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Aalto Global Impact newsletter

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December 2012

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Dear Friends of Aalto Global Impact,

Welcome to our news update on Aalto Global Impact activities. We hope this update will help you keep track of the growing network and initiatives of the Aalto Global Impact community, and to get engaged with your own projects and ideas. You are also very welcome to contact us regarding information you would like to see included in our newsletters and website in the future.

The Aalto Global Impact team would like to wish you and your families a happy holiday season!


December 2012

Aalto Global Impact Newsletter

Aalto Global ImpactAalto University

Page 2: Aalto Global Impact newsletter

AAlTo Pro In FInlAnD ToGeTher WITh UonGoZI InsTITUTe In TAnZAnIA InvITes YoU To APPlY To: Sustainable Communities Managing Urban Futures – Workshop for Supporting Sustainability

Time: 12 th – 22 nd march 2013 Location: Dar es salaam, Tanzania

What is the focus? sustainable communities workshop focuses on sustainable urban growth and urban environmental management giving practical examples and methods to find tools for sustainable development in the rapidly growing cities.

The main thematic areas are sustainable city planning, citizen participation and empowerment, sustainable urban infrastructure, sustainable housing, local business and employment around sustainable housing.

The workshop is structured to enhance communication, professional networking nationally and regionally, and exchange of information between the participants and lecturers. Workshop is combination of keynote lectures, case study presentations, dialogue opportunities and field visits. Active participation is expected.

To find out more details on how to apply and the course fee, please visit the link below.

Course website and online applications: www.aaltopro.fi/sustainable_communities

Contact person at Aalto PRO in Finland: Matleena.Muhonen(at)aalto.fi

WorlD DesIGn cAPITAl 2014, cAPe ToWn, soUTh AFrIcA: “Back from the Rainbow nation”

As announced in our previous newsletter, Aalto Global Impact took a delegation of 16 people from Aalto (professors, lecturers, staff, course coordinators, researchers and students from m.A. programs) to south Africa for the “World Design capital – helsinki meets cape Town” event. The initiative took place from 5 to 11 november and was organised in collaboration with Aalto University - Aalto Global Impact, cape Peninsula

University of Technology (cPUT), the Finnish embassy in Pretoria, the city of cape Town and its local partners.

The reasons behind the visit were twofold:

For Aalto’s community, WDC Helsinki and Finnish Designers to interact with local partners/networks and showcase the legacy of Helsinki’s WDC year in the spirit of passing the torch to their counterparts in Cape Town for 2014.

For Aalto University to develop a framework around the longer term collaboration with Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), under the concept of Design for Urban Transformation.

We developed and facilitated design workshops using Aalto University’s expertise in participatory design and co-creation workshop knowledge. The two major activities co-organised by Aalto Global Impact were:

A full day open space ACCESS workshop “Design needs your voice!” Find out more: http://www.aaltoglobalimpact.org/events/access-design-needs-your-voice-exploring-opportunity-gaps-cape-town-south-africa

A full day “Talkoot: cross-community design”

Aalto Global Impact Project and Partnerships News

Aalto Global Impact News

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neW reseArch ProjecT: AGIle InclUsIve co-creATIon oF sUsTAInAble bUsIness AT The bAse oF PYrAmID (boP)The engine of global economic growth has shifted to emerging economies, but most Finnish companies find it risky and too time-consuming to innovate products, services and business models that suit poor markets. new forms of partnership with such translating actors as nonprofit organizations, research institutions and officials, who have access to local networks, can be of significant help.

This multidisciplinary, two-year project is led by Professor minna halme from the Aalto school of business and supported by Aalto Global Impact. It is funded by Tekes through its strategic opening on rapid Development in Innovation. It will investigate the translation and co-innovation process using a practice-based action research method. It will compare two experimental ventures, one case led by a company and the other led by an nGo. combining lessons from rapid innovation and base of the Pyramid (boP) literatures, the project is expected to yield key insights on the systemic challenges faced by Finnish companies at emerging markets.

For further details, please contact Teija.Lehtonen(at)aalto.fi

workshop at RLabs (Bridgetown). More details at:


As the partnership in south Africa continues to unfold, we encourage the inclusion of the student community – from both countries and beyond. Under the banner of

Aalto Global Impact, a student-driven project is in the making, bringing students and project courses along the road through eastern African countries – where Aalto has on-going hands-on student projects – all the way to cape Town for a special event showcasing the helsinki – cape Town collaboration at World Design capital 2014.

For further details, please contact Anne.Badan(at)aalto.fi

AAlTo lAb mexIco: DesIGn For sUsTAInAbIlITY In The mAYA commUnITY

Aalto lAb mexico is an interdisciplinary project that aims at sustainable livelihood and social change through design elements. The project started in August 2012

and it is the mexican branch of the wider Aalto lAb framework, initiated in shanghai, 2010. Aalto lAb mexico comprises of two cross-disciplinary teams, one located in the Finnish capital area, with students from Aalto University, and the other located in mexico city, consisting of students from Universidad nacional Autónoma de méxico and Instituto Tecnológico y de estudios superiores de monterrey campus ciudad de méxico.

The two project teams collaborate with the mayan community “20 de noviembre”, near the city of xpujil. The team works towards creating long-term sustainable solutions that arise from the needs of the mayan community. The project hence involves working both in Helsinki/Mexico City and within the community.

join Aalto lab mexico’s facebook page to hear more updates.

For further details, please contact Claudia.Garduno(at)aalto.fi / Rahim.Saatov(at)aalto.fi

lAUrA AnsAlA From AAlTo UnIversITY WIns FIrsT mAsTer’s AWArD In DeveloPmenT sTUDIes

The Finnish University Partnership for International Development – UniPID and the Finnish society for Development Research gave the first ever Master’s Award in Development studies to laura Ansala from Aalto University. The prize of 1000 euros was awarded to Ansala at the international Development cooperation and higher education seminar in hanasaari, espoo. The winning master’s thesis from the field of economics is entitled ”Motives, channels and migration for remittances: evidence from Uganda, senegal and nigeria”. congratulations to laura!

For more details: http://www.aaltoglobalimpact.org/news/laura-ansala-from-aalto-university-wins-first-master-s-award-in-development-studies

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AAlTo – UnIceF PArTnershIP: WATer, sAnITATIon AnD hYGIene ProjecT conTInUes In UGAnDA WITh IDbm 2012-2013

UnIceF Finland and Aalto Design Factory launched in 2011 a path-breaking collaboration to support innovation for social impact. UnIceF Finland has engaged academia

to open new perspectives and ideas for their mission and donors. The approach brings together highly motivated students with problem-solving skills in the fields of design, technology and business, to work with UnIceF Finland and UnIceF Uganda, as well as their local partners.

Aalto’s PDP (Product Development Project) and IDbm (International Design business management) students teamed up with students from makerere University (one of the oldest universities in Africa), to form a truly inter-disciplinary and multi-cultural team. These two pilot projects have addressed real-life cases in Uganda, producing an innovative, cost-effective latrine design and a community-owned waste management model to improve access to sanitation and promote hygiene for schools in Uganda.

based on the promising results of the pilot projects, the Aalto-UnIceF collaboration continues in 2012-2013 with a new IDbm project to develop the clean school concept, and with plans to establish a longer-term co-creation model between the various partners involved.

For further details, please contact Riina.Subra(at)aalto.fi

TAnZAnIA 2013: commUnITY AnD mArkeT ImProvemenT ProjecTs

several Aalto project courses have come together to establish a joint field project in Tanzania. multidisciplinary student teams will support the

development and realization of community and market improvement projects with a network called Tanzanian Federation of the Urban Poor, TFUP.

The students will work with communities on cases such as solid waste management, planning a market and a social housing scheme in a new settlement area with a focus on affordable housing and livelihood creation. Aalto courses involved with the initiative are: creative sustainability masters program, cities in Transition (Aalto school of Design and Architecture); how to change the world (Aalto school of economics); sustainable Global Technologies (Aalto school of engineering)

For further details, please contact sara.lindeman(at)gmail.com / Teija.Lehtonen(at)aalto.fi / Anne.Badan(at)aalto.fi

For more details: http://www.aaltoglobalimpact.org/projects/tanzania-community-and-market-improvement-projects

AAlTo - WorlD bAnk PArTnershIP: TrAInInG ProGrAm on InnovATIon PolIcY For IcT

Aalto Global Impact hosted two intensive training workshops “Training Program on Innovation Policy for IcT” during 2012 in helsinki, Finland. 15 senior policymakers and representatives of key governmental organizations from morocco, Tunisia, egypt, lebanon, moldova, Armenia, Georgia and mexico participated in the first workshop that took place between 4-9 June 2012.

The second training workshop (10-14 september 2012) brought together 15 senior policymakers from different set of countries, including burkina Faso, Ghana, India, kenya, Philippines, Uganda, south Africa, and Tanzania. The participants of both trainings were joined by five senior officials from The World Bank headquarters in Washington Dc. The program of both training workshops included a day-long trip to the city of Tampere where the participants were introduced to the local innovation ecosystem stakeholders and their work.

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The main objective of these training workshops was to develop the learning of participating decision-makers on strategic innovation policy in the field of IcT, in a multidisciplinary and multicultural setting. The approach was to engage the decision-makers in a hands-on, participatory and real life case study

analysis that involve also prototyping and testing of concepts, business models and service designs.

The next training will take place in late February / early march 2013 in Dar es salaam, Tanzania.

For further details, please contact Rahim.Saatov(at)aalto.fi


The United nations human settlements Programme (Un-habitat) promotes socially, economically and environmentally sustainable urban development and enhancing the living conditions of low-income urban population. As Un-habitat recently launched a more ambitious Partner University Initiative (hPUI), Aalto Global Impact will take the role of coordinator for Aalto-

wide collaboration with the organization. The aim of the initiative is to promote cooperation in the fields of education, research, professional development and policy advice towards sustainable urban development worldwide. Interested faculty and students of Aalto are warmly encouraged to contact Aalto Global Impact for further information on the hPUI initiative.

For further details please visit: http://www.unhabitat.org/categories.asp?catid=657

or contact Riina.Subra(at)aalto.fi

cAll For InTernshIP APPlIcATIon AT Un-hAbITAT

Great opportunity for those interested in working at Un-HABITAT Nairobi office in Kenya.This internship is mainly aimed for students in architecture and urban planning.

UN-Habitat (Housing and Slum Upgrading Branch/ Housing Unit) is looking for an intern to support the unit in various assignments related to environmentally, culturally, socially and economically sustainable low-cost housing in developing countries, especially in the context of slum upgrading and post-crisis. other areas of work may include tasks related to housing rights, housing for indigenous people and housing finance. The applicant should be currently enrolled in a university programme, have knowledge of housing/green

architecture in developing countries, strong skills in english language and well developed research and analytical skills. The applicant should be positive towards working in a multi-cultural environment and have good social skills.

The internship will take place in UN-Habitat headquarters nairobi, kenya for a period of 4-6 months. The work will be desk-top research related work. United nations does not pay salary for the internship programme and the applicant is responsible for securing funding for his/her living costs. The interested applicants can send their cv (max 2 A4 pages) and short cover letter (max 1 A4 page) to emma-liisa.hannula(at)unhabitat.org and cc. to Matleena.Muhonen(at)aalto.fi.

For funding option please visit cImo website at http://www.cimo.fi/

Tekes Green GroWTh ProGrAmme

The aim of the Green Growth programme 2011-2015 is to identify new growth areas for the sustainable economy business, essentially based on lower energy consumption and sustainable use of natural resources. The programme aims at a leap forward in energy and material efficiency of production and service chains over the entire life span of products.

The programme is aimed for companies seeking to

grow or renew their business in the face of changes in energy and raw material prices and impacts of laws and regulations. It will support the generation of new innovations especially at the interfaces between sectors. research organisations will play an important role in generating new anticipatory information and skills.

new funding available within the programme. For more details please visit

http://www.tekes.fi/programmes/Kestavatalous or contact Teija.Lehtonen(at)aalto.fi


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GlobAl sAnITATIon hAckhAThon In PArTnershIP WITh The WorlD bAnk AnD AAlTo sTAkeholDers

helsinki sanitation hackathon a.k.a. crapathon was organized on 1-2 December 2012. For more information about the event, please visit:



more on helsinki sanitation hackathon in Finnish language:http://global.finland.fi/public/default.aspx?contentid=264089

WeconomY sTArT kIck-oFF 22.1.2013

note the date above! on that date, World vision launches together with Finpro and Aalto Global Impact a new innovation programme, which provides support to Finnish companies interested in expanding to emerging and developing country markets.

In Weconomy start, companies from different sectors get to co-create products, services and business models together with end users in low income markets. The aim is to generate profits for the companies and wellbeing for local communities.

Companies will benefit from the support of World vision, Finpro and Aalto University. Around ten Finnish companies will be selected to the programme. Interested?

register to the event at the latest on 11.1.2013 by email: [email protected].

For further information please visit: http://www.aaltoglobalimpact.org/events/weconomy-start-kick-off-2212013www.weconomy.fi

Teija.Lehtonen(at)aalto.fi / Juha-Erkki.Mantyniemi(at)worldvision.fi

cs-on-DIsPlAY AUTUmn 2012 - FInD oUT AboUT WhAT AAlTo creATIve sUsTAInAbIlITY sTUDenTs hAve been UP To ThIs YeAr

cs informal group in facebook: creative sustainability Aalto University https://www.facebook.com/groups/171460426245302/http://www.creativesustainability.info

“comPAnIes AnD nGos - From GREENWASHING To INNoVATIoN?”AN evenT orGAnIseD bY AAlTo GlobAl ImPAcT In PArTnershIP WITh UnIceF FInlAnD.

For more details please visit http://www.aaltoglobalimpact.org/events/invitation-to-companies-and-ngos-from-greenwashing-to-innovations

GUesT lecTUre bY lee brYAnT: “neTWorkeD InnovATIon - enTrePreneUrshIP For A beTTer FUTUre”, 16.10.2012

To revisit the lecture, you can watch the video here: Youtube link.

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