Abbreviations and Acronyms AA TSR Advanced along track scanning radiometer ACT Australian Capital Territory ADEOS (NASDA) AFWA Air Force Weather Agency (USA) AFWIN Air Force Weather Information Network (AFWA) AMIP Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Program AMS American Meteorological Society ATSR Along-track scanning radiometer (ERS) AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA) CART Classification and regression tree CCM Community climate model (NCAR) CIRA Cooperative Institute for Research on the Atmosphere (CSU) CIRES Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CPT Canadian Polar Trough CSU Colorado State University CTM Chemical transport model DIS Data and Information System (IGBP) DMSP Defense meteorological satellite program DU Dobson units ECMWF European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts ENAMORS European network for the development of advanced models to interpret optical remote sensing data EOS Earth Observing System (NASA) EPA Environmental Protection Agency (USA) EPM Emission production model 347

Abbreviations and Acronyms - Springer978-0-306-47959-5/1.pdf · CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales ... Abbreviations and Acronyms Global Change System for Analysis, Research

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Abbreviations and Acronyms

AA TSR Advanced along track scanning radiometer

ACT Australian Capital Territory


AFWA Air Force Weather Agency (USA)

AFWIN Air Force Weather Information Network (AFWA)

AMIP Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Program

AMS American Meteorological Society

A TSR Along-track scanning radiometer (ERS)

AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA)

CART Classification and regression tree

CCM Community climate model (NCAR)

CIRA Cooperative Institute for Research on the Atmosphere (CSU)

CIRES Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences

CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales

CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

CPT Canadian Polar Trough

CSU Colorado State University

CTM Chemical transport model

DIS Data and Information System (IGBP)

DMSP Defense meteorological satellite program

DU Dobson units

ECMWF European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts

ENAMORS European network for the development of advanced models to interpret optical remote sensing data

EOS Earth Observing System (NASA)

EPA Environmental Protection Agency (USA)

EPM Emission production model






































ECMWF re-analysis

Earth radiation budget experiment

European remote sensing satellite

European Space Agency

Fire Area Simulator

Florida Division of Forestry

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Fire and Environmental Research Applications Team (USDA Forest Service)

First order fire effects model

Forecast Systems Laboratory (NCEP)

Global area coverage (A VHRR)

Global climate model

Global energy balance archive

Global emission inventory analysis (IGAC)

Global Environmental Monitoring Index

Global fire product

Geostationary operational environmental satellite


High resolution picture transmission format (A VHRR)

High resolution ten years climate simulation


International Global Atmospheric Chemistry programme

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Interagency Working Group on Air Quality Modelling

Japanese earth resources satellite

Local area coverage (A VHRR)

Land satellite

ER-2 MODIS airborne simulator (NASA)

Mean fire interval

Mesoscale model version 5 (NCEP)

Moderate resolution imaging spectrometer

Model for ozone and related chemical tracers

Multispectral scanner system (Landsat)

Million tonnes of oil equivalent

Modulation transfer function

Abbreviations and Acronyms




































National ambient air quality standards

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

National Space Development Agency of Japan

Net biome production

National Center for Atmospheric Research (USA)

National Center for Environmental Protection (NOAA-NWS)

Normalized difference vegetation index

Net ecosystem production

Non-methane hydrocarbons

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Net primary production

National Weather Service (NOAA)

Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (EPA)

Operationallinescan system (DMSP)


Planetary boundary layer

Pacific daylight time

Potential evapotranspiration

Particulate matter (diameter ~2.5 microns)

Particulate matter (diameter ~10 microns)

Pacific-North American

Annual effective precipitation

Point response function

Point spread function


Regional climate model

Regional charcoal zone

Stratospheric aerosol and gas experiment

Synthetic aperture radar (ERS/JERS)

Simple approach smoke estimation model

Soil adjusted vegetation index

Smoke, Clouds And Radiation programme

Systeme pour l'observation de la terre

Surface radiation budget project

Sea surface temperature














Abbreviations and Acronyms

Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training

Stateffribal implementation plans


Thousand hour time lag fuel moisture

Thematic mapper (Landsat)


Total ozone mapping spectrometer

United Nations Environment Programme

United States (of America) Department of Agriculture

United States (of America) Department of Agriculture Forest Service

United States (of America) Department of Interior

USDOIlFWS United States (of America) Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service

USDOI United States (of America) Department of Interior National Park Service

USGS United States (of America) Geological Survey




University of Washington

World Health Organisation

World Meteorological Organisation


Abies alba,248, 253

Above-ground biomass,36, 55, 58, 71, 216,270,279,294,295,336

Acetone,71 Acidic precipitation, 17 Active layer,264 Advanced Along Track Scanning

Radiometer,211 Advanced Very High Resolution

Radiometer,325 Advanced Very High Resolution

Radiometer,22, 65,153,155,156,157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 173, 194, 195, 196, 199, 203,205,207,209,210,216,218, 219,222,223,326,329,330,331,336

Aerosols,7, 128, 140, 143 See also Particulate pollutants

Afforestation,7, 283, 284, 294 Africa,8, 70, 72, 78, 84, 87 Agenda 21,10 Agricultural residues,4, 282 Air pollution,34 Alaska Fire Service,336 Alkenes,71 Alnus

glutinosa,248, 253 Alternative energy,283 Amazon,42, 45 Amazonia,2 Ammonia,17

ernissions,27 sources, 16

Angola, 164 Araucaria,6 Arctic Ocean, 109

Area burned reconstruction,323

Arternisia,253 Ascension Island,74 Asia,72 Atlantic Ocean,8, 70, 74, 89 Atmospheric long-wave ridging, 103 Atmospheric standing waves, 103 Australia,l, 172, 181, 187,234

Australian Capital Territory,234, 235 Brindabella Range,235, 237, 239, 244 New South Wales,235

Avena,253 A VHRR See Advanced Very High

Resolution Radiometer Bangladesh,5 Benzene

as health hazard,7 Benzo(a)pyrene

as health hazard,7 Betula,272

pendula,248 Binary recursive partitioning, 220 Biodiversity,282, 290 Bio-energy plantations,290 Biofuels,4, 288 Biogas,289 Biomass

above-ground,36, 55, 58, 71, 216, 270, 279,294,295,336

below-ground,279 ground-layer,53, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64,

271,276 regulation by fire,258 understorey,239

Biomass consumption,l, 17,21,22,27, 34,36,38,39,58,59,60,206,209


Biomass emissions,16, 17, 18,42,44,46, 47,48,64,71,76,79,83,84,88,89, 90, 128, 139, 140, 143, 146, 194, 195, 201,216,322

Biomass fuel,I72, 282, 284, 291, 292, 293,294

Biomass loading,25, 26,195,196,197, 204,205,210,211

Biomass plantations,283, 292, 294, 295, 296

Biotemperature,179, 181, 187 Black liquor,5 Boreal forests,3, 52, 53, 55, 58, 64, 70,

102,161,184,264,267,272,275, 277, 278, 327

Brazil, 1, 6, 8, 22, 42, 43, 90, 184, 341, 343

Bronze Age period,253 Brunei,25 Burning efficiency, 20, 26, 46, 71, 195,

196, 198,210,211,345 Burundi,5 Cr C3 alkanes,71 Canada,52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 62, 74,

102, 103, 164,325,327,341 Alberta,3, 105, 111,336 Baffin Bay, III Baffin Island,109 British Columbia,3, 105, 109, III Davis Strait, III Ellesmere Island, 11 ° Manitoba,105, III Northwest Territories, 105, 109, III Ontario,105, III Quebec,105, III Saskatchewan, 105, III Ungava,109 Yukon, 105, 109, III

Canadian Forest Service, 57, 307 Canadian Meteorological Centre, 108 Canadian Polar Trough, 109, 110, III,

114, 119, 120 Canopy temperature,54 Carbon

below-ground,345 consumption,59,62 emissions,283, 287, 292, 294, 295 fluxes, 53 global budget,34, 46 in atmosphere,34, 52, 128


in biomass, 18, 52, 55, 58, 62, 71, 271, 276

in boreal forests,52, 53, 54, 265, 270, 277, 278

in organic soils,52, 62, 90, 97 release,l, 16, 18,20,52,55,57,59,

60,61,62,64,65,71,72,216,264, 270,276,277,282,342

sequestration,295 sinks,4, 52, 53, 54, 60, 276, 277, 295,

343 sources, 60 storage,264, 278

Carbon dioxide atmospheric concentrations, 52, 282 emissions,27, 39,71,172,201,269,

271, 295 i1uxes,267, 268, 269 production,216 release, 1, 20, 90 soil emissions,265 sources,16, 70, 87, 198,282

Carbon monoxide,20 as health hazard,7 as ozone precursor,78 atmospheric concentrations,74, 94, 95 emission ratios,89 emissions,27, 39, 72, 201 global budget, 70, 73, 74, 97 global distribution,79 sources, 16, 70, 77, 84, 87,198,282

Caryophyllaceae,253 Castanea

sativa,248, 258 Central African Republic,196, 217, 223,

227,228 Centre de Suivi Ecologique,342 Cerrado,42, 45, 47 Channel 3 rei1ectance,222 Channel 3 saturation,222 Charcoal,4, 218, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254,

256,257,258,327,328,336 China,344

Daxinganling Mountains,3 Chronosequence,272 Class I Protected Areas (USA),315 Classification and regression trees,219,

220,221,224,225,230 Clean Air Act, 7, 30 I, 302, 312 Climate generators,236


Cloud edge effects.227 Cloud shadows,218 Coal,290, 292 Coarse woody debris,38 Colorado State University,307 Combustion efficiency,20, 21, 26, 35, 216 Community Climate Model,88 Congo,6 Consumption, 55, 59, 268 Convention on Biological Diversity, 10 Cooking stoves

efticiency,289 CPT See Canadian Polar Trough Crop residues,289, 292 Crown fires,327 Crozet Island,74 Deciduous broadleaf forest, 184 Decision tree,220 Decomposition rates,54 Defense Meteorological Satellite Program

Operational Linescan System, I 53, 162, 163, 166

Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System,160

Deforestation,7, 87, 282 Dendrochronology,234, 326, 332 Desert dust, 143 DMSP-OLS See Defense Meteorological

Satellite Program Operational Linescan System

Drought,2, 15,58,62,88,102,122,187, 237,248,254,256

Dry Miombo, 197, 205 Duff,38, 39,40 Dung cakes,289 Earth Observing System,211 Earth Radiation Budget Experiment, 128,

130,131,134,143 Earth-Probe,92 ECMWF Re-Analysis,139, 140 Ecoregions,56 Ecosystem integrity,2 Ecosystem stewardship,30 I Eddy correlation, 54 Egypt,S EI Nino - Southern Oscillation, 15, 88,

171,210,341 EI Salvador,S Emission factors,6, 36, 39, 72, 195, 196,

198,211, 301


Emission Production Model,34, 38, 315 Emission ratios,20, 21, 322 Energy demand,4, 284 ER-2 MODIS Airborne Simulator,46 ERBE See Earth Radiation Budget

Experiment Ethane,88 Ethylene,88 Eucalyptus

blakelyi,235 dalrympleana,235 delegatensis,235 fastigata,235 grandis,6 macrorhyncha,235 melliodora,235 niphophila,235 paucijlora,235, 237, 239 rossii,235 stellulata,235 viminalis,235

Europe,72 European Network for the development

of Advanced Models to interpret Optical Remote Sensing data (ENAMORS),341

European Space Agency Fire Atlas,134

Evergreen forest, 184 Fagus

sylvatica,248 Fiji,6 Finland,4 Fire adaptation,3 Fire behaviour,6, 35,70, 104, 153, 160,

166,184,203,240,247,303,304, 311,313,324

Fire behaviour models,38 Fire class distributions, 187 Fire cycle,321, 327, 333, 334, 335, 336 Fire detection

by remote sensing,22, 25, 152, 160, 162,166,173,177,188,195,219, 222,227,325,331,342

Fire duration,35, 36, 173, 175 Fire efticiency,22 Fire extinction,237 Fire frequency,58, 172, 173, 177, 181,



241,244,252,254,256,259,277, 323,327,334,335,343

Fire ignition,35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46,47,53,88, 103, 175, 183,188, 236,244,303,321,324

Fire intensity,35, 233, 239 Fire interval,237, 238, 239, 243, 333, 334 Fire management,34, 36, 48, 300, 302,

303,305,310,312,342 Fire of Savannas/Dynamique et Chimie

Atmospherique en Foret Equatoriale,4 Fire records, 56, 107, 187,236,237,239,

251,252,323,324 Fire regime,44, 53, 102, 172, 173, 188,

229,234,237,244,247,248,257, 258,259,276,279 definition,233 simulation model,236

Fire return interval,277, 278, 321 Fire risk assessment,117, 123, 172, 188 Fire rotation,332, 334, 335 Fire scars,217, 218, 227, 228, 234, 236,

326,328,332,333,334,335,336 Fire severity,36, 48, 104, 123,273,274,

275,322,336 impact on succession,276

Fire spread models,40, 234, 236 Fire suppression,65, 241, 244, 299, 300 Fire temperature, 165 Fireline intensity,237, 241, 242 First Order Fire Effects Model,315 Flame fronts,l61, 163 Flaming combustion,39 Flaming zone

residence time,l61 Flasse-Cecatto algorithm,227 Florida Division of Forestry,307 Florida State University,307 FNP Sottostazione Sud delle Alpi,248 Fodder,284 Forest fire databases,324 Formaldehyde

as health hazard,7 Fossil fuel substitution,283 Framework Convention on Climate

Change, I, 10 Fraxinus

excelsior,248 Fuel,35 Fuel consumption,36, 38, 40, 41, 48,315

Fuelloading,3, 41, 42, 43, 44, 160 Fuel management,48


Fuel moisture,7, 36, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 59, 103, 160,241

Fuel structure, 160 Fuelwood,4, 17,283,284,285,289,292 Fuzzy thresholds,230 GCM See General circulation models GEBA See Global Energy Balance

Archive GEMI,225, 227, 228 GEMI vegetation index,222 GEMI3,222 General circulation models,7, 127, 128,

129, 188, 276 Geostationary Operational Environmental

Satellite System,325 GFP See Global Fire Product Gini diversity index,220 Glaciers,327,328 Global Area Coverage, 195, 326 Global Change System for Analysis,

Research and Training CST ART),344 Global Emission Inventory Analysis,71 Global Energy Balance Archive,128, 130,

131, 139, 142 Global Fire Atlas, 133 Global Fire Product, 194 Global warming,35, 282 Gmelina

arborea,6 Greece,341 Greenhouse gases,79 Greenland, 110 Guinean Savanna, 196, 205 Gulf of Alaska, 111 Gyttja,249 Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and

Research, 129 Haiti,5 Harmattan,217 Harvest residues,38 Haze,90 Health Guidelines for Forest Fires

Episodic Events, 19 Heat release rates,40, 44 Heterotrophic respiration,54 High Resolution Picture

Transmission, 194, 218


High Resolution Ten Years Climate Simulation, 129

Historical records,323 Hordeum,253 Human health,36, 44, 289, 301 Humid Miombo,197, 205 Hydrocarbons,78, 89

sources,70 Hydroelectric power,290 Hydroxyl radical,70, 74, 79, 84 India,8, 92, 284, 285, 289, 292, 294, 296 Indian Ocean,70, 74 Indonesia,1, 2, 21, 22, 88,90,93,341

Flores,25 Irian Jaya,25 Java,25 Kalimantan,22, 26, 90, 93, 97 Komodo,25 Sulawesi,25 Sumatra, 19, 23, 26, 90, 93, 97 Sumba,25 Sumbawa,25 Timor,25 Wetar,25

Industrial emissions Carbon monoxide,77

Industrial wood,284 Interim Air Quality Policy,304 International Geosphere-Biosphere

Programme Data and Information System, 194, 219

Iron Age period,253 Isoprene,71,88 Joint Fire Science Program,305 Kenya,5 Kuwait,28, 342 Kyoto Protocol,1, 7, 8, 10 Lake sediments,327 Land clearance,282 Landsat,22, 160, 167,219,227,228,229,

325 Landuse,26, 34, 40, 42, 45, 47, 48,53,70,

172,173,181,188,193,204,209, 235,257,281

Landuse change,7, 15,35,46 Larix

decidua,248 Lesotho,5 Lightning,16, 53, 69, 102, 103, 183, 236,

241, 248, 321

Local Area Coverage, 195, 326 Lycopodium tablets,249 Madagascar,344 Malawi,6 Malaysia,6, 19,25 Max Planck Institute for

Meteorology, 129 Mediterranean shrublands,218 Mesolithic period,253 Meteo-France,129 Methane,71, 76,87,88, 198

as health hazard,7 emissions,27, 39, 201, 295 sources, 16, 70

Methyl bromide sources,70

Methyl chloride sources,70

Mexico, 19, 341 Microbial respiration,267, 270 Migration of the Peoples,253 Miombo woodland, 184 Misclassification,225, 226 Mixing ratios,74, 76 MLOPEX,89 Models

ARPEGE,129, 132, 135, 136, 137, l38, 139, 143, 144, 146

CALPUFF,315 Chemical transport,96 CONSUME,39, 40


ECHAM3,129, 132, l35, l36, l37, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 146

EMBYR,234 Emission production model,34, 38, 39,

40,42,43,45,46,47,314,315 F ARSITE,38, 40 FIRE-BGC,234 FIRESCAPE,234, 236, 237, 238, 240,

244 FOFEM,314,315 FOREST,241 GCMs,188 HadAM2b,129, 132, 135, 136, 137,

l38, 139, 143, 144 HadAM3,129, 145, 146 IMAGES,70,77 MM5,307 MODELS3,307 MOGUNTIA 3-D,80


MOZART,88, 90, 91, 97 NFSPUFF,315 RAMS,307 Regional Climate Model,104, 123 SASEM,309, 314, 315, 349 TSARS Plus,315 VSMOKE,315

Moderate resolution imaging spectrometer,153, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166, 189,211

MODIS See Moderate resolution imaging spectrometer

MODTRAN software package, 162 Modulation transfer function,154, 155 Moisture deficit, 179 MTF See Modulation transfer function National Aeronautics and Space

Administration,46 National Ambient Air Quality

Standards,301, 302, 309 National Center for Atmospheric

Research,88, 108, 307 National Center for Environmental

Prediction,306 National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration,25, 194,218,306 National Weather Service (USA),306 Neolithic period,257 Net Ecosystem Production, 54 Net Primary Production, 54 Nitric acid, 17 Nitric oxide, 17

sources,16 Nitrogen,282,291

global budget,74 release, 16

Nitrogen dioxide, 198 sources, 16

Nitrogen oxides,73, 78, 87 as health hazard,7 as ozone precursor,78

Nitrous oxide,198 sources,70

Non-methane hydrocarbons,70, 71, 76, 77,79,84,87,90,97

Normalized difference vegetation index,218, 222, 326

Northern hemisphere circulation patterns, 103

Nuclear power,290


Oak Ridge National Laboratory­Distributed Active Archive Center, 196

Organic soils,64 Oxides ofnitrogen,20, 95

emissions,27,201 sources,16, 198

Ozone,8, 17,20,40,70,73,78,87,89, 95,97,128,342 emissions,27 formation,90 photochemical destruction,94

Pacific Ocean,92, 94, 97,103, 104, 109, 111,114,115,119,122

Pakistan,5 Palaeolithic period,253 Palynology,249,328 PAN,96 Papua New Guinea,6 Paraserianthes

falcataria,6 Particulate pollutants,7, 15, 16, 17, 18,

19,21,26,27,28,34,37,39,44,47, 90,97,201,302,309,311,346

Peat,19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 39, 52, 87, 89, 90,95,97,327,328,345

Permafrost,59, 64, 264, 265, 267 Peroxyacetyl nitrate,95 Philippines,6 Photolysis,90, 91, 92, 97 Pice a

abies,248 glauca,62, 271, 276, 336 mariana,55, 60, 62,265,267,269,

271,274,276 sitchensis,2

Pinus banksiana,3,60 caribaea,6 cembra,248 contorta,3 echinata,6 patula,6 ponderosa,42 roxburghii,282 sylvestris,248 taeda,6

Plantago lanceolata,253

Plantation forestry,283, 286, 292 Plume buoyancy,45


Plume height,45 Plume rise,35, 36, 40, 44, 304 Poaceae,253 Point Response Function,155, 157, 158,

159, 160, 162, 163, 166 Point Spread Function, 155 Pollen analysis,249, 328, 336 Popuius,55, 62, 272, 274 Portugal,217, 219, 223, 227, 228 Post-fire dynarnics,217 Pre-Boreal,252 Prescribed fire, 1, 4, 6, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38,

44,46, 184, 188,282,300,301,303, 304,308

PRF See Point Response Function Producer gas,293 Propane,72, 88 Propylene,88 Pseudotsuga

menziesii,42 PSF See Point Spread Function Pteridium

aquilinum,253 Quercus,253

petraea,248 puhescens,248

Radiative flux,36 Radiometric footprint, 153, 166 RCM See Models:Regional Climate

Model Reforestation,7 Regional haze,36, 40, 301 Regional transport analysis,313 Rocky Mountains, 103, 122 Roman period,253 Root respiration,268, 269 Rosaceae,253 Russia,3, 19,53,62,65,66,325,341 Rwanda,5 Sahara Desert, 141 Sahel region, 189 Savanna, I, 3,15,71,84,89,160,161,

163,164,165,184,196,217,224,282 Savanna forest,42 SAVI See Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index SCAR-B,343 SCAR-C,46 Sea surface temperature anomalies, 103 Seasonal scheduling,308 Secale,253

Sedimentary records,327, 334 Selective logging,5 Senegal,342 Shorea

robusta,282 Short-term scheduling,308 Siberia,3, 183 Signal degradation, 153 Simple Approach Smoke Estimation

Model,309, 315, 349


Slash burning,33, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 188

Smog,17 Smoke, 17,36,44,47, 301, 303, 305, 308,

343 indoors,289

Smoke behaviour,303 Smoke dispersion,38, 303, 306, 311, 312 Smoke management,300, 301, 302, 304,

305,306,307,310,311,312,315, 316,317

Smoke plumes,90, 304, 311, 312 Smouldering combustion,39 Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index,223 Soil drainage, 59, 264 Soil moisture,264, 266, 268, 269, 272,

273 Soil productivity,292 Soil respiration,264, 267, 271, 277 Soil temperature, 54, 264, 265, 269, 272,

273 Solar power, 290 Somalian Bush Thicket, 197, 205 Soot,17 South Africa,27, 196 South Africa Bush Savanna,205 South Africa Fire-Atmosphere Research

Initiative,4, 7 South America,20, 72, 78, 84, 87 South Tropical Atlantic Regional

Experiment,4 Southeast Asia,20, 25 Southern Oscillation See EI Nino -

Southern Oscillation Spain,217, 223, 228

Andalusia,229 Valencia,229

SPOT See Systeme pour l'observation de la terre


SRB See Surface Radiation Budget Project

Stand flammability,277 Stand-replacement fires,47 State (or Tribal) Implementation

Plans,302 Stubble burning,218 Sub-alpine forests,244 Succession,264, 272, 273, 274, 328 Sudan,217,227 Sudanian Savanna,205 Sudanian-Sahelian Savanna, 196 Sulphur,282,291 Surface plumes,311 Surface Radiation Budget Project, 130 Sustainable forest management,8 Swaziland,6 Swietenia

macrophylla,6 Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow

and Landscape Research,341 Swiss National Science Foundation,341 Switzerland,248, 256, 259

Lago di Origlio,249 Lugano,249 Payerne,140, 141

Systeme pour I' observation de la terre,25, 28, 160

Systeme pour l'observation de la terre,25, 28

Temperate forests,45, 52, 53 Terminal node classification,221 Terpene,71,88 Thuja

plicata,2 Tilia

cordata,248 Top-of-atmosphere reflectances,222 Total ozone mapping spectrometer,92 Trade winds, 143 Transport and Atmospheric Chemistry

Near the Equator-Atlantic,4, 7 Tree mortality,268 Tree rings,326, 332 Triticum,253 Tropical forests,2, 15,20,21,22,25,34,

42,45,52,53, 89,9~97, 172, 198, 217,342

Troposphere composition,96

Tundra,52 United Nations Environmental

Program, 19 University of Florida,307 University of Fribourg,341 University ofWashington,307 Urban interface,305 US Air Force Weather Agency,306 US Department of Interior,306 US Environmental Protection

Agency,301, 302, 307 USA,40, 53, 183,327


Alaska,20, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 62, 109, 122,265,267,268,271,272,275, 336

California,300 Florida, 19 Minnesota,20,241 New Y ork,325 Oregon,36, 42, 44, 45 Sequoia National Park,236 Washington,42, 44, 45 Yellowstone National Park,241 Yosemite National Park,236

USDA Forest Service,23, 48, 300, 301, 306

USDOI Bureau of Land Management,306 USDOI Fish and Wildlife Service,306 USDOI National Park Service,306 Vegetation greenness, 54 Ventilated Box Model,315 Visibility,36, 44, 311 Water vapour, 128, 139 Wind field analysis,312 Wind power,290 Wood gasifier,291 Workshop on Regional Transboundary

Smoke and Haze in Southeast Asia, 19 World Health Organization, 19 World Meteorological Organization, 19 Yemen,5 Younger Dryas,252 Zaire,22

Advances in Global Change Research

1. P. Martens and J. Rotmans (eds.): Climate Change: An Integrated Perspective. 1999 ISBN 0-7923-5996-8

2. A. Gillespie and W.C.G. Burns (eds.): Climate Change in the South Pacific: Impacts and Responses in Australia, New Zealand, and Small Island States. 2000

ISBN 0-7923-6077-X 3. J.L. Innes, M. Beniston and M.M. Verstraete (eds.): Biomass Burning and Its Inter-

Relationships with the Climate Systems. 2000 ISBN 0-7923-6107-5