UNIT 2 QUIZ 2 B.TECH II Semester(A,B,C,D) PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION Duration: 30 minutes Faculty: Ms. Sarika Gupta Note: Each question is of one mark I.Spot the errors: 1.The road(a)/ to famous monument (b)/ passes through a forest.(c)/ No error(d) 2.One of the most (a)/ widely spread (b)/ bad habit (c)/ is the use of tobacco. (d)/ No error (e) 3.The interviewer asked the candidate (a)/ to what district (b)/ he came from. (c)/ No error (d) 4.He is (a)/ taller (b)/ than me. (c)/ No error (d) 5.I was taken with surprise (a)/ when I saw (b)/ the glamorous Appu Ghar. (c)/ No error (d) II.Choose an appropriate synonym of the underlined words: 6.He had a catastrophic defeat. (a) improbable (b) revolutionary (c) disastrous (d) pessimistic


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Duration: 30 minutes Faculty: Ms. Sarika Gupta

Note: Each question is of one mark

I.Spot the errors:

1. The road(a)/ to famous monument (b)/ passes through a forest.(c)/ No error(d)

2. One of the most (a)/ widely spread (b)/ bad habit (c)/ is the use of tobacco. (d)/ No error (e)

3. The interviewer asked the candidate (a)/ to what district (b)/ he came from. (c)/ No error (d)

4. He is (a)/ taller (b)/ than me. (c)/ No error (d) 5. I was taken with surprise (a)/ when I saw (b)/ the glamorous Appu

Ghar. (c)/ No error (d)

II.Choose an appropriate synonym of the underlined words:

6. He had a catastrophic defeat. (a) improbable (b) revolutionary (c) disastrous (d) pessimistic

7. I tried to persuade him to change his mind but he remained adamant. (a) fixed (b) stubborn (c) aggressive (d) defensive

8. The eyewitness testimony was incontrovertible. (a) debatable (b) unquestionable (c) unacceptable (d) disputable

III. Choose an appropriate antonym of the outlined words:

9. Everyone wants to be harbinger of the good news to the king. (a) precursor (b) tender (c) opponent (d) follower

10.The inhabitants of the island were barbarians. (a) bad (b) uncivilized (c) cruel (d) civilized

11. Infringement of law has to be prevented in order to maintain peace and order in the country.

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IV. Give one word substitution of the following:

12.One who is interested in the welfare of women (a) Feminine (b) Feminist (c) Effeminate (d) Flamboyant

13. A person with a beautiful and elegant handwriting (a) Calligrapher (b) Collier (c) Choreographer (d) Cartographer

14. The school or college in which one has been educated. (a) Matinee (b) Alumni (c) Alma mater (d) Calvin

V. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Religion is the greatest instrument for so raising us. It is amazing that a person not intellectually bright, perhaps not even educated, is capable of grasping and living by something so advanced as the principles of Christianity. Yet, there is a common phenomenon. It is not, however, in my province to talk about religion, but rather to stress the power which great literature and the great personalities whom we meet in it and in history have to open and enlarge over minds, and to show us what is first rate in human personality and human character by showing us goodness and greatness.

1. In the passage, the author’s ultimate intention is to talk about (a) religion (b) history (c) education (d) character

2. The phrase “ so raising us” means (a) giving us a sense of spiritual superiority (b) making us feel that we are more important than we really are (c) improving our mental abilities (d) making us realize that we all are children of god

3. What surprises the author is that (a) even uneducated people are attracted towards Christianity (b) Christianity is practiced by a large number of people (c) despite being difficult and complex, the principles of Christianity are practiced by so many people (d) even very intelligent people cannot understand the principles of Christianity

4. The author hesitates to talk about religion because (a) he does not feel himself competent to talk about this (b) nobody around him likes to talk about it. (c) he does not believe in any religion (d) he does not fully understands its importance

5. According to the author, we come across examples of nobility and greatness in (a) great works of literature (b) literary and historical works (c) historical records (d) books on Christianity