A WORD FROM RICK JOYNER ELEVEN GENERAL ORDERS …... · understanding about our national history begins to unfold. These are important, not just for understanding the past, but also

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Page 1: A WORD FROM RICK JOYNER ELEVEN GENERAL ORDERS …... · understanding about our national history begins to unfold. These are important, not just for understanding the past, but also

Volume 29 / No.3

March 2019







Page 2: A WORD FROM RICK JOYNER ELEVEN GENERAL ORDERS …... · understanding about our national history begins to unfold. These are important, not just for understanding the past, but also



RICK JOYNERHow to Prepare for the Coming Second American Revolutionary/Civil War

because of all the treasures of wisdom and knowl-edge that we learn from history. This made it worth it many times over, but now I see that these studies were even more important to prepare me for this dream. I could not have understood many of the most important revelations in it without the knowledge of history I had accumulated.

Though I have not had any more dreams or prophetic experiences on this since the one in December, almost every day a new and profound understanding about our national history begins to unfold. These are important, not just for understanding the past, but also for seeing and understanding our national destiny as well as many other unfolding world events.

As I am a multi-tasker that gets bored if I don’t have many irons in the fire, I have other areas about which I am seeking understanding. I have been receiving unfolding revelation on such things as the gospel of the kingdom, seeing the church become both the army and the city it’s called to be, the unfolding next Great Awaken-ing, and what God is doing in a number of other nations, to name a few. So when I say this is a main focus that I now have, it is by no means the only one or even the most important overall.

Since having the dream about the coming second American Revolutionary/Civil War, I have continued to gain insight into how this will unfold and how we must prepare

for it. As I relayed last month, I will be sharing about this dream throughout the year in many of our outlets, including this MorningStar Journal.

In many ways, I see now that my life has been in preparation for this message. Much of it is included in the books I have written for years, such as The Final Quest series. That really is about a civil war, and since this latest dream I now understand it better than ever. I also now understand better why I was so compelled by The Lord to write The Army of the Dawn books, which are basically about how to get ready in the Spirit and in the natural. I even see how much of what I wrote about in my first book, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, illuminates what is now unfolding in our country. Ultimately, every civil war is a continuation of what started with the first two brothers who could not get along. It is hard to describe all of the ways that one dream tied together so many things in my own life and made sense of them.

Now I know why I was so compelled to study history since I was fifteen years old. I’ve been doing this for over fifty years now. It’s a passion, and I love it







VISIONBy Tom HardimanPAGE 15

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Of course, we all have getting closer to The Lord, knowing His ways, becoming like Him, and doing the works that He did as the most important devotion. As interesting as all of these other things that He is doing in the world are, none can compare with how interesting He is and the joy that comes from His presence. Since the 2014 motorcycle ride that The Lord joined me on in such a special way, each year has been my best yet because of my growing closeness to Him.

Until this ride in 2014, I always sought to get closer to The Lord, and I think that I did. However, I honestly do not think that I maintained Him as my first love. I was far more consumed with working for Him than being with Him. That has changed. My greatest joy and fulfill-ment by far, and many times over, is my relationship to The Lord. It has become so much more in the last few years. It could still be better, and I am resolved to get much closer, but He now dominates my thoughts from the time I wake up until I go to sleep. The best part is that I experience Him more throughout the day, and every day is the greatest adventure.

When we sit in His presence, even things like revolu-tions and civil wars can seem petty and insignificant. That may be why Psalm 2 describes how He sits in the heavens and laughs when the nations turn from Him and try to sever all ties, creating the great uproar among the nations. Since we are supposed to be seated with Him in the heavenly places, this implies to me that we will also be laughing at these things. It seems to be a call to never lose our sense of humor.

That does not mean that we laugh at the disasters and troubles suffered by people, but as we see everything from the heavenly, eternal perspective—knowing that His kingdom is coming and His will is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven—we cannot help but laugh at the folly of His enemies. It seems like they could not be any more ridiculous.

This is a main way that we prepare for all that is unfolding: we climb up into our Daddy’s lap on the throne and learn to see everything from His perspective. There are other practical matters we must do to be prepared, and I will address these in future articles.

However, we can be totally prepared in the natural, but if we are not abiding in The Lord, it will not go well for us. That is not just for the coming war here, but for life.

It is no doubt going to get more intense in the nations, and some of the most trying times of all may be coming to the U.S. As hard as they may be, if we have built our lives on the kingdom that cannot be shaken, we will not be shaken by any-thing. If we are abiding in The King, we will stand out in the midst of all that is happening because of our peace and joy in The Lord that no earthly condition can rob us of.

From the beginning of MorningStar, we have repeatedly covered how to be prepared for what is coming. Many have heard the message and even gotten excited about it, but very few have really acted on it. I trust that the continuous repetition of some of these things is His grace to us. We will repeat again how to prepare spiritually and in the natural, but none of the practical things we address will work if we do not keep the main thing the main thing—loving The Lord and getting closer to Him. If we do this main thing, we can miss almost anything else and still be in great shape for the times ahead.

So let us resolve to be even more zealous to seek The Lord in all our ways, always keeping that as the main priority of our life and not allowing any luke-warm spirit or attitude to come near our life. This really is the main thing. If we do not do this, anything else we do may not help us at all. Jesus is the Rock we must build our life upon. When we start really doing this, it won’t be something we have to do. Rather, it will be the greatest privilege and honor that we could have. The King has called us to enter His presence and stay there!

In His Service,

Rick Joyner I Corinthians 15:58

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The Eleven General Orders


Throughout the history of warfare, maintaining a secure perimeter has been essential in ensur-

ing a military unit’s integrity and combat effectiveness. The military principles that govern

warfare in the natural can be of much value to us in the constant spiritual warfare that we

are engaged in. In military conflict, the enemy will probe an opposing unit’s defensive

perimeter to find and exploit weaknesses. Likewise, the enemy of your soul will attempt to penetrate your

heart to degrade your effectiveness in the fight against him. As Jude 3-4 warned us, we must be relentless in

the defense of our faith and be alert to the enemy’s attempts to exploit our weaknesses

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The Eleven General Orders


From ancient times, successful military leaders have employed time-tested fundamental concepts in directing their forces in combat operations. Those fundamentals have been codified by the U.S. military as the Principles of War. These principles can be employed effectively in spiritual warfare as well. The nine principles, as defined in the Joint Staff Officer’s Guide JFSC Pub1, are:

OBJECTIVE - To direct every military operation toward a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable objective.

OFFENSIVE - To seize, retain, and exploit the initiative.

MASS - To concentrate the effects of combat power at the place and time to achieve decisive results.

ECONOMY OF FORCE - To allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts.

MANEUVER - To place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power.

UNITY OF COMMAND - To ensure unity of effort under one responsible commander for every objective.

SECURITY - To never permit the enemy to acquire unexpected advantage.

SURPRISE - To strike the enemy at a time or place or in a manner for which it is unprepared.

SIMPLICITY - To prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and concise orders to ensure thorough understanding.

It’s important to note that the enemy will not only utilize the same principles of war against us, but will also attempt to deny our ability to employ those principles against him.


Arguably, the most important principle of war is that of security. Simply stated, security is the principle of never allowing the enemy inside your perimeter. Once the enemy has breached the perimeter of your position, he can disrupt your operations, seize the initiative, create chaos, cause casualties, and ultimately render your unit ineffective. If you do not employ the principle of security

effectively, you will not be able to employ the other eight principles. Denying the enemy access through your perim-eter is essential to freedom of action and success for a military unit.


Because maintaining security is so important to military success, new recruits in the U.S. military services are taught the rudiments of sentry duty soon after basic training begins. Security starts at the individual level, with the sentries assigned to a unit’s interior guard. During World War II, the U.S. military services published general orders for sentries, a practice that is continued today. The United States Marine Corps requires its recruits and officer candidates to memorize “The Eleven General Orders for Sentries.” Those general orders are:

1. To take charge of this post and all government property in view.

2. To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.

3. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

4. To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own.

5. To quit my post only when properly relieved.

6. To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me, all orders from the commanding officer, officer of the day, and officers and noncommissioned officers of the guard only.

7. To talk to no one except in the line of duty.

8. To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

9. To call the corporal of the guard in any case not covered by instructions.

10. To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.

11. To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.


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Just as a new recruit in the U.S. military is required to memorize the general orders for sentries, as Christians we should be no less diligent in memorizing the Word of God as a defense against the “deception of wickedness” (see II Thessalonians 2:10, Psalm 119:11) that will lead to destruction. It is recorded in Matthew Chapter 4 that when the Lord was tempted three times by the devil, He respond-ed to each temptation by stating “It is written” followed by a quote from the Scripture refuting the lie of the enemy (see Matthew 4:3-10). We should follow our Lord’s example and be prepared to address the lies of the enemy in the same way.


We are not ignorant of the schemes of the enemy (see II Corinthians 2:11). The return of the Lord, which is mentioned over three hundred times in the New Testa-ment, will be the crowning event of this age. The Lord is coming back for “those who eagerly await Him” (see Hebrews 9:28). We are to know that the enemy will use deceit to attempt to desensitize some Christians to the ways of the world and to distract them from the prize, having them looking somewhere else when the Lord returns!


Those deceitful doctrines can only be combated effec-tively by a love of the truth (see II Thessalonians 2:10), manifested in a deep knowledge of the Word of God (see II Timothy 3:16). The “day of the Lord” will be preceded by two events; (1) the apostasy and (2) the revelation of the man of lawlessness (see II Thessalonians 2:3). The word “apostasy” comes from a Greek root word, apostasia (Strong’s G646) which can be defined as “defection from truth.” “The mystery of lawlessness is already at work” (see II Thessalonians 2:7) in the world. It is a broad attempt by the enemy to breach our perimeter, not only the perimeter of the church as a whole, but of the hearts of individual believers. Knowing this plan of the enemy, we must be diligent in preparing ourselves (see II Timothy 2:15). The importance of being a student of God’s Word and of taking our stand on the Scriptures cannot be over emphasized.


Each sentry must be trained to use the weapons and equipment that they have been issued. As soldiers in the army of Christ, we must employ our weapons to keep the enemy out of our own personal perimeter and deny him access to the perimeter of the post assigned to us (see II Corinthians 10:3-4).

In addition to the overarching requirement of the study of the Word of God, a successful sentry in the Lord’s army should be trained in and exhibit:

1. ALERTNESS. Remaining alert to the schemes of the enemy (see II Corinthians 2:11) is imperative to keeping him out of your perimeter. We are told in I Peter 5:8 to “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert” against the enemy’s attacks. Sentry duty can be boring, but we must not be lulled into thinking “Where is the promise of His coming?” (see II Peter 3:4). In wartime, sleeping on sentry duty can have catastrophic results. The 2nd General Order tells us, “To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.”

2. A BEREAN SPIRIT. The Bereans of Acts 17:11 were praised for not accepting the preaching of the Apostle Paul without first examining the Scriptures to make sure that what he was telling them lined up with the Word of God. This is an amazing statement, know-ing now that Paul wrote much of the New Testament. We should accept no less from ourselves. Any doctrine or teaching that violates the written Word of God is an attempt of the enemy to breach our perimeter. This Berean spirit is exemplified by the 5th General Order, which instructs us “To receive, obey, and pass on” only those orders issued by proper authority.

3. A MIND STAYED ON JESUS. A sentry must keep his mind “stayed” on the Lord, “taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (see II Corinthians 10:5), to protect against being “led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ” (see II Corinthians 11:3). The Prophet Isaiah, who was a sentry in his day, stated it like this:

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“You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You” (Isaiah 26:3 AMP).

The 7th General Order tells us “To talk to no one except in the line of duty.” The intent of this instruction is to prevent idle conversation from passers-by that will distract the sentry from the serious business at hand.

4. PROPER USE OF WEAPONS AND BODY ARMOR. Keep your body armor on and your weapon in your hand, even while sleeping (see Psalm 4:8). We’re in continuous combat and cannot expose our vulnerabilities to the enemy at any time. We must never take our armor off or lay our weapons down (see Ephesians 6:13-17; I Thessalo-nians 5:8).


As stated in the First General Order, a sentry is respon-sible for the security of the post to which he has been assigned. For the individual Christian, security begins within. Individual believers must maintain a secure perim-eter around their heart, their innermost being (see Psalm 51:6) and train their family for sentry duty as well.

Just as a military commander is responsible not only for his own security but also for that of the entire unit, spiritual leaders must also take the measures necessary to insure the security of those who they oversee (see Acts 20:28).


It is worthwhile looking more closely at the 11th General Order, as it relates well to the times that we live in:

“To be especially watchful at night and, during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.”

We are living in a time when the second coming of the Lord is closer than it’s ever been, and the signs are evident as well (see Matthew 24:32-33). In His apocalyptic discourse (see Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, and Luke 21), Jesus warned the apostles numerous times that the enemy would try to mislead us as the end of the age approached. In the New

Testament, we are told multiple times to be on the alert and don’t be misled. The Lord’s warning at the end of the discourse emphasizes the seriousness of the sentry’s continuous task:

“And what I say to you I say to all, ‘Be on the alert!’” (Mark 13:37)


Chapter 5 of I Thessalonians provides instructions for living in the end of the age. This passage provides some detail for our tasking as guardians of our security in these times.

Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you.

For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.

While they are saying, ‘Peace and safety!’ then destruc-tion will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.

But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief;

for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness;

so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober (I Thessalonians 5:1-6).

In summary, be on the alert. Don’t let the enemy inside your perimeter.

TOM AND HIS WIFE JACKIE are members of MorningStar

Fellowship of Ministries and reside in Roanoke, Texas where

they are engaged in discipleship and prophetic ministry. They

have a heart for encouraging God’s people and seeing them

walking in His truth. They have been married for over forty-five

years and have two daughters and five grandchildren. Tom

is a retired U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel. He served

twelve years on active duty and another ten years reserve

with assignments as an operational aviator, flight instructor,

engineering test pilot, and squadron commanding officer.

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Raising up “The New Breed”— of Watchdogs

As I prayed into it, the Lord began speaking to me about a “new breed” of watchman that will be rooted in intimate friendship with the Father—a kind of watchman that is truly the Father’s best friend. Based on what Jesus said, friendship with the Father should make us better watchmen because He reveals more to His friends:

“You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you” (John 15:14-15).

Think about these promises in terms of a dog. A wild dog is dangerous because it does not do what the master commands and does not know his voice. But a trained

dog is called a friend once he has been trained to hear and obey every command of the master. A good seasoned watchdog or sheepdog is hard to replace because it takes years for them to learn to function as a unit with the master. A good sheepdog will not only hear his master’s commands, but also sense his unspoken intentions and respond.

There is also a reciprocal safety between master and watchdog. It is not only that the watchdog guards the master’s house, children, property, or livestock—the watchdog himself is safest when he remains under the shadow of his master. In the past, we have seen many good watchmen “go wild” because they began to focus more on watching than on intimate friend-ship, beginning to stray from the master’s protective

Over the past week or so, a lot of things had been afflicting dogs. My own dog

started limping inexplicably. My parents’ dog almost died, and we prayed

her back to health. Leonard Jones lost his dog, and I heard reports that

Rick’s dog was ill. At a basic level, this looked like an attack to pray about. However, I also

felt strongly that the Lord was highlighting something.

All Scriptures are NIV.


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shadow. Now the Father is whistling to call His watchmen back to a place of greater intimacy, greater obedience, and such clear hearing that they will discern His desires and intentions even before they are spoken.

Isaiah prophesied:

“He lifts up a banner for the distant nations, he whistles for those at the ends of the earth. Here they come, swiftly and speedily!

Not one of them grows tired or stumbles, not one slumbers or sleeps; not a belt is loosened at the waist, not a sandal strap is broken.

Their arrows are sharp, all their bows are strung; their horses’ hooves seem like flint, their chariot wheels like a whirlwind.

Their roar is like that of the lion, they roar like young lions; they growl as they seize their prey and carry it off with no one to rescue” (Isaiah 5:26-29).

In context, this is referring to when the Lord “whis-tles” to the heathen nations and they come running to Him, untired, ready for war, swift and speedily, growling and roaring. However, I believe this is also a word for the body here: if we train our ears to respond immediately to the Father’s whistle, He will make us swift and speedy, our arrows will be sharp, our chariot wheels will be like the whirlwinds of Enoch and Elijah, and our growling will grow to a roar that terrifies the enemy.

As I processed this, a friend approached me and said they “heard” me talking about puppies on their way into school today. This indicates another promise from God—that not only will He whistle to those who have been faithful for a long time, but also that He will birth new watchmen in this new breed of watchdog, whose hearing and obedience is rooted in intimate friendship.

Consider praying Job’s prayer of intimate friendship as a future promise of what is coming, rather than a lament of something that has been lost:

“How I long for the months gone by, for the days when God watched over me,

when his lamp shone on my head and by his light I walked through darkness!

Oh, for the days when I was in my prime, when God’s intimate friendship blessed my house,

when the Almighty was still with me and my children were around me,

when my path was drenched with cream and the rock poured out for me streams of olive oil” (Job 29:2-6).

As the Lord raises up this new breed, both by refreshing the faithful elders and birthing the next generation into it, we will see a lamp to guide us in darkness, His intimate friendship will bless our own fellowship, and the rock—the hard place—will be a place of ceaseless anointing for us. But it all begins with a relentless pursuit of His face.

MICHAEL FICKESS is devoted to calling believers to

pursue a more intimate relationship with God through

authentic community, effective prayer, revelational

knowledge of Scripture, and hunger for the “deep

things” of God. Michael currently serves on Morningstar

Fellowship’s intercession leadership team and as a

teacher at the Comenius School for Creative Leadership,

Morningstar’s K-12 school. He and his wife, Rachelle, live in

Charlotte, North Carolina, and have two children, Samuel

and Ari. Michael’s works include Enoch’s Blessing, Paths of

Ever-Increasing Glory, and The Great Acceleration.

“His intimate friendship will bless our own fellowship, and the rock—the hard place—will be a place of ceaseless anointing for us. But it all begins with a relentless pursuit of His face.”


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Two Vital Keys to the Kingdom

There are many things to learn about the kingdom, and for the newly born Christian who knows nothing of the Spirit, they can seem impossible. It’s a spiritual kingdom, and until our new birth and for a substantial time after, we only knew the physical. We did not know about or care about a kingdom of God. We were comfortable living in bodies with the consequences of man’s fall, called iniquity, flesh, or the natural man, consequences that rendered us unable to function in God’s spiritual kingdom. Flesh was our friend.

Since flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom (see I Corinthians 15:50), silencing (crucifying) our flesh is a vital key to the kingdom. I Corinthians 2:14 says, “The natural [adamic] man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned.” When Jesus said, “flesh and blood has not revealed this to you,” He could have added, “because flesh cannot discern spiritual things,

In Matthew 16 Jesus told Peter, “Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you . . . and I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven” (see Matthew 16:17, 19). Obviously He wasn’t speaking of literal keys. He was speaking of spiritual secrets that allow en-

trance into His kingdom. He identified knowledge as a key in Luke 11:52. God’s righteousness is another, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (see Matthew 6:33). If we’re not seeking righteousness, we’re not seeking the kingdom. Keys unlock barriers that block our entrance or exit. We will look at two of them—crucifying the flesh and intimacy.

All Scriptures are NKJV.

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Two Vital Keys to the Kingdom

it has to be revealed to you by the Spirit of God.” All humans are flesh (see Genesis 6:3), and at first, knowing nothing of the kingdom, we must learn of it from a fleshly base that can’t receive or discern it. The Word of God helps, but the language of the kingdom has essentially been lost to the church over the last two thousand years, though He seems to be restoring that message even now.

As newly born again Christians, we have a new, unde-filed, and perfect spirit living in us, as well as the Holy Spirit. Yet at first, both are foreign to us. We have a new conscience. Things we did before without thinking, now bother us. Telling a lie that meant nothing before now presents feelings of regret.

Because of Adam’s folly, we were born dead into a dead world, totally separated from God. The flesh we have been so comfortable with all our lives now works to subvert everything kingdom. Though we are part of His kingdom, we enter and function as we quit walking in the flesh and learn to walk in the Spirit. “Walking in the Spirit” is an example of that spiritual language that can take a lifetime to understand.

Because of iniquity, God exiled Satan from His pres-ence, and now He must exile Adam and Eve. The sentence of death was on them. It had infected their entire being—body, soul, and spirit. God didn’t create man with iniquity, he was created perfect. Nevertheless, God could not allow iniquity with its death into His kingdom, so death reigned in man until God restored him through the cross.

Because God had given Adam dominion over the earth, it corrupted that too. Iniquity wasn’t anywhere in creation until they made the deal with Satan. But it quickly perme-ated all of God’s creation (see Romans 8:22). Jesus de-scribed it as “leaven.” We see it everywhere—metal rusting, wood rotting, and dead bodies decaying are examples. Iniquity doesn’t just affect something because it died, it causes death—it is death. Like bacteria, it takes over and pollutes anything it enters until its host dies. God warned Adam, “In the day that you eat of it you shall surely die”

“Because of Adam’s folly, we were born dead into a dead world, totally separated from God. The flesh we have been so comfortable with all our lives now works to subvert everything kingdom. Though we are part of His kingdom, we enter and function as we quit walking in the flesh and learn to walk in the Spirit. ‘Walking in the Spirit’ is an example of that spiritual language that can take a lifetime to understand. “

“Because God had given Adam dominion over the earth, it corrupted that too. Iniquity wasn’t anywhere in creation until they made the deal with Satan. But it quickly permeated all of God’s creation (see Romans 8:22). Jesus described it as ‘leaven.’ We see it everywhere—metal rusting, wood rotting, and dead bodies decaying are examples.”

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EDDIE KINCHELOE has been a partner of Morning Star

Ministries for more than fifteen years. He and his wife,

Donna, live in Oklahoma City where she is a realtor and he

manages their rental properties. Eddie has attended the

MorningStar Writers Conference in Moravian Falls and has

self-published three books, all available at Amazon. The

latest book is Christ in Me – VS – The Flesh in Me. Read

and subscribe to his weekly blog at eddiekincheloe.com.

“Man was created with the ability to know God on the deepest levels—spiritually. He wants to be known as deeply as He knows us, and He wants us to know that He knows us, and Jesus made it possible through His cross.”

(see Genesis 2:17), and when he ate, he died. Death entered his body to eventually cause its death, but his spirit died instantly. With this defiled spirit, he was no longer allowed in God’s presence—His kingdom. “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit” (John 4:24). Adam, now filled with iniquity, could not fellowship in spirit with his Creator. This is what we were born with, and this key is obtained only through the pain of the cross.

Intimacy is another vital key to the kingdom. The intimacy destroyed that day cannot be described. No closer union exists than Spirit in communion with spirit. The physical union of a man with his wife is the closest com-parison, but even that doesn’t capture it fully. I Corinthians 2:9-12 touches on it, “For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of a man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us from God.” Man was created with the ability to know God on the deepest levels—spiritually. He wants to be known as deeply as He knows us, and He wants us to know that He knows us, and Jesus made it possible through His cross. Remember what Jesus said to the foolish virgins who weren’t allowed entrance? “Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you” (Matthew 25:12).

When we enter His family, we all want this intimacy because we desperately want and need to know Him. I remember the desperation I felt early in my Christian life. I would hear mature Christians testify of Him speaking to them and I wanted it badly. But I had to admit, “If He talks to me, I’m not hearing it.” It’s sad that we are so ignorant of spiritual things at our new birth, but we can console ourselves with the fact that every newly conceived Christian has it to deal with. A baby has to learn every-thing physical, and baby Christians have to learn every-thing spiritual.

The kingdom of God is many things but intimacy is indispensible. It too is a vital key. Without it we don’t

enter. When we are intimately in His presence, we are in His kingdom. More than just prayer, it is a two way communion, even conversation, resulting from the deepest of relationships—spiritual rela-tionship. Intimacy increases as our flesh dies and can no longer hinder our entrance. It even helps to facilitate that death.

These tender times are where the language of the kingdom comes together, where the Word Himself teaches us. Spiritual things are discerned, and we develop spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear. In these times we discover the rest of the keys to the kingdom. Through this intimacy, love grows and it all eventually becomes clear. It is what Jesus meant by, “The kingdom of God is within you” (see Luke 17:21). Think about it.

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There will always be criticisms and temporary setbacks as we hone our skills. However, you can choose to view them as challenges. This is a powerful

and productive truth. Do not take lightly the need to regulate your internal conversation during situations of seeming setback. The difference between ultimate success and failure often lies in your ability to reframe your internal conversation and employ self-empowering thoughts.

I have a lifestyle where I’m engaged often in public speaking, sometimes to large audiences. Often, right before stepping up onto the platform to speak, some event or conversation will occur that could cause a stream of debilitating thoughts. Someone might suggest that the conference atten-dance is low or I might hear a negative comment about another speaker. These potentially negative comments are often amplified by the common anxiety around performing well as a public speaker. I’ve found that it’s necessary for me to sequester myself into an environment, physically or mentally, where I can take the time to remember the hundreds of encouraging comments from people who have benefited from my books and events. It’s important to recall why you are doing what you are doing and gain the positive thoughts that will empower you.

If you get tired of going through life frustrated from fighting lifelong currents that go against your unique gifts, leaving them untapped and undefined,

you can change. You may know someone who has had vast training in a field, but after talking with them you discover that something is not lining up between who they are and what they are doing. If you were to take the time to analyze each person’s story, you would find that many of these people never embarked on the journey to become congru-ent with their true selves. Many think it’s too late to develop new skill sets aligned with their unique passions.

You are not too old or too advanced in your career to embark on a change in your journey. I have seen transformative times of change that should have taken years be fulfilled in a matter of weeks. Often all it takes is the courage to start.

The smallest of changes and intentional move-ment toward planning your passion, owning your life, and charting your course can yield substantial results. In chemistry, if you change one chemical in a chemical compound, you change the entire substance. Likewise, changing one component of your life to become congruent with who you are and what matters most causes a chain reaction that begins to unleash your hidden potential.

In His service,

Dave Yarnes Executive Vice President, MorningStar Ministries



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MorningStar TV (MSTV) is expanding their weekly programming

with the addition of a new show, America Now with Don Brown,

an attorney and dear friend of the ministry. America Now airs

every Wednesday at 6PM EST on MSTV. Don courageously takes on hot

button topics and conservative issues, such as constitutional issues and

political agendas. As a former U. S. Navy Jag officer, Don has also au-

thored eleven novels and two works of military non-fiction. Look for

several of his books at store.morningstarministries.org and check

out America Now every Wednesday at MorningStarTV.com with a

MSTV subscription.

Rick Joyner continues to host his weekly Prophetic Perspectives

program that is focused on discussing current events from a biblical

worldview, and he and Don recently released a twenty-two episode

series on the US Constitution. Download Part 1 of the series from:

store.morningstarministries.org. Later in the year, look for additional

programming coming to MorninStarTV, including The Loft with Emilie

Plowman and Bridgett Lemos and Chart Your Course, Own Your Life with

Dr. Dave Yarnes. In

the meantime, watch

live weekly services

and conferences with

a MorningStarTV

subscription at



In January, MorningStar staff and MSU students embarked on a twenty-one day period of prayer

and fasting. Rick Joyner heard from the Lord that prayer and fasting would be

the most important thing we would be doing in 2019. Staff members

met daily in the Bob Jones Vision Center in a multi-generational time of

consecration, with many offering a word, a song, or a prayer. Isaiah 58

was one of the themes of the twenty-one day fast. In Isaiah 58, the

Lord outlined eighteen guidelines for His type of fast:

Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? (Isaiah 58:6)

We believe this will be a year of freedom and preparation for all that the

Lord has in store for MorningStar, our families, and our Partners in 2020.




You, our Partners, are on the

front lines of battle, climbing

your mountains and bringing

the kingdom of God to earth one day

at a time. Rick Joyner and Dave

Yarnes want to honor you for all your

hard work and equip you for the next

season with a time of refreshing at

MorningStar Ministries. Join us for an

exclusive Partners Weekend on May

31 to hear Cindy Jacobs and Lance

Wallnau speak from their spiritual

governmental perspective, and

worship in an anointed atmosphere

with meals, ministry, and gifts

included, you will leave blessed,

revived, and empowered for all that

is ahead, not to mention the life-

altering connections you could make

while you’re here. Register today at

MStarEvents.com/pw19 or by calling


W H A T ’ S H A P P E N I N G A T M O R N I N G S T A R


Page 15: A WORD FROM RICK JOYNER ELEVEN GENERAL ORDERS …... · understanding about our national history begins to unfold. These are important, not just for understanding the past, but also

A number of years ago, team trophies started coming into my consciousness. I saw the Larry O ‘Brien trophy, given to NBA champions at the end of playoff games, and also the Stanley Cup, which is

given to the best team in the National Hockey League. As I saw these different trophies, I knew there was something prophetic about them. After I considered this for some time, the Lord spoke to me and said that some trophies can only be won by playing on a team.

This opened a whole other dimension for me about where the church is and the importance of working alongside people. While some people have difficulty working with others, it is important to realize that the predominant style of ministry in the New Testament was team ministry. There are significant examples verifying this, the most obvious one being Jesus. Shortly after His baptism by John in the Jordan River and a time of prayer and fasting, Jesus began to call people to be on His team. At Pentecost, the birth of the church, there was a team of people.

In His prayer before the crucifixion, Jesus said that there would be a level of love and cooperation that would happen with His people. Jesus basically said “You are a going to know My disciples because of their level of love and cooperation with one another.” This is a characteristic that distinguishes us as disciples of Jesus. As we operate in ministry, it is essential that we realize the importance and develop the ability to work as part of a team.

MFM Director, MorningStar Ministries

March 14-16

This year’s 50+ Confer-

ence on March 14 – 16

will answer the ques-

tion, “What’s Next?” Speakers

Ken Fish, Judith MacNutt, Rick

Joyner, and John Boneck will

be releasing revelation to help

the 50+ generation sharpen

their spiritual weapons, particu-

larly in the areas of healing and

deliverance. Register now at

MStarEvents.com/whatsnext or

by calling 877.446.3836.


April 11-13

Join Heidi Baker, Michael

Koulianos, David Vallier, and

others at the New Wave

Conference on April 11-13. Michael

Koulianos is an evangelist whose

heart burns for Jesus, and he has

assisted with some of the largest

evangelistic meetings in history. God

called Heidi Baker to missions in a

vision when she was sixteen years

old, and today Iris Global, founded

by Heidi and her husband, Rolland,

has thirty-five bases in twenty

countries. Astonishing miracles are

common. To date, the Bakers have

seen over fifty people raised from

the dead. To register for this event,

call 877.446.3836 or go to





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