A Tribute to Rev. T.C.Mammen - Long Island Marthoma Church

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Page 3: A Tribute to Rev. T.C.Mammen - Long Island Marthoma Church

A Tribute to Rev. T.C.Mammen

Dearly beloved in Christ,

“Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel." Philippians 1:12.

Paul undertook his fourth missionary journey to Rome in order to preach the Gospel to the Romans. However, this missionary the journey was the most difficult and challenging of all--he was arrested, underwent trials, confinement, bitten by a snake, and had a shipwreck on his journey to Rome. And most distressing of all, Paul reached Rome as a prisoner. If some of us took this journey and encountered these life-threatening struggles and sufferings we would most certainly consider that as a huge failure in our mission. How can we consider reaching a city for evangelism a success if we arrive there as a prisoner? But Paul was a truly a man of God, a man of great faith and carried within him an uncommon determination that comes what he will not allow his many challenges and difficulties distract or discourage him from his central mission, which is only focused on sharing Christ and the Gospel with the people of Rome.

There are several spiritual lessons that we can learn from Paul’s missionary journey to Rome. Firstly, even in the middle of false accusations, snakes, shipwreck, prison experiences, Paul was exactly where God called him to be. A call to God’s ministry is not a bed of roses, following God’s will leads us into storms and hard-ships. But God’s promise has always been that he will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Secondly, it is in our weakness that God’s power is made perfect. Paul in this missionary journey had run into many life-threatening and helpless situations, he was far from being in control of the situations, and knew, more than any-one, that it is in acknowledging God is in control and can we find strength in Christ. As Paul writes, when we are weak, then we are strong (2 Corinthians 12:10).

Thirdly, struggles in life should be seen as opportunities to be a witness to Christ. Amidst all his trials and tribulations in the


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journey, Paul was presented with great opportunities to be a witness to the love of God in Christ to governors, kings, soldiers, sailors, and islanders. Had he not encountered these challenges, he would not have the opportunity to reach out to all these precious souls with the gospel. Fourthly, it is in and through the challenges in life that we are made into the kinds of people God wants us to be. In our trials, faith, resolve, and character is not only tested but they also happen to be strengthened.

And finally, the most profound thing is that God has a profound plan for the path we walk in life. We do not suffer needlessly or randomly, God uses every pain in life, failure, and struggle for a higher purpose—Paul writes, “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Corinthians 4:16-17). Yes, our path is narrow but it leads to eternal glory.

The verse “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21) exhilarating and energizing. Paul wrote these words as he reflected on the purpose of his life while in prison. Our beloved T.C.Mammenachen’s life exemplified this proclamation by Paul. His life was all about Christ—Christ was his abiding and compelling passion; Christ and Christ alone gave him meaning, direction, and purpose in life. In the face of many struggles, sufferings, disappointments, setbacks, obstacles and unfavorable circumstances in life, he was joyful. He was a man of strong faith and a man of prayer who longed for winning souls for Christ, working tirelessly as a faithful servant to build God’s Kingdom. He never allowed his life struggles from ‘advancing’ of Gospel. He brought comfort to everyone far and near. He proclaimed the gospel unto his last breath. In his last sermon, he urged us to live out a truly Christian life, a life revealing Christian character, witnessing to our Lord. He encouraged us to repent of our sinful ways and be saved. Thus to be privileged as the children of God in this world and to be seated at the right hand of Jesus in eternity.

“Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” (Albert Schweitzer). Mammenachen is an example for us to follow. He was a blessing to all of us. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the


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Lord, the righteous Jude, will award to me on that day - and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7,8). Like Paul our beloved T.C. Mammenachen won God’s reward for His faithful and righteous life.

May the fruits of his labor continue to be seen in our lives.

With Prayers

Rev. Sajit Thomas John Vicar


About Us:

Rev. Jess Mathew George Wife: Justeena Kochamma Mother Parish: Chicago Mar Thoma Church Ordaination as Kassissa: August 5, 2017 Last Parish served: St. Thomas Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Panaji, Goa Ebenezer Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Vasco Da Gama, Goa

On behalf of the Parish I welcome wholeheartedly Rev. Jess Mathew George and Justeena Kochamma to the LIMTC family and fellowship and looking forward to work with them closely in the years ahead.

May God Almighty use them and nurture them as they minister among our youths and young family team.


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Dearly beloved in Christ,

It is my great pleasure to be in New York once again, but now as an ordained priest and your Youth Chaplain. Justeena Kochamma and I are excited and looking forward to reconnect with all of you.

This month is very special as it holds two important days. One is Mother’s day and the other is Memorial day. Mothers are special and influential people in our lives that impact us and brings us up to who we are today. It is the love and care as well as a warm embrace of our mothers that enables us to see the mirror of the love of our most loving God. As we commemorate our Mothers this month, let us look back at our lives and remember the tearful prayers and struggles our mothers went through in order to provide the comfortable life we have now.

As we commemorate Memorial Day, we remember the fallen soldiers who fought for our Country. Let us remember the families who once waited for their loved ones to return home, but instead see a soldier bearing the sad news that their loved one had departed. It is a great sacrifice our Armed Forces make to fight for our freedom, risking their own lives.

This month in these two important holidays, as we remember our mothers and soldiers, let us remember them and the Christ like-ness lifestyle imbedded in them. How are we willing to make our-selves uncomfortable through our humility so that others can increase? Do we have the willingness to be all that we are and risk all that we have for building up God’s kingdom?

Much love,

Jess Achen

At the same I also want to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to Rev. Shibi Abraham, Sheeba Kochamma, David and Daniel for their services during the last four years.

May God Almighty continue to bless him and his family in the Ministry as they go to South Florida and serve the Parish.



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The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy - Martin Luther King Jr.

Rev. T. C. Mammen, 70 years retired priest of the Mar Thoma Church and member of the LIMTC was called to Heavenly abode on Friday, April 19th, 2019 at 12:15 AM following a road accident in New York. He is suvived by his wife Wilsy Mammen (Kochamma), Children: Smitha Miriam Jomy (Kochamma) Sany Joseph, Melvin Mammen and son-in-laws, Rev. Jomy Mathews, Joel Joseph, daughter in-law Karuna Melvin and grand children Aimee Ann Jomy, Aaron Mathews Thomas and Isaiah Joseph.

The Psalmist says, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, you are with me:. In the life of the believing community, it is a moment of confusion and hurt. Achen embraced all of our lives in a meaningful way. It is with such deep conviction that this untimely loss is affecting each of one us at the core of our being. We remember Achen with great affection and gratitude and pray for his Eternal repose.

The last sermon he preached on Maunty Thursday night was a call to Eternal life and he spoke with conviction reminding us of our responsibilities to our Christian faith. His recent sermons during the lenten prayer meetings were assertive. He always spoke about how to serve God with a clear conscience and a pure heart through a commitment to seek God through prayer and service. He also spoke about salvation. The instinctive desire about attaining God’s saving grace was his message to all of us.

On behalf of the Parish, I express our deepest condolences and prayers for Achen’s immediate family members and extended family members during this time of grief. May God Almighty grant us the peace that passes all understanding.

A Memorial Service was also held honoring Late Rev. T. C. Mammen on Sunday, April 28th, 2019 at the LIMTC after the Holy Communion Service, where all the organizanational representatives and individuals spoke their reflections and personal experiences with Mammen Achen. Mr. Jacob T. Chacko represented the family members and shared their life experience with Mammen Achen.


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WORDS OF GRATITUDE Viewing and Funeral Arrangements

On behalf of the Parish, I would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Vicar, Office Bearers, Executive Committee, Core Committee members, LIMC Outreach Program Coordinators and all the Ushers who helped and assisted in organizing the Late Rev. T. C. Mammen’s Viewing and Funeral arrangements. Ever since we found out Achen’s sudden demise, the Parish stood as one body and worked tirelessly to make the funeral arrangements as better as we can and without any hurdles.

The outside help was commendable under the leadership of our young and talented team. The Young Family Fellowship, Youth Fellowship and Yuvajana Sakhyam played a major role and managed this on Friday when it was heavily raining and also on Saturday. Excellent job team - much appreciated. The Ushers who handled the people inside the Church was also well organi-zed and everything flow through smoothly. A job well done.

The Malayalam and English Choir - Excellent job for both days. The Parish appreciate the Leadership, and special thanks goes to Ruth and Joel who played the music.

Guidance and support from the Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos, Diocesan Administrator, Rev. Dr. Philip Varghese, Diocesan and Bishop’s Secretary Rev. Manoj Idiculla, Bishop Johncy Itty, Vicars from the neighboring Parishes and also those who travelled near and far. All the Achens from the Ortho-dox Church, CSI and the Ecumenical Forum. Those members who opened up their homes for Achen’s stay and transportation. All Senior Members of the LIMTC.

The condolences received from the Metropolitan, other Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church, various organizations and others.

The media, (SojimediaUSA), light and sound, Police Department, Auxiciliary, NYC Police Department officers, Cure of Ars Church, Park Funeral Home and Pinelawn Memorial Park Staff and workers.

A BIG THANK YOU to one and all from the bottom of the heart.


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Koruth Mathew (Saju) 2 Oak Lane, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 - Prayer Group - G

On the early morning of Friday, April 19, 2019, our parish, and the Mar Thoma Church, lost a giant – a spiritual giant. On that Friday, which happened to be Good Friday, our beloved Rev. T. C. Mammen was called to his heavenly abode. To paraphrase our own Rev. Sajit Thomas John, that Good Friday was most definitely a “Dukha Velliyazhcha” for all of us; but for T. C. Mammen Achen, that Friday was indeed a good Friday. It was a “Dukha Velli”, as on that fateful day we lost our spiritual father; but it was also a good Friday, as on that auspicious day Mammen Achen got to be by his heavenly father.

Mammen Achen was our very own Apostle Paul. Mammen Achen’s life embodied Apostle Paul’s famous statement: “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” Phil. 1:21

Like Apostle Paul, Mammen Achen suffered from many physical ailments. And, just like Apostle Paul, Mammen Achen did not allow his ailments to stop him from being a powerful witness and a dedi-cated evangelist for Christ. Mammen Achen had deep knowledge and great insights into Jesus’ teachings. Mammen Achen under-stood the truth of the gospel. And Achen spoke about this truth every chance that he got. He never shied away from telling the truth of the gospel. Achen had no tolerance for any deviation from this truth; if there were any misrepresentations on this matter by anyone, he would speak out and challenge it immediately.

Like Apostle Paul, Mammen Achen expounded his deep knowledge of the gospel to the masses. I always looked forward to Mammen Achen’s sermons – we all did. His sermons were always filled with passion and fervor. Achen never used, or needed, any jokes in his message to keep the attention of the audience. When Mammen Achen spoke, everybody listened. This is because he spoke with authority and clarity. Achen provided a different perspective and a deep insight into our faith, which always made his sermons emotionally and intellectually very stimulating. The moment he walked up to the podium to speak, we knew that we would be presented with a powerful message, an instructive message, a message that would resonate in our hearts.


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With Mammen Achen, we always learnt something new. Like Apostle Paul, Mammen Achen taught us the truth of the gospel. Achen’s Weak physical condition did not in any way prevent him from spreading Christ’s teachings and living a life dedicated to Christ.

Although Mammen Achen was never officially our vicar, he was an important member of our parish family. The Long Island Mar Thoma Church has always been very proud of the fact that Rev. T. C. Mammen, Wilsy Kochamma, and their children are our members. In addition to being a wonderful teacher, he was also great prayer-warrior. Achen empathized with the difficult human condition, and ceaselessly and earnestly prayed for others. All of us have benefited from his prayers.

The similarities in the lives of Mammen Achen and Apostle Paul Are truly striking. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, chapter 4, verses 13-14, Paul writes: “13I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. 14Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles.” These verses could not have been truer for Mammen Achen. Mammen Achen’s life, and his relationship with the mem-bers of the Long Island Mar Thoma Church, personified these verses.

We are very sad that Mammen Achen is no longer with us. We will miss his sermons. We will miss his teachings. We will miss his prayers. We will miss his presence in the altar. We will miss his leadership on the prayer line. We will miss everything about him. An irreplaceable part of our parish is lost. At the same time, we are happy for Mammen Achen. Achen’s departure from his earthly existence is a gain for him, as he is now in paradise with his creator, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Area Representative, Prayer Group - B

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Page 12: A Tribute to Rev. T.C.Mammen - Long Island Marthoma Church

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Page 13: A Tribute to Rev. T.C.Mammen - Long Island Marthoma Church

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Page 14: A Tribute to Rev. T.C.Mammen - Long Island Marthoma Church

REFLECTIONS Reji Mathew (Nephew) 29 Cantiaque Lane, Westbury, NY 11590

Rev. T.C. Mammen, a son, husband, father, grandfather, uncle, friend, and our Achen.

Achen went home to his Creator on the early morning of Good Friday. This is a loss that has affected many far and wide. Each and every one of us have been impacted through Achen’s ministry. Whether it be through his direct interaction, messages of hope, and consistent presence when in need, Achen touched many hearts. Although Achen went through various health issues and personal issues, God continued to protect him each step of the way. He was strong and confident in protecting the Word of the Lord and standing up for the Truth. I pray that God strengthens each one of us and his family, especially Kochamma during this time. Our family is so thankful for all who devoted their time and effort to support the viewing and funeral services and time spent to coordinate a blessed time. As a family we are at a loss for words towards your gratitude and are so grateful for your kind words and support that you have showed. Many have provided condolences to our family, but we also recognize you are also grieving as well and the tears you have shed for Achen. I pray that God bless us all with peace.

My uncle has been an accelerator in my relationship with God and the opportunities that he had provided for me was a great bless-ing. Achen had the unique ability to compare and contrast be-tween the Old Testament & New Testament and apply it to modern day issues and provide us hope and open our eyes to the Truth. Achen’s last messages spoke about eternal life and Jesus Christ’s suffering to redeem us from our sins. Achen emphasized the meaning and value of the Eucharist and the importance of partak-ing in the Holy Communion as he interceded for us. Achen rein-forced our role on Earth and our duty to live our life for our chil-dren and the next generation. Who we are today in our faith will determine what the future will hold. We will miss Achen’s smile and the unique memories that he leaves each one of us, let us not grieve, rejoice and celebrate be-cause our Achen is at the right hand of our Father Jesus Christ in Heaven.


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SECRETARY’S CORNER The Words of the Cross - Lessons of Life

Even in dying, Christ was teaching us how to live. The seven recorded statements from the cross give us seven profound lessons on life.

1. “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do” (Luke 23:34) Forgiveness is better than revenge.

2. “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Para dise” (Luke 23:43). Faith is rewarded with Promise.

3. “Woman, behold your son!…. Behold your Mother!” (John 19:26-27). Our own needs should not overshadow the needs of others.

4. “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me.” (Mark 15:34). Anything that could jeopardize our relationship with God should produce anguish.

5. “I thirst” (John 19:28). These words spoken to fulfill prophecy, remind us of the authority of Scripture.

6. “It is finished” (John 19:30). Do not let yourself lose sight of your goal of doing God’s will.

7. “Father, into Your hand I commend My spirit” (Luke 23:46) In your suffering, entrust yourself to God.

Let us meditate upon these verses and find peace that no one can give other than Christ Jesus, Amen.

Kurien Thomas (Mony) Secretary

On a personal note, like everyone else in the Parish, we will all miss our dear TC Mammen Achen (as we dearly called him) and the vaccum he left at the Pulpit will be rememberd for ever by the LIMTC family. I wish Kochamma, Children, Grandchildren and the entire family members Peace that God only can provide in their hearts and minds and continue the journey of faith that Achen has shown them in his life journey. The LIMTC family assure you that you will be in our prayers and we are here for you.


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The Parish Convention is scheduled to take place at the Church:

Friday May 10th and Saturday May 11th, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Convention Speaker - Rev. Mathew Varghese, Vicar St. Johns Mar Thoma Church, Queens Village

Achen is a Theologean, great teacher and a speaker. Those who have come to the last year’s Parish Retreat will testify about Achen. We are so blessed to have Rev. Mathew Varghese Achen as our speaker this year.

Please pray for the convention and attend the meetings.


We have completed this project and still waiting for more pictures to upload in the system. Please provide your family pictures as soon as possible to either Mr. Thomas David (Sibi) or the Secretary Mr. Kurien Thomas.

Launch date is scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 26th after the Holy Communion Service.

On behalf of the Parish, I want to thank Mr. Thomas David (Sibi) and Mr. Ajai Varghese of St. John’s Mar Thoma Church for all the help and support on this project. Appreciate the great team work.

Please note that all the new families have been added to this directory according to their Prayer Group.


Under the leadership of Edavaka Mission, we have almost completed this book and will be printed shortly.



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On behalf of the Parish I want to thank Stanly Thomas, Yohannan Jacob and Mammen Samuel and Kurien Thomas for taking the efforts and putting this together.


Begins at 9:00 AM on all Sundays

Little and Junior Blessings will be on Malayalam Service Sundays at 9:00 AM


Begins at 9:30 AM on all Engish Service Sundays


Begins at 9:00 AM on all Malayalam Service Sundays


Begins at 9:30 AM once a month on a Malayalam service Sunday (Either last Sunday or first Sunday)


Meeting will be announced at the Church.


Meeting will be announced at the Church.




Meeting will be announced at the Church.


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Weekly Bible study is scheduled to be held on every Tuesdays at 10.00 AM at the Church .


Weekly bible study classes will be held every Thursdays at 7:30 PM at the Church.


Under the leadership of Edavaka Mission, we were able to con-duct Lent Prayer Meetings /Sandhya Namaskaram at various houses and Church this year.

On behalf of the Parish and Edavaka Mission, I want to thank all those houses who opened their home for welcoming and hosting the Lent Prayer Meetings /Sandhya Namaskaram. The following Achens and laymen shared the Word of God during these mee-tings this year.

Rev. Dr. Philip Varghese, Rev. Manoj Idiculla, Rev. T. C. Mammen Rev. Shibi Abraham, Rev. Sajit Thomas John, Mrs. Elizabeth Varghese (Kochamma), Mrs. Mariamma Mathew (Kochamma) Dr. Mathew M. Chacko, Mr. Samuel Chacko, Mr. Mammen Samuel Mr. Varghese C. Baby, Mr. Yohannan Jacob, Mr. Thomas Rajan Mrs. Laila Thomas, Mrs. Leelamma Thomas, Dr. Zachariah Varghese, Mr. George V. Abraham and Mr. George P. Babu

We thank all the respected Achens, Kochamma and the laymen for sharing the word of God. Word of thanks and gratitude to Mr. Stanly Thomas for all the help and support along with the Edavaka Mission Secretary, Mr. Yohannan Jacob and Treasurer Mr. Samuel Chacko.


Will be held on Thursday May 16th & Friday, May 17th, 2019 at the Carmel Mar Thoma Center, Atlanta.


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Will be held on Friday May 17th & Saturday May 18th, 2019 at the Carmel Mar Thoma Center, Atlanta.




Under the leadership of Senior Citizens Fellowship, a dinner cruise is planned for Friday, July 19th, 2019 from 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM.

The Rate is $135.00 per person and this cruise is open to all members of the Parish.


Michael Thomas Philip, born on Sunday March 24th, 2019 to Gibi and Sheba. Congratulations to parents Gibi and Sheba and also Proud grand parents Mr. & Mrs. Joykutty Thomas, Hicksville, Prayer Group - D and also Mr. & Mrs. Babu Philip, Floral Park, Prayer Group - B.

May God Almighty bless the new born child. We welcome Michael to the LIMTC family and fellowship.


Mr. & Mrs. Varughese N. Issaac, Children Saran and Shane Residing at 1356 Rosser Avenue, Elmont, NY 11003 have joined our Parish as new members. They were members of the St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Keezhuvaipur, Kerala. They will be members of Prayer Group - B (Elmont, Lynbrook, Valley Stream and Queens Village)

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Rajan John (Ron and Anju)


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Residing at 119 Fulton Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 have joined our Parish as new members. They were members of the Sehion Mar Thoma Church, Venmony, Chengannur. They will be members of Prayer Group - C. (Herricks and New Hyde Park)

Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Ninan, Children Jordan, Joel and Parents Mr. & Mrs. T. T. Ninan Residing at 10 Genesee Street, Hicksville, NY 11801 have also joined our Parish as new members. They were members of St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Yonkers, New York. They will be members of Prayer Group - D (Bethpage, Hicksville and Plainview)

The LIMTC welcomes all three families to our community and fellowship.


The following New Members’ numbers were added to the One Call :- Mr. & Mrs. Varughese N. Issaac, Elmont - 516-737-8818 Mr. & Mrs. Ron R. John, New Hyde Park - 646-664-6340 Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Ninan, Hicksville - 516-390-7892 Mr. Thomas Chacko - new number - 516-528-3982 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Abraham (reinstated) - 516-747-1114


The LIMC Outreach Group is an initiative to encourage building relationships and helping support our parishioners in various tasks. If you would like a house visit to help with chores, transportation to church or other local places, or just to meet with some of our parishioners, we would love the opportunity to do this with you.

Who is involved? Somi Mathew, Koruthu Mathew (Saju), Anil Thomas, Alex Thomas, Lijo Chacko, and Dr. Anil Chacko Interested? If so, please email us ([email protected]) or contact us by phone (646-481-1566) and we can talk about what you would like to do and see how we can help. All requests will be discussed with Sajit Achen and Office Bearers.


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Mrs. Sosamma Samuel, 88 years old was called to Eternity on Wednesday, February 27th, 2019 at Elavumthitta, Kerala. Late Mrs. Sosamma Samuel is the mother of our members, Mrs. Mariakutty George, wife of Mr. K. C. George, residing at 1702 Broadway, New Hyde Park and Mr. Biju Samuel, residing at 5 Park East, New Hyde Park, Prayer Group - C.

This condolence was not posted in the April newsletter by oversight. My sincere apologies.

Mrs. Gracy John, 75 years old was called to Eternity on Sunday, April 21st, 2019 at Punalur, Kerala, India. Late Mrs. Gracy John is the mother of our member Mr. Oommen K. John, residing at 7 Milburn Street, Hicksville, NY 11801, Prayer Group - D. Mr. & Mrs. Oommen K. John left for India on Friday, April 26th, 2019. The Funeral held on Monday, April 29th, 2019 at 2:30 PM at the St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Punalur.

Mrs. Aleykutty Idicula, 73 years, mother of Rev. K. I. Jose, now serving as the Vicar of Salem Mar Thoma Church, Eastern Long Island was called to Eternal Home on Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 at Kerala, India. Achen and family left for India on Thursday, April 25th, 2019. The Funeral held on Monday, April 29th, 2019 at 2:00 PM at the Salem Mar Thoma Church, Manoor.

The LIMTC expresses our deepest condolences and prayers for the family and extended family members during this time of grief. May the Almighty God grant the peace that passeth all under-standing.


The Vicar and members of the Parish express their sincere thanks to Area Representative Mr. Mammen Samuel and members of Prayer Group – D for their assistance at the pulpit, arranging flowers and providing refreshments during the month of April, 2019.

During the month of May 2019, the above responsibilities are assigned to Area Reprsentative Mr. Lijo T. Chacko and members of Prayer Group - E., Eastern Long Island.


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May 5th - Sunday - 6:00 PM Prayer Group - E Mr. & Mrs. Issac Oonnoonny 3403 Great Neck Road Amityvlle, NY 11701

May 19th - Sunday - 6:00 PM Prayer Group - B Mrs. Mariamma Mathew 702 Crans Street Elmont, NY 11003

May 25th - Saturday - 6:30 PM Prayer Group - C Mr. & Mrs. Shaju Sam 151 North 12th Street New Hyde Park, NY 11040

May 26th - Sunday - 6:00 PM Prayer Group - A Mr. & Mrs. Sam Samuel 79-08, 263rd Street Floral Park, NY 11004



PLACE: MONTROSE BIBLE CONFERENCE CENTRE 218 Locust Street, Montrose, PA 18801 DATE: Thursday, August 8th through Sunday, August 11th, 2019. Retreat Fee: Adult $260.00 Children (Ages 3 - 6) $ 85.00 Children (Ages 7 - 12) $100.00 Youth (Ages 13- 18) $115.00 Youth (Over 18 years) $160.00

May 2019 Prayer Group - E Mr. Lijo T. Chacko

June 2019 Prayer Group - F Mr. Reji Mathew Westbury

July 2019 Prayer Group - G Mr. Kalathil Varughese


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REGIONAL ACTIVITY COMMITTEE RAC Meeting held on Saturday, March 23rd, 2019 at the St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Yonkers, NY. The following mem-bers were elected unanimously at this meeting:-

Daily Devotion - Representing the LIMTC - Mr. Kurien Thomas

Musical Event - by Stephan Devassy and live Orchestra. This is for the fund raising for the Atlanta Carmel Mar Thoma Centre, to be scheduled some time in October 2019 and the following LIMTC members were elected in the Sub-Committee:-

Mrs. Leelamma T. Chacko and Mr. Kurien Thomas


5/5 Sunday School Examination 5/10-5/12 Parish Convention - Malayalam 5/12 Mother’s Day 5/16 Diocesan Clergy Meeting, Atlanta 5/17 & 18 Diocesan Assembly Meeting, Atlanta 5/19 Diocesan Sunday School Examination 5/24 DSMC (Choir Sunday)


6/2 Sunday School Graduation 6/16 Father’s Day 6/29 Sunday School Talent Fest


7/7 Parish Day 7/11 - 7/14 Junior Senior Conference 7/19 Cruise - Senior Citizens Fellowship 7/16 - 7/20 Vacation Bible School (VBS) 7/25 - 7/28 Youth Fellowship National Conference 7/27 Parish Picnic

AUGUST 8/1 - 8/4 MTVEA National Conference, Canada


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8/8 - 8/11 Parish Retreat 8/18 Graduates recognition / New Acadamic Year SEPTEMBER 9/8 Sevika Sangham Day 9/21 Sevika Sangham Regional Talent Festival 9/21 Sunday school Regional Teachers’ Training 9/22 Senior Citizen’s day / Harvest Festival 9/25 - 9/28 Senior Citizens’ National Conference, PA 9/29 YFF Sunday


10/4-6 Yuvajana Sakhyam National Conference, PA 10/6 Youth Fellowship Sunday 10/10 - 10/13 Sevika Sangham National Conference, Houston 10/13 Edavaka Mission Sunday 10/18 - 10/20 Parish Convention, English 10/19 Sunday school Regional Talent Fest 10/20 Yuvajana Sakhyam Sunday 10/26 Fall Fest / Talent Night 10/27 Family Sunday


11/2 World Sunday School Day - Hosted by LIMTC 11/3 World Sunday school Day / LIMTC / Sunday School Anniversary 11/10 Unity Sunday CNI/CSI 11/17 Diaspora Sunday 11/28 Thanksgiving


12/1 Thanksgiving Sunday 12/7 Sunday School Christmas get-together 12/21 Christmas Carol Service 12/25 Christmas Day - Holy Communion Service 9:00 AM English 12/28 Yuvajana Sakhyam Regional Christmas Celebration, LIMTC 12/31 Watch Night/ Holy Communion Service 9:30 PM


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5/1 Ranjan Abraham 121 Oakwood Drive Syosset NY 117915/1 Stanley Thomas 43 Hook Lane Levittown NY 117565/1 Austin Derek Jacob 3 Prose Street Hicksville NY 118015/2 Leeja Tobgy Thomas 1 Clinton Street Hicksville NY 118015/2 Daniel Gee Varghese 462 Richmond Road East Meadow NY 115545/2 Jeremiah T. Mathew 1557 Rosser Avenue Elmont NY 110035/3 Joseph K. Mathew 1557 Rosser Avenue Elmont NY 110035/3 Sharon Josh 58 Summit Street Hicksville NY 118015/3 Susan Isaac 3403 Great Neck Rd Amityville NY 117015/3 Ninan Jacob 10 Genesee Street Hicksville NY 11801 5/4 Glenn Thomas 34 Pine Street Hicksville NY 118015/4 Suma Samuel 79-08 263rd Street Floral Park NY 110045/4 Mini Reji Sam 1413 Terrace Blvd., New Hyde Park NY 110405/5 Lagi Thomas 1 Tinkers Place Hicksville NY 118015/5 Cynthia Ann Mathew 1672 Meadow Lane East Meadow NY 115545/5 Hemanth G. Mathew 153 Bismark Avenue Valley Stream NY 115815/6 Rachel Mathew 189 Canterbury Road Williston Park NY 115965/6 Jacob Eapen 2365 8th Street East Meadow NY 115545/8 Lauren Mathew 2 Oak Lane Roslyn Heights NY 115775/8 Annamma Joseph 3 Whitehall Lane Garden City Park NY 110405/8 Mathew K. Thomas 1850 Lois Place Merrick NY 115665/9 Jeevan Babu 80-42 257th Street Floral Park NY 110045/9 Molly Chacko 5 Oak Street Hicksville NY 118015/9 Rinu Chacko 11 Ridge Court Hauppauge NY 11738

5/10 Shibi Thomas 111 Sigsbee Avenue Albertson NY 115075/10 Susan Thomas 214-09 Hillside Ave. Queens Village NY 114275/11 Aksa Shajan 46 Maxwell Drive Westbury NY 115905/12 Alfie Sam 74 Clarendon Road Lake Ronkonkoma NY 117795/12 Merin Thomas 223 Marcus Avenue GCP NY 110405/14 Susamma Lukose 24 Herkomer Street New Hyde Park NY 110405/14 Alisty Keneth 21 Ray Street Hicksville NY 118015/14 Arun Thomas 325A Lenox Road Huntington NY 117465/14 Anisha Daniel 3620 Martha Blvd. Bethpage NY 117145/15 Jyoti Maiam Varghese 239-13 86th Ave Bellerose NY 114265/15 Jaison Thomas 14 7th Street Garden City Park NY 110405/15 Rachel Varughese 85 Park Avenue Garden City Park NY 110405/15 Kayla Sara Varghese 10 Bretton Road GCP NY 110405/15 Soosamma Thomas 14 Evans Ave Albertson NY 115075/16 Dr. Ronny Jacob 46 Lewis Ln, Syosset NY 11791 5/16 Naveen Varughese 201 Browns Road Nesconset NY 117675/16 T. T. Ninan 10 Genesee Street Hicksville NY 118015/17 Alex Mathew 85-20 248th Street Bellerose NY 11426

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5/17 Alice Varghese 77-22 262nd Street Floral Park NY 110045/17 Aleyamma Keneth 21 Ray Street Hicksville NY 118015/17 Ryan Hario Oommen 40 Preston Ln Syosset NY 117915/17 Jacob Varghese 19 Country Squire Ct. Levittown NY 117565/18 Lovely Babu 263-16 79th Avenue Floral Park NY 110045/18 Aley O. Mammen 16 Cerenzia Blvd. Elmont NY 110035/19 Reggie Jacob 3 Prose Street Hicksville NY 118015/20 Varghese Thomas 47 Kent Street Herricks NY 110405/20 Achamma Jacob 89 4th Street Garden City Pk. NY 110405/20 Christopher Mathew 189 Canterbury Road Williston Park NY 115965/20 Jibi P. Mathew 315 Andrews Road Mineola NY 115015/21 Thomas Rajan 35 Tudor Road Hicksville NY 118015/22 Jobbin Thomas 78 Thorens Avenue GCP NY 110405/22 Renny J. Koshy 7 Wedgewood Drive Westbury NY 115905/22 Reji Sam 1413 Terrace Blvd., New Hyde Park NY 110405/23 Joseph Abraham

Philip386 South 1st Street Lindenhurst NY 11757

5/24 Annamma Philip 1671 Pershing Street Valley Stream NY 115805/25 M. Mathew 20 High Land Blvd. Dix Hills NY 117465/25 Dr. Nitin A. Varughese 201 Browns Road Nesconset NY 117675/25 Jose George 3 Eaton Lane Hicksville NY 118015/25 Daisy Thomas 864 Bauer Street Elmont NY 110035/25 Marina Babu 90 Birchwood Dr Herricks NY 10405/25 Somi P. Mathew 1859 Casper Avenue East Meadow NY 115545/25 Mariamma Mathew 19 Utica Avenue Hicksville NY 118015/25 Annie Philip 90 Hillside Lane S. Syosset NY 117915/25 Varghese Mathew 1808 Atherton Avenue Elmont NY 110035/26 Aleyamma Alex 261-50 72nd Road Floral Park NY 110045/26 Shajan K. Ninan 325 West 9th Street Deer Park NY 117295/26 Alvin B. Sam 4 Berwyn Drive L. Ronkonkoma NY 117795/27 Samuel Cherian 11 Chadwick Road Syosset NY 117915/27 Paul Thomas Philip 55 Rhodes Road New Hyde Park NY 110405/28 Daniel K. Mathew 1672 Meadow Lane East Meadow NY 115545/28 Sheba Mathew 1672 Meadow Lane East Meadow NY 115545/28 Sosamma Abraham 121 Oakwood Drive Syosset NY 117915/28 Jessy S. Mathew 3 Chaffee Avenue Albertson NY 115075/28 Mohan D Jacob 67 Chestnut St Hicksville NY 118015/29 Grace John 7 Milburn Street Hicksville NY 118015/29 Shobin C. Kovoor 1766 Grant Avenue East Meadow NY 115545/29 Aleyamma Samuel 76-41 267th Street New Hyde Park NY 110045/29 Irene Ann Mathew 114 Birch Drive Manhasset Hills NY-110405/29 Suby Philip 386 South 1st Street Lindenhurst NY 11757

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Offer prayer and thanksgiving on Sunday, May 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th.


5/30 Valsa John 70 Dennis Street Garden City Park NY 110405/30 Sabu K. Thomas 820 Bryant Avenue New Hyde Park NY 110405/30 Jiju Sam 74 Clarendon Road Lake Ronkonkoma NY 117795/30 Biju Sam 4 Berwyn Drive Lake Ronkonkoma NY 117795/30 Annamma S. Thomas 820 Bryant Avenue New Hyde Park NY 110405/30 Sosamma Thomas 12 Royal Way Manhasset Hills NY 110405/30 Sosamma Thomas 14 Evans Ave Albertson NY 115075/30 Thomas David 87-26 259th Street Floral Park NY 110045/30 Anitha J. Sam 74 Clarendon Road Lake Ronkonkoma NY 117795/30 Biju C. John 280 Jefferson Avenue Amityville NY 117015/30 Aleyamma Thomas 90 W 3rd Street Deer Park NY 117295/30 Reni J. Mathew 315 Andrews Road Mineola NY 115015/30 Shyla Samuel 11 Chadwick Street Syosset NY 117915/30 Vinod Varghese 239-13 86th Ave Bellerose NY 114265/31 Merson Samuel 119 Fulton Avenue Garden City Park NY 110405/31 Shaji P. Jacob 154 New Bridge Road East Meadow NY 115545/31 Jessy George 114 Haverford Road Hicksville NY 118015/31 Thomas Abraham 90 W 3rd Street Deer Park NY 117295/31 Annamma Saji 235-08 Hillside Avenue Queens Village NY 114275/31 Anaya Aleya Thomas 12 David Drive Syosset NY 117915/31 Ajith P Thomas 17 Starlight Lane Levittown NY 11756

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WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES - MAY 2019 Offer prayer and thanksgiving on Sunday, May 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th.


5/2 Dr. & Mrs. Alex Mathew 872 Abbott Street East Meadow NY 115545/4 Mr. & Mrs. Mathewkutty Easow 153 Bismark Avenue Valley Stream NY 115815/5 Mr. & Mrs. Mathew K. Thomas 1850 Lois Place Merrick NY 115665/7 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel K. Mathew 1672 Meadow Lane East Meadow NY 115545/9 Mr. & Mrs. Chacko Alex 261-50 72nd Road Floral Park NY 110045/9 Mr. & Mrs. Mathai Thomas 9 Russell Park Road Syosset NY 11791

5/11 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Daniel 92nd 6th Street G C P NY 110405/11 Mr. & Mrs. C. T. David 4 Berwyn Drive L.Ronkonkoma NY 117795/12 Mr. & Mrs. Renju Mathew 155 San Juan Ave Albertson NY 115075/12 Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Mathew 18 Park Drive East Syosset NY 117915/17 Mr. & Mrs. John Daniel 75-31 249th Street Bellerose NY 114265/17 Mr. & Mrs. Ranji Mathews 25 Libby Avenue Hicksville NY 118015/17 Mr. & Mrs. Issac Oonnonny 3403 Great Neck RD Amityville NY 117015/18 Mr. & Mrs. Thadathil Mathai 1859 Casper Avenue East Meadow NY 115545/19 Mr. & Mrs. Cherian Kovoor 1766 Grant Avenue East Meadow NY 115545/19 Mr. & Mrs. Tobgy Thomas 1 Clinton St Hicksville NY 118015/20 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Chacko 11 Burns Avenue Hicksville NY 118015/20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Abraham 90 W 3rd Street Deer Park NY 117295/21 Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Ninan 10 Genesee Street Hicksville NY 118015/22 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Chacko 21-27 4th Avenue G C P NY 110405/22 Mr. & Mrs. K. P. Varughese 1642 Gilford Avenue New Hyde PK NY 110405/22 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Varghese 31 Woodlake Drive E Woodbury NY 117975/23 Dr. & Mrs. Ronny Jacob 46 Lewis Ln Syosset NY 117915/23 Mr. & Mrs. Neppu Mathew 114 Hillwood Ln Plainview NY 118035/24 Mr. & Mrs. Mathai Abraham 5 Tudor Road Hicksville NY 118015/25 Mr. & Mrs. Stanly Thomas 70 Stephan Marc Ln New Hyde PK NY 110405/26 Mr. & Mrs. K. V. Thomas 12 Royal Way Manhasset

HillsNY 11040

5/28 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Thomas 43 Hook Lane Levittown NY 117565/28 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffy Daniel 153 Celler Avenue New Hyde PK NY 110405/29 Mr. & Mrs. Koruthu Philip 10 Regent Lane Manhasset

HillsNY 11040

5/29 Mr. & Mrs. Chris John 70 Dennis Street G C P NY 110405/30 Mr. & Mrs. George V. Abraham 1978 Marion Drive East Meadow NY 115545/30 Mr. & Dr. Mrs. Reji Mathew 29 Cantiague Lane Westbury NY 115905/30 Mr. & Mrs. Jobbin Thomas 78 Thorens Avenue G C P NY 110405/31 Mr. & Mrs. Anil Jacob 2 Robbins Lane Westbury NY 115905/31 Dr. & Mrs. Mammachen

Cherian 36N Pickwick Drive Syosset NY 11791

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Mr. Lagi Thomas, Secretary

Mr. Mathewkutty Easow, Public Relations Officer

Thursday May 30th Clergy Meeting

Saturday June 15th Picnic - Eisenhower Park

Sunday July 7th St. Thomas Day Celebration

Sunday October 20th Fellowship Dinner (Cottilion Restaurent)

Saturday October 26th Youth Retreat

Saturday October 26th Convention (St. Johns Mar Thoma Church)

Sunday October 27th Convention (CSI Jubilee Church)

Friday November 22nd Carol Rounds

Satrday November 23rd

Carol Rounds

Sunday November24th

Carol Rounds

Sunday January 5th, 2020

Christmas and New Year Celebration


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Date Time Schedule and Weekly Theme

Sunday May - 5th

9:00 AM 10:00 AM

English Divine Service Holy Communion Service in Malayalam - Resurrection Experience that gives Hope, Metropolitan Fund

Friday May - 12th

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Praise and Worship Holy Communion Service in English Restoring Lord

Sunday May - 19th

9:00 AM 10:00 AM

English Divine Service Holy Communion Service in Malayalam Commission by the Risen Lord

Sunday May - 26th

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Intercessory Prayer - Malayalam Holy Communion Service in Malayalam Lord worthy of Adoration - DSMC Sunday

Date 1st & 2nd Lessons

Epistle Gospel

Sunday May - 5th

Leviticus 25:1-17 Acts 7: 54-60

Galatians 4:1-7

St. Matthew 28:16-20

Sunday May - 12th

Ezekiel 36:24-36 Romans 8:12-17

Acts 1:12-14 St. John 21: 1-14

Sunday May - 19th

Jeremiah 1:1-10 1 Timothy 4:6-16

2 Timothy 2:1-8

St. John 21:15-19

Sunday May - 26th

Exodus 15:1-18 Revelation 7:9-12

Philippians 2: 1-11

St. Luke 10:21-24


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