Bug tracking System

About Project

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Page 1: About Project

Bug tracking System

Page 2: About Project

1) About Project:

Bug Tracking System is a communicator between developer and tester. After project is developed by the developers it is given to testers for testing. Tester will configure the project i.e., creates a project with project information, developer information (email id’s). Tester will make this bug status as open and he assigns the bug to a developer. The developer will receive a mail contains the bug information and he will rectify the bug in the application. Once bug is rectified he will update the status of bug in the system to resolve and tester will get a mail on this. He will recheck the bug and if it is resolved he will close the bug else he again logs a bug in the bug tracking system.

1) Admin:-

1. 1)Admin Login :-

Once project is run every one have to give his identity means UserName and Password for Security. When Login Page is run first you have to select the Designation details from the dropdownlist means there is three Developer, Tester and Admin. For AdminLogin you have to Select Admin from that list. In the dropdownList Role is written by statically. After Selecting Admin have to write identity means UserName and Password which is store in the employee Table. When Admin write UserName and Password it will check it is valid or not from employee table.

When Admin without Entering Anything it Press Login button then validation is coming to picture means it will give to error “Enter UserName And Password”.This is Client side validation which is raised when condition is not satify.

After Login Admin can access Secure pages.In that Secure page

a) Add Project.b) Add Modulec) Add Functionality.d) Add Employee.e) Assign Project

This Secure page is there.

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1.2) Add Project:-

When Admin Click on Add Project Button then it will redirect to Add Project page in that page he have to write project name and Description about Project.

If Admin don’t write anything and click on Submit button then client side validation is give error to him that he have to enter Project and Description about Project.

If Admin Enter Project name And Description about Project then Click on Submit Button It ask to Add Module in that project if Admin Click on Submit Sutton then only Project name And Description will insert into Projectdescription Table.

If Admin Click on the Add Module button then it will Redirect to Add Module page.

2.2) Add Module:- Here in add module Page there is one DropdownList and two Textbox’s one for Enter Module and Other is to Description about Module.

Dropdownlist we bind the project name dynamically from Database. When Page is Load then it will Display to the end user that’s why we have to write to code in page Load Event. When page is loaded then code is Execute and get data from Projectdetails table it is displaying Project name to end user. When get data and bind the dropdownlist at that time it Display first value as a Select it is a initial value of Requeredfieldvilidator mean user don’t select any values then Select Project Error will display by the validator.

After Select Project name from dropdownlist. He have to enter Module name and Description about project other wise validator will raised and it will display error that enter module name and description about module.

After Enter all field properly And Click on Submit button Add Functionality button will be display if we click on the Add functionality button it will directly redirect to Add Functionality Page.

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1.3) Add Functionality:-

In Add functionality page Two dropdownlist And two Text box is placed.

1.3.1) Project DropdownList:- Dropdownlist we bind the project name dynamically from Database. When Page is Load then it will Display to the end user that’s why we have to write to code in page Load Event. When page is loaded then code is Execute and get data from Projectdetails table it is displaying Project name to end user. When get data and bind the dropdownlist at that time it Display first value as a Select it is a initial value of Requeredfieldvilidator mean user don’t select any values then Select Project Error will display by the validator.

1.3.2) Module Dropdownlist:- Module Dropdownlist will display when Admin Select any Project from Project dropdownlist. It will display the module in that project it bind from tb_projectmodules table first item will Display Select. And Validation is there if not satify then it will raised.

After Selecting both thing he have to enter Functionality in that project and Description about functionality if not specify and click on Submit button then validation will railsed. If Admin Add Functionality and Click on Submit button then data will be insert into tb_projfunctions table.

1.4) Add Employee:-

If Admin click on Add Employee button then it will redirect to the Add Employee page. In that Admin have to Add the information about Employee his name Password and Emailid and his role all the information Admin have to Enter.

In Dropdownlist of Role statically write the Developer and Tester and first value is the Select and it the initial value. When Admin Add the Employee he have to choose his Role means whether it is developer or Tester when Role is satify he have to enter information about Employee.

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If Satify all the condition means Client side condition then click on Submit button all the information will insert into the employee table. And employee have to get his information to Login.

1.5) Assign Project:- When Admin Click on Assign project button then it will redirect to the Assign Project page. Where in that page two dropdownlist is placed and it bind from database.

Dropdownlist we bind the project name dynamically from Database. When Page is Load then it will Display to the end user that’s why we have to write to code in page Load Event. When page is loaded then code is Execute and get data from Projectdetails table it is displaying Project name to end user. When get data and bind the dropdownlist at that time it Display first value as a Select it is a initial value of Requeredfieldvilidator mean user don’t select any values then Select Project Error will display by the validator

In Second dropdownlist Employee is bind from employee table amd first value is Select and it is the initial value of the dropdownlist based on that validation is display if not satify.

If Admin Select Project and Select Employee from dropdownlist and Click on the Submit button the this Project will Assign for that Employee and data will stored into the AssignProject table into the database.

1.6) Log Out:

If Admin Click on Logout Button the it will Redirect to the login page .

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2.1) Developer Login:-

When Login Page is run first you have to select the Designation details from the dropdownlist means there is three Developer, Tester and Admin. For DeveloperLogin you have to Select Developer from that list. In the dropdownList Role is written by statically. After Selecting Developer have to write identity means UserName and Password which is store in the employee Table. When Developer Enter UserName and Password it will check it is valid or not from employee table.

When Developer without Entering Anything it Press Login button then validation is coming to picture means it will give to error “Enter UserName And Password”.This is Client side validation which is raised when condition is not satify.

When UserName and Password is Correct then it will redirect to the Developer HomePage . Where he can view1) Enter Project Details.2) View Project Details3) View Bugs4) Logout

This is the Developer Pages where he can view or insert the data.

2.2) Enter Project Details:

When Developer Click on Enter Project Details then it redirect to the that page. Where one Dropdownlist is placed and three textbox’s. in Dropdown list which project is assign to him is display from database.

Dropdownlist we bind the project name dynamically from Database. When Page is Load then it will Display to the end user that’s why we have to write to

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code in page Load Event. When page is loaded then code is Execute and get data from Projectdetails table it is displaying Project name to end user. When get data and bind the dropdownlist at that time it Display first value as a Select it is a initial value of Requeredfieldvilidator mean user don’t select any values then Select Project Error will display by the validator.

When Developer Click on Submit button without inserting proper data then client side validation is display and give error to Enter data.

If data is Enter Correct and click on submit button then data will insert into Projectdatails table.

2.3) View Project details:-

In Developer Click on View Project Details button it will redirect to the View Project Page where one Grid view control is placed at design time which will bind at run time. Here in Grid view we give five field from database 1) Project Name2) Domain3) Duration4) Team Size5) Anser

Where all the field is bind at the run time from database. All code is witten in the page load event means when page is Load then data will be display in the gridview. First Project name which is assign by the Admin Domain name which is witten developer itself and Project duration and teams size And Answer which is give when bugs is happen in the project.

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2.3) My Bugs:-

This functionality is important in the project where Tester will sent the bugs if is there in the project then Tester will sent mail to the Developer. In that mail he specify all thing where error is the and which error is there then developer have to rectify which error is there or rectify that error and sent answer to the Tester.

In the My Bugs page there is the two dropdownlist one is for Project name and other is the name of the module which is bind from database.

Dropdownlist we bind the project name dynamically from Database. When Page is Load then it will Display to the end user that’s why we have to write to code in page Load Event. When page is loaded then code is Execute and get data from Projectdetails table it is displaying Project name to end user. When get data and bind the dropdownlist at that time it Display first value as a Select it is a initial value of Requeredfieldvilidator mean user don’t select any values then Select Project Error will display by the validator.

Other dropdownlist which is bind from Projectmodule table and that code is written in to the first dropdownlist checked change event when developer is select project then data will display into the second dropdownlist which is get from Project module table and display into dropdownlist.

If both Select and click on submit button the if bug is then regarding to the project or module then it will Display otherwise it won’t display. If Bugs is there then it display into the Gridview.

2.4) Answer Page.

In Bug page there is on Hyperlink for Reply if it click then it will Redirect to the Answer page there one dropdownlist and one textbox is placed.

Dropdownlist we bind the project name dynamically from Database. When Page is Load then it will Display to the end user that’s why we have to write to code in page Load Event. When page is loaded then code is Execute and get data from Projectdetails table it is displaying Project name to end user. When get data and bind the dropdownlist at that time it Display first value as a Select it is a initial value of Requeredfieldvilidator mean user don’t select any values then Select Project Error will display by the validator.

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If Developer Click on Submit button without entering the value then client side validator will give error. Display enter field Correctly. If Developer Enter value and click on Submit button then then data will stored into the Projectdetails table.

2.5) Logout:-

When Developer Click on Submit Button the it will redirect to the Login Page. If he want to go Secure pages then he have to again enter UserName and Password.


3.1) Tester Login Page:-

When Login Page is run first you have to select the Designation details from the dropdownlist means there is three Developer, Tester and Admin. For TesterLogin you have to Select Tester from that list. In the dropdownList Role is written by statically. After Selecting Tester have to write identity means UserName and Password which is store in the employee Table. When Tester Enter UserName and Password it will check it is valid or not from employee table.

When Tester without Entering Anything it Press Login button then validation is coming to picture means it will give to error “Enter UserName And Password”.This is Client side validation which is raised when condition is not satisfy.

When Tester is Login he can he can authorized for1) View Bugs Details2) Insert Bugs Details

He can view the bugs details and he can insert the bugs details.

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3.1)Insert Bugs Details:-

When Tester will click on Insert Bug Details then it will Redirect to the Insert Bugs Details Page where he have to insert all the bugs details.

First he have to select Project all the Bugs details means in which module bugs is there type of bugs Description of bugs and its status(Open or Close)he have to spacify.

Dropdownlist we bind the project name dynamically from Database. When Page is Load then it will Display to the end user that’s why we have to write to code in page Load Event. When page is loaded then code is Execute and get data from Projectdetails table it is displaying Project name to end user. When get data and bind the dropdownlist at that time it Display first value as a Select it is a initial value of Requeredfieldvilidator mean user don’t select any values then Select Project Error will display by the validator

When Project is select from dropdownlist then Project id and Module is dynamically bind from dropdownlist and display on the controls.

Module Dropdownlist will display when Tester Select any Project from Project dropdownlist. It will display the module in that project it bind from tb_projectmodules table first item will Display Select. And Validation is there if not satiny then it will raised.

After Select Project it regarding information means Project id and module come from database. After Selecting Module he have to insert bugs version of the bugs and Description about project if he not write and click on submit button then Client side validation will display the error.

There is one drowdownlist of Assign to which is Dynamically bind from database as Employee name. Other is Status is bugs is there then Tester will Select his status as open otherwise its status as close.

If Tester Enter all the information and click on submit button then data is stored in the Bugs table. If it inserted successfully then then it will Redirect to the mail page here Tester have to sent the mail to the Developer where in that page there is two textbox one for Subject and other for body of the mail. Internally in the code it get Emailid from employee table and sent mail to the Developer.

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3.2) view Bugs Status:-

When Tester Click on the view Bugs button then it will redirect to the view Bugs page.

In view Bugs page there is one Dropdownlist in that design time written three value one is select, open and close and in the page one Gridview is placed for displaying status. When Tester is Select Status and click on the Submit button then data related to the project will display in the grid view.Means project name module in that project bugs on that project and status Assign to that project all the information is Display in the gridview.

In dropdownlist if status Select closed the closed status project will display and when select as open the open project information will display.

In the BugsStatus page there is one Hyperlink CloseBugs in it click then it will redirect to the that page where three dropdownlist is placed and its bind from database.1) Project Name2) Module Name3) Bugs Issue

This three Dropdownlist is placed on the form Dropdownlist we bind the project name dynamically from Database. When Page is Load then it will Display to the end user that’s why we have to write to code in page Load Event. When page is loaded then code is Execute and get data from Projectdetails table it is displaying Project name to end user. When get data and bind the dropdownlist at that time it Display first value as a Select it is a initial value of Requeredfieldvilidator mean user don’t select any values then Select Project Error will display by the validator

Module Dropdownlist will display when Tester Select any Project from Project dropdownlist. It will display the module in that project it bind from tb_projectmodules table first item will Display Select. And Validation is there if not satiny then it will raised.

Third is bind when Tester click Select Project if in that project any bug is there then it display.

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If Tester Select all thing means Project Module and Bugs And click on the Submit button then it will make status of that project as closed

3.3) Logout:-

When Tester Click on Submit Button the it will redirect to the Login Page. If he want to go Secure pages then he have to again enter UserName and Password.

4)About Us :-

In the Login Page there is the one Link for about us this is the not secure pages every one can see or access that pages

5)Software Testing

This is also non secure page an accessibility to all user.

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