HK$28.00 About 2010 年夏季 Summer 2010 生命之延 Ensuring animals and plants survival 生存之戰 捍衛野生動植物生機 Battle for life

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About 2010年夏季 • Summer 2010生命之延

Ensuring animals and plants survival



Battle for life

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本會感謝以下雙鑽石會員對環境保育的鼎力支持。WWF-Hong Kong thanks the following Double Diamond members

for their support to conservation.

大自然的夥伴Partners forLife

Search Investment Group

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Dear Readers,

In this issue you will learn about some disappointing outcomes from the recent CITES meeting held in Doha. There were high expectations amongst the conservation community that CITES would take positive steps to protect the Atlantic bluefin tuna and several species of shark. Sadly the necessary resolutions were not implemented and we may be confronted with the demise of these species in the not too distant future.

One of the challenges conservationists face when trying to protect marine endangered species is the tremendous influence and resources that the exploitative industries bring to bear on discussions and decisions. They incorrectly perceive conservation as a threat to their livelihoods and corporate profits. They ignore two victims in this struggle, namely the species at threat and the local fishermen who rely on a sustainable source of supply. The power of profit outweighs the rational exploitation of a resource. When fish stocks are fully depleted, the companies just move on to the next location and eventually they will run out of sources. If they have a long-term mentality, overfishing can be avoided and it will not become someone else’s problem in the future.

It is up to us as consumers to exert our power in this equation. We as individuals must insist on purchasing food from sustainable sources. We must insist that restaurants only serve sustainably managed seafood. WWF-Hong Kong is making major strides in the removal of shark fin from menus in restaurants. Many members of our Corporate Membership Programme will no longer serve shark fin at corporate functions.

WWF asks you to join us in this effort. Our own future depends on it!

Eric A. Bohm CEO






行政總裁 龐毅理

目錄 Contents快訊 WWF news ............................................2

為生存權利抗爭 The fight for survival ...........................4

通訊連繫 推動低碳 Low carbon connections .....................13

認識本會人員 WWF People ........................................14

認識野生動物 Welcome to the jungle ........................16

低碳新創意 Low carbon creations .........................18

發揮全民力量 Grassroots power ...............................20

「妙」計碳足印 Easy as 1-2-3 .......................................22

小樹木 大意義 Tree talk ..............................................25

米埔動起來 Marshes get mobile.............................26

表揚綠色企業 Winning the green game ...................28

齊心支持鯊魚保育 Shark solidarity ..................................30



如有任何意見,請電郵 [email protected]

For comments, email [email protected].

Cover: Jürgen Freund / WWF-Canon

• 行政總裁的話 CEO’s message

© 版權 2010;本會保留所有版權。© Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

印刷 Printing: 精雅印刷有限公司Printed by Elegance Printing Company Limited

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Summer 2010 About Life 3

記下這些日子 Dates to remember

13 個亞洲老虎分佈國的領袖將於 2010 年9月聚首俄羅斯符拉迪沃斯托克,為拯救老虎工作進行討論。

The heads of thirteen Asian tiger range countries will meet in Vladivostok Russia, in September 2010, to discuss efforts to save the big cat.

為紀念觀鳥大賽舉行 25 週年,本會推出紀念特刊,介紹賽事的珍貴歷史,並刊載大量精美照片,記錄了過去 25 年米埔自然保護區的種種變遷。觀鳥大賽自1984 年起開始舉辦,至今已為本會成功籌得超過 3,100 萬港元,用作支持本會在米埔的保育工作。紀念特刊每本售價 250 港元;如有興趣訂購,請登入wwf.org.hk/bbr25book。

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Big Bird Race, WWF has published an anniversary book highlighting the history of this popular event since its inception in 1984. The book serves as a photo journal that records the changes in the Mai Pao Nature Reserve over the past two and a half decades. The race has successfully raised more than HK$31million for WWF’s conservation work in Mai Po. The book costs $250; interested parties can visit wwf.org.hk/bbr25book to order.


For more information


• 快訊 News

2 About Life Summer 2010

拯救鯊魚Shark savers 今年 5月5日,本會與12 間酒店及食肆合作,為食客提供無翅宴會菜單,請登入wwf.org.hk/sharkfree瀏覽更多資料。Twelve hotels and restaurants joined WWF –Hong Kong on 5 May 2010 to introduce alternative shark-free banquet menus to diners. Visit wwf.org.hk/sharkfree for more information.

世界自然基金會亞太區各個分會主席聚首香港,討論區內的未來發展策略。The Chairmen of WWF offices in Asia Pacific met in Hong Kong recently to discuss strategies for our future growth in the region.

「氣候正能量大使」高峰會將於 8月7日(星期六)在香港青年協會有機農莊舉行。當日除了進行嘉許禮,總結全體「氣候正能量大使」的減碳成果外,亦將公佈「減碳擂台」的得獎結果。透過「減碳擂台」這個多媒體比賽,「氣候正能量大使」可發揮無窮創意,以相片或短片表達日常生活的減碳方式(詳情見www.cli-mateers.org/arena/chi/html/front.php)。表現傑出的「氣候正能量大使」將與大家分享心得,同時亦會舉辦有機農莊工作坊,以支持本地農產品,實踐低碳生活。

The Climateers Summit will be held on Saturday 7 August at the HKFYG Organic Farm. The meeting includes a ceremony to bring to conclusion the carbon reduction efforts of all Climateers Ambassadors, and announce results of the Low Carbon Arena, a multi-media competition in which Ambassadors send in their photos and videos detailing low carbon living innovations (see www.climateers.org/arena/eng/html/front.php). There will also be sharing by outstanding Climateers, and organic farm workshops to support local produce as a means of low carbon living.

本會大事記 Events scrapbook

黑臉琵鷺數目增加 Spoonbill surge

世界環境日World Environment Day

亞太保育發展Asia Pacific Growth

扭轉氣候高峰會Summit for change

公約會議召開CITES excites《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》(CITES)第十五次締約國會議已於 2010 年 3 月 13 日至 25 日在卡塔爾多哈舉行,詳情請參閱第 4 至 12 頁。

The 15th meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Conference of the Parties (CoP15) was held in Doha, Qatar from 13 to 25 March 2010. Read more on p.4-12

觀鳥大賽紀念特刊Big bird book


Heads of State Summit for the Tiger Conservation

本會全力支持在香港科學館舉行的「香江生態」展覽,展期至 2010 年 8月31日止,詳情請看本刊今期第16至 17頁的介紹。

WWF is supporting the “Biodiversity in Hong Kong” exhibition, now on show at the Hong Kong Science Museum until 31 August 2010, read more on p.16 - 17.


今年1月,本會在后海灣錄得 462 頭黑臉琵鷺,較去年增加19%,期待在10月份的遷徙季節能再次跟牠們見面!

A total of 462 black-faced spoonbills were observed at the Deep Bay area in January, an increase of 19 per cent over last year! We look forward to meeting the birds again when they return in October!

為推動環境保育,本會於 6月5日及 6日在荃灣荃新天地舉行活動,並特別邀請歌星謝安琪擔任本會大使,協助宣揚環保信息。

Conservation was given a boost on 5 and 6 June when WWF held an event at the City Walk in Tsuen Wan, with special support from celebrity Kay Tse, who helped spread the environmental message.

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香港生態豐富多樣Biodiversity in Hong Kong


~ 31AUG


~ 12SEP

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The latest CITES meeting highlighted challenges to wildlife conservation, but as WWF About Life finds out, there is hope on the horizon




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The fight forsurvival為生存權利抗爭

4 About Life Summer 2010 Summer 2010 About Life 5

• 封面故事 Cover story

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本會的研究顯示,過度的商業捕魚活動, 令大西洋藍鰭吞拿魚數量下降超過八成半,即使我們不是海洋生物專家,都知道必須立即停止捕撈行動,令此魚類恢復生機,方有機會繼續生存。最近的墨西哥灣漏油事故,更令藍鰭吞拿魚生存情況惡化:該區是西大西洋藍鰭吞拿魚的主要繁殖地,這次災難嚴重影響一整代魚類,並對魚群數量造成進一步影響。



的野生動物貿易活動。三年一度的 《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》(CITES)(下稱《公約》)會議,共有超過 170 個締約國參與,保護超過 32,000 個動植物種。野生動植物的國際貿易令部分物種受到滅絕威脅,會議能讓各國透過在會議上達成協議,確保貿易活動不會危害到物種的生存。

今年 3 月在多哈舉行的《公約》第 15次締約國家會議中,世界自然基金會扮演積極角色,倡議加強保護鯊魚、珊瑚及 其他海洋物種,還有對老虎、犀牛及非 洲象實施更嚴格的貿易規管。本會憂慮大西洋藍鰭吞拿魚面臨絕種,一直致力敦促各國政府採取行動及推行全球保育活動,提高大眾對藍鰭吞拿魚危機的關注,積極建議將大西洋藍鰭吞拿魚列入《公約》附件 I 中,全面禁止這個瀕危物種的貿易。由於大部分被捕撈的魚類都會在全球市場進行買賣,因此實施國際貿易禁制,將對恢復物種數量起著重要作用。


where we supported the stricter protection and stronger trading regulations for a range of sharks, corals, and other marine species, as well as the tiger, rhino and African elephant. One of our key priorities was the worrying plight of the Atlantic bluefin tuna. WWF has been boosting awareness of the global threat to Atlantic bluefin tuna through government lobbying and global public awareness campaigns, and focused much of our effort on advocating the Atlantic bluefin tuna being listed on Appendix I to ensure a complete ban in the trade of this endangered species. In fact, such an international trade ban is crucial for the recovery of the species as most of the fish that are caught will be traded internationally.

Aquatic ecosystems clearly took precedence during negotiations – with good reason, points out Dr. Allen To, Conservation Officer, Marine, WWF-Hong Kong. “The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reported that 75 percent of commercial marine seafood species are considered to be fully or over-exploited, meaning that they’re already fished at the maximum level or already over it,” Dr.To warns. “There’s no doubt that global marine resources have been declining; and if we continue fishing at this rate, many of our common seafood species will reach such low levels that they can no longer support commercial fisheries.” In addition, many marine species that are internationally traded are poorly managed; sharks are a classic example.

Fighting the Atlantic blues Because of the global seafood demand, our marine life appears to be getting the raw end of the deal.

According to a WWF report, stocks of the Atlantic bluefin tuna have been depleted by more than 85 per cent due to commercial overfishing. It doesn’t take a marine biologist to figure out that this species urgently needs a break not just to recover, but to survive. Adding to this, the recent Deepwater Horizon catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico has made things worse, being a major spawning area for the western population of Atlantic bluefin tuna. The mishap will definitely affect a whole generation of fish and will have further impact on the fish populations.

Traded for its fins, the scalloped


The seafood trade has decimated shark populations across the globe.

The massive global wildlife trade industry is an issue

conservationists keep a close eye on, and at the centre is the triennial Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), involving more than 170 governments from around the globe and currently offering a range of protection to more than 32,000 species of animals and plants. This meeting aims to reach agreements to ensure that international trade of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival, given that such trade has a huge impact on some population.

WWF International took an active role in CITES’ 15th Conference of the Parties (CoP15), held in March this year in Doha,

6 About Life Summer 2010

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髻鯊獲建議列入《公約》附件 II(有關《公約》各項附件的介紹請參看第 12 頁側欄)。 本會的資料顯示,過去 25 年來,西北大 西洋的雙髻鯊數量下降了 83%,東太平 洋及西南印度洋的數目則減少 60% 至70%。根據 2006 年的香港魚翅市場分析數據,每年約有 270 萬條雙髻鯊品種鯊魚




《公約》附件中。本會物種項目主管 Carlos Drews 說:

「許多締約國就海洋物種作出決策時,只顧及政治利益,漠視科學家的聲音,實是可恥 ; 這個情況在今次會議經常出現,相信日後仍會繼續發生。如果《公約》未能放下政治考慮,依循科學根據作出決定,保育工作成效、海洋資源的可持續利用及沿岸居民生活都會深受影響,令人擔憂。」





就算政府未能作出妥善規管,市民大眾亦可肩負重任,拒絕進食瀕危物種等簡單行動,足為保護海洋生態出力。杜博士指出, 香港人的海鮮食用量在亞洲排行第三,全球排行第十,即我們每人平均一年內吃掉了 62 公斤海鮮。本會其中一個主要目標是鼓勵市民食用環保海鮮,當此方面需求增加,商人便向消費者供應,從而為漁業帶來正面影響。

杜博士建議: 「在地區及國際層面,政府、海鮮供應商、食肆及消費者扮演同樣重要的角色。政府應按照最佳的科學建議管理漁業,並確保措施得到有效實行;海鮮供應商及食肆不供應不符合可持續原則的海鮮,消費者亦可參考本會的《海鮮選擇指引》,選購環保海鮮。」


2006, approximately 2.7 million hammerhead sharks (including both scalloped and smooth hammerhead) are harvested annually for international trade.

Plenty of fish in the sea?Yet in spite of the strong lobby, after very close voting results, CoP15 could not deliver on the calls for a complete fishing ban on bluefin tuna and regulation of the trade of scalloped hammerhead sharks. “There are many reasons why these species failed at this CITES meeting. But above all, each of these species possess huge economic value,” Dr. To explains. Other species also failed to make the list are the oceanic whitetip shark, porbeagle, spiny dog fish and last but not least, pink and red coral, which are all of great concern to WWF.

“It is shameful that many CITES governments ignored science in favour of political gain when making decisions on marine species. These issues dominated this meeting and will come up again in future meetings,” said Carlos Drews, Head of WWF’s Species Programme. “If CITES cannot set aside political considerations and follow scientific evidence, the implications for conservation, sustainable use of marine species and coastal livelihoods are worrying.”

Unfortunately, international commercial and government decisions took precedence over those of scientists and environmentalists. For instance, the four proposals for large hammerheads, oceanic whitetip, porbeagle and spiny dogfish were suggested by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ expert panel, but their authoritative voice was not properly addressed. WWF is now

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F Mediterranean

hammerhead shark is in a similar situation. While its status is not as dire as that of the Atlantic bluefin tuna, it is still endangered, and it was put up for an Appendix II listing of CITES to ensure its specie’s survival (see sidebar on p.12 for full explanations for different CITES appendice). Statistics presented by WWF showed an 83 per cent decline in this species of shark in the North West Atlantic, and 60 to 70 per cent in the Eastern Pacific and South West Indian Ocean over the past 25 years. It was also revealed that from an analysis of the Hong Kong fin market in

exploring ways to pursue shark conservation at the policy level in other forums and to consider what is the best way to counter the very effective opposition coming from the countries that are currently enjoying the economic benefits brought by the trading of these species.

Another weapon in the fight is the public’s heightened awareness about endangered marine animals that can put pressure on countries

worldwide, including Hong Kong, where the people can do so by properly managing their fisheries and only consume sustainable seafood. “CITES is really the final resort to ‘manage’ the collapsing fishery. If local and regional fishery management can play their roles effectively and show the world that they’re doing so, there’s no need to push for CITES listings in the next meeting,” Dr. To adds.

8 About Life Summer 2010

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虎貿易已被禁止,但生境地喪失及非法捕獵等問題令老虎數量持續下降。據估計,全球野生老虎僅剩 3,200 隻。在上屆會議,禁止圈養繁殖老虎作商業用途的提案獲得通過,避免捕獵者能訛稱偷獵得來的野生老虎來自養殖場的情況發生。今年本會採取進一步行動,希望面臨同一危機的其他大貓科動物 ( 如金錢豹、雪豹、雲豹和亞洲獅 )得到相同保護。在今屆《公約》會議舉行前, 我們與歐盟、英國及美國合作,確保有關提案會被遞交討論。雖然修訂提案遭否決,會議仍要求成員國繼續提供更多老虎和其他大貓非法貿易的資料,以制定更有效保育措施。

犀牛是最近本會關注的另一物種,有傳聞指犀牛角可治療癌症,亞洲及非洲的犀牛角非法貿易因此有上升趨勢。犀牛角的來源地包括印度、南非、尼泊爾及津巴布韋, 這些地區於亞洲犀牛角黑市交易中獲得豐厚利潤。《公約》將與國際刑警(IN-TERPOL)、 聯合國毒品及犯罪問題辦公室(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)及世界海關組織 (World Customs Organization) 通力合作,打擊掠奪自然資源的有組織犯罪活動,拯救這種珍貴動物。


經過緊密磋商後,會議共有 25 項提案獲通過、10 項被否決及 7 項遭撤回(有關摘要可瀏覽 www.cites.org)。有多個提案未

unsustainable seafood to customers, and customers can make use of WWF-Hong Kong’s seafood guide to choose only sustainable seafood,” Dr. To advises.

Of course, sea creatures were not the only endangered species looking for protection at CoP15; numerous land animals and plants were too. Being the Chinese Year of the Tiger, the protection of this magnificent beast was a hot topic. Even though the trade of this feline species is banned by CITES, the lost of habitat and poaching continue to plague tiger populations – it is estimated that there are as few as 3,200 tigers remaining in the wild. In the last CoP14, an encouraging decision was made that tigers should not be bred in captivity for commercial purposes in principle, meaning that the creation of a possible loophole for poachers to trade wild tiger parts in disguise – claiming they were from captive farms, has been halted. WWF wanted to take a step further this year and tried to make it enshrined in

Battling the current Everyone can play their part to save marine life by simply not consuming endangered species – putting the onus on the public to act where politicians have failed. Dr. To notes that Hong Kong is the third highest consumer of seafood in Asia and 10th in the world, and we each eat an average of 62 kg of seafood a year. One of WWF-Hong Kong’s main missions is to educate the public about consuming only sustainably harvested fish, which can have a positive impact on the fishing industry – after all, businessmen will have to answer the eco-friendly call from the consumers when there is such a demand.

“On both regional and global levels, all parties, including the government, seafood trade, caterers and consumers, have equally important roles to play. The government should manage their fisheries according to the best scientific advice and enforce them effectively. Seafood traders and caterers should not offer

the resolution on Asian big cats. We worked with the EU, the UK and the USA before this CITES meeting, ensuring that a proposal to this effect was submitted for discussion. Although the amendment was blocked, CoP15 called for members to provide more information about illegal crimes against tigers so more effective measures can be created to step up their protection in the future.

Another alarming new trend that has come to the attention of WWF is the rising illegal trade of rhino horns in Asia and Africa due to rumours that they can cure cancer. The horns are being procured in countries such as India, South Africa, Nepal and Zimbabwe, and they fetch a handsome price on the black market in Asia. CITES will work closely with its partners INTERPOL, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and the World Customs Organization to save these animals by stamping out organised crime exploiting our natural resources.

GettinG reel About conservAtion保育電影 震撼人心

Film fans are calling it An Inconvenient Truth about fish, and conservationists are raving about the eye opening The End of the Line, a jolting wake up call on the global fishery crisis and the world’s first major documentary about the devastating effect of overfishing. The film, proudly brought to local filmgoers and stakeholder groups in the last few months by WWF-Hong Kong and Credit Suisse, highlights the rapid depletion of the world’s fish stock due to overfishing, and exposes the irrevocable damage commercial fisheries are doing to our marine life.

The timely, touching and educational film doesn’t pull any punches as the destruction by industrial fisheries and their blatant disregard for our marine ecosystems is caught on camera. Interviews with internationally renowned scientists (including Professor Yvonne Sadovy of the University of Hong Kong, who is also the Chairman of WWF-Hong Kong’s Conservation Advisory Committee), indigenous fishermen, fisheries enforcement officials and experts from the leading NGOs including those from WWF, give viewers a long-over-due reality check about what’s really going on under the deep blue sea.

No one is spared, from celebrities to the world’s top restaurateurs and the everyday consumer – the message of this documentary is loud and clear, that our oceans are not an all-you-can eat buffet. The hard-hitting documentary bluntly points out that we are ultimately all responsible for this issue and it is within our power to turn the tide through the choices we make when we buy fish – excellent ‘seafood’ for thought indeed. To show your support for sustainable seafood, visit wwf.org.hk/seafood.

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ichel Gunther / W



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artin Harvey / W




這套電影透過鏡頭揭露商業捕魚如何漠視海洋生態,毫不留情地對環境造成破壞。此片亦訪問了多名國際知名科學家,包括在香港大學任教、本會香港分會的保育顧問委員會 (Conservation Advisory Committee) 主席薛綺雯教授,亦有當地漁民、漁業官員及世界自然基金會等非政府組織的專家,讓觀眾了解深海底下的真實情況。

此電影傳遞出海洋資源並非取之不盡、用之不竭的強烈信息,無論是名人紅星、世界著名食肆或普通消費者,都必須肩負起保護環境的責任,透過選擇符合可持續發展原則的海鮮,為扭轉海洋危機出力。請即登入 wwf.org.hk/seafood,支持


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• 全球話題 Global Impact

A recent study shows huge potential for reducing carbon emissions through the telecoms industry…





這份名為《低碳通訊方案在中國:減排貢獻及減排潛力》的研究報告由北京郵電大學編撰,探討了中國移動提供的 14項低碳資訊通訊技術,可分類為智慧物流

(配合車輛路線及裝載量)、非實物化(節省紙張和其他物料)、智慧工作(減少出差需要)及智慧應用(遠端節能監控)。於 2008 年,透過這些技術減少的二氧化碳排放,約相當於瑞典、丹麥或芬蘭等國家的碳排放量。世界自然基金會中國分會首席代表歐達夢指研究結果非常重要:「我們支持中國及國內企業帶頭提供低碳解決方案,令中國以至全球受惠。」

透過電子通訊方式辦公減少出差需要,是現時最大的潛在減排量來源,於2020 年估計可助中國減少碳排放量達 3.4億噸。到了 2030 年,估計採用視像會議實現的減排量將增至 6.23 億噸,商務飛行旅程的需求亦會減少近 40%。


大減低全球的溫室氣體排放,同時亦可助中國實現在 2020 年減低碳排放強度 40%至 45% 的目標。」為了走向更光明的未來,研究報告建議中國在下一個五年計劃中,對這些低碳解決方案的貢獻給予肯定。

Ajoint study commissioned by China Mobile and WWF

demonstrates that China has a significant and untapped ability to reduce carbon emissions through its growing telecoms industry.

Low Carbon Telecommunications Solutions in China: Current Reductions and Future Potential, carried out by the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, says savings from 14 low carbon information communication technologies (ICTs) offered by China Mobile, which were categorised into smart logistics (such as matching truck journeys to load needs), dematerialisation (saving

paper and other materials), smart work (reducing commuting and travel needs) and smart appliances (remotely monitored and controlled for energy savings), were close to the total CO2 emissions of countries like Sweden, Denmark or Finland in 2008. Seeing the importance of these findings, Dermot O’Gorman, Country Representative for WWF China, said: “We want to support China and Chinese companies to take the lead in a solution approach that can deliver results not just in China, but globally.”

The largest potential emissions reductions come from reducing commutes through teleworking, which has the ability to save an estimated 340 million tonnes of CO2 emissions China-wide in 2020. In the future, savings from virtual meetings will rise to an estimated 623 million tonnes of CO2 annually by 2030, as meetings decrease the demand for commercial aviation by nearly 40 percent.

“This would be a significant contribution to the global greenhouse gas emission reductions and an important contribution to China’s target to reduce the carbon intensity of its economy by 40 to 45 percent by the year 2020,” said Yanli Hou, the Director of Climate Change and Energy Programme of WWF China. Looking to a brighter future, the report recommends these solutions be recognised in the country’s next five year plan.

通訊連繫 推動低碳

Low carbon connections

Turning the tideIntense negotiations saw 25 proposals accepted, 10 rejected and seven withdrawn at CoP15 (you can find a round up at www.cites.org). While many of the proposals did not go through, there is every hope that it is not too late to save our endangered species as long as everybody does their part – action comes from awareness, and if anything this is where the true success of CITES lies. Looking forward, CoP16 will be held in Thailand in 2013, presenting yet another opportunity to save many more of our precious species from the brink of extinction.

The first milestone for WWF to work towards is November’s ICCAT (International Commission for the

Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) meeting in Paris. At this summit of the organisation in charge of the Atlantic bluefin tuna fishery, a sound recovery plan for the exhausted stocks must finally be imposed. Key ICCAT member countries – notably Japan, the EU, the US, Canada and Norway – will be feeling the full force of WWF lobbying.

A great place for the everyday activist to start is by supporting WWF solutions, for example, locally, with our alternative shark-free menu programme and seafood guide. Globally, WWF International works with TRAFFIC to monitor illegal trade, and WWF’s global tiger campaign aims to double the number of wild tiger by the next tiger year in 2022.

獲通過,但只要大家同心協力,拯救瀕危物種仍為時未晚。《公約》能真正取得成功,是靠公眾了解事實,繼而採取行動。第16 次會議將於 2013 年在泰國舉行,我們將有機會保護更多珍貴物種,讓牠們逃離絕種的厄運。

本會將於 11 月在巴黎舉行的國際保育大西洋吞拿魚委員會(ICCAT)會議上, 繼續爭取停止捕獵藍鰭吞拿魚。該個負責管理大西洋藍鰭吞拿魚漁業的組織,必須達成共識,讓這魚類再現生機。我們會敦促日本、歐盟、美國、加拿大及挪威等ICCAT 主要成員國,為保育採取行動。


「海鮮選擇指大行動」,為瀕危物種出一分力。在國際方面,世界自然基金會繼續與野生物貿易研究委員會(TRAFFIC)合作,監管非法貿易活動;本會亦在今年推出老虎保育計劃,目標是在 2022 年之前, 讓野生老虎的數目能較現時增加一倍。

© John E


by / WW



All About cites

《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》將物種列入三個附件之中,以便規管有關國際貿易活動。這些附件包括:附件 I -已被禁止在國際進行商業貿易的物種附件 II -這些物種可進行國際商業貿易,但須受嚴格管制及釐定其可持續性和合法性。附件 III -應個別締約國要求國際合作管制其貿易的物種。這些物種的貿易必須附有准許證或來源地證明書。

CITES regulates international trade in species by including species on one of three Appendices. These are as follows:Appendix i - species cannot be traded internationally for primarily commercial purposes. Appendix ii - species can be traded internationally for commercial purposes, but within strict regulations, requiring determinations of sustainability and legality. Appendix iii - a species included at the request of a country which then needs the co-operation of other countries to help prevent illegal exploitation.

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然保護區,至今已在保護區工作超過 10 個年頭。一般人或會認為,保護區主任的工作主要是關於雀鳥及濕地管理,但其實劉兆強的工作是「以人為本」,透過與米埔附近居民保持合作,傳遞保育信息。

劉兆強於 1998 年加入本會, 當時他剛搬到平靜的米埔村居住, 擔任米埔禮品店的兼職助理店務員,其間認識了不少保育專家及觀鳥人士,並從工作中得到重要的濕地運作和保育常識。其後,他獲晉升為兼職野外工作人員。

不久,劉兆強便面對真正的考驗。他被委派負責進行一項由環境及自然保育基金資助的試點研究,探討有關私人養魚戶魚塘管理與水鳥保育的關係,需要接觸許多當時反應冷淡的本地養魚戶。他說:「當時本地養魚戶與世界自然基金會的觀點不太一樣,他們以為我們只是關心雀鳥,忽略了他們的生計。本會保護的雀鳥不時會吃掉他們的魚獲,令他們蒙受金錢損失。」劉兆強最終順利成功訪問了 30 多個養魚戶,完成研究。


目標是保護自然生境及本地生物多樣性,養魚戶則是為了營商,故不希望業務受保育工作所影響。主動及細心聆聽意見是十分重要, 養魚戶大多數是土生土長的原居民,如他們不感被尊重,便會視你為外來侵略者。」

因和養魚戶有深厚認識,本會推出的「綠魚兒計劃」便交由劉兆強負責,先以籌募活動鼓勵養魚戶採取可持續使用及發展的原則養殖塘魚;由於市民普遍願意從可靠來源購買優質生態魚,我們指導養魚戶養殖生態魚的正確方法,再加強公眾對生態魚優點的認識,最終他們能自給自足經營管理生態魚塘。他說:「我曾親身走到超級市場,聽取消費者的意見,起初他們對一條烏頭賣 45 元感到驚訝,但當我解釋這能惠及自然環境及本地養魚戶生活時,九成顧客都願意購買。」


Tobi Lau, Reserve Officer (Mai Po) 劉兆強-保護區主任(米埔)

尋求雙贏Reaching out

When it comes to protecting ecosystems at Mai Po, Tobi Lau is connecting with local communities to find the solutions


什麼是綠魚兒計劃?TRIPLE WINNING世界自然基金會的綠魚兒計劃自2006年開始推行,透過 鼓勵本地養魚戶採取一個更利保育和具持續性的養殖方式, 製造新的綠色商機。一系列嚴謹的程序已訂立,讓養魚戶參考,養殖更好的魚。詳情請參閱 wwf.org.hk/whatwedo/conservation/wetlands/fishponds/

Launched in 2006, WWF’s Eco-fish Farming Scheme created a new “green” business opportunity by encouraging local fish farmer to adopt a more eco-friendly fish farming approach. A strict set of procedures was outlined for farmers to follow and thus resulted in better fish stocks. Check wwf.org.hk/en/whatwedo/conservation/wetlands/fishponds/ for details.

After working in numerous jobs from being a porter to a designer, Tobi Lau has finally settled

in the Mai Po Nature Reserve and has been stationed there for more than a decade. While outsiders think being a Reserve Officer is a job that mostly involves dealing with water birds and habitat management, he has a very different role – a “people-based” task. His role is to work with local communities around Mai Po to deliver conservation through partnership.

He first joined WWF in 1998 as a part-time shop assistant in the Mai Po shop having moved to live a more peaceful life in the Mai Po village. In this role, he mingled with conservationists and bird watchers, and gradually picked up the knowledge that was needed to help work in the Mai Po Nature Reserve. He then was promoted as a part-time field worker.

He was soon to face a real challenge, where he had to step out of his comfort zone, and reach out to, until then, a rather indifferent local community. It all started from a pilot study on the relationship between fish ponds management by private fish farmers and the conservation of water birds, funded by the Government’s Environment and Conservation Fund. “Local fish farmers did not like WWF, because they perceived us as caring only about birds, and not as interested in people’s livelihoods. The local people often lost money when the bird species WWF was protecting ate their fish stocks,” Lau recalls. But regardless of all these hurdles, he interviewed over 30 fish farmers to complete the pilot study.

His persistence for two years finally paid off, and he has successfully engaged the local community. “One thing that I feel the most is, we have to identify our different opinions and drivers – we want to conserve the natural habitat and local biodiversity, while the fish farmers run a business and do not want conservation to get in their way,” he says. “Active listening and sincerity are crucial. Most of them are indigenous villagers. If you don’t show respect to them, they merely see you as an invading outsider.”

Since then more opportunities have evolved to engage with local people – first was the “Adopt-A-

Green Fish Farm”, a fund-raising programme that offered incentives to fish farmers to adopt a sustainable fish farming approach. Then the Eco-Fish Farming programme, a self-sufficient business model, which rides on the fact that customers are willing to pay more for an eco-friendly fish of better quality from a credible source. “I deliberately went to the supermarket booths to gain feedback,” he said. “At first people were amazed that a grey mullet could be sold for $45, but after I’d explained to them about the benefits to the environment and the local communities’ livelihoods, nine out of 10 people would buy it.”

WWF’s prime objective is to create an environment where nature and humans can live in harmony, and the Eco-Fish Farming Scheme has set a perfect example – it is a way to strike the balance between wildlife conservation and people’s livelihoods. “Conservation can be aligned with the benefits of local stakeholders, so that nature and people can co-exist.” says Lau. “I’m really happy to see that the Eco-Fish Farming Scheme has successfully achieved the self-sufficient goal.”



“Conservation can be aligned with the benefits of local stakeholders, so that nature and people

can co-exist.”

• 認識本會人員 WWF People

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物種卻非常繁盛。過去一個世紀,在香港的陸地和淡水生境地,分別錄得超過800種脊椎動物和近25,000種無脊椎動物。我們生活在城市之中,接觸這些物種的機會不多,為讓市民對香港的野生動物有更多認識,本會應香港科學館邀請,與嘉道理農場暨植物園和漁農自然護理署合辦「香江生態」展覽。展覽日期至 2010 年 8月 31 日止。

是次展覽共展出 30 多種本地的著名動



自然遺產表現出濃厚興趣,她說:「很高興看到年輕一代對互動展品反應踴躍,這次展覽提高了他們對本地自然生態的興趣,從而明白保護環境的重要。感謝各合辦機構對展覽的支持。」本會積極參與本地生態的保育工作,並自 1984 年起一直管理米埔自然保護區—亞洲其中一片生物多樣性最豐富的濕地。

Despite Hong Kong’s notorious reputation as a



Welcome 認識野生動物

Rare local creatures from the sea and land all come together in an exhibition at the Hong Kong Science Museum to celebrate our vibrant biodiversity.

© H

ong Kong S

cience Museum

jungle(左)盧氏小樹蛙 ; (上)香港鬥魚 ; (下)香港瘰螈

(left) Luixalus romeri; (above) Macropodus; (bottom) Paramesotriton

to the

claustrophobic concrete jungle, wildlife flourishes. Over the past century, more than 800 vertebrates and nearly 25,000 invertebrates from land and freshwater have been recorded. But city dwellers are hardly aware of these remarkable findings. To give Hong Kong people a better understanding about the creatures that live among us, WWF-Hong Kong was invited by The Hong Kong Science Museum, along with the Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, to host the “Biodiversity in Hong Kong” exhibition that runs until 31 August, 2010.

This event is not to be missed, with 30 amazing live specimens

on display. Visitors can check out many local biodiversity ‘celebrities’, such as the Romer’s Tree frog, endemic to Hong Kong; Anderson’s Stream Snake, one of the smallest snakes that is found locally and the Hong Kong Newt, the only tailed amphibian reported in Hong Kong. More common species are also on display, including the Chinese Gecko, which most Hong Kong people may have seen, but perhaps never had a chance to get close to.

Visitors can learn more about our local biodiversity from display panels and interactive games. They can also vote for their favorite creature at the designated booth. Paulina Chan, assistant curator of the Hong Kong Science Museum, is happy to see that the exhibit is so

well-received, meaning that many Hong Kong people, especially the young generation, are interested in learning more about conservation and our natural heritage. “It’s been a great joy seeing kids and teenagers learning more about the local species and having fun in playing with the interactive setup. It has inspired them to get more interested in local biodiversity and thus the importance of protecting the environment. The exhibition is a result of the hard work of all the co-hosting organisations,” she said. WWF-Hong Kong actively participates in the conservation of local biodiversity and has been managing the Mai Po Nature Reserve since 1984, one of Asia’s finest locations for wetland biodiversity.

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• 專題 Feature


公司 Leo Burnett Hong Kong 一拍即合,製作了一系列的電視廣告及網上

行動,以嘻笑怒罵的手法,向大眾宣揚低碳生活的重要性,備受各界注目。我們亦推出互動網站 www.reportsomeone.com.hk,鼓勵年青一族參與環保,並同設Facebook 及 Twitter 專頁支持行動。究竟創作團隊如何製作出這個趣味與創意兼備的計劃?現在就逐一破解!




Low carbon creations低碳新創意

WWF’s latest low carbon campaign has been a big hit in Hong Kong, but how did it all come together?

When WWF looked for a partner to promote Earth Hour and low carbon living, they enlisted Leo Burnett Hong Kong to create a

series of TVCs and online campaigns. Eye-catching commercials, which wittily illustrate the moral need for low carbon living, have been a big hit with their irreverence and humour. Meanwhile, an online campaign at www.reportsomeone.com.hk has engaged young people with its fun and interactive take on environmental protection, all supported by Facebook and Twitter campaigns. So how did the team put it all together?

1. 首先,Leo Burnett Hong Kong 團隊與本會代表見面,了解計 劃的目標及對象。

Firstly, Leo Burnett Hong Kong had to meet WWF-Hong Kong and understand the objective of the campaign – what did WWF-Hong Kong want to achieve and what was their target audience?

2. 製作團隊對各項議題進行分析,研究如何才能鼓勵及推動香港 市民參與,實踐低碳生活。 Next came analysing the challenges and researching

how to best engage Hong Kong people with an emotional appeal and motivate them to start living with a lower carbon footprint.

3. 經過深入研究後,簡述計劃目標的創作提案會送交撰稿員及設 計師,以構思細節及交付作品。 After research, a creative proposition, which outlined the objectives of the campaign, was given to writers

and designers, who came up with the details and delivery.

5. 創作人員在構思網上及電視廣告意念時,由於要顧及不同類型的 觀眾,故需從不同角度出發。 During this process, ideas were formulated for online and television components, which required different angles due to diverse nature of audiences.

7. 製作完成後,本會氣候項目專家會進行批閱,確保信息能得到有 效傳遞。 After production, WWF climate experts ensured the

message and delivery were just right.

4. 創作團隊從電影、遊戲、書籍、雜誌及舊廣告尋找靈感,多晚通 宵達旦構思創作,堅守原創設計的理念。 The creative team found inspiration from anything

from movies, to games, books, magazines and old ads, developing a human angle over many cups of late night coffee. The one criteria that’s not to be missed was that the campaign must be original.

6. 下一步是與導演及後期製作團隊合作,進行拍攝製作,並加入他們 的寶貴建議。 Next up, the director and post production teams, who

were the collaborative partners, brought their own perspectives on the table.

8.「地球一小時」廣告正式在大氣電波、互聯網及街上面世! Launch! The campaign hit the airwaves, networks and streets to become a success!

Illustrations: © E

milio R

ivera III

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愛環保。莫太認為, Facebook 可讓她向更 多人宣揚環保信息,鼓勵他們從家居做起,實踐低碳生活。她笑說:「當我發現兒子吃得太多肉類,我就威脅不替他們洗衫, 希望他們能改變飲食習慣,多吃有機蔬菜!」

莫太在 Facebook 的個人資料頁(http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000767485997)分享了不少環保生活秘訣,例如到街市買菜時自備購物袋,還以身作則騎單車上班,鼓勵親友一同身體力行,由一名普通主婦變身為環保英雄!她說:「保護地球非常重要,

我們每個人都應為環保出力!」我們將會 配合本會的教育、研究及策劃工作,陸續與更多如莫太等 「Facebook 活躍分子」合作。


現居紐約的畫家及插圖家 Naoko Stoop 親自繪製一幅海報,支持「地球一小時」活動。自學成才的 Naoko 原本在日本主修工商管理,曾任職營銷行政人員,及後她到加拿大溫哥華生活,親身體驗到大自然的雄偉壯麗,從此人生觀便出現了重大轉變。她說:


然,只要身處其中,便會令我精神一振。 世界之大, 讓我感嘆自己是多麼的渺小。」

有一天,畫廊老闆建議 Naoko 為「地球一小時」繪製海報,曾於去年見證紐約著名地標在布魯克林兩岸熄燈的 Naoko,認為這個活動與她的理想不謀而合,於是她以原創的紅帽女孩,配合「關上燈,向月亮傾訴」的標語,設計出一幅意味深遠的 海報。她表示:「我很高興能透過藝術創作,參與這項全球盛事。除了城市的璀璨燈光外,天上還有漂亮的月亮、星星,為何我們不去讚美它們呢?」

Grassroots power


On her Facebook profile (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000767485997), she posts personal tips on environmental protection and encourages others to follow. She brings her own bags for daily shopping in the wet market, and sets an example by riding a bicycle to work. “I think everyone needs to play a part in conserving the environment, since helping the Earth is such an essential matter!” Mok concludes. Linking with Facebook gurus like Mok is becoming a regular complement to WWF’s educational efforts, research and policy advocacy, proving a useful (and free) tool that reaches out to mass audiences in a very short time. For Mok, it has turned

her from an ordinary housewife to an environmental hero.

Painting a bright picture New York based self-taught painter and illustrator Naoko Stoop took the long route from her childhood in Japan to Earth Hour illustrator. Originally a business major in Japan and a former marketing executive, Stoop found a sea change in her life when she experienced the great outdoors while living in Vancouver, Canada. “It was the first time in my life that I could see nature on a large scale,” she says. “I felt somewhat spiritual by just being in nature, and I felt how I was just a small part of this large Earth system.”

After a gallery owner suggested she create a poster for Earth Hour, she found the event matched her ideals perfectly, particularly as she had witnessed a previous Earth Hour watching iconic New York buildings go dark on the banks of Brooklyn. Using a poster featuring her character Red Knit Cap Girl, she added “Turn Off the Lights, Talk To the Moon”, and the rest is history. “I was delighted to be able to get involved with this wonderful worldwide event through my artwork,” she says. “Yes, we have the beautiful moon and stars beyond the artificial lights – why don’t we celebrate them?”

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成當前的全球盛事。為協助宣傳 「地球一小時」,本會邀請了多位「低碳生活達人」,有向大眾分享經驗的普羅市民, 也有藉藝術創作表示支持的畫家。今期



今年本會透過 Facebook 宣傳「地球一小 時」。活動的其中一位「低碳生活達人」──家庭主婦莫冼惠萍(莫太)利用時下的流行網上社交平台 Facebook,宣揚低碳生活及「地球一小時」行動,並與親友分享環保生活小貼士。

莫太是一名普通家庭主婦,可想不到的是她也是 Facebook 的活躍份子,同時她熱

Earth Hour has come from humble origins to establish

itself as a powerful global movement. At the heart of promoting the event are WWF ‘low carbon gurus’, ordinary people who lent their expertise to the cause and artists who showed their support through strong visuals. WWF About Life meets two such people and finds out how they got involved…

Housewife turned heroWWF made good use of Facebook to promote Earth Hour, albeit from some unlikely sources. Enter housewife Apple Mok, a low carbon guru for the event, who used the social networking tool to engage the public about low carbon living and Earth Hour, while also sharing environmental tips with her friends online.

Mok is a rarity in that she is a housewife who uses Facebook actively and is also committed to conservation, becoming a role model to promote Earth Hour. For her, using Facebook presents the opportunity to spread a wider green message, a habit that started from home. “When I felt my sons were eating too much meat I persuaded them to switch to more environmentally friendly vegetables by threatening not to wash their clothes!” she exclaims.

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持環保需要花點心思。本會「STEP可持續生活模式教育計劃」推出的碳足印計算器,就以簡單生動的方式,提高小學生對環保的認識。這個簡單易用的網上 小工具,使用色彩繽紛的圖案設計,為 學習增添趣味,並配合由太古集團慈善 信托基金贊助的 STEP 計劃,啟發學生 認識氣候變化帶來的影響,同時學習如 何實踐環保生活。

本會高級教育主任王偉東表示:「對 成年人來說,碳足印的概念已不易明白, 要小學生理解碳足印與氣候變化的關

係,更加困難,他們甚至可能不了解氣 候是什麼。」

參與 STEP 計劃的學生認識環保概念後,可利用碳足印計算器,計算自己的碳排放量,藉此將學習所得的知識應用在日常生活之中。這個碳足印計算器亦為教導學生實踐環保的重要工具。


其他卡通角色包括北極熊及綠海龜等動物,牠們都是受氣候變化威脅的物種。在 STEP 計劃的網頁中,一眾卡通角色會與大家分享有關動物的有趣小資料,並訴說了對全球暖化的憂慮。

王偉東表示:「計算碳足印時,我們一般會問一些與電費單相關的問題,但是小朋友不大可能知道這些資料,所以我們改問他們使用電腦、洗澡及乘坐交通工具上學所需的時間。」除了計算碳排 量外,碳足印計算器同時為參與的小學生提供改善意見,並鼓勵他們作出承諾, 繼續實踐環保,邁向綠色生活。

1-2-3Easy as

「妙」計 碳足印

The STEP Carbon Calculator provides students with a simple way to calculate their carbon footprint, turning complexity into child’s play…


Bringing climate change to the attention of the younger generation is no easy task; that’s why WWF’s Sustainable lifestyle Target Education Programme (STEP), sponsored by the Swire Group Charitable Trust, has created The Carbon Calculator, a fun and easy way to help primary students learn more about conservation issues. Complementing the programme that teaches children about the

impact of climate change and how to create environmentally friendly habits, the online tool is colourful, easy to use and fun as well.

As Alex Wong, Senior Education Officer for WWF-Hong Kong explains, “carbon footprint is already a difficult concept for adults, and its linkage to climate change will be even harder for school children to grasp. They may not even understand what climate is.”

The Carbon Calculator serves as an ideal companion for children who have just learnt green concepts at school as part of STEP, while revealing whether children have applied environmental lessons in real life through calculating their carbon footprint. In this sense, the carbon calculator has become a crucial component in children’s environmental education process.

The most striking feature of

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—— 樂善堂楊仲明學校六年級學生許善祺

I think it’s very simple to use! The instructions are clear and there are pictures for guidance. According to the calculator, my carbon footprint over the past year stood at five tonnes, higher than the world average! This revelation

led me to live a greener lifestyle and encourage my family to do the same, such as avoiding using air conditioner until the weather is hotter than 28 degrees and even then, only turning it on for a while and switching to the fan when the rooms are cool enough!

— Candy Hui, primary six school student from Lok Sin Tong Yeung Chung Ming Primary School


Here is what local school children have to say about the STEP Carbon Calculator…

學生全情投入計算行動 KidS lovE CAlCulATing

請登入 wwf.org.hk/step,了解更多有關碳足印計算器的資料,並收看我們全新上載的視頻!

For more information, visit wwf.org.hk/step and see the carbon calculator in action, including a new video as well!

the Carbon Calculator is its design, tailored to attract children with vibrant design and cute mascots greeting visitors. The main mascot, aptly named Alarm, resembles a green alarm clock, which as Wong explains, “reminds students that climate change is near, sending a strong signal to them.”

Other mascots are representations of animals threatened by climate change such as polar bears and green turtles. On one section of the website, the mascots share fun facts about themselves and the worries they are facing under the shadow of warmer average global temperatures.

“Normally we would ask questions about electricity bills to calculate their carbon footprint, but obviously, with kids, it would be impossible to expect them to know the answers to those, so we ask about computer usage time, shower duration and how much transportation they take to school,” says Wong. In addition to the carbon footprint results, advice and pledges to act on are provided to encourage school children to continue walking the green path in life.

為了支持植林工作,本會推出別開生面的「My Baby Tree」計劃。當你購買 My Baby Tree 產品時,不單獲得迷你babytree 電話掛飾,又可放到盆栽繼續種植,而更意義重大的是,我們將為你在印尼龍目島林加尼森林植樹。透過這個獨一無二的破格方法,捐款者除了可公開為自己的樹木命名外,更可透過 Google Earth 查看樹木的位置,並與朋友分享。我們亦會發出電子證書,確認已經為你植樹。

To promote reforestation, WWF-Hong Kong is running a special My Baby Tree programme.

Under the initiative, buyers will receive a miniature babytree key chain to nurture and to watch grow, as a symbol of the main gift: the planting of a tree in Rinjani forest in Lombok, Indonesia. With this unique and revolutionary approach, donors can also publicly name their tree, and look at it with friends by visiting Google Earth. A personalised e-Certificate will be issued to confirm that WWF has planted a tree for them.

Tree talk小樹木 大意義

3厘米 cm

= =13

Under “My Baby Tree” programme, we planted more than 10,400 trees. That’s equivalent to…

本會已根據「My Baby Tree」計劃, 種植了超過 10,400 棵樹木, 即相等於......

Baby tree 平均高度Baby tree’s average height:

面積The size of:

個足球場football fields

© Frederick J. W

eyerhaeuser / WW


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為期六個月的流動技術應用課程, 為 200 名小學教師提供培訓,協助他 們在學校推行環保教育。課程包括三 小時的培訓工作坊以及六小時的米埔 實地考察活動,主要介紹如何在自然保 護區應用電腦、數碼相機及網上資源 等流動技術,讓教師及學生認識環保, 啟發他們的學習興趣。

本會教育經理梁銘恩表示:「這些資 訊科技教材及流動教學工具設計完善, 而且易於使用,讓教師有機會探索濕 地環境在生態、社會及經濟方面的特 點,同時亦可了解本會提供的環保教材。 透過參加培訓課程,教師將可在米埔 自然保護區的推動下,為全港學校設 計及舉辦環保及可持續發展教學活動。」

參加課程的教師亦有機會學習使 用數碼顯微鏡、數據收集設備、輕觸 式手提裝置及攝錄器材等創新工具,進行戶外考察、野外實驗及資訊分析,再與

學生分享這些技術,豐富他們的野外學 習經驗。

野外學習活動增加了不少互動元素, 例如使用手提裝置數算雀鳥種群、利用 可攜式數碼顯微鏡進行實驗,或以手提攝錄機記錄學習經驗,讓學生更親近大自然, 並推動他們積極參與野生動物保育。

有關本會教育項目的更多資料,請瀏覽wwf.org.hk/whatwedo/education。培訓課程第一階段已經結束,本會將於 9 月新學年為中學教師舉辦新課程,敬請密切留意。

Marshes get mobile


Technology is key to attracting young people to understand

and get involved in conservation issues, and WWF is mixing it all up by bringing conservation and mobile devices together at the Mai Po Nature Reserve to encourage educational awareness among primary school teachers and students.

A six-month scheme has provided training to 200 primary school teachers to help them organise their own environmental educational programmes for their school, including a three-hour training workshop as well as a six-hour field trip to the Mai Po Nature Reserve. The main focus of the training is using mobile technology in the nature reserve, from computers to digital cameras and internet resources, in order to assist and inspire teachers

and students to learn about environmental issues.

“With the aid of well designed, readily accessible IT learning materials (both online and offline) and mobile learning devices, teachers have the opportunity to explore ecological, social and economic features of the wetland environment and learn about all the environmental education resources provided by WWF.” says Yammie Leung, Education Manager for WWF-Hong Kong. “In this way, the teachers on the course will be able to create engaging lessons focusing on environmental protection and sustainable development around Hong Kong that the Mai Po Nature Reserve helps promote.”

The course also allows teachers to take part in outdoor observations, field experiments and data interpretation that use

innovative tools such as digital microscopes, equipment for data collection, touch-screen handheld devices and video equipment, so that they can share this technology with students to enhance their experience at the reserve.

Increasing interactive activities such as using hand-held devices to calculate bird populations, carrying out experiments with portable digital microscopes, or using webcams to record experiences will bring students closer to the natural environment and further engage them in wildlife protection efforts.

To learn more about WWF’s education programme, visit wwf.org.hk/whatwedo/education. While the first phase has finished, we are offering another programme to secondary school teachers from the beginning of the new school year in September. Keep an eye out for it.

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Teachers attend WWF-Hong Kong courses on using a range of mobile technologies to enhance primary students’ learning experiences at Mai Po



© Martin Harvey / WWF-Hong Kong

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「資本企業家綠色企業獎 2010」亦說明


綠色企業獎在今年初由《資本企業家》雜誌設立,旨在表揚企業在業務取得盈利之餘,亦關注保護環境。今年約有 30 間公司獲得嘉許,以肯定其在推行節能措施、循環再造、保育、廢物及污染管理或銷售環保產品及服務方面的卓越表現。本會環境保護總監鄺力存博士表示:


在頒獎典禮上,先進室內空氣質素 監控系統製造商 Lifa Air Ltd 獲頒發 冠軍殊榮,而從事生產螢光燈管的匯能燈光有限公司,以及酒店節能系統開發

的 Benalla Ltd 則分別奪得亞軍及季軍。評審小組認為,得獎企業須制定

具有遠見的營運策略,在公司各個層面體現環保之餘,並以環保作為提升盈利的重要元素。鄺力存博士在頒發獎項予冠軍獎得主後表示:「要成為綠色企業, 首先要有熱誠,能把握創新環保商機,配合市場策略;時刻緊貼市場動態,了解 可持續發展原則才會達到目標。」


鄺力存博士表示:「綠色企業商機龐大,就以中國為例,用於環保企劃的投資會高達 2,170 億美元。在香港,最大的挑戰是缺乏政府政策的支持,環保計劃因此未能取得長期投資和回報。」

Winning the green game表揚綠色企業

The usual stereotype of successful companies

is anything but altruistic, but the inaugural CAPITAL Entrepreneur Green Enterprise Awards, co-organised by WWF-Hong Kong and supported by The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies, shows that being environmentally-friendly is good for the bottom line as well.

Established by Capital Entrepreneur earlier this year, the Green Enterprise Awards recognise companies working on environmental concerns to create profitable businesses. Around 30 companies received an accolade for being involved in energy efficiency measures, recycling, conservation, waste and pollution management or in the sale of green products and services. Andy Cornish, WWF-Hong Kong Director of Conservation said: “These entrepreneurs and WWF share the same target – to bring the environmentally-friendly factor into business and promote how green industries are gaining the edge.”

At the award presentation ceremony, Lifa Air Ltd, a company that produces state-of-the-art indoor air quality control systems, picked up the top award. Synergy Lighting Ltd, a producer of fluorescent lighting, and Benalla Ltd, which develops energy-saving systems for hotels, were awarded the first and second runner-up prizes respectively.

The panel of judges granted prizes to enterprises that demonstrated visionary business models and where environmental factors were seen spread throughout the company that played a major role in increasing profits. “The first requirement is passion, followed by vision in

A string of Hong Kong companies receive honours in the Capital Entrepreneur “Green Enterprise Awards 2010” by proving that eco-friendly practices can turn into a profit



香港經濟發展迅速,無可避免會對環境造成重大影響, 本會推出低碳製造計劃



請瀏覽 wwf.org.hk/lcmp低碳辦公室計劃(LOOP)透過調整辦公室營運模式及訂立守則, 協助企業減少碳足


道更多計劃資料及報名參加低碳辦公室計劃講座,請登入 wwf.org.hk/loop

While Hong Kong’s economy has a high impact on the environment, WWF-Hong Kong programmes are aiming to lessen the blow. The Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP) is reducing carbon emissions generated by manufacturing facilities in the Pearl River Delta, many of which have Hong Kong investment behind them. As part of the programme, a carbon accounting and labelling system has been created to provide manufacturers with the best practice in greenhouse gas management. Find out more and learn how to join at wwf.org.hk/lcmp

Meanwhile, the Low-carbon Office Operation Programme (LOOP) is helping Hong Kong companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by changing office operations and adopting best practices. It also provides a toolkit to measure the carbon performance of an office and to devise an emissions reduction strategy. Sign up for our next LOOP seminar and learn more at wwf.org.hk/loop

減碳計劃 Cutting DOwn CarbOn

green commercial opportunities and the right market strategy. Only through observing market trends closely and understanding sustainability can a substantial breakthrough be achieved,” said Cornish, who also presented the top award.

It is hoped that Green Enterprise Awards will serve to raise public awareness of the many businesses in Hong Kong that are involved in furthering environmental concerns, as well as to encourage entrepreneurs in the region to create businesses that focus on sustainability and green products or services.

“There are enormous opportunities for green enterprises. Taking China as an example, around US$217 billion will be used on ‘green’ projects. In Hong Kong however, the biggest challenge lies in the lack of government policy

support, meaning environmental projects are unable to perform long-term investment nor to gain returns,” said Cornish.

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球魚翅貿易量達 50至 80%,在 2009

年進口香港的魚翅就有超過 9,300 噸;近



翅宴會菜單選擇行動」。於 5月5日舉行的新聞發佈會上,藝人楊千嬅亦有到場,更公開承諾於年底的婚宴上,將不會供應魚翅菜式。

在活動上,楊千嬅亦呼籲更多新人及食肆加入本會行動。目前,已有 12 間酒店及酒樓開始提供無翅宴會菜單選擇,當中包括香港 JW 萬豪酒店、香港怡東酒店及御







Feel free to visit WWF’s website at wwf.org.hk/sharkfree to look for hotels and Chinese restaurants providing shark fin free menus.

caterers to the cause. “A lot of individual voices have

suddenly made themselves heard in the past few months. WWF is delighted to see the shark issue going mainstream; we’re reaching a tipping-point in attitudes to shark fin consumption. We’ve heard of countless battles by individuals who’ve struggled to find shark-free banquets in recent years, and the moves highlighted today are a response to those desires for consumer options. Offering alternatives to shark fin banquet menus is a significant step forwards to reducing Hong Kong’s impact on many shark populations worldwide, and I congratulate these industry leaders,” said

Dr Andy Cornish, Director, Conservation, WWF-Hong Kong.

Surrounding this issue has been a surge in online and offline discussions around the need for banquet menus to remove shark fin. “Introducing shark fin free banquet menus is an immediate and important first step to cater to the increasingly environmentally conscious public. Hong Kong people care about the future of these magnificent creatures. WWF will continue to work closely with the participating hotels and restaurants to drive sustainable seafood catering and consumption practice in Hong Kong,” added Cornish.

Known as the shark fin capital of the world, Hong

Kong handles 50 to 80 per cent of the global trade, with more than 9,300 tonnes imported into Hong Kong in 2009. Given its central role in shark fin consumption, the city must take significant responsibility in helping the global shark population return to health. Assuming a leading role in this issue has been WWF-Hong Kong, with the help of star power from local singer Miriam Yeung, who recently announced her pledge of not serving shark fin soup at her wedding banquet during an “Alternative Shark- Free Menu Programme” event on 5 May.

At the event, Yeung called for more couples and restaurants to join in WWF’s campaign, a drive that was recently boosted by the news that 12 hotels and restaurants have started to offer shark-free banquet menus, representing a major step in conservation efforts. The hotels and restaurants include industry leaders such as JW Marriott Hotel, The Excelsior and The Banqueting House, who pledged their support to the “Alternative Shark-free Menu Programme”, a galvanising move that will bring more local

All photos ©


F-Hong K


A WWF campaign reducing shark fin consumption is seeing strong support among local restaurant goers…




Local artist Ms Miriam Yeung and renowned chef Mr Jacky Yu世界自然基金會香港分會環境保護總監鄺力存博士

Dr. Andy Cornish, Director, Conservation, WWF-Hong Kong


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Page 19: About - Pandaawsassets.wwfhk.panda.org/downloads/wwf_aboutlife_summer... · 2012-02-10 · 本會大事記Events scrapbook 黑臉琵鷺數目增加 Spoonbill surge ... WWF is supporting
Page 20: About - Pandaawsassets.wwfhk.panda.org/downloads/wwf_aboutlife_summer... · 2012-02-10 · 本會大事記Events scrapbook 黑臉琵鷺數目增加 Spoonbill surge ... WWF is supporting
Page 21: About - Pandaawsassets.wwfhk.panda.org/downloads/wwf_aboutlife_summer... · 2012-02-10 · 本會大事記Events scrapbook 黑臉琵鷺數目增加 Spoonbill surge ... WWF is supporting