ACCOUNTABILITY AND THE CYCLE OF BIRTH PART 2 Our traditional concept of life after death is very much similar to the Jehovah’s Witnesses' concept of the other world. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that after death, the deceased has no consciousness until the last day when he is risen from death and if found a believer, will inherit the Earth and would live in a terrestrial Paradise forever. The Quran explains life after death in a different way, which is a combination of linear (direct) and cyclic (by rebirth). This is different from Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. However, this subject is still foggy because our scholars have their personal ideas about the hereafter in the background of our tradition which often contradicts what the Quran teaches about life after death. In the first part of this article we have discussed that Allah (SWT) will revive every dead according to the conditions of the afterlife. َ ن يِ تِ يَ مِ بُ نْ حَ ن اَ مَ فَ ن ي ہ ن ے ل ے و ن ر م م ہ ب ا ت ک س( پThen, are we not to die (37/58)


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                                  PART 2

Our traditional concept of life after death is very much similar to the Jehovah’s Witnesses' concept of the other world. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that after death, the deceased has no consciousness until the last day when he is risen from death and if found a believer, will inherit the Earth and would live in a terrestrial Paradise forever. The Quran explains life after death in a different way, which is a combination of linear (direct) and cyclic (by rebirth). This is different from Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. However, this subject is still foggy because our scholars have their personal ideas about the hereafter in the background of our tradition which often contradicts what the Quran teaches about life after death.

In the first part of this article we have discussed that Allah (SWT) will revive every dead according to the conditions of the afterlife.

�ين� �ت �م�ي �ح�ن ب �ف�م�ا ن أیں م مرن وال ن ہپس کیا اب ے ے ہThen, are we not to die (37/58)

�ح�ن �ى� و�م�ا ن ول �ا األ� �ن �ت �ال# م�و�ت إ�ين� �مع�ذ#ب بیں میں عذاب ن لی بار کا مرنا اور مارا پ ہمگر ہ ہ ہ ےدیا جائ گاExcept for our first death, and we will not be punished?" (37/59)


�ع�ظ�يم �ف�و�ز ال �هو� ال �ذ�ا ل �ن# ه�ـ إی بڑی کامیابی ہےب شک ی ہ ے

Indeed, this is the great attainment. (37/60)

ون� �ع�ام�ل �ع�م�ل� ال �ي �ذ�ا ف�ل �ل� ه�ـ �م�ث لی کامیابی ک لی عمل کرن والوں کو ےایسی ے ے ہ

ی ےعمل کرنا چا ہFor the like of this let the workers [on earth] work. (37/61)

��ى ول �ة� األ� �م�و�ت �ال# ال �م�و�ت� إ �ذوقون� ف�يه�ا ال  ال� ي� �ج�ح�يم و�و�ق�اهم� ع�ذ�اب� اللی موت ک سوا اور موت ا ں پ ےو ہ ہیں الله ہکا مر ن چکھیں گ اوران ے ہ ہےدوزح ک عذاب س بچا ل گا ے ےThey will not taste death therein except the first death, and He will have protected them from the punishment of Hellfire (44/56)

�ك� ب �ع�ظ�يم ف�ض�الO م�ن ر# �ف�و�ز ال ذ� �ل�ك� هو� ال

ی و بڑی وگا ی ہی آپک رب کا فضل ہ ہ ے ہہےکامیابی


As bounty from your Lord. That is what the great attainment is. (44/57)

In the above verses, the Quran states that the righteous taste death only once, they will not be punished and it will be a great success for them. So, we can conclude that only those who will not be punished will die once and bestowed with a new life in the higher dimension as a reward of their great achievement. However, those who do not qualify to progress into the further higher dimension (Heavenly life) Allah (SWT) will cause them to die twice and He will revive them twice which is a cycle of countless deaths and births. Therefore, more than one death and revival which is mentioned in the following verse 40/11 is about the people who will not progress because of their deeds which must be somehow different to what we used to believe up until now.   

�ن� �ي �ت �ن �ا اث �ن �ت �ي ي �ح� �ن� و�أ �ي �ت �ن �ا اث #ن م�ت� �ا أ #ن ب وا ر� ق�ال

Vيل� ب وجV م�ن س� �ى� خر �ل �ا ف�ه�ل� إ �ن وب �ذن �ا ب ف�ن �ر� ف�اع�ت

They will say: "Our Lord! You have made us die twice,

and given us life twice, so we acknowledge our sins. Is

there, then, any way to get out?" (40/11)

To give you a clearer picture I have deliberately deleted the writing in the brackets and copied it here for your kind reference which is (We have become fully convinced of the truth of all that You have informed us of, and), (of unbelief), (I have committed sins as a nonbeliever) and (so that we may believe and do good, righteous deeds)? The writing in brackets is not a part of the original Arabic text and is purposely fashioned to keep us stuck with our popular traditional belief in the hereafter just to divert our attention from the actual fact that Allah (SWT) wants to tell us.

We need to pay more attention to each single word of this particular verse (40/11) in the context of Allah’s claim that nobody can challenge the literacy and linguistic miracle of the Quran. 


First of all, in this verse (40/11) Allah (SWT) did not differentiate between believers and non-believers and did not say what is written in the brackets.

Secondly, Arabic syllable Fa ف is added to a verb to apply the ‘fourth

tone’ of the diatonic scale in solmisation which is four degrees above or below a given tone in a diatonic scale. It is also applied to produce ‘forward speech’ which is an extreme clause of speech in the literature.

Hence, ‘Fa’ is added with the confession (Aatrafna) ف�

�ا ف�ن �ر� to make it an extremely unpretentious statement which اع�ت

then becomes ا� ف�ن �ر� .(Faatrafna) ف�اع�ت

Likewise, ‘Hal’ �ه�ل is a verb which contains the almost and certain

meaning of ‘DO’ and in some cases ‘WILL’. To apply the fourth tone to

this verb Allah has added ‘Fa’ in the beginning of this verb so that ف�

it becomes an extremely (fourth degree) humble appeal before Allah (SWT). Therefore, this statement is, In fact, a humble submission to Allah (SWT) by the souls who are unable to progress further to the higher dimension.

At this point nobody can deny Allah’s kindness and attributes of mercy which is referred throughout the Quran. Although the following verse is not directly linked with our subject but I am quoting it in the contents of His mercy.

�ف�س�ي ئ ن �ر� ب وء�  و�م�ا أ uالس� ةv ب �م#ار� #ف�س� أل� �ن# الن إ

ب�ي ح�م� ر� �ال# م�ا ر� ح�يمv إ �ي غ�فورv ر# ب �ن# ر� إ"And I do not free myself from blame. Indeed the human self is inclined to evil, except when my Lord bestows His


Mercy; indeed my Lord is Forgiving, Most Merciful." (12/53)

We can see the similar kindness and mercy of Allah (SWT) in Surah Al Nisa (The Women) 4/97-99. When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls. Except those who are weak and oppressed — Men, women and children who have no means in their power, Nor (a guide post) to direct their way. For these, there is hope that Allah will forgive: For Allah doth blot out (sins) and forgive again and again. (Translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)

Please do not get confused with the following verse (2.167) or similar verses in the Quran because this is an entirely different topic which I will explain in detail in my later articles. However, this verse speaks about the condition of those who will be revived after their death according to their deeds in their previous life and will be sent back to the world for a further appointed time (age). They will not get out of the hell fire which will be set up in their hearts until they remain in that life.

�هم� � م�ن أ �ر# �ب �ت ةO ف�ن �ر# �ا ك �ن ن# ل� �و� أ �عوا ل #ب #ذ�ين� ات و�ق�ال� ال

#ا ءوا م�ن �ر# �ب �م�ا ت �هم�  ك �ع�م�ال #ه أ ر�يه�م الل �ك� ي �ذ� �ل ك�ه�م� �ي اتV ع�ل ر� #ار� ح�س� �خ�ار�ج�ين� م�ن� الن و�م�ا هم ب

And those who followed shall say: Had there been for us a return, then we would renounce them as they have renounced us. Thus will Allah show them their deeds to be intense regret to them, and they shall not come forth from the fire (2/167)

Allah (SWT) did not mention any oil refinery like large oil burning wells or deep frying woks to roast the ‘people of left’ in them but "It (hell) is the fire kindled by Allah which rises over the hearts." (104/6-7)

�موق�د�ة #ه� ال �ار الل �د�ة�) 104/6 (ن �ف�ئ �ع ع�ل�ى األ� �ط#ل �ي ت #ت (ال104/7(


The heart is a part of our Earthy body, made of flesh, which is mentioned quite clearly in the above verses to set up the fire of hell in it. Therefore, they will be reborn in fleshly bodies to suffer with all tensions, traumas, depression, mental and physical torchers. They will abide here forever in their age time. However, using their ‘free will’ they can rectify their deeds for their next life after another death. This is the Mercy of the Kindest Allah by which HE will send them back to life which is a process of evolution for the development of their souls. Allah has confirmed this possibility in the following verse (7/40)

#ح ف�ت �ه�ا ال� ت وا ع�ن �ر �ب �ك ت �ا و�اس� �ن �ات �آي وا ب �ذ#ب #ذ�ين� ك �ن# ال إ�ج� �ل #ى� ي ت #ة� ح� ن �ج� �د�خلون� ال م�اء� و�ال� ي �و�اب الس# ب

� �هم� أ ل�اط� ي �خ� م� ال �ج�م�ل ف�ي س� �ج�ز�ي  ال �ك� ن �ذ� �ل و�ك

�مج�ر�م�ين�     ال

Surely, those who deny Our signs and turn away from them arrogantly, the doors of heaven shall not be opened for them, nor shall they enter the garden until the camel passes through the eye of the needle; and thus do We reward the guilty (7/40)

The portion of the above verse (7/40) ,‘ ف�ي �ج�م�ل �ج� ال �ل #ى� ي ت ح��اط� ي �خ� م� ال until the camel passes through the eye of the‘ س�needle’, is very important in respect of straining the souls of the ‘people of the left’ by a cycle of rebirth which shows a clear possibility of their progress to the higher dimension if they meet the required criteria in their any age time out of the cycle of rebirth. Then they possibly will be freed from the cycle of rebirth and dwell in the heavens or paradise. Was it not possible for Allah (SWT) to close this verse without this portion or to mention here strictly in the clear words that this is not possible at all? But unfortunately, just to promote their traditional thoughts, our translators mislead us by putting it in brackets “(which is impossible)” after this portion of the verse. We should not forget that Allah (SWT) Himself says, "He is the one who created Death and life in order that He may try which of you is best in deeds, and He is the Exalted, the Forgiving."(67/2)


�ح�س�ن م� أ uك �ي م� أ و�ك �ل �ب �ي �اة� ل ي �ح� �م�و�ت� و�ال #ذ�ي خ�ل�ق� ال الOع�م�ال �غ�فور �ع�ز�يز ال و�هو� ال

Please look at the following verse of the Quran (84/19) in which Allah (SWT) Himself confirmed this process of evolution that they will certainly pass on from one stage to another.

Vق� �قOا ع�ن ط�ب ن# ط�ب �ب ك �ر� �ت لThat you shall most certainly enter one state after another (84/19)

O تم ضرور درج بدرج ترقی کروگ ے۔یقینا ہ ہ

The purpose of this life is the first stage in an evolutionary process to attain nearness to God. In this life we have the ability through our actions and free will to earn what stage we enter the afterlife because our actions become our body in the next life. The difference in the hereafter is that we do not have the option to earn for our progression. It is through Allah’s Mercy only when He judges that you have had sufficient recompense for what you earned in the previous life that will deem the length of time and degree of rewards or punishment in the next.

A brief revision of my first article will be vital before we go ahead on this subject:

Oة� ث �ال� ا ث Oو�اج �ز� م� أ نت And ye shall be sorted out into three و�ك

classes(56/7), ون�ق اب �قون� الس# اب )56/10(و�الس# And those

Foremost (in Faith) will be Foremost (in the Hereafter) ك�� �ئ �ـ ول أون� ب �مق�ر# They will be those brought Nearest (Right) to Allah(56/11)ال

� #ع�يم #ات� الن ن ,In the Gardens of Delight (Paradise) ف�ي ج�

�ة� �م�ن �م�ي ص�ح�اب ال� و�ظ�ل£ ,those on the right hand(56/8)  ف�أ

Vود�م�ا , will be in the long extended shades (56/30)م#م�د اءO ب ج�ز�


ون� �ع�م�ل وا ي �ان )56/24( ك As the Reward for the deeds of their past (life)

م�ة� � أ �م�ش� ص�ح�اب ال

� And (then) those on the left hand(56/9) و�أ

V V و�ح�م�يم موم They will be in scorching wind and hot ف�ي س�water (trouble)

Now, we study the following verse of the Quran (2/28) to understand and determine the initial death and also to whom this verse is addressed?  Two classes from the above 1) Foremost in faith and 2) Those on the right have already achieved their objective with a great success and they have made supreme progress into the higher dimension. So, they do not need any further death after their initial death mentioned in the beginning of the following verse 2/28. However, there is another class left to be sorted out who is in ‘hot water’ i.e. in severe trouble. They are those on the left and could not progress further due to what they were doing when they were alive but now they are ‘dead’ and can do nothing except to rely on the Will and Mercy of the Kindest Allah(SWT). Does it not make sense that they may be taken further to the cycle of life after their initial death which is clearly mentioned in the beginning of this verse (2/28)? Anybody can understand and conclude that the following verse is only and purely addressing those unfortunate and helpless souls who are left alone on the ‘left’. In fact this is the actual stage where no intercession will come forward and it will be just Allah’s Will that will be with them alone. If we understand this pure Quranic concept of the ‘Hereafter’ I am sure the issues like ‘fate’, ‘intercession’ and ‘free will’ will be dismissed automatically without delivering anymore lengthy lectures.

م� �اك ي ح�� Oا ف�أ م�و�ات

� م� أ نت #ه� و�ك �الل ون� ب �فر �ك �ف� ت �ي  كج�عون� ر� �ه� ت �ي �ل م# إ م� ث �يك ي ح� م# ي م� ث ك م�يت م# ي ثHow do you deny Allah and you were dead and He gave you life? Again He will cause you to die and again bring you to life; then you will be returned to Him. (2/28)

We need to see how ‘death’ is mentioned before ‘life’ in all verses of the revival from death, especially in the above verse (2/28)? This is indeed the ‘first’, ‘last’, and an ‘initial’ death after which the righteous do not die.


Instead of dying and reviving again they go straight to heaven when their life on Earth comes to an end.

Here, we analyse the number of deaths and lives mentioned in the above verse (2/28)

How do you deny Allah and you were dead

Oا م�و�ات� م� أ نت #ه� و�ك �الل ون� ب �فر �ك �ف� ت �ي  ك

1 Death

and He gave you life                      

م� �اك ي ح�� ف�أ

1 Life

Again He will cause you to die

م� ك م�يت م# ي 2                                                      ث Death

and again bring you to life

م� �يك ي ح� م# ي 2                                                      ث Life

then you will be returned to Him

ج�عون� ر� �ه� ت �ي �ل م# إ                                            ث

3 Death


The last part of this verse starting from #م then’ is not a summary of‘ ث

the verse as we usually drive but in fact this is another ‘death’

ج�عون� ر� because we cannot be brought back to Allah in our ت

physical form without giving us another ‘death’.  Hence, we can count   3 Deaths and 2 Lives in total in the above numeric calculation.

Possibility of rebirth is quite clear in this verse. The words "you were dead" can only mean that they had lived before becoming dead. And the words in the end “and again you will be returned to Him " could also mean that having attainment of the required development of their self or spirit to finally gain entry to the higher dimension of man’s inherited place in the paradise. Those who disagree, however, contend that "dead" is very commonly used for non-living things so we were dead before we were given life. 

Allah (SWT) informs that seeing us without life (dead) HE gave us life. The only way one could have been dead is by being alive before, and then succumbing to death. If there was no previous birth then how is it possible for one to die? If one is not even born how does one die? One has to be previously alive to be subsequently dead. By Allah (SWT) giving them life HE clearly confirms previous births and ensuing deaths. The same individual is brought to life again, and then caused to die again, confirming yet another life or rebirth. Yet again, the same individual is brought to life, confirming yet another life or rebirth.

In this verse the same soul went through three deaths and three rebirths and there is no indication how many previous rebirths were there or when this cycle will end. In fact the very words "and again you will be returned to Him" strongly hints that the process will continue. There is no acknowledgment of the Day of Judgement, an event that occurs during Qiyamah.  Every death brings humans back to Allah and those marked for death (as they have sinned beyond redemption) are held back, but the rest are sent back to continue the development and purification process. This process of life, death, life, death, life, death continues relentlessly until the character of the individual is built up to step him up into the higher consciousness and he has made himself eligible for the long-lasting life in Paradise. If this is not achieved then the process goes on until the Day of Qiyamah when the world will end. 


Those who are still adamant to drive the meaning of initial death mentioned in the verse 2/28 as a ‘state of non-living’ material, they must pay attention towards the following scientific discovery which has made a clear difference between non-living and dead material. Some scholars criticise that the current knowledge of science is not enough to understand the Quran. I fully appreciate their views but in fact scientific definition of ‘dead’ is much reliable than someone’s personal opinion because science is known as an evidence based knowledge which acknowledges and defines all laws of nature in the proven scientific form.  

Structural difference between Living and Non-living Things

 Non-living things have atoms and living things have cells, so dead things have dead cells.The only non-living thing with cells are the things that were recently alive, like a corpse that hasn't rotted yet, or dead cork cells which were first described by Anton van Leeuenhoek,  who


discovered them from his microscopic observations and called them "cells". The cells were empty and dead, and no longer functioned, however, cells are the basic unit of life, and nothing that isn't alive or wasn't once alive can have cells.

Let’s consider a piece of dead dried out wood. It used to be alive, but isn't any longer. Under a microscope, you would be able to see the dead cells. They are dead, but they were cells which had a life at some point. A piece of metal on the other hand contains no cells, which means that the piece of metal never ever had a life.

Everything has cells, even dead things, however because cells are alive, they themselves can die, (they can die at any time after the time of initial death for the multi organismal corpse). Hence, dead were at one time alive. Something that has no life cannot be seen as an organism, therefore it would have been once alive in order to obtain such name. So as a matter of fact non-living things can not die.  

For instance, if we keep the disputed initial death aside and also reject the science to accept the non-scientific philosophical opinion of those who are obstinate to take the initial death in the meaning of the state of non-living, we will again count two subsequent deaths and two lives in this verse (2/28) 

I would like to refer the verse 40/11 again which confirms the cycle of ‘twice death’ and ‘twice birth’.  

�ن� �ي �ت �ن �ا اث �ن �ت �ي ي �ح� �ن� و�أ �ي �ت �ن �ا اث #ن م�ت� �ا أ #ن ب وا ر� ق�ال

Vيل� ب وجV م�ن س� �ى� خر �ل �ا ف�ه�ل� إ �ن وب �ذن �ا ب ف�ن �ر� ف�اع�ت

They will say: "Our Lord! You have put us to death

twice, and given us life twice, so we acknowledge our

sins. Is there, then, any way to get out?" (40/11)

The sequence of two deaths and two lives leads us towards proven scientific theories of constructing a continuous cycle. These theories are widely discussed in all disciplines of engineering, applied sciences, diagnostic medical sciences and mathematics. The natural application of this rule can be seen throughout the universe. It can be practically seen


in the current scientific revolution from the range of simple head and tail rule to complex satellites control in the space, aircraft control, navigation system, transmission, broadcasting, mobile phones, nanotechnology, ultra sound, MRI scans, generation of electricity and many more. A similar infinite loop is used in a sequence of programming instructions which loops endlessly, either due to the loop having no terminating condition, having one that can never be met, or one that causes the loop to start over. Looping is repeating a set of instructions until a specific condition is met. An infinite loop occurs when the condition will never be met, due to some inherent characteristic of the loop.



You will be surprised to see the following verses of the Quran in which Allah SWT uses the same scientific formula which is described in the above verse 40/11 to show that action which is described twice is actually an endless repeated cycle.

�اف�قون� اب� من �ع�ر� م م�ن� األ� �ك  و�م�م#ن� ح�و�ل�ة� �م�د�ين �ه�ل� ال �ف�اق� ال�  و�م�ن� أ دوا ع�ل�ى الن م�ر�

�مهم� �ع�ل �مهم� ت �ع�ل �ح�ن ن �ن�   ن �ي ت هم م#ر# ع�ذ�ب ن س�V �ى� ع�ذ�ابV ع�ظ�يم �ل دuون� إ ر� م# ي ثAnd from among those who are round about you of the dwellers of the desert there are hypocrites, and from among the people of Medina (also); they are stubborn in hypocrisy; you do not know them; We know them; We will punish them twice then shall they be turned back to a grievous chastisement (9/101)


وا �ر �م�ا ص�ب �ن� ب �ي ت هم م#ر# �ج�ر� �و�ن� أ ؤ�ت �ك� ي �ئ �ـ ول أ�اهم� ق�ن ز� �ة� و�م�م#ا ر� �ئ ي �ة� الس# ن �ح�س� �ال ءون� ب �د�ر� و�ينف�قون� يTwice will they be given their reward, for that they have persevered, that they avert Evil with Good, and that they spend (in charity) out of what We have given them. (28/54)

�ع�ذ�اب� �ن� م�ن� ال �ه�م� ض�ع�ف�ي �ا آت #ن ب ر�ا Oير� �ب Oا ك �ع�ن �هم� ل �ع�ن و�ال"Our Lord! Give them double Penalty and curse them with a very great Curse!"(33/68)

�اب� �ت �ك �يل� ف�ي ال ائ ر� �س� �ي إ �ن �ى� ب �ل �ا إ �ن و�ق�ض�يو¬ا ن# عل �ع�ل �ت �ن� و�ل �ي ت ر�ض� م�ر#

� دن# ف�ي األ� ف�س� �ت لا Oير� �ب كAnd We gave (Clear) Warning to the Children of Israel in the Book, that twice would they do mischief on the earth and be elated with mighty arrogance (and twice would they be punished)!(17/4)

  �ن� �ي �ن �ن� اث �ه�ي �ـ �ل #خ�ذوا إ �ت #ه ال� ت #م�ا  و�ق�ال� الل �ن إvد �هv و�اح� �ـ �ل ون� هو� إ ه�ب #اي� ف�ار� �ي ف�إ

And Allah has said: Take not two gods, He is only one Allah; so of Me alone should you be afraid. (16/51)

Have you seen the actions in the above verses of the Quran which are described as ‘TWICE’ or double in the same style of 40/11 in which Allah(SWT) describes death and life ‘TWICE’ ?


Is it just coincident or has Allah (SWT) actually used pure scientific terms to briefly mention that this particular action will turn over again and again to make depict the same action in the sense of countless, many more or repeatedly?

Will the punishment mentioned in 9/110 be just two times or is it a cycle of a number of punishments?

Will they be given their rewards just two times as mentioned in 28/54 or will there be a series of rewards?

Is the penalty mentioned in 33/68 just two times only or a cycle of regular penalties?

Would they do mischief on Earth just two times as mentioned in 17/4 or many more times?

Were they worshiping only two gods as mentioned in 16/51 or did they worship so many gods out of which some are mentioned in the Quran i.e. Lat, ‘Uzza, and Manat 53/19-20?

Hence, 2X action = A series of countless repetitions of the same action. Therefore, two deaths and two lives mentioned in 40/11 make a cycle of repeated lives and deaths

Allah (SWT) is Himself an Engineer, Designer and Manufacturer so He uses the similar terminology and the terms as we use in our technical transcripts and designing blueprints. It is the same as if one person writes an amount in long digital form like 1000000 and the other writes the same amount in short form like 105  ,this formula is used to mention a very large amount which is sometimes not possible to write in the digital form.

Before closing this article I would like to draw your kind attention towards some more verses of the Quran which are very clear in respect of the definite answer.

Oا �ات �ب ر�ض� ن� م م�ن� األ� �ك �ت �نب #ه أ و�الل


یں زمین س نبات کی طرح ےاور الل ن تم ہ ے ہگایا ا

And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth a growth (71/17)

م� خ�ر�جك م� ف�يه�ا و�ي ع�يدك م# ي ثاجOا �خ�ر� إکا بار بار یں اسی میں لوٹا ن ےپھر و تم ہ ہ

ےاعاد کر ر ہ بار بار با ہ گا اور اسی میں س ےےنکال گاThen He will return you into it and reproduce you again and again (71/18)

Allah (SWT) generates us and sends us back over and over

again. Please pay your attention to the word ع�يد ,YUEEDي

which is a derivative of ع�يد EID. 

A festival comes again and again as an endless cycle. The derivation of EID used in this or in the other verses of the Quran is evidence and authority of repetition and turning over an event again and again like a festival.  I have found many more similar verses in the Quran which I will explain in the following part of this article.



Dr Kashif Khan