A Tracer Study of Headspace Ventilation in a Collector Sewer

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  • 7/30/2019 A Tracer Study of Headspace Ventilation in a Collector Sewer


    Parker and Ryan

    582 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 51April 2001

    ISSN 1047-3289J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc.51:582-592

    Copyright 2001 Air & Waste Management Association


    A Tracer Study of Headspace Ventilation in a Collector Sewer

    Wayne J. Parker

    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Helen Ryan

    Industrial Wastes Section, Regional Municipality of OttawaCarleton, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


    A field-scale tracer test was conducted to evaluate in-situ

    ventilation rates in a major collector sewer. The sewer

    under study was ~11 km long and ranged from 0.61 to

    2.1 m in diameter. For the purposes of the tracer testing,the collector was divided into four reaches, each of which

    was tested individually. The tracer test involved injecting

    a measured volume of CO gas into a manhole over a short

    time period. CO concentrations were then measured in

    the collector headspace at selected manholes along the

    length of the reach.

    The technique employed successfully measured av-

    erage headspace velocities over extended lengths of the

    collector. In a section that had a relatively stagnant

    headspace, ~1.1 km of sewer could be evaluated, with sub-

    stantial tracer loss attributed to losses to manholes. In a

    section of the sewer with elevated headspace velocities, asection ~7.0 km long was successfully tested with one in-

    jection of tracer gas. The velocities observed in the collec-

    tor varied substantially with time and location in the

    collector. The lowest velocities measured were in the up-

    stream sections, with a minimum observed value of 3.8

    m/min. The highest velocities were observed in the down-

    stream sections, with a maximum value of 31.5 m/min.

    The presence of a substantial drop structure appeared to

    reduce the headspace velocity in the upstream reach. In

    general, there was an increasing trend in gas-phase flows

    with distance along the length of the collector. Flows at


    Ventilation in sewer systems impacts on gas-phase con-

    centrations of volatile substances as well as on emis-

    sions of these substances from sewer systems. The

    study described here consisted of tracer analysis of

    headspace ventilation in a full-scale collector sewer and

    is the first study of its kind. The results of this study pro-

    vide a range of ventilation rates that can be used as guid-

    ance when modeling the fate of volatile substances in

    sewer systems.

    the discharge end of the collector were almost 2 orders of

    magnitude greater than those at the beginning.


    The Regional Municipality of OttawaCarleton is conduct-ing an ongoing study of the ventilation patterns within

    its collector sewer systems. The information collected in

    this study will subsequently be employed to assess the

    fate of volatile organic compounds and odor-bearing com-

    pounds within the collector system. A number of studies

    describing the behavior of these substances in sewer en-

    vironments have been reported.1-5 In these studies, the

    parameter consistently recognized as an unknown is the

    degree of headspace ventilation that occurs under natu-

    ral conditions. Five factors that have been identified as

    contributing to sewer ventilation include wind across ven-

    tilation stacks, wastewater drag, the rise and fall of waste-water levels, temperature differentials, and barometric

    pressure fluctuations.6

    Pilot and field-scale tests were performed to assess the

    impact of wind and wastewater drag on sewer ventilation.6

    In the pilot study, it was found that the water velocity and

    the relative depth of water in the sewer impacted upon air

    movement. The average air velocity was found to increase

    with the product of the water surface width and the liquid

    velocity divided by the hydraulic radius of the headspace.

    In experiments with a 300-mm diameter pipe, the average

    velocity approached a limiting value of 0.2 m/sec. The field

    studies focused primarily upon exchange of headspace gaswith the atmosphere through educt stacks and did not fo-

    cus directly on movement of the headspace gas.

    Field testing of headspace ventilation in two sewer

    reaches with lengths ranging from 464 to 803 m has been

    reported.7 In this study, the use of continuous injection

    of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and slug injection of CO was

    evaluated, with the latter determined to be superior when

    losses of tracer to manholes occurred. In a sewer with a

    diameter of 0.9 m and a slope of 0.2%, the headspace

    velocities were found to vary from 0.09 to 0.17 m/sec.

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    Volume 51April 2001 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 583

    The studies of Pescod and Price6 and Monteith et al.7

    do not include all of the sewer structures and conditions

    that may be present in large collector sewer systems. For

    example, the presence of drop structures and hot-water

    discharges in a sewer system may impact upon the migra-

    tion of sewer gases. An approach for estimating ventila-

    tion in full-scale systems based on pressure measurements

    and the use of empirical correlations that relate velocity

    to pressure drop has been reported.8 However, limited

    measured data are available that describe ventilation pat-

    terns in full-scale sewer systems; hence, in this project,

    the ventilation patterns in a major collector sewer were

    evaluated. A volume of tracer gas was injected into se-

    lected manholes along the length of the collector and was

    continuously monitored at downstream manholes. All

    manholes were maintained in place to ensure that the

    sewer was functioning in a natural state. Two rounds of

    testing were completed to investigate ventilation under

    warm-weather conditions.


    The sewer evaluated in this study collected sewage from a

    mixture of residential and small industrial sources and

    drained into a second collector through a drop structure

    with a drop height of ~5.8 m. The collector had a length of

    ~11 km and varied in diameter from 0.61 to 2.4 m. The

    slope of the collector varied considerably over the length of

    the sewer, with minimum and maximum slopes of 0.001

    and 0.9%, respectively. The physical dimensions of the col-

    lector are summarized in Table 1. An inverted siphon was

    located 1717 m from the upstream end of the collector. Thesiphon was constantly submerged and, hence, acted as a

    permanent block for headspace movement past this point.

    Two drop structures were located 3496 and 3755 m

    from the upstream end of the collector. Both structures

    were located in the 1.4-m diameter portion of the collec-

    tor and had drop heights of 7.1 and 1.3 m, respectively.

    The collector had a number of small connections enter-

    ing into it along its length. For the purposes of this re-

    port, only the major city connections will be documented.

    The characteristics and locations of the major connec-

    tions are presented in Table 2.


    A tracer technique was employed to characterize the ven-

    tilation patterns in the sewer. In this technique, a volume

    of CO gas was introduced into the sewer at a manhole

    and was monitored at selected manholes downstream of

    the injection point. Selective monitoring was performed

    to determine whether the sewer gas moved countercur-

    rent to the wastewater movement. Under none of the cir-

    cumstances evaluated in this study was the tracer gas

    found to move countercurrent to the wastewater flow.

    The CO gas was injected into the sewer at a controlled

    flow rate from a cylinder of pure gas via a pressure regula-

    tor, a rotameter, and a length of 3-mm inside diameter

    flexible copper tubing. Sampling was conducted by con-

    tinuously pulling gas from the headspace of the sewer via

    this copper tubing and then continuously analyzing the

    gas for CO with an Industrial Scientific Model 410 gas

    detector. The gas was drawn with the detectors Industrial

    Scientific SPF400 on-board pump at a pumping rate of

    ~23 cm3/sec. All injection and sampling tubing was in-

    stalled several days before the tests, and the lines were

    cleaned with compressed air just prior to the test. In all

    cases, the copper tubing was passed through the pick holes

    in the manholes so that the ventilation testing could be

    performed with all manholes in place. The CO gas was

    introduced and withdrawn at an elevation approximatelyin the middle of the sewer headspace. The injection pip-

    ing was bent to direct the CO gas downstream, while the

    sampling tubing was bent to collect gas from upstream.

    Because it was anticipated that CO gas would be lost

    from the tracer due to entrapment in manholes and out-

    gassing from some manholes, the sewer was divided into

    four reaches for testing. The first reach extended from the

    beginning of the collector to the siphon. A summary of

    Table 1. Summary of collector physical characteristics.

    Segment Diameter (m) Incremental Cumulative Range of

    Length (m) Distance (m) Slopes (%)

    1 0.61 1189 1189 0.0070.67

    2 0.69 643 1832 0.090.94

    3 0.76 532 2364 0.0010.77

    4 1.4 518 2882 0.040.48

    5 1.2 1765 4647 0.0010.83

    6 1.4 2788 7435 0.0010.65

    7 1.5 1294 8729 0.0060.32

    8 2.0 1511 10,240 0.0010.44

    9 2.1 808 11,048 0.0010.70

    Table 2. Summary of major connections to collector.

    Cumulative Diameter (cm) Cumulative Diameter (cm)Distance (m) Distance (m)

    0 30, 45 1798 75

    361 25, 25 3291 37.5

    749 25 3496 30

    1111 30 3755 37.5

    1313 20 3760 30

    1491 22.5 3969 22.5

    1533 22.5 6417 61

    1575 37.5

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    584 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 51April 2001

    the reaches and sampling locations is presented in Table 3.

    Differing quantities of CO gas were injected into the

    reaches depending upon the diameter of the reach tested.

    Table 4 presents a summary of the quantities injected into

    these reaches.

    In addition to monitoring CO concentrations, the

    headspace temperature was monitored at the sampling

    locations over the duration of the test. Wastewater flow

    data were collected from the in-sewer monitoring station

    located at the discharge of the collector. Information on

    atmospheric conditions including temperature, wind

    speed, and barometric pressure was obtained from the local

    weather office for the testing period.


    The results of the tracer testing consisted of CO con-

    centrations measured at each monitoring location as a

    function of time. Figure 1 presents typical response

    curves obtained from the three sampling locations in

    the third reach for the first round of testing. The shapes

    of these curves are indicative of a dispersed plug flow

    regime in the sewer headspace. At all three sampling

    locations, the CO concentration increased rapidly to a

    peak value and then decreased at a slower rate with some

    tailing of the curve.

    In all of the runs, the CO peak height consistently

    decreased in magnitude as it progressed through a reach.

    For example, in the first run conducted on the third reach,

    the peak concentrations were 759, 171, and 111 ppm at

    the three sampling locations. There was less of a trend in

    peak widths, with corresponding values of 63, 32, and 35

    min, respectively, for this run. Peak widths were deter-

    mined as the time from which detectable concentrations

    were measured at the monitoring location until the time

    that the gas could no longer be detected. In other runs,

    the peak width increased in some cases and decreased in

    others. The shape of the response curve observed in the

    sewer headspace would be determined by longitudinal

    dispersion in the sewer reaches, exchange of sewer

    headspace with manholes, and gas-liquid mass transfer

    of the tracer. This assumes that migration of the tracer is

    dominated by advective processes and that diffusion can

    be neglected. Given the relatively high velocities measured

    in this study, this assumption is valid.

    If dispersion were the only mechanism affecting the

    shape of the tracer response curve, then the mass of CO

    would be conserved; that is, there would not be any loss

    of CO from the sewer. Exchange with manholes would

    likely result in the loss of some of the CO from the sewer,

    thereby tending to reduce the total area under the con-

    centration versus time curve. In addition, CO gas thatmigrated into a manhole as the bulk of the CO passed by

    could then reenter the sewer headspace and thereby tend

    to extend the duration of the CO peak. Entry of air into

    the sewer along a reach would also change the tracer re-

    sponse curve by diluting the tracer concentration.

    When tracer gas transferred into the liquid phase, it

    would then migrate with the liquid phase. If there were a

    velocity differential between the two phases, the tracer

    could reenter the gas phase from the liquid. To assess the

    potential for this latter mechanism, a dynamic model

    considering the gas-liquid mass transfer of CO for a sewer

    reach flowing half-full with a diameter of 1 m and a lengthof 0.5 km was assembled. A dispersed plug flow regime

    was employed to represent the mixing of the headspace

    in the sewer. A mass transfer coefficient for CO was calcu-

    lated using the correlation of Parkhurst and Pomeroy,9

    which was corrected for the diffusivity of CO, and a

    Henrys Law coefficient of 5 104 atm/mol fraction10 was

    employed. In this test reach, it was found that less than

    2% of the tracer gas transferred from the gas to the liquid

    phase, and there was negligible reentry of CO into the

    gas phase. Hence, for the purposes of this study, it was

    Table 3. Summary of reaches tested.

    Reach Start/End Sample Location Distance from

    Distances (m) Distances (m) Injection (m)

    1 38 118 80

    1651 573 535

    1189 1151

    1651 1613

    2 1794 2329 535

    3722 3722 19283 3722 4765 1043

    7563 6379 2657

    7563 3841

    4 7563 8620 1057

    11,048 9882 2319

    11,048 3485

    Table 4. Summary of CO gas injection.

    Run Reach CO InjectionVol. Flow Mass Flow Duration Volume (L)

    (L/min) (g/min) (min)

    1 1 10 9.6 5 50

    2 10 9.6 5 50

    3 30 28.8 5 150

    4 30 28.8 10 300

    2 2 10 9.6 5 50

    1 10 9.6 5 50

    3, 4 30 28.8 5 150

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    assumed that migration of tracer in the liquid phase had

    a minimal effect on the shape of the gas-phase tracer curve.

    Traditionally, tracer mass recovery is employed as a

    measure of quality control for a tracer study. However,

    these tracers are commonly employed in closed systems

    with constant volumetric flow rates. In the system under

    study, velocities and flow rates varied with distance along

    the sewer. The values subsequently reported were aver-

    aged over the length of each of the subreaches (length of

    collector between an injection and sampling point or be-tween two sampling points) studied and do not reflect

    values at any specific location. Therefore, it was not pos-

    sible to accurately calculate a mass flow rate of tracer at

    any of the monitoring locations. And because an inde-

    pendent measure of flow rate at each monitoring point

    was not available, there was insufficient information to

    perform a formal tracer mass recovery analysis. Subsequent

    discussions of tracer losses refer to changes in the area

    under the concentrationtime diagram and do not repre-

    sent a true tracer recovery analysis.

    The tracer technique employed here was effective

    in quantifying the travel times for headspace gas overrelatively long lengths of collector. In the second run, a

    single injection was effectively employed to character-

    ize the travel times in both reaches 3 and 4, constituting

    a combined length of ~7 km of sewer. This effectiveness

    was primarily due to the relatively high rate of move-

    ment of sewer gas in these reaches, which appeared to

    result in small tracer losses during the test. More diffi-

    culty was encountered in reach 1, where the headspace

    velocities were low and substantial tracer loss was observed.

    In this reach, only the first 1100 m of the reach could be

    evaluated with one injection. The average time required

    for the CO to move through a subreach was estimated as

    the first moment of the peak area around the origin, as



    where tavg

    is the average travel time for CO tracer (min); ti

    is the time of individual CO concentration measurements

    (min); Ci is the CO concentration (ppm); and n is the to-tal number of concentration measurements.

    The average velocity of the gas in each subreach was

    then calculated as the subreach length divided by the

    average travel time in the subreach. It should be noted

    that these velocities were averaged over a considerable

    length of sewer and in several of the subreaches encom-

    passing more than one size of pipe. The entrance of tribu-

    tary connections between sampling locations also

    impacted upon the localized velocities in that additional

    liquid flow entered the sewer at these points. The addi-

    tional liquid flow increased the velocity in the collector

    sewer and, hence, increased the liquid drag on the gasphase. In addition, it is likely that collector sewers intro-

    duce additional gas flows pulled from the tributary sewer

    along with the liquid flow. Thus, local velocities at a point

    would likely have deviated from the average values mea-

    sured in this study. The estimated values of the average

    velocities calculated from the data collected in this study

    are summarized in Table 5.

    Examining Table 5 reveals that the velocities observed

    in the collector varied substantially with time and location

    in the collector. Reach 1 demonstrated the lowest velocities

    Figure 1. CO concentrations in reach 3, run 1.

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    586 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 51April 2001

    in this portion of the study. The low velocities observed

    in this section resulted in considerable loss of tracer gas

    as it progressed through the system. The tracer loss was

    apparent from the substantially diminished size of the

    CO peak observed at the monitoring sites. When the CO

    tracer moved slowly through the collector, there would

    be an increased opportunity for a fraction of the gas to

    migrate into each manhole it passed. In both runs, the

    concentrations measured after the first three subreaches

    had diminished to such an extent that it was not possible

    to measure concentrations in the last subreach, so it was

    not possible to estimate a velocity there. Reach 1 wasbounded by connections to city sewers on the upstream

    end and the siphon on the downstream end. In addition,

    this reach had the smallest diameter, with predominantly

    0.61- and 0.69-m diameter pipe. The combination of the

    obstruction posed by the siphon and the increased friction

    exerted by the small-diameter pipe was likely responsible

    for the low velocities. In general, it would appear that the

    headspace in this section was relatively stagnant as com-

    pared with the other reaches examined in this study.

    The velocities observed in reach 2 were generally

    higher than those in reach 1, likely partially due to the

    absence of a confining structure at the downstream endof reach 2. In both tests of this reach, the velocity in

    subreach 1 was noticeably higher than the velocity in

    subreach 2, despite the fact that the upstream end of

    subreach 1 was effectively sealed by the presence of the

    siphon. The decrease in velocity in subreach 2 may have

    been a result of the presence of a very substantial drop

    structure (drop height = 7.1 m) located in this subreach.

    Drop structures such as these can cause substantial

    in-gassing at that location and pressurize the bottom of

    the drop.8 This pressurization may have reduced the air

    flow through the drop structure; however, because the

    tracer passed through the drop structure, apparently this

    pressurization did not completely stop it. In the second

    test, the velocity in subreach 1 was almost twice that ob-

    served in the first test, indicating a substantial day-to-day

    variability in ventilation within this subreach.

    The velocities observed in reaches 3 and 4 were gen-

    erally higher than those observed in reach 2. The ve-

    locities increased and decreased somewhat randomly

    and appeared to have reached a plateau at a velocity of

    ~25 m/min. Considerable variability was observed be-

    tween the two test runs in some of the subreaches. The

    largest difference was for subreach 1 of reach 3, where

    the velocities differed by a factor of almost 3. Consid-

    erable differences between tests were also observed for

    subreaches 1 and 2 of reach 4, with a factor of almost 2

    for the latter.

    The temperature of the sewer headspace was mea-

    sured at each sampling location as an indicator of the

    discharge of warm streams into the sewer that might

    impact on gas movement. Table 6 summarizes the mini-

    mum, mean, and maximum temperatures measured at

    each sampling location. Several observations can be made

    with respect to the sewer headspace temperatures. In

    general, at each sampling location the headspace tem-

    peratures did not substantially change over the duration

    of a test. This is apparent from the relatively narrow

    ranges about the mean values (typically 1 C). In addi-

    tion, similar trends in temperature were observed along

    the length of the reaches for the two test runs. In fact,

    there were relatively small differences between the aver-age temperatures at each sampling location for the two

    test runs, despite an interval of ~10 days between the

    test runs. This would suggest that the phenomena im-

    pacting the headspace temperatures were consistent over

    the period of the testing.

    In general, the headspace temperature increased along

    the length of the collector from the upstream to the down-

    stream end. There was one notable exception to this pat-

    tern around the second sampling location of reach 2. In

    this case, the temperature increased dramatically from the

    upstream sampling location (5.7 and 3.3 C on the first

    and second test runs, respectively). The temperature thendecreased over the next section, with decreases of 6.7 and

    4.4 C, respectively. The increased temperature at the sec-

    ond sampling location of reach 2 was also indicated by a

    substantial amount of vapor emitted from this manhole

    when the cover was removed for equipment installation.

    The increased temperature there may have been due to

    discharges of sewage with elevated temperatures into either

    this manhole or manholes located immediately upstream.

    The decrease in temperature between this manhole and the

    downstream sections is presumably due to dilution of the

    Table 5. Summary of average velocities.

    Reach Subreach Average Velocity (m/min)

    Run 1 Run 2

    1 1 4.0 5.8

    2 4.0 3.6

    3 4.0 12.9

    4 NA NA

    2 1 16.9 28.8

    2 11.3 8.2

    3 1 8.7 23.4

    2 30.1 22.8

    3 24.8 25.9

    4 1 28.8 17.7

    2 31.5 16.8

    3 22.7 24.2

    Note:NA = gas velocities too slow to measure.

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    air stream with cooler air from other tributary sewers as

    well as heat transfer from the gas to the cooler liquid phase

    in the collector.

    Data on the ambient temperature, atmospheric pres-

    sure, and wind speed were obtained from the Ottawa

    weather station for the days that the testing was con-

    ducted. The minimum, mean, and maximum values for

    the parameters over the test period are summarized in

    Table 7. The atmospheric conditions tended to vary some-

    what from day to day as the testing progressed. The

    greatest contrast in conditions was between day 2 andday 3day 2 was warm and calm, while day 3 was cool

    and windy. Unfortunately, the reaches tested on these two

    days were different, and therefore a comparison of the

    impact of these contrasting conditions on ventilation rates

    could not be performed. In addition to the variation be-

    tween test days, the ambient temperature and wind speed

    changed throughout each day. Temperature followed an

    increasing trend with time each day, while the wind speed

    tended to vary randomly with time. By contrast, the at-

    mospheric pressure tended to remain relatively constant

    during each test day. Hence, it is not expected that fluc-

    tuations in atmospheric pressure would have had any sig-

    nificant impact on the movement of gas in the sewer


    The headspace velocities observed in this study ap-peared to plateau at ~25 m/min. In a pilot study,6 a pla-

    teau of ~12 m/min was observed. The results of this

    study clearly indicate that headspace velocities in full-

    scale systems can exceed those observed in the previous

    Table 6. Summary of sewer headspace temperatures.

    Reach Subreach Temperature (C)

    Minimum Mean Maximum

    Run 1 Run 2 Run 1 Run 2 Run 1 Run 2

    1 1 NA 14.9 NA 15.0 NA 15.1


    3 10.0 13.7 11.0 13.8 13.6 14.3


    2 1 13.3 14.4 13.4 14.4 13.6 14.5

    2 18.9 16.9 19.1 17.7 19.6 19.0

    3 1 12.1 13.1 12.4 13.3 12.6 13.4

    2 12.5 14.4 12.7 15.0 13.0 15.8

    3 12.9 17.7 14.3 16.2 15.4 17.6

    4 1 14.6 17.0 14.7 17.1 14.7 17.2

    2 15.8 NA 16.0 NA 16.1 NA

    3 15.4 NA 15.4 NA 15.4 NA

    Note:NA = not available.

    Table 7. Summary of atmospheric conditions.

    Parameter Value Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

    Run 1 Run 1 Run 1 Run 2 Run 2

    Reach 1 Reach 3 Reach 4 Reach 1 Reach 3

    Reach 2 Run 2 Reach 4

    Reach 2

    Temp. (C) Min 5.0 7.9 10.0 8.5 8.8

    Mean 10.8 16.6 11.5 12.0 14.6

    Max 16.8 22.0 12.4 15.2 19.2

    Atm. press. (mbar) Min 1017.5 1023.5 998.2 1001.0 1008.4

    Mean 1018.3 1024.7 999.5 1004.2 1010.4

    Max 1019.2 1025.6 1000.9 1005.8 1011.2

    Wind speed (km/hr) Min 16.7 7.4 17.8 11.1 13.0

    Mean 19.3 9.8 36.5 21.9 19.3

    Max 24.1 16.7 55.5 27.8 31.5

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    pilot study.6 Correlations between the headspace veloc-

    ity and the following lumped parameters have been




    where Wis the width of the water surface; Vis the mean

    water surface velocity; L is the perimeter length of the

    headspace; andR is the hydraulic radius of the headspace.

    In both of these parameters, the driving force for gas

    movement is the product of the water surface velocity

    and the width of the surface. The resistance to gas-phase

    movement is primarily due to frictional forces exerted by

    the sewer walls. In these parameters, the unwetted pe-

    rimeter (eq 2) and the hydraulic radius (eq 3) are repre-

    sentative of this resistance. Hence, the velocity of gas

    movement should increase with the liquid drag force and

    decrease with the frictional drag.

    The correlations of Pescod and Price6 were determined

    for a single pilot-scale sewer reach and have not been

    evaluated with full-scale data. Therefore, the observed gas-

    phase velocities were plotted against the above param-

    eters, which were computed for each subreach.

    The values ofW, L, andR were computed as the aver-

    age values for each subreach in a fashion similar to that

    employed to estimate the headspace cross-sectional ar-

    eas, which is subsequently described. The resulting plots

    are presented in Figures 2 and 3 for eqs 2 and 3, respec-tively. From these plots, it is apparent that there was a

    poor correlation between the observed velocities and the

    computed parameters. These poor correlations may have

    had several causes, including

    (1) errors in estimation of the wastewater flows in

    the subreaches required to estimate the param-

    eters in eqs 2 and 3;

    (2) the averaging of sewer properties and flows over

    the lengths of the subreaches; and

    (3) the presence of structures in the sewer, such as

    drops and manholes, that influence gas move-

    ment that were not present in the sewer tested

    by Pescod and Price.6

    In conclusion, it is not likely that the correlations of Pescod

    and Price6 can be employed with distance-averaged in-

    puts to estimate gas velocities in large systems as employed

    in this study.

    Drag exerted by wastewater on the headspace gas will

    likely influence the movement of the gas. In this study,

    wastewater flow rates were monitored at a station located

    near the discharge of the collector. In all cases, a diurnal

    flow pattern was observed, with little change in the pat-

    tern of wastewater flows observed during the testing pe-

    riod. The minimum flow tended to vary between test days;

    however, these flows occurred very early in the morning

    prior to the testing and were therefore expected to have

    little impact upon the gas movement measured by the

    tracer tests. The average flow observed at the collector

    discharge over the five test days was 0.71 m3/sec.

    Quantification of the volumetric gas flow rate re-

    quired that the cross-sectional area of the sewer occu-

    pied by wastewater be determined so that the gas-phase

    cross-sectional area could be calculated. In addition, thewastewater flow conditions, such as velocity and inter-

    facial surface area, would impact upon the drag exerted

    Figure 2. Headspace velocity vs. WV/L.

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    by the wastewater on the headspace gas. To investigate

    the impact of these parameters on the gas-phase flow, it

    was necessary to estimate the liquid flow conditions.

    Ideally, measured values for the flow of wastewater in

    each of the subreaches examined would be employed

    for this purpose. However, this parameter could not be

    measured at all of the monitoring locations while the

    sewer was closed for the gas-phase testing, so these data

    were not obtained.

    As previously indicated, wastewater flow data were avail-

    able at the discharge of the collector, and it was decided to

    use these data to partition the flow to each of the majortributaries into the sewer. The wastewater flow in each

    subreach was calculated by accumulating the tributary flows

    along the length of the collector. For the purposes of this

    study, the flows from the tributary sewers were assumed to

    be proportional to the areas of the contributing sewers.

    Hence, the total flow measured at the collector discharge

    was partitioned to each tributary sewer by multiplying it by

    the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the tributary sewer to

    the sum of all of the tributary cross-sectional areas. Because

    the flow characteristics did not change substantially between

    the testing days and the tests were conducted over an ex-

    tended period of time each day, the average total flow of0.71 m3/sec was employed to estimate the wastewater flows.

    The estimated wastewater flows in each of the subreaches

    are summarized in Table 8.

    The headspace volumetric flow rates in the collector

    were calculated as the product of the gas velocity and the

    cross-sectional area of the headspace in the sewer. The

    headspace cross-sectional area available for gas flow de-

    pends on the liquid flow in the sewer. With a change in

    the liquid flow in a reach, the elevation of the liquid will

    vary, thereby changing the headspace cross-sectional area.

    In addition, a change in slope will also change the liquid

    depth in the sewer, thereby influencing the headspace

    cross-sectional area.

    In this study, average velocities of the headspace gas

    were determined for a number of subreaches of the sewer.

    These velocities were averaged over the range of pipe di-

    ameters and headspace cross-sectional areas present in the

    subreaches. Therefore, to determine the average volumet-

    ric flow rate in each subreach, an average headspace cross-

    sectional area was calculated, as follows:

    (1) The subreach was divided into segments with re-

    spect to consistent pipe diameter.

    (2) The liquid flow in each segment was estimated as

    the sum of the flow entering the segment in the

    collector sewer and any tributary connections.

    (3) The average slope of each segment was calculated

    as the weighted average of the individual lengths

    Figure 3. Headspace velocity vs. WV/R.

    Table 8. Wastewater flows estimated in subreaches.

    Reach Subreach Estimated Flow (m3/sec)

    1 1 0.09

    2 0.133 0.18

    4 0.26

    2 1 0.44

    2 0.58

    3 1 0.60

    2 0.71

    3 0.71

    4 1 0.71

    2 0.71

    3 0.71

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    590 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 51April 2001

    within the segment as follows:


    whereLiis the distance between manholes; S


    the slope of the collector between manholes; and

    n is the number of pipe length in the segment.

    (4) The depth of liquid in the segment was calcu-

    lated using Mannings equation and was then em-

    ployed to calculate the cross-sectional area

    occupied by wastewater.

    (5) The cross-sectional area of the headspace was cal-

    culated by reducing the cross-sectional area of

    the collector by the area of the cross-sectional

    segment occupied by wastewater.

    (6) The average cross-sectional area of the subreach

    was calculated as


    where xiis the length of the segment with a con-

    stant diameter; Ai

    is the cross-sectional area of

    the segment; and n is the number of segments of

    constant diameter.

    Table 9 summarizes the average volumetric flow rates

    estimated for each of the subreaches. In interpreting Table

    9, it must recognized that there was considerable uncertaintyin the wastewater flows employed to estimate the headspace

    cross-sectional areas and, hence, the volumetric flow rates

    in the subreaches. This uncertainty was due to the potential

    errors associated with partitioning the total wastewater flow

    to each of the tributaries. There was a greater potential for

    error in estimation of the upstream flows than of the down-

    stream values because all of the significant tributaries were

    located ahead of the second subreach of reach 3. In general,

    there was an increasing trend in gas-phase flows with dis-

    tance along the length of the collector. Flows at the discharge

    end of the collector were almost 2 orders of magnitude greater

    than those at the beginning.

    Figures 4 and 5 present a comparison of the measured

    velocities and the calculated flows with distance along

    the reach. These figures suggest that while the headspace

    velocities tended to vary somewhat erratically and pla-

    teau at the downstream end of the reach, the flow tended

    to increase more steadily along the reach. The difference

    between the two parameters results from the varying

    headspace cross-sectional area along the length of the col-

    lector. For example, the diameter of the collector in subreach

    2 of reach 2 (1.4 and 1.2 m) increased substantially from

    that of the prior reach (0.76 m), and the headspace areas

    therefore increased from 0.16 to 0.96 m2. Over this

    subreach, the velocity of the headspace decreased on both

    days, while the flow increased. Hence, as the gas moved

    along the collector from a small cross-section to a large

    cross-section, the velocity was reduced but the total flow

    continued on and actually increased.

    In the first test run, the volumetric flow decreased in

    subreach 1 of reach 3 (Case 1) and along subreach 3 of

    reach 4 (Case 2), while in the second run, the flow de-

    creased in subreach 1 of reach 4 (Case 3). The flow may

    have decreased in Case 1 because testing of this subreachwas conducted on a different day than that of the up-

    stream subreach. However, in Cases 2 and 3, the reaches

    of interest were tested in conjunction with the upstream

    and downstream reaches. These reaches were both down-

    stream of all major tributary sewers, and therefore the

    estimation of wastewater depth and, thus, the gas-phase

    cross-sectional area should have been relatively accurate.

    The decrease in flow along these subreaches would sug-

    gest that there was significant out-gassing from the col-

    lector at these locations. The cause of this apparent

    out-gassing is unclear because it was not replicated on

    both days for any of the subreaches in which it was ob-served. The lack of repeatability would suggest that it was

    not caused by a physical structure but rather by some other

    time-varying mechanism, such as wind-induced draft out

    of a manhole. The exact cause of the reduced flow with

    distance in the sewer could not be identified conclusively

    with the results obtained from the tracer testing.


    The CO technique appeared to function well for quanti-

    fying the movement of headspace gas in a large collector

    Table 9. Summary of estimated volumetric flow rates.

    Reach Subreach Flows (m3/min)

    Run 1 Run 2

    1 1 0.6 1.1

    2 0.6 0.5

    3 0.6 1.84 NA NA

    2 1 2.7 4.6

    2 10.8 7.9

    3 1 4.4 11.9

    2 25.6 19.4

    3 25.8 26.9

    4 1 28.8 17.7

    2 81.9 43.7

    3 68.1 72.6

    Note:NA = not able to estimate gas velocity.

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    Figure 4. Headspace velocity and volumetric flow vs. distancerun 1.

    Figure 5. Headspace velocity and volumetric flow vs. distancerun 2.

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    sewer. In reaches where headspace movement was rela-

    tively fast (2030 m/min), longer reaches (7 km) could be

    assessed with one injection. Where movement was slow

    (313 m/min), a shorter distance (~1 km) could be as-

    sessed with one injection.

    The velocities observed in the collector varied substan-

    tially with time and location in the collector. Reach 1,

    bounded by the upstream end of the collector and the si-

    phon, demonstrated the lowest velocities in this portion

    of the study. The velocities observed in reaches 2, 3, and 4

    (8.231.5 m/min) were generally higher than those ob-

    served in reach 1 (3.612.9 m/min). The presence of a sub-

    stantial drop structure appeared to reduce the headspace

    velocity in the upstream reach. Downstream of this struc-

    ture, the velocities increased and decreased somewhat ran-

    domly and appeared to have reached a plateau at a velocity

    of ~25 m/min. Employing the correlations of Pescod and

    Price6 with distance-averaged inputs did not accurately pre-

    dict the gas velocities observed in this collector.

    While the headspace velocities tended to vary some-

    what erratically and plateau at the downstream end of

    the reach, the headspace volumetric flow tended to in-

    crease more steadily along the reach. In isolated cases,

    the volumetric flow rate appeared to decrease in certain

    subreaches, suggesting that out-gassing occurred in these

    instances. However, these occurrences were not repeated

    in both runs at any location, suggesting that they were

    not caused by a physical structure but rather by some time-

    varying mechanism, such as wind-induced out-gassing.


    1. Jensen, N.A.; Hvitved-Jacobsen, T. Method for Measurements ofReaeration in Gravity Sewers Using Radio-Tracers; J.Water Pollut.Control Fed.1991, 63, 758-767.

    2. Zytner, R.G.; Madani-Isfahani, M.; Corsi; R.L. Oxygen Uptake andVOC Emissions at Enclosed Drop Structures;Water Environ. Res.1997,69, 286-294.

    About the Authors

    Wayne Parker is an associate professor in the Department

    of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carleton Univer-

    sity in Ottawa, Ontario. Helen Ryan is supervisor of the In-

    dustrial Wastes Section of the Regional Municipality of Ot-

    tawaCarleton in Ottawa, Ontario. Correspondence should

    be directed to Dr. Wayne Parker, Department of Civil andEnvironmental Engineering, Carleton University, 1125 Colo-

    nel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6; or e-mail:

    [email protected].

    3. Corsi, R.L.; Quigley, C.J.; Melcer, H.; Bell, J. Aromatic VOC Emissionsfrom a Municipal Sewer Interceptor; Water Sci. Technol.1995, 31, 137-146.

    4. Corsi, R.L.; Birkett, S.; Melcer, H.; Bell, J. Control of VOC Emissionsfrom Sewers: A Multi-Parameter Assessment; Water Sci. Technol. 1995,31, 147-158.

    5. Quigley, C.J.; Corsi, R.L. Emissions of VOCs from a Municipal Sewer;J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc.1995, 45, 395-403.

    6. Pescod, M.B.; Price, A.C. Major Factors in Sewer Ventilation;J.Wa-ter Pollut. Control Fed.1982, 54, 385-397.

    7. Monteith, H.; Bell, J.; Harvey, T. Assessment of Factors Controlling

    Sewer Ventilation Rates. In Control of Odors and VOC Emissions, Pro-ceedings of the Water Environment Federation Specialty Conference,Houston, TX, April 2023, 1997.

    8. Sorenson, H.; Joyce, J.; Day, D.; Fallara, T.C. Odor Control for LargeDiameter Deep Sewer TunnelsThe City of Columbus, Ohio. In Odorsand VOC Emissions 2000, Proceedings of the Water Environment Fed-erations Specialty Conference, Cincinnati, OH, April 1619, 2000.

    9. Parkhurst, J.D.; Pomeroy, R.D. Oxygen Absorption in Streams;J. Environ. Eng. 1972, 98, 101.

    10. Metcalf; Eddy. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal and Reuse,3rd ed.; McGraw-Hill: New York, 1991.