Abel Ferrara, Norman Jewison, Paul Mazursky and others on New York City filmmaking

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  • 8/13/2019 Abel Ferrara, Norman Jewison, Paul Mazursky and others on New York City filmmaking



    Despile rumors, film moking*-coniinues to thrive in Big Apple

    BY FRANK LOVECEtHE term "Hollywood-on-the-I Hudson" notwithstanding,New York City, the nation's see-ond most active film center,seems suddenly faced with a cri-sis of confidence. With the fiscaldownturn affecting everythingfrom.fiddles to.frying pans, filmprofessionals are expressing con-cern that New York movie mak-ing - which last year pumped$2.7 billion into the city's economy- may be starting to soften.Some of this concern is clearlypaper

    graph as New fork," he reasons."I can't honestly say it's an easyplace to shoot, but any congestedurban center isn't easy to shoot.""Cooperation from the city andthe working environment hereare both very good," agrees direc-tor PauI Mazursky, whose NewYork films include "An Unmar-ried Woman," 'oMoscow on theHudson," "Enemies, A LoveStory" and the upcoming "Scenesfrom a Mall.""New York just has somethingyou canlt find anywhere else. I can'tdescribe it. But I can give you this:

  • 8/13/2019 Abel Ferrara, Norman Jewison, Paul Mazursky and others on New York City filmmaking


    Siavcn 'ltUAlll|lllGl': Robert De Niro and, Robin Willialms sdnthe film directed,hereby Penny Marshall.continue to earn overtlme pay.Producers want the first five daysof production each week to be atregular pay, even if any of thosedaya fall on a weekend. The t osAngeles IATSE locals surren-dered on this point last year.But, argues Unger, "The Mon-day-F'riday work week is a long'establlshed tradition, we're notready to chuck it outthe wlndow.'rWhile most directors prefer not towork weekends themselves, henotes,'"fhey'd like to work the prep

    October, she believes, "It lolike we'll beat 110."Yet since a single permltmean one day or three monthshooting, another figure to fain is the number of "shoodays" - a full day put in by onmore movie "units." (The "funit," helmed by the director hself, shoots the starq second third units might simultaneoushoot stunt work, establishSer-Fltr8onpw

  • 8/13/2019 Abel Ferrara, Norman Jewison, Paul Mazursky and others on New York City filmmaking


    ace escalates, and we begin to fearfor {ae safety of the naively chal-leng$ng soldiers - who functiondSrrrocratically &mong them- - s agefor the soldiers' final ict of rebil-lion, the French retaliation ahd,by implication, the African na-tionalism that, over the next two

    co re camp. n such a land.lcape, there are po distractionsfrom human interaction. Everv-thing stands out in relief, espL-cially the military rituals'-

    sand's "Prince of Tides," andSpike Lee's "Jungle F'ever" - andseveral smaller movies just be-gan shooting or are about to start.Ironically, in an era of 910 mil-lion stars, several film makerssay they're gfateful for New Yorkunions' flexibility, especially withlow-budget productions.Y_et as typified by the "Variety"article's subhead - which usedthe New York cliche "mugged" todescribe film makers reiciion to

    rected by Froncis Ford Coppolo. Storring AlPocino, Diqne Keoton, Andy'Gorcio, Joe fron-legnq, Tolio Shire, Bridlet Fondo, FroncD'Ambrosio, George Homilton. Locoles in-clude tifile ltoly, the Woldorf-Asrorio. (Nov.'?J) --,, qQOfEllAS ;,Womer Bros. Direcred byMortin Scorsese. Storring Robert De Niro, Roy*ll-.lf ] :."_l-gr: L _[or ro ine B rocco. ( Sepr. I 9)

    SCETES tlot I ilAtL - Touchstons. Direcredy Poul ../vlozursky. Storring Woody Allen,Bette Midler, Bill lrwin. Shoiin New Vork Cirvond in Stomford, Conn. (Dec.)ETITE 0F GRICE - Orion. Direcred bv phitJoonou. Storring Seon Penn, Ed Horris,'Gory9ldmon, Robin Wright. Locoles include Hell,'sKitchen. (Sepr. I 4)TIIREE tEi lilD I UTTTE LAltY - Touchstone.Direaed by Emile Ardolino. Sr".i* f"JO"i-son, Tom Silleck, Steve Guttenbe-rq, NoncvTrovis, Robin Weismon. (Dec.)CURREIITLY FILITIiG ON iUSI.U'RA.PPEO. THE FlSllER KlllG - Tri-Sror. Direcred bv TsrvGilliom. S_toring Robin Willioms, .leff A'ridgeiAmondo Plummer, Mercedes Ruehl. Locolei in-clude Modison Avenue in the 90s, Chinotown,Cenlrol Pork, Amsterdom Avenue in the g0s,Grond Centrol Siotion.GREEII CARO - Bueno Visto. Directed bv peierWeir. Slorring Gerord Depordieu, Andii Moc-Dowell, Bebe Neuwirth, Robed prosky. Locolesinclude Cenhol Pork, the West 7Os, rhe UooerEost Side, lofoyette Street ot Duone Streei.'ln-leriors shol ol Comero Morl.

    oter, Woll Sireet, Kingsbridge Armory (the IEronx), Soho, the Eost Villoge. IlllrDs0ll HAltl( - Tri-Stor. Directed bv Michoeltehmonn. Storring Bruce Willis, Doniv Aiello. IMoruschko Detmers, Jqmes Coburn,'sondro IBsnhord. locoles include the Brooklvn Bridoe- Ithe &ooklyn-Eotery Tunnel, lexingt6n A"en-uJ Iot 57th Street. IJUIGLE FEYER - Universol. Directed bv Soike ILee. Storring [ee, Wedley Snipes, Annodelb I. Sciono, Ruby Dee, Ossie Dovis, John Turturro, IShot in Brooklyn, elsewhere. IillRRlEll T0 ll - Orion. Direcred bv Arrhur IHiller. Storring Beou Bridges, Stockoicl Chon- |ning, Cybill Shepherd, Ron Silver. Erteriors Ionly. Ill[tU JACI( CITY : Worner 8ros. Directed bvr IMorio Von Peebles. Locoles include uppe'r IMonholton. IPRIilCE 0F TIDES - Columbio. Directed bv IEorbro Streisond, Storring Streisond, Nic[ |Nolte, Brod Sullivon, Blyihe Donner, Kote Nel- |ligon, Melindo Dillon, GeorQe Corlin, Jeroen IKrobbe. locoles include Soho, Centrol Pork, IBottery Pork City. IBlttY BATHGITE - Bueno Visto. Direcred bv Iffi*wlllE llAR0 lIlY - Universol. Directed by JohnI Woods, Stevetr [o'nI colm include Timer

    'Outside' chance forfilm biz'-'HX6 from. Page 21shots, etc.).In 1-980,'New York ha.d 1,b3? fea-ture-film shooting days, saysStreich; this year, throuch Julv31, there werei,13o shoetiis davi.(The Mayor's office didn{ havethe exact figJrres for the firstseven months of 1989.)But this year's figure seems ontrack, since at least three majorfilms -.:"'Bitly Bathgate" wittrDustin Hoffman, Barbra Strei-

    A-UCE.:- Orion. Direcred by Woody Allen.Storring .Mio Forrow, Williom Hurr; Cybilllfrepherd. Alec Boldwin. (Dec.illIAKElllllGS - Columbio. Diiected bv pennv.Morsholl. Storring Robed De Niro, no6in W;i-lioms. (Dec.)B0tFlRE 0F IHE UllllTlES - Worner Bros. Di-Fctedby,Brion DePolmo. Storiing Tom Honks,Bruce _Willis, Melonie Grif{ith, Morgon.Free-mon, F. Murroy Abrohom. Shor in- oll bor-oughs except Stoien lslond. (Nov./Dec.)THE GODFATHER, PART lll - poiomounr. Di.

    illllc 0F llElU Y0RK - New [ine. Dirxtej bv'. 4bel .Feroro. Stosring Christopher Woikei,_Q9vi-d Coruso, Lorry Fishburne. (Sepr. 2g)REVERSAL 0F F0RTUIIE - Wor4e1 Bros. Di-

    shooting here - the issue of NewYork's produetion desirability isclouded by myth and reputa.tion."Reputation by who?" wondersan indignant Abel Ferrara, direc-tor of several New York actionfilms including the upcoming"King of New York." "Who's bad--mouthing the town? Woody Allendoesn't seem to have any problemshooting here. Tell [critics of NewYork filmingl to call ltim up and,see what he does right."


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    lSIYlf*$$qSL," l$#:#J}"3l,, 19 tsle12 230 5 /30 r0 12 230 5 t30 10I(EWST0WEnEASI toEwslrmsr. EtsTrcAvF &lsrsl 8t9t3rt IwAv&rirasT 2diddm12.2 30.5.7 J0. t0 U.2:JO.5.2'0. BOS, t0 35lf,r GntEtffcll Iaillnsntal & TTkAVENUE 92$SSli30 4:30 730 1015. -

    MEIIAT@1990 Eprc Prdductdns. lncell nghts reserwd.

    nErEn.tf, Ur ru'ttulll _ \r/Orner Bros. Di_recleffi,p 94ry$ Fthrte6r.lsloiriho J".",,iirl.*',W E- ,*for {.o+11Smes,ello Sciorro. Lo- [the Eeocon The-N