TO KNOW CHRIST TO KNOW CHRIST AND AND TO MAKE TO MAKE HIM KNOWN HIM KNOWN A Thirty Day Devotional Guide A Thirty Day Devotional Guide Exalt Equip Evangelize

A Thirty Day Devotional GuideA Thirty Day Devotional Guide ...woodlawnbaptistnc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/30-Day-Devotio…W CHRIST W CHRIST AND AND TO MAKETO MAKE HIM KNOWNHIM

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A Thirty Day Devotional Guide A Thirty Day Devotional Guide

Exalt Equip Evangelize

“…to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith.”

1 Thessalonians 3:2, NKJV

There was a mother with a little crippled boy, whose frail legs

were covered with steel braces up to his thighs. He wobbled along

in a pitiful way, but his mother encouraged him with every step

he made.

“That’s real good, that’s fine, you’re doing great,” she would say.

With every word the little boy would try to do even better to

please his saintly mother. Then he said, “Mama, watch me. I am

going to run!”

She said, “Go ahead son, let me see you.” The little boy took two

or three steps and then caught one foot against the brace on the

other leg. Just as he started to fall, his mother caught him and

steadied him back on his feet. She stroked his hair, kissed his

cheek and said, “That was splendid! You will do even better next


As we travel through this life, we will meet a lot of people like

that little boy. We meet people crippled by the hardships and

difficulties of life. And like the little boy, they need someone to

care enough to offer them some encouragement along the way.

Our church began many years ago to provide a place of

encouragement and hope by sharing the good news of Christ.

Today, we face the future with faith as God has given us a new

vision to continue encouraging others by knowing Christ and

making Him known.

Dr. Ed Yount

A Vision of Encouragement

Day 1

On the front cover of this devotional, you will find the theme

piece, declaring the mission and vision of Woodlawn Baptist

Church. There are several elements within that piece that are

important as we talk about the simple vision statement, To Know

Christ, and to Make Him Known.

TO KNOW CHRIST – that is a vertical relationship between

you and Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, the King of kings,

Lord of lords, the Good Shepherd, and your personal Savior.

Deuteronomy 30:20 says, “. . . and that you may love the Lord

your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to Him. For the Lord

is your life. . . .” (NIV) I love that statement – the Lord is your

LIFE! He becomes your life as you LOVE Him and as you

KNOW Him. You will note that this is the dominant statement

on the banner. Without ‘knowing Christ,’ there is no power, or

relationship, to fulfill the rest.

AND TO MAKE HIM KNOWN – this is the horizontal

relationship that we have with our world. Notice the world map in

the background. Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when

the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in

Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the

earth.” (NIV) Our mission is to make Jesus known to all the

nations. That begins right here in Catawba County (our

Jerusalem) and extends across the nations to the ends of the earth.

It is first in knowing Christ, that it is then possible to make Him

known. If you are walking down the street talking to a dear

friend, and another friend approaches, it is very easy to introduce

them to each other. In fact, it would be considered rude not to!

When we come to know Christ as our dear friend, then it becomes

easy to make Him known while we are walking down ‘our’ street,

or a street in a foreign land.

To Know Christ and to Make Him Known

Day 2

The mission field has come to us. Knowing Christ makes all the

difference. Is it easy for you to introduce your dear friend to

someone? If not, perhaps it’s time to check your spiritual pulse.

There is nothing complicated about introducing one friend to


As a church, it is our vision to know Christ, and to make Him

known. We do that as we exalt Him in worship, as we equip

believers in small groups, and as we evangelize our world. Check

your spiritual pulse today. Pray. And join us as we endeavor

together to Know Christ, and to Make Him Known.

Jerry Anderson

Now, I’m from Mississippi and I have had a lot of experience

with anthills. These big mounds of dirt in my Pawpaw’s fields

were made when a bunch of insignificant creatures got together.

I have stepped on a few anthills without shoes, and the ants’

fellowship made an impact on me! One ant bite might sting a

little. Most folks can handle that.

But if a person messes with the whole family in the anthill, those

ants will gather around your foot and serve notice that you are

unwelcome in their houses!

One ant can’t create that kind of impact by itself. Gathered

together, they will also work together to rebuild in a day and a

half what was destroyed.

Let’s do what Ecclesiastes 4:12 says and form a cord that cannot

be broken.

Mike Daughtrey


Day 3

Ever have a bad day, especially one where people you love and

care about let you down? That is the kind of day Moses had when

he came down from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments.

His people were worshipping idols and having a very not holy

celebration. And Aaron, his own brother, was in the thick of it!

Moses had gone to bat against Pharaoh, and God had worked very

visible miracles to free his people. In spite of all that, here they

were in open rebellion! Talk about letting someone down!

So what did Moses do? First he gets away a little bit. He moves

his tent outside the camp where it is just Moses, his assistant

Joshua, and especially God (Exodus 33:7–11).

There Moses finds the solution when . . .

He prays “show me now your ways, that I may know You. .

. .” (Exodus 33:13, NKJV)

God replies “My Presence will go with you, and I will give

you rest.” (Exodus 33:14, NKJV)

How can we best handle ‘bad days’? Ask God to know Him

better; then experience His Presence and His rest.

Gary Craton

Moses and the Really Bad Day

Day 4

“I want to know Christ – yes, to know the power of his

resurrection and participation in his sufferings. . . .”

Philippians 3:10 (NIV)

Let me ask you a simple question. Do you know the President of

the United States? Now, I didn’t ask you if you like him or

dislike him, if you have an opinion about him, or even if you

know who he is. I asked, do you KNOW the President. How

many times have you sat down at the White House table and

dined with him? How many times have you played golf together?

Another simple question… Do you know Jesus Christ? Now, I

didn’t ask you if you like him or dislike him, if you have an

opinion about him, or even if you know who he is. I asked, do

you KNOW Jesus Christ. How many times have you sat down at

His table? How many deep conversations have you shared? How

many times have you taken Him to the golf course… (or maybe I

should say ‘into rush hour traffic!’) …ouch!

Look at the passage above. Paul says, “I want to KNOW Christ!”

I want to know the POWER of His resurrection; I want to

PARTICIPATE in His sufferings. The rest of the verse says,

“becoming like Him in His death.”

That is very different than knowing ABOUT Him… or knowing

the stories of the Bible… even different than understanding

theological principles of the Scriptures. Knowledge is good, but

KNOWING is better.

Spend time getting to KNOW Christ today. Get inside His mind!

Paul says, “Let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus. . .

.” (see Philippians 2) – Get inside His heart! Love people like HE

loves people. Your prayer should be – ‘Lord, let my heart break

for the things that break Your heart.’

Knowing … and Knowing

Day 5

In Philippians 3:8, Paul sums it up this way;

“What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the


LORD, for whose sake I have lost ALL things. I consider them

GARBAGE, that I may gain Christ.” (NIV) (emphasis mine!)

Discover the difference today. Get to KNOW Christ a little bit

better! God Bless!

Jerry Anderson

So we being many, are one body in Christ and individually

members of one another.” (Romans 12:5, NKJV)

If an orchestra is harmonious, it’s not because they’re all playing

the same instrument; it’s because they’re all playing the same


If a football team is unified, it does not mean that everyone’s

playing the same position. It does mean everybody’s going to the

same goal line.

If our great choir at Woodlawn is singing in wonderful harmony,

it’s not because they are singing the same parts; it’s because

they’re adding their part to the same song.

It is the goal that produces the unity. Unity is not sameness.

Unity is working together toward the same purpose.

See 1 Corinthians 12:12–31.

Mike Daughtrey


Day 6

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans

to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a

future.” – Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

As I began thinking through this devotion, and sat down to begin

writing, suddenly the words to the song on the radio at the

moment cut through my thoughts… Be Thou my vision, Lord…

Be Thou my vision, Lord… Be Thou MY VISION, Lord! Look

at this text:

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart,

Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art-

Thou my best thought, by day or by night,

Waking or sleeping, Thy presence, my light.

Be Thou my wisdom and Thou my true Word,

I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord.

Thou my great Father, I Thy true son,

Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.1

So, where does YOUR vision come from?

I had a teen in my youth group many years ago whose dad had

aspired to be a baseball player. Due to some injuries, he was

unable to play – but he placed his goal upon his son. His desire

was for Grey to be the best baseball player ever. Was that Grey’s

desire? Not really. Did he have a choice? Unfortunately, no.

Our vision can come from many places. Like Grey, it came from

his dad.

The hymn writer had the idea. Lord – YOU be my vision – my

thought – my light – my wisdom – my dwelling place. The book

of Jeremiah clearly says that the LORD has plans for you, and they

Be Thou, My Vision, Lord!

Day 7

1Traditional Irish hymn, translated by Mary E. Byrne.

are good plans. And, we discover those plans by spending quality

time with the Lord, and in His Word.

Did Grey buy into his dad’s vision? Yes, to some degree, and for

a period of time. Is he a world famous baseball player today? No,

he is not.

Our pastor has shared with us a vision for Woodlawn Baptist

Church. It is a worthwhile vision, based in scripture, for any New

Testament church. It will be easy for us as a church to buy in . . .

for a while. It will only last, however, if it becomes OUR vision

– YOUR vision – MY vision – confirmed in each of us

individually as we spend time with the Lord, and in His Word.

Look again at the words to that second verse, “I ever with Thee

and Thou with me, Lord … Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee


Re-read that hymn and make it your prayer today, that God’s

vision for His church will become personal to you, practical for

you, and powerful IN you today.

Jerry Anderson

Have you ever given any thought to the world of difference

between entitlement and privilege?

Entitlement asks, “What’s in it for me?”

Privilege asks, “What’s in it for you?”

I often see this difference when I take the family out to Chick-fil-

A™. I approach the counter with a sense of entitlement,

expecting to get something yummy for lunch. I’m always

pleasantly surprised to discover an employee who considers it a

privilege to serve—and not just to serve chicken sandwiches, but

to serve my family and me. I’m not sure which tastes better,

treating myself to a Chick-fil-A™ Chicken Sandwich or being

treated like a human being who’s special if for no other reason

than the wonderful truth that he’s made in the image of God. I go

to Chick-fil-A™ like I’m entitled to receive. I leave Chick-fil-

A™ with feeling like it really was their privilege to serve.

Peter, “a slave and an apostle of Jesus Christ,” writes to believers

who “have obtained a faith of equal privilege as ours...” (2 Peter

1:1, HCSB)

It seems that Peter believed, along with all the other apostles, that

Christ had purchased them out of their slavery to sin—a purchase

that made them slaves to Christ—and sent them out (the meaning

of “apostle”) as commissioned representatives to continue

Christ’s mission in the world. This “faith of equal privilege” had

nothing to do with an entitlement to receive and everything to do

with the privilege to serve.

Woodlawn’s vision - “To Know Christ and Make Him Known”—

speaks of privilege, not entitlement. We, like Peter, have been

apprehended to know Christ and sent to make him known. It is a

faith of equal privilege.

Cris Alley

A Faith of Equal Privilege

Day 8


The Savior

A few years ago, Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger wrote a book

called Simple Church. Every evangelical Christian needs to read

that book. Simple Church simplifies what evangelicals tend to

complicate. That’s not to say that Rainer and Geiger’s view of

church is simplistic; rather, you might say that they’ve recaptured

the profound simplicity of the New Testament church.

To me, church is as simple as 1-2-3.

The church has one purpose: glorify God – Ephesians 1:1–14

tells us that the whole plan of redemption, from God’s creation of

the first heaven and first earth to God’s re-creation of the new

heaven and new earth, unfolds “to the praise of his

glory.” (HCSB) In fact, if I’m involved in anything that doesn’t

expose the excellencies of our God, it’s probably a waste of time.

The church is sent in two directions: called out and sent back –

We see this in the ministry of Jesus. He called a group of people

to himself and taught them the Great Commandment. Then he

sent them back into the world with the Great Commission. He

poured his life into them so he could pour his life through them.

The church fulfills her mission through three methods:

worship, discipleship, service – Woodlawn gathers each week to

fulfill the Great Commandment. In worship, we exalt the savior.

In discipleship, we equip the saint. Then Woodlawn scatters each

week to fulfill the Great Commission. In service, we combine acts

of kindness with gospel witness to evangelize the sinner.

The church’s three methods of worship, discipleship, and service

fulfill the two directions of the Great Commandment and the

Great Commission for the one purpose of an ever-expanding,

worldwide chorus of praise. It’s church as simple as 1-2-3.

Cris Alley

Church, As Simple as 1-2-3

Day 9

For we do not want you to be unaware, brothers, of the affliction

we experienced in Asia. For we were so utterly burdened beyond

our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that

we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us

rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead.

2 Corinthians 1:8–10, ESV

Some years back, my wife and I went through several

miscarriages. Man, you talk about tough to handle. I do not think

we will ever get over the loss of our precious children.

A portion of scripture that brought great comfort to both of us

during those times was 2 Corinthians 1:1–7. Those verses spoke

about the comfort that comes from God and others in such

difficult times. But I began to learn another truth during those

times, as well.

Scripture doesn’t promise that we can handle whatever life throws

at us.

The strain of these miscarriages was truly beyond our emotional

and spiritual capacity to handle. The truth is, life is hard, painful,

and often unbearable, sometimes, so unbearable that we are in

despair of our own lives.

Have you ever been there? Life will give us more than we can

handle! That’s a fact! When we finally give up, we are ready to

let God work.

Romans 8:28–29 says that God is working on our behalf to

transform us into the likeness of Jesus.

Christian, God always has your good in mind, because your good

is His Glory! Be encouraged!! In your difficulty, will you exalt

Exalt Him in All Things

Day 10

Jesus? Will you make Him known? Will you be a bright light to

a hurting world? God is good and He loves us with an everlasting

love. Let the world see Him in you as He gives you unspeakable

grace in your suffering.

Rely on Him today. After all, He is the God who raises the dead!

Ed Braswell

In the words of Christian music artist Jimmy Needham, “You can

sing all you want to and still get it wrong, worship is more than a


Exalting the Savior is worship; worship is living in gratitude for

God’s grace and power. It is much deeper than a reaction you had

to a song in church. It is much more than a feeling you got during

a dramatic reenactment of the life and death of Jesus. It is

looking beyond the wonder and living for Jesus in the most

mundane of moments. To exalt the savior we must connect to the

eternal God not just a moment of wonder.

The Israelites experienced this same thing. In chapter 14 of

Exodus they witnessed God move an ocean so that they could

escape the army that was pursuing them. By chapter 32 they were

making a golden calf to worship in God’s place. You see, they

connected to the wonder of the ocean moving rather than the one

who made the ocean move. They connected to the temporary

rather than the eternal. When the wonder wore off they were left

confused and impatient. If they were truly living a life of worship

they would have found peace in the mundane as well as the


Where does your heart lie? Are you exalting the savior, or simply

connecting to music, drama, and preaching on Sunday. Stay

focused on God, and the temporary music and moments of

wonder will be eternally sweeter.

Kyle Patton

Exalt the Savior

Day 11

Have you ever been to a pro wrestling event?

Well, I have to admit that I have. It’s the strangest and one of the

funniest, entertaining events that I have ever attended. I have to

break some news to you; pro wrestling is staged! Before the

wrestlers ever get out, it has been determined who will win.

The contenders go through the battle for entertainment purposes

but the point of the battle is not to decide who will win but to give

the crowd a show. The winner of the match does not battle for

victory but from victory. He battles knowing that he’s already


Those who come to Jesus Christ have already won! God allows

us to go through our Christian walk, not to win the victory, but to

show off to the world that He that is in us is greater than he that is

in the world.

John 16:33 says, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me

you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but

be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (NKJV)

Mike Daughtrey


Day 12

John Piper, in his book Let the Nations Be Glad, makes a startling

statement. He says, “Mission exists because worship doesn’t.”

I read this just before our family departed the states to serve as

your missionaries with the International Mission Board. Nothing

short of Scripture prepared me for missionary work like that

statement from John Piper.

You see, it didn’t take long to realize that my love for the lost

made a pretty thin motivation for missionary work. In fact, my

love for the lost barely survived the challenges of jet lag! Not

only was my love insufficient; their need was, as well. To be

perfectly honest, there were some people we met on the field so

full of evil you almost felt wrong offering God’s forgiveness and

eternal life.

But over time I learned the challenges of missionary work and the

darkest evil of sinful people never could outweigh or overshadow

the infinite weight of God’s worth. God deserves the praises of

the nations but the enemy is robbing Him of His glory. And the

deeper they were in darkness, the brighter the light and the more

glorious their praise.

Salvation was primary (first) but worship was ultimate (most


Missionary work no longer relied on my fickle motivation or their

intrinsic worth. Instead, missionary work found eternal

motivation in the infinite worth of God. God grew to mean so

much to me that my praise wasn’t enough. Missionary work

became all about adding people to the choir.

Day 13

Worship is Ultimate

Dena and I wrote a song that captured this truth for us:

I’ve heard it said, “Your love is amazing indeed. If I were alone

You’d have given Your life just for me.” But I see a day when the

church will measure the weight of Your worth, an endless obses-

sion as far as the eye can see.

O for a thousand tongues, praising the Holy One, not just for

what You’ve done for me, but for Your matchless love, my words

are not enough, multiply millions praising You for all eternity.

Exalt the Savior; extend to the nations the praises due His name!

Cris Alley


The Saint

Matthew 4:18–20

Matthew 28:18–20

My grandfather was a preacher all of my life. I spent most

summers with him and my grandmother. In fact, I spent as much

time with them as I possibly could. One thing I remember

consistently about my grandfather is most days we were with

someone else. It could have been a church member who was in

the hospital, a church member who was struggling, a friend of a

church member who had questions about religion, or some

stranger we met while out and about. Whoever it was and

whatever the circumstance, Granddaddy was never uncomfortable

talking with them, listening to them, and praying with them.

When I surrendered to a call to ministry, Granddaddy said to me,

“Do it the way I taught you.” I never remember him saying much

during those early years, but I do remember that when I began to

serve churches much of the work came naturally because

Granddaddy had spent those years “making” a disciple.

In Matthew 4 Jesus says, “Follow me and I will make you fishers

of men.” For the next three years they followed him and watched.

They asked questions and listened. They never fully understood

all that He did and said until right before His ascension when He

said to them, “Go and make disciples. . . .” The response of those

men is well documented.

As I read these words and I look at my own life, I have to ask,

“Am I doing it the way Jesus did?” Am I following Granddaddy’s

directive, “Do it the way I taught you.” Who am I making into a


Peter West

Who Am I Making?

Day 14

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted…”

(Ephesians 4:32, NKJV)

There was a school teacher who had a very poor little girl in his

class. One day, the teacher bought every one of his children a

popsicle. It was near the end of the day so the teacher told them

to eat them and not make a mess. They were sixth graders, and

just a great group of kids.

As they were eating their popsicles the teacher noticed one little

girl whose popsicle juice was dripping out of her desk. She said,

“Dorothy, you’re supposed to eat that popsicle before it melts.”

Dorothy said, “Ma’am, school’s nearly out and I’m saving half of

it for my brother. He’s never had a popsicle before in his life.”

The teacher was moved and went away blessed and humbled by a

little girl who wanted to share her popsicle with her little brother.

Paul told the Ephesians to be kind and tenderhearted to one

another. He was telling them to be like little Dorothy, who put her

brother before herself. That is exactly what God has called us to

do. Think about the ways you can put others around you before

yourself by making Christ known.

Dr. Ed Yount

The Value of a Popsicle

Day 15

“Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves.”

(Romans 12:10, NIrV)

In KidZone, as part of our Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry

at Woodlawn, we always teach a monthly virtue. For the month

of October our virtue was HONOR. One week, the bottom-line

application was “HONOR others by putting them first.”

One of our children’s teachers challenged her class to work on

honoring others.

That week, the teacher honored her husband by buying the

groceries and packing his lunch so he did not have to do it before

he went to work the next morning. Her example inspired our


One of the children baked cookies with her mom for the teachers

and custodians at her school.

Another child paid for a policewoman’s lunch with her own


The next Sunday we celebrated all God had done through our

children’s ministry to honor others. We encouraged all of the kids

in KidZone to continue to HONOR others in the weeks to come.

In our Children’s Ministry we are equipping our children to exalt

Christ in their everyday lives.

Erica Whitener

So Easy a Child Can Do It

Day 16

From the debt ceiling to rising crime rates, it is easy to see that

the world we live in is not where God wants it to be. It does not

take a political analyst or well dressed news anchor to come to the

conclusion that something must be done to bring this nation back

to God.

Jesus has laid out, in the book of John, the only way to create

such a change. He has equipped us with the tool that we need to

get our nation and ourselves into a life of obedience. In John

15:12, Jesus equips his followers with the tool that is designed to

change the world. Jesus says “…Love each other as I have loved

you.” (NCV) WOW! WHAT!?

That’s it? There’s no five-point strategy or super deep book to

read? I don’t have to call a meeting and talk about it for hours on

end? NO!!! All I have to do is love others like Christ has loved

me. However, to do this I must first understand what Jesus meant

when he said “…as I have loved you.”

I believe 1 John 4:8 gives us the understanding we need. It states

that “God is love.” So if we look at what Jesus said through the

eyes of 1 John we can come to the conclusion that we must lead

people to God as Jesus led people to God. God is Love. God

didn’t create love. He is love. God created monkeys, but God is

not a monkey. 1 John gives us a look into the mystery that is

God. God is a lot of things we don’t know, but one thing we do

know is, God is Love.

So in essence God was telling his followers that we must lead

people to the Father. We must “love” our family and teach them

to “love” as well. We must encourage the lost to accept “Love”

so they can in turn “love” others.

To conclude, the song “All we need is love” is absolutely correct,

as long as we understand that we’re talking about God’s love. An

understanding and common practice of God’s love is the only

thing that will change the world. - Kyle Patton

Equip the Saint

Day 17

“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some

evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of

the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of

Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the

knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of

the stature of the fullness of Christ…”

Ephesians 4:11–13 NJKV

One of the ways that you know a bowler is serious about his

game is that they carry custom-made bowling balls. These

custom-made bowling balls are constructed to the appropriate

weight and grip so that they fit the particular bowler’s

uniqueness. To have a custom-made ball is to increase the

possibility of effective delivery so that you can hit the mark.

God has constructed, or formed, every member of His body in a

customized way. He has uniquely crafted every one of us to hit

the mark of His purpose and calling on our lives. You, in fact,

are custom-made.

God will challenge each of us to use our uniqueness to hit the

mark through Woodlawn Baptist Church. Are you in the game?

Mike Daughtrey

You are Unique

Day 18

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid . . . for the Lord,

your God goes with you.” - Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV

Over the past few years, I have enjoyed hearing stories about

preschoolers “getting” the stories that we have been teaching

them. Our teachers equip our little preschoolers how to face

anything that comes their way, even when they are young. As a

preschooler, they can struggle with things like being afraid of the

dark, waking up with a nightmare, and learning to obey.

So in the preschool ministry we want each child to grow up and

know Christ and then to make HIM known. Every lesson from the

Bible that we teach our preschoolers is built around three things:

God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their

friend forever.

I have had several parents tell me about their children and how

they have used the different songs and themes that go along with

the month to help remind them to NOT be afraid because God is

always with them. Or, when they wake up in the middle of the

night with a nightmare, they can remind their children that God

will protect them. It is so cool to see each child understanding the

concepts that we teach.

This past month we have been focusing on “I can always count on

GOD!” The kids learn that they can always count on GOD,

anytime; and when they trust and obey GOD, He can help them

do super cool things.

When we equip our preschoolers, we help the church of the future

exalt the Savior today.

Erica Whitener

Equipping for a Lifetime

Day 19

“ My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my

commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace

they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness

forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the

tablet of your heart.” - Proverbs 3:1–3, ESV

I think we can all agree, children are some of the most precious

gifts we are given. I can very easily and fondly recall those

moments when my wife and I first discovered we were pregnant,

the first ultrasounds, the trip to the hospital, the nervously-excited

anticipation, and those first cries, the first steps . . . we could go


We promise ourselves that we will love them and protect them

(and we mean it). We want the best for them. We want them to

have every opportunity to enjoy life (band, sports, toys, church

activities . . . just to name a few).

We must not forget that Jesus says, “I came that they may have

life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10, ESV) FULL LIFE.

That is what Jesus promises. Are we sacrificing a FULL LIFE for

one that makes our children happy for a while?

It is hard to believe that someone could love and provide for our

own children more than we can. But it is true. Jesus is the only

One who satisfies!

Let us be diligent to give our children and grandchildren Jesus

ALL the time. Let’s teach them of His goodness and love, His

mercy and justice. Let’s Equip our children and grandchildren to

love and live for God all of their days, and to Exalt Him for

generations to come.

Take a moment and ask God to forgive you today if you have not

poured Jesus into your children and grandchildren. Ask God to

give you grace today as you pour His message into the lives of

your children/grandchildren. - Ed Braswell

Equipping Begins at Home

Day 20


The Sinner

Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (NKJV)

Suppose you are a doctor and there was a disease that everyone

had. Now, even though the symptoms were different, everybody

that caught the disease died. Let’s also say that you, as a

physician, came up with a cure.

What would you say about a doctor who knew everybody else

was dying and wouldn’t share the solution he had?

This is the situation for many Christians. The Bible says that the

whole world is dead in trespasses and in sin. If we have met

Jesus, we’ve found the cure. How dare we keep it to ourselves!

How dare we be on our way to heaven and not care that people

are drowning and on their way to hell!

How can we not make sharing the Gospel a priority?

Mike Daughtrey

The Solution

Day 21

And all were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another,

“What does this mean?”

But others mocking said, “They are filled with new wine.”

Acts 2:12–13, ESV

It can be very difficult to live consistently for Jesus. Life gets

busy, we forget, we find other things to occupy our time. As if

those things are not enough of a distraction, throw in how other

people respond and we have a real mess.

Here in the book of Acts, we see the different ways people will

respond to the work of God in the life of a believer. Some were

in “awe” at God’s work in their lives (that’s a good thing).

Others thought, “those stupid, drunk, Jesus people.”

But the disciples’ course stayed true, their mission undeterred.

Exalt Jesus at any price! All through the book Acts (and the rest

of the New Testament), we see all kinds of responses thrown in

the direction of the early Christians.

Acts 1:8 promises that we will receive the power of God when the

Holy Spirit comes on us – to be His witnesses everywhere.

Will you trust God today with your witness? Will you trust that

His Power is more than sufficient to provide courage and

conviction as you seek to Exalt Him today?

The strength the disciples had to stay true, even in the face of

certain mockery and potential physical pain was given to them by

The All-Powerful Creator.

Spend a few moments right now confessing those times when you

have allowed the response of others to dissuade you from living a

Gospel-Centered life. Ask God to fill you once more with His

Power so that you might Exalt Him today. He’s worth it!

Ed Braswell

No Fear

Day 22

You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you

that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should

remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may

give you. - John 15:16, NKJV

During the 1980s, one evangelism training course in Southern

Baptist life took place in WIN Schools (Witness Involvement

Now). Three evenings of training in the “what” and “how” of

evangelism included helping people share their story (testimony)

and share Jesus’ story (the Gospel). The fourth evening involved

going out and practicing what you had studied.

Folks who went through this training learned that “successful

witnessing is sharing Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit

and leaving the results to God.”

Sharing your story and Jesus’ story is not merely something laid

upon “professional staff” or a few bold leaders to go and do. The

Bible makes it clear that every Christ follower has a personal

responsibility to go and be His witnesses. We are to simply be

obedient. The Holy Spirit does His work of conviction and brings

about salvation. So, when we go and share we have been

successful. Obedience is the key.

In one training event, the wife of a long-time pastor came to me

(the trainer) at the end of the Wednesday evening session. Fear

was in her face and evident in her voice. “I’ve never shared the

Gospel with anyone. My husband always does that.” She was

told that tomorrow would be her turn.

When she returned from the visit the next day, we all could see a

smile a mile wide across her face. She shared how she had

presented Jesus’ story and how someone came to Christ. She had

become a faithful witness not because someone accepted Christ

but because she was obedient to Christ’s command for every


Every Believer Sent to Share

Day 23

Many are not sharing their story and Jesus’ story because they

believe that it is someone else’s job. That is not true according to

the Bible. Every Christ follower must and can be involved in the

sowing of the Seed of the Gospel and in the harvest of precious

souls for our King.

Today as you pray, ask our Father to give someone to your heart

that is far from God. Ask Him to set you up with an opportunity

to be obedient. Sow the Seed. God might just use you to begin

a great harvest!

Duane Kuykendall

Acts 27:39–28:10

I love how God shows things in scripture. I’ve read this focal

passage many times and understood that Paul went through much

getting to Rome. Recently, I noticed a small section that I had

never noticed before.

Luke, the writer of Acts, points out that Paul and his companions,

being shipwrecked on the small island of Malta, had been

welcomed by Publius, the leading man of the island. Paul learned

that Publius’s father was ill. Paul prayed for him and he was

healed. It goes on to say that others on the island, after hearing of

the healing, came to Paul and were healed as well. WOW!! Is it

possible that God sent Paul on this detour just so that he could

encounter Publius’s father and these other folks?

Yes it is!! For one thing, the detour to Malta showed that,

ultimately, God is in control and will do what He wants to bring

honor to Himself. Paul recognized that. He would write later that

he had, “learned to be content in any and all circumstances,” even

when the ministry opportunities seemed small and insignificant in

comparison to what he was used to doing.

How many times have I been in the midst of a trial and been

confronted with someone else’s need that only I am in a position

to meet? How many times have I lamented that “I want to do

great things for God,” and missed the opportunity to bless

someone for Christ’s sake.

Ultimately, all He really wants from me is faithfulness and

availability. Where will God have me minister today? Where is

my Malta today?

Peter West

Where is Malta?

Day 24

Once in awhile a sermon or a Sunday School lesson hangs around

for days. Now, I’m not saying that there has ever been a time

when studying God’s Word, that it has been an empty experience

for me, because this has never been the case.

Sometimes though, the “lesson” seems to demand further study,

consideration and meditation. And, at the ripe old age of

“definitely on the down-hill side of 50,” I have come to

understand that when this happens, I’ll sleep better if I’ll just take

the time God would have me take with that specific portion of His


The most recent occurrence of this phenomenon is actually

connected to one of my favorite stories about Jesus—His trip to

Samaria where He encountered the adulteress woman at the well.

I love the fact that even now, a most familiar Scripture can be

completely fresh through the power of the Holy Spirit. So, what

was my “new learning?”

Jesus “had to go through Samaria” (John 4:4). Jesus had to go

there. How in the world am I just now, seeing this? Well, I’ve

learned that like everything else God has planned for me, He also

plans for me to “get something” at His appointed time. I guess

this is how the Word of God stays fresh for us our entire lives.

Anyway, the history of Jesus’ time makes very clear that the Jews

and the Samaritans didn’t like each other, avoided each other and

had felt this way about each other for hundreds of years.

When working with the Youth in Sunday School a couple of

years ago, we studied this Scripture one Sunday morning. I guess

since the kids are in such intense contact at school and other

places with so many other adolescents, they immediately saw

several life applications as a result of learning about how Jesus’

ministered to the woman at the well. What then is my life

application now that I have learned that Jesus had to go to


Sent to Samaria

Day 25

Jesus clearly had a divine appointment with the woman at the


Where is it that I have to go? Who will God have waiting for me

there? And what divine appointments await Woodlawn Baptist?

As an individual and as a member of God’s Church, I am praying

to discern where God has appointed for me to go, and with whom

He would have me connect for their salvation, for the building up

of His Kingdom and for His glory. How about you?

Pat Hensley

God has given us a command that too often is ignored. God has

told us to “Go and make followers of all people in the world.

Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy

Spirit. Teach them to obey everything that I have taught you. . .

.” (Matthew 28:19–20, NCV)

But if we read this command in light of what we do, this

command reads more like, “Invite people to church and events

and hope they learn to obey God. If time doesn’t permit, don’t

worry about it because God forgives. . . .”

If we are really serious about the 65,000 that need Jesus in our

own back yard, this has to change. We must begin to actively

seek those who do not know Jesus as well as those who do know

Jesus but have fallen away.

We must teach them that Christ wants to save and forgive. We

must teach them to read scripture. We must teach them what we

learn when we read scripture.

If this is done right, we will not have to invite them to church,

because God will grab their hearts and we will not be able to keep

them away from church.

To conclude, look for a lost person this week. Share the gospel

with them, and begin to teach them to obey. I know that seems

awkward, but it has been my experience that the lost are looking

to be rescued anyway.

Kyle Patton

Evangelize the Sinner

Day 26

“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the

Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. “

(Colossians 3:17, NIV)

I overheard them talking in the hallway, two students huddled

together at the school where I work. “But why would I want to be

a Christian? She is, and just look at her. She’s just as mad and

upset as the rest of us. She’s a mess. If you ask me, there is no

difference between the way she responds to things and the way

that I do.”

You maybe have heard similar statements from unbelievers. And

sadly, sometimes, they are right. If asked, would the people that

you interact with at work or in your neighborhood know that you

are a follower of Jesus? They may know that you go to church,

but do they see any tangible difference in the way that you live

each day?

You see, the easy part is learning about God and his commands,

knowing what the Bible says, and telling people that we are

“Christians.” But, the true test?


Do we live in such a way that our lives point to God without us

having to say anything? Is there a difference between those of us

who follow Jesus and those who don’t? If there isn’t, we have

little hope of reaching the lost. People need to see a difference—

that this Jesus who we claim as Savior, really is.

To reach the lost around us—“To Know Christ and Make Him

Known”—we must choose to follow Him, even in the hard

things. When the diagnosis comes back as cancer, when we can’t

Live the Difference

Day 27

find employment, when we lose a loved one, when we are

struggling to pay our bills, when we have been treated unfairly ...

let people see the difference that knowing Jesus makes.

Friends, we do not face anything alone (Hebrews 13:5). We love

and give and move and breathe and TRUST because of what God

has already given to us. And THAT should change everything;

not because we are better, or because we have figured everything

out, but because of CHRIST.

Kara Osborne

Recently I went in for my annual eye exam (my last one was

actually three years ago). The doctor asked if there had been any

changes in the family. I shared but not too much. I told him I

heard he had some big changes coming. He responded, “We’re

expecting a girl!” He had a smile from ear to ear.

If we are asked about our children we proudly bring out the

billfold filled with pictures or, this day and time, perhaps the

phone with pictures and even videos. If we have grandchildren a

wider grin and even more pictures. Having great-grandchildren

brings out a pride that says, “I have a long heritage.”

If someone were to ask us to share about our spiritual children,

grandchildren and even great-grandchildren would we respond in

the same way?

In 2 Timothy 2:2, Paul told Timothy to “pass on the things he had

been taught to faithful men who will also be able to teach others.”

That is at least four generations of spiritual children.

So, now I am asking: “Tell me about your spiritual children. Tell

me first about the one(s) that haven’t yet been born again. Tell

me about your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in

the Lord.”

We need to be leaving a spiritual legacy not only of what we did

at church but one that includes the lives of precious children in

the Lord. We must help them grow in obedience to the

commands of our Lord.

Some are saying, “I don’t have a spiritual legacy of those I have

led to Jesus and helped disciple for the journey.” The good news

is it is not too late! You can begin today sharing your story, your

Spiritual Children

Day 28

testimony, and Jesus’ story, and learn how to simply help those

who come to Christ begin the journey right.

Pray and ask the Lord with whom He would have you building a

witnessing relationship. Tell another Christ-follower who this

person is and ask them to pray with you. Also ask them to hold

you accountable to do your part in having spiritual children.

Obedience will bring a great heritage. Don’t wait.

Duane Kuykendall

In Hebrews 10:36 Paul writes, “For you have need of endurance,

so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the

promise.” (NKJV)

A father was trying to get his son not to give up so easily. He

said, “Son, you’ve got to hang in there and not quit. Look at

Abraham Lincoln. He did not quit. Look at Thomas Edison. He

did not quit. Look at Douglas McArthur. He did not quit.”

Then he said, “Look at Elmo McCringle.”

The son said, “Wait a minute, Dad. Who is Elmo McCringle?”

The father said, “See. He quit.”

Don’t throw in the towel when the going gets tough. And we

know as Christians that the way, on many occasions, is hard.

Hang in there! Not that we may be famous, but to make Christ


Mike Daughtrey


Day 29

“Be strong, do not fear!” (Isaiah 35:4, NKJV)

Mrs. Monroe was a housewife from Darlington, Maryland and the

mother of eight children. She came home one afternoon from the

grocery store and walked into her home. Everything looked pretty

much the same as usual. However she immediately noticed it was

extremely quiet, and with that many children she knew that

spelled trouble.

After searching the house, she found five of her darling children,

sitting in a circle in the middle of the living room, extremely

quiet, doing something in the middle of the circle. She put down

the bags of groceries to take a closer look. She could hardly

believe her eyes when she saw her children petting five of the

cutest skunks you could ever imagine.

Then it happened! She was instantly terrified at the sight of the

skunks and she started to scream: “Run, children! Run!” Each

child grabbed a skunk and ran in five different directions in the

house. She was beside herself and screamed even louder. The

children were now so scared that each one squeezed his skunk.

And we all know that skunks do not like to be squeezed!

Some people go through life squeezing skunks because of fear.

However the Bible says, “Be strong, do not fear!” In other words,

quit squeezing skunks!

As the people of God at Woodlawn, we are called to live by faith

and not fear. Let us embrace the vision before us and go forward

in faith to know Christ and to make Him known!

Dr. Ed Yount

Quit Squeezing Skunks

Day 30