Thursday, July 8, 2010 Correspondents The Brownsville States-Graphic page 11 By Martha H. Jones Holly Grove News Westside News By Mary W. Lewis By Debbie Sterbinsky Stanton News Allen News By Gail Barden Bethel - Belle Eagle News By Betty Scott By Shirley Tucker, Activity Director Sugar Creek Retirement Center News I am afraid I do not know much that has happened at Westside this past week, since my Joseph (Paul) Lewis has been hospitalized actu- ally through three hos- pitals, but now home. To digress somewhat, July 2 always reminds me of my 36 years of marriage to the late Henry White- head Jr. who was taken by cancer while Paul’s wife of 39 years, the late Nan- cy Dickerson Lewis, was taken in March of 1994 following complications with diabetes. Speaking of tomorrow’s date July 2, after all the years of knowing each other with paths rarely crossing even in this rather small me- tropolis, never knowing that God would choose this for us four. But who knows the mind of God? Because we each were happy with our lives as they were and wanted it to go on that way forev- er. And Paul and I have told each other that we would of course always love the two departed mates, and had expected to go on always, but we do not control our own destiny. But He rebuilt our lives after much grieving and then hap- piness again. I pray this for everyone who may find themselves in this upheaval of their lives. When I said I was di- gressing, I really meant it, didn’t I? “Sgt. Pep- per’s Lonely Hearts’ Club” anyone? Getting back on today’s subject, my husband was told he had a heart attack and had three bypasses per- formed in JMC hospital in Jackson. We never knew when. Only that for over a year almost ev- ery night when he retired to bed, the very tops of his shoulders would hurt and with the regular Ty- lenol or Aleve, it would stop after a reasonable amount of time. Rarely had pain in daytime. Well, you know at 76, ev- erything is supposed to be arthritis! Friday night June 25, it failed to cease in the usual amount of time. I suggested we see a doctor at the local ER. Actually it was 2:30 AM Saturday. Due to not being able to perform a type scan he needed, he was transferred by ambulance to Regional in Jackson. Sunday the stent procedure proved he was not a stent candi- date due to three badly damaged arteries, so now Regional had him transferred to JMC Sun- day afternoon, where he was scheduled for three bypasses the following Tuesday at 6AM. We ap- preciate Paul’s relatives, our friends and Westside members who came for the surgery, among them from Jackson, Olene Abel, the sister of Nancy Lewis. Long story short (a little late for that), my boy is doing fine by the help of the Great Physician and we thank Him and ev- eryone who prayed. Please remember all our sick and I promise I will be on top of it next issue concerning others besides my Lewis fam- ily, God willing, as I send love and appreciation to all. I hope that every- one had a nice and safe Fourth of July weekend. Kenny Kendrick, who has recently returned from Iraq, was Allen’s guest speaker Sunday morning, and it was so good having him with us. The Barnetts sang our special music, with Greg Rodgers singing a solo part, and it was ab- solutely beautiful. We are so blessed to have this wonderful family in our church. The Rooks Drive Fourth of July parade Saturday morning was so much fun. There were so many adorable kids dressed for the occasion, riding in everything from strollers to tricycles to golf carts. This was Claire’s first year to ride in the parade, and she loved the excitement. The parade always fin- ishes up at the end of Lee Street, where Jo Math- erne and her sister, Jean, are always so gracious to lend their yard and effort to serving delicious re- freshments. Many people contribute to the refresh- ments, and they are very much enjoyed after the parade. How fun!! Alicia, Claire, Andrew, W.A. and I had din- ner in Oakland Friday evening with Tyler and Leah at their beautiful home. Also joining us were Leah’s dad, Danny DeLoach, Leah’s sister Rachel Hatcher and her husband Jeff, and twin boys, Wyatt and Harris. Tyler and Leah prepared a delicious meal for us, and the evening was perfect for eating out on their patio overlooking the golf course. We had a wonderful evening. Jason flew to Balti- more Wednesday to meet his wife, Amber, and son, Julian, who were al- ready staying there with friends. They enjoyed the Fourth of July cel- ebration on Chesapeake Bay Saturday, July 3, and were in Washington, D.C. on July 4 for the big show and fireworks display on Capitol Hill. They had a great trip. Mark your calendars for the Kincaid-Gooch summer show to be held from July 15-18 at College Hill. Area voice students will provide great enter- tainment, with many stu- dents from Brownsville in the cast. Julian and Emily are both singing their solos in the Sunday afternoon show. Try to be there. You will love it. Allen youth returned from Centrifuge in Pan- ama City Beach July 3. They reported a won- derful trip in spite of the rain. It is good to have them back and refreshed spiritually. My precious mother, Helen Beauton Mansfield Francis, would have been 90 years on her birthday, July 2. I love her and miss her very much. Happy Birthday to Elizabeth Scott, Teresa Russell, Jerry White, Anna Jordyn Campbell, Brad Essary, Dalton Byrd and Betty Johnson. Happy Anniversary to Nita and Ray Waldon. On our prayer list are Welch Hopkins, Dustin Milton, Jerry Baggett, Carolyn and Jimmy Dan- ley. We extend our sincere sympathy to the families of Ben Butler, Mr. Hallie Hughes and Mr. Buddy Sullivan. We pray God will comfort them. Our Bible verse for this week is Psalm 119:18, which states, “Open my eyes to see the miracles in your teachings.” Have a great week. We hope you all had a safe and happy holiday! Over the holiday week- end, our Famers Mar- ket had some tomatoes and okra show up for the first time this year along with a few out of town guests who were in for a visit. It’s pretty hot down here Saturday mornings, so that ice cream of Ms. Shirley’s is especially good! Think we need to find one of those big misters to beat the heat! Not much in the way of news this week, but we do have the Stan- ton Welcome Center/ Library totally back up and running! We’ve been open for a few weeks now but with limited ca- pabilities. We have also added a few new things to our collection, so be sure and stop by when you get a chance. Our Stanton Neigh- borhood Watch will have a fish fry July 30 from 4-8 pm. This is Friday night and all Haywood County Candidates run- ning for office are invit- ed to come by and speak to the people of Stanton and surrounding com- munities. The Neighbor- hood Watch will meet again tonight at 7 to fi- nalize these plans. You probably read in last weeks paper about the Energy Grant we re- ceived. Like all grants, this grant also has spe- cific things for which it must be used. This one was all about energy, so among other things, we will extend the new green technology to Stanton and begin using solar energy to power our town buildings. This type of technology is also the basis of the new Solar Farm. Now, admit- tedly solar panels atop our town buildings (in their present condition) tend to provide an amus- ing image. No doubt the buildings will receive some sprucing up too as this takes place to make them more energy effi- cient. Again, don’t look for this anytime soon, we just received notifica- tion so you know it’s go- ing to take some time for this grant to get rolling. Someday we’re going to see all these grants work- ing (probably about the same time) and Stanton will be a busy place! Reminders- the Stan- ton Planning Com- mission will meet next Thursday, July 15 at 7 pm at the Town Hall. The following week, the Town Council will meet on Tuesday, July 20 at 7 pm, also at the Town Hall. Residents, and for- mer residents of Stanton, you may mail Stanton news to me at P.O. Box 181, Stanton, TN 38069, reach me at the Stan- ton Welcome Center/ Library at 731-548-2564, or e-mail me at: Proft- [email protected]. Please put “Stanton News” in the subject line. Together we will look at the past, look toward the future, and report current events “We Need a Revival” was the subject of the sermon Sunday. At it’s worst; America is the greatest country in the entire world. God has so blessed this country, but to whom much is given, much is required. The Pilgrims came to North America looking for God and how they could worship Him freely. We have so many freedoms in America that cannot be found in other coun- tries, but they came at a great price. The Bible tells us if we forsake the Almighty God and go after other gods, there will be consequences to bear. Having gone a long way in the wrong direction, we need a re- vival. Thomas Jefferson once said, “I tremble for my country when I re- flect that God is just”. God have mercy on us. On the cross, Jesus Christ purchased liberty for you and me at a great price. Tim and Christy Fain, Brother Ralph Brown and Kathy McClinton sang the special music. The church welcomed Susan Alexander into its fellowship. Happy birthday to Kaylee Swain, Brennan Uthe, Ashley Tyler, Mar- garet Marbury, Vincent Maddox and Bradley Yants. We express sym- pathy to Mrs. Edna Sulli- van and her family in the death of Mr. Buddy Sul- livan and to the families of Mrs. Virginia Taylor and Mr. Tony Lipford. Brother Charles Pratt and wife, Linda, Terry Brown, Judy Blair and her sister Barbara re- turned from a mission trip to parts of East Ten- nessee, the Appalachian area that encompasses parts of twelve states. The women worked with a boys and girls club. Sixteen young people made professions of faith during a Vaca- tion Bible School. The men worked on building and repairing churches. Brother Charles and Lin- da visited with their son, Jay Pratt and wife, Anna, and their grandchildren before returning home. Alan and Debbie Jones and Jennifer and David and Christy Walker trav- eled to Springdale, Ar- kansas last weekend to visit with Mrs. Era Walk- er, Debbie’s and David ‘s grandmother. Those on the sick list to include in our prayers are Welch Hopkins, Ruth Taylor, Glenn White and Liz Kemper who is now at home following her stay in the hospital, but still needs our prayers. Others to include are Neil Herbert, Elsie Lew- is, Grace Lovelace, James and Carolyn Covington, Janie Hight and Bob Al- exander. Also include Mae Simpson, Linda Hayes, Bonnie Patterson, Emma Jane Gorman and Barbara Adams. Viola Brown returned from a trip to Carthage where she spent a week with her daughter Dale Sinclair and her husband Butch. Brother Ralph and Elaine Brown returned from their trip to Alas- ka. When they left, the temperature here was 102 degrees and there it was 62. They enjoyed deep-sea fishing. Elaine had pictures where she caught a 50-pound hali- but. She had to have help getting it into the boat. They also took a boat ride and came near a glacier. Alaska is a big place but a very beauti- ful place. Dewey and I enjoyed watching the fireworks on CBS from Boston Sun- day night. They were gi- gantic. Our love and best wishes are with Jessie Howell as she had sur- gery this past week at Jackson General. She is home and chomping at the bit to get back to Sugar Creek. I hope she hurries – we miss her. We want to welcome our newest residents. Da- vid and Bo Pope moved to Sugar Creek this week and we’re enjoying them already. They know ev- ery one here and are su- per nice folks whom ev- ery one likes to visit. Emma Jane Gorman came to play the piano for us and visit awhile yesterday and she and Bo were glad to see each other. Thanks to Pastor Brent Porterfield from Union Grove Methodist Church for bringing our Sunday afternoon message. Our residents always enjoy him. Once again we had a wonderful Fourth of July celebration with the United States Naval Cer- emonial Band coming from Millington to play for us. They are always such a treat. The ladies love seeing all these sharp looking young guys in their sum- mer white uniforms and they even had three cute young ladies thrown in for the men to enjoy vis- iting with. We always in- vite the band to stay and eat with us and the resi- dents really enjoy getting to know them. The director of the band, Aaron Deaton, just mesmerized Martha Jane Williams with that sharp salute and pivot he did at the beginning of each branch of the service’s song. Then she mesmer- ized HIM when she told him how wonderful it all was in that lovely rich Southern accent of hers. We had about 150 folks join us for this event and were especial- ly glad to have two of our guys who have been in Iraq back home with us. Barry Sceals and Justin Chavers were here with their families and we ap- preciated them so much. Also Joe Ing from the Chamber of Commerce and our new mayor-elect, Jo Matherne were here and said a few words to our guests. All in all, the weather and everything cooper- ated to make it a lovely evening. We especially want to thank the men who cooked all the fish and trimmings and made the evening such a re- sounding success. They were Terry Hooper, Steve Darnaby, Travis Lonon, David Lovelace and Ter- ry Emerson. These guys did a fan- tastic job keeping the trays full of hot fish, etc. and the sailors did a good job of putting it away. Nan Darnaby just came by to see her mother, Arline Boisvert, and said Steve told her they cooked al- most 60 lbs of fish and 550 hushpuppies. We had barbeque last year, fish this year and the sail- ors have already asked what we might have next year. I told them maybe steak and baked potato – I forgot to mention it would be HAMBURGER STEAK. Wonder how they like liver and on- ions! Had ice cream cones Friday afternoon just for a before-the-weekend treat. They had a choice of strawberry, butter pe- can or banana split ice cream. Strawberry was the hands-down favorite. Come see us! It is hard to believe we are in the second half of the year 2010. This year is flying by so fast. I hope everyone enjoyed their July 4th holiday. A cookout was held at my broth- er’s house in Somer- ville last Saturday so I spent the day with his family and some of my aunts and uncles. Kim- berly Scott visited her sister, Chasity, in Dy- ersburg last week. Maggie Anne Herron and Katie Lewis spent last week with Allen Baptist Church youth group in Panama City, Florida. Terri Knight has been enjoying a visit with her grand- daughter from Mem- phis last week. Last year this girl was a skinny little girl but this year she is a beau- tiful young lady. Our birthdays for July are: Morgan King, 7-2, granddaughter of Patsy and Farris Climer; Kiersten How- ard, 7-5; Bill Kendrick, 7-10; Libby Kendrick, 7-12; Mary Beth Scott, 7-26; Sandi Bishop, 7-27; and Dede Kend- rick, July 31. Elizabeth Scott also celebrated her birthday last Sun- day at her home with her children, sister Betty Austin, and Al- ice Waddell her moth- er. Happy birthday everyone! Don’t forget the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of Farris and Patsy Climer that will be held at Bethel Community Church Saturday, July 10, from 2-4 PM. Everyone is invited. The Taylors of Tabernacle will be gathering for camp meeting July 16 at Tab- ernacle United Meth- odist Church. The Rev. Lenard Sweet will be the preacher this year. Gaylon, Patricia, Em- ily and Maggie Anne attended the July 4th fireworks exhibition at Christ Church. It was an awesome 30- minute continuous display of sparkles in the sky. A good crowd attended this event. Thought for the week: Recall it as of- ten as you wish, a happy memory never wears out.

A11 Corresp

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By Mary W. Lewis By Debbie Sterbinsky By Gail Barden By Betty Scott Retirement Center News By Shirley Tucker, Activity Director

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Thursday, July 8, 2010Correspondents

The Brownsville States-Graphic

page 11

By Martha H. Jones

Holly Grove News

Westside NewsBy Mary W. Lewis

By Debbie Sterbinsky

Stanton News

Allen NewsBy Gail Barden

Bethel - Belle Eagle News

By Betty Scott

By Shirley Tucker, Activity Director

Sugar CreekSugar CreekSugar CreekRetirement Center News

I am afraid I do not know much that has happened at Westside this past week, since my Joseph (Paul) Lewis has been hospitalized actu-ally through three hos-pitals, but now home. To digress somewhat, July 2 always reminds me of my 36 years of marriage to the late Henry White-head Jr. who was taken by cancer while Paul’s wife of 39 years, the late Nan-cy Dickerson Lewis, was taken in March of 1994 following complications with diabetes. Speaking of tomorrow’s date July 2, after all the years of knowing each other with paths rarely crossing even in this rather small me-tropolis, never knowing that God would choose this for us four. But who knows the mind of God? Because we each were happy with our lives as they were and wanted it to go on that way forev-er. And Paul and I have told each other that we would of course always love the two departed mates, and had expected

to go on always, but we do not control our own destiny. But He rebuilt our lives after much grieving and then hap-piness again. I pray this for everyone who may fi nd themselves in this upheaval of their lives.When I said I was di-gressing, I really meant it, didn’t I? “Sgt. Pep-per’s Lonely Hearts’ Club” anyone? Getting back on today’s subject, my husband was told he had a heart attack and had three bypasses per-formed in JMC hospital in Jackson. We never knew when. Only that for over a year almost ev-ery night when he retired to bed, the very tops of his shoulders would hurt and with the regular Ty-lenol or Aleve, it would stop after a reasonable amount of time. Rarely had pain in daytime. Well, you know at 76, ev-erything is supposed to be arthritis! Friday night June 25, it failed to cease in the usual amount of time. I suggested we see a doctor at the local ER.

Actually it was 2:30 AM Saturday. Due to not being able to perform a type scan he needed, he was transferred by ambulance to Regional in Jackson. Sunday the stent procedure proved he was not a stent candi-date due to three badly damaged arteries, so now Regional had him transferred to JMC Sun-day afternoon, where he was scheduled for three bypasses the following Tuesday at 6AM. We ap-preciate Paul’s relatives, our friends and Westside members who came for the surgery, among them from Jackson, Olene Abel, the sister of Nancy Lewis. Long story short (a little late for that), my boy is doing fi ne by the help of the Great Physician and we thank Him and ev-eryone who prayed.

Please remember all our sick and I promise I will be on top of it next issue concerning others besides my Lewis fam-ily, God willing, as I send love and appreciation to all.

I hope that every-one had a nice and safe Fourth of July weekend. Kenny Kendrick, who has recently returned from Iraq, was Allen’s guest speaker Sunday morning, and it was so good having him with us. The Barnetts sang our special music, with Greg Rodgers singing a solo part, and it was ab-solutely beautiful. We are so blessed to have this wonderful family in our church.

The Rooks Drive Fourth of July parade Saturday morning was so much fun. There were so many adorable kids dressed for the occasion, riding in everything from strollers to tricycles to golf carts. This was Claire’s fi rst year to ride in the parade, and she loved the excitement. The parade always fi n-ishes up at the end of Lee Street, where Jo Math-erne and her sister, Jean, are always so gracious to lend their yard and effort to serving delicious re-freshments. Many people contribute to the refresh-ments, and they are very much enjoyed after the parade. How fun!!

Alicia, Claire, Andrew,

W.A. and I had din-ner in Oakland Friday evening with Tyler and Leah at their beautiful home. Also joining us were Leah’s dad, Danny DeLoach, Leah’s sister Rachel Hatcher and her husband Jeff, and twin boys, Wyatt and Harris. Tyler and Leah prepared a delicious meal for us, and the evening was perfect for eating out on their patio overlooking the golf course. We had a wonderful evening.

Jason fl ew to Balti-more Wednesday to meet his wife, Amber, and son, Julian, who were al-ready staying there with friends. They enjoyed the Fourth of July cel-ebration on Chesapeake Bay Saturday, July 3, and were in Washington, D.C. on July 4 for the big show and fi reworks display on Capitol Hill. They had a great trip.

Mark your calendars for the Kincaid-Gooch summer show to be held from July 15-18 at College Hill. Area voice students will provide great enter-tainment, with many stu-dents from Brownsville in the cast. Julian and Emily are both singing their solos in the Sunday

afternoon show. Try to be there. You will love it.

Allen youth returned from Centrifuge in Pan-ama City Beach July 3. They reported a won-derful trip in spite of the rain. It is good to have them back and refreshed spiritually.

My precious mother, Helen Beauton Mansfi eld Francis, would have been 90 years on her birthday, July 2. I love her and miss her very much.

Happy Birthday to Elizabeth Scott, Teresa Russell, Jerry White, Anna Jordyn Campbell, Brad Essary, Dalton Byrd and Betty Johnson.

Happy Anniversary to Nita and Ray Waldon.

On our prayer list are Welch Hopkins, Dustin Milton, Jerry Baggett, Carolyn and Jimmy Dan-ley.

We extend our sincere sympathy to the families of Ben Butler, Mr. Hallie Hughes and Mr. Buddy Sullivan. We pray God will comfort them.

Our Bible verse for this week is Psalm 119:18, which states, “Open my eyes to see the miracles in your teachings.”

Have a great week.

We hope you all had a safe and happy holiday! Over the holiday week-end, our Famers Mar-ket had some tomatoes and okra show up for the fi rst time this year along with a few out of town guests who were in for a visit. It’s pretty hot down here Saturday mornings, so that ice cream of Ms. Shirley’s is especially good! Think we need to fi nd one of those big misters to beat the heat!

Not much in the way of news this week, but we do have the Stan-ton Welcome Center/Library totally back up and running! We’ve been open for a few weeks now but with limited ca-pabilities. We have also added a few new things to our collection, so be sure and stop by when you get a chance.

Our Stanton Neigh-borhood Watch will have a fi sh fry July 30 from 4-8 pm. This is Friday night and all Haywood

County Candidates run-ning for offi ce are invit-ed to come by and speak to the people of Stanton and surrounding com-munities. The Neighbor-hood Watch will meet again tonight at 7 to fi -nalize these plans.

You probably read in last weeks paper about the Energy Grant we re-ceived. Like all grants, this grant also has spe-cifi c things for which it must be used. This one was all about energy, so among other things, we will extend the new green technology to Stanton and begin using solar energy to power our town buildings. This type of technology is also the basis of the new Solar Farm. Now, admit-tedly solar panels atop our town buildings (in their present condition) tend to provide an amus-ing image. No doubt the buildings will receive some sprucing up too as this takes place to make them more energy effi -

cient. Again, don’t look for this anytime soon, we just received notifi ca-tion so you know it’s go-ing to take some time for this grant to get rolling. Someday we’re going to see all these grants work-ing (probably about the same time) and Stanton will be a busy place!

Reminders- the Stan-ton Planning Com-mission will meet next Thursday, July 15 at 7 pm at the Town Hall. The following week, the Town Council will meet on Tuesday, July 20 at 7 pm, also at the Town Hall. Residents, and for-mer residents of Stanton, you may mail Stanton news to me at P.O. Box 181, Stanton, TN 38069, reach me at the Stan-ton Welcome Center/Library at 731-548-2564, or e-mail me at: [email protected]. Please put “Stanton News” in the subject line. Together we will look at the past, look toward the future, and report current events

“We Need a Revival” was the subject of the sermon Sunday. At it’s worst; America is the greatest country in the entire world. God has so blessed this country, but to whom much is given, much is required. The Pilgrims came to North America looking for God and how they could worship Him freely. We have so many freedoms in America that cannot be found in other coun-tries, but they came at a great price. The Bible tells us if we forsake the Almighty God and go after other gods, there will be consequences to bear. Having gone a long way in the wrong direction, we need a re-vival. Thomas Jefferson once said, “I tremble for my country when I re-fl ect that God is just”. God have mercy on us. On the cross, Jesus Christ purchased liberty for you and me at a great price.

Tim and Christy Fain, Brother Ralph Brown and Kathy McClinton sang the special music. The church welcomed Susan Alexander into its fellowship.

Happy birthday to Kaylee Swain, Brennan

Uthe, Ashley Tyler, Mar-garet Marbury, Vincent Maddox and Bradley Yants. We express sym-pathy to Mrs. Edna Sulli-van and her family in the death of Mr. Buddy Sul-livan and to the families of Mrs. Virginia Taylor and Mr. Tony Lipford.

Brother Charles Pratt and wife, Linda, Terry Brown, Judy Blair and her sister Barbara re-turned from a mission trip to parts of East Ten-nessee, the Appalachian area that encompasses parts of twelve states. The women worked with a boys and girls club. Sixteen young people made professions of faith during a Vaca-tion Bible School. The men worked on building and repairing churches. Brother Charles and Lin-da visited with their son, Jay Pratt and wife, Anna, and their grandchildren before returning home.

Alan and Debbie Jones and Jennifer and David and Christy Walker trav-eled to Springdale, Ar-kansas last weekend to visit with Mrs. Era Walk-er, Debbie’s and David ‘s grandmother.

Those on the sick list to include in our prayers are Welch Hopkins, Ruth

Taylor, Glenn White and Liz Kemper who is now at home following her stay in the hospital, but still needs our prayers. Others to include are Neil Herbert, Elsie Lew-is, Grace Lovelace, James and Carolyn Covington, Janie Hight and Bob Al-exander. Also include Mae Simpson, Linda Hayes, Bonnie Patterson, Emma Jane Gorman and Barbara Adams.

Viola Brown returned from a trip to Carthage where she spent a week with her daughter Dale Sinclair and her husband Butch.

Brother Ralph and Elaine Brown returned from their trip to Alas-ka. When they left, the temperature here was 102 degrees and there it was 62. They enjoyed deep-sea fi shing. Elaine had pictures where she caught a 50-pound hali-but. She had to have help getting it into the boat. They also took a boat ride and came near a glacier. Alaska is a big place but a very beauti-ful place.

Dewey and I enjoyed watching the fi reworks on CBS from Boston Sun-day night. They were gi-gantic.

Our love and best wishes are with Jessie Howell as she had sur-gery this past week at Jackson General. She is home and chomping at the bit to get back to Sugar Creek. I hope she hurries – we miss her.

We want to welcome our newest residents. Da-vid and Bo Pope moved to Sugar Creek this week and we’re enjoying them already. They know ev-ery one here and are su-per nice folks whom ev-ery one likes to visit.

Emma Jane Gorman came to play the piano for us and visit awhile yesterday and she and Bo were glad to see each other.

Thanks to Pastor Brent Porterfi eld from Union Grove Methodist Church for bringing our Sunday afternoon message. Our residents always enjoy him.

Once again we had a wonderful Fourth of July celebration with the United States Naval Cer-emonial Band coming from Millington to play for us. They are always such a treat.

The ladies love seeing all these sharp looking

young guys in their sum-mer white uniforms and they even had three cute young ladies thrown in for the men to enjoy vis-iting with. We always in-vite the band to stay and eat with us and the resi-dents really enjoy getting to know them.

The director of the band, Aaron Deaton, just mesmerized Martha Jane Williams with that sharp salute and pivot he did at the beginning of each branch of the service’s song. Then she mesmer-ized HIM when she told him how wonderful it all was in that lovely rich Southern accent of hers.

We had about 150 folks join us for this event and were especial-ly glad to have two of our guys who have been in Iraq back home with us. Barry Sceals and Justin Chavers were here with their families and we ap-preciated them so much.

Also Joe Ing from the Chamber of Commerce and our new mayor-elect, Jo Matherne were here and said a few words to our guests.

All in all, the weather and everything cooper-ated to make it a lovely

evening. We especially want to thank the men who cooked all the fi sh and trimmings and made the evening such a re-sounding success. They were Terry Hooper, Steve Darnaby, Travis Lonon, David Lovelace and Ter-ry Emerson.

These guys did a fan-tastic job keeping the trays full of hot fi sh, etc. and the sailors did a good job of putting it away. Nan Darnaby just came by to see her mother, Arline Boisvert, and said Steve told her they cooked al-most 60 lbs of fi sh and 550 hushpuppies. We had barbeque last year, fi sh this year and the sail-ors have already asked what we might have next year. I told them maybe steak and baked potato – I forgot to mention it would be HAMBURGER STEAK. Wonder how they like liver and on-ions!

Had ice cream cones Friday afternoon just for a before-the-weekend treat. They had a choice of strawberry, butter pe-can or banana split ice cream. Strawberry was the hands-down favorite.

Come see us!

It is hard to believe we are in the second half of the year 2010. This year is flying by so fast.

I hope everyone enjoyed their July 4th holiday. A cookout was held at my broth-er’s house in Somer-ville last Saturday so I spent the day with his family and some of my aunts and uncles. Kim-berly Scott visited her sister, Chasity, in Dy-ersburg last week.

Maggie Anne Herron and Katie Lewis spent last week with Allen Baptist Church youth group in Panama City, Florida. Terri Knight has been enjoying a visit with her grand-daughter from Mem-phis last week. Last

year this girl was a skinny little girl but this year she is a beau-tiful young lady.

Our birthdays for July are: Morgan King, 7-2, granddaughter of Patsy and Farris Climer; Kiersten How-ard, 7-5; Bill Kendrick, 7-10; Libby Kendrick, 7-12; Mary Beth Scott, 7-26; Sandi Bishop, 7-27; and Dede Kend-rick, July 31. Elizabeth Scott also celebrated her birthday last Sun-day at her home with her children, sister Betty Austin, and Al-ice Waddell her moth-er. Happy birthday everyone!

Don’t forget the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of Farris and Patsy Climer that

will be held at Bethel Community Church Saturday, July 10, from 2-4 PM. Everyone is invited. The Taylors of Tabernacle will be gathering for camp meeting July 16 at Tab-ernacle United Meth-odist Church. The Rev. Lenard Sweet will be the preacher this year. Gaylon, Patricia, Em-ily and Maggie Anne attended the July 4th fireworks exhibition at Christ Church. It was an awesome 30-minute continuous display of sparkles in the sky. A good crowd attended this event.Thought for the week: Recall it as of-ten as you wish, a happy memory never wears out.