I’m a small business owner too, so I appreciate the sacrifice of time and energy (two of an insurance broker’s most important commodities) that IBAA members make when they decide to step up and take a leadership role in their association. “Giving back … Doing my part … Make a difference … Pride and passion for my industry …” are what president-types say when asked why they do what they do. e cynic may think “cliché,” but after interviewing 15 of them now, I’ve come to realize these state- ments are universal truths. Despite their shared motivations, IBAA presidents have come from different backgrounds and brought unique strengths to their role. Turn to page 6 discover those of the newly minted IBAA 2011-12 president, Dean Bailey. 1. To Caleb Maksymchuk from Ravenhill Agencies for sending me a photo (on this page) of his cheque presenta- tion to Edmonton inner-city Spruce Avenue School. Caleb had written the winning entry in our Making a Difference contest in the youth category, and the brokerage won a $1000 donation to the cause of its choice. e school has earmarked the funds to purchase its final gym mat for the cheer program, which fosters healthy activity and character growth. Caleb is Publisher and Editor Annette Hubick Printing McCallum Printing Group Design and Layout Ron Leckelt Advertising Michele Schuldhaus 780.448.2890 [email protected] The Alberta Broker welcomes articles about the insurance industry and its people. Letters to the Editor are welcome.The opinions and viewpoints expressed in The Alberta Broker may not nessisarily be those of the assosiation and its members. Material in The Alberta Broker may be reproduced with the credit to the author and the following: “Reprinted from the Insurance Brokers Assosiation of Alberta’s magazine - The Alberta Broker (date).” Please send a copy to the publisher. Published six times annually by: 9249-48 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2R9 E: [email protected] The Alberta Broker is the official publication of the President Dean Bailey Chief Executive Officer Harold Baker Edmonton, AB T6J 6V4 The Alberta Broker L to R.: Chris Morris, principal of Spruce Avenue School; Caleb Maksymchuk, Ravenhill Agencies.

AB Broker Magazine - June Page 3-4

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AB Broker Article - Caleb Maksymchuk

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I’m a small business owner too, so I appreciate the

sacrifice of time and energy (two of an insurance

broker’s most important commodities) that IBAA

members make when they decide to step up and take a

leadership role in their association. “Giving back … Doing

my part … Make a difference … Pride and passion for my

industry …” are what president-types say when asked why

they do what they do. �e cynic may think “cliché,” but after

interviewing 15 of them now, I’ve come to realize these state-

ments are universal truths.

Despite their shared motivations, IBAA presidents have

come from different backgrounds and brought unique

strengths to their role. Turn to page 6 discover those of the

newly minted IBAA 2011-12 president, Dean Bailey.� � � � � � � � �1. To Caleb Maksymchuk from Ravenhill Agencies for

sending me a photo (on this page) of his cheque presenta-

tion to Edmonton inner-city Spruce Avenue School. Caleb

had written the winning entry in our Making a Difference

contest in the youth category, and the brokerage won a $1000

donation to the cause of its choice. �e school has earmarked

the funds to purchase its final gym mat for the cheer program,

which fosters healthy activity and character growth. Caleb is

Publisher and Editor Annette Hubick

Printing McCallum Printing Group

Design and Layout Ron Leckelt

Advertising Michele Schuldhaus 780.448.2890 [email protected]

The Alberta Broker welcomes articles about the insurance industry

and its people. Letters to the Editor are welcome.The opinions and

viewpoints expressed in The Alberta Broker may not nessisarily be

those of the assosiation and its members.

Material in The Alberta Broker may be reproduced with the credit to

the author and the following: “Reprinted from the Insurance Brokers

Assosiation of Alberta’s magazine - The Alberta Broker (date).”

Please send a copy to the publisher.

Published six times annually by:

9249-48 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2R9

E: [email protected]

The Alberta Broker is the o!cial publication of the

President Dean Bailey

Chief Executive O!cer Harold Baker

Edmonton, AB T6J 6V4

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�The Alberta Broker

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L to R.: Chris Morris, principal of Spruce Avenue School;

Caleb Maksymchuk, Ravenhill Agencies.� � % � � � " � � � � � " �_ _ z � O x z > C ? � > R F J y >� m m � h j u � d � i i e r i i e_ K x @ P � > C � ? x D �� t e � h j u � � i f q � i j m �_ W ] D E E > C R J @ U x C > @ �� m t g m n � m � h d e m g �   � i ¡ g i j ¢ h o g q £_ w ] G J P D D � ] D Q P F C S ¤ > � D C F< Y ¥ P D ¦ H § ¨© � k ª b « ¬ ¢ t p h e h t o � m o o h q i o �< _ ­ D R Q ? D P H I Q R @ F J D P® o m t � h j u ¯ f q i ° q � m r e t g g o i i p< K ^ U Z > C F @ ­ J P @ P R > ^ � � D J P F ?± > ¦ ² Q � > C F > P I > P F

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

� � � � � � � � � � � ! � " # $ � � % & ' ( ) ' * + , - . & / 0 1 2 + 3in this issue twice — you can read his thoughts on education

in the “PYIB Perspective” column on page 22.

2. To reader, and ex-columnist, Donna Lee Genge of

Roberts McClure Insurance for suggesting a topic idea: the

changes to Alberta’s Insurance Act as it pertains to primary

insurance status on rented and leased vehicles. Well, ask and

you shall receive! Check out “Who’s on First?” on page 26.

3. To all the convention sponsors and exhibitors for making

the IBAA’s fun-tastic convention possible. Good food (and

drink!). Excellent ideas. Amazing scenery. Great company.

For a photographic walk down memory lane, turn to page 18,

which is followed by a list of the fine organizations whose

support made it happen.

4. To our readers and advertisers who had such good things

to say about !e Alberta Broker’s new look and style. We appre-

ciate your kind words and welcome your suggestions to propel

our efforts to create a relevant, interesting and effective link

between the IBAA and its members and industry partners.

!ank you to Chris Lewis, Peace Hills Insurance, for compiling the majority of this list.

4 5 6 7 8 9 : 7 ; 9 < 8 = 7 ; > ? < @ A B < C 5 D >Intact June 1 Cougar Creek

Blue Goose – Alberta June 2 Lacombe

Jim Sinclair June 6 Cottonwood

Claims Managers June 8 Sturgeon

North East Local Council June 9 Wainwright Edmonton Local Council June 16 Stony Plain

Crystal Kids Golf Tournament June 21 #e Links

Peace River Council June 22 #e Dunes

Calgary Local Council June 23 Woodside Greens

NARIMS June 24 Broadmoor

East Central Local Council July 6 Drumheller

E F G H I J K H L J M I N H L O ? < @ A B < C 5 D >Fairways For Hope July 11 Blackhawk

Central Local Council July 21 Innisfail

Peace Hills Insurance August 11 Wolf Creek

All Industry Golf Tournament August 15 Blackhawk

AXA Pacific Insurance August 18 Kananaskis

Insurance Institute of N. Alberta August 22 #e Ranch

Peace Hills – Claims August 24 Broadmoor

Yellowhead Local Council August 28 Drayton Valley

Insurance Professionals of Calgary September 1 Woodside

Lethbridge Local Council September 8 Paradise Canyon

Medicine Hat Local Council September 1 Connaught

Left to right standing: Dennis Milligan, Derek Connick, Rosalie Cederstrand, Scott Treasure, Larry Costen, Dean Bailey, Chad Hudson, Gord Enders, Matt Zakresky, Sheldon Bos, Darren King. Left to right sitting: Shelley Dueck, George Hodgson, Mardene Watson, Jackie Doel. Missing: Debra Cartier.