ABZ-emotionsS by Maria Mar

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  • 8/10/2019 ABZ-emotionsS by Maria Mar


    The ABZ of Emotions By Maria Mar P a g e | 1


    Bonus Chart

    By Maria Mar2011

    Published by ShamansDance Publishing & Productions Inc.

  • 8/10/2019 ABZ-emotionsS by Maria Mar


    The ABZ of Emotions By Maria Mar P a g e | 2


    This bonus is a courtesy of Maria Mar, the Dream Alchemist

    MagicMark your Life! I help you awaken magic, love and spirit

    so that you can manifest your dream

    and realize your success today and every day.

    Maria Mar




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    The ABZ of Emotions By Maria Mar P a g e | 3


    Letter Aspect of Emotions

    A Affluence, Abundance, Art, Awareness, Adaptive, The Assumption Vessel Affluence means influx, streaming, and this is the movement of emotions. It also means Abundance , which describes the wealth of emotions in a human and the abundance

    generated from this emotions. Art is intimately connected to emotions, as emotions spring from the energy in the Second Chakra, which manages the energy of the Emotional Body and is the creative powerhouse in our subtle body. If you repress your emotions, youll get a creative block. Emotional Awareness is key in all aspects of life. Without it, you are clueless as to the real fabric of your life. Like water, emotions are Adaptive . Here you will see some of the Psychic Vessels that affect the shape of your emotions. One of these vessels is Assumption . Your emotions will take the shape of your assumptions.

    B Be in the body, The Beliefs Vessel Emotions are the language of your BodySoul . If you are up in your mind you may not be aware of your emotions. Being (Vs. doing) is also essential to feel and connect to your emotions. Belief is another Psychic Vessel that can shape emotions. If you carry a false, limiting belief as you face a new opportunity, your emotions will take that shape. They will color every new situation with the hues and shape of that belief, until you begin to see the new with the eyes of the old.

    C Cleansing, Constricting, Channeling, Combing Emotions

    Emotions have a cleansing effect in your BodySoul when you acknowledge them and allow them to flow without trying to control them or act them out (or in). It is also important to know how to cleanse your emotions from old toxic garbage (See U). Emotions can be Constricting or Expansive. (See E.) Constricting emotions are fear based. (See F.) They close

    you off. Channeling our emotions is an art that brings about life mastery, as you empower yourself with their immense electrical and magnetic power and intuition at the same time that you can channel them towards your intent. Combing emotions is the process of cleansing emotions from the toxic debris of the past so that you can use them to charge your life with passion, power and transformation.

    D Depth, Dive in

    Emotions give depth to our human experience, allowing us to experience a wealth of insights via empathy, compassion, intuition, passion and other emotional phenomena. Many of us avoid our emotions because we dont know how to handle them. Others act them out and are

    governed by their emotions. Emotions have been referred to as a vast ocean. Dive right in !

    E Energy, Electric, Expansive, Empathy, The Expectation Vessel Emotions are energy in motion within the human subtle body or Energy Field . They move in the Emotional Body and the Astral Body , both of which are fluid. Emotions move as waves in our subtle body. These waves are electric and magnetic . (See M.) The Electric aspect of emotions is a Shiva quality from the male aspect of our being. The electrical quality of

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    emotions activates, ignites and creates movement. If you charge a thought with an emotion, it will be activated. Its like turning a switch on. Expansive Emotions are Lovebased. (See L.) They are creative, fresh, vibrant and spontaneous, responding to the present. Emotions give us the gift of empathy , to feel with another. Expectation is another Psychic Vessel that will shape your emotions. If you expect positive things to happen, your emotions will be expansive

    in facing

    a new














    F Flow, Freedom, Feelings, Fear based, Fearless in the face of Fear, The FREEDOM key Emotions and feelings flow in our subtle body as waves. They connect us to the flow of the Universe and help us circulate with that flow. But they are not rational and often we do not understand them because weve been trained to understand things logically. Feelings are more refined emotions that move at the Astral Body, generating soft pastel hues; while emotions are rawer and move in the Emotional Body , producing vibrant, strong hues of orange colors. Being in tune with your emotions opens the door to Freedom , as you become also connected to the ebb and flow of nature and of the Universe. Fear based feelings are constrictive and create stagnation. When you are stuck, search for the fear based feeling behind your stickiness. This fear is usually a program from the past. Become Fearless in the Face of Fear and you will activate the FREEDOM Key. Freedom is a way of living outside the fear based limitations inherited from others, so that you are able to make free choices.

    G Ground yourself in the flow, The GRATITUDE Key Emotional Intelligence is different from logical know how. We are used to grounding ourselves in certainty. But emotions invite us to ground ourselves in the wisdom of Uncertainty, which is more real as we truly do not know what will happen at any given moment. By relinquishing our illusions of control, we ground ourselves in the flow of the

    Universe, becoming more fluid and allowing the Universe to respond to our requests faster. Gratitude is one of the most powerful Emotional Keys . Practice it daily and your emotions will be cleansed, vibrant and expansive.

    H Hues of life, Harmonic resonance, The HAPPINESS Key Emotional energy moves in rainbow like waves in the Emotional and Astral bodies. An artist deeply involved in creation emits radiant orange waves of energy from the Emotional Body. Lovers also emit these waves. When love is deeper and more refine it also emits pink clouds or waves that move in the Astral Body, coming from the heart. Pregnant women have this glow as they are imbued in the love for the new life within them. Emotional vibrations

    respond strongly







    Harmonic Resonance. To


    the HAPPINESS key , simply make the choice to be happy. Nothing from the external world can make you happy. Happiness is a choice.

    I Intimacy, Intuition, The Interpretations Vessel Intimacy is the art of becoming aware of your emotions and the Personal Truth they contain and of being able to honor and share this truth with others. Emotions are the messengers of

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    Intuition , the wisdom of your Soul . Interpretations are another vessel that shapes emotions. Change your interpretation, and watch your emotions change!

    J Juice, Jewels

    Emotions are














    up. They are also jewels that radiate within you, illuminating your imagination, intuition, compassion and other fine qualities. Recognizing your emotional jewels is a great way of feeding your self esteem and self love.

    K Kiss and make up, The FORGIVENESS Key A kiss is a powerful expression of love, the greatest and most powerful human emotion and universal force. Resentment, hatred and similar emotions are constrictive and toxic, stealing the power and joy of love from you and blocking the streams of your emotional rivers. Use compassion, tenderness, mercy, empathy and affection to simply dissolve and release these defensive and judgmental emotions. This is the power of the Forgiveness Key . It opens the door to the love available in the Universe for you.

    L Love based, Law of Attraction, The LOVE Key Love based emotions are expansive. They allow you to be open to new possibilities. They allow you to flow with the universal ebb and flow. Emotions are the fuel for the Law of Attraction . They charge your actions with passion and magnetize the resources and support you need. Embrace Love . This is the key that opens all the doors!

    M Magnetic, Movement, Memory Strings

    Emotions are electric and also magnetic. The magnetism in emotions is its Shakti quality, the Female aspect in you. A thought charged with emotion becomes magnetic. It will attract what it needs to become solid. Emotions are movement . The Universe is always in a state of movement and change. Emotions tune into the dance of this movement, allowing you to grow and transform. (See T.) Emotions pull your memory strings and can take you into the past. Through their pathways, you can remember things youve forgotten. They can help you find, release and transmute energy patterns created in the past.

    N Nautical Compass In the Ocean of Emotions that exist in the Collective Consciousness , your personal emotions and feelings serve as compass. This compass is your BodySoul . The state in which your body is expressing your Souls truth. This is a genuine core within you that stirs you in the right path at any given time while connecting you with the resonant frequencies in the Universe. Refine your Personal Compass.

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    O Personal Oracle, Organic Emotions Your emotions constitute your Personal Oracle. As any Seer, you need to learn to distinguish fear based constrictive emotions from Lovebased expansive organic emotion. These are the fresh, expansive emotions that spontaneously respond to the present moment, matching its frequency and vibrating to its best potential for you. You also need to cleanse your emotional lenses so that your prejudices do not cloud your emotions. Once you learn this, your emotions will be an excellent Oracle that you can trust.

    P Passion, Primary Emotions Passion is the fire of emotions fueling your being. It charges your intention or will power, allowing you to persevere in your course of action. It is magnetic, attracting similar frequencies and resonating with others, so that it attracts support. Primary Emotions are those learned habitual emotions that show up as a pattern of response in your life. For example, some peoples primary emotion is anger. They immediately want to resist, fight, blame or protest. Others primary emotion is fear. They are immediately overwhelmed or intimidated. Examining your Primary Emotions allows you to release emotional habits that keep you repeating old patterns.

    Q Quality of Experience Your emotions create the colors and texture of the weaving of your life. They determine the quality of your experience. If your emotional repertoire is constrictive, you experience a constrictive, poor quality of experience. If it is expansive, you experience life as an exciting adventure, and you have a rich quality of experience.

    R Release, renewal

    Emotions are rivers flowing through you. Cleanse and channel these streams well, and you can release toxic energy and past patterns. Seek expansive emotions when you need renewal .

    S Shapeshifting, self intimacy, surfing, streams of life You are always shapeshifting . You are never the same person. You change depending on the situation, the people you are with, the moods you are in and the expectations and thoughts you are feeding. All this shapeshifting takes place in your emotional world. Connecting to these changes is the process of self intimacy . This process is essential to know and love yourself, to center your life in your core truth and to have healthy relationships. Emotions are an ocean with constant high waves. Become a surfer . Allow the streams of life to move through your being by allowing and honoring your emotions.

    T Transformation Transformation takes place in you as you release constrictive emotions and feed expansive emotions. Self intimacy facilitates this process. Emotions are the alchemy for transformation .

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    U Emotional Undertow The Emotional Undertow creates stagnation in the Ocean of Emotions . It is a quagmire of old, toxic emotions connected to trauma, limiting beliefs and other learned limitations that pulls you back and under. Thats why sometimes you work so hard to move towards your goals, but feel like a swimmer that has swam miles and never makes it to shore. The Emotional Undertow creates self sabotaging emotions that sustain dysfunctional patterns in your life. The practices of release, Emotional Shifting to (Shifting from Constricting Emotions to Expansive Emotions) and self intimacy help in dissolving the Emotional Undertow and in restoring a healthy flow to your emotional life.

    V Vitality, vibrations Emotions are the fuel for vitality . Repress them, and you will feel depressed and unmotivated. Allow them to flow organically, and you will be renewed and vital. Emotional energy has a strong vibration and affects the throat chakra, charging your words and voice. This in turn, generates the energy patterns in your life. These vibrations operate in the Etheric Template , your sixth Energy Body . This is the place where Energy Surgery takes place. Imagine your words and voice as the potion that heals or poisons this Etheric Template , which in turns creates your physical body. The emotions are the water that mixes with the essence of your sound to create these potions.

    W Waves, water, Psychic weather Emotions are linked to the element of water because they have water like qualities. They move as waves or streams. They adapt to the Psychic Vessels, like water. They have electric and magnetic qualities, like water and like most water bodies they are constantly in motion. Emotions are also liked to the weather because they affect your moods. They are like winds

    that bring coldness, warmth, euphoria, gentle breeze and other moods into the environment. Be aware of your Psychic Weather at all times. Address your emotions and you will keep a healthy environment in the Inscapes of your life.

    X Ecstasy, Experience Ecstasy and Experience have a strong X sound and Ive grouped them under the X because they are the direct product of your emotions. Feed Expansive, love based emotions in your life and you will live in bliss. Your love based emotions will color your life experience, attracting the best potential in any situation and rapidly healing the wear and tear left by others.

    Y You! While you are more than your emotions, your Primary Emotions tend to color your perception of who you are and what your life is. They also constitute a strong component of what others see in you. Release those old, stagnant learned emotions that have become a habit, but are really a mask that hides your Essence.

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    Constant irritation, judgment and guilt, for example are just mask you inherited. Release them and embrace your Unique Essence, with organic emotions that allow you to grow and to dance in the flow of life every day.

    Z Zest, Zoom in, Zoom out A healthy emotional life is a life full of zest, joy and authenticity. It does not feed the Soa p Opera Dramas that you learned to use in order to avoid your Personal Truth. Instead, it honors the authentic emotions and feelings of your BodySoul, expressing your truth within healthy intimacy. A skill that can help you with healthy intimacy is the Art of Emotional Zoom in, Zoom out. When you are facing any situation, breathe deeply and zoom into your emotional inscapes. Be in your body. Become aware of the emotions taking place, without doing anything or reacting in any way. Just witness. Without judgment or interpretations. As you witness your emotions, you will be able to distinguish the habitual, toxic ones from the organic ones and the constricting, fear based ones from the expansive, love based emotions. Then you can zoom out, so that you are not overwhelmed or distracted. You can now choose to act from your expansive, organic, love based emotions.

    For more information on emotions and other key elements to MagicMark your Life, download the MagicMark your Life Starter Kit.

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    The content, systems, principles and graphics are intellectual property of Maria Mar and are protected under international copyright law. No reproduction, massive distribution or appropriation is permitted.

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