x ABSTRACT Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an important infection in children. Its highest prevalence takes place during infancy and toilet training period in which most infants use diaper. However, the impact of the diaper use on UTI has been conflicting. The aim of this study was to understand the correlation between duration of superabsorbent diaper usage  with incidence of UTI in children. We performed a prospective cohort study from August-September 2011. We recruited children who used diaper everyday, went to play group or  posyandu at Yogyakarta. Subjects were divided into 2 groups. We compared the incidence of UTI among children who used diaper >4 hours per day (group I) and those who used 4 hours per day (group II). There were 180 children included in this study . Out of 90 children in group I, 26 (28,9%) had UTI whereas 9 (10%) of 90 children from group II had UTI. Multivariate analysis showed that UTI was significantly higher in children who used diaper >4 hours per day compared to children who used diaper 4 hours  per day (RR 3,65; 95%CI 1,60-8,35). The Mantel Haenzel analysis showed that the risk ratio for girls was 3,13 (95%CI 1,50-6,55) and boys was 1,56 (95%CI 0,27-8,94). The use of superabsorbent diaper >4 hours per day increased the risk of UTI 3,65 times compared with the use of 4 hours per day, especially for girls. Key words. Superabsorbent diaper, duration, risk factor, urinary tract infection.

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  • x


    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an important infection in children. Its

    highest prevalence takes place during infancy and toilet training period in which

    most infants use diaper. However, the impact of the diaper use on UTI has been

    conflicting. The aim of this study was to understand the correlation between

    duration of superabsorbent diaper usage with incidence of UTI in children.

    We performed a prospective cohort study from August-September 2011.

    We recruited children who used diaper everyday, went to play group or posyandu

    at Yogyakarta. Subjects were divided into 2 groups. We compared the incidence

    of UTI among children who used diaper >4 hours per day (group I) and those who

    used 4 hours per day (group II). There were 180 children included in this study. Out of 90 children in

    group I, 26 (28,9%) had UTI whereas 9 (10%) of 90 children from group II had

    UTI. Multivariate analysis showed that UTI was significantly higher in children

    who used diaper >4 hours per day compared to children who used diaper 4 hours per day (RR 3,65; 95%CI 1,60-8,35). The Mantel Haenzel analysis showed that

    the risk ratio for girls was 3,13 (95%CI 1,50-6,55) and boys was 1,56 (95%CI

    0,27-8,94). The use of superabsorbent diaper >4 hours per day increased the risk

    of UTI 3,65 times compared with the use of 4 hours per day, especially for girls.

    Key words. Superabsorbent diaper, duration, risk factor, urinary tract infection.

  • xi


    Infeksi Saluran Kemih (ISK) merupakan infeksi yang serius dan penting

    pada anak. Puncak kejadiannya adalah selama masa bayi dan periode toilet

    training, dimana masa itu merupakan periode terbanyak pengguna diaper. Namun,

    bagaimana pengaruh diaper terhadap angka kejadian ISK masih menjadi

    perdebatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara

    lama penggunaan diaper daya serap tinggi dengan angka kejadian ISK pada anak.

    Penelitian ini menggunakan design kohort prospektif. Sampel penelitian

    adalah anak yang menggunakan diaper daya serap tinggi setiap hari dan

    bersekolah di kelompok bermain, tempat pengasuhan anak atau berobat ke

    posyandu di wilayah Kota Yogyakarta selama periode Agustus-September 2011.

    Sampel penelitian dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu anak yang menggunakan

    diaper lebih dari 4 jam perhari (Group I) dan anak yang menggunakan diaper

    kurang dari 4 jam perhari (Group II).

    Seratus delapan puluh anak diikutkan dalam penelitian ini. Sampel yang

    mengalami ISK di group I sebanyak 26 anak (28,9%) sedangkan di group II

    sebanyak 9 anak (10%). Analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa lama

    penggunaan diaper lebih dari 4 jam perhari meningkatkan risiko ISK secara

    signifikan dibandingkan penggunaan diaper daya serap tinggi kurang dari 4 jam

    perhari dengan nilai RR 3,65 (95%IK 1,601-8,350). Perempuan yang

    menggunakan diaper lebih dari 4 jam perhari berisiko lebih tinggi terhadap ISK

    dibandingkan laki-laki (nilai P 4 jam perhari meningkatkan

    risiko terhadap ISK dibandingkan lama penggunaan diaper < 4 jam perhari,

    terutama pada perempuan.

    Kata kunci. Diaper daya serap tinggi, durasi, faktor risiko, ISK