Academic year 2010-2011

Academic year 2010-2011

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Academic year 2010-2011. Welcome to your new school in 2010-2011. This presentation will introduce to you the school, your teachers for this year, our challenges and your following student years:. Bilingual Section and Programme Your subjects and teachers You: the students. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Academic year 2010-2011

Academic year 2010-2011

Page 2: Academic year 2010-2011

Welcome to your new school in 2010-2011. This presentation will introduce to you the school,

your teachers for this year, our challenges and your following student years:

Bilingual SectionBilingual Section and and ProgrammeProgramme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and ProgrammeYour subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students

Both Bilingual Section and Programme students will gain a strong capability in English language skills

The Programme is formed by the students who were not in Bilingual Primary School

The students coming from a Bilingual Primary The students coming from a Bilingual Primary School enter now in the School enter now in the Bilingual SectionBilingual Section

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

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Concha González

Your Class Teacher

Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

Hello, bilingual students:

My name is Fernando Gonzalez. I'll be the coordinator of this bilingual section in our secondary school as well as your teacher of English. I want the beginning of this course to start plenty of good wishes to work and eager to learn. Improve and show what you are.

You are very lucky to be the first bilingual students of this school. I think you are because we -and the rest of people here(staff, teachers and assistants) are going to do our best to help you improve your English, willing you to be competent in your subjects and, for sure, your families are going to give you a hand when needed. Our commitment is that when you come out of this school, your English level will be best you ever had. Good luck and I wish you a wonderful course.


Fernando González

English Language

“Friends are those who know everything about you but despite of it they even love you". Elbert Hubbard

“Nature has given us the seeds of knowledge, but not the knowledge itself”. Seneca

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

Coro SánchezNatural Sciences

"Hello, my name is Coro Sánchez. I am your Science teacher. I hope you will enjoy your classes with me. I am really looking forward to teaching you".

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

Israel OrmeñoSocial Sciences

“Hi, my name’s Isarel. As you can see, I’m your teacher of Social Sciences. Welcome you all to María Zambrano High School”.

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

Hallo guys, my name is Guillermo and I'm going to be your technology teacher.We'll work hard but we'll spend a very good time together, both things are possible.I'm sure you are going to enjoy a lot this new subject. See you soon.

Guillermo Martín


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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

Miguel BasantaMatemáticas *

Fernando Sabio Lengua y literatura española *

* Las clases de estas asignaturas serán en español

“Hola, me llamo Miguel y serévuestro profe de matemáticas.Bienvenidos al María Zambrano”

“Soy Fernando Sabio, vuestro profe de Lengua y Literatura. Espero que este curso mejoréis en el conocimiento de nuestra lengua y de la literatura española y universal”.

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

Alberto SalinasMusic

“Music is love in search of a word”

Sidney Lanier (1842-1881)American musician and poet

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Concha González

Arts & Crafts

"I have learned that what I have not drawnI have never really seen,and that when I start drawing an ordinary thingI realize how extraordinary it is, sheer miracle".

FREDERICK FRANK: The Zen of Seeing

Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

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Kathleen Perley

Language assistant

Hi! My name is Katheleen and I am from Houston, Texas.

I will be helping with the English classes. I am really excited about getting to know all of you guys. If you need help with anything come find me.

Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

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Jennifer O’Toole

Language assistant

Hi! My name is Jennifer O’Toole(you can call me Jenny) and I’m from Minnesota in the United States!

I will be helping all of the classes with English and I am very excited to meet all of you. Please come introduce yourself to me and practice your English!

Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

Commitments of the teachers

Teachers will fulfil their own subject programmes, monitor students in the class, and create a classroom atmosphere that leads to learning

Teachers will help students in all aspects of the subject matter and other issues that may worry them.

Teachers will publicize the objectives that students must achieve in each unit, plan activities and tasks appropriate to achieve those objectives and measure the rating system provided.

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachersYou: the studentsYou: the students

Teachers will listen to suggestions and opinions respectfully raised by the studentswith appropriate language and tone

Commitments of the teachers

Teachers will adapt the language to the characteristics and needs of students

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students


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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students


The class begins when the teacher enters the classroom and closes the door. Students who come after or stay out of the classroom without the teacher’s permission will be punished with a delay-fault or absence.

The students of 1º ESO should wait for the teacher to come into their classroom. The teacher will tell them to go to another classroom, if needed.

Students should be silent, kind and respectful of the nearby classes.

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Our rules prohibit the use of toilets between lessons, therefore it will not be accepted as a cause of justified delay

If someone needs to go to the toilet, they must wait for the teacher to get personal permission

Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students

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It is compulsory to attend lessons everyday in order to maintain ongoing evaluation. The students who failed to attend any lesson, have to hand in relevant documents signed by parents or legal guardians as soon as possible.

The teachers can check the tutor’s documents in cases of faults that are not considered acceptable, taking into account the tutor’s advice. These faults can be considered as not properly justified.

Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students

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You can not eat or drink when in class, except with teacher’s permission.

Students must bring material to work in class everyday: books, workbooks, notebooks, pens, or any type of stuff recommended by the teacher. The teacher will indicate in advance when it is not necessary to bring these materials.


Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students

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Electronic devices

If the lesson requires the use of any type of device, the teacher will clearly indicate and authorize its use during the specific time, only for complementary activities inside the classroom. In any other situations students can’t use electronic devices for their private purposes.

Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students

Students are not allowed to use any electronic devices (mobile phones, mp3, mp4, PDA, cameras, etc.) during class, according to the general rules of the school.

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Students are responsible for maintaining classroom order: tables must be neat and clean, as well as the floor, before leaving the classroom. Those who spoil, graphite or throw any materials away should clean the classroom, and if damaged, replace them.

Be respectful to all members of the educational community. You must use appropriate language to talk to the teacher and your peers, in a soft tone of voice, which means not shouting.

Respect the right to speak. If you wish to speak, you must indicate it by showing up hands.

Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students

You must try to turn in all jobs and tasks asked by the teacher, and all the activities or projects of the course, on the date specified. You are expected to personally report the teacher after class if any activity hasn’t been completed.


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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students


Do your work either independently or in groups if required, to achieve the goals of the course.

Demonstrate maturity and responsibility according to your educational level and age.

Do your best and the most to take advantage of learning opportunities and resources that the public education system offers.

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Bilingual Section and ProgrammeBilingual Section and Programme

Your subjects and teachersYour subjects and teachers

You: the studentsYou: the students


Inform the teacher of any problem, incident or difficulty, either related to the subject, including your personal point of view or your personal situation, if it is necessary.

In summary:

Be respectful, be prompt and ready to work