ABSTRACT Rescha: Development Biology Learning Equipment by Constructivist Oriented and Character Nuanced on Blood Circulation System Material for Senior High Schools Grade XI. Thesis. Biological Education, Postgraduate Program of Padang State University (2013). One of the approach to help students to involve students actively construct knowledge through meaningful experiences, social interaction, and the real fact is learning with learning equipment by constructivist oriented and character nuanced. But in reality, in SMAN 1 Sawahlunto, SMAN 8 Padang, and SMA dr. M. Natsir in sub-province of Solok, Biology learning still emphasize at cognate domain, students only studying product, memorizing concept, law and theory, learning character was teacher centered, orienting at test, learn only submitting items as product, and not yet developed cultural nation’s character values. The purpose of this research was to develop a Biology learning equipment by constructivist oriented and character nuanced, consist of the syllabus, lesson plans, handouts, students’ worksheets, and classroom-based assessment on blood circulation system materials for high school grade XI that were valid, practical, and effective. This is a research and development by using four-D models. The data collection was done through validating by five experts and two practitioners then it was tried out in eleventh grade of natural science at SMAN 1 Sawahlunto to know the practicality and effectiveness of the equipment. Based on the result of this research, it was known that Biology learning equipment by constructivist oriented and character nuanced on blood circulation system material for senior high schools grade XI were categorized valid. The average of validation from syllabus dan lesson plan is 3 and 3,24. Validation’s average of handout from expert validator and education practitioner is 3,21 and 3,5. Then, validation’s average of student’s worksheet from expert validator and education practitioner is 3,25 and 3,5. Validation’s value of paper and pen assessment, product assessment, self assessment, performance assessment, and attitude assessment, are 3,76, 3,84, 3,79, 3,86, and 3,87. From limitted try out, it was known that it’s application was categorized practical and very effective to increase students’s activities and result studies. Learning assessment showed the completeness was higher than minimal standard, and categorized as good. Character assessment showed that from 13 characters observed, generally, growth level of student’s character behavior was categorized as the beginning development.

ABSTRACT Rescha: Development Biology Learning Equipment …pustaka.unp.ac.id/file/abstrak_kki/abstrak_TESIS/3_A_RESCHA...Biologi berorientasi konstruktivisme bernuansa karakter, terdiri

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Page 1: ABSTRACT Rescha: Development Biology Learning Equipment …pustaka.unp.ac.id/file/abstrak_kki/abstrak_TESIS/3_A_RESCHA...Biologi berorientasi konstruktivisme bernuansa karakter, terdiri


ABSTRACT Rescha: Development Biology Learning Equipment by Constructivist Oriented and Character Nuanced on Blood Circulation System Material for Senior High Schools Grade XI. Thesis. Biological Education, Postgraduate Program of Padang State University (2013).

One of the approach to help students to involve students actively construct knowledge through meaningful experiences, social interaction, and the real fact is learning with learning equipment by constructivist oriented and character nuanced. But in reality, in SMAN 1 Sawahlunto, SMAN 8 Padang, and SMA dr. M. Natsir in sub-province of Solok, Biology learning still emphasize at cognate domain, students only studying product, memorizing concept, law and theory, learning character was teacher centered, orienting at test, learn only submitting items as product, and not yet developed cultural nation’s character values.

The purpose of this research was to develop a Biology learning equipment by constructivist oriented and character nuanced, consist of the syllabus, lesson plans, handouts, students’ worksheets, and classroom-based assessment on blood circulation system materials for high school grade XI that were valid, practical, and effective. This is a research and development by using four-D models. The data collection was done through validating by five experts and two practitioners then it was tried out in eleventh grade of natural science at SMAN 1 Sawahlunto to know the practicality and effectiveness of the equipment.

Based on the result of this research, it was known that Biology learning equipment by constructivist oriented and character nuanced on blood circulation system material for senior high schools grade XI were categorized valid. The average of validation from syllabus dan lesson plan is 3 and 3,24. Validation’s average of handout from expert validator and education practitioner is 3,21 and 3,5. Then, validation’s average of student’s worksheet from expert validator and education practitioner is 3,25 and 3,5. Validation’s value of paper and pen assessment, product assessment, self assessment, performance assessment, and attitude assessment, are 3,76, 3,84, 3,79, 3,86, and 3,87. From limitted try out, it was known that it’s application was categorized practical and very effective to increase students’s activities and result studies. Learning assessment showed the completeness was higher than minimal standard, and categorized as good. Character assessment showed that from 13 characters observed, generally, growth level of student’s character behavior was categorized as the beginning development.


Page 2: ABSTRACT Rescha: Development Biology Learning Equipment …pustaka.unp.ac.id/file/abstrak_kki/abstrak_TESIS/3_A_RESCHA...Biologi berorientasi konstruktivisme bernuansa karakter, terdiri


ABSTRAK Rescha. 2013. “Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Biologi Berorientasi Konstruktivisme Bernuansa Karakter pada Materi Sistem Peredaran Darah untuk SMA Kelas XI”. Tesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Padang.

Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk melibatkan siswa secara aktif mengonstruksi pengetahuan melalui pengalaman bermakna, interaksi sosial, dan dunia nyata adalah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran berorientasi konstruktivisme bernuansa karakter. Namun, kenyataannya di SMAN 1 Sawahlunto, SMAN 8 Padang, dan SMA dr. M. Natsir di Kabupaten Solok, pembelajaran Biologi masih menekankan pada ranah kognitif. Siswa hanya mempelajari produk, menghafal konsep, teori dan hukum, pembelajaran bersifat teacher centered, berorientasi pada tes atau ujian, guru hanya menyampaikan materi sebagai produk, dan belum mengembangkan nilai-nilai karakter budaya bangsa.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran Biologi berorientasi konstruktivisme bernuansa karakter, terdiri dari silabus, RPP, handout, LKS, dan asesmen berbasis kelas pada materi Sistem Peredaran Darah untuk SMA kelas XI yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan four-D models. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan validasi dan ujicoba perangkat yang dikembangkan. Rancangan perangkat yang telah didesain, divalidasi oleh 5 orang pakar dan 2 orang praktisi pendidikan, kemudian diujicoba secara terbatas di kelas XI IPA 3 SMAN 1 Sawahlunto untuk mengetahui praktikalitas dan efektivitas perangkat.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa perangkat pembelajaran Biologi berorientasi konstruktivisme bernuansa karakter pada materi Sistem Peredaran Darah untuk SMA kelas XI ini berada pada kategori valid. Rata-rata validasi silabus dan RPP secara berurutan adalah 3 dan 3,24. Handout untuk validator ahli dan praktisi pendidikan memiliki nilai kevalidan 3,21 dan 3,5. Selanjutnya LKS nilai kevalidannya 3,25 untuk validator ahli dan 3,5 untuk validator praktisi pendidikan. Asesmen tes tertulis, produk, diri dan kelompok, kinerja, dan sikap memiliki nilai kevalidan 3,76, 3,84, 3,79, 3,86, dan 3,87. Hasil ujicoba terbatas diketahui bahwa keterlaksanaan perangkat berada pada kategori praktis dan sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa. Asesmen pembelajaran menunjukkan ketuntasan melebihi batas minimal, dan berada pada kategori baik. Penilaian karakter menunjukkan bahwa dari 13 karakter yang diamati, pada umumnya tingkat perkembangan perilaku berkarakter siswa berada pada kategori mulai berkembang.
