A Submission to Transport for NSW Draft Freight & Ports Strategy Summary Report for the RDA Sydney GREATER SYDNEY FREIGHT FORUM Held 1 February 2013, at Waterview Convention Centre, Sydney Olympic Park 15 March 2013 Regional Development Australia Sydney brings together people and information to advance sustainable economic development and social equity for the Whole of the Sydney Region .

A Submission to Transport for NSW Draft Freight & Ports ...€¦ · A Submission to Transport for NSW Draft Freight ... passenger and freight flows on rail network ... a means of

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A Submission to Transport for NSW

Draft Freight & Ports Strategy

Summary Report for the


Held 1 February 2013, at Waterview Convention Centre, Sydney Olympic Park

15 March 2013

Regional Development Australia – Sydney brings together people and information to advance

sustainable economic development and social equity for the Whole of the Sydney Region .


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013


Executive Summary & Key Recommendations 3

Introduction 6

Summary of Proceedings for RDA Sydney Greater Sydney Freight Workshop 7

Key Points from Freight Forum 9

NETWORK EFFICIENCY MEASUREMENT FREIGHT MOVEMENT & NETWORK DEMAND 9 Overall Comments on this draft strategy section Action 1A: Identify freight movements and network demand Action 1B: Shifting more freight movements to off-peak periods Action 1C: Develop a seamless interstate freight network Action 1D: Improve productivity of road freight network Action 1E: Maximise network capacity by reforming rail access Action 1F: Improve efficiency of landside cargo transport


Overall Comments on this draft strategy section Action 2A: Identify and protect strategic freight corridors Action 2B: Develop and maintain capacity for freight on the road network Action 2C: Enable separation of passenger and freight flows on rail network Action 2D: Develop effective port plans to meet freight volume growth

Action 2E: Foster Intermodal terminal network

Action 2F: Co-ordinate regional infrastructure and services


Overall Comments on this draft strategy section Action 3A: Embed freight requirements in planning schemes

Action3B: Manage congestion, noise and emission impacts of freight transport


Overall Comments on the draft strategy - What’ is Missing? Action 2G: Develop a project program to support network capacity


Attachment 1: Workshop on Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy 2012 Attachment 2: Strategic Action Areas


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Executive Summary & Key Recommendations

RDA Sydney congratulates the Minister for Transport, the Hon Gladys Berejiklian and the Minister for Roads & Ports, The Hon Duncan Gay, and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for the preparation and release of the long awaited draft NSW Freight & Ports Strategy. It is with pleasure that RDA Sydney presents this submission in response to the TfNSW draft strategy, on behalf of all of the 103 wide ranging industry and government participants who attended the RDA Sydney Greater Sydney Freight Forum on the 1st February 2013 at Sydney Olympic Park. We believe that efficient and effective movement of freight and the distribution of goods and services are critical to the future growth and economic success of Sydney, as well as the quality of life for residents. Our participants agreed that this draft strategy is a very good start as part of the Metro Strategy and NSW Long Term Master Transport, and broadly aligns with the National Ports & Freight Strategies. Like all drafts however, we believe it can be strengthened. Outlined below are some omissions and some key recommendations that we would like you to consider in the final draft:-

New Metro Strategy and NSW Regional land-use and long term transport planning should be developed around a 30-40 year vision (and a 40-60 year vision in the case of future ports and intermodal strategies), and must incorporate freight transport and future freight infrastructure land-use and transport corridors. This vision must be supported, coordinated and integrated across all government agencies.

Long term 40-60 year visions and port plans for Newcastle, Port Botany and Port Kembla should be coordinated and inter-related, and built around an overall NSW population and economic growth forecast and plan, and as part of a more detailed integrated Greater Sydney economic, land-use and transport plan and model capable of handling various growth scenarios. Current and future inter-related air, road and rail capacity constraints need to be considered. It is imperative that wherever possible this planning aligns with Australian government port and airport plans.

Any freight & port strategy must include air freight and its integration in critical supply chains. Integrated freight distribution modelling must take into account future economic and population growth in Western Sydney and around a potential future second airport for Western Sydney.

To develop more realistic freight demand models for improved long term plans we must have a much more detailed knowledge and better understanding currently of what we have and how it works- particularly imported, interstate, intrastate bulk freight movement, and the number of trips & types of trucks required to final last mile deliveries to customers within metropolitan Sydney.

o We support the new proposed NSW Cargo Movement Coordinator, the data collection systems, modelling and freight mapping- as long as it is built and operated collaboratively on a win-win basis with industry

o We recommend that this modelling identifies current and future freight demand trends such as the impact of energy costs on shipping and distribution costs, and the recent on-line retail phenomena with respect to real on-time delivery.

o We recommend establishment and use of industry KPI’s.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

o We support and recommend the establishment of more technical stakeholder reference groups and taskforces such as the Port Botany Landside Improvement Strategy (PBLIS) to identify and solve pinch-point issues and network efficiency and network capacity problems.

o We recommend that a Western Sydney landside improvement strategy group be set up to interact with the PBLIS with respect to cargo movement to and from existing and planned intermodal terminals to final pickup or delivery to customers?

o We recommend that further to the Rail Access study, a specialist rail stakeholder industry group be established to identify immediate opportunities to improve rail access from current sidings, and increase rail-slot take up and freight rail usage.

o We recommend that use of the above processes to improve network efficiency by identifying opportunities to free up more latent supply chain capability.

Collaboration across all stakeholders and the broader community is critical to the success of this freight and ports strategy. We recommend a marketing campaign be undertaken as part of this strategy to sell the proposition that “ Freight is Everybody’s Business”. A vital part of this is the importance of establishment of an effective engagement process with local councils and the community with respect to:-

o Need for 24/7 off peak operations along critical rail and road freight transport corridors. o Need for major for 24/7 land-use around major employment lands and distribution

centres to improve network efficiency usage of latent capacity. o Need for educative task in understanding the importance of freight with respect to

investment for economic productivity and national wellbeing. o Need to review current DA’s and approvals for off-peak deliveries to city centres and

retail outlets. o Need to plan and retrofit appropriate buffer zones and noise mitigation infrastructure

around the above corridors to reduce impact on the community. o Need to seek balance and trade-off with respect to customer expectations on transport

companies for overnight delivery versus overall safety on our national roads. o Need to create a Freight in the Community stakeholder group (similar to that formed in

Melbourne) between industry, government, local councils and community groups to develop and improve the mutual understanding of each other’s position.

The need to reduce Red Tape is wholeheartedly supported. We recommend that the NSW government support and endorse the development of national industry best practice models and the concept of National transport industry regulation and harmonisation. We also recommend that the NSW Government support and encourage innovative solutions and the identification and use of technology as a means of improving network efficiency and capacity.

o In implementation, the concept for prioritisation of projects and use of a strategic freight model is supported but the infrastructure program needs more clarity in terms of prioritization and funding.

o Relationship with the new NSW State Infrastructure Strategy? o What are the Key Drivers with respect to prioritisation? o How interdepartmental and interagency collaboration will be achieved along with the

necessary strong leadership and political will? o How “De-bottlenecking” of existing infrastructure and retro-fitting Catch-up

infrastructure will be achieved?

As in many cases this strategy is having to plan, design and retrofit new freight infrastructure, land-use and transport solutions to a city with major congestion and access problems, we


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

recommend that the NSW government studies what other global cities like Hong Kong have done in overcoming restricted land use and transport corridors.

o We strongly suggest that in land-use and transport planning, height be used as means of consolidating more freight infrastructure and warehousing around Port Botany and Sydney airport and key intermodal distribution centres , and also the interchange of road /rail access .

o We also recommend the development and use of 3D city planning models like the RDA Sydney 3D Virtual Sydney Concept planning model in conjunction with transport demand modelling to undertake “what if analysis” , detailed design and as a means of communicating ideas to the broader community. This analysis could be used by Planning NSW and LPI for a broader integration of land use and transport planning for the three major ports of Newcastle, Sydney and Port Kembla.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013


About Regional Development Australia (RDA)

Regional Development Australia (RDA) is a partnership between the Australian, State and Local

Governments created to strengthen regional communities. RDA Sydney is part of a national network of 55

RDA committees. These committees are made up of local leaders who volunteer their time to work with

government, business and community groups to grow and strengthen their communities.

RDA Sydney’s purpose is to build partnerships between governments, key regional organisations, local

businesses, community groups and key regional stakeholders to provide strategic and targeted responses

to economic, environmental and social issues affecting Sydney.

RDA Sydney has developed a Regional Plan for Sydney. It is based on inputs from stakeholders and draws

information from 87 existing plans and reports published by the Australian, NSW and Local Governments

and other key agencies. The Plan describes Sydney’s attributes, industries, employment base and key

advantages. The Regional Plan sets out the economic, environmental and social vision for the region,

articulating the drivers of change, identifying strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, and listing

priorities for action. It is a ‘living’ document which is updated annually and used by RDA Sydney and its

Region to implement specific strategies.

RDA Sydney’s priorities are:

Reshaping all of greater Sydney as a prosperous, liveable and socially inclusive ‘city region’;

Capturing next generation business and jobs opportunities for the greater Sydney region;

Creating shared economic and social value, where pressing social inclusion objectives are achieved through action on economic and workforce issues;

Developing and promoting place-based innovation solutions and models. For example demonstrating regions and cities as drivers of innovation that create and capture value by solving problems that matter to business and communities throughout greater Sydney.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Summary of Proceedings for RDA Sydney Greater Sydney Freight Forum


Regional Development Australia (RDA) Sydney has identified that efficient and effective movement of

freight and the distribution of goods and services is critical to the growth and economic success of

Sydney, as well as the quality of life for residents. Most recently, in our Employment Lands Policy Position

paper of June 2012 and our submission to Transport for NSW regarding the NSW Long-term Transport

Master Plan, RDA Sydney has emphasised the importance of an efficient freight task to the continued

economic growth of Sydney.

The Greater Western Sydney Economic Development Board, a precursor organisation of RDA Sydney, was

also very pro-active about the importance of an efficient freight task to the Sydney Region. Apart from

numerous reports emphasising this matter, the Board also ran a freight forum in 2005 in conjunction with

DIPNR and also helped organise three Sydney freight industry workshops with the Freight and Logistics

Council of NSW (FALCON) in 2009.

Objective / Format for the Forum

On the 1st February 2013, RDA Sydney held the freight forum at the Waterview Convention Centre

together with 103 key stakeholders from organisations such as the Logistics Association of Australia

(LAA), Transport & Logistics Centre (TALC), Australian Logistics Council (ALC), NICTA, Sydney Ports,

AECOM, Deloitte , GHD and Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC), Trucking Associations, Major Cities Unit ,

Australian & NSW government representatives, local councils, Regional Organisation of Councils, TWU,

and with the support of Transport for NSW.

The main objective of the forum was to provide an opportunity for Ms Rachel Johnson, Deputy Director

General for Freight and Regional Development, Transport for NSW to present an overview of the draft

strategy to a broad group of industry, community and local government participants, and for these

participants in a following workshop to question, discuss and present their own ideas on the strategy.

In order to encourage workshop discussion and debate, the workshop groups were broken up into ten

groups, and given key questions to address in reviewing the proposed Draft NSW Freight & Ports Strategy

(See attachment 1):-

Network Efficiency Measurement Freight Movement & Network Demand - (4 groups)

Network Capacity- Improving Productivity of Existing (Road/ Rail Cargo) – (4 groups)

Network Sustainability (One Group)

Infrastructure Program and Strategy Implementation (One Group)

Following the workshop group discussions, a representative from each of the ten groups reported back

their findings to a plenary discussion session at the end.

The following summary report captures the key questions, notes from the discussions, and the key

comments and recommendations from those workshop groups.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013


As we see it, the planning for the future of Sydney is happening now. We need all sections of the

community to embrace the idea “that freight movement is everybody’s business and that it is critical to

the economic future of Sydney as a global city”.

RDA Sydney believes that whilst it is good for Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to get an opportunity to

communicate the objectives and key initiatives of the strategy to a wider audience, it has also been very

useful for them to be able to consolidate a wide and diverse additional input into the draft strategy.


RDA Sydney wishes to thank all of the industry and government representatives for their attendance and

participation in the forum and workshop, and in particular, to Ms Rachel Johnson, Deputy Director,

Freight & Regional Development, Transport for NSW for her very interesting and comprehensive

presentation on the NSW draft Freight and Ports strategy. We would also like to thank LAA, NICTA and

ALC for their support, and in particular, Michael Stokoe from AECOM and Matt O’Neill for their invaluable

input in the preparation of the workshop.

About our submission

In this submission, we have taken the comments and recommendations from the group discussions and

then presented them in a summary document, on a chapter by chapter basis.

The following documents have been attached and referenced in our Submission:

1. Workshop questions & notes on Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy 2012

2. Strategic Action Summary (Page 16-17) Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy 2012

Note: If you require any additional comment regarding RDA Sydney’s submission please don’t hesitate

to contact:

Bob Germaine

Executive Officer

Regional Development Australia – Sydney

Level 1, Suite 102,460 Church St North Parramatta NSW 2151

Ph: (02) 9890 7804

[email protected]


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Key Points from Freight Forum


Do you agree that the key challenges facing network efficiency in Sydney identified are captured in the

draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented?

Overall Comments on this draft strategy section

Concluded by many that it’s not capacity that’s the issue, it’s the efficiency. There is a lot of capacity

and a lot of space; it’s about making the current network working more efficient that’s important.

Fundamentally we need to optimize the current network usage. We need to use the additional latent

network capacity to improve capacity overall. Concrete strategies are needed however in improving

this latent capacity so as to achieve efficiency.

Need to look at issues from a coordinated perspective. Not to work in isolation as all issues are inter-


Since all components are interlinked, and interconnected, efficiency improvement needs to take into

consideration the need for coordination of private transport companies, government and other


Coordination and visibility of policy, systems and decisions is needed involving all players. Real

feedback and honesty in communication are needed.

But also it’s not just capacity, but the demand. If you have plenty of trains running but no one wants

to use them, you have wasted your time- this comes back to getting more knowledge of the whole

supply chain components for freight movement. Many don’t know what happens to freight once it

leaves their stage/port etc. This is a clear place for government to come in.

o Optimise network usage

o Develop infrastructure for single consolidation points – both physical and communications

o Develop better understanding of capacity versus demand

Data - The group agrees with the need for improved freight mapping and analysis, but rather than

producing more broad data on the freight task the focus should be on granular data that can be

meaningfully utilised at the local/precinct level. We do not need to know, for instance, how many

containers there are moving around Port Botany but would be better to know where containers are

going to and what they contain. Bureau of Freight Statistics should churn out useful (granular) data

rather than the usual stuff. The strategy should not be data-driven but any data collection should

have a purpose.

Consistency - The interstate inconsistencies that impact on the freight task (such as black boxes on

trucks) need to be addressed so that the cross-border freight task can be as efficient as possible.

Engagement-The strategy should also include clearer detail of the community engagement process,

particularly around issues such as introducing off-peak freight.

Red Tape- The strategy should also prioritise the need to reduce the amount of red tape affecting

road freight operators. e.g. the implementation of black box monitoring both within NSW and in

neighbouring States.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Prioritizing- While the document is comprehensive, it is very difficult to read what the priorities are

and what is possible to implement (based on funding constraints). It would be beneficial to indicate

priorities in order of importance or to indicate whether they are part of a package.

Coordination- While the ports and freight strategy is the responsibility of Transport for NSW, the

strategy does not indicate the degree of coordination already in place or needed between Transport

for NSW and other State and Federal Government and local government departments in order to

realise the strategy. In particular, coordination between planners and regulators.

Data capture is good. However, information sharing is critical to its relevance.

Need to look across the entire supply chain.

Need to acknowledge the role of air freight in the overall task.

What are the implications of the growing online revolution i.e. impact on network, safety.

The use of the term "future" in this strategic action area is redundant - freight productivity and

participation in future network developments.

Greater focus on supporting networks that support the freight task - e.g. communications and

awareness of technology available to infrastructure builders to support network efficiency.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

1A Identify freight movements and network demand Do you support the idea of using the TfNSW as the coordinating agency being used for streamlined data

collection, reporting, modelling and strategic analysis? Do you support the establishment of industry

KPI's and the collection of detailed comprehensive industry data? Any additional suggestions?

TfNSW as Coordinating Body

Yes TfNSW can be the coordinating agency as long as it gives opportunities to participate to other

key stakeholders and players in the decision-making processes and treats submissions written by

stakeholders fairly.

TfNSW needs to have a helicopter view to improve coordination across the board that includes all

stakeholders. For that to take place it will need to garner support from all stakeholders, with

enticement, as their active engagement is the key to their success. A supply chain perspective is

vital for this. Educating stakeholders to see the benefits is also important.

TfNSW also need to gain a good understanding of freight movements. The problem will be how to

get the data, particularly legislative data, but need to educate stakeholders as to the benefits so

as to gain the necessary information needed from stakeholders.

Collaboration across the board will be key to success. On the other hand it might be appropriate

to simulate model outcomes and mitigate measures.

More involvement in back of clock interstate operations and fatigue issues. Need to add this



KPI's are important – need to measure, to be user friendly & meaningful and achievable.

Suggest that the KPI’s are developed by government and industry together to create an industry

standard. There is no one source to say what KPI's are efficient - every organisation thinks they

are efficient. So this standard will give us a baseline. It must have an end to end supply chain

approach. Right through the entire chain. If you get one stage working really efficiently and the

rest not, it will affect the entire supply chain. We need to understand the entire supply chain

process from landed freight to the final consumer.

Additional suggestions

We need to look at efficiency in all stages in studying freight movement.

We need transparency on end to end supply chains- but who will coordinate?

Unions can be a problem if not part of solution. Need to be involved in developing metrics.

Efficiencies to be gained in flow traffic flow management.

Need to look at Demand management – such as congestion tolling.

Costing of externalities to freight is an issue.

More touch points for freight impacts on efficiency.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Data from IAPs is not used to improve freight efficiency but just for compliance. Non-confidential

data produced by black boxes should be freely available to industry.

Agrees with the need for improved freight mapping and analysis, but rather than producing more

broad data on the freight task the focus should be on granular data that can be meaningfully

utilised at the local/precinct level.

1B Shifting more freight movements to off-peak periods

Do you support the concept of gaining community support for off-peak freight transport as a means of

solving our congestion problems? How do we build better collaboration between industry, the

customers, the community, and local government to bring about change?

Concept of Off-peak transport

Yes we support that concept, subject to mitigating environmental problems for the community.

Collaborative efforts are needed with the supply chain.

Shifting to off-peak periods is a cost to generating/ freight receiving businesses but also has

benefits. Ideally, the freight industry and generating and receiving businesses need to be

operating 24/7.

Necessary supportive infrastructure like container parks would need to have their operating

hours changed also. Yes there is the cost to benefit to businesses; however, wage penalties can

be offset by the savings of having your freight delivered faster.

Unions. We need to encourage better engagement IR strategies with unions - if they don’t want

to work, then it can cause problems with efficiency.

Reliability and consistency- this is key. For example we can’t always expect a container delivery

will be on time. There are random checks at ports by Customs which could cause your delivery to

fall behind. But you can put contingencies in place. It will never be a perfect system and there will

always be a degree of inefficiency as with any other industry. Striving to get perfection isn’t what

you are trying to do its striving to get reliability.

Need to put disciplines in place and support with penalties, productivity measures against drivers.

Need to identify all players in the game, and to model entire delivery cycle.

Need to put contingencies in place along the delivery cycle.

Need to consolidate shipments wherever possible- currently forced to pay for inefficient trips.

Off peak freight transport needs to be done in conjunction with other activities (adequate noise

barriers and other considerations).


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Improving Collaboration

Local government is the key to engaging with all key stakeholders. Community engagement

strategies are needed that are effective as is community education across the board. Information

needs to be provided up front, residents need to be adequately consulted. A good

communications strategy is needed that is well designed, honest and appropriate for the

different target groups.

A broader across-Sydney communication with the community is vital – re the message “freight is

everyone’s business”

1C Develop a seamless interstate freight network

Do you support the concept of national transport industry regulation and harmonization? What

else can be done?

Yes it can be done, it is achievable. The problem is how do you address competition among the

states? It might be important to look at how other countries have managed harmonization.

Governments themselves are the main barriers. Industry regulation should be consistent


There is a need for leadership at a national level, which has been missing so far. Politics tend to

obstruct harmonization because short-term vision and political interests get in the way.

There is a need to work within the three levels of government. This would eliminate travel

inefficiencies from and to interstate. A timeframe is needed to achieve what is needed.

Achievable once we establish best practice – Yes, but whose best practice?

Different laws and regulations etc across states, how will this be managed?

We are not at capacity; in most of our networks we are inefficient.

Remember when during the Olympic Games everything ran so well, we should implement the

model that was used during the Olympic Games. And possibly the Hunter Valley coal freight

movement template could be a good place to start.

Independent body needed to sort out the blockages - no favouritism.

The strategy should prioritise the need to reduce the amount of red tape affecting road freight

operators e.g. the implementation of black box monitoring both within NSW and in neighbouring



RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

1D Improve productivity of road freight network

Do you agree with all of the proposed tasks and actions identified to improve productivity of the road

freight network, such as road funding, additional infrastructure to support High Productivity Vehicle

Access(HPVA) , improving the Restricted Access Vehicle (RAV) approval process, managed motorway

access, and reviewing the productivity and efficiency of arterial roads? Any additional suggestions?


Desire for technology to be embedded throughout the strategic planning process.

Black boxes

Black boxes (Intelligent Access Program – IAP) have been mandatory in NSW for route compliance

higher mass limit vehicles since 2008. One of the problems with IAPs is that there are

inconsistencies between States meaning that a vehicle that is crossing State boundaries has to

comply with a variety of regulations. In NSW, one of the results is the tendency to use smaller

trucks to carry freight from neighbouring States in order to avoid the use of IAPs. This then leads

to additional vehicles on NSW roads, thereby exacerbating congestion. IAPs can therefore be a

counter-productive measure.

Data from IAPs is not used to improve freight efficiency but just for compliance. Non-confidential

data produced by black boxes should be freely available to industry.

Red tape

The strategy should support the need to remove unnecessary red tape for road freight transport

(e.g. IAP) and focus on better enforcement of existing rules.

Over height vehicles

Issue of over height vehicles, particularly those with unusual loads. Need to work with operators

to increase awareness of measuring load heights and restrictions on NSW roads. Possibility of

expanding the development of technological solutions such as the NICTA project or even

navigator apps. Information on tunnel height limits has been available for a long time but even

still there are frequent transgressions. In-vehicle navigation systems should include mass and

height limits.

Freight mapping

In terms of freight mapping and analysis, Canada uses an excellent mapping system that would be

worthwhile investigating. Important to know where freight is going and what it is doing.

Granularity of data is important. Don’t necessarily need more macro level data. Rather need

data that is useful at an appropriately defined area.

Off-peak movements

Problem is how to align all the different stakeholders in the area of off-peak freight movements.

Communication with the community is vital – freight is everyone’s business.

Precincts should be planned well in advance and communicated so that people are aware.

There have been a number of mechanisms introduced to reduce noise on the freight network.

Dilemma of how to balance the demand for increased freight, on the one hand, with community

concerns, on the other.

Major concerns from the community, particularly in village-style areas, about noise from off-peak

freight movements.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

It is important that there is a solution-based approach to off-peak freight rather than a

confrontational approach.

Impact of off-peak freight movements on employment conditions for freight workers and those

receiving deliveries. So the issue is not just about noise in neighbourhoods but also the working

conditions of the people receiving the deliveries.

1E Maximise network capacity by reforming rail access

Do you support the concept of increasing network capacity by reforming rail access? What other ideas

do you have now with respect to rail freight and/or rail access that could immediately increase the

potential use of rail both in metropolitan and regional supply chains? What other changes might need

to be made?

Yes agree, opportunity to gather a plethora of data if a Rail Access Review was undertaken.

Need to control variability of timing i.e. arrival/departure and implications of these variances.

Consistency provides an opportunity for efficiency gains.

Action 1F: Improve efficiency of landside cargo transport

Do you support the establishment of a NSW Cargo Movement Coordinator office? What else do we

need to do to improve the network efficiency of landside cargo transport in the Sydney metropolitan


Yes support, incorporate air freight in the mandate of new cargo movement coordination.

Undertake strong modelling to understand the limitations of what can be achieved by



RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013



Do you agree that the key challenges facing network capacity in Sydney identified are captured in the

draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented.

Overall Comments on this draft strategy section

Review of other Strategies

South Australian Freight Council document – “From paddock to plate”

Herbert Review - should be revisited

Port Botany Issues

One over-arching port strategy needed and to include airport.

Stevedore’s responsibility not clear in document.

If you reduce current container residency time by half, you will double capacity.

Being predictable in transportation essential. If the system operates on so many containers in and out per day, it creates certainty and efficiency.

Port - tailgate facility - arrives 5 days earlier (efficiency +) - go to Wollongong/Newcastle

Road infrastructure is a major priority versus rail around Port Botany.

Separate road freight versus passenger road transport - truck only lane. Rail

In government - the focus is passengers. The network's capacity is often full e.g. making sure network capacity exists on the trains.

Light axle / weights on grain branch lines (CRN) - 19 versus 23 other places.

Congested rail tracks - Sydney/Wollongong especially

- North Sydney freight line needs expediting - Maldon/Dombarton needs greater emphasis in strategy

An inland rail route should be up there with Newell Highway strategy.

Air Freight / Airports

Why is aviation freight not considered seriously/extensively in document - major omission?

Considered more of a freight task than presented in document.

Need to acknowledge the role of air freight in the overall task.

Freight space at airport a problem - Infrastructure around Sydney airport appalling.

Second Airport needs discussion. Need for second airport (as 5th port).

Freight curfew - air curfew.

Airport - Commuter support? - A second one? - Efficiencies b/w international and domestic terminals


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Freight Transport Management

Congestion of roads around port/airport with cars - need sensible discussion about road pricing/new infrastructure.

Dedicated freight lanes / pricing / short-term infrastructure investment - bays/u-turn/contra flow - better incident management allows clear up of hold-ups more quickly.

Port/airport precinct vulnerable to incident - better management of risk important (i.e. Hazmat).

Need in-built resilience to protect efficiency.

Unlock the capacity -by shifting what we have today and delivering it tomorrow.

Further automation/tech solutions to reduce hold ups.

Impact of Growth of Retail Online

Comment that airport freight not highlighted in strategy, and increasing use of internet

purchasing. What are the implications of the growing on-line retail revolution?

Latent Capacity

There is latent capacity in Sydney metro for future improvements in HR practices, technology

applications, and capacity expansion by enabling 24/7 operations.

For better understanding of the capacity management, customs data on goods and timing of

shipments can be sourced in advance of shipment.

Strategy needs to better articulate, and incorporate effect of consolidation points/modes used

and these needs to be identified for capacity measurement and mapping.

The theory of freight needs to be understood and provide proactive planning to drive usage of

existing and planned future infrastructure.

Better understanding of the existing capacity of the rail and road network needed (eg quoted

Illawarra region)

Data capture is good. However, information sharing is critical to its relevance.

Need to look across the entire supply chain.

Urban Development- Land-use & transportation planning

The long term urban redevelopment and Greenfields planning within Sydney is not integrating current and future freight strategies as it should. We need to understand the implications for the future. Pushing the problem and the corridors further out will not necessarily combat the longer term problem.

Look at what's expanding in South Sydney & Inner Sydney and where there is no road expansion (e.g. Green Square). Should we be introducing "people" and growing areas into traditional freight forwarding industrial precincts?

Rockdale City Council - Issues


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

o Integration for transport and the metro system/commuters is vital to the overall implementation of the freight & port strategy. We need to look at ways to free up roads - and become more efficient in getting more people off the roads.

o Link between long term planning strategy - and linking issues such as this is critical. o Business element - Serious issues with road capacity around Kingsford Smith airport (*We

need to look at e.g. night-time movements of freight by rail)

Western Sydney o Realignment o Intermodal terminal - We need to know where freight is going now in order to make

projections. o Logical points / corridors - e.g. Western Sydney.

Three Port Strategies

Concern was raised as to the current and future capacity implications of the three port strategies for Port

Botany, Newcastle and Port Kembla. Felt that integrated scenario demand modelling for major

commodity and container supply chains should be undertaken for all three ports?

Port Kembla and Newcastle: Growth. How & where will they fit in the long term future growth of Greater Sydney?

Port Kembla & Newcastle will always be more expensive than Sydney re access/logistics. Cost of freight will also rise.

Costs of freight - and political decisions have to be made - to forecast and invest in the longer term.

2A Identify and protect strategic freight corridors Do you agree with the concept of having long term 30-40 year vision using economic scenario planning to identify land use plans for future growth centres and transport plans, to protect freight corridors? What comments would you make to those currently identified in the strategy? (See Figs. 27, 28, 30, 31 & 57 in Draft Strategy). Any additional suggestions? Concept of Long Term Vision

Yes, definitely need long term 30-40 year vision using economic scenario planning to identify land

use plans for future growth centres and transport plans, to protect freight corridors?

Need better underlying statistics and good scenario modelling to make an informed comment.

Need to predetermine future locations of intermodal terminals. Need to know where intermodals are/connectivity to Newcastle/Port Kembla/Port Botany and acceptable travel times. More corridors to link Port Kembla, Newcastle, Port Botany.

Need to plan and get other parts e.g. employment lands/housing etc right to know where

corridors should go. By planning the implementation of timely infrastructure, alongside preserved


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

corridors, things can happen logically with more sustainable outcomes. Bad planning decisions

lead to local curfews which immediately affect supply chain efficiency and latent capacity.

Infrastructure first will drive the right growth at the right place and allow dedicated growth areas for freight.

Learn from other states - Victoria has reserved corridors.

Western Sydney

Badgery's Creek / second airport needs to be determined, and is very important - West Sydney

can deal with a curfew friendly freight airport.

Western Sydney can service in 24 hours about 80% of Australian population which indicates

importance of Eastern Creek, there is opportunity to develop Western Sydney as a distribution

hub for all of Australia. Western Sydney rail path to Eastern Creek needs to be reserved.

We also support as proposed an (M9) outer orbital Western Sydney road/rail corridor to move

interstate freight around Sydney.

Rail great for intermodal and interstate, but Illawarra / Western line strategies need development.

Other Rail corridors

Need to reserve inland rail corridor - Parkes/Junee/Moree.

Need to reserve corridors for the Main South-North coast rail realignment options - about

400kms of track.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

2B Develop and maintain capacity for freight on the road network Do you support the completion and connection of the Sydney motorway network as outlined the in the draft strategy and the Long Term Transport Masterplan? In the light of future demand growth with respect to interstate transport, regional transport and metropolitan vehicle type and number of trips - what are the other key road infrastructure priorities for the Sydney metropolitan area? What additional advice would you give TfNSW with regards to prioritizing future road infrastructure projects? Support is there for the completion and connection of the Sydney motorway network as outlined the in

the draft strategy and the Long Term Transport Masterplan, but timing and funding will be important. The

following priorities and additional advice are given:-

Completion of a M2/F3 tunnel will allow much great efficiency and better access to Brisbane, with greater safety for trucks and would free up Pennant Hills Road a lot.

Develop road improvement planning program and with new infrastructure investment models and pricing strategies to fund them.

Converting wherever possible contestable portion of freight to rail - how to incentivise?

Increase capacity of trucks on road at moment. HPV - PBS - NSW too slow to adopt standards:

o Move freight with less trucks/less drivers o Get more out of what we've got/ do

Develop better understanding of current future demand patterns for major container freight. Examine the current and future ratio of import containers versus export containers and their likely destinations from current data, so as to develop optimal intermodal location and potential distribution demand patterns.

o Build better access to intermodals to improve road network and its connectivity to industry

o Eastern Creek already has a motorway network

Implementation of light infrastructure to improve incident/emergency management - particularly Port Botany precinct.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

2C Enable separation of passenger and freight flows on rail network

Apart from the current planned separation rail network enhancements and rail alignments, and the completion of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor, what other ideas do you have now with respect to rail freight and/or rail access that could increase the future potential use of rail both in metropolitan and regional supply chains? What other changes might need to be made? Recommendations

Need systems and programs to manage customer expectation and network restrictions.

Seek ability to operate freight rolling stock 24 hours.

Support Northern Sydney Freight Corridor and proposed Maldon/Dombarton line.

Intermodals need to have separate freight rail line access.

Seek to address capacity issues re how many lines currently or could exist e.g. Western line

Sufficient consolidation facilities to accommodate parking of rail to fit in with passenger lines. There's a backlog of separation projects that need funding to relieve some rail congestion.

Seek more proactive ways to deal/manage - maintenance timetables and down time?

Establish matrix-style technical rail working group in Sydney to look at improving rail slot take-ups on main customer rail sidings by modifying their alignment for more rapid in/out access onto freight/passenger lines. Incentives may also need to be offered.


Reinstate Harden/Cowra/Blaney (rail freight)

Lift axle loads from 19t to 25t on Griffith/Narranderra line - capacity issue

Investigate possible tunnel through Blue Mountains

2D Develop effective port plans to meet freight volume growth

Do you agree with the concept of having long term 40-60 year visions and port growth plans for ports,

using economic scenario planning to identify land use plans for future growth centres and transport

plans and then to protect appropriate land and freight corridors. What comments would you make to

those currently identified in the strategy?

Yes/ Support needed to develop co-ordinated long term port plans for Hunter, Illawarra and Port

Botany, but need to ensure interrelated, and consistent between the three.

Federal government strategic plans for ports of entry need to be included and considered in

assessing forecasts for freight.

Importance of landside logistics and its support infrastructure, considered by group as equally

significant to developing NSW strategy as the ports are.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Need to develop models in the strategy to allocate costs for the land logistics component.

Preservation of freight corridors considered essential in the NSW strategy.

Each port and transport nodes need coordinated strategy, with identified catchment areas for

freight task.

Develop effective port plans to meet freight volume growth.

o Cost and who will pay? o Will these happen (legislation needed)? - Ports (Botany Council?) o Consideration of the broader issues around freight costs/containers in 10-20 years -

projection plans o People versus freight. People will continue to move in and the rules will change (local

planning issues /industrial rezoning to residential development). o Very difficult to rezone industrial land. Will all Councils comply? e.g. Moorebank

contentious - lobbying.

Broader Western Sydney employment area needs to be considered in terms of freight activity –

now and in the future (future growth area).

2E Foster Intermodal terminal network

With 85% of imports through Port Botany currently being consumed in Sydney, do you agree with the

concept of fostering intermodal networks and the NSW government target of 40% rail for cargo

container freight?. What alternative strategies are there? What are the future implications for Sydney

with respect to congestion and economic development, if we do not foster and introduce additional

intermodal capacity as planned.

Yes/ Suggested a very long term 40-60 year Metro plan be established for Ports and potential

intermodal sites and necessary future land-use & transport corridors? We should be starting to

anticipate some of these potential conflicts and the issues that might arise i.e. Metro planning

versus freight strategy. People do want to ‘see’ infrastructure needs and plans from government.

Is the balance right in metro Sydney for the mix of road /rail freight task? (Data sourcing and

forecasting is essential to define this mix.)

How does this strategy ensure land-use and corridor preservation for future use?

Are there adequate protection and preservation plans in encroaching and developing urban


If all levels of government were involved, a successful compromise would more likely be


Buffer zones to insulate communities will need to be included around any planned intermodal



RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Freight Corridors - Needs to establish better mechanisms, procedures and management systems

for managing the interface between Councils, the Community concerns, the NSW State

government and all of the industry stakeholders. The residents tend to have massive issues with

the stevedores, and intermodal terminal operators and transport industry companies.

Need for all parties to strengthen civic and community dialogue regarding costs/benefits, freight,

logistics, public relations etc. Operations at an "open" level (transparency) critical to absolve this


People also need transparency in the costs for development decisions making.

‘De-risking’ of government investment strategy in start-up activities, will assist in intermodal


Has potential been assessed at Rosehill/Camellia for intermodal/rail transfer hub? It still has

existing rail access.

Seek ways to overcome historical railway /road bridge height in Sydney restricting double-

stacking rail container freight).

Designated planning zone land usage, the size of employment land holdings, complicating

competing land-use urban renewal development versus major freight & transport infrastructure


Airport restrictions- restricting other intermodal freight activity

General Comment (across all areas)

o Truck only lanes during off peak periods would give heavier vehicles a priority (using T/Bus corridors) over other vehicles (intermodal /reverse usage).

o Competing with single occupancy & business cars.

2F Co-ordinate regional infrastructure and services Do you agree with the proposal to use a best practice reform model regional infrastructure? What other

suggestions would you make to improve the co-ordination of regional freight into and out of

metropolitan Sydney?

Yes/ All groups support the need for best practice industry supply chain approach but not just

focus on single issue freight solutions to local community. Example quoted -Need for road/rail

service provision to regions distant from metro Sydney, e.g. Armidale and Tamworth.

Concern expressed that there is currently no integrated NSW state-wide population growth

planning strategy plans to assist in the planning of regional infrastructure/freight and population

growth issues.

Limited freight corridors are a massive issue in regional infrastructure.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Many road pricing/issues that require advocacy. Draft strategy does touch on this. We're not

charging the best way we could across the industry supply chain. This might deflect much of the

cost issue (everybody could pay the same cost). Let's not be caught up in administration!

Road user charges should be considered in this reform.

Council shared services should also be considered in reform.

Road congestion and single vehicle journey for workers (and their impact of freight movements)

in Sydney, lacks vision in long term NSW Masterplan.

Re Port Botany - Case Study. Why would you want to move more freight through the city from

Port Botany when it could go to Port Kembla or Newcastle - Congestion - Avoid city.

Roads in residential areas (usage) at night time will most likely be opposed by local Councils.

Considering zoning of high productivity levels - how do we get them as well as other areas?

Over 200 operators in Sydney ports are too many.

A number of operational issues exist in this space and it hasn't been well managed in the past.

Issues galore - Logically where do we ask trucks to park at night? e.g. How do we rectify many of

these issues? We need to change some of our behaviours in the industry. Difficult - as freight

doesn't own the roads - people do!


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013


Do you agree that the key challenges facing network sustainability in Sydney identified are captured in

the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented.

Overall Comments on this draft strategy section

Integrating freight and land use is critical.

Filtering principles in high level strategic documents down to land use planning outcomes at the

local level.

Managing integrated planning across government and decision making.

Whole of Government Endorsement.

Airport (Managing air freight)

o Badgery's Creek (future) - noise imprint / politics

o Lack of recognition of domestic/international air freight importance to economy

3A Embed freight requirements in planning schemes

Do you agree with the concept of having long term 40-60 year visions and port growth plans for ports,

using socio-economic, environmental scenario planning to identify land use plans for future growth

centres and transport plans, to protect appropriate land and freight corridors, taking into consideration

local EIS considerations? What additional comments would you make to those currently identified in

the strategy? (SeeFigs. 27, 28, 30, 31 & 57 in Draft Strategy). Any additional suggestions?

Yes. Agree to long term visioning - at least 40 years with shorter term KPI's aligned across


Without early planning and identification of future priorities, hard to achieve outcomes.

Locking in future corridors and preserving them - vital for directing land use decisions.

Law of diminishing returns

o To find new capacity, new ideas are needed e.g. coastal shipping/marine highway o A sustainable system is shown by how easily it returns to normal operations after

something like a flood o Resilience is missing from the sustainability actions


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

3B Manage congestion, noise and emission impacts of freight transport

With 85% of imports through Port Botany currently being consumed in Sydney, do you agree with the

concept of fostering intermodal networks and the NSW government target for 40% rail for cargo

container freight? What are the future implications for Sydney with respect to congestion and

economic development, if we do not foster and introduce additional intermodal terminal capacity as

planned? What other considerations are there with respect to managing congestion, noise and

emissions from last mile deliveries within the CBD and to our local city centres? How can we improve

collaboration between customers, the transport industry, local government industry in solving these

complex issues?

Improving state and local government interface to identify key routes, policies (curfews) early and

implementing desired outcomes into local planning.

Bringing all stakeholders into the process of decision making and better consultation with

community and customers - freight is everybody's business - educating the community.

DA codes protect the community from noise impacts of freight such as supermarket deliveries.

State government decisions such as classification of B-double routes needs to be a consultative

process that can prepare local government for their responsibility in maintaining them and

supporting land uses.

Last mile - weakness of strategy - doesn't recognize expectations of online retailing - expectation

of entire delivery - ideas of how to support this more.

Changing the way the system works - e.g. automated delivery points, post office pick up,

technology to support this?


Monitoring freight contribution to air pollution.

What can we do to make the impacts of freight (e.g. noise) more acceptable to the community?

- Locating freight activities away from residences - Buffers - Window glazing


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013


Discussion & comments on the overall draft strategy- What’s missing?

Using the attached summary sheets, do you agree that the key challenges identified overall in the draft

strategy are captured in the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are

not represented. Discuss and List.

Key Challenges Missing:

Corporate Governance

o Managing integrated planning across government and decision making

Whole of Government Endorsement

o Extent to which this Draft Strategy is endorsed by other NSW government agencies?

Airport (Managing air freight)

o Air freight not discussed or covered in strategy- major omission

o Discussion and implications of a possible future second airport for Sydney needs to be included- particularly with respect to future major T&L infrastructure land use & transport corridors and intermodal sites in Western Sydney

o Badgery's Creek (future) - noise imprint / politics

o Lack of recognition of domestic/international air freight importance to economy

o Managing air freight trends -with respect to online retailing & new 24/7 delivery requirements

o Precinct congestion (now)- particularly with respect congestion from through traffic, passenger and freight in and around Kingsford Smith airport and road and rail freight movement in and out of Port Botany

Managing bulk liquid transport

o Future supply capability and management of bulk fuels – particularly with respect to

closure of the Shell refinery at Clyde and possible closure of Caltex at Kurnell.

o Managing bulk liquid transport tax

o Managing alternative fuel use

o Managing future aviation fuel products to a future Western Sydney airport site.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Action 2G: Develop a project program to support network capacity

Using the attached information on Action 2G, do you support the concept for the prioritization of

freight infrastructure projects using a Strategic Freight Model to ensure value for money outcomes that

integrate different modes, demands and networks? Do you support the concept of developing and

maintaining a program of infrastructure projects (such as the priority projects outlined) as part of the

transport portfolio framework and agree with the model outlined?

What other criteria or aspects need to be included to provide more certainty to industry, and to

improve the identification, prioritization, inter-government and inter-agency planning alignment and

integration, funding and ultimate implementation?

Yes, support the concept for prioritisation of projects and use of a strategic freight model, but

infrastructure program needs more clarity in terms of prioritization and funding.

o Relationship with the new NSW State Infrastructure Strategy o What are the Key Drivers with respect to prioritisation?

Current & future road/rail freight transport in Greater Western Sydney and potential 2nd Airport. As Greater Western Sydney is growing as the major “switching room freight hub“ for Eastern Australia, and Sydney the major airfreight hub for Australia, there are many major economic development opportunities for new airport. How can we maximise?

o 2nd Airport and Freight Efficiency

Intermodal Terminal Development

o Modelling with respect to container freight movement, distribution centres, to last mile deliveries to customers within Sydney.

o Understanding demand delivery patterns to and from current & future employment lands around existing intermodal terminals.

o Operational planning for Enfield and Moorebank intermodal terminals o Planning for Eastern Creek (reserving land) o Warehousing space limitations

Will need a lot of interdepartmental and interagency collaboration in implementation, strong leadership and political will.

Significant attention required in developing "De-bottle necking" to enhance existing infrastructure

In many cases we are in Catch-Up Mode, requiring significant forward planning to correct the past.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Investment and funding Issues

Educative task (Freight and Logistics)

o Rationale and importance of freight needs to be communicated to politicians, governments and broader community at large.

Encourage investment in Modern, Eco-friendly infrastructure.

How will Port-airport integration work across private-public / private-private?

Impact of asset sales on Freight Policy making.

Addressing road pricing issues.

Avoiding anything that is politically sensitive.


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Attachment 1

Workshop on Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy 2012

Group 1A - Strategic Action Area # 1 Network Efficiency

Measurement Freight Movement & Network Demand

Activity 1- Discussion/comments on network efficiency aspects of the overall draft strategy Using the attached summary sheets, do you agree that the key challenges facing network efficiency in Sydney identified are captured in the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented? Discuss and list (15 mins) Activity 2- Discussion/comments on specific actions and tasks (45 mins) Action 1A: Identify freight movements and network demand Do you support the idea of using the TfNSW as the coordinating agency being used for streamlined data collection, reporting, modelling and strategic analysis? Do you support the establishment of industry KPI’s and the collection of detailed comprehensive industry data? Any additional suggestions? Action 1B: Shifting more freight movements to off-peak periods Do you support the concept of gaining community support for off-peak freight transport as a means of solving our congestion problems? How do we build better collaboration between industry, the customers, the community, and local government to bring about change? Action 1C: Develop a seamless interstate freight network Do you support the concept of national transport industry regulation and harmonisation? What else can be done?


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Group 1B - Strategic Action Area # 1 Network Efficiency Measurement Freight Movement & Network Demand

Activity 1- Discussion/comments on network efficiency aspects of the overall draft strategy Using the attached summary sheets, do you agree that the key challenges facing network efficiency in Sydney identified are captured in the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented? Discuss and list (15 mins) Activity 2- Discussion/comments on specific actions and tasks (45 mins) Action 1A : Identify freight movements and network demand Do you support the idea of using the TfNSW as the coordinating agency being used for streamlined data collection, reporting, modelling and strategic analysis? Do you support the establishment of industry KPI’s and the collection of detailed comprehensive industry data? Any additional suggestions? Action 1B: Shifting more freight movements to off-peak periods Do you support the concept of gaining community support for off-peak freight transport as a means of solving our congestion problems? How do we build better collaboration between industry, the customers, the community, and local government to bring about change? Action 1C: Develop a seamless interstate freight network Do you support the concept of national transport industry regulation and harmonisation? What else can be done?


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Group 2A - Strategic Action Area # 1- Network Efficiency Improving Productivity of Existing Road/Rail/Cargo Network

Activity 1- Discussion/comments on network efficiency aspects of the overall draft strategy Using the attached summary sheets, do you agree that the key challenges facing network efficiency in Sydney identified are captured in the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented? Discuss and list (15 mins) Activity 2- Discussion/comments on specific actions and tasks (45 mins) Action 1D : Improve productivity of road freight network Do you agree with all of the proposed tasks and actions identified to improve productivity of the road freight network, such as road funding, additional infrastructure to support High Productivity Vehicle Access, improving the Restricted Access Vehicle approval process, managed motorway access, and reviewing the productivity and efficient of arterial roads? Any additional suggestions? Action 1E: Maximise network capacity by reforming rail access Do you support the concept of increasing network capacity by reforming rail access? What other ideas do you have now with respect to rail freight and/or rail access that could immediately increase the potential use of rail both in metropolitan and regional supply chains? What other changes might need to be made? Action 1F: Improve efficiency of landside cargo transport Do you support the establishment of a NSW Cargo Movement Coordinator office? What else do we need to do to improve the network efficiency of landside cargo transport in the Sydney metropolitan area?


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Group 2B - Strategic Action Area # 1- Network Efficiency Improving Productivity of Existing Road/Rail/Cargo Network

Activity 1- Discussion/comments on network efficiency aspects of the overall draft strategy Using the attached summary sheets, do you agree that the key challenges facing network efficiency in Sydney identified are captured in the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented? Discuss and list (15 mins) Activity 2- Discussion/comments on specific actions and tasks (45 mins) Action 1D : Improve productivity of road freight network Do you agree with all of the proposed tasks and actions identified to improve productivity of the road freight network, such as road funding, additional infrastructure to support High Productivity Vehicle Access, improving the Restricted Access Vehicle approval process, managed motorway access, and reviewing the productivity and efficient of arterial roads? Any additional suggestions? Action 1E: Maximise network capacity by reforming rail access Do you support the concept of increasing network capacity by reforming rail access? What other ideas do you have now with respect to rail freight and/or rail access that could immediately increase the potential use of rail both in metropolitan and regional supply chains? What other changes might need to be made? Action 1F: Improve efficiency of landside cargo transport Do you support the establishment of a NSW Cargo Movement Coordinator office? What else do we need to do to improve the network efficiency of landside cargo transport in the Sydney metropolitan area?


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Group 3A - Strategic Action Area # 2- Network Capacity

Road/ Rail

Activity 1- Discussion/comments on network capacity aspects of the overall draft strategy Using the attached summary sheets, do you agree that the key challenges facing network capacity in Sydney identified are captured in the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented? Discuss and list (15 mins) Activity 2- Discussion/comments on specific actions and tasks (45 mins) Action 2A: Identify and protect strategic freight corridors Do you agree with the concept of having a long term 30- 40 year vision using economic scenario planning to identify land use plans for future growth centres and transport plans and then to protect freight corridors? What comments would you make to those currently identified in the strategy? (See attached maps) Any additional suggestions? Action 2B: Develop and maintain capacity for freight on the road network Do you support the completion and connection of the Sydney motorway network as outlined in the draft strategy and the Long Term Transport Masterplan? In the light of future demand growth with respect to interstate transport, regional transport, and metropolitan vehicle type and number of trips, what are the other key road infrastructure priorities for the Sydney metropolitan area? What additional advice would you give TfNSW with regards to prioritising future road infrastructure projects? Action 2C: Enable separation of passenger and freight flows on rail network Apart from the current planned separation rail network enhancements and rail alignments, and the completion of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor, what other ideas do you have now with respect to rail freight and/or rail access that could increase the future potential use of rail both in metropolitan and regional supply chains? What other changes might need to be made?


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Group 3B - Strategic Action Area # 2- Network Capacity Road/ Rail

Activity 1- Discussion/comments on network capacity aspects of the overall draft strategy Using the attached summary sheets, do you agree that the key challenges facing network capacity in Sydney identified are captured in the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented? Discuss and list (15 mins) Activity 2- Discussion/comments on specific actions and tasks (45 mins) Action 2A: Identify and protect strategic freight corridors Do you agree with the concept of having a long term 30- 40 year vision using economic scenario planning to identify land use plans for future growth centres and transport plans and then to protect freight corridors? What comments would you make to those currently identified in the strategy? (See attached maps) Any additional suggestions? Action 2B: Develop and maintain capacity for freight on the road network Do you support the completion and connection of the Sydney motorway network as outlined in the draft strategy and the Long Term Transport Masterplan? In the light of future demand growth with respect to interstate transport, regional transport, and metropolitan vehicle type and number of trips, what are the other key road infrastructure priorities for the Sydney metropolitan area? What additional advice would you give TfNSW with regards to prioritising future road infrastructure projects? Action 2C: Enable separation of passenger and freight flows on rail network Apart from the current planned separation rail network enhancements and rail alignments, and the completion of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor, what other ideas do you have now with respect to rail freight and/or rail access that could increase the future potential use of rail both in metropolitan and regional supply chains? What other changes might need to be made?


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Group 4A - Strategic Action Area # 2- Network Capacity

(Port /Intermodal / Regional Infrastructure)

Activity 1- Discussion/comments on network capacity aspects of the overall draft strategy Using the attached summary sheets, do you agree that the key challenges facing network capacity in Sydney identified are captured in the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented? Discuss and list (15 mins) Activity 2- Discussion/comments on specific actions and tasks (45mins) Action 2D: Develop effective port plans to meet freight volume growth Do you agree with the concept of having long term 40-60 year visions and port growth plans for ports, using economic scenario planning to identify land use plans for future growth centres and transport plans, and then to protect appropriate land and freight corridors? What comments would you make to those currently identified in the strategy? (See attached maps) Any additional suggestions? Action 2E: Foster intermodal terminal network With 85% of imports through Port Botany currently being consumed in Sydney, do you agree with the concept of fostering intermodal networks and the NSW government target for 40% rail for cargo container freight? What alternative strategies are there? What are the future implications for Sydney with respect to congestion and economic development, if we do not foster and introduce additional intermodal terminal capacity as planned? Would the development of long term 30-40 year visions, and economic and transport modelling help in communicating with the broader community? Action 2F: Coordinate regional infrastructure and service Do you agree with the proposal to use a best practice reform model for regional infrastructure? What other suggestions would you make to improve the coordination of regional freight into and out of Metropolitan Sydney?


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Group 4B - Strategic Action Area # 2- Network Capacity

(Port /Intermodal / Regional Infrastructure)

Activity 1- Discussion/comments on network capacity aspects of the overall draft strategy Using the attached summary sheets, do you agree that the key challenges facing network capacity in Sydney identified are captured in the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented? Discuss and list (15 mins) Activity 2- Discussion/comments on specific actions and tasks (45 mins) Action 2D: Develop effective port plans to meet freight volume growth Do you agree with the concept of having long term 40-60 year visions and port growth plans for ports, using economic scenario planning to identify land use plans for future growth centres and transport plans, and then to protect appropriate land and freight corridors? What comments would you make to those currently identified in the strategy? (See attached maps) Any additional suggestions? Action 2E: Foster intermodal terminal network With 85% of imports through Port Botany currently being consumed in Sydney, do you agree with the concept of fostering intermodal networks and the NSW government target for 40% rail for cargo container freight? What alternative strategies are there? What are the future implications for Sydney with respect to congestion and economic development, if we do not foster and introduce additional intermodal terminal capacity as planned? Would the development of long term 30-40 year visions, and economic and transport modelling help in communicating with the broader community? Action 2F: Coordinate regional infrastructure and service Do you agree with the proposal to use a best practice reform model for regional infrastructure? What other suggestions would you make to improve the coordination of regional freight into and out of Metropolitan Sydney?


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Group 5 - Strategic Action Area # 3- Network Sustainability Activity 1- Discussion/comments on network sustainability aspects of the overall draft strategy Using the attached summary sheets, do you agree that the key challenges facing network sustainability in Sydney identified are captured in the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented? Discuss and list (15 mins) Activity 2- Discussion/comments on specific actions and tasks (45 mins) Action 3A: Embed freight requirements in planning schemes Do you agree with the concept of having long term 40-60 year visions and port growth plans for ports, using socio-economic, environmental scenario planning to identify land use plans for future growth centres and transport plans, to protect appropriate land and freight corridors, taking into consideration local EIS considerations? What additional comments would you make to those currently identified in the strategy? (See attached maps) Any additional suggestions? Action 3B: Manage congestion, noise and emission impacts of freight transport With 85% of imports through Port Botany currently being consumed in Sydney, do you agree with the concept of fostering intermodal networks and the NSW government target for 40% rail for cargo container freight? What are the future implications for Sydney with respect to congestion and economic development, if we do not foster and introduce additional intermodal terminal capacity as planned? What other considerations are there with respect to managing congestion, noise and emissions from last mile deliveries within the CBD and to our local city centres? How can we improve collaboration between customers, the transport industry, local government industry in solving these complex issues? Action 2F: Coordinate regional infrastructure and service Do you agree with the proposal to use a best practice reform model for regional infrastructure? What other suggestions would you make to improve the coordination of regional freight into and out of Metropolitan Sydney?


RDA Sydney Submission – Draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy – March 2013

Group 6 - Infrastructure Program and Strategy Implementation Group

Activity 1- Discussion/comments on the overall draft strategy Using the attached summary sheets, do you agree that the key challenges identified overall in the draft strategy are captured in the draft strategy framework? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented? Discuss and list (15 mins) Activity 2- Discussion/comments on specific actions and tasks (45 mins) Action 2G: Develop a project program to support network capacity Using the attached information on Action 2G, do you support the concept for the prioritisation of freight infrastructure projects using a Strategic Freight Model to ensure value for money outcomes that integrate different modes, demands and networks? Do you support the concept of developing and maintaining a program of infrastructure projects (such as the priority projects outlined) as part of the transport portfolio framework, and agree with the model outlined? What other criteria or aspects need to be included to provide more certainty to industry, and to improve the identification, prioritisation, inter-government and inter-agency planning alignment and integration, funding and ultimate implementation? (20 minutes) Chapter 6- Implementing & funding the NSW Freight & Ports Strategy Using the attached summary sheets (Page 128) on prioritisation for Chapter 6, do you broadly agree with the connecting relationships between the three Strategic Actions areas and the tasks, and how this is proposed to be the basis of the TfNSW work plan for the next five years? Discuss the potential future public and private funding of infrastructure projects. What additional funding ideas or recommendations would you make that should also be included in this strategy? What other challenges, actions and tasks are not represented? Discuss and list (35 mins)

Attachment 2