Trinity Catholic High School

1,686 4 8,606,757 5,105 5,303,989 192,442 83

Redbridge King Solomon High School

860 7 5,118,568 5,952 3,198,303 50,147 69

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Redbridge Ilford Ursuline High School

710 16 3,987,848 5,617 2,107,104 82,121 80

Redbridge Canon Palmer Catholic School

1,257 17 6,403,049 5,094 4,348,504 105,278 68

Redbridge The Chadwell Heath Foundation School

1,277 16 6,691,428 5,240 3,606,864 138,333 82

Redcar and Cleveland

Freebrough Specialist Engineering College

868 27 5,314,803 6,123 2,304,906 104,351 31

Redcar and Cleveland

Eston Park School

1,039 21 5,431,405 5,228 2,961,772 71,949 50

Redcar and Cleveland

Laurence Jackson School

1,402 12 7,542,468 5,380 4,323,306 172,152 68

Redcar and Cleveland

Huntcliff School 489 13 2,931,620 5,995 1,556,706 59,523 74

Redcar and Cleveland

Bydales School - A Specialist Technology College

707 13 3,869,493 5,473 2,107,340 44,958 58

Redcar and Cleveland

Gillbrook College

428 46 3,874,128 9,052 1,871,848 69,695 23

Redcar and Cleveland

Nunthorpe School

1,537 10 6,836,105 4,448 3,967,312 50,172 68

Redcar and Cleveland

Rye Hills School 1,077 15 5,317,620 4,937 2,558,459 163,131 50

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Redcar and Cleveland

Redcar Community College A Specialist Visual and Performing Arts Centre

731 28 4,606,314 6,301 2,479,391 109,661 28

Redcar and Cleveland

Saint Peter's Catholic College of Maths and Computing

386 33 2,643,008 6,847 1,523,857 64,050 47

Redcar and Cleveland

Sacred Heart Roman Catholic VA School - A Specialist Science College

758 9 3,730,424 4,921 1,958,233 160,988 72

Richmond upon Thames

Grey Court School

831 19 4,735,665 5,699 2,469,108 91,111 54

Richmond upon Thames

Orleans Park School

1,015 13 5,841,876 5,756 3,278,355 132,655 71

Richmond upon Thames

Hampton Community College

783 18 5,381,706 6,873 2,605,904 159,656 48

Richmond upon Thames

Teddington School

1,126 10 5,868,933 5,212 3,539,914 107,937 69

Richmond upon Thames

Whitton School 705 23 5,233,138 7,423 2,521,140 217,535 48

Richmond upon Thames

Shene School 606 35 4,409,632 7,277 2,384,878 64,458 40

Richmond upon Thames

Waldegrave School for Girls

1,004 9 5,453,930 5,432 3,283,224 170,019 88

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Richmond upon Thames

Christ's Church of England Comprehensive Secondary School

588 17 3,816,548 6,491 1,873,973 79,865 64

Rochdale Siddal Moor Sports College

1,006 24 5,483,786 5,451 2,845,126 266,217 52

Rochdale Heywood Community High School

223 35 2,385,712 10,698 1,174,588 19,018 67

Rochdale Balderstone Technology College

675 39 4,893,183 7,249 2,450,913 92,515 41

Rochdale Falinge Park High School

1,173 32 6,555,236 5,591 3,588,142 91,204 49

Rochdale Springhill High School

664 51 4,579,890 6,897 2,299,145 42,229 35

Rochdale Matthew Moss High School

886 28 5,240,865 5,915 2,583,006 35,403 44

Rochdale Oulder Hill Community School and Language College

1,255 22 6,566,639 5,232 3,735,462 103,007 61

Rochdale Middleton Technology School

1,090 17 5,910,961 5,423 3,166,319 81,926 59

Rochdale Cardinal Langley Roman Catholic High School

1,062 19 5,753,937 5,418 3,577,663 64,777 59

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Rochdale St Cuthbert's RC Business and Enterprise College

1,404 25 6,955,713 4,954 3,987,802 229,542 43

Rochdale Holy Family Roman Catholic and Church of England College

566 10 3,194,186 5,643 1,645,363 44,352 52

Rochdale Wardle High School

1,113 20 6,293,726 5,655 3,235,027 182,560 53

Rochdale Hollingworth Business and Enterprise College

1,218 17 5,777,953 4,744 3,294,979 7,000


Rotherham Clifton: A Community Arts School

1,222 34 8,089,679 6,620 4,026,598 191,830 33

Rotherham Oakwood Technology College

1,056 16 5,749,322 5,444 3,196,751 118,659 50

Rotherham Winterhill School 1,368 16 7,851,245 5,739 4,228,950 122,196 47 Rotherham Wingfield

Business and Enterprise College

851 21 4,673,016 5,491 2,486,847 55,328 46

Rotherham Rawmarsh Community School - A Sports College

1,008 20 6,456,059 6,405 3,486,972 99,952 41

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Rotherham Wath Comprehensive School : A Language College

1,860 13 9,157,296 4,923 5,354,490 195,300 56

Rotherham Wickersley School and Sports College

1,907 8 9,422,915 4,941 5,473,123 55,193 67

Rotherham Thrybergh School and Sports College

583 39 4,415,469 7,574 2,015,017 6,069


Rotherham Aston Comprehensive School

1,660 11 8,581,847 5,170 5,205,707 157,539 68

Rotherham Dinnington Comprehensive Specialising in Science and Engineering

1,405 12 7,336,667 5,222 4,216,250 111,356 51

Rotherham Swinton Community School

1,013 18 5,966,977 5,890 3,611,595 26,420 40

Rotherham Brinsworth Comprehensive School

1,416 17 7,475,948 5,280 4,639,569 16,732 55

Rotherham Wales High School

1,578 12 8,283,157 5,249 5,513,876 59,881 48

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Rotherham Saint Pius X Catholic High School A Specialist School in Humanities

653 10 3,386,280 5,186 2,155,408 27,524 55

Rotherham St Bernard's Catholic High School, Specialist School for the Arts and Applied Learning

683 14 3,631,887 5,318 2,188,310 72,999 66

Rutland Uppingham Community College

873 4 4,143,877 4,747 2,301,834 48,385 62

Rutland Casterton Business & Enterprise College

766 9 3,668,852 4,790 2,091,965 29,148 59

Rutland Catmose College 737 6 4,304,752 5,841 2,233,546 60,991 63 Salford Beis Yaakov

High School 241 2 1,756,369 7,288 1,104,531 - 84

Salford Buile Hill Visual Arts College

742 38 6,248,778 8,422 2,377,496 108,402 46

Salford Walkden High School

1,189 8 5,579,613 4,693 3,602,399 34,249 51

Salford Irlam and Cadishead Community High School

915 13 4,932,442 5,391 3,052,530 144,176 46

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Salford Moorside High School

791 14 4,079,981 5,158 2,214,791 92,519 56

Salford Wentworth High School

743 23 4,363,407 5,873 2,695,104 120,598 43

Salford The Swinton High School

963 23 5,262,537 5,465 2,958,235 4,846


Salford The Albion High School

772 50 5,242,089 6,790 2,501,130 152,478 36

Salford Harrop Fold School

663 43 6,505,150 9,812 2,448,856 34,074 36

Salford St George's RC High School

600 22 3,135,432 5,226 1,837,100 73,810 61

Salford St Patrick's RC High School and Arts College

882 15 4,401,105 4,990 2,669,952 68,920 65

Salford All Hallows RC Business and Enterprise College

578 36 3,927,044 6,794 1,942,776 41,498 53

Salford St Ambrose Barlow RC High School

729 8 3,604,599 4,945 2,254,522 48,944 81

Sandwell Menzies High School Science College

1,518 21 8,125,249 5,353 4,474,364 226,343 38

Sandwell Wodensborough Community Technology College

1,025 21 6,419,997 6,263 3,325,191 123,978 42

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Sandwell Wood Green High School College of Sport, Maths and Computing

1,460 22 7,927,469 5,430 4,812,172 196,608 59

Sandwell Alexandra High School and Sixth Form Centre

1,380 20 7,777,429 5,636 4,189,530 281,889 39

Sandwell Oldbury College of Sport

1,488 20 8,576,696 5,764 4,294,287 204,155 46

Sandwell Perryfields High School Specialist Maths and Computing College

1,042 10 5,184,818 4,976 3,132,958 116,140 64

Sandwell Bristnall Hall Technology College

947 17 5,443,301 5,748 2,863,796 141,038 42

Sandwell Holly Lodge Foundation High School College of Science

1,213 30 7,193,438 5,930 4,108,370 297,176 39

Sandwell St Michael's CofE High School

991 20 6,267,148 6,324 3,014,544 206,144 30

Sandwell Stuart Bathurst Catholic High School College of Performing Arts

801 17 4,524,691 5,649 2,063,157 281,914 52

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Sandwell Manor Foundation Business, Enterprise & Sports College

649 29 4,594,387 7,079 2,365,902 161,945 21

Sandwell The Heathfield Foundation Technology College

1,848 16 9,276,063 5,020 6,542,112 12,502 42

Sefton Stanley High School Sports College

820 12 4,441,259 5,416 2,175,474 123,127 49

Sefton Hillside High School

846 38 4,952,556 5,854 2,612,645 81,088 41

Sefton St George of England Specialist Engineering College

415 41 3,115,212 7,507 1,598,326 73,666 41

Sefton Deyes High School

1,453 7 6,747,280 4,644 4,267,066 45,576 59

Sefton Formby High School

984 7 5,015,848 5,097 3,020,797 32,029 77

Sefton Litherland High School

956 31 4,552,843 4,762 2,329,107 219,190 42

Sefton Chesterfield High School

1,304 17 6,789,622 5,207 3,842,037 81,168 56

Sefton Range High School

1,261 4 6,154,719 4,881 3,723,924 101,993 75

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Sefton Birkdale High School

926 9 4,364,255 4,713 2,398,267 65,911 63

Sefton Greenbank High School

860 11 4,356,778 5,066 2,656,113 115,036 69

Sefton Meols Cop High School

704 19 4,034,236 5,730 2,013,512 42,737 45

Sefton Maghull High School

1,282 13 6,551,215 5,110 3,738,780 126,117 51

Sefton Savio Salesian College

668 36 4,155,224 6,220 2,602,634 77,050 39

Sefton Maricourt Catholic High School

1,474 7 7,135,595 4,841 4,372,427 112,483 65

Sefton Sacred Heart Catholic College

1,446 9 6,763,031 4,677 4,232,134 105,143 73

Sefton Holy Family Catholic High School

782 23 4,137,323 5,291 2,407,012 57,873 65

Sefton St Ambrose Barlow Catholic College

438 23 2,948,347 6,731 1,542,892 39,026 41

Sefton Christ The King Catholic High School and Sixth Form Centre

1,179 10 5,912,502 5,015 3,521,177 106,404 53

Sefton St Wilfrid's Catholic High School

568 28 3,562,693 6,272 1,976,043 93,792 38

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Sefton St Michael's Church of England High School

534 29 3,701,413 6,931 1,783,717 62,912 50

Sheffield The City School 1,179 20 6,746,431 5,722 3,342,238 168,776 34 Sheffield Wisewood

School and Community Sports College

768 11 4,442,008 5,784 2,431,279 93,724 45

Sheffield Hinde House 3-16 School

1,193 29 6,654,559 5,580 3,515,445 191,904 34

Sheffield Silverdale School

1,274 15 6,535,274 5,130 3,636,715 113,991 70

Sheffield King Ecgbert School

1,250 11 6,482,134 5,186 3,812,479 70,030 67

Sheffield Chaucer Business and Enterprise College

865 29 5,649,752 6,532 2,371,470 61,461 30

Sheffield Tapton School 1,664 9 8,042,201 4,833 4,717,519 51,009 73 Sheffield Myers Grove

School 585 16 4,185,357 7,154 1,991,329 38,151 51

Sheffield Westfield Sports College

1,368 9 6,738,924 4,926 2,965,837 250,992 43

Sheffield Yewlands School Technology College

845 21 4,671,723 5,529 2,368,892 86,522 43

Sheffield Abbeydale Grange School

423 41 4,096,546 9,685 2,057,807 102,255 23

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Sheffield Firth Park Community Arts College

1,264 32 6,921,527 5,476 3,680,648 168,830 35

Sheffield High Storrs School

1,573 10 7,405,473 4,708 4,497,335 159,792 67

Sheffield King Edward VII School

1,665 12 8,767,373 5,266 5,412,571 192,778 65

Sheffield Newfield Secondary School

894 17 5,145,887 5,756 2,227,623 323,755 44

Sheffield Ecclesfield School

1,749 9 7,710,786 4,409 4,017,687 429,893 47

Sheffield Stocksbridge High School

836 8 4,084,081 4,885 2,198,056 26,652 60

Sheffield Bradfield School 917 4 4,070,881 4,439 2,345,708 72,185 73 Sheffield Birley

Community College

1,205 11 5,677,077 4,711 2,987,272 81,610 50

Sheffield Handsworth Grange Community Sports College

988 12 5,005,038 5,066 2,651,110 90,931 44

Sheffield Meadowhead School

1,679 10 7,459,616 4,443 4,146,044 166,754 60

Sheffield Fir Vale School 746 35 4,855,453 6,509 2,701,430 76,674 47 Sheffield Notre Dame

High School 1,384 5 7,115,384 5,141 3,931,420 77,984 72

Sheffield All Saints' Catholic High School

1,370 10 6,801,689 4,965 4,091,863 102,514 60

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Shropshire The Priory School, A Business and Enterprise College

813 4 3,548,341 4,365 2,096,445 57,933 66

Shropshire The Wakeman School and Arts College

406 13 2,283,172 5,624 1,431,975 55,774 45

Shropshire The Community College, Bishop's Castle

608 6 3,038,874 4,998 1,750,300 63,878 55

Shropshire Church Stretton School

712 4 3,166,062 4,447 1,893,305 70,112 69

Shropshire The Lakelands School, Sports and Language College

571 12 2,938,821 5,147 1,651,003 20,073 65

Shropshire William Brookes School

929 7 4,190,753 4,511 2,462,327 65,082 48

Shropshire Idsall School 1,308 5 5,605,393 4,285 3,263,599 157,182 67 Shropshire Sundorne

School and Sports College

472 15 2,740,210 5,806 1,337,392 12,967 47

Shropshire Belvidere School 827 11 3,802,316 4,598 2,394,562 44,288 68 Shropshire Meole Brace

School Science College

997 8 4,059,716 4,072 2,532,143 18,039 64

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Shropshire Rhyn Park School and Performing Arts College

365 11 2,356,118 6,455 1,233,958 49,679 49

Shropshire The Mary Webb School and Science College

570 6 2,676,440 4,696 1,570,921 69,605 54

Shropshire The Lacon Childe School

543 7 2,848,748 5,246 1,592,195 20,334 62

Shropshire The Grange School

494 19 2,541,146 5,144 1,585,252 39,366 34

Shropshire The Grove School

1,005 11 4,810,262 4,786 2,908,066 21,594 50

Shropshire Oldbury Wells School

882 7 4,228,287 4,794 2,476,875 116,839 52

Shropshire The Marches School and Technology College

1,203 10 5,650,999 4,697 3,216,621 128,193 69

Shropshire Bridgnorth Endowed School

983 4 4,776,208 4,859 2,652,165 34,938 64

Shropshire Ludlow Church of England School

826 11 3,931,239 4,759 2,314,837 44,204 55

Shropshire Sir John Talbot's Technology College

668 12 3,233,025 4,840 2,005,399 72,680 42

Shropshire The Thomas Adams School, Wem

1,318 10 7,388,581 5,606 4,027,862 67,057 61

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Shropshire The Corbet School Technology College

722 4 3,078,477 4,264 1,945,025 39,886 59

Slough Baylis Court School

846 25 5,010,989 5,923 2,826,714 32,163 43

Slough Beechwood School

822 23 5,992,254 7,290 2,624,537 101,411 42

Slough Wexham School 900 32 6,497,075 7,219 3,489,460 142,469 45 Slough Slough and Eton

CofE Business and Enterprise College

918 34 6,378,614 6,948 3,025,789 80,358 50

Slough St Bernard's Catholic Grammar School

863 0 4,759,699 5,515 2,921,211 20,106 99

Slough St Joseph's Catholic High School

669 5 3,837,708 5,736 2,305,123 62,305 31

Slough Langley Grammar School

1,027 2 5,319,090 5,179 3,581,073 13,885 100

Slough Herschel Grammar School

867 3 4,778,720 5,512 2,752,674 89,060 99

Slough Slough Grammar School

1,183 5 7,033,845 5,946 3,894,429 248,582 99

Slough The Westgate School

886 16 5,111,462 5,769 2,535,937 117,948 52

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Solihull Langley School, Specialist College for the Performing Arts, Languages and Training

993 10 5,243,142 5,280 3,040,534 147,622 68

Solihull Tudor Grange School

1,248 3 6,075,441 4,868 3,429,942 88,393 86

Solihull Alderbrook Leading Edge School and Arts College

1,291 7 6,142,596 4,758 3,496,258 89,791 70

Solihull Arden School 1,467 2 6,633,220 4,522 3,495,652 140,413 92 Solihull Light Hall School

Specialist Mathematics and Computing College

1,220 11 5,398,718 4,425 3,283,283 125,558 68

Solihull Lode Heath School

1,037 10 4,665,863 4,499 2,697,803 79,745 67

Solihull Lyndon School Humanities College

1,315 12 5,832,877 4,436 3,017,071 103,857 42

Solihull Heart of England School

1,352 6 6,055,438 4,479 3,538,237 108,552 62

Solihull Smith's Wood Sports College

1,100 29 5,918,334 5,380 3,160,428 101,856 38

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Solihull St Peter's Catholic School and Specialist Science College

1,284 3 5,706,634 4,444 3,661,696 51,216 82

Solihull The Archbishop Grimshaw Catholic School

969 29 5,511,524 5,688 3,380,032 86,575 30

Somerset Frome Community College

1,385 9 7,078,104 5,111 4,200,275 42,961 52

Somerset Bishop Fox's Community School

829 10 3,739,879 4,511 2,237,945 86,125 53

Somerset Westfield Community School

870 8 4,319,066 4,964 2,355,936 52,205 47

Somerset Ansford School 657 4 2,970,236 4,521 1,609,129 107,658 54 Somerset St Dunstan's

Community School

586 9 2,957,062 5,046 1,648,935 35,684 47

Somerset Huish Episcopi Science College

1,240 7 5,502,189 4,437 3,140,746 53,080 74

Somerset King Arthur's Community School

583 8 2,693,641 4,620 1,523,781 67,241 42

Somerset Holyrood Community School

1,238 9 5,680,345 4,588 3,384,679 102,004 54

Somerset Whitstone 646 11 3,030,592 4,691 1,748,301 72,330 43 Somerset Crispin School 1,100 7 5,013,864 4,558 2,768,722 69,459 60

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Somerset The West Somerset Community College

1,284 13 7,197,735 5,606 4,274,762 52,000 50

Somerset Robert Blake Science College

649 17 4,029,136 6,208 1,969,516 26,242 40

Somerset The King Alfred School

1,365 8 6,576,346 4,818 3,538,319 30,854 49

Somerset East Bridgwater Community School

800 17 4,455,564 5,569 2,213,743 217,039 33

Somerset Chilton Trinity Technology College

945 14 4,921,214 5,208 2,825,479 95,908 46

Somerset Haygrove School

1,106 6 4,601,152 4,160 2,844,403 83,418 65

Somerset Heathfield Community School

1,203 10 5,644,024 4,692 3,135,161 147,532 70

Somerset Kingsmead Community School

782 6 3,543,172 4,531 2,019,180 35,431 67

Somerset Court Fields Community School

814 10 4,014,984 4,932 2,229,561 38,725 47

Somerset The Castle School

1,200 4 5,792,530 4,827 3,180,334 136,950 76

Somerset Ladymead Community School

688 14 3,469,644 5,043 2,043,585 16,015 50

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Somerset Stanchester Community School

864 7 3,943,551 4,564 2,222,417 30,304 50

Somerset Bucklers Mead Community School

985 12 4,506,931 4,576 2,439,293 69,143 36

Somerset Preston School 938 7 3,951,134 4,212 2,283,733 41,512 56 Somerset The Blue School 1,431 8 6,792,418 4,747 3,978,646 110,854 61 Somerset Wadham School 629 7 3,287,680 5,227 1,980,035 11,828 60 Somerset The Kings of

Wessex School 1,185 3 5,374,065 4,535 3,223,243 60,053 70

Somerset The St Augustine of Canterbury School

204 24 1,569,322 7,693 732,306 38,438 20

Somerset Sexey's School 546 1 5,124,125 9,385 1,784,505 21,171 73 Somerset Brymore School 161 2 2,588,744 16,079 815,574 18,039 33 South Gloucestershire

Bradley Stoke Community School

921 8 4,703,805 5,107 2,154,850 36,874 66

South Gloucestershire

Kingsfield School

1,025 13 5,474,453 5,341 3,078,392 187,455 40

South Gloucestershire

Abbeywood Community School

919 14 4,994,996 5,435 3,076,111 130,826 41

South Gloucestershire

Patchway Community College

883 7 5,155,101 5,838 2,746,198 43,849 54

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

South Gloucestershire

The Castle School

1,747 5 8,591,810 4,918 5,207,947 174,567 74

South Gloucestershire

Sir Bernard Lovell School

1,244 10 8,628,931 6,936 4,116,811 116,162 49

South Gloucestershire

Hanham High School

1,024 8 5,260,396 5,137 3,175,886 73,360 62

South Gloucestershire

Brimsham Green School

1,162 8 5,494,880 4,729 3,256,809 79,004 58

South Gloucestershire

Mangotsfield School

1,335 7 6,119,622 4,584 3,500,379 146,781 52

South Gloucestershire

Downend Comprehensive School

1,530 10 7,167,813 4,685 4,174,005 152,477 47

South Gloucestershire

The Grange School and Sports College

979 11 5,305,243 5,419 2,686,315 132,407 50

South Gloucestershire

Chipping Sodbury School

936 6 4,406,556 4,708 2,843,566 101,910 39

South Gloucestershire

Marlwood School

1,228 4 5,655,840 4,606 3,564,703 86,683 67

South Tyneside Harton Technology College

1,353 23 7,313,424 5,405 4,515,635 82,925 61

South Tyneside Mortimer Community College

981 36 5,603,092 5,712 3,142,681 230,128 48

South Tyneside Boldon School 1,007 26 5,601,835 5,563 3,007,217 125,523 56 South Tyneside Hebburn

Comprehensive School

934 27 5,291,797 5,666 2,987,302 58,720 59

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

South Tyneside Jarrow School 597 34 4,947,463 8,287 2,253,696 216,368 50 South Tyneside St Joseph's RC

Voluntary Aided Comprehensive School

1,536 12 8,142,171 5,301 5,027,072 119,386 62

South Tyneside St Wilfrid's RC College

925 17 4,393,717 4,750 2,765,618 82,441 47

South Tyneside Whitburn Church of England School

958 8 4,479,714 4,676 2,715,458 103,518 74

South Tyneside South Shields Community School

787 39 5,817,518 7,392 2,811,574 288,585 39

Southampton Regents Park Community College

812 20 4,703,512 5,793 2,490,838 60,966 58

Southampton The Sholing Technology College

991 15 4,845,458 4,889 2,786,107 110,638 59

Southampton Redbridge Community School

953 29 6,217,680 6,524 3,337,457 53,123 46

Southampton Chamberlayne College for the Arts

626 26 4,249,128 6,788 2,518,809 - 30,915


Southampton Upper Shirley High School

570 17 3,628,402 6,366 1,888,178 17,864 48

Southampton Bitterne Park School

1,432 12 7,192,701 5,023 4,187,494 - 17,307


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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Southampton Woodlands Community College

769 37 5,142,794 6,688 2,743,792 54,758 30

Southampton Cantell Maths and Computing College

959 24 6,315,996 6,586 3,389,961 35,717 41

Southampton Saint George Catholic Voluntary Aided College Southampton

462 16 2,620,098 5,671 1,357,974 16,391 58

Southampton St Anne's Catholic School

1,121 13 5,241,961 4,676 2,891,949 151,954 71

Southend on Sea Shoeburyness High School

1,646 17 9,840,306 5,980 5,495,365 33,775 51

Southend on Sea Chase High School

985 35 6,071,629 6,164 2,930,508 290,575 37

Southend on Sea Futures College 599 41 4,523,999 7,559 2,013,302 101,715 31 Southend on Sea Westcliff High

School for Boys 1,041 1 4,860,717 4,669 2,778,771

7,736 100

Southend on Sea The Eastwood School (11-18)

887 9 4,775,009 5,383 2,822,070 24,017 70

Southend on Sea Westcliff High School for Girls

1,050 4 5,512,561 5,250 3,140,262 40,689 99

Southend on Sea Southend High School for Girls

1,050 3 5,247,806 4,998 3,239,359 26,303 99

Southend on Sea Belfairs High School

1,323 13 7,579,808 5,729 4,137,791 61,051 35

Southend on Sea Southend High School for Boys

1,033 2 4,813,730 4,662 3,088,255 59,878 99

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Southend on Sea St Thomas More High School for Boys

993 6 5,008,015 5,043 2,463,465 155,525 65

Southend on Sea Cecil Jones College

1,565 20 8,438,982 5,392 4,422,002 288,073 37

Southend on Sea St Bernard's High School and Arts College

859 7 4,534,356 5,282 2,531,123 52,193 76

Southwark Kingsdale Foundation School

1,203 36 9,381,214 7,798 4,579,572 248,426 59

Southwark The Charter School

1,085 20 7,541,258 6,950 3,703,654 115,302 66

Southwark St Saviour's and St Olave's Church of England School

778 33 6,245,629 8,028 3,159,045 143,748 73

Southwark The St Thomas the Apostle College

703 21 5,317,185 7,564 3,110,840 26,774 49

Southwark St Michael's Catholic College

680 29 4,928,070 7,247 3,153,725 68,848 74

Southwark Notre Dame Roman Catholic Girls' School

634 26 4,829,199 7,617 2,496,830 164,691 68

Southwark Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Secondary School

668 25 5,056,667 7,570 2,986,150 - 85

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

St Helens Sutton High Sports College

1,281 26 7,224,913 5,640 4,189,065 177,520 50

St Helens Rainford High Technology College

1,510 8 7,436,978 4,925 4,142,318 208,878 70

St Helens Haydock Sports College

646 26 3,888,644 6,020 2,299,309 72,343 45

St Helens Newton-le-Willows Community High School

419 32 3,765,194 8,986 1,681,413 115,107 30

St Helens Cowley Language College

1,542 28 8,904,196 5,774 4,957,000 163,143 44

St Helens Rainhill High School

1,443 9 6,842,361 4,742 4,108,338 129,266 68

St Helens St Aelred's Catholic Technology College

1,043 13 5,247,574 5,031 3,133,270 163,148 62

St Helens St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic High School

748 18 3,766,883 5,036 2,058,856 88,185 45

St Helens De La Salle School

1,199 9 5,541,651 4,622 3,670,121 136,441 60

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

St Helens St Cuthbert's Catholic Community College for Business and Enterprise

904 30 4,883,712 5,402 2,738,205 170,529 40

Staffordshire Paulet High School

696 15 3,826,323 5,498 2,205,814 57,632 60

Staffordshire Paget High School, Business and Enterprise College

1,003 18 4,864,132 4,850 2,610,006 67,684 42

Staffordshire Sir Thomas Boughey High School

749 11 3,327,594 4,443 1,952,852 52,977 56

Staffordshire John Taylor High School

1,479 4 6,701,867 4,531 4,117,330 148,756 72

Staffordshire Norton Canes High School

557 12 2,871,151 5,155 1,717,732 70,574 44

Staffordshire Blythe Bridge High School

1,032 6 4,521,425 4,381 2,883,157 80,681 58

Staffordshire Kingsmead Technology College

1,302 6 5,639,155 4,331 3,486,320 81,736 55

Staffordshire Blake Valley Technology College

715 23 4,123,250 5,767 2,056,308 149,681 41

Staffordshire Moorside High School

777 9 3,513,460 4,522 1,870,707 66,522 65

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Staffordshire Codsall Community High School

1,073 8 5,620,493 5,238 3,516,535 67,192 65

Staffordshire Endon High School

713 5 3,196,892 4,484 1,846,808 72,042 64

Staffordshire Great Wyrley Performing Arts High School

1,092 8 5,074,123 4,647 2,876,274 135,325 48

Staffordshire Clough Hall Technology School

712 20 4,392,949 6,170 2,466,762 10,749 43

Staffordshire Edgecliff High School

660 5 3,113,219 4,717 1,968,759 29,555 52

Staffordshire Maryhill High School

804 9 3,890,068 4,838 2,471,448 78,335 52

Staffordshire Leek High Specialist Technology School

433 11 2,483,480 5,736 1,273,561 33,647 47

Staffordshire Westwood College

931 6 4,813,851 5,171 3,130,566 91,701 61

Staffordshire King Edward VI School

1,401 3 6,230,719 4,447 4,143,428 78,946 68

Staffordshire Nether Stowe School A Specialist Mathematics & Computing College

709 18 3,798,448 5,357 2,032,739 98,000 40

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Staffordshire Madeley High School

655 7 3,066,249 4,681 1,883,876 66,701 67

Staffordshire Chesterton Community Sports College

483 25 2,837,437 5,875 1,482,933 37,355 55

Staffordshire Clayton Hall Business and Language College

999 7 4,269,434 4,274 2,587,533 92,082 61

Staffordshire NCHS The Science College

456 24 2,918,832 6,401 1,311,432 50,930 45

Staffordshire Wolstanton High School

1,097 11 4,876,215 4,445 2,813,769 65,467 48

Staffordshire Wolgarston High School

855 6 3,971,580 4,645 2,386,104 105,509 57

Staffordshire Walton High School

1,271 2 5,788,272 4,554 3,669,858 47,690 76

Staffordshire Alleyne's High School

909 6 4,669,633 5,137 2,772,543 63,807 55

Staffordshire Queen Elizabeth's Mercian School

903 15 4,781,411 5,295 2,415,940 190,078 43

Staffordshire Ounsdale High School

1,120 6 5,347,255 4,774 3,440,490 31,964 66

Staffordshire Wilnecote High School

1,152 6 5,534,930 4,805 3,069,709 103,689 56

Staffordshire Woodhouse High School

1,025 15 4,903,908 4,784 2,556,775 107,052 31

Staffordshire The Friary School

1,287 9 6,339,875 4,926 3,659,003 129,930 59

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Staffordshire Cheslyn Hay Sport and Community High School

1,377 7 6,263,802 4,549 3,851,243 131,960 65

Staffordshire Biddulph High School

832 13 4,193,873 5,041 2,439,018 61,166 58

Staffordshire Thomas Alleyne's High School

1,346 4 6,465,865 4,804 4,323,444 113,493 58

Staffordshire Cheadle High School

823 12 3,710,426 4,508 2,307,374 38,157 56

Staffordshire Belgrave High School

1,108 22 5,640,221 5,090 3,543,937 22,371 36

Staffordshire Rawlett Community Sports College

1,122 9 5,405,264 4,818 2,914,070 95,044 54

Staffordshire Fair Oak Business and Enterprise College

894 7 4,463,314 4,993 2,604,122 83,656 49

Staffordshire Hagley Park Sports College

856 16 4,247,061 4,962 2,443,258 91,593 22

Staffordshire De Ferrers Specialist Technology College

1,916 11 8,716,117 4,549 4,832,010 167,704 55

Staffordshire Chase Terrace Technology College

1,350 7 6,251,413 4,631 3,653,678 81,578 53

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Staffordshire Sir Graham Balfour High School

993 6 4,256,143 4,286 2,389,749 45,208 69

Staffordshire King Edward VI High School

933 17 4,404,078 4,720 2,704,103 23,695 43

Staffordshire Weston Road High School

910 8 4,333,050 4,762 2,536,677 120,959 59

Staffordshire Abbot Beyne School

851 19 4,660,826 5,477 2,405,709 116,062 42

Staffordshire Blessed William Howard Catholic School

953 6 4,525,413 4,749 2,817,792 172,148 58

Staffordshire Painsley Catholic College

1,110 6 5,092,602 4,588 3,105,547 15,656 74

Staffordshire Blessed Robert Sutton Catholic Sports College

685 8 3,404,911 4,971 2,157,003 23,492 62

Staffordshire St John Fisher Catholic College

972 11 4,471,513 4,600 2,724,032 24,675 59

Staffordshire Cannock Chase High School

1,446 15 7,167,565 4,957 4,665,326 137,133 46

Staffordshire Stafford Sports College

404 29 2,786,572 6,897 1,450,290 24,443 47

Staffordshire Cardinal Griffin Catholic High School

968 7 4,265,311 4,406 2,806,737 52,901 60

Staffordshire Chasetown Specialist Sports College

884 7 3,995,362 4,520 2,338,002 213,991 63

Stockport Offerton School 769 17 4,546,944 5,913 2,375,928 80,907 48

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Stockport Priestnall School 1,213 8 5,517,974 4,549 3,184,530 145,494 65 Stockport Reddish Vale

Technology College

1,300 24 7,024,448 5,403 3,858,447 81,958 55

Stockport Stockport School

950 13 4,882,267 5,139 3,015,773 84,658 62

Stockport Werneth School 1,098 17 5,716,544 5,206 3,329,538 50,035 52 Stockport Hazel Grove

High School 1,066 11 5,560,296 5,216 2,952,222 53,652 60

Stockport Marple Hall School - A Specialist Language College

1,371 6 6,065,585 4,424 3,661,281 74,929 74

Stockport Bramhall High School

1,320 6 6,309,133 4,780 3,654,309 138,800 72

Stockport Cheadle Hulme High School

1,239 10 5,904,976 4,766 3,452,242 36,305 78

Stockport The Kingsway School

1,447 12 7,324,385 5,062 4,304,653 74,609 59

Stockport St James' Catholic High School - A Specialist Humanities College

786 9 3,738,195 4,756 2,178,299 96,574 63

Stockport Harrytown Catholic High School

770 9 3,610,429 4,689 2,160,128 31,423 75

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Stockport St Anne's Roman Catholic High School, Stockport

670 19 3,539,975 5,284 1,878,040 86,837 42

Stockton on Tees Thornaby Community School

532 37 3,952,899 7,430 1,810,043 69,687 30

Stockton on Tees All Saints CofE School

611 3 2,920,067 4,779 1,591,573 35,825 72

Stockton on Tees Egglescliffe School

1,465 5 6,914,281 4,720 4,028,267 29,406 75

Stockton on Tees Conyers School 1,345 6 6,484,631 4,821 3,708,951 95,560 73 Stockton on Tees Northfield

School and Sports College

1,670 17 7,663,277 4,589 4,428,510 228,804 44

Stockton on Tees The Norton School Humanities College

379 46 3,069,571 8,099 1,615,304 19,208 26

Stockton on Tees Bishopsgarth School

485 31 3,710,836 7,651 1,968,977 124,357 39

Stockton on Tees Blakeston School - A Community Sports College

521 36 4,142,280 7,951 2,023,560 75,819 34

Stockton on Tees Grangefield School and Technology College

1,153 25 6,108,065 5,298 3,691,902 252,256 44

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Stockton on Tees St Michael's Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided Comprehensive School

847 10 4,026,978 4,754 2,466,573 88,259 61

Stockton on Tees Our Lady and St Bede RC School

657 19 3,755,219 5,716 1,850,190 125,497 53

Stockton on Tees St Patrick's RC Comprehensive School

565 19 2,782,739 4,925 1,652,620 98,011 70

Stockton on Tees Ian Ramsey Church of England Aided Comprehensive School

1,147 11 5,253,990 4,581 2,955,715 191,258 60

Stoke on Trent Edensor Technology College

998 25 4,962,425 4,972 2,962,072 53,619 40

Stoke on Trent Brownhills Maths and Computing College

682 35 3,752,038 5,502 2,019,094 122,449 32

Stoke on Trent Blurton High School - Business and Enterprise College

736 28 3,976,353 5,403 2,116,805 154,790 41

Stoke on Trent Holden Lane High School Specialist Sports College

1,025 19 5,756,212 5,616 3,162,423 60,349 55

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Stoke on Trent Longton High School

244 23 3,024,618 12,396 1,651,116 84,485 40

Stoke on Trent Berry Hill High School and Sports College

411 34 3,690,859 8,980 1,585,677 55,672 43

Stoke on Trent Trentham High School

599 12 3,264,628 5,450 1,631,243 89,584 53

Stoke on Trent Sandon Business and Enterprise College

797 25 4,087,492 5,129 2,064,951 190,315 52

Stoke on Trent Birches Head High School

735 22 3,996,227 5,437 2,045,959 106,073 43

Stoke on Trent Haywood Engineering College

1,078 23 5,545,633 5,144 2,864,146 15,848 44

Stoke on Trent Thistley Hough High School

862 25 4,555,574 5,285 2,100,506 57,179 40

Stoke on Trent James Brindley High School

603 37 4,060,589 6,734 2,085,512 60,435 30

Stoke on Trent Mitchell High School Business & Enterprise College

585 39 3,895,603 6,659 2,073,274 15,842 42

Stoke on Trent St Peter's CofE (A) High School and International Language College

788 13 3,900,485 4,950 2,178,701 83,188 70

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Stoke on Trent St Margaret Ward Catholic School and Arts College

1,005 11 4,627,395 4,604 2,609,506 52,694 72

Stoke on Trent St Thomas More Catholic College

1,072 12 5,061,647 4,722 2,899,766 73,331 52

Stoke on Trent St Joseph's College

1,033 2 5,775,603 5,591 3,019,902 20,170 97

Suffolk Bury St Edmunds County Upper School

979 7 4,743,539 4,845 3,111,056 58,433 62

Suffolk Castle Manor Business and Enterprise College

577 8 3,354,923 5,814 1,839,609 126,888 34

Suffolk Hadleigh High School

792 5 4,016,266 5,071 2,142,030 49,807 64

Suffolk Sudbury Upper School and Arts College

916 12 5,514,511 6,020 2,810,927 86,122 34

Suffolk Great Cornard Upper School and Technology College

836 10 4,275,741 5,115 2,414,356 38,714 44

Suffolk Thurston Community College

1,411 7 6,739,811 4,777 3,868,700 120,766 54

Suffolk Newmarket College

563 11 3,438,442 6,107 1,907,063 29,961 29

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Suffolk Mildenhall College of Technology

959 10 4,728,374 4,931 2,924,464 73,979 48

Suffolk Hartismere High School

899 6 5,013,694 5,577 2,877,034 27,894 68

Suffolk Deben High School

900 9 4,444,945 4,939 2,510,546 87,984 55

Suffolk Orwell High School

817 11 4,192,262 5,131 2,492,428 105,294 49

Suffolk Thomas Mills High School

1,076 5 5,428,763 5,045 3,295,000 65,353 76

Suffolk Stradbroke Business and Enterprise College

323 6 2,008,605 6,219 1,052,326 11,247 56

Suffolk Sir John Leman High School

1,250 10 6,631,473 5,305 3,410,397 136,302 55

Suffolk Stowmarket High School

1,053 8 5,699,291 5,412 3,118,315 147,935 49

Suffolk Leiston Community High School

644 12 3,871,686 6,012 2,061,771 42,729 46

Suffolk The Denes High School

764 21 5,162,047 6,757 2,290,887 49,884 43

Suffolk Kirkley Community High School

1,070 14 7,369,309 6,887 3,565,187 171,047 35

Suffolk Bungay High School

915 7 4,719,857 5,158 2,819,703 29,189 70

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Suffolk Farlingaye High School

1,900 9 8,756,351 4,609 5,473,507 134,331 61

Suffolk Stoke High School

788 20 4,387,214 5,568 2,527,190 90,973 38

Suffolk Northgate High School

1,713 7 8,226,135 4,802 5,051,389 130,150 68

Suffolk Chantry High School and Sixth Form Centre

981 25 7,093,144 7,231 3,350,723 66,383 37

Suffolk Copleston High School

1,806 7 9,047,109 5,009 4,919,628 194,384 69

Suffolk Holywells High School

849 23 5,253,848 6,188 2,652,864 113,421 31

Suffolk Thurleston High School

662 13 4,078,054 6,160 2,115,905 101,839 35

Suffolk Westbourne Sports College

1,117 17 6,593,555 5,903 3,537,431 82,502 42

Suffolk Claydon High School

742 7 3,807,985 5,132 2,145,336 49,095 66

Suffolk East Bergholt High School

883 4 3,891,735 4,407 2,168,435 149,290 52

Suffolk Holbrook High School

522 7 2,690,847 5,155 1,390,780 99,006 66

Suffolk Kesgrave High School

1,797 4 8,044,827 4,477 5,097,433 115,681 60

Suffolk The Benjamin Britten High School

784 9 4,681,099 5,971 2,295,195 89,485 45

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Suffolk Samuel Ward Arts and Technology College

851 7 4,584,996 5,388 2,549,593 37,195 47

Suffolk Stowupland High School

661 4 3,381,766 5,116 2,011,187 77,770 48

Suffolk King Edward VI Church of England Voluntary Controlled Upper School

1,393 4 7,265,031 5,215 4,075,085 70,000 60

Suffolk Debenham Church of England Voluntary Controlled High School

588 2 2,921,373 4,968 1,747,384 12,622 74

Suffolk St Benedict's Catholic School

590 4 2,894,680 4,906 1,741,285 74,310 69

Suffolk St Alban's Catholic High School

997 6 4,828,133 4,843 2,752,621 39,711 63

Sunderland Farringdon Community Sports College

855 18 5,573,912 6,519 2,709,595 240,134 62

Sunderland Monkwearmouth School

1,249 11 6,241,917 4,998 3,675,585 92,636 55

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Sunderland Thornhill School Business & Enterprise College

1,010 21 5,792,637 5,735 3,967,209 104,274 53

Sunderland Southmoor Community School, Mathematics and Computing College

1,044 24 5,531,420 5,298 3,128,405 148,403 62

Sunderland Hetton School 905 21 5,160,466 5,702 3,042,091 193,263 52 Sunderland Oxclose

Community School

961 21 5,628,411 5,857 3,010,311 89,857 66

Sunderland Washington School

950 25 5,156,015 5,427 2,988,857 190,376 38

Sunderland Biddick School Sports College

1,067 11 7,310,993 6,852 4,306,320 273,984 51

Sunderland Sandhill View School

942 28 6,459,151 6,857 3,136,693 84,855 49

Sunderland Houghton Kepier Sports College:A Foundation School

1,170 20 6,410,696 5,479 3,762,435 164,827 51

Sunderland Venerable Bede Church of England [Aided] Secondary School

870 16 4,607,403 5,296 2,403,268 67,244 61

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Sunderland St Aidan's Catholic School

1,167 8 6,290,860 5,391 3,931,393 30,340 63

Sunderland St Robert of Newminster Roman Catholic School

1,620 7 8,590,723 5,303 5,533,742 336,200 74

Sunderland St Anthony's Catholic Girls' School

1,374 9 7,069,912 5,145 4,446,911 66,771 67

Surrey Christ's College, Guildford

518 12 3,332,035 6,433 1,865,828 42,916 36

Surrey Howard of Effingham School

1,544 3 7,664,303 4,964 4,688,105 79,330 82

Surrey Farnham Heath End School

920 7 4,134,213 4,494 2,364,584 16,809 60

Surrey Broadwater School

460 11 3,191,971 6,939 1,485,386 105,592 56

Surrey Woolmer Hill Technology College

634 5 2,948,042 4,650 1,746,970 70,842 69

Surrey Therfield School 1,311 6 6,979,703 5,324 3,996,601 229,821 54 Surrey Oxted School 2,110 3 10,139,420 4,805 6,108,105 127,188 56 Surrey Weydon School 1,147 3 5,137,914 4,479 3,128,802 -

7,324 78

Surrey Warlingham School

1,559 7 7,661,664 4,914 4,300,142 45,018 63

Surrey Reigate School 1,223 8 5,437,651 4,446 3,061,706 27,043 65 Surrey The Magna

Carta School 1,202 8 6,177,338 5,139 3,382,616 149,591 57

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Surrey Glebelands School

851 5 3,902,593 4,586 2,298,120 66,396 66

Surrey Rodborough Technology College

905 5 4,632,984 5,119 2,418,302 38,797 76

Surrey Tomlinscote School and Sixth Form College

1,573 2 6,935,727 4,409 4,445,300 53,264 78

Surrey Rydens School 1,151 13 5,774,060 5,017 3,469,672 236,059 56 Surrey The Matthew

Arnold School 955 11 5,846,459 6,122 2,575,109 81,983 45

Surrey The Ashcombe School

1,521 2 7,107,927 4,673 4,206,202 1,010


Surrey George Abbot School

1,930 3 10,680,296 5,534 6,071,824 67,273 78

Surrey The Bishop David Brown School

499 14 4,063,707 8,144 1,722,590 43,676 32

Surrey Sunbury Manor School

1,058 8 5,032,249 4,756 3,062,320 51,722 54

Surrey The Warwick School

992 11 5,279,191 5,322 2,728,808 152,919 43

Surrey Woking High School

1,194 8 5,413,043 4,534 3,233,482 84,975 59

Surrey Ash Manor School

1,039 11 5,748,779 5,533 2,892,257 104,887 52

Surrey Thomas Knyvett College

512 22 3,235,114 6,319 1,660,199 43,226 38

Surrey Oakwood School 1,267 7 6,189,107 4,885 3,654,670 212,403 50

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Surrey Kings International College for Business and the Arts

681 9 3,769,380 5,535 2,246,862 31,389 42

Surrey Jubilee High School

680 13 3,963,833 5,829 2,112,783 17,057 36

Surrey Esher CofE High School

959 9 4,996,899 5,211 2,514,485 79,589 53

Surrey Kings College for the Arts and Technology

798 17 4,989,198 6,252 2,773,645 134,326 49

Surrey St Andrew's Catholic School

774 3 3,853,614 4,979 2,235,469 17,250 56

Surrey St Peter's Catholic School

1,122 4 5,198,643 4,633 3,064,712 10,247 69

Surrey St Bede's School 1,734 3 7,891,177 4,551 4,506,760 64,521 78 Surrey Royal Alexandra

and Albert School

784 3 5,007,041 6,387 2,782,070 38,812 63

Surrey The Bishop Wand Church of England School

994 5 5,103,472 5,134 3,115,113 71,306 63

Surrey The Priory CofE Voluntary Aided School

848 7 4,040,884 4,765 2,587,104 54,696 56

Surrey Guildford County School

1,004 3 5,051,423 5,031 2,744,153 39,386 66

Surrey Collingwood College

2,029 5 9,899,608 4,879 6,057,640 137,844 66

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Surrey St John the Baptist Catholic Comprehensive School, Woking

1,252 4 6,216,778 4,965 3,581,091 6,382


Surrey Gordon's School 671 8 3,759,813 5,603 2,470,929 34,986 91 Surrey Glyn Technology

School 1,611 2 8,157,430 5,064 4,539,126 157,922 82

Surrey Epsom and Ewell High School

711 12 4,867,895 6,847 2,541,518 56,920 58

Surrey The Beacon School

1,101 12 5,757,738 5,230 3,104,952 117,960 45

Surrey Rosebery School 1,470 3 6,597,012 4,488 3,910,596 66,158 78 Surrey de Stafford

School 794 11 4,605,918 5,801 2,456,623 31,415 53

Surrey Heathside School

1,285 4 5,945,778 4,627 3,638,480 32,051 70

Surrey Thamesmead School

1,004 5 4,774,357 4,755 2,837,716 56,993 62

Surrey St Paul's Catholic College

1,070 8 5,411,260 5,057 2,934,176 139,525 48

Surrey Salesian School, Chertsey

1,301 5 5,947,488 4,571 3,743,343 7,369


Surrey Fullbrook School 1,574 5 7,894,498 5,016 4,735,789 170,960 62 Surrey The Winston

Churchill School A Specialist Sports College

1,549 6 7,838,062 5,060 4,229,081 201,545 66

Surrey All Hallows Catholic School

1,346 4 5,969,549 4,435 3,522,913 80,183 79

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Surrey Hinchley Wood School

1,135 6 5,987,784 5,276 2,869,847 46,972 82

Surrey Blenheim High School

1,392 5 6,544,740 4,702 3,897,266 93,959 58

Sutton Carshalton Boys Sports College

1,143 24 6,682,874 5,847 3,643,140 81,040 46

Sutton Carshalton High School for Girls

1,246 17 6,561,778 5,266 3,832,429 133,764 47

Sutton Greenshaw High School

1,544 13 8,225,698 5,328 4,700,374 4,542


Sutton Glenthorne High School

1,339 10 7,785,115 5,814 4,291,216 - 11,323


Sutton Stanley Park High School

920 20 5,698,876 6,194 3,194,457 92,834 41

Sutton Overton Grange School

1,255 12 7,021,176 5,595 4,189,025 54,390 65

Sutton Wilson's School 1,051 2 5,540,621 5,272 3,443,466 107,640 100 Sutton Nonsuch High

School for Girls 1,241 2 6,106,022 4,920 3,669,963 56,036 100

Sutton The John Fisher School

1,014 5 5,772,450 5,693 3,503,960 19,476 72

Sutton Cheam High School

1,914 6 9,838,044 5,140 5,471,329 78,929 59

Sutton Sutton Grammar School for Boys

843 2 4,092,733 4,855 2,593,743 20,454 100

Sutton Wallington High School for Girls

1,284 2 6,160,237 4,798 3,829,521 46,394 97

Sutton St Philomena's School

1,212 4 5,828,331 4,809 3,708,456 10,140 87

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Sutton Wallington County Grammar School

888 2 5,172,568 5,825 2,913,748 39,971 100

Swindon Dorcan Technology College

1,176 16 6,035,824 5,133 3,388,021 115,947 52

Swindon Churchfields School

965 23 5,268,290 5,459 2,832,883 134,496 42

Swindon Highworth Warneford School

923 7 4,258,282 4,614 2,435,453 79,691 64

Swindon Nova Hreod 1,205 13 6,601,256 5,478 3,554,683 171,118 42 Swindon Greendown

Community School

1,055 16 5,262,166 4,988 3,174,418 58,719 45

Swindon Isambard Community School

714 8 3,081,367 4,316 1,510,427 27,978 -

Swindon Kingsdown School

1,267 8 5,643,973 4,455 3,023,898 122,395 48

Swindon St Joseph's Catholic College

1,283 8 6,205,416 4,837 3,472,953 45,830 55

Swindon The Commonweal School

1,078 9 5,151,874 4,779 3,030,700 14,911 64

Swindon The Ridgeway School & Sixth Form College

1,345 6 6,458,504 4,802 3,662,122 100,459 60

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Tameside Alder Community High School

784 18 4,153,941 5,298 2,550,589 52,906 47

Tameside Copley High School

845 27 4,142,964 4,903 2,300,854 77,979 39

Tameside Egerton Park Arts College

733 18 4,207,047 5,739 2,549,319 90,768 39

Tameside Two Trees Sports College

566 22 3,327,549 5,879 1,925,835 60,923 34

Tameside Mossley Hollins High School

747 12 3,650,345 4,887 2,122,754 80,276 64

Tameside Longdendale Community Language College

886 14 4,295,113 4,848 2,418,771 93,081 50

Tameside Hyde Technology School and Hearing Impaired Resource Base

870 32 4,902,723 5,635 3,017,072 64,037 47

Tameside Astley Sports College and Community High School

813 25 5,173,062 6,363 2,673,200 63,710 35

Tameside St Damian's RC Science College

786 11 3,754,301 4,776 2,298,247 108,979 50

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Tameside St Thomas More RC College Specialising in Mathematics and Computing

787 10 3,750,862 4,766 2,067,479 102,235 73

Tameside All Saints Catholic College

930 12 4,479,393 4,817 2,732,835 142,088 55

Tameside Audenshaw School

1,294 9 5,766,541 4,456 3,725,222 62,114 74

Tameside West Hill School 869 8 3,901,462 4,490 2,414,217 89,678 54 Tameside Fairfield High

School for Girls 972 11 4,343,304 4,468 2,620,768 44,454 71

Telford and Wrekin

Newport Girls' High School

416 0 1,921,405 4,619 1,192,846 29,531 100

Telford and Wrekin

Wrockwardine Wood Arts College

821 20 4,518,726 5,504 2,306,490 230,923 47

Telford and Wrekin

The Burton Borough School

1,102 7 4,795,122 4,351 2,840,821 140,134 59

Telford and Wrekin

The Phoenix School

845 24 4,570,131 5,408 2,685,126 84,794 38

Telford and Wrekin

The Lord Silkin School

584 36 4,148,016 7,103 2,178,481 69,001 32

Telford and Wrekin

Sutherland Business and Enterprise College

509 28 3,291,298 6,466 1,595,504 12,360 61

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Telford and Wrekin

Hadley Learning Community - Secondary Phase

1,235 24 7,042,364 5,702 2,918,472 95,761 41

Telford and Wrekin

Adams' Grammar School

798 1 5,379,805 6,742 2,366,940 28,568 99

Telford and Wrekin

Ercall Wood Technology College

755 19 4,305,324 5,702 2,316,088 119,979 48

Telford and Wrekin

Charlton School 1,175 6 4,762,935 4,054 2,792,811 132,427 59

Telford and Wrekin

Blessed Robert Johnson Catholic College

721 13 3,285,127 4,556 2,077,500 86,429 50

Thurrock The Ockendon School

921 21 4,862,826 5,280 2,495,177 41,272 46

Thurrock Chafford Hundred Campus Business and Enterprise College

819 11 4,865,616 5,941 2,480,979 38,940 80

Thurrock Grays Convent High School

617 8 3,048,848 4,941 2,007,391 104,839 68

Thurrock The Grays School Media Arts College

900 17 5,095,841 5,662 2,666,411 64,164 30

Thurrock William Edwards School and Sports College

1,195 9 6,184,030 5,175 3,307,951 385,575 67

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Thurrock Gable Hall School

1,244 9 6,370,597 5,121 3,698,413 115,048 69

Thurrock St Clere's School 1,014 8 5,605,362 5,528 2,960,723 79,412 68 Thurrock Hassenbrook

School Specialist Technology College

775 12 4,236,960 5,467 2,435,054 96,233 64

Torbay Torquay Girls Grammar School

868 3 4,077,681 4,698 2,561,264 10,986 99

Torbay Torquay Community College

817 22 4,652,721 5,695 2,396,863 99,921 31

Torbay Churston Ferrers Grammar School

897 5 4,341,992 4,841 2,626,749 29,899 99

Torbay Westlands School

1,367 21 7,262,804 5,313 3,764,012 36,080 42

Torbay Brixham College 1,043 13 5,204,105 4,990 2,809,403 74,584 43 Torbay Paignton

Community and Sports College

1,546 20 9,208,586 5,956 4,344,599 184,473 34

Torbay St Cuthbert Mayne School

1,128 11 5,344,420 4,738 3,067,632 91,152 52

Torbay Torquay Boys' Grammar School

1,058 2 5,985,913 5,658 3,414,145 28,644 100

Tower Hamlets Bow School of Maths and Computing

638 61 5,361,602 8,404 2,703,919 243,286 44

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Tower Hamlets Langdon Park Community School

892 70 8,061,768 9,038 3,766,221 124,762 47

Tower Hamlets Morpeth School 1,253 63 9,442,725 7,536 4,705,924 163,112 52 Tower Hamlets Mulberry School

for Girls 1,410 58 10,932,633 7,754 5,868,799 229,103 58

Tower Hamlets Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College

814 63 6,100,570 7,495 3,544,541 17,734 57

Tower Hamlets St Paul's Way Trust School

737 73 8,336,421 11,311 3,798,029 492,149 46

Tower Hamlets Bethnal Green Technology College

760 54 6,965,278 9,165 3,448,004 130,534 58

Tower Hamlets Oaklands School 627 50 5,218,823 8,323 2,697,478 99,882 51 Tower Hamlets Swanlea School 1,086 68 9,247,372 8,515 4,593,971 320,592 48 Tower Hamlets Bishop Challoner

Catholic Collegiate Boys School

597 34 4,855,104 8,133 2,187,874 445,155 46

Tower Hamlets George Green's School

1,129 59 9,915,929 8,783 4,735,538 101,066 49

Tower Hamlets Central Foundation Girls' School

1,388 62 11,277,850 8,125 6,507,540 414,449 52

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Tower Hamlets Sir John Cass Foundation and Redcoat Church of England Secondary School

1,545 64 11,776,590 7,625 5,851,904 140,426 75

Tower Hamlets Bishop Challoner Catholic Collegiate Girls School

1,071 33 7,839,933 7,320 3,822,193 446,451 51

Tower Hamlets Raine's Foundation School

836 33 6,331,178 7,573 3,689,059 36,765 49

Trafford Broadoak School 339 43 2,885,721 8,512 1,265,862 125,805 42 Trafford Flixton Girls'

High School 902 12 4,680,479 5,189 2,485,728 120,014 56

Trafford Lostock College 314 28 2,995,818 9,541 1,477,747 33,293 42 Trafford Wellacre

Technology College

997 8 5,509,718 5,526 2,976,480 30,964 50

Trafford Altrincham College of Arts

817 24 4,390,455 5,374 2,384,296 85,592 46

Trafford Stretford Grammar School

752 11 3,739,824 4,973 1,988,963 119,545 98

Trafford Stretford High School

727 32 4,589,559 6,313 2,160,765 11,497 44

Trafford Sale Grammar School

1,267 2 6,203,981 4,897 3,750,239 28,719 97

Trafford St Antony's Catholic College

696 21 4,104,322 5,897 2,278,280 75,746 52

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Trafford Wellington School

1,331 7 5,785,578 4,347 3,362,762 40,652 70

Trafford Ashton-on-Mersey School

1,474 10 7,993,669 5,423 3,900,385 167,107 59

Trafford Sale High School

826 30 4,415,340 5,345 2,020,492 55,723 44

Trafford Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College

780 8 4,164,754 5,339 2,417,859 113,481 52

Trafford Altrincham Grammar School for Boys

1,210 1 5,352,237 4,423 3,219,832 56,373 100

Trafford Urmston Grammar School

880 3 4,487,910 5,100 2,762,683 70,054 98

Trafford Altrincham Grammar School for Girls

1,288 2 6,485,697 5,035 4,136,998 40,660 100

Trafford St Ambrose College

945 2 3,915,750 4,144 2,221,347 78,351 95

Trafford Loreto Grammar School

1,026 3 4,547,895 4,433 2,821,437 73,717 97

Wakefield Kettlethorpe High School, A Specialist Maths and Computing College

1,528 11 7,307,833 4,783 4,290,551 96,552 63

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Wakefield Wakefield City High School - A Specialist Maths and Computing College

645 26 3,908,819 6,060 2,164,054 31,001 59

Wakefield Castleford High School Technology and Sports College

1,222 14 5,940,609 4,861 3,050,812 168,190 60

Wakefield Hemsworth Arts and Community College

1,627 21 8,504,871 5,227 5,103,376 48,001 50

Wakefield The King's School Specialising in Mathematics and Computing

1,022 8 4,960,482 4,854 2,756,658 113,357 65

Wakefield Ossett School 1,769 8 8,887,331 5,024 5,186,193 67,462 63 Wakefield Airedale High

School 973 26 5,593,954 5,749 3,052,046 60,686 45

Wakefield Carleton Community High School A Specialist Science College

894 13 4,547,103 5,089 2,593,528 78,688 46

Wakefield Horbury School - A Specialist Language College

1,032 16 5,018,349 4,863 2,634,605 49,997 60

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Wakefield Crofton High School - Specialists in Maths and Computing

986 10 4,743,895 4,811 2,801,643 53,819 63

Wakefield Minsthorpe Community College, A Specialist Science College

1,695 18 8,602,272 5,075 4,643,175 300,397 54

Wakefield Knottingley High School and Sports College

650 22 3,966,571 6,102 2,088,801 128,882 41

Wakefield Featherstone Technology College

562 21 4,034,699 7,179 1,750,294 60,242 34

Wakefield The Freeston Business and Enterprise College

989 10 4,762,057 4,815 2,622,354 118,385 49

Wakefield The Cathedral School

817 31 4,992,764 6,111 2,493,473 16,740 48

Wakefield St Wilfrid's Catholic High School and Sixth Form College

1,783 6 9,111,504 5,110 5,155,151 246,668 64

Wakefield St Thomas A Becket Catholic College Specialist Status in Humanities

763 13 3,722,947 4,879 2,063,347 82,499 54

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Walsall Joseph Leckie Community Technology College

1,096 44 6,546,570 5,973 3,808,059 45,827 41

Walsall Frank F Harrison Engineering College

944 44 5,544,377 5,873 3,081,198 69,312 24

Walsall Alumwell Business and Enterprise College

929 37 5,842,955 6,290 3,057,354 39,763 41

Walsall Brownhills Community Technology College

685 29 4,304,258 6,284 2,448,654 45,198 51

Walsall Willenhall School Sports College

1,576 24 8,146,601 5,169 4,451,184 340,265 32

Walsall Pool Hayes Arts and Community School

1,181 19 5,936,657 5,027 3,406,131 143,483 49

Walsall Sneyd Community School

614 42 5,083,251 8,279 2,495,677 342,696 27

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Walsall Blue Coat Church of England Comprehensive School A Performing Arts Specialist College

862 32 5,095,311 5,911 2,967,328 160,632 30

Walsall St Francis of Assisi Catholic Technology College

1,091 6 5,556,524 5,093 3,332,659 183,403 79

Walsall The Streetly School

1,351 12 6,429,069 4,759 3,624,902 40,740 56

Walsall St Thomas More Catholic School, Willenhall

1,479 17 7,309,899 4,942 4,376,035 24,396 47

Walsall Shire Oak School (A Science College)

1,402 23 6,465,961 4,612 3,605,300 133,176 54

Walsall Queen Mary's High School

706 6 3,892,916 5,514 2,454,396 42,935 100

Walsall Queen Mary's Grammar School

731 3 3,965,763 5,425 2,315,739 9,013


Walsall Aldridge School - A Science College

1,514 11 6,843,991 4,520 4,232,503 177,251 62

Walsall Barr Beacon Language College

1,431 10 6,733,005 4,705 3,980,908 - 67

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Waltham Forest Frederick Bremer School

880 28 6,170,900 7,012 3,540,576 91,131 51

Waltham Forest Connaught School for Girls

597 27 3,793,126 6,354 2,086,256 90,467 65

Waltham Forest George Mitchell School

814 52 4,953,177 6,089 2,346,829 90,607 42

Waltham Forest Heathcote Secondary School & Science College

892 24 5,469,717 6,132 2,656,782 157,482 54

Waltham Forest Norlington School for Boys

490 28 3,612,790 7,373 2,149,897 183,344 48

Waltham Forest Willowfield Humanities College

586 35 4,078,857 6,961 2,362,711 38,954 56

Waltham Forest Leytonstone Business and Enterprise Specialist School

882 32 5,434,631 6,162 2,966,460 101,850 48

Waltham Forest Walthamstow School for Girls

897 21 5,513,541 6,147 3,291,172 60,286 69

Waltham Forest Rush Croft Sports College

846 32 5,586,116 6,603 2,658,343 334,724 43

Waltham Forest Kelmscott School

892 33 5,580,474 6,256 3,194,782 190,169 45

Waltham Forest Lammas School and Sports College

729 33 5,086,370 6,977 2,985,657 80,479 39

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Waltham Forest The Holy Family Technology College

1,098 16 6,343,214 5,777 3,928,929 42,144 51

Waltham Forest Highams Park School

1,538 11 7,839,241 5,097 5,288,999 106,566 69

Waltham Forest Chingford Foundation School

1,506 11 8,024,565 5,328 4,638,114 148,339 64

Wandsworth Ernest Bevin College

1,164 28 7,264,885 6,241 4,441,699 111,937 57

Wandsworth Chestnut Grove School

882 40 6,347,836 7,197 3,639,976 49,389 43

Wandsworth Battersea Park School

749 43 5,260,481 7,023 2,568,437 110,173 55

Wandsworth Saint Cecilia's, Wandsworth Church of England School

889 11 5,791,680 6,515 3,210,799 84,170 70

Wandsworth Graveney School

1,940 14 11,357,656 5,854 7,456,635 80,606 81

Wandsworth Burntwood School

1,686 20 9,492,000 5,630 5,624,018 594,750 65

Wandsworth Elliott School 862 29 6,418,173 7,446 3,812,628 89,647 48 Wandsworth Salesian College 452 23 3,409,888 7,544 2,040,687 93,574 42 Wandsworth John Paul II

School 336 20 2,759,099 8,212 1,466,918 150,442 50

Wandsworth Southfields Community College

1,443 39 11,815,888 8,188 5,874,145 - 49

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Warrington Culcheth High School

1,171 6 5,439,182 4,645 3,209,111 49,447 74

Warrington Penketh High School

1,332 12 6,597,301 4,953 3,748,858 105,407 51

Warrington Woolston Community High School

304 8 3,002,078 9,875 2,065,275 45,777 52

Warrington Great Sankey High School

1,873 4 9,206,216 4,915 5,264,276 133,680 67

Warrington Lysander Community High School

720 20 4,266,789 5,926 2,485,767 43,958 48

Warrington Birchwood Community High School

957 12 5,215,758 5,450 2,728,195 65,082 69

Warrington William Beamont Community High School

894 25 5,533,753 6,190 2,942,771 108,097 37

Warrington Bridgewater High School

1,659 5 8,045,481 4,850 4,986,437 122,538 74

Warrington Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School

760 23 4,110,214 5,408 2,231,159 64,501 41

Warrington Lymm High Voluntary Controlled School

1,968 5 10,912,064 5,545 5,436,927 236,789 76

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Warrington St Gregory's Catholic High School

961 6 4,493,052 4,675 2,823,813 27,672 73

Warrington Cardinal Newman Catholic High School

757 15 3,593,086 4,746 2,139,872 150,413 56

Warwickshire Stratford-upon-Avon Grammar School for Girls A Specialist College for Language and Science

619 1 3,106,978 5,019 1,967,957 40,619 100

Warwickshire Etone Technology Language Vocational College

794 9 3,957,170 4,984 2,091,664 37,539 55

Warwickshire Nicholas Chamberlaine Technology College

1,608 12 7,617,193 4,737 3,822,713 209,132 42

Warwickshire Henley in Arden High School

615 6 2,772,800 4,509 1,634,063 47,825 52

Warwickshire Kineton High School

948 6 4,779,622 5,042 2,511,329 188,034 64

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Warwickshire Kingsbury School, A Specialist Science College with Mathematics

626 8 2,787,340 4,453 1,574,880 94,775 42

Warwickshire The Polesworth School

1,397 8 6,499,097 4,652 3,549,502 145,214 62

Warwickshire Shipston High School - A Specialist Technology College

354 9 2,161,899 6,107 1,144,531 61,570 68

Warwickshire Southam College

1,208 6 5,187,220 4,294 2,855,340 117,114 68

Warwickshire Stratford upon Avon High School

1,361 8 6,142,843 4,513 3,480,897 77,334 59

Warwickshire Alderman Smith School and Sports College

1,068 15 5,473,657 5,125 3,067,227 308,245 30

Warwickshire Higham Lane School, A Business & Enterprise College

1,222 5 5,366,159 4,391 3,021,308 244,643 70

Warwickshire Manor Park Community School and Specialist Arts College

475 26 3,195,386 6,727 1,644,407 47,720 32

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Warwickshire Aylesford School, A Specialist Language and Music College

919 13 4,559,574 4,961 2,715,604 103,534 64

Warwickshire Campion School 540 28 3,928,549 7,275 1,764,425 60,674 40 Warwickshire The Coleshill

School - A Maths and Computing College

955 9 4,557,249 4,772 2,496,305 45,999 43

Warwickshire Kenilworth School and Sports College

1,789 3 8,991,536 5,026 5,295,327 180,200 78

Warwickshire North Leamington School

1,194 9 6,724,372 5,632 3,909,258 73,350 60

Warwickshire Bilton School - A Maths and Computing College

1,048 9 5,030,385 4,800 2,695,006 310,680 58

Warwickshire Alcester High School Technology College

814 9 3,837,074 4,714 2,280,481 58,362 55

Warwickshire Ashlawn School 1,657 5 7,578,855 4,574 4,439,178 92,546 73 Warwickshire King Edward VI

School 542 1 2,923,772 5,394 1,767,610 23,161 100

Warwickshire Lawrence Sheriff School

878 1 4,885,869 5,565 2,525,296 32,468 100

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Warwickshire St Benedict's Catholic High School

554 5 2,644,652 4,774 1,508,193 74,145 78

Warwickshire Trinity Catholic School

1,131 10 5,336,963 4,719 2,910,980 125,407 56

Warwickshire Harris School 856 11 4,448,522 5,197 2,215,443 74,084 57 Warwickshire St Thomas More

Catholic School and Technology College

800 6 3,489,952 4,362 2,242,777 62,356 62

Warwickshire The Avon Valley School and Performing Arts College

1,107 12 5,073,032 4,583 2,797,663 203,203 43

Warwickshire Ash Green School and Arts College

622 14 3,406,992 5,477 1,885,150 42,915 67

Warwickshire Hartshill School 904 13 4,064,572 4,496 2,244,228 58,977 46 Warwickshire Myton School 1,638 7 7,477,245 4,565 4,572,963 43,083 68 Warwickshire Queen Elizabeth

School 592 15 3,779,482 6,384 1,697,880 72,994 40

Warwickshire Rugby High School

754 2 3,741,652 4,962 2,336,872 28,926 98

Warwickshire Alcester Grammar School

940 0 4,711,495 5,012 3,077,779 50,504 100

Warwickshire Studley High School - A Humanities and Music College

736 5 3,233,740 4,394 1,956,953 17,247 73

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

West Berkshire The Willink School

954 4 4,351,288 4,561 2,845,743 34,215 62

West Berkshire John O'Gaunt Community Technology College

454 10 3,343,533 7,373 1,723,808 99,623 59

West Berkshire Park House School

1,208 6 6,620,650 5,481 3,978,841 52,551 51

West Berkshire Kennet School 1,755 8 8,919,112 5,082 5,230,943 103,689 72 West Berkshire Little Heath

School 1,715 5 8,317,125 4,850 5,282,438 15,948 67

West Berkshire Theale Green Community School

1,388 6 7,300,988 5,260 4,347,654 73,090 56

West Berkshire Trinity School 790 13 4,835,464 6,121 2,491,009 61,115 45 West Berkshire St

Bartholomew's School

1,636 7 8,394,266 5,133 4,936,152 124,324 70

West Berkshire Denefield School 1,148 13 6,142,774 5,351 3,481,108 244,627 51 West Berkshire The Downs

School 1,086 2 4,895,928 4,508 2,951,714 27,108 74

West Sussex Chichester High School for Boys

1,287 9 6,436,988 5,002 3,464,475 55,284 50

West Sussex Chichester High School for Girls

1,383 6 6,144,829 4,443 3,436,387 120,270 60

West Sussex Tanbridge House School

1,159 4 5,045,734 4,354 2,737,662 99,626 66

West Sussex Oriel High School

1,310 5 6,575,439 5,019 3,586,742 89,559 51

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

West Sussex The Forest School

1,065 5 4,713,360 4,426 2,573,815 90,887 62

West Sussex Millais School 1,481 4 6,339,376 4,280 3,883,678 111,728 80 West Sussex Weald School,

the 1,519 5 7,728,014 5,088 4,514,388 34,397 59

West Sussex Bourne Community College

704 6 3,323,930 4,721 1,756,049 42,545 43

West Sussex Hazelwick School

1,829 5 9,291,152 5,080 5,807,411 41,083 62

West Sussex Ifield Community College

1,092 13 5,703,013 5,223 3,166,214 121,740 43

West Sussex Westergate Community School

737 6 3,682,739 4,997 1,791,655 45,914 48

West Sussex Manhood Community College

611 10 3,351,081 5,485 1,545,989 42,806 32

West Sussex Thomas Bennett Community College

1,297 17 8,342,783 6,432 4,866,430 269,572 41

West Sussex The Regis School

1,409 12 7,681,579 5,452 4,274,106 138,579 30

West Sussex Felpham Community College

1,324 9 6,383,004 4,821 3,417,580 140,071 58

West Sussex The Angmering School

1,442 8 8,603,615 5,966 4,685,941 148,397 42

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

West Sussex Durrington High School

1,394 8 6,522,204 4,679 3,511,110 151,266 60

West Sussex Oakmeeds Community College

1,070 6 5,195,152 4,855 2,902,133 133,417 64

West Sussex Oathall Community College

1,199 5 5,582,748 4,656 3,283,068 81,927 60

West Sussex Warden Park School

1,471 4 6,728,617 4,574 3,902,947 65,515 73

West Sussex Downlands Community School

1,002 4 4,553,939 4,545 2,780,472 64,085 58

West Sussex Imberhorne School

1,652 3 7,626,311 4,616 5,098,793 67,639 70

West Sussex Sackville School 1,647 4 7,146,871 4,339 4,350,984 66,433 58 West Sussex Worthing High

School 912 9 4,402,160 4,827 2,470,733 50,373 54

West Sussex Steyning Grammar School

1,997 5 9,549,894 4,782 5,842,870 84,635 64

West Sussex Davison Church of England High School for Girls, Worthing

1,096 6 5,236,626 4,778 3,025,729 7,595


West Sussex St Andrew's CofE High School for Boys

747 5 3,665,034 4,906 2,253,139 34,333 47

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

West Sussex St Wilfrid's Catholic Comprehensive School, Crawley

917 10 4,534,555 4,945 2,983,287 9,297


West Sussex Chatsmore Catholic High School

614 4 2,899,421 4,722 1,753,388 63,559 47

West Sussex Bishop Luffa Church of England School, Chichester

1,402 3 6,125,039 4,369 4,000,306 38,675 79

West Sussex Holy Trinity CofE Secondary School, Crawley

1,288 5 6,347,116 4,928 4,092,035 48,116 57

West Sussex St Paul's Catholic College

836 3 4,876,060 5,833 2,766,181 - 14,163


West Sussex The St Philip Howard Catholic High School

879 3 3,921,470 4,461 2,458,266 73,143 71

Westminster Quintin Kynaston School

1,383 52 9,652,141 6,979 5,631,370 264,012 53

Westminster The Grey Coat Hospital

1,040 13 6,893,225 6,628 3,433,766 740,449 90

Westminster The St Marylebone CofE School

945 43 7,156,240 7,573 4,959,077 164,740 88

Westminster Westminster City School

728 29 4,905,224 6,738 2,743,355 165,215 56

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Westminster St Augustine's CofE High School

707 38 5,343,033 7,557 3,084,850 102,269 57

Westminster St George RC School

599 42 5,154,468 8,605 2,703,576 92,871 59

Wigan PEMBEC High School

305 49 3,458,084 11,338 1,420,265 362,837 23

Wigan Cansfield High Specialist Language College

945 10 4,912,989 5,199 2,790,239 111,718 52

Wigan Rose Bridge High School

653 39 4,077,378 6,244 2,138,345 144,907 37

Wigan Bedford High School

887 19 5,195,084 5,857 2,921,193 189,092 51

Wigan Westleigh High School - A College of Technology

764 28 4,687,664 6,136 2,431,752 139,151 35

Wigan Golborne High School

793 15 3,997,586 5,041 2,377,359 94,072 42

Wigan Abraham Guest High School

927 19 5,099,000 5,501 2,826,939 402,944 47

Wigan Fred Longworth High School

1,281 13 6,325,184 4,938 3,616,005 112,940 62

Wigan Hindley High School

879 19 4,805,145 5,467 2,545,555 182,399 49

Wigan Shevington High School

706 15 3,535,360 5,008 1,960,117 172,402 57

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Wigan Lowton High School A Specialist Sports College

1,001 17 5,643,452 5,638 2,908,789 245,101 54

Wigan Standish Community High School

1,238 6 5,944,244 4,801 3,382,138 126,817 66

Wigan Hawkley Hall High School

839 13 4,555,285 5,429 2,423,759 86,974 69

Wigan The Byrchall High School

1,090 12 5,586,846 5,126 3,079,163 190,895 64

Wigan The Deanery Church of England High School and Sixth Form College

1,561 8 7,668,991 4,913 4,821,367 381,817 63

Wigan St John Fisher Catholic High School

955 11 4,504,952 4,717 2,705,731 130,189 59

Wigan Hesketh Fletcher CofE High School, Atherton

562 24 3,733,516 6,643 2,048,283 179,136 41

Wigan St Peter's Catholic High School Visual Arts College

936 4 4,279,139 4,572 2,779,170 163,241 76

Wigan St Mary's Catholic High School

1,595 9 8,801,868 5,518 4,348,787 203,183 69

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Wigan St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School, Ashton-in-Makerfield

1,205 8 5,667,687 4,703 3,804,240 63,773 75

Wiltshire Abbeyfield School

933 6 4,892,823 5,244 2,721,836 114,528 60

Wiltshire Wyvern College 419 9 2,348,364 5,605 1,311,969 39,071 47 Wiltshire The Trafalgar

School at Downton

543 7 2,842,953 5,236 1,288,151 17,725 55

Wiltshire Melksham Oak Community School

1,106 7 5,123,702 4,633 3,046,216 58,437 46

Wiltshire Malmesbury School

1,261 4 6,045,904 4,795 3,433,863 90,114 63

Wiltshire The Corsham School A Visual Arts College

1,417 7 6,603,006 4,660 4,001,460 162,886 54

Wiltshire Wootton Bassett School

1,452 5 7,067,375 4,867 4,287,277 26,793 64

Wiltshire The Clarendon College

1,259 9 6,321,491 5,021 3,732,133 60,882 49

Wiltshire The Stonehenge School

741 6 3,722,890 5,024 2,220,338 47,151 41

Wiltshire Avon Valley College

682 5 4,257,925 6,243 2,265,490 26,617 43

Wiltshire Warminster Kingdown

1,504 6 7,365,237 4,897 4,071,508 57,917 56

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Wiltshire The John of Gaunt School

1,236 12 6,431,065 5,203 3,460,395 143,118 40

Wiltshire St Edmund's Church of England Girls' School and Sports College

768 5 3,483,835 4,536 1,962,147 18,965 51

Wiltshire St Laurence School

1,267 5 5,722,112 4,516 3,015,620 58,587 76

Wiltshire St Joseph's Catholic School

367 8 2,009,887 5,477 1,044,359 49,749 54

Wiltshire St Augustine's Catholic College

967 2 4,591,925 4,749 2,627,386 45,550 77

Wiltshire Lavington School

683 4 3,255,233 4,766 1,811,433 66,336 71

Wiltshire Pewsey Vale School

343 5 2,007,250 5,852 1,026,125 2,663


Wiltshire Sheldon School 1,803 6 8,437,169 4,680 4,916,825 112,679 61 Wiltshire St John's

Marlborough 1,561 4 7,370,835 4,722 4,675,869 78,066 66

Wiltshire The John Bentley School

1,206 11 5,859,593 4,859 3,340,054 197,168 55

Wiltshire Bradon Forest School

1,143 5 5,069,034 4,435 3,363,028 142,477 53

Wiltshire Devizes School 1,215 9 6,010,512 4,949 3,603,060 21,511 38 Wiltshire South Wilts

Grammar School for Girls

991 1 4,698,648 4,741 2,587,493 19,662 99

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Wiltshire Bishop Wordsworth's Grammar School

884 0 4,736,566 5,358 2,828,134 69,747 100

Wiltshire Hardenhuish School

1,609 5 7,268,602 4,517 4,425,278 61,652 56

Wiltshire Matravers School

1,059 10 5,007,279 4,728 3,204,796 86,765 42

Wiltshire Salisbury High School

762 12 4,371,627 5,737 2,553,788 68,168 41

Windsor and Maidenhead

Charters School 1,621 6 8,654,432 5,339 5,082,542 28,800 71

Windsor and Maidenhead

Newlands Girls' School

1,168 5 5,761,628 4,933 3,345,887 89,903 73

Windsor and Maidenhead

The Windsor Boys' School

998 4 5,801,490 5,813 3,915,766 37,108 68

Windsor and Maidenhead

Windsor Girls' School

711 7 3,503,643 4,928 1,958,079 147,311 54

Windsor and Maidenhead

Furze Platt Senior School

1,135 7 5,603,534 4,937 3,361,977 50,957 68

Windsor and Maidenhead

Cox Green School

811 9 4,142,104 5,107 2,356,564 43,818 57

Windsor and Maidenhead

Churchmead Church of England (VA) School

567 15 2,921,897 5,153 1,378,175 178,024 54

Windsor and Maidenhead

Altwood CofE Secondary School

767 4 4,206,674 5,485 2,231,789 126,445 58

Windsor and Maidenhead

Desborough School

927 6 4,652,583 5,019 2,876,870 124,384 61

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Wirral Prenton High School for Girls

636 29 3,668,569 5,768 1,958,029 21,691 44

Wirral Rock Ferry High School

540 61 4,248,001 7,867 2,982,369 49,903 29

Wirral Woodchurch High School Engineering College

1,304 29 7,265,027 5,571 4,082,450 64,883 56

Wirral Park High School

718 57 5,307,319 7,392 2,801,827 111,540 39

Wirral Ridgeway High School

701 39 4,244,997 6,056 2,468,621 135,595 52

Wirral Wirral Grammar School for Girls

1,081 4 5,221,195 4,830 3,269,261 42,415 99

Wirral West Kirby Grammar School

1,146 4 5,509,823 4,808 3,739,471 122,528 97

Wirral Pensby High School for Boys: A Specialist Sports College

602 20 3,849,193 6,394 2,042,410 131,475 56

Wirral Pensby High School for Girls

786 16 3,955,945 5,033 2,504,468 65,831 66

Wirral Hilbre High School

1,038 19 5,495,087 5,294 2,816,349 133,737 44

Wirral The Mosslands School

1,260 30 7,070,960 5,612 3,974,698 129,537 42

Wirral The Oldershaw School

746 56 4,867,261 6,524 2,593,177 80,298 39

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Wirral Weatherhead High School Media Arts College

1,559 21 8,117,526 5,207 4,265,609 156,418 57

Wirral Bebington High Sports College

864 33 5,643,118 6,531 2,988,168 151,321 47

Wirral South Wirral High School

1,134 20 5,998,607 5,290 3,739,175 80,580 46

Wirral Wallasey School 1,084 42 6,664,135 6,148 3,747,289 48,530 39 Wirral St John

Plessington Catholic College

1,356 32 6,831,066 5,038 4,073,572 121,307 57

Wirral St Mary's Catholic College

1,700 34 9,213,340 5,420 5,375,047 175,544 40

Wirral Calday Grange Grammar School

1,457 4 7,136,694 4,898 4,041,838 79,083 98

Wirral Wirral Grammar School for Boys

1,039 5 4,705,333 4,529 3,162,561 19,593 95

Wirral St Anselm's College

859 11 4,205,220 4,895 2,606,990 56,762 94

Wirral Upton Hall School FCJ

949 7 4,742,250 4,997 2,856,711 74,947 89

Wokingham Ryeish Green School

83 7 2,371,648 28,574 1,404,008 13,808 46

Wokingham The Holt School 1,229 2 5,896,213 4,798 3,832,709 33,279 78 Wokingham St Crispin's

School 1,084 5 4,929,088 4,547 3,091,260 96,340 68

Wokingham The Emmbrook School

1,227 5 5,741,289 4,679 3,583,726 82,940 59

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Wokingham Forest School 1,147 5 5,231,829 4,561 3,439,889 6,737


Wokingham The Bulmershe School

1,113 11 6,013,396 5,403 3,578,194 67,638 49

Wokingham Maiden Erlegh School

1,790 4 8,565,760 4,785 5,211,386 94,050 75

Wokingham Waingels College

1,365 3 6,687,285 4,899 4,101,670 23,505 71

Wokingham The Piggott School

1,186 3 5,632,747 4,749 3,339,426 2,964


Wolverhampton The Northicote School

861 23 5,240,566 6,087 2,679,598 53,305 37

Wolverhampton Highfields Science Specialist School

1,488 11 7,215,209 4,849 4,218,383 135,368 65

Wolverhampton Deansfield Community School, Specialists In Media Arts

651 46 4,770,597 7,328 2,235,807 21,101 43

Wolverhampton Smestow School, A Specialist Sports College

967 17 5,524,795 5,713 2,891,409 20,238 61

Wolverhampton Coppice Performing Arts School

902 8 4,756,711 5,274 2,727,813 172,977 54

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Wolverhampton Pendeford Business and Enterprise College

431 24 3,546,624 8,229 1,875,026 73,865 38

Wolverhampton Wednesfield High School, A Specialist Engineering College

853 19 5,006,641 5,869 2,824,301 85,994 48

Wolverhampton Colton Hills Community School A Specialist Language College

831 29 5,396,667 6,494 2,753,864 228,343 49

Wolverhampton Heath Park Business and Enterprise College

1,179 20 6,619,506 5,615 3,973,168 17,970 74

Wolverhampton Moreton Community School

647 43 5,155,586 7,968 2,283,632 37,837 50

Wolverhampton St Peter's Collegiate Church of England School

1,028 5 5,393,132 5,246 3,459,749 63,658 71

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Wolverhampton St Edmunds Catholic School, A Specialist Mathematics & Computing College

769 15 4,338,427 5,642 2,369,116 48,642 54

Wolverhampton Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Sports College

825 24 5,168,037 6,264 2,848,457 83,347 41

Wolverhampton The King's Church of England School

844 20 5,151,446 6,104 2,531,259 79,828 42

Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Girls' High School

752 2 3,976,746 5,288 2,399,472 106,360 99

Wolverhampton Moseley Park & Technology College

1,050 28 6,209,319 5,914 3,253,672 78,700 38

Wolverhampton Aldersley High School

676 31 4,766,160 7,051 2,412,841 37,212 50

Worcestershire The Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre

945 8 4,473,762 4,734 2,491,628 63,915 63

Worcestershire North Bromsgrove High School

908 9 5,593,194 6,160 2,970,688 103,952 53

Worcestershire South Bromsgrove Community High School

1,327 6 7,363,655 5,549 4,017,642 36,889 68

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Worcestershire The Stourport High School and Sixth Form Centre

1,308 13 7,506,832 5,739 4,322,179 15,535 55

Worcestershire Droitwich Spa High School

1,382 10 7,207,721 5,215 4,347,458 24,027 49

Worcestershire Evesham High School

883 10 4,964,283 5,622 2,777,164 68,291 46

Worcestershire Baxter College 1,035 19 5,635,393 5,445 3,667,291 33,525 40 Worcestershire Haybridge High

School and Sixth Form

1,256 3 6,459,327 5,143 3,600,287 18,603 85

Worcestershire Woodrush Community High School

977 7 4,541,878 4,649 2,538,556 58,681 63

Worcestershire The Chase 1,656 10 7,359,181 4,444 4,737,206 28,097 56 Worcestershire Pershore High

School 1,262 6 6,053,957 4,797 3,492,643 94,045 61

Worcestershire Arrow Vale Community High School - A Specialist Sports College

694 20 4,685,578 6,752 2,622,837 269,692 33

Worcestershire Tenbury High School

441 8 2,218,265 5,030 1,327,325 7,284


Worcestershire Waseley Hills High School and Sixth Form Centre

952 7 4,631,840 4,865 2,863,917 95,744 50

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Worcestershire Christopher Whitehead Language College

1,094 14 5,120,167 4,680 3,202,246 85,999 42

Worcestershire Nunnery Wood High School

1,351 9 6,141,533 4,546 3,466,318 50,260 66

Worcestershire Martley, the Chantry High School

705 3 3,049,637 4,326 1,915,370 62,312 78

Worcestershire Trinity High School and Sixth Form Centre

818 20 4,751,046 5,808 2,827,625 10,718 51

Worcestershire Kingsley College 1,052 11 5,461,656 5,192 3,231,711 42,547 39 Worcestershire Hanley Castle

High School 893 6 4,252,334 4,762 2,557,229 61,743 66

Worcestershire King Charles I Secondary School

1,331 14 7,695,354 5,782 4,171,144 76,464 50

Worcestershire Wolverley CofE Secondary School

901 13 4,546,752 5,046 2,580,628 75,417 41

Worcestershire Bishop Perowne CofE College

1,039 10 4,600,977 4,428 2,868,340 54,759 54

Worcestershire Hagley Catholic High School

1,029 4 4,689,779 4,558 2,938,454 65,296 73

Worcestershire Dyson Perrins CofE Sports College

858 10 4,763,350 5,552 2,682,912 46,767 51

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

Worcestershire St Augustine's Catholic High School: A Specialist Science College

833 6 4,408,791 5,293 2,448,227 28,466 63

Worcestershire Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College

1,054 6 4,313,682 4,093 2,558,618 69,730 75

Worcestershire Prince Henry's High School

1,265 7 6,381,424 5,045 3,986,662 75,334 67

York Canon Lee School

823 14 3,809,667 4,629 2,326,466 96,792 52

York Huntington School

1,502 6 7,045,335 4,691 4,280,065 104,874 55

York Fulford School 1,330 2 6,170,694 4,640 3,698,109 66,339 71 York Burnholme

Community College

341 22 2,893,084 8,484 1,337,976 44,338 38

York Millthorpe School

1,000 9 4,418,523 4,419 2,901,714 44,538 64

York Archbishop Holgate's School

872 8 4,337,922 4,975 2,534,235 40,314 72

York Joseph Rowntree School

1,167 9 5,413,632 4,639 3,720,892 39,111 47

York Manor Church of England Voluntary Aided School, York

795 5 4,215,391 5,302 2,154,694 43,228 76

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Local Authority School Total Number

of FTE pupils


of pupils on

free school

meals (%)

Total income


Income per

pupil (£)

Total spent on

teaching staff


Total spent on


teachers (£)


achieving 5

A*-C GCSEs or

equiv. (%)

York All Saints RC School

1,245 6 5,974,706 4,799 3,906,202 93,306 62

York York High School

861 21 5,699,239 6,619 2,799,599 40,477 57

Total 2,960,879 16,048,001,333 8,935,397,712 292,811,748

Average 1,032 15 5,595,537 5,593 3,115,550 102,096 57