Abbas shahids 5TJT

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  • 8/14/2019 Abbas shahids 5TJT

    1/238 January 1, 2010 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION

    B Y S A M U E L S O K O L ,

    I S R A E L C O R R E S P O N D E N T

    Palestinian Authority president

    Mahmoud Abbas declared this week that

    the killers of 45-year-old Rabbi Meir

    Avshalom Hai are Shahids [Martyrs] of

    the Palestinian revolution.

    The presidents personal representa-

    tive, Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim, conveyed his

    condolences to the families of the terror-

    ists, affiliated with the banned Al-Aqsa

    Martyrs Brigades organization, saying

    that without doubt, what the occupa-

    tion authorities have carried out is a wild

    and barbaric act and a deliberate, mali-

    cious assassination in cold blood.

    The Bethlehem-based Maan news

    agency reported that President Abbas

    vowed to seek prosecution for Israelileaders he termed war criminals in

    regard to operation Cast Lead, ignoring

    the two recent attempted suicide bomb-

    ings originating from territory which he


    Twenty thousand individuals, includ-

    ing top PA officials, attended funerals for

    the slain gunmen, who were reported in

    the Arab press as having been assassinat-

    edas they slept. The Fatah leader was

    quoted as defining the killing of the terror-

    ists as part of a policy of assassination.

    After protests were made by PA offi-

    cials and a public demand was made for

    an investigation into Israels actions by

    Btzelem, the United States contacted

    National Security Adviser Prof. Uzi Arad

    for clarification. Arad defended Israels

    actions in killing the terrorists.

    The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades was

    affirmed as the armed wing of Fatah dur-

    ing the movements 2009 convention in

    Bethlehem. Brigades members are shel-

    tered by and receive payment from PA

    Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, who is

    widely perceived as a moderate in west-

    ern circles.

    Abu Mahmoud, a senior commander

    of Fatahs armed wing threatened that

    suicide bombers would turn Israels

    night to day in response to the killings.

    In an official statement, the Brigades

    declared, We wont stand around doingnothing and the blood of holy warriors

    will not have been spilled in vain. The

    enemy wont see anything from us

    besides the language of blood and fire.

    According to reports from the WAFA

    news agency, PM Fayyad visited the

    house of mourning for the terrorists,

    accompanied by PA Police Director-

    General Major General Hazem Atallah.

    November was an extremely quiet

    month in regards to terrorism, according

    to figures published on the website of

    Israels General Security Service (GSS).

    However, on Monday, Israeli defense min-

    ister Ehud Barak stated, We definitely see,

    over the last two or three days, an awaken-

    ing of terror activity in Judea and Samaria.

    In December, Arabs from Judea and

    Samaria attempted to infiltrate Israel in

    order to carry out suicide attacks in

    Jerusalem and Ashkelon.

    PalestinianAuthority:Israel Opening For ItselfThe Gates Of Hell.

  • 8/14/2019 Abbas shahids 5TJT

    2/25 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION January 1, 2010 39

    On December 3, the IDF

    spokesmans office related that

    three explosive devices had

    been found and neutralized in

    Bet Ummar, southwest of

    Bethlehem. A number of days

    afterwards, two pipe bombs

    were found on a PA resident at a

    checkpoint near Jenin. A pipe

    bomb was also discovered on a

    road near Hebron and was deto-

    nated by sappers.

    There has also been a spate of

    rock throwing attacks againstIsraeli vehicles. On December 25

    a four-year-old girl was lightly

    injured when a firebomb was

    thrown at the car in which she

    was riding, and a woman was

    moderately injured by firebomb

    hurled at a bus near Negohot

    two days later.

    The council of Jewish com-

    munities of Judea and Samaria

    (Yesha) issued a statement that

    the murderous shooting attack

    in Samaria is a direct result of

    the policy of lifting restrictions

    on the Palestinians, removing

    necessary roadblocks in Judeaand Samaria, and transferring

    the responsibility for security to

    those whose ranks have pro-

    duced many terrorists who mur-

    dered Jews. As in similar inci-

    dents in the past, once again the

    gestures aimed at Abu Mazen

    [Mahmoud Abbas] carry a price

    tag of Jewish blood.

    In a related development,

    Israels Supreme Court decided

    to open up route 443 in

    Judea/Samaria to Arab traffic.

    The road was originally closed

    to Arabs at the outbreak of the

    second intifada in light of

    attacks on Jewish travelers.

    The ruling is vexing to settle-

    ment leaders; the court admit-

    ted last year that the physical

    safety of Jews using the road

    would be compromised were

    Palestinian Authority Arabs

    given unrestricted access.

    According to the IDF

    spokesman, a roadside bomb

    was uncovered as recently as

    December 17 along route 443,

    planted by the Al-Aqsa Martyrs


    National Union parliamentar-

    ian Uri Ariel blasted the court

    decision, saying that it hasagain been proven that the secu-

    rity of Israels citizens is worth

    less than the comfort of travel

    of the Palestinians in the eyes

    of the Supreme Court.

    Fatah members have indicat-

    ed that there exists a possibility

    of a third Intifada against the

    Palestinian Authority, due to the

    PAs security coordination with

    Israel. The PAs military forces,

    trained by American General

    Keith Dayton, sometimes work

    together with Israeli security

    forces in Judea and Samaria.

    Former GSS director Avi

    Dichter told army radio that

    while the PA security forces are

    strong in fighting their rival

    Hamas, they are lax in taking

    action against Fatah forces.O