A14-3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides 2014-15 (Including Extra Pay for Extra Services & Special Services Personnel)

A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

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Page 1: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


New Jersey Teacher Salaries& Salary Guides2014-15 (Including Extra Pay for Extra Services & Special Services Personnel)

Page 2: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


(Including Extra Pay for Extra Services and Special Services Personnel)


Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

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Copyright 2015 by New Jersey Education Association All Rights Reserved

Page 3: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


PRESIDENT: DIVISION OF RESEARCH AND ECONOMIC SERVICES Wendell Steinhauer Kevin Kelleher, Director VICE-PRESIDENT: ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS: Marie Blistan Robert Bobik Martha DeBlieu SECRETARY/TREASURER: Sarah Favinger Sarah Geiger Sean Spiller Daniel Goldman Valerie Kazhdan EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Philip Lomonico

Julie Plotkin Edward Richardson Leigh Smargiassi Peter Vala Ray Vojtash Greg Yordy ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6: NEW JERSEY TEACHER SALARIES AND SALARY GUIDES (Including Extra Pay for Extra Services and Special Services Personnel), 2014-15 Production: Crystal Inman, Celia Wolf Reproduction: No part of this bulletin may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the NJEA Division of Research and Economic Services, except by NJEA-NEA unified associations. In all cases, reproduction of the bulletin materials must include credit line and copyright notice. Address communications to the Research Library, Division of Research and Economic Services, New Jersey Education Association,

180 West State Street, P.O. Box 1211, Trenton, New Jersey 08607-1211

Page 4: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


I. INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Part 1: New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides Part 2: Extra Pay for Extra Services Part 3: Special Services Personnel

II. KEY FACTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-6 Part 1: New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides Part 3: Special Services Personnel


III. EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 IV. SUMMARY TABLES: TEACHER SALARIES/SALARY GUIDES Table 1: Group Medians, Means and Quartiles for Teachers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Table 2: County and State Summary of Experience and Salary Data for Teachers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Table 3: County and Group Medians of: Number of Steps, Average Increments, Guide and Percentage Increases. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

V. DISTRICT-BY-DISTRICT TABULATION OF SALARY GUIDE AND SALARY DATA------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9-56

PART 2: EXTRA PAY FOR EXTRA SERVICES VI. STATE SUMMARY TABLES Table 4: State Summary of Guides for Athletic, Athletic Related and Non-Athletic Activities --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57-58


A. SALARY GUIDES FOR ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59-92

B. SALARY GUIDES FOR NON-ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93-114


Table 5: County and State Summary of Number of Full-Time Special Services Personnel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 115 VIII. DISTRICT-BY-DISTRICT TABULATION OF SPECIAL SERVICES PERSONNEL SALARY DATA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116-137

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


PART 1: TEACHER SALARIES Classroom teacher and special services personnel salaries are contained in this bulletin. Data reported include district-by-district tabulations of the number of staff, average and median salaries, and average years of experience, both in education and in the district. Salaries reported are limited to contractual salaries of these employees, herein referred to as “teachers.” NEW IN 2000-01: Prior to 2000-01, information contained in this bulletin had been collected primarily by means of a questionnaire sent to local superintendents, business administrators, or their designees. For districts not responding to the direct survey, data obtained from the New Jersey Department of Education’s Fall Survey was utilized. In an effort to streamline and expedite data collection, relieve school district offices of duplicative paperwork, and report complete and consistent information, all data printed in this bulletin will herein have as its sole source the Fall Survey. This shift in methodology carries with it several changes in the manner in which the information is presented, as well as a few caveats in terms of comparison with years prior to 2000-01. First, all calculations include data relating to both classroom teachers and special services personnel (guidance, library/media, nurses, psychologists, social workers, LDTCs and speech and remedial reading specialists). Prior to 2000-01, only those individuals working over 50% of their day in a traditional classroom setting were included in salary and experience calculations. The new procedure results in a larger number on employees in each district than reported in the past. Also, a small amount of double-counting may be present in those cases where an individual works an even 50% of their time in the classroom and 50% in one or more special services functions. To facilitate comparison, salary data from the 1999-2000 NJEA bulletin was reconfigured and recalculated in the 2000-01 edition of this bulletin to reflect both the total utilization of Fall Survey information and the inclusion of the special services categories. Secondly, Fall Survey data is collected from the school districts in mid-October and reflects salaries in place at that time. 2014-15 salaries for a given district may still have been under negotiation at that point; i.e. salaries reported may either have been identical to 2013-14 or reflective of only an incremental increase on the 2013-14 guide. Please note that all salary information from the Fall Survey has been accepted as valid at that point in time. This approach may have some effect on calculated means and medians for 2014-15. Third, since the Fall Survey does not consistently identify length of work year, data relating to a few 11- or 12-month teachers or specialists may be included. The possibility also exists that stipends attendant to part-time supervisory responsibilities may be included in occasional instances. In addition, district-by-district tabulations as well as summary Table 2 have been redesigned to show first and third quartile salaries (25th and 75th percentile) within the distribution of all reported salaries in lieu of the single lowest and highest salaries as in the past. It was felt that these measures present a clearer view of the nature of the distribution itself. SUMMARY The number of positions, mean, median, first quartile and third quartile are computed for each of the five district groupings and state total (Table 1, page 5). Table 2 (page 7) presents a county and state summary of number of teaching positions, quartiles, mean (average) and median salaries, and experience. PART 1: TEACHER SALARY GUIDES New Jersey teacher salary guides for 2014-15 as established in negotiated agreements or adopted by local boards of education are listed in this bulletin. Minimums, maximums and number of steps are listed for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district listing starting on page 12. Two format changes, instituted beginning with the 2003-04 edition of this bulletin, should be noted. First, the number of salary guide steps, rather than number of increments as reported prior to 2003-04, is shown. In addition, continuing difficulty in obtaining comprehensive, accurate data relating to the range of salary increases and the average increase caused the elimination of those columns in this publication.

PART 2: EXTRA PAY FOR EXTRA SERVICES SCOPE OF STUDY - This bulletin covers extra pay to employees for extra services in New Jersey school districts. The amounts of extra compensation paid for activities and assignments are listed in separate tabulations. Section A - Salary guides for athletic activities and Section B - Salary guides for non-athletic activities. Note: Salary guides for athletic related activities, reported in previous publications have not been reported and are available by contacting NJEA Research. FORMAT - All activities are coded to identify the activity as listed in the headings of each column. Boys (B), girls (G), and combined (C) assignments are identified. Further identification of the activity includes school levels as follows: H - high school M - middle school F - freshman E - elementary J - junior high school * - assistants In salary guide sections A & B, the activities are coded to identify the activity. See explanation on top of each page. Most guides are of the minimum - maximum type with annual increments for a brief period of years. Some are predicted on point value multiplied by a base amount per unit. SUMMARY TABLES The number of guides, average (mean) minimums and maximums (mean) are summarized for the state only. Assignments and/or guides that total 3 or less are not included in the state summaries. The most common salary guide for extra pay is one fixed amount which is negotiated or revised annually. These amounts are indicated in the guide section with a step equal to 1. PART 3: SALARY GUIDE DATA FOR SPECIAL SERVICES PERSONNEL This part includes county and state summaries of the number of full-time special service personnel and lists salaries for guidance counselors, librarians/media specialists, nurses, psychologists, social worker/visiting teachers, speech, remedial reading, learning disability and therapists. COUNTY SPECIAL SERVICES SCHOOLS AND JOINTURES In the past few years, county special services schools have been established for the education and treatment of handicapped children. See Title 18A:46-29 of the New Jersey school law. Each school has its own school board. All available data are included in the appropriate county. DISTRICT GROUPING - NJEA Research Publications divide school districts into five groups for comparative purposes. The first group contains all elementary districts (grades K-6, K-8 school organization plans). K-12 districts are divided into three groups on the basis of enrollment with the division points occurring at 3,000 and 6,000 pupils. This procedure is consistent with the stratification scheme used in research studies of the National Education Association. The fifth group contains all secondary districts; i.e. grades 7-12, 9-12 and vocational schools. The placement of the districts in groups is based on pupil enrollments as of October 15, 2014. To determine the group placement of any district, see the number which precedes the district name in the major tabulation sections.

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



The average teacher salary in 2014-15 is $69,773 for 130,023 positions. The increase over last year’s average is $392 or 0.56%. The median teacher salary of $65,687 is $4,086 lower than the mean (average). Please note that all the figures include special services personnel and use N.J. Department of Education data as their source, as discussed in the Introduction. A number of districts experienced only a small change in mean teacher salary between 2013-14 and 2014-15. This is not only a reflection of the district's settlement, but can also be attributed to an increasing retirement trend within an aging professional population and the resulting influx of less experienced teachers. GROUP AND COUNTY MEANS (AVERAGES) AND MEDIANS Group median teacher salaries are as follows:

Amount above (below) Group number Median state median - $65,687

1 $62,545 ($3,142) 2 63,559 (2,128) 3 66,120 434 4 67,451 1,765 5 70,572 4,885 Essex is the leading county in average teacher salary ($74,392) Hudson is second with $73,459, followed by Bergen ($73,229), Sussex ($71,908) and Mercer ($71,185) in third, fourth and fifth places, respectively. Other counties with higher averages than the state average are Union ($71,119), Cape May ($70,223), Morris ($70,142), Passaic ($70,122) and Middlesex ($69,932). The range of county percentages of increase for 2014-15 is -1.5% to 1.9%. For 2013-14, the range was -0.2% to 2.7%. Average salary increases for each county are as follows in rank order according to percentage increase:

ESSEX 1,363 1.9 SOMERSET 435 0.6 CAPE MAY 1,041 1.5 MIDDLESEX 439 0.6 OCEAN 912 1.5 NEW JERSEY 392 0.6 CUMBERLAND 850 1.3 GLOUCESTER 239 0.4 SUSSEX 912 1.3 MERCER 188 0.3 ATLANTIC 741 1.1 SALEM 57 0.1 BERGEN 794 1.1 PASSAIC 56 0.1 WARREN 615 0.9 MORRIS -34 (0.0) MONMOUTH 642 0.9 CAMDEN -79 (0.1) BURLINGTON 625 0.9 UNION -263 (0.4) HUNTERDON 501 0.8 HUDSON -1,125 (1.5)

NOTE: Percentages are rounded to two nearest figures following decimal point. If more than one county has the same percentage of increase, rank listing is determined by actual percent carried out to four figures after decimal point.

EXPERIENCE The average years of total teaching experience (rounded off) increased from the previous year. An average of 12.0 years is reported for the 2013-14 school year. Please see note (“SOURCE”) below.

School year Average experience 1995-96 16.5 1996-97 16.6 1997-98 16.7

1998-99 15.2 1999-00 14.7 2000-01 14.5 2001-02 14.0 2002-03 13.7

2003-04 13.4 2004-05 13.1 2005-06 13.0 2006-07 12.8 2007-08 12.7 2008-09 12.7 2009-10 13.0 2010-11 13.1 2011-12 13.0 2012-13 12.1 2013-14 12.0 2014-15 12.0 SOURCE: N.J. Department of Education Fall Survey, October 2021 for 2013-14 school year (total experience as of June 2014). Prior to 1998-99, this figure was calculated by adding one year to the average years experience reported in the previous year’s Fall Survey. Availability of actual-year data permits the use of a more accurate experience figure, and also partially explains the steep decrease in recent years.


All Districts Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

Total Positions 130,023 21,788 21,918 26,475 48,508 11,334 Percent of total 100% 17% 16% 21% 38% 9% Quartile 3 $82,872 $76,779 $78,975 $83,305 $86,000 $86,227 Median (Quartile 2) 65,691 62,545 63,559 66,120 67,451 70,572 Quartile 1 55,761 54,470 55,015 56,385 55,900 58,738 Mean (Average) 69,781 66,014 67,400 70,210 71,516 73,199 NOTE: Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

KEY FACTS (cont.)

PART 1: TEACHER SALARY GUIDES KEY POINTS The median BA starting salary in 2014-15 is $50,600. This is a 1.1% increase over 2013-14. The state median number of steps is 16. Last year it was also 16 steps. Two hundred twenty districts report longevity provisions. Two hundred two (34%) report guides set for 2015-16. Last year 49% of the districts reported guides adopted for the

following year. Seventy Four districts (13%) have reported guides for 2016-17. Eighty-eight percent of the guides reported are for a three year duration. Six percent are for four years. The remaining

guides are for either a one, two or five year duration.

KEY TABLES* Selected Steps Medians for selected steps – 2014-15 teacher salary guides. The years listed would only be applicable for new employees and do not include longevity payments or any applicable additional amounts. 4 yr. (BA) 5 yr. (MA) 6 yr. Step 1 ( 1 yr. ) $50,600 $53,999 $56,893 5 ( 5 yrs.) 53,446 57,075 59,765 10 (10 yrs.) 61,394 65,032 67,739 15 (15 yrs.) 73,441 77,585 80,800 20 (20 yrs.) 79,730 85,505 89,025

Minimums/Maximums - State Medians (excluding longevity and additional amounts) Minimums Maximums # Steps 4 year $50,600 $81,395 16 5 year 53,999 85,930 17 6 year 56,893 89,340 17

* County figures for each of these tables can be obtained by contacting the Division of Research and Economic Services. PART 3: SPECIAL SERVICES PERSONNEL The number of special services personnel decreased from the previous year. There are 16,273 full-time special services positions reported for 2014-15, 1,790 more than in 2013-14 (14,483). Very little change occurred in the distribution of positions by category, and some fluctuation may be attributed to reporting procedures. See Introduction for Part 1. Of the 16,273 positions, the largest category is that of guidance counselors (23% or 3,724), followed by nurses (17%, 2,727), speech correction specialists (16%, 2,530), social workers (13%, 2,114) and psychologists (11%, 1,849). Please note that Table 5, summarizing the numbers of these employees by category and county, is for informational purposes only. These positions and their salaries are included in the salary data component of district-by-district tabulations in Part 1 as well as the detailed breakdown in Part3.

EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS PART 1: SALARY GUIDE DATA All columns list a minimum salary (step 1), a basic maximum salary (highest guide salary) and number of steps set to achieve basic maximum salary. Longevity and additional amounts provisions are listed below the guide section. Note: Prior to 2003-04 the number of increments was reported. Dist. Group DISTRICT GROUP NUMBER based on October 15, 2014 enrollment (appears at left of district name) Group 1 - Elementary school districts Group 2 - K-12 districts, below 3,000 enrollment Group 3 - K-12 districts, 3,000 to 5,999 enrollment Group 4 - K-12 districts, 6,000 and over enrollment Group 5 - Secondary school districts 4 Year, 5 Year, 6 Year and Other Training Levels Training level requirements as listed in titles of each column. Additional credits (indicated with a + ) indicate graduate credits, credits in subject field, etc. as set by local policy. Degrees required in subject fields are noted with an (S) after the training level. An “S” preceding the degree indicates a shop guide. Contract Year Indicates the contract year (2014-15) out of term of contract. EXAMPLE: 2/3: 2014-15 is year 2 of a 3 year contract. PART 3: SALARY GUIDE DATA FOR SPECIAL SERVICES PERSONNEL This part lists the salary data for all special services personnel. Separate average experience and advanced degree percents are provided for comparison purposes. Classroom teacher figures in this section exclude special services positions and differ from the figures in Part 1. Approaches to payment for special services personnel include: (1) a ratio times teacher salary for same amount of training; (2) a differential added to the teacher salary; (3) a separate minimum/maximum type guide;

(4) miscellaneous procedures, such as individually set, ranges, combination of types of guides, etc.

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ATLANTIC 4,572 13 11 $54,260 $81,729 $67,106 $67,847 $63,081

BERGEN 13,292 12 10 56,476 89,369 72,435 73,229 69,255

BURLINGTON 6,778 13 11 56,500 81,556 68,526 69,151 65,483

CAMDEN 7,332 12 11 54,161 81,272 67,419 67,340 63,203

CAPE MAY 1,351 14 13 56,297 81,415 69,182 70,223 69,562

CUMBERLAND 2,667 13 11 55,718 75,347 63,357 64,207 61,630

ESSEX 11,439 13 11 57,076 92,714 73,029 74,392 71,217

GLOUCESTER 4,524 13 11 53,199 77,374 64,062 64,301 61,653

HUDSON 7,323 12 11 54,378 92,700 74,584 73,459 66,856

HUNTERDON 2,237 13 10 54,892 75,310 64,813 65,314 62,750

MERCER 5,724 12 10 56,368 86,400 70,997 71,185 69,650

MIDDLESEX 11,202 12 10 55,308 84,600 69,493 69,932 66,771

MONMOUTH 9,990 12 11 56,820 82,405 68,246 68,888 65,200

MORRIS 7,667 11 10 57,635 82,625 70,176 70,142 66,720

OCEAN 6,751 12 11 54,258 69,069 62,236 63,148 60,450

PASSAIC 7,807 12 11 53,920 85,880 70,066 70,122 62,058

SALEM 1,157 13 11 52,540 70,189 61,361 61,418 59,153

SOMERSET 5,428 11 10 57,635 77,835 67,986 68,421 65,630

SUSSEX 2,245 13 12 58,468 84,965 70,996 71,908 70,360

UNION 8,945 10 9 59,971 81,097 71,382 71,119 68,974

WARREN 1,755 13 11 55,910 76,796 64,791 65,406 63,868

NEW JERSEY 130,186 12 11 $55,760 $82,845 $69,381 $69,773 $65,687

a/ Includes full-time classroom teachers and special services personnel (guidance, library/media, nurses, psychologists, social workers, LDTCs, speech and remedial reading specialists).

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2013-14 2014-15


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4 YEAR LEVEL 5 YEAR LEVEL 6 YEAR LEVEL (BACHELOR/EQUIVALENCY) (MAST./BACHELOR + 30-32/EQUIVALENCY ) (BACH. + 60-64/MAST. + 30-32/EQUIVALENCY) ______________________________________ MEDIAN ____________________________________ ______________________________________ MEDIAN __________________________________ ______________________________________ MEDIAN __________________________________


ATLANTIC 15 $2,250 $716 1.5 $1,091 1.4 15 $2,259 $727 1.4 $672 0.8 15 $2,258 $182 0.3 $509 0.6BERGEN 16 2,215 830 1.7 650 0.8 17 2,485 564 1.1 760 0.8 17 2,552 1,742 3.0 786 0.8BURLINGTON 17 2,097 250 0.5 703 0.9 17 2,097 146 0.3 867 1.0 17 2,095 220 0.4 1,068 1.2

CAMDEN 15 2,195 1,416 2.9 1,016 1.3 15 2,195 1,022 1.9 2,719 3.3 16 2,229 603 1.1 2,618 3.1CAPE MAY 19 1,632 765 1.5 2,080 2.7 19 1,631 450 0.9 440 0.5 19 1,631 -544 -1.0 1,341 1.6CUMBERLAND 18 1,449 -2,661 -5.1 -48 -0.1 18 1,449 -1,585 -3.0 -543 -0.7 17 1,493 1,238 2.3 -1,548 -2.0

ESSEX 16 2,389 1,460 3.0 1,066 1.3 16 2,536 1,350 2.6 1,396 1.5 16 2,619 419 0.7 1,556 1.6GLOUCESTER 16 1,930 822 1.7 889 1.2 16 1,934 387 0.8 460 0.6 16 1,957 412 0.8 2,502 3.1HUDSON 20 2,464 -943 -1.9 3,570 4.2 20 2,214 4,639 8.6 3,673 4.0 20 2,214 3,409 5.9 -576 -0.6

HUNTERDON 16 1,651 635 1.3 -767 -1.0 16 1,697 367 0.7 -193 -0.2 16 1,715 905 1.6 750 0.9MERCER 16 2,255 979 1.9 650 0.8 16 2,314 513 1.0 614 0.7 16 2,336 45 0.1 286 0.3MIDDLESEX 15 2,035 1,649 3.4 226 0.3 15 2,035 790 1.5 -211 -0.2 15 2,035 1,940 3.7 621 0.7

MONMOUTH 17 1,978 5 0.0 1,220 1.5 17 1,962 152 0.3 325 0.4 18 1,978 232 0.4 858 1.0MORRIS 18 1,842 649 1.3 1,559 1.9 18 1,976 1,098 2.0 1,619 1.8 18 1,990 595 1.0 1,372 1.5OCEAN 18 1,563 336 0.7 656 0.8 18 1,563 686 1.3 601 0.7 18 1,563 -407 -0.8 923 1.1

PASSAIC 15 2,025 1,028 2.0 250 0.3 15 2,191 1,300 2.3 379 0.4 15 2,176 1,400 2.3 772 0.8SALEM 18 1,280 371 0.7 489 0.7 18 1,280 1,118 2.2 16 0.0 17 1,243 1,155 2.2 944 1.3SOMERSET 17 1,795 -25 0.0 -520 -0.6 17 1,877 834 1.5 173 0.2 17 1,911 -143 -0.2 -618 -0.7

SUSSEX 16 1,892 478 0.9 343 0.4 16 1,892 165 0.3 -418 -0.5 16 1,970 755 1.3 2,020 2.3UNION 18 1,523 11 0.0 3,063 3.7 19 1,568 1,155 2.0 1,149 1.3 20 1,987 2,599 4.3 5,025 5.3WARREN 17 1,687 425 0.9 501 0.7 17 1,687 1,067 2.1 47 0.1 17 1,687 0 0.0 500 0.6

NEW JERSEY 16 1,951 545 1.1 854 1.1 17 1,991 429 0.8 825 1.0 17 2,041 543 1.0 786 0.9

GROUP 1 17 1,894 385 0.8 549 0.7 17 1,913 468 0.9 230 0.3 17 1,935 546 1.0 1,265 1.5GROUP 2 16 1,951 500 1.0 1,292 1.6 17 2,071 240 0.4 1,239 1.5 17 2,101 410 0.7 658 0.7GROUP 3 17 2,094 623 1.2 718 0.9 17 2,162 614 1.1 -92 -0.1 17 2,234 550 0.9 68 0.1GROUP 4 15 2,255 1,000 2.0 1,238 1.5 15 2,314 671 1.3 285 0.3 15 2,298 -786 -1.4 862 1.0GROUP 5 17 2,002 1,025 2.0 1,008 1.2 17 2,056 1,241 2.3 819 0.9 17 2,086 1,402 2.5 410 0.5

+ Guides which do not have set increment patterns are not included; i. e., percentage increments based on range of years or experience, and other methods of determining annual increments. Districts which have not responded or completed negotiations as of the publication date are not included.

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Dist Grp

# of

StepsDegree Maximum


Salary Guide Data Teacher Salary Data



No. of


full time

Avg Yrs


Exp in


Salary Range

Q1 Q3

Avg Classroom

Tchrs Salary

13/14 14/15




New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


# of

StepsDegree MaximumMinimum

# of

StepsDegree MaximumMinimum

# of

StepsDegree Maximum


ABSECON CITY BA 50,334 75,701 151 74 13 12 54,518 85,084 69,341 68,518 68,5263/3B+30 53,316 80,207 15 M+30 57,792 87,258 15

B+15 51,825 77,954 15 MA 54,808 83,489 15

M+15 56,300 85,426 15

ATLANTIC CITY BA 48,114 92,184 154 848 11 11 57,638 98,400 77,267 78,535 80,9462/3B+30 51,026 95,232 15 M+30 55,396 99,801 15 DOCT 58,309 102,847 15

B+15 49,569 93,706 15 MA 52,483 96,755 15

M+15 53,938 98,277 15

Longevity: Add $568 after 10 years, $1,185 after 17 years, $2,961 after 20 years, $1,481 after 21 & 22 years, $2,221

after 24 years, $1,481 after 29 years (total $11,378) in district

ATLANTIC CO SPECIAL SERV Salary guide data not available2 101 17 15 62,076 83,689 74,963 74,125 76,688

ATLANTIC CO VOC-TECH Salary guide data not available5 129 6 6 47,499 69,879 54,565 57,045 50,091

BRIGANTINE CITY Salary guide data not available1 79 17 16 64,462 86,117 78,607 76,605 82,789

BUENA REGIONAL Salary guide data not available2 196 15 12 57,300 79,496 67,300 68,769 69,764

EGG HARBOR CITY BA 50,684 80,669 141 56 14 12 53,426 81,219 62,854 65,343 60,6282/3B+30 52,384 82,326 14 M+30 54,582 84,468 14

B+15 51,442 81,408 14 MA 53,326 83,244 14

M+15 53,954 83,856 14

Longevity: Add $400 for years 18 & 19, $500 for years 20-24, $500 for 25+ years (total $1,500) in district

EGG HARBOR TWP Salary guide data not available4 703 13 11 55,668 74,868 64,978 63,931 59,829

ESTELL MANOR CITY Salary guide data not available1 16 11 8 50,906 75,386 61,484 59,551 59,892

FOLSOM BORO BA 46,781 77,194 181 44 10 8 49,531 57,477 53,361 55,761 53,0892/3MA 49,531 79,944 18 M+30 51,531 81,944 18 DOCT 53,531 83,944 18

B+15 48,131 78,544 18

Longevity: Add $1,000 for years 20-25, $1,250 for years 26-30, $1,500 for years 31+ (total $3,750) in district

GALLOWAY TWP BA 45,684 76,380 151 350 15 14 57,009 77,280 63,910 65,817 65,9212/3B+30 47,953 78,729 15 M+30 51,357 82,253 15 DOCT 53,374 84,341 15

B+15 46,819 77,555 15 MA 49,088 79,904 15

M+15 50,222 81,078 15

Longevity: Add $600 after 10 years, $800 after 15 years, $900 after 20 years, $1400 after 25 years, $1,500 after 30 years

(total $5,200) in district

GREATER EGG HARBOR REG BA 46,637 78,075 135 307 13 11 53,260 80,825 66,635 65,648 60,4603/3B+30 49,137 80,575 13 M+30 52,887 84,325 13

B+15 47,887 79,325 13 MA 50,387 81,825 13 M+45 54,137 85,575 13

M+15 51,637 83,075 13

Longevity: Add $3,000 for years 0-19, $2,000 for years 20-22, $1,000 for years 23-26, $1,000 for years 26-28, $1,000 for

years 29-31, $1,000 for years 32+ (total $9,500) in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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HAMILTON TWP BA 50,000 75,571 161 288 12 12 51,300 77,083 56,876 63,775 58,0703/3B+30 52,175 78,858 16 M+30 55,550 83,959 16

B+15 51,074 77,195 16 MA 53,275 80,521 16

M+15 54,375 82,184 16

HAMMONTON TOWN Salary guide data not available3 286 12 10 54,541 80,608 65,112 65,747 61,028

LINWOOD CITY Salary guide data not available1 95 13 10 53,644 80,919 63,807 65,203 61,623

MAINLAND REGIONAL BA 41,944 82,244 145 138 14 13 70,744 89,194 79,219 79,169 85,9192/3B+30 44,444 84,744 14 M+30 48,444 88,744 14 PhD 49,944 90,244 14

B+15 43,194 83,494 14 MA 45,944 86,244 14

M+15 47,194 87,494 14

MARGATE CITY BA 52,000 80,541 151 55 18 15 70,000 88,362 78,680 78,853 88,3624/4MA 55,500 86,541 15 M+30 58,500 89,541 15 PhD 59,500 90,541 15

B+18 53,500 83,541 15

MULLICA TWP Salary guide data not available1 71 11 8 50,835 71,585 66,178 60,301 55,035

NORTHFIELD CITY Salary guide data not available1 80 12 11 53,863 74,343 63,224 62,058 58,350

PLEASANTVILLE CITY Salary guide data not available3 420 12 11 53,481 72,363 62,493 62,547 56,017

PORT REPUBLIC CITY Salary guide data not available1 13 11 11 47,166 69,527 51,937 52,072 49,579

SOMERS POINT CITY Salary guide data not available1 122 10 10 46,610 67,662 56,971 55,877 52,820

VENTNOR CITY BA 48,965 80,346 131 82 15 15 80,346 83,546 75,620 76,497 82,1963/3B+30 50,265 81,646 13 M+30 51,865 83,246 13 DOCT 52,865 84,246 13

B+15 49,965 81,346 13 MA 51,065 82,446 13

M+15 51,465 82,846 13

Longevity: Add $1,850 after 15 years, $2,300 after 20 years, $3,200 after 25 years (total $7,350) in district

WEYMOUTH TWP Salary guide data not available1 19 15 10 45,858 61,648 54,460 54,928 56,150


ALLENDALE BORO Salary guide data not available1 78 11 11 63,815 88,700 76,970 75,025 70,885

ALPINE BORO BA 45,627 82,663 191 26 12 9 51,472 68,935 61,885 60,823 61,9532/3B+30 46,967 84,003 19 M+30 54,267 91,303 19

B+15 46,162 83,198 19 MA 50,267 87,303 19 M+45 56,767 93,803 19

M+15 52,267 89,303 19

BERGEN CO SPECIAL SERVICE Salary guide data not available2 385 15 14 65,150 86,255 76,027 74,944 76,115

BERGEN COUNTY VOC-TECH Salary guide data not available5 263 13 11 62,569 99,132 82,104 79,772 75,790

BERGENFIELD BORO BA 50,055 82,970 203 322 12 11 61,070 81,120 67,553 71,383 70,8703/3MA 56,055 90,720 20 M+32 62,055 98,250 20 M+60 64,305 99,630 20

B+16 53,055 86,730 20 M+16 59,055 94,180 20 M+45 62,805 98,940 20 PhD 65,055 100,290 20

Longevity: Add $600 after 17 years, $1,200 after 20 years, $1,800 after 25 years (total $3,600) in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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BOGOTA BORO BA 48,893 81,963 142 104 11 10 56,043 75,153 67,794 67,570 62,3672/3MA 56,893 89,963 14 M+30 62,893 95,963 14

Longevity: Add $750 after 16 years, $887 after 20 years, $936 after years 25, 30, 35 & 40 (total $5,381) in district

CARLSTADT BORO BA 50,061 92,480 191 50 13 11 56,265 94,473 71,237 77,540 77,6271/4MA 55,559 102,643 19 M+30 63,354 113,287 19

B+15 51,529 94,729 19 M+15 59,963 108,282 19

CARLSTADT-EAST RUTHERFORD Salary guide data not available5 35 15 13 58,183 109,764 83,571 84,038 92,942

CLIFFSIDE PARK BORO BA 47,600 92,300 172 245 11 11 54,000 99,700 76,767 75,106 72,0003/3MA 51,000 101,100 17 M+30 53,000 105,500 17 EdD 56,050 109,050 17

B+15 48,400 95,500 17 M+15 52,500 103,300 17 M+45 54,500 107,500 17

Longevity: Add $2,500 after 15 years, $1,200 after 20 years, $500 after 25 & 30 years (total $4,700) in district

CLOSTER BORO BA 45,112 77,972 141 101 14 12 67,335 100,765 82,726 82,867 82,7212/3B+30 49,385 90,223 17 M+30 59,358 100,195 17 M+60 65,056 105,894 17

B+15 47,011 87,849 17 MA 53,659 94,497 17

M+15 56,508 97,346 17

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 15 years, $2,000 after 20 years (total $3,000) in district

CRESSKILL BORO BA 52,775 87,165 162 163 8 8 63,995 86,613 73,924 74,640 68,4853/3B+30 53,775 88,165 16 M+30 66,775 109,579 16 PhD 68,775 112,751 16

MA 62,775 104,523 16

DEMAREST BORO Salary guide data not available1 75 11 9 50,348 76,000 67,683 64,020 62,278

DUMONT BORO BA 50,185 84,330 172 244 11 11 55,585 90,340 70,409 73,068 68,8953/3B+30 52,185 88,660 17 M+30 56,185 101,375 17

MA 54,185 92,355 17

EAST RUTHERFORD BORO BA 52,331 88,700 141 74 13 12 62,781 104,994 86,297 85,771 94,2873/3B+30 57,706 94,393 14 M+30 64,156 104,994 14 M+60 73,831 108,263 14

B+15 54,481 90,902 14 MA 58,781 97,401 14

M+15 63,081 100,559 14

EDGEWATER BORO BA 46,977 89,227 171 66 9 7 45,815 59,802 59,332 57,966 51,8162/3MA 52,978 95,423 17 M+30 57,479 103,254 17

B+15 49,978 92,443 17 M+15 55,978 99,554 17

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 20 years, $1,100 after 21 years, $1,200 after 23 years, $1,500 after 30 years (total $4,800)

in district

ELMWOOD PARK Salary guide data not available2 183 9 8 47,860 60,519 58,374 57,205 53,360

EMERSON BORO BA 41,500 87,250 262 110 9 8 51,500 72,083 62,092 63,122 58,0002/3MA 44,500 99,057 26 M+32 47,500 106,544 26 DOCT 48,000 106,840 26

B+16 42,000 96,396 26 M+16 46,500 102,701 26

Longevity: Add $500 for years 5-9, $1,500 for years 10-14, $2,000 for years 15-19, $2,250 for years 20-24, $2,500 for

years 25-39, $2,500 for years 40+ (total $11,250) in district

ENGLEWOOD CITY Salary guide data not available2 347 9 8 56,406 81,030 64,741 70,155 68,805

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS BORO BA 50,270 71,190 161 65 10 10 57,770 74,940 65,644 66,091 66,8852/3B+30 54,020 74,940 16 M+30 61,520 82,440 16

MA 57,770 78,690 16

FAIR LAWN BORO BA 51,585 93,120 193 463 13 11 59,765 95,155 75,363 77,293 75,9502/2MA 58,185 99,720 19 M+30 64,885 106,420 19

B+15 52,485 94,020 19 M+15 59,035 100,570 19

FAIRVIEW BORO Salary guide data not available1 96 14 13 52,195 79,975 60,268 65,879 62,095

FORT LEE BORO Salary guide data not available3 328 11 10 57,700 82,350 73,048 71,881 66,200

FRANKLIN LAKES BORO Salary guide data not available1 174 10 10 56,049 81,859 70,234 69,985 64,695

GARFIELD CITY Salary guide data not available3 495 11 11 46,565 97,325 71,211 69,750 58,661

GLEN ROCK BORO BA 49,950 87,589 182 241 14 11 57,202 83,570 72,910 72,892 71,1383/3MA 53,650 96,958 20 M+30 58,650 104,403 20

M+15 100,680 100,680 M+45 62,720 107,905 20

HACKENSACK CITY BA 54,165 85,280 143 485 11 11 68,555 110,810 84,743 86,924 85,2803/3MA 62,010 98,045 14 M+30 71,730 110,810 14 DOCT 78,675 114,736 14

B+16 56,780 88,980 14 M+15 64,625 101,190 14

HARRINGTON PARK BORO Salary guide data not available1 64 13 10 59,666 83,379 69,937 70,529 66,274

HASBROUCK HEIGHTS BORO BA 47,275 84,470 172 160 14 12 54,030 96,190 70,702 73,730 67,9233/3MA 53,395 90,590 17 M+30 60,875 98,070 17

B+15 48,975 86,170 17 M+15 55,775 92,970 17

HAWORTH BORO BA 46,176 83,238 181 44 12 11 57,489 92,479 79,936 78,203 76,4253/3B+30 48,606 89,351 18 M+30 52,859 103,434 19 M+60 55,897 110,084 19

B+15 48,023 87,734 18 MA 49,821 95,861 19 M+45 54,075 106,528 19 DOCT 57,720 113,639 19

M+15 51,037 99,417 19

HILLSDALE BORO BA 48,138 85,411 171 127 13 11 55,228 78,022 69,062 68,228 64,5751/3B+30 51,873 92,088 17 M+30 57,476 102,104 17

B+15 50,006 88,750 17 MA 53,740 95,427 17

M+15 55,608 98,765 17

Longevity: Add $1,500 after 21 years

HO HO KUS BORO BA 55,407 84,072 151 57 13 11 61,027 90,502 73,893 75,816 73,2073/3B+30 58,217 88,002 15 M+30 66,647 95,732 15

B+15 56,812 85,642 15 MA 61,027 92,932 15 M+45 69,457 98,122 15

M+15 63,837 93,712 15

Longevity: Add $1,500 after 18 yars, $1,500 after 19 years, $2,500 after 20 years (total $5,500) in district

LEONIA BORO BA 48,615 92,245 232 195 11 10 54,220 72,255 62,751 65,103 60,0302/3MA 51,215 97,612 23 M+30 53,815 102,386 23 DOCT 56,415 107,025 23

Longevity: Add $1,000 after years 15 & 20, $500 after 25 years (total $2,500) in district

LITTLE FERRY BORO Salary guide data not available1 79 16 15 59,654 91,690 70,941 73,738 69,406

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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LODI BOROUGH BA 42,533 86,534 153 265 12 12 49,864 92,934 67,410 69,375 60,1242/3B+30 43,789 88,475 15 M+30 47,773 94,286 15

MA 45,465 90,644 15

Longevity: Add $1,600 after years 15, 17, 20 & 24 (total $6,400) in district

LYNDHURST TWP BA 51,525 87,605 162 219 9 8 51,525 78,000 68,300 66,712 59,0003/3B+30 54,925 91,005 16 M+30 62,925 99,005 16 PhD 68,925 105,005 16

MA 58,925 95,005 16 M+45 66,925 103,005 16

Longevity: Add $2,500 after 19 years, $2,950 after 24 years, $3,250 after 29 years, $3,450 after 34 years (total $12,200)

in district

MAHWAH TWP Salary guide data not available3 298 13 11 56,860 80,070 73,212 71,647 70,340

MAYWOOD BORO Salary guide data not available1 80 11 10 51,700 84,100 65,919 68,147 60,500

MIDLAND PARK BORO BA 44,000 84,900 202 116 13 11 45,500 75,925 62,969 62,751 52,9001/3MA 46,000 95,200 20

M+15 51,000 105,900 20

Longevity: Add $800 after 15years

MONTVALE BORO BA 51,447 83,847 191 94 14 11 60,420 77,260 68,441 70,014 68,1043/3MA 57,540 89,910 19 M+30 62,390 94,760 19

B+15 53,902 86,272 19 M+15 59,965 92,335 19

MOONACHIE BORO Salary guide data not available1 35 9 9 49,655 83,927 71,496 69,413 66,215

NEW MILFORD BORO Salary guide data not available2 188 10 8 55,120 66,470 62,766 63,847 58,265

NORTH ARLINGTON BORO BA 47,390 80,620 162 142 12 11 52,440 73,425 61,759 63,664 56,3633/3B+30 49,040 82,270 16 M+30 55,440 88,670 16 M+60 62,940 96,170 16

B+15 48,190 81,420 16 MA 52,040 85,270 16 M+40 57,640 90,870 16

M+10 53,140 86,370 16 M+50 59,940 93,170 16

M+20 54,240 87,470 16

NORTHERN HIGHLANDS REG BA 53,715 76,150 135 128 8 8 64,905 92,093 75,841 78,487 76,9604/4MA 58,010 99,970 16 M+30 62,310 105,590 16 M+60 66,605 111,530 16

NORTHERN VALLEY REGIONAL Salary guide data not available5 291 14 11 81,526 111,499 91,793 94,074 98,827

NORTHVALE BORO BA 48,360 75,935 151 48 13 10 55,405 87,163 70,363 70,671 68,5962/3B+32 53,680 85,000 15 M+32 61,660 96,935 15

B+16 51,020 80,470 15 MA 56,340 89,515 15

M+16 59,000 93,225 15

Longevity: Add $1,898 after 15th year, $637 after 20 year, $637 after 22nd year (total $3,172) in district

NORWOOD BORO Salary guide data not available1 54 12 11 47,766 73,741 66,385 62,503 58,604

OAKLAND BORO Salary guide data not available1 155 10 9 60,095 87,340 71,941 74,074 73,130

OLD TAPPAN BORO BA 44,558 72,936 151 71 17 15 63,026 87,693 75,193 76,171 78,8643/3MA 48,409 87,693 16 M+30 54,887 95,323 17

B+15 46,534 74,812 15 M+15 51,886 91,444 16 M+45 91,200 96,449 3

Longevity: Add $5,000 after 20 years, $1,500 after 24 years, $500 after yers 27, 28 (toal $7,500) in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


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ORADELL BORO BA 48,975 85,570 181 67 12 12 53,050 82,545 63,223 67,098 59,9652/3MA 51,505 90,020 18 M+30 55,170 95,295 18

B+15 50,240 87,790 18 M+15 52,770 92,620 18

PALISADES PARK BA 47,278 84,150 152 159 11 10 46,827 62,927 59,279 57,389 49,9422/3MA 50,393 89,750 15 6YR 54,278 94,675 15

B+15 47,978 84,850 15 M+15 51,878 90,050 15 6YR+15 54,778 94,975 15

Longevity: Add $675 after 15 years, $725 afater 20 years, $775 after 25 years, $825 after 30 years, $875 after 35 years

(total $3,875)

PARAMUS BORO BA 51,000 92,950 223 376 13 11 57,000 83,150 70,502 70,928 64,7002/3B+30 52,000 98,600 22 M+30 53,800 110,800 22

B+15 51,500 95,500 22 MA 53,000 103,950 22 M+45 56,000 113,650 22

PARK RIDGE BORO BA 53,101 84,026 192 145 13 10 60,451 84,026 71,504 72,465 69,5281/3B+30 54,776 88,111 19 M+30 59,801 99,148 19

MA 56,451 93,439 19

PASCACK VALLEY REGIONAL BA 51,500 89,000 155 194 13 10 67,000 107,000 86,346 87,645 88,0001/3B+30 53,000 98,000 15 M+30 62,000 108,000 15

MA 55,500 101,000 15 M+45 64,500 111,500 15

M+15 58,000 104,000 15

Longevity: Add $3,400 after 17 years, $700 after years 20, 23, 26, 29 & 31 (total $6,900) in district

RAMAPO-INDIAN HILL REG Salary guide data not available5 237 11 11 51,392 71,719 65,119 63,970 61,839

RAMSEY BORO BA 51,300 83,668 162 293 13 11 59,436 97,965 76,257 78,184 77,7502/3MA 54,330 94,575 16 M+30 57,616 101,160 16

B+15 52,800 89,395 16 M+15 55,845 97,965 16 M+45 59,800 106,200 16

RIDGEFIELD BORO BA 53,327 98,909 212 200 15 12 55,509 93,107 75,546 74,370 67,0461/3MA 55,897 114,486 22 M+30 60,834 123,864 22

B+15 54,617 105,918 21 M+15 57,938 118,786 22

RIDGEFIELD PARK TWP Salary guide data not available2 213 12 10 62,120 81,740 72,932 73,943 71,080

RIDGEWOOD VILLAGE BA 55,693 87,703 153 499 12 10 69,293 99,093 81,012 83,716 83,0033/3B+30 59,243 95,773 16 M+30 66,343 105,423 16 DOCT 74,293 116,173 17

MA 62,793 99,093 16 M+45 70,073 108,743 16

Longevity: Add$1,500 after 20 years, $1,600 after 25 years (total $3,100) in district

RIVER DELL REGIONAL BA 47,590 86,873 155 153 13 11 63,162 93,261 81,613 79,101 79,2862/4MA 52,715 95,645 16 M+32 57,742 104,422 17 PhD 62,866 109,903 17

B+16 50,154 89,610 16 M+16 55,278 98,386 16 M+48 60,305 107,161 17

Longevity: Add $2,173 after 15 years, $953 after 20 years, $1,287 after 25 years, $810 after 30 years (total $5,222)

RIVER EDGE BORO BA 50,305 87,770 201 98 11 9 57,228 69,768 67,807 65,813 62,2781/3MA 54,505 95,670 20 M+30 58,705 98,525 20

B+15 52,405 90,270 20 M+15 56,605 97,270 20

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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RIVER VALE TWP BA 52,635 89,175 141 106 17 13 92,267 129,905 77,335 113,400 108,9903/3B+30 57,260 93,800 14 M+30 67,645 104,185 14

B+15 53,210 89,750 14 MA 61,305 97,845 14 M+45 67,845 104,385 14

M+15 62,040 98,580 14

Longevity: Add $1,000 for years 14-17, $1,300 for years 18-20, $1,700 for years 21-24, $1,950 for years 25-29, $2,100 for

30+ years (total $8,020) in district

ROCHELLE PARK TWP BA 45,746 79,606 161 45 14 13 49,796 90,186 70,541 70,824 72,0612/3B+30 50,746 84,606 16 M+30 59,496 93,356 16

B+15 48,246 82,106 16 MA 54,496 88,356 16

M+15 56,996 90,856 16

Longevity: Add $1,550 after 20 years, $1,950 after 25 years (total $3,500)

RUTHERFORD BORO BA 48,000 77,260 162 236 13 10 54,677 88,242 71,766 71,536 69,6692/3MA 53,442 88,242 17 M+30 60,977 98,094 17

B+15 50,407 80,496 16 M+15 56,581 91,594 17

Longevity: Add $2,250 afater 18 years, $250 after 20 years, $500 after 25 & 30 years (total $3,500) in district

SADDLE BROOK TWP BA 44,275 97,225 182 174 9 9 55,575 77,700 65,599 68,285 64,4252/2MA 46,775 99,725 18 M+30 50,275 103,225 18

B+15 45,275 98,225 18 M+15 48,275 101,225 18 M+45 52,775 105,725 18

Longevity: Add $2,907 after 18 years, $1,532 after 21 years, $1014 after 24 years, $1,004 after 27 years (total $6,457)

SADDLE RIVER BORO BA 48,389 72,993 131 26 13 10 60,935 74,409 66,594 69,350 67,2073/3B+30 54,918 100,584 18 M+30 60,339 106,062 18

B+15 52,229 74,284 13 MA 56,837 101,572 18

M+15 57,862 104,097 18

SOUTH BERGEN JOINTURE COM Salary guide data not available2 86 12 10 55,925 75,968 65,972 66,285 62,417

SOUTH HACKENSACK TWP Salary guide data not available1 27 13 11 59,337 86,633 72,303 72,340 69,517

TEANECK TWP Salary guide data not available3 404 14 11 56,857 98,383 79,737 77,742 74,100

TENAFLY BORO BA 51,215 84,755 143 348 13 10 58,015 93,205 73,645 74,740 71,0153/3MA 54,015 92,855 14 M+32 56,815 100,855 14 M+60 57,873 101,905 14

B+15 51,515 85,055 14 M+8 54,315 93,155 14 M+40 57,115 101,155 14 PhD 60,915 105,405 14

B+24 52,115 85,665 14 M+16 54,615 93,455 14 M+48 57,415 101,455 14

M+24 54,915 93,755 14

UPPER SADDLE RIVER BORO Salary guide data not available1 123 11 8 53,350 71,350 66,858 63,991 58,350

WALDWICK BORO BA 51,885 83,955 162 164 11 10 59,070 74,935 67,178 69,275 67,9552/3B+30 55,355 89,955 16 M+30 61,055 98,569 16

B+15 53,605 86,955 16 MA 57,105 92,655 16 M+45 63,755 101,169 16

M+15 58,855 95,155 16

WALLINGTON BORO BA 45,920 87,110 222 97 46,730 75,590 62,736 60,564 58,0902/3MA 49,069 90,310 22 M+30 52,969 94,210 22 DOCT 55,069 96,310 22

B+15 47,369 88,610 22 M+15 50,969 92,210 22

WESTWOOD REGIONAL Salary guide data not available2 278 12 9 53,163 84,040 68,658 67,567 60,626

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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WOOD RIDGE BORO Salary guide data not available2 112 8 8 50,803 72,303 62,342 63,089 57,485

WOODCLIFF LAKE BORO BA 48,315 82,396 191 83 9 8 53,350 71,560 64,787 64,332 60,5801/3B+30 50,960 87,605 19 M+30 58,890 100,520 19

B+15 49,635 85,191 19 MA 53,600 93,046 19

M+15 56,245 96,562 19

WYCKOFF TWP BA 49,274 86,331 151 221 13 10 55,830 94,031 73,412 72,068 64,8221/3MA 54,274 91,331 15 M+30 59,274 96,331 15 M+60 60,774 97,831 15

Longevity: Add $2,100 after 20 years, $1,100 after 24 years (total $3,200) in district


BASS RIVER TWP BA 52,354 80,592 171 19 14 11 52,354 63,193 52,833 56,733 60,0993/3B+30 54,864 83,092 17 M+30 57,104 85,342 17 DOCT 57,854 86,092 17

B+15 53,854 82,092 17 MA 55,604 83,842 17

M+15 56,354 84,592 17

Longevity: Add. $509 after 20 yrs., $670 after 25 yrs. and $322 after 30 yrs. (Total $1501) in dist.

BEVERLY CITY BA 48,761 83,171 191 35 6 6 48,657 61,966 55,972 53,878 53,9191/3B+30 49,761 83,917 19 M+30 50,881 86,037 19

B+15 49,461 83,617 19 MA 50,261 84,417 19

M+15 50,561 84,717 19

Longevity: Add $00 after 8 years, $200 after years 12,16,20,24,28 & 32 (total $1,600) in district

BORDENTOWN REGIONAL BA 50,982 79,732 162 225 9 9 57,593 72,160 60,881 65,473 62,7093/3B+30 53,120 81,870 16 M+30 56,899 85,649 16

B+6 51,711 80,461 16 MA 54,035 82,785 16 M+36 57,593 86,343 16

B+12 52,052 80,802 16 M+6 54,766 83,516 16

B+18 52,408 81,158 16 M+12 55,104 83,854 16

B+24 52,764 81,514 16 M+18 55,458 84,208 16

M+24 56,170 84,920 16

Longevity: Add $1,428 after 25 years in district

BURLINGTON CITY Salary guide data not available2 204 10 9 57,212 68,740 66,560 64,580 60,583

BURLINGTON CO SPEC SERV BA 52,143 87,406 232 194 17 15 65,058 91,006 76,067 76,102 72,3462/2B+30 55,227 92,769 23 M+30 59,545 97,728 23

B+15 53,377 90,758 23 MA 56,091 94,913 23

M+15 57,694 96,253 23

BURLINGTON CO VOC-TECH BA 54,207 82,174 185 180 13 12 57,847 76,010 65,197 68,598 64,5132/3MA 56,531 87,164 18 M+30 58,855 92,223 18 S CERT 54,207 82,174 18

B+15 55,367 83,348 18 M+15 57,692 88,337 18 S C+20 55,367 83,348 18

S BA 58,855 92,223 18 S MA 60,016 93,396 18 S C+40 56,531 87,164 18

S C+60 57,692 88,337 18

M+60 60,016 93,396 18

BURLINGTON TWP Salary guide data not available3 354 13 11 54,759 73,430 61,696 63,397 59,660

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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CHESTERFIELD TWP Salary guide data not available1 62 11 7 52,076 67,910 58,544 57,385 53,648

CINNAMINSON TWP BA 54,453 83,602 182 224 12 11 60,720 79,018 69,188 69,581 66,5041/3B+30 57,345 86,495 18 M+30 60,593 89,743 18 DOCT 61,405 90,555 18

B+10 55,721 84,871 18 MA 58,157 87,307 18

B+20 56,533 85,683 18 M+10 58,969 88,119 18

M+20 59,781 88,931 18

Longevity: Add $227 after years 9, 14, & 19 (total $681) in district

DELANCO TWP BA 47,625 82,136 151 37 13 11 49,478 71,436 62,133 62,204 56,4931/3MA 48,875 84,386 15 M+30 51,925 86,136 15

B+15 48,750 83,261 15 M+15 76 85,011 15

Longevity: Add $300 for years 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29 & 34 (total $2,100) in district

DELRAN TWP BA 51,280 76,496 152 255 12 9 53,900 77,554 62,989 63,772 56,5002/3MA 53,730 78,964 15 M+30 55,130 80,374 15

B+15 52,330 77,554 15 M+15 54,430 79,669 15

B+25 53,030 78,259 15

EASTAMPTON TWP Salary guide data not available1 58 14 14 54,300 76,360 64,301 64,601 64,810

EDGEWATER PARK TWP Salary guide data not available1 82 12 11 50,645 82,270 63,740 63,457 55,235

EVESHAM TWP BA 50,000 83,568 171 422 12 10 55,600 85,173 68,340 69,235 65,0003/3B+30 52,000 85,568 17 M+30 56,500 90,068 17 PhD 60,000 93,568 17

MA 55,000 88,568 17

Longevity: Add. $555 after 15 yrs., $250 after 20 yrs., $800 after 25 yrs. and $1395 after 30 yrs. (Total $3000) in dist.

FLORENCE TWP Salary guide data not available2 140 12 12 57,886 74,008 66,936 65,798 64,610

HAINESPORT TWP BA 48,602 84,289 181 65 13 10 52,268 61,939 56,595 59,338 56,0163/3B+36 51,080 86,767 18 M+36 54,705 90,392 18

B+12 49,428 85,115 18 B+48 51,907 87,594 18 M+48 55,532 91,219 18

B+24 50,254 85,941 18 MA 52,227 87,914 18

M+12 53,053 88,740 18

M+24 53,879 89,566 18

Longevity: Add $1,450 after 14 years, $1,650 after 19 years, $1,850 after 24 years, $2,050 after 29 years (total $7,000)

LENAPE REGIONAL BA 54,389 92,369 185 679 14 13 64,918 97,769 79,347 80,469 76,5812/3B+30 56,789 94,769 18 M+30 61,589 99,569 18 M+60 63,989 101,969 18

B+15 55,589 93,569 18 B+45 57,989 95,969 18 M+45 62,789 100,769 18 PhD 65,189 103,169 18

MA 59,189 97,169 18

M+15 60,389 98,369 18

Longevity: Add $600 after years, 5, 10,15,20, 25, 30 & 35 (total $4,400) in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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LUMBERTON TWP BA 50,500 84,026 171 135 16 13 61,400 76,550 67,462 69,094 70,7001/3B+30 53,050 86,576 17 M+30 56,450 89,976 17

B+10 51,350 84,876 17 MA 53,900 87,426 17

B+20 52,200 85,726 17 M+10 54,750 88,276 17

M+20 55,600 89,126 17

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 10 years, $500 after 15, 20 & 25 (total $2,500) in district

MANSFIELD TWP BA 50,837 83,436 151 61 11 11 55,581 66,179 61,947 63,223 61,8532/3MA 53,337 85,936 15

B+9 51,462 84,061 15

B+18 52,087 84,686 15

B+27 52,712 85,311 15

Longevity: Add $200 after 14 years, $1,500 after 19 years, $2,000 after 24 years (total $3,700) in district

MAPLE SHADE TWP BA 54,560 87,700 172 205 10 10 58,830 85,116 68,050 69,492 63,7253/3B+30 56,595 89,735 17 M+30 60,665 93,805 17 DOCT 62,460 95,840 17

B+15 55,577 88,717 17 MA 58,630 91,770 17

M+15 59,647 92,787 17

Longevity: Add. $100 after 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 yrs. (Total $500) in dist. Add. $1800 for tchrs. who were on step 17 in

2013-14 & have 21 or more years.

MEDFORD LAKES BORO BA 49,085 82,485 141 49 14 12 53,136 83,835 59,903 64,119 57,7762/3B+30 51,652 85,052 14 M+30 55,418 88,818 14

B+15 50,570 83,770 14 MA 52,936 86,336 14

M+15 54,221 87,621 14

Longevity: Add $550 after 10 years, $400 after years 15 & 20, $415 after year 25, $605 after year 30 (total $2,370) in


MEDFORD TWP BA 53,030 88,482 161 249 16 12 62,381 83,951 70,526 73,590 70,3654/4B+30 56,852 92,303 16 M+30 62,513 97,964 16 DOCT 65,910 101,361 16

B+10 55,153 90,604 16 MA 59,116 94,568 16 M+45 64,212 99,663 16

B+20 55,719 91,171 16 M+15 60,815 96,266 16

Longevity: Add $3,000 after 20 years, $500 after 25 & 30 years (total $4,000) in district

MOORESTOWN TWP BA 48,000 85,336 123 382 14 11 52,195 92,095 70,936 69,403 62,1872/3B+30 50,130 90,344 12 M+30 53,326 97,907 12 DOCT 54,508 100,447 12

B+15 49,065 87,839 12 MA 51,195 92,845 12

M+15 52,262 95,370 12

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 20 years, $1,250 after 30 years (total $2,250)

MOUNT HOLLY TWP BA 50,079 80,225 121 107 11 11 52,054 81,695 73,089 67,339 69,0534/4B+30 52,429 82,575 12 M+30 54,779 84,925 12

B+15 51,254 81,400 12 MA 53,604 83,750 12

MOUNT LAUREL TWP BA 52,112 86,056 141 395 13 13 58,007 88,949 70,689 71,846 69,3501/3B+30 54,305 88,249 14 M+30 58,059 92,023 14 PhD 60,135 94,079 14

B+15 53,285 87,229 14 MA 56,192 90,136 14 M+45 59,099 93,043 14

M+15 57,059 91,003 14

Longevity: Add $500 after 10 years, $700 after 15 years, $1,500 after 20 years, $825 after 25 years (total $3,025)

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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NEW HANOVER TWP BA 50,000 83,256 181 26 14 11 50,000 69,081 60,174 57,685 61,3833/3B+30 51,600 84,856 18

B+15 51,000 84,256 18 MA 52,300 85,556 18

M+15 53,100 86,356 18

Longevity: Add $500 after years 13, 15 & 17, $1,000 after year 25 (total $2,500) in district

NORTH HANOVER TWP BA 52,913 80,185 201 132 12 12 59,667 76,278 63,220 67,444 65,1133/3B+30 56,403 83,675 20 M+30 61,638 88,910 20

B+15 54,658 81,930 20 MA 58,148 85,420 20

M+15 59,893 87,165 20

Longevity: Add $100 for years 8-12, $200 for years 13-19, $300 for years 20-24, $500 for years 25+ (total $3,507) in


NORTHERN BURLINGTON REG BA 50,778 87,746 175 179 12 10 54,063 73,941 64,105 64,894 61,6992/3B+30 52,320 89,288 17 M+30 55,405 92,373 17 DOCT 57,462 94,430 17

B+15 51,549 88,517 17 MA 53,863 90,831 17

M+15 54,634 91,602 17

Longevity: Add $1,500 after 15 years

PALMYRA BORO BA 50,568 71,442 162 88 13 11 55,559 63,747 59,898 60,653 59,8082/3B+30 53,443 74,317 16 M+30 56,893 77,767 16

B+15 52,068 72,942 16 MA 54,443 75,317 16 M+45 57,593 78,467 16

M+15 55,643 76,517 16

PEMBERTON TWP BA 52,318 82,485 123 532 15 13 64,292 87,180 77,562 77,586 83,3852/3B+30 55,249 85,415 12 M+30 59,644 89,809 12 NON 51,618 81,785 12

B+15 53,783 83,950 12 MA 56,714 86,880 12 M+45 61,108 91,274 12 M+60 62,573 92,740 12

M+15 58,179 88,345 12

Longevity: Add $300 after 9 years, $600 after 15 years, $200 after 20 years, $500 after 25 years, $700 after 30 years,

$1,000 after 40 years (total $3,300) in district

RANCOCAS VALLEY REGIONAL BA 51,580 86,936 195 147 12 12 60,255 71,031 67,772 68,666 66,7214/4MA 55,352 90,708 19 M+30 56,430 91,786 19 DOCT 56,969 92,325 19

B+15 53,305 88,661 19 M+15 55,891 91,247 19

Longevity: Add $450 after 19 years, $600 after 20 years, $1,350 after 21 years, $2,100 after 25 years, $750 every 5 years

after 30

RIVERSIDE TWP BA 54,650 79,803 192 131 12 12 61,380 77,575 66,034 69,036 66,7102/3B+30 56,650 81,803 19 M+30 59,650 84,803 19 DOCT 60,650 85,803 19

B+15 55,650 80,803 19 MA 57,650 82,803 19

M+15 58,650 83,803 19

Longevity: Add $100 after 3 years, $250 after 10 years, $300 after 15 years, $900 after 20 years, $500 after 25 & 30

years (total $2,550) in district

RIVERTON BA 48,821 84,500 151 29 14 11 53,221 84,500 60,746 66,326 62,3862/3MA 53,921 89,600 15 M+30 65,821 101,500 15

B+15 50,521 86,200 15 M+15 59,021 94,700 15

Longevity: Add $565 after 15 years, $1,663 after 20 years, $2,928 after 25 years, $3,500 after 30 years (total $8,656)

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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SHAMONG TWP BA 49,271 83,640 141 76 12 9 52,308 81,734 47,909 64,417 56,8962/3B+30 51,937 86,306 14 M+30 55,936 90,305 14

B+15 50,604 84,973 14 MA 53,270 87,639 14

M+15 54,603 88,972 14

Longevity: Add $600 after 24 years, $600 after 29 years (total $1,500) in district

SOUTHAMPTON TWP BA 50,200 77,400 161 80 10 9 51,475 66,525 61,453 60,362 55,1503/3B+30 51,450 78,650 16 M+30 53,325 80,525 16

B+15 50,825 78,025 16 MA 52,075 79,275 16

M+15 52,700 79,900 16

Longevity: Add. $450 after 10 yrs., $350 after 15 yrs. and $875 after 20 yrs. (Total $1675) in dist.

SPRINGFIELD TWP Salary guide data not available1 29 11 10 54,261 65,526 62,630 62,694 58,461

TABERNACLE TWP BA 51,792 83,000 161 75 14 9 56,595 83,800 67,089 67,698 62,5081/2B+30 54,149 85,357 16 M+30 58,863 90,071 16 M+60 59,930 91,138 16

B+15 53,027 84,235 16 MA 55,945 87,153 16

M+15 57,068 88,276 16

Longevity: Add $400 after years 10,15 &20, $500 after year 25, $1,000 after year 30 (total $2,700) in district

WASHINGTON TWP BA 49,675 78,627 141 6 19 19 38,628 66,721 52,942 54,922 53,1424/4B+30 51,225 80,177 14

B+15 50,450 79,402 14 MA 52,000 80,952 14

WESTAMPTON BA 53,494 91,460 181 85 11 9 55,996 65,124 63,244 63,301 59,5291/3B+30 55,732 93,560 18 M+30 59,090 96,710 18

B+15 54,613 92,510 18 MA 56,851 94,610 18

M+15 57,971 95,660 18

Longevity: Add $500 after 18 years, $2,200 after 25 years (total $2,700) in district

WILLINGBORO TWP Salary guide data not available3 329 12 12 55,933 69,030 59,256 63,154 61,022

WOODLAND TWP Salary guide data not available1 16 12 10 46,500 74,000 57,783 56,663 50,000


AUDUBON BORO BA 48,800 86,300 172 153 13 11 53,600 81,700 64,907 64,643 60,5003/3B+30 50,600 88,100 17 M+30 52,800 90,300 17

MA 52,200 89,700 17

Longevity: Add. $3800 after 27 yrs. in tchg.

BARRINGTON BORO Salary guide data not available1 67 13 11 55,226 70,466 63,648 63,854 58,616

BELLMAWR BORO BA 48,367 87,900 121 93 9 9 53,862 83,532 66,278 67,028 62,0102/3B+30 52,368 89,293 12 M+30 57,466 92,112 12

B+15 50,668 88,589 12 MA 53,662 90,702 12

M+15 56,812 91,406 12

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 25 years in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


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BERLIN BORO BA 52,765 82,172 141 79 10 8 54,273 62,932 61,264 60,838 58,9152/3B+30 55,182 84,589 14 M+30 58,807 88,214 14

B+15 53,973 83,380 14 MA 56,390 85,797 14

M+15 57,599 87,006 14

BERLIN TWP BA 48,957 83,496 161 73 11 11 56,957 71,946 61,846 64,868 60,2572/3B+30 50,557 85,219 16 M+30 53,757 88,665 16

B+15 49,757 84,358 16 MA 52,157 86,942 16

M+15 52,957 87,804 16

Longevity: Add $700 after 20 years, $400 after 25 years (total $1,100) in district

BLACK HORSE PIKE REGIONAL BA 51,070 84,901 155 312 12 9 53,270 85,351 66,512 66,472 60,2933/3B+30 52,020 85,851 15 M+30 54,570 88,401 15 DOCT 55,420 89,251 15

B+15 51,595 85,426 15 MA 52,870 86,701 15

M+15 53,720 87,551 15

BROOKLAWN BORO Salary guide data not available1 31 13 11 49,855 63,349 57,912 58,196 59,332

CAMDEN CITY Salary guide data not available4 1,134 14 14 55,387 80,303 65,885 66,390 61,603

CAMDEN COUNTY VOC-TECH Salary guide data not available5 225 13 11 49,084 76,571 65,409 63,868 67,345

CHERRY HILL TWP Salary guide data not available4 1,000 10 10 54,368 91,733 71,690 71,027 63,865

CLEMENTON BORO Salary guide data not available1 53 13 10 49,450 61,115 56,023 56,157 55,550

COLLINGSWOOD BORO BA 48,500 78,000 152 197 12 10 52,450 78,250 63,164 65,182 64,7503/3B+30 49,950 79,450 15 M+30 51,750 81,250 15 PhD 53,250 82,750 15

MA 50,750 80,250 15

Longevity: Add. $500 after 10 yrs. and $2000 after 20 yrs. (Total $2500) in dist.

EASTERN CAMDEN COUNTY REG Salary guide data not available5 156 14 11 56,010 93,111 71,645 74,937 74,690

GIBBSBORO BORO BA 55,207 71,083 151 31 12 10 55,207 68,566 58,629 60,521 59,5072/3B+30 56,607 72,483 15 M+30 59,407 75,283 15

B+15 55,907 71,783 15 MA 58,007 73,883 15

M+15 58,707 74,583 15

GLOUCESTER CITY BA 49,476 80,212 152 241 12 10 52,234 80,212 64,311 65,469 62,8542/3B+30 50,855 81,591 15 M+30 55,336 86,071 15 M+60 58,667 89,403 15

B+15 50,165 80,901 15 MA 52,234 82,970 15

M+15 53,613 84,348 15

GLOUCESTER TWP BA 49,000 87,450 161 605 14 12 58,075 88,950 70,976 71,077 65,9803/3B+30 51,425 89,875 16 M+30 54,750 93,200 16

B+15 50,500 88,950 16 MA 52,925 91,375 16

M+15 53,825 92,275 16

HADDON HEIGHTS BORO BA 50,600 82,540 162 130 13 10 54,430 82,540 65,747 65,338 62,3383/3MA 54,370 86,310 16 M+30 55,370 87,310 16 PhD 56,485 88,425 16

Longevity: Add. $100 after 20 yrs. and $50 after 25, 30, 35 and 40 yrs. (Total $300) in dist.

HADDON TWP Salary guide data not available2 161 13 11 52,572 81,679 67,438 65,919 64,349

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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HADDONFIELD BORO Salary guide data not available2 216 10 9 53,315 83,545 66,371 65,702 58,328

LAUREL SPRINGS BORO Salary guide data not available1 16 15 12 50,074 73,876 59,896 60,124 59,114

LAWNSIDE BORO BA 52,152 73,739 151 26 8 8 52,152 62,585 58,050 56,576 55,0522/3MA 54,552 76,139 15

B+20 53,352 74,939 15

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 25 years, $1,500 after 30 years (total $2,500) in district

LINDENWOLD BORO BA 49,007 75,053 152 246 11 9 53,047 75,053 61,974 61,687 57,5983/3B+30 52,042 78,086 15 M+30 56,709 82,754 15 DOCT 58,809 84,855 15

B+15 50,524 76,570 15 MA 53,558 79,603 15

M+15 55,075 81,120 15

Longevity: Add 41,500 after 21 years, $2,570 after 22 years (total $4,070) in district

MAGNOLIA BORO Salary guide data not available1 39 12 11 56,449 72,467 66,773 65,521 66,840

MERCHANTVILLE BORO BA 51,815 75,413 181 32 18 13 53,270 85,945 73,614 66,177 63,3491/3B+30 56,255 89,093 18 M+30 64,025 99,660 18

B+15 54,035 80,585 18 MA 59,585 94,552 18

M+15 61,805 95,905 18

MOUNT EPHRAIM BORO BA 51,589 78,759 161 40 11 8 48,911 64,226 60,498 56,736 54,7904/5B+30 53,789 80,959 16 M+30 57,489 84,659 16 DOCT 60,089 87,259 16

B+15 52,689 79,859 16 MA 54,889 82,059 16 M+45 58,789 85,959 16

M+15 56,189 83,359 16

OAKLYN BORO Salary guide data not available2 42 11 9 48,302 61,133 54,842 57,022 56,075

PENNSAUKEN TWP BA 53,225 81,375 163 453 14 12 60,649 83,855 73,875 72,574 70,7243/3B+30 54,700 83,775 16 M+30 59,375 90,750 16

B+15 53,800 82,875 16 MA 56,000 86,375 16

M+15 57,600 88,975 16

PINE HILL BORO Salary guide data not available2 202 12 12 51,713 86,222 68,375 65,376 57,884

RUNNEMEDE BORO Salary guide data not available1 79 11 10 50,212 63,200 57,111 58,836 53,285

SOMERDALE BORO Salary guide data not available1 53 11 10 51,162 72,540 58,967 61,320 55,341

STERLING HIGH SCHOOL DIST BA 48,800 84,599 165 86 10 9 54,100 71,000 63,265 64,156 63,4003/3B+30 50,300 86,132 16 M+30 53,600 89,505 16 DOCT 54,400 90,323 16

B+15 49,500 85,315 16 MA 51,900 87,768 16

M+15 52,600 88,483 16

STRATFORD BORO Salary guide data not available1 82 12 11 50,673 78,752 62,538 63,073 58,552

VOORHEES TWP Salary guide data not available1 271 16 15 52,156 93,978 75,802 74,127 71,442

WATERFORD TWP Salary guide data not available1 91 11 11 52,601 81,010 61,306 66,052 67,110

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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WINSLOW TWP BA 50,116 80,905 133 529 12 11 53,216 81,705 68,152 68,547 70,5161/2B+30 51,716 82,505 13 M+30 54,116 84,905 13 DOCT 55,716 86,505 13

B+15 50,916 81,705 13 MA 52,516 83,305 13 M+45 54,916 85,705 13

M+15 53,316 84,105 13

WOODLYNNE BORO Salary guide data not available1 34 13 9 51,271 60,336 54,677 57,100 53,378


AVALON BORO BA 49,481 77,231 131 13 17 14 71,245 91,731 78,925 76,921 74,1762/3B+30 52,412 80,162 13 M+30 54,881 82,631 13

B+15 51,075 78,825 13 MA 53,301 81,051 13

B+20 51,531 79,281 13 M+15 53,601 81,351 13

M+20 54,206 81,956 13

Longevity: Add $3,000 after year 14 & 16, $3,100 after years 18 & 20 (total $12,200) in district

CAPE MAY CITY Salary guide data not available1 21 14 12 52,870 73,271 62,099 62,738 60,850

CAPE MAY CO SPECIAL SERV Salary guide data not available2 70 17 16 62,788 78,121 74,652 71,944 77,421

CAPE MAY CO VOC-TECH Salary guide data not available5 68 13 11 58,759 73,804 62,955 66,646 64,804

DENNIS TWP BA 44,000 78,986 211 66 14 13 50,422 80,586 63,404 63,322 59,0321/3MA 45,400 80,386 21 DOCT 46,600 81,586 21

B+15 44,700 79,686 21 M+15 46,000 80,986 21

Longevity: add $1,100 after 15 years, $500 after 19 years, $500 after 23 years (total $2,100) in district

LOWER CAPE MAY REGIONAL BA 49,050 86,052 305 154 14 14 60,332 82,452 69,181 71,909 74,6041/3B+30 51,050 88,052 30 M+30 54,050 91,052 30 PhD 55,050 92,052 30

B+15 50,050 87,052 30 MA 52,050 89,052 30

M+15 53,050 90,052 30

LOWER TWP Salary guide data not available1 160 13 13 51,295 81,535 64,343 65,764 62,423

MIDDLE TWP BA 51,477 80,857 192 226 14 13 54,529 80,857 64,049 65,551 63,4863/3B+30 52,613 81,973 19 M+30 54,287 83,647 19 PhD 54,845 84,205 19

B+15 52,055 81,415 19 MA 53,171 82,531 19

M+15 53,729 83,089 19

NORTH WILDWOOD CITY Salary guide data not available1 44 15 13 56,823 69,947 65,807 67,275 63,803

OCEAN CITY Salary guide data not available2 211 15 13 66,589 103,201 83,940 84,053 87,874

STONE HARBOR BORO BA 49,481 77,231 131 10 19 11 81,051 91,731 73,478 80,535 87,4812/3B+30 52,412 80,162 13 M+30 54,881 82,631 13

B+15 51,075 78,825 13 MA 53,301 81,051 13

B+20 51,531 79,281 13 M+15 53,601 81,351 13

M+20 54,206 81,956 13

Longevity: Add $3,000 for years 14 & 16, $3,100 for years 18 & 20 (total $12,200) in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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UPPER TWP BA 51,393 83,093 201 138 14 14 55,602 86,731 66,715 68,641 62,0891/3B+30 53,702 85,402 20 M+30 57,189 88,889 20

B+15 52,540 84,240 20 MA 54,864 86,564 20

M+15 56,026 87,726 20

Longevity: See Additional Amounts above

WEST CAPE MAY BORO BA 51,548 64,498 131 6 9 8 53,048 67,920 55,351 56,213 55,4782/3B+30 52,240 65,190 13

B+15 51,863 64,813 13 MA 53,058 66,008 13

Longevity: Add $1,912 foryears 10-14, $588 for years15-19, $500 for year 20+ (total $3,000) in district

WILDWOOD CITY BA 56,001 76,074 162 107 13 13 58,201 77,135 68,894 69,254 71,8063/3B+30 58,201 78,408 16 M+30 63,201 83,912 16

B+15 57,001 77,135 16 MA 60,801 81,166 16 M+45 64,401 85,385 16

M+15 62,001 82,539 16

WILDWOOD CREST BORO Salary guide data not available1 34 12 10 54,972 83,452 66,712 67,035 59,364

WOODBINE BORO BA 51,476 79,730 201 23 10 9 52,196 73,494 64,544 60,680 56,2973/3B+30 52,776 81,030 20 M+30 54,812 83,030 20

MA 53,576 81,830 20


BRIDGETON CITY BA 48,250 76,650 173 572 13 9 53,545 72,288 61,287 62,699 60,6753/3B+30 48,950 77,350 17 M+30 50,650 79,050 17 DOCT 52,150 80,550 17

MA 49,750 78,150 17

COMMERCIAL TWP Salary guide data not available1 55 9 9 54,012 66,393 60,090 60,115 58,779

CUMBERLAND CO VOC-TECH Salary guide data not available5 33 9 8 56,800 77,540 67,527 65,327 64,325

CUMBERLAND REGIONAL BA 53,831 77,988 165 97 13 10 56,402 77,988 66,771 67,419 65,2823/3MA 58,031 82,190 16 M+30 59,931 84,089 16

B+15 55,631 79,789 16

DEERFIELD TWP Salary guide data not available1 35 14 10 49,707 69,660 58,343 58,423 57,043

DOWNE TWP BA 52,942 69,451 181 19 18 17 53,742 71,861 64,478 64,482 69,2671/1B+30 53,829 70,401 18 M+30 55,542 72,051 18

B+15 53,442 69,951 18 MA 54,342 70,851 18

M+15 54,842 71,351 18

Longevity: Add $800 after years 10, $360 after years 15, $375 after years 20 & 25, $360 after years 30 & 35 (total

$2,630) in district

FAIRFIELD TWP BA 50,627 77,027 171 61 11 8 49,777 58,203 54,880 53,641 52,1721/2B+30 52,486 78,566 17 M+30 55,552 81,641 17 DOCT 57,627 84,027 17

MA 54,012 80,096 17

GREENWICH TWP BA 48,500 70,000 181 16 13 11 52,260 63,485 56,291 56,226 56,1942/3B+30 49,181 70,573 18 M+30 49,571 70,396 18

B+15 48,841 70,341 18 MA 48,891 69,930 18

M+15 49,231 70,163 18

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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HOPEWELL TWP Salary guide data not available1 42 15 13 62,850 74,977 64,035 68,733 71,074

LAWRENCE TWP BA 57,392 68,964 131 46 11 10 59,475 68,964 62,762 63,771 63,1563/3B+30 58,585 70,157 13 M+30 60,970 72,542 13

MA 59,777 71,350 13

MAURICE RIVER TWP BA 46,367 75,858 221 37 14 12 49,483 63,272 58,172 58,661 59,7663/3B+30 48,111 77,602 22

B+15 47,239 76,730 22 MA 48,983 78,474 22

M+15 49,855 79,346 22

Longevity: Add. $500 after 5 yrs. and $200 after 10, 15, 20 and 25 yrs. (Total $1300) in dist.

MILLVILLE CITY BA 48,383 75,622 143 571 13 11 51,067 75,622 63,408 64,074 64,3693/3B+30 48,983 76,222 14 M+30 50,183 77,422 14 NON 47,783 75,022 14

B+10 48,583 75,822 14 MA 49,583 76,822 14 M+45 50,383 77,622 14 N+30 47,933 75,172 14

B+20 48,753 76,022 14 M+15 49,983 77,222 14 N+60 48,083 75,322 14

N+90 48,233 75,472 14

PhD 50,783 78,022 14

Longevity: Add $1,500 after 15 years, $500 after24 years, $1,000 after 30 years, $500 after 35 years (total $3,500) in


STOW CREEK TWP BA 48,500 70,000 181 21 17 15 52,027 62,079 52,794 56,854 57,0392/3B+30 49,182 70,574 18 M+30 49,572 70,396 18

B+15 48,841 70,341 18 MA 48,892 69,930 18

UPPER DEERFIELD TWP Salary guide data not available1 84 14 11 56,360 74,931 63,945 64,540 62,964

VINELAND CITY BA 54,518 82,884 204 978 13 14 56,718 75,217 65,410 66,198 62,1093/3B+30 55,118 83,484 20 M+30 57,018 85,384 20 NON 53,518 81,884 20

MA 56,018 84,384 20


BELLEVILLE TOWN BA 44,335 79,833 143 352 12 12 56,551 86,392 70,801 72,821 77,7364/4MA 46,923 85,720 14 M+32 49,968 91,556 14 DOCT 51,491 92,723 14

B+15 45,249 80,604 14 M+15 47,837 89,931 14

BLOOMFIELD TWP BA 44,600 80,429 164 571 10 9 47,600 80,429 61,402 61,992 54,1002/3B+30 81,429 81,429 M+30 51,600 91,927 16

B+15 80,929 80,929 MA 47,600 86,429 16

M+15 49,600 86,927 16

Longevity: Add $1,050 after 20 years, $1,100 after 25 years, $1,150 after 30 years (total $3,300) in district

CALDWELL-WEST CALDWELL BA 48,529 65,466 142 240 12 11 56,831 77,126 68,358 69,222 63,6813/3MA 54,286 73,621 14 M+32 58,349 77,216 14 DOCT 59,306 78,661 14

B+16 50,711 68,081 14 M+16 57,056 75,181 14

CEDAR GROVE TWP Salary guide data not available2 160 11 10 50,625 79,527 64,574 63,746 57,251

CITY OF ORANGE TWP BA 50,785 82,610 173 546 9 8 52,835 63,431 60,566 61,080 56,0773/3MA 52,835 89,178 17 M+32 54,885 93,185 17 PhD 55,910 94,530 17

B+15 51,810 83,310 17 M+15 53,860 89,610 17

Longevity: Add $1,800 after 16 years

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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EAST ORANGE Salary guide data not available4 1,055 14 12 61,173 96,920 80,250 79,732 83,840

ESSEX CO VOC-TECH BA 50,324 78,550 185 216 10 10 58,029 89,923 73,180 73,574 68,2282/3MA 52,112 80,000 18 PhD 56,710 84,500 18

Longevity: Add $1,288 after 15 years, $1,054 after 20 years, $1,008 after 25 years, $866 after 30 years (total $4,216)

ESSEX FELLS BORO BA 52,306 83,562 171 33 8 7 55,082 70,357 63,086 62,248 60,7893/3B+30 56,593 88,163 17 M+30 60,880 93,081 17

B+15 54,451 85,863 17 MA 57,547 89,361 17

M+15 58,737 90,781 17

Longevity: Add $900 for years 15-19, $1,181 for year 20 (total $2,080) in dsitrict

ESSEX REG ED SERV COMM Salary guide data not available2 70 10 10 64,911 72,526 62,098 66,956 65,336

FAIRFIELD TWP BA 45,794 92,754 171 66 13 11 49,009 82,762 64,790 64,889 61,4292/3B+30 47,794 95,054 17 M+30 53,167 100,127 17

B+15 46,794 93,854 17 MA 48,744 97,254 17

M+15 52,185 99,145 17

GLEN RIDGE BORO BA 51,447 70,434 142 165 13 10 59,691 83,034 69,071 72,028 70,4342/3B+30 81,552 81,552 B+60 97,438 97,438

MA 56,909 82,300 14 M+32 61,649 98,076 14

Longevity: Add $1,255 after 20 years, $1,874 after 25 years 9total $3,129) in district

IRVINGTON TOWNSHIP BA 52,479 90,779 154 618 12 11 57,679 92,376 68,611 75,474 71,6793/4MA 54,276 97,776 15 DOCT 58,690 105,490 15

LIVINGSTON TWP BA 51,983 85,052 143 543 13 10 62,891 98,210 81,253 81,314 81,4021/3B+32 56,226 89,345 14 M+32 64,664 105,709 15 DOCT 67,675 108,642 15

B+16 53,846 86,936 14 MA 59,020 92,173 14

M+16 62,435 95,629 14

Longevity: Add $2,340 after 15 years, $1,150 after 20 years, $1,050 after 25 years, $750 after 30 years (total $5,290) in


MILLBURN TWP BA 51,868 83,868 163 461 11 11 73,050 102,050 83,642 84,932 88,4681/3MA 60,468 92,468 16 M+30 70,050 102,050 16 EdD 72,890 104,909 16

MONTCLAIR TOWN BA 54,730 87,445 164 691 18 11 62,430 92,245 76,630 76,659 70,8053/3MA 59,505 94,796 16 M+30 64,940 103,168 16 DOCT 66,830 106,078 16

B+10 56,230 89,755 16 M+10 61,230 97,451 16

B+20 6,715 92,248 16 M+20 63,050 100,253 16

Longevity: Add $2,240 after 15 years, $3,400 after 20 years, $3,800 after 25 years (total $9,440) in district

NEWARK CITY Salary guide data not available4 3,480 14 11 56,244 93,775 72,726 74,599 71,000

NORTH CALDWELL BORO BA 46,895 87,217 171 78 10 8 47,206 63,240 57,603 57,228 53,0423/3B+30 50,031 90,353 17 M+30 54,684 95,006 17

B+10 47,940 88,263 17 MA 51,390 91,713 17 M+30 54,684 95,006 17

B+15 48,463 88,786 17 M+10 52,488 92,810 17 M+40 55,781 96,103 17

B+20 48,986 89,308 17 M+15 53,037 93,359 17 M+45 56,330 96,652 17

M+20 53,586 93,908 17 M+50 56,879 97,201 17

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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NUTLEY TOWN BA 51,226 85,532 143 356 12 11 55,258 83,923 72,887 71,658 68,5553/3B+30 53,405 92,273 14 M+30 59,945 104,806 14 DOCT 61,035 107,988 14

B+15 52,316 87,361 14 MA 55,040 94,545 14

M+15 56,130 97,127 14

Longevity: Add $500 for 15 years, $1,000 for 20 years, $1,500 for 25 years ($,3000) in district

ROSELAND BORO BA 48,085 88,744 171 48 11 9 57,585 84,878 67,709 70,636 63,0853/3B+30 52,085 92,744 17 M+30 58,085 98,744 17

B+15 50,085 90,744 17 MA 54,085 94,744 17

M+15 56,085 96,744 17

Longevity: Add $900 after 14 years, $1,900 after 19 years, $1,200 after 24 years (total $4,000) in dsitrict

SOUTH ORANGE-MAPLEWOOD BA 45,512 77,379 144 594 10 10 57,219 89,525 72,493 74,634 79,3792/2MA 51,307 87,025 14 M+30 54,783 92,812 14

VERONA BORO BA 46,062 83,554 172 197 12 10 56,534 83,554 67,419 71,226 71,7383/3B+30 50,480 89,714 17 M+30 55,314 99,801 17 PhD 57,288 102,638 17

B+15 46,799 84,350 17 MA 51,259 91,836 17 M+45 56,451 101,126 17

WEST ESSEX REGIONAL BA 54,587 91,820 205 165 10 10 64,746 89,070 74,964 76,033 72,5851/3MA 57,530 96,452 20 M+30 61,657 102,830 20 M+60 63,778 106,449 20

B+15 56,038 94,104 20 M+15 59,556 99,583 20

WEST ORANGE TOWN B+16 52,441 86,251 134 734 11 11 59,689 101,332 80,962 81,831 85,6653/3B+32 54,516 91,605 13 M+32 63,102 102,024 13 B+90 51,862 80,897 13

MA 55,380 92,665 13 M+48 64,543 103,443 13 DOCT 67,713 106,306 13

M+16 58,953 97,335 13

Longevity: Add $5,354 after 18 years, $1,535 after 23 years, $1,546 after 28 years, $1,556 after 32 years, $1,903 after

33+ years (total $11,894) in district


CLAYTON BORO BA 46,357 76,013 142 132 10 10 47,418 69,463 56,330 56,820 52,5212/3B+30 48,239 77,895 14 M+30 50,749 80,405 14

B+15 47,612 77,268 14 MA 49,076 78,732 14

M+15 49,703 79,359 14

CLEARVIEW REGIONAL BA 48,972 80,873 165 194 13 10 52,600 75,900 64,142 65,389 62,6003/3B+30 50,125 83,123 16 M+30 55,200 88,623 16 DOCT 59,100 90,823 16

MA 52,100 85,983 16

DEPTFORD TWP BA 54,130 83,430 153 363 14 12 57,530 84,830 66,280 70,723 67,2303/4B+30 55,730 84,930 15 M+30 58,130 87,430 15 DOCT 58,930 88,430 15

B+15 54,930 84,230 15 MA 56,530 85,930 15

M+15 57,330 86,730 15

EAST GREENWICH TWP BA 53,142 76,727 161 112 8 6 52,564 60,083 59,663 58,317 55,8811/3B+30 54,742 78,327 16 M+30 57,942 81,527 16

B+15 53,842 77,527 16 MA 56,342 79,927 16

M+15 57,142 80,727 16

Longevity: Add $275 after years 9 & 14, $550 after years 19, 4875 after year 24, $275 after yeas 29 (total $2,250) in


T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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ELK TWP Salary guide data not available1 39 15 13 46,943 71,439 60,063 55,686 54,414

FRANKLIN TWP BA 46,253 76,753 181 128 14 11 50,153 76,753 58,893 60,471 54,6533/3B+30 47,253 77,753 18 M+30 49,253 79,753 18 M+60 50,253 80,753 18

MA 48,253 78,753 18

GATEWAY REGIONAL BA 51,471 81,426 155 98 14 12 56,583 80,901 67,007 66,726 67,3681/5B+30 53,071 83,026 15 M+30 55,471 85,426 15

B+15 52,271 82,226 15 MA 53,871 83,826 15

M+15 54,671 84,626 15

GLASSBORO BA 46,855 79,663 182 183 16 13 59,308 82,463 68,105 70,467 68,8832/3B+30 49,624 82,463 18 M+30 55,161 88,063 18 M+60 57,237 90,163 18

B+15 48,241 81,063 18 MA 52,391 85,263 18

M+15 53,777 86,663 18

Longevity: Add $850 after 20 years, $900 after 25+ years (total $1,750) in district

GLOUCESTER CO SPEC SERV BA 51,497 70,218 172 197 9 9 53,297 63,880 60,813 58,092 56,3973/3B+30 52,997 71,718 17 M+30 55,417 74,138 17

B+15 52,297 71,018 17 MA 53,797 72,518 17

M+15 54,597 73,318 17

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 10 years

GLOUCESTER CO VOC-TECH BA 51,895 80,520 185 102 9 9 56,693 73,377 67,937 65,655 62,5743/3B+30 53,395 82,020 18 M+30 55,395 84,020 18 NON 51,395 80,020 18

MA 54,395 83,020 18 PROV 50,895 79,520 18

GREENWICH TWP BA 49,100 83,260 171 56 12 11 52,054 70,229 62,888 61,546 59,9002/3B+30 50,472 84,632 17 M+30 52,530 86,690 17 DOCT 53,216 87,376 17

B+15 49,786 83,946 17 MA 51,158 85,318 17

M+15 51,844 86,004 17

Longevity: Add $400 after years 10 & 15, $500 after years 20,25,30 & 35 (total $2,800) in district

HARRISON TWP BA 48,146 72,971 121 123 12 10 51,236 73,671 60,502 63,143 64,5212/3B+30 49,606 74,431 12 M+30 51,796 76,621 12

B+15 48,876 73,701 12 MA 50,336 75,161 12

M+15 51,066 75,891 12

Longevity: Add $700 after 15 years, $950 after 20 years, $1,75 after 25 years, $2,000 after 30 years (total $4,725) in


KINGSWAY REGIONAL BA 45,937 80,972 185 213 8 8 48,541 60,692 55,907 56,492 52,2813/3B+30 47,240 82,275 18 M+30 49,843 84,878 18

B+15 46,589 81,623 18 MA 48,541 83,576 18 M+45 50,494 85,529 18

M+15 49,192 84,227 18

LOGAN TWP BA 52,443 77,553 161 90 12 9 55,345 74,579 63,613 64,484 62,8321/3B+30 53,443 78,553 16 M+30 55,143 80,253 16

MA 54,643 79,753 16

Longevity: Add $1,500 after 16 years

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


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MANTUA TWP BA 47,108 72,202 141 117 12 12 49,248 73,377 55,773 60,494 56,9483/3MA 48,608 73,702 14 M+30 50,108 75,202 14 PhD 50,908 76,002 14

M+15 49,308 74,402 14

MONROE TWP BA 48,900 81,532 164 498 12 11 52,200 67,700 60,844 61,300 57,7003/3B+30 50,900 83,532 16 M+30 52,900 85,532 16 PhD 54,400 87,032 16

B+15 50,400 83,032 16 B+45 51,400 84,032 16 M+45 53,400 86,032 16

MA 51,900 84,532 16

M+15 52,400 85,032 16

NATIONAL PARK BORO BA 51,149 72,855 141 27 15 13 54,149 73,805 64,911 65,159 72,8551/3B+30 53,149 74,855 14 M+30 56,149 557,849 14 DOCT 58,149 79,855 14

B+15 52,149 73,855 14 MA 54,149 75,855 14 M+45 57,149 78,855 14

M+15 55,149 76,855 14

Longevity: Add $900 after 20 years, $950 after 25 years, $1,100 after 30 years (total $2,950) in district

PAULSBORO BORO BA 43,521 77,374 152 125 15 12 48,021 77,374 63,673 64,391 69,3733/4B+30 44,721 78,574 15 M+30 47,121 80,974 15

MA 45,921 79,774 15

PITMAN BORO BA 46,971 82,212 182 159 13 11 51,355 81,662 68,874 64,082 59,8771/5B+30 49,477 84,688 18 M+30 52,711 87,952 18 M+60 54,399 89,640 18

MA 51,248 86,489 18 M+45 53,049 88,290 18

M+15 52,064 87,305 18

SO GLOUCESTER CO REGIONAL Salary guide data not available5 152 14 12 59,417 83,124 70,509 69,649 71,094

SOUTH HARRISON TWP BA 48,481 83,161 151 32 12 9 49,396 58,161 46,872 53,581 52,7221/3B+30 50,961 72,923 15

B+10 49,101 71,063 15 MA 51,582 73,544 15

B+15 49,721 71,683 15

B+20 50,341 72,303 15

SWEDESBORO-WOOLWICH BA 49,056 73,961 151 149 8 8 52,356 63,856 56,654 57,784 55,4563/3B+30 50,456 75,361 15 M+30 52,556 77,461 15

B+15 49,756 74,661 15 MA 51,156 76,061 15

M+15 51,856 76,761 15

WASHINGTON TWP BA 48,750 78,835 134 760 15 13 51,605 81,065 69,373 67,333 70,9305/6B+30 50,660 80,745 13 M+30 53,675 83,760 13 PhD 54,705 84,790 13

B+15 49,705 79,790 13 MA 51,615 81,700 13

M+15 52,645 82,730 13

Longevity: Add $574 after 24 years, $690 after 24 years, $804 after 25 years, $689 after 26 years, $1,264 after 27+ years

(total $4,021) in district

WENONAH BORO BA 46,088 70,675 171 23 15 11 51,943 71,425 59,977 58,600 59,9392/3MA 48,687 73,275 17 M+30 49,787 74,375 17

B+15 47,437 72,025 17 M+15 49,237 73,825 17

Longevity: Add $250 after 20 years, $750 after 25 years, $1,200 after 31 years (total $1,900) in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


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WEST DEPTFORD TWP BA 56,516 77,866 152 240 13 12 62,053 80,423 70,278 71,457 72,1662/3B+30 57,646 79,423 15 M+30 59,907 82,538 15

MA 53,713 80,981 15

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 15 years, $1,500 after 20 years, $2,000 after 25 years (total $4,500)

WESTVILLE BORO BA 51,550 77,695 161 38 15 14 61,650 78,195 64,786 66,974 68,7001/1B+30 52,550 78,695 16 M+30 54,550 80,695 16

B+15 52,050 78,195 16 MA 53,550 79,695 16

M+15 54,050 80,195 16

WOODBURY CITY Salary guide data not available2 151 12 11 54,279 77,096 64,399 65,121 65,299

WOODBURY HEIGHTS BORO BA 49,448 81,102 171 23 14 13 51,749 73,854 61,327 61,327 58,9991/3B+30 50,898 82,552 17 M+30 52,998 84,652 17 DOCT 53,698 85,352 17

B+15 50,198 81,852 17 MA 51,598 83,252 17

M+15 52,298 83,952 17

Longevity: Add $200 after years 10, 15 & 20, $500 after year 25 (total $1,100) in district


BAYONNE CITY Salary guide data not available4 791 11 11 49,845 85,837 65,904 63,462 51,955

EAST NEWARK BORO BA 38,000 80,215 231 27 6 4 38,000 51,601 46,048 43,868 41,6053/3B+30 39,600 73,216 23 M+30 41,950 75,940 23

B+15 38,700 71,740 23 MA 41,000 74,578 23

Longevity: Add. $500 after 10 yrs., $100 after 15 yrs. and $50 after 20 yrs. (Total $650) in dist.

GUTTENBERG TOWN Salary guide data not available1 90 10 9 50,490 57,434 56,909 57,326 53,914

HARRISON TOWN Salary guide data not available2 194 14 12 48,797 98,702 77,219 74,550 70,243

HOBOKEN CITY BA 49,223 86,781 122 232 11 9 55,698 92,332 75,039 75,317 78,1391/2B+30 52,221 89,770 12 M+30 57,906 95,438 12 PhD 60,114 97,640 12

MA 55,698 93,237 12

Longevity: Add $6551 after 15 years, $3,809 after 18 years, $1,890 after 20 years, $2,000 after 25 years, $1,200 after 30

years (total $15,450) in district

HUDSON CO VOC-TECH Salary guide data not available5 185 12 11 58,012 101,555 74,373 81,441 75,934

JERSEY CITY Salary guide data not available4 2,796 12 12 54,784 100,280 78,123 76,953 76,010

KEARNY TOWN Salary guide data not available3 511 12 11 54,647 89,064 72,833 70,643 66,056

NORTH BERGEN TWP Salary guide data not available4 630 13 12 63,456 85,515 76,593 76,909 74,206

SECAUCUS TOWN BA 47,484 105,200 212 191 11 11 58,734 74,608 73,380 70,910 62,5051/3B+30 59,854 107,570 21 M+45 64,994 112,710 21

B+15 58,634 106,350 21 MA 61,179 108,895 21

M+15 62,349 110,065 21

UNION CITY Salary guide data not available4 886 12 11 54,700 75,030 71,706 69,058 62,700

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


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WEEHAWKEN TWP Salary guide data not available2 125 13 12 50,850 64,366 63,584 59,532 52,926

WEST NEW YORK TOWN BA 57,163 91,889 184 665 14 13 62,363 96,889 77,523 78,969 68,8723/3B+30 59,763 94,489 18 M+30 65,163 99,889 18 PhD 68,163 102,889 18

B+15 58,463 93,189 18 MA 62,163 96,889 18 M+45 66,663 101,389 18

M+15 63,663 98,389 18

Longevity: Add $2,850 after 20 years, $2,200 after 22 years, $2,250 after 23 years, $2,050 after years 24 & 25, $2,600

after 26 years, $3,100 after 30 years, $2,800 after 35 years, $2,800 after 40 years (total $, 23,250) in district


ALEXANDRIA TWP BA 52,368 78,588 161 66 14 10 58,483 78,588 67,459 68,670 67,7211/3MA 55,368 81,788 16 M+30 58,368 84,988 16 PhD 59,868 86,588 16

B+15 53,868 80,188 16 M+15 56,868 83,388 16

Longevity: Add $2,000 after years 17, 23, 30, 37 & 40 (total $10,000) in district

BETHLEHEM TWP Salary guide data not available1 56 13 9 49,885 63,519 58,092 57,220 55,066

BLOOMSBURY BORO BA 47,370 72,100 181 2 11 9 57,553 58,940 44,597 58,247 58,2471/1MA 49,743 74,473 18 M+30 52,791 77,521 18

B+15 48,221 72,951 18 M+15 51,267 75,997 18

CALIFON BORO BA 47,659 68,029 161 14 10 7 49,259 59,929 53,161 54,704 51,5243/3B+30 50,109 70,479 16 M+30 53,174 73,544 16 PhD 53,174 73,544 16

B+15 48,884 69,254 16 B+45 50,724 71,094 16

MA 50,724 71,094 16

M+15 51,949 72,319 16

Longevity: Add $250 after 25+ years in district

CLINTON TOWN Salary guide data not available1 48 14 10 56,022 77,235 67,327 65,737 61,770

CLINTON TWP Salary guide data not available1 168 9 9 51,142 66,842 59,537 59,651 56,242

DELAWARE TWP Salary guide data not available1 48 14 12 51,813 82,449 67,758 66,653 66,278

DELAWARE VALLEY REGIONAL BA 50,270 79,475 155 80 14 10 59,950 78,633 66,791 67,540 65,5103/3B+30 52,890 82,095 15 M+30 57,005 86,210 15

B+15 51,270 80,475 15 MA 54,235 83,440 15

M+15 55,605 84,810 15

EAST AMWELL TWP BA 51,320 75,815 161 47 16 12 56,970 77,365 66,434 67,507 68,5651/3B+30 54,530 79,025 16 M+30 59,070 83,565 16

B+15 52,870 77,365 16 MA 55,970 80,465 16

M+15 57,520 82,015 16

Longevity: Add $2,909 after 21 years in district

FLEMINGTON-RARITAN REG Salary guide data not available1 366 13 10 52,170 78,760 64,869 63,667 59,085

FRANKLIN TWP Salary guide data not available1 32 17 13 51,560 81,258 62,639 66,663 63,094

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


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FRENCHTOWN BORO BA 47,815 72,200 151 18 14 12 54,801 66,000 58,590 62,651 60,6232/3B+30 51,165 75,560 15 M+30 57,865 84,680 15

MA 54,515 80,995 15

HAMPTON BORO BA 45,255 67,100 141 15 11 8 45,655 68,600 60,735 56,839 52,6253/3B+30 47,555 69,400 14 M+30 51,005 72,850 14

B+15 46,405 68,250 14 MA 49,855 71,700 14

M+15 50,430 72,275 14

Longevity: Add $1,250 after years 15, 20 & 25 (total $3,750) in district

HIGH BRIDGE BORO Salary guide data not available1 47 15 12 55,405 76,105 64,531 65,466 67,805

HOLLAND TWP BA 50,051 79,421 191 72 14 10 52,101 65,359 60,338 59,692 56,8012/2B+30 52,601 81,971 19 M+30 57,051 86,421 19

B+15 50,666 80,036 18 MA 54,751 84,121 19

Longevity: Add $325 for years 15-19, $425 for years 20-24, $1,525 for years 25+ (total $2,275) in district

HUNTERDON CENTRAL REG BA 55,527 82,322 165 274 12 10 60,795 75,435 68,629 69,860 66,5264/4B+30 58,860 87,260 16 M+30 63,855 94,670 16 M+60 67,190 99,610 16

B+15 57,195 84,790 16 MA 60,525 89,730 16 M+45 65,520 97,140 16

M+15 62,190 92,200 16

Longevity: Add $500 for years 20, 25 & 30 (Ttotal $1,500) in district

HUNTERDON CO ED SER COMM Salary guide data not available2 22 10 10 43,500 59,234 49,716 55,229 53,829

HUNTERDON CO POLYTECH BA 45,360 77,420 215 20 6 6 51,495 63,748 59,490 57,502 55,9904/4B+30 48,425 82,655 21 M+30 53,030 90,510 21 CERT 43,825 74,800 21

B+15 46,895 80,035 21 B+45 49,960 85,270 21 C+90 44,130 75,325 21

MA 51,495 87,890 21

M+15 52,260 89,200 21

KINGWOOD TWP BA 49,765 71,960 211 45 12 10 53,315 69,790 58,511 59,605 58,3151/3B+30 52,365 74,560 21 M+30 54,965 77,160 21

B+15 51,065 73,260 21 MA 52,965 75,160 21

M+15 53,825 76,020 21

Longevity: Add $750 after 21 years in district

LAMBERTVILLE CITY Salary guide data not available1 67,792

LEBANON BORO BA 47,760 77,780 181 11 12 11 52,560 64,030 44,721 60,831 59,2703/3B+30 50,960 80,980 18 M+30 55,760 85,780 18

B+15 49,360 79,380 18 MA 52,560 82,580 18

M+15 54,160 84,180 18

Longevity: Add $500 after 24 years, $750 after 29 years, $1,000 after 30+ years (total $2,250) in district

LEBANON TWP Salary guide data not available1 81 14 12 57,219 68,335 60,874 63,312 61,457

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


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MILFORD BORO BA 43,307 73,167 191 13 11 9 44,307 56,402 51,229 52,666 49,5571/3B+30 45,407 75,267 19

B+15 44,357 74,217 19 MA 46,457 76,317 19

M+15 46,957 76,817 19

Longevity: Add $500 after after 14 years, $250 after 19 years, $500 after 24 years, $750 after 29 years, $250 after 34

years, $250 after 39 years (total $2,500) in district

N HUNT/VOORHEES REG BA 51,515 76,160 165 263 13 10 58,715 83,780 69,886 71,233 67,9405/5B+30 55,315 83,780 16 M+30 61,015 91,480 16 M+60 64,815 94,990 16

B+15 53,415 79,970 16 MA 57,215 86,050 16 M+45 62,915 93,240 16

M+15 59,115 88,330 16

READINGTON TWP Salary guide data not available1 193 14 11 57,440 68,478 65,779 64,730 61,040

SOUTH HUNTERDON REGIONAL BA 50,924 78,324 185 68,7973/3B+30 53,089 80,489 18 M+30 58,054 85,454 18

B+15 51,644 79,044 18 MA 55,259 82,659 18

M+15 55,979 83,379 18

Longevity: Add $861 after 23 years, $1,353 after 27 years, $1,679 after 28+ years (total $3,893) in district

STOCKTON BORO Salary guide data not available1 57,343

TEWKSBURY TWP BA 53,934 77,938 151 75 12 10 60,654 77,674 66,726 68,968 69,4992/3B+30 56,134 80,138 15 M+30 60,534 84,538 15

B+15 55,034 79,038 15 MA 58,334 82,338 15

M+15 59,434 83,438 15

Longevity: Add $500 after 10 years, $1,000 after 20years $1,500 after 25 years (total $3,000) in district

UNION TWP BA 46,100 73,295 141 52 14 12 59,770 76,845 66,284 67,643 71,0453/3B+30 48,600 75,795 14 M+30 56,100 83,295 14

B+15 47,350 74,545 14 MA 51,100 78,295 14

M+15 53,600 80,795 14

WEST AMWELL TWP BA 49,192 71,082 171 63,5483/4B+30 50,192 72,082 17 M+30 55,192 77,082 17

MA 52,192 74,082 17


EAST WINDSOR REGIONAL BA 57,492 85,690 173 471 10 10 60,472 86,400 73,204 72,956 70,9823/3B+30 58,202 86,400 17 M+30 59,972 88,170 17 DOCT 61,022 89,220 17

B+15 57,852 86,050 17 MA 59,222 87,420 17

M+15 59,592 87,790 17

Longevity: Add $1,250 after 20 years, $2,000 after 25 years, $3,000 after 30 years (total $6,250) in district

EWING TWP Salary guide data not available3 389 12 10 49,211 86,017 65,839 66,038 63,816

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


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HAMILTON TWP BA 46,379 76,195 144 1,151 9 8 50,779 79,838 66,842 66,790 68,3943/3B+30 47,779 77,360 14 M+30 50,979 82,070 14 DOCT 52,379 83,527 14

B+15 47,079 76,778 14 MA 49,279 79,838 14 M+45 51,679 82,798 14

M+15 50,279 81,341 14

Longevity: Add $450 after 15 years, $1,000 after 20 years, $1,050 after 25 years, $1,100 after 20 years, $650 after 35

years, $700 after 40 years (total $4,950) in district

HOPEWELL VALLEY REGIONAL BA 50,789 87,834 183 397 14 11 65,090 88,553 74,763 75,318 77,1674/4B+30 51,795 88,839 18 PhD 56,218 93,263 18

MA 54,308 91,353 18

M+20 54,509 91,554 18

Longevity: $1000 after 15 and 20 yrs. (Total $2000) in dist. One yr. must be at max. at each long. level.

LAWRENCE TWP Salary guide data not available3 392 13 10 56,698 74,631 66,557 65,654 62,051

MERCER CO SPECIAL SERVICE BA 53,565 83,975 142 178 18 16 77,815 87,425 80,269 79,742 86,1603/3B+30 54,765 85,175 14 M+30 56,495 86,905 14

B+15 54,185 84,595 14 MA 55,345 85,755 14 M+45 57,115 87,525 14

M+15 55,965 86,375 14

MERCER CO VOC-TECH Salary guide data not available5 40 11 9 54,857 82,392 66,563 65,987 62,157

PRINCETON REGIONAL Salary guide data not available3 381 13 10 61,488 93,213 79,004 77,346 75,418

ROBBINSVILLE TWP BA 51,662 78,209 172 275 8 8 54,903 65,658 60,846 61,511 59,1351/3B+30 53,715 80,262 17 M+30 57,280 83,827 17 PhD 58,469 85,016 17

B+15 52,526 79,073 17 MA 54,903 81,450 17

Longevity: Add $1,100 afte 15 years, $935 after 20 years, $1,265 after 25 years, $700 after 30 years (total $4,000) in


TRENTON CITY BA 52,200 84,900 154 1,196 12 10 56,000 87,150 70,946 72,868 70,0253/3B+30 53,000 85,650 15 B+60 54,200 86,850 15 B+90 54,400 87,050 15

MA 53,600 86,450 15 M+30 54,200 86,860 15 M+60 58,700 91,450 15

PhD 61,100 93,750 15

Longevity: Add $300 after 17 years, $1,200 after 20 years, $700 after 25 years, $850 after 30 years, $700 after 35 & 40

years (total $4,450) in district

W WINDSOR-PLAINSBORO REG BA 50,675 84,500 164 854 14 12 55,910 91,390 76,197 75,559 84,5002/3MA 52,675 87,390 16 M+30 54,155 89,620 16 PhD 55,645 91,800 16

Longevity: Add $4,000 after 15 years, $1,000 after 20 years, $100 after 21 years, $200 for years 22-30 (total $6,900) in



CARTERET BORO Salary guide data not available3 312 11 11 51,850 89,251 65,647 72,335 79,981

CRANBURY TWP BA 53,300 80,100 181 62 11 8 55,100 72,200 64,443 65,802 60,1001/3MA 53,800 83,000 18 M+30 54,200 87,100 18

Longevity: Add $2,600 after 10 years, $600 after 13 years, $625 after 16 years, $575 after 19 years, $600 after 22 years,

$1,000 after 25+ years (total $6,000)

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


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DUNELLEN BORO Salary guide data not available2 107 10 9 47,159 61,359 56,211 54,303 51,759

EAST BRUNSWICK TWP BA 53,273 84,758 134 786 12 11 57,615 85,878 69,600 71,916 70,1713/3MA 57,015 88,500 13 M+30 59,886 91,371 13 DOCT 63,079 94,564 13

B+18 54,143 85,628 13

EDISON TWP Salary guide data not available4 1,264 13 12 62,052 100,034 81,122 81,983 90,694

HIGHLAND PARK BORO BA 53,748 83,158 152 152 11 9 54,548 72,630 65,884 65,082 62,1882/3MA 56,538 85,948 15 M+30 59,328 88,738 15 DOCT 62,108 91,518 15

JAMESBURG BORO BA 47,696 67,557 151 50 16 15 52,718 68,829 59,515 64,675 60,3813/3B+30 48,331 68,192 15 M+30 49,602 69,463 15

MA 48,968 68,829 15

Longevity: Add $600 after 15 years, $800 after 20 years, $900 after 25 years, $1,000 after 30 years, $1,100 after 35+

years (total $4,400)

METUCHEN BORO Salary guide data not available2 193 13 11 51,679 85,792 67,568 68,120 63,291

MIDDLESEX BORO BA 46,361 86,171 182 200 12 12 54,051 86,171 66,028 67,293 65,5414/4MA 50,761 90,571 18 M+30 53,161 92,971 18 M+60 54,261 94,071 18

B+21 48,061 87,871 18

MIDDLESEX CO ESC BA 46,000 71,540 202 199 8 8 49,425 68,903 58,816 57,446 55,6505/6MA 47,000 72,540 20 M+30 48,000 73,540 20

MIDDLESEX CO VOC-TECH BA 50,245 84,187 135 223 12 10 55,211 79,222 67,911 68,038 65,5953/3B+30 51,245 85,187 13 M+30 54,245 88,187 13 S CERT 50,245 84,187 13

S BA 52,245 86,187 13 MA 52,245 86,187 13 S M+30 55,245 89,187 13 S C+30 51,245 85,187 13

S B+30 53,245 87,187 13 DOCT 56,245 90,187 13

S MA 54,245 88,187 13 S DOCT 56,245 90,187 13

Longevity: Add. $200 after 10 yrs. and $1000 after 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 yrs. (Total $5200) in dist.

MILLTOWN BORO BA 43,870 72,570 161 63 9 7 44,770 59,776 52,844 51,531 48,2203/3MA 44,920 73,620 16 M+30 45,920 74,620 16

MONROE TWP BA 48,992 80,502 154 550 8 6 48,579 75,879 61,872 60,782 56,2981/3MA 52,102 83,612 15 M+30 56,452 87,962 15 DOCT 62,202 93,712 15

B+15 50,397 81,907 15

Longevity: Add $1,405 after 15 years, $300 after 20 years, $675 after 25 years, $485 after 30 years (total $2,865) in


NEW BRUNSWICK CITY Salary guide data not available4 842 11 8 55,308 85,251 70,178 69,199 65,262

NORTH BRUNSWICK TWP BA 53,930 71,655 104 534 10 9 57,380 72,855 62,872 65,283 62,6553/3B+30 55,480 73,205 10 M+30 58,180 75,905 10 PhD 59,731 77,456 10

MA 56,830 74,555 10

Longevity: Add $450 after 5 years, $350 after 10 years, $1,250 after 15 years, $800 after 20 years, $825 after 25 years

(total $3,675) in district

OLD BRIDGE TWP BA 45,061 86,368 164 799 13 12 55,197 91,001 72,820 71,731 66,1043/3MA 49,605 93,382 16 M+30 52,169 99,431 16 DOCT 55,450 102,712 16

B+15 46,602 87,309 16 M+45 53,806 101,068 16

PERTH AMBOY CITY Salary guide data not available4 961 10 10 53,500 80,112 68,954 65,855 62,200

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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PISCATAWAY TWP Salary guide data not available4 612 10 9 54,804 84,912 71,443 70,215 72,287

SAYREVILLE BORO BA 45,253 82,053 144 537 11 10 47,828 81,483 60,194 61,519 54,4532/3B+30 46,753 83,553 14 M+30 48,753 85,553 14 PhD 50,753 87,553 14

MA 48,753 85,553 14

Longevity: Add $!,500 after 16 years, $100 after years 21, 26, 31, 36 &41 (total $2,000) in district

SOUTH AMBOY CITY BA 52,112 74,542 142 97 14 12 55,212 75,797 64,939 66,503 68,1421/3B+30 54,002 76,432 14 M+30 55,872 78,302 14 PhD 56,292 78,722 14

MA 54,732 77,162 14

SOUTH BRUNSWICK TWP BA 53,222 80,400 154 732 13 12 60,222 82,724 70,004 70,960 69,4603/3B+30 55,702 82,880 15 M+30 59,682 86,860 15 DOCT 61,302 88,480 15

B+15 54,162 81,340 15 MA 56,342 83,520 15 DM 60,232 87,410 15

M+15 58,072 85,250 15

Longevity: Add $1,200 after 15 years, $600 after years 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 & 27+ (total $4,800) in district

SOUTH PLAINFIELD BORO BA 50,752 89,367 213 340 14 12 55,421 83,296 68,953 68,935 64,4412/3MA 53,371 91,986 21 M+30 55,471 94,086 21

B+15 51,823 90,438 21 M+15 54,421 93,036 21 M+45 57,078 95,693 21

Longevity: Add $300 after 15 years, $600 after 20 years, $1,500 after 25 years (total $2,400) in district

SOUTH RIVER BORO Salary guide data not available2 202 11 9 51,300 76,850 61,604 59,314 53,970

SPOTSWOOD BORO Salary guide data not available2 172 10 9 48,000 81,500 60,658 61,759 57,750

WOODBRIDGE TWP BA 53,184 94,656 174 1,213 12 11 62,899 94,656 74,482 77,151 72,4203/3B+32 55,347 96,819 17 M+32 58,771 100,243 17 PhD 60,345 101,817 17

B+16 54,412 95,884 17 MA 56,903 98,375 17

M+16 57,837 99,309 17

Longevity: Add. $775 after 20 and 21 yrs. (Total $1550) in dist.


ASBURY PARK CITY BA 55,525 87,050 152 294 16 12 61,760 84,660 73,335 71,851 69,0831/3MA 58,425 89,950 15 M+30 61,325 92,850 15

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS BORO BA 54,450 76,870 201 34 11 11 62,710 75,410 68,300 68,195 67,8803/3B+30 56,530 78,950 20 M+30 58,610 81,030 20

AVON BORO BA 50,445 84,300 181 18 9 6 51,045 58,975 52,640 54,547 53,8953/3MA 53,295 87,150 18 M+30 55,199 89,054 18

B+15 51,395 85,250 18

Longevity: Add. $375 after 10 yrs., $625 after 15 yrs. and $500 after 20 and 25 yrs. (Total $2000) in dist.

BAYSHORE JOINTURE COMM BA 46,710 54,225 102 16 2 2 46,860 52,753 47,444 49,956 47,9403/3B+30 48,110 55,625 10 M+30 54,360 61,875 10

MA 52,320 59,835 10

BELMAR BORO BA 50,215 80,365 171 57 15 12 52,215 80,365 60,461 63,495 56,6152/3MA 51,215 82,065 17 M+30 52,215 83,565 17

Longevity: Add $2000 for years 25-29, $3,000 for year 30 (total $5,000)

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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BRADLEY BEACH BORO BA 48,018 82,825 181 35 11 10 51,968 82,823 65,742 63,081 57,3982/3MA 50,718 85,525 18 M+30 53,418 88,225 18

B+15 49,368 84,175 18 M+15 52,068 86,875 18

Longevity: Add $200 after 15 years, $1,000 after 20 years, $1,500 after 25 years, $1,000 after 30 years (total $3,700) in


BRIELLE BORO Salary guide data not available1 55 13 13 55,690 69,490 60,811 62,158 61,260

COLTS NECK TWP Salary guide data not available1 138 14 11 60,246 76,516 62,089 67,775 67,936

DEAL BORO BA 47,735 75,900 161 14 11 9 48,535 70,215 59,531 57,716 56,0551/3MA 50,985 79,150 16

M+15 54,235 82,400 16

Longevity: Add $3,500 after 21 years, $3,900 after 22 years, $4,300 after 23 years (total $11,700) in district

EATONTOWN BORO Salary guide data not available1 119 11 11 53,514 72,814 68,381 66,106 62,064

FAIR HAVEN BORO BA 50,893 88,618 181 96 10 8 53,141 64,261 58,708 59,324 56,2833/4B+30 52,093 89,818 18 M+30 54,493 92,218 18 M+60 55,693 93,418 18

B+15 51,493 89,218 18 MA 53,293 91,018 18 M+45 55,093 92,818 18 PhD 56,893 94,618 18

M+15 53,893 91,618 18

Longevity: Add $500 after years 18, 22 & 26 (total $1,500) in district

FARMINGDALE BORO BA 45,845 76,847 161 19 11 10 48,295 76,847 54,858 57,766 56,0503/3MA 49,845 80,847 16 M+30 51,845 82,847 16

B+15 47,595 78,597 16 M+15 50,845 81,847 16

Longevity: Add $1,500 afer 25 years, $500 for years 26 through 32 (total $5,000) in district

FREEHOLD BORO BA 44,410 78,200 161 135 10 7 46,760 73,780 59,063 58,306 51,6052/3MA 46,760 80,550 16 M+30 49,110 82,900 16

Longevity: Add $500 after 15 & 20 years (total $1,000)

FREEHOLD REGIONAL BA 60,050 72,500 105 857 12 11 73,500 87,500 79,358 81,382 82,5003/3B+30 63,050 75,500 10 M+30 68,050 80,500 10 DOCT 70,050 82,500 10

MA 65,050 77,500 10

Longevity: Add. $5000 after 5, 10, 15 & 20 yrs. and $4000 after 25 and 30 yrs. (Total $28000) in dist.

FREEHOLD TWP BA 49,562 86,112 201 415 11 10 53,555 68,505 62,833 62,517 58,0052/3B+30 51,062 87,612 20 M+30 54,062 90,612 20

MA 52,562 89,112 20

Longevity: Add $350 after 6 years, $500 after 10 years, $800 after 15 years (total $1,650) in district

HAZLET TWP BA 53,700 93,000 193 292 12 12 58,500 76,888 68,419 68,910 63,2252/3MA 56,250 95,550 19 M+30 58,825 98,125 19

B+20 54,525 93,825 19 M+15 57,925 97,225 19

HENRY HUDSON REGIONAL BA 49,430 75,490 185 46 12 11 53,940 70,185 62,615 61,234 61,9653/3B+30 52,030 78,090 18 M+30 55,430 81,490 18

MA 53,230 79,290 18

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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HIGHLANDS BORO BA 51,725 82,080 171 21 13 12 55,012 73,360 63,376 64,509 66,1153/3B+30 53,025 83,380 17 M+30 55,625 85,980 17

MA 54,325 84,680 17

Longevity: Add $1,500 afer 15 years, $2,000 after 20 years (total $3,500) in district

HOLMDEL TWP Salary guide data not available3 303 11 11 62,270 96,000 74,453 77,818 77,670

HOWELL TWP BA 49,000 99,475 211 647 12 12 56,750 99,475 71,770 73,787 64,5502/3B+30 50,000 100,475 21 M+30 51,500 101,975 21

B+15 49,500 99,975 21 MA 50,500 100,975 21

M+15 51,000 101,475 21

KEANSBURG BORO Salary guide data not available2 238 12 12 52,015 72,910 64,014 63,583 59,055

KEYPORT BORO Salary guide data not available2 112 10 10 53,095 71,255 62,262 62,231 59,238

LITTLE SILVER BORO BA 52,500 85,600 151 84 9 9 57,145 69,745 64,478 65,118 61,8453/3B+30 54,000 87,100 15 M+30 57,000 90,100 15

MA 55,500 88,600 15

Longevity: Add $400 for years 15, 16 & 17, $800 for years 18,19 & 20, $1,200 for years 21, 22, 23 & 24, $1,700 for year

25 (total $10,100)

LONG BRANCH CITY BA 48,801 84,771 163 569 10 10 55,516 66,266 63,045 63,553 61,0162/3B+30 51,801 87,771 16 M+30 53,801 89,771 16

MA 52,801 88,771 16

MANALAPAN-ENGLISHTOWN REG Salary guide data not available1 475 11 10 58,529 78,654 68,057 68,922 63,569

MANASQUAN BORO BA 47,610 86,510 152 150 11 11 54,416 79,146 64,407 66,776 63,0163/3MA 49,610 88,510 15 DOCT 51,610 90,510 15

MARLBORO TWP BA 57,545 83,370 141 490 12 10 61,345 85,770 69,078 71,647 68,9202/3B+30 58,945 84,770 14 M+30 63,145 88,970 14

MA 60,345 86,170 14

Longevity: Add $1,000 afte 15 years, $1,900 after 17 years (total $2,900) in district

MATAWAN-ABERDEEN REGIONAL Salary guide data not available3 379 10 10 54,340 83,130 66,684 65,566 59,380

MIDDLETOWN TWP Salary guide data not available4 900 14 11 66,305 89,375 77,732 76,224 72,102

MILLSTONE TWP1 100 12 9 57,955 66,870 63,491 64,766 61,4553/3B+30 58,125 84,890 20 M+30 63,025 89,790 20 B+90 56,125 82,890 20

MA 59,625 86,390 20 PhD 64,525 91,290 20

MONMOUTH BEACH BORO BA 51,845 86,900 181 29 11 8 53,870 72,855 60,462 60,702 56,8701/3

Longevity: Add $500 after years 20, 25 & 30 (total $1,500) in district

MONMOUTH CO VOC-TECH BA 49,795 87,020 165 242 14 11 58,860 79,490 67,241 68,939 65,6001/3MA 52,025 89,250 16 M+30 54,345 91,570 16 CERT 47,965 84,999 16

B+15 50,905 88,130 16 M+15 53,175 89,999 16 C+84 48,865 86,090 16

DOCT 55,545 92,770 16

MONMOUTH REGIONAL Salary guide data not available5 114 13 12 49,100 85,210 67,333 66,347 65,050

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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MONMOUTH-OCEAN ESC BA 45,155 62,115 152 42,5902/3MA 46,555 63,515 15

M+10 51,211 69,867 15

NEPTUNE CITY Salary guide data not available1 33 13 9 48,300 57,380 54,232 53,396 49,640

NEPTUNE TWP BA 50,702 95,382 213 434 11 10 52,507 69,562 61,250 62,408 55,4723/3B+30 51,202 95,882 21 M+30 52,702 97,382 21 PhD 54,702 99,382 21

MA 52,202 96,882 21

OCEAN TWP BA 53,625 84,900 173 411 13 11 60,905 84,900 70,239 71,264 68,4903/3B+30 55,575 86,850 17 M+30 59,475 90,750 17 EdD 61,425 92,700 17

MA 57,525 88,800 17

OCEANPORT BORO BA 47,850 78,200 151 65 11 11 53,280 73,555 62,544 63,256 62,2553/3B+30 49,050 79,400 15 M+30 51,450 81,800 15

MA 50,250 80,600 15

Longevity: Add. $750 after 18 yrs., $200 after 22 and $150 after 26 yrs. (Total $1100) in dist.

RED BANK BORO BA 48,910 82,625 171 100 10 6 50,910 58,990 55,962 56,883 53,4103/3B+30 50,910 84,625 17 M+30 53,910 87,625 17 PhD 54,910 88,625 17

B+15 49,910 83,625 17 MA 51,910 85,625 17

M+15 52,910 86,625 17

RED BANK REGIONAL Salary guide data not available5 131 10 10 53,915 80,685 68,189 66,729 61,395

ROOSEVELT BORO Salary guide data not available1 12 16 11 52,821 69,026 53,957 59,169 55,601

RUMSON BORO BA 47,860 83,320 191 89 13 10 54,665 78,865 66,067 67,432 67,4553/3B+30 51,860 87,320 19 B+60 89,870 89,870 M+60 58,410 93,870 19

MA 53,610 89,070 19 M+30 56,810 92,270 19

RUMSON-FAIR HAVEN REG BA 53,872 93,995 225 95 11 8 57,427 72,690 66,610 66,969 62,3722/3B+30 55,227 95,350 22 B+60 56,582 96,705 22

SEA GIRT BORO Salary guide data not available1 20 13 9 59,110 71,391 61,161 61,660 62,744

SHORE REGIONAL BA 55,200 91,050 205 66 10 10 58,600 93,200 72,132 72,552 67,6002/3B+30 59,400 95,250 20 M+30 64,200 100,050 20 M+60 66,803 102,653 20

B+15 57,300 93,150 20 MA 61,200 97,050 20 M+45 65,600 101,450 20

M+15 62,700 98,550 20

Longevity: Add $1,200 after 20 years, $1,500 after 25 years (total $2,700) in dsitrict

SHREWSBURY BORO BA 48,935 79,245 171 48 10 10 50,958 74,245 62,546 62,396 57,4251/3B+30 51,635 81,945 17 M+30 55,235 85,545 17 DOCT 56,135 86,445 17

B+15 49,835 80,145 17 MA 54,335 84,645 17

Longevity: Add $850 after 15 years, $1,300 after 18 years, $1,300 after 21 years, $1,000 after 24 years (total $4,450) in


SPRING LAKE BORO BA 54,315 81,145 151 31 13 9 61,385 77,285 65,255 67,031 65,0853/3MA 55,815 82,645 15

B+20 55,065 81,895 15 M+20 56,365 83,195 15

SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS BORO BA 49,189 78,424 181 41 13 9 51,289 70,489 58,834 58,893 55,0893/3MA 51,789 81,024 18 M+30 52,989 82,224 18 PhD 53,589 82,824 18

M+16 52,389 81,624 18

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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TINTON FALLS Salary guide data not available1 151 14 12 49,733 72,164 62,715 61,463 59,212

UNION BEACH Salary guide data not available1 64 10 10 47,706 57,226 56,561 54,636 53,353

UPPER FREEHOLD REGIONAL Salary guide data not available2 217 11 11 57,991 70,502 71,505 66,254 62,414

WALL TWP BA 53,820 86,500 213 421 12 10 57,120 72,200 65,093 66,013 61,4002/3B+30 55,920 88,600 21 M+30 58,020 90,700 21 M+60 59,420 92,100 21

B+15 54,520 87,200 21 MA 56,620 89,300 21 M+45 58,720 91,400 21

M+15 57,320 90,000 21

Longevity: Add $550 after years 15, 18, 21 & 25 and $1,000 after 30 years (total $3,200) in district

WEST LONG BRANCH BORO Salary guide data not available1 68 11 11 49,263 65,445 59,978 58,684 57,675


BOONTON TOWN Salary guide data not available2 139 12 9 56,703 79,803 69,957 67,428 63,783

BOONTON TWP BA 49,625 82,820 171 47 14 10 57,105 84,930 71,770 70,559 65,4732/3B+30 52,825 87,472 17 M+30 57,625 94,833 17 M+60 59,625 96,833 17

B+15 51,225 85,343 17 MA 54,425 89,795 17

M+15 56,025 92,194 17

Longevity: Add $800 after 10 years, $1,610 after 15 years, $2,100 after 20 years, $2,600 after 25 years (total $7,110) in


BUTLER BORO Salary guide data not available2 119 13 12 56,655 80,615 68,682 68,444 65,746

CHESTER TWP Salary guide data not available1 126 13 11 55,430 82,000 64,712 67,413 66,647

DENVILLE TWP Salary guide data not available1 171 11 9 53,648 67,190 61,537 61,136 57,320

DOVER TOWN BA 51,367 86,629 152 239 13 11 57,802 88,670 70,563 71,642 67,7352/2B+30 53,583 88,889 15 M+30 56,906 92,278 15

B+15 51,921 87,194 15 MA 55,798 91,148 15

M+15 56,352 91,713 15

Longevity: Add $791 after 15 years, $434 after 20 years, $816 after 25 years, $714 after 30 years, $561 after 35 years

(total $3,316) in district

EAST HANOVER TWP BA 54,210 90,860 201 112 12 9 58,285 78,560 69,164 68,816 65,7683/3B+30 56,760 93,410 20 M+30 61,095 97,745 20

B+15 55,485 92,135 20 MA 58,035 94,685 20

M+15 59,310 95,960 20

Longevity: Add $100 after 10 years, $475 after 15 years, $600 after 20 years, $750 after 25 years (total $1,925) in


FLORHAM PARK BORO Salary guide data not available1 107 11 9 52,347 69,119 62,069 61,098 57,385

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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HANOVER PARK REGIONAL BA 52,377 86,205 165 161 9 9 57,741 82,880 68,760 70,805 67,0843/3B+30 53,984 88,479 16 M+30 60,753 100,531 16 PhD 64,510 104,337 16

B+15 52,860 87,198 16 MA 57,234 95,674 16

M+15 59,565 97,784 16

HANOVER TWP BA 53,831 84,781 191 155 12 9 59,701 76,911 67,928 67,375 66,8311/3B+30 57,831 88,481 19 M+30 62,631 93,538 19

B+15 56,231 86,831 19 MA 59,131 89,912 19 M+45 64,131 94,981 19

M+15 61,331 91,846 19

Longevity: Add $2,375 for BA, $2,428 for B+15, $2,487 for B+30, $2,567 for MA, $2,620 for M+15, $2,678 for M+30

HARDING TOWNSHIP Salary guide data not available1 38 9 7 55,705 67,605 63,031 61,479 61,005

JEFFERSON TWP BA 49,145 77,242 173 325 10 10 52,190 77,242 66,852 66,474 58,6133/3MA 51,175 85,031 17 M+30 53,205 93,348 17

B+15 50,160 79,327 17 M+15 52,190 87,168 17 M+45 54,220 97,611 17

Longevity: $1000 for those at max for at least 1 year

KINNELON BORO Salary guide data not available2 210 10 9 57,835 87,880 73,260 72,059 70,350

LINCOLN PARK BORO Salary guide data not available1 88 12 10 52,673 74,760 64,385 63,784 59,085

LONG HILL TWP BA 49,250 85,200 161 85 15 12 56,439 85,700 70,276 70,688 68,4433/3MA 52,050 88,000 16 M+30 54,850 90,800 16

Longevity: Add. $500 after 10, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 yrs. (Total $3000) in dist.

MADISON BORO BA 51,745 85,700 162 243 11 8 57,355 85,460 69,795 70,932 67,8405/6MA 56,595 92,502 16 M+30 66,045 100,000 16

MENDHAM BORO BA 52,235 81,935 181 62 13 10 57,735 68,980 63,602 64,343 62,2152/3B+30 55,935 85,635 18 M+30 60,335 90,115 18

B+15 53,585 83,285 18 MA 57,735 87,755 18 M+45 61,535 91,885 18

M+15 59,135 88,835 18

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 15 years, $100 after 20 & 26 years (total $1,200) in district

MENDHAM TWP BA 49,750 75,770 191 84 13 10 57,360 83,653 67,748 68,923 64,8852/3B+30 53,150 83,370 19 M+30 58,250 91,070 19 M+60 61,650 92,870 19

B+15 51,450 78,770 19 MA 54,850 88,270 19 M+75 93,670 93,670

MINE HILL TWP BA 51,650 87,975 191 35 10 9 53,225 63,165 61,307 60,412 56,7451/3B+30 53,025 89,350 19 M+30 57,838 94,163 19 PhD 59,900 96,225 19

MA 55,775 92,100 19

MONTVILLE TWP BA 50,590 79,830 173 460 11 10 57,800 81,995 68,913 70,078 64,1553/3B+30 53,945 85,725 17 M+30 60,655 98,705 17

MA 57,300 90,505 17

Longevity: Add $700 after 15 years, $1,200 after 20 years, $1,800 after 25 years (total $2,700) in district

MORRIS CO EDUC SER COMM BA 49,311 75,943 212 34 17 13 62,236 75,943 66,594 68,251 67,7053/3B+30 50,259 77,880 21 M+30 52,237 81,980 21

B+15 49,785 76,912 21 MA 51,207 79,930 21 M+45 53,303 83,005 21

M+15 51,722 80,955 21

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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MORRIS CO VOC-TECH BA 58,294 93,169 185 78 10 8 66,584 88,736 76,454 76,597 71,0193/3B+30 59,444 94,319 18 M+30 65,644 100,519 18

MA 62,294 97,169 18

MORRIS HILLS REGIONAL BA 56,240 89,155 165 285 13 11 69,090 97,025 79,864 82,113 82,2442/3B+30 58,640 91,565 16 M+30 68,240 100,905 16

MA 61,040 93,975 16

Longevity: Add $2,000 for years 16-17, $500 for years 18-19, $600 for years 20-21, $800 for years 22-23, $2,900 for 24+

years (total $6,800) in district

MORRIS PLAINS BORO BA 50,900 91,060 241 66 10 8 54,560 64,103 62,330 61,500 58,5561/3MA 53,924 99,699 24 M+30 56,947 105,178 24 M+60 59,971 110,499 24

B+15 52,412 95,458 24 M+15 55,436 102,332 24 M+45 58,459 107,743 24

MORRIS SCHOOL DISTRICT Salary guide data not available3 512 10 10 53,030 84,681 72,805 70,984 69,967

MOUNT ARLINGTON BORO BA 52,745 84,050 181 39 11 9 58,525 80,375 68,376 68,269 63,0203/3B+30 56,145 87,450 18 M+30 61,175 92,480 18

B+15 54,445 85,750 18 MA 57,775 89,080 18

M+15 59,475 90,780 18

Longevity: Add $650 after 10 years, $1,000 after 15 years, $1,250 after 20 years,s $1,500 after 25 years (total $4,400)

in district

MOUNT OLIVE TWP BA 51,392 88,668 203 406 10 10 59,919 76,954 68,529 68,413 67,2221/3B+30 55,692 92,968 20 M+30 64,292 101,568 20 PhD 66,442 103,713 16

MA 59,992 97,268 20

Longevity: Add $400 after 15 years, $1,000 after 20 years, $1,500 after 25 years, $2,500 after 30 years (total $5,400) in


MOUNTAIN LAKES BORO BA 51,488 73,130 152 168 13 12 65,608 90,998 78,480 78,710 80,4423/3B+30 53,788 76,452 15 M+30 60,688 85,549 15 M+60 62,988 90,998 15

MA 58,388 80,442 15 DOCT 65,288 91,998 15

Longevity: Add $6,215 for years -15-26, $725 for years 27+ (total $7,040) in district

NETCONG BORO Salary guide data not available1 31 18 15 50,000 82,000 64,806 66,129 62,000

PARSIPPANY-TROY HILLS TWP Salary guide data not available4 711 12 11 61,030 91,965 73,536 75,016 73,000

PEQUANNOCK TWP BA 51,440 86,455 202 205 13 10 57,440 72,708 65,853 66,304 64,7302/3B+30 55,440 90,455 20 M+30 61,440 96,455 20 M+60 65,440 100,455 20

B+15 53,440 88,455 20 MA 57,440 92,455 20 M+45 63,440 98,455 20

M+15 59,440 94,455 20

Longevity: Add $328 after years 16, 21, 26 & 31 (total $1,312) in district

RANDOLPH TWP Salary guide data not available3 471 10 9 60,810 77,080 71,345 70,242 68,850

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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RIVERDALE BORO BA 49,855 69,490 171 35 10 8 51,855 60,655 54,667 56,869 56,4552/3B+30 52,255 71,890 17 M+30 55,455 75,090 17 M+60 57,055 76,690 17

B+10 50,655 70,290 17 MA 53,055 72,690 17 M+45 56,255 75,890 17

B+20 51,455 71,090 17 M+10 53,855 73,490 17

M+20 54,655 74,290 17

Longevity: Add $400 for years 16-20, $800 for years $21-25, $1,200 for years 26-30, $1,600for 31+ (total $4,000)

ROCKAWAY BORO Salary guide data not available1 52 9 9 47,900 60,970 54,375 55,125 51,250

ROCKAWAY TWP BA 54,470 89,210 191 271 11 11 60,665 73,580 68,233 68,456 65,3553/3B+30 55,720 90,460 19 M+30 59,785 94,525 19 M+60 61,035 95,775 19

B+15 55,095 89,835 19 MA 58,535 93,275 19 M+45 60,410 95,150 19 PhD 62,285 97,025 19

M+15 59,160 93,900 19

ROXBURY TWP Salary guide data not available3 381 13 11 55,702 84,237 69,774 68,552 63,307

SCH DIST OF THE CHATHAMS BA 55,715 82,025 173 357 10 8 60,115 82,220 71,622 72,309 66,5202/3B+30 57,945 88,935 17 M+30 61,285 103,660 17 M+60 63,715 108,700 17

B+15 56,830 84,300 17 MA 59,060 96,845 17 M+45 62,400 105,335 17

M+15 60,170 100,225 17

Longevity: Add $1,700 for years 15-19, $2,200 for years 20-24, $2,700 for years 25+ (total $6,600) in district

WASHINGTON TWP Salary guide data not available1 236 13 11 58,805 76,783 71,154 69,380 66,165

WEST MORRIS REGIONAL Salary guide data not available5 239 13 10 55,415 95,985 76,816 74,213 68,930

WHARTON BORO BA 52,740 79,210 161 84 11 10 56,490 74,495 61,658 64,874 63,2833/3B+30 55,240 81,710 16 M+30 58,990 85,460 16

B+15 53,990 80,460 16 MA 56,490 82,960 16 M+45 60,240 86,710 16

M+15 57,740 84,210 16

Longevity: Add $750 after 10 years, $1,000 after 15 years, $1,500 after 20 years (total $3,250) in district


BARNEGAT TWP Salary guide data not available3 323 10 10 50,794 60,213 61,238 57,792 55,563

BAY HEAD BORO BA 53,113 67,028 111 13 16 14 54,729 71,982 62,400 63,962 67,5773/3B+30 54,681 68,596 11 M+30 56,025 69,940 11

B+15 53,785 67,700 11 MA 55,017 68,932 11

M+15 55,465 69,380 11

BEACH HAVEN BORO Salary guide data not available1 13 14 11 27,881 50,955 50,155 45,442 47,610

BERKELEY TWP BA 46,115 78,986 181 202 12 10 53,201 72,235 60,893 61,829 58,0002/3B+30 48,215 81,086 18 M+30 50,415 83,286 18 PhD 52,015 84,886 18

B+15 48,015 80,886 18 MA 49,715 82,586 18

M+15 50,015 82,886 18

Longevity: Add $300 for years 4, 6, 9 & 12, $800 for year 15, $500 for years 20, 25, & 30 (total $3,500) in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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BRICK TWP BA 51,396 88,010 204 910 12 12 56,196 68,981 64,811 64,685 63,5313/3B+30 52,211 89,335 20 M+30 54,311 92,185 20 DOCT 56,371 92,985 20

MA 53,211 90,485 20

CENTRAL REGIONAL BA 48,344 90,544 175 165 12 12 60,444 82,510 70,702 72,746 69,5103/3B+30 49,344 91,544 17 M+30 51,844 94,044 17 DOCT 52,594 94,794 17

B+15 48,844 91,044 17 MA 50,344 92,544 17

M+15 51,094 93,294 17

EAGLESWOOD TWP BA 47,271 58,250 141 16 14 13 52,600 75,539 57,868 62,437 58,4452/3B+30 47,771 58,750 14 M+30 48,521 59,500 14

B+15 47,521 58,500 14 MA 48,021 59,000 14

M+15 48,271 59,250 14

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 10 years

ISLAND HEIGHTS BORO BA 42,365 57,073 131 14 14 13 45,141 62,818 54,567 57,550 55,1731/3B+30 43,076 57,783 13 M+30 43,786 58,494 13 PhD 44,497 59,204 13

B+15 42,771 57,479 13 MA 43,482 58,189 13 M+45 44,192 58,900 13

Longevity: Add $450 after 5 years, $600 after 10 years, $200 after 15 years, $450 after 20 years (total $1,700) in


JACKSON TWP Salary guide data not available4 777 14 10 53,712 71,275 62,938 62,574 57,850

LACEY TWP BA 48,132 67,214 203 409 13 12 53,569 64,122 60,656 60,665 58,2213/3MA 54,186 72,166 20 M+30 57,974 77,366 20

B+20 51,159 70,187 20 M+15 56,128 75,216 20

Longevity: Add $580 after years 4 & 8, $730 after years 12, 16 & 20 (total $3,350) in district

LAKEHURST BORO BA 49,709 73,559 221 38 9 7 51,209 60,294 57,017 56,739 56,9541/3MA 51,319 75,169 22 M+30 51,819 75,669 22

LAKEWOOD TWP Salary guide data not available3 529 9 9 48,689 57,917 54,601 55,377 52,329

LAVALLETTE BORO Salary guide data not available1 20 15 13 57,918 65,847 59,463 62,633 63,466

LITTLE EGG HARBOR TWP BA 54,899 72,899 171 180 13 12 57,899 72,529 63,401 64,549 63,9073/3B+30 56,359 74,439 17 M+30 58,329 76,519 17

B+15 55,799 73,849 17 MA 56,729 74,829 17 M+45 59,469 77,369 17

M+15 57,519 75,659 17

LONG BEACH ISLAND BA 54,669 85,604 171 32 15 13 56,869 87,537 68,267 71,883 72,3892/3MA 56,259 87,194 17

Longevity: Add $125 after years service and each year thereafter until retirement - cumulative

MANCHESTER TWP BA 50,000 85,601 172 339 12 11 54,084 68,400 64,459 64,285 60,8213/3B+30 50,866 86,569 17 M+30 52,207 88,419 17 PhD 54,818 90,420 17

MA 51,243 87,919 17

OCEAN CO VOC-TECH BA 54,293 80,125 185 144 8 8 58,032 71,114 63,949 65,537 63,6232/3B+30 54,823 80,655 18 M+30 57,033 82,865 18 EMER 53,173 79,005 18

MA 56,093 81,925 18 PhD 57,593 83,395 18

Longevity: Add $300 after years 5 & 10, $400 after year 15, $500 after year 20, $1,00 after year 25, 41,500 after year 30

(total $4,000) in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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OCEAN GATE BORO BA 45,250 75,180 161 18 16 15 47,470 63,000 53,285 55,552 51,4452/3B+30 46,750 76,680 16 M+30 50,250 80,180 16

B+15 45,750 75,680 16 MA 48,250 78,180 16

OCEAN TWP BA 52,287 72,797 151 60 16 15 57,979 70,397 62,169 63,881 63,3221/1MA 53,787 74,114 15 M+30 55,287 75,451 15

PINELANDS REGIONAL BA 49,000 82,500 215 195 13 11 54,465 62,893 60,791 60,559 58,9131/3MA 50,200 83,700 21 M+30 51,500 85,000 21 DOCT 52,300 85,800 21

B+15 49,500 83,000 21 M+15 50,900 84,400 21

PLUMSTED TWP BA 54,591 82,054 192 162 12 9 56,490 65,302 60,083 60,486 59,1403/3B+30 55,746 83,209 19 M+30 57,189 84,653 19 EdD 57,478 84,942 19

B+15 55,168 82,632 19 MA 56,467 83,931 19

M+15 56,901 84,364 19

Longevity: Add $650 after 10 years, $1,150 after 20 years, $1,150 after 25 years (total $2,950)

POINT PLEASANT BEACH BORO BA 51,269 78,469 182 88 16 13 60,869 74,043 66,226 67,777 65,8693/3B+30 54,969 81,669 18 M+30 59,469 86,669 18 DOCT 60,669 88,269 18

B+15 53,369 80,069 18 MA 56,269 83,469 18

M+15 57,869 85,069 18

POINT PLEASANT BORO Salary guide data not available2 264 11 10 54,113 65,310 61,604 60,589 60,675

SEASIDE HEIGHTS BORO BA 49,680 80,715 131 27 12 12 53,645 67,965 60,190 60,502 58,8652/3B+30 50,580 81,615 13 M+30 51,980 90,015 13 DOCT 52,980 91,015 13

MA 51,180 82,215 13

SOUTHERN REGIONAL BA 55,799 93,910 195 255 15 15 69,028 89,748 77,567 78,626 76,6652/3B+30 56,799 94,910 19 M+30 60,799 98,910 19 M+60 61,799 99,910 19

MA 58,799 96,910 19 M+90 62,799 100,910 19

PhD 63,799 101,910 19

STAFFORD TWP BA 51,636 87,547 251 203 13 13 54,736 69,961 60,915 63,825 58,3612/3B+30 52,536 88,447 25 M+30 53,986 89,897 25 PhD 54,536 90,447 25

B+15 52,086 87,997 25 MA 53,086 88,997 25

M+15 53,536 89,447 25

Longevity: Add $500 after 18 years, $750 after 21 years (total $1,250) in district

TOMS RIVER REGIONAL BA 49,215 88,745 224 1,322 13 12 56,420 66,285 60,585 64,315 62,0112/3B+30 50,415 89,945 22 M+30 52,715 92,245 22 DOCT 53,715 93,245 22

MA 51,715 91,245 22

Longevity: Add$200 after 5 years, $300 after 15 years, $400 after 20 years, $650 after 25 years (total $1,150) in district

TUCKERTON BORO BA 47,407 65,112 191 33 10 8 48,907 52,272 48,293 51,913 50,2722/3MA 48,907 66,612 19

Longevity: Add $250 for 15 years, $500 for 20 years, $1,000 for 25 years (total $1,750)


BLOOMINGDALE BORO BA 55,030 82,045 161 62 12 10 62,430 81,445 68,892 70,201 67,0883/3B+30 59,730 86,745 16 M+30 66,780 93,795 16 M+60 71,480 98,495 16

B+15 57,380 84,395 16 MA 62,080 89,095 16 M+45 69,130 96,145 16

M+15 64,430 91,445 16

Longevity: Add $500 after 12 years, $300 after 15 years, $200 after 20 & 25 years (total $1,200) in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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CLIFTON CITY BA 52,260 80,550 144 981 13 12 55,760 82,967 67,578 68,169 62,0586/6MA 57,260 85,550 14 6YR 63,160 91,450 14

HALEDON BORO BA 51,220 81,530 171 111 11 9 52,430 70,590 63,524 62,417 56,0201/3MA 54,420 84,730 17 M+30 57,620 87,930 17

B+15 52,820 83,130 17 M+15 56,020 86,330 17

Longevity: Add $600 after 10 years, $1,200 after 15 years, $1,800 after 20 years (total $3,600) in district

HAWTHORNE BORO Salary guide data not available2 217 13 11 54,450 83,275 64,338 66,867 61,295

LAKELAND REGIONAL BA 48,000 76,955 165 109 12 10 59,580 93,155 76,253 76,373 71,9852/3MA 51,080 84,155 16 M+30 55,500 94,655 16

B+15 49,500 80,455 16 M+15 54,000 88,955 16

Longevity: Add $4,200 for 10 years, $2,400 for 15 years, $400 for 20 years, $800 for 25 years, $1,600 for 30 years (total

$9,400) in district

LITTLE FALLS TWP Salary guide data not available1 33 5 5 49,355 78,686 63,223 61,975 53,875

NORTH HALEDON BORO BA 51,114 79,919 141 71 11 9 51,514 81,519 63,673 63,524 55,0643/3MA 54,864 83,669 14 M+30 58,614 87,419 14 DOCT 62,364 91,169 14

M+15 56,614 85,419 14

Longevity: Add $1,600 after 15 years, $1,000 after 20, 25 & 30 years (total $4,600) in district

PAS CO MANCHESTER REG BA 53,900 84,920 175 74 11 9 63,900 86,200 73,960 74,280 73,2703/3MA 57,640 88,660 17 M+30 62,100 93,120 17 M+60 64,670 95,690 17

B+15 55,800 86,820 17 M+15 59,740 90,760 17 M+45 63,390 94,410 17

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 10 years, $600 after years 15 through 19 (total $4,000) in district

PASSAIC CITY Salary guide data not available4 1,265 12 12 58,923 104,478 79,163 80,062 69,423

PASSAIC CO ED SERV COMM Salary guide data not available2 26 17 12 44,516 66,370 53,926 54,482 55,120

PASSAIC CO VOC-TECH S BA 60,770 94,640 125 346 11 11 68,910 103,140 85,787 86,757 89,9363/3S MA 65,895 99,765 12 S NON 56,670 90,540 12

S B+15 62,820 96,690 12 S M+18 69,485 103,355 12 S V+18 58,720 92,590 12

PASSAIC VALLEY REGIONAL Salary guide data not available5 115 13 10 60,325 89,502 75,709 76,513 70,147

PATERSON CITY Salary guide data not available4 2,568 11 11 51,111 62,141 64,156 62,380 54,607

POMPTON LAKES BORO BA 54,615 79,050 142 168 14 11 61,360 91,536 72,813 76,003 71,7603/3MA 57,765 83,805 14 M+30 64,065 88,985 14 M+60 70,365 94,775 14

B+15 55,665 80,050 14 M+15 60,915 87,670 14 M+45 67,215 91,600 14

PROSPECT PARK BORO BA 51,300 89,950 201 80 11 10 56,725 74,650 65,617 67,738 64,1501/3B+30 54,550 93,200 20 M+30 60,700 99,350 20

MA 56,500 95,150 20 M+45 63,200 101,850 20

Longevity: Add $500 after 5 years, $800 after 10 years, $1,100 after 15 years, $1,000 after years 20 & 25, 500 after 30

years (total $5,000) in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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RINGWOOD BORO BA 50,825 84,388 151 131 10 9 54,165 82,186 65,367 67,620 59,9253/3B+30 52,125 86,125 15 M+30 57,510 93,410 15

B+15 51,525 85,325 15 MA 54,300 89,333 15 M+45 60,900 98,800 15

Longevity: Add $1,190 after 10 years, $575 after 15 years, $720 after 20 years, $840 after 25 years, $575 after 30 years

(total $3,900) in district

TOTOWA BORO BA 51,550 81,641 131 92 9 9 57,810 82,667 67,821 69,873 68,0813/3B+30 54,100 84,255 13 M+30 60,850 91,174 13

MA 55,800 85,998 13

M+15 58,050 88,304 13

Longevity: Add $700 after 15 years, $1900 after 20 years, $2,840 after 25 years (total $5,440) in district

WANAQUE BORO BA 53,305 82,145 141 92 10 9 57,805 88,000 68,976 72,958 68,7051/2MA 59,805 88,645 14 M+30 65,805 94,645 14

M+45 68,805 97,645 14

Longevity: Add $858 after 11 years, $1,418 after 16 years, $1,976 after 21 years (total $4,252) in district

WAYNE TWP Salary guide data not available4 800 12 10 57,850 84,400 74,176 73,074 70,070

WEST MILFORD TWP BA 53,920 85,000 173 365 11 11 59,670 92,850 70,968 74,957 70,3203/3B+30 55,920 91,550 17 M+30 62,420 102,850 17 M+60 66,120 106,900 17

MA 57,670 93,750 17

Longevity: Add $640 after years 15 & 20, $800 after year 25, $625 after 30 & 35 (total $3,350) in district

WOODLAND PARK BORO BA 54,275 76,440 121 101 8 8 56,275 78,790 63,201 66,309 65,8853/4MA 60,725 82,890 12 M+30 65,275 87,440 12 PhD 69,275 91,440 12

Longevity: Add $800 after 15 years, $800 after 20 years, $300 after 25 years (total $1,900) in district


ALLOWAY TWP BA 49,908 70,484 181 34 19 16 59,054 70,484 64,724 65,555 64,9502/3MA 51,762 72,338 18 M+30 53,602 74,178 18

B+15 50,718 71,294 18 M+15 52,602 73,178 18

ELSINBORO TWP BA 44,680 69,007 201 13 16 13 51,767 66,457 56,830 57,420 54,9221/3B+30 45,580 69,907 20

B+15 45,180 69,507 20 MA 45,980 70,307 20

Longevity: Add $500 after 20 years, $750 after 25 years (total $1,250) in district

LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK BA 46,350 71,050 181 24 16 14 48,380 70,910 56,772 59,992 61,6701/3B+30 48,150 72,850 18

B+15 47,250 71,950 18 MA 49,150 73,850 18

Longevity: Add $800 for years 20-27, $1,200 for years 28+ (total $2,000) in district

MANNINGTON TWP BA 50,841 65,556 141 15 18 18 56,038 74,759 65,698 64,365 60,9501/3MA 52,841 67,556 14

B+15 51,841 66,556 14

OLDMANS TWP BA 53,365 78,320 181 23 11 10 54,365 81,220 63,535 63,482 58,4651/3MA 55,465 80,420 18 PhD 56,965 81,920 18

B+15 54,365 79,320 18 M+16 55,965 80,920 18

Longevity: Add $900 after 15 years, $1,000 after years 20, 25 & 35 (total $3,900) in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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PENNS GRV-CARNEY'S PT REG BA 52,958 86,725 252 221 14 12 58,753 73,003 65,715 66,441 62,4033/3B+30 54,658 88,250 25 M+30 57,208 89,558 25 DOCT 58,058 90,702 25

MA 55,508 89,013 25

PENNSVILLE BA 43,595 81,000 152 192 13 10 46,820 79,046 58,341 58,520 50,7243/3B+30 44,943 82,348 15 M+30 47,530 84,935 15 M+60 48,824 86,229 15

MA 46,236 83,641 15 DOCT 50,118 87,523 15

PITTSGROVE TWP Salary guide data not available2 151 15 12 56,145 71,145 62,505 63,380 61,600

QUINTON TWP BA 51,997 69,397 151 32 15 13 52,568 70,297 60,118 59,136 62,1832/3B+30 53,397 70,797 15 M+30 55,497 72,897 15

B+15 52,697 70,097 15 MA 54,097 71,497 15

M+15 54,797 72,197 15

Longevity: Add $500 after 15 years, $750 after 20years, $900 after 25 years, $1,125 after 30 years (total $3,275)

SALEM CITY BA 51,084 80,621 172 139 9 7 53,429 65,889 61,569 59,976 57,1793/3B+30 52,084 81,621 17 M+30 54,134 83,671 17 M+60 55,284 84,821 17

MA 53,084 82,621 17

SALEM CO SPECIAL SERVICE BA 47,483 60,701 142 70 6 6 48,383 59,603 54,957 53,107 51,5982/3B+30 49,093 62,311 14 M+30 52,313 65,531 14 DOCT 53,923 67,141 14

MA 50,703 63,921 14

Longevity: Add $600 for years 5-10, $800 for years 11-15, $1,000 for years 16-20, $1,200 for year 21+ (total $3,600) in


SALEM CO VOC-TECH BA 49,260 68,758 195 48 13 8 51,310 59,060 54,318 56,848 53,4602/3MA 50,460 69,958 19 M+30 51,060 70,558 19 DOCT 51,660 71,158 19

B+20 49,860 69,358 19

Longevity: Add $600 for years 5-10, $800 for years 10-15, $1,000 for years 15-20, $1,200 for 21+ years (total $3,400) in


UPPER PITTSGROVE TWP BA 52,240 65,340 181 36 16 14 55,840 68,040 59,885 61,439 60,2903/3B+30 54,190 67,290 18 M+30 56,440 69,540 18

B+15 53,440 66,540 18 MA 54,940 68,040 18

M+15 55,690 68,790 18

Longevity: Add $100 for years 15-19, $200 for 20+ years (total $300)

WOODSTOWN-PILESGROVE REG BA 49,676 76,770 162 159 13 10 52,523 76,770 60,309 61,908 57,4741/3B+30 51,325 78,419 16 M+30 54,548 81,642 16

MA 52,924 80,018 16

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 10 years, $500 after years 15, 20, 25 & 30 (total $3,000) in district


BEDMINSTER TWP BA 53,630 79,850 161 65 11 7 59,820 74,565 66,803 67,196 66,4403/3B+30 58,055 86,440 16 M+30 60,335 89,830 16 PhD 61,675 91,830 16

B+15 57,115 85,040 16 MA 58,995 87,835 16 M+45 61,005 90,830 16

M+15 59,665 88,835 16

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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BERNARDS TWP BA 47,706 81,411 233 544 9 9 57,282 75,386 67,104 67,684 64,8962/3B+30 50,936 87,002 23 M+30 57,401 97,886 23 DOCT 58,401 98,886 23

MA 53,706 91,626 23

Longevity: Add $500 after years 1, 2 & 3 (total $1,500) in district

BOUND BROOK BORO BA 50,500 82,060 222 159 10 8 53,000 68,730 63,055 62,258 58,7201/3B+30 53,100 84,660 22 M+30 59,600 91,160 22 M+60 61,550 93,110 22

MA 56,220 87,780 22 PhD 63,500 95,060 22

Longevity: Add $300 after 20 years, $1,200 after 25 years (total $1,500) in district

BRANCHBURG TWP BA 53,225 85,720 181 184 12 11 58,375 70,310 65,941 66,371 62,6352/3B+30 55,375 87,870 18 M+30 59,675 92,170 18

MA 57,525 90,020 18

BRIDGEWATER-RARITAN REG BA 51,035 87,250 174 888 11 10 59,135 82,460 69,900 71,450 68,2954/4B+30 54,085 90,329 17 M+30 60,185 96,400 17 M+60 63,235 99,450 17

B+15 52,560 88,775 17 B+45 55,610 91,825 17 M+45 61,710 97,925 17 M+75 64,760 100,975 17

MA 57,135 93,350 17 DOCT 66,285 102,500 17

M+15 58,660 94,875 17

FRANKLIN TWP Salary guide data not available4 778 12 8 53,090 73,340 64,986 64,172 59,925

GREEN BROOK TWP BA 49,880 81,525 171 92 12 10 52,140 65,560 59,046 59,338 56,1851/3MA 52,180 83,825 17 M+30 53,330 84,975 17

B+15 51,030 82,675 17

Longevity: Add $450 after 10 years, $650 after 15 years, $950 after 20 years (total $2,050) in district

HILLSBOROUGH TWP BA 54,620 73,465 144 749 14 11 60,185 80,785 69,205 71,136 70,2852/3B+30 56,720 75,565 14 M+30 63,020 81,865 14 M+60 67,220 86,065 14

B+15 56,020 74,865 14 MA 58,820 77,665 14 M+45 65,120 83,965 14 PhD 69,320 88,165 14

M+15 60,920 79,765 14

Longevity: Add $3,500 after 10 years, $3,000 after 15 years, $6,000 after 20 years (total $12,500) in district

MANVILLE BORO Salary guide data not available2 126 8 8 49,657 61,492 57,974 57,194 52,257

MONTGOMERY TWP BA 57,030 82,820 153 451 11 10 64,030 77,045 69,776 71,040 69,4853/3MA 63,030 88,820 15 M+30 67,530 93,320 15 DOCT 72,030 97,820 15

M+15 65,280 91,070 15 M+45 69,780 95,570 15

NORTH PLAINFIELD BORO Salary guide data not available3 341 9 8 58,690 67,650 65,213 64,114 61,760

SOMERSET CO ED SERV COMM Salary guide data not available2 36 7 6 51,607 65,682 59,194 57,772 58,182

SOMERSET CO VOC-TECH S BA 56,684 95,144 255 66 9 7 59,659 77,314 66,569 69,719 65,5793/3S B+30 58,434 96,894 25 CERT 53,184 91,644 25

S MA 60,184 98,644 25

SOMERSET HILLS REGIONAL Salary guide data not available2 181 12 9 59,335 93,535 75,931 76,146 71,680

SOMERVILLE BORO Salary guide data not available2 220 9 8 56,960 79,124 70,442 67,785 63,052

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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SOUTH BOUND BROOK BA 51,595 81,555 161 42 15 14 54,595 82,555 70,473 69,124 69,9053/3MA 54,095 84,055 16 M+30 56,595 86,555 16

B+15 52,845 82,805 16 M+15 55,345 85,305 16

Longevity: Add $600 after 15 years, $800 after 20 years, $1,000 after 25 years (total $2,400)

WARREN TWP BA 56,085 79,670 171 246 14 12 64,845 78,821 71,386 72,787 71,8741/3MA 61,694 88,070 17 M+30 67,302 96,470 17

B+15 58,889 83,870 17 M+15 64,498 92,270 17 M+45 70,106 100,670 17

WATCHUNG BORO BA 49,875 80,075 161 69 9 9 55,185 76,770 63,680 65,357 61,4352/3B+30 51,375 81,575 16 M+30 56,875 87,075 16 DOCT 59,375 89,575 16

B+12 50,375 80,575 16 MA 55,375 85,575 16 6YR 57,375 87,575 16

B+15 50,625 80,825 16 M+15 56,125 86,325 16

Longevity: Add $1,000 after 10 years, $1,500 after 15 years, $2,500 after 20 years, $500 after 25 & 30 years (total

$6,000) in district

WATCHUNG HILLS REGIONAL Salary guide data not available5 191 10 9 60,177 89,681 74,074 74,199 70,090


ANDOVER REG Salary guide data not available1 60 18 11 61,215 77,533 70,127 68,045 66,303

BYRAM TWP Salary guide data not available1 94 12 10 55,870 65,605 63,312 62,089 60,910

FRANKFORD TWP BA 51,090 81,395 171 71 15 12 53,905 86,185 71,426 69,470 65,9951/3MA 54,920 87,500 17 M+30 58,755 93,605 17 M+60 6,810 99,710 17

B+10 52,365 83,430 17 M+10 56,200 89,535 17

B+20 53,645 85,465 17 M+20 57,475 91,570 17

Longevity: Add $720 after 21 years, $930 after 26 years, $1,140 after 31 years (total $2,790) in distirct

FRANKLIN BORO BA 52,735 81,105 161 53 12 11 53,895 73,265 64,369 63,298 61,3553/3B+30 54,885 83,255 16 M+30 59,185 87,625 16 M+60 61,885 90,480 16

MA 57,035 85,405 16

Longevity: Add $1,500 after 15 years, $500 after 25 years (total $2,000) in district

FREDON TWP BA 50,807 80,192 171 27 9 6 51,307 58,107 57,009 55,942 53,6072/3B+30 52,207 81,592 17

B+15 51,507 80,892 17 MA 53,607 82,992 17

M+15 54,307 83,692 17

GREEN TWP BA 53,423 75,423 121 44 11 9 64,173 80,423 68,772 70,213 72,1732/3B+30 56,423 78,423 12 M+30 62,423 84,423 12

B+15 54,923 76,923 12 MA 59,423 81,423 12

Longevity: Add $900 after years 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15, $1,200 after year 16 (total $5,700) in district

HAMBURG BORO BA 54,315 77,155 171 32 14 12 58,920 73,320 65,118 64,914 65,4883/3MA 57,635 80,475 17

Longevity: Add $1,300 after 16 years, $1,800 after 20 years, $2,300 after 25 years, $2,800 after 30 years (total $8,200)

in district

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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HAMPTON TWP BA 49,590 96,160 281 42 13 11 53,553 74,776 62,196 65,081 64,1072/3B+30 51,266 98,388 28 M+30 54,199 101,237 28 M+60 56,398 102,710 28

B+15 50,428 96,726 28 MA 52,208 99,304 28 M+45 55,246 101,499 28

M+15 53,151 100,220 28

HARDYSTON TWP Salary guide data not available1 72 13 13 52,117 75,067 63,109 63,287 61,917

HIGH POINT REGIONAL BA 51,843 72,993 115 109 15 12 74,569 95,351 81,924 83,551 84,4222/2B+30 57,287 80,657 11 M+30 66,359 93,431 11 M+60 67,396 94,891 11

B+10 53,658 75,548 11 MA 59,619 83,942 11 M+45 66,877 94,161 11 PhD 67,914 95,621 11

B+20 55,472 78,103 11 M+10 61,693 86,862 11

M+20 63,767 89,781 11

Longevity: Add $480 after 12 years, $720 after 17 years, $1,200 after 21 years, $1,440 after 25 years (total $3,840) in


HOPATCONG Salary guide data not available2 183 14 11 58,435 85,600 72,661 71,842 76,985

KITTATINNY REGIONAL BA 53,165 80,115 125 113 13 11 70,115 87,165 77,148 78,281 81,7153/3MA 57,865 84,815 12 M+30 61,565 88,515 12 M+60 63,565 90,515 12

B+15 54,665 81,615 12 M+15 59,665 86,615 12

Longevity: Add $2,350 after 15 years, $100 each year thereafter in district

LAFAYETTE TWP BA 49,250 81,670 191 33 13 11 44,192 66,280 57,150 58,505 59,7603/3B+30 52,250 84,670 19 B+60 55,250 87,670 19

B+15 50,750 83,170 19 B+45 53,750 86,170 19

Longevity: Add $800 after 15 years, $1,350 after 20 years, $2,150 after 25 years (total $4,300) in district

LENAPE VALLEY REGIONAL BA 50,000 89,800 205 71 16 13 59,100 85,200 74,140 72,433 71,0001/3MA 53,000 97,000 20 M+30 58,000 98,950 20

B+18 51,500 92,500 20 M+18 55,000 97,300 20 M+45 61,000 99,475 20

Longevity: Add $300 after 20 years, $100 after years 23,26,29, & 32 (total $750) in district

MONTAGUE TWP BA 50,195 74,365 161 32 15 12 57,135 74,365 62,401 65,768 67,4001/3MA 52,395 76,565 16 M+30 54,595 78,765 16

B+15 51,295 75,465 16 M+15 53,495 77,665 16

Longevity: Add $2,700 after 14 years, $500 after years 19, 24 & 29 (total $4,200) in district

NEWTON TOWN Salary guide data not available2 159 11 11 56,818 80,218 69,030 69,292 64,798

OGDENSBURG BORO BA 48,320 78,710 181 30 13 10 46,545 59,855 56,378 56,109 53,3932/3B+30 50,320 80,710 18 M+30 54,320 84,710 18

MA 52,320 82,710 18

Longevity: Add $750 after 20 years, $1,250 after 25 years, $1,750 after 30 years (total $3,750) in district

SANDYSTON-WALPACK TWP BA 47,573 77,847 171 17 14 13 52,649 71,047 61,188 62,451 63,6563/3B+30 49,573 79,847 17

B+15 49,073 79,347 17 MA 50,573 80,847 17

M+15 51,773 82,047 17

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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SPARTA TWP BA 53,933 83,963 153 309 11 10 61,810 90,608 75,044 76,439 76,6053/3B+30 56,033 86,063 15 M+30 63,278 93,308 15 M+60 67,478 97,508 15

B+15 54,983 85,013 15 MA 59,183 89,213 15 M+45 65,378 95,408 15 M+75 69,568 99,598 15

M+15 61,283 91,313 15 PhD 72,728 102,758 15

Longevity: Add $700 after 15 years, $100 for years 16-40 (total $3,200)

STANHOPE BORO BA 51,770 76,825 131 32 11 9 52,013 63,595 60,192 59,514 59,7501/3B+30 53,770 78,825 13

MA 55,270 80,325 13

M+15 56,270 81,025 13

Longevity: Add $900 after 15 & 20 years (total $1,800) in district

STILLWATER TWP BA 51,905 72,705 161 39 15 13 58,510 79,155 69,170 68,382 67,1553/3B+32 55,055 75,855 16 M+30 57,155 77,955 16

B+10 52,955 73,755 16 MA 56,105 76,905 16

B+20 54,005 74,805 16

SUSSEX CO ED SERV COMM BA 46,000 64,000 212 5 12 2 50,600 64,000 52,035 57,290 56,8003/3MA 49,600 67,600 21

SUSSEX CO VOC-TECH BA 53,450 100,010 265 73 10 10 55,106 80,292 67,166 66,790 58,4311/3MA 53,838 100,398 26 M+30 57,838 104,398 25

S BA 54,450 101,010 26 S MA 59,950 106,510 26 M+45 62,238 108,798 26

S B+15 56,150 102,710 26 S M+30 63,950 110,510 26

S M+45 68,350 114,910 26

Longevity: Add $1200 after 10 years, $1,400 after 15 years, $1,600 after 20 years, $1,800 after 25 years, $2,000 after 30

years (total $8,000) in district

SUSSEX-WANTAGE REGIONAL BA 51,245 78,350 151 127 13 12 57,000 82,550 69,875 70,533 71,1201/3B+30 53,495 80,600 15 M+30 60,995 88,100 15

B+10 51,995 79,100 15 MA 54,995 82,100 15

B+20 52,745 79,850 15 M+15 57,995 85,100 15

Longevity: Add $900 after 15 years $1,100 after 20 years, $700 after 25 years (total $2,700) in district

VERNON TWP BA 51,880 84,495 143 353 15 14 61,015 96,296 75,313 78,318 80,0382/3B+30 54,180 86,795 14 M+30 60,100 95,705 14 M+60 62,390 97,995 14

B+15 53,030 85,645 14 MA 57,710 93,315 14 M+45 61,240 96,845 14 DOCT 63,540 99,145 14

M+15 58,900 94,505 14

Longevity: Add $1,300 after 15 years, $1,800 after 20 years, $2,700 after 25 years (total $5,800) in district

WALLKILL VALLEY REGIONAL BA 51,485 83,875 135 65 16 12 70,890 92,125 81,562 80,968 84,5001/3MA 57,585 89,975 13 M+30 60,635 93,025 13 M+60 63,685 96,075 13

B+15 53,010 85,400 13 DOCT 67,465 99,425 13

Longevity: Add $1,975 after 15 years, $1,350 after 20 years, $925 after 25 years, $650 after 30 years ($4,900) in district


BERKELEY HEIGHTS TWP BA 52,164 102,416 222 275 12 10 60,968 83,254 71,592 74,077 72,8023/3B+30 55,849 104,699 22 B+60 62,431 111,242 22 M+60 66,379 115,147 22

MA 58,482 107,750 22 M+30 64,273 114,046 22

CLARK TWP BA 51,170 93,340 182 216 11 9 52,365 70,140 64,284 64,998 56,2652/3MA 54,945 100,640 18 M+30 57,970 104,440 18 PhD 59,895 106,365 18

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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CRANFORD TWP BA 50,990 87,395 183 378 13 11 59,116 72,107 66,323 67,774 65,0113/3B+30 54,725 88,501 18 M+30 60,401 99,403 20

B+15 53,590 87,818 18 MA 57,535 94,780 19

M+15 58,288 95,432 19

Longevity: Add $566 after 20 years, $945 after 25 years (total $1,511)

ELIZABETH CITY BA 58,275 82,601 134 2,403 8 8 68,799 85,396 78,443 78,189 79,1833/3MA 62,075 86,877 13 6YR 65,750 90,762 13

Longevity: Add. $2250 after 15 yrs., $250 after 20 yrs. and $750 after 25, 30 and 35 yrs. (Total $4750) in dist.

GARWOOD BORO Salary guide data not available1 32 18 14 53,952 64,318 59,587 60,126 58,814

HILLSIDE TWP Salary guide data not available2 305 13 11 55,638 80,681 69,845 67,499 64,238

KENILWORTH BORO BA 57,600 72,980 202 144 10 8 57,060 75,317 66,648 66,922 65,2182/4MA 65,705 83,933 20 M+30 72,666 93,831 20

LINDEN CITY Salary guide data not available3 609 12 10 55,248 86,154 70,491 69,454 63,111

MORRIS-UNION JOINT COM BA 46,572 61,413 162 96 13 12 54,598 69,111 61,636 62,408 59,8173/3B+30 49,649 65,280 16 M+30 51,743 67,926 16 M+60 55,834 73,054 16

B+15 48,003 63,212 16 M+45 53,742 70,425 16

MOUNTAINSIDE BORO BA 52,583 86,630 181 67 11 10 56,434 63,841 63,952 62,364 59,9442/3MA 55,646 89,391 18 M+30 57,484 91,256 18

NEW PROVIDENCE BORO BA 52,572 85,129 162 210 12 9 61,140 78,490 71,646 71,417 67,0133/3B+30 55,988 91,123 16 B+60M 62,643 102,669 16

B+15 54,113 86,780 16 B+30M 58,258 95,052 16

B+45M 60,425 98,866 16

Longevity: Add. $5100 for BA, B+30, B+30M and B+60M, $6100 for B+15 and $5130 for B+45M after 30 years in dist.

PLAINFIELD CITY Salary guide data not available4 698 13 10 52,097 86,000 67,974 66,883 64,497

RAHWAY CITY Salary guide data not available3 351 11 11 61,333 77,494 69,819 72,005 68,224

ROSELLE BORO Salary guide data not available2 310 9 9 51,701 59,159 57,898 56,678 54,941

ROSELLE PARK BORO BA 53,599 89,057 332 203 12 11 56,443 77,131 67,245 67,884 67,0214/4MA 57,850 98,931 33 M+30 62,560 109,100 33

SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD REG BA 53,930 80,171 313 482 10 9 58,839 70,988 67,240 66,995 64,0153/3B+30 56,829 86,816 31 M+30 61,783 96,301 31 PhD 65,753 82,635 20

MA 58,539 90,256 31 6YR 63,398 99,294 31

Longevity: Add $575 after years 17, 20 & 25 (total $1,725) in district

SPRINGFIELD TWP BA 53,195 69,574 152 189 12 11 59,824 76,995 70,238 70,228 68,3742/3MA 57,929 74,994 15

M+6 62,924 80,922 15

Longevity: Add $1,044 after 10 years, $1,044 after 15 years, $2,093 after 19 years (total $4,181) in district

SUMMIT CITY Salary guide data not available3 405 9 9 59,128 81,666 71,781 70,957 64,249

UNION CO ED SERV COMM Salary guide data not available2 117 13 10 53,770 65,173 61,316 60,210 59,285

UNION CO VOC-TECH Salary guide data not available5 144 9 7 55,098 66,530 63,520 60,699 58,164

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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UNION TWP Salary guide data not available4 727 11 10 62,811 74,495 70,632 69,694 67,813

WESTFIELD TOWN BA 60,580 106,280 314 568 10 10 68,565 81,810 75,831 76,766 73,8271/3MA 63,399 110,452 31 M+30 66,018 114,785 31 DOCT 68,998 119,273 31

WINFIELD TWP BA 49,524 62,344 191 16 13 12 54,252 62,847 66,262 59,953 55,4741/3MA 52,952 66,822 19

B+10 50,444 63,646 19

Longevity: Add $1,500 after 20 years


ALLAMUCHY TWP BA 44,130 74,500 191 40 9 9 48,280 56,700 53,422 52,236 52,6303/3B+30 45,730 76,100 19 M+30 48,130 78,500 19

B+15 44,930 75,300 19 MA 46,530 76,900 19 M+45 48,930 79,300 19

M+15 47,330 77,700 19

Longevity: Add $500 for yearrs 10-14, $750 for years 15-19, $1,000 for years 20-24, $2,000 for year 25 (total $4,250) in

district, $1,600 recognition for each subsequent year of service to the district as TPAF

ALPHA BORO BA 46,780 80,105 201 27 13 11 49,767 63,047 58,701 56,204 53,4221/3B+30 50,380 83,705 20 M+30 55,780 89,105 20

B+15 48,580 81,905 20 MA 52,180 85,505 20

M+15 53,980 87,305 20

BELVIDERE TOWN BA 46,515 84,100 212 84 13 11 50,020 61,770 59,448 59,876 55,0203/3MA 49,015 86,600 21 M+30 51,015 88,600 21

B+15 47,515 85,100 21 M+15 50,015 87,600 21

BLAIRSTOWN TWP BA 50,000 85,700 181 57 12 10 52,000 70,895 63,331 62,590 58,8151/3B+30 51,040 86,740 18 M+30 53,640 89,340 18 PhD 54,680 90,380 18

B+15 50,520 86,220 18 MA 52,600 88,300 18 M+45 54,160 89,860 18

M+15 53,120 88,820 18

Longevity: Add $100 for years 11 through 30 (total $2,000) in district

FRANKLIN TWP BA 48,455 61,510 131 29 14 11 53,245 63,345 60,137 58,753 59,1951/3B+30 51,955 65,010 13 M+30 57,205 70,260 13

B+15 50,205 63,260 13 MA 53,705 66,760 13

M+15 55,455 68,510 13

FRELINGHUYSEN TWP BA 46,282 76,002 141 14 16 14 60,332 76,002 61,966 65,992 66,5323/3B+30 48,582 78,302 14 M+30 52,032 81,752 14

B+15 47,432 77,152 14 MA 49,732 79,452 14

M+15 50,882 80,602 14

GREAT MEADOWS REGIONAL BA 51,920 74,475 151 79 14 12 54,335 78,225 64,165 63,889 59,3403/3B+30 54,220 76,775 15 M+30 57,670 80,225 15

B+15 53,070 75,625 15 MA 55,370 77,925 15

M+15 56,520 79,075 15

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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Page 56: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district




Dist Grp

# of

StepsDegree Maximum


Salary Guide Data Teacher Salary Data



No. of


full time

Avg Yrs


Exp in


Salary Range

Q1 Q3

Avg Classroom

Tchrs Salary

13/14 14/15




New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


# of

StepsDegree MaximumMinimum

# of

StepsDegree MaximumMinimum

# of

StepsDegree Maximum


GREENWICH TWP BA 46,036 58,032 141 77 12 10 52,465 60,968 55,296 56,240 56,8202/3B+30 49,322 61,318 14 M+30 52,608 64,604 14

B+15 47,679 59,675 14 MA 50,965 62,961 14

M+15 51,787 63,783 14

Longevity: Add $500 after 15 years, $1,000 after 20 years $1,500 after 25 years (total $3,000) in district

HACKETTSTOWN TOWN Salary guide data not available2 179 12 10 61,435 75,890 69,078 67,904 68,175

HARMONY TWP BA 46,035 78,520 201 31 14 11 55,135 69,040 63,680 61,999 62,6153/3B+30 48,385 80,870 20 M+30 52,460 84,945 20

B+15 47,210 79,695 20 MA 50,035 82,520 20 M+45 54,260 86,745 20

M+15 51,235 83,720 20

HOPE TWP Salary guide data not available1 18 8 8 53,520 65,172 59,201 58,195 57,428

KNOWLTON TWP BA 47,635 73,475 191 31 15 13 53,730 75,475 60,989 60,801 62,2553/3MA 50,035 75,875 19 M+30 52,435 78,275 19

B+15 48,835 74,675 19 M+15 51,235 77,075 19

LOPATCONG TWP Salary guide data not available1 79 12 9 59,368 70,291 63,873 65,133 65,491

MANSFIELD TWP BA 51,474 74,919 131 67 15 13 57,419 77,444 68,194 68,037 74,9193/3B+30 52,949 76,394 13 M+30 55,844 79,289 13

B+15 52,149 75,954 13 MA 53,999 77,444 13

M+15 54,799 78,244 13

Longevity: Add $650 after years 15-19, $1,150 after years 20-24, $400 after years 25-29, $500 for years 30+ (total $2,700)

NORTH WARREN REGIONAL BA 52,020 84,850 185 100 10 8 55,680 64,570 61,597 61,891 59,8603/3B+30 54,420 87,250 18 M+30 58,420 91,250 18

B+9 52,820 85,650 18 MA 56,420 89,250 18

B+20 53,820 86,650 18 M+9 57,020 89,850 18

M+20 57,820 90,650 18

Longevity: Add $300 for years 10-14, $800 for years 15-17, $900 for years 18-20, $1,000 for years 21-23, $1,100 for years

24-26, $1,200 for years 27-29, $1,300 for years 30-38, $1,350 for years 39-42 (total $7,950) in district

OXFORD TWP BA 45,920 68,070 171 34 10 8 49,395 62,370 54,198 55,649 52,6182/3B+30 47,495 69,645 17 M+30 50,195 72,345 17

B+15 46,670 68,820 17 MA 48,395 70,545 17

M+15 49,295 71,445 17

Longevity: Add $500 after 17 years, $1,000 after 19 years, $1,500 after 25 years (total 3,000)

PHILLIPSBURG TOWN BA 56,320 68,260 113 380 14 13 62,358 80,315 69,609 72,555 76,8782/3B+30 57,370 69,310 11 M+30 58,945 71,785 12 DOCT 59,945 72,785 12

B+15 56,845 68,785 11 MA 57,895 70,735 12

M+15 58,420 71,260 12

Longevity: year 13 range $8618 to $9232 (BA through Doct), Year 18 range $12055 to $12,914, year 23 range $17,0063 to

$18,280, year 28 range $19,568 to $20, 962, year 33 range $21,974 to $23,540, year 38 range $24429 to $26,170

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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Dist Grp

# of

StepsDegree Maximum


Salary Guide Data Teacher Salary Data



No. of


full time

Avg Yrs


Exp in


Salary Range

Q1 Q3

Avg Classroom

Tchrs Salary

13/14 14/15




New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


# of

StepsDegree MaximumMinimum

# of

StepsDegree MaximumMinimum

# of

StepsDegree Maximum


POHATCONG TWP BA 52,025 77,785 171 34 15 12 54,325 69,585 59,693 62,648 62,4853/3B+30 52,925 78,685 17 M+30 55,625 81,385 17

B+15 52,325 78,085 17 MA 53,825 79,585 17

M+15 54,725 80,485 17

Longevity: Add $350 for years 14-19, $500 for years 20-24, $650 for years 25-29, $800 for years 30+ (total $2,300)

WARREN CO SPECIAL SERVICE BA 49,754 65,059 122 19 9 7 52,454 65,059 53,488 57,957 59,3742/3B+30 51,654 66,959 12 M+30 54,454 69,759 12

B+15 50,854 66,159 12 MA 52,454 67,759 12

M+15 53,404 68,709 12

WARREN CO VOC-TECH BA 45,867 76,177 285 53 10 7 50,666 66,866 58,343 60,027 57,8392/3B+30 47,392 75,892 27 M+30 49,678 78,247 27 S CERT 45,867 76,177 28

B+15 46,629 79,251 29 MA 48,153 77,854 28 S C+30 46,629 79,251 29

S BA 48,153 77,854 28 M+15 48,915 77,463 27 S C+60 47,392 75,892 27

S B+15 48,915 77,463 27 S B+30 49,678 78,247 27 M+60 50,463 77,855 26

Longevity: Add $420 for years 10-14, $841 for years 15-19, $1,51 for years 20-24, $1,576 for 25+ years (total $3,888) in


WARREN HILLS REGIONAL BA 50,718 77,223 145 168 11 11 58,703 83,298 71,553 71,346 77,2233/3B+30 54,768 81,273 14 M+30 60,843 87,348 14

B+15 52,743 79,248 14 MA 56,793 83,298 14 M+45 62,868 89,373 14

M+15 58,818 85,323 14

WASHINGTON BORO BA 46,015 73,275 131 53 13 12 55,115 74,374 63,331 63,120 63,1253/3B+30 47,165 74,425 13 M+30 49,825 77,085 13

B+15 46,615 73,875 13 MA 48,720 75,980 13 M+45 50,375 77,635 13

M+15 49,275 76,535 13

WASHINGTON TWP BA 46,326 74,896 171 60 13 12 51,381 76,796 64,285 64,057 63,9172/3B+30 48,926 77,496 17 M+30 52,826 81,396 17 M+60 55,426 83,996 17

B+15 47,626 76,196 17 MA 50,226 78,796 17 M+45 54,126 82,696 17

M+15 51,526 80,096 17

Longevity: Add $600 for years 17-19, $800 for years 20-24, $1,000 for year 25+ (total $2,400) in district

WHITE TWP BA 48,740 78,400 201 42 13 11 51,435 73,465 60,952 62,502 60,5484/4B+30 52,740 82,400 20 M+30 58,740 88,400 20

B+15 50,740 80,400 20 MA 54,740 84,400 20

M+15 56,740 86,400 20

T - teaching D - districtQ1 - Quartile 1 or 25th percentile.

Q3 - Quartile 3 or 75th percentile.

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Baseball H 128 $6,705 $7,569 3 $454 Track: Outdoor E 34 $2,362 $2,631 2 $326H* 119 4,688 5,394 3 367 Track: Outdoor - Boys H 124 6,732 7,650 3 476M 107 3,238 3,569 2 286 H* 122 4,745 5,459 3 373E 56 2,578 2,824 2 363 M 87 3,191 3,523 2 252

Field Hockey H 78 6,672 7,554 3 475 Track: Outdoor - Girls H 123 6,742 7,668 3 473H* 72 4,722 5,461 3 385 H* 121 4,749 5,478 3 377M 74 3,213 3,566 2 322 M 87 3,200 3,532 2 249

Basketball - Boys H 128 7,372 8,229 3 451 Soccer E 71 2,807 2,674 2 -201H* 120 5,100 5,831 3 386 Soccer - Boys H 127 6,611 7,473 3 451M 158 3,258 3,537 2 302 H* 118 4,641 5,333 3 361E 88 2,717 2,905 2 363 M 133 3,024 3,314 2 274

Basketball - Girls H 127 7,346 8,307 3 505 Soccer - Girls H 126 6,623 7,492 3 449H* 118 5,114 5,844 3 381 H* 117 4,654 5,352 3 361M 158 3,266 3,526 2 282 M 133 3,024 3,314 2 274E 87 2,721 2,911 2 367 Tennis M 29 2,909 3,585 4 245

Football H 125 8,325 9,366 3 529 Tennis - Boys H 115 5,525 6,301 3 390H* 123 5,703 6,491 3 402 H* 91 3,893 4,516 3 334

Bowling H 84 4,891 5,532 3 382 Tennis - Girls H 115 5,526 6,292 3 385H* 29 3,589 4,352 3 382 H* 90 3,882 4,512 3 334

Golf H 108 4,924 5,653 3 355 Volleyball H* 73 4,638 5,302 3 387H* 46 3,597 4,335 4 295 M 57 2,637 2,891 2 296

Cross Country H* 79 3,969 4,761 3 372 E 27 2,148 2,374 2 358M 77 3,125 3,479 2 306 Volleyball - Boys H 77 6,407 7,342 3 537

Cross Country - Boys H 122 5,642 6,412 3 391 Volleyball - Girls H 82 6,523 7,429 3 534Cross Country - Girls H 122 5,643 6,413 3 396 Softball E 50 2,338 2,630 2 347Gymnastics H 30 6,378 7,224 3 445 Softball - Boys H 117 6,706 7,641 3 478

H* 21 4,875 5,811 3 410 H* 109 4,749 5,476 3 370Intramurals H 26 3,063 3,126 1 206 M 99 3,189 3,542 2 284

M 66 1,975 2,124 2 229 Softball - Girls H 125 6,713 7,556 3 450E 44 1,771 1,957 2 222 H* 116 4,719 5,411 3 367

Swimming H* 79 4,486 5,212 3 361 M 110 3,141 3,457 2 283Swimming - Boys H 89 6,290 7,175 3 448 Track: Indoor H* 81 4,220 4,843 3 360Swimming - Girls H 89 6,289 7,175 3 448 Track: Indoor - Boys H 97 5,714 6,538 3 435

Track: Indoor - Girls H 96 5,773 6,573 3 417Wrestling H 122 7,307 8,292 3 495

H* 113 5,101 5,881 3 383M 67 3,669 4,116 3 286

a/ Only guides which reported number of steps and/or increments are included in this table.

* - assistantE - elementaryM - middle schoolH - high school

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6


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Page 59: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


Musicals/Operettas H 73 $4,118 $4,116 1 -$5 Yearbook - Advisor H 125 $4,789 $5,008 2 $285H* 20 2396 2458 1 622 H* 16 2338 2422 2 133M 56 2527 2652 1 291 M 184 2158 2259 2 198

Plays (Drama) H 116 4082 4241 2 212 E 115 1637 1727 2 156H* 45 2673 2840 2 145 Yearbook - Business Manager H 55 2699 2823 2 219M 127 2240 2482 1 616 Art Advisor M 54 1466 1471 1 124E 83 1892 1978 1 240 Student Council H 115 3377 3540 2 197

Other H 4 2481 2518 2 74 M 189 2023 2071 2 95Director/Manager/Coor - Stage H 47 2690 2767 1 156 E 134 1578 1691 1 230

M 18 2043 2118 1 169 Club Sponsors: Do not include sports H 4 2650 2726 2 114Scenery/Set Construction H 54 1845 1953 2 118 Senior H 130 3153 3257 2 175

M 31 1450 1539 1 198 Junior H 130 2657 2755 2 164Director of Music H 9 4989 5045 2 73 Sophomore H 126 2145 2227 2 136

M 6 3549 3549 1 Freshman H 126 1950 2027 2 138Band (Do not include marching Band) H 81 5639 5897 2 258 Grade 8 M 91 1863 1812 1 -118

H* 42 3838 3990 2 277 Grade 7 M 46 1748 1786 2 54M 91 2741 2915 1 415 Audio Visual H 36 2411 2542 2 92E 64 2392 2543 1 439 M 45 1954 2056 1 255

Orchestra H 46 2838 2905 1 147 E 33 1328 1375 1 175M 29 2478 2603 1 1811 Director of Activities H 26 5902 6045 2 234E 19 2671 2857 1 M 19 3151 3235 1 199

Vocal/Choral/Glee Club H 92 3156 3329 2 201 Forensics H 17 2469 2589 2 225M 101 2252 2366 1 329 Safety Patrol M 56 1289 1362 2 103E 73 2114 2258 2 218 E 75 1258 1318 2 100

Literary Magazine - Advisor H 68 2225 2351 2 151 School Store H 18 2423 2519 1 217M 40 1741 1844 1 229 M 17 1582 1606 1 208

Newspaper - Advisor H 100 3462 3493 2 45M 107 1890 1985 2 159E 57 1497 1605 2 140

a/ Only guides which reported number of steps and/or increments are included in this table.

E - elementary * - assistant


Page 58

H - high school M - middle school

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

Page 60: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


ATLANTIC CITY4 KB H 7496 7496 1 BB H 5742 5742 1 CB H 5422 5422 1 OB H 5422 5422 1 SB H 5742 5742 1 IM M 797 797 1 FB H 7496 7496 1 FH H 5422 5422 1

H* 4545 4545 1 H* 3834 3834 1 H* 3834 3834 1 H* 3349 3349 1 H* 3834 3834 1 WR H 5742 5742 1 H* 4625 4625 1 H* 3349 3349 1

M 3379 3379 1 GF H 5422 5422 1 CG H 5422 5422 1 OG H 5422 5422 1 SG H 5742 5742 1 H* 3834 3834 1 SW H* 3349 3349 1 NB H 5422 5422 1

KG H 7496 7496 1 H* 3834 3834 1 H* 3349 3349 1 H* 3834 3834 1 VY M 2302 2302 1 H* 3349 3349 1

H* 4545 4545 1 TB H 5422 5422 1 XB H 5422 5422 1 WB H 5742 5742 1 NG H 5422 5422 1

M 3379 3379 1 TG H 5422 5422 1 XG H 5422 5422 1 WG H 5742 5742 1 H* 3349 3349 1

TI H* 3349 3349 1

EGG HARBOR CITY1 KB M 2484 2484 1 BB M 2484 2484 1 CX M 2484 2484 1

E 2484 2484 1 E 2484 2484 1 SB M 2484 2484 1

KG M 2484 2484 1 SF E 2484 2484 1

E 2484 2484 1 SG M 2484 2484 1

FOLSOM BORO1 KB M 1632 1632 1 CX M 1632 1632 1 VY M 1632 1632 1

E 1632 1632 1 SB M 306 306 1 E 1632 1632 1

KG M 1632 1632 1 SF E 306 306 1

E 1632 1632 1 SG M 306 306 1

GREATER EGG HARBOR REG5 KB H 7228 8032 4 BB H 6376 7180 4 CB H 6376 7180 4 OB H 6380 7180 4 CX H* 3309 4113 4 WR H 7228 8032 4 FB H 8080 8884 4 NB H 5438 6242 4

H* 4587 5390 4 H* 3905 4709 4 H* 3905 4709 4 H* 3905 4709 4 SB H 6376 7180 4 H* 4587 5390 4 H* 5098 5901 4 H* 3309 4113 4

KG H 7228 8032 4 GF H 5438 6242 4 CG H 6376 7180 4 OG H 6380 7180 4 H* 3905 4709 4 SW H* 3905 4709 4 NG H 5438 6242 4

H* 4587 5390 4 H* 3309 4113 4 H* 3905 4709 4 H* 3905 4709 4 SG H 6376 7180 4 VB H 5438 6242 4 H* 3309 4113 4

TB H 5438 6242 4 H* 3905 4709 4 VG H 5438 6242 4

TG H 5438 6242 4 XB H 5438 6242 4 VY H* 3309 4113 4

TI H* 3309 4113 4 XG H 5438 6242 4 WB H 6376 7180 4

WG H 6376 7180 4

MAINLAND REGIONAL5 KB H 9055 9055 1 BB H 7868 7868 1 CB H 7868 7868 1 OB H 7657 7657 1 SB H 7868 7868 1 IM H 3506 3506 1 FB H 1E4 1E4 1 FH H 7868 7868 1

H* 6345 6345 1 H* 5514 5514 1 H* 5514 5514 1 H* 5366 5366 1 H* 5514 5514 1 WR H 9055 9055 1 H* 7208 7208 1 H* 5514 5514 1

KG H 9055 9055 1 GF H 5901 5901 1 CG H 7868 7868 1 OG H 7657 7657 1 SG H 7868 7868 1 H* 6345 6345 1 SW H* 6345 6345 1 NB H 5901 5901 1

H* 6345 6345 1 H* 5514 5514 1 H* 5366 5366 1 H* 5514 5514 1 WB H 9055 9055 1 H* 4131 4131 1

TB H 5901 5901 1 XB H 5901 5901 1 WG H 9055 9055 1 NG H 5901 5901 1

TG H 5901 5901 1 XG H 5901 5901 1 H* 4131 4131 1

TI H* 4131 4131 1

VENTNOR CITY1 KB M 2050 2050 1

E 2050 2050 1

KG M 2050 2050 1

E 2050 2050 1


ALPINE BORO1 KB M 7083 7083 1 BB M 2352 2352 1 CB M 2352 2352 1 OB M 2352 2352 1 CX M 2352 2352 1 WR M 2352 2352 1 VY M 2352 2352 1 FH M 2352 2352 1

E 7083 7083 1 E 2352 2352 1 CG M 2352 2352 1 OG M 2352 2352 1 SB M 2352 2352 1 E 2352 2352 1 TN M 2352 2352 1

KG M 7083 7083 1 SC E 2352 2352 1 TO E 2352 2352 1 SF E 2352 2352 1

E 7083 7083 1 SG M 2352 2352 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

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Page 61: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


BERGENFIELD BORO3 KB H 7090 7090 1 BB H 6649 6649 1 CB H 6649 6649 1 OB H 6649 6649 1 CX M 3781 3781 1 IM H 6168 6168 1 FB H 8055 8055 1 NB H 6017 6017 1

H* 5117 5117 1 H* 5548 5548 1 H* 4826 4826 1 H* 4826 4826 1 SB H 6649 6649 1 WR H 7090 7090 1 H* 5548 5548 1 H* 4281 4281 1

M 3781 3781 1 M 3781 3781 1 M 3781 3781 1 M 3781 3781 1 H* 4826 4826 1 H* 5117 5117 1 VB H 6017 6017 1 NG H 6017 6017 1

KG H 7090 7090 1 BW H 6017 6017 1 CG H 6649 6649 1 OG H 6649 6649 1 M 3781 3781 1 M 3781 3781 1 VG H 6017 6017 1 H* 4281 4281 1

H* 5117 5117 1 GF H 6017 6017 1 H* 4826 4826 1 H* 4826 4826 1 SG H 6649 6649 1 VY H* 4281 4281 1

M 3781 3781 1 M 3781 3781 1 M 3781 3781 1 H* 4826 4826 1 M 3781 3781 1

TB H 6017 6017 1 M 3781 3781 1

TG H 6017 6017 1 XB H 6017 6017 1

TI H* 4281 4281 1 XG H 6017 6017 1

CLIFFSIDE PARK BORO2 KB H 8250 8250 1 BB H 8500 8500 1 CB H 8500 8500 1 OB H 8500 8500 1 CX H* 5450 5450 1 WR H 8500 8500 1 FB H 9050 9050 1 NB H 6350 6350 1

H* 6300 6300 1 H* 6300 6300 1 H* 6300 6300 1 H* 6300 6300 1 M 4350 4350 1 H* 6300 6300 1 H* 6300 6300 1 NG H 6350 6350 1

M 4350 4350 1 BW H 5450 5450 1 CG H 8500 8500 1 M 4350 4350 1 SB H 8500 8500 1 M 4350 4350 1 VG H 8500 8500 1

KG H 8250 8250 1 GF H 6350 6350 1 H* 6300 6300 1 OG H 8500 8500 1 H* 6300 6300 1 VY H* 6300 6300 1

H* 6300 6300 1 H* 6300 6300 1 M 4350 4350 1 M 4350 4350 1

M 4350 4350 1 M 4350 4350 1 SG H 8500 8500 1

TB H 6300 6300 1 H* 6300 6300 1

TG H 6300 6300 1 M 4350 4350 1

XB H 6300 6300 1

XG H 6300 6300 1

CLOSTER BORO1 KB M 2573 2573 1 CB M 2514 2514 1 OB M 2573 2573 1 CX M 1285 1285 1 VY M 2514 2514 1

E 2573 2573 1 CG M 2514 2514 1 OG M 2573 2573 1 E 2514 2514 1

KG M 2573 2573 1 SC E 2514 2514 1 TO E 2573 2573 1

E 2573 2573 1

ELMWOOD PARK2 BB H 5751 9130 4 CB H 5751 9130 4 OB H 5751 9130 4 CX H* 3501 5168 4 IM H 1450 1450 1 FB H 8082 12E3 4 NB H 3995 5751 4

H* 4583 6328 4 H* 4583 6328 4 H* 4583 6328 4 XB H 3995 5751 4 WR H 5751 1E4 4 H* 6049 7786 4 H* 3501 5168 4

BW H 3995 5751 4 CG H 5751 9130 4 OG H 5751 9130 4 XG H 3995 5751 4 H* 4583 6328 4 VB H 5751 9130 4 NG H 3995 5751 4

H* 3501 5168 4 H* 4583 6328 4 H* 4583 6328 4 VG H 5751 9130 4 H* 3501 5168 4

TB H 5751 9130 4 VY H* 4583 6328 4

TG H 5751 9130 4

TI H* 4583 6328 4

EMERSON BORO2 KB H 7289 8171 3 BB H 6887 7950 3 CB H 5454 6403 3 OB H 6833 7896 3 CX H* 2388 3598 3 WR H 7289 8171 3 FB H 8081 9783 3 NB H 5213 6162 3

H* 3980 5205 3 H* 3719 4975 3 H* 2883 4093 3 H* 3719 4976 3 SB H 6887 7950 3 H* 3980 5205 3 H* 4311 5562 3 H* 2727 3938 3

KG H 7289 8171 3 CG H 5454 6403 3 OG H 6833 7896 3 H* 3719 4976 3 VB H 5357 6306 3 NG H 5213 6162 3

H* 3980 5205 3 H* 2883 4093 3 H* 3719 4976 3 SG H 6887 7950 3 VG H 5357 6306 3 H* 2727 3938 3

H* 3719 4976 3 VY H* 2856 4068 3

XB H 4584 5533 3

XG H 4584 5533 3

ENGLEWOOD CITY2 KB H 7200 7200 1 BB H 6300 6300 1 CB H 6300 6300 1 OB H 7200 7200 1 SB H 6300 6300 1 FB H 9000 9000 1 NB H 6300 6300 1

H* 5400 5400 1 H* 4500 4500 1 H* 4500 4500 1 H* 5400 5400 1 H* 4500 4500 1 H* 5400 5400 1 H* 4500 4500 1

M 3000 3000 1 M 3000 3000 1 M 3000 3000 1 M 3000 3000 1 M 3000 3000 1 VB H 6300 6300 1 NG H 6300 6300 1

KG H 7200 7200 1 CG H 6300 6300 1 OG H 7200 7200 1 SG H 6300 6300 1 VG H 6300 6300 1 H* 4500 4500 1

H* 5400 5400 1 H* 4500 4500 1 H* 5400 5400 1 H* 4500 4500 1 VY H* 4500 4500 1

M 3000 3000 1 M 3000 3000 1 M 3000 3000 1 M 3000 3000 1 M 3000 3000 1

TB H 6300 6300 1

TG H 6300 6300 1

TI H* 4500 4500 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

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Page 62: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


FAIR LAWN BORO3 KB H 7865 9066 3 BB H 6663 7805 3 CB H 6663 7805 3 OB H 7865 9066 3 CX H* 4548 5178 3 GM H 6064 6904 3 FB H 8704 1E4 3 NB H 5103 5823 3

H* 5898 6799 3 H* 4998 5853 3 H* 4998 5853 3 H* 5898 6799 3 SB H 6663 7805 3 H* 4548 5178 3 H* 6529 7700 3 H* 3827 4367 3

KG H 7865 9066 3 BW H 5103 5823 3 CG H 6663 7805 3 OG H 7865 9066 3 H* 4998 5853 3 WR H 7865 9066 3 SW H* 5898 6799 3 NG H 5103 5823 3

H* 5898 6799 3 H* 3827 4367 3 H* 4998 5853 3 H* 5898 6799 3 SG H 6663 7805 3 H* 5898 6799 3 VB H 6663 7805 3 H* 3827 4367 3

GF H 5103 5823 3 TB H 6064 6904 3 H* 4998 5853 3 VG H 6663 7805 3

H* 3827 4367 3 TG H 6064 6904 3 XB H 6064 6904 3 VY H* 4998 5853 3

TI H* 4548 5178 3 XG H 6064 6904 3 WB H 7865 9066 3

WG H 7865 9066 3

HASBROUCK HEIGHTS BORO2 KB H 6435 7901 5 BB H 6072 7534 5 CB H 5069 6530 5 OB H 6072 7534 5 SB H 6072 7534 5 IM H 1161 1893 5 FB H 7969 9430 5 NB H 4372 5836 5

H* 4028 5490 5 H* 4028 5490 5 H* 4028 5490 5 H* 4028 5490 5 H* 4028 5490 5 WR H 4028 5490 5 H* 4851 6314 5 H* 3468 4346 5

KG H 6435 7901 5 BW H 3494 4220 5 CG H 5069 6530 5 OG H 6072 7534 5 SG H 6072 7534 5 H* 4028 5490 5 SW H* 3500 3900 5 NG H 4372 5836 5

H* 4028 5490 5 GF H 4372 5836 5 H* 4028 5490 5 H* 4028 5490 5 H* 4028 5490 5 VB H 5069 6530 5 H* 3468 4346 5

TB H 4028 5490 5 XB H 4372 5836 5 VG H 5069 6530 5

TG H 4028 5490 5 XG H 4372 5836 5 VY H* 4028 5490 5

TI H* 2150 2409 5 M 1375 1375 1

WB H 5000 5400 5

WG H 5000 5400 5

HILLSDALE BORO1 KB M 3840 4464 3 CB M 3326 3949 3 OB M 2468 3090 3 IM M 876 1031 3 VY M 3326 3949 3

E 3840 4464 3 CG M 3326 3949 3 OG M 2468 3090 3 E 876 1031 3 E 3326 3949 3

KG M 3840 4464 3 SC E 3326 3949 3 TO E 2468 3090 3 WR M 3326 3949 3

E 3840 4464 3

LEONIA BORO2 KB H 8275 8275 1 BB H 8275 8275 1 CB H 8275 8275 1 OB H 8275 8275 1 CX H* 4854 4854 1 WR H 8275 8275 1 FB H 8275 8275 1 NB H 6450 6450 1

H* 6200 6200 1 H* 6200 6200 1 H* 6200 6200 1 H* 6200 6200 1 SB H 8275 8275 1 H* 6200 6200 1 H* 4854 4854 1

KG H 8275 8275 1 M 4380 4380 1 M 4380 4380 1 M 4380 4380 1 H* 6200 6200 1 SW H* 6200 6200 1 NG H 6450 6450 1

H* 6200 6200 1 BW H 5300 5300 1 CG H 8275 8275 1 OG H 8275 8275 1 M 4380 4380 1 VB H 8275 8275 1 H* 4854 4854 1

H* 6200 6200 1 H* 6200 6200 1 XB H 6450 6450 1 VG H 8275 8275 1

M 4380 4380 1 M 4380 4380 1 XG H 6450 6450 1 VY H* 6200 6200 1

M 4380 4380 1

WB H 8275 8275 1

WG H 8275 8275 1

LODI BOROUGH3 KB H 9681 9681 1 BB H 9681 9681 1 CB H 9681 9681 1 OB H 9681 9681 1 SB H 9681 9681 1 IM H 14E3 14E3 1 FB H 11E3 11E3 1 NB H 7354 7354 1

H* 6968 6968 1 H* 6968 6968 1 H* 6968 6968 1 H* 6968 6968 1 H* 6968 6968 1 WR H 9681 9681 1 H* 7619 7619 1 NG H 7354 7354 1

M 5996 5996 1 BW H 6538 6538 1 CG H 9681 9681 1 OG H 9681 9681 1 SG H 9681 9681 1 H* 6968 6968 1 VG H 9681 9681 1

KG H 9681 9681 1 H* 6968 6968 1 H* 6968 6968 1 H* 6968 6968 1

H* 6968 6968 1

M 5996 5996 1

LYNDHURST TWP2 KB H 7379 9418 3 BB H 7379 9418 3 CB H 6438 8547 3 OB H 7379 9418 3 CX H* 5588 7164 3 WR H 7379 9418 3 FB H 8253 1E4 3 NB H 4214 5626 3

H* 5588 7164 3 H* 5588 7164 3 H* 4852 6300 3 H* 5588 7164 3 SB H 7379 9418 3 H* 5588 7164 3 H* 6184 7866 3 H* 3191 4228 3

BW H 4214 5626 3 CG H 6438 8547 3 OG H 7379 9418 3 H* 5588 7164 3 SW H* 5588 7164 3 NG H 4214 5626 3

H* 3191 4228 3 H* 4852 6300 3 H* 5588 7164 3 SG H 7379 9418 3 VB H 6438 8547 3 H* 3191 4228 3

GF H 4214 5626 3 TB H 4214 5626 3 H* 5588 7164 3 VG H 6438 8547 3

H* 3191 4228 3 TG H 4214 5626 3 XB H 7379 9418 3 VY H* 4852 6300 3

TI H* 3191 4228 3 XG H 7379 9418 3 WB H 7379 9418 3

WG H 7379 9418 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 61

Page 63: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


MIDLAND PARK BORO2 KB H 5654 5654 1 BB H 5362 5362 1 CB H 5443 5443 1 OB H 5307 5307 1 CX H* 3619 3619 1 IM M 599 599 1 FB H 6669 6669 1 NB H 4446 4446 1

H* 4489 4489 1 H* 4359 4359 1 H* 3881 3881 1 H* 4242 4242 1 SB H 5362 5362 1 E 599 599 1 H* 4636 4636 1 NG H 4446 4446 1

M 2470 2470 1 BW H 3815 3816 1 M 2470 2470 1 M 2470 2470 1 H* 4359 4359 1 WR H 5544 5544 1 VB H 5177 5177 1

KG H 5654 5654 1 GF H 3334 3334 1 CG H 5443 5443 1 OG H 5307 5307 1 SG H 5362 5362 1 H* 4263 4263 1 VG H 5177 5177 1

H* 4489 4489 1 H* 3881 3881 1 H* 4242 4242 1 H* 4359 4359 1 M 2470 2470 1 VY H* 3837 3837 1

M 2470 2470 1 M 2470 2470 1 M 2470 2470 1 XB H 4481 4481 1 M 2470 2470 1

TB H 4112 4112 1 XG H 4481 4481 1

TG H 4112 4112 1

TI H* 3415 3415 1

MONTVALE BORO1 KB M 3006 3497 3 BB M 3005 3497 3 CB M 2742 3236 3 OB M 2742 3236 3 SB M 3006 3497 3 IM M 914 1161 3 VY M 2742 3236 3

E 3006 3497 3 E 3005 3497 3 CG M 2742 3236 3 OG M 2742 3236 3 SF E 3006 3497 3 E 914 1161 3 E 2742 3236 3

KG M 3006 3497 3 SC E 2742 3236 3 TO E 2742 3236 3 SG M 3006 3497 3

E 3006 3497 3

NORTHERN VALLEY REGIONAL5 KB H 8033 8964 4 BB H 7256 8432 4 CB H 7256 8432 4 OB H 7806 8720 4 CX H* 4556 5126 4 IM H 1329 1329 1 FB H 9087 11E3 4 FH H 7256 8432 4

H* 5503 6284 4 H* 5259 6036 4 H* 5259 6036 4 H* 5259 6036 4 SB H 7256 8432 4 WR H 8033 8964 4 H* 6144 7138 4 H* 5259 6036 4

KG H 8033 8964 4 BW H 6112 6833 4 CG H 7256 8432 4 OG H 7806 8720 4 H* 5259 6036 4 H* 5503 6284 4 SW H* 5182 5947 4 NB H 5693 6444 4

H* 5503 6284 4 H* 3790 4354 4 H* 5259 6036 4 H* 5259 6036 4 SG H 7256 8432 4 VB H 7256 8432 4 H* 3573 4345 4

GF H 5531 6284 4 TB H 7256 8432 4 H* 5259 6036 4 VG H 7256 8432 4 NG H 5693 6444 4

H* 3573 4345 4 TG H 7256 8432 4 XB H 6116 6873 4 VY H* 5259 6036 4 H* 3573 4345 4

TI H* 5259 6036 4 XG H 6116 6873 4 WB H 7149 8308 4

WG H 7149 8308 4

NORTHVALE BORO1 KB M 2804 2804 1 CB M 2804 2804 1 OB M 1636 1636 1 IM M 3037 3037 1 VY M 2804 2804 1

E 2804 2804 1 CG M 2804 2804 1 OG M 1636 1636 1 E 3037 3037 1 E 2804 2804 1

KG M 2804 2804 1 SC E 2804 2804 1 TO E 1636 1636 1

E 2804 2804 1

OLD TAPPAN BORO1 IM M 1287 1287 1

E 1287 1287 1

ORADELL BORO1 IM M 650 650 1

E 650 650 1

PALISADES PARK2 KB H 6064 6064 1 BB H 6064 6064 1 CB H 6064 6064 1 OB H 6064 6064 1 CX H* 4717 4717 1 FB H 6790 6790 1 NB H 6064 6064 1

H* 4717 4717 1 H* 4717 4717 1 H* 4717 4717 1 H* 4717 4717 1 M 2900 2900 1 H* 4717 4717 1 H* 4717 4717 1

M 2900 2900 1 M 2900 2900 1 M 2900 2900 1 M 2900 2900 1 SB H 6064 6064 1 SW H* 4717 4717 1 NG H 6064 6064 1

KG H 6064 6064 1 BW H 4808 4808 1 CG H 6064 6064 1 OG H 6064 6064 1 H* 4717 4717 1 VB H 6064 6064 1 H* 4717 4717 1

H* 4717 4717 1 GF H 4808 4808 1 H* 4717 4717 1 H* 4717 4717 1 M 2900 2900 1 VG H 6064 6064 1 TN M 2900 2900 1

M 2900 2900 1 M 2900 2900 1 M 2900 2900 1 SG H 6064 6064 1 VY H* 4717 4717 1

TB H 6064 6064 1 H* 4717 4717 1 M 2900 2900 1

TG H 6064 6064 1 M 2900 2900 1 WB H 6064 6064 1

XB H 6064 6064 1 WG H 6064 6064 1

XG H 6064 6064 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 62

Page 64: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


PARK RIDGE BORO2 KB H 7172 7588 3 BB H 6552 6968 3 CB H 6022 6437 3 OB H 8945 9359 3 SB H 6552 6968 3 IM M 1606 1606 1 FB H 8415 8830 3 NB H 4781 5198 3

H* 4782 5198 3 H* 4573 4991 3 H* 4254 4670 3 H* 4573 4991 3 H* 4573 4991 3 WR H 7172 7588 3 H* 5302 5719 3 H* 3012 3431 3

M 3848 4261 3 M 4573 4991 3 M 3249 3662 3 M 3533 3952 3 M 4573 4991 3 VB H 6022 6437 3 NG H 4781 5198 3

KG H 7172 7588 3 BW H 3637 4055 3 CG H 6022 6437 3 OG H 8945 9359 3 SG H 6552 6968 3 VG H 6022 6437 3 H* 3012 3431 3

H* 4782 5198 3 H* 2579 2868 3 H* 4254 4670 3 H* 4573 4991 3 H* 4573 4991 3 VY H* 4254 4670 3

M 3848 4261 3 GF H 3637 4055 3 M 3249 3662 3 M 3533 3952 3 M 4573 4991 3 M 3732 4151 3

TB H 3637 4055 3 XB H 4774 5190 3

TG H 3637 4055 3 XG H 4774 5190 3

TI H* 2550 2848 3

PASCACK VALLEY REGIONAL5 KB H 9000 1E4 3 BB H 7900 8900 3 CB H 7900 8900 3 OB H 7900 8900 3 CX H* 4500 5600 3 GM H 6200 7100 3 FB H 11E3 12E3 3 FH H 7900 8900 3

H* 6200 7100 3 H* 5800 6700 3 H* 5800 6700 3 H* 5800 6700 3 SB H 7900 8900 3 WR H 9000 1E4 3 H* 6800 7700 3 H* 5800 6700 3

KG H 9000 1E4 3 BW H 6200 7100 3 CG H 7900 8900 3 OG H 7900 8900 3 H* 5800 6700 3 H* 6200 7100 3 SW H* 5800 6700 3 NB H 6200 7100 3

H* 6200 7100 3 GF H 6200 7100 3 H* 5800 6700 3 H* 5800 6700 3 SG H 7900 8900 3 VB H 7300 8200 3 H* 4500 5600 3

TB H 6200 7100 3 H* 5800 6700 3 VG H 7300 8200 3 NG H 6200 7100 3

TG H 6200 7100 3 XB H 6200 7100 3 VY H* 4800 5800 3 H* 4500 5600 3

TI H* 4500 5600 3 XG H 6200 7100 3 WB H 7900 8900 3

WG H 7900 8900 3

RAMSEY BORO2 KB H 1E4 1E4 1 BB H 9141 9141 1 CB H 9141 9141 1 OB H 9354 9354 1 CX H* 6395 6395 1 IM H 2710 2710 1 FB H 12E3 12E3 1 FH H 8962 8962 1

H* 7580 7580 1 H* 6523 6523 1 H* 6523 6523 1 H* 6523 6523 1 SB H 9141 9141 1 M 2710 2710 1 H* 8576 8576 1 H* 6395 6395 1

M 6394 6394 1 BW H 6065 6065 1 CG H 9141 9141 1 M 5598 5598 1 H* 6523 6523 1 E 2710 2710 1 VB H 9141 9141 1 NB H 7847 7847 1

KG H 1E4 1E4 1 GF H 6523 6523 1 H* 6523 6523 1 OG H 9354 9354 1 SG H 9141 9141 1 WR H 1E4 1E4 1 VG H 9141 9141 1 H* 5598 5598 1

H* 7580 7580 1 H* 6523 6523 1 H* 6523 6523 1 H* 7580 7580 1 VY H* 6523 6523 1 NG H 7847 7847 1

M 6394 6394 1 M 5598 5598 1 XB H 8962 8962 1 M 2662 2662 1 H* 5598 5598 1

TB H 6937 6937 1 XG H 8962 8962 1 WB H 9141 9141 1

TG H 6937 6937 1 WG H 9141 9141 1

TI H* 4631 4631 1

RIDGEFIELD BORO2 KB H 5610 7239 3 BB H 5449 7100 3 CB H 5844 7008 3 OB H 5449 7100 3 CX H* 3494 4515 3 WR H 5610 7239 3 FB H 6436 8071 3 NB H 4056 4750 3

H* 3630 4723 3 H* 3577 4516 3 H* 3507 4646 3 H* 3577 4517 3 SB H 5449 7100 3 H* 3612 4699 3 H* 4362 5067 3 H* 2673 3235 3

M 1861 2404 3 BW H 3316 4116 3 CG H 5844 7008 3 OG H 5449 7100 3 H* 3577 4516 3 VY M 2328 2847 3 NG H 4056 4750 3

KG H 5610 7239 3 GF H 3316 4116 3 H* 3507 4646 3 H* 3577 4517 3 SG H 5449 7100 3 H* 2673 3235 3

H* 3630 4723 3 TB H 2545 3329 3 H* 3577 4516 3

M 1861 2404 3 TG H 2545 3329 3 XB H 5844 7008 3

TI H* 2290 3031 3 XG H 5844 7008 3

ROCHELLE PARK TWP1 KB M 1444 1444 1 BB M 1968 1968 1 CB M 1480 1480 1 SB M 1968 1968 1 VY M 1482 1482 1

E 1444 1444 1 E 1968 1968 1 CG M 1480 1480 1 SF E 1968 1968 1 E 1482 1482 1

KG M 1444 1444 1 SC E 1480 1480 1 SG M 1968 1968 1

E 1444 1444 1

RUTHERFORD BORO2 KB H 7645 7845 3 BB H 6734 6934 3 CB H 6734 6934 3 OB H 6734 6934 3 SG H 6734 6934 3 IM M 1604 1604 1 FB H 9012 9212 3 NB H 6278 6478 3

H* 5322 5522 3 H* 4684 4884 3 H* 4684 4884 3 H* 4684 4884 3 H* 4684 4884 3 E 1604 1604 1 H* 6278 6478 3 H* 4365 4565 3

KG H 7645 7845 3 BW H 4460 4660 3 CG H 6734 6934 3 OG H 6734 6934 3 XB H 6278 6478 3 WR H 7645 7845 3 SW H* 4684 4884 3 NG H 6278 6478 3

H* 5322 5522 3 H* 4684 4884 3 H* 4684 4884 3 XG H 6278 6478 3 H* 5322 5522 3 VB H 6278 6478 3 H* 4365 4565 3

TB H 6278 6478 3 VG H 6278 6478 3

TG H 6278 6478 3 VY H* 4365 4565 3

TI H* 4365 4565 3 WB H 6734 6934 3

WG H 6734 6934 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 63

Page 65: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


SADDLE BROOK TWP2 KB H 6885 9438 3 BB H 5287 7695 3 CB H 4792 7150 3 OB H 6309 1E4 3 CX H* 2763 3963 2 IM M 2482 2482 1 FB H 7191 9763 3 NB H 4624 5810 2

H* 4928 6178 2 H* 3884 5074 2 H* 3381 4571 2 H* 4292 5336 2 SB H 5287 7695 3 WR H 6885 9438 3 H* 5224 6557 2 H* 2763 3963 2

M 2932 2932 1 BW H 2766 3381 2 M 2932 2932 1 M 2932 2932 1 H* 3884 5074 2 H* 4938 6178 2 VB H 4792 7150 3 NG H 4624 5810 2

KG H 6885 9438 3 GF H 2766 3381 2 CG H 4792 7150 3 OG H 6309 1E4 3 SG H 5287 7695 3 VG H 4792 7150 3 H* 2763 3963 2

H* 4928 6178 2 H* 3381 4571 2 H* 4292 5336 2 H* 3884 5074 2 VY H* 3884 5074 2

M 2932 2932 1 M 2932 2932 1 M 2932 2932 1 XB H 4218 5406 2

TB H 5621 6806 2 XG H 4218 5406 2

TG H 5621 6806 2

TI H* 2817 4005 2

WALDWICK BORO2 KB H 8379 8379 1 BB H 7962 7962 1 CB H 7827 7827 1 OB H 7962 7962 1 SB H 7962 7962 1 WR H 7962 7962 1 FB H 9678 9678 1 NB H 5466 5466 1

H* 5466 5466 1 H* 5272 5272 1 H* 5273 5273 1 H* 5272 5272 1 H* 5272 5272 1 M 3210 3210 1 H* 6093 6093 1 NG H 5466 5466 1

M 3881 3881 1 GF H 5466 5466 1 M 3419 3419 1 M 3426 3426 1 SG H 7962 7962 1 VG H 7827 7827 1

KG H 8379 8379 1 CG H 7827 7827 1 OG H 7962 7962 1 H* 5272 5272 1 VY H* 5273 5273 1

H* 5466 5466 1 H* 5273 5273 1 H* 5272 5272 1 XB H 5466 5466 1

M 3881 3881 1 M 3419 3419 1 M 3426 3426 1 XG H 5466 5466 1

TB H 5466 5466 1

TG H 5466 5466 1

TI H* 5004 5004 1

WALLINGTON BORO2 KB H 7772 8147 4 BB H 8207 8582 4 CB H 7942 8317 4 OB H 7942 8317 4 SB H 8207 8582 4 FB H 8767 9142 4

M 2502 2877 4 BW H 5487 5862 4 M 2502 2877 4 H* 4892 5267 4 SG H 8207 8582 4 H* 5552 5927 4

KG H 7772 8147 4 CG H 7942 8317 4 OG H 7942 8317 4 VB H 7942 8317 4

M 2502 2877 4 M 2502 2877 4 H* 4892 5267 4 VG H 7942 8317 4

VY M 2502 2877 4

WYCKOFF TWP1 KB M 2730 2730 1 BB M 2458 2458 1 CB M 2458 2458 1 OB M 2185 2185 1 SB M 2458 2458 1 IM M 3350 3350 1

E 2730 2730 1 E 2458 2458 1 CG M 2458 2458 1 OG M 2185 2185 1 SF E 2458 2458 1 E 3350 3350 1

KG M 2730 2730 1 SC E 2458 2458 1 TO E 2185 2185 1 SG M 2458 2458 1

E 2730 2730 1


BEVERLY CITY1 KB M 2106 2106 1 IM M 528 528 1

E 2106 2106 1 E 528 528 1

KG M 2106 2106 1

E 2106 2106 1

BORDENTOWN REGIONAL2 KB H 7178 8861 3 BB H 5907 7292 3 CB H 5907 7292 3 OB H 5907 7292 3 SB H 5907 7292 3 IM M 1271 1569 3 FB H 7178 8861 3 FH H 5907 7292 3

H* 4561 5631 3 H* 4037 4984 3 H* 4037 4984 3 H* 4037 4984 3 H* 4037 4984 3 WR H 7178 8861 3 H* 4561 5631 3 H* 4037 4984 3

M 4561 5631 3 M 4037 4984 3 M 4037 4984 3 OG H 5907 7292 3 M 4037 4984 3 H* 4561 5631 3 M 4037 4984 3

KG H 7178 8861 3 BW H 4037 4984 3 CG H 5907 7292 3 H* 4037 4984 3 SG H 5907 7292 3 M 4561 5631 3

H* 4561 5631 3 H* 3065 3784 3 H* 4037 4984 3 TB H 5907 7292 3 H* 4037 4984 3

M 4561 5631 3 GF H 3065 3784 3 M 4037 4984 3 TG H 5907 7292 3 M 4037 4984 3

TI H* 4037 4984 3 XB H 4935 6092 3

XG H 4935 6092 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 64

Page 66: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


CINNAMINSON TWP2 KB H 8660 8660 1 BB H 8007 8007 1 CB H 8007 8007 1 OB H 8143 8143 1 CX M 3629 3629 1 IM M 1794 1794 1 FB H 9344 9344 1 FH H 8007 8007 1

H* 5839 5839 1 H* 5225 5225 1 H* 5839 5839 1 H* 5253 5253 1 SG H 8007 8007 1 E 1794 1794 1 H* 6176 6176 1 H* 5225 5225 1

M 3799 3799 1 M 3799 3799 1 M 3629 3629 1 M 3799 3799 1 H* 5225 5225 1 WR H 8660 8660 1 SW H* 4089 4089 1 M 3629 3629 1

KG H 8660 8660 1 BW H 5033 5033 1 CG H 8007 8007 1 OG H 8143 8143 1 M 3799 3799 1 H* 5839 5839 1 VB H 7638 7638 1 NB H 5326 5326 1

H* 5839 5839 1 GF H 4003 4003 1 H* 5839 5839 1 H* 5253 5253 1 XB H 5518 5518 1 VG H 7638 7638 1 H* 3982 3982 1

M 3799 3799 1 M 3629 3629 1 M 3799 3799 1 XG H 5518 5518 1 VY H* 4871 4871 1 NG H 5326 5326 1

TB H 5518 5518 1 WB H 6311 6311 1 H* 3982 3982 1

TG H 5518 5518 1 WG H 6311 6311 1

TI H* 4032 4032 1

DELANCO TWP1 KB M 3038 3038 1 BB M 3038 3038 1 CB M 3038 3038 1 SB M 3038 3038 1 FH M 3038 3038 1

E 3038 3038 1 E 3038 3038 1 CG M 3038 3038 1

KG M 3038 3038 1 SC E 3038 3038 1

E 3038 3038 1

EVESHAM TWP1 KB M 3663 3663 1 BB M 3021 3021 1 CB M 3021 3021 1 OB M 3021 3021 1 CX M 3021 3021 1 IM M 1370 1370 1 FH M 3021 3021 1

KG M 3663 3663 1 CG M 3021 3021 1 OG M 3021 3021 1 SB M 3021 3021 1 E 1370 1370 1

SG M 3021 3021 1 WR M 3663 3663 1

HAINESPORT TWP1 KB M 3395 3395 1 BB M 2002 2002 1 CB M 1601 1601 1 OB M 1927 1927 1 SG M 2002 2002 1 FH M 1001 1001 1

E 3395 3395 1 E 2002 2002 1 CG M 1601 1601 1 OG M 1927 1927 1

KG M 3395 3395 1 SC E 1601 1601 1 TO E 1927 1927 1

E 3395 3395 1

LUMBERTON TWP1 KB M 3271 3271 1 BB M 2974 2974 1 CB M 2974 2974 1 OB M 2974 2974 1 SG M 2974 2974 1 IM M 1487 1487 1 FH M 2974 2974 1

E 3271 3271 E 2974 2974 1 CG M 2974 2974 1 OG M 2974 2974 1 E 1487 1487 1

KG M 3271 3271 1 SC E 2974 2974 1 TO E 2974 2974 1

E 3271 3271 1

MAPLE SHADE TWP2 KB H 9064 9064 1 BB H 7675 7675 1 CB H 7414 7414 1 OB H 7644 7644 1 CX H* 3980 3980 1 IM H 2950 2950 1 FB H 9392 9392 1 FH H 7401 7401 1

H* 6301 6301 1 H* 5402 5402 1 H* 5091 5091 1 H* 5276 5276 1 SB H 9064 9064 1 M 2070 2070 1 H* 6483 6483 1 H* 5187 5187 1

KG H 9064 9064 1 BW H 4647 4647 1 CG H 7401 7401 1 OG H 7644 7644 1 H* 6300 6300 1 WR H 9064 9064 1

H* 6301 6301 1 H* 5091 5091 1 H* 5276 5276 1 SG H 9064 9064 1 H* 5956 5956 1

H* 6300 6300 1

XB H 5686 5686 1

XG H 5686 5686 1

MEDFORD LAKES BORO1 KB M 2539 2539 1 BB M 2539 2539 1 CB M 2539 2539 1 CX M 2539 2539 1 IM M 1292 1292 1 FH M 2539 2539 1

E 2539 2539 1 E 2539 2539 1 CG M 2539 2539 1 SB M 2539 2539 1 E 1292 1292 1

KG M 2539 2539 1 SC E 2539 2539 1 SF E 2539 2539 1

E 2539 2539 1 SG M 2539 2539 1

MOORESTOWN TWP3 KB H 1E4 1E4 1 BB H 9326 9326 1 CB H 8577 8577 1 OB H 9326 9326 1 CX H* 6432 6432 1 GM H 1546 1546 1 FB H 11E3 11E3 1 NB H 9326 9326 1

H* 7578 7578 1 H* 6993 6993 1 H* 6432 6432 1 H* 6993 6993 1 SB H 9326 9326 1 IM E 1282 1282 1 H* 8583 8583 1 H* 6993 6993 1

M 4909 4909 1 M 4356 4356 1 M 4193 4193 1 M 4356 4356 1 H* 6993 6993 1 WR H 1E4 1E4 1 SW H* 6510 6510 1 NG H 9326 9326 1

KG H 1E4 1E4 1 BW H 8681 8681 1 CG H 8577 8577 1 OG H 9326 9326 1 M 4356 4356 1 H* 7578 7578 1 VB H 9326 9326 1 H* 6993 6993 1

H* 7578 7578 1 GF H 5687 5687 1 H* 6432 6432 1 H* 6993 6993 1 SG H 9326 9326 1 M 4958 4958 1 VG H 9326 9326 1

M 4909 4909 1 M 4193 4193 1 M 4356 4356 H* 6993 6993 1 VY H* 6993 6993 1

TB H 8066 8066 1 M 4356 4356 1 WB H 8681 8681 1

TG H 8066 8066 1 XB H 8492 8492 1 WG H 8681 8681 1

TI H* 6049 6049 1 XG H 8492 8492 1

MOUNT LAUREL TWP1 IM M 1553 1553 1

E 1553 1553 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 65

Page 67: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


NORTHERN BURLINGTON REG5 KB H 9626 9626 1 BB H 8252 8252 1 CB H 8252 8252 1 OB H 8252 8252 1 CX H* 4312 4312 1 IM H 1619 1619 1 FB H 11E3 11E3 1 FH H 8252 8252 1

H* 6592 6592 1 H* 5658 5658 1 H* 5658 5658 1 H* 5658 5658 1 M 3914 3914 1 M 1619 1619 1 H* 7690 7690 1 H* 5658 5658 1

M 3914 3914 1 M 3914 3914 1 M 3914 3914 1 M 3914 3914 1 SB H 8252 8252 1 WR H 9626 9626 1 SW H* 5658 5658 1 M 3914 3914 1

KG H 9626 9626 1 BW H 5773 5773 1 CG H 8252 8252 1 OG H 8252 8252 1 H* 5658 5658 1 H* 6592 6592 1 VB H 8252 8252 1 NB H 5214 5214 1

H* 6592 6592 1 GF H 4593 4593 1 H* 5658 5658 1 H* 5658 5658 1 M 3914 3914 1 M 3914 3914 1 VG H 8252 8252 1 H* 3636 3636 1

M 3914 3914 1 M 3914 3914 1 M 3914 3914 1 SG H 8252 8252 1 VY H* 5658 5658 1 NG H 5214 5214 1

TB H 5658 5658 1 H* 5658 5658 1 M 3914 3914 1 H* 3636 3636 1

TG H 5658 5658 1 M 3914 3914 1 WB H 7968 7968 1

TI H* 3788 3788 1 XB H 6148 6148 1 WG H 7968 7968 1

XG H 6148 6148 1

PEMBERTON TWP3 KB H 7604 7604 1 BB H 6613 6613 1 CB H 6613 6613 1 OB H 6484 6484 1 SB H 6613 6613 1 IM M 5233 5233 1 FB H 7826 7826 1 FH H 6613 6613 1

H* 5567 5567 1 H* 5134 5134 1 H* 5134 5134 1 H* 5033 5033 1 H* 5134 5134 1 WR H 7604 7604 1 H* 5800 5800 1 H* 5134 5134 1

KG H 7604 7604 1 BW H 5894 5894 1 CG H 6613 6613 1 OG H 6484 6484 1 SG H 6613 6613 1 H* 5567 5567 1 SW H* 4518 4518 1 NB H 5894 5894 1

H* 5567 5567 1 GF H 5894 5894 1 H* 5134 5134 1 H* 5033 5033 1 H* 5134 5134 1 WB H 5894 5894 1 H* 4518 4518 1

TB H 5894 5894 1 XB H 5894 5894 1 WG H 5894 5894 1 NG H 5894 5894 1

TG H 5894 5894 1 XG H 5894 5894 1 H* 4518 4518 1

TI H* 4518 4518 1

RIVERSIDE TWP2 KB H 7504 7504 1 BB H 7504 7504 1 CB H 7504 7504 1 OB H 7504 7504 1 SB H 7504 7504 1 WR H 7593 7593 1 FB H 7593 7593 1 FH H 7504 7504 1

H* 5496 5496 1 H* 5496 5496 1 H* 5496 5496 1 H* 5496 5496 1 H* 5496 5496 1 H* 5572 5572 1 H* 5572 5572 1 H* 5496 5496 1

M 4156 4156 1 M 4156 4156 1 M 4156 4156 1 OG H 7504 7504 1 M 4156 4156 1 M 4156 4156 1

KG H 7504 7504 1 CG H 7504 7504 1 H* 5496 5496 1 SG H 7504 7504 1

H* 5496 5496 1 H* 5496 5496 1 H* 5496 5496 1

M 4156 4156 1 M 4156 4156 1 M 4156 4156 1

XB H 7395 7395 1

XG H 7395 7395 1

RIVERTON1 KB M 2150 2150 1

E 2150 2150 1

KG M 2150 2150 1

E 2150 2150 1

SHAMONG TWP1 KB M 3149 3149 1 BB M 3149 3149 1 CB M 2409 2409 1 OB M 2022 2022 1 SB M 3149 3149 1 WR M 2409 2409 1 FH M 2409 2409 1

E 3149 3149 1 E 3149 3149 1 CG M 2409 2409 1 OG M 2022 2022 1 SF E 3059 3059 1

KG M 3149 3149 1 SC E 2409 2409 1 TO E 2022 2022 1 SG M 3149 3149 1

E 3149 3149 1

SOUTHAMPTON TWP1 KB M 3256 3256 1 BB M 2461 2461 1 CB M 2385 2385 1 CX M 2385 2385 1 IM M 1150 1150 1 FH M 2562 2562 1

E 3256 3256 1 E 2461 2461 1 CG M 2385 2385 1 SB M 2461 2461 1 E 1150 1150 1

KG M 3256 3256 1 SC E 2385 2385 1 SF E 2461 2461 1 WR M 2399 2399 1

E 3256 3256 1 SG M 2461 2461 1

TABERNACLE TWP1 KB M 2859 2859 1 BB M 2019 2019 1 CB M 2019 2019 1 OB M 2019 2019 1 CX M 2019 2019 1 IM M 1010 1010 1 FH M 2019 2019 1

E 2859 2859 1 E 2019 2019 1 CG M 2019 2019 1 OG M 2019 2019 1 SB M 2019 2019 1 E 1010 1010 1

KG M 2859 2859 1 SC E 2019 2019 1 TO E 2019 2019 1 SF E 2019 2019 1 WR M 2803 2803 1

E 2859 2859 1 SG M 2019 2019 1

WESTAMPTON1 KB M 3300 3300 1 BB M 2200 2200 1 CB M 2200 2200 1 SB M 2200 2200 1 FH M 2200 2200 1

E 3300 3300 1 E 2200 2200 1 CG M 2200 2200 1 SF E 2200 2200 1

KG M 3300 3300 1 SC E 2200 2200 1 SG M 2200 2200 1

E 3300 3300 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 66

Page 68: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


AUDUBON BORO2 IM H 1232 1232 1

BERLIN BORO1 KB M 3275 3275 1 BB M 3275 3275 1 CB M 3275 3275 1 SB M 3275 3275 1 WR M 3675 3675 1 FH M 3300 3300 1

E 3275 3275 1 E 3275 3275 1 CG M 3275 3275 1 SF E 3275 3275 1

KG M 3275 3275 1 SC E 3275 3275 1 SG M 3275 3275 1

E 3275 3275 1

BERLIN TWP1 KB M 1750 1750 1 BB M 1750 1750 1 CB M 1600 1600 1 CX M 1400 1400 1 IM M 750 750 1

E 1750 1750 1 E 1750 1750 1 CG M 1600 1600 1 SB M 1750 1750 1 E 750 750 1

KG M 1750 1750 1 SC E 1600 1600 1 SF E 1750 1750 1

E 1750 1750 1 SG M 1750 1750 1

BLACK HORSE PIKE REGIONA5 KB H 7958 7958 1 BB H 8117 8117 1 CB H 5483 5483 1 OB H 6128 6128 1 CX H* 2688 2688 1 WR H 8117 8117 1 FB H 8585 8585 1 FH H 5483 5483 1

H* 5703 5703 1 H* 5413 5413 1 H* 3656 3656 1 H* 4086 4086 1 SB H 5940 5940 1 H* 5413 5413 1 H* 5725 5725 1 H* 3655 3655 1

KG H 7958 7958 1 GF H 4252 4252 1 CG H 5483 5483 1 OG H 6128 6128 1 H* 3962 3962 1 SW H* 3656 3656 1 NB H 4252 4252 1

H* 5703 5703 1 H* 3656 3656 1 H* 4086 4086 1 SG H 5940 5940 1 WB H 5483 5483 1 H* 2833 2833 1

TB H 3360 3360 1 H* 3962 3962 1 WG H 5483 5483 1 NG H 4252 4252 1

TG H 3360 3360 1 XB H 3795 3795 1 H* 2833 2833 1

TI H* 2688 2688 1 XG H 3795 3795 1

COLLINGSWOOD BORO2 KB H 8252 8252 1 BB H 6786 6786 1 CB H 6786 6786 1 OB H 6786 6786 1 SB H 6786 6786 1 WR H 8252 8252 1 FB H 9543 9543 1 FH H 6786 6786 1

H* 5471 5471 1 H* 4795 4795 1 H* 4795 4795 1 H* 4795 4795 1 H* 4795 4795 1 H* 5471 5471 1 H* 6147 6147 1 H* 4795 4795 1

M 3715 3715 1 BW H 5107 5107 1 M 3715 3715 1 M 3715 3715 1 SG H 6786 6786 1 M 3715 3715 1 VB H 6786 6786 1 M 3715 3715 1

KG H 8252 8252 1 GF H 4286 4286 1 CG H 6786 6786 1 OG H 6786 6786 1 H* 4795 4795 1 VG H 6786 6786 1 NB H 5339 5339 1

H* 5471 5471 1 H* 4795 4795 1 H* 4795 4795 1 XB H 5107 5107 1 NG H 5339 5339 1

M 3715 3715 1 M 3715 3715 1 M 3715 3715 1 XG H 5107 5107 1

TB H 5242 5242 1

TG H 5242 5242 1

GIBBSBORO BORO1 KB M 2142 2984 5 CB M 2142 2984 5 SB M 2142 2984 5 IM M 1546 1994 5 FH M 2142 2984 5

E 2142 2984 5 CG M 2142 2984 5 SF E 2100 2925 5 E 1546 1994 5

KG M 2142 2984 5 SC E 2142 2984 5 SG M 2142 2984 5

E 2142 2984 5

GLOUCESTER CITY2 KB H 6306 6306 1 BB H 4513 4513 1 CB H 4513 4513 1 OB H 4513 4513 1 CX M 2075 2075 1 WR H 6306 6306 1 FB H 7002 7002 1 FH H 5091 5091 1

H* 4024 4024 1 H* 2803 2803 1 H* 2802 2802 1 H* 2803 2803 1 SG H 4513 4513 1 H* 4024 4024 1 H* 4481 4481 1 H* 3471 3471 1

E 3636 3636 1 BW H 3272 3272 1 M 3015 3015 1 OG H 4513 4513 1 H* 2802 2802 1 SW H* 2030 2030 1 M 3015 3015 1

KG H 6306 6306 1 H* 2030 2030 1 CG H 4513 4513 1 H* 2803 2803 1 XB H 3786 3786 1 WB H 3272 3272 1

H* 4024 4024 1 H* 2802 2802 1 M 3015 3015 1 XG H 3786 3786 1 WG H 3272 3272 1

M 3636 3636 1 M 3015 3015 1

E 3636 3636 1

HADDON HEIGHTS BORO2 KB H 7635 7635 1 BB H 7105 7105 1 CB H 7105 7105 1 OB H 7105 7105 1 CX H* 3165 3165 1 WR H 7695 7695 1 FB H 8200 8200 1 FH H 7105 7105 1

H* 4290 4290 1 H* 4055 4055 1 H* 4055 4055 1 H* 4055 4055 1 SB H 7105 7105 1 H* 4325 4325 1 H* 4940 4940 1 H* 4055 4055 1

M 4055 4055 1 GF H 4045 4045 1 M 4055 4055 1 M 4055 4055 1 H* 4055 4055 1 M 4055 4055 1 SW H* 3190 3190 1 M 4055 4055 1

KG H 7635 7635 1 CG H 7105 7105 1 OG H 7105 7105 1 SG H 7105 7105 1 WB H 5425 5425 1 NB H 5425 5425 1

H* 4290 4290 1 H* 4055 4055 1 H* 4055 4055 1 H* 4055 4055 1 WG H 5425 5425 1 H* 3190 3190 1

M 4055 4055 1 M 4055 4055 1 M 4055 4055 1 XB H 5425 5425 1 NG H 5425 5425 1

TB H 4330 4330 1 XG H 5425 5425 1 H* 3190 3190 1

TG H 4330 4330 1

TI H* 4055 4055 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 67

Page 69: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


LAWNSIDE BORO1 KB M 939 939 1 CB M 939 939 1

E 939 939 1 CG M 939 939 1

KG M 939 939 1 SC E 939 939 1

E 939 939 1

LINDENWOLD BORO2 KB H 7354 7354 1 BB H 5515 5515 1 CB H 5515 5515 1 OB H 5515 5515 1 CX H* 3447 3447 1 WR H 7354 7354 1 FB H 7354 7354 1 FH H 5515 5515 1

H* 5515 5515 1 H* 4366 4366 1 H* 4366 4366 1 H* 4366 4366 1 M 2758 2758 1 H* 5515 5515 1 H* 5515 5515 1 H* 4366 4366 1

M 2758 2758 1 M 2758 2758 1 M 2758 2758 1 M 2758 2758 1 SB H 5515 5515 1 M 2758 2758 1 M 2758 2758 1

KG H 7354 7354 1 BW H 4596 4596 1 CG H 5515 5515 1 OG H 5515 5515 1 H* 4366 4366 1 NB H 4596 4596 1

H* 5515 5515 1 H* 3447 3447 1 H* 4366 4366 1 H* 4366 4366 1 M 2758 2758 1 H* 3447 3447 1

M 2758 2758 1 GF H 3447 3447 1 M 2758 2758 1 M 2758 2758 1 SG H 5515 5515 1 NG H 4596 4596 1

H* 2298 2298 1 H* 4366 4366 1 H* 3447 3447 1

M 2758 2758 1 TN M 2758 2758 1

XB H 4596 4596 1

XG H 4596 4596 1

MERCHANTVILLE BORO1 KB M 4408 4408 1 CB M 1893 1893 1 SB M 1893 1893 1 FH M 1893 1893 1

E 4408 4408 1 CG M 1893 1893 1 SF E 1893 1893 1

KG M 4408 4408 1 SC E 1893 1893 1 SG M 1893 1893 1

E 4408 4408 1

PENNSAUKEN TWP3 KB H 6910 6910 1 BB H 6710 6710 1 CB H 6710 6710 1 OB H 6710 6710 1 SB H 6710 6710 1 WR H 6910 6910 1 FB H 8485 8485 1 FH H 6710 6710 1

H* 5385 5385 1 H* 5185 5185 1 H* 5185 5185 1 H* 5185 5185 1 H* 5185 5185 1 H* 5385 5385 1 H* 6235 6235 1 M 4735 4735 1

M 4735 4735 1 M 4735 4735 1 M 4735 4735 1 M 4735 4735 1 M 4735 4735 1 M 4735 4735 1 SW H* 4385 4385 1 NB H 5485 5485 1

KG H 6910 6910 1 BW H 4635 4635 1 CG H 6710 6710 1 OG H 6710 6710 1 SG H 6710 6710 1 VB H 5485 5485 1 NG H 5485 5485 1

H* 5385 5385 1 GF H 4635 4635 1 H* 5185 5185 1 H* 5185 5185 1 H* 5185 5185 1 VG H 5485 5485 1

M 4735 4735 1 M 4735 4735 1 M 4735 4735 1 M 4735 4735 1 VY H* 4385 4385 1

TB H 4635 4635 1 XB H 5485 5485 1 WB H 5485 5485 1

TG H 4635 4635 1 XG H 5485 5485 1 WG H 5485 5485 1

STERLING HIGH SCHOOL DIS5 KB H 6524 7216 5 BB H 5779 6346 5 CB H 5779 6346 5 OB H 5779 6346 5 CX H* 3210 3592 5 WR H 6524 7216 5 FB H 6750 7428 5 NB H 4495 4956 5

H* 4400 4940 5 H* 4090 4526 5 H* 4090 4526 5 H* 4090 4526 5 SB H 5779 6346 5 H* 4400 4940 5 H* 4730 5364 5 H* 3210 3592 5

KG H 6524 7216 5 GF H 4495 4956 5 CG H 5779 6346 5 OG H 5779 6346 5 H* 4090 4526 5 SW H* 4090 4526 5 NG H 4495 4956 5

H* 4400 4940 5 H* 3210 3592 5 H* 4090 4526 5 H* 4090 4526 5 SG H 5779 6346 5 VB H 4495 4956 5 H* 3210 3592 5

TB H 4495 4956 5 H* 4090 4526 5 VG H 4495 4956 5

TG H 4495 4956 5 XB H 4495 4956 5 VY H* 3210 3592 5

TI H* 3210 3592 5 XG H 4495 4956 5 WB H 5779 6346 5

WG H 5779 6346 5

WINSLOW TWP3 KB H 7713 8345 3 BB H 6053 6548 3 CB H 6053 6548 3 OB H 6053 6548 3 CX H* 3125 3379 3 WR H 7713 8345 3 FB H 7713 8345 3 NB H 4688 5071 3

H* 4688 5071 3 H* 4441 4805 3 H* 4441 4805 3 H* 4441 4805 3 M 2441 2640 3 H* 4688 5071 3 H* 4688 5071 3 H* 3125 3379 3

M 2441 2640 3 M 2441 2640 3 M 2441 2640 3 M 2441 2640 3 SB H 6053 6548 3 M 2441 2640 3 SW H* 4441 4805 3 NG H 4688 5071 3

KG H 7713 8345 3 BW H 3222 3483 3 CG H 6053 6548 3 OG H 6053 6548 3 H* 4441 4805 3 VB H 4688 5071 3 H* 3125 3379 3

H* 4688 5071 3 H* 2051 2218 3 H* 4441 4805 3 H* 4441 4805 3 M 2441 2640 3 VG H 4688 5071 3 TN M 2441 2640 3

M 2441 2640 3 GF H 3222 3483 3 M 2441 2640 3 M 2441 2640 3 SG H 6053 6548 3 VY H* 3125 3379 3

H* 2051 2218 3 TB H 4688 5071 3 H* 4441 4805 3 M 2441 2640 3

TG H 4688 5071 3 M 2441 2640 3 WB H 6053 6548 3

TI H* 3125 3379 3 XB H 4688 5071 3 WG H 6053 6548 3

XG H 4688 5071 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 68

Page 70: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


DENNIS TWP1 KB M 1602 1602 1 BB M 1602 1602 1 CB M 1602 1602 1 OB M 1602 1602 1 CX M 1602 1602 1 WR M 1602 1602 1 VY M 1602 1602 1 FH M 1602 1602 1

KG M 1602 1602 1 CG M 1602 1602 1 OG M 1602 1602 1 SB M 1602 1602 1 TN M 1602 1602 1

SG M 1602 1602 1

LOWER CAPE MAY REGIONAL5 KB H 6461 7147 2 BB H 5708 6358 2 CB H 5708 6358 2 OB H 5708 6358 2 CX H* 4506 5155 2 IM H 7458 7458 1 FB H 6461 7147 2 FH H 5708 6358 2

H* 5202 5889 2 H* 4803 5463 2 H* 4803 5463 2 H* 4803 5463 2 M 3194 3692 2 WR H 6461 7147 2 H* 5202 5889 2 H* 4803 5463 2

M 3194 3692 2 M 3194 3692 2 M 3194 3692 2 M 3194 3692 2 SB H 5708 6358 2 H* 5202 5889 2 SW H* 4506 5155 2 M 3194 3692 2

KG H 6461 7147 2 CG H 5708 6358 2 OG H 5708 6358 2 H* 4803 5463 2 M 3194 3692 2 WB H 5188 6121 2 NB H 5188 6121 2

H* 5202 5889 2 H* 4803 5463 2 H* 4803 5463 2 M 3194 3692 2 WG H 5188 6121 2 H* 4506 5155 2

M 3194 3692 2 M 3194 3692 2 M 3194 3692 2 SG H 5708 6358 2 NG H 5188 6121 2

H* 4803 5463 2 H* 4506 5155 2

M 3194 3692 2 TN M 3194 3692 2

XB H 5188 6121 2

XG H 5188 6121 2

MIDDLE TWP2 KB H 6894 6894 1 BB H 5343 5343 1 CB H 6112 6112 1 OB H 6112 6112 1 SB H 6112 6112 1 WR H 6112 6112 1 FB H 7107 7107 1 FH H 6112 6112 1

H* 5846 5846 1 H* 3356 3356 1 H* 5343 5343 1 H* 5343 5343 1 H* 5343 5343 1 H* 5343 5343 1 H* 5846 5846 1 H* 5343 5343 1

M 3888 3888 1 M 3888 3888 1 M 3888 3888 1 OG H 6112 6112 1 M 3888 3888 1 SW H* 5343 5343 1 M 3888 3888 1

KG H 6894 6894 1 GF H 5596 5596 1 CG H 6112 6112 1 H* 5343 5343 1 SG H 6112 6112 1 VB H 6112 6112 1 NB H 5596 5596 1

H* 5846 5846 1 H* 5343 5343 1 TB H 6112 6112 1 H* 5343 5343 1 VG H 6112 6112 1 H* 4894 4894 1

M 3888 3888 1 M 3888 3888 1 TG H 6112 6112 1 M 3888 3888 1 VY H* 5343 5343 1 NG H 5596 5596 1

TI H* 5343 5343 1 XB H 5596 5596 1 M 3888 3888 1

XG H 5596 5596 1 WB H 6112 6112 1

WG H 6112 6112 1

UPPER TWP1 KB M 2060 2060 1 BB M 2060 2060 1 CB M 2060 2060 1 OB M 2060 2060 1 CX M 2060 2060 1 VY M 2060 2060 1 FH M 2060 2060 1

E 2060 2060 1 E 2060 2060 1 CG M 2060 2060 1 OG M 2060 2060 1 SB M 2060 2060 1 E 2060 2060 1

KG M 2060 2060 1 SC E 2060 2060 1 TO E 2060 2060 1 SF E 2060 2060 1

E 2060 2060 1 SG M 2060 2060 1

WILDWOOD CITY2 KB H 6589 1E4 26 BB H 4931 7739 26 CB H 4931 7739 26 OB H 4931 7739 26 SB H 4931 7739 26 WR H 4931 7739 26 FB H 6589 1E4 26 NB H 4279 7087 26

H* 3953 6761 26 H* 3613 5725 26 H* 3613 5725 26 H* 3613 5725 26 H* 3613 5725 26 H* 3613 5725 26 H* 3953 6761 26 NG H 4279 7087 26

M 2635 4747 26 M 2635 4747 26 M 2635 4747 26 M 2635 4747 26 M 2635 4747 26 M 2635 4747 26 TN M 1644 3035 26

KG H 6589 1E4 26 GF H 4279 7087 26 CG H 4931 7739 26 OG H 4931 7739 26 SG H 4834 7587 26

H* 3953 6761 26 H* 3613 5725 26 H* 3613 5725 26 H* 3542 5613 26

M 2635 4747 26 M 2635 4747 26 M 2635 4747 26 M 2583 4564 26

TB H 3613 5725 26 XB H 4279 7087 26

TG H 3613 5725 26 XG H 4279 7087 26

WOODBINE BORO1 KB M 1635 1635 1 BB M 1635 1635 1 CB M 1635 1635 1 SB M 1635 1635 1 VY M 1635 1635 1

E 1635 1635 1 E 1635 1635 1 CG M 1635 1635 1 SF E 1635 1635 1 E 1635 1635 1

KG M 1635 1635 1 SC E 1635 1635 1 SG M 1635 1635 1

E 1635 1635 1


GREENWICH TWP1 KB M 700 700 1 CB M 700 700 1 SB M 700 700 1 FH M 700 700 1

E 700 700 1 CG M 700 700 1 SF E 700 700 1

KG M 700 700 1 SC E 700 700 1 SG M 700 700 1

E 700 700 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 69

Page 71: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


LAWRENCE TWP1 KB M 1358 1358 1 CB M 1358 1358 1

E 1358 1358 1 CG M 1358 1358 1

KG H 1358 SC E 1358 1358 1

M 1358 1358 1

E 1358 1358 1

MAURICE RIVER TWP1 KB M 320 320 1 BB M 320 320 1 CB M 320 320 1 OB M 320 320 1 CX M 320 320 1 WR M 320 320 1 VY M 320 320 1 TN M 320 320 1

E 320 320 1 E 320 320 1 CG M 320 320 1 OG M 320 320 1 SB M 320 320 1 E 320 320 1

KG M 320 320 1 SC E 320 320 1 TO E 320 320 1 SF E 320 320 1

E 320 320 1 SG M 320 320 1

MILLVILLE CITY3 KB H 6768 7377 4 BB H 5944 6553 4 CB H 6155 6765 4 OB H 5975 6584 4 CX H* 3072 3437 4 WR H 6768 7377 4 FB H 8319 8928 4 FH H 6155 6765 4

H* 4061 4426 4 H* 3566 3932 4 H* 3693 4059 4 H* 3585 3950 4 M 1843 2062 4 H* 4061 4426 4 H* 4991 5357 4 H* 3693 4059 4

M 2436 2656 4 GF H 5388 5997 4 M 2216 2435 4 M 2151 2370 4 SB H 5944 6553 4 M 2436 2656 4 SW H* 4061 4426 4 M 2216 2435 4

KG H 6768 7377 4 CG H 6155 6765 4 OG H 5975 6584 4 H* 3566 3932 4 WB H 6768 7377 4 NB H 5388 5997 4

H* 4061 4426 4 H* 3693 4059 4 H* 3585 3950 4 SG H 5944 6553 4 WG H 6766 7377 4 H* 3233 3598 4

M 2436 2656 4 M 2216 2435 4 M 2151 2370 4 H* 3566 3932 4 NG H 5388 5997 4

TB H 5372 5981 4 XB H 5120 5729 4 H* 3233 3598 4

TG H 5372 5981 4 XG H 5120 5729 4

TI H* 3223 3589 4

STOW CREEK TWP1 KB M 700 700 1 CB M 700 700 1 SB M 700 700 1 FH M 700 700 1

E 700 700 1 CG M 700 700 1 SF E 700 700 1

KG M 700 700 1 SC E 700 700 1 SG M 700 700 1

E 700 700 1


BELLEVILLE TOWN3 KB H 7610 8851 4 BB H 7610 8851 4 CB H 7610 8851 4 OB H 7610 8851 4 SB H 7610 8851 4 GM H 5196 6129 4 FB H 9716 13E3 4 NB H 7610 8851 4

H* 5196 6129 4 H* 5196 6129 4 H* 5196 6129 4 H* 5196 6129 4 H* 5196 6129 4 WR H 7610 8851 4 H* 6684 7918 4 H* 5196 6129 4

KG H 7610 8851 4 BW H 5196 6129 4 CG H 7610 8851 4 OG H 7610 8851 4 SG H 7610 8851 4 H* 5196 6129 4 VB H 7610 8851 4 NG H 7610 8851 4

H* 5196 6129 4 GF H 5196 6129 4 H* 5196 6129 4 H* 5196 6129 4 H* 5196 6129 4 VG H 7610 8851 4 H* 5196 6129 4

TB H 7610 8851 4 XB H 5505 6129 4 VY H* 5196 6129 4

TG H 7610 8851 4 XG H 5505 6129 4

TI H* 5196 6129 4

BLOOMFIELD TWP4 KB H 9976 11E3 5 BB H 8200 9709 5 CB H 9976 11E3 5 OB H 8200 9709 5 CX H* 4751 5800 4 GM H 7162 8476 5 FB H 9976 11E3 5 FH H 8200 9709 5

H* 5733 7121 4 H* 5052 6440 4 H* 5733 7121 4 H* 5052 6440 4 SB H 7162 8476 5 H* 4751 5800 4 H* 5733 7121 4 H* 5052 6440 4

KG H 9976 11E3 5 BW H 6045 7206 5 CG H 9976 11E3 5 OG H 8200 9709 5 H* 4751 5800 4 IM M 987 1317 3 SW H* 4751 5800 4 NB H 6045 7206 5

H* 5733 7121 4 H* 3915 5007 4 H* 5733 7121 4 H* 5052 6440 4 SG H 7162 8476 5 WR H 9976 11E3 5 VB H 8200 9709 5 H* 3915 5007 4

GF H 6045 7206 5 TB H 7162 8476 5 H* 4751 5800 4 H* 5733 7121 4 VG H 8200 9709 5 NG H 6045 7206 5

H* 3915 5007 4 TG H 7162 8476 5 XB H 7162 8476 5 VY H* 5052 6440 4 H* 3915 5007 4

TI H* 4751 5800 4 XG H 7162 8476 5 WB H 7162 8476 5

WG H 7162 8476 5

CALDWELL-WEST CALDWELL2 KB H 11E3 12E3 3 BB H 9393 9993 3 CB H 9393 9993 3 OB H 9393 9993 3 CX H* 6264 6665 3 WR H 11E3 12E3 3 FB H 12E3 13E3 3 NB H 7672 8162 3

H* 7672 8162 3 H* 6544 6962 3 H* 6544 6962 3 H* 6544 6962 3 SB H 9451 9993 3 H* 7672 8162 3 H* 8328 8860 3 H* 5353 5695 3

KG H 11E3 12E3 3 BW H 3875 4122 3 CG H 9393 9993 3 OG H 9393 9993 3 H* 6544 6962 3 SW H* 6264 6665 3 NG H 7672 8162 3

H* 7672 8162 3 GF H 5448 5797 3 H* 6544 6962 3 H* 6544 6962 3 SG H 9451 9993 3 VG H 9393 9993 3 H* 5353 5695 3

TB H 8921 9491 3 H* 6544 6962 3 VY H* 6544 6962 3

TG H 8921 9491 3 XB H 8921 9491 3 WB H 8921 9491 3

TI H* 6264 6665 3 XG H 8921 9491 3 WG H 8921 9491 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 70

Page 72: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


GLEN RIDGE BORO2 KB H 7400 11E3 8 BB H 7035 9609 8 CB H 7035 9609 8 OB H 7035 9609 8 CX M 5633 8202 8 IM E 2335 3940 8 FB H 7400 11E3 8 FH H 7035 9609 8

H* 5633 8202 8 H* 5633 8202 8 H* 5633 8202 8 H* 5633 8202 8 SB H 7035 9609 8 WR H 7035 9609 8 H* 5633 8202 8 H* 5633 8208 8

M 7400 11E3 8 M 7035 9609 8 M 7035 9609 8 M 7035 9609 8 H* 5633 8202 8 H* 5633 8202 8 M 7035 9609 8

KG H 7400 11E3 8 GF H 5633 8202 8 CG H 7035 9609 8 OG H 7035 9609 8 M 7035 9609 8 M 7035 9609 8 NB H 7035 9609 8

H* 5633 8208 8 H* 5633 8202 8 H* 5633 8202 8 SG H 7035 9609 8 NG H 7035 9609 8

M 7400 11E3 8 M 7035 9609 8 M 7035 9609 8 H* 5633 8202 8 TN M 7035 9609 8

TB H 5633 8202 8 M 7035 9609 8

TG H 5633 8202 8 XB H 5633 8202 8

TI H* 4438 7339 8 XG H 5633 8202 8

IRVINGTON TOWNSHIP4 KB H 5502 6732 4 BB H 4699 6240 4 CB H 4699 6240 4 OB H 3551 5257 4 CX H* 1996 2955 4 WR H 4699 7283 4 FB H 6216 7959 4 NB H 2727 4214 4

H* 3117 4428 4 H* 3002 3937 4 H* 3063 4306 4 H* 2210 3200 4 SG H 4699 6140 4 H* 3002 3937 4 H* 3117 4399 4 H* 1996 2955 4

KG H 5502 6732 4 BW H 2673 3783 4 CG H 4699 6240 4 OG H 3551 5257 4 H* 3002 3837 4 VB H 2748 3845 4 NG H 2727 4214 4

H* 3117 4428 4 H* 3063 4306 4 H* 2210 3200 4 XB H 2727 4214 4 VG H 2748 3845 4 H* 1996 2955 4

TB H 2614 3599 4 XG H 2727 4214 4 VY H* 2020 2955 4

TG H 2614 3599 4

TI H* 1421 2532 4

LIVINGSTON TWP3 KB H 1E4 1E4 1 BB H 1E4 1E4 1 CB H 1E4 1E4 1 OB H 1E4 1E4 1 CX H* 7656 7656 1 IM H 2945 2945 1 FB H 12E3 12E3 1 FH H 1E4 1E4 1

H* 7656 7656 1 H* 7656 7656 1 H* 7656 7656 1 H* 7656 7656 1 SG H 1E4 1E4 1 M 4711 4711 1 H* 8834 8834 1 H* 7656 7656 1

KG H 1E4 1E4 1 BW H 7656 7656 1 CG H 1E4 1E4 1 OG H 1E4 1E4 1 H* 7656 7656 1 WR H 1E4 1E4 1 VB H 1E4 1E4 1 NB H 8834 8834 1

H* 7656 7656 1 GF H 7656 7656 1 H* 7656 7656 1 H* 7656 7656 1 XB H 1E4 1E4 1 H* 7656 7656 1 VG H 1E4 1E4 1 H* 7067 7067 1

TB H 1E4 1E4 1 XG H 1E4 1E4 1 VY H* 7656 7656 1 NG H 8834 8834 1

TG H 1E4 1E4 1 WB H 8834 8834 1 H* 7067 7067 1

TI H* 7656 7656 1 WG H 8834 8834 1

MILLBURN TWP3 KB H 7205 12E3 5 BB H 6483 11E3 5 CB H 6483 11E3 5 OB H 6483 11E3 5 CX H* 4862 8104 5 WR H 7205 12E3 5 FB H 7205 12E3 5 FH H 6483 11E3 5

H* 5403 9004 5 H* 4862 8104 5 H* 4862 8104 5 H* 4862 8104 5 SB H 6483 11E3 5 H* 5403 9004 5 H* 5403 9004 5 H* 4862 8104 5

KG H 7205 12E3 5 BW H 5043 8404 5 CG H 6483 11E3 5 OG H 6483 11E3 5 H* 4862 8104 5 SW H* 4322 7205 5 NB H 6483 11E3 5

H* 5403 9004 5 H* 3782 6304 5 H* 4862 8104 5 H* 4862 8104 5 SG H 6483 11E3 5 VB H 6483 11E3 5 H* 4862 8104 5

GF H 5043 8404 5 TB H 5763 9605 5 H* 4862 8104 5 VG H 6483 11E3 5 NG H 6483 11E3 5

H* 3782 6304 5 TG H 5763 9605 5 XB H 6483 11E3 5 VY H* 4862 8104 5 H* 4862 8104 5

TI H* 4322 7205 5 XG H 6483 11E3 5 WB H 5763 9605 5

WG H 5763 9605 5

SOUTH ORANGE-MAPLEWOOD4 KB H 7073 7174 3 BB H 5882 5969 3 CB H 5882 5969 3 OB H 5882 5969 3 SB H 5882 5969 3 GM H 4991 5104 3 FB H 8979 9117 3 FH H 5882 5969 3

M 4991 5104 3 M 4126 4251 3 M 4126 4251 3 M 4126 4251 3 M 4126 4251 3 WR H 7085 7186 3 VB H 4991 5104 3 NB H 4991 5104 3

KG H 7073 7174 3 BW H 3310 3411 3 CG H 5882 5969 3 OG H 5882 5969 3 SG H 5882 5969 3 M 4991 5104 3 VG H 4991 5104 3 NG H 4991 5104 3

M 4991 5104 3 GF H 4128 4251 3 M 4126 4251 3 M 4126 4251 3 M 4126 4251 3 VY M 4126 4251 3

TB H 4991 5104 3 XB H 4991 5104 3 WB H 4991 5104 3

TG H 4991 5104 3 XG H 4991 5104 3 WG H 4991 5104 3

VERONA BORO2 KB H 8443 1E4 3 BB H 8443 1E4 3 CB H 7495 9376 3 OB H 7496 9376 3 CX H* 2858 2887 3 WR H 8443 1E4 3 FB H 11E3 12E3 3 NB H 4503 9357 3

M 1254 1254 1 GF H 4153 6675 3 M 1258 1258 1 H* 5012 6394 3 SB H 7496 9376 3 H* 6859 8662 3 NG H 4503 9357 3

KG H 8319 1E4 3 CG H 7495 9376 3 OG H 7496 9376 3 SG H 7496 9376 3 VB H 5984 9364 3

M 1254 1254 1 M 1258 1258 1 H* 5012 6394 3 XB H 4752 5772 3 VG H 5984 9364 3

TB H 5752 6286 3 XG H 4752 5772 3 WB H 341 384 3

TG H 5752 6286 3 WG H 341 384 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 71

Page 73: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


WEST ESSEX REGIONAL5 KB H 8451 9938 5 BB H 8124 9358 5 CB H 8451 9938 5 OB H 8451 9938 5 CX H* 4156 4585 5 WR H 8451 9938 5 FB H 9144 11E3 5 FH H 9144 11E3 5

H* 5480 6969 5 H* 5300 6612 5 H* 5480 6969 5 H* 5480 6969 5 M 5130 5726 5 H* 5480 6969 5 H* 6364 7852 5 H* 6364 7852 5

M 5130 5726 5 M 5130 5726 5 M 5130 5726 5 M 5130 5726 5 SB H 8124 9358 5 M 5130 5726 5 SW H* 4156 4585 5 M 5130 5726 5

KG H 8451 9938 5 GF H 5773 6367 5 CG H 8451 9938 5 OG H 8451 9938 5 H* 5300 6612 5 VB H 8451 9938 5 NB H 6941 8132 5

H* 5480 6969 5 H* 4156 4585 5 H* 5480 6969 5 H* 5480 6969 5 M 5130 5726 5 VG H 8451 9938 5 H* 4832 6023 5

M 5130 5726 5 M 5130 5726 5 M 5130 5726 5 SG H 8124 9358 5 VY H* 5480 6969 5 NG H 6941 8132 5

TB H 5773 6367 5 H* 5300 6612 5 M 5130 5726 5 H* 4832 6023 5

TG H 5773 6367 5 M 5130 5726 5 WB H 5773 6367 5 TN M 5130 5726 5

TI H* 4156 4585 5 XB H 5773 6367 5 WG H 5773 6367 5

XG H 5773 6367 5


CLAYTON BORO2 KB H 5845 5845 1 BB H 5427 5427 1 CB H 5427 5427 1 OB H 5427 5427 1 CX M 2260 2260 1 WR H 5845 5845 1 FB H 7201 7201 1 FH H 5427 5427 1

H* 3928 3928 1 H* 3624 3624 1 H* 3624 3624 1 H* 3624 3624 1 SB H 5427 5427 1 H* 3928 3928 1 H* 4523 4523 1 H* 3624 3624 1

M 2219 2219 1 GF H 3357 3357 1 M 2076 2076 1 M 2219 2219 1 H* 3624 3624 1 M 2219 2218 1 M 2219 2219 1

KG H 5845 5845 1 CG H 5427 5427 1 OG H 5427 5427 1 SG H 5427 5427 1

H* 3928 3928 1 H* 3624 3624 1 H* 3624 3624 1 H* 3624 3624 1

M 2219 2219 1 M 2076 2076 1 TB H 3702 3702 1 XB H 3702 3702 1

TG H 3702 3702 1 XG H 3702 3702 1

GATEWAY REGIONAL5 KB H 4580 6710 5 BB H 3860 5610 5 CB H 3860 5610 5 OB H 3860 5610 5 CX H* 1950 2950 5 WR H 4580 6710 5 FB H 5490 7875 5 NB H 3860 5610 5

H* 2620 4570 5 H* 2400 4115 5 H* 2400 4115 5 H* 2400 4115 5 SB H 3860 5610 5 H* 2620 4570 5 H* 3130 4975 5 H* 2400 4115 5

KG H 4580 6710 5 GF H 2620 4516 5 CG H 3860 5610 5 OG H 3860 5610 5 H* 2400 4115 5 SW H* 2400 4115 5 NG H 3860 5610 5

H* 2620 4570 5 H* 2400 4115 5 H* 2400 4115 5 SG H 3860 5610 5 WB H 3860 5610 5 H* 2400 4115 5

H* 2400 4115 5 WG H 3860 5610 5

XB H 2620 4516 5

XG H 2620 4516 5

MONROE TWP4 KB H 6943 7517 3 BB H 5408 6063 3 CB H 5408 6063 3 OB H 5408 6063 3 CX H* 3471 3756 2 WR H 6943 7517 3 FB H 8337 9358 3 FH M 3532 3532 1

H* 5126 5550 2 H* 3991 4319 2 H* 3991 4319 2 H* 3991 4319 2 M 1319 1319 1 H* 5126 5550 2 H* 6150 6661 2 NB H 5408 6063 3

M 3529 3529 1 GF H 5408 6063 3 M 1319 1319 1 M 1319 1319 1 SB H 5408 6063 3 M 3532 3532 1 SW H* 3991 4319 2 H* 3991 4319 2

KG H 6943 7517 3 H* 3991 4319 2 CG H 5408 6003 3 OG H 5408 6063 3 H* 3991 4319 2 VB H 5408 6063 3 NG H 5408 6063 3

H* 5126 5550 2 H* 3991 4319 2 H* 3991 4319 2 M 3532 3532 1 VG H 5408 6063 3 H* 3991 4319 2

M 3529 3529 1 M 1319 1319 1 M 1319 1319 1 SG H 5408 6063 3 VY H* 3991 4319 2

TB H 4704 5278 3 H* 3991 4319 2 WB H 5408 6063 3

TG H 4704 5278 3 M 3532 3532 1 WG H 5408 6063 3

TI H* 3471 3756 2 XB H 4704 5278 3

XG H 4704 5278 3

PITMAN BORO2 KB H 6222 6222 1 BB H 6222 6222 1 CB H 6222 6222 1 OB H 6222 6222 1 SB H 6222 6222 1 WR H 6222 6222 1 FB H 7014 7014 1 FH M 2300 2300 1

H* 4976 4976 1 H* 4976 4976 1 H* 4976 4976 1 H* 4976 4976 1 H* 4976 4976 1 H* 4976 4976 1 H* 4976 4976 1 NB H 5646 5646 1

M 1244 1244 1 GF H 5646 5646 1 CG H 6222 6222 1 OG H 6222 6222 1 SG H 6222 6222 1 M 1303 1303 1 SW H* 4976 4976 1 NG H 5646 5646 1

KG H 6222 6222 1 H* 4976 4976 1 H* 4976 4976 1 H* 4976 4976 1 VY M 1244 1244 1

H* 4976 4976 1 TB H 6222 6222 1 XB H 5652 5652 1 WB H 6222 6222 1

M 1244 1244 1 TG H 6222 6222 1 XG H 5652 5652 1 WG H 6222 6222 1


E 950 950 1

KG M 950 950 1

E 950 950 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 72

Page 74: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


WASHINGTON TWP4 KB H 8658 8658 1 BB H 6667 6667 1 CB H 6667 6667 1 OB H 6667 6667 1 SB H 6667 6667 1 GM H 6667 6667 1 FB H 8658 8658 1 FH H 6667 6667 1

H* 6104 6104 1 H* 4805 4805 1 H* 4805 4805 1 H* 4805 4805 1 H* 4805 4805 1 H* 4805 4805 1 H* 6104 6104 1 H* 4805 4805 1

M 2424 2424 1 BW H 6234 6234 1 M 2424 2424 1 M 2424 2424 1 SG H 6667 6667 1 IM H 2424 2424 1 VB H 6667 6667 1 NB H 6667 6667 1

KG H 8658 8658 1 H* 4373 4373 1 CG H 6667 6667 1 OG H 6667 6667 1 H* 4805 4805 1 M 2424 2424 1 VG H 6667 6667 1 H* 4805 4805 1

H* 6104 6104 1 GF H 6234 6234 1 H* 4805 4805 1 H* 4805 4805 1 XB H 6667 6667 1 WR H 8658 8658 1 VY H* 4805 4805 1 NG H 6667 6667 1

M 2424 2424 1 H* 4373 4373 1 M 2424 2424 1 M 2424 2424 1 XG H 6667 6667 1 H* 6104 6104 1 WB H 6667 6667 1 H* 4805 4805 1

TB H 6536 6536 1 WG H 6667 6667 1

TG H 6536 6536 1

TI H* 4711 4711 1

WEST DEPTFORD TWP2 KB H 5579 6356 3 BB H 4941 5643 3 CB H 4548 5221 3 OB H 4941 5643 3 CX H* 2708 3037 3 WR H 5579 6356 3 FB H 6730 7193 3 FH H 4548 5221 3

H* 3911 4416 3 H* 3497 3953 3 H* 3241 3693 3 H* 3497 3953 3 M 2679 3008 3 H* 3911 4416 3 H* 4483 4961 3 H* 3241 3693 3

M 4070 4575 3 M 3400 3852 3 M 3400 3852 3 M 3400 3852 3 SB H 4941 5643 3 M 4070 4575 3 SW H* 3241 3693 3 M 3400 3852 3

KG H 5579 6356 3 BW H 3727 4234 3 CG H 4548 5221 3 OG H 4941 5643 3 H* 3497 3953 3 WB H 4548 5221 3 NB H 3727 4234 3

H* 3911 4416 3 H* 2708 3037 3 H* 3241 3693 3 H* 3497 3953 3 M 3400 3852 3 WG H 4548 5221 3 H* 2708 3037 3

M 4070 4575 3 GF H 3461 3930 3 M 3400 3852 3 M 3400 3852 3 SG H 4941 5643 3 NG H 3727 4234 3

H* 2535 2841 3 TB H 3374 3843 3 H* 3497 3953 3 H* 2708 3037 3

TG H 3374 3843 3 M 3400 3852 3 TN M 2679 3008 3

TI H* 2448 2754 3 XB H 3727 4234 3

XG H 3727 4234 3

WOODBURY CITY2 KB H 6663 8537 4 BB H 5408 7361 4 CB H 5166 7051 4 OB H 5408 7361 4 CX H* 2813 4667 4 IM H 1851 1851 1 FB H 7991 1E4 4 FH H 5166 7051 4

H* 4164 6134 4 H* 3191 4902 4 H* 2971 4682 4 H* 3191 4902 4 M 2234 2679 4 M 1851 1851 1 H* 4902 6550 4 H* 2971 4682 4

M 2234 2679 4 M 2234 2679 4 M 2234 2679 4 M 2234 2679 4 SB H 5408 7361 4 WR H 6663 8537 4 SW H* 2971 3573 4 M 2234 2679 4

KG H 6663 8537 4 GF H 3292 3990 4 CG H 5166 7051 4 OG H 5408 7361 4 H* 3191 4902 4 H* 4164 6134 4 WB H 3528 5408 4 NB H 3528 5408 4

H* 4164 6134 4 H* 2971 4682 4 H* 3191 4902 4 M 2234 2679 4 M 2234 2679 4 WG H 3528 5408 4 H* 2971 3573 4

M 2234 2679 4 M 2234 2679 4 M 2234 2679 4 SG H 5408 7361 4 NG H 3628 5408 4

TB H 3365 5166 4 H* 3191 4902 4 H* 2971 3573 4

TG H 3365 5166 4 M 2234 2679 4

TI H* 2813 4667 4 XB H 3365 5166 4

XG H 3365 5166 4


EAST NEWARK BORO1 KB E 782 782 1 BB E 782 782 1

KG E 782 782 1

HOBOKEN CITY2 KB H 7488 7488 1 BB H 7488 7488 1 CB H 5900 5900 1 OB H 5442 5442 1 SB H 7488 7488 1 IM M 656 656 1 FB H 9048 9048 1 NB H 4491 4491 1

H* 4491 4491 1 H* 4491 4491 1 H* 3278 3278 1 H* 4196 4196 1 H* 4491 4491 1 H* 4491 4491 1 H* 2242 2242 1

M 656 656 1 BW H 4720 4720 1 CG H 5900 5900 1 TB H 4196 4196 1 SG H 7488 7488 1 SW H* 2950 2950 1 NG H 4491 4491 1

KG H 7488 7488 1 H* 2950 2950 1 H* 3278 3278 1 TG H 4196 4196 1 H* 4491 4491 1 VB H 4917 4917 1 H* 2242 2242 1

H* 4491 4491 1 GF H 4491 4491 1 TI H* 2754 2754 1 VG H 4917 4917 1

M 656 656 1 H* 2688 2688 1 VY H* 2688 2688 1

M 656 656 1

WB H 4327 4327 1

WG H 4327 4327 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 73

Page 75: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


SECAUCUS TOWN2 KB H 6380 6380 1 BB H 6380 6380 1 CB H 6155 6155 1 OB H 5680 5680 1 CX H* 2890 2890 1 WR H 6380 6380 1 FB H 6830 6830 1 NB H 5180 5180 1

H* 3590 3590 1 H* 3590 3590 1 H* 3590 3590 1 H* 3140 3140 1 SB H 6380 6380 1 H* 3590 3590 1 H* 4190 4190 1 H* 2890 2890 1

M 2700 2700 1 BW H 4430 4430 1 CG H 6155 6155 1 M 2700 2700 1 H* 3590 3590 1 M 2700 2700 1 SW H* 3590 3590 1 NG H 5180 5180 1

KG H 6380 6380 1 H* 3590 3590 1 OG H 5680 5680 1 SG H 6380 6380 1 VB H 6080 6080 1 H* 2890 2890 1

H* 3590 3590 1 H* 3140 3140 1 H* 3590 3590 1 VG H 6080 6080 1 TN M 2100 2100 1

M 2700 2700 1 M 2700 2700 1 XB H 5230 5230 1 VY H* 3590 3590 1

TB H 5330 5330 1 XG H 5230 5230 1 M 2700 2700 1

TG H 5330 5330 1 WB H 4870 4870 1

TI H* 2940 2940 1 WG H 4870 4870 1


ALEXANDRIA TWP1 KB M 3163 3163 1 BB M 2642 2642 1 CB M 2642 2642 1 CX M 2642 2642 1 VY M 2642 2642 1 FH M 2642 2642 1

E 3163 3163 1 E 2642 2642 1 CG M 2642 2642 1 SB M 2642 2642 1 E 2642 2642 1

KG M 3163 3163 1 SC E 2642 2642 1 SF E 2642 2642 1

E 3163 3163 1 SG M 2642 2642 1

DELAWARE VALLEY REGIONAL5 KB H 9323 9323 1 BB H 7709 7709 1 CB H 7709 7709 1 OB H 7709 7709 1 SB H 7709 7709 1 WR H 9323 9323 1 FB H 1E4 1E4 1

H* 6792 6792 1 H* 5831 5831 1 H* 5831 5831 1 H* 5831 5831 1 H* 5831 5831 1 H* 6792 6792 1 H* 7134 7134 1

KG H 9323 9323 1 GF H 5857 5857 1 CG H 7709 7709 1 OG H 7709 7709 1 SG H 7709 7709 1 VB H 7709 7709 1

H* 6792 6792 1 H* 5831 5831 1 H* 5831 5831 1 H* 5831 5831 1 VG H 7709 7709 1

XB H 7709 7709 1 VY H* 6792 6792 1

XG H 7709 7709 1

EAST AMWELL TWP1 KB M 3412 4344 3 BB M 2622 3007 3 CB M 2060 3007 3 CX M 3007 3007 1 VY M 855 855 1

E 1692 1692 1 CG M 2060 3007 3 SB M 2622 3007 3

KG M 3412 4344 3 SC E 1530 1530 1 SG M 2622 3007 3

E 1692 1692 1

FRENCHTOWN BORO1 KB M 3500 3500 1 CB M 3500 3500 1

E 3500 3500 1 CG M 3500 3500 1

KG M 3500 3500 1 SC E 3500 3500 1

E 3500 3500 1

HAMPTON BORO1 KB M 2637 2637 1 CB M 1714 1714 1

E 2637 2637 1 CG M 1714 1714 1

KG M 2637 2637 1 SC E 1714 1714 1

E 2637 2637 1

KINGWOOD TWP1 KB M 3022 3022 1 BB M 2397 2397 1 CB M 2397 2397 1 SB M 2397 2397 1

E 3022 3022 1 E 2397 2397 1 CG M 2397 2397 1 SF E 2397 2397 1

KG M 3022 3022 1 SC E 2397 2397 1 SG M 2397 2397 1

E 3022 3022 1

LEBANON BORO1 KB M 375 375 1

E 375 375 1

KG M 375 375 1

E 375 375 1

LEBANON TWP1 KB M 5734 5734 1 BB M 3151 3151 1 CB M 3151 3151 1 CX M 3151 3151 1 FH M 3151 3151 1

E 5734 5734 1 E 3151 3151 1 CG M 3151 3151 1

KG M 5734 5734 1 SC E 3151 3151 1

E 5734 5734 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 74

Page 76: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


MILFORD BORO1 KB M 2400 2400 1 BB M 2400 2400 1 CB M 2400 2400 1 OB M 2400 2400 1 CX M 2400 2400 1 IM M 2400 2400 1 VY M 2400 2400 1 FH M 2400 2400 1

E 2400 2400 1 E 2400 2400 1 CG M 2400 2400 1 OG M 2400 2400 1 SB M 2400 2400 1 E 2400 2400 1 E 2400 2400 1 TN M 2400 2400 1

KG M 2400 2400 1 SC E 2400 2400 1 TO E 2400 2400 1 SF E 2400 2400 1 WR M 2400 2400 1

E 2400 2400 1 SG M 2400 2400 1

SOUTH HUNTERDON REGIONAL5 KB H 6719 6719 1 BB H 5792 5792 1 CB H 5792 5792 1 CX M 3244 3244 1 WR H 5792 5792 1 FB H 8109 8109 1 FH H 5792 5792 1

KG H 6719 6719 1 M 3244 3244 1 M 3244 3244 1 SB H 5792 5792 1 H* 6719 6719 1 M 3244 3244 1

BW H 3244 3244 1 CG H 5792 5792 1 M 3244 3244 1

H* 2085 2085 1 M 3244 3244 1 SG H 5792 5792 1

GF H 3244 3244 1 M 3244 3244 1

XB H 5792 5792 1

XG H 5792 5792 1

TEWKSBURY TWP1 KB M 3555 5247 3 BB M 2707 4401 3 CB M 2707 4401 3 SB M 2707 4401 3 WR M 3555 5247 3 FH M 2707 4401 3

E 3555 5247 3 E 2707 4401 3 CG M 2707 4401 3 SF E 2707 4401 3

KG M 3555 5247 3 SC E 2707 4401 3 SG M 2707 4401 3

E 3555 5247 3

UNION TWP1 KB M 3454 3454 1 BB M 2656 2656 1 CB M 2656 2656 1 CX M 2656 2656 1 VY M 2656 2656 1

E 3454 3454 1 E 2656 2656 1 CG M 2656 2656 1 SB M 2656 2656 1 E 2656 2656 1

KG M 3454 3454 1 SC E 2656 2656 1 SF E 2656 2656 1

E 3454 3454 1 SG M 2656 2656 1


HOPEWELL VALLEY REGIONAL3 KB H 5142 7529 9 BB H 5142 7529 9 CB H 5142 7529 9 OB H 5142 7529 9 CX H* 3520 5521 9 WR H 5142 7529 9 FB H 5142 7529 9 FH H 5142 7529 9

H* 3520 5521 9 H* 3520 5521 9 H* 3520 5521 9 H* 3520 5521 9 SB H 5142 7529 9 H* 3520 5521 9 H* 3520 5521 9 H* 3520 5521 9

KG H 5142 7529 9 GF H 4251 6544 9 CG H 5142 7529 9 OG H 5142 7529 9 H* 3520 5521 9 SW H* 3520 5521 9 NB H 4251 6544 9

H* 3520 5521 9 H* 3520 5521 9 H* 3520 5521 9 SG H 5142 7529 9 WB H 5142 7529 9 H* 2792 5521 9

TB H 5142 7529 9 H* 3520 5521 9 WG H 5142 7529 9 NG H 4251 6544 9

TG H 5142 7529 9 XB H 5142 7529 9 H* 2792 5521 9

TI H* 3520 5521 9 XG H 5142 7529 9

ROBBINSVILLE TWP2 KB H 7108 7647 3 BB H 6893 7431 3 CB H 6893 7431 3 OB H 6893 7431 3 CX H* 3587 4072 3 WR H 7108 7647 3 FB H 7755 8294 3 FH H 6893 7431 3

H* 5062 5601 3 H* 4847 5385 3 H* 4847 5385 3 H* 4847 5385 3 SB H 6893 7431 3 H* 5062 5601 3 H* 5170 5708 3 H* 4847 5385 3

KG H 7108 7647 3 BW H 4406 4954 3 CG H 6893 7431 3 OG H 6893 7431 3 H* 4847 5385 3 SW H* 4847 5385 3 NB H 5278 5816 3

H* 5062 5601 3 GF H 5278 5816 3 H* 4847 5385 3 H* 4847 5385 3 SG H 6893 7431 3 VB H 6893 7431 3 H* 3695 4072 3

TB H 5816 6355 3 H* 4847 5385 3 VG H 6893 7431 3 NG H 5278 5816 3

TG H 5816 6355 3 XB H 5278 5816 3 VY H* 4847 5385 3 H* 3695 4072 3

TI H* 4538 5103 3 XG H 5278 5816 3 M 474 474 1

E 474 474 1

WB H 6893 7431 3

WG H 6893 7431 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 75

Page 77: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


TRENTON CITY4 KB H 7994 7994 1 BB H 7379 7379 1 CB H 7379 7379 1 OB H 7379 7379 1 CX H* 4797 4797 1 WR H 7379 7379 1 FB H 7994 7994 1 NB H 5780 5780 1

H* 6149 6149 1 H* 6149 6149 1 H* 6149 6149 1 H* 6149 6149 1 SB H 7379 7379 1 H* 6149 6149 1 H* 6149 6149 1 H* 4797 4797 1

M 2374 2374 1 M 2374 2374 1 M 2374 2374 1 M 2374 2374 1 H* 6149 6149 1 SW H* 6149 6149 1 NG H 5780 5780 1

KG H 7994 7994 1 GF H 5780 5780 1 CG H 7379 7379 1 OG H 7379 7379 1 M 2374 2374 1 WB H 7379 7379 1 H* 4797 4797 1

H* 6149 6149 1 H* 4797 4797 1 H* 6149 6149 1 H* 6149 6149 1 SG H 7379 7379 1 WG H 7379 7379 1

M 2374 2374 1 M 2374 2374 1 M 2374 2374 1 H* 6149 6149 1

TB H 5780 5780 1 M 2374 2374 1

TG H 5780 5780 1 XB H 5780 5780 1

TI H* 4797 4797 1 XG H 5780 5780 1


CRANBURY TWP1 KB M 3656 3656 1 BB M 3656 3656 1 CB M 3656 3656 1 OB M 3656 3656 1 CX M 3656 3656 1 WR M 3656 3656 1 FH M 3656 3656 1

E 3656 3656 1 E 3656 3656 1 CG M 3656 3656 1 OG M 3656 3656 1 SB M 3656 3656 1 TN M 3656 3656 1

KG M 3656 3656 1 SC E 3656 3656 1 TO E 3656 3656 1 SF E 3656 3656 1

E 3656 3656 1 SG M 3656 3656 1

HIGHLAND PARK BORO2 KB H 8205 8205 1 BB H 7533 7533 1 CB H 7000 7000 1 OB H 7721 7721 1 SB H 7721 7721 1 GM H 7000 7000 1 FH H 6830 6830 1

H* 6267 6267 1 H* 5179 5179 1 H* 5068 5068 1 H* 5068 5068 1 H* 5309 5309 1 WR H 8205 8205 1 H* 4945 4945 1

M 4586 4586 1 M 1533 1533 1 M 2594 2594 1 M 7721 7721 1 M 1572 1572 1 H* 6267 6267 1 NB H 5309 5309 1

KG H 8205 8205 1 CG H 7000 7000 1 OG H 7721 7721 1 SG H 7721 7721 1 M 1572 1572 1 NG H 5309 5309 1

H* 6267 6267 1 H* 5068 5068 1 H* 5068 5068 1 H* 5309 5309 1

M 4586 4586 1 M 2594 2594 1 M 7721 7721 1 M 1572 1572 1

TB H 7721 7721 1

TG H 7721 7721 1

TI H* 5068 5068 1

JAMESBURG BORO1 KB M 2200 2200 1 CB M 2200 2200 1

E 2200 2200 1 CG M 2200 2200 1

KG M 2200 2200 1 SC E 2200 2200 1

E 2200 2200 1

MIDDLESEX CO VOC-TECH5 KB H 6401 6401 1 BB H 6401 6401 1 CB H 6401 6401 1 SB H 6401 6401 1

H* 3278 3278 1 H* 3278 3278 1 H* 3278 3278 1 H* 3278 3278 1

KG H 6401 6401 1 CG H 6401 6401 1 SG H 6401 6401 1

H* 3278 3278 1 H* 3278 3278 1 H* 3278 3278 1

MILLTOWN BORO1 KB M 2572 2572 1 BB M 2147 2147 1 CB M 2147 2147 1 SB M 2147 2147 1

E 2572 2572 1 E 2147 2147 1 CG M 2147 2147 1 SF E 2147 2147 1

KG M 2572 2572 1 SC E 2147 2147 1 SG M 2147 2147 1

E 2572 2572 1

MONROE TWP4 KB H 7805 9638 3 BB H 7205 8898 3 CB H 7205 8898 3 OB H 7805 9638 3 CX H* 4076 5391 3 IM H 2049 2049 1 FB H 8592 11E3 3 FH H 7205 8898 3

H* 5071 6259 3 H* 4681 5781 3 H* 4681 5784 3 H* 5071 6259 3 M 3297 4149 3 WR H 7805 9638 3 H* 5946 6875 3 H* 4681 5781 3

M 3297 4069 3 M 3043 3758 3 M 3043 3760 3 OG H 7805 9638 3 SB H 7205 8898 3 H* 5071 6259 3 VB H 7205 8898 3 M 3043 3758 3

KG H 7805 9638 3 BW H 5071 6271 3 CG H 7205 8898 3 H* 5071 6259 3 H* 4681 5781 3 M 3297 4069 3 VG H 7205 8898 3 NB H 5071 6271 3

H* 5071 6259 3 GF H 5071 6271 3 H* 4681 5784 3 TB H 7805 9638 3 M 3043 3758 3 VY H* 4681 5781 3 H* 4076 5391 3

M 3297 4069 3 M 3043 3760 3 TG H 7805 9638 3 SG H 7205 8898 3 NG H 5071 6271 3

TI H* 5071 5880 3 H* 4681 5781 3 H* 4076 5391 3

M 3043 3758 3

XB H 5071 6271 3

XG H 5071 6271 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 76

Page 78: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


NORTH BRUNSWICK TWP4 KB H 9678 9678 1 BB H 9678 9678 1 CB H 9678 9678 1 OB H 9678 9678 1 CX M 4840 4840 1 GM H 8544 8544 1 FB H 12E3 12E3 1 NB H 8544 8544 1

H* 6291 6291 1 H* 5807 5807 1 H* 6291 6291 1 H* 6291 6291 1 SB H 9678 9678 1 WR H 9678 9678 1 H* 7687 7687 1 H* 5552 5552 1

M 4840 4840 1 M 4840 4840 1 M 4840 4840 1 OG H 9678 9678 1 H* 6291 6291 1 H* 6291 6291 1 SW H* 6291 6291 1 NG H 8544 8544 1

KG H 9678 9678 1 BW H 8544 8544 1 CG H 9678 9678 1 H* 6291 6291 1 M 4421 4421 1 M 4840 4840 1 VB H 8343 8343 1 H* 5552 5552 1

H* 6291 6291 1 H* 5552 5552 1 H* 6291 6291 1 TB H 8544 8544 1 SG H 9678 9678 1 VG H 8343 8343 1

M 4840 4840 1 GF H 8544 8544 1 M 4840 4840 1 TG H 8544 8544 1 H* 6291 6291 1 VY H* 5422 5422 1

TI H* 5552 5552 1 M 4421 4421 1 WB H 9678 9678 1

XB H 8544 8544 1 WG H 9678 9678 1

XG H 8544 8544 1

OLD BRIDGE TWP4 KB H 5566 8689 4 BB H 5500 8587 4 CB H 5500 8587 4 OB H 5435 8485 4 CX H* 3402 6306 4 GM H 5500 8587 4 FB H 6724 1E4 4 FH H 5500 8587 4

H* 3484 6457 4 H* 3443 6381 4 H* 3443 6381 4 H* 3402 6306 4 SB H 5500 8587 4 H* 3443 6381 4 H* 4513 7275 4 H* 3443 6381 4

KG H 5566 8689 4 BW H 5435 8485 4 CG H 5500 8587 4 OG H 5435 8485 4 H* 3443 6381 4 IM M 3372 6250 4 SW H* 3443 6381 4 NB H 5435 8485 4

H* 3484 6457 4 H* 3402 6306 4 H* 3443 6381 4 H* 3402 6306 4 SG H 5500 8587 4 WR H 5566 8689 4 VB H 5500 8587 4 H* 3443 6381 4

GF H 5435 8485 4 TB H 5435 8485 4 H* 3443 6381 4 H* 3484 6457 4 VG H 5500 8587 4 NG H 5435 8485 4

H* 3402 6306 4 TG H 5435 8485 4 XB H 5435 8485 4 VY H* 3443 6381 4 H* 3443 6381 4

TI H* 3402 6306 4 XG H 5435 8485 4 WB H 5500 8587 4

WG H 5500 8587 4

SAYREVILLE BORO4 KB H 9688 9688 1 BB H 9689 9689 1 CB H 9688 9688 1 OB H 9688 9688 1 CX M 5762 5762 1 GM H 8261 8261 1 FB H 12E3 12E3 1 FH H 9688 9688 1

M 6781 6781 1 H* 6781 6781 1 M 6781 6781 1 H* 6781 6781 1 SB H 9688 9688 1 IM H 5981 5981 1 H* 8866 8866 1 M 6781 6781 1

KG H 9688 9688 1 M 6781 6781 1 CG H 9688 9688 1 OG H 9688 9688 1 H* 6781 6781 1 M 5981 5981 1 SW H* 5782 5782 1 NB H 8261 8261 1

M 6781 6781 1 BW H 8261 8261 1 M 6781 6781 1 H* 6781 6781 1 M 6781 6781 1 WR H 9688 9688 1 WB H 8261 8261 1 NG H 8261 8261 1

GF H 8261 8261 1 TB H 8261 8261 1 SG H 9688 9688 1 M 6781 6781 1 WG H 8261 8261 1

TG H 8261 8261 1 H* 6781 6781 1

TI H* 5782 5782 1 M 6781 6781 1

XB H 8261 8261 1

XG H 8261 8261 1

SOUTH AMBOY CITY2 KB H 6614 6614 1 BB H 6241 6241 1 CB H 5934 5934 1 OB H 4000 4000 1 CX H* 2385 2385 1 VB H 1316 1316 1 NB H 3817 3817 1

H* 4609 4609 1 M 2386 2386 1 H* 3556 3556 1 OG H 4000 4000 1 M 3102 3102 1 VG H 1316 1316 1 NG H 3817 3817 1

M 3102 3102 1 BW H 3698 3698 1 M 2386 2386 1 SG H 6241 6241 1 VY M 1316 1316 1

KG H 6614 6614 1 GF H 3042 3042 1 CG H 5934 5934 1 H* 4377 4377 1 E 1316 1316 1

H* 4609 4609 1 H* 3556 3556 1 M 2386 2386 1

M 3102 3102 1 M 2386 2386 1 XB H 5108 5108 1

XG H 5108 5108 1

SOUTH BRUNSWICK TWP4 KB H 9330 9330 1 BB H 7768 7768 1 CB H 7768 7768 1 OB H 7768 7768 1 CX H* 5432 5432 1 GM H 7768 7768 1 FB H 9669 9669 1 FH H 7768 7768 1

H* 6438 6438 1 H* 5432 5432 1 H* 5432 5432 1 H* 5432 5432 1 M 5227 5227 1 H* 5432 5432 1 H* 6768 6768 1 H* 5432 5432 1

M 5374 5374 1 M 5227 5227 1 M 5227 5227 1 M 5227 5227 1 SB H 7768 7768 1 WR H 9330 9330 1 SW H* 5432 5432 1 NB H 7768 7768 1

KG H 9330 9330 1 BW H 6211 6211 1 CG H 7768 7768 1 OG H 7768 7768 1 H* 5432 5432 1 H* 6438 6438 1 VB H 7768 7768 1 H* 5432 5432 1

H* 6438 6438 1 H* 4346 4346 1 H* 5432 5432 1 H* 5432 5432 1 M 5227 5227 1 M 5374 5374 1 VG H 7768 7768 1 NG H 7768 7768 1

M 5374 5374 1 GF H 6211 6211 1 M 5227 5227 1 M 5227 5227 1 SG H 7768 7768 1 VY H* 5432 5432 1 H* 5432 5432 1

H* 4346 4346 1 TB H 7768 7768 1 H* 5432 5432 1 WB H 7768 7768 1 TN M 5227 5227 1

TG H 7768 7768 1 M 5227 5227 1 WG H 7768 7768 1

TI H* 5432 5432 1 XB H 7768 7768 1

XG H 7768 7768 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 77

Page 79: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


SOUTH PLAINFIELD BORO3 KB H 5873 9081 7 BB H 5584 8439 7 CB H 5584 8439 7 OB H 5584 8439 7 CX M 4056 5672 7 GM H 5584 8439 7 FB H 6979 1E4 7 FH H 5584 8439 7

H* 4623 6986 7 H* 4320 6650 7 H* 4320 6650 7 H* 4320 6650 7 SB H 5584 8439 7 H* 4320 6650 7 H* 5175 7950 7 H* 4320 6650 7

M 4320 6007 7 M 4056 5672 7 M 4320 6007 7 M 4056 5672 7 H* 4320 6650 7 WR H 5873 9081 7 VB H 5584 8439 7 M 4056 5672 7

KG H 5873 9081 7 BW H 5321 7629 7 CG H 5584 8439 7 OG H 5584 8439 7 M 4056 5672 7 H* 4623 6986 7 VG H 5584 8439 7 NB H 5321 7629 7

H* 4623 6986 7 GF H 5321 7629 7 H* 4320 6650 7 H* 4320 6650 7 SG H 5584 8439 7 M 4320 6007 7 VY H* 4320 6650 7 NG H 5321 7629 7

M 4320 6007 7 M 4320 6007 7 M 4056 5672 7 H* 4320 6650 7 WB H 5321 7629 7

TB H 5321 7629 7 M 4056 5672 7 WG H 5321 7629 7

TG H 5321 7629 7 XB H 5321 7629 7

TI H* 4188 5824 7 XG H 5321 7629 7

WOODBRIDGE TWP4 KB H 7776 7776 1 BB H 6804 6804 1 CB H 6804 6804 1 OB H 5832 5832 1 CX H* 3907 3907 1 WR H 7776 7776 1 FB H 9720 9720 1 NB H 4860 4860 1

H* 5210 5210 1 H* 4559 4559 1 H* 4559 4559 1 H* 3907 3907 1 SG H 6804 6804 1 H* 5210 5210 1 H* 6512 6512 1 H* 3256 3256 1

KG H 7776 7776 1 GF H 4860 4860 1 CG H 6804 6804 1 OG H 5832 5832 1 H* 4559 4559 1 SW H* 3907 3907 1 NG H 4860 4860 1

H* 5210 5210 1 H* 3256 3256 1 H* 4559 4559 1 H* 3907 3907 1 XB H 5832 5832 1 VB H 5832 5832 1 H* 3256 3256 1

TB H 5832 5832 1 XG H 5832 5832 1 VG H 5832 5832 1

TG H 5832 5832 1 VY H* 3907 3907 1

TI H* 3907 3907 1 WB H 5832 5832 1

WG H 5832 5832 1


ASBURY PARK CITY2 KB H 6000 9000 4 BB H 6000 9000 4 CB H 6000 9000 4 OB H 6000 9000 4 CX H* 2900 5900 4 WR H 6000 9000 4 FB H 9000 12E3 4 NB H 5000 8000 4

H* 3900 6900 4 H* 3900 6900 4 H* 3900 6900 4 H* 3900 6900 4 SB H 6000 9000 4 H* 3900 6900 4 H* 6900 9900 4 NG H 5000 8000 4

KG H 6000 9000 4 BW H 5000 8000 4 CG H 6000 9000 4 OG H 6000 9000 4 H* 3900 6900 4 SW H* 3900 6900 4

H* 3900 6900 4 GF H 5000 8000 4 H* 3900 6900 4 H* 3900 6900 4 SG H 6000 9000 4 VB H 5000 8000 4

TB H 5000 8000 4 H* 3900 6900 4 VG H 5000 8000 4

TG H 5000 8000 4 XB H 5000 8000 4 VY H* 2900 5900 4

XG H 5000 8000 4 WB H 6000 9000 4

WG H 6000 9000 4


E 970 970 1

AVON BORO1 KB E 3068 3068 1 BB E 2246 2246 1 SC E 2246 2246 1 SF E 2246 2246 1

KG E 3068 3068 1

BELMAR BORO1 KB M 4819 4819 1 BB M 3678 3678 1 CB M 3678 3678 1 CX M 3678 3678 1 WR M 4819 4819 1

E 4819 4819 1 E 3678 3678 1 CG M 3678 3678 1

KG M 4819 4819 1 SC E 3678 3678 1

E 4819 4819 1

BRADLEY BEACH BORO1 KB M 2830 2830 1 BB M 2830 2830 1 CB M 2830 2830 1 SG M 2830 2830 1

E 2830 2830 1 E 2830 2830 1 CG M 2830 2830 1

KG M 2830 2830 1 SC E 28E3 2830 1

E 2830 2830 1

DEAL BORO1 KB M 4104 4104 1 CB M 2058 2058 1 OB M 2006 2006 1 SB M 1822 1822 1 VY M 1822 1822 1

E 4104 4104 1 CG M 2058 2058 1 OG M 2006 2006 1 SF E 1822 1822 1 E 1822 1822 1

KG M 4104 4104 1 SC E 2058 2058 1 TO E 2006 2006 1 SG M 1822 1822 1

E 4104 4104 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 78

Page 80: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


HAZLET TWP3 KB H 9094 9094 1 BB H 8536 8536 1 CB H 8536 8536 1 OB H 8536 8536 1 SB H 8536 8536 1 WR H 9094 9094 1 FB H 9094 9094 1 FH H 8536 8536 1

H* 7136 7136 1 H* 6526 6526 1 H* 6526 6526 1 H* 6526 6526 1 H* 6526 6526 1 H* 7136 7136 1 H* 7136 7136 1 H* 6526 6526 1

M 3851 3851 1 M 3347 3347 1 M 3347 3347 1 OG H 8536 8536 1 SG H 8536 8536 1 SW H* 6526 6526 1 M 3347 3347 1

KG H 9094 9094 1 CG H 8536 8536 1 H* 6526 6526 1 H* 6526 6526 1 VB H 8536 8536 1 NB H 8536 8536 1

H* 7136 7136 1 H* 6526 6526 1 TB H 8536 8536 1 M 3347 3347 1 VG H 8536 8536 1 H* 6526 6526 1

M 3851 3851 1 M 3347 3347 1 TG H 8536 8536 1 XB H 8536 8536 1 VY H* 6526 6526 1 NG H 8536 8536 1

TI H* 6526 6526 1 XG H 8536 8536 1 WB H 8536 8536 1 H* 6526 6526 1

WG H 8536 8536 1

KEYPORT BORO2 KB H 8071 8071 1 BB H 7709 7709 1 OB H 7007 7007 1 CX M 5535 5535 1 WR H 7495 7495 1 FB H 8322 8322 1 FH H 7709 7709 1

H* 5924 5924 1 H* 5654 5654 1 H* 5380 5380 1 SB H 7709 7709 1 H* 5654 5654 1 H* 6022 6022 1 H* 5654 5654 1

M 5535 5535 1 M 5535 5535 1 OG H 7007 7007 1 H* 5654 5654 1 M 5535 5535 1

KG H 8071 8071 1 BW H 5449 5449 1 H* 5380 5380 1 M 5535 5535 1

H* 5924 5924 1 SG H 7709 7709 1

M 5535 5535 1 H* 5654 5654 1

M 5535 5535 1

XB H 6270 6270 1

XG H 6270 6270 1

LONG BRANCH CITY3 KB H 6084 8765 5 BB H 4682 6817 5 CB H 4682 6817 5 OB H 4682 6817 5 CX H* 1875 2592 5 IM M 784 804 5 FB H 6084 8765 5 FH H 6084 8765 5

H* 3692 5218 5 H* 2856 4870 5 H* 2856 4870 5 H* 2856 4870 5 M 1233 1926 5 WR H 6084 8765 5 H* 3692 5218 5 H* 3692 5218 5

M 3057 4375 5 M 2537 3215 5 M 2537 3215 5 M 2573 3215 5 SB H 4682 6817 5 H* 3692 5218 5 SW H* 2856 4870 5 M 3057 4375 5

E 1035 1035 1 BW H 3101 4438 5 CG H 4682 6817 5 OG H 4682 6817 5 H* 2856 4870 5 M 3057 4375 5 VB H 3101 4438 5 NB H 3101 4437 5

KG H 6084 8765 5 H* 1875 2592 5 H* 2856 4870 5 H* 2856 4870 5 M 2537 3215 5 VG H 3101 4438 5 H* 1875 2592 5

H* 3692 5218 5 GF H 3101 4438 5 M 2537 3215 5 M 2573 3215 5 SG H 4682 6817 5 VY H* 1875 2592 5 NG H 3101 4437 5

M 3057 4375 5 H* 1875 2592 5 SC E 1035 1035 1 TB H 4682 6817 5 H* 2856 4870 5 M 1233 1926 5 H* 1875 2592 5

E 1035 1035 1 TG H 4682 6817 5 M 2537 3215 5 E 1035 1035 1 TN M 1233 1926 5

TI H* 2856 4870 5 XB H 3101 4438 5 WB H 4682 6817 5

XG H 3101 4438 5 WG H 4682 6817 5

MANASQUAN BORO2 KB H 5000 8275 8 BB H 5000 7775 8 CB H 4350 6900 8 OB H 3900 6250 8 SB H 5000 7775 8 GM H 4150 4150 1 FB H 6850 9000 8 FH H 4950 7350 8

H* 2800 4700 8 H* 2840 5300 8 H* 2800 4400 8 H* 2475 3300 8 H* 2840 5300 8 IM E 1400 2600 8 H* 3900 6625 8 H* 3300 5750 8

E 3000 4325 8 E 2440 3600 8 CG H 4350 6900 8 OG H 3900 6250 8 SF E 2440 3600 8 WR H 4100 5800 8 SW H* 2250 2850 8 NB H 3550 5725 8

KG H 5000 8275 8 BW H 2600 3650 8 H* 2800 4400 8 H* 2475 3300 8 SG H 5000 7775 8 H* 2400 3350 8 WB H 3550 4600 8 H* 2150 3000 8

H* 2800 4700 8 GF H 3400 4500 8 SC E 3000 4480 8 H* 2840 5300 8 WG H 3550 4600 8 NG H 3550 5725 8

E 3000 4325 8 H* 2200 2750 8 XB H 3100 5575 8 H* 2150 3000 8

XG H 3100 5575 8

MARLBORO TWP1 KB M 3428 5864 5 BB M 3428 5864 5 CB M 3438 5864 5 OB M 3438 5864 5 CX M 3428 5864 5 IM M 3021 4907 5 VY M 3021 4907 5 TN M 3438 5864 5

E 3428 5864 5 E 3428 5864 5 CG M 3438 5864 5 OG M 3438 5864 5 SB M 3438 5864 5 E 3021 4907 5 E 3021 4907 5

KG M 3428 5864 5 SC E 3438 5864 5 TO E 3438 5864 5 SF E 3438 5864 5 WR M 3438 5864 5

E 3428 5864 5 SG M 3438 5864 5

MILLSTONE TWP1 KB M 3033 3033 1 BB M 2853 2853 1 CB M 2675 2675 1 OB M 2853 2853 1 CX M 2675 2675 1 IM M 719 719 1 FH M 2571 2571 1

E 3033 3033 1 E 2853 2853 1 CG M 2675 2675 1 OG M 2853 2853 1 SB M 2853 2853 1 E 719 719 1

KG M 3033 3033 1 SC E 2675 2675 1 TO E 2853 2853 1 SF H 97 2797 WR M 3033 3033 1

E 3033 3033 1 E 2853 2853 1

SG M 2853 2853 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 79

Page 81: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


MONMOUTH BEACH BORO1 KB M 2125 3586 4 BB M 1757 3025 4 CX M 1757 3025 4 TN M 1757 3025 4

E 2125 3586 4 E 1757 3025 4 SB M 1757 3025 4

KG M 2125 3586 4 SF E 1757 3025 4

E 2125 3586 4 SG M 1757 3025 4

MONMOUTH REGIONAL5 KB H 5340 6917 6 BB H 5340 6917 6 CB H 5340 6917 6 OB H 5340 6917 6 CX H* 3605 5027 6 WR H 5340 6917 6 FB H 6370 7487 6 NB H 5340 6917 6

H* 3605 5322 6 H* 3605 5322 6 H* 3605 5322 6 H* 3605 5322 6 SB H 5340 6917 6 H* 3605 5322 6 H* 4015 5332 6 H* 3605 5322 6

KG H 5340 6917 6 BW H 5340 6457 6 CG H 5340 6917 6 OG H 5340 6917 6 H* 3605 5322 6 VB H 5340 6917 6 NG H 5340 6917 6

H* 3605 5322 6 H* 3605 5027 6 H* 3605 5322 6 H* 3605 5322 6 SG H 5340 6917 6 VG H 5340 6917 6 H* 3605 5322 6

GF H 5340 6457 6 H* 3605 5322 6 VY H* 3605 5322 6

H* 3605 5027 6 XB H 5340 6457 6

XG H 5340 6457 6

NEPTUNE TWP3 KB H 9876 1E4 3 BB H 9876 1E4 3 CB H 9876 1E4 3 OB H 9876 1E4 3 CX H* 7326 7626 3 GM H 9876 1E4 3 FB H 9876 1E4 3 FH H 9876 1E4 3

H* 8134 8634 3 H* 8134 8634 3 H* 8134 8634 3 H* 8134 8634 3 SB H 9876 1E4 3 H* 8134 8634 3 H* 8134 8634 3 H* 8134 8634 3

KG H 9876 1E4 3 BW H 8363 8733 3 CG H 9876 1E4 3 OG H 9876 1E4 3 H* 8134 8634 3 WR H 9876 1E4 3 SW H* 8134 8634 3 NB H 8363 8733 3

H* 8134 8634 3 GF H 8363 8733 3 H* 8134 8634 3 H* 8134 9634 3 SG H 9876 1E4 3 H* 8134 8634 3 VB H 8363 8733 3 NG H 8363 8733 3

H* 7326 7626 3 H* 8134 8634 3 VG H 8363 8733 3

XB H 8363 8733 3 WB H 9876 1E4 3

XG H 8363 8733 3 WG H 9876 1E4 3

OCEAN TWP3 KB H 6720 7700 5 BB H 6068 6938 5 CB H 6068 6938 5 CX H* 4634 5572 5 GM H 6068 6938 5 FB H 6720 7700 5 FH H 6068 6938 5

H* 5417 6249 5 H* 4634 5572 5 H* 4895 5886 5 SB H 6068 6938 5 H* 4895 5886 5 H* 5417 6249 5 H* 4634 5572 5

KG H 6720 7700 5 BW H 5417 6175 5 CG H 6068 6938 5 H* 4895 5886 5 WR H 6720 7700 5 SW H* 4895 5886 5 NB H 5742 6556 5

H* 5417 6249 5 H* 4374 5336 5 H* 4895 5886 5 SG H 6068 6938 5 H* 5417 6249 5 WB H 6068 6938 5 H* 4634 5572 5

GF H 5742 6556 5 H* 4895 5886 5 WG H 6068 6938 5 NG H 5742 6556 5

H* 4634 5572 5 XB H 5742 6556 5 H* 4634 5572 5

XG H 5742 6556 5

OCEANPORT BORO1 KB M 4271 4271 1 BB M 3334 3334 1 CB M 3269 3269 1 SB M 3334 3334 1 FH M 3269 3269 1

E 4271 4271 1 E 3334 3334 1 CG M 3269 3269 1 SF E 3334 3334 1

KG M 4271 4271 1 SC E 3269 3269 1 SG M 3334 3334 1

E 4271 4271 1

RED BANK BORO1 KB M 2454 2454 1 BB M 1769 1769 1 CB M 1769 1769 1 OB M 1769 1769 1 SB M 1769 1769 1

E 2454 2454 1 E 1769 1769 1 CG M 1769 1769 1 OG M 1769 1769 1 SF E 1769 1769 1

KG M 2454 2454 1 SC E 1769 1769 1 TO E 1769 1769 1 SG M 1769 1769 1

E 2454 2454 1

RUMSON-FAIR HAVEN REG5 KB H 5083 8298 9 BB H 4609 7636 9 CB H 4609 7636 9 OB H 4609 7636 9 CX H* 2716 3957 9 WR H 5083 8298 9 FB H 5801 8786 9 FH H 4609 7636 9

H* 4070 6115 9 H* 3646 5709 9 H* 3646 5709 9 H* 3646 5709 9 SB H 4609 7636 9 H* 4070 6115 9 H* 4324 6384 9 H* 3646 5709 9

KG H 5083 8298 9 GF H 3366 5425 9 CG H 4609 7636 9 OG H 4609 7636 9 H* 3646 5709 9 SW H* 3646 5709 9 NB H 3366 5425 9

H* 4070 6115 9 H* 2716 3957 9 H* 3646 5709 9 H* 3646 5709 9 SG H 4609 7636 9 VB H 4609 7636 9 H* 2719 3957 9

TB H 3283 5325 9 H* 3646 5709 9 VG H 4609 7636 9 NG H 3366 5425 9

TG H 3283 5325 9 XB H 3366 5425 9 VY H* 3646 5709 9 H* 2719 3957 9

TI H* 2535 3857 9 XG H 3366 5425 9 WB H 4609 7636 9

WG H 4609 7636 9

SHREWSBURY BORO1 KB M 2527 2527 1 BB M 2527 2527 1 CB M 2527 2527 1 OB M 2527 2527 1 IM M 1269 1269 1

E 2527 2527 1 E 2527 2527 1 CG M 2527 2527 1 OG M 2527 2527 1 E 1269 1269 1

KG M 2527 2527 1 SC E 2527 2527 1 TO E 2527 2527 1

E 2527 2527 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 80

Page 82: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


SPRING LAKE BORO1 KB M 3200 3200 1 BB M 2500 2500 1 CB M 2500 2500 1

E 3200 3200 1 E 2500 2500 1 CG M 2500 2500 1

KG M 3200 3200 1 SC E 2500 2500 1

E 3200 3200 1

SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS BORO1 KB M 3828 3828 1 BB M 3828 3828 1 CB M 3828 3828 1 SG M 3828 3828 1 IM M 3225 3225 1 TN M 3828 3828 1

E 3828 3828 1 E 3828 3828 1 CG M 3828 3828 1 E 3225 3225 1

KG M 3828 3828 1 SC E 3828 3828 1

E 3828 3828 1

WALL TWP3 KB H 8300 1E4 6 BB H 7950 9840 6 CB H 7950 9840 6 OB H 5930 7820 6 CX H* 3755 4995 6 GM H 7950 9645 6 FB H 8680 11E3 6 FH H 7950 9840 6

H* 5375 6610 6 H* 4995 6230 6 H* 5015 6250 6 H* 4655 5890 6 SB H 7950 9840 6 H* 4610 5560 6 H* 5755 6990 6 H* 5015 6250 6

KG H 8300 1E4 6 BW H 4540 5615 6 CG H 7950 9840 6 OG H 5930 7820 6 H* 4995 6230 6 IM M 1700 1700 6 SW H* 4995 6230 6 NB H 5150 6845 6

H* 5375 6610 6 GF H 4635 6525 6 H* 5015 6250 6 H* 4655 5890 6 SG H 7950 9840 6 E 1700 1700 1 VB H 7950 9840 6 H* 3385 4005 6

H* 2265 2575 6 H* 4995 6230 6 WR H 8300 1E4 6 VG H 7950 9840 6 NG H 5150 6845 6

XB H 4655 6350 6 H* 5015 6250 6 VY H* 4995 6230 6 H* 3385 4005 6

XG H 4655 6350 6 WB H 7950 9840 6

WG H 7950 9840 6

WEST LONG BRANCH BORO1 KB M 3744 3744 1 BB M 3252 3252 1 CB M 3335 3335 1 CX M 3025 3025 1 IM M 1580 1580 1 FH M 3335 3335 1

E 3744 3744 1 E 3252 3252 1 CG M 3335 3335 1 E 1580 1580 1

KG M 3744 3744 1 SC E 3335 3335 1

E 3744 3744 1


BOONTON TWP1 BB M 3138 3930 6 CB M 3138 3930 6 OB M 2441 3232 6 CX M 2441 3232 6

E 3138 3930 6 CG M 3138 3930 6 OG M 2441 3232 6 SB M 3138 3930 6

SC E 3138 3930 6 TO E 2441 3232 6 SF E 3138 3930 6

SG M 3138 3930 6

DOVER TOWN2 KB H 3531 8005 6 BB H 3531 8005 6 CB H 3531 8005 6 OB H 3531 8005 6 CX H* 2178 4093 6 WR H 3531 8005 6 FB H 4345 9933 6

H* 2533 5768 6 H* 2533 5768 6 H* 2533 5768 6 H* 2533 5768 6 SB H 3531 8005 6 H* 2533 5768 6 H* 2989 6768 6

KG H 3531 8005 6 CG H 3531 8005 6 OG H 3531 8005 6 H* 2533 5768 6 SW H* 2178 4093 6

H* 2533 5768 6 H* 2533 5768 6 H* 2533 5768 6 SG H 3531 8005 6 VB H 3531 8005 6

TB H 2715 5896 6 H* 2533 5768 6 VG H 3531 8005 6

TG H 2715 5896 6 XB H 2715 5896 6 VY H* 2533 5768 6

TI H* 2178 4093 6 XG H 2715 5896 6 WB H 2715 5896 6

WG H 2715 5896 6

EAST HANOVER TWP1 KB M 3240 3240 1 BB M 3240 3240 1 CB M 3240 3240 1 CX M 3240 3240 1 WR M 3240 3240 1 VY M 3240 3240 1

E 3240 3240 1 E 3240 3240 1 CG M 3240 3240 1 SG M 3240 3240 1 E 3240 3240 1

KG M 3240 3240 1 SC E 3240 3240 1

E 3240 3240 1

HANOVER TWP1 KB M 2820 3198 3 BB M 2820 3198 3 CB M 2820 3198 3 OB M 2820 3198 3 CX M 2820 3198 3 IM M 2820 3198 3 VY M 2820 3198 3 FH M 2820 3198 3

E 2820 3198 3 E 2820 3198 3 CG M 2820 3198 3 OG M 2820 3198 3 SB M 2820 3198 3 E 2820 3198 3 E 2820 3198 3 TN M 2820 3198 3

KG M 2820 3198 3 SC E 2820 3198 3 TO E 2820 3198 3 SF E 2820 3198 3 WR M 2820 3198 3

E 2820 3198 3 SG M 2820 3198 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 81

Page 83: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


JEFFERSON TWP3 KB H 6748 8241 3 BB H 5628 7124 3 CB H 5628 7124 3 OB H 5628 7124 3 CX H* 3088 3933 3 IM M 493 493 1 FB H 8242 9741 3 FH H 5628 7124 3

H* 4130 5628 3 H* 3755 4877 3 H* 3755 4877 3 H* 3755 4877 3 M 1643 1643 1 WR H 6370 7876 3 H* 4500 6004 3 H* 3755 4877 3

KG H 6748 8241 3 BW H 3755 4877 3 CG H 5628 7124 3 M 1643 1643 1 SB H 0 7124 3 H* 3755 5250 3 SW H* 3755 4877 3

H* 4130 5628 3 GF H 3755 4877 3 H* 3755 4877 3 OG H 5628 7124 3 H* 3755 4877 3 VB H 5628 7124 3

H* 3755 4877 3 SG H 5628 7124 3 VG H 5628 7124 3

M 1643 1643 1 H* 3755 4877 3 VY H* 3755 4877 3

TB H 5628 7124 3 XB H 4231 5250 3 WB H 5628 7124 3

TG H 5628 7124 3 XG H 4231 5250 3 WG H 5628 7124 3

TI H* 3755 4877 3

LONG HILL TWP1 KB M 3115 3115 1 BB M 3115 3115 1 CB M 3115 3115 1 CX M 3115 3115 1

E 3115 3115 1 E 3115 3115 1 CG M 3115 3115 1 SG M 3115 3115 1

KG M 3115 3115 1

E 3115 3115 1

MADISON BORO2 KB H 6176 7789 4 BB H 6176 7789 4 CB H 6176 7789 4 OB H 6176 7789 4 CX H* 3968 5467 4 WR H 5976 7789 4 FB H 7791 9209 4 FH H 6176 7789 4

H* 4870 6341 4 H* 4870 6341 4 H* 4870 6341 4 H* 4870 6341 4 XB H 5441 6912 4 H* 4870 6341 4 H* 5415 6867 4 H* 4870 6341 4

KG H 6176 7789 4 BW H 4539 6038 4 CG H 6176 7789 4 OG H 6176 7789 4 XG H 5441 6912 4 SW H* 3968 5467 4 NB H 5441 6912 4

H* 4870 6341 4 GF H 4539 6038 4 H* 4870 6341 4 H* 4870 6341 4 VG H 6176 7789 4 H* 3968 5467 4

H* 3174 4374 4 TB H 6176 7789 4 VY H* 4870 6341 4 NG H 5441 6912 4

TG H 6176 7789 4 WB H 5441 6912 4 H* 3968 5467 4

TI H* 4870 6341 4 WG H 5441 6912 4

MENDHAM BORO1 KB M 2535 5197 5 BB M 2535 5197 5 CB M 2535 5197 5 CX M 2535 5197 5 TN M 1260 2267 5

E 2535 5197 5 E 2535 5197 5 CG M 2535 5197 5 SB M 2516 5159 5

KG M 2535 5197 5 SC E 2535 5197 5 SF E 2516 5159 5

E 2535 5197 5 SG M 2516 5159 5

MORRIS PLAINS BORO1 KB M 2470 4337 5 BB M 2470 4337 5 CB M 2470 4337 5 OB M 2470 4337 5 CX M 2470 4337 5 IM M 2470 4337 5 VY M 2470 4337 5 FH M 2470 4337 5

E 2470 4337 5 E 2470 4337 5 CG M 2470 4337 5 OG M 2470 4337 5 SB M 2470 4337 5 E 2470 4337 5 E 2470 4337 5 TN M 2470 4337 5

KG M 2470 4337 5 SC E 2470 4337 5 TO E 2470 4337 5 SF E 2470 4337 5 WR M 2470 4337 5

E 2470 4337 5 SG M 2470 4337 5

MOUNT ARLINGTON BORO1 KB M 3159 3159 1 CB M 3159 3159 1 SB M 3159 3159 1 IM M 1416 1416 1

E 3159 3159 1 CG M 3159 3159 1 SF E 3159 3159 1 E 1416 1416 1

KG M 3159 3159 1 SC E 3159 3159 1 SG M 3159 3159 1

E 3159 3159 1

MOUNT OLIVE TWP3 KB H 7389 8774 4 BB H 6744 8124 4 CB H 6744 8124 4 OB H 6744 8124 4 CX H* 3234 4066 4 IM H 1430 1430 1 FB H 8855 1E4 4 FH H 6744 8124 4

H* 4344 5544 4 H* 4055 4894 4 H* 4055 4894 4 H* 4055 4894 4 M 4294 4294 1 M 3823 3823 1 H* 4617 5725 4 H* 4055 4894 4

M 4294 4294 1 M 4294 4294 1 M 4294 4294 1 M 4294 4294 1 SB H 6744 8124 4 WR H 7389 8774 4 SW H* 4055 4894 4 M 4294 4294 1

KG H 7389 8774 4 GF H 4759 5589 4 CG H 6744 8124 4 OG H 6744 8124 4 H* 4055 4894 4 H* 4344 5544 4 VY M 1119 1119 1 NB H 4759 5589 4

H* 4344 5544 4 H* 4055 4894 4 H* 4055 4894 4 M 4294 4294 1 M 3565 3565 1 WB H 6744 8124 4 NG H 4759 5589 4

M 4294 4294 1 M 4294 4294 1 M 4294 4294 1 SG H 6744 8124 4 WG H 6744 8124 4

TB H 6371 7484 4 H* 4055 4894 4

TG H 6371 7484 4 M 4294 4294 1

TI H* 3234 4066 4 XB H 6371 7484 4

XG H 6371 7484 4

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 82

Page 84: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


MOUNTAIN LAKES BORO2 KB H 6605 8831 3 BB H 5095 6869 3 CB H 5095 6869 3 OB H 5095 6869 3 CX H* 3774 5493 3 WR H 5095 6869 3 FB H 7925 1E4 3 FH H 5095 6869

M 2264 3532 3 GF H 4151 5887 3 CG H 5095 6869 3 H* 3397 4710 3 SB H 5095 6869 3 H* 6605 8831 3 NB H 4529 6278 3

KG H 6605 8831 2 OG H 5095 6869 3 SG H 5095 6869 3 SW H* 3397 4710 3 NG H 4529 6278 3

M 2264 3532 3 H* 3397 4710 3 XB H 4529 6278 3 WB H 5095 6869 3

XG H 4529 6278 3 WG H 5095 6869 3

PEQUANNOCK TWP2 KB H 4186 7606 7 BB H 4186 7606 7 CB H 3484 6888 7 OB H 3484 6888 7 CX H* 2566 4136 7 GM H 3228 5798 7 FB H 5254 8543 7 FH H 3484 6888 7

H* 3210 5643 7 H* 2911 5560 7 H* 3250 5273 7 H* 3250 5273 7 M 3250 5289 7 H* 2566 4136 7 H* 3210 5643 7 H* 2995 5196 7

M 3250 5289 7 M 3250 5289 7 M 3250 5289 7 M 3250 5289 7 XB H 3228 5798 7 WR H 4186 7606 7 SW H* 3250 5273 7 M 3250 5289 7

KG H 4186 7606 7 GF H 3228 5798 7 CG H 3484 6888 7 OG H 3484 6888 7 XG H 3228 5798 7 H* 3210 5643 7 WB H 3484 6888 7 NB H 3228 5798 7

H* 3210 5643 7 H* 2566 4136 7 H* 3250 5273 7 H* 3250 5273 7 M 3250 5289 7 WG H 3484 6888 7 H* 2566 4136 7

M 3250 5289 7 M 3250 5289 7 M 3250 5289 7 NG H 3228 5798 7

H* 2566 4136 7

TN M 3250 5289 7

RIVERDALE BORO1 KB M 1705 1705 1 BB M 1705 1705 1 SB M 1705 1705 1

E 1705 1705 1 E 1705 1705 1 SF E 1705 1705 1

KG M 1705 1705 1 SG M 1705 1705 1

E 1705 1705 1

SCH DIST OF THE CHATHAMS3 KB H 8294 824 1 BB H 7319 7319 1 CB H 7319 7319 1 OB H 7319 7319 1 SB H 7319 7319 1 WR H 8294 8294 1 FB H 9758 9758 1 FH H 7319 7319 1

H* 5855 5855 1 H* 5855 5855 1 H* 5855 5855 1 H* 5855 5855 1 H* 5855 5855 1 H* 5855 5855 1 H* 5855 5855 1 H* 5855 5855 1

KG H 8294 8294 1 BW H 6343 6343 1 CG H 7319 7319 1 OG H 7319 7319 1 SG H 7319 7319 1 SW H* 5855 5855 1 NB H 6343 6343 1

H* 5855 5855 1 GF H 6343 6343 1 H* 5855 5855 1 H* 5855 5855 1 H* 5855 5855 1 VB H 7319 7319 1 H* 5855 5855 1

TB H 7319 7319 1 XB H 6343 6343 1 VG H 7319 7319 1 NG H 6343 6343 1

TG H 7319 7319 1 XG H 6343 6343 1 VY H* 5855 5855 1 H* 5855 5855 1

TI H* 5855 5855 1 WB H 8294 8294 1

WG H 8294 8294 1

WHARTON BORO1 KB M 3181 3798 5 BB M 3181 3798 5 CB M 3181 3798 5 CX M 3181 3798 5

E 3181 3798 5 E 3181 3798 5 CG M 3181 3798 5 SB M 3181 3798 5

KG M 3181 3798 5 SC E 3181 3798 5 SF E 3181 3798 5

E 3181 3798 5 SG M 3181 3798 5


BAY HEAD BORO1 KB M 2431 2431 1 BB M 2431 2431 1 CB M 2431 2431 1 SB M 2431 2431 1

E 2431 2431 1 E 2431 2431 1 CG M 2431 2431 1 SF E 2431 2431 1

SC E 2431 2431 1 SG M 2431 2431 1

BRICK TWP4 BW H 6242 6242 1 IM H 2830 2830 1 NB H 6242 6242 1

H* 4609 4609 1 M 2830 2830 1 H* 4609 4609 1

GF H 6242 6242 1 E 2830 2830 1 NG H 6242 6242 1

H* 4609 4609 1 H* 4609 4609 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 83

Page 85: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


CENTRAL REGIONAL5 KB H 6800 8400 5 BB H 5800 7310 5 CB H 5800 7310 5 OB H 5800 7310 5 CX H* 3700 4260 5 GM H 5000 6230 5 FB H 6800 8400 5 FH H 5800 7310 5

H* 5000 5740 5 H* 4300 5090 5 H* 4300 5090 5 H* 4300 5090 5 M 3800 4770 5 H* 3700 4260 5 H* 5000 5740 5 H* 4300 5090 5

M 3800 4770 5 M 3800 4770 5 M 3800 4770 5 M 3800 4770 5 SB H 5800 7310 5 WR H 6800 8400 5 SW H* 4300 5090 5 M 3800 4770 5

KG H 6800 8400 5 BW H 5000 6230 5 CG H 5800 7310 5 OG H 5800 7310 5 H* 4300 5090 5 H* 5000 5740 5 VB H 5000 6230 5 NB H 5000 6230 5

H* 5000 5740 5 H* 3700 4260 5 H* 4300 5090 5 H* 4300 5090 5 M 3800 4770 5 M 3800 4770 5 VG H 5000 6230 5 H* 3700 4260 5

M 3800 4770 5 GF H 5000 6230 5 M 3800 4770 5 M 3800 4770 5 SG H 5800 7310 5 VY H* 3700 4260 5 NG H 5000 6230 5

H* 3700 4260 5 TB H 5000 6230 5 H* 4300 5090 5 M 3800 4770 5 H* 3700 4260 5

TG H 5000 6230 5 M 3800 4770 5 WB H 5800 7310 5 TN M 3800 4770 5

TI H* 3700 4260 5 XB H 5000 6230 5 WG H 5800 7310 5

XG H 5000 6230 5

LACEY TWP3 KB H 7812 8797 4 BB H 7172 8259 4 CB H 7532 8259 3 OB H 7532 8259 3 CX H* 5434 5801 2 GM H 7896 8259 2 FB H 9699 11E3 4 FH H 7532 8259 3

H* 5201 6185 4 H* 4712 5801 4 H* 5071 5801 3 H* 5071 5801 3 M 5071 5071 1 H* 5434 5801 2 H* 6789 7808 4 H* 5071 5801 3

M 4348 5071 3 M 4348 5071 3 M 4348 5071 3 M 4348 5071 3 SB H 7172 8259 4 WR H 7812 8797 4 VB H 7896 8259 2 M 3400 3400 1

KG H 7812 8797 4 BW H 7206 7935 3 CG H 7532 8259 4 OG H 7532 8259 3 H* 4712 5801 4 H* 5201 6185 4 VG H 7896 8259 2 NB H 6846 7935 4

H* 5201 6185 4 GF H 7206 7935 3 H* 5071 5801 3 H* 5071 5801 3 M 4348 5071 3 M 4712 5071 2 VY H* 5434 5801 2 NG H 6846 7935 4

M 4348 5071 3 M 4348 5071 3 M 4348 5071 3 SG H 7172 8259 4 WB H 7812 8797 4

TB H 7206 7935 3 H* 4712 5801 4 WG H 7812 8797 4

TG H 7206 7935 3 M 4348 5071 3

XB H 7896 8259 2

XG H 7896 8259 2

LAKEHURST BORO1 KB M 3579 3579 1 CB M 3579 3579 1 OB M 3579 3579 1 IM M 2660 2660 1 VY M 3280 3280 1

E 3579 3579 1 CG M 3579 3579 1 OG M 3579 3579 1 E 2660 2660 1 E 3280 3280 1

KG M 3579 3579 1 SC E 3579 3579 1 TO E 3579 3579 1

E 3579 3579 1

MANCHESTER TWP2 KB H 7829 7829 1 BB H 7828 7828 1 CB H 7829 7829 1 OB H 7829 7829 1 CX H* 4905 4905 1 WR H 7829 7829 1 FB H 8949 8949 1 FH H 7829 7829 1

H* 5904 5904 1 H* 5904 5904 1 H* 5904 5904 1 H* 5904 5904 1 M 4870 4870 1 H* 5904 5904 1 H* 6876 6876 1 H* 5904 5904 1

M 4870 4870 1 M 4870 4870 1 M 4870 4870 1 M 4870 4870 1 SB H 7829 7829 1 M 4870 4870 1 SW H* 4905 4905 1 NB H 6713 6713 1

KG H 7829 7829 1 BW H 5880 5880 1 CG H 7829 7829 1 OG H 7829 7829 1 H* 5904 5904 1 VB H 7829 7829 1 H* 4905 4905 1

H* 5904 5904 1 H* 4201 4201 1 H* 5904 5904 1 H* 5904 5904 1 M 4870 4870 1 VG H 7829 7829 1 NG H 6713 6713 1

M 4870 4870 1 GF H 6713 6713 1 M 4870 4870 1 M 4870 4870 1 SG H 7829 7829 1 VY H* 5904 5904 1 H* 4905 4905 1

H* 4905 4905 1 TB H 7829 7829 1 H* 5904 5904 1 WB H 6713 6713 1

TG H 7829 7829 1 M 4870 4870 1 WG H 6713 6713 1

TI H* 5904 5904 1 XB H 6713 6713 1

XG H 6713 6713 1

PINELANDS REGIONAL5 KB H 8849 8849 1 BB H 8121 8121 1 CB H 8121 8121 1 OB H 8121 8121 1 CX M 4800 4800 1 IM H 3620 3620 1 FB H 8951 8951 1 FH H 8121 8121 1

H* 5943 5943 0 H* 5506 5506 1 H* 5506 5506 1 H* 5506 5506 1 SB H 8121 8121 1 M 3620 3620 1 H* 6481 6481 1 H* 5506 5506 1

M 5090 5090 1 M 4800 4800 1 M 4800 4800 1 M 4800 4800 1 H* 5506 5506 1 WR H 8849 8849 1 VB H 8121 8121 1 M 4800 4800 1

KG H 8849 8849 1 BW H 4800 4800 1 CG H 8121 8121 1 OG H 8121 8121 1 M 4800 4800 1 H* 5943 5943 1 VG H 8121 8121 1 NB H 5943 5943 1

H* 5943 5943 1 GF H 5943 5943 1 H* 5506 5506 1 H* 5506 5506 1 SG H 8121 8121 1 M 5090 5090 1 VY H* 5506 5506 1 H* 4036 4036 1

M 5090 5090 1 H* 4036 4036 1 M 4800 4800 1 M 4800 4800 1 H* 5506 5506 1 M 4800 4800 1 NG H 5943 5943 1

TB H 6354 6354 1 M 4800 4800 1 H* 4036 4036 1

TG H 6354 6354 1 XB H 5943 5943 1

TI H* 5506 5506 1 XG H 5943 5943 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 84

Page 86: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


PLUMSTED TWP2 KB H 7469 7469 1 BB H 7469 7469 1 CB H 7469 7469 1 OB H 7469 7469 1 SB H 7469 7469 1 WR H 7469 7469 1 FB H 8052 8052 1 FH H 7469 7469 1

H* 5251 5251 1 H* 5251 5251 1 H* 5251 5251 1 H* 5251 5251 1 H* 5251 5251 1 H* 5251 5251 1 H* 5251 5251 1 H* 5251 5251 1

KG H 7469 7469 1 BW H 5718 5718 1 CG H 7469 7469 1 OG H 7469 7469 1 SG H 7469 7469 1 WB H 5718 5718 1 NB H 5718 5718 1

H* 5251 5251 1 GF H 5718 5718 1 H* 5251 5251 1 H* 5251 5251 1 H* 5251 5251 1 WG H 5718 5718 1 NG H 5718 5718 1

XB H 5552 5552 1

XG H 5718 5718 1

POINT PLEASANT BEACH BOR2 KB H 6527 6527 1 BB H 6027 6027 1 CB H 6027 6027 1 OB H 6027 6027 1 CX M 3561 3561 1 WR H 6646 6646 1 FB H 7316 7316 1 NB H 6027 6027 1

H* 4472 4472 1 H* 4391 4391 1 H* 4391 4391 1 H* 4391 4391 1 SB H 6027 6027 1 H* 4472 4472 1 H* 5000 5000 1 H* 4391 4391 1

M 1735 1735 1 M 3561 3561 1 M 3561 3561 1 M 3561 3561 1 H* 4391 4391 1 M 3561 3561 1 VB H 5933 5933 1 NG H 6027 6027 1

E 1735 1735 1 E 3561 3561 1 CG H 6027 6027 1 OG H 6027 6027 1 M 3561 3561 1 VG H 5933 5933 1 H* 4391 4391 1

KG H 6527 6527 1 H* 4391 4391 1 H* 4391 4391 1 SF E 3561 3561 1 VY H* 4391 4391 1

H* 4472 4472 1 M 3561 3561 1 M 3561 3561 1 SG H 6027 6027 1 M 1899 1899 1

M 1735 1735 1 SC E 3561 3561 1 TO E 3561 3561 1 H* 4391 4391 1 E 1899 1899 1

E 1735 1735 1 M 3561 3561 1

XB H 6027 6027 1

XG H 6027 6027 1

SOUTHERN REGIONAL5 KB H 1E4 1E4 1 BB H 8469 8469 1 CB H 8469 8469 1 OB H 8469 8469 1 CX M 6352 6352 1 GM H 8469 8469 1 FB H 11E3 11E3 1 FH H 8469 8469 1

H* 7751 7751 1 H* 6357 6357 1 H* 6357 6357 1 H* 6357 6357 1 SB H 8469 8469 1 H* 6357 6357 1 H* 8427 8427 1 H* 6357 6357 1

M 7751 7751 1 M 6346 6346 1 M 6346 6346 1 M 6346 6346 1 H* 6357 6357 1 IM H 1904 1904 1 SW H* 6357 6357 1 M 6352 6352 1

KG H 1E4 1E4 1 BW H 6695 6695 1 CG H 8469 8469 1 OG H 8469 8469 1 M 6346 6346 1 M 1904 1904 1 VB H 8469 8469 1 NB H 6695 6695 1

H* 7751 7751 1 GF H 6695 6695 1 H* 6357 6357 1 H* 6357 6357 1 SG H 8469 8469 1 WR H 11E3 11E3 1 VG H 8469 8469 1 H* 5020 5020 1

M 7751 7751 1 M 6346 6346 1 M 6346 6346 1 H* 6357 6357 1 H* 7892 7892 1 VY H* 6357 6357 1 NG H 6695 6695 1

TB H 8328 8328 1 M 6346 6346 1 M 7892 7892 1 M 6346 6346 1 H* 5020 5020 1

TG H 8328 8328 1 XB H 8469 8469 1 WB H 8469 8469 1

TI H* 6277 6277 1 XG H 8469 8469 1 WG H 8469 8469 1

TOMS RIVER REGIONAL4 KB H 5425 8344 3 BB H 4799 7384 3 CB H 4799 7384 3 OB H 4799 7384 3 CX H* 3220 4953 3 GM H 4799 7384 3 FB H 5679 8738 3 FH H 4682 7204 3

H* 3637 5594 3 H* 3220 4953 3 H* 3220 4953 3 H* 3320 4953 3 M 2847 4380 3 H* 3320 4953 3 H* 3716 5717 3 H* 3220 4953 3

M 3216 4948 3 M 2847 4380 3 M 2847 4380 3 M 2847 4380 3 SB H 4799 7384 3 IM E 3363 3363 1 SW H* 3341 5140 3 M 2847 4380 3

KG H 5425 8344 3 BW H 2574 3958 3 CG H 4799 7384 3 OG H 4799 7384 3 H* 3320 4953 3 WR H 5293 8141 3 VB H 4799 7384 3 NB H 3286 5051 3

H* 3637 5594 3 GF H 3286 5051 3 H* 3220 4953 3 H* 3320 4953 3 M 2847 4380 3 H* 3549 5458 3 VG H 4799 7384 3 H* 2203 3388 3

M 3216 4948 3 H* 2203 3388 3 M 2847 4380 3 M 2847 4380 3 SG H 4799 7384 3 M 3216 4948 3 VY H* 3320 4953 3 NG H 3286 5051 3

H* 3320 4953 3 M 2847 4380 3 H* 2203 3388 3

M 2847 4380 3 WB H 4983 7666 3

XB H 4799 7384 3 WG H 4983 7666 3

XG H 4799 7384 3


BLOOMINGDALE BORO1 KB M 2961 2961 1 CX M 1000 1000 1 IM M 3603 3603 1

E 2961 2961 1 E 3603 3603 1

KG M 2961 2961 1

E 2961 2961 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 85

Page 87: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


CLIFTON CITY4 KB H 7061 11E3 3 BW H 5623 6629 3 OB H 7061 11E3 3 CX H* 4480 6629 3 GM H 5623 6629 3 FB H 8378 13E3 3 NB H 5623 6629 3

H* 5295 8012 3 H* 4480 6629 3 H* 5295 8012 3 SB H 7061 11E3 3 H* 4400 6629 3 H* 5851 8914 3 H* 4400 6629 3

KG H 7061 11E3 3 GF H 5623 6629 3 OG H 7061 11E3 3 H* 5295 8012 3 WR H 8378 13E3 3 SW H* 5295 8012 3 NG H 5623 6629 3

H* 5295 8012 3 H* 4400 6629 3 H* 5295 8012 3 SG H 7061 11E3 3 H* 5851 8914 3 VB H 7061 11E3 3 H* 4400 6629 3

TB H 7061 11E3 3 H* 5295 8012 3 VG H 7061 11E3 3

TG H 7061 11E3 3 XB H 5623 6629 3 VY H* 5295 8012 3

TI H* 5295 8012 3 XG H 5623 6629 3 WB H 7061 11E3 3

WG H 7061 11E3 3

PASSAIC CO MANCHESTER RE5 KB H 6143 7680 3 BB H 6143 7680 3 CB H 6143 7680 3 OB H 6143 7680 3 SB H 6143 7680 3 IM H 852 852 1 FB H 7676 9293 3

H* 4165 5211 3 H* 4165 5211 3 CG H 6143 7680 3 H* 4165 5211 3 H* 4165 5211 3 WR H 6143 7680 3 H* 5045 6306 3

KG H 6143 7680 3 BW H 2857 3569 3 OG H 6143 7680 3 SG H 6143 7680 3 H* 4165 5211 3 VB H 6143 7680 3

H* 4165 5211 3 GF H 3436 4295 3 H* 4165 5211 3 H* 4165 5211 3 VG H 6143 7680 3

H* 2216 2353 3 TB H 6023 7529 3 XB H 6143 7680 3 VY H* 4165 5211 3

TG H 6023 7529 3 XG H 6143 7680 3

TI H* 4084 5108 3

PASSAIC CO VOC-TECH5 KB H 11E3 11E3 1 BB H 9836 9836 1 CB H 1E4 1E4 1 OB H 9836 9836 1 SB H 9836 9836 1 WR H 11E3 11E3 1 FB H 13E3 13E3 1 NB H 6633 6633 1

H* 7473 7473 1 H* 6500 6500 1 H* 7090 7090 1 H* 6500 6500 1 H* 6500 6500 1 H* 7473 7473 1 H* 8701 8701 1 H* 4444 4444 1

KG H 11E3 11E3 1 BW H 6443 6443 1 CG H 9870 9870 1 OG H 9836 9836 SG H 9836 9836 1 SW H* 7090 7090 1 NG H 6633 6633 1

H* 7473 7473 1 H* 4317 4317 1 H* 6951 6951 1 H* 6500 6500 1 H* 6500 6500 1 VB H 1E4 1E4 1 H* 4444 4444 1

GF H 6633 6633 1 XB H 8422 8422 1 VG H 1E4 1E4 1

H* 4444 4444 1 XG H 8422 8422 1 VY H* 7090 7090 1

WB H 1E4 1E4 1

WG H 1E4 1E4 1

POMPTON LAKES BORO2 KB H 8250 8950 3 BB H 8000 8700 3 CB H 7600 8425 3 OB H 8000 8700 3 SB H 8000 8700 3 WR H 8250 8950 3 FB H 8750 9300 3 FH H 7600 8425 3

KG H 8250 8950 3 BW H 4775 5175 3 CG H 7600 8425 3 H* 5600 6125 3 SG H 8000 8700 3 H* 6800 7200 3 NB H 6200 6625 3

OG H 8000 8700 3 XB H 6300 6875 3 NG H 6200 6625 3

H* 5600 6125 3 XG H 6300 6875 3

TB H 5900 6375 3

TG H 5900 6375 3

RINGWOOD BORO1 KB M 2925 2925 1

E 2925 2925 1

KG M 2925 2925 1

E 2925 2925 1

WEST MILFORD TWP3 KB H 7850 1E4 3 BB H 6882 8890 3 CB H 6882 8890 3 OB H 6882 8890 3 CX H* 3358 5233 3 GM H 6882 8890 3 FB H 9354 12E3 3 FH H 6882 8890 3

H* 5089 7036 3 H* 4739 6675 3 H* 4739 6675 3 H* 4739 6675 3 SB H 6882 8890 3 H* 4739 6675 3 H* 6810 8365 3 H* 4739 6675 3

KG H 7850 1E4 3 BW H 4543 6377 3 CG H 6882 8890 3 OG H 6882 8890 3 H* 4739 6675 3 WR H 7850 1E4 3 NB H 4543 6377 3

H* 5089 7036 3 H* 2998 4842 3 H* 4739 6675 3 H* 4739 6675 3 SG H 6882 8890 3 H* 5089 7036 3 H* 2998 4842 3

GF H 4543 6377 3 TB H 4904 6789 3 H* 4739 6675 3 NG H 4543 6377 3

H* 2998 4842 3 TG H 4904 6789 3 XB H 4904 6789 3 H* 2998 4842 3

TI H* 3358 5233 3 XG H 4904 6789 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 86

Page 88: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


PENNS GRV-CARNEY'S PT RE2 KB H 4682 4682 1 BB H 4266 4266 1 CB H 4266 4266 1 OB H 4100 4100 1 SB H 4266 4266 1 IM M 707 707 1 FB H 5930 5930 1 FH H 4100 4100 1

H* 3059 3059 1 H* 2809 2809 1 H* 2809 2809 1 H* 2700 2700 1 H* 2809 2809 1 WR H 4682 4682 1 H* 3954 3954 1 H* 2700 2700 1

KG H 4682 4682 1 GF H 3954 3954 1 CG H 4266 4266 1 OG H 4100 4100 1 SG H 4266 4266 1 H* 3059 3059 1 WB H 3954 3954 1 NB H 3954 3954 1

H* 3059 3059 1 H* 2809 2809 1 H* 2700 2700 1 H* 2809 2809 1 WG H 3954 3954 1 H* 2809 2809 1

TB H 4266 4266 1 XB H 3954 3954 1 NG H 3954 3954 1

TG H 4266 4266 1 XG H 3954 3954 1 H* 2809 2809 1

PENNSVILLE2 KB H 5637 5637 1 BB H 5637 5637 1 CB H 5637 5637 1 OB H 5637 5637 1 CX H* 3454 3454 1 WR H 5637 5637 1 FB H 5637 5637 1 FH H 5637 5637 1

H* 3795 3795 1 H* 3795 3795 1 H* 3796 3796 1 H* 3796 3796 1 SG H 5637 5637 1 H* 3796 3796 1 H* 3795 3795 1 H* 3796 3796 1

M 1790 1790 1 GF H 4323 4323 1 CG H 5637 5637 1 OG H 5637 5637 1 H* 3796 3796 1 NB H 4323 4323 1

KG H 5637 5637 1 H* 3454 3454 1 H* 3796 3796 1 H* 3796 3796 1 XB H 4323 4323 1 H* 3454 3454 1

H* 3796 3796 1 TB H 4323 4323 1 XG H 4323 4323 1 NG H 4323 4323 1

M 1790 1790 1 TG H 4323 4323 1 H* 3454 3454 1

TI H* 3454 3454 1

UPPER PITTSGROVE TWP1 KB M 1022 1022 1 BB M 1022 1022 1 CB M 1022 1022 1 OB M 1022 1022 1 CX M 1022 1022 1 IM M 342 342 1 VY M 1022 1022 1 FH M 1022 1022 1

E 1022 1022 1 E 1022 1022 1 CG M 1022 1022 1 OG M 1022 1022 1 SB M 1022 1022 1 E 342 342 1 TN M 1022 1022 1

KG M 1022 1022 1 SC E 1022 1022 1 TO E 1022 1022 1 SF E 1022 1022 1 WR M 1022 1022 1

E 1022 1022 1 SG M 1022 1022 1

WOODSTOWN-PILESGROVE REG2 KB H 4842 5764 5 BB H 4466 5407 5 CB H 4466 5407 5 OB H 4581 5407 5 CX H* 3332 4275 5 IM H 3353 4266 5 FB H 5239 6226 5 NB H 4039 4981 5

H* 3389 4324 5 H* 3285 4231 5 H* 3285 4231 5 H* 3285 4231 5 M 3332 4275 5 M 3353 4266 5 H* 3576 4554 5 H* 3332 4275 5

KG H 4842 5784 5 GF H 3577 4611 5 CG H 4466 5407 5 OG H 4581 5407 5 SB H 4466 5407 5 WR H 4593 5534 5 SW H* 3285 4231 5 NG H 4039 4981 5

H* 3389 4324 5 H* 2683 3459 5 H* 3285 4231 5 H* 3285 4231 5 H* 3285 4231 5 H* 3316 4253 5 WB H 4466 5407 5 H* 3332 4275 5

SG H 4466 5407 5 WG H 4466 5407 5

H* 3285 4231 5

XB H 4039 4981 5

XG H 4039 4981 5


BEDMINSTER TWP1 KB M 2958 2958 1 CB M 2958 2958 1 OB M 2772 2772 1 FH M 2958 2958 1

E 2958 2958 1 CG M 2958 2958 1 OG M 2772 2772 1

KG M 2958 2958 1 SC E 2958 2958 1 TO E 2772 2772 1

E 2958 2958 1

BOUND BROOK BORO2 KB H 7553 8471 2 BB H 6454 7177 2 CB H 6454 7177 2 OB H 6454 7177 2 CX H* 4825 5574 2 WR H 7553 8471 2 FB H 7799 9523 2 NB H 6454 7177 2

M 4692 5377 2 CG H 6454 7177 2 H* 4692 5377 2 SB H 6454 7177 2 H* 5170 6010 2 H* 5429 6175 2 H* 4692 5377 2

KG H 7553 8471 2 OG H 6454 7177 2 M 4692 5377 2 M 4692 4692 1 NG H 6454 7177 2

M 4692 5377 2 H* 4692 5377 2 SG H 6454 7177 2 H* 4692 5377 2

TB H 6454 7177 2 M 4692 5377 2

TG H 6454 7177 2 XB H 6454 7177 2

TI H* 4692 5377 2 XG H 6454 7177 2

BRANCHBURG TWP1 KB M 3677 3677 1 BB M 3309 3309 1 CB M 2574 2574 1 SB M 3309 3309 1 IM M 630 630 1

E 3677 3677 1 E 3309 3309 1 CG M 2574 2574 1 SF E 3309 3309 1 E 630 630 1

KG M 3677 3677 1 SC E 2574 2574 1 SG M 3309 3309 1

E 3677 3677 1

GREEN BROOK TWP1 KB M 4458 4458 1 BB M 3003 3003 1 CB M 3002 3002 1 OB M 3002 3002 1 CX M 3002 3002 1

E 4458 4458 1 E 3003 3003 1 CG M 3002 3002 1 OG M 3002 3002 1 SG M 3002 3002 1

KG M 4458 4458 1 SC E 3002 3002 1 TO E 3002 3002 1

E 4458 4458 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 87

Page 89: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


HILLSBOROUGH TWP4 KB H 7977 8464 3 BB H 7977 8464 3 CB H 7379 7828 3 OB H 8379 8886 3 CX H* 4747 5036 3 GM H 4787 5078 3 FB H 9971 11E3 3 FH H 6781 7195 3

H* 5185 5502 3 H* 5185 5502 3 H* 5165 5480 3 H* 5445 5776 3 M 3526 3740 3 IM M 3589 3589 1 H* 6980 7405 3 H* 4747 5036 3

M 4148 4402 3 M 4148 4402 3 M 3838 4070 3 OG H 8379 8886 3 SB H 7977 8464 3 E 3589 3589 1 SW H* 4537 4813 3 M 3526 3740 3

KG H 7977 8464 3 GF H 4387 4654 3 CG H 7379 7828 3 H* 5445 5776 3 H* 5185 5502 3 WR H 7777 8251 3 VB H 4787 5078 3 NB H 5185 5501 3

H* 5185 5502 3 H* 5165 5480 3 TB H 8177 8675 3 M 4148 4402 3 H* 5055 5363 3 VG H 4787 5078 3 H* 3370 3575 3

M 4148 4402 3 M 3838 4070 3 TG H 8177 8675 3 SG H 7977 8464 3 M 4165 4291 3 WB H 6980 7405 3 NG H 5185 5501 3

TI H* 5724 6073 3 H* 5185 5502 3 WG H 6980 7405 3 H* 3370 3575 3

M 4148 4402 3

XB H 6781 7195 3

XG H 6781 7195 3

SOMERSET CO VOC-TECH5 KB H 4619 4619 1 BB H 4619 4619 1 CB H 4619 4619 1 SG H 4619 4619 1

H* 2971 2971 1 H* 2971 2971 1 H* 2971 2971 1

BW H 1651 1651 1


E 3166 3166 1

KG M 3166 316 1

E 3166 3166 1

WARREN TWP1 KB M 3360 3360 1 BB M 2900 2900 1 CB M 3360 3360 1 OB M 2200 2200 1 CX M 2200 2200 1

E 3360 3360 1 E 2900 2900 1 CG M 3360 3360 1 OG M 2200 2200 1 SB M 2900 2900 1

KG M 3360 3360 1 SC E 3360 3360 1 TO E 2200 2200 1 SF E 2900 2900 1

E 3360 3360 1 SG M 2900 2900 1

WATCHUNG BORO1 KB M 3912 3912 1 BB M 2445 2445 1 OB M 2445 2445 1 SF E 2445 2445 1

KG M 3912 3912 1 OG M 2445 2445 1 SG M 2445 2445 1


FRANKFORD TWP1 KB M 1371 3096 7 CB M 1371 3096 7 OB M 1371 3096 7 FH M 1371 3096 7

E 1371 3096 7 CG M 1371 3096 7 OG M 1371 3096 7

KG M 1371 3096 7 SC E 1371 3096 7 TO E 1371 3096 7

E 1371 3096 7

GREEN TWP1 KB M 1850 1850 1 OB M 1850 1850 1 SF E 1850 1850 1 FH M 1850 1850 1

E 1850 1850 1 OG M 1850 1850 1 SG M 1850 1850 1

KG M 1850 1850 1 TO E 1850 1850 1

E 1850 1850 1

KITTATINNY REGIONAL5 KB H 7991 8196 3 BB H 6789 6962 3 CB H 6789 6962 3 OB H 6789 6962 3 CX H* 4752 4873 3 WR H 7991 8195 3 FB H 7991 8195 3 FH H 6789 6962 3

H* 5594 5737 3 H* 4752 4873 3 H* 4752 4873 3 H* 4752 4873 3 M 3676 3770 3 H* 5594 5737 3 H* 5594 5737 3 H* 4752 4873 3

M 3676 3770 3 GF H 5110 5241 3 M 3356 3442 3 M 3676 3770 3 SB H 6789 6962 3 SW H* 5594 5737 3 M 3356 3442 3

KG H 7991 8196 3 H* 3577 3668 3 CG H 6789 6962 3 OG H 6789 6962 3 H* 4752 4873 3 WB H 7991 8195 3 NB H 5110 5241 3

H* 5594 5737 3 H* 4752 4873 3 H* 4752 4873 3 SG H 6789 6962 3 WG H 7991 8195 3 H* 3577 3668 3

M 3676 3770 3 M 3356 3442 3 M 3676 3770 3 H* 4752 4873 3 NG H 5110 5241 3

TB H 40 3240 1 XB H 6789 6962 3 H* 3577 3668 3

XG H 6789 6962 0

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 88

Page 90: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


LENAPE VALLEY REGIONAL5 KB H 8277 8277 1 BB H 8277 8277 1 CB H 8277 8277 1 OB H 6792 6792 1 SB H 8277 8277 1 WR H 8277 8277 1 FB H 11E3 11E3 1 FH H 6792 6792 1

H* 5200 5200 1 H* 5200 5200 1 H* 5200 5200 1 H* 4139 4139 1 H* 5200 5200 1 H* 5200 5200 1 H* 6579 6579 1 H* 4139 4139 1

KG H 8277 8277 1 BW H 3183 3183 1 CG H 8277 8277 1 OG H 6792 6792 1 SG H 8277 8277 1 SW H* 4139 4139 1 NB H 4882 4882 1

H* 5200 5200 1 GF H 3183 3183 1 H* 5200 5200 1 H* 4139 4139 1 H* 5200 5200 1 WB H 6792 6792 1 NG H 4882 4882 1

XB H 4882 4882 1 WG H 6792 6792 1

XG H 4882 4882 1

NEWTON TOWN2 IM M 1532 1944 6

E 1532 1944 6

OGDENSBURG BORO1 KB M 2492 2492 1 CB M 1788 1788 1 OB M 1788 1788 1 IM M 2300 2300 1

E 2492 2492 1 CG M 1788 1788 1 OG M 1788 1788 1 E 2300 2300 1

KG M 2492 2492 1 SC E 1788 1788 1 TO E 1788 1788 1

E 2492 2492 1

SPARTA TWP3 KB H 7305 8992 4 BB H 6744 8429 4 CB H 6744 8429 4 OB H 6744 8429 4 CX H* 4494 6181 4 IM H 1987 1987 1 FB H 7867 11E3 4 FH H 6744 8429 4

H* 5057 6744 4 H* 4494 6181 4 H* 4494 6181 4 H* 4494 6181 4 SB H 6744 8429 4 WR H 7305 8992 4 H* 5620 7305 4 H* 4494 6181 4

KG H 7305 8992 4 BW H 3934 5620 4 CG H 6744 8429 4 OG H 6744 8429 4 H* 4494 6181 4 H* 5057 6744 4 SW H* 4494 6181 4 NB H 6744 8429 4

H* 5057 6744 4 H* 2697 3372 4 H* 4494 6181 4 H* 4494 6181 4 SG H 6744 8429 4 VB H 6744 8429 4 H* 4494 6181 4

GF H 6744 8429 4 TB H 3934 5620 4 H* 4494 6181 4 VG H 6744 8429 4 NG H 6744 8429 4

H* 4494 6181 4 TG H 3934 5620 4 XB H 6744 8429 4 VY H* 4494 611 4 H* 4494 6181 4

TI H* 2697 3372 4 XG H 6744 8429 4 WB H 6744 8129 4

WG H 6744 8129 4

STANHOPE BORO1 KB M 2350 2350 1 VY M 560 560 1

E 2350 2350 1 E 560 560 1

KG M 2350 2350 1

E 2350 2350 1

SUSSEX CO VOC-TECH5 KB H 5419 8424 5 BB H 5419 8424 5 CB H 5419 8424 5 OB H 5419 8424 5 SB H 5419 8424 5 WR H 5419 8424 5 FB H 5419 8424 5 NB H 3832 5860 5

H* 3518 5481 5 H* 3518 5481 5 H* 3518 5481 5 H* 3518 5481 5 H* 3518 5481 5 H* 3518 5481 5 H* 3518 5481 5 H* 2367 3606 5

KG H 5419 8424 5 BW H 3832 5860 5 CG H 5419 8424 5 OG H 5419 8424 5 SG H 5419 8424 5 SW H* 3518 5481 5 NG H 3832 5860 5

H* 3518 5481 5 GF H 3518 5481 5 H* 3518 5481 5 H* 3518 5481 5 H* 3518 5481 5 WB H 5419 8424 5 H* 2367 3606 5

TB H 3832 5860 5 XB H 3832 5860 5 WG H 5419 8424 5

TG H 3832 5860 5 XG H 3832 5860 5

SUSSEX-WANTAGE REGIONAL1 KB M 2508 2508 1 OB M 2508 2508 1 IM M 1713 1713 1 VY M 2508 2508 1 FH M 2508 2508 1

E 2508 2508 1 OG M 2508 2508 1 E 1713 1713 1 E 2508 2508 1 TN M 1321 1321 1

KG M 2508 2508 1 TO E 2508 2508 1

E 2508 2508 1

VERNON TWP3 KB H 7075 7880 3 BB H 6975 7780 3 CB H 6975 7780 3 OB H 6975 7780 3 CX H* 5025 5700 3 WR H 7075 7880 3 FB H 7075 7880 3 FH H 6975 7780 3

H* 5025 5700 3 H* 5025 5700 3 H* 5025 5700 3 H* 5025 5700 3 M 2125 2550 3 H* 5025 5700 3 H* 5025 5700 3 H* 5025 5700 3

M 3412 3930 3 BW H 4775 5430 3 CG H 6975 7780 3 M 3412 3930 3 SB H 6975 7780 3 VB H 6681 7249 3 M 3412 3930 3

KG H 7075 7880 3 GF H 4775 5430 3 H* 5025 5700 3 OG H 6975 7780 3 H* 5025 5700 3 VG H 6681 7249 3 NB H 6681 7249 3

H* 5025 5700 3 H* 3116 3691 3 H* 5025 5700 3 SG H 6975 7780 3 VY H* 5281 5700 3 H* 5281 5700 3

M 3412 3930 3 M 3412 3930 3 H* 5025 5700 3 M 2125 2550 3 NG H 6681 7249 3

TB H 3276 4976 3 XB H 6975 7780 3 E 2125 2550 3 H* 5281 5700 3

TG H 3276 4976 3 XG H 6975 7780 3 WB H 7075 7880 3

TO E 2125 2550 3 WG H 7075 7880 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 89

Page 91: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


WALLKILL VALLEY REGIONAL5 KB H 4370 6600 7 BB H 4085 6235 7 CB H 4085 6235 7 OB H 4370 6600 7 CX H* 2910 4585 7 WR H 4370 6600 7 FB H 5245 7865 7 FH H 4085 6235 7

H* 2910 4585 7 H* 2910 4585 7 H* 2910 4585 7 H* 2910 4585 7 SB H 4085 6235 7 H* 2910 4585 7 H* 2910 4585 7 H* 2910 4585 7

KG H 4370 6600 7 BW H 2850 4510 7 CG H 4085 6235 7 OG H 4370 6600 7 H* 2910 4585 7 SW H* 2910 4585 7 NB H 3620 5700 7

H* 2910 4585 7 GF H 3210 4965 7 H* 2910 4585 7 H* 2910 4585 7 SG H 4085 6235 7 WB H 4085 6235 7 H* 2910 4585 7

H* 2910 4585 7 H* 2910 4585 7 WG H 4085 6235 7 NG H 3620 5700 7

XB H 3620 5700 7 H* 2910 4585 7

XG H 3620 5700 7


BERKELEY HEIGHTS TWP2 KB H 7257 9510 4 BB H 6197 8119 4 CB H 6142 8046 4 OB H 6588 8632 4 CX H* 3673 4814 4 WR H 7257 9510 4 FB H 8486 11E3 4 FH H 6142 8046 4

H* 5080 6655 4 H* 4338 5684 4 H* 4298 5631 4 H* 4611 6043 4 SB H 6197 8119 4 H* 5080 6655 4 H* 5940 7782 4 H* 4298 5631 4

M 3586 4700 4 M 3586 4700 4 M 3586 4700 4 OG H 6588 8632 4 H* 4338 5684 4 M 3586 4700 4 SW H* 4338 5684 4 NB H 4912 6437 4

KG H 7257 9510 4 BW H 2848 3730 4 CG H 6142 8046 4 H* 4611 6043 4 M 3586 4700 4 WB H 6197 8119 4 H* 3438 4506 4

H* 5080 6655 4 GF H 3438 4506 4 H* 4298 5631 4 TB H 5136 6729 4 SG H 6197 8119 4 WG H 6197 8119 4 NG H 4912 5437 4

M 3586 4700 4 M 3586 4700 4 TG H 5136 6729 4 H* 4338 5684 4 H* 3438 4506 4

TI H* 3595 4711 4 M 3586 4700 4

XB H 5248 6875 4

XG H 5248 6875 4

CLARK TWP2 KB H 8329 8329 1 BB H 6767 6767 1 CB H 6767 6767 1 OB H 8166 8166 1 CX H* 3265 3265 1 GM H 6767 6767 1 FB H 9419 9419 1 FH H 6767 6767 1

H* 5665 5665 1 H* 4581 4581 1 H* 4581 4581 1 H* 5134 5134 1 M 4256 5553 2 H* 4581 4581 1 H* 6695 6695 1 H* 4581 4581 1

M 4256 5553 2 M 4256 5553 2 M 4256 5553 2 M 4256 5553 2 SB H 6767 6767 1 WR H 8329 8329 1 SW H* 3265 3265 1 M 4256 5553 2

KG H 8329 8329 1 GF H 4547 4547 1 CG H 6767 6767 1 OG H 8166 8166 1 H* 4581 4581 1 H* 5679 5679 1 VB H 5955 5955 1 NB H 6074 6074 1

H* 5665 5665 1 H* 4581 4581 1 H* 5134 5134 1 M 4256 5553 2 M 4256 5553 2 VG H 5955 5955 1 H* 3265 3265 1

M 4256 5553 2 M 4256 5553 2 M 4256 5553 2 SG H 6767 6767 1 VY H* 3265 3265 1 NG H 6074 6074 1

TB H 6067 6067 1 H* 4581 4581 1 M 4256 5553 2 H* 3265 3265 1

TG H 6067 6067 1 M 4256 5553 2 WB H 6074 6074 1 TN M 4256 5553 2

TI H* 5134 5134 1 XB H 6074 6074 1 WG H 6074 6074 1

XG H 6074 6074 1

CRANFORD TWP3 KB H 9128 9128 1 BB H 7633 7633 1 CB H 7633 7633 1 OB H 7633 7633 1 CX H* 5155 5155 1 GM H 7157 7157 0 FB H 11E3 11E3 1 FH H 7633 7633 1

H* 6368 6368 1 H* 5724 5724 1 H* 5724 5724 1 H* 5724 5724 1 M 4606 4606 1 H* 5155 5155 1 SW H* 5155 5155 1 H* 5724 5724 1

M 4965 4965 1 M 4695 4695 1 M 4695 4695 1 M 4695 4695 1 SB H 7633 7633 1 IM H 1239 1239 1 VB H 5590 5590 1 M 4695 4695 1

KG H 9128 9128 1 BW H 5590 5590 1 CG H 7633 7633 1 OG H 7633 7633 1 H* 5724 5724 1 M 1239 1239 1 VG H 5590 5590 1 NB H 5590 5590 1

H* 6368 6368 1 GF H 5590 5590 1 H* 5724 5724 1 H* 5724 5724 1 M 4695 4695 1 E 1239 1239 1 WB H 7157 7157 1 NG H 5590 5590 1

M 4965 4965 1 M 4695 4695 1 M 4695 4695 1 SG H 7633 7633 1 WR H 9128 9128 1 WG H 7157 7157 1

TB H 7157 7157 1 H* 5724 5724 1 H* 6368 6368 1

TG H 7157 7157 1 M 4695 4695 1 M 4965 4965 1

TI H* 5155 5155 1 XB H 7157 7157 1

XG H 7157 7157 1

KENILWORTH BORO2 KB H 9458 9458 1 BB H 7686 7686 1 CB H 7686 7686 1 OB H 9458 9458 1 SB H 7686 7686 1 GM H 7686 7686 1 FB H 11E3 11E3 1 NB H 5568 5568 1

H* 6450 6450 1 M 4023 4023 1 H* 5206 5206 1 H* 5834 5834 1 M 4023 4023 1 H* 5206 5206 1 H* 7614 7614 1 H* 3002 3002 1

M 4002 4002 1 BW H 3444 3444 1 M 3833 3833 1 OG H 9458 9458 1 SG H 7686 7686 1 IM M 1680 1680 1 VB H 5568 5568 1 NG H 5568 5568 1

KG H 9458 9458 1 GF H 3444 3444 1 CG H 7686 7686 1 H* 5834 5834 1 M 4023 4023 1 WR H 9458 9458 1 VG H 5568 5568 1 H* 3002 3002 1

H* 6450 6450 1 H* 5206 5206 1 TB H 6892 6892 1 XB H 6892 6892 1 H* 6450 6450 1 VY H* 3002 3002 1

M 4002 4002 1 M 3833 3833 1 TG H 6892 6892 1 XG H 6892 6892 1

TI H* 4422 4422 1

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 90

Page 92: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


MOUNTAINSIDE BORO1 KB M 2868 3277 2 BB M 2868 3277 2 CB M 2868 3277 2 OB M 2868 3277 2 SB M 2868 3277 2 VY M 2868 3277 2 FH M 2868 3277 2

E 2868 3277 2 E 2868 3277 2 CG M 2868 3277 2 OG M 2868 3277 2 SF E 2868 3277 2 E 2868 3277 2 TN M 2868 3277 2

KG M 2868 3277 2 SC E 2868 3277 2 TO E 2868 3277 2 SG M 2868 3277 2

E 2868 3277 2

NEW PROVIDENCE BORO2 KB H 8364 8364 1 BB H 7719 7719 1 CB H 7719 7719 1 OB H 8364 8364 1 CX H* 4509 4509 1 IM M 1791 1791 1 FB H 1E4 1E4 1 NB H 6434 6434 1

H* 5855 5855 1 H* 5403 5403 1 H* 5403 5403 1 H* 5855 5855 1 SB H 7719 7719 1 WR H 8364 8364 1 H* 7206 7206 1 H* 4504 4504 1

KG H 8364 8364 1 GF H 5790 5790 1 CG H 7719 7719 1 OG H 8384 8384 1 H* 5403 5403 1 H* 5855 5855 1 SW H* 4504 4504 1 NG H 6434 6434 1

H* 5855 5855 1 H* 4053 4053 1 H* 5403 5403 1 H* 5855 5855 1 SG H 7719 7719 1 VB H 6434 6434 1 H* 4504 4504 1

TB H 7719 7719 1 H* 5403 5403 1 VG H 6434 6434 1

TG H 7719 7719 1 XB H 6434 6434 1 VY H* 4504 4504 1

TI H* 5403 5403 1 XG H 6434 6434 1 WB H 6434 6434 1

WG H 6434 6434 1

SPRINGFIELD TWP2 KB H 8413 8413 1 BB H 6799 6799 1 CB H 6935 6935 1 OB H 7958 7958 1 CX H 30 5230 1 GM H 6935 6935 1 FB H 9095 9095 1 FH H 6799 6799 1

H* 5912 5912 1 H* 4681 4681 1 H* 4774 4774 1 H* 5343 5343 1 H* 2956 2956 1 H* 5343 5343 1 H* 6821 6821 1 H* 4681 4681 1

M 3865 3865 1 M 3789 3789 1 M 3865 3865 1 OG H 7958 7958 1 SB H 6935 6935 1 WR H 8413 8413 1 SW H* 3524 3524 1 NB H 5230 5230 1

KG H 8413 8413 1 GF H 3184 3184 1 CG H 6935 6935 1 H* 5343 5343 1 H* 4774 4774 1 H* 5912 5912 1 VB H 5230 5230 1 H* 2956 2956 1

H* 5912 5912 1 H* 4774 4774 1 TB H 6253 6253 1 M 3865 3865 1 VG H 5230 5230 1 NG H 5230 5230 1

M 3865 3865 1 M 3865 3865 1 TG H 6253 6253 1 SG H 6935 6935 1 VY H* 2956 2956 1 H* 2956 2956 1

TI H* 3069 3069 1 H* 4774 4774 1 WB H 5798 5798 1

M 3865 3865 1 WG H 5798 5798 1

XB H 5230 5230 1

XG H 5230 5230 1

WESTFIELD TOWN4 KB H 8176 11E3 7 BB H 7578 9847 7 CB H 7578 9847 7 OB H 7578 9847 7 CX H* 6631 8610 7 GM H 7578 9847 7 FB H 8610 11E3 7 FH H 7578 9847 7

H* 6631 8610 7 H* 6631 8610 7 H* 6631 8610 7 H* 6631 8610 7 M 5592 7270 7 H* 6631 8610 7 H* 6631 8610 7 H* 6631 8610 7

M 5592 7270 7 M 5592 7270 7 M 5592 7270 7 M 5592 7270 7 SB H 7578 9847 7 IM H 2136 2136 1 SW H* 6631 8610 7 M 5592 7270 7

KG H 8176 11E3 7 BW H 7578 9847 7 CG H 7578 9847 7 OG H 7578 9847 7 H* 6631 8610 7 M 2136 2136 1 VB H 7578 9847 7 NB H 7578 9847 7

H* 6631 8610 7 H* 6631 8610 7 H* 6631 8610 7 H* 6631 8610 7 M 5592 7270 7 WR H 8176 11E3 7 VG H 7578 9847 7 H* 6631 8610 7

M 5592 7270 7 GF H 7578 9847 7 M 5592 7270 7 M 5592 7270 7 SG H 7578 9847 7 H* 6631 8610 7 VY H* 6631 8610 7 NG H 7578 9847 7

H* 6631 8610 7 TB H 7578 9847 7 H* 6631 8610 7 M 5592 7270 7 M 5592 7270 7 H* 6631 8610 7

TG H 7578 9847 7 M 5592 7270 7 WB H 7578 9847 7 TN M 5592 7270 7

TI H* 6631 8610 7 XB H 7578 9847 7 WG H 7578 9847 7

XG H 7578 9847 7

WINFIELD TWP1 KB M 2403 2403 1 BB M 2403 2403 1 CB M 2403 2403 1 SG M 2403 2403 1

E 2403 2403 1 E 2403 2403 1 CG M 2403 2403 1

KG M 2403 2403 1 SC E 2403 2403 1

E 2403 2403 1


BELVIDERE TOWN2 KB H 5182 5583 3 BB H 5182 5583 3 CB H 5182 5583 3 SB H 5182 5583 3 WR H 5182 5583 3 FB H 6175 6576 3 FH H 5182 5583 3

H* 3698 4100 3 H* 3698 4100 3 H* 3698 4100 3 H* 3698 4100 3 H* 3698 4100 3 H* 4188 4590 3 H* 3698 4100 3

KG H 5182 5583 3 GF H 3208 4208 3 CG H 5182 5583 3 SG H 5182 5583 3

H* 3698 4100 3 H* 3698 4100 3 H* 3698 4100 3

XB H 4450 4855 3

XG H 4450 4855 3

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 91

Page 93: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


KB, KG - Basketbal

GRP Min StepsMax

GF - Golf

BW - Bowling

Min StepsMax

SC, CB, CG - Socc

Min StepsMax

TI, TB, TG -Indoor

TO, OB, OG - Outdoor

Min StepsMax

SF, SB, SG - Softball

CX, XB, XG -Cross Country


GM - Gymnastics


WR - Wrestling

Min StepsMax

FB - Football

VY, VB, VG - Volley

Min StepsMax

FH - Field Hockey

TN, NB, NG - Tennis

Section A: Salary Guides for Athletic Activities

(First code letter preceding amount indicates activity; second letter is sex; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

BB - Baseball Track IM - Intramurals SW, WB, WG - Swimming


PHILLIPSBURG TOWN3 KB H 8364 8364 1 BB H 7321 7321 1 CB H 7321 7321 1 OB H 7321 7321 1 CX H* 4392 4392 1 IM M 3742 3742 1 FB H 1E4 1E4 1 FH H 7321 7321 1

H* 6275 6275 1 H* 4393 4393 1 H* 4392 4392 1 H* 4392 4392 1 M 4392 4392 1 WR H 8364 8364 1 H* 8364 8364 1 H* 4392 4392 1

M 6275 6275 1 M 4393 4393 1 M 4392 4392 1 M 4392 4392 1 SB H 7321 7321 1 H* 6275 6275 1 SW H* 4392 4392 1 M 4392 4392 1

KG H 8364 8364 1 GF H 7321 7321 1 CG H 7321 7321 1 OG H 7321 7321 1 H* 4392 4392 1 M 6275 6275 1 WB H 7321 7321 1 NB H 7321 7321 1

H* 6275 6275 1 H* 4392 4392 1 H* 4392 4392 1 H* 4392 4392 1 M 4392 4392 1 WG H 7321 7321 1 H* 4392 4392 1

M 6275 6275 1 M 4392 4392 1 M 4392 4392 1 SG H 7321 7321 1 NG H 7321 7321 1

TB H 7321 7321 1 H* 4392 4392 1 H* 4392 4392 1

TG H 7321 7321 1 M 4392 4392 1

TI H* 4392 4392 1 XB H 7321 7321 1

XG H 7321 7321 1

WARREN HILLS REGIONAL5 KB H 6105 8721 4 BB H 5772 8220 4 CB H 5772 8220 4 OB H 5772 8220 4 CX H* 3601 5256 4 IM H 1700 1700 1 FB H 6439 9222 4 FH H 5772 8220 4

H* 4536 6760 4 H* 4302 6383 4 H* 4302 6383 4 H* 4302 6383 4 SB H 5772 8220 4 M 1700 1700 1 H* 4769 7136 4 H* 4302 6383 4

M 3663 5233 4 M 3463 4932 4 M 3463 4932 4 M 3463 4932 4 H* 4302 6383 4 WR H 6105 8721 4 SW H* 4536 6760 4 M 3463 4932 4

KG H 6105 8721 4 BW H 3601 5256 4 CG H 5772 8220 4 OG H 5772 8220 4 M 3463 4932 4 H* 4536 6760 4 VB H 6105 8721 4 NB H 4769 6717 4

H* 4536 6760 4 GF H 6105 8721 4 H* 4302 6383 4 H* 4302 6383 4 SG H 5772 8220 4 M 3663 5233 4 VG H 6105 8721 4 H* 3601 5256 4

M 3663 5233 4 H* 3601 5256 4 M 3463 4932 4 M 3463 4932 4 H* 4302 6383 4 VY H* 3601 5256 4 NG H 4769 6717 4

M 3463 4932 4 WB H 6105 8721 4 H* 3601 5256 4

XB H 4769 6717 4 WG H 6105 8721 4

XG H 4769 6717 4

B-Boys G-Girls H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 92

Page 94: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


ATLANTIC CITY4 SL H 1332 1332 1 PD H 2831 2831 1 JR H 1364 1364 1 SY H 1064 1064 1 B H 6737 6737 1 OC H 981 981 1 FR H 782 782 1

SR H 1849 1849 1 H* 4115 4115 1 V H 4689 4689 1

SM H 1364 1364 1

EGG HARBOR CITY1 YA M 713 713 1 SL M 713 713 1 PD M 713 713 1 NA M 713 713 1 B M 713 713 1

E 713 713 1 E 713 713 1 E 713 713 1 E 713 713 1 E 713 713 1

SP M 713 713 1

E 713 713 1

FOLSOM BORO1 YA M 1224 1224 1 SL M 816 816 1 AA M 1122 1122 1 SP M 1428 1428 1 V M 1122 1122 1 8A M 510 510 1

E 1224 1224 1 E 816 816 1 PD M 1428 1428 1 E 1428 1428 1 E 1122 1122 1

E 1428 1428 1

GREATER EGG HARBOR REG5 YA H* 2374 2770 3 SL H 3483 3842 3 PD H 3199 3413 3 JR H 3199 3413 3 LA H 1913 2181 3 SM H 2717 2984 3 F H 1565 1859 3 FR H 2374 2770 3

YB H 2374 2770 3 SR H 3483 3842 3 H* 2090 2261 3 NA H 3199 3413 3 SS H 3483 3842 3 V H 2717 2984 3

SY H 2717 2984 3

MAINLAND REGIONAL5 YA H 9886 9886 1 SL H 7336 7336 1 MO H 7336 7336 1 JR H 7336 7336 1 LA H 4941 4941 1 SM H 7336 7336 1 OC H 1593 1593 1 FR H 3506 3506 1

YB H 3506 3506 1 SR H 3506 3506 1 PD H 4941 4941 1 NA H 9886 9886 1 SS H 796 796 1

H* 3506 3506 1

VENTNOR CITY1 YA M 755 755 1 SL M 1040 1040 1 PD M 1950 1950 1 B M 1325 1325 1 V M 1325 1325 1

E 755 755 1 E 1040 1040 1 E 1950 1950 1 E 1325 1325 1 E 1325 1325 1

SP M 510 510 1

E 510 510 1


ALPINE BORO1 YA M 1800 1800 1 SL M 3117 3117 1 NA M 2160 2160 1 B M 6223 6223 1 7A M 1912 1912 1

E 1800 1800 1 E 3117 3117 1 E 2160 2160 1 E 6223 6223 1 8A M 3117 3117 1

BERGENFIELD BORO3 YA H 5536 5536 1 SL H 1625 1625 1 PD H 3970 3970 1 JR H 2000 2000 1 DC H 3970 3970 1 B H 4570 4570 1 DA M 1228 1228 1 AV M 1228 1228 1

M 1866 1866 1 SR H 3888 3888 1 H* 1541 1541 1 LA H 1625 1625 1 H* 2143 2143 1 FR H 2000 2000 1

NA H 5536 5536 1 SM H 2000 2000 1

M 846 846 1 SP M 916 916 1

E 916 916 1

CARLSTADT BORO1 YA M 907 907 1 SL M 1071 1071 1 PD M 3038 3038 1

E 907 907 1 E 1071 1071 1 E 3038 3038 1

CLIFFSIDE PARK BORO2 YA H 5100 5100 1 SL H 5560 5560 1 PD H 5700 5700 1 JR H 4000 4000 1 LA H 3100 3100 1 B H 5600 5600 1 OC M 2100 2100 1 AV H 5300 5300 1

M 2225 2225 1 M 3100 3100 1 H* 4500 4500 1 NA H 3100 310 1 H* 4300 4300 1 E 2100 2100 1 FR H 4000 4000 1

E 3100 3100 1 M 2100 2100 1 M 2100 2100 1 SM H 4000 4000 1 V H 4400 4400 1

SR H 4500 4500 1 E 2100 2100 1 E 2100 2100 1 M 2100 2100 1

E 2100 2100 1

CLOSTER BORO1 YA M 1717 1717 1 PD M 1717 1717 1

E 1717 1717 1 E 1717 1717 1

ELMWOOD PARK2 YA H 3072 3558 2 SR H 2000 2000 1 AA M 881 881 1 JR H 1180 1180 1 SM H 881 881 1 7A M 881 881 1

SS H 881 881 1 8A M 881 881 1

M 881 881 1 FR H 881 881 1

ENGLEWOOD CITY2 YA H 6300 6300 1 SR H 4500 4500 1 PD H 4500 4500 1 JR H 3000 3000 1 LA H 3000 3000 1 SM H 3000 3000 1 DM H 7200 7200 1 7A M 3000 3000 1

M 1800 1800 1 NA M 1800 1800 1 M 4500 4500 1 8A M 3000 3000 1

V H 4500 4500 1 FR H 3000 3000 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 93

Page 95: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


HASBROUCK HEIGHTS BORO2 YA H 2693 2693 1 SL H 2148 2148 1 MO H 2665 2665 1 JR H 1369 1369 1 LA H 1066 1066 1 SM H 1300 1300 1 OC H 4893 4893 1 AV H 3150 3150 1

M 2693 2693 1 M 11E3 1209 1 M 1712 1712 1 M 1066 1066 1 SP E 1552 1552 1 V H 4893 4893 1 M 3150 3150 1

SR H 2665 2665 1 PD H 3964 3964 1 E 1165 1165 1 FR H 1235 1235 1

HILLSDALE BORO1 YA M 1407 1717 3 SL M 1407 1717 3 PD M 1757 2148 3 DC M 1407 1717 3

E 1407 1717 3 E 1407 1717 3 E 1757 2148 3 NA M 1407 1717 3

E 1407 1717 3

LEONIA BORO2 YA H 2500 2500 1 SL H 1150 1150 1 PD H 5100 5100 1 JR H 600 600 1 LA H 750 750 1 SM H 600 600 1 V M 823 823 1 AV E 1093 1093 1

M 1948 1948 1 M 1622 1622 1 H* 1000 1000 1 M 1092 1092 1 FR H 600 600 1

SR H 5000 5000 1 M 1500 1500 1 NA H 1000 1000 1

E 1750 1750 1 M 1345 1345 1

LODI BOROUGH3 YA H 6982 6982 1 SL H 4013 4013 1 PD H 2594 2594 1 JR H 2105 2105 1 NA H 2871 2871 1 SM H 2105 2105 1 DM H 11E3 11E3 1 FR H 2105 2105 1

M 5234 5234 1 M 2157 2157 1 H* 1858 1858 1 SP M 957 957 1 OC H 1858 1858 1

YB H 3821 3821 1 SR H 4013 4013 1 E 957 957 1 V H 1082 1082 1

LYNDHURST TWP2 YA H 7899 7899 1 SL H 2371 2371 1 MO H 4222 4222 1 JR H 2135 2135 1 NA M 878 878 1 B H 2272 2272 1 DA H 9418 9418 1 8A M 810 810 1

E 988 988 1 E 988 988 1 H* 3534 3534 1 E 878 878 1 M 2072 2072 1 V H 1177 1177 1 FR H 1298 1298 1

SR H 2492 2492 1 PD H 3756 3756 1 SY H 2747 2747 1 E 2072 2072 1 M 1177 1177 1

H* 2245 2245 1 SM H 1298 1298 1 E 1177 1177 1

M 3500 3500 1

MIDLAND PARK BORO2 YA H 1781 1781 1 SL E 1653 1653 1 MO H 1048 1048 1 JR H 1505 1505 1 DC H 1435 1435 1 B E 1364 1364 1 V E 821 821 1 7A M 1335 1335 1

M 720 720 1 SR H 1505 1505 1 M 858 858 1 M 717 717 1 SM H 1435 1435 1 8A M 1335 1335 1

E 605 605 1 PD H 1048 1048 1 LA H 1048 1048 1 FR H 1435 1435 1

YB H 1618 1618 1 NA H 1732 1732 1

M 1728 1728 1

E 1082 1082 1

MONTVALE BORO1 YA M 1046 1291 3 AA M 914 1161 3 NA M 786 1030 3 B M 1046 1291 3 V M 1176 1424 3 AV M 1046 1291 3

E 1176 1424 3 PD M 1306 1552 3 E 1306 1552 3 E 1046 1291 3

E 1306 1552 3

NORTHERN VALLEY REGIONAL5 YA H 6819 6819 1 SL H 3837 3837 1 MO H 3081 3081 1 JR H 3127 3127 1 DC H 3837 3837 1 SM H 3127 3127 1 OC H 3127 3127 1 FR H 3127 3127 1

H* 2937 2937 1 SR H 3837 3837 1 H* 1330 1330 1 LA H 1778 1778 1 V H 3127 3127 1

PD H 6819 6819 1 NA H 3837 3837 1

H* 2937 2937 1

NORTHVALE BORO1 YA M 2269 2269 1 SL M 1868 1868 1 AA M 1636 1636 1 LA M 1636 1636 1 B M 5609 5609 1 DA M 4918 4918 1

E 2269 2269 1 E 1868 1868 1 PD M 2804 2804 1 NA M 1636 1636 1 E 5609 5609 1 V M 5609 5609 1

E 2804 2804 1 E 1636 1636 1 E 5609 5609 1

OLD TAPPAN BORO1 YA M 2859 2859 1 SL M 1430 1430 1 AA M 715 715 1 NA M 2859 2859 1 SP M 1287 1287 1 OC M 1287 1287 1

E 2859 2859 1 E 1430 1430 1 PD M 2859 2859 1 E 2859 2859 1 E 1287 1287 1 E 1287 1287 1

E 2859 2859 1 SY M 2859 2859 1 V M 1287 1287 1

E 1287 1287 1

ORADELL BORO1 SL M 900 900 1 MO M 850 850 1 SP M 750 750 1 8A M 500 500 1

E 900 900 1 E 750 750 1

PALISADES PARK2 YA H 5005 5005 1 SL H 4728 4728 1 PD H 4560 4560 1 JR H 3448 3448 1 LA H 3727 3727 1 SM H 3142 3142 1 7A M 2337 2337 1

M 3337 3337 1 M 4728 4728 1 NA H 4515 4515 1 8A M 2337 2337 1

SR H 3781 3781 1 FR H 2836 2836 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 94

Page 96: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


PARK RIDGE BORO2 YA H 3686 3686 1 SL H 2957 2957 1 MO H 2757 2757 1 JR H 2811 2811 1 LA H 2138 2138 1 B E 1281 1281 1 V H 1945 1945 1 7A M 1216 1216 1

M 1179 1179 1 M 2097 2097 1 H* 1435 1435 1 M 1929 1929 1 SM H 1383 1383 1 8A M 1216 1216 1

YB H 2270 2270 1 SR H 2811 2811 1 PD H 2757 2757 1 SP M 1306 1306 1 FR H 1077 1077 1

M 1557 1557 1 E 1306 1306 1

PASCACK VALLEY REGIONAL5 YA H 8000 8000 1 SL H 6300 6300 1 MO H 6300 6300 1 JR H 2600 2600 1 LA H 3700 3700 1 SM H 2600 2600 1 OC H 3400 3400 1 AV H 1400 140 1

YB H 8000 8000 1 SR H 5100 5100 1 PD H 6300 6300 1 NA H 5100 5100 1 V H 3400 3400 1 FR H 2600 2600 1

SY H 3400 3400 1

RAMSEY BORO2 YA H 6334 6334 1 SL H 2224 2224 1 MO H 2799 2799 1 JR H 2987 2987 1 LA H 4424 4424 1 B H 2634 2634 1 DA H 8548 8548 1 AV H 2275 2275 1

YB H 2714 2714 1 M 1991 1991 1 M 1945 1945 1 SY H 2426 2426 1 M 1408 1408 1 V H 3076 3076 1 FR H 2120 2120 1

SR H 3249 3249 1 PD H 4275 4275 1 SM H 2343 2343 1 M 1408 1408 1

M 1945 1945 1

RIDGEFIELD BORO2 YA H 3498 4077 3 SL H 2327 2793 3 PD H 4217 5060 3 JR H 2167 2497 3 LA H 3514 3978 3 B H 5774 7404 3 DA H 6335 7148 3 7A M 1882 2212 3

M 3498 4077 3 E 1655 2005 3 E 1890 2310 3 M 3514 3978 3 H* 3722 4808 3 M 6335 7148 3 8A M 2167 2497 3

E 3344 3898 3 SR H 2167 2497 3 NA H 3530 3997 3 M 5774 7404 3 AV H 2685 3169 3

YB H 3498 4077 3 M 1418 1418 1

E 1418 1418 1

RIVER DELL REGIONAL5 YA H 6052 6656 2 SL H 3518 3871 2 MO H 4505 4957 2 JR H 3206 3526 2 LA H 3374 3714 2 SM H 2245 2471 2 DA H 3518 4220 2 FR H 1825 2004 2

H* 1050 1154 2 M 3294 3618 2 PD H 1495 1644 2 M 1050 1154 2 V H 4199 4619 2

M 3175 3491 2 SR H 4475 4921 2 M 1050 1154 2 NA H 5280 5808 2

M 3177 3494 2

ROCHELLE PARK TWP1 YA M 1482 1482 1 SL M 982 982 1 LA M 1246 1246 1 V M 1968 1968 1 8A M 935 935 1

E 1482 1482 1 E 982 982 1 NA M 622 622 1 E 1968 1968 1

E 622 622 1

SY M 541 541 1

RUTHERFORD BORO2 YA H 3750 3750 1 SL H 3260 3260 1 MO H 2365 2365 1 JR H 2882 2882 1 DC H 3220 3220 1 B H 4270 4270 1 V H 1310 1310 1 8A M 801 801 1

YB H 2230 2230 1 M 801 801 1 PD H 2365 2365 1 NA H 2220 2220 1 M 2002 2002 1 E 801 801 1

E 801 801 1 M 1601 1601 1 E 2002 2002 1 AV H 1620 1620 1

SR H 3330 3330 1 E 1601 1601 1 SM H 2480 2480 1 FR H 1210 1210 1

SP M 801 801 1

E 801 801 1

SADDLE BROOK TWP2 YA H 6805 6805 1 SL H 3404 3404 1 PD H 3289 3289 1 JR H 1975 1975 1 LA H 1191 1191 1 B H 6267 6267 1 V H 1926 1926 1 8A M 1780 1780 1

M 1323 1323 1 M 1002 1002 1 M 1002 1002 1 NA H 4422 4422 1 H* 661 661 1 M 1801 1801 1 AV H 661 661 1

E 650 650 1 M 1357 1357 1 M 1801 1801 1 E 3672 3672 1 M 661 661 1

SR H 2572 2572 1 E 3672 3672 1 E 661 661 1

SM H 1555 1555 1 FR H 1320 1320 1

WALDWICK BORO2 YA H 6067 6067 1 SL H 3534 3534 1 PD H 8012 8012 1 JR H 3810 3810 1 DC H 1340 1340 1 B H 8049 8049 1 OC H 1638 1638 1 FR H 2141 2141 1

M 4002 4002 1 M 2442 2442 1 LA H 3331 3331 1 M 1500 1500 1 V H 3366 3366 1

SR H 2358 2358 1 NA H 6067 6067 1 SM H 3030 3030 1 M 1638 1638 1

M 1109 1109 1

WALLINGTON BORO2 SL H 4392 4392 1 PD H 2919 2919 1 JR H 2272 2272 1 LA H 2251 2251 1 B H 7607 7982 4 DA H 4392 4392 1 7A M 1906 1906 1

M 496 496 1 M 2251 2251 1 H* 2772 3147 4 V H 1264 1264 1 8A M 1906 1906 1

E 496 496 1 M 1237 1237 1 M 1264 1264 1 FR H 1906 1906 1

SR H 2977 2977 1 E 1264 1264 1 E 1264 1264 1

SM H 2272 2272 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 95

Page 97: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


WYCKOFF TWP1 YA M 2570 2570 1 SL M 1955 1955 1 MO M 1955 1955 1 B M 2570 2570 1 OC M 2570 2570 1

E 2570 2570 1 E 807 807 1 PD M 2570 2570 1 E 2570 2570 1 E 2570 2570 1

SP M 294 294 1 V M 2570 2570 1

E 294 294 1 E 2570 2570 1


BASS RIVER TWP1 YA E 901 901 1 SL E 3009 3009 1 CS E 901 901 1 NA E 1254 1254 1 AV E 763 763 1

BEVERLY CITY1 YA M 1051 1051 1 SL M 1051 1051 1 PD M 702 702 1 NA M 1051 1051 1 SP M 1051 1051 1

E 1051 1051 1 E 1051 1051 1 E 702 702 1 E 1051 1051 1 E 1051 1051 1

BORDENTOWN REGIONAL2 YA H 5234 6461 3 SL H 2841 3508 3 PD H 4187 5169 3 JR H 1720 2123 3 NA H 1720 2123 3 B H 2841 3508 3 V H 2766 3415 3 AV E 1271 1569 3

M 1346 1661 3 M 1346 1661 3 M 2841 3508 3 M 1346 1661 3 SM H 1495 1846 3 FR H 1495 1846 3

YB H 2168 2677 3 E 1121 1385 3 E 1271 1569 3

SR H 1869 2308 3

CINNAMINSON TWP2 YA H 5591 5591 1 SL H 3385 3385 1 MO M 2700 2700 1 JR H 2544 2544 1 DC H 3453 3453 1 SM H 1893 1893 1 OC H 5039 5039 1 AV H 525 525 1

M 2547 2547 1 M 2153 2153 1 PD H 4548 4548 1 M 1991 1991 1 V H 4564 4564 1 M 3149 3149 1

E 1092 1092 1 E 1578 1578 1 H* 2799 2799 1 NA H 3299 3299 1 M 1765 1765 1 FR H 1893 1893 1

SR H 2915 2915 1 M 3952 3952 1

DELANCO TWP1 YA M 1806 1806 1 PD M 1806 1806 1 NA M 1806 1806 1 SP M 2158 2158 1 8A M 3038 3038 1

E 1806 1806 1 E 1806 1806 1 E 2158 2158 1

EVESHAM TWP1 YA M 2171 2171 1 SL M 2171 2171 1 PD M 2171 2171 1 B M 2171 2171 1 OC M 2171 2171 1

E 1283 1283 1 E 1283 1283 1

V M 2171 2171 1

E 2171 2171 1

HAINESPORT TWP1 YA M 1457 1457 1 SL M 3010 3010 1 LA M 1000 1000 1 SP M 982 982 1

E 1457 1457 1 E 3010 3010 1 E 982 982 1

LUMBERTON TWP1 YA M 2455 2455 1 SL M 3271 3271 1 MO M 1635 1635 1 LA M 2455 2455 1 B M 3271 3271 1 8A M 3271 3271 1

E 3271 3271 1 NA M 2455 2455 1 E 3271 3271 1 AV M 1487 1487 1

SP M 2378 2378 1 E 1487 1487 1

E 2378 2378 1

MAPLE SHADE TWP2 YA H 5134 5134 1 SR H 4321 4321 1 MO H 3593 3593 1 JR H 2735 2735 1 NA H 3191 3191 1 B H 1776 1776 1 V H 2711 2711 1 7A M 2907 2907 1

M 5134 5134 1 PD H 2353 2353 1 M 3191 3191 1 M 2131 2131 1 M 2711 2711 1 8A M 2907 2907 1

YB H 3474 3474 1 H* 1159 1159 1 SM H 1918 1918 1 FR H 1868 1868 1

MEDFORD LAKES BORO1 YA M 2800 2800 1 SL M 2800 2800 1 B M 2327 2327 1 V M 1903 1903 1 AV M 1104 1104 1

E 2800 2800 1 E 2800 2800 1 E 2327 2327 1 E 1903 1903 1 E 1104 1104 1

MOORESTOWN TWP3 YA H 5682 5682 1 SL M 3296 3296 1 MO H 5292 5292 1 JR H 3569 3569 1 DC H 2902 2902 1 B M 1242 1242 1 DA M 1530 1530 1 7A M 2732 2732 1

M 3309 3309 1 E 931 931 1 M 2800 2800 1 LA H 4980 4980 1 SM H 1634 1634 1 OC H 5458 5458 1 8A M 2732 2732 1

SR H 3569 3569 1 PD H 4005 4005 1 M 2926 2926 1 SS H 3643 3643 1 M 1242 1242 1 AV H 3387 3387 1

SY M 3338 3338 1 E 2981 2981 1 FR H 1263 1263 1

V H 6258 6258 1

M 2024 2024 1

MOUNT LAUREL TWP1 YA M 2910 2910 1 SL M 2773 2773 1 AA M 5877 5877 1 DC M 2727 2727 1 OC M 2773 2773 1

E 1685 1685 1 E 2661 2661 1 MO M 5877 5877 1 NA M 1685 1685 1 E 2773 2773 1

PD M 2717 2717 1 E 1685 1685 1 V M 2773 2773 1

E 2717 2717 1 E 2773 2773 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 96

Page 98: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


NORTHERN BURLINGTON REG5 YA H 7767 7767 1 SL H 3935 3935 1 MO H 4928 4928 1 JR H 3337 3337 1 DC H 3685 3685 1 SM H 2368 2368 1 V H 1754 1754 1 7A M 2368 2368 1

M 5336 5336 1 M 2218 2218 1 H* 3685 3685 1 LA H 1629 1629 1 SS M 1948 1948 1 M 1754 1754 1 8A M 2368 2368 1

YB H 2422 2422 1 SR H 3337 3337 1 PD H 4928 4928 1 M 1629 1629 1 FR H 2368 2368 1

H* 3685 3685 1 NA H 6220 6220 1

M 3748 3748 1

PEMBERTON TWP3 YA H 5506 5506 1 SL H 4180 4180 1 MO H 2019 2019 1 JR H 3775 3775 1 DC H 1769 1769 1 B H 5040 5040 1 DA H 7092 7092 1 FR H 2988 2988 1

M 2666 2666 1 M 2944 2944 1 M 2758 2758 1 NA H 3182 3182 1 H* 3515 3515 1 OC M 2666 2666 1

YB H 4384 4384 1 SR H 3775 3775 1 PD H 3704 3704 1 M 2666 2666 1 SM H 2988 2988 1 V H 2766 2766 1

E 1842 1842 1 M 2666 2666 1

RIVERSIDE TWP2 YA M 1517 1517 1 SL H 3269 3269 1 PD H 2554 2554 1 JR H 2219 2219 1 NA M 1337 1337 1 B H* 2560 2560 1 V H 1194 1194 1 AV M 1566 1566 1

E 1517 1517 1 M 1397 1397 1 M 2554 2554 1 SY H 1663 1663 1 M 1194 1194 1 E 1133 1133 1 E 1566 1566 1

E 1038 1038 1 E 2554 2554 1 M 1663 1663 1 E 1133 1133 1 FR H 1787 1787 1

SR H 2219 2219 1 SM H 1787 1787 1

SP E 544 544 1

RIVERTON1 SL M 1500 1500 1 AA M 960 960 1 NA M 1200 1200 1 SP M 1500 1500 1 V M 2300 2300 1 8A M 1100 1100 1

E 1500 1500 1 PD M 1500 1500 1 E 1200 1200 1 E 1500 1500 1 E 2300 2300 1 AV M 700 700 1

E 1500 1500 1 E 700 700 1

SHAMONG TWP1 YA M 2409 2409 1 SL M 2409 2409 1 AA M 1964 1964 1 LA M 951 951 1 B M 2022 2022 1 DA M 3149 3149 1 8A M 3149 3149 1

E 2409 2409 1 E 2409 2409 1 PD M 2022 2022 1 NA M 2409 2409 1 E 2022 2022 1 V M 2409 2409 1 AV M 2022 2022 1

E 2022 2022 1 E 2409 2409 1 SS M 2022 2022 1 E 2409 2409 1 E 2022 2022 1

SOUTHAMPTON TWP1 YA M 492 492 1 SL M 2998 2998 1 AA M 2392 2392 1 NA M 761 761 1 B M 3694 3694 1 V M 3694 3694 1

E 492 492 1 E 2998 2998 1 PD M 2681 2681 1 E 761 761 1 E 3694 3694 1 E 3694 3694 1

E 2681 2681 1

TABERNACLE TWP1 YA M 1815 1815 1 SL M 1518 1518 1 PD M 1399 1399 1 B M 2862 2862 1 DA M 752 752 1

E 1815 1815 1 E 1518 1518 1 E 686 686 1 E 1021 1021 1

WESTAMPTON1 YA M 2200 2200 1 SL M 3300 3300 1 AA M 2200 2200 1 NA M 2200 2200 1 B M 2200 2200 1 V M 2200 2200 1 8A M 2200 2200 1

E 2200 2200 1 E 3300 3300 1 PD M 3300 3300 1 E 2200 2200 1 E 2200 2200 1 E 2200 2200 1

E 3300 3300 1 SP M 1100 1100 1

E 1100 1100 1


AUDUBON BORO2 YA H 5639 5639 1 SL H 3361 3361 1 PD H 3119 3119 1 CS H 1236 1236 1 NA H 1114 1114 1 B H 1321 1321 1 OC H 2462 2462 1 7A M 1319 1319 1

YB H 2965 2965 1 M 1356 1356 1 JR H 2399 2399 1 SM H 1319 1319 1 V H 2959 2959 1 8A M 1319 1319 1

E 1356 1356 1 O H 3838 3838 1 SP M 2957 2957 1 FR H 1319 1319 1

SR H 4777 4777 1 E 2957 2957 1

BERLIN BORO1 YA M 2525 2525 1 SL M 3544 3544 1 MO M 1125 1125 1 NA M 1675 1675 1 SP M 1756 1756 1 OC M 1125 1125 1

E 2525 2525 1 E 3544 3544 1 E 1675 1675 1 E 1756 1756 1 E 1125 1125 1

V M 1125 1125 1

E 1125 1125 1

BERLIN TWP1 SL M 1750 1750 1 B M 4400 4400 1 DA M 1850 1850 1 8A M 1850 1850 1

E 1750 1750 1 E 4400 4400 1 V M 2200 2200 1

SP M 1400 1400 1 E 2200 2200 1

E 1400 1400 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 97

Page 99: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


BLACK HORSE PIKE REGIONA5 YA H 4881 4881 1 SL H 3430 3430 1 MO H 4838 4838 1 JR H 2978 2978 1 DC H 4301 4301 1 SM H 2978 2978 1 DA H 4838 4838 1 FR H 2978 2978 1

YB H 3762 3762 1 SR H 2978 2978 1 H* 3225 3225 1 NA H 4032 4032 1 V H 3225 3225 1

PD H 1613 1613 1

H* 1075 1075 1

COLLINGSWOOD BORO2 YA H 4349 4349 1 SL H 3672 3672 1 MO H 3764 3764 1 CS H 1981 1981 DC H 1644 1644 1 SM H 1836 1836 1 DA H 3334 3334 1 AV H 2658 2658 1

M 2658 2658 1 M 2512 2512 1 H* 2683 2683 1 JR H 2658 2658 1 M 3672 3672 1 SP E 2455 2455 1 DM M 2512 2512 1 M 2658 2658 1

YB H 2658 2658 1 SR H 4349 4349 1 PD H 3672 3672 1 O H 1155 1155 1 LA M 1154 1154 1 OC H 1981 1981 1 FR H 1644 1644 1

NA H 2996 2996 1 V H 3334 3334 1

M 2996 2996 1

SY H 1440 1440 1

GIBBSBORO BORO1 YA M 1312 1589 5 SL M 2142 2984 5 PD M 2142 2984 5 NA M 1874 2271 5 B M 2142 2984 5

E 1312 1589 5 E 2142 2984 5 E 2142 2984 5 E 1874 2271 5 E 2142 2984 5

SP M 1126 1686 5

E 1126 1686 5

GLOUCESTER CITY2 YA H 3651 3651 1 SL H 3383 3383 1 MO H 2746 2746 1 JR H 821 821 1 DC H 431 431 1 B H 3852 3852 1 FR H 821 821 1

YB H 2246 2246 1 SR H 943 943 1 H* 986 986 1 NA H 2373 2373 1 SM H 821 821 1

PD H 2746 2746 1 SY H 431 431 1

HADDON HEIGHTS BORO2 YA H 1905 1905 1 SL E 1330 1330 1 AA M 910 910 1 JR H 2520 2520 1 SY H 1304 1304 1 B M 2850 2850 1 OC E 3175 3175 1 AV H 1576 1576 1

M 1925 1925 1 SR H 2785 2785 1 MO H 5475 5475 1 M 1304 1304 1 V H 3620 3620 1 M 1576 1576 1

YB H 1525 1525 1 M 5475 5475 1 M 3620 3620 1

E 2820 2820 1

LAWNSIDE BORO1 YA M 939 939 1 SL M 939 939 1 AA M 939 939 1 NA M 939 939 1 SP M 939 939 1 V M 939 939 1 8A M 939 939 1

E 939 939 1 E 939 939 1 E 939 939 1 E 939 939 1 E 939 939 1

LINDENWOLD BORO2 YA H 2988 2988 1 SL H 2521 2521 1 PD H 6435 6435 1 JR H 2758 2758 1 DC H 4598 4598 1 B H 4696 4696 1 OC M 2298 2298 1 7A M 1131 1131 1

M 1838 1838 1 M 2298 2298 1 H* 3677 3677 1 NA H 2528 2528 1 M 2528 2528 1 V H 4596 4596 1 8A M 1838 1838 1

YB H 2068 2068 1 E 714 714 1 E 714 714 1 E 766 766 1 M 2528 2528 1 AV E 714 714 1

SR H 2758 2758 1 SY H 2298 2298 1 SM H 2298 2298 1 E 765 765 1 FR H 2288 2288 1

SP E 714 714 1

MERCHANTVILLE BORO1 YA M 1445 1445 1 SL M 1445 1445 1 AA M 1445 1445 1 NA M 300 300 1 B M 1445 1445 1 V M 1445 1445 1

E 1445 1445 1 E 1445 1445 1 MO M 1445 1445 1 E 300 300 1 E 1445 1445 1 E 1445 1445 1

SY M 1445 1445 1 SP M 2500 2500 1

E 2500 2500 1

PENNSAUKEN TWP3 YA H 4945 4945 1 SL H 2045 2045 1 MO H 4945 4945 1 JR H 4395 4395 1 NA H 4945 4945 1 B H 6910 6910 1 DA H 4945 4945 1 FR H 3895 3895 1

H* 3895 3895 1 M 3795 3795 1 H* 2995 2995 1 M 3595 3595 1 H* 3985 3985 1 OC H 3595 3595 1

M 3595 3595 1 E 3795 3795 1 E 3595 3595 1 SM H 3895 3895 1 M 3595 3595 1

SR H 4945 4945 1 SS M 3795 3795 1 E 3595 3595 1

V H 4395 4395 1

M 3595 3595 1

E 3595 3595 1

STERLING HIGH SCHOOL DIS5 YA H 4269 5021 3 SL H 3452 3980 3 MO H 3106 3652 3 JR H 1616 1900 3 DC H 2116 2487 3 B H 2445 2875 3 OC H 798 798 3 AV H 2174 2555 3

YB H 1558 1832 3 SR H 1616 1900 3 PD H 2890 3652 3 SY H 1340 1581 3 SM H 1398 1644 3 V H 2997 3524 3 FR H 1398 1644 3

SS H 2554 3002 3

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 98

Page 100: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


WINSLOW TWP3 YA H 2424 2688 3 SL H 4384 4647 3 PD H 5434 5698 3 JR H 2424 2688 3 DC H 4486 4749 3 B H 4395 4660 3 OC H 4384 4647 3 7A M 1498 1759 3

M 1792 2057 3 M 2833 3097 3 H* 3533 3797 3 M 2424 2688 3 H* 3613 3878 3 V H 4384 4647 3 8A M 1498 1759 3

YB H 1740 1997 3 SR H 2424 2688 3 NA H 2424 2688 3 SM H 1908 2170 3 AV H 2424 2688 3

M 1792 2057 3 FR H 1498 1759 3


DENNIS TWP1 YA M 1602 1602 1 SL M 1602 1602 1 V M 1602 1602 1 8A M 1602 1602 1

LOWER CAPE MAY REGIONAL5 YA H 3960 4755 3 SL H 2442 3232 3 PD H 4575 5371 3 JR H 2288 3080 3 DC H 2591 3382 3 B M 4574 4574 1 OC H 2321 2321 1 FR H 1833 2713 3

M 1223 2013 3 M 2442 3232 3 M 2820 3612 3 LA H 1221 2013 3 SM H 1833 2713 3

YB H 2442 3232 3 SR H 2742 3535 3 M 1223 2013 3 SS H 1059 1847 3

NA H 2971 3762 3

M 2971 3762 3

MIDDLE TWP2 YA H 6090 6090 1 SL H 4517 4517 1 MO H 6042 6042 1 JR H 4391 4391 1 B H 6805 6805 1 DA H 6810 6810 1 AV E 2364 2364 1

M 2835 2835 1 SR H 5343 5343 1 M 3183 3183 1 H* 5277 5277 1 M 3619 3619 1

E 2105 2105 1 PD H 4324 4324 1 M 4179 4179 1 V H 4640 4640 1

E 3756 3756 1 M 3755 3755 1

SS H 4212 4212 1 E 3755 3755 1

UPPER TWP1 YA M 2060 2060 1 SL M 2060 2060 1 PD M 2060 2060 1 NA M 2060 2060 1 B M 2060 2060 1 V M 2060 2060 1

E 2060 2060 1 E 2060 2060 1 E 2060 2060 1 E 2060 2060 1 E 2060 2060 1 E 2060 2060 1

WILDWOOD CITY2 YA H 5911 9389 26 SL H 2635 4747 26 PD H 3953 6761 26 JR H 1970 3362 26 LA H 1644 3035 26 B H 3287 5399 26 V H 1318 2709 26 7A M 666 1361 26

M 666 1361 26 M 2309 3700 26 H* 2309 3700 26 NA H 1970 3362 26 SM H 992 1688 26 E 992 1688 26 8A M 1318 2709 26

E 666 1361 26 E 1318 2709 26 M 1644 3035 26 SP M 1318 2709 26 AV H 666 1361 26

SR H 1318 2709 26 E 1644 3035 26 E 1318 2709 26 FR H 992 1688 26

SY H 1318 2709 26

WOODBINE BORO1 SL M 752 752 1 PD M 752 752 1 SP M 752 752 1 V M 1635 1635 1

E 752 752 1 E 752 752 1 E 752 752 1 E 1635 1635 1


GREENWICH TWP1 YA M 700 700 1 SL M 375 375 1 SP M 375 375 1 V M 700 700 1

E 700 700 1 E 375 375 1 E 375 375 1 E 700 700 1

LAWRENCE TWP1 YA M 800 800 1 SL M 800 800 1 MO M 800 800 1 NA M 800 800 1 SP M 800 800 1 AV M 800 800 1

E 800 800 1 E 800 800 1 E 800 800 1 E 800 800 1 E 800 800 1

MAURICE RIVER TWP1 YA M 520 520 1 SL M 520 520 1 PD M 720 720 1 B M 2030 2030 1

E 520 520 1 E 520 520 1 E 720 720 1 E 2030 2030 1

SP M 520 520 1

E 520 520 1

MILLVILLE CITY3 YA H 3271 3877 4 SL H 2111 2717 4 MO H 3297 3906 4 JR H 1789 2398 4 NA H 1915 2275 4 SM H 1625 2234 4 F H 2545 3154 4 AV H 1448 2057 4

M 2620 3226 4 M 1694 2300 4 PD H 1650 2015 4 SY H 1928 2537 4 SP M 1452 2058 4 OC H 3734 4343 4 M 1400 2009 4

E 1694 2300 4 M 2148 2757 4 E 1452 2058 4 V H 2941 3550 4 E 1285 1894 4

SR H 2232 2841 4 FR H 1493 2102 4

STOW CREEK TWP1 YA M 700 700 1 SL M 375 375 1 SP M 375 375 1 V M 700 700 1

E 700 700 1 E 375 375 1 E 375 375 1 E 700 700 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 99

Page 101: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


BELLEVILLE TOWN3 YA H 4038 4038 1 SL H 4038 4038 1 PD H 4038 4038 1 JR H 2321 2321 1 DC H 4038 4038 1 SM H 1765 1765 1 V H 1765 1765 1 FR H 1765 1765 1

M 2728 2728 1 M 1765 1765 1 H* 3351 3351 1 LA H 1765 1765 1

SR H 3351 3351 1 M 2728 2728 1 M 1765 1765 1

NA H 4038 4038 1

SY H 1765 1765 1

BLOOMFIELD TWP4 YA H 2669 2669 1 SL M 1843 1843 1 AA M 522 522 1 JR H 2529 2529 1 LA H 2669 2669 1 SM H 2042 2042 1 AV H 522 522 1

M 1167 1167 1 SR H 3259 3259 1 SY H 2669 2669 1 SP E 522 522 1 M 522 522 1

M 968 968 1 E 522 522 1

FR H 1716 1716 1

CALDWELL-WEST CALDWELL2 YA H 7035 7483 3 SL H 2916 3103 3 PD H 6342 6746 3 CS H 4780 5085 3 LA H 3003 3194 3 B H 5136 5462 3 OC H 3020 3214 3 AV M 4117 4381 3

M 4841 5150 3 M 2916 3103 3 M 3676 3911 3 M 2267 2412 3 NA H 7035 7483 3 M 2329 2477 3 V H 3020 3214 3 FR H 4578 4869 3

SR H 5968 6348 3 JR H 5968 6348 3 M 4387 4668 3 SM H 4578 4869 3

O H 2329 2477 3 SY H 1960 2086 3

M 1960 2086 3

GLEN RIDGE BORO2 YA H 5633 8202 8 SL H 4438 7339 8 JR H 2335 3940 8 LA H 2335 3940 8 B H 7400 11E3 8 V M 4438 7339 8 AV H 2335 3940 8

M 4438 7339 8 M 4438 7339 8 M 2335 3940 8 M 7400 11E3 8 M 2335 3940 8

E 2335 3940 8 SR H 2335 3940 8 SM H 1520 2967 8 FR H 1520 2967 8

IRVINGTON TOWNSHIP4 YA H 2451 2451 1 SL H 1867 1867 1 PD H 3093 3093 1 JR H 1575 1575 1 NA H 2101 2101 1 B H 4973 6978 4 F H 2451 2451 1 FR H 1225 1225 1

M 2451 2451 1 M 1867 1867 1 M 2101 2101 1 SM H 1284 1284 1

E 2451 2451 1 E 1867 1867 1 E 2101 2101 1

SR H 2159 2159 1 SY H 2182 2182 1

LIVINGSTON TWP3 YA H 9423 9423 1 SL M 1767 1767 1 MO H 7656 7656 1 JR H 2356 2356 1 LA M 1767 1767 1 SM H 1767 1767 1 F H 3534 3534 1 AV M 2945 2945 1

YB H 2356 2356 1 E 1178 1178 1 M 1178 1178 1 NA H 5889 5889 1 SP E 1178 1178 1 OC H 3534 3534 1 FR H 1767 1767 1

SR H 2945 2945 1 PD H 5300 5300 1 M 1178 1178 1 M 1767 1767 1

M 2945 2945 1 SY H 2945 2945 1 V H 2356 2356 1

M 589 589 1 M 1767 1767 1

MILLBURN TWP3 YA H 7243 7243 1 SL H 2060 2060 1 MO H 5492 5492 1 JR H 2744 2744 1 LA H 3227 3227 1 B H 7547 7547 1 DA H 1372 1372 1 AV M 2744 2744 1

M 4119 4119 1 E 2060 2060 1 H* 3524 3524 1 M 2444 2444 1 H* 5660 5660 1 V M 3456 3456 1 FR H 2744 2744 1

SR H 2744 2744 1 M 6177 6177 1 NA H 7243 7243 1 SM H 2744 2744 1

PD H 5492 5492 1 SP E 2060 2060 1

H* 1648 1648 1

NORTH CALDWELL BORO1 YA E 800 800 1 V E 750 750 1

SOUTH ORANGE-MAPLEWOOD4 YA H 6434 6533 3 SL H 5719 5832 3 MO M 6434 6533 3 JR H 4025 4126 3 DC H 5719 5832 3 SM H 4025 4126 3 DA H 4865 4966 3 FR H 3223 3323 3

SR H 4865 4966 3 PD M 6434 6533 3 NA H 6434 6533 3 DM H 6434 6533 3

SY H 2734 2834 3 OC H 3223 3323 3

M 2734 2834 3 M 3233 3323 3

V H 3223 3323 3

M 3223 3323 3

VERONA BORO2 YA H 4551 4551 1 SL M 2254 2254 1 PD H 7370 7370 1 JR H 2601 2601 1 LA H 2047 2047 1 SM H 2764 2764 1 V M 2893 2893 1 AV M 3832 3832 1

M 4029 4029 1 SR H 3442 3442 1 M 2893 2893 1 M 2413 2413 1 SS M 785 785 1 FR H 1126 1126 1

NA H 3442 3442 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 100

Page 102: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


WEST ESSEX REGIONAL5 YA H 5610 5610 1 SL H 3988 3988 1 AA M 1997 1997 1 JR H 3758 3758 1 DC H 3197 3197 1 B H 3542 3542 1 7A M 3084 3084 1

M 4205 4205 1 SR H 4197 4197 1 MO H 3197 3197 1 NA H 5610 5610 1 M 3542 3542 1 8A M 3084 3084 1

PD H 1599 1599 1 SM H 3505 3505 1 FR H 3225 3225 1

M 1599 1599 1 SS H 728 728 1

M 701 701 1


CLAYTON BORO2 YA H 3802 3802 1 SL H 2479 2479 1 MO H 4515 4515 1 JR H 2260 2260 1 DC H 1857 1857 1 B H 5131 5131 1 V H 1988 1988 1 8A M 2260 2260 1

M 2076 2076 1 M 2076 2076 1 M 1988 1988 1 NA H 2260 2260 1 SM H 2260 2260 1 M 1988 1988 1 FR H 2260 2260 1

E 2198 2198 1 SR H 2260 2260 1 M 2260 2260 1 SP M 2076 2076 1

YB H 2076 2076 1 E 2076 2076 1

EAST GREENWICH TWP1 PD M 838 838 1 B M 838 838 1 7A M 500 500 1

E 838 838 1 E 838 838 1 8A M 500 500 1

FRANKLIN TWP1 SL M 375 375 1 MO M 350 350 1 SP M 375 375 1

E 375 375 1 E 375 375 1

GATEWAY REGIONAL5 YA H 2725 4725 5 SL H 1500 1500 1 MO H 1485 3025 5 JR H 2400 2400 1 NA H 1000 1000 1 SM H 1250 1250 1 V H 1700 5125 5 FR H 1250 1250 1

YB H 1025 1825 5 M 1250 1250 1 PD H 1075 2100 5

SR H 2400 2400 1 H* 775 1225 5

GLASSBORO2 YA H 2000 2000 1 SL H 2083 2083 1 PD H 1614 1614 1 JR H 3000 3000 1 DC H 2000 2000 1 B E 1428 1428 1 OC H 1614 1614 1 FR H 2500 2500 1

M 1506 1506 1 M 1500 1500 1 SY H 1510 1510 1 SM H 2500 2500 1 V E 2857 2857 1

E 1500 1500 1 E 1492 1492 1

YB H 1540 1540 1 SR H 3000 3000 1

LOGAN TWP1 YA M 1123 1123 1 SL M 1314 1314 1 SP M 1451 1451 1 8A M 986 986 1

E 1123 1123 1 E 1314 1314 1 E 1451 1451 1

MANTUA TWP1 SL M 1158 1158 1 AA M 926 926 1 B M 1303 1303 1 V M 1303 1303 1

E 1158 1158 1 PD M 752 752 1 E 1303 1303 1 E 1303 1303 1

E 752 752 1 SP M 868 868 1

E 868 868 1

MONROE TWP4 YA H 5421 5421 1 SL H 3152 3152 1 AA M 818 818 1 JR H 2684 2684 1 DC H 4217 4217 1 B M 2659 2659 1 F H 818 818 1 FR H 2281 2281 1

M 2659 2659 1 M 2231 2231 1 MO H 4217 4217 1 M 1319 1319 1 SM H 2281 2281 1 OC H 2796 2796 1

E 818 818 1 E 818 818 1 H* 818 818 1 NA H 2451 2451 1 SP E 818 818 1 V H 2983 2983 1

SR H 3011 3011 1 M 1827 1827 1 M 2231 2231 1 M 2659 2659 1

PD H 5217 4217 1

H* 818 818 1

M 1827 1827 1

NATIONAL PARK BORO1 SL E 1500 1500 1 B E 2600 2600 1

SP E 850 850 1

PITMAN BORO2 YA H 5510 5510 1 SL H 2132 2132 1 MO H 3555 3555 1 JR H 2479 2479 1 LA H 1244 1244 1 B M 3912 3912 1 V H 3555 3555 1 7A M 800 800 1

M 1424 1424 1 M 1334 1334 1 H* 2131 2131 1 M 1070 1070 1 SM H 1251 1251 1 M 2880 2880 1 8A M 800 800 1

YB H 2357 2357 1 SR H 2451 2451 1 PD H 3555 3555 1 NA M 1424 1424 1 SP M 1065 1065 1 FR H 971 971 1

SY H 1598 1598 1

SOUTH HARRISON TWP1 YA M 1333 1333 1 SL M 1333 1333 1 MO M 1333 1333 1 NA M 1333 1333 1

E 1333 1333 1 E 1333 1333 1 PD M 1333 1333 1 E 1333 1333 1

E 1333 1333 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 101

Page 103: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


SWEDESBORO-WOOLWICH1 YA M 950 950 1 PD M 1500 1500 1 SP M 950 950 1 8A M 1250 1250 1

E 950 950 1 E 1500 1500 1 E 950 950 1

WASHINGTON TWP4 YA H 6191 6191 1 SL H 3853 3853 1 AA M 2424 2424 1 JR H 5844 5844 1 LA H 1732 1732 1 B H 2598 2598 1 OC H 2598 2598 1 7A M 2121 2121 1

H* 2511 2511 1 M 3896 3896 1 MO H 1905 1905 1 NA H 3853 3853 1 SM H 3463 3463 1 M 3595 3595 1 8A M 2121 2121 1

M 4416 4416 1 SR H 4286 4286 1 M 3637 3637 1 M 2468 2468 1 SP E 2078 2078 1 V H 2598 2598 1 AV M 1732 1732 1

PD H 7490 7490 1 M 3637 3637 1 FR H 3463 3463 1

H* 5541 5541 1

M 7490 7490 1

E 1212 1212 1

WEST DEPTFORD TWP2 YA H 3123 3980 3 SL H 2810 3411 3 MO H 2810 3411 3 JR H 3123 3980 3 DC H 2456 2876 3 SM H 2296 2716 3 OC H 2296 2716 3 7A M 2179 2320 3

H* 2456 2876 3 M 2810 3411 3 NA H 2496 2496 1 SS H 2179 2320 3 8A M 2179 2320 3

YB H 2456 2876 3 SR H 3123 3980 3 SY H 2179 2320 3 AV H 3123 3980 3

M 3123 3980 3

FR H 2296 2716 3

WESTVILLE BORO1 SL E 500 500 1 SP E 625 625 1

WOODBURY CITY2 YA H 6489 6489 1 SL H 2831 2831 1 AA M 839 839 1 JR H 2223 2223 1 SY H 900 900 1 B H 6241 6241 1 OC H 4817 4817 1 AV H 3157 3157 1

E 738 738 1 M 1936 1936 1 MO H 1126 1126 1 H* 3084 3084 1 M 1564 1564 1 M 3157 3157 1

YB H 1621 1621 1 SR H 2521 2521 1 PD H 3714 3714 1 M 2071 2071 1 V M 2071 2071 1 FR H 1334 1334 1

H* 1165 1165 1 E 2071 2071 1 E 2071 2071 1

M 619 619 1 SM H 1334 1334 1

SP M 1936 1936 1

E 1936 1936 1

WOODBURY HEIGHTS BORO1 B E 700 726 2 V E 679 706 2

SP E 601 654 2


HOBOKEN CITY2 YA H 2384 2384 1 SL H 2504 2504 1 AA M 834 834 1 JR H 1907 1907 1 LA H 1431 1431 1 B H 5245 5245 1 DA H 596 596 1 FR H 1192 1192 1

M 1371 1371 1 M 1013 1013 1 MO H 6829 6829 1 NA H 1431 1431 1 M 2393 2393 1 V H 2557 2557 1

SR H 2145 2145 1 PD H 6829 6829 1 M 1389 1389 1 SM H 1431 1431 1 M 2393 2393 1

E 834 834 1

SECAUCUS TOWN2 YA H 3675 3675 1 SR H 5250 5250 1 PD H 2900 2900 1 JR H 4925 4925 1 LA H 950 950 1 B H 6305 6305 1 DA H 1900 1900 1 7A M 1550 1550 1

M 1575 1575 1 M 950 950 1 H* 3945 3945 1 F H 1350 1350 1 8A M 1550 1550 1

YB H 2150 2150 1 NA H 2000 2000 1 E 2575 2575 1 V H 1825 1825 1 FR H 2875 2875 1

E 1350 1350 1 SM H 3400 3400 1 M 2575 2575 1

SP M 900 900 1 E 2575 2575 1

E 900 900 1

SS H 1400 1400 1

M 1400 1400 1


ALEXANDRIA TWP1 YA M 2642 2642 1 SL M 2642 2642 1 AA M 1000 1000 1 NA M 1844 1844 1

E 2642 2642 1 E 2642 2642 1 PD M 2617 2617 1 E 1844 1844 1

E 2617 2617 1 SY M 1000 1000 1

BLOOMSBURY BORO1 YA M 1005 1005 1 SL M 1005 1005 1

E 1005 1005 1 E 1005 1005 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 102

Page 104: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


DELAWARE VALLEY REGIONAL5 YA H 5086 5086 1 SL H 4054 4054 1 MO H 4107 4107 1 JR H 3681 3681 1 DC H 2987 2987 1 B H 4045 4045 1 OC H 3491 3491 1 FR H 1282 1282 1

YB H 2795 2795 1 SR H 3847 3847 1 PD H 4107 4107 1 SY H 1926 1926 1 SM H 1443 1443 1 V H 4045 4045 1

H* 3491 3491 1

EAST AMWELL TWP1 YA M 1361 1361 1 SL M 1532 1532 1 AA M 2009 2009 1 NA M 1361 1361 1 8A M 1361 1361 1

MO M 2009 2009 1

PD M 1551 1551 1

FRENCHTOWN BORO1 YA M 1500 1500 1 SL M 1500 1500 1 PD M 2853 2853 1 8A M 1500 1500 1

E 1500 1500 1 E 1500 1500 1 E 2853 2853 1

HAMPTON BORO1 YA M 1003 1003 1 SL M 1003 1003 1 NA M 963 963 1 SP M 963 963 1

E 1003 1003 1 E 1003 1003 1 E 963 963 1

KINGWOOD TWP1 YA M 2397 2397 1 SL M 2397 2397 1 AA M 2397 2397 1 B M 2397 2397 1 8A M 2397 2397 1

E 2397 2397 1 PD M 2397 2397 1 E 2397 2397 1

E 2397 2397 1

LEBANON BORO1 YA M 450 450 1 SL M 500 500 1 SP M 450 450 1

E 450 450 1 E 500 5000 1 E 450 450 1

LEBANON TWP1 YA M 2527 2527 1 SL M 2210 2210 1 PD M 2730 2730 1 NA M 2066 2066 1

E 2527 2527 1 E 2210 2210 1 E 2730 2730 1 E 2066 2066 1

MILFORD BORO1 YA M 1000 1000 1 SL M 750 750 1 MO M 1300 1300 1

E 1000 1000 1 E 750 750 1

SOUTH HUNTERDON REGIONAL5 YA H 4055 4055 1 SL M 695 695 1 AA M 695 695 1 JR H 1043 1043 1 LA H 1043 1043 1 B H 6719 6719 1 V H 5792 5792 1 AV H 2549 2549 1

SR H 1738 1738 1 MO H 2085 2085 1 NA H 2085 2085 1 SM H 811 811 1 FR H 695 695 1

PD H 2085 2085 1 SY H 1043 1043 1

H* 1738 1738 1

TEWKSBURY TWP1 YA M 2730 2730 1 SL M 1170 1170 1 MO M 1950 1950 1 V M 1170 1170 1 8A M 975 975 1

E 2730 2730 1 E 1170 1170 1 PD M 4680 4680 1 E 1170 1170 1

E 4680 4680 1

UNION TWP1 YA M 2301 2301 1 SL M 2301 2301 1 AA M 2301 2301 1 B M 2301 2301 1

E 2301 2301 1 E 2301 2301 1 PD M 2301 2301 1 E 2301 2301 1

E 2301 2301 1 SS M 1315 1315 1


HOPEWELL VALLEY REGIONAL3 YA H 3520 5521 9 SL H 2792 4308 9 MO H 3520 5521 9 NA E 430 430 1 SP E 430 430 1

E 430 430 1 E 430 430 1 PD H 3520 5521 9

ROBBINSVILLE TWP2 YA H 4326 4326 1 SL H 3296 3296 1 MO H 5202 5202 1 JR H 2987 2987 1 DC H 1750 1750 1 B M 7210 7210 1 V M 7210 7210 1 7A M 1514 1514 1

H* 1208 1208 1 M 1504 1504 1 H* 3296 3296 1 LA H 1750 1750 1 E 7210 7210 1 E 7210 7210 1 8A M 1514 1514 1

E 1504 1504 1 PD H 4326 4326 1 NA H 2781 2781 1 SM H 2266 2266 1 FR H 2266 2266 1

SR H 2987 2987 1 H* 3090 3090 1 SP M 319 319 1

M 4740 4740 1 E 319 319 1

E 4740 4740 1

TRENTON CITY4 B H 7994 7994 1

H* 6149 6149 1


CRANBURY TWP1 YA M 3656 3656 1 SL M 3656 3656 1 PD M 3656 3656 1 NA M 3656 3656 1 8A M 3656 3656 1

E 3656 3656 1 E 3656 3656 1 E 3656 3656 1 E 3656 3656 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 103

Page 105: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


HIGHLAND PARK BORO2 YA H 3863 3863 1 SL H 3502 3502 1 MO H 4964 4964 1 JR H 1563 1563 1 LA H 1806 1806 1 B H 3378 3378 1 OC H 2816 2816 1 AV M 2047 2047 1

M 1753 1753 1 M 2414 2414 1 PD H 4964 4964 1 NA H 1806 1806 1 M 3378 3378 1 M 2253 2253 1 E 1083 1083 1

YB H 2538 2538 1 E 1563 1563 1 M 2047 2047 1 E 2253 2253 1 E 2253 2253 1 FR H 1490 1490 1

SR H 3737 3737 1 SM H 1490 1490 1 V H 3378 3378 1

M 3378 3378 1

E 2253 2253 1

JAMESBURG BORO1 YA M 1800 1800 1 SL M 1800 1800 1 PD M 1800 1800 1 B M 3000 3000 1 AV M 2700 2700 1

E 1800 1800 1 E 1800 1800 1 E 1800 1800 1 E 3000 3000 1 E 2700 2700 1

MIDDLESEX CO VOC-TECH5 YA H 3499 3499 1 SL H 1015 1015 1 JR H 734 734 1 NA H 1015 1015 1 SM H 734 734 1 FR H 734 734 1

SR H 1241 1241 1

MILLTOWN BORO1 YA M 2050 2050 1 SL M 1075 1075 1 MO M 2775 2775 1 NA M 850 850 1 SS M 850 850 1 8A M 850 850 1

E 2050 2050 1 E 1075 1075 1 E 850 850 1

MONROE TWP4 YA H 4421 4421 1 SL H 3159 3159 1 MO M 1700 1700 1 JR H 2152 2152 1 DC M 1200 1200 1 B H 2054 2054 1 DA H 7654 7654 1 FR H 1315 1315 1

M 2873 2873 1 M 2054 2054 1 PD H 4620 4620 1 LA H 1721 1721 1 SM H 1315 1315 1 V H 2649 2649 1

YB H 2438 2438 1 E 1335 1335 1 M 3004 3004 1 NA H 3518 3518 1 SS H 1721 1721 1

SR H 2755 2755 1 E 3004 3004 1 SY H 1283 1283 1

NORTH BRUNSWICK TWP4 YA H 4697 4697 1 SL H 4697 4697 1 MO H 4697 4697 1 JR H 3020 3020 1 LA H 1863 1863 1 B H 5703 5703 1 OC H 2237 2237 1 FR H 2237 2237 1

M 2348 2348 1 M 2683 2683 1 PD H 3354 3354 1 M 2237 2237 1 M 2237 2237 1 M 2237 2237 1

YB H 2348 2348 1 SR H 3020 3020 1 M 2348 2348 1 NA H 4697 4697 1 SM H 2237 2237 1 V M 2237 2237 1

M 2237 2237 1

OLD BRIDGE TWP4 YA H 4861 4861 1 SL H 2586 2586 1 MO H 4936 4936 1 JR H 1329 1329 1 DC H 1329 1329 1 B H 7013 7013 1 DA H 13E3 13E3 1 AV H 4646 4646 1

M 3135 3135 1 SR H 5534 5534 1 H* 2112 2112 1 H* 29 1329 1 H* 3449 3449 1 M 5995 5995 1 M 2324 2324 1

YB H 2198 2198 1 M 4936 4936 1 LA H 1105 1105 1 M 4936 4936 1 OC H 2473 2473 1 FR H 760 760 1

PD H 3075 3075 1 NA H 4861 4861 1 SM H 1115 1115 1 V H 4936 4936 1

M 2430 2430 1 SS H 3242 3242 1

SY H 1258 1258 1

SAYREVILLE BORO4 YA H 5981 5981 1 SL H 3997 3997 1 MO H 5981 5981 1 JR H 3997 3997 1 LA H 3997 3997 1 B H 9977 9977 1 V H 3997 3997 1 FR H 2298 2298 1

M 2798 2798 1 M 5981 5981 1 M 2798 2798 1 H* 4899 4899 1 M 2798 2798 1

SR H 3997 3997 1 PD H 3997 3997 1 NA H 3997 3997 1 M 6984 6984 1 E 1431 1431 1

M 3997 3997 1 M 2798 2798 1 SM H 2298 2298 1

SOUTH AMBOY CITY2 YA H 5661 5661 SL H 2200 2200 1 AA M 1545 1545 1 JR H 1076 1076 1 DC H 1224 1224 1 B H 4589 4589 1 V H 4016 4016 1 7A M 635 635 1

M 5661 5661 1 M 1500 1500 1 MO H 1224 1224 1 M 1224 1224 1 M 4589 4589 1 M 4016 4016 1 8A M 819 819 1

E 2525 2525 1 E 963 963 1 M 1224 1224 1 LA H 1728 1728 1 SM H 717 717 1 FR H 635 635 1

SR H 1329 1329 1 PD H 3826 3826 1 M 1728 1728 1

M 3826 3826 1 NA H 2591 2591 1

M 2591 2591 1

E 1725 1725 1

SOUTH BRUNSWICK TWP4 YA H 5350 5350 1 SL H 4936 4936 1 MO H 2109 2109 1 JR H 3419 3419 1 LA H 2324 2324 1 B H 7946 7946 1 DA M 4074 4074 1 FR H 1631 1631 1

M 2447 2447 1 M 2447 2447 1 M 756 756 1 NA H 5097 5097 1 H* 3767 3767 1

E 1333 1333 1 E 1333 1333 1 PD H 3111 3111 1 M 2447 2447 1 SM H 2324 2324 1

SR H 3419 3419 1 M 1510 1510 1 E 1333 1333 1 SP E 1333 1333 1

SY H 1510 1510 1 SS M 2042 2042 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 104

Page 106: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


SOUTH PLAINFIELD BORO3 YA H 3357 3898 5 SL H 3357 3898 5 PD H 2791 3240 5 JR H 1925 1925 1 DC H 2791 3240 5 B H 7534 8609 5 DA H 3924 4555 5 7A M 1621 1621 1

M 1467 1467 1 M 2370 2752 5 M 2370 2725 5 M 1621 1621 1 H* 3621 4205 5 M 3924 4555 5 8A M 1621 1621 1

YB H 2529 2935 5 E 1764 2049 5 E 1004 1004 1 LA H 1621 1621 1 SM H 1925 1925 1 OC H 1314 1314 1 AV H 2636 2636 1

SR H 2278 2278 1 M 1467 1467 1 SP E 1962 2278 5 V H 3226 3746 5 FR H 1925 1925 1

NA H 2924 3395 5 M 1467 1467 1

M 2370 2752 5

E 1004 1004 1

WOODBRIDGE TWP4 YA H 4164 4164 1 SL H 3749 3749 1 MO H 4686 4686 1 CS H 2603 2603 1 DC H 1873 1873 1 B H 6248 6248 1 OC H 2500 2500 1 FR H 2084 2084 1

H* 2485 2485 1 M 1770 1770 1 PD H 3646 3646 1 M 2603 2603 1 LA H 3126 3126 1 H* 3126 3126 1 V H 3646 3646 1

M 1770 1770 1 E 1043 1043 1 JR H 2603 2603 1 NA H 3126 3126 1 M 1561 1561 1 M 1561 1561 1

E 1043 1043 1 SR H 3646 3646 1 O H 2603 2603 1 M 1561 1561 1 SM H 2290 2290 1

YB H 1770 1770 1 SY H 1873 1873 1 SP M 1043 1043 1


ASBURY PARK CITY2 YA H 4537 4537 1 SL H 2660 2660 1 MO H 8392 8392 1 JR H 756 756 1 NA E 2232 2232 1 B H 9078 9078 1 DA M 1298 1298 1 8A M 578 578 1

M 1356 1356 1 M 1154 1154 1 PD H 8392 8392 1 SM H 756 756 1 FR H 756 756 1

E 2232 2232 1 SR H 2269 2269 1

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS BORO1 YA M 719 719 1 SL M 719 719 1 OC M 685 685 1

E 719 719 1 E 719 719 1 E 685 685 1

V M 1084 1084 1

E 1084 1084 1

AVON BORO1 SP E 1096 1096 1 8A E 1945 1945 1

BELMAR BORO1 YA M 2198 2198 1 PD M 2747 2747 1 LA M 1465 1465 1 B M 4185 4185 1 V M 2029 2029 1 AV M 3170 3170 1

E 2198 2198 1 E 2747 2747 1 NA M 2198 2198 1 E 4185 4185 1 E 2029 2029 1 E 3170 3170 1

E 2198 2198 1

BRADLEY BEACH BORO1 YA M 2201 2201 1 SL M 2201 2201 1 SP M 2201 2201 1 DM M 2530 2530 1

E 2201 2201 1 E 2201 2201 1 E 2201 2201 1

DEAL BORO1 YA M 1822 1822 1 SL M 1822 1822 1

E 1822 1822 1 E 1822 1822 1

HAZLET TWP3 YA H 7828 7828 1 SL H 6409 6409 1 PD H 6456 6456 1 JR H 3323 3323 1 NA H 2232 2232 1 B H 7735 7735 1 FR H 2276 2276 1

M 2624 2624 1 M 2585 2585 1 M 1425 1425 1 M 2341 2341 1 SM H 2568 2568 1

SR H 4327 4327 1 E 1425 1425 1

KEYPORT BORO2 YA H 3187 3187 1 SL H 2267 2267 1 AA M 758 758 1 JR H 2532 2532 1 NA H 2182 2182 1 SM H 1834 1834 1 DM H 5239 5239 1 7A M 1615 1615 1

M 1150 1150 1 M 2267 2267 1 PD H 2267 2267 1 M 5239 5239 1 8A M 1792 1792 1

SR H 2924 2924 1 H* 1620 1620 1 V H 2752 2752 1 FR H 1574 1574 1

M 1236 1236 1 M 2752 2752 1

LONG BRANCH CITY3 SL H 2151 2589 5 JR H 2900 2900 1 NA H 3460 4152 5 B H 5488 6595 5 V H 1566 1882 5 8A M 9000 900 1

SR H 3850 3850 1 H* 2869 3694 5 M 1922 277 3 FR H 1100 1100 1

M 4000 4000 1

SM H 1500 1500 1

MANASQUAN BORO2 YA H 4350 4350 1 SL H 3600 3600 1 PD H 7400 7400 1 JR H 2200 2200 1 NA H 3450 3450 1 B H 12E3 12E3 1 V H 7050 7050 1 FR H 2200 2200 1

E 1010 1010 1 E 2585 2585 1 H* 2900 2900 1 E 465 465 1 H* 3125 3125 1 E 3560 3560 1

YB H 2580 2580 1 SR H 2200 2200 1 E 1435 1435 1 E 3560 3560 1

SM H 2200 2200 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 105

Page 107: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


MARLBORO TWP1 YA M 3438 5864 5 SL M 3438 5864 5 MO M 3438 5864 5 NA M 3021 4907 5 B M 3438 5864 5 DA M 3341 3341 1

E 3438 5864 5 E 3438 5864 5 PD M 3438 5864 5 E 3021 4907 5 E 3438 5864 5 V M 3438 5864 5

E 3438 5864 5 SY M 1843 2784 5 SP M 1843 2784 5 E 3438 5864 5

E 1843 2784 5

MILLSTONE TWP1 YA M 1338 1338 1 SL M 1961 1961 1 AA M 2408 2408 1 V M 1961 1961 1

E 719 719 1 E 1961 1961 1 PD M 2407 2407 1 E 1961 1961 1

E 2407 2407 1

MONMOUTH BEACH BORO1 YA M 1363 1363 1 SL M 1363 1363 1 PD M 1184 1184 1 B M 1465 1465 1 V M 1465 1465 1 8A M 1725 1725 1

E 1363 1363 1 E 1363 1363 1 E 1184 1184 1 E 1465 1465 1 E 1465 1465 1

MONMOUTH REGIONAL5 YA H 5100 5100 1 SL H 5000 5000 1 PD H 4800 4800 1 JR H 5000 5000 1 B H 8000 8000 1 F H 3975 3975 1 FR H 3000 3000 1

YB H 5100 5100 1 SR H 6700 6700 1 H* 3900 3900 1

SM H 3000 3000 1

NEPTUNE TWP3 YA H 8859 8859 1 SL M 4467 4467 1 AA M 1595 1595 1 JR H 4945 4945 1 B H 7903 7903 1 DA H 17E3 17E3 1 FR H 4469 4469 1

SR H 5788 5788 1 PD H 9614 9614 1 H* 5235 5235 1 M 4467 4467 1

H* 5503 5503 1 M 1595 1595 1 OC H 3901 3901 1

M 1595 1595 1 SM H 4703 4703 1 V H 1595 1595 1

M 1595 1595 1

OCEAN TWP3 YA H 5043 5823 5 SL H 5043 5823 5 PD H 5043 5823 5 JR H 4818 5598 5 DC H 5043 5823 5 B H 5043 5823 5 DA H 5043 5823 5 FR H 4593 5248 5

M 5043 5823 5 M 4593 5248 5 H* 4593 5248 5 M 4818 5598 5 M 4593 5248 5 OC H 4593 5248 5

YB H 5043 5823 5 SR H 5043 5823 5 LA H 5043 5823 5 SM H 4593 5248 5 V H 5043 5823 5

M 4593 5248 5 M 4593 5248 5

NA H 5043 5823 5 E 4593 5248 5

M 5043 5823 5

OCEANPORT BORO1 YA M 2917 2917 1 AA M 2291 2291 1 NA M 1303 1303 1 B M 2604 2604 1 V M 773 773 1 8A M 1500 1500 1

E 2917 2917 1 PD M 2590 2590 1 E 1303 1303 1 E 2344 2344 1 E 773 773 1

E 2590 2590 1 SY M 996 996 1

RED BANK BORO1 YA M 884 884 1 SL M 884 884 1 B M 1067 1067 1 V M 1067 1067 1

E 884 884 1 E 884 884 1 E 1067 1067 1 E 1067 1067 1

RUMSON-FAIR HAVEN REG5 YA H 4114 4114 1 SR H 4114 4114 1 MO H 4114 4114 1 JR H 4114 4114 1 DC H 4114 4114 1 B H 4114 4114 1 AV H 2804 2804 1

H* 2074 2074 1 NA H 2804 2804 1 SM H 2804 2804 1 FR H 2804 2804 1

PD H 1410 1410 1 SY H 1410 1410 1

SHREWSBURY BORO1 YA M 2760 2760 1 SL M 1497 1497 1 PD M 2359 2359 1 DC M 2527 2527 1 SP M 1842 1842 1 OC M 2527 2527 1 8A M 2527 2527 1

E 2760 2760 1 E 1497 1497 1 E 2359 2359 1 LA M 1425 1425 1 E 1842 1842 1 E 2527 2527 1

SPRING LAKE BORO1 YA M 2275 2275 1 SL M 2275 2275 1 AA M 1000 1000 1 8A M 1030 1030 1

E 2275 2275 1 E 2275 2275 1 AV M 1750 1750 1

E 1750 1750 1

SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS BORO1 YA M 1617 1617 1 SL M 890 890 1 AA M 890 890 1 B M 4628 4628 1 V M 4628 4628 1

E 1617 1617 1 E 890 890 1 PD M 890 890 1 E 4628 4628 1 E 4628 4628 1

E 890 890 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 106

Page 108: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


WALL TWP3 YA H 4400 4400 1 SL H 3210 3210 1 MO H 4190 4190 1 JR H 4015 4015 1 DC H 2380 2380 1 B H 6060 6060 1 OC E 680 680 1 AV H 6180 6180 1

M 2525 2525 1 M 2370 2370 1 PD H 2830 2830 1 M 2385 2385 1 M 660 660 1 V H 1190 1190 1 M 4020 4020 1

SR H 4480 4480 1 M 3245 3245 1 LA H 1235 1235 1 SM H 3500 3500 1 FR H 2470 2470 1

M 1190 1190 1

NA M 1190 1190 1

SY H 2380 2380 1

M 2385 2385 1

WEST LONG BRANCH BORO1 YA M 3113 3113 1 SL M 2334 2334 1 AA M 1580 1580 1 NA M 3113 3113 1 B M 3113 3113 1 V M 3113 3113 1 7A M 2000 2000 1

E 3113 3113 1 E 2334 2334 1 PD M 2334 2334 1 E 3113 3113 1 E 3113 3113 1 E 3113 3113 1 8A M 2000 2000 1

E 2334 2334 1


BOONTON TWP1 YA M 3138 3930 6 SL M 2441 3232 6 B M 3138 3930 6 8A M 3138 3930 6

E 3138 3930 6 E 2441 3232 6 E 3138 3930 6

DOVER TOWN2 YA H 3028 3028 1 SL H 1971 1971 1 MO H 2254 2254 1 JR H 1582 1582 1 DC H 1732 1732 1 B H 8176 8176 1 AV H 1178 1178 1

H* 1481 1481 1 M 1876 1876 1 PD H 3102 3102 1 NA H 3028 3028 1 H* 3805 3805 1 FR H 935 935 1

M 1550 1550 1 SR H 2155 2155 1 M 987 987 1 M 1134 1134 1 SM H 1150 1150 1

E 510 510 1

EAST HANOVER TWP1 YA M 2521 2521 1 SL M 2231 2231 1 MO M 598 598 1 LA M 1873 1873 1 B M 2052 2052 1 7A M 1873 1873 1

E 2521 2521 1 E 2231 2231 1 PD M 1796 1796 1 E 2052 2052 1 8A M 1873 1873 1

E 1796 1796 1

HANOVER TWP1 SL M 849 849 1 PD M 1061 1061 1

E 849 849 1 E 1061 1061 1

JEFFERSON TWP3 YA H 3542 3542 1 SL H 2500 2500 1 AA M 520 520 1 JR H 2200 2200 1 LA H 2200 2200 1 B M 2079 2079 1 DM M 2079 2079 1 8A M 2079 2079 1

M 2079 2079 1 M 1261 1261 1 MO H 3542 3542 1 NA H 2150 2150 1 SM H 1224 1224 1 F H 2200 2200 1 FR H 1224 1224 1

YB H 2200 2200 1 SR H 3542 3542 1 M 2085 2085 1 M 1225 1225 1 OC H 1224 1224 1

PD H 2200 2200 1 SY H 1224 1224 1 V M 2079 2079 1

M 2079 2079 1

LONG HILL TWP1 YA M 2090 2090 1 SL M 2090 2090 1 MO M 3248 3248 1 CS M 714 714 1 DC M 389 389 1 OC M 3759 3759 1

E 784 784 1 E 2090 2090 1 E 714 714 1 NA M 2090 2090 1 E 3759 3759 1

E 2090 2090 1 V M 2478 2478 1

SY M 1038 1038 1 E 2478 2478 1

MADISON BORO2 YA H 3558 4824 4 SL H 2331 3891 4 MO H 5415 6867 4 JR H 2514 4069 4 NA M 410 410 1 B E 1532 2756 4 V H 1532 2756 4 7A M 1966 1966 1

M 2551 4129 4 M 3521 4945 4 M 2331 3891 4 SY H 2150 3715 4 SM H 2514 4069 4 8A M 1966 1966 1

YB H 2960 4241 4 E 350 350 1 PD H 3294 4682 4 M 1420 2370 4 FR H 2514 4069 4

SR H 2514 4069 4 H* 2150 3715 4

M 2331 3891 4

E 350 350 1

MENDHAM BORO1 YA M 1500 1500 1 SL M 1500 1500 1 AA M 585 585 1 NA M 1200 1200 1 B M 1514 5045 1 OC M 1514 5045 1 8A M 625 625 1

E 1500 1500 1 E 1500 1500 1 E 1200 1200 1 E 1514 5045 1 E 1514 5045 1 AV M 1200 1200 1

V M 1514 5045 1 E 1200 1200 1

E 1514 5045 1

MENDHAM TWP1 YA M 1239 1239 1 SL M 1239 1239 1 PD M 3043 3043 1 NA M 901 901 1 B M 3718 3718 1 OC M 3718 3718 1 8A M 1239 1239 1

E 1239 1239 1 E 2479 2479 1 E 3718 3718 1

V M 2479 2479 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 107

Page 109: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


MINE HILL TWP1 SL M 350 350 1 MO M 1200 1200 1 LA M 1009 1009 1 SP M 3693 3693 1

E 350 350 1 PD M 1200 1200 1 NA M 807 807 1 E 3693 3693 1

E 1200 1200 1 E 807 807 1

MORRIS PLAINS BORO1 YA M 2632 2632 1 SL M 3488 3488 1 AA M 2034 2034 1 SY M 271 271 1 SP M 2632 2632 1 OC M 2919 2919 1 8A M 3649 3649 1

E 2632 2632 1 E 3488 3488 1 PD M 2034 2034 1 E 2632 2632 1 E 2919 2919 1

E 2034 2034 1

MOUNT ARLINGTON BORO1 YA M 1607 1607 1 PD M 1425 1425 1 8A M 1878 1878 1

E 1607 1607 1 E 1425 1425 1 AV M 1595 1595 1

E 1595 1595 1

MOUNT OLIVE TWP3 YA H 2883 2883 1 SL H 2883 2883 1 AA M 1061 1061 1 JR H 2883 2883 1 LA H 1430 1430 1 SM H 1820 1820 1 OC H 1430 1430 1 AV H 2883 2883 1

M 1830 1830 1 M 1229 1229 1 PD H 4989 4989 1 M 1605 1605 1 SP E 473 473 1 V H 1820 1820 1 FR H 1430 1430 1

SR H 2883 2883 1 H* 3326 3326 1 NA H 2883 2883 1

M 1061 1061 1 M 1277 1277 1

SY H 1820 1820 1

MOUNTAIN LAKES BORO2 YA H 2831 4909 3 SL M 565 982 3 MO H 5094 6868 3 JR H 605 988 3 LA H 945 1962 3 SM H 346 719 3 F H 2959 3655 3 AV H 755 1177 3

M 755 1177 3 E 755 1177 3 H* 1699 2944 3 NA M 565 982 3 SS M 565 982 3 V H 2264 3532 3 M 945 1962 3

E 755 1177 3 SR H 777 1346 3 M 2455 2944 3 SY H 1323 2160 3 M 1416 1865 3 E 755 1177 3

PD H 5094 6868 3 M 883 1302 3 FR H 346 719 3

H* 1323 2160 3

PEQUANNOCK TWP2 YA H 4834 4834 1 SL H 3798 3798 1 MO H 3892 3892 1 JR H 2360 2360 1 LA M 1634 1634 1 B H 4188 4188 1 V H 3090 3090 1 8A M 2314 2314 1

H* 2302 2302 1 M 2314 2314 1 H* 3626 3626 1 NA H 2014 2014 1 H* 3090 3090 1 M 2705 2705 1 AV E 1093 1093 1

M 2532 2532 1 SR H 2590 2590 1 PD M 1266 1266 1 M 1815 1815 1 FR H 1122 1122 1

E 1266 1266 1

SM H 1122 1122 1

SP E 2072 2072 1

RIVERDALE BORO1 YA M 1592 1819 3 SL M 1592 1819 3 PD M 1478 1705 3 B M 1705 1705 1 V M 1705 1705 1 8A M 1478 1705 3

E 1592 1819 3 E 1592 1819 3 E 1478 1705 3 E 1705 1705 1 E 1705 1705 1

SCH DIST OF THE CHATHAMS3 YA H 9758 9758 1 SL M 1464 1464 1 MO H 4349 4349 1 JR H 2927 2927 1 LA H 1220 1220 1 B H 2927 2927 1 OC H 2927 2927 1 7A M 4245 4245 1

H* 2927 2927 1 SR H 3903 3903 1 H* 2440 2440 1 NA H 4879 4879 1 M 1464 1464 1 M 1464 1464 1 8A M 4245 4245 1

M 4879 4879 1 PD H 4349 4349 1 M 976 976 1 SM H 2440 2440 1 FR H 2440 2440 1

H* 2927 2927 1

M 5854 5854 1

WHARTON BORO1 YA M 3847 4464 5 SL M 3847 4464 5 B M 3847 4464 5 V M 3847 4464 5

E 3847 4464 5 E 3847 4464 5 E 3847 4464 5 E 3847 4464 5

SP M 3847 4464 5

E 3847 4464 5


BAY HEAD BORO1 YA M 1033 1033 1 SL M 971 971 1 AA M 1215 1215 1 NA M 486 486 SP M 971 971 1 8A M 1518 1518 1

E 1033 1033 1 E 971 971 1 MO M 183 183 1 E 486 486 1 E 971 971 1

BERKELEY TWP1 NA M 1140 1140 1 SP M 1350 1350 1 AV M 1233 1233 1

E 1140 1140 1 E 1350 1350 1 E 1233 1233 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 108

Page 110: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


BRICK TWP4 YA H 6623 6623 1 SL H 4262 4262 1 PD H 6623 6623 1 JR H 3429 3429 1 LA H 2830 2830 1 B H 8625 8625 1 F H 2830 2830 1 FR H 2360 2360 1

H* 3784 3784 1 M 4262 4262 1 H* 3784 3784 1 NA H 4609 4609 1 H* 6235 6235 1 V H 5958 5958 1

M 3316 3316 1 SR H 4141 4141 1 M 2830 2830 1 M 1416 1416 1

SM H 2830 2830 1

SS M 2830 2830 1

CENTRAL REGIONAL5 YA H 4561 4561 1 SL H 3549 3549 1 AA M 547 547 1 JR H 2897 2897 1 NA M 2977 2977 1 B H 5147 5147 1 OC H 2528 2528 1 7A M 2327 2327 1

M 2327 2327 1 M 2977 2977 1 MO H 3002 3002 1 SY H 1773 1773 1 M 3986 3986 1 V H 3549 3549 1 8A M 2327 2327 1

YB H 4561 4561 1 SR H 3549 3549 1 PD H 3549 3549 1 SM H 2897 2897 1 M 547 547 1 FR H 2346 2346 1

H* 2346 2346 1 SS H 547 547 1

M 547 547 1

LACEY TWP3 YA H 6523 6884 2 SL H 4171 4533 2 MO H 2172 2353 2 JR H 2173 2353 2 DC H 1414 1414 1 B M 2537 2537 1 V H 4171 4533 2 FR H 1810 1992 2

M 3625 3625 1 M 4348 4348 1 PD H 4348 4712 2 LA H 2353 2538 2 E 2537 2537 1 M 2537 2537 1

SR H 3805 3805 1 H* 2172 2353 2 NA H 4171 4533 2 SM H 1810 1992 2 E 2537 2537 1

E 1448 1448 1 M 3625 3625 1

SY H 907 1083 2

LAKEHURST BORO1 MO M 3000 3000 1 SP M 816 816 1 DA M 1760 1760 1

E 816 816 1

MANCHESTER TWP2 YA H 4979 4979 1 SL H 3424 3424 1 PD H 6297 6297 1 JR H 2894 2894 1 LA H 1819 1819 1 B H 4013 4013 1 DM H 2816 2816 1 AV H 3096 3096 1

M 2718 2718 1 M 2458 2458 1 M 2761 2761 1 NA H 2009 2009 1 H* 2884 2884 1 V H 4074 4074 1 M 3324 3324 1

YB H 2666 2666 1 SR H 4199 4199 1 SY H 3910 3910 1 M 3379 3379 1 M 1883 1883 1 E 1547 1547 1

M 1330 1330 1 SM H 2149 2149 1 FR H 1897 1897 1

PINELANDS REGIONAL5 YA H 3006 3006 1 SL H 3758 3758 1 AA M 1501 1501 1 JR H 3006 3006 1 DC H 1501 1501 1 SM H 2252 2252 1 V H 3006 3006 1 7A M 2252 2252 1

M 2252 2252 1 SR H 3758 3758 1 PD H 5306 5306 1 NA H 2252 2252 1 8A M 2252 2252 1

YB H 3006 3006 1 H* 2653 2653 1 M 1501 1501 1 FR H 2252 2252 1

PLUMSTED TWP2 YA H 4026 4206 1 SL H 4376 4376 1 PD H 7469 7469 1 JR H 2276 2276 1 DC H 2772 2772 1 B H 5736 5736 1 F H 2684 2684 1 FR H 1400 1400 1

YB H 2276 2276 1 M 2334 2334 1 H* 4510 4510 1 NA H 1867 1867 1 H* 4510 4510 1 V H 4510 4510 1

SR H 2684 2684 1 M 3268 3268 1 SY H 1750 1750 1 SM H 1867 1867 1

POINT PLEASANT BEACH BOR2 YA H 3666 3666 1 SL H 3672 3672 1 AA M 1938 1938 1 JR H 2755 2755 1 NA H 1774 1774 1 B H 5248 5248 1 7A M 689 689 1

M 2106 2106 1 M 1766 1766 1 MO H 3807 3807 1 SM H 2251 2251 1 8A M 2368 2368 1

E 2106 2106 1 E 1766 1766 1 H* 1019 1019 1 SS M 831 831 1 AV H 888 888 1

YB H 1582 1582 1 SR H 3349 3349 1 M 2109 2109 1 M 888 888 1

PD H 1900 1900 1 E 888 888 1

M 1673 1673 1 FR H 2198 2198 1

E 1673 1673 1

SOUTHERN REGIONAL5 YA H 5951 5951 1 SL H 6100 6100 1 AA M 1800 1800 1 JR H 5717 5717 1 LA H 2066 2066 1 B H 1316 1316 1 DA H 12E3 12E3 1 7A M 974 974 1

M 2841 2841 1 M 2810 2810 1 MO H 5831 5831 1 M 2025 2025 1 M 1311 1311 1 M 4422 4422 1 8A M 974 974 1

SR H 6435 6435 1 PD H 4240 4240 1 NA H 4968 4968 1 SM H 5014 5014 1 OC H 1805 1805 1 AV M 740 740 1

M 3116 3116 1 SY H 1925 1925 1 SS H 2814 2814 1 V H 900 900 1 FR H 3673 3673 1

M 2836 2836 1 M 887 887 1

STAFFORD TWP1 AA M 2181 2181 1 SP M 678 678 1

MO M 2181 2181 1 E 678 678 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 109

Page 111: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


TOMS RIVER REGIONAL4 YA H 4928 4928 1 SL H 4384 4384 1 MO M 1E4 1E4 1 JR H 3139 3139 1 DC H 2292 2292 1 B H 5984 5984 1 DA H 4679 4679 1 AV H 3617 3617 1

M 3601 3601 1 M 4258 4258 1 PD H 6154 6154 1 NA H 3809 3809 1 H* 4586 4586 1 V H 2333 2333 1 FR H 1664 1664 1

YB H 3109 3109 1 SR H 3684 3684 1 H* 3187 3187 1 M 3601 3601 1 M 3787 3787 1

SM H 2461 2461 1


BLOOMINGDALE BORO1 YA M 3002 3002 1 SL M 1503 1503 1 PD M 1931 1931 1 NA M 1503 1503 1 B M 3987 3987 1 8A M 1200 1200 1

E 3002 3002 1 E 1503 1503 1 E 1931 1931 1 E 1503 1503 1 E 3987 3987 1 E 1200 1200 1

CLIFTON CITY4 YA H 6580 6580 1 SL H 3030 3030 1 MO H 3346 3346 1 JR H 1505 1505 1 DC H 2643 2643 1 B H 18E3 18E3 1 OC H 5014 5014 1 AV E 1086 1086 1

H* 2270 2270 1 M 1346 1346 1 H* 2643 2643 1 M 2142 2142 1 H* 5461 5461 1 V H 5014 5014 1 FR H 1505 1505 1

M 2617 2617 1 SR H 1692 1692 1 M 2392 2392 1 NA H 3346 3346 1 SM H 1505 1505 1

PD H 3346 3346 1 M 2643 2643 1 SP M 1088 1088 1

H* 2643 2643 1 SY H 2366 2366 1 E 1086 1086 1

M 2392 2392 1

NORTH HALEDON BORO1 YA M 1175 1175 1 SL M 1400 1400 1 7A M 300 300 1

E 1175 1175 1 E 1400 1400 1 8A M 300 300 1

PASSAIC CO MANCHESTER RE5 YA H 5410 5410 1 SL H 3816 3816 1 PD H 3010 3010 1 JR H 1583 1583 1 LA H 904 904 1 SM H 1583 1583 1 DM H 2410 2410 1 FR H 1583 1583 1

H* 1955 1955 1 SR H 2255 2255 1 NA H 2410 2410 1 V H 1200 1200 1

SY H 901 901 1

PASSAIC CO VOC-TECH5 YA H 4823 4823 1 SL H 5939 5939 1 JR H 4423 4423 1 LA H 3301 3301 1 B H 5939 5939 1 V H 4823 4823 1 FR H 3301 3301 1

SR H 4423 4423 1 NA H 3301 3301 1 H* 3301 3301 1

SM H 3301 3301 1

SS H 5939 5939 1

POMPTON LAKES BORO2 YA H 5500 5500 1 SL H 2775 2775 1 MO H 4490 4490 1 JR H 3225 3225 1 LA H 3225 3225 1 SM H 3225 3225 1 7A M 3225 3225 1

M 2505 2505 1 M 2505 2505 1 PD H 4490 4490 1 NA M 2505 2505 1 8A M 3225 3225 1

SR H 3225 3225 1 M 3225 3225 1 SY H 2505 2505 1 FR H 3225 3225 1

M 2505 2505 1


E 3505 3505 1

RINGWOOD BORO1 YA M 925 925 1 SL M 2300 2300 1 AA M 2500 2500 1 LA M 1100 1100 1 OC M 8800 8800 1 AV M 1150 1150 1

E 925 925 1 E 2300 2300 1 PD M 1150 1150 1 NA M 925 925 1 E 8800 8800 1 E 1150 1150 1

E 1150 1150 1 E 925 925 1

WANAQUE BORO1 YA M 554 544 1 SL M 829 829 1 B M 3599 3599 1 V M 3599 3599 1

E 544 544 1 E 829 829 1 E 3599 3599 1 E 3599 3599 1

WEST MILFORD TWP3 YA H 2514 2514 1 SL H 2514 2514 1 PD H 6779 6779 1 JR H 2452 2452 1 NA H 3554 3554 1 B H 1E4 1E4 1 DA H 1442 1442 1 FR H 2184 2184 1

H* 2246 2246 1 M 2328 2328 1 H* 3472 3472 1 M 1844 1844 1 H* 5182 5182 1 OC H 1061 1061 1

M 2328 2328 1 SR H 2452 2452 1 M 1957 1957 1 SY H 1411 1411 1 SM H 2184 2184 1

H* 84 1384 1


PENNS GRV-CARNEY'S PT RE2 YA H 3329 3329 1 SL H 1754 1754 1 PD H 2258 2258 1 JR H 1061 1061 1 SY H 864 864 1 B H 3662 3662 1 V H 2237 2237 1 7A M 1592 1592 1

M 1405 1405 1 M 1234 1234 1 H* 2164 2164 1 8A M 2268 2268 1

E 947 947 1 SR H 2372 2372 1 M 1280 1280 1 AV H 2164 2164 1

SM H 1353 1353 1 M 2164 2164 1

SP E 416 416 1 FR H 1176 1176 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 110

Page 112: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


PENNSVILLE2 YA H 1491 1491 1 SL H 1995 1995 1 AA M 413 413 1 JR H 1951 1951 1 DC H 1454 1454 1 B M 995 995 1 OC H 1286 1286 1 7A M 663 663 1

M 1454 1454 1 MO H 11E3 1085 1 LA H 1248 1248 1 SM H 1491 1491 1 M 993 993 1 8A M 663 663 1

SR H 1951 1951 1 PD H 1829 1829 1 NA H 1369 1369 1 SP M 625 625 1 V H 1664 1664 1 AV H 1491 1491 1

E 625 625 1 M 1491 1491 1

FR H 754 754 1

QUINTON TWP1 SL M 458 458 1 B M 1045 1045 1

E 458 458 1 E 1045 1045 1

SALEM CO VOC-TECH5 YA H 1250 1250 1 SL H 1250 1250 1 JR H 625 625 1 SM H 625 625 1 FR H 625 625 1

SR H 625 625 1

UPPER PITTSGROVE TWP1 YA M 1226 1226 1 SL M 954 954 1 AA M 1022 1022 1 B M 1089 1089 1

E 1226 1226 1 E 954 954 1 PD M 1022 1022 1 E 1089 1089 1

E 1022 1022 1 SP M 954 954 1

E 954 954 1

WOODSTOWN-PILESGROVE REG2 SL H 2569 2808 2 PD H 2490 2961 3 JR H 2605 2605 1 DC H 1456 1456 1 B H 3474 4268 5 FR H 2380 2380 1

M 1674 1674 1 H* 1049 1049 1 M 1456 1456 1 H* 2055 2847 5

SR H 2847 2847 1 M 1326 1326 1 NA H 2683 3155 3 SM H 2380 2380 1

M 1213 1213 1 SS H 2490 2490 1


BEDMINSTER TWP1 YA M 800 800 1 SL M 1383 1383 1 PD M 2630 2630 1 LA M 700 700 1 7A M 3468 3468 1

E 800 800 1 E 1383 1383 1 E 800 800 1 SY M 964 964 1 8A M 3468 3468 1

BOUND BROOK BORO2 YA H 4531 4981 2 SL H 3023 3322 2 MO H 1950 1998 2 JR H 2031 2290 2 LA H 2347 2609 2 B H 6223 6909 2 DA H 5446 5758 2 7A M 3023 3322 2

M 1660 1828 2 SR H 2202 2461 2 PD H 6223 6909 2 NA H 4531 4981 2 H* 3420 3639 2 V H 2613 3230 2 8A M 3023 3322 2

H* 1846 2130 2 M 1500 1700 2 M 1625 1825 2 FR H 1723 1867 2

E 1500 1700 2 E 1625 1825 2

SY H 2334 2582 2 SM H 1723 1867 2

BRANCHBURG TWP1 YA M 2627 2627 1 SL M 2627 2627 1 PD M 2627 2627 1 NA M 2627 2627 1 V M 1576 1576 1

E 1681 1681 1 SY M 1891 1891 1 E 1576 1576 1

GREEN BROOK TWP1 YA M 1360 1360 1 SL M 1440 1440 1 MO M 1442 1442 1 LA M 729 729 1 8A H 5

E 1360 1360 1 E 1440 1440 1 PD M 1442 1442 1 NA M 729 729 1 M 1440 1440 1

E 1442 1442 1 E 729 729 1 AV M 1128 1128 1

SY M 222 222 1 E 1128 1128 1

HILLSBOROUGH TWP4 YA H 4025 4025 1 SL H 2263 2263 1 MO H 4462 4462 1 JR H 2451 2451 1 DC H 2537 2537 1 B H 5092 5092 1 V M 646 646 1 8A M 3589 3589 1

M 2626 2626 1 M 1809 1809 1 PD H 1268 1268 1 LA H 1925 1925 1 H* 3062 3062 1 E 646 646 1 FR H 2101 2101 1

E 1164 1164 1 E 1292 1292 1 M 1825 1825 1 NA H 2798 2798 1 M 1292 1292 1

SR H 2974 2974 1 M 2360 2360 1 E 1292 1292 1

SY H 1925 1925 1 SM H 2101 2101 1

SOMERSET CO VOC-TECH5 YA H 5439 5439 1 PD H 3298 3298 1 NA H 2476 2476 1

SOUTH BOUND BROOK1 YA M 2133 2133 1 SL M 2490 2490 1 PD M 826 826 1 NA M 826 826 1 V M 826 826 1 8A M 2490 2490 1

E 2133 2133 1 E 2490 2490 1 E 826 826 1 E 826 826 1 E 826 826 1

WARREN TWP1 YA M 1430 1430 1 SL M 1430 1430 1 PD M 2640 2640 1 DC M 1430 1430 1 8A M 1430 1430 1

SY M 1430 1430 1

WATCHUNG BORO1 YA M 2445 2445 1 SL M 2525 2525 1 PD M 1954 2E4 1 DA M 2420 2420 1

E 2445 2445 1 E 2525 2525 1 E 1954 1954 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 111

Page 113: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


FRANKFORD TWP1 YA M 1371 3096 7 SL M 1371 3096 7 MO M 1104 2804 7 NA M 1104 2804 7 V M 1371 3096 7 AV M 1074 1074 1

E 1371 3096 7 E 1371 3096 7 PD M 1371 3096 7 E 1104 2804 7 E 1371 3096 7 E 1074 1074 1

E 1371 3096 7

GREEN TWP1 YA M 1200 1200 1 SL M 1200 1200 1 MO M 1500 1500 1 B M 1200 1200 1 V M 1200 1200 1 7A M 1200 1200 1

E 1200 1200 1 E 1200 1200 1 PD M 1500 1500 1 E 1200 1200 1 E 1200 1200 1 8A M 1200 1200 1

E 1500 1500 1

KITTATINNY REGIONAL5 YA H 6300 6300 1 SL H 4860 4860 1 MO H 6300 6300 1 JR H 2605 2605 1 DC H 3320 3320 1 B H 3995 3995 1 DM H 3995 3995 1 FR H 1800 1800 1

M 3995 3995 1 M 3170 3170 1 M 3320 3320 1 M 3320 3320 1 OC H 2605 2605 1

SR H 3320 3320 1 PD H 3170 3170 1 NA H 4980 4980 1 SM H 2265 2265 1 M 1800 1800 1

M 2265 2265 1 SS H 2605 2605 1 V H 3995 3995 1

M 2605 2605 1 M 3170 3170 1

LAFAYETTE TWP1 YA M 1595 1595 1 SL M 1595 1595 1 PD M 1744 1744 1 SY M 787 787 1 8A M 920 920 1

E 1595 1595 1 E 1595 1595 1 E 1744 1744 1 AV M 542 542 1

E 542 542 1

LENAPE VALLEY REGIONAL5 YA H 4776 4776 1 SL H 3926 3926 1 MO H 5836 5836 1 JR H 3183 3183 1 LA H 3926 3926 1 SM H 2017 2017 1 V H 4776 4776 1 FR H 2017 2017 1

YB H 3926 3926 1 SR H 3183 3183 1 PD H 4776 4776 1 NA H 3183 3183 1

NEWTON TOWN2 YA H 3978 5047 6 SL H 2735 3470 6 MO H 1532 1944 6 JR H 2735 3470 6 DC H 1532 1944 6 B H 1532 1944 6 DM H 1532 1944 6 FR H 2735 3470 6

H* 1532 1944 6 M 1532 1944 6 M 1020 1295 6 SY H 666 845 6 SM H 2735 3470 6 V H 666 845 6

M 1020 1295 6 SR H 2735 3470 6 PD H 1020 1295 6

M 1532 1944 6

E 1020 1295 6

OGDENSBURG BORO1 YA M 1740 1740 1 PD M 1960 1960 1 SY M 1624 1624 1 SS M 281 281 1

E 1740 1740 1 E 1960 1960 1

SPARTA TWP3 YA H 4839 4839 1 SL H 4839 4839 1 AA M 996 996 1 JR H 2906 2906 1 NA H 3228 3228 1 SM H 2653 2653 1 OC M 996 996 1 AV H 3228 3228 1

M 2906 2906 1 M 2906 2906 1 MO H 2653 2653 1 M 2653 2653 1 V H 4839 4839 1 FR H 2653 2653 1

YB H 2653 2653 1 SR H 2906 2906 1 M 3228 3228 1 SY H 2653 2653 1 M 2653 2653 1

E 1987 1987 1

STANHOPE BORO1 YA M 2415 2415 1

E 2415 2415 1

SUSSEX CO VOC-TECH5 YA H 8096 8096 1 SL H 7051 7051 1 JR H 3656 3656 1 DC H 2742 2742 1 SM H 3265 3265 1 FR H 3265 3265 1

SR H 4179 4179 1 NA H 2089 2089 1

SY H 1700 1700 1

SUSSEX-WANTAGE REGIONAL1 YA M 2354 2354 1 SL M 2354 2354 1 AA M 1321 1321 1

E 2354 2354 1 E 2354 2354 1 MO M 1778 1778 1

PD M 1778 1778 1

E 1778 1778 1

VERNON TWP3 YA H 3525 4180 3 SL H 3275 3880 3 AA H 4499 5104 3 JR H 3580 3580 1 LA H 2975 3480 3 B H 4575 5180 3 F H 2125 2550 3 FR H 2980 2980 1

M 2975 3980 3 M 2125 2550 3 MO M 2125 2550 3 M 2975 3480 3 SM H 3180 3180 1 OC H 4575 5180 3

SR H 3880 3880 1 PD H 4175 4880 3 NA H 3225 3730 3 V H 4575 5180 3

H* 3625 4180 3 M 3150 3675 3

M 2125 2550 3 E 3150 3675 3

WALLKILL VALLEY REGIONAL5 YA H 3930 6810 7 SL H 2010 3455 7 PD H 2150 3850 7 JR H 1595 2780 7 LA H 1000 1785 7 B H 3585 5480 7 V H 3585 5480 7 AV H 660 1315 7

SR H 2010 3455 7 H* 1595 2780 7 NA H 2010 3455 7 SM H 1000 1785 7

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 112

Page 114: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


BERKELEY HEIGHTS TWP2 YA H 5235 5235 1 SL H 3468 3468 1 AA M 1668 1668 1 JR H 2800 2800 1 NA H 4874 4874 1 B H 8054 8054 1 V H 2617 2617 1 FR H 2224 2224 1

M 2224 2224 1 M 1668 1668 1 MO H 4254 4254 1 M 2224 2224 1 H* 5334 5334 1 M 2617 2617 1

E 1668 1668 1 E 1668 1668 1 PD H 4129 4129 1 SM H 2224 2224 1

SR H 2800 2800 1 M 2356 2356 1 SP M 1668 1668 1

E 2224 2224 1 E 1668 1668 1

CLARK TWP2 YA H 6074 6074 1 SL H 2822 2822 1 AA M 689 689 1 JR H 1240 1240 1 LA H 1328 1328 1 B H 6772 6772 1 F H 3037 3037 1 FR H 658 658 1

M 2300 2878 2 M 2300 2878 2 MO H 6074 6074 1 NA H 4786 476 1 H* 4588 4588 1

E 1196 1196 1 PD H 6074 6074 1 M 2445 3017 2 SM H 807 807 1

SR H 1472 1472 1 M 4659 6074 2 SY H 1561 1561 1 SP E 936 936 1

E 4952 4952 1 M 1561 1561 1

CRANFORD TWP3 YA H 3003 3003 1 SL H 3003 3003 1 AA M 3339 3339 1 JR H 1469 1469 1 DC H 1469 1469 1 B H 3625 3625 1 F H 3339 3339 1 7A M 1469 1469 1

M 1426 1426 1 M 1426 1426 1 MO H 4056 4056 1 LA H 1426 1426 1 SM H 1469 1469 1 OC H 3519 3519 1 8A M 1469 1469 1

E 1426 1426 1 E 830 830 1 M 3339 3339 1 NA H 3003 3003 1 M 3339 3339 1 AV H 3003 3003 1

YB H 3003 3003 1 SR H 3003 3003 1 PD H 4056 4056 1 M 1426 1426 1 E 3003 3003 1 M 3003 3003 1

M 3339 3339 1 E 1426 1426 1 V H 3339 3339 1 E 3003 3003 1

M 3339 3339 1 FR H 1469 1469 1

E 3003 3003 1

KENILWORTH BORO2 YA H 4147 4147 1 SL H 2040 2040 1 MO H 3857 3857 1 JR H 1412 1412 1 LA H 1517 1517 1 B H 5607 5607 1 F H 2286 2286 1 7A M 568 568 1

M 2096 2096 1 M 2040 2040 1 H* 2660 2660 1 NA H 4147 4147 1 M 2037 2037 1 V H 2037 2037 1 8A M 681 681 1

E 2096 2096 1 E 2040 2040 1 PD H 4422 4422 1 M 1823 1823 1 SM H 923 923 1 M 2037 2037 1 FR H 756 756 1

SR H 1676 1676 1 M 1866 1866 1 E 1823 1823 1 E 2787 2787 1

E 1244 1244 1

MOUNTAINSIDE BORO1 YA M 3004 3414 2 SL M 3004 3414 2 PD M 3551 3961 2 SY M 2222 2459 2 B M 3862 3862 1 V M 3862 3862 1

E 3004 3414 2 E 3004 3414 2 E 3551 3961 2 E 3862 3862 1 E 3862 3862 1

NEW PROVIDENCE BORO2 YA M 1827 1827 1 SL M 1827 1827 1 MO H 1161 1161 1 JR H 999 999 1 DC H 2704 2704 1 SM H 804 804 1 OC H 1786 1786 1 7A M 999 999 1

SR H 1422 1422 1 LA H 2229 2229 1 V H 4038 4038 1 8A M 999 999 1

NA H 4512 4512 1 FR H 804 804 1

M 4512 4512 1

SY H 2019 2019 1

SPRINGFIELD TWP2 YA H 3922 3922 1 SL H 1705 1705 1 AA M 1364 1364 1 JR H 1478 1478 1 LA H 1478 1478 1 B H 6821 6821 1 DA H 5202 5202 1 AV H 3922 3922 1

M 3524 3524 1 M 1251 1251 1 PD H 4093 4093 1 NA H 3922 3922 1 DM H 4434 4434 1 FR H 796 796 1

YB H 1478 1478 1 SR H 1705 1705 1 H* 3524 3524 1 M 1478 1478 1 M 4434 4434 1

WESTFIELD TOWN4 YA H 7331 7331 1 SL H 6814 6814 1 MO H 7005 7005 1 JR H 3287 3287 1 NA H 8239 8239 1 B H 3188 3188 1 DA H 8239 8239 1 7A M 2874 2874 1

M 3768 3768 1 M 5711 5711 1 M 5246 5246 1 M 4213 4213 1 H* 1235 1235 1 M 3662 3662 1 8A M 2874 2874

SR H 3287 3287 1 PD H 7005 7005 1 SY H 2218 2218 1 SM H 3287 3287 1 F H 2553 2553 1 AV M 2959 2959 1

M 2553 2553 1 M 1566 1566 1 SP E 1566 1566 1 OC H 4264 4264 1 FR H 3287 3287 1

M 2874 2874 1

V H 4264 4264 1

WINFIELD TWP1 YA M 1165 1165 1 SL M 1165 1165 1 SP M 1165 1165 1

E 1165 1165 1 E 1165 1165 1 E 1165 1165 1


ALPHA BORO1 YA M 750 750 1 SL M 700 700 1 MO M 1200 1200 1 SY M 400 400 1 8A M 300 300 1

E 750 750 1 E 700 700 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 113

Page 115: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district


YA - Yearbook Advisor


New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

YB - Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

GRP Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax Min StepsMax

Section B: Salary Guides for Non-Athletic Activities

(First and/or second code letter/s preceding amount indicates activity; third letter is position/school. See Page 3 Introduction)

SR - Senior Advisor

SL - Student Council

AA - Art Advisor

PD - Plays (Drama)

MO - Musicals/Operettas

CS - Club Sponsor

JR - Junior Advisor

O - Other Advisor

NA- Newspaper Advisor

LA - Lit. Mag. Advisor

SY - Scenery Constr.

SS - School Store

SP - Safety Patrol

B - Band (not Marching)

SM - Sophmore Advisor

DA - Director Activities

V - Vocal/Choral/Glee

DM - Director Music

OR - Organizations

AV - Audio Visual

FR - Freshman Advisor

7A, 8A - Grade AdvisorsDC - Dir/Mgr/Coor Stage F- Forensics OC - Orch.


BELVIDERE TOWN2 YA H 2175 2475 3 SL H 3305 3530 3 PD H 2187 2434 3 JR H 1118 1266 3 SM H 725 874 3 DA H 2335 2736 3 FR H 725 874 3

YB H 1455 1754 3 SR H 1412 1659 3 M 1365 1600 3 M 1127 1276 3

E 1365 1600 3 OC H 2031 2266 3

V H 2031 2266 3

BLAIRSTOWN TWP1 PD E 1200 1200 1

HARMONY TWP1 SL M 400 400 1 AA M 500 500 1 V M 350 350 1

E 400 400 1 E 350 350 1

OXFORD TWP1 YA M 1400 1400 1 SL M 1075 1075 1 7A M 800 800 1

E 1400 1400 1 E 1075 1075 1 8A M 900 900 1

PHILLIPSBURG TOWN3 YA H 4117 4117 1 SL H 3313 3313 1 AA M 1203 1203 1 JR H 1730 1730 1 DC H 4117 4117 1 B H 8364 8364 1 F H 1730 1730 1 7A M 1203 1203 1

M 1203 1203 1 M 1203 1203 1 MO H 3313 3313 1 LA M 1203 1203 1 H* 6275 6275 1 V H 1730 1730 1 8A M 1203 1203 1

YB H 2514 2514 1 E 1203 1203 1 PD H 1730 1730 1 NA H 2514 2514 1 M 3742 3742 1 M 1203 1203 1 FR H 1730 1730 1

SR H 1730 1730 1 M 1203 1203 1 M 1203 1203 1 E 1186 1186 1 E 1203 1203 1

E 1203 1203 1 SY M 1203 1203 1 SM H 1730 1730 1

SS H 3313 3313 1

M 1203 1203 1

WARREN HILLS REGIONAL5 YA H 4000 4000 1 SL H 4000 4000 1 PD H 4000 4000 1 JR H 3200 3200 1 LA H 2500 2500 1 B H 6105 8721 4 V H 3200 3200 1 FR H 2500 2500 1

M 3200 3200 1 M 2700 2700 1 M 2700 2700 1 NA H 2500 2500 1 H* 4536 6760 4 M 2700 2700 1

YB H 2700 2700 1 SR H 4000 4000 1 SY H 2500 2500 1 M 3663 5233 4

SM H 2500 2500 1

H-High School M-Middle School E-Elementary School *-Assistant

Page 114

Page 116: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TABLE 5 COUNTY AND STATE SUMMARY OF NUMBER OF FULL-TIME SPECIAL SERVICES PERSONNEL, 2014-15 ___________________ S P E C I A L I S T S _______________ GUIDANCE LIBRARIANS/ SOCIAL REMEDIAL LEARNING COUNTY COUNSELORS MEDIA SPECIALISTS NURSES PSYCHOLOGISTS WORKERS SPEECH READING DISABILITY ATLANTIC 124 48 82 57 67 80 15 41 BERGEN 354 152 252 202 186 339 53 150 BURLINGTON 215 92 153 108 81 153 54 76 CAMDEN 225 86 152 99 104 115 31 78 CAPE MAY 38 18 29 15 17 27 16 CUMBERLAND 90 33 65 31 55 29 3 19 ESSEX 319 144 306 165 328 181 21 143 GLOUCESTER 127 51 91 62 51 107 18 39 HUDSON 180 36 148 109 155 101 7 86 HUNTERDON 76 33 48 34 31 41 4 21 MERCER 184 74 114 87 77 124 4 68 MIDDLESEX 300 96 204 148 175 228 47 112 MONMOUTH 260 104 193 140 148 196 32 119 MORRIS 240 120 159 119 98 167 36 106 OCEAN 190 60 132 80 97 144 13 59 PASSAIC 229 95 181 106 146 127 38 83 SALEM 39 16 34 14 13 23 2 5 SOMERSET 176 67 94 98 52 109 25 66 SUSSEX 73 26 47 40 32 45 6 24 UNION 239 104 200 108 171 165 11 95 WARREN 46 21 43 27 30 29 5 22 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW JERSEY 3,724 1,476 2,727 1,849 2,114 2,530 425 1,428 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Data were extracted from “Certificated Staff Report” section of 2014-15 Fall Survey, N.J. Department of Education. The numbers above as well as salaries pertinent to them are included in Part 1 & 3 of this bulletin.

Page 115

Page 117: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


ABSECON CITY 74 13 45.9% 68,518 1 8 1 14 2 7 1 14 3 15 100.0% 78,533

ATLANTIC CITY 848 11 46.0% 78,535 28 15 96.4% 90,016 11 9 36.4% 79,545 8 11 75.0% 82,926 9 6 100.0% 68,921 19 9 84.2% 81,255

ATLANTIC CO SPECIAL SERV 101 17 47.5% 74,125 3 20 33.3% 83,867 10 20 100.0% 81,616 7 13 100.0% 74,478 5 18 100.0% 80,778

ATLANTIC CO VOC-TECH 129 6 27.1% 57,045 6 3 100.0% 53,189 2 4 1 20 1 9

BRIGANTINE CITY 79 17 48.1% 76,605 2 17 2 11 2 27 1 21 4 15 100.0% 78,480

BUENA REGIONAL 196 15 10.2% 68,769 7 17 42.9% 73,980 5 25 0.0% 73,961 3 15 66.7% 74,347 1 26 11 21 18.2% 77,333

EGG HARBOR CITY 56 14 26.8% 65,343 2 16 2 3 1 8 1 10 3 8 33.3% 57,078

EGG HARBOR TWP 703 13 32.3% 63,931 23 16 100.0% 69,670 13 9 15.4% 60,048 14 13 71.4% 66,538 9 11 88.9% 59,130 29 14 89.7% 67,701

ESTELL MANOR CITY 16 11 37.5% 59,551 1 15 1 3 1 30 1 7

FOLSOM BORO 44 10 36.4% 55,761 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 24 3 22 100.0% 67,195

GALLOWAY TWP 350 15 48.9% 65,817 6 22 100.0% 78,038 8 17 12.5% 68,856 6 12 83.3% 64,404 5 7 100.0% 57,265 14 12 92.9% 70,085

GREATER EGG HARBOR REG 307 13 43.0% 65,648 13 19 100.0% 81,909 4 9 25.0% 52,620 2 6 4 22 100.0% 82,543 9 11 100.0% 70,916

HAMILTON TWP 286 12 38.1% 63,775 6 17 100.0% 75,027 4 10 25.0% 62,686 6 9 83.3% 68,300 2 20 10 13 90.0% 70,141

HAMMONTON TOWN 285 12 29.1% 65,747 7 16 85.7% 80,591 4 5 0.0% 53,839 2 18 5 15 80.0% 77,019 10 21 100.0% 79,038

LINWOOD CITY 95 13 50.5% 65,203 2 16 2 14 4 12 100.0% 64,641 1 0 4 14 100.0% 57,588

MAINLAND REGIONAL 138 14 58.0% 79,169 5 14 100.0% 83,720 2 7 4 13 100.0% 86,607 3 15 100.0% 82,827

MARGATE CITY 55 18 83.6% 78,853 2 17 2 29 1 10 4 15 100.0% 68,861

MULLICA TWP 70 11 25.7% 60,301 1 11 1 19 1 3 2 14

NORTHFIELD CITY 79 12 46.8% 62,058 2 11 1 14 4 5 50.0% 39,646 1 3 4 14 100.0% 62,173

PLEASANTVILLE CITY 416 12 35.8% 62,547 7 12 85.7% 66,441 7 15 28.6% 72,137 3 17 33.3% 65,998 10 13 50.0% 64,154 13 15 92.3% 68,849

PORT REPUBLIC CITY 13 11 23.1% 52,072

SOMERS POINT CITY 122 10 31.1% 55,877 2 14 2 15 4 11 75.0% 55,542 1 4 4 13 75.0% 69,574

VENTNOR CITY 82 15 28.0% 76,497 2 1 2 1 3 5 66.7% 45,189 1 2 3 19 100.0% 83,986

WEYMOUTH TWP 19 15 42.1% 54,928 1 18 1 12 1 31


ALLENDALE BORO 78 11 47.4% 75,025 1 1 2 9 2 10 2 8 3 16 100.0% 95,448

ALPINE BORO 26 12 50.0% 60,823 1 7 1 6 1 12

BERGEN CO SPECIAL SERVICE 385 15 60.5% 74,944 1 34 8 18 50.0% 84,420 65 12 89.2% 70,326 16 15 100.0% 92,080 11 17 100.0% 88,554

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 116

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 118: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


BERGEN COUNTY VOC-TECH 263 13 58.2% 79,772 13 11 84.6% 74,727 2 14 3 19 100.0% 84,020 2 13 7 16 100.0% 89,669

BERGENFIELD BORO 322 12 57.5% 71,383 9 9 88.9% 73,060 7 14 57.1% 74,800 5 22 100.0% 90,562 4 16 100.0% 81,765 14 16 100.0% 79,449

BOGOTA BORO 104 11 64.4% 67,570 4 15 100.0% 86,800 3 6 66.7% 67,246 3 6 100.0% 66,063 7 10 100.0% 74,776

CARLSTADT BORO 50 13 74.0% 77,540 1 3 1 8 1 9 1 11 3 13 100.0% 59,949

CARLSTADT-EAST RUTHERFORD 35 15 60.0% 84,038 1 16 1 18

CLIFFSIDE PARK BORO 249 11 45.4% 75,106 6 23 83.3% 104,633 5 10 20.0% 84,950 4 4 75.0% 80,250 2 10 9 16 66.7% 89,797

CLOSTER BORO 101 14 71.3% 82,867 2 1 2 8 3 20 66.7% 83,641 1 1 6 18 100.0% 92,980

CRESSKILL BORO 163 8 46.6% 74,640 4 10 75.0% 82,957 3 6 33.3% 68,762 4 9 100.0% 74,307 4 5 100.0% 73,406 5 10 100.0% 89,980

DEMAREST BORO 75 11 61.3% 64,020 2 8 2 11 2 15 1 3 5 9 80.0% 64,223

DUMONT BORO 244 11 49.6% 73,068 7 4 71.4% 58,708 5 14 100.0% 91,319 3 17 100.0% 101,375 3 4 66.7% 64,955 9 12 77.8% 81,292

EAST RUTHERFORD BORO 74 13 60.8% 85,771 2 19 2 4 2 21 1 10 4 19 100.0% 106,958

EDGEWATER BORO 66 9 60.6% 57,966 1 8 1 2 1 21 1 13 3 8 100.0% 56,225

ELMWOOD PARK 183 9 25.7% 57,205 5 13 80.0% 68,055 5 12 0.0% 59,642 3 24 100.0% 79,739 3 6 66.7% 55,263 5 7 60.0% 60,329

EMERSON BORO 110 9 54.5% 63,122 3 6 100.0% 56,667 2 16 3 8 100.0% 71,433 1 9 5 9 100.0% 63,683

ENGLEWOOD CITY 347 9 57.1% 70,155 8 9 87.5% 75,356 5 9 40.0% 67,976 7 7 100.0% 78,661 11 7 100.0% 71,543 11 7 81.8% 77,645

ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS BORO 65 10 60.0% 66,091 2 4 2 12 2 6 3 8 66.7% 67,358

FAIR LAWN BORO 463 13 74.9% 77,293 9 19 100.0% 88,439 9 14 44.4% 77,910 14 13 100.0% 75,740 6 13 100.0% 81,325 18 10 94.4% 75,806

FAIRVIEW BORO 96 14 37.5% 65,879 2 14 4 11 100.0% 66,806 2 7 3 14 100.0% 69,063

FORT LEE BORO 328 11 61.9% 71,881 11 16 100.0% 80,045 6 13 50.0% 82,816 5 6 100.0% 84,391 3 15 100.0% 78,343 15 8 100.0% 70,733

FRANKLIN LAKES BORO 174 10 67.8% 69,985 6 5 100.0% 56,701 4 11 50.0% 59,879 6 7 66.7% 55,081 1 0 9 16 100.0% 86,296

GARFIELD CITY 431 11 38.5% 69,750 12 9 58.3% 75,146 5 16 40.0% 91,606 11 12 63.6% 78,857 8 8 100.0% 67,135 13 14 76.9% 88,469

GLEN ROCK BORO 241 14 67.6% 72,892 8 27 100.0% 86,544 4 13 75.0% 80,344 4 6 100.0% 64,653 2 18 14 15 100.0% 81,855

HACKENSACK CITY 485 11 66.4% 86,924 8 10 87.5% 93,618 9 8 66.7% 83,359 8 8 75.0% 92,537 10 11 100.0% 98,732 23 13 91.3% 94,400

HARRINGTON PARK BORO 64 13 62.5% 70,529 2 3 2 27 4 15 75.0% 77,047

HASBROUCK HEIGHTS BORO 160 14 71.3% 73,730 4 14 100.0% 78,683 3 6 0.0% 53,172 3 17 100.0% 82,940 2 6 9 19 88.9% 79,125

HAWORTH BORO 44 12 68.2% 78,203 1 5 1 2 1 27 1 14 4 18 100.0% 80,218

HILLSDALE BORO 127 13 60.6% 68,228 4 22 100.0% 90,075 3 8 33.3% 62,316 4 13 100.0% 77,106 8 16 100.0% 66,708

HO HO KUS BORO 57 13 61.4% 75,816 2 28 1 15 2 16

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 117

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 119: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


LEONIA BORO 195 11 59.0% 65,103 6 10 83.3% 63,271 3 13 66.7% 76,714 6 12 83.3% 84,423 1 9 9 8 77.8% 66,232

LITTLE FERRY BORO 79 16 59.5% 73,738 1 4 2 16 2 34 1 17 2 20

LODI BOROUGH 265 12 48.3% 69,375 8 14 100.0% 88,720 3 25 33.3% 94,451 3 11 100.0% 69,992 2 8 11 17 90.9% 95,336

LYNDHURST TWP 218 9 58.7% 66,712 8 7 87.5% 61,859 7 8 42.9% 69,090 2 2 4 9 100.0% 68,933 5 11 80.0% 61,470

MAHWAH TWP 298 13 67.8% 71,647 7 13 85.7% 72,271 2 13 4 14 100.0% 75,336 4 11 100.0% 72,639 14 15 78.6% 74,323

MAYWOOD BORO 80 11 65.0% 68,147 2 11 2 8 1 3 4 21 100.0% 93,163

MIDLAND PARK BORO 116 13 74.1% 62,751 3 3 100.0% 47,175 3 12 33.3% 65,167 3 27 100.0% 80,275 1 1 5 11 100.0% 57,147

MONTVALE BORO 94 14 76.6% 70,014 2 4 2 11 3 17 100.0% 83,813 1 12 3 14 100.0% 74,778

MOONACHIE BORO 35 9 51.4% 69,413 1 12 2 10 1 9 1 2

NEW MILFORD BORO 186 10 59.1% 63,847 8 7 100.0% 56,893 4 18 50.0% 81,656 4 16 100.0% 78,533 3 12 100.0% 68,045 7 9 100.0% 76,183

NORTH ARLINGTON BORO 142 12 45.8% 63,664 4 7 100.0% 54,500 2 18 3 12 100.0% 61,478 1 5 5 9 100.0% 65,520

NORTHERN HIGHLANDS REG 128 8 80.5% 78,487 6 9 100.0% 87,060 1 1 3 8 100.0% 71,653 3 13 100.0% 85,921

NORTHERN VALLEY REGIONAL 291 14 82.5% 94,074 15 13 93.3% 101,588 5 9 40.0% 71,936 13 15 100.0% 92,434 3 12 100.0% 101,500 9 15 100.0% 101,592

NORTHVALE BORO 48 13 64.6% 70,671 1 14 1 27 1 8 2 11

NORWOOD BORO 54 12 72.2% 62,503 1 0 1 21 1 26 1 15 3 12 100.0% 69,149

OAKLAND BORO 155 10 66.5% 74,074 4 13 100.0% 82,475 4 13 0.0% 75,049 4 12 100.0% 71,225 2 7 12 13 100.0% 88,674

OLD TAPPAN BORO 70 17 81.4% 76,171 1 13 2 20 1 12 3 22 100.0% 96,074

ORADELL BORO 67 12 47.8% 67,098 1 17 2 5 1 3 3 8 100.0% 70,431

PALISADES PARK 159 11 51.6% 57,389 4 14 75.0% 62,328 2 6 4 12 100.0% 66,888 1 18 5 6 100.0% 58,307

PARAMUS BORO 376 13 66.5% 70,928 12 10 100.0% 72,413 8 12 37.5% 71,758 12 15 100.0% 79,413 4 11 100.0% 69,900 21 14 100.0% 75,932

PARK RIDGE BORO 145 13 60.7% 72,465 3 5 100.0% 63,394 3 17 33.3% 76,026 4 12 100.0% 70,405 1 21 9 13 100.0% 81,505

PASCACK VALLEY REGIONAL 194 13 80.4% 87,645 10 16 100.0% 85,014 2 11 3 10 100.0% 91,697 7 15 100.0% 95,725

RAMAPO-INDIAN HILL REG 237 11 42.6% 63,970 11 9 81.8% 65,434 4 2 25.0% 63,169 7 10 100.0% 71,706

RAMSEY BORO 293 13 72.0% 78,184 9 13 100.0% 77,102 5 12 40.0% 55,061 8 19 100.0% 81,812 2 18 14 14 85.7% 79,599

RIDGEFIELD BORO 197 15 66.5% 74,370 4 29 100.0% 94,366 4 16 75.0% 89,716 9 23 55.6% 102,145 3 18 100.0% 83,516 4 7 100.0% 69,146

RIDGEFIELD PARK TWP 213 12 46.9% 73,943 7 13 85.7% 82,069 4 19 25.0% 84,001 5 22 80.0% 90,190 2 9 7 18 85.7% 88,389

RIDGEWOOD VILLAGE 499 12 65.3% 83,716 12 19 100.0% 93,574 9 7 33.3% 76,894 8 14 100.0% 99,901 4 14 100.0% 95,414 23 15 87.0% 90,912

RIVER DELL REGIONAL 153 13 73.9% 79,101 6 16 100.0% 89,650 2 16 1 20 2 17 4 14 100.0% 89,000

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 118

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 120: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


RIVER EDGE BORO 98 11 65.3% 65,813 2 16 3 17 33.3% 81,131 4 11 100.0% 76,780 1 8 3 11 100.0% 76,396

RIVER VALE TWP 106 17 70.8% 113,400 3 23 66.7% 131,675 3 7 33.3% 120,223 2 18 2 13 5 18 100.0% 129,019

ROCHELLE PARK TWP 45 14 62.2% 70,824 1 11 1 3 1 17 2 12

RUTHERFORD BORO 236 13 59.7% 71,536 5 9 100.0% 71,862 6 13 50.0% 77,160 3 9 100.0% 78,734 3 20 100.0% 91,448 11 15 100.0% 78,560

SADDLE BROOK TWP 174 9 37.9% 68,285 6 10 66.7% 94,485 5 7 20.0% 65,655 4 3 50.0% 74,063 2 5 10 9 60.0% 75,719

SADDLE RIVER BORO 26 13 42.3% 69,350 1 3 1 6 1 10

SOUTH BERGEN JOINTURE COM 86 12 66.3% 66,285 3 16 33.3% 79,757 9 18 100.0% 80,571 3 11 100.0% 73,232 2 13

SOUTH HACKENSACK TWP 27 13 77.8% 72,340 1 23 1 7 1 13 1 18

TEANECK TWP 404 14 79.7% 77,742 10 12 100.0% 72,702 7 20 85.7% 89,573 6 14 100.0% 85,621 7 14 100.0% 79,274 16 17 100.0% 85,597

TENAFLY BORO 348 13 83.9% 74,740 13 16 100.0% 75,093 4 10 75.0% 77,315 7 14 100.0% 72,606 3 7 100.0% 67,804 13 17 100.0% 91,589

UPPER SADDLE RIVER BORO 123 11 46.3% 63,991 3 11 100.0% 66,951 1 14 2 11 1 12 6 16 83.3% 78,819

WALDWICK BORO 164 11 70.1% 69,275 3 9 100.0% 67,652 3 17 66.7% 79,956 3 12 100.0% 67,597 3 5 100.0% 64,928 7 10 100.0% 75,044


WESTWOOD REGIONAL 278 12 66.5% 67,567 10 9 100.0% 70,137 8 25 50.0% 67,901 6 16 83.3% 78,135 1 36 17 11 94.1% 68,812

WOOD RIDGE BORO 112 8 45.5% 63,089 4 11 75.0% 79,351 3 6 33.3% 55,447 2 7

WOODCLIFF LAKE BORO 83 9 69.9% 64,332 1 12 2 10 1 7 4 12 100.0% 72,855

WYCKOFF TWP 221 13 74.7% 72,068 5 18 40.0% 78,472 5 12 100.0% 76,767 7 16 100.0% 85,332 16 20 93.8% 85,391


BASS RIVER TWP 19 14 36.8% 56,733 1 34 1 14

BEVERLY CITY 35 6 34.3% 53,878 1 0 1 3 1 1 3 1 66.7% 55,486

BORDENTOWN REGIONAL 225 9 36.4% 65,473 8 12 100.0% 75,784 5 9 0.0% 62,095 6 13 100.0% 80,720 4 6 75.0% 69,415 13 9 76.9% 73,984

BURLINGTON CITY 204 10 48.0% 64,580 7 8 100.0% 67,195 4 14 25.0% 68,422 5 8 80.0% 62,345 3 9 100.0% 62,535 8 11 100.0% 69,359

BURLINGTON CO SPEC SERV 152 17 43.4% 76,102 1 32 1 19 16 12 93.8% 67,868 5 12 80.0% 72,130

BURLINGTON CO VOC-TECH 177 13 40.7% 68,598 11 18 100.0% 81,341 2 11 1 4 3 12 100.0% 85,201 8 12 62.5% 69,401

BURLINGTON TWP 354 13 39.3% 63,397 12 17 91.7% 73,337 5 14 0.0% 73,121 6 9 100.0% 60,766 3 14 100.0% 70,080 14 10 71.4% 65,423

CHESTERFIELD TWP 62 11 46.8% 57,385 1 5 2 4 2 13 1 20 2 10

CINNAMINSON TWP 211 12 59.7% 69,581 4 12 125.0% 67,597 4 18 25.0% 81,148 4 6 100.0% 59,639 4 8 100.0% 70,795 12 14 100.0% 72,153

DELANCO TWP 37 13 24.3% 62,204 1 2 2 23 1 25 2 22

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 119

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 121: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


DELRAN TWP 255 12 47.8% 63,772 8 19 100.0% 72,128 4 16 25.0% 71,714 5 18 100.0% 74,279 2 26 9 16 88.9% 73,736

EASTAMPTON TWP 58 14 20.7% 64,601 2 4 2 3 2 17 2 8

EDGEWATER PARK TWP 82 12 30.5% 63,457 2 12 2 10 3 13 100.0% 74,945 1 13 1 26

EVESHAM TWP 418 12 62.0% 69,235 11 16 100.0% 79,013 8 11 37.5% 72,373 16 7 93.8% 68,614 4 12 100.0% 82,403 26 11 76.9% 73,364

FLORENCE TWP 140 12 1.4% 65,798 5 13 20.0% 71,640 3 5 0.0% 55,965 4 9 0.0% 67,405 1 13 4 12 0.0% 74,077

HAINESPORT TWP 65 13 33.8% 59,338 2 16 1 22 1 1 1 17 3 23 100.0% 69,316

LENAPE REGIONAL 678 14 56.3% 80,469 30 15 96.7% 82,883 11 11 81.8% 79,047 2 5 7 11 100.0% 89,216 24 11 100.0% 82,304

LUMBERTON TWP 135 16 43.7% 69,094 5 23 100.0% 68,660 4 9 0.0% 58,231 4 10 75.0% 69,250 2 27 11 16 100.0% 66,641

MANSFIELD TWP 61 11 32.8% 63,223 2 9 2 10 1 6 2 6

MAPLE SHADE TWP 205 10 33.2% 69,492 7 12 100.0% 81,779 5 11 60.0% 63,705 6 3 100.0% 64,606 3 7 100.0% 72,225 5 5 100.0% 67,695

MEDFORD LAKES BORO 49 14 42.9% 64,119 2 16 2 11 1 4 1 5

MEDFORD TWP 248 16 59.3% 73,590 9 15 100.0% 72,494 7 13 42.9% 65,020 7 19 100.0% 83,938 3 15 100.0% 84,030 17 18 88.2% 80,957

MOORESTOWN TWP 382 14 62.0% 69,403 15 15 100.0% 80,868 8 12 37.5% 64,350 7 13 100.0% 71,422 3 15 100.0% 77,419 17 15 94.1% 73,414

MOUNT HOLLY TWP 107 11 31.8% 67,339 3 16 66.7% 84,240 5 12 20.0% 43,526 3 9 66.7% 64,411 1 23 5 12 100.0% 67,433

MOUNT LAUREL TWP 395 13 51.6% 71,846 11 7 81.8% 67,602 8 14 0.0% 71,918 9 14 88.9% 75,989 5 10 100.0% 66,140 26 14 100.0% 78,299

NEW HANOVER TWP 26 14 46.2% 57,685 1 20 2 3

NORTH HANOVER TWP 132 12 46.2% 67,444 1 12 5 14 40.0% 69,171 3 9 100.0% 78,493 2 6 8 12 87.5% 66,152

NORTHERN BURLINGTON REG 179 12 46.9% 64,894 7 20 100.0% 74,483 3 7 66.7% 53,278 1 25 2 24 6 19 100.0% 80,757

PALMYRA BORO 88 13 34.1% 60,653 3 6 100.0% 58,138 2 9 1 2 1 10 4 7 100.0% 53,224

PEMBERTON TWP 532 15 41.2% 77,586 17 23 100.0% 92,980 12 10 25.0% 71,798 12 18 75.0% 79,978 7 9 100.0% 80,653 32 17 90.6% 84,689

RANCOCAS VALLEY REGIONAL 147 12 41.5% 68,666 6 25 100.0% 90,103 2 19 1 9 4 12 100.0% 82,508

RIVERSIDE TWP 131 12 35.9% 69,036 4 10 100.0% 73,591 2 12 2 22 1 14 6 14 83.3% 76,500

RIVERTON 29 14 34.5% 66,326 1 5 1 0 3 17 66.7% 62,589

SHAMONG TWP 76 12 44.7% 64,417 2 7 2 4 1 1 1 1 3 17 66.7% 79,145

SOUTHAMPTON TWP 80 10 27.5% 60,362 2 14 1 1 1 7 1 8 4 16 75.0% 68,969

SPRINGFIELD TWP 29 11 41.4% 62,694 1 3 1 3 1 13 1 4

TABERNACLE TWP 75 14 45.3% 67,698 2 18 2 15 2 20 7 15 100.0% 73,409

WASHINGTON TWP 6 19 66.7% 54,922 1 6

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 120

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 122: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


WESTAMPTON 85 11 34.1% 63,301 2 15 2 20 2 17 2 21

WILLINGBORO TWP 328 12 29.0% 63,154 11 10 54.5% 65,217 8 9 0.0% 60,203 4 3 75.0% 69,015 3 20 100.0% 86,152 14 12 57.1% 67,932

WOODLAND TWP 16 12 12.5% 56,663 1 23


AUDUBON BORO 153 13 30.1% 64,643 6 12 100.0% 67,283 3 17 0.0% 77,533 4 9 100.0% 53,120 1 14 4 14 75.0% 67,025

BARRINGTON BORO 64 13 34.4% 63,854 1 9 2 22 1 10 1 7 1 20

BELLMAWR BORO 93 9 41.9% 67,028 1 16 2 2 1 24 5 8 100.0% 69,524

BERLIN BORO 79 10 32.9% 60,838 1 2 2 6 2 6 1 14 3 16 100.0% 72,669

BERLIN TWP 73 11 47.9% 64,868 2 4 2 10 2 4 1 2 5 6 80.0% 56,917

BLACK HORSE PIKE REGIONAL 312 12 36.9% 66,472 17 15 100.0% 76,344 4 10 0.0% 60,806 3 16 100.0% 74,172 11 12 100.0% 75,325

BROOKLAWN BORO 31 13 35.5% 58,196 1 25

CAMDEN CITY 1,118 14 50.9% 66,390 37 20 102.7% 73,802 30 13 30.0% 67,834 10 16 70.0% 75,897 23 13 91.3% 67,585 46 14 82.6% 69,843

CAMDEN COUNTY VOC-TECH 225 13 31.1% 63,868 5 20 80.0% 75,206 2 9 1 37 4 13 100.0% 70,070 10 20 100.0% 72,833

CHERRY HILL TWP 1,000 10 58.5% 71,027 36 10 94.4% 75,719 21 9 19.0% 64,842 21 7 95.2% 82,574 9 10 100.0% 91,664 40 10 97.5% 85,532

CLEMENTON BORO 53 13 41.5% 56,157 1 8 1 9 1 0 1 2 2 12

COLLINGSWOOD BORO 197 12 45.2% 65,182 4 26 100.0% 74,375 5 11 20.0% 67,650 3 6 100.0% 61,250 1 2 6 15 100.0% 71,583

EASTERN CAMDEN COUNTY REG 156 14 67.9% 74,937 9 14 100.0% 75,000 2 11 1 7 2 10 4 17 100.0% 88,819

GIBBSBORO BORO 31 12 19.4% 60,521 1 20 1 24 1 17 1 21

GLOUCESTER CITY 239 12 41.0% 65,469 6 9 83.3% 57,245 5 11 40.0% 63,492 4 14 75.0% 72,093 6 11 100.0% 71,033 11 20 90.9% 85,567

GLOUCESTER TWP 602 14 49.8% 71,077 16 15 93.8% 81,530 11 14 18.2% 72,098 13 12 61.5% 69,540 5 9 100.0% 65,515 36 12 86.1% 76,341

HADDON HEIGHTS BORO 130 13 48.5% 65,338 4 24 100.0% 86,310 3 9 0.0% 51,243 2 5 1 10 5 16 100.0% 58,638

HADDON TWP 158 13 43.0% 65,919 5 11 60.0% 63,322 2 14 2 19 1 1 5 19 80.0% 77,021

HADDONFIELD BORO 215 10 57.2% 65,702 10 13 90.0% 60,340 6 13 33.3% 58,214 3 5 100.0% 65,499 4 10 100.0% 67,951 6 11 100.0% 85,204

LAUREL SPRINGS BORO 16 15 31.3% 60,124 1 2

LAWNSIDE BORO 26 8 23.1% 56,576 1 21 1 2 1 6

LINDENWOLD BORO 246 11 52.4% 61,687 8 10 100.0% 60,322 5 5 20.0% 59,017 3 14 100.0% 71,878 5 12 80.0% 73,459 9 14 100.0% 70,100

MAGNOLIA BORO 39 12 35.9% 65,521 1 4 1 1

MERCHANTVILLE BORO 32 18 46.9% 66,177 1 12 1 2 1 12 1 18

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 121

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 123: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


MOUNT EPHRAIM BORO 40 11 37.5% 56,736 2 8 2 13 2 3

OAKLYN BORO 42 11 33.3% 57,022 1 12 1 11 1 7 1 19 1 6

PENNSAUKEN TWP 452 14 46.5% 72,574 14 16 78.6% 77,531 10 13 20.0% 71,397 5 17 100.0% 78,132 4 13 100.0% 74,982 14 13 85.7% 76,759

PINE HILL BORO 202 12 31.7% 65,376 7 13 100.0% 75,754 4 10 0.0% 71,056 3 19 100.0% 79,861 2 27 9 10 100.0% 71,701

RUNNEMEDE BORO 79 11 34.2% 58,836 1 37 3 10 33.3% 54,828 2 4 1 15 2 4

SOMERDALE BORO 53 11 39.6% 61,320 1 17 1 11 1 3 3 6 100.0% 65,964

STERLING HIGH SCHOOL DIST 86 10 32.6% 64,156 5 14 100.0% 72,624 2 5 1 2 2 4 2 2

STRATFORD BORO 82 12 34.1% 63,073 3 15 100.0% 69,066 2 14 2 16 1 8 3 11 100.0% 69,126

VOORHEES TWP 271 16 42.4% 74,127 6 27 100.0% 89,518 6 9 0.0% 65,306 6 21 100.0% 79,935 3 16 100.0% 83,513 15 22 86.7% 83,412

WATERFORD TWP 91 11 28.6% 66,052 2 2 2 5 2 25 3 17 100.0% 86,394 3 12 66.7% 85,088

WINSLOW TWP 529 12 42.3% 68,547 13 13 100.0% 68,531 7 9 28.6% 77,007 12 13 91.7% 76,691 10 15 100.0% 77,080 29 12 82.8% 78,370

WOODLYNNE BORO 29 13 10.3% 57,100 1 17


AVALON BORO 13 17 53.8% 76,921 1 11

CAPE MAY CITY 21 14 33.3% 62,738 1 21

CAPE MAY CO SPECIAL SERV 70 17 28.6% 71,944 1 28 2 9 6 16 50.0% 72,046 4 11 75.0% 75,463 4 26 100.0% 71,997

CAPE MAY CO VOC-TECH 68 13 26.5% 66,646 2 15 1 19 2 25

DENNIS TWP 66 14 28.8% 63,322 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 18 3 8 100.0% 52,695

LOWER CAPE MAY REGIONAL 154 14 37.0% 71,909 7 8 100.0% 67,800 2 12 4 5 100.0% 55,628 6 18 83.3% 80,066

LOWER TWP 160 13 25.6% 65,764 3 25 66.7% 92,672 4 19 25.0% 81,332 6 7 66.7% 56,766 8 16 37.5% 80,396

MIDDLE TWP 226 14 27.4% 65,551 6 11 100.0% 64,725 5 11 20.0% 57,368 5 11 100.0% 61,449 1 10 6 9 83.3% 60,987

NORTH WILDWOOD CITY 44 15 45.5% 67,275 1 33 1 4 1 3 3 15 66.7% 73,552

OCEAN CITY 211 15 72.5% 84,053 8 15 100.0% 95,348 3 14 66.7% 77,853 2 12 1 24 8 22 100.0% 101,530

STONE HARBOR BORO 10 19 30.0% 80,535 1 11

UPPER TWP 138 14 37.7% 68,641 3 15 100.0% 70,799 3 4 0.0% 57,682 3 19 66.7% 77,612 2 17 4 11 100.0% 71,207

WEST CAPE MAY BORO 6 9 33.3% 56,213

WILDWOOD CITY 107 13 30.8% 69,254 3 6 100.0% 72,261 1 13 1 4 2 3 4 20 100.0% 76,118

WILDWOOD CREST BORO 34 12 20.6% 67,035 1 3 1 5 1 33 1 19

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 122

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 124: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


WOODBINE BORO 22 10 22.7% 60,680 1 0 1 1 1 8


BRIDGETON CITY 568 13 22.0% 62,699 24 11 62.5% 63,784 12 14 8.3% 67,920 5 20 40.0% 71,804 6 23 50.0% 74,647 19 16 63.2% 67,822

COMMERCIAL TWP 54 9 37.0% 60,115 2 3 2 13 1 3 2 5

CUMBERLAND CO VOC-TECH 33 9 24.2% 65,327 2 8 1 21 1 16 1 17

CUMBERLAND REGIONAL 97 13 37.1% 67,419 5 13 100.0% 80,607 2 10 1 14 2 15

DEERFIELD TWP 35 14 34.3% 58,423 1 36 1 14 4 15 75.0% 58,512

DOWNE TWP 19 18 5.3% 64,482 1 1

FAIRFIELD TWP 56 11 21.4% 53,641 1 10 1 30 1 8 4 17 50.0% 56,137

GREENWICH TWP 14 13 28.6% 56,226

HOPEWELL TWP 42 15 38.1% 68,733 1 13 1 16 1 6 1 10 1 1

LAWRENCE TWP 46 11 13.0% 63,771 1 5 1 12

MAURICE RIVER TWP 37 14 32.4% 58,661 1 8 1 11

MILLVILLE CITY 571 13 32.7% 64,074 19 20 100.0% 88,678 15 11 20.0% 66,855 8 11 100.0% 69,607 13 16 76.9% 70,403 20 15 80.0% 71,208

STOW CREEK TWP 20 17 0.0% 56,854

UPPER DEERFIELD TWP 84 14 31.0% 64,540 3 18 100.0% 72,181 3 10 33.3% 62,460 1 32 1 20 2 15

VINELAND CITY 979 13 33.5% 66,198 33 16 97.0% 74,208 21 15 9.5% 65,824 12 6 83.3% 63,146 29 12 86.2% 68,345 30 16 73.3% 76,948


BELLEVILLE TOWN 340 12 34.7% 72,821 7 15 71.4% 74,147 9 12 11.1% 82,690 5 11 100.0% 81,243 6 16 100.0% 88,415 13 9 92.3% 75,272

BLOOMFIELD TWP 571 10 47.3% 61,992 23 13 82.6% 68,712 11 10 45.5% 65,317 10 7 50.0% 58,035 8 5 50.0% 58,845 23 7 56.5% 61,647

CALDWELL-WEST CALDWELL 240 12 64.2% 69,222 4 16 100.0% 80,369 6 15 83.3% 72,080 4 14 75.0% 78,520 1 7 11 18 100.0% 82,619

CEDAR GROVE TWP 160 11 55.0% 63,746 4 9 100.0% 67,264 4 15 100.0% 71,472 3 23 100.0% 89,517 1 0 8 14 100.0% 70,334

CITY OF ORANGE TWP 546 9 52.0% 61,080 12 16 100.0% 71,403 12 11 50.0% 76,947 8 17 75.0% 72,576 16 14 93.8% 74,027 22 10 86.4% 68,515

EAST ORANGE 1,055 14 67.2% 79,732 30 18 96.7% 88,078 27 15 74.1% 92,650 13 18 92.3% 89,966 59 13 98.3% 92,041 23 16 91.3% 89,992

ESSEX CO VOC-TECH 216 10 38.0% 73,574 9 20 77.8% 93,871 4 10 0.0% 80,208 2 10 3 4 100.0% 73,861 6 14 66.7% 80,970

ESSEX FELLS BORO 33 8 63.6% 62,248 1 24 1 1 3 2 100.0% 47,539

ESSEX REG ED SERV COMM 12 10 8.3% 66,956 4 8 0.0% 4,871 1 5

FAIRFIELD TWP 66 13 33.3% 64,889 1 1 2 17 1 3 3 11 66.7% 75,315

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 123

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 125: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


GLEN RIDGE BORO 165 13 59.4% 72,028 5 8 100.0% 70,870 4 15 50.0% 75,510 2 4 1 32 12 17 83.3% 84,349

IRVINGTON TOWNSHIP 618 12 34.0% 75,474 22 15 90.9% 84,731 14 14 50.0% 89,053 8 19 87.5% 84,624 19 16 89.5% 95,352 23 10 73.9% 84,670

LIVINGSTON TWP 543 13 70.7% 81,314 19 9 100.0% 79,135 9 16 88.9% 93,002 7 8 100.0% 74,827 4 10 100.0% 69,016 35 16 97.1% 89,243

MILLBURN TWP 457 11 76.4% 84,932 10 17 100.0% 106,999 7 12 42.9% 86,234 8 13 87.5% 95,561 7 12 100.0% 98,541 25 10 92.0% 86,793

MONTCLAIR TOWN 683 18 57.4% 76,659 12 19 91.7% 85,077 13 26 23.1% 73,242 14 28 92.9% 87,182 11 23 100.0% 89,853 33 21 87.9% 81,543

NEWARK CITY 3,480 14 48.1% 74,599 96 17 89.6% 83,753 112 17 44.6% 91,992 51 17 68.6% 80,910 156 16 96.8% 91,999 126 19 90.5% 90,799

NORTH CALDWELL BORO 78 10 52.6% 57,228 2 19 3 11 100.0% 50,833 3 11 100.0% 59,869

NUTLEY TOWN 356 12 57.6% 71,658 12 11 91.7% 74,208 7 11 57.1% 79,617 6 7 83.3% 65,649 2 6 20 8 95.0% 67,850

ROSELAND BORO 48 11 68.8% 70,636 1 1 1 8 2 8 1 9 3 19 100.0% 94,628

SOUTH ORANGE-MAPLEWOOD 594 10 59.6% 74,634 16 10 100.0% 78,984 11 12 54.5% 77,700 6 9 100.0% 87,588 18 10 100.0% 80,373 24 7 95.8% 77,061

VERONA BORO 197 12 47.7% 71,226 4 16 100.0% 90,573 6 13 50.0% 61,614 5 7 80.0% 65,730 1 0 11 10 72.7% 72,406

WEST ESSEX REGIONAL 165 10 55.2% 76,033 6 7 100.0% 85,848 2 11 1 27 6 7 100.0% 75,243

WEST ORANGE TOWN 734 11 62.5% 81,831 23 8 100.0% 85,155 11 11 36.4% 88,147 12 11 91.7% 87,293 10 8 100.0% 80,827 38 11 89.5% 83,977


CLAYTON BORO 132 10 27.3% 56,820 3 5 100.0% 50,946 2 9 2 0 1 7 5 11 60.0% 62,556

CLEARVIEW REGIONAL 194 13 59.3% 65,389 10 17 100.0% 74,664 3 11 33.3% 55,026 2 3 5 14 100.0% 68,760

DEPTFORD TWP 363 14 32.8% 70,723 8 15 100.0% 81,680 8 10 12.5% 66,193 6 16 83.3% 76,497 3 9 100.0% 69,630 12 14 91.7% 76,630

EAST GREENWICH TWP 112 8 42.0% 58,317 2 13 2 9 1 12 4 9 100.0% 69,049

ELK TWP 36 15 27.8% 55,686 1 29

FRANKLIN TWP 128 14 32.0% 60,471 1 2 3 10 0.0% 56,720 4 20 50.0% 78,253 1 11 8 18 100.0% 65,948

GATEWAY REGIONAL 98 14 42.9% 66,726 4 9 100.0% 62,016 1 5 4 11 100.0% 52,785 6 17 100.0% 68,352

GLASSBORO 184 16 53.3% 70,467 6 22 100.0% 85,010 5 25 20.0% 72,416 2 16 2 21 5 20 80.0% 83,782

GLOUCESTER CO SPEC SERV 197 9 46.2% 58,092 5 6 20.0% 58,837 28 9 78.6% 60,717 9 10 100.0% 64,833 1 13

GLOUCESTER CO VOC-TECH 102 9 47.1% 65,655 5 12 100.0% 73,109 1 1 2 20 2 5

GREENWICH TWP 56 12 26.8% 61,546 1 7 2 14 2 25 1 31 2 19

HARRISON TWP 123 12 39.8% 63,143 3 11 100.0% 60,581 2 15 4 16 100.0% 74,524 1 14 3 19 66.7% 72,734

KINGSWAY REGIONAL 213 8 23.9% 56,492 8 17 87.5% 68,929 3 9 0.0% 60,693 1 1 1 14 8 6 50.0% 63,171

LOGAN TWP 90 12 41.1% 64,484 3 3 100.0% 43,255 2 18 2 11

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 124

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 126: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


MANTUA TWP 117 12 35.9% 60,494 2 5 3 16 0.0% 67,834 5 11 100.0% 68,173 3 17 100.0% 68,468

MONROE TWP 498 12 41.2% 61,300 14 14 100.0% 63,660 8 11 12.5% 60,621 10 17 100.0% 70,286 4 13 100.0% 63,133 19 13 84.2% 64,380

NATIONAL PARK BORO 27 15 18.5% 65,159 1 9 1 14 1 10

PAULSBORO BORO 125 15 31.2% 64,391 4 12 100.0% 54,717 3 7 0.0% 57,803 2 14 2 18 7 16 85.7% 64,334

PITMAN BORO 159 13 37.7% 64,082 7 14 100.0% 71,419 5 14 20.0% 68,372 4 24 50.0% 76,490 1 8 6 9 83.3% 65,200

SO GLOUCESTER CO REGIONAL 151 14 37.7% 69,649 8 10 100.0% 68,250 2 14 1 21 3 11 100.0% 79,090 5 13 100.0% 69,653

SOUTH HARRISON TWP 32 12 43.8% 53,581 1 14 3 13 100.0% 57,044

SWEDESBORO-WOOLWICH 149 8 21.5% 57,784 4 12 50.0% 54,574 4 5 0.0% 57,257 1 6 6 5 50.0% 53,450

WASHINGTON TWP 760 15 46.1% 67,333 24 23 100.0% 75,989 12 15 50.0% 70,891 18 16 72.2% 65,495 7 12 85.7% 62,716 38 18 97.4% 75,119

WENONAH BORO 23 15 60.9% 58,600 1 11 1 1

WEST DEPTFORD TWP 240 13 37.5% 71,457 7 14 100.0% 74,674 5 11 40.0% 74,569 5 5 100.0% 70,121 2 32 12 12 66.7% 78,150

WESTVILLE BORO 38 15 39.5% 66,974 1 25 2 19 1 11 1 36

WOODBURY CITY 151 12 43.7% 65,121 4 15 100.0% 69,306 3 23 33.3% 76,235 3 6 100.0% 67,709 2 5 5 8 80.0% 69,350

WOODBURY HEIGHTS BORO 23 14 34.8% 61,327 1 16 1 29 2 22


BAYONNE CITY 791 11 25.3% 63,462 21 16 57.1% 76,393 16 11 25.0% 64,322 7 3 85.7% 57,660 8 14 75.0% 88,227 14 11 78.6% 71,671

EAST NEWARK BORO 27 6 37.0% 43,868 1 10 1 11 3 3 100.0% 36,900

GUTTENBERG TOWN 89 10 30.3% 57,326 2 19 2 8 2 3 1 1 1 1

HARRISON TOWN 194 14 58.2% 74,550 4 20 100.0% 87,126 5 21 40.0% 96,597 2 13 7 17 100.0% 91,044 6 10 83.3% 70,537

HOBOKEN CITY 232 11 50.9% 75,317 5 5 100.0% 66,172 6 13 50.0% 86,462 7 9 85.7% 74,421 5 10 100.0% 80,373 16 11 81.3% 89,477

HUDSON CO VOC-TECH 185 12 58.9% 81,441 11 16 90.9% 88,323 2 13 1 13 5 8 100.0% 81,109 7 16 100.0% 104,731

JERSEY CITY 2,796 12 52.1% 76,953 75 18 94.7% 91,777 59 11 42.4% 97,080 33 16 90.9% 80,557 60 13 100.0% 84,549 100 14 90.0% 93,932

KEARNY TOWN 511 12 37.6% 70,643 15 16 86.7% 83,509 9 10 0.0% 68,664 5 11 80.0% 74,658 5 7 100.0% 67,789 22 18 90.9% 87,256

NORTH BERGEN TWP 625 13 52.5% 76,909 14 17 100.0% 92,245 12 15 50.0% 89,624 9 5 88.9% 68,239 7 6 100.0% 76,206 18 13 94.4% 87,381

SECAUCUS TOWN 191 11 40.8% 70,910 7 12 100.0% 72,985 4 11 0.0% 61,246 3 1 66.7% 61,542 2 16 5 6 80.0% 66,265

UNION CITY 886 12 52.4% 69,058 11 16 100.0% 85,833 17 9 11.8% 66,509 10 10 90.0% 79,801 31 10 93.5% 74,658 19 15 94.7% 91,981

WEEHAWKEN TWP 125 13 51.2% 59,532 3 13 100.0% 58,334 3 9 0.0% 58,200 2 18 2 8 6 14 100.0% 65,351

WEST NEW YORK TOWN 665 14 55.5% 78,969 12 26 100.0% 116,144 12 15 25.0% 75,213 18 12 88.9% 75,888 22 12 100.0% 79,693 21 18 85.7% 91,393

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 125

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 127: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


ALEXANDRIA TWP 66 14 48.5% 68,670 1 0 2 22 2 12 1 21 4 13 100.0% 67,634

BETHLEHEM TWP 56 13 42.9% 57,220 2 16 2 15 2 21 3 6 66.7% 54,250


CALIFON BORO 14 10 28.6% 54,704 1 17

CLINTON TOWN 48 14 68.8% 65,737 1 32 1 21 2 1 1 10 4 16 75.0% 73,906

CLINTON TWP 168 9 48.2% 59,651 7 8 85.7% 64,314 4 11 50.0% 60,117 3 8 100.0% 64,809 2 4 8 14 100.0% 71,442

DELAWARE TWP 48 14 60.4% 66,653 1 16 1 17 1 22 1 8 2 22

DELAWARE VALLEY REGIONAL 80 14 48.8% 67,540 5 18 100.0% 69,524 1 16 1 16 3 15 100.0% 74,417

EAST AMWELL TWP 47 16 42.6% 67,507 1 15 1 15 1 3 1 21 4 20 100.0% 84,180

FLEMINGTON-RARITAN REG 366 13 42.9% 63,667 8 11 100.0% 63,951 7 19 28.6% 73,751 13 17 100.0% 69,787 3 4 100.0% 58,838 14 13 85.7% 68,101

FRANKLIN TWP 32 17 62.5% 66,663 1 12 1 11 1 0

FRENCHTOWN BORO 18 14 72.2% 62,651 1 16

HAMPTON BORO 15 11 40.0% 56,839 1 2 1 14

HIGH BRIDGE BORO 47 15 42.6% 65,466 2 1 2 6 1 11 1 26 3 6 66.7% 41,927

HOLLAND TWP 71 14 40.8% 59,692 1 0 1 20 1 26 3 17 100.0% 72,701

HUNTERDON CENTRAL REG 274 12 57.7% 69,860 18 12 94.4% 72,547 3 15 33.3% 64,295 2 15 5 13 80.0% 72,383 8 15 87.5% 75,307

HUNTERDON CO ED SER COMM 22 10 36.4% 55,229 2 16 1 0 3 9 66.7% 58,495 1 1

HUNTERDON CO POLYTECH 20 6 50.0% 57,502 2 3

KINGWOOD TWP 45 12 51.1% 59,605 1 4 1 13 1 4 1 7 4 17 100.0% 54,365

LEBANON BORO 11 12 45.5% 60,831

LEBANON TWP 81 14 37.0% 63,312 2 8 2 21 2 6 1 15 4 11 100.0% 62,112

MILFORD BORO 12 11 25.0% 52,666 1 24

N HUNT/VOORHEES REGIONAL 262 13 61.1% 71,233 14 12 92.9% 76,125 4 17 25.0% 76,190 1 23 1 9 13 11 100.0% 71,456

READINGTON TWP 193 14 53.9% 64,730 6 21 100.0% 78,488 6 6 16.7% 44,665 5 24 100.0% 80,195 2 20 10 11 100.0% 67,661

TEWKSBURY TWP 75 12 45.3% 68,968 2 10 2 20 2 5 1 9 2 18

UNION TWP 52 14 50.0% 67,643 2 22 2 14 2 16 1 2 1 19


EAST WINDSOR REGIONAL 471 10 38.9% 72,956 16 11 100.0% 75,411 8 10 12.5% 74,505 7 7 100.0% 72,700 5 8 100.0% 69,932 19 8 94.7% 73,629

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 126

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 128: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


EWING TWP 389 12 47.3% 66,038 11 12 100.0% 71,442 5 24 20.0% 87,797 9 10 100.0% 60,033 7 12 85.7% 70,552 16 13 81.3% 72,243

HAMILTON TWP 827 9 55.5% 66,790 30 11 160.0% 70,809 11 9 54.5% 66,379 17 14 88.2% 73,217 6 14 150.0% 79,602 22 10 131.8% 77,582

HOPEWELL VALLEY REGIONAL 397 14 53.4% 75,318 11 14 100.0% 78,991 7 6 14.3% 63,440 10 11 100.0% 72,313 5 12 100.0% 78,006 20 14 95.0% 73,427

LAWRENCE TWP 391 13 47.1% 65,654 13 20 100.0% 76,760 10 14 20.0% 64,241 9 18 88.9% 76,066 7 14 85.7% 73,674 23 12 87.0% 66,214

MERCER CO SPECIAL SERVICE 178 18 47.8% 79,742 6 9 0.0% 78,399 26 21 92.3% 78,229 10 18 100.0% 84,683 3 17 66.7% 77,115

MERCER CO VOC-TECH 40 11 15.0% 65,987 1 8 2 6 1 14

PRINCETON REGIONAL 381 13 67.2% 77,346 16 10 100.0% 74,855 6 11 33.3% 77,389 9 15 100.0% 77,171 4 15 100.0% 85,186 20 15 90.0% 79,312

ROBBINSVILLE TWP 275 8 38.9% 61,511 11 9 100.0% 65,810 5 10 20.0% 63,773 6 3 100.0% 62,244 2 4 10 7 80.0% 64,720

TRENTON CITY 1,196 12 30.2% 72,868 32 14 62.5% 73,655 27 15 7.4% 79,350 15 13 40.0% 82,424 17 15 47.1% 90,059 53 13 64.2% 84,989

W WINDSOR-PLAINSBORO REG 854 14 60.1% 75,559 25 16 100.0% 79,502 13 16 61.5% 79,475 16 14 87.5% 72,369 10 12 100.0% 67,435 37 17 94.6% 79,622


CARTERET BORO 312 11 29.8% 72,335 6 14 83.3% 75,264 5 10 20.0% 82,516 3 17 0.0% 91,705 3 9 100.0% 80,326 11 12 81.8% 84,346

CRANBURY TWP 62 11 64.5% 65,802 1 30 1 7 2 8 1 0 2 15

DUNELLEN BORO 107 10 34.6% 54,303 4 10 100.0% 57,652 2 6 2 15 3 14 100.0% 71,683

EAST BRUNSWICK TWP 786 12 60.1% 71,916 33 12 100.0% 78,922 14 19 57.1% 81,358 20 13 95.0% 74,867 9 14 100.0% 76,970 32 13 96.9% 76,098

EDISON TWP 1,264 13 55.6% 81,983 39 15 94.9% 90,300 18 14 27.8% 81,011 25 13 100.0% 83,027 13 10 100.0% 81,783 40 16 95.0% 94,452

HIGHLAND PARK BORO 152 11 44.7% 65,082 3 7 100.0% 65,090 4 13 0.0% 73,736 3 15 100.0% 51,375 3 12 100.0% 60,463 6 13 100.0% 65,880

JAMESBURG BORO 47 16 38.3% 64,675 3 16 66.7% 80,779 2 25 1 32 2 31

METUCHEN BORO 193 13 50.3% 68,120 5 17 100.0% 77,449 4 13 25.0% 71,709 2 24 2 20 8 17 100.0% 70,270

MIDDLESEX BORO 200 12 44.0% 67,293 8 4 100.0% 57,610 6 11 16.7% 66,528 4 16 50.0% 81,391 2 2 10 8 100.0% 77,635

MIDDLESEX CO ED SER COMM 199 8 41.2% 57,446 7 9 28.6% 63,527 41 8 82.9% 62,957 2 1

MIDDLESEX CO VOC-TECH 223 12 41.3% 68,038 8 20 100.0% 95,042 5 12 60.0% 71,702 2 13 4 5 100.0% 58,246 12 7 91.7% 68,642

MILLTOWN BORO 63 9 33.3% 51,531 2 13 2 19 1 13 3 6 100.0% 61,309

MONROE TWP 524 8 38.0% 60,782 14 9 71.4% 67,086 9 8 33.3% 68,474 11 8 90.9% 76,135 6 5 100.0% 60,779 17 12 100.0% 82,111

NEW BRUNSWICK CITY 819 11 49.7% 69,199 20 9 90.0% 70,205 19 12 36.8% 77,378 14 18 78.6% 81,345 25 11 100.0% 77,854 41 14 85.4% 80,011

NORTH BRUNSWICK TWP 534 10 48.1% 65,283 13 10 100.0% 71,089 5 13 100.0% 72,882 8 11 100.0% 67,966 7 14 100.0% 77,132 16 10 100.0% 68,533

OLD BRIDGE TWP 799 13 63.6% 71,731 29 13 100.0% 76,520 11 13 36.4% 70,173 12 17 100.0% 86,040 8 13 100.0% 69,506 22 18 95.5% 83,488

PERTH AMBOY CITY 961 10 50.4% 65,855 25 12 96.0% 77,608 22 8 45.5% 72,057 7 17 100.0% 79,787 23 11 100.0% 76,217 34 10 97.1% 70,759

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 127

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 129: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


PISCATAWAY TWP 612 10 42.2% 70,215 13 18 100.0% 85,491 5 7 0.0% 64,064 11 9 81.8% 62,515 12 12 100.0% 82,987 26 6 73.1% 68,508

SAYREVILLE BORO 537 11 43.9% 61,519 11 15 100.0% 62,016 9 11 11.1% 71,254 12 11 100.0% 68,628 6 16 100.0% 72,348 21 8 90.5% 62,146

SOUTH AMBOY CITY 97 14 32.0% 66,503 3 14 100.0% 71,712 2 15 2 21 2 3 3 19 100.0% 74,648

SOUTH BRUNSWICK TWP 732 13 49.5% 70,960 13 14 92.3% 77,606 11 10 9.1% 68,064 12 8 100.0% 69,241 17 14 100.0% 76,820 34 12 94.1% 74,590

SOUTH PLAINFIELD BORO 340 14 38.5% 68,935 9 13 100.0% 70,345 7 14 0.0% 70,733 6 19 100.0% 75,740 4 18 100.0% 82,311 13 12 100.0% 71,741

SOUTH RIVER BORO 202 11 37.1% 59,314 6 12 100.0% 65,504 4 16 0.0% 63,963 4 3 100.0% 46,568 3 8 100.0% 61,124 7 12 85.7% 65,731

SPOTSWOOD BORO 172 10 43.6% 61,759 5 9 100.0% 65,750 4 10 25.0% 63,425 4 3 75.0% 64,043 4 12 100.0% 70,520 5 5 100.0% 73,675

WOODBRIDGE TWP 1,213 12 37.1% 77,151 28 14 96.4% 90,573 24 11 37.5% 76,664 19 12 89.5% 72,458 16 13 93.8% 92,489 30 18 86.7% 98,350


ASBURY PARK CITY 294 16 58.8% 71,851 9 20 100.0% 79,909 7 15 57.1% 78,484 4 20 75.0% 86,383 8 14 87.5% 77,101 18 18 94.4% 75,370

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS BORO 34 11 26.5% 68,195 1 0 1 17 1 9

AVON BORO 18 9 33.3% 54,547 1 15 1 16 2 5

BAYSHORE JOINTURE COMM 16 2 18.8% 49,956 2 2

BELMAR BORO 57 15 35.1% 63,495 1 20 1 20 1 14 1 1 4 10 100.0% 61,903

BRADLEY BEACH BORO 35 11 25.7% 63,081 1 17 1 4 1 9

BRIELLE BORO 55 13 43.6% 62,158 1 18 1 4 1 9 3 9 100.0% 59,425

COLTS NECK TWP 138 14 54.3% 67,775 2 7 3 10 0.0% 60,318 2 18 1 14 7 19 85.7% 76,195

DEAL BORO 14 11 35.7% 57,716 1 8

EATONTOWN BORO 119 11 31.1% 66,106 2 12 4 12 0.0% 71,413 3 12 66.7% 72,617 2 11 8 12 87.5% 74,117

FAIR HAVEN BORO 96 10 53.1% 59,324 2 7 2 8 3 15 100.0% 76,007 1 5 5 9 100.0% 64,065

FARMINGDALE BORO 19 11 36.8% 57,766 1 20

FREEHOLD BORO 135 10 50.4% 58,306 3 3 100.0% 48,542 2 8 4 18 75.0% 70,510 1 3 5 15 100.0% 61,336

FREEHOLD REGIONAL 857 12 40.8% 81,382 36 9 97.2% 82,185 10 12 20.0% 82,885 4 5 75.0% 74,023 9 10 88.9% 76,001 20 13 90.0% 88,455

FREEHOLD TWP 412 11 42.0% 62,517 9 11 100.0% 71,331 8 12 12.5% 65,018 12 12 91.7% 68,006 7 12 100.0% 71,456 18 13 88.9% 76,373

HAZLET TWP 292 12 48.3% 68,910 6 6 100.0% 69,179 8 8 62.5% 67,163 4 16 100.0% 75,830 5 10 80.0% 78,305 6 8 100.0% 75,617

HENRY HUDSON REGIONAL 46 12 41.3% 61,234 2 6 1 1 1 15 2 15

HIGHLANDS BORO 21 13 23.8% 64,509 1 4 1 1

HOLMDEL TWP 303 11 73.6% 77,818 8 10 100.0% 76,894 4 13 50.0% 77,028 8 12 100.0% 82,103 3 9 100.0% 82,441 12 10 100.0% 87,401

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 128

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 130: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


HOWELL TWP 647 12 41.3% 73,787 10 10 100.0% 83,185 12 16 33.3% 84,373 20 11 85.0% 71,519 10 9 100.0% 68,474 29 15 79.3% 83,368

KEANSBURG BORO 238 12 53.8% 63,583 6 10 100.0% 73,961 6 16 50.0% 75,558 5 12 80.0% 66,905 6 14 100.0% 72,921 9 11 100.0% 75,594

KEYPORT BORO 112 10 36.6% 62,231 4 10 75.0% 67,043 2 22 2 8 1 8 3 11 66.7% 67,486

LITTLE SILVER BORO 84 9 61.9% 65,118 2 4 2 9 3 4 100.0% 54,540 1 4 4 4 100.0% 68,670

LONG BRANCH CITY 569 10 41.8% 63,553 13 6 84.6% 62,279 11 13 45.5% 74,832 9 8 66.7% 63,264 17 12 100.0% 71,875 21 16 85.7% 73,707

MANALAPAN-ENGLISHTOWN REG 475 11 52.2% 68,922 9 17 100.0% 83,807 9 12 22.2% 74,623 13 9 92.3% 75,661 5 10 80.0% 72,064 18 10 83.3% 74,018

MANASQUAN BORO 150 11 48.0% 66,776 5 10 100.0% 74,100 1 9 2 7 1 11 7 7 100.0% 74,047

MARLBORO TWP 490 12 50.4% 71,647 11 12 100.0% 72,765 9 13 22.2% 67,538 15 13 100.0% 77,485 6 10 100.0% 73,412 20 15 80.0% 87,748

MATAWAN-ABERDEEN REGIONAL 379 10 65.4% 65,566 8 9 100.0% 73,195 8 12 37.5% 70,216 7 11 85.7% 73,866 8 5 100.0% 64,265 13 4 92.3% 63,978

MIDDLETOWN TWP 900 14 74.8% 76,224 21 21 95.2% 87,497 19 12 42.1% 71,581 15 17 100.0% 83,562 12 9 91.7% 76,540 48 16 100.0% 84,784

MILLSTONE TWP 101 12 41.6% 64,766 2 5 3 7 33.3% 64,178 3 11 100.0% 82,507 1 11 1 22

MONMOUTH BEACH BORO 29 11 31.0% 60,702 1 12 1 3 1 7 1 8

MONMOUTH CO VOC-TECH 242 14 55.8% 68,939 17 10 100.0% 67,896 7 7 42.9% 59,379 1 0 2 13

MONMOUTH REGIONAL 113 13 54.0% 66,347 5 6 100.0% 62,759 2 13 1 34 4 12 100.0% 77,676

NEPTUNE CITY 33 13 36.4% 53,396 1 2 2 26 1 22

NEPTUNE TWP 434 11 33.9% 62,408 13 14 100.0% 69,477 10 12 10.0% 62,379 8 19 100.0% 83,026 4 11 100.0% 63,692 16 14 87.5% 76,162

OCEAN TWP 411 13 52.3% 71,264 12 15 91.7% 74,541 6 12 50.0% 73,002 7 11 100.0% 72,946 5 15 100.0% 74,721 19 15 94.7% 79,798

OCEANPORT BORO 65 11 44.6% 63,256 1 8 2 16 2 13 1 9 3 10 66.7% 72,183

RED BANK BORO 100 10 41.0% 56,883 2 1 3 11 33.3% 55,867 2 8 1 0 2 13

RED BANK REGIONAL 131 10 61.8% 66,729 5 8 100.0% 65,908 1 16 1 14 4 12 100.0% 74,160 5 10 100.0% 75,105

ROOSEVELT BORO 12 16 50.0% 59,169 1 0 1 24 1 28

RUMSON BORO 89 13 58.4% 67,432 2 13 2 20 3 17 66.7% 78,047 1 8 3 16 100.0% 75,378

RUMSON-FAIR HAVEN REG 95 11 54.7% 66,969 5 11 100.0% 71,590 1 12 2 7 2 29

SEA GIRT BORO 20 13 35.0% 61,660 1 5

SHORE REGIONAL 66 10 51.5% 72,552 3 19 100.0% 102,285 1 10 3 7 100.0% 85,917

SHREWSBURY BORO 48 10 39.6% 62,396 1 6 1 19 3 8 66.7% 42,287 1 0 3 3 100.0% 71,310

SPRING LAKE BORO 31 13 54.8% 67,031 1 7 3 9 100.0% 65,418

SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS BORO 41 13 43.9% 58,893 1 9 1 11 1 27 2 11

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 129

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 131: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


TINTON FALLS 151 14 35.1% 61,463 2 13 4 14 0.0% 54,586 3 11 100.0% 64,227 2 4 6 11 83.3% 61,545

UNION BEACH 64 10 40.6% 54,636 1 0 3 19 0.0% 72,808 2 11 2 11

UPPER FREEHOLD REGIONAL 217 11 30.0% 66,254 7 8 71.4% 64,932 2 29 4 12 75.0% 67,689 2 21 12 8 50.0% 70,601

WALL TWP 421 12 30.9% 66,013 10 19 90.0% 77,896 7 9 14.3% 70,109 9 15 100.0% 74,319 8 12 87.5% 67,465 20 12 100.0% 69,548

WEST LONG BRANCH BORO 68 11 44.1% 58,684 1 2 1 19 1 0 2 19


BOONTON TOWN 139 12 60.4% 67,428 7 2 100.0% 63,376 2 21 1 8 2 13 6 12 100.0% 73,140

BOONTON TWP 47 14 63.8% 70,559 1 8 1 30 1 12 3 10 100.0% 72,112

BUTLER BORO 119 13 41.2% 68,444 5 17 80.0% 83,971 3 7 33.3% 67,693 4 8 50.0% 56,776 1 7 4 14 75.0% 82,337

CHESTER TWP 126 13 69.8% 67,413 3 10 100.0% 55,441 3 8 66.7% 62,507 3 18 100.0% 76,910 2 9 7 11 100.0% 72,735

DENVILLE TWP 171 11 64.3% 61,136 6 7 100.0% 58,142 3 17 33.3% 69,236 5 4 100.0% 59,434 1 8 13 10 100.0% 68,846

DOVER TOWN 239 13 50.6% 71,642 6 22 100.0% 82,824 4 13 25.0% 69,885 2 16 3 13 100.0% 89,023 6 17 83.3% 81,019

EAST HANOVER TWP 112 12 50.0% 68,816 2 3 3 13 33.3% 67,327 3 21 100.0% 72,059 1 2 7 12 100.0% 62,024

FLORHAM PARK BORO 107 11 29.0% 61,098 2 17 3 19 33.3% 82,382 3 15 66.7% 87,469 1 8 6 7 66.7% 60,041

HANOVER PARK REGIONAL 161 9 46.0% 70,805 9 11 88.9% 83,716 2 18 1 24 7 5 85.7% 67,176

HANOVER TWP 155 12 52.3% 67,375 4 7 100.0% 56,930 4 10 0.0% 69,151 4 30 75.0% 91,878 2 8 10 10 90.0% 71,540

HARDING TOWNSHIP 38 9 55.3% 61,479 1 0 1 15 1 6 3 6 66.7% 50,494

JEFFERSON TWP 324 10 54.6% 66,474 12 11 100.0% 73,031 7 9 14.3% 59,607 7 12 85.7% 77,051 4 9 75.0% 64,093 14 14 85.7% 86,237

KINNELON BORO 210 10 57.6% 72,059 6 10 100.0% 83,836 4 15 75.0% 85,776 4 12 75.0% 62,090 1 0 15 12 86.7% 84,930

LINCOLN PARK BORO 88 12 43.2% 63,784 2 4 1 15 2 12 1 23 4 13 100.0% 76,880

LONG HILL TWP 85 15 45.9% 70,688 3 1 100.0% 65,556 3 12 0.0% 87,400 2 21 1 7 5 19 80.0% 80,719

MADISON BORO 243 11 68.3% 70,932 8 11 100.0% 82,792 4 11 25.0% 78,803 4 19 100.0% 84,599 2 1 16 13 93.8% 79,329

MENDHAM BORO 62 13 41.9% 64,343 2 7 2 15 1 6 1 10 2 7

MENDHAM TWP 83 13 77.1% 68,923 2 4 2 12 2 7 1 9 5 11 100.0% 77,269

MINE HILL TWP 35 10 40.0% 60,412 1 3 1 5 2 6

MONTVILLE TWP 460 11 58.9% 70,078 17 8 94.1% 76,569 9 10 33.3% 72,301 12 11 100.0% 69,261 4 15 100.0% 82,616 25 11 96.0% 81,885

MORRIS CO EDUC SER COMM 34 17 41.2% 68,251 1 22 7 14 85.7% 63,952 4 10 50.0% 47,551

MORRIS CO VOC-TECH 78 10 51.3% 76,597 4 7 100.0% 68,960 1 15 1 9 2 11

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 130

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 132: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


MORRIS HILLS REGIONAL 285 13 75.1% 82,113 11 16 100.0% 86,179 5 12 0.0% 66,597 2 12 4 7 100.0% 64,739 14 15 100.0% 79,819

MORRIS PLAINS BORO 65 10 55.4% 61,500 1 16 2 19 1 4 2 9

MORRIS SCHOOL DISTRICT 512 10 51.6% 70,984 12 8 100.0% 76,272 14 10 14.3% 67,841 10 7 100.0% 63,876 14 9 100.0% 67,260 26 12 80.8% 80,840

MOUNT ARLINGTON BORO 39 11 51.3% 68,269 2 24 1 30 1 17 1 19

MOUNT OLIVE TWP 406 10 53.2% 68,413 13 9 61.5% 74,273 7 9 42.9% 65,511 10 12 70.0% 77,148 8 9 50.0% 70,107 17 6 41.2% 68,674

MOUNTAIN LAKES BORO 168 13 56.5% 78,710 4 22 100.0% 93,705 3 14 0.0% 84,977 14 21 92.9% 88,917 3 10 100.0% 80,442 8 11 100.0% 82,308

NETCONG BORO 31 18 45.2% 66,129 1 38 1 13 1 9

PARSIPPANY-TROY HILLS TWP 711 12 64.8% 75,016 26 18 100.0% 89,462 14 16 57.1% 83,833 11 10 100.0% 72,868 9 10 100.0% 74,837 42 15 92.9% 84,357

PEQUANNOCK TWP 202 13 50.5% 66,304 4 16 100.0% 68,597 5 9 20.0% 63,035 3 16 66.7% 61,865 2 13 11 19 81.8% 74,477

RANDOLPH TWP 471 10 64.1% 70,242 13 14 100.0% 82,042 8 13 75.0% 84,834 9 17 100.0% 82,088 6 4 100.0% 71,008 19 9 100.0% 78,223

RIVERDALE BORO 35 10 48.6% 56,869 1 17 1 6 1 2 3 6 100.0% 50,307

ROCKAWAY BORO 52 9 19.2% 55,125 1 1 2 15 1 3 1 18

ROCKAWAY TWP 271 11 54.2% 68,456 8 9 100.0% 69,193 6 7 0.0% 63,043 11 9 100.0% 65,494 4 15 100.0% 77,781 13 10 92.3% 76,176

ROXBURY TWP 380 13 53.2% 68,552 12 10 100.0% 68,772 7 15 57.1% 73,673 5 22 100.0% 85,167 4 5 100.0% 63,028 20 15 90.0% 80,414

SCH DIST OF THE CHATHAMS 354 10 58.8% 72,309 14 10 100.0% 75,591 6 14 33.3% 85,378 6 7 83.3% 52,640 4 7 100.0% 65,220 15 12 100.0% 83,047

WASHINGTON TWP 236 13 55.5% 69,380 4 7 100.0% 63,391 7 15 28.6% 73,170 8 21 75.0% 81,132 5 12 100.0% 68,549 14 12 92.9% 66,026

WEST MORRIS REGIONAL 239 13 67.8% 74,213 12 14 100.0% 80,693 4 13 100.0% 78,786 1 11 4 15 100.0% 81,151 6 15 100.0% 82,728

WHARTON BORO 84 11 33.3% 64,874 2 14 1 2 3 23 33.3% 77,319 1 5


BARNEGAT TWP 323 10 22.6% 57,792 10 12 90.0% 65,946 10 8 20.0% 43,404 6 6 33.3% 55,050 4 13 100.0% 64,847 10 6 50.0% 61,460

BAY HEAD BORO 13 16 38.5% 63,962 1 25

BEACH HAVEN BORO 13 14 61.5% 45,442 1 20

BERKELEY TWP 202 12 26.2% 61,829 4 19 75.0% 74,715 4 12 50.0% 64,543 4 19 100.0% 74,693 2 21 8 13 75.0% 71,462

BRICK TWP 910 12 30.4% 64,685 19 9 89.5% 62,913 18 11 33.3% 68,032 24 10 95.8% 68,402 22 10 100.0% 66,640 27 9 85.2% 66,592

CENTRAL REGIONAL 165 12 35.8% 72,746 7 13 85.7% 72,628 2 17 1 11 4 12 100.0% 69,032 6 13 66.7% 82,567

EAGLESWOOD TWP 16 14 25.0% 62,437 1 12 1 0

ISLAND HEIGHTS BORO 14 14 35.7% 57,550 1 2

JACKSON TWP 777 14 37.7% 62,574 23 19 95.7% 77,143 15 12 46.7% 68,972 21 12 90.5% 68,858 10 12 100.0% 69,493 34 17 94.1% 72,705

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 131

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 133: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


LACEY TWP 408 13 45.1% 60,665 10 14 100.0% 66,184 6 9 33.3% 56,725 6 10 83.3% 62,259 3 6 100.0% 58,987 14 13 85.7% 66,973

LAKEHURST BORO 38 9 23.7% 56,739 1 2 1 17 1 0 2 11

LAKEWOOD TWP 529 9 28.7% 55,377 13 12 84.6% 59,532 7 4 14.3% 57,076 14 8 85.7% 61,536 11 11 63.6% 61,059 20 9 80.0% 68,857

LAVALLETTE BORO 20 15 40.0% 62,633 1 17

LITTLE EGG HARBOR TWP 180 13 35.0% 64,549 1 16 2 15 6 11 50.0% 67,885 5 8 40.0% 57,069 6 18 83.3% 67,386

LONG BEACH ISLAND 32 15 34.4% 71,883 1 14 2 13 1 4

MANCHESTER TWP 339 12 34.2% 64,285 11 9 81.8% 64,992 8 12 25.0% 62,179 10 11 90.0% 65,212 5 10 100.0% 64,902 13 15 100.0% 74,274

OCEAN CO VOC-TECH 144 8 27.8% 65,537 8 5 87.5% 65,294 6 11 33.3% 70,846 1 16

OCEAN GATE BORO 17 16 17.6% 55,552 1 8 1 11

OCEAN TWP 60 16 25.0% 63,881 2 14 2 14 1 8 1 18

PINELANDS REGIONAL 195 13 38.5% 60,559 8 12 100.0% 64,260 2 11 3 20 33.3% 77,152 6 9 100.0% 59,767 3 20 100.0% 67,437

PLUMSTED TWP 162 12 37.7% 60,486 7 10 100.0% 61,885 4 13 25.0% 65,799 4 10 100.0% 62,891 3 7 100.0% 51,471 5 16 80.0% 57,189

POINT PLEASANT BEACH BORO 88 16 54.5% 67,777 3 17 100.0% 71,669 2 30 1 13 1 1 5 16 80.0% 70,095

POINT PLEASANT BORO 264 11 31.4% 60,589 7 20 85.7% 69,536 4 15 50.0% 71,216 4 7 100.0% 62,230 2 11 11 8 90.9% 70,941

SEASIDE HEIGHTS BORO 27 12 25.9% 60,502 1 21 1 2 1 3 1 1

SOUTHERN REGIONAL 255 15 54.9% 78,626 14 13 100.0% 80,877 2 16 3 6 100.0% 64,346 4 11 100.0% 71,770 9 17 100.0% 84,999

STAFFORD TWP 203 13 24.6% 63,825 4 9 75.0% 65,892 6 7 0.0% 58,815 8 13 62.5% 71,282 2 4 5 18 100.0% 81,931

TOMS RIVER REGIONAL 1,322 13 30.0% 64,315 37 19 94.6% 75,135 22 12 40.9% 62,921 22 19 68.2% 76,016 10 13 100.0% 71,024 31 10 90.3% 69,763

TUCKERTON BORO 33 10 21.2% 51,913 1 8 1 11 1 4


BLOOMINGDALE BORO 62 12 56.5% 70,201 1 7 4 6 0.0% 65,359 2 13 1 8 2 22

CLIFTON CITY 979 13 50.9% 68,169 32 13 90.6% 69,953 22 14 40.9% 72,989 23 8 95.7% 68,547 11 13 100.0% 71,271 44 14 90.9% 72,285

HALEDON BORO 111 11 29.7% 62,417 2 10 2 2 2 19 2 8 4 22 100.0% 90,141

HAWTHORNE BORO 217 13 45.2% 66,867 5 13 80.0% 73,040 6 15 16.7% 71,248 7 18 100.0% 84,241 2 15 11 11 90.9% 73,057

LAKELAND REGIONAL 109 12 67.0% 76,373 6 13 100.0% 84,843 1 19 1 5 1 13 4 15 100.0% 78,111

LITTLE FALLS TWP 33 5 30.3% 61,975 3 15 33.3% 77,212 2 7 2 1

NORTH HALEDON BORO 71 11 39.4% 63,524 2 11 2 2 2 21

PASSAIC CITY 1,263 12 52.6% 80,062 35 13 97.1% 82,720 29 12 55.2% 80,863 8 22 62.5% 105,004 44 10 97.7% 86,955 38 17 84.2% 105,045

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 132

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 134: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


PASSAIC CO ED SERV COMM 25 17 32.0% 54,482 2 8 1 15 1 19

PASSAIC CO MANCHESTER REG 74 11 55.4% 74,280 4 19 100.0% 87,969 1 10 2 7 2 10

PASSAIC CO VOC-TECH 346 11 48.8% 86,757 15 16 100.0% 88,188 6 5 33.3% 77,545 2 2 5 22 100.0% 107,469 10 9 90.0% 93,314

PASSAIC VALLEY REGIONAL 115 13 53.0% 76,513 5 18 100.0% 90,998 1 23 1 3 3 27 100.0% 101,116

PATERSON CITY 2,561 11 42.0% 62,380 71 17 91.5% 75,269 55 10 21.8% 73,208 35 10 85.7% 72,297 50 16 90.0% 83,901 102 14 87.3% 74,200

POMPTON LAKES BORO 168 14 66.1% 76,003 4 20 100.0% 85,461 4 20 50.0% 80,876 4 23 100.0% 85,570 1 8 11 20 100.0% 87,616

PROSPECT PARK BORO 80 11 35.0% 67,738 2 9 1 2 2 10 1 24 2 14

RINGWOOD BORO 130 10 47.7% 67,620 3 9 100.0% 73,438 4 18 50.0% 91,866 4 23 50.0% 80,070 2 20 10 11 100.0% 67,672

TOTOWA BORO 92 9 35.9% 69,873 1 15 2 9 3 12 100.0% 89,003 2 19 2 20

WANAQUE BORO 92 10 54.3% 72,958 2 5 1 22 3 5 100.0% 65,788 1 23 5 7 80.0% 73,036

WAYNE TWP 800 12 50.8% 73,074 30 14 83.3% 82,847 17 12 41.2% 78,367 15 11 100.0% 76,259 9 13 88.9% 77,106 42 13 88.1% 79,949

WEST MILFORD TWP 364 11 64.3% 74,957 7 8 100.0% 80,011 9 11 44.4% 77,574 8 14 100.0% 89,663 10 8 100.0% 73,820 24 11 100.0% 78,130

WOODLAND PARK BORO 101 8 46.5% 66,309 2 7 2 19 3 6 66.7% 72,202 1 6 2 12


ALLOWAY TWP 34 19 32.4% 65,555 1 6 1 28 1 12 3 10 100.0% 65,141

ELSINBORO TWP 13 16 30.8% 57,420 1 9

LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK 24 16 33.3% 59,992 1 1 1 11

MANNINGTON TWP 15 18 13.3% 64,365 1 20 1 7

OLDMANS TWP 23 11 26.1% 63,482 1 1 1 1

PENNS GRV-CARNEY'S PT REG 221 14 36.2% 66,441 9 10 100.0% 66,094 5 10 40.0% 62,344 2 6 2 11 7 6 100.0% 66,745

PENNSVILLE 192 13 34.9% 58,520 7 13 100.0% 66,001 5 9 20.0% 66,760 2 34 1 8 9 14 55.6% 67,004

PITTSGROVE TWP 151 15 33.1% 63,380 5 14 100.0% 63,435 5 12 0.0% 62,750 2 21 1 6 6 18 83.3% 65,180

QUINTON TWP 32 15 37.5% 59,136 1 9 1 27 1 14 1 10 2 10

SALEM CITY 137 9 32.1% 59,976 4 6 100.0% 63,046 2 5 1 29 1 4 4 10 100.0% 64,181

SALEM CO SPECIAL SERVICE 70 6 35.7% 53,107 1 1 6 10 16.7% 35,018 13 1 53.8% 42,957 3 9 100.0% 66,659 1 23

SALEM CO VOC-TECH 48 13 35.4% 56,848 3 13 100.0% 66,501 1 20 1 8

UPPER PITTSGROVE TWP 36 16 33.3% 61,439 1 7 1 27 1 31

WOODSTOWN-PILESGROVE REG 159 13 41.5% 61,908 6 9 100.0% 62,515 3 16 0.0% 68,372 1 0 1 6 4 16 100.0% 62,767

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 133

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 135: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


BEDMINSTER TWP 65 11 50.8% 67,196 2 13 2 4 2 12 1 12 5 7 100.0% 57,963

BERNARDS TWP 544 9 50.4% 67,684 18 7 61.1% 75,922 5 15 20.0% 74,318 13 7 61.5% 74,141 5 11 100.0% 83,338 29 10 86.2% 74,794

BOUND BROOK BORO 159 10 48.4% 62,258 8 10 100.0% 67,313 4 14 25.0% 67,849 2 5 3 10 100.0% 68,393 7 10 100.0% 72,816

BRANCHBURG TWP 184 12 25.5% 66,371 3 17 100.0% 87,854 4 18 25.0% 80,590 4 19 75.0% 83,285 3 17 100.0% 84,600 9 11 55.6% 69,441

BRIDGEWATER-RARITAN REG 885 11 56.4% 71,450 29 12 100.0% 81,328 14 11 21.4% 80,359 22 10 95.5% 75,968 5 10 100.0% 76,436 38 9 94.7% 77,077

FRANKLIN TWP 778 12 42.5% 64,172 22 12 95.5% 69,203 10 19 20.0% 81,768 12 18 66.7% 79,911 7 17 85.7% 77,802 31 16 96.8% 81,477

GREEN BROOK TWP 92 12 46.7% 59,338 2 15 2 22 2 10 1 8 5 23 100.0% 76,687

HILLSBOROUGH TWP 749 14 53.7% 71,136 21 14 90.5% 73,582 12 16 33.3% 72,473 18 19 88.9% 75,869 7 16 100.0% 76,551 29 14 89.7% 75,640

MANVILLE BORO 126 8 38.9% 57,194 5 2 100.0% 51,709 3 7 0.0% 53,694 3 10 100.0% 76,050 2 6 7 8 85.7% 63,659

MONTGOMERY TWP 451 11 62.3% 71,040 15 8 100.0% 73,872 10 8 10.0% 55,896 7 11 100.0% 77,515 4 9 100.0% 73,896 23 12 78.3% 73,935

NORTH PLAINFIELD BORO 341 9 57.2% 64,114 13 11 92.3% 66,147 7 12 28.6% 74,809 5 11 100.0% 68,275 3 7 100.0% 69,122 17 10 100.0% 71,627

SOMERSET CO ED SERV COMM 36 7 36.1% 57,772 3 12 0.0% 66,381 7 10 57.1% 65,594

SOMERSET CO VOC-TECH 66 9 37.9% 69,719 5 10 80.0% 66,644 2 14 3 4 100.0% 55,796

SOMERSET HILLS REGIONAL 181 12 60.2% 76,146 7 9 100.0% 77,977 4 6 75.0% 74,024 4 11 100.0% 71,626 2 10 9 9 88.9% 77,405

SOMERVILLE BORO 220 9 46.8% 67,785 7 21 100.0% 85,087 3 19 66.7% 89,744 4 7 100.0% 71,530 1 22 11 11 90.9% 76,296

SOUTH BOUND BROOK 42 15 35.7% 69,124 1 1 2 21 1 0 3 13 100.0% 86,580

WARREN TWP 246 14 67.9% 72,787 6 10 100.0% 74,194 5 9 40.0% 67,643 9 12 100.0% 70,739 2 10 13 19 92.3% 80,059

WATCHUNG BORO 69 9 43.5% 65,357 2 12 2 6 1 18 1 17 4 16 100.0% 87,608

WATCHUNG HILLS REGIONAL 191 10 63.4% 74,199 10 13 100.0% 84,307 3 11 33.3% 77,925 2 8 6 13 100.0% 91,516


ANDOVER REG 60 18 35.0% 68,045 2 20 2 19 1 21

BYRAM TWP 94 12 39.4% 62,089 2 3 2 10 3 16 66.7% 71,238 1 1 3 5 100.0% 65,888

FRANKFORD TWP 71 15 45.1% 69,470 2 8 1 4 1 28 1 8 2 19

FRANKLIN BORO 53 12 43.4% 63,298 1 19 1 14 1 8 1 41 3 25 100.0% 86,767

FREDON TWP 27 9 51.9% 55,942 1 1 1 8 1 18

GREEN TWP 44 11 52.3% 70,213 1 12 1 12 1 1 1 9 3 11 66.7% 69,304

HAMBURG BORO 32 14 50.0% 64,914 1 4 1 14 1 9 2 23

HAMPTON TWP 42 13 42.9% 65,081 1 14 1 26 1 9 2 16

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 134

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 136: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


HARDYSTON TWP 72 13 31.9% 63,287 2 8 2 13 2 19 1 14 2 6

HIGH POINT REGIONAL 109 15 76.1% 83,551 5 17 100.0% 85,357 2 8 1 8 1 17 4 18 100.0% 84,580

HOPATCONG 183 14 54.1% 71,842 8 11 100.0% 69,713 5 8 20.0% 61,169 5 24 60.0% 86,900 4 17 100.0% 77,043 9 19 77.8% 76,043

KITTATINNY REGIONAL 113 13 57.5% 78,281 4 15 100.0% 87,897 1 18 1 10 2 3 3 13 100.0% 93,457

LAFAYETTE TWP 33 13 24.2% 58,505 1 13 1 19 1 5 2 13

LENAPE VALLEY REGIONAL 71 16 62.0% 72,433 4 18 100.0% 73,056 1 24 3 23 100.0% 88,983

MONTAGUE TWP 32 15 3.1% 65,768 1 14 1 17 1 10 2 14

NEWTON TOWN 159 11 47.2% 69,292 6 10 83.3% 74,766 3 16 0.0% 71,760 3 7 100.0% 65,959 2 5 6 10 100.0% 73,860

OGDENSBURG BORO 30 13 60.0% 56,109 1 10 1 30 1 12 2 6

SANDYSTON-WALPACK TWP 16 14 31.3% 62,451 1 11

SPARTA TWP 309 11 74.1% 76,439 11 7 100.0% 75,411 5 20 60.0% 83,253 4 17 100.0% 87,147 4 14 100.0% 79,936 11 13 100.0% 87,410

STANHOPE BORO 32 11 37.5% 59,514 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 1

STILLWATER TWP 39 15 41.0% 68,382 1 19 1 24 1 6

SUSSEX CO ED SERV COMM 3 12 0.0% 57,290 1 1

SUSSEX CO VOC-TECH 73 10 39.7% 66,790 3 9 100.0% 74,308 1 10 1 24 1 31 3 7 100.0% 79,483

SUSSEX-WANTAGE REGIONAL 127 13 49.6% 70,533 3 20 100.0% 76,800 2 18 5 9 80.0% 67,084 3 5 100.0% 59,980 8 13 87.5% 76,134

VERNON TWP 353 15 72.8% 78,318 14 17 100.0% 79,366 7 19 42.9% 86,999 9 15 100.0% 80,845 4 10 100.0% 77,513 18 10 88.9% 73,636

WALLKILL VALLEY REGIONAL 65 16 63.1% 80,968 3 23 100.0% 92,671 1 3 1 17 3 19 66.7% 84,630


BERKELEY HEIGHTS TWP 275 12 58.9% 74,077 8 10 100.0% 77,897 6 16 66.7% 86,966 5 26 100.0% 95,136 4 15 100.0% 76,118 18 16 100.0% 81,001

CLARK TWP 215 11 47.0% 64,998 7 14 100.0% 70,274 5 13 20.0% 70,008 4 7 100.0% 64,706 1 14 8 10 100.0% 68,630

CRANFORD TWP 378 13 58.5% 67,774 6 15 83.3% 75,243 8 14 37.5% 64,499 9 19 100.0% 69,538 6 6 100.0% 56,350 9 17 88.9% 77,499

ELIZABETH CITY 2,402 8 40.5% 78,189 58 9 62.1% 94,975 54 6 24.1% 76,054 30 9 50.0% 94,484 48 10 68.8% 94,574 82 7 61.0% 85,582

GARWOOD BORO 32 18 40.6% 60,126 1 19 2 23 1 37 3 21 100.0% 53,136

HILLSIDE TWP 305 13 67.2% 67,499 6 15 100.0% 75,576 8 18 62.5% 80,199 4 11 75.0% 72,879 2 22 12 20 83.3% 79,886

KENILWORTH BORO 144 10 70.8% 66,922 5 6 100.0% 62,200 2 3 2 12 2 7 7 12 100.0% 75,337

LINDEN CITY 609 12 58.1% 69,454 11 9 100.0% 67,188 15 15 60.0% 86,964 11 13 90.9% 73,815 24 11 91.7% 74,082 17 15 94.1% 87,145

MORRIS-UNION JOINTURE COM 96 13 55.2% 62,408 4 11 25.0% 55,857 21 12 95.2% 67,285 1 25

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 135

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 137: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


MOUNTAINSIDE BORO 67 11 49.3% 62,364 1 4 2 12 1 1 1 7 1 4

NEW PROVIDENCE BORO 210 12 72.4% 71,417 8 10 87.5% 72,996 3 15 33.3% 76,519 4 9 100.0% 74,252 2 10 11 14 100.0% 71,767

PLAINFIELD CITY 698 13 44.4% 66,883 14 21 100.0% 78,387 18 16 38.9% 80,656 9 14 88.9% 78,005 24 14 91.7% 76,956 21 16 90.5% 77,562

RAHWAY CITY 351 11 49.3% 72,005 8 8 100.0% 68,488 6 8 33.3% 69,356 5 11 80.0% 82,204 8 11 100.0% 72,324 14 17 78.6% 84,962

ROSELLE BORO 274 9 24.5% 56,678 8 6 112.5% 57,215 7 9 14.3% 56,129 3 12 66.7% 63,526 10 7 100.0% 57,555 10 6 110.0% 57,326

ROSELLE PARK BORO 203 12 58.6% 67,884 9 17 100.0% 77,474 5 11 40.0% 65,769 4 9 100.0% 62,742 3 12 100.0% 79,952 6 17 100.0% 78,290

SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD REG 482 10 69.7% 66,995 11 12 100.0% 74,810 11 11 36.4% 60,478 10 13 80.0% 64,777 5 7 100.0% 61,955 17 10 100.0% 69,565

SPRINGFIELD TWP 189 12 69.8% 70,228 8 13 100.0% 73,542 5 18 80.0% 77,590 2 22 1 24 7 17 100.0% 70,291

SUMMIT CITY 405 9 58.8% 70,957 15 8 86.7% 75,532 9 11 44.4% 86,257 7 5 100.0% 63,281 4 6 100.0% 78,859 17 11 100.0% 84,055

UNION CO ED SERV COMM 115 13 50.4% 60,210 3 16 33.3% 65,886 8 14 75.0% 64,983 5 11 100.0% 60,219

UNION CO VOC-TECH 144 9 46.5% 60,699 12 6 100.0% 57,962 1 3 2 0

UNION TWP 727 11 34.5% 69,694 23 15 69.6% 78,178 12 12 25.0% 73,437 11 13 90.9% 79,003 13 10 92.3% 77,918 26 10 80.8% 73,657

WESTFIELD TOWN 568 10 62.0% 76,766 20 10 100.0% 80,003 13 12 46.2% 75,967 12 7 91.7% 69,075 5 20 100.0% 93,558 24 9 95.8% 77,069

WINFIELD TWP 16 13 43.8% 59,953 1 2


ALLAMUCHY TWP 40 9 52.5% 52,236 1 9 1 15 1 6

ALPHA BORO 27 13 37.0% 56,204 1 14 1 5 1 3

BELVIDERE TOWN 83 13 32.5% 59,876 2 24 3 11 33.3% 60,545 1 12 2 31 4 17 100.0% 62,851

BLAIRSTOWN TWP 57 12 29.8% 62,590 1 33 2 11 2 13 3 15 100.0% 77,861

FRANKLIN TWP 29 14 34.5% 58,753 1 17 1 23 1 32

FRELINGHUYSEN TWP 14 16 14.3% 65,992 1 24

GREAT MEADOWS REGIONAL 78 14 28.2% 63,889 3 5 66.7% 55,237 3 4 0.0% 52,484 2 19 2 3

GREENWICH TWP 77 12 45.5% 56,240 2 17 1 20 3 18 66.7% 61,474 5 13 100.0% 58,607

HACKETTSTOWN TOWN 179 12 49.7% 67,904 8 11 100.0% 70,060 5 16 60.0% 69,488 2 18 2 3 9 19 100.0% 77,127

HARMONY TWP 31 14 61.3% 61,999 1 35 1 8 2 14

HOPE TWP 18 8 22.2% 58,195 1 16 1 17

KNOWLTON TWP 31 15 29.0% 60,801 1 4 1 8 1 13

LOPATCONG TWP 79 12 50.6% 65,133 2 22 2 16 1 9 1 9 3 16 100.0% 78,510

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 136

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.

Page 138: A1 -3/4/6 New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary Guides · New Jersey Teacher Salaries & Salary ... for each level of the 2014-15 adopted teacher salary guide. See district-by-district

AverageTot Exp

Classroom Teachers ** excludingSpecial Services



Number MA + *

Salary Data For Special Services Personnel

New Jersey Teacher Salaries and Salary Guides, 2014-15 NJEA Research Bulletin A14-3/4/6

AverageTot Exp

Guidance Counselors


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp



Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Speech Correction Specialists


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Social Workers


Number MA + * AverageTot Exp

Librarians/Media SpecialistsReading - Psychologists - LDTCs


Number MA + *


MANSFIELD TWP 67 15 41.8% 68,037 1 10 1 15 1 5 1 22 2 18

NORTH WARREN REGIONAL 100 10 52.0% 61,891 5 8 100.0% 59,946 1 10 2 8 3 9 100.0% 64,433

OXFORD TWP 31 10 35.5% 55,649 1 18 1 12 1 11

PHILLIPSBURG TOWN 380 14 40.5% 72,555 9 17 100.0% 75,339 9 11 11.1% 67,902 8 6 75.0% 62,453 6 17 100.0% 78,697 17 20 94.1% 71,449

POHATCONG TWP 34 15 41.2% 62,648 1 25 1 29 1 29 2 17

WARREN CO SPECIAL SERVICE 19 9 47.4% 57,957 2 0 1 0 3 0 66.7% 54,354

WARREN CO VOC-TECH 53 10 32.1% 60,027 3 10 66.7% 56,238 1 17 1 0 1 0

WARREN HILLS REGIONAL 168 11 56.0% 71,346 9 10 100.0% 78,075 2 16 1 14 3 8 100.0% 78,846 5 21 100.0% 86,568

WASHINGTON BORO 53 13 30.2% 63,120 2 12 1 7 2 14

WASHINGTON TWP 60 13 31.7% 64,057 1 4 2 6 1 2 1 27 3 15 100.0% 67,748

WHITE TWP 42 13 57.1% 62,502 1 20 1 1 1 8 1 16 3 20 100.0% 76,330

** Classroom Teachers figures exclude all other positions in this section and differs from Part 1 of this publication.

Source: NJ Department of Education Fall Survey

Page 137

* MA+ includes staff with an MA or PhD degree

NJEA reports average salary and degree data when 3 or more positions exist.