Page 1 A TRI MONTHLY NEWS LETTER (July to October, 2016)


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(July to October, 2016)
It gives me immense pleasure to introduce the 2nd tri
monthly newsletter. I believe success comes to those
who work hard and stays with those, who don‘t rest
on the laurels of the past.‘ We live today in the world
that is so very different from the one grew up in, the
one we were educated in. The world today is
changing at such an accelerated rate and we as
educators need to pause and reflect on the entire
system of education. Aristotle once said that
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no
education at all.
As we all know, a magazine mirrors a school‘s aims
and objectives. It also highlights events, activities and
achievements of students. I do hope the magazine
encourages many more students to use it as a platform
to express their creativity.
Trustees, the Principal, Vice- principal, Educational
advisor and last but not the least, our ever supporting
Moral values are interwoven in all aspects of
teaching: in the curriculum, in the school culture, and
as moral examples in teachers‘ behavior. Working
with values is an essential part of teaching. Educating
students to become teachers requires to learn how
values are embedded in education,
Values are embedded in educational practices, in
curriculum materials and in discourses in school.
Values are the ideological flavor of teaching. Values
can be taught explicitly, but values are always
interwoven in regular teaching practices. Sometimes
these hidden values become consciously when
teachers reflect on their educational practice. But
generally, the values remain hidden and do their work
and influence the identity development of students.
The teachers play an important role in moral
education, and there is a growing body of work that
focuses on the education and professional
development of teachers themselves. Students should
according to Buzzeli and Johnston be invited into an
apprenticeship in these moral sensibilities and to
examine, test, and reformulate their beliefs and
personal philosophies. When it comes to methods,
students should learn how methods and content
influence the growth and development of individuals
in a moral sense, in what they learn about themselves
and their relationship with the world, and in the
differences between learners in this process of
meaning making. When students enter classrooms
during their field experience or student teaching
practice, they become moral agents in the lives of the
children in those classrooms. They need to develop an
awareness of the moral significance and moral
meanings of policies, practices, routines, and of the
rituals of the classroom and the school.
There is no strong empirical base for moral
education in teacher education. Most of the work that
has been conducted has focused on pedagogical goals
and on formulating the consequences of research for
educating prospective teachers in teacher education.
We think it is necessary to develop a multi
perspective view on moral values in teacher
education. It can help to make both the theory and the
practice more suitable to support students in their
transition towards becoming teachers.
and the thought has found words” - Robert Frost
Poems have always been a wonderful way to convey
either a message to express a feeling or to create
humour. Words can be presented more beautifully
when recited as a poem. So to spread the fragrance of
poetry among the children, an English recitation
competition was organized for class I at Atmiya
Vidyapeeth on 2 nd
recited a poem with full enthusiasm. The topic for
STD I was My Best Friend.
This activity was organized to explore and encourage
the reciting skills and confidence in children
The recital excelled in rhythm, mood, diction and
expressions. The final judgment was made by
Educational Advisor Mrs. Tripti Nagar and CCA In-
charge Mrs. Nisha Paryani. The winners were
applauded and praised for their effort. The results are
as follows:
Celebration of Van Mahotsav
years ago. The second best time is
Young learners are the best messengers to spread the
awareness of the social and global issues and their
voice do leave an impact on ones‘ mind. To bring out
the acting talent, flair of the students and to spread the
message of humanity, Inter Club Competition was
held on 12 th
theme Van Mahotsav through skit, dance and
drama. The participants exhibited their inner talents
of acting to make the competition a grand success. It
was a visual bliss to watch the students perform on
the stage confidently with appropriate props. The
collaborative efforts and hard work of the teachers
and students was evident as the students performed
brilliantly on the stage, and Eco Club turned out to be
the Winner of the competition.
Page 4
sports to the health and well-being of the children. We
believe that an innovative and extra-curricular
opportunity have a positive influence on the
concentration, attitude and academic achievement of
all our children.
International coaches Mr. Andrew, Mr. Aashish and
Mr. Babu Ghosh from Mumbai for the students of
Primary section, STD VIII and XI to impart the
training for football and volleyball and fun exercises
for tiny tots. The students had learned the tactics of
playing the game and get into the deeper insight of
importance of playing, participating and winning.
Guru Purnima on
"Just as the moon shines by reflecting the light of the
sun, and glorifies it, all disciples can DAZZLE like
the moon by gaining from their Gurus."
The path of life has many ups and downs and it is
always very uncertain what will happen next. That is
why we need a Guru or a teacher to lead us to the path
of righteousness so that whatever work we do in our
life we do it in the right way and we do not do any
harm to others.
Guru Purnima is one such day when the Guru or the
teacher is worshipped for the work they have done for
their disciples. Every year in the month of Ashadh
this festival is celebrated with gust and galore.
Guru Purnima was celebrated at Atmiya Vidyapeeth
on July 19, 2016 with great fervour. The celebrations
began early in the morning itself. Students presented
special thought on the importance of teachers in life
and they also presented a small topic on the relevance
of having Guru in our life. Then the day began with
Guru Vandana and lighting of the lamp and all the
teachers and students offered their prayers to Maa
Saraswati and our founder of the school Hari Prasad
The event was by way of a tribute to teachers who are
the greatest contributors in a person's life. May our
Gurus continue to shine and be the guides and the
torchbearers of society!
on 23-07-2016) “Living in the favourable and unfavourable
situation is Part of Life. But smiling in all those
situations is called ART OF LIVING.”
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
our school Atmiya Vidyapeeth on Saturday 23 rd
specially for STD X and also one separate session was
conducted for the teachers of Atmiya Vidyapeeth.
The Session started with very innovative process of
art of living known as "I BELONG TO YOU" it made
all the participants to interact with each other for a
couple of minutes and really helped all the
participants to be comfortable for rest of the course.
The actual session started with the knowledge shared
by Mr. Lucky Parihar and Miss Hiru Lalwani with the
quote "I WILL BE HAPPY on Want and
deal effectively with the day-to-day challenges. The
programs presented timeless wisdom through
innovative and interactive processes. The workshop
was consisted of yoga, meditation, group processes,
interactive and simple knowledge sessions that
channelize the vibrant energy of the students, helping
them excel in every sphere. The session also helped to
create an environment that boosts academic ability,
enhances creativity, inculcates team spirit and
nurtures leadership qualities. It equipped students
with tools to overcome stress on a day-to-day basis
and create better awareness and belongingness.
The Capacity Building Program for students‘ helped
them to shape into well-rounded personalities and
ensure that the onus of their future is not just
shouldered by the school and their parents but also by
the children themselves. The program not only helped
in improving life skills, thinking skills and social
skills but also addressed mental health and adolescent
emotional stress, so that they can face the challenges
of their professional and personal lives with greater
skill and ease.
Spell Bee Competition
23 rd
possibilities of using varied words in oral and written
expression and to add words to the active vocabulary
of students. It helped students to awaken excellence,
promote values and provide an opportunity for
students to meet and compete with their peers in an
atmosphere of fun and friendship and encourage
students to explore the English language. The
competition was held with rounds.
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participant was asked to spell a word.
The second round was Identify Noun, in which
students were shown different images and they have
to identify the picture, spell it and also identify its
same rhyming words.
wherein the students had to arrange the given
sentences in proper format.
spelling. Students had to guess the correct word based
on clues given in the form of spoken statements.
And the last round was Homophones where the
students have to spell the same words with different
only for the participants but also for their peers. This
competition also helped in enriching the vocabulary
bank of the students.
Discussion activity was organized with a message of
enhancing the communication skills and leadership
quality of students of Atmiya Vidyapeeth. The aim of
group discussion competition event was to enhance
the learning in both effective and cognitive domains.
The Topic given to the students was Technology is
Killing Human Imagination
brains of STD IV & V battling with one another. The
confidence shone and voices boomed in where the
students expressed their views freely and without fear.
The participants reasoned and arrived at conclusions
on the given topics. Most of the participants were
well-versed with the current issues and seemed to
have done their homework well. They impressed the
panel of judges with their gift of gab and
understanding of various issues ranging from social
and economic to world affairs.
The Event was judged by our educational advisor
Mrs. Tripti Nagar and our CCA Incharge Mrs.
Srividya Byju.
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Competition on 01-08-2016
In order to exhibit high order of gratitude and respect
towards our dedicated freedom fighters and their
selfless efforts to bestow us with independence,
Atmiya Vidyapeeth had organized an inter house
patriotic group song competition on 1 st Aug 2016.
The participants were judged on three aspects such
as Presentation, Harmony, and Melody/Vocals. The
Group Singing teams sang with confidence and spread
an aura of pleasant harmony which captivated the
audience. The singing was unparalleled and the songs
covered by the teams gave them a completely new
shaping itself to create interests and activity amongst
the students. It was the most awaited day for every
House Master and Teacher who put every effort into
this yearly event with a hope of outshining each other
and performances of the past. Students love this extra
- curricular activity which molds their inbuilt musical
talent which expands their tastes and interests, along
with their academic demands.
were full of zeal and gave their melodious
APJ house secured second position in the
On 02-08-2016
road back to happiness.”
that aims at bringing calm in the hearts of people
through the power of forgiveness. It is believed that
there can be no world peace without peace in the
heart. Atmiya Vidyapeeth had also observed a two
minute silence on 2 nd
Aug 2016, to forgive and seek
forgiveness. This simple act of forgiving can generate
powerful positive vibrations and engulf humanity in a
wave of love and peace.
Independence Day Celebration
15th of August every year is a very special day in the
history of India. It is a day where India was free from
the 200 years old Slavery under the British Empire.
Indians celebrate this day not less than a festival. It is
a day to cherish the memories of the freedom
struggle, so that we keep this freedom intact with love
and brotherhood.
mark the 70 th
Vidyapeeth showcased a colourful spectacle of
India‘s vision through their performance. Guru Hari
Prasad Swamiji showered his blessings to the
Atmiyans from Haridham, Soukhada, Vadodhara, on
this special occasion which inspired and motivated the
Atmiyan Parivar.
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esteemed guest of honour, Pujya.Shreeji Saurabh Das
Swamiji and Pujya Charanraj Swamiji, the visionary
man behind honourable Chairman Mr. & Mrs. Vinod
Chawda, our Manager Mr. & Mrs. Hemant
Kachadiya, our Principal Ms. Rajani Joshi,
Educational Advisor Mrs. Tripti Nagar, and Trustee
Member Mrs. Manju Bhadra which was followed by
flag song. Maitri Jeswani of STD II and Jhanvi of
STD VII delivered a speech on the Independence
IX with the theme Glimpses of India‘s Struggle for
Freedom, followed by a musical ballet depicting
different facets of our glorious freedom struggle from
Jallianwala Bagh massacre to Bhagat Singh‘s
parliamentary attack, from Satyagrah movement to
Dandi march, from Quit India movement to freedom
of India at the stroke of midnight.
After the freedom, a joyous dance of happiness of
Indians was presented by a troupe of dancers and at
last modern India with its latest innovations and talent
was glorified along with the salute to our freedom
performance and also energised them with patriotic
fervour. Kudos to our pack of young and enthusiastic
Atmiyans, the spirit of freedom indeed soared high
amidst their robust and energetic performance!
Rangoli Making Competition
Competition for Classes VI to XII with the Theme
Raksha Bandan. The students had participated
enthusiastically in the competition and they filled the
corridor of schools with very beautiful Rangolis. The
Rangolis conveyed different messages like My Army
brother, Brotherhood etc.
This was really a nice experience for the students as
they prepared the Rangolis on Raksha Bandan.
Inter House Group Song Competition
on 20/08/2016
Music binds soul, hearts and emotions. It is a known
fact that music is the best method of relaxation.
Considering all these things, an Inter
House Group Song Competition for STD I was
held on 20 th
based on the theme Patriotism wherein the tiny tots
have enthralled the audience with their wonderful
performance and gave out a variety of song .They
came up with such melodious voices which in the
run attracted the audience as such. A great support
was given from the audience side. All our
young maestros who took part in the competition
made the competition a great success. All of them
sang to their level best. The winners were well
appreciated by the judges.
an absorbing competition among all the participants.
Each house showed their mastery over voice
modulation, rhythm and other important aspects of
singing. All the houses were eager to emerge as
victorious, but it was APJ House which bagged the
first position in all three groups followed by VSB
House, JCB House and HB House.
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Competition on 24/08/2016
When we try to translate the vitality of our life energy
into fluid moves, we dance. Every dance performance
is unique as every dancer is a unique being throbbing
with life.
audience. Zestful participation from members of all
the four houses made the Inter house Dance
Competition a runaway hit. The theme given to the
dancers was Janmashtmi and all the performances
beautifully showed the naughtiness of Krishna on the
stage which evoked nostalgic memories of the past.
The competition was witnessed by our Chairman Mr.
Vinod Chawda, our manager Mr. Hemant Kachadiya
and our principal Ms. Rajani Joshi along with our
judges Mrs. Nisha Paryani and Mrs. Bharti Singh.
All the four houses were tremendous in their stage
presence and co-ordination. Thunderous applause
followed each performance adding to the nervousness
of the next group as the bar for excellence kept
getting raised.
time spent seemed worth it for the JCB House who
came up smelling roses for the first position followed
by HB House, APJ House and VSB House.
Matki Decoration
on 24/08/2016
matkis. Just like the gopis‘ who used to carry
colourful matkis in Brindavan, a Matki decoration
competition was held on 24 th
August 2016 in Atmiya
Janmashtami celebration. The students were asked to
bring decorative materials from home and they had to
decorate Matkis in school. Students of class VI to IX
participated in this event. It turned out to be a grand
success. The children had put in lot of efforts to
collect elaborate decorating materials. They toiled
hard in school putting their creativity at work and
came up with innovative creations. The competition
was tough, making it difficult to decide the winner.
The efforts of the students were praiseworthy.
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students responsible citizens of tomorrow and good
human beings. It is impossible to imagine our lives
without teachers. They are the cornerstone of our
future. We can never thank teachers enough for their
immense contribution in a student‘s life. Teacher's
Day is celebrated to show our acknowledgement and
recognition of the hard work put in by our teachers
towards our development.
Teachers Day in Atmiya Vidyapeeth was celebrated
not only for one day but two consecutive days. On 4 th
September 2016, teacher‘s day was celebrated with
primary section where students teachers of STD IV
and V taught smaller students of grade I. It was a
great fun watching small teachers taking claases.
The next day i.e. on 5 th
Sept 2016, teacher‘s day was
celebrated in school. The day started by welcoming
teachers and honouring them with flower and card
followed by speech, dance performance and a skit on
the importance of teacher in life. Later on student
teachers of X to XII had taken various classes and
enjoyed being a teacher. Students always look
forward to Teacher's Day with a lot of anticipation,
for the sheer spirit of the occasion. Acting as teachers,
they get a fair idea of the responsibility, so efficiently
handled by their teachers. It requires a lot of hard
work and dedication to be a good teacher and earn the
affection of students at the same time.
The very same day, school management had planned
a picnic for teachers at Sharma Resorts where all the
teachers had fun with different games and spent
quality time with each other. Teachers, on this day,
are reminded of their school days and feel nostalgic.
All in all, it was celebration mode for everyone.
Navratri Celebration
on 08/10/2016
nights during which Hindus worship Goddess of
Shakti Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. Fun and
enjoyment are the aspects of the festivals, which sets
the festive mood. Navratri, as the name suggests,
means nine nights. It is one of the important Hindu
festivals. It is dedicated to the worship of Goddess
Durga, the deity of Power. Each day of the nine-day
festival are dedicated to the worship of different
forms of Goddess Durga, which unfolds the religious
importance of the occasion.
Navratri with great joy and vigour. Pre-primary
Classes celebrated on October 7 th
October, 2016 and
started with the aarti led by our Principal and
teachers. All the students and teachers came in
traditional dresses and the children started dancing
garba to the accompaniment of music. The staff also
took part in the dancing. All of them celebrated the
days with joy and cheer. It was a colourful show with
teachers joining the students enthusiastically in their
dance. And at last the programme ended with prize
distribution for winners for best player (boy), best
player (girl) and best player (teacher).
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question answer session with them.
At last, the students were back to school after
quenching the thirst of knowledge with unforgettable
real life experience.
III to V of Atmiya Vidyapeeth went for the
educational tour to IFFCO sewage treatment plant
along with their class teachers. The students were
guided by Mr. Akhilesh Dwivedi, Mr. A.P. Ranal and
MR. Navin Tank who explained them treatment of
sewage water and the importance of saving water.
Students had also visited the RO plant and the subject
teachers had explained them about its functioning to
make the water clean. Later on, students also visited
to IFFCO Nursery where they have seen the making
of composite manure with the help of garbage and
visit by gaining a lot of knowledge and learning with
of fire fighting techniques and the ways to respond
swiftly in times of calamities or in an emergency
A team of fire fighters, headed by the Mr.Shah Jahan
armed with necessary equipment required for fire
fighting and rescue operations positioned themselves
at vantage points to guide and assist the students in
the mock fire and evacuation drill. The fire fighters
explained and demonstrated different improvised
methods, like water extinguisher, CO2 gas
Extinguisher, powder extinguisher etc, being followed
by them to rescue and evacuate people caught in such
emergency situation besides explaining the ways to
operate the fire extinguishers safely. It was an
enriching experience for our students as they
enhanced their knowledge about the fire
As part of CBSE curriculum for real life experience,
students of Atmiya Vidyapeeth had gone for a field
trip visit to the Taluka Court of our town in DC 5 area
with 186 students of STD VII and VIII along with 4
teachers on 24 th
visit for the students as they got an opportunity to
explore and experience the real life learnings and
judgement of court.
On 28 th
STD IX and X of Atmiya Vidyapeeth went for the
educational field trip to Renuka Sugar Mills along
with their subject teachers. The production manager
of Renuka Sugar Mills had explained the students the
making of exported sugar from its raw material. The
students were also shown the packaging department to
get deeper knowledge as to how the products are
packed and then after a series of departments it is
exported. Students also had a question answer session
with their management team for better understanding
of the production unit.
At last, students had enjoyed a lot on their journey of
learning with fun.
As part of CBSE curriculum for real life experience,
tiny tots of Atmiya Kids had gone for a field trip visit
to the post office and nursey along with their teachers
on in the month of July & September 2016. It was a
memorable visit for the toddlers as they got an
opportunity to explore and experience the real life
learnings and working of post office and natural
beauty of nursery.
department, money order department, stamp
department etc and the nursery has various types of
plants with colourful flowers. The students also
interacted with the teachers and had a question answer
session with them.
quenching the thirst of knowledge with unforgettable
real life experience.
The essence of all religions is one. Only their
approaches are different!
2016 to religious places for the students of standard 1
and 2.
Church, Gurudwara, Mosque and Temple. The main
motto of the field trip was to make children learn
about different religious places and its importance.
Students were accompanied by the teachers. The trip
started by first visiting Gurudwara. The head-Gyaniji
explained children about the Guru Nanakji and also
explained them how they perform prayers. The
second place visited was the Church. The priest of the
church explained the children about the church and
different things kept in the church. The third place
visited was the Mosque. The maulana explained the
children how they perform their namaz in the masjid.
The last religious place visited was the Temple. The
Pandit explained the children about the importance of
shloks and bhajans. And also explained them why it is
important to pray daily.
quenching the thirst of knowledge with unforgettable
real life experience.
its Rainy Day on 7th July 2016. The day was
celebrated with great vigour and enthusiasm.
Children were very excited about the idea of getting
wet in the rain.
the day. The children were explained about the rainy
season and how rain comes. The children had loads
of fun in the artificial rain with their umbrellas and
raincoats. The entire school came alive with the
children‘s laughter and giggles while dancing in the
Tiny toddlers danced to the tunes of the music. Rain
Dance Activity was held to experience the real feel of
getting wet in the rain and dancing and singing and
enjoying the moment to its core.
They went home with great excitement and memories
of the day.
A father is someone who holds you when you cry,
scolds you when you break the rules, shines with
pride when you succeed, and has faith in you even
when you fail.
Father‘s day on 16 th
June 2016 in the School
assembly ground. The day started with a prayer song
sung by our choir group of tiny tots. The little tiny
tots also sang out father‘s day songs with heart
warming expression to reach out to make their fathers
feel special. Arya Punit Shah and Bhargav Kishtwal
of Sr. KG presented a speech in English highlighting
the love and affectation of fathers. Ana Anees of Jr.
KG. delivered a lovely poem in Hindi highlighting the
importance in the child‘s life.
Different games were specially set up for the father-
child duo, where they have to find their wards‘ bag,
pack their lunch boxes and many other games related
to art and creativity. The most attractive part of the
program was the mimicry presented by some of the
fathers like Don, Mokabmbo kush huva. It was a great
fun to see the fathers-child love and warmth.
Some fathers spontaneously articulated their special
sentiments on how they bond with their children and
what is best about it. The individual examples were
both delightful and insightful. Several fathers also
spoke about how much they appreciated that our
School makes the time with occasions such as this, to
foster the importance of relationships and family
Altogether it was a great fun loving time for students,
parents and the teachers of Atmiya Vidyapeeth.
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on 24-08-2016
The month of august is full of festivals and on 24 th
Aug, 2016 the festival of Janmashtmi was celebrated
by tiny tots of Atmiya Kids. We have organized a
fancy dress competition where the students of Jr. KG
and Sr. KG came traditionally dressed in the
mythological characters like Krishna, Balra, Bheem,
Sudama, Arjun, Draupadi etc.
Krishna and then the participants came up with their
unique traditional dress and presented themselves
with few dialogues. The audience, dignitaries and the
tiny tots also enjoyed the competition and lastly the
competition concluded by celebration and dance on
Krishna bhakti songs and distribution of sweets to
and respect by the tiny tots of Atmiya Kids.
To commemorate the sovereignty of our nation, all
the tiny tots in unison sang the National Anthem and
expressed the joy of freedom.
The students of Jr. KG and Sr. KG sang the Patriotic
song that awakened everyone‘s feelings towards our
Mother Land. And then a dance-action-song
competition was organized for tiny tots where 4
students have participated from each class of nursery,
Jr. KG and Sr. KG. The students came well dressed in
the attire of our national leaders like Mahatma
Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Jawahar lal Nehru
etc and also gave small speech.
All the students have performed well and indeed, it
was a day of joy, a day to love and respect our
country and make it a better place for Indians to live
and experience the freedom, peace and unity in
compete in a rhyme contest — standing at centre
stage with only a microphone and their memory. On
30 th
came in coloured dress and seemed confident with
their preparation and props. The little tiny tots have
presented their rhymes in a rhythmic manner with full
enthusiasm and vigour. The competition was judged
by our educational advisor Mrs. Tripti Nagar who also
motivated the students and encouraged them to be
more effective. At last the winners were awarded with
the certificates for putting their best efforts.
The winners of the competition are:
displayed their love and gratitude towards their
grandparents. Various interesting games were
organized for the grandparents that they really
enjoyed participating in. Tiny tots in colourful attires
presented a wonderful dance and tapped their feet to
the tunes of the song Dadi Amma Maan Jao‘ that was
appreciated by everyone. Grandparents were very
happy to witness this event; they appreciated the
programme through short verses and words.
Story Telling Competition
The ability to express someone else‘s words in our
own way will enable a child to create his/her own
unique identity. With this aim, Atmiya Kids
conducted Story telling competition on
24 th
with their stories.
children used various techniques of telling a story and
showcased their creativity. Some participants also
used props to make the story seem more realistic and
effective. The audience seemed fully engrossed with
the flow of the competition.
The story telling competition helped each participant
to enhance the speaking skills and encouraged all the
students to be more involved in the language while
they are in the class.
Poster Making Competition
ages. A drawing and poster making competition was
conducted in Atmiya Kids on the occasion of
Teacher‘s Day on 02 nd
September 2016, for tiny tots
of pre primary section. Students participated with
immense zeal and enthusiasm and made very
beautiful posters which expressed their love and
affection towards their teachers. Three best posters
were selected and students were applauded for their
best efforts.
their drawings and posters. It was observed that
students waited eagerly for this day, to express their
views and ideas pertaining to the given topics.
Grand Parents Day Celebration
caring deeds, wonderful stories and love.
Grandparents are special to every child. Their
knowledge is invaluable and their love unconditional.
In keeping with this, tiny tots of Atmiya Kids have
celebrated Grandparent‘s Day on 10th September
2016. The programme started with a prayer and a
welcome song followed by entertaining performances
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made from something they have deep inside them - a
desire, a dream, and a vision.
Muhammad Ali
July 2016, a Volleyball
Adipur at Taluka Level in which 12 teams
participated from Gandhidham and Adipur. This
competition was for Under-14 girls and Under-14
boys in which the girls‘ Volleyball team of Atmiya
Vidyapeeth grabbed the 1 st position and boys‘
Volleyball team secured the 2 nd
girls of Atmiya Vidyapeeth also secured the 1st
position in both the categories. The students played
with excellence and great vigour in the tournament.
The following students have been selected at District
Juice Day Celebration
One of the finest ways to obtain necessary nutrients in
the diet is through the intake of raw fruit and
vegetable juices. Nature presents fruits and vegetables
in a wholesome state, containing all the essentials
which can sustain a high quality of life in a healthy
Tiny tots of Atmiya Kids had celebrated juice day on
30 th
in a balanced diet. Each child has brought different
fruit juices and also shared their preferences and
juices with their friends and enjoyed their day.
Rangoli Making Competition
jubilation among the tiny tots of Atmiya Kids as they
were engaged in the most colourful Rangoli Making
Competition. The school‘s amphitheatre brightened
up with eco-friendly Rangoli of different designs.
Students used natural colours, flower petals, indigo
leaves, coloured rice, and turmeric to fill colours and
gave life to the still designs. Our students exhibited
their flair in the art by making beautiful Rangoli
designs using geometric shapes, deity impressions and
floral motifs. The day ended with students leaving
them inspired and motivated.
Gandhidham, in which many schools participated.
Students of Atmiya Vidyapeeth participated with
great zeal and enthusiasm and won prizes for different
categories. The winners are:
have deep inside of them-a desire, a dream,
and a vision.”
28 th
Vidyapeeth had also participated and with their
brilliant performance, the U-14 team of boys has
secured first position and U-17 boys‘ team had
grabbed the second position. A total of 19 students are
selected at State level out of which 16 are from U-14
category and 3 are from U-17 category.
Inter School Volleyball Competition
Competiton was organized by Gopal Nand High
School, Samakhyali at district level where students of
Atmiya Vidyapeeth had also participated and secured
first position in both the categories of U-17 and U-19
boys out of which four students are selected at state
level. The Students were trained under the guidance
of sports teachers Mr. Nilesh Patel and Mr.
Dhanshanker Shetty. The students are:
Hattrick by Tamim Khan
studying in class VIII had brought laurel to our
school by making hattrick in 3 different competitions
for U-14 category organized at district level. On 29 th
Aug 2016, inter school sports competitions were
organized at district level where 750 students had
participated from all over Kutch district and Tamim
Khan has secured First position in High Jump, First
position in Long Jump and second position in Shot
Put. He has also been selected at national level.
One more Feather added to our Crown!!!
On 30 th
organized at district level where in, Radhika
Chudasama, student of Atmiya Vidyapeeth, studying
in class XI had brought laurel to our school by
securing third position in Disc throw. Another student
Vansh Makwana has secured second position in 50m
running race and is also selected at District Level. Our
school has really swollen with pride to have such
talented students.
Association had organized various competitions
to enhance students‘ learning and provide
platform to show their talents. Atul Nair,
student of Atmiya Vidyapeeth had also
participated and secured third position in
elocution competition and second position in
drawing competition. Our school is really proud
to have talented students in our school.
Gujarat State had organized 5 th
where in one of the student of Atmiya
Vidyapeeth; Kinshita Chaturvedi secured first
position in U-11 Girls Category and was also
awarded with a gold medal.
Students of Atmiya Vidyapeeth had again
brought laurel to our school by securing first
position in Taekwondo Competition organized
by Gujarat State on 08/08/2016. Many students
have participated from different schools and
four students of our school shine out of them.
They are:
Page 19
Week-1 Manyata Mishra I-B
National Level Drawing Competition
Gandhidham which held on 12-09-2016 at
Amarchand Sanghvi School.The students were
guided and trained by our Drawing faculty
Mr.Dhiren Thanki. The drawings of these
students were selected for State & National
whatever the focus, extracurricular activities keep
students busy beyond the school hours. Participants
benefit academically, socially and emotionally when
choosing meaningful extracurricular activities.
in mind helps students choose and stick with groups
that match their interests to develop a stronger mind,
a wider social circle, better time management and
exploration of interests.
in front to organize various activities around the year
to develop skills in the students for which our school
has received “ACTIVE SCHOOL AWARD” at
Reena Parikh School of Excellence, Anjar.
Page 20
Yes, dearth of experienced and qualified teachers in
our country can lead to the dark future of its citizen
because the teachers are the pillar of society to
educate and mould the future citizens of a country.
Through their intelligence, patience and wisdom they
attempt to not only identify the learner‘s intellect and
aptitude but also create well round personality
.Teachers have great responsibilities with regards to
the future of the students.
Only an experienced, deserving and qualified person
should be chosen as a teacher and teacher should also
give respect to their work so that they can lead their
students on the right path and show them the light
and pull them from darkness to light.
Now a day‘s teacher‘s job has become more
challengeable due to technological developments.
Teacher should not only teach the subject knowledge
rather they should act as the counselor, motivator and
guide. To accomplish all the goals and fulfill
responsibilities only the experienced and qualified
teacher is needed.
plays an important role to create well round
personality. We get many things through our
education, like one is information and the other is
formation. There is a final outcome of education is
called transformation. Those who are properly
educated will bring a change in both the lives of the
students and the society itself.
Arunana Nagapure
health and healthy lifestyles, sports, promotion of
social values, community engagement, participation
in politics and governance, youth engagement,
inclusion and social justice. In the National Youth
Policy, 2014 document, the youth age-group is
defined as 15-29 years.
Along with teacher, a student should also be ready to
learn. No matter how highly qualified and
experienced a teacher is, if the student is not ready to
learn then the qualification and experience does not
work. Student‘s key to success is his/ her own
readiness to learn and also the proper guidance form
teacher and the facilities made available.
The world today faces challenges of violence,
terrorism, intolerance and environmental degradation.
Apart from content knowledge, and vocational
training, the values of truth, tolerance, integrity,
secularism and inclusiveness need to be imparted to
our children to make the world a safer and better
place to live in.
type of society that we wish to build.”
– Sh. Pranab Mukherjee
Our System of education has three aspects. It leads to
development of mind, body and soul.
An education should be such which enables today‘s
students to prepare themselves for how to make living
in future and also, to teach them how to live.
Teachers who add value to student‘s learning are said
to be effective teachers. They don‘t make students
study but they make them learn.
Experience and Qualification both are necessary, but
does that really proves to be the key of effective
learning? No, I don‘t think so.
Education in my view has always been a joint
responsibility for teacher, student, parents and society.
In order to make student a better citizen, a teacher can
have strong credentials, should be creative, or are
well-liked by students, parents, and their colleagues.
All of these qualities have their merits. But most
policymakers and school leaders would describe a
good teacher as an effective one: someone who gets
students to learn what they are expected to learn or
qualities which a teacher should consist in order to
make the learning permanent like: the content
knowledge, confidence, teaching style, classroom
management, strong rapport with students etc.
The National Youth Policy, 2014 policy seeks to
empower youth of the country to achieve their full
potential. The main objectives of the policy are to: (i)
to create a productive workforce that can make a
sustainable contribution to India‘s economic
development; (ii) develop a strong and healthy
generation equipped to take on future challenges; (iii)
instill social values and promote community service
to build national ownership; (iv) facilitate
participation and civic engagement at levels of
governance; and (v) support youth at risk and create
equitable opportunity for all disadvantaged and
marginalized youth. The priority areas of NYP 2014
include: education,
Page 22
I celebrated my birthday in Kerala. I and my
grandfather decorated the house with balloons and
written on the cake. All were gathered in my house
to celebrate my birthday except my father. He was in
Gujarat due to some official work. Everyone made
me happy by presenting many gifts and I enjoyed a
lot on that day, but I really missed my papa…
Karishma Dhankar of IV-A says…
During my childhood, birthdays were the most
important event in our life that we all used to
celebrate with great zeal. I want to share my 7 th
birthday. The day before; I was worried as I
misplaced one of my favourite dolls. I became very
upset and I couldn‘t enjoy my birthday preparations.
Somehow I dressed up on the day and I felt so happy
that my favourite doll was on top of my birthday
cake. It was one of my memorable birthdays I ever
had before.
My birthday was on 13 th
January. It was one of my
best birthdays. On that day my parents had arranged
a birthday party. I invited my friends and my
relatives. We ordered for some snacks and my
mother prepared gulab jamun for them. I got many
gifts. My parents gifted me a cycle on my birthday. It
was a very joyful day and I enjoyed a lot with my
Birthdays are usually the occasions for rejoicing and
enjoying. Relatives and friends gather on the
occasion and wish many happy returns of the day
and offer their blessings. They bring with them
beautiful presents also.
my friends to the birthday feast which my parents had
arranged. The time of the function was six in the
evening. We were all busy in making arrangements.
In the evening, near about 4‘0 clock guests began to
arrive, my parents received them. At 6‘0 clock I cut
my birthday cake and all enjoyed the birthday party.
The day was full of great excitements.
Is Division of small states viable for the
country’s development?
B says…
acknowledge that before the arrival of Britishers,
India was all about small kingdoms scattered all
around ruled by kings and rulers. After Independence,
we formed a single country by uniting different
Kingdoms and provinces, which is now referred as
States‘. Division of states was mainly based on
Every state of India has a unique style, tradition. The
cultures practiced by all the states differ from one-
another. Division of states results to the increase in
diversity. India is well known for its Diversity.
It becomes easy to administer when states are divided.
For example; Telengana, India‘s 29th state, came into
being on 2nd June 2014. Division does not affect the
idea of unity of the country.
Although we have different cultures, diverse
traditions, various religions we are not divided but
one and united. Division of states aware us about the
uniqueness possessed by every small part of our
country India‘.
Division of the country into small states is a complex
topic to understand. There is no administrative
rationale, no economic justification, no compelling
political logics and not even linguistic or cultural
framework for big blocked state. In large states there
are often too many sub-regional disparities that get
glossed over by treating the state as sacred unit. But,
more state means more barriers for creating an
integrated market.
Page 23
equal sub units may help in higher state wise
production and integrated solutions for increasing
Indian Economy. Moreover, dividing states may cost
the Government more in terms of capital.
Puneet Jeswani of XI Science says…
According to the view the division of states is not a
good proposal but this affects the unity of the
country in both negative and positive way. As a coin
has two faces similarly it affects the politics in both
negative and positive way.
cultures. It also undermines the unity of nation
currently. States were separated due to the
majoritarinism as they said that their culture was not
identified and preserved. They felt they were minor
and were neglected so they demanded for a separate
So, the demand of a different state is not good as it
affects the unity of nation. And India is a federal
country it should not walk on such path.
Ankush Chirimar of X-A says …
Creation of small states is need of the hour for India.
Small states mean better administration, better
Government, participation of common man in the
administration. Creation of small state is one of the
answers to reduce corruption or at least corruption
Telengana will be created from Andhra Pradesh,
everyone in India started discussing about the
creation of small state is good or bad for India?
Many Indians opposed this creation of small states in
India by giving many reasons. But still to say and
insist that creation of small state is good for India.
In near future when states will become rich, there is a
possibility and chance that these big states will make
their police force very strong and will demand the
independence from India. When we divided India on
the basis of language we made mistake, and today
you may not agree with me, but when states will
make progress and will make money and other states
will not make money,
independence and because of finance and big nature
of state, they will do this very easily by purchasing
ammunition from China.
So, remember big states will divide the India in future
not the small states. A small state is the only one
solution which can keep us integrated. As India is
divided on the basis of language, in one state all same
language speaking population is staying which
encourages more love for state.
If big state means progress to some people; then why
India has not made progress like America, Hongkong,
Germany, France or England. America and Hongkong
both were ruled by England just like India. This
shows that there is no guarantee that big state will
make progress or small state. Remember it does not
matter whether a state is small or big, what is most
important is who is our law maker and how honest he
is with his job and nation. If the law maker is good he
can take the small state to such heights that the small
nation can rule the world.
Small states will give the chance to common people to
know and understand how the chief minister and their
administration are working. Small state will also give
chance to participate in the administration of
Government. With small states there are unlimited
benefits and with big states benefits are comparatively
less. Let‘s hope that in near future States
Reorganization Commission will not give more
importance to language when dividing or creating
new states. States should be created only after
consultation with scientists, engineers and taking
consideration of geographic area and advantages.
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Ananya Singh
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Om Prasad
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Richa Chalani