A true brief account (with directions for the use) of the ... · thenature ofanimated beings, and far excels in fafety and efficacy all the various chemical combinations, of metals

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Page 1: A true brief account (with directions for the use) of the ... · thenature ofanimated beings, and far excels in fafety and efficacy all the various chemical combinations, of metals
Page 2: A true brief account (with directions for the use) of the ... · thenature ofanimated beings, and far excels in fafety and efficacy all the various chemical combinations, of metals
Page 3: A true brief account (with directions for the use) of the ... · thenature ofanimated beings, and far excels in fafety and efficacy all the various chemical combinations, of metals
Page 4: A true brief account (with directions for the use) of the ... · thenature ofanimated beings, and far excels in fafety and efficacy all the various chemical combinations, of metals
Page 5: A true brief account (with directions for the use) of the ... · thenature ofanimated beings, and far excels in fafety and efficacy all the various chemical combinations, of metals


TRUE AND BRIEF ACCOUNT(With Directions for the Ufe)






Malignant, Putrid, Spotted,and Bilious Fevers, &c.

Hypochondriafis, & all kindsof Nervous Complaints;

Scurvy, Scrophula,White Swellings,Gonorrhoea,Lues Venerea, &c, &c.

Originally difeovered, and fuccefsfully ufed, in extenfive Praftice,for Fifty Years,

b r

Dr. J. WEBSTER, of London.Felix qui fotuit rerum cognofcere caufas.


Now faithfully prepared from the original Recipe,


And fold by them, at the Laboratory, oppolite the Free-Mafon’s Charity School, Wejiminjler Road, near the Ohelijk ;

by their Appointment, at Mr. Tutt’s Medicinal Ware-h o afe, Royal Exchange ; Mr. Bolton’s, Ditto; Mr. Wade’s,No. 13, Old Bond Street ; Mr. Pin ding’s, No. 'ld, OxfordStreet, oppolite the Pantheon ; Meff, Hewlett and Co.Druggilis, &c. Borough High Street ; Mr. Wilson, Chymiftand Druggift, Blackfriars Road ; Mr. T. VSebb, Long Lane ySouthwark ; and no where elfe in Town

Price As. a Pint and 7s. 6d. a Quart Bottle,—Duly included.

London: Printed for the Proprietors, (by T. Geoghegan,Southwark Printing Office) 1799,

And given with the Medicine.

Entered at Stationers’ Hall.

Page 6: A true brief account (with directions for the use) of the ... · thenature ofanimated beings, and far excels in fafety and efficacy all the various chemical combinations, of metals
Page 7: A true brief account (with directions for the use) of the ... · thenature ofanimated beings, and far excels in fafety and efficacy all the various chemical combinations, of metals



fhort Trad being written, merely, with the viewof recommending, to more general notice, a preparation

known only to the Author ; and a few individuals of meritto whom he has difclofed the procefs*, for the generalbenefit of his fellow-creatures, in every part of the worldhe lhall not enter into the boundlefs regions of Theory andSpeculation, but confine himfelf to matters of fa£l; and

fuch. obfervations as (being deduced from a long acquaint-ance with difeafe, fome knowledge of the TherapeuticArt, great experience, deep and fiudioys refearches intothe ftate of Medicine, and Medical Practice) may enablehim to throw the beft light on the nature. Properties, andoperation of the Medicine, he would, now, ftrenuoufly,recommend to the ferious notice of every perfon, afflifledwith any of the maladies here treated of, and which hehas named CEREVISIA ANvjLICANA, Or ENGLISHDIET DRINK. He would, however, have remained,for ever, lilent, had not the incfficacy ofroofi: PharmaceuticPreparations now ufed by the regular Phyjtcian, as well asthe injurious compofitions of ielf. dubbed Doflors, taughthim that fome reformation was wanted in the Pharmaceutic

* The chemical procefs ufed in this preparation is nevj t andat prefeat unknown to any others in the world, befide the pro-prietors, who are under a very cpnfiderablepenalty not to divulgeit, or any one article belonging to it; yet it is necelfary to let theworld know, it is compofed ofvegetables of the mod innocent,yet fpecihc virtues, and may be given to infants, adults, andperfons far advanced inyears,withthegreatefl benefit and fuccefs.

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Art, and pointed out that a general or univerfal Remedy* fmade up of the mod Ample and innocent ingredients, but,at the fame time, poffeffing great Medicinalproperties, and,fo contrived that each article fhould mutually receive anincreafe of virtues and operative powers from union withthe others, and the whole form a balfamic—falubriouscompound, which, readily aflimilating with the juices ofthe ftomach, might be fpeedily conveyed, to every part ofthe human body, through the medium of the circulation;fuch a remedy, the Doflor imagined, would be a greatacquifxtion to the inhabitants of this and every othercountry, and the moft valuable gift Man could beftow on

Man.—Deeply impreffed with thefe fentiments, andftrongly perfuaded that the united efforts of labour andftudy would condufl him to the wifhed-for difeovery, hefat about the talk with ardour; —it was a work of time,and indefatigable exertion; ultimately, however, his en-quiries were crowned with fuccefs.—lt may juftly be faidhe has found a more valuable treafure than the beadedphilofopher*s Jlone—for he has found the art of removing

* It was the firm opinion of the great and immortalDr. Boerkaave, and often advanced, as fuch, in his public lec-tures, at Leyden,

u that an univerfal medicine iiionld he difeovered(i }n vegetables only ; they containing juices which moft readily“ afiimilated with, and, (from experiments frequentlyrepeated)

were more analogous to the nature ofanimated Beings—-thansf any preparations, Skill and Ingenuity could extrad from the“ Mineral Kingdom. What analogy (fays he) can there be“ between metals, minerals, &c. and animals? On the con-“ trary, much may be confidently expended, and hoped for“ from vegetables, whofe component parts and juices are fimilar*( to our own!”

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many difenfes, hitherto deemed incurable; and di(covered a

remedy, more analogous and congenial to animated nature,and better adapted to the feveral conditions, and confuta-tions of the human body, than any one then known*, as

fifty years wide extended pradice, and a faithful recordof cafes, as they occurred, amply demonilrate. TheCEREVISIA will be found particularly ferviceable in agreat variety of diforders—in none can it do harm.

The frequent failure of the learned and regular Phyfi-cian, even in cafes, which have, afterwards, readily,yielded to a lefs formal mode of treatment, may, in agreat meafure, be attributed to the prejudices imbibed atthe Medical Schools of the prefent day, which have broughtinto difcredit the mode of pradice, inftituted by thevenerable Galen, and occafioned, almoft, a total departurefrom, and deriledion of the Galenical Prefcnations, whichhave been too long laid afide; and almoft a general Intro-duction of Chemiflry, and Chemical Reafoning, into thePradice of Fhyfic,—the conclufions, drawn from this laftfource of error, mud ever prove fallacious, till, the humanftomach—(made up of living animal fibres) —can be con-verted into a Mechanical Still, or Retort—hence a multi-tude ofarticles, (feme in themfelves pofleffing high fanativeproperties) are every day blended together ; but, from theheterogeneous and contradictory combinations, an inert—-grofs—ufelefs compound is produced, inftead of an adive—.beneficial Medicine.—Sed tempera mutantur. This changein Medicine, the Author fmcerely regrets, becaufe theconfequences are hurtful to man, and retard the advance*

* See the laft note,

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ment of this fublime—*God-like—fcience; he has there-fore taken the liberty to reftore and bring back into ufeBotanic Medicine, The wonderful Medicinal Virtuesof Vegetables, and the various purpofes to which they areapplicable in Surgery, have,formany ages,been overlooked;Phyfxcians, not clearly comprehending thofe properties,which are, now, found, to'exift in their component parts, or,what is more probable, not knowing any better procefsfor obtaining or extracting them, than the ordinary culi-nary method, in which the moll valuableparts, being eafilyvolatalized, were carried off in vapour, and loft to theoperator, whohad, only, left behind a grofs, inert reliduum.But it is now well underftood that the bountiful Author ofNature has implanted in the Vegetable Creation, (which isnearly allied to the Animal, and is enriched with the moftbalfamic, cordial, and reftorative qualities) a capability ofaffimilating with and correcting a morbid ftate of thehuman circulating fluids.

Modern improvements in the Pharmaceutic Art, par-ticularly the often-repeated Experiments of Dr. Webster,clearly prove that the Vegetable is more analogous tothe nature of animated beings, and far excels in fafetyand efficacy all the various chemical combinations, ofmetals or minerals, which are, fo plentifully, fcat-tered throughout our modern Pharmacopeias —to thealmoft total expulfion of Heaven’s bell Gifts to difeafedmortals.—This was not formerly the cafe—would to God

. * can never fo nearly approximate the great Author ofhis Being, as when he becomes inftrumental to the Health oflus fellow-creatures.

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it had never happened—for we perfeftly agree in opinionwith that, indefatigable Botanjft, Sir John Hill, whofpent a long and laborious life in inveftigating the Medi-cinal properties of herbs and plants, and, in endeavouringto obtain them, in a pure ftate, freed from the grofs andearthy particles which enter into their compolition, ** thatevery human malady may be cured by Vegetable PreparationsThey operate indeed as it were infenfibly at firft; butalthough they proceed fejlino lente, an ill habit, or difeafedftate of body is, at laft, certainly rellored to an healthy ftate,and entirely freed from every fpecies of noxious matter.

Although fpeculative theories and ingenious hypothefismay amufe, and entertain the curious reader, yet they,often prove, dangeroufly deceptive, being frequentlyfounded in error; the Author, therefore, trufts he (hall beexcufed for avoiding fo flippery a path, and hopes theferious enquirer, after ufeful knowledge, will be, better,fatisfied with a delineation of fads, drawn from adualexperience and attentive observation.

It is univerfally allowed, that all difeafes correfpondwith their caufes, be they external or internal, and whichaffeft the fyftern according to its ftate and condition.This may happen in various ways, either through themedium of the fenfes, by the changes which take place inthe atmofphere that furround us, or in the air we breathe:—thefe, conftitute, in general, the external caufes thatderange our health, and bring on difeafe. The internalCaufes may be fummed up in a few words, as deep; thequality and quantity of our food, or fuch things as we

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receive into our flomach, or lungs, from noxious exhalations,putrid effluvia, mephitic vapours, carbonic gas, &c. &c.

The true fiandard of Health is, that ftate of the body inwhich all its component parts are in unifonwith each other,equally firm to refill:, and pliant to yield ; all the animalfunctions proportionably regulated, and duly performed.Thefe eftablifh an equipoife betwixt health and difeafe,the fmallelt deviation from which is an approximationtowards the latter.

To preferve or reflore this balance when once over-turned—in other words, a defire to point out an eafy,fafe, pleafant, and efficacious mode of relieving mollhuman maladies, has been the Author's, principal induce-ment for publifhing a brief Account of the CEREVISIA,from a full conviction that it has, and will continue, toprove, highly ferviceable to mankind in general, even inthe moil obflinate nervous and hypochondriac cafes; difeafesthe moft difficult to cure, as well as to account for, orexplain ; but which have been removed by this Medicine,

after the whole clafs of what are called nervous remedies,have been tried in vain.

It is here of no confequence to enquire, whether thenerves are hollow tubes or a regular fet of vefl'els arifingfrom the medullary fubftance of the brain, containing afubtle fluid, called—The Animal Spirits, or whether theyare folid, elaflic chords, afting as conductors to aneleClric asther, which the will, or an external imprefflon,can determine to any part of the body, and thus excitethe fenfation of pain or pleafure, according to the force

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or violence of the impreffion. Be this as it may, whetherthe nerves are hollow tubes, or elaftic chords, or neither,will avail nothing on the prefent occafion. Every MedicalMan wellknows, that the Human Frame is liable to manydiforders, which cannot be explained either by the laws ofthe Animal (Economy, or on the principles ofAnatomy ocPhyfiology : and that there are fome difeafes whichcannot,by any means, be totally cured; though but few that maynot be relieved by proper medicine, and fultable regimen.The Author hopes the contents of this little Effay will notappear lefs deferving of notice becaufe not fandioned bya greater name; or on account of the inferiority of thelanguage to the importance of the fubjeft. He aims at

giving the greateft quantity of ufeful and practical in-formation on a fraall fcale, and labours to render himfelfunderftood by every clafs of readers; it being bis onlyambition to endeavour at doing all the good he can, tohis fellow-creatures, whilft it may pleafe Providence tocontinue him here below.—After this digreffion, whichthe reader will kindly pardon, the Author will proceed tofubjoin a few more remarks

He does not hefitate to affert, that, it would be unjuftin any one to patronize, recommend, or attempt toeftablilh, as a Medicine of efficacy and character, whateverhad not derived a juftclaim to fuperior fanative powers,during a long and fevere trial in an extenftve pradice.The man who attempts the arduous talk of introducing aKew Remedy to public notice, (hould paufe fora moment,and alk himfelf thofe ferious queftions ;—Am I certainthat this favourite preparation of mine will prove ofgeneral utility to my fellow-creatures Or, Am I ralhly

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hurling deflrußion amongft mankindP—Conference willreturn very unfatisfaftory anfwers, unlefs the Author, togreat experience, fhould have alfo joined the clofeftobfervation, as to the modus operandi of his Medicine, andits effefts on the human confutation in every variety ofdifeafe he judges it calculated to relieve, and to thefe haveadded an intimate acquaintance with the animal osconomy,and a perfeft knowledge of the nature of difeafes ingeneral, together with their mode of cure.

The fortunate Inventor of the invaluable Remedy now-

offered to the Public, having his mind deeply impreffedwith thejuftice of the preceding obfervations, carefullyand attentively marked its operation in every complaintand difeafe, for which it is now recommended, upwards offifty years. It mull; afford no fmall fatisfaftion to all thofcwho may be induced to try the falutary effedls of thisefficacious Medicine, to be informed, that, during thislong period of time, THE CEREVTSIA ANGLICANAwas adminiftered in numberlefs cafes both in town andcountry, without ever failing to effeft a care. Many willplace the greater reliance on the healing powers of thisVEGETABLE SPECIFIC, when told, that the firftdifeoverer is a Medical Man in the drifted fenfe of theexpreffion; he had always a great propenfity for phyficalknowledge,* Was regularly bred to the profeffion, andhas had great experience in a large and fuccefsful praftiee.

* Led over vales and mountains to exploreWhat healing virtue fwells the tender veinsOf herbs and flowers ; or what the beams of mornDraw forth, diftilling from the clifted rindIn balmy tears. Dr. AKENsrns,

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In fcrophulous or ftruraous fwellings of the glands ofthe neck, &c. &c. &c. white fwellings of the joints, thefcurvy in all its various appearances, more efpecially fuchfcorbutic affeftions as are contracted at fea, from fakedprovifions, or long voyages, or intemperance in themanner of living, eating or drinking; &c. in the Yellow-Fever, of warm climates, in bilious, malignant, putrid,and fpotted fevers; in the low nervous, and thofe of thetyphus kind ; and in almoft every difeafe where mercuryand other deliterious Medicines have proved ineffectual orinjurious; this invaluable, long-tried. Vegetable Pre-paration has been found to cleanfe the whole mafs ofcirculating fluids from every impurity, provided thepatient does not over-flep the bounds of Temperance andRegularity; in faff, it may be juftly denominated a

Specific in all the difeates here enumerated ; a?td isfuperkrto every Medicine hitherto difeovered, in nil Jlages of thatdeftrußive difeafe, the Lues Venerea, the common andreigning difeafe of the prefent times, a difgrace to humannature, as well as a difgrace to Medicine; for, in theAuthor's opinion, few, if any, ever receive a permanentcure from the prefent mode of treatment; which, but toofrequently, leaves a debilitated conftitution, a difpofitionto confumption, &c. fo that the cure, as it is generallycalled, becomes worfe than the difeafe ; a ftinking breath,rotten teeth, fvvelled glands, foetid ulcers, carious bones,&c. &c. are very often the confequences of fuch pretendedcures; but from the fingular and furprifing fuccefs thathas attended the adminiftration of the CEREVISIA, orDIET DRINK, in numerous venereal cafes of the worftkind, during a period of fifty years, the * Doctor indulges

* Dr. J. Webster, Difcoverer of the CEREVISIA.

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the pleafing idea that a general diflanination of theMedicine will preferve the lives of Thoujands, reftorehealth to them ,• (though at the verge of diftblution)comfort and fatisfaftion to their families and friends;and perhaps, in the progrefs of time, may totally exter-minate this deadly foe of the human race.

Here I cannot avoid mentioning what an honeft Phy-lician, and a fenfible writer has faid in his Treatife con-cerning the prevention and cure of this prevalent difeafe,that “ Medicines poffefled of fuch aftive powers as moft** preparations of mercury are, cannot be thrown into** the ftomach in large dofes, for any conftderable length

of time, without materially aifedling that organ, fo“ necelfary to the exiftence of every animal.

* c Mercury will occaftonally hurt the ftomach and*f bowels, even when it is adminiftered with the greateftte care and attention, and it muft be ftill more pernicious** when thefe are neglected. We may venture to aflert,*c that not one in a hundred of thofe who take mercury“ have it in theirpower to obferve a proper regimen.

*c Few ftimulants are more adftive than many of the“ preparations of mercury ; indeed, fome of them are fofr acrid as to be juftly ranked among poifons. Such edge-“ tools as thefe can feldom be ufed with impunity. X** have known few people who had taken great quantities** of mercury free from complaints of the ftomach or* 5 bowels.

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“ The lungs, as well as the ftomach, are often hurt by“ means of mercury. The number of young men whot( die every year in London of confumptions, brought on

by the improper ufe of mercury, is a fufficient proof“ of the baneful effefts of that mineral on the lungs.

tc The effefts of mercury on the nervous fyftem are" more direfi : I have often fcen paralytic affeftions“ brought on by the imprudent ufe of mercury, by whichf* even young men have been rendered lame and miferabletf for life. But the flow and lefs perceptible effefls of** mercury are more frequent, and likewife more hurtful;

by them the bell conftitution may be undermined, andft the moll robull man reduced to an abfolute invalid.“ fhivering at a breeze, and dragging out a wretched“ exiftcnce, under a load of nervous maladies, for which�* Medicine knows no cure.”

It would require a large volume to recite but a fmallportion of the evils occafxoned by mercury, or quote athoufandth part of what has been written by men, themoft eminent in their profeffion on this fubjeft, pointingout its ill effedl on the Conftitution, and even in publica-tions which appear to have been ulhered into the world onpurpofe to recommend it.

If fuch are the general and deleterious effefts of mer-curials, though blended often with other ahfurdities to

iiifguife their poifonous tendency, what man in his fenfeswould prefer a method fo dangerous and uncertain, when

is now offered a fafe and cffeftual remedy {proved

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by many thoufand inftances) free of any pernicious orpoifonous quality whatfoever ?

It may be obferved, that almoft all difeafes originate inthe blood, or are occafioned by the morbific matter beingcarried into the fyftem by abforption, and are moft eafilyremoved by infufing into this circulating mafs (the life ofman and of every animal upon the face of the earth) acombination of fuch elementary principles, as are fimilarto thofe of which the blood, and other juices, in theirpure and elaftic date confift ; and which are fitted toaffimilate therewith, and to correft, purify, regenerate,and enrich the fame ; for this is in faft the foie in-tention, and ultimate aim of all Medicines; but theyfrequently mifearry, by being given in too grofs a form,or in too fmall quantities, becaufe they are obliged toundergo the feveral digeftive operations of the ftomach,&c. before they can mingle with the blood, by whichmeans their fpecific and hidden virtues are either loft ortieftroyed amongft the food, and gaftric liquors, or furnilhedin fuch very fmall portions as to produce little or no effeCt ;

and further, experience, has demonftrated, that, as allmetallic and mineral fubftances confift of parts no wayanalagous to the human body, they generally do morehurt than good : efpecially mercury, the falhionable Her-culean, which, in the hands of injudicious preferibers,we have ftrong reafon to believe, and do not hefitate topronounce, has been the deftroyer ofmultitudes.

To cure, or counteract thefe dreadful difeafes, theutmoft exertions and inventions of human ingenuity andunderftanding have been tried, but hitherto with little or

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no fuccefs; nay, even the prefent method by mercurialsgenerally either fails altogether, or only induces the fem-blance of a cure, whilft the difeafe is making daily in-roads on the health of its unfufpefting viftim, till at lengththe unhappy patient is, rapidly hurried to an untimelygrave.

The naufeous forms, the crude and improper Hate thefeforts of Medicines are generally given in ; the numerousand contradictory ingredients of which they are com-pounded, not, only torture the patient, but entirely fruf-trate the views of the Phyfician in prefcribing them.

The CEREVISIA, whofe aftonilhing falutary powersare briefly but honeftly Hated in this little trad, is, on thecontrary, free from all the objections pointed out above.It is the raoft pleafant, innocent, and the moll efficaciousremedy ever yet difcovered, in this or any other country,not only, for the feveral difeafes herein enumerated—butwill prove equally ferviceable in all thofe which bear anyaffinity to them, and which are too numerous to be parti-cularized.

This excellent DIET DRINK affimilates as foon as itenters the ftomach, and readily mixing with the chyle,which it renders mild and highly nutrious, is fpeedilyblended with the venal and arterial blood, which it gene-rates and rcplenilhes to an high degree; warms, purifies,animates, and impels, throughout the whole fyftem,cleanfing the vifcrea and glands, and more efpeciaily thelungs, mefentery, kidneys, &c. by its gently Himulatingpowers, it promotes a due and healthy fecretion of thegajlric liquor, confequently digeftion, diflblving vifcid

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Humours, deftroying worms and other animalcules. l£prevents infectious difeafes taking place from externalcaufes, fuch as unwholefome fmells, and puttrid air. Sec,

In fhort, it is fo ufeful a Medicine, and has been fo manyyears eftabliibed by extenfive practice and experience, thatlittle more need be faid to recommend it as a generalremedy that ought to be kept in every family, and maywith confidence be relied on as a Specific, particularly inthe following difeafes, and in all complaints arifing fromfimilar caufes, or deducing their origin from thofe.

In FEVERS, by what name foever diftinguifhed.Kecent colds are generally the beginning of all fevers,arifing from a fudden check to fome of the natural excre-tions or evacuations of the body; the animal machinebecomes deranged, and peihaps there exifts a morbid ftateof the blood at the fame time; the pulfe is renderedquick, hard, and full, plainly difeovering that perfpira-tiort, and probably tranfpiration is equally flopped bycold or damp air ; hence the commencement of Fever—-and to the fame caufe the various fymptoms and appear-ances which occur in the progrefs of the difeafe, (ifproper remedies be not timely applied) muft be attributed.In fuch cafes the patient (hould take three or four table-fpoons full of the CEREVISIA, milk warm, foon as inbed and well covered up ; by this means* a plentiful per-fpiration is excited, and all the fymptoms are quicklyremoved, for a better and fafer fudorific is not to be

* It Humid be obferved that fome perfons are with extremedifficulty thrown into a Hate of perforation.

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found in the whole materia medka. The operation of theMedicine will be, confiderably, promoted by drinking, occa-fionally, a bafon of wine-whey, acidulated with lemon-juice. This valuable remedy has, alfo, proved a Specificin the epedemical YELLOW FEVER of *America andthe Weft Indies, bilious and other debilitating difenjes ofnvarm climates. It has faved many lives in SPOTTEDMALIGNANT and PUTRID FEVERS, even of themoil dangerous kind, and never yet failed being attendedwith fuccefs ; when properly and perfeveringly admini-ftered.

In Scorbutic or other Eruptions on the Skin, and all dif-eafes, in general, proceeding from impurities of the blood.

* The late venerable and much-lamented Dr. Benj. Franklin,of America, with whom Dr. Webfter was in habits of intimacy,inLondon and at Paris, took this CEREVISIA, the whole timehe continued here, at his apartments, Craven-Street, Strand, fora very obfiinate and troublefome Scorbutic Eruption, which had

afflicted him feveral years, and relifted the ufual means ofrelief.Jn two months he obtained a radical cure, and to guardagainft a relapfe direded a quantity to be fent to him whilft atParis. When this truly great man, (Franklin) returned to hisown country, firmly believing that the DIET DRINK wouldprove a fafe and efficacious remedy in their YellowFever, and otherEndemical Difeafes, he engaged, from motives of the pureft Phi-lanthropy, and affectionate regard for his Countrymen, to fettle20001. per annum on the *Author, if he would refide in America, andprepare the Medicine there, for the ufe of its Citizens j. at thefame time he directed twenty-four gallons to be fent thither.—A warm attachment to England, and the hterejls of Englifhmen,prevented the acceptance of this liberal offer.


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(which fliew themfelvcs in the fpring and fall,) a fetvbottles takenat thofe feafons of the year, prove an effectualremedy. Afiifled by a proper regimen, and perfeverence,it will never fail to cure Old Ulcers, Fijhdas, Sore Legs,&c. See 4 from whatever caufe proceeding, fpeedily re-

ftoring the Ikin to its original fmoothnefs, elallicity, foft-nefs and pliability.

For IMPAIRED CONSTITUTIONS, perhaps therenever was, or ever, will be difeovered, fo powerful a

Reflorative as this CEREVISIA, or a Medicine equallyfuccefsful, in correcting, regulating, and bringing backthe various fecretions, to their proper courfes, givingflrength, and vigour to the whole human machine ; in-fufing its balfamic virtues into the circulating mafs offluids; the afflifted become, almoft, new men again, dailyrecovering mufcular flrength and activity, they quicklyre-gain their wonted health, and complexion.

In DEBILITATED HABITS of both fexes, whetheroccafioned by youthful imprudencies, hard drinking, orthe too free ufe of mercury; it renovates the life andfpirits in a furpriflng manner j furnifhes a frefli fupply ofthofe, rich, highly nutritous, fluids, which, *juvenileindifcrction may, improvidently, have lavilhed away.

* Parents, Guardians, and others, having the fuperintendanceof young men, tainted with the falhionable vices of the age,cannot be, too earneftly, advifed to put them under a courfe ofthis CEREVISIA immediately. Such a ftep would have pre-vented many noble families from becoming almoft extinfl, andpreferved the titles and ejlatcs in the dire ft line of defeent forfeveral generations.

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and, thus, brought on decripitude of body, lofs of me-mory, derangement of the intellectual faculties, dimnefsof fight, and a premature old age, &c. &c. Happily forgay-unthinking man, the votary, and, too often, theearly viftim of deftruflive pleafures. This CEREVISIA,if duly perfevered in, will, feldom or ever, fail to removethe confeqnences of fuch errors; it, alfo, helps digeftionand creates an appetite.

It deftroys worms in *children and adults j and is thepleafanteft, mildeft, and beft anthelmintic, or 'worm-killingMedicine ever made public. Itseffefts are, truly aftonilhingin cleanfmg the vifeera in general, efpecially the lymphaticand glandular fyftem; in truth, its virtues cannot be,fufficiently, fpoken of, and humanity demands that itIhould no longer be confined to private pra&ice onlybut for the benefit of mankind, made univerfally known;that its vittues may be extended to all parts of the world ;

and it will be fold at an expence fo eafy as to precludefew, if any+, from having it in their power to prove itsfalutary effefts.

* It feems to be particularly ufeful in the ftveral difeafe.peculiar to infants, by correcting the too acid compofition oftheir food, caufing them to cut their teeth with lefs fever, fain.See. preventing or removing gripes, green Jlools, and other acrimoniousmatter ; fo frequently, degenerated, in their tender bowels, bywhich means thoufands are carried off, and which generallyhappens in confequence of over-loading their ftomachs with im-proper food, liquor, &c.

A tea fpoonful may be given every night in breaft-milk orpap, and increafed or decreafed according as circumllancesrequire.

-f Deferring objects, properly recommended to the Proprietorswill be furnifhed with the Medicine at halfprice.

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* la Hypochondriasis, *Nervous Fevers**Nervous Head Achs, and every variety of that longand dreadful train of *Nervous Complaints, and *Hypo-chondriac afFeftions, which are fo well known, to too.many unhappy fufferers of both fexes, that it is needlefsto defcribe them here. In all Female Weaknesses,from whatever fource arifing, Chlorosis, or GreenSickness, Flour Aldus, or Whites, obftrufted orirregular Menftruation, &c. &c. all of which, in theirturn, embitter the lives of the fair fex—this CEREVISIAis ftrongly recommended ; and let thofe afflifted witheither of the above difeafes, permit their fpirits to becheered, and confolation enter their bofoms when, fe-rioufly, informed they may obtain a fpeedy cure by theufe of this DIET DRINK, a medicine proved by ampleexperience to be one of the beft known to be taken aboutthe commencement, and towards the declineof the femaleperiodical difcharge.

In Pulmonary and Consumptive cafes, and inmoft Asthmatic complaints, it has been attended withfurprifmg beneficial effefts, and, affifted by perfeverence,a milk diet, and proper regimen, has been the means offaving numbers of both fexes, even when the originalcaufe proceeded from wrong treatment, and was, perhaps,blended with venereal orfome other difeafeat the fame time.Early application is, in all cafes, advifeable, the negleftof which, as a learned Phyfician obferves, has broughtihoufands to the grave before their days were half run out.

* Thofe labouring under any of the above affe&ions, will expe-dite a Cure, by taking the Medicine in a glafs of generous oldPort, Sherry, orMadeira vine, as may be found to agree belt.

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For SCROPHULOUS complaints, commonly calledthe *KING’s EVIL, where the glands of the neck, &c.are vifibly indurated, and enlarged, or even burft intopainful wounds with a famous difcharge, no Medicineever equalled the curative powers of this; but in fuchcafes it muft be a eonfiderable time continued, and thedifcharge rather promoted than dried up—the thin matteror difagreeable fanies will be gradually converted into athick, laudable, cream-coloured pus, the pain, after fomctime, daily abate—and, at length, the wounds will beperfectly healed.—Efpecial care muft be taken to keep thefores clean by walking them with warm milk and water,and dreffing them every day with fome eafy digeftive,fpread, upon lint, or, a line folt rag. Here I muft obferve,that cleanlinefs is as abfolutely neceflary in thefe dreadfulcafes, as it is in venereal ones, when there are frequentlyChancres, Ulcers, Warts, and Caruncles on the prepuce,and glans—penis of men, and the pudenda of females.Thefe ought to be kept clean, by frequent walking, &c,for which purpofe there is a ufeful machine contrived,called a bidet, or femicupium, which upon many otheraccounts, fhould be a piece of furniture in every family.

* It particularly, behoves the patient in this difeafe, (a difeafemore prevalent and more fatal in England than in any other partof the known world) to guard a gainft, a cold and damp atmof-fhere, and the nighl ah, with the utmoft caution ; for this pur-pofe, let him cloath himfelf in Jlannel—or, what is ftill better,fleecy Hofiery, and wear it next his Body, night and day.

To prevent all danger of a relapfe, this CEREVISIA fhouldhe taken for fome time after the apparent accomplifhment of aperfedl cure; but the dofes may be leffened, and need not hataken fo frequently as before.

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LUES VENEREA.-—ln every ftage of thisdifcafe,whether in male or female; it has fucceeded, in innumer-

ably inftances, and never failed, in any curable cafe, evenafter repeated falivations had proved inefFeftual,

Simple, or common, as well as virulent GONOR-RHCEAS, fpeedily alter their appearance for the better,though the latter, in many habits, prove fometimes obfti-nate, and require a longercontinuance of the CEREVISIA,efpecially if mercury, in whatfoever form, has been, inju-dicioufly, adminiftered before-hand any length of time.*

In Gleets either recent or of long Handing; infeminalweaknefles; nervous tremblings ; lumbar pains, &c. &c.the frequent relics of ill-cured Lues, this DIET DRINKwill prove a valuable alterative, a powerful and effedualReftorative. But in fuch cafes the Medicine will require tobe taken for a confiderable length of time, to fecure thepatient from a return of his Complaints, who will confult

* Since the firft publication of this CEREVISIA, a few meanefforts have been made, by fome of the faculty, to hurt itscharacter, as an antivenereal ; thofe ftrenuous advocates forthe quickfilver treatment, (fay mercury) adls in the blood-veifels as fhot in a bottle, i. e. by rubbing off the fur andother impurities adhering to their fides ; but, charity, for theirpatients, induces me to hope, that, after they have fufficientlyfcoyred the blood-veffels, they have alfo found out fome equallyIngenious method of removing thofe mercurial fhot, without fuf-pending their patients by the feet to let them run out by their own

fjrecifc gravity. A theory lb ridiculous mull not only excitethe rif.ble faculties; but merit the contempt of every fenfibleman.

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his own Intereft by keeping early hours, paying a Urielattention to Temperance, feledling for food the mod nutri-tious meats, plainly cooked; and carefully avoiding ail

high-feafoned Lijhes, and irritating Liquors.

It is right to obferve, that in general, the CEREVISIAmay be taken without much reftraint of diet, or anyinterruption of bufmefs, and at all times except whenunder a courfe of bathing.

In Sea and Land Scurvy it has proved the moft efficaciousand certain remedy ever experienced, and has, always,fucceeded, in every fcorbutic affe&ion arifing from anyacrid, corrupted ftate of the blood or otherwife: and inall itchings or breakings out, of what kind or appearancefoever, the trial of a few bottles will be fufficient to con-vince the patient ot its falutary effedls, and to induce himto continue the Medicine a longer or fhorter time, or onlyrepeat it, occafionally, as circumftances may require.

This DIET DRINK is well worthy the confideration ofa Britifh Parliament, for the fake of preferving the healthand lives of our brave foldiers, and failors, from theravages, made, by venereal and fcorbutic complaints, andmany other difeafes incident to navies aud armies. *Acertain quantity might be diftributed to every flup, andallowed to every regimental medicine cheft, to be dofed

* The Proprietors, to aid fo benevolent a defign, would (asduty to their Country direSls) cheerfully furnilh Government with Ihe.Medicine at a reducedprice..

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and given out according to the difcretion of the Navy andArmy—Surgeons, or Phyficians.

The LUES VENEREA, as well as other infediousand peftilental matter, is communicated by contad; andit ought to be remembered that morbid matter, of anyfort, when it enters into contad with the human body,-frequently, and in ccnfiderable quantities, carries dangerwith it; *even the effluvium has a procreative power ofgenerating fomething fimilar to itfelf: no wonder then,that thofe who are, much expofed to the contad, or eventhe breath and perfpiration of difeafed perfons, fhould lofetheir health; nor is it ftrange that thefe kind of difeafesfhould be gradually, and fo frequently communicated fromone to another.

In Nephritic aitedions, the Stone, and gravelly com-plaints, this Medicine will be particularly fcrviccable.

After what has been faid by way of warning to youthofbothfexes, and the danger they run, by promifeuouscommerce, pointed out with candour*' and humanity ; itis to be hoped they will ferioufly lay the confequencesto heart, and after recovery do fo no more ; —then willbe fully accomplifhed the ardent Prayer of a ZealousFriend to the Human Race.


* It is to be noted, that a particle of virus, or infectiousmatter, even fo inconceivably fmall as not to be perceived with the

aid of a good microfcope will generate a difeafe hmilar to the

one it deduced its own origin from.

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A well-known Specific in "various Difeafes ,



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As the effefts of the CEREVISIA ANGLICANA, or ENG-LISH DIET DRINK, are particularly determined to thelymphatic and glandular fyjlem (yet aftonifhingly cleanfing all thevifcera in general) care ihould be taken that it is properly con-veyed into that fyjlem, which will be accomplilhed by obfervingthe following direSions:

Grown perfons of either fex, in very low or debilitated con-ditions, Ihould begin with one table-fpoonful night and morning,gradually increafing the dofe to three or four, unlefs it Ihouldprove very laxative, which mult be attended to, as that wouldhe a means of lejfcmng its proper effedl on the lymphatics andglands.

Thofe who are of a fironger habit, may take three or fourtahle-fpoons full, which is the common dofe, morning and even-ing ; and if the cafe he violent, or has been of long handing,the quantity may be increafed to fix or eight, and in very obfii-nate cafes muft be continued for fome time.

Women with child may take from two to three table-lpoonsfull once a day, during the time of geftation ; and even thechild at the breaft, when the firft milk has not been fufficiently

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purgative, will be greatly benefited, if a tea-fpoonful be occa-sionally given in its pap.

Children under three years old, of delicate habits, who arevery weak and debilitated, Should begin with a pap-fpoonful orlefs, night and morning, gradually increafing the dofe to threeor four, which Should not be exceeded.

Thofe of delicate habits above that age, Should begin with atable-fpoonful night and morning, gradually increafing the dofeto three.

Stronger habited children may begin with two table-fpoons fullnight and morning, increafing the dofe to four.*

Females under the flour albus, obstructed menfes, and otherweakening complaints, the caufe of great fuffering to the fox,may begin with two table-fpoons full night and morning, gra-dually increafing the dofe to four. The ufe of it muft be fuf-pended in all cafes, during the menftrual difcharge.

The precautions and afliflances to which patients are to haverecourfe, during the ufe of this Medicine, are few and Simple.

To be careful in avoiding colds isprudent, under every procefs,for the cure of almo/i any difeafe ; but here no alarming co, -

fequences are to be dreaded, as in the ufe of metallic medi-cines ; for the CEREVISIA ANGLICANA, or ENGLISHDIET DRINK, is the befi Medicine ever known for a cold—-in that cafe, from two to four table-fpoons full (according to theage and Strength of the patient) in, from half a pint to a pintof wine whey, in which the juice of half) or a whole lemon,may be fqueezed, taken as the patient goes to reft, havingthe bed warmed, and being well covered, will ad as a power-ful fudorific ; and Seldom fail to remove the fymptoms, but inobfiinate cafes it may require to be repeated.

* Be it obferved once for -nil, that whenever the Medicine proves too lax-ative, the dofe muft be diminiihed ; if on the contrary it Ihould occafion a cof-tive habit, feme mild opening phyftc (moft agreeable to the patient) ihouldfee, (ocealionHlly,; takenin the morning, the Medicine again at night.

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Temperance is advifeable in all forms of dileafe, but this

Medicine being wholly vegetable, a low vegetable diet is modunfriendly to its falutary effeds.

When a final! quantity purges, and the diforder requiresmore than can be eafily retained in the bowels, every kind ofacidmull be avoided, efpecially raw or unripe fruits, fallads, cyder,ftiarp wines, punch, and, in fonje cafes, where inflammationis very great, molt of the ufual vegetables of the table mufl beabliaioed from, and the diet confift of light animal food, thedrink may be a little well brewed beer, good red port, Madeira,old Iherry, weak brandy and water, rum or gin and water, as thepatient’s feelings may didate.

If fuch violentfymptoms fhould at any time occur, as tumoursin the groins, (commonly called buboes,) chancres, or ulcers on

the glans—penis, or any fpecies of inflammation, of which theftnirvy, fcrophula, or venereal difeafe are fufoeptible, a poul-tice of bread and milk, or linfeed meal is to be ufed ; allwounds, produced by thefe difeafes, are to be cleanfed, withwarm water or milk and water only, and dreffed with dry lint*,over which apply a plafter of yellow bafllicon, or any other eafydigeftive, fpread thin as poflible. No furglcal operation will beneceffary where this medicine is properly ufed 5 the knife 00

cafions ulcers and fears, which might be avoided ; the rubbingin ofmercury is alfo very injurious to the confritution, and op-pofes the good effeds of this medicine.

It is particularly neceffary to inform every patient, that the

Medicine rauft be regularly taken every day, according to the

Directions; for fome diforders will ftrengthen and increafe morein one day, than it is in the power of Medicine to reftore in aweek ; and it fhould be continued for fome time after all fymp-toms have difappeared, as the frnallelt degree of taint imagin-able, efpecially ofvenereal poifon, remaining in the habit, will

• In wounds where the dry lint caufes pain, the digeftiveIhould be fpreadon the lint.

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in a little time, accumulate to an alarming degree ; and occa-fion, to the patient a renewal of the pain and trouble,as well asexpence, which mightbe avoided, perhaps, by taking one or twobottles more of the CEREVISIA ANGLICANA.

N. B. The laxative efFeft this Medicine may have on fomeconftitutions, might render it neceffary to add to the dofe, taken

at night, fix, eight, or ten drops of the tindture of opium;which may be increafed, gradually, until the defired effeft isproduced, not exceeding fifteen or twenty drops •, and, on theother hand, fhould it, in fome conftitutions, produce a coftivehabit, fo that three or four table-fpoons full do not keep thebowels, fufficiently foluble, producing one or two motionsa day, recourfe may be had to a dofe of any opening phyfic,the patient has been accuftomed to, which muft be taken inthe morning, and worked off with thin gruel, tea, or any otherweak, diluting liquor; in the evening the patient may beginwith the Medicine again, taking only two table-fpoons full,which dofe muft be gradually increafed as before, until thebowels have recovered their proper tone.

This DIET DRINK has a very pleafing and agreeabletafte and flavour, and may be taken by itfelf, or in tea, coffee,beer, ale, wine, weak brandy and water, ntm or gin andwater, or where the fweet is difagreeable in camomile-tea.


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PURCHASERS of this CEREVISIA will pleafe to obferve.that each bottle, of the genuine Medicine,will have a label

palled thereon, figned S. SLEE and Go. in the hand-writing

of the principal Proprietor, S. SLEE, as on this page.

All Letters (poll poll) directed to the Proprietors at the

Laboratory, oppolite the Free Flajbns' Charity- Weftm vfterRoad, near the Obelijk

, will be duly attended to.

Venders of Medicines, Captains of Ihips, and others, who

may be inclined to take a quantity of the CEREVISIA to the

Eaft or Weft Indies,(Sc. (Sc. may be fupplied, at a Ihort notice,

with the ufual Allowance,


Will keep good in any Climate.

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Who wifh to experience the --wonderful EfficacyO F

3ffw C&re/u-lfla *^An(jlocana}

O R,

Qntj&J'/h Qjiet

IF any of the Difeafes , noticed in this littleTraAt, or fuch as deduce their origin from the

fame caufcs, he ohjiinate, or of longfunding, itwill he for the intereft of the Patient to mahe,

immediate, application at the Houfe of S. SLEE,where Dofiors Webster and Bejntamor, (al-though the one arrived at a great age , and longaccufiomed to retirement , and the other engagedin a very extenjive Prallice) anxious to promotethe Efficacy and increafe the utility of this trulyvaluable Medicine, willattend every Wednefday,from Eleven till Two o’Cloch, to give theirAdvice, gratis, in all Cafes, requiring the lifeof the Cerevifia Anglicana , which v:ill he deliv-ered at HalfPrice to

&leai OljzoU Ckaut j

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Page 39: A true brief account (with directions for the use) of the ... · thenature ofanimated beings, and far excels in fafety and efficacy all the various chemical combinations, of metals
Page 40: A true brief account (with directions for the use) of the ... · thenature ofanimated beings, and far excels in fafety and efficacy all the various chemical combinations, of metals