6 800-228-9670 [email protected] Freight Cars HZ1AFC AAR Approved Methods for Loading and Restraining $148.50 Shipments of Hazardous Materials for Trailer/Container on Flat Car (TOFC/COFC) Movements Course Objective: The student will study the procedures for loading and restraining shipments of Hazardous Materials for (TOFC/COFC). Proper distribution of “less than” and mixed loads, and various block- ing restraints used. Also the use of the “Drum-Gard”, “Palla-Gard” and “Ty-Gard” restraint systems. Who this is for: Inspectors, supervisors/workers responsible for the proper loading and restraint in loading and shipping hazardous materi- als on flat cars. Item Code Lesson Description HZ.1A Introduction, AAR procedure for rail transportation impact tests and test loads HZ.2A Recommended blocking and restraining practices, restraint systems HZ.3A Restraint systems, unequipped trailer/container (UE) HZ.4A Restraint systems, unequipped trailer/container (UE) HZ.5A Wood beam assemblies (WB), mechanical bracing devices (MB) HZ.6A Special bulkhead braces, Blocking for less-than-trailer or container-loads and mixed loads (LTL) Item Code Required Textbook Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Textbook) Price BKHZ BK AAR Approved Methods for Loading and Restraining Shipments of Hazardous Materials for Trailer/Container on Flat Car (TOFC/COFC) Movements AAR Approved Methods for Loading and Restraining Shipments of Hazardous Materials for Trailer/Container on Flat Car (TOFC/COFC) Movements

AAR Approved Methods for Loading and Restraining ...10 800-228-9670 [email protected] Freight Cars Course Objective:Familiarize the student in the use of the AAR (Association

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Page 1: AAR Approved Methods for Loading and Restraining ...10 800-228-9670 studentservices@sb-reb.com Freight Cars Course Objective:Familiarize the student in the use of the AAR (Association

6 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

H Z 1 A F C AAR A p p r oved Methods for Loading and Restraining $ 1 4 8 . 5 0Shipments of Hazardous Materials for Trailer/Container on Flat Car (TOFC/COFC) Move m e n t s

Course Objective: The student will study the procedures for loadingand restraining shipments of Hazardous Materials for (TOFC/COFC).Proper distribution of “less than” and mixed loads, and various block-ing restraints used. Also the use of the “Drum-Gard”, “Palla-Gard” and“Ty-Gard” restraint systems.

Who this is for: Inspectors, supervisors/workers responsible for theproper loading and restraint in loading and shipping hazardous materi-als on flat cars.

Item Code Lesson Description

H Z . 1 A Introduction, AAR procedure for rail transportation impact tests and test loads

H Z . 2 A Recommended blocking and restraining practices, restraint systems

H Z . 3 A Restraint systems, unequipped trailer/container (UE)

H Z . 4 A Restraint systems, unequipped trailer/container (UE)

H Z . 5 A Wood beam assemblies (WB), mechanical bracing devices (MB)

H Z . 6 A Special bulkhead braces, Blocking for less-than-trailer or container-loads and m i xed loads (LT L )

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

BKHZ BK AAR A p p roved Methods for Loading and Restraining Shipments of Hazardous Materials for Trailer/Container on Flat Car ( TOFC/COFC) Mov e m e n t s

AAR Approved Methods for Loading and Restraining Shipments of Hazardous Materials for Trailer/Container on Flat Car (TOFC/COFC) Movements

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Freight Cars

M L 1 F C AAR Recommended Practices $ 2 9 5 . 0 0

Course Objective: This course will provide a student with a generalunderstanding of what measures the AAR (Association of AmericanRailroads) takes to insure that equipment used in motor vehicle loadingand securement meets the quality set for the industry. Practical infor-mation for performing tests on equipment for repair/replacement; load-ing and vehicle inspection reports are also discussed.

Who this is for: Anyone dealing with the proper loading and secure-ment and the standard vehicle inspection format (definitions andinstructions).

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

M L . 1 D e finition of terms, procedures, standards for specifi c a t i o n s

M L . 2 S p e c i fications Autorack cars

M L . 3 Autorack cars, port a ble bridge plates, special-purpose superstru c t u r e s

M L . 4 S p e c i fications for tie-down tracks, winches, and chains

M L . 5 C e rt i fication of multilevel autorack cars

M L . 6 Ti e - d own tracks, wheel chock straps, ride quality, perform a n c e

M L . 7 Operation and billing of maintenance poo for auto and truck loading

M L . 8 Handling and inspection of vehicles before loading and loading of ve h i c l e s

M L . 9 Handling and inspection of multi-level cars and equipment after loading

M L . 1 0 Vehicle inspection, form preparation and nomenclature

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

BKML BK (AAR) Recommended Practices for Motor Ve h i cle Loading and S e c u rement (Multi-Level Manual)

AAR Recommended Practices for Motor Vehicle Loading and Securement (Multi-Level)

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8 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

Course Objective: The student will experience “hands-on” practice infilling out billing repair cards. Knowledge of AAR Interchange Rulesrequired.

Who this is for: Shop workers, clerks or anyone whose duties includethe proper entries for billing of repairs.

Prerequisite: AAR Interchange Rules course or extensive knowledgeof AAR Interchange Rules.

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

R I . 1 2 A AAR billing repair card fa m i l i a r i z a t i o n

R I . 1 2 B 1 Practice entering correct code numbers

R I . 1 2 B 2 Practice entering codes for common repair probl e m s

R I . 1 2 B 3 Practice entering repair codes, some of which are determined by student

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

R 1 2 A I F C AAR Billing Repair Cards for Interchange $ 1 6 1 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K R I Field Manual of the AAR Interch a n ge Rules

AAR Billing Repair Cards for Interchange Rules

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Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

R I 1 F C AAR Interchange Rules $ 3 3 7 . 0 0

Course Objective: Familiarize the student with the use of the A.A.R.Interchange Rules Field Manual in correctly identifying parts and theirproper “WHY” Code entry for interchange billing.

Who this is for: Shop foremen, carmen and records personnel respon-sible for the correct repairs and interchange billing of those repairs.

Note: Student is qualified for Certificate of Achievement after success-fully completing Lessons RI.1 through RI.12.

Item Code Lesson Description

R I . 1 P u rpose of rules, care of freight cars, air brake s

R I . 2 Air brake equipment

R I . 3 Couplers, yo kes, and draft gears

R I . 4 Roller bearings and adapters

R I . 5 Wheels and axles, truck components

R I . 6 Running boards, dome platforms, brake steps, crossover platforms, and repair of sills

R I . 7 General repairs and instru c t i o n s

R I . 8 Material and interchange of freight cars

R I . 9 R e s p o n s i b i l i t y

R I . 1 0 Disposition, general regulations for pricing and billing, general ru l e s

R I . 1 1 R ev i ew of entire book

R I . 1 2 R ev i ew of entire book continued

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B K R I Field Manual of the AAR Interch a n ge Rules

AAR Interchange Rules

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Freight Cars

Course Objective: Familiarize the student in the use of the AAR(Association of American Railroads) Manual for rules and regulationsgoverning the interchange of, repairs to, and understanding of agree-ments for trailers and containers used in trailer/container-on-flat-carservice.

Who this is for: For those responsible for safety, acceptance and deliv-ery of trailers in service.

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

I R . 1 3 A AAR Interchange Rules for TOFC/COFC Serv i c e

I R . 1 3 B AAR Interchange Rules for TOFC/COFC Serv i c e

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

I R 1 3 A F C AAR Interchange Rules for TO F C / C O F C $ 9 4 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K I R 1 3 A S U P AAR Interch a n ge Rules for Trailer/Container on Flat Cars (TOFC/COFC) Service Manual

AAR Interchange Rules for Trailer/Container-on-Flat-Cars

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Freight Cars

BKLM BK AAR Lubrication ManualItem Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

L M . 1 D e finition of terms, lubrication of car journal bearings, center plates

L M . 2 Inspection and lubrication of doors

L M . 3 Inspection and lubrication of trailer hitches, bulkheads, tie-down devices, hand brakes and wheel-mounting compound approval test procedure.

Course Objective: The student will learn where to inspect equipmentfor proper lubrication and specific schedules or rules for lubricationmaintenance. Freight car components, i.e. trailer hitches, doors, centerplates, handbrakes, bulkheads in freight cars, journal roller bearings,etc., are presented.

Who this is for: Mechanical maintenance personnel, foremen or othersresponsible for servicing and maintaining freight cars and their compo-nents.

AAR Lubrication Standards

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

L M 1 F C AAR Lubrication M a n u a l $ 1 3 6 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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12 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

K 7 F C Ta n k Car Nomenclature $ 3 3 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

K . 7 Names of freight car parts, tank car chart

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: Learn the names of the parts of a tank car of theICC-103-Q type, as well as the parts of an insulated tank car. Details ofparts of the car, especially the valves and dome fitting, are very com-plete.

Who this is for: Carmen, those responsible for making repairs to cars,shop personnel responsible for correct entry or parts and cost forrepairs.

Tank Car Nomenclature

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.

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Freight Cars

Course Objective: These lessons are designed to show how the partsof a car are assembled, give the correct name and their general use.

Who this is for: Carmen, those responsible for making repairs to cars,shop personnel responsible for correct entry or parts and cost forrepairs.

K . 4 Names of freight car parts, boxcar chart $ 3 6 . 5 0

K . 6 Names of freight car parts, covered hopper car chart $ 3 6 . 5 0

K . 9 Names of parts of lightweight streamlined passenger cars $ 3 3 . 0 0

K . 1 0 Names of mechanical refrigerator car parts and chart $ 3 6 . 5 0

K . 1 2 Freight car- a l l - p u rpose flatcar $ 3 6 . 5 0

K . 1 4 M o d e rn box c a r s $ 3 6 . 5 0

K . 1 5 A Names of parts, ACF Center- F l ow® covered hopper cars $ 3 6 . 5 0

K . 1 6 M o d e rn tank cars $ 4 7 . 0 0

K . 2 0 Bathtub car $ 3 3 . 0 0

*Each lesson includes both booklet and chart.

Freight Cars: Nomenclature

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

K 4 F C Freight Car Nomenclature $ 3 3 2 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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Freight Cars

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

Tank Cars

G T. 1 I n d u s t ry associations and reg u l a t o ry agencies

G T. 2 Commodity and car classifi c a t i o n

G T. 3 Stenciling, tank car arrangement drawings and tank car components

G T. 4 Tank car anatomy

G T. 5 Va l ves for loading and unloading tank cars

Tank and Freight Cars

G T. 6 Tank train systems, commodities and car classifi c a t i o n

Freight Cars

G T. 7 Freight car stenciling and freight car components

G T. 8 Airslide, plastic pellet, Po ly-Flo, and service freight cars

Course Objective: The student will become familiar with the GATXTank Car, its components, fitting arrangements, drawings of the varioustank cars, commodity and car classification, stenciling, DOT and AARperiodic tank and safety valve retest and tables, and loading andunloading of tank cars. They will also gain information on specialtyservice freight cars, and freight car commodities and car classification

Who this is for: Anyone needing specific information on tank cars andspecialty service freight cars.

Tank and Specialty Service Freight Cars

Item Code Lesson Description

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

G T 1 F C Tank and Specialty Service Freight Cars $ 2 0 1 . 0 0

BKGT BK G ATX Tank and Freight Car Manual

Book not available seperately

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Freight Cars

B K T H E R M O Thermo King Manual on Basic Refrige ration UnitsItem Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

T K . 1 Fundamentals of refrigeration, theory of mechanical refrigeration

T K . 2 Types of refrigeration: RT, RL, three-way va l ve, RC

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: This course was designed to explain the fundamen-tals of refrigeration as well as the theory of how it works and why.Learn to recognize various types of refrigeration systems, components,operation and servicing. Use troubleshooting charts, temperature-pres-sure chart, refrigeration and electrical definitions as aids in learningabout Thermo King units.

Who this is for: Anyone interested in learning the basics and theorybehind refrigeration of Thermo King Units.

Basic Refrigeration (Thermo King)

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

T K 1 F C Basic Refrigeration (Thermo King) $ 5 2 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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16 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

F S S . 1 B G e n e r a l

F S S . 2 B Freight car components, restricted equipment, stenciling, Appendices A - D

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: The student will use the Federal RailroadAdministration (FRA) Freight Car Safety Standards booklet as aresource and guideline in determining when equipment is defective,i.e., suspension system, car bodies, draft system, stenciling, journalsand lubrication systems, as well as inspection periods and civil penal-ties for violations of defects.

Who this is for: Carmen, car inspectors, stencilers, shop supervisorsand others responsible for the correct repair/maintenance and standardsof freight cars.

FRA Freight Car Safety Standards

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

F S S 1 B F C FRA Freight Car Safety Standards $ 4 8 . 9 5

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K F S S R a i l road Freight Car Safety Standards (Code of Fe d e ral Reg u l a t i o n s )

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Freight Cars

B K F C Freight Cars with Seven ChartsItem Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

K . 1 7 A B ox c a r, gondola, hopper

K . 1 8 A Tank car, flat car, refrigerator car

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: Identify the basic categories of freight cars, classi-fication letters and names (AAR Mechanical designation) to stencil oncars, and be familiar with each type of car in relation to its primaryfunction, structure, and main assemblies. (Seven wall charts identifyingthe individual parts are included.)

Who this is for: Anyone interested in the description, classes, purpose,structure, identification or other specifications of freight cars.

Freight Car Nomenclature and Identification

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

K 1 7 A F C Freight Car Nomenclature and Identifi c a t i o n $ 1 1 7 . 5 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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18 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

C D G 1 F C Freight Car Couplers and Draft Gears $ 3 2 1 . 7 5

B K C D G C o u p l e rs and Draft GearsItem Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

C D G . 1 Couplers and draft system dynamics

C D G . 2 Type E couplers

C D G . 3 Type E/F couplers

C D G . 4 Type F couplers

C D G . 5 Uncoupling leve r s

C D G . 6 Yo ke s

C D G . 7 Draft gears

C D G . 8 Cushioning dev i c e s

C D G . 9 Hydra-Cushion center-of-car unit

C D G . 1 0 Slackless draw b a r s

C D G . 1 1 National Castings articulated connectors

C D G . 1 2 Spherical articulated coupling (SAC - 1 )

Course Objective: Learn maintenance procedures on various types ofcoupler and draft systems used on railway equipment. The course cov-ers comprehensive information that identifies the various components,identification, inspection and gauging details for various systems usedon railway freight cars.

Who this is for: Mechanical maintenance personnel, foremen or othersresponsible for servicing and maintaining freight cars and their compo-nents.

Freight Car Couplers and Draft Gear Systems

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

Item Code Lesson Description

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Freight Cars

RW 1 F C Basics of Railroad W h e e l s $ 1 0 5 . 5 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K W H E E L The Basics of Railroad Wheels and Wheel InspectionItem Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

RW. 1 H i s t o ry and types of wh e e l s

RW. 2 Wheel manufacturing and markings

RW. 3 Wheel inspection and defects

RW. 4 Wheel defects

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: Recognize wheel types, reasons for the differences,how to distinguish and classify wheels by size, material, manufacturingmethod and rim thickness. Learn the basics of wheel inspection includ-ing use of inspection gauges per AAR Rule 41. Gain an understandingof the history of development of railroad wheels. Familiarize yourselfwith AAR Why Made Codes, wheels intended for freight and passengerservice, wheel manufacturer identification codes, and obsolete wheels.

Who this is for: Railroad Mechanical Department Supervisors, inspec-tors, craftsmen and other railroad employees involved in the safe andproper maintenance of wheels.

Basics of Railroad Wheels

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20 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

M F R 1 B F C Mechanical Department FRA Reg u l a t i o n s $ 2 4 3 . 9 5

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

M F R . 1 B Freight car safety standards

M F R . 2 B Railroad operating rules and practices

M F R . 3 B R e a r-end marking devices: passenger, commuter, and freight trains

M F R . 4 B Safety glazing standards

M F R . 5 B Railroad accidents and incidents: reports, classification, and inve s t i ga t i o n s

M F R . 6 B Railroad locomotive safety standards and locomotive inspections, railroad accidents

M F R . 7 B Railroad locomotive safety standards and locomotive inspections, railroad accidents

M F R . 8 B Railroad safety appliance standards

M F R . 9 B B r a ke System Safety Standards

M F R . 1 0 B B r a ke System Safety Standards

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: This training course will provide the mechanicalemployee with a general knowledge of the Federal Regulations as theypertain to their job and company.

Who this is for: New employees, mechanical department employees,as well as, veteran employees will all benefit from this course on theFederal Regulations.

Mechanical Department Federal Railroad Administration Regulations

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K M F R Combination of Mechanical Department FRA Reg u l a t i o n s

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Freight Cars

T. 1 B Inspector guidelines, wheel geometrics, defects of suspension

T. 2 B D e f e c t ive axles, trucks, and car bodies

T. 3 B Bad Order cards, open-top loads and TO F C / C O F C

T. 4 B Air brake system and safety inspection

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: Use Trainyard Inspection guidelines for inspectingcar bodies, suspension system, draft systems, Open-Top LoadsTOFC/COFC and filling out bad order cards. Also inspect SafetyAppliance devices and air brake systems.

Who this is for: Inspectors and supervisors responsible for the safeoperating condition of railway equipment, preventing accidents andprotecting railroad personnel from serious injuries.

Guidelines For TrainyardInspection of Freight Cars

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

T 1 B F C Guidelines for Tr a i nyard Inspection $ 1 1 8 . 7 5

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K T I F C Guidelines for Tra i ny a rd Inspection of Freight Cars

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22 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

S A . 1 C Freight cars, cabooses, and passenger cars

S A . 2 C Steam locomotives, cars of special construction, box cars

S A . 3 C L o c o m o t ives and drawbars for standard height freight cars

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: Use the Federal Railroad Administration regula-tions as a resource for: proper-number, dimensions, location, and man-ner of application of various parts of freight cars, tank cars, cabooseand passenger cars (i.e. steps, sills handholds etc.) required to enhancethe safety of its use. Apply the requirements to repair jobs and under-stand the penalties for noncompliance.

Who this is for: Carmen, repairmen, mechanics, or other workersresponsible for the correct/standard of repair and safe operating condi-tion of the various parts of railroad cars.

FRA Railroad Safety Appliance Standards - Cars (Condensed Course)

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

S A 1 C F C Railroad Safety Appliance Standards (Cond.) $ 7 3 . 9 5

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K S A S S a fety Appliance Standards (Code of Fe d e ral Reg u l a t i o n s )

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Freight Cars

S A 1 F C Railroad Safety Appliance Standards (Exp.) $ 2 4 9 . 9 5

B K S A S S a fety Appliance Standards (Code of Fe d e ral Reg u l a t i o n s )Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

S A . 1 Hand brakes, brake steps

S A . 2 Running boards, sill steps, ladders

S A . 3 Handholds, uncoupling levers, and other house cars

S A . 4 Hopper cars, gondola cars

S A . 5 F l a t c a r s

S A . 6 Tank cars

S A . 7 Caboose cars

S A . 8 Pa s s e n g e r-train cars with wide ve s t i bu l e s

S A . 9 Passenger train cars with open end platform s

S A . 1 0 Passenger train cars without end platform s

S A . 1 1 Cars of special constru c t i o n

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: Use the Federal Railroad Administration regula-tions as a resource for: proper-number, dimensions, location, and man-ner of application of various parts of freight cars, tank cars, cabooseand passenger cars (i.e. steps, sills handholds etc.) required to enhancethe safety of its use. Apply the requirements to repair jobs and under-stand the penalties for noncompliance.

Who this is for: Carmen, repairmen, mechanics, or other workersresponsible for the correct/standard of repair and safe operating condi-tion of the various parts of railroad cars.

FRA Railroad Safety Appliance Standards - Cars (Expanded Course)

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

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24 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

B K B F Po cket Book of A n t i - Friction BearingsItem Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B F. 1 A General information on anti-friction bearings

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: This course was designed for the student to gain ageneral knowledge of bearing types and selection factors to consider inchoosing a suitable bearing for a specific purpose, installation andoperation. Bearing charts are provided for comparison types and whereused.

Who this is for: Carmen, machinists, mechanics, shop supervisors oranyone wishing to gain a basic knowledge of bearings, types, character-istics and general use.

Anti–Friction Bearings

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.

B F 1 A F C A n t i - Friction Bearings $ 2 8 . 8 5

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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Freight Cars

B K K 1 1 B Freight Car Inspector Overview

This book not available separately

K . 1 1 B Freight car inspector ove rv i ew (various box c a r s )

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: Introduces the fundamentals of freight car inspec-tion. This course briefly describes inspection points (hump yard, inter-change, repair track, running, standing, and trainyard) and the corre-sponding inspection conducted. It introduces student to safety and blueflag rules. Actions to be taken upon identifying a defect are covered aswell as an introduction to defect cards. The course also introduces thestudent to the air brake test for outbound inspection and the interchangetrack inspection.

Who it is for: Anyone wishing to become a freight car inspector.

Freight Car Inspector Overview

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

K 1 1 B F C Freight Car Inspector Ove rv i ew $ 2 9 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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26 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

Course Objective: Learn to recognize the 9 classes of hazardous mate-rials (HazMat) and associated placards, the hazardous materials typeeach class represents, and appropriate steps to take if you are the firston the scene at a hazardous materials incident.

Who this is for: Anyone who is interested in being able to take correc-tive action at HazMat accidents, spills and so forth. Especially usefulfor train crew, policemen, firemen and/or others working around haz-ardous materials.

HazMat Identification for Emergency Responders

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

P E R . 1 Hazardous materials (Pa rt 1)

P E R . 2 Hazardous materials (Pa rt 2)

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

P E R 1 F C HazMat Identifi c a t i o n for Emerg e n cy R e s p o n d e r s $ 4 8 . 5 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Guide) P r i c e

B K P E R Po cket Response Guide

This book not available separately

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Freight Cars

Course Objective: Learn the various styles of boxcars, their acces-sories and general history of the boxcar.

Who this is for: Carmen, those responsible for making repairs to cars.

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.

Item Code Lesson Description

K . 1 Railroad cars - boxcars (styles and accessories)

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

K 1 F C Railroad Cars: Box c a r s $ 2 9 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K K 1 R a i l road Cars: Box c a rsThis book not available separately

Railroad Cars - Boxcars

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28 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

Course Objective: Identify, inspect and repair defective parts of trailerhitches. Lubricate according to AAR standards.

Who this is for: Carmen, repairmen, mechanics or others interested inknowing more about types of hitches, inspecting for defects, lubricatingand making necessary repairs.

Note: This course does not cover complete reconditioning (tear downand rebuild) and major hitch modification or redesign. It does includematerial on wrench operated hitches, tractor operated hitches, cushion-ing, identification of parts and safety reminders.

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

H M G . 1 A General information and safety

H M G . 2 A General information, safety, AAR Lubrication Manual

H M G . 3 A AAR Lubrication Manual, ACF mode 5 and 2 hitches

H M G . 4 A Trailer Train, Pullman hitches, and new hitch deve l o p m e n t

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

H M G 1 A F C Trailer Hitch Maintenance $ 1 0 9 . 5 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K H M G H i t ch Maintenance Guide

Trailer Hitch Maintenance

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Freight Cars

Course Objective: Identify the type of boxcar door and appropriatesafety precautions to use when working around doors. What to look forwhen inspecting doors and their appropriate maintenance.

Who this is for: Any worker involved in working with or around box-car doors.

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

B D. 1 Types of doors, plug door components, operation, safety inspection; c o rru gated doors–types and inspection; antipilferage and auxiliary lock bolts

B D. 2 Lubrication and inspection of doors

B D. 3 Types of doors, plug door components, operation, safety inspection; c o rru gated doors–types and inspection

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B D 1 F C The Doorway to Safety with Boxcar Doors $ 8 4 . 9 5

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K B D The Doorway to Safety with Boxcar Doors

The Doorway to Safety with Boxcar Doors

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30 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

Course Objective: The program Switching Safety Rule Book estab-lishes basic guidelines that can be adopted by any plant operating an in-plant railway and wants to ensure consistent performance from itsswitching crews.

Who this is for: Any company with an in-plant railway system whowants to introduce their employees to basic safety rules to follow in theswitching, coupling, uncoupling, flags, horns and hand signals.

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.

Item Code Lesson Description

P R B. 1 Plant Railway Switching Safety Rule Book

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

P R B 1 F C Plant Railway Switching Safety Rules $ 2 3 . 7 5

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K P R B Plant Railway Switching Safety Rule Book

Plant Railway Switching Safety Rules

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Freight Cars

Course Objective: Students will gain an understanding and practicethe methods used in making shop drawings and interpreting blueprintabbreviations, scale drawings, and making shop sketches.

Who this is for: Ideal for mechanical arts students, sheet metal work-ers, apprentices, and shop workers.

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

S S . 3 Reading blueprints: Representations, views ( l e a rn drawing to recognize objects on bl u e p r i n t )

S S . 4 A Reading prints and drawings: Lines, dimensions, conve n t i o n s

S S . 4 B Reading prints and drawings: A b b r eviations, scale draw i n g s

S S . 4 C Reading prints and drawings: Tracings and prints

S S . 5 Shop sketches: Freehand drawings, use of sketches, notes, and dimensions

S S . 6 Shop sketching: Straight lines, circles

S S . 7 Shop sketching: Proportions and details

* A separate booklet is re q u i red for each lesson

S S 3 F C Shop Ske t c h i n g $ 2 0 3 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

Shop Sketching

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32 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

Course Objective: This course will provide a student with a generalunderstanding of Freight Car Trucks and components. Deals individual-ly with each component, and contains the pertinent information neededfor the inspection of Freight Car Trucks. It also shows what applicableadjustments and repairs need to be made on components in order tobring them into compliance with AAR Interchange Rules. It guides thestudent through recommended safety guidelines that should be followedfor personal safety.

Who this is for: Anyone working on Freight Cars and their compo-nents.

Item Code Lesson Description

F C T. 1 The history of freight car tru c k s

F C T. 2 W h e e l s

F C T. 3 Axles and plain bearing tru c k s

F C T. 4 Roller bearings and roller bearing adapters

F C . T 5 Barber side frame

F C T. 6 ASF Ride Control side frame

F C T. 7 National C-1 side frame

F C T. 8 Barber S-2 bolster

Guide to Freight Car Trucks

C o u rse continued on facing page

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Freight Cars

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

F C T 1 F C Guide to Freight Car Tru c k s $ 4 7 5 . 5 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K F C T Guide to Freight Car Tr u ck s

Item Code Lesson Description

F C T. 9 ASF Ride Control bolster

F C T. 1 0 National C-1 truck bolster

F C T. 1 1 National Super C-1 Wedgelock truck bolster

F C T. 1 2 National Super C-1 Wedgelock side frame

F C T. 1 3 Main-load coil springs, side springs, and friction castings

F C T. 1 4 Body center plates and side bearings

F C T. 1 5 Center plate extension pads and frame brace tru c k

F C T. 1 6 National Swing Motion tru c k

F C T 1 7 National Unitruck II

F C T 1 8 Barber Swing Motion caboose truck and Buckeye XC-R tru c k

Guide to Freight Car Tr u cks continued

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34 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

Course Objective: This course will provide a student with a generalunderstanding of Double-Stack container cars and their components,including its braking system. It contains manufacturers of brake sys-tems with cylinder specification charts and decals and with individualmanufacturers of securement devices.

Who this is for: Anyone working in intermodal transportation and dou-ble-stack container car.

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

D B L . 1 Introduction and brake arr a n g e m e n t s

D B L . 2 Slack adjusters, empty/load devices and breakout protection stru c t u r e

D B L . 3 Car body and side bearings

D B L . 4 Connectors, wheels, journal bearings, and roller bearing adapters

D B L . 5 Trucks, hitches, and container securement dev i c e s

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

D B L 1 F C Guide to Inspection of Double-Stack Container Cars $ 1 2 5 . 5 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K D O U B L E The Doubl e - S t a ck Container Car Manual

Guide to Inspection of Double-Stack Container Cars

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Freight Cars

Course Objective: The student will study the background of the meth-ods, procedures, rules and regulations for loading and securing itemsthat may be shipped in open top car or other cars. Emphasis is put onthe proper securement, safety of the employees dealing with the com-modities and guarding against the load shifting or falling. Detailedsketches, AAR loading rules, charts, inspections, help the student tounderstand the loading procedures.

Who this is for: Those responsible for the inspection of a shipmentpending acceptance.

Note: These lessons are revised periodically as AAR revises the load-ing rules. Item Code Lesson Description

OT L . 1 A General requirements and compliance

OT L . 2 A Requirements for load support and load securement items

OT L . 3 A Loads having end ove r h a n g

OT L . 4 A Recommended procedures for measuring loads

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B KOT L 1 Section 1—(AAR) General Rules

This book not available separately

AAR Loading Rules: General Rules

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

OT L 1 A F C AAR Loading Rules: General Rules $ 1 0 1 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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36 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

Course Objective: The student will study the background of the meth-ods, procedures, rules and regulations for loading and securing itemsthat may be shipped in open top car or other cars. Emphasis is put onthe proper securement, safety of the employees dealing with the com-modities and guarding against the load shifting or falling. Detailedsketches, AAR loading rules, charts, inspections, help the student tounderstand the loading procedures.

Who this is for: Those responsible for the inspection of a shipmentpending acceptance.

Note: These lessons are revised periodically as AAR revises the load-ing rules.

Item Code Lesson Description

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B KOT L 2 Section 2—Metal Products, Including Pipe

This book not available separately

AAR Loading Rules: Metal Products, Including Pipe

OT L 5 A F C AAR Loading Rules: Metal Products, Including Pipe $ 2 2 6 . 0 0

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

OT L . 5 A Rules gove rning loading of steel products on open-top cars

OT L . 6 A Rules gove rning loading of steel products on open-top cars

OT L . 7 A Rules gove rning loading of steel products on open-top cars

OT L . 8 A Rules gove rning loading of steel products on open-top cars

OT L . 9 A Rules gove rning loading of steel products on open-top cars

OT L . 1 0 A Rules gove rning loading of steel products on open-top cars

OT L . 1 1 A Rules gove rning loading of pipe on open-top cars

OT L . 1 2 A Rules gove rning loading of pipe on open-top cars

OT L . 1 3 A Rules gove rning loading of steel pipe, bare or coated

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Freight Cars

Course Objective: The student will study the background of the meth-ods, procedures, rules and regulations for loading and securing itemsthat may be shipped in open top car or other cars. Emphasis is put onthe proper securement, safety of the employees dealing with the com-modities and guarding against the load shifting or falling. Detailedsketches, AAR loading rules, charts, inspections, help the student tounderstand the loading procedures.

Who this is for: Those responsible for the inspection of a shipmentpending acceptance.

Note: These lessons are revised periodically as AAR revises the load-ing rules. Item Code Lesson Description

OT L . 1 4 A Rules for loading construction and fa rm machinery

OT L . 1 5 A Rules for loading construction and fa rm machinery

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B KOT L 3 Section 3—AAR Construction and Farm Mach i n e r y

This book not available separately

AAR Loading Rules: Construction and Farm Machinery

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

OT L 1 4 A F C AAR Loading Rules: Construction and Fa rm Machinery $ 5 2 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

Page 33: AAR Approved Methods for Loading and Restraining ...10 800-228-9670 studentservices@sb-reb.com Freight Cars Course Objective:Familiarize the student in the use of the AAR (Association

38 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

Course Objective: The student will study the background of the meth-ods, procedures, rules and regulations for loading and securing itemsthat may be shipped in open top car or other cars. Emphasis is put onthe proper securement, safety of the employees dealing with the com-modities and guarding against the load shifting or falling. Detailedsketches, AAR loading rules, charts, inspections, help the student tounderstand the loading procedures.

Who this is for: Those responsible for the inspection of a shipmentpending acceptance.

Note: These lessons are revised periodically as AAR revises the load-ing rules.

Item Code Lesson Description

OT L . 1 6 A Rules for loading heavy components and miscellaneous commodities

OT L . 1 7 A Rules for loading heavy components and miscellaneous commodities

OT L . 1 8 A Rules for loading heavy components and miscellaneous commodities

OT L . 1 9 A Rules for loading heavy components and miscellaneous commodities

OT L . 2 0 A Rules for loading heavy components and miscellaneous commodities

OT L . 2 1 A Rules for loading heavy components and miscellaneous commodities

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B KOT L 4 Section 4—Heavy Components and Miscellaneous Commodities

This book not available separately

AAR Loading Rules: Heavy Components and Miscellaneous Commodities

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

OT L 1 6 A F C AAR Loading Rules: Heavy Components $ 1 4 5 . 0 0and Miscellaneous Commodities

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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www.RailwayEducationalBureau.com 39

Freight Cars

Course Objective: The student will study the background of the meth-ods, procedures, rules and regulations for loading and securing itemsthat may be shipped in open top car or other cars. Emphasis is put onthe proper securement, safety of the employees dealing with the com-modities and guarding against the load shifting or falling. Detailedsketches, AAR loading rules, charts, inspections, help the student tounderstand the loading procedures.

Who this is for: Those responsible for the inspection of a shipmentpending acceptance.

Note: These lessons are revised periodically as AAR revises the load-ing rules. Item Code Lesson Description

OT L . 2 2 A Rules for loading forest products and miscellaneous building materials

OT L . 2 3 A Rules for loading forest products and miscellaneous building materials

OT L . 2 4 A Rules for loading forest products and miscellaneous building materials

OT L . 2 5 A Rules for loading forest products and miscellaneous building materials

OT L . 2 6 A Rules for gove rning loading building materials on open-top cars

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B KOT L 5 Section 5—Fo rest Products and Miscellaneous Building Materials

This book not available separately

AAR Loading Rules: Forest Products and Miscellaneous Building Materials

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

OT L 2 2 A F C AAR Loading Rules: Forest Products $ 1 2 1 . 0 0and Miscellaneous Building Materials

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

Page 35: AAR Approved Methods for Loading and Restraining ...10 800-228-9670 studentservices@sb-reb.com Freight Cars Course Objective:Familiarize the student in the use of the AAR (Association

40 800-228-9670 [email protected]

Freight Cars

Course Objective: The student will study the background of the meth-ods, procedures, rules and regulations for loading and securing itemsthat may be shipped in open top car or other cars. Emphasis is put onthe proper securement, safety of the employees dealing with the com-modities and guarding against the load shifting or falling. Detailedsketches, AAR loading rules, charts, inspections, help the student tounderstand the loading procedures.

Who this is for: Those responsible for the inspection of a shipmentpending acceptance.

Note: These lessons are revised periodically as AAR revises the load-ing rules.

Item Code Lesson Description

OT L . 2 7 A Rules for loading military equipment and material

OT L . 2 8 A Loading military equipment on conventional railcars

OT L . 2 9 A Loading military equipment on conventional railcars

OT L . 3 0 A Loading military equipment on conventional railcars

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B KOT L 6 Section 6—Military Equipment and Material

This book not available separately

AAR Loading Rules:Military Equipment and Material

OT L 2 7 A F C AAR Loading Rules: Military $ 1 0 1 . 0 0Equipment and Material

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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www.RailwayEducationalBureau.com 41

Freight Cars

OT L 3 1 A F C AAR Loading Rules: Open To p $ 1 5 8 . 0 0Trailers and Containers

Course Objective: The student will study the background of the meth-ods, procedures, rules and regulations for loading and securing itemsthat may be shipped in open top car or other cars. Emphasis is put onthe proper securement, safety of the employees dealing with the com-modities and guarding against the load shifting or falling. Detailedsketches, AAR loading rules, charts, inspections, help the student tounderstand the loading procedures.

Who this is for: Those responsible for the inspection of a shipmentpending acceptance.

Note: These lessons are revised periodically as AAR revises the load-ing rules.

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

OT L . 3 1 A Rules for loading all commodities on open-top trailers

OT L . 3 2 A Requirements for load support and load securement items

OT L . 3 3 A Procedures for changes to the open-top loading ru l e s

OT L . 3 4 A Figures for loading commodities on open-top trailers

OT L . 3 5 A Figures for loading commodities on open-top trailers

OT L . 3 6 A Figures for loading commodities on open-top containers

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B KOT L 7 Section 7—Open Top Tra i l e rs and Containers

This book not available separately

AAR Loading Rules:Open Top Trailers and Containers