Acid Base F12

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  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


      STUDY GUIDE Q/A: FALL 2012 



    Items 1−11A. Proximal tubule

    B. Descending tubule

    C. Thick ascending limb: medullary segment with a!"# !"$Cl% sym&orter 

    D. Thick ascending limb: cortical segment with a!"Cl% sym&orter 

    '. Distal con(oluted tubule"collecting tubule: a!"# ! channels

    ). Collecting duct: *!"# ! ATPase &um&

    +. ,ate distal"collecting duct1. A block at this site by a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor -e.g. aceta/olamide0 results in the loss o

    sodium"&otassium bicarbonate in the urine hy&okalemia and &roduction o a normal anion ga&

    metabolic acidosis.

    Answer:  A: &roximal tubule: this is an exam&le o an ac2uired ty&e II &roximal renal tubular acidosis.

    Aceta/olamide is a &roximal tubule diuretic that blocks the reclaiming o bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is lostin the urine as sodium bicarbonate. ,oss o bicarbonate is matched by a gain in chloride -hy&erchloremic

    normal anion ga& metabolic acidosis03 hence the anion ga& remains the same.

    $. In &atients taking a loo& diuretic or thia/ides an increased deli(ery o sodium to this site results in

    hy&okalemia and metabolic alkalosis i the &atient is not taking oral &otassium su&&lements.

    Answer:  '. Distal con(oluted tubule"collecting tubule: a!"# ! channels: &otassium is lost in the urine

    -causes hy&okalemia0 in exchange or sodium. 4nce &otassium stores are de&leted -&atient is not taking

     &otassium su&&lements0 sodium exchanges with &rotons and regenerated bicarbonate mo(es into the

     blood &roducing metabolic alkalosis.

    5. A block at this site intereres with the generation o ree water and non%&arathyroid hormone%

    related reabsor&tion o calcium.Answer:  C. Thick ascending limb: medullary segment with a!"# !"$Cl% sym&orter: this is the &rimarysite or generation o ree water and is also the site or non%PT* reabsor&tion o calcium. 4bligated water

    is remo(ed rom sodium &otassium and chloride and remains in the tubule lumens as ree water. Block

    o chloride binding with loo& diuretics not only results in loss o sodium &otassium and chloride but also

    calcium -useul in the treatment o hy&ercalcemia0.

    6. A block at these sites by s&ironolactone results in sodium loss in the urine hy&erkalemia and

    normal anion ga& metabolic acidosis. SELECT 2

    Answers E, F: '. Distal con(oluted tubule"collecting tubule: a!"# ! channels

    ). Collecting duct: *!"# ! ATPase &um&: s&ironolactone is an aldosterone blocker and these $ sites are

    enhanced by aldosterone. Block o the irst channel causes a loss o sodium and retention o &otassium

    -causes hy&erkalemia0 while a block o the second site causes a loss o &otassium and retention o &rotons -metabolic acidosis0. Bicarbonate cannot be generated3 thereore &rotons combine with chloride

     &roducing a normal A+ metabolic acidosis. The hy&erkalemia is somewhat oset by the loss o &otassium

    in the latter &um& and may result in &otassium mo(ing into or close to the normal range.

    7. These sites are most susce&tible to tissue hy&oxia and in(ariably exhibit coagulation necrosis in

    ischemic acute tubular necrosis. SELECT 2

    Answers A, C:  A. Proximal tubule


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    C. Thick ascending limb: medullary segment with a!"# !"$Cl% sym&orter. There is a lot o oxidati(e

    ty&es o reactions in these areas3 hence their susce&tibility to hy&oxia and coagulation necrosis

     &articularly in ischemic acute tubular necrosis.

    8. This is the &rimary site or renal tubular acidosis secondary to a lowering o the renal threshold orreclaiming bicarbonate.

    Answer:  A. Proximal tubule: this is ty&e II 9TA. The urine is initially alkaline due to the loss o iltered bicarbonate that cannot be reclaimed. *owe(er when the renal threshold and blood le(els o bicarbonate

    are the same -e.g. 17 m'2",0 the urine returns to an acid &*. Aceta/olamide is the CC o &roximal

    9TA. *ea(y metal &oisoning is another cause o &roximal 9TA. 9x o &roximal 9TA is to &roduce

    (olume de&letion with thia/ides which automatically raises the renal threshold or reclaiming bicarbonate.

    ;. This is the &rimary site or renal tubular acidosis secondary to inability to secrete &rotons leading to

    a deect in the acidiication o urine.

    Answer:  ). Collecting duct: *!"# ! ATPase &um&: &rotons combine with chloride leading to a normal A+

    metabolic acidosis and bicarbonate cannot be regenerated -normal A+ metabolic acidosis0. *y&okalemia

    is se(ere.

  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    1$. A ;=%year%old man &ost%transurethral resection or urinary retention secondary to &rostate

    hy&er&lasia recei(es an excessi(e amount o ?.> normal saline. *e de(elo&s dys&nea and

    de&endent &itting edema. *e has a history o chronic ischemic heart disease. Physical exam

    demonstrates ugular neck (ein distention and bibasilar crackles. Ehich o the ollowing changes

    in electrolyte and (olume status is most likely &resent in this &atientF

    Os! N"#   ECF



    C$!%"r&!en&A. Increased Increased Contracted Contracted

    B. ormal ormal 'x&anded ormal

    C. Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    D. Increased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    '. ormal ormal 'x&anded 'x&anded

    Answer: B. isotonic gain in luid with no gradient: would correlate with diagram C in the study

    2uestions. The reason why he de(elo&ed let sided heart ailure -&ulmonary edema0 and right sided heart

    ailure -de&endent &itting edema0 is that he had &reexisting ischemic heart disease and most likely had

    increased renal retention o sodium related to a decreased cardiac out&ut. In this setting gi(ing excess

    isotonic luid caused let%sided heart ailure with an increase in hydrostatic &ressure dri(ing luid into the

    lungs and right%sided heart ailure due to an increase in hydrostatic &ressure dri(ing luid into the

    interstitial s&ace in the legs.

    Os! N"#   ECF ICF

    B. ormal ormal 'x&anded ormal

    15. A ;$%year%old man with a history o ischemic heart disease de(elo&s neck (ein distention

     bibasilar crackles and de&endent &itting edema within $6 hrs ater recei(ing multi&le am&ules o

    intra(enous sodium bicarbonate -hy&ertonic saline0 during a cardiores&iratory arrest. Ehich o theollowing changes in electrolyte and (olume status is most likely &resent in this &atientF

    Os! N"#   ECF




    Increased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    Decreased Decreased 'x&anded 'x&andedDecreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    Increased Increased 'x&anded 'x&anded

     ormal ormal Contracted ormal

    Answer: A. hy&ertonic gain in luid causing hy&ernatremia correlates with diagram ' in the study

    2uestions. An osmotic gradient a(ors mo(ement out o the IC) into the 'C). The 'C) is ex&anded and

    the IC) is contracted. The 9x is sodium restriction and diuretics.


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Os! N"#   ECF ICF

    Increased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    16. A 7=%year%old man has the ollowing laboratory test abnormalities: urine (olume 7 m,"min &lasma

    osmolality $=? m4sm"kg -$;7−$>7 m4sm"kg0 and urine osmolality o =6? m4sm"kg. Theselaboratory indings are most com&atible with which o the ollowing conditionsF

    A. 4smotic diuresis secondary to diabetic ketoacidosisB. Golume de&letion secondary to se(ere diarrhea

    C. Ina&&ro&riate AD* syndrome

    D. Central diabetes insi&idus

    '. 9enal ailure

    Answer: B. Golume de&letion secondary to se(ere diarrhea. In order to answer the 2uestion the ree

    water clearance must be calculated to see i he is concentrating or diluting the urine. C4sm H =6? x 7"$=?

    H 17 C*$? H 7 % 17 H %1? indicating concentration. The P4sm in this &atient is normal which would be

    ex&ected in adult diarrhea since it is an isotonic loss o luid.

    A. 4smotic diuresis secondary to diabetic ketoacidosis: no the P4sm would be higher due to


    C. Ina&&ro&riate AD* syndrome: no the P4sm would be lower due to the dilutional eect o adding

    water to the 'C) com&artment. *owe(er ree water clearance is negati(e since AD* is constantlyconcentrating the urine

    D. Central diabetes insi&idus: no P4sm would be higher and the ree water clearance &ositi(e in theabsence o AD*. These &atients are constantly diluting their urine.

    '. 9enal ailure: no ree water clearance is /ero indicating a lack o both dilution and concentration.

    17. A 1>%year%old man with ty&e I diabetes mellitus de(elo&s diabetic ketoacidosis. Physical examdemonstrates signs o (olume de&letion. The serum glucose is 1??? mg"d, and ketone bodies are

    increased in the &lasma and urine. Ehich o the ollowing changes in electrolyte and (olume status

    is most likely &resent in this &atientF

    Os! N"#   ECF




    Increased Decreased Contracted ContractedIncreased Decreased 'x&anded Contracted

    Increased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    Decreased Decreased 'x&anded 'x&anded

    Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    Answer: A. the &atient has ty&e 1 diabetes mellitus and is in diabetic ketoacidosis with signs o (olume

    de&letion. +lucose has sur&assed sodium as the maor osmotic orce and increases P4sm. @erum sodium

    is low due to water shit out o the IC) into the 'C) &roducing a dilutional hy&onatremia. The 'C) is

    contracted owing to osmotic diuresis leading to (olume de&letion. IC) is contracted due to increasedP4sm rom glucose. Correlates with diagram ' in the study 2uestions -diagrams or 2uestions 87%;$0.

    Os! N"#   ECF ICF

    Increased Decreased Contracted Contracted


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    18. Ehich o the ollowing characteri/e the indings in early endotoxic -se&tic0 shock rather than either 

    hy&o(olemic or cardiogenic shockF SELECT '

    A. Cold clammy skin

    B. Increased cardiac out&ut

    C. Increased (enous return to the heartD. Decreased total &eri&heral resistance

    '. Decreased mixed (enous oxygen content -G4$0Answers (, C, D: B. Increased cardiac out&ut: due to increased (enous return to the heart owing to

    arteriolar (asodilation

    C. Increased (enous return to the heart

    D. Decreased total &eri&heral resistance: arteriolar (asodilation also dro&s the diastolic &ressure

    A. Cold clammy skin: no this is &resent in hy&o(olemic and cardiogenic shock due to catecholamine

    ATII and AD* (asoconstriction o the (essels in the skin to redirect blood to more im&ortant areas

    '. Decreased mixed (enous oxygen content -G4$0: no it is increased in se&tic shock and decreased in

    the other ty&es o shock. It is increased owing to the increased blood low through the microcirculation.

    1;. A ;$%year%old woman is currently taking a thia/ide diuretic or hy&ertension. @he com&lains o

    di//iness when standing u& too 2uickly. Physical exam demonstrates a blood &ressure o 15?"==

    mm *g and a &ulse o 1?? b&m when lying down and a blood &ressure o 11?"=? mm *g and a

     &ulse o 17? b&m when sitting u&. The mucous membranes are dry and skin turgor is &oor. Ehicho the ollowing changes in electrolyte and (olume status is most likely &resent in this &atientF

    Os! N"#   ECF




     ormal ormal Contracted ormalDecreased Decreased Contracted Contracted

    Increased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    Decreased Decreased 'x&anded 'x&anded

    Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    Answer: '. *y&ertonic loss o luid rom diuretic leading to hy&onatremia. Correlates with diagram B in

    the study 2uestions -diagrams or 2uestions 87%;$0. The gradient a(ors mo(ement o water into the IC)

    com&artment. ote the &ositi(e tilt test -BP dro&&ed and &ulse increased when sitting u&0 indicating

    signiicant (olume de&letion.

    Os! N"#   ECF ICF

    Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    1=. A 1>%year%old man with a recent head inury related to a motorcycle accident com&lains o

    excessi(e thirst and ha(ing to urinate o(er 1? times a day. Physical exam is unremarkable. The

    urine osmolality is 1?? m4sm"kg. ou sus&ect that the &ituitary stalk may ha(e been transected

    rom the accident. Ehich o the ollowing changes in electrolyte and (olume status is most likely &resent in this &atientF

    Os! N"#   ECF




    Decreased Decreased 'x&anded 'x&anded

    Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    Increased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    Increased Increased Contracted Contracted

     ormal ormal Contracted ormal


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Answer: D. Central diabetes insi&idus with loss o &ure water and no salt rom lack o AD*.

    *y&ernatremia occurs howe(er there is a normal exam because the loss o &ure water does not result in

    clinically signiicant (olume de&letion -&roduces dehydration0. Correlates with diagram ' in the study

    2uestions -diagrams or 2uestions 87%;$0. 9emember that AD* is synthesi/ed in the hy&othalamus and

    in the same ner(e tra(els through the &ituitary stalk into the &osterior &ituitary where it is stored. *eadtrauma is a common cause or se(erance o the stalk leading to diabetes insi&idus as well as

    hy&o&ituitarism since all the releasing actors are &re(ented rom stimulating the &ituitary gland.

    Os! N"#   ECF ICF

    Increased Increased Contracted Contracted

    1>. A 85%year%old man with a 6= year history o smoking com&lains o headache and conusion.

    Physical exam is unremarkable exce&t or scattered sibilant rhonchi in the lungs that clear with

    coughing. A chest x%ray exhibits a &rominent right hilar mass. An 9I o the brain is negati(e or

    s&ace occu&ying lesions. A s&utum cytology re&ort indicates the &resence o small hy&erchromatic

    cells intermixed with necrotic debris consistent with a small cell carcinoma o the lung. Ehich o

    the ollowing changes in electrolyte and (olume status is most likely &resent in this &atientF

    Os! N"#   ECF




    Decreased Decreased 'x&anded ContractedDecreased Decreased 'x&anded 'x&anded

     ormal ormal Contracted ormal

    Increased Increased Contracted Contracted

    Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    Answer:  D. the &atient has @iAD* due to a small cell carcinoma o the lung. The 9I rules out

    metastasis to the brain so the mental status &roblems relate to cerebral edema rom hy&onatremia related

    to water mo(ing out o the 'C) into the IC). There is a hy&otonic gain o &ure water thereore the TBa

    is normal and the skin turgor is normal. This &atient would be treated with demeclocycline -&roduces

    ne&hrogenic diabetes insi&idus0 rather than water restriction since he will die in a short &eriod o time.

    Correlates with diagram D in the study 2uestions -diagrams or 2uestions 87%;$0.

    Os! N"#   ECF ICF

    Decreased Decreased 'x&anded 'x&anded


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    $?. A 1>%year%old hiker who has been lost in the @onoran desert or 5 days has signs o (olume

    de&letion. Ehich o the ollowing changes in electrolyte and (olume status is most likely &resent in

    this &atientF

    Os! N"#   ECF




    Increased *igh Contracted Contracted

    Increased Increased 'x&anded 'x&anded ormal ormal Contracted ormal

    Increased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    Answer: A. sweating will cause loss o a hy&otonic salt solution leading to hy&ernatremia. Correlates

    with diagram ' in the study guide -diagrams or 2uestions 87%;$0. The irst ste& in managing this &atient

    is inusion o normal saline until the signs o (olume de&letion disa&&eared. Then he would be gi(en ?.67

    normal saline which matches the tonicity o the sweat that he lost.

    Os! N"#   ECF ICF

    Increased Increased Contracted Contracted

    $1. A 8$%year%old woman has both let%sided and right%sided heart ailure. Physical exam demonstrates

     ugular (ein distention &itting edema and bibasilar cre&itant crackles. Ehich o the ollowing

    changes in electrolyte and (olume status is most likely &resent in this &atientF

    Os! N"#   ECF



    C$!%"r&!en&Increased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    Decreased Decreased 'x&anded 'x&anded

    Increased Increased Contracted Contracted

    Decreased Decreased Contracted ormal

    Answer: C. *y&otonic gain o more water than salt leads to hy&onatremia. Correlates with diagram D

    -diagrams or 2uestions 87%;$0. The hy&otonic gain is rom the luid retained by the kidney when the

    'ABG is decreased. A hy&otonic gain -greater increase in TBE than TBa0 translates into a

    hy&onatremia. The @tarlings orce abnormalities are related to an increase in hydrostatic &ressure in the

     &ulmonary ca&illaries and in the (enous system behind the right heart. The dierence rom @iAD* is that

     &itting edema is &resent in this case -increased TBa!0 but not @iAD* -normal TBa!0. 9x is water and

    salt restriction &lus diuretics.


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Os! N"#   ECF ICF

    Decreased Decreased 'x&anded 'x&anded

    $$. A 66%year%old woman has hy&otension increased skin and mucous membrane &igmentation and

     &oor skin turgor. ,aboratory studies unco(er a low serum cortisol and electrolyte abnormalities. An

    intra(enous ACT* stimulation test o(er the ensuing 5 days demonstrates no increase in serum

    cortisol or its urinary metabolites. Plasma ACT* le(els are high. A random urine sodium is J 1??

    m'2", - $? m'2",0. Ehich o the ollowing changes in electrolyte and (olume status is most

    likely &resent in this &atientF 

    Os! N"#



    Decreased Decreased 'x&anded 'x&anded

    Decreased Decreased 'x&anded 'x&anded

    Increased Increased Contracted ContractedIncreased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    Answer: '. the &atient has Addisons disease with loss o aldosterone leading to a hy&ertonic loss o luid

    in the urine and hy&onatremia. Correlates with diagram B in the study 2uestions -diagrams or 2uestions

    87%;$0. *y&ocortisolism causes the increase in ACT* the latter ha(ing melanocyte stimulating

     &ro&erties. @ince the adrenal cortex is destroyed -autoimmune0 IG ACT* stimulation will not cause any

    increase in adrenal cortex metabolites -e.g. cortisol0. The electrolyte indings in Addisons disease are the

    same as those seen in a &atient on an aldosterone blocker mainly hy&onatremia hy&erkalemia and anormal A+ metabolic acidosis.

    Os! N"#   ECF ICF

    Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Items $5−$8%H CO2 ()*"r+$n"&e

      A. Decrease


    Increased Decreased

      B. ormal ormal ormal  C. ormal Increased Increased

    $5. A 6$%year%old woman in *r$n)* ren"- .")-re is taking a -$$% )re&)* because o retention o salt.

    Answer: B. *r$n)* ren"- .")-re -metabolic acidosis: ↓ &* ↓ PC4$ Kres&iratory alkalosisL ↓↓  bicarbonate Kmetabolic acidosisL0 is taking -$$% )re&)* -metabolic alkalosis: &* PC4$ Kres&iratory

    acidosisL bicarbonate Kmetabolic alkalosisL0 or retention o salt. Both conditions neutrali/e each other.

    %H CO2 ()*"r+$n"&e

      B. ormal ormal ormal

    $6. A 7$%year%old smoker with *r$n)* $+s&r*&)e -n )se"se is currently taking a -$$% )re&)* or 

    right sided heart ailure. *e has signs o (olume de&letion due to his diuretic.

    Answer: C. *r$n)* $+s&r*&)e -n )se"se -chronic res&iratory acidosis: ↓ &* PC4$ Kres&iratory

    acidosisL bicarbonate Kmetabolic alkalosisL 0 is currently taking a -$$% )re&)* -metabolic alkalosis: &* PC4$ Kres&iratory acidosisL bicarbonate Kmetabolic alkalosisL0. &* is normali/ed additi(e eect on

    PC4$ and *C45%H CO2 ()*"r+$n"&e

      C. ormal Increased Increased

    $7. A $$%year%old man with ty&e 1 diabetes mellitus has )"+e&)* 3e&$"*)$s)s and $!)&)n.

    Answer: B. )"+e&)* 3e&$"*)$s)s -metabolic acidosis: ↓ &* ↓ PC4$ Kres&iratory alkalosisL↓↓ bicarbonate Kmetabolic acidosisL0 and $!)&)n -metabolic alkalosis: &* PC4$ Kres&iratoryacidosisL bicarbonate Kmetabolic alkalosisL0. They neutrali/e each other.

    %H CO2 ()*"r+$n"&e

      B. ormal ormal ormal

    $8. A 8=%year%old man has a *"r)$res%)r"&$r4 "rres& and alls unconscious to the ground.

    Answer: A. *"r)$res%)r"&$r4 "rres&: acute res&iratory acidosis -not breathing0− ↓ &* PC4$ Kres&iratory acidosisL normal bicarbonate -no time or com&ensation0 ! metabolic acidosis rom tissue

    hy&oxia leading to lactic acidosis: ↓ &* ↔ PC4$ Kres&iratory alkalosisL ↓↓ bicarbonate KmetabolicacidosisL0 0 Additi(e eect on lowering &* leading to a (ery low &*. Additi(e eect on PC4$ since the &atient cannot breath and &roduce res&iratory alkalosis as com&ensation or metabolic acidosis. There

    would be no time or com&ensation or the acute res&iratory acidosis so bicarbonate would not be

    increased and the bicarbonate would be decreased rom the lactic acidosis hence the additi(e eect is a

    low bicarbonate.

    %H CO2 ()*"r+$n"&e

      A. Decreased

    Increased Decreased


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    $;. A 6>%year%old woman has muscle weakness &olyuria and circumoral &aresthesias. Physical exam

    demonstrates diastolic hy&ertension and lexion o the thumb into the &alm on the side the blood

     &ressure is taken. A &ositi(e Cho(stek sign is &resent. There is no e(idence o &itting edema.

    ,aboratory studies show a mild hy&ernatremia se(ere hy&okalemia and metabolic alkalosis. The

    total serum calcium is normal. A random urine &otassium is markedly ele(ated. Ehich o theollowing changes in electrolyte and (olume status is most likely &resent in this &atientF

    Os! N"#   ECFC$!%"r&!en&


    Decreased Decreased 'x&anded 'x&anded

    Increased Increased 'x&anded 'x&anded

    Increased Increased Contracted Contracted

    Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    Increased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    Answer: '. This is classic &rimary aldosteronism. +aining luid in 'C). *y&ernatremia establishes a

    gradient a(oring IC) contraction. Corres&onds with diagram ). There is mild 'C) ex&ansion but not

    enough increase in TBa to &roduce signs o &itting edema due to the loss o sodium rom the &roximal

    tubule related to the increase in &eritubular ca&illary hydrostatic &ressure rom the increased &lasma

    (olume. The tetany is due to the metabolic alkalosis and extra binding o calcium on the albumin -more

    negati(e charges KC44%L in an alkaline &*0 without altering the total calcium.Os! N"#   ECF ICF

    Increased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    $=. An unconscious $8%year%old man who is a rooer is brought to an emergency room ollowing a allrom a $? oot high roo. Physical exam demonstrates a weak &ulse cold clammy skin and a

     blood &ressure o ;?"6? mm *g. The ribs on the lower let side are ractured. A &eritoneal la(age

    demonstrates clotted blood. An intra(enous line with ?.> normal saline is currently in &lace while

     blood is being crossmatched &rior to surgery. Ehich o the ollowing laboratory and

     &atho&hysiologic e(ents would you ex&ect in this &atientF

    A. @econdary aldosteronism

    B. Positi(e ree water clearance

    C. ormal hemoglobin and hematocritD. Decreased serum antidiuretic hormone

    '. Decreased eecti(e arterial blood (olume

    Answers: A ': the &atient has hy&o(olemic shock rom massi(e blood loss most likely a ru&tured

    s&leen since the rib o(erlying the s&leen is ractured. A. secondary aldosteronism: acti(ation o 9AA

    system due to decreased renal blood low and direct stimulation by catecholamines '. decreased 'ABG:

    B. Positi(e ree water clearance: no it should be negati(e since there would be an increase in AD* andconcentration o urine

    C. ormal hemoglobin and hematocrit: no the hemoglobin and hematocrit would be decreased because

    the &atient is recei(ing normal saline which is re&lacing the (olume deicit and unco(ering the 9BC

    deicit. I the &atient was not recei(ing isotonic saline the *b and *ct would (ery likely be normal.D. Decreased serum antidiuretic hormone: no it would be increased due to direct stimulation o AD*

    release rom the C@

    $>. ou would ex&ect a clinically signiicant decrease in eecti(e arterial blood (olume -'ABG0 in

    which o the ollowing clinical conditionsF SELECT ' 

    A. $%yr%old child with a rota(irus inection

    B. 6$%yr%old man with cirrhosis and ascites

    C. 8$%yr%old man with ina&&ro&riate AD* syndrome

    D. $$%yr%old woman with insensible water loss due to e(er 

    '. $7%yr%old construction worker with excessi(e sweating on a humid day


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Answers A, (, E: A. $%yr%old child with a rota(irus inection: hy&otonic loss o salt

    B. 6$%yr%old man with cirrhosis and ascites: decreased (enous return rom tra&&ing o luid in interstitial

    s&ace -decreased oncotic &ressure0 and &eritoneal ca(ity -decreased oncotic &ressure and increased

    hydrostatic &ressure0

    '. $7%yr%old construction worker with excessi(e sweating on a humid day: sweat is a hy&otonic loss owater and salt

    C. 8$%yr%old man with ina&&ro&riate AD* syndrome: no 'ABG is increased rom increased &lasma(olume related to excessi(e reabsor&tion o ree water 

    D. $$%yr%old woman with insensible water loss due to e(er: no water loss alone does not &roduce

    clinically signiicant (olume de&letion -called dehydration0. The 'ABG is normal.

    5?. ou would ex&ect a &atient with diabetic ketoacidosis and serum glucose o 1??? mg"d, to ha(e...

    SELECT ' 

    A. hy&ertonicity with dilutional hy&onatremia

    B. a decreased eecti(e arterial blood (olume

    C. random urine sodium $? m'2", - $? m'2",0

    D. ex&anded 'C) com&artment due to osmotic shits

    '. &ositi(e tilt test when mo(ed rom a su&ine to sitting &osition

    Answers A, (, E: A. hy&ertonicity with dilutional hy&onatremia: glucose o(errides sodium in the 'C)causing water to mo(e out o the IC) into the 'C) causing dilution o the serum sodium

    B. a decreased eecti(e arterial blood (olume: yes rom osmotic diuresis related to glucose in the urine

     &roducing a hy&otonic loss o more water than salt -similar to sweat0

    '. &ositi(e tilt test when mo(ed rom a su&ine to sitting &osition: excellent sign o (olume de&letion.There is no eect o gra(ity when lying down so BP and &ulse could be normal but sitting u& urther

    reduces (enous return &roducing a dro& in BP and increase in &ulse

    C. random urine sodium $? m'2", - $? m'2",0: no it is J$? m'2", owing to a signiicant loss o

    sodium in the urine rom osmotic diuresis

    D. ex&anded 'C) com&artment due to osmotic shits: no hy&erglycemia a(ors a mo(ement o water out

    o the IC) into the 'C) and then the osmotic diuresis causes the loss o that luid in the urine. In other

    words the luid in the 'C) does not remain in that com&artment (ery long owing to the loss o hy&otonic

    luid in the urine.

    Items 51−5;Ser! N"#



      Ser!  #



      Ser! C-<



    Ser! HCO'<



      A. 11= 5.? == $1

      B. 15? $.> =? 58

      C. 1$8 7.= >8 1=

      D. 15? 7.7 == 1?

      '. 16? 6.? 1?? $6

      ). 16? $.$ 116 16  +. 17$ $.= 11? 55

    51. A 6>%year%old man has atigue and &ostural hy&otension. Physical exam demonstrates dry mucous

    membranes an increase in heart rate and dro& in blood &ressure when mo(ed rom the su&ine to

    sitting &osition and increased &igmentation in the buccal mucosa. ,aboratory studies re(eal a -$w

    ser! *$r&)s$- "n "n )n*re"se )n ACTH.

    Answer:  C: the &atient has AddisonMs disease and no aldosterone acti(ity: the aldosterone &um&s that are

    aected are the a"# ATPase &um& in the late distal and collecting tubules and the *"# ATPase &um& in


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    the collecting tubules. @odium is lost &otassium is retained &rotons are retained and combine with

    chloride resulting in a normal A+ metabolic acidosis -note that the A+ is 1$ m'2",: 1$8 % K>8 ! 1=L H 1$0

    Ser! N"#



      Ser!  #



      Ser! C-<



    Ser! HCO'<



    C. 1$8 7.= >8 1=

    Items 51−5;Ser! N"#



      Ser!  #



      Ser! C-<



    Ser! HCO'<



      A. 11= 5.? == $1

      B. 15? $.> =? 58

      C. 1$8 7.= >8 1=

      D. 15? 7.7 == 1?

      '. 16? 6.? 1?? $6

      ). 16? $.$ 116 16

      +. 17$ $.= 11? 55

    5$. A 6=%year%old man with let%sided heart ailure has muscle weakness and clinical e(idence o

    (olume de&letion. *e is currently taking a -$$% )re&)*. An electrocardiogram shows &rominent <


    Answer: B. Classic hy&onatremia hy&okalemia and metabolic alkalosis rom a loo& diuretic.

    *y&onatremia is due to a hy&ertonic loss o sodium in urine hy&okalemia rom augmented a"#

    exchange and metabolic alkalosis or exchange o a with * ions leading to regeneration o bicarbonate.

    This &roile also its (omiting. < wa(es indicate hy&okalemia. uscle weakness is the most common sign

    o hy&okalemia.

    Ser! N"#



      Ser!  #



      Ser! C-<



    Ser! HCO'<



      B. 15? $.> =? 58

    55. A 58%year%old woman in )"+e&)* 3e&$"*)$s)s "s %e"3e T w"es on an electrocardiogram. The

    serum blood urea nitrogen -B9

      ). 16? $.$ 117   16


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Items 51−5;Ser! N"#



      Ser!  #



      Ser! C-<



    Ser! HCO'<



      A. 11= 5.? == $1

      B. 15? $.> =? 58  C. 1$8 7.= >8 1=

      D. 15? 7.7 == 1?

      '. 16? 6.? 1?? $6

      ). 16? $.$ 116 16

      +. 17$ $.= 11? 55

    57. A 6=%year%old woman with Cs)n?s s4nr$!e has se(ere diastolic hy&ertension.

    Answer: +. Cushings has mineralocorticoid excess ust like &rimary aldosteronism. ,ab indings are


    Ser! N"#



      Ser!  #



      Ser! C-<



    Ser! HCO'<



      +. 17$ $.= 11? 55

    58. A 6$%yr%old man has seere $!)&)n related to a (iral gastritis. *e has signs o (olume de&letion.

    Answer: B. Gomiting leads to hy&onatremia -loss o sodium in the (omitus0 not hy&ernatremia.

    *y&okalemia and metabolic alkalosis also occur. Best 9x is isotonic saline to re&lace the chloride and

    (olume de&letion.

    Ser! N"#



      Ser!  #



      Ser! C-<



    Ser! HCO'<



      B. 15? $.> =? 58

    5;. A 7$%year%old ty&e $ diabetic on *-$r%r$%"!)e has mental status abnormalities. Physical exam

    is otherwise normal.

    Answer: A. Classic @iAD* rom chlor&ro&amide which enhances AD* release. ,ook or e(erything to

     be decreased rom dilution. Any serum sodium 1$? m'2", is highly sus&ect or @iAD*.

    Ser! N"#



      Ser!  #



      Ser! C-<



    Ser! HCO'<



      A. 11= 5.? == $1

    5=. ou would ex&ect res&iratory acidosis as com&ensation or which o the ollowing &atient

    disordersF SELECT 2A. Barbiturate o(erdose

    B. Proximal renal tubular acidosis

    C. Chronic obstructi(e &ulmonary disease

    D. Golume de&leted &atient taking a loo& diuretic

    '. Golume de&leted &atient with &rotracted (omitingAnswers D '. 9es&iratory acidosis is com&ensation or &rimary metabolic alkalosis: D. Golume de&leted &atient taking a loo& diuretic

    '. Golume de&leted &atient with &rotracted (omiting

    A. Barbiturate o(erdose: no it &roduces acute res&iratory acidosis and metabolic alkalosis is


    B. Proximal renal tubular acidosis: no it is an exam&le o normal A+ metabolic acidosis and res&iratory

    alkalosis is the com&ensation


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    C. Chronic obstructi(e &ulmonary disease: no it is an exam&le o chronic res&iratory acidosis and

    metabolic alkalosis is its com&ensation

    5>. ou would ex&ect an increase in eecti(e arterial blood (olume -'ABG0 in which o the ollowing

    clinical conditionsF SELECT 'A. 9ight%sided heart ailure

    B. Primary aldosteronismC. Acute myocardial inarction

    D. 4(er/ealous inusion with ?.> normal saline

    '. Inusion with excessi(e amounts o 5 hy&ertonic saline

    Answers (, D, E: B. Primary aldosteronism: yes due to excess sodium in the 'C) which increases the

     &lasma (olume D. 4(er/ealous inusion with ?.> normal saline '. Inusion with excessi(e amounts o

    5 hy&ertonic saline

    A. 9ight%sided heart ailure: no 'ABG is decreased due to a decrease in cardiac out&ut

    C. Acute myocardial inarction: no 'ABG is decreased due to a decrease in cardiac out&ut

    6?. Ehich o the ollowing (olume disorders re&resents a transudate secondary to a decrease in oncotic

     &ressure and increase in hydrostatic &ressureF

    A. Patient with cirrhosis de&endent &itting edema and ascitesB. Patient with a &ulmonary inarction who has a &leural eusion

    C. Patient with edema o the arm &ost%modiied radical mastectomy

    D. Patient with congesti(e heart ailure who has de&endent &itting edema

    '. Patient with congesti(e heart ailure who has bilateral &leural eusions

    Answer:  A. Patient with cirrhosis de&endent &itting edema and ascites: &ortal hy&ertension increases

    hydrostatic &ressure leading to ascites and decreased albumin synthesis &roduces a decrease in oncotic

     &ressure leading to de&endent &itting edema and ascites

    B. Patient with a &ulmonary inarction who has a &leural eusion: no this is an exudate -&rotein and cell

    rich luid0

    C. Patient with edema o the arm &ost%modiied radical mastectomy: no this is lym&hedema

    D. Patient with congesti(e heart ailure who has de&endent &itting edema: no this is associated with an

    increase in hydrostatic &ressure rom right%sided heart ailure'. Patient with congesti(e heart ailure who has bilateral &leural eusions: no this is due to an increase in

    hydrostatic &ressure

    61. Ehich o the ollowing edema conditions re&resents a transudate secondary to an increase in

    hydrostatic &ressureF SELECT 2

    A. Patient with swelling o the arm ater a bee stingB. Patient with cerebral edema secondary to hy&onatremia

    C. Patient with congesti(e heart ailure who has &ulmonary edema

    D. Patient with congesti(e heart ailure who has de&endent &itting edema

    '. Patient with kwashiorkor who has ascites and de&endent &itting edema

    Answers C, D: C. Patient with congesti(e heart ailure who has &ulmonary edema: increase in

    hydrostatic &ressure rom increased let (entricular end%diastolic (olume and &ressure. Pulmonary edemaoccurs in let%sided heart ailure.

    D. Patient with congesti(e heart ailure who has de&endent &itting edema: in right%sided heart ailure the

     blood accumulates in the (enous system and raises the hydrostatic &ressure leading to neck (ein

    distention he&atomegaly ascites and de&endent &itting edema.

    A. Patient with swelling o the arm ater a bee sting: no this is an exudate rom increased (essel

     &ermeability related to histamine release in a ty&e I hy&ersensiti(ity reaction.

    B. Patient with cerebral edema secondary to hy&onatremia: no this is a water shit into the IC) rom

    hy&onatremia -osmosis not a @tarlings orce abnormality0


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    '. Patient with kwashiorkor who has ascites and de&endent &itting edema: no this &roduces a transudate

    due to decreased oncotic &ressure related to a decreased &rotein intake

    Items 6$−68

    ( C


      A D

    Ser! ADH

    The s2uare re&resents normal (alues in a normally hydrated &atient.

    6$. A 6$%yr%old woman recei(es an intra(enous inusion o 1 liter o 5 hy&ertonic saline.

    Answer:  C: hy&ertonic gain o luid increase P4sm -hy&ernatremia0 which is a stimulus or AD*


    65. A 8$%yr%old smoker with a small cell carcinoma o the lung is diagnosed with ina&&ro&riate AD*syndrome.

    Answer:  D: decrease P4sm -hy&onatremia0 but increase in AD*. ormally this should not occur. The &atient is concentrating urine when they should be diluting urine.

    66. A 85%yr%old instructor who has been drinking a lot o water during an = hr lecture has to make

    re2uent tri&s to the bathroom during e(ery break.

    Answer: A: instructor is drinking excess water and needs to dilute urine. Decreased P4sm and inhibition

    o AD* or dilution

    67. A 6$%yr%old man who is &re&aring or a marathon orgot to bring re&lacement luid during a 17

    mile run on a hot humid day.

    Answer:  C: &atient is (olume de&leted and needs to concentrate urine. Increased P4sm which is astimulus or AD* release and concentration o urine.

    68. A $$%yr%old man who suered a head inury in a car accident now has increased thirst and &olyuria.

    Answer: B: central diabetes insi&idus with no AD*. ,oss o &ure water leads to hy&ernatremia -increased

    P4sm0. The &atient is diluting urine when they should be concentrating urine. 4&&osite o @iAD*.

    6;. An aebrile $=%year%old medical student who s&ent a weekend in Tiuana exico de(elo&s

    tra(elers diarrhea. Physical exam demonstrates signs o (olume de&letion. Ehich o the ollowingchanges in electrolyte and (olume status is most likely &resent in this &atientF

    Os! N"#   ECF




    Increased Increased Contracted Contracted ormal ormal Contracted ormal

     ormal ormal Contracted 'x&anded

    Increased Increased 'x&anded Contracted

    Decreased Decreased Contracted 'x&anded

    Answer: B. isotonic loss o luid. o osmotic gradient. Correlates with diagram A in the study 2uestions.


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


     Os! N"#   ECF ICF

     ormal ormal Contracted ormal

    6=. 9es&iratory alkalosis would be ex&ected as com&ensation in which o the ollowing &atient

    conditionsF SELECT 2

    A. *y&er(entilation

    B. Chronic renal ailure

    C. Pulmonary inarction

    D. 'thylene glycol &oisoning

    '. Gomiting secondary to gastritis

    Answers: (, D. res&iratory alkalosis is com&ensation or a &rimary metabolic acidosis: B. Chronic renal

    ailure: increased A+ metabolic acidosis

    D. 'thylene glycol &oisoning: ethylene glycol is con(erted by alcohol dehydrogenase to glycolic and

    oxalic acid the latter orming calcium oxalate crystals in the kidney tubules causing renal ailure

    A. *y&er(entilation: no this &roduces a &rimary res&iratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis is


    C. Pulmonary inarction: no this &roduces a &rimary res&iratory alkalosis rom tachy&nea and metabolic

    acidosis is com&ensation

    '. Gomiting secondary to gastritis: no this &roduces a &rimary metabolic alkalosis and res&iratory

    acidosis is com&ensation.

    Items 6>−7=%H





    76 !! H9



    2> !E@/L9

      ;.?? 7$ 1$

      ;.$; 8? $8

      ;.$7 =? 56

      ;.$8 $8 11

      ;.5= ;? 6?

      ;.5= 6? $6

      ;.6$ $$ 16

      ;.78 $6 $1

      ;.7= 6> 5>

    6>. A 57%year%old recently di(orced woman o(erdoses on +"r+)&r"&es.

    Answer: B. Barbiturates de&ress the res&iratory center &roducing an acute res&iratory acidosis without







    76 !! H9



    2> !E@/L9

      ;.$; 8? $8


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Items 6>−7=%H





    76 !! H9



    2> !E@/L9

      ;.?? 7$ 1$

      ;.$; 8? $8

      ;.$7 =? 56

      ;.$8 $8 11

      ;.5= ;? 6?

      ;.5= 6? $6

      ;.6$ $$ 16

      ;.78 $6 $1

      ;.7= 6> 5>

    7?. A 68%yr%old woman with rheumatoid arthritis de(elo&s tinnitus. ou sus&ect the &atient has

    s"-)*4-"&e &$)*)&4.

    Answer: +. s"-)*4-"&e &$)*)&4 is a mixed disorder: res&iratory alkalosis -res&iratory center stimulation0 !

    metabolic acidosis -salicylic acid ! lactic acid0






    76 !! H9



    2> !E@/L9

      ;.6$ $$ 16

    71. A 1>%year%old ty&e 1 diabetic is in 3e&$"*)$s)s and is $!)&)n.

    Answer: ). 3e&$"*)$s)s is an increased A+ metabolic acidosis and $!)&)n &roduces metabolic

    alkalosis. These $ disorder neutrali/e each other. ote that the normal &* is on the acid side so the

    ketoacidosis is a little worse than the metabolic alkalosis.




    76 !! H9   HCO'



    2> !E@/L9

      ;.5= 6? $6

    7$. A 6>%year%old woman with *r$n)* +r$n*)&)s secondary to smoking is taking a -$$% )re&)* or

    congesti(e heart ailure.

    Answer: '. *r$n)* +r$n*)&)s &roduces chronic res&iratory acidosis and a -$$% )re&)* &roduces

    metabolic alkalosis. This is a mixed disorder: &* should be normal PC4$ markedly increased since both

    disorders ha(e an increase in PC4$ and the bicarbonate should be markedly increased since both

    disorders ha(e an increase in bicarbonate.


    58;'6 8;769



    76 !! H9



    2> !E@/L9

      ;.5= ;? 6?

    75. A se&tic ;$%yr%old man has urinary retention secondary to &rostatic hy&er&lasia. ou sus&ect the

     &atient has en$&$)* s$*3 .

    Answer: +. en$&$)* s$*3  &roduces a mixed disorder: res&iratory alkalosis− o(erstimulates theres&iratory center ! metabolic acidosis rom shock leading to lactic acidosis. This is a mixed disorder. The


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


     &* changes neutrali/e each other. Both PC4$ and bicarbonate are decreased in both conditions &roducing

    an additi(e eect.






    76 !! H9



    2> !E@/L9

      ;.6$ $$ 16

    Items 6>−7=%H





    76 !! H9



    2> !E@/L9

      ;.?? 7$ 1$

      ;.$; 8? $8

      ;.$7 =? 56

      ;.$8 $8 11

      ;.5= ;? 6?

      ;.5= 6? $6  ;.6$ $$ 16

      ;.78 $6 $1

      ;.7= 6> 5>

    76. A $1%year%old man with cystic ibrosis who has had recurrent &ulmonary inections almost all his

    lie has e(er and a &roducti(e cough consistent with "*&e +r$n*)&)s $r %ne!$n)".

    Answer: C. cystic ibrosis &roduces chronic obstructi(e lung disease and chronic res&iratory acidosis. An

    "*&e +r$n*)&)s $r %ne!$n)" su&erim&oses an acute res&iratory acidosis on to& o a chronic

    res&iratory acidosis. Chronic res&iratory acidosis is associated with metabolic alkalosis as com&ensation

    unlike acute res&iratory acidosis -choice B0 which does not. The PC4$ is &robably higher than usual

    owing to the su&erim&osed acute bronchitis or &neumonia. Beore the &atient got a su&erim&osedinection the &* was &robably around ;.55 and PC4$ around 8?. This is a ty&e o mixed disorder.





    5'' 76 !! H9


    522 2> !E@/L9

      ;.$7 =? 56

    77. A 57%yr%old migrant worker inad(ertently drinks !e&4- "-*$$-. *e de(elo&s gastric u&set and

     blurry (ision.

    Answer: D. !e&4- "-*$$- &roduces an increased A+ metabolic acidosis because it is metaboli/ed by

    alcohol dehydrogenase to ormic acid which &roduces o&tic neuritis and a &otential or blindness.






    76 !! H9



    2> !E@/L9

      ;.$8 $8 11

    78. A 78%year%old man is in *"r)$res%)r"&$r4 "rres&. ou arri(e on the scene N$ minutes ater the

     &atient lost consciousness.

    Answer: A. *"r)$res%)r"&$r4 "rres& is associated with a &rimary acute res&iratory acidosis -not

     breathing0 ! metabolic acidosis rom lactic acidosis. 'x&ect a (ery low acid &*.

    %H CO2   HCO'<


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12





    76 !! H9 522 

    2> !E@/L9

      ;.?? 7$ 1$

    7;. A $6%yr%old medical student de(elo&s an "n)e&4 "&&"*3  while taking a com&rehensi(e inal exam

    Answer: *. an "n)e&4 "&&"*3  &roduces an acute res&iratory alkalosis owing to excessi(e blowing o o

    C4$. ote the &artially com&ensated metabolic acidosis. on%renal mechanisms are able to lower the bicarbonate to 1= m'2",.





    5'' 76 !! H9


    522 2> !E@/L9

      ;.78 $6 $1

    Items 6>−7=%H





    76 !! H9



    2> !E@/L9

      ;.?? 7$ 1$

      ;.$; 8? $8

      ;.$7 =? 56

      ;.$8 $8 11

      ;.5= ;? 6?

      ;.5= 6? $6

      ;.6$ $$ 16

      ;.78 $6 $1

      ;.7= 6> 5>

    7=. A $ mth old child has re&eated $!)&)n o non%bile stained luid. ou sus&ect congenital &yloric

    stenosis.Answer: I. $!)&)n &roduces metabolic alkalosis






    76 !! H9



    2> !E@/L9

      ;.7= 6> 5>

    7>. Ehich o the ollowing &atients would most likely ha(e clinical e(idence o de&endent &itting

    edema i an alteration in @tarlings orces is &resent &lus a stimulus or renal retention o saltF

    SELECT 2

    A. Patient with diabetes insi&idus

    B. Patient with congesti(e heart ailure

    C. Patient with ina&&ro&riate AD* syndromeD. Patient recei(ing excessi(e ?.> normal saline

    '. Patient recei(ing excessi(e 7 dextrose and water 

    Answers: (, D. the &atient must ha(e an increase in TBa! and a &reexisting @tarlings orce abnormality

    ! renal retention o sodium in order to ha(e &itting edema: 

    B. Patient with congesti(e heart ailure: hy&otonic gain o more water than salt

    D. Patient recei(ing excessi(e ?.> normal saline


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    A. Patient with diabetes insi&idus: no there is hy&ernatremia due to a loss o &ure water. TBa! is

    normal. An osmotic gradient is established and water mo(es out o the IC) into the 'C) and rom the

    'C) out into the urine as ree water so both com&artments are contracted.

    C. Patient with ina&&ro&riate AD* syndrome: no the &atient has a gain o &ure water. TBa! is normal.

    An osmotic gradient is established causing water to mo(e into the IC). Both 'C) and IC) com&artmentsare ex&anded.

    '. Patient recei(ing excessi(e 7 dextrose and water: no the &atient is gaining a hy&otonic solution withno salt. TBa! is normal. An osmotic gradient is established -hy&onatremia0 and water shits rom the

    ex&anded 'C) com&artment into the IC) com&artment


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Items 8?−8$MBO2   CW




    C"r)"* $&%&

    Decreased Decreased Increased Decreased

    Decreased Increased Increased Decreased

    Increased Decreased Decreased Increased

     ormal ormal ormal ormal,G'DP let (entricular end%diastolic &ressure3 G4$ mixed (enous oxygen content3 PCEP &ulmonary

    ca&illary wedge &ressure3 @G9 systemic (ascular resistance3 TP9 total &eri&heral resistance.

    8?. A ;$%year%old man with urinary retention rom benign &rostatic hy&er&lasia has a sudden onset o

    e(er and chills. *is skin eels warm and his &ulse is hy&erdynamic.

    Answer: C. This is se&tic -endotoxic shock0. 9emember (asodilation o arterioles decreases &eri&heral

    (ascular resistance -decrease in @G9 which is the same as total &eri&heral resistance0. It drastically

    lowers the diastolic blood &ressure and causes blood to mo(e 2uickly through the microcirculation -like a

    dam with its lood gates wide o&en0 making it im&ossible or tissue to extract oxygen -increased G4$0.

    Genous return to the heart increases -increased cardiac out&ut0. This is called high out&ut cardiac ailure.

    The heart will not last too long with this increased load and e(entually the &atient will &rogress into

    indings consistent with cardiogenic shock. Pulmonary ca&illaries become &ermeable owing to neutro&hilinury and an exudate leaks into the al(eoli causing A9D@. PCEP -a measure o let%sided let (entricular 

     &ressure0 is decreased. This is an exam&le o a non%cardiogenic &ulmonary edema.

    MBO2 CW SBR C"r)"* $&%&

    Increased Decreased Decreased Increased

    81. A ;7%year%old man with a known history o an abdominal aortic aneurysm ex&eriences a sudden

    onset o let lank &ain and di//iness. *e is brought to the emergency room and has a heart rate o16? beats"minute blood &ressure o 8?"6? mm *g and a &ulsatile mass in his abdomen. ou

    sus&ect a ru&tured abdominal aortic aneurysm.

    Answer: A. the &atient is in hy&o(olemic shock. The key dierence rom cardiogenic shock is the low

    PCEP. G4$ is low since the decreased cardiac out&ut allows tissue to extract most o the oxygen out o

    the blood. @G9 is increased owing to (asoconstriction o the &eri&heral resistance arterioles which

    decreases the radius to the 6th &ower.MBO2 CW SBR C"r)"* $&%&

    Decreased Decreased Increased Decreased

    8$. A 8?%year%old man has an acute myocardial inarction which &rogressed into congesti(e heart

    ailure within $6 hrs o admission to the coronary care unit.

    Answer:  the &atient has let%sided heart ailure.

  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Answer: C. the &atient has let%sided heart ailure -&ulmonary edema0 and right%sided heart ailure -neck

    (ein distention and de&endent &itting edema0. In either case there is an alteration is @tarlings orces

    -increased hydrostatic &ressure0 and a decreased cardiac out&ut leading to retention o a slightly

    hy&otonic salt%containing solution - TBa " TBE0. 4wing to the increase in hydrostatic &ressure in the

    (enous system in right%sided heart ailure most o this hy&otonic luid will mo(e into the interstitial s&aceand worsen the de&endent &itting edema. @ince both TBa and TBE are increased the best non%

     &harmacologic treatment or this &atient and any other similar ty&e o edema state -e.g. cirrhosisne&hrotic syndrome0 is to restrict both water and salt. Diuretics are the most useul &harmacologic


      S$)! )n&"3e W"&er )n&"3e

    C. Decrease Decrease

    86. In treating a &atient with the ina&&ro&riate AD* syndrome which o the ollowing is the MOST

    ARORIATE management o the &atientMs sodium and water intakeF

    S$)! )n&"3e W"&er )n&"3e

    A. Decrease o change

    B. o change o change

    C. Decrease Decrease

    D. o change Decrease'. Increase Increase

    Answer:  D. &atients with @iAD* ha(e a hy&otonic gain o &ure water without any salt. Thereore only

    water is restricted and not salt since the TBa! is normal.

    S$)! )n&"3e W"&er )n&"3e

    D. o change Decrease


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Items 87−;$

    Os! ICF ECF



    N$&e: the height o the s2uares re&resent &lasma osmolality -P4sm0 while the width o the s2uares

    re&resents (olume in each com&artment. 'C) is the extracellular luid com&artment and IC) is the

    intracellular luid com&artment. The dark lines re&resent the normal P4sm and (olume in each

    com&artment while the hash marked lines re&resent the (olume alteration.


    A; (;

      C; D;

      E; F;

    87. The &atient is a 67%yr%old man who is (olume de&leted secondary to the use o loo& diuretics.

    Answer:  B. *y&ertonic loss o luid with hy&onatremia with 'C) contraction and IC) ex&ansion

    88. The &atient is a $5%yr%old marathon runner who is (olume de&leted ater running on a hot humid


    Answer: '. the &atient is losing sweat where there is a hy&otonic loss o more water than salt. This

    causes hy&ernatremia with 'C) contraction and IC) contraction. The water that shits into the 'C) rom

    the IC) is lost in the sweat.


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    8;. The &atient is a 86%yr%old smoker with a small cell carcinoma o the lung and ina&&ro&riate AD*


    Answer:  D. *y&otonic gain o &ure water and no salt. *y&onatremia with 'C) ex&ansion and IC)


    Items 87−;$

    Os! ICF ECF



    N$&e: the height o the s2uares re&resent &lasma osmolality -P4sm0 while the width o the s2uares

    re&resents (olume in each com&artment. 'C) is the extracellular luid com&artment and IC) is the

    intracellular luid com&artment. The dark lines re&resent the normal P4sm and (olume in each

    com&artment while the hash marked lines re&resent the (olume alteration.


    A; (;

      C; D;

      E; F;

    8=. The &atient is a 8=%yr%old man with a known history o ischemic heart disease. *e has &neumonia

    due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa and is recei(ing an )n&r"en$s s$-&)$n *$n&")n)n s$)!


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    *"r+en)*)--)n. *e has &hysical indings consisting o bibasilar crackles neck (ein distention

    he&atomegaly and &itting edema.

    Answer: ). *y&ertonic gain o sodium rom the IG. *y&ernatremia 'C) ex&ansion IC) contraction

    8>. A ;=%yr%old woman with a known history o ischemic heart disease has a bilateral hi& re&lacementor se(ere osteoarthritis in(ol(ing the emoral heads. @he has been $ere"-$s-4 ) w)&

    0;= n$r!"- s"-)ne and has &itting edema and bibasilar cre&itant crackles.Answer:  C. Isotonic gain o luid with normal serum sodium ex&ansion o 'C) normal IC) since there

    is no osmotic gradient

    Items 87−;$

    Os! ICF ECF



    N$&e: the height o the s2uares re&resent &lasma osmolality -P4sm0 while the width o the s2uaresre&resents (olume in each com&artment. 'C) is the extracellular luid com&artment and IC) is the

    intracellular luid com&artment. The dark lines re&resent the normal P4sm and (olume in each

    com&artment while the hash marked lines re&resent the (olume alteration.


    A; (;

      C; D;

      E; F;


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    ;?. The &atient is a 6$%yr%old medical missionary with *$-er". *e is (olume de&leted.

    Answer:  A. Isotonic loss o luid. @erum sodium is normal 'C) is contracted IC) is normal since there

    is no osmotic gradient. Vibrio cholerae &roduces a toxin that stimulates adenylate cyclase causing anisotonic loss o luid. There is no bowel inlammation.

    ;1. The &atient is a 8>%yr%old with ischemic heart disease and both let%sided and right%sided heart


    Answer:  D. *y&otonic gain o more water than salt rom the kidneys leading to hy&onatremia 'C)

    ex&ansion and IC) ex&ansion. ote that the same schematic a&&lies to both @iAD* and heart ailure

    since both are hy&otonic gains o luid. *owe(er the &hysical exam is dierent not to mention the

    history. In @iAD* the TBa is normal hence skin turgor is normal while in right%sided heart ailure

    there is an increase in TBa and de&endent &itting edema.

    Items 87−;$

    Os! ICF ECF



    N$&e: the height o the s2uares re&resent &lasma osmolality -P4sm0 while the width o the s2uaresre&resents (olume in each com&artment. 'C) is the extracellular luid com&artment and IC) is the

    intracellular luid com&artment. The dark lines re&resent the normal P4sm and (olume in each

    com&artment while the hash marked lines re&resent the (olume alteration.


    A; (;


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


      C; D;

      E; F;

    ;$. The &atient is =$%years%old and has 106$ F &e!%er"&re rom a lobar &neumonia. 

    Answer:  '. Insensible water loss rom e(er. *y&otonic loss o &ure water with hy&ernatremia mild

    'C) contraction -normal &hysical exam0 and IC) contraction. ,oss o &ure water without any salt does

    not alter skin turgor. This is called dehydration.


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    ;5. Ehich o the ollowing best ex&lains the mechanism or hy&okalemia in &atients with res&iratory

    or metabolic alkalosisF

    A. Potassium loss in the urine

    B. Potassium loss in the gastrointestinal tract

    C. Potassium shit into cells in exchange or &rotonsD. Potassium shit into cells in exchange or chloride

    '. Potassium shit into cells in exchange or bicarbonateAnswer: C. Potassium shit into cells in exchange or &rotons -hydrogen ions0.

    A. Potassium loss in the urine: this would only be correct i the metabolic alkalosis was caused by loo& or 

    thia/ide diuretics or mineralocorticoid excess

    B. Potassium loss in the gastrointestinal tract: this would only be correct or diarrhea howe(er it

     &roduces a normal A+ metabolic acidosis. The ex&ected hy&erkalemia rom a shit o &otassium out o

    the cell in exchange or &rotons does not o(erride the greater loss o &otassium in the stool

    D. Potassium shit into cells in exchange or chloride: this exchange does not occur. The exchange o

    chloride is with bicarbonate. Ehen bicarbonate lea(es a cell -e.g. the &atient has res&iratory acidosis and

    a non%renal mechanism or increasing bicarbonate as com&ensation is re2uired0 chloride enters the cell in

    order to maintain electroneutrality. Ehen bicarbonate mo(es into a cell -e.g. the &atient has res&iratory

    alkalosis and need a non%renal mechanism or remo(ing bicarbonate rom the blood to &roduce metabolic

    acidosis as com&ensation0 chloride mo(es out o the cell to maintain electroneutrality.'. Potassium shit into cells in exchange or bicarbonate: this ty&e o exchange does not occur in cells.

    ;6. Ehich o the ollowing conditions are commonly associated with &rominent < wa(es on an

    electrocardiogramF SELECT 'A. Addisons disease

    B. Protracted (omiting

    C. Aldosterone blockers

    D. Distal renal tubular acidosis

    ' Patient on high doses o albuterol

    ). Destruction o the uxtaglomerular a&&aratus

    Answers (, D, E: a < wa(e indicates the &resence o hy&okalemia B. Protracted (omiting: metabolic

    alkalosis. Potassium is lost in the (omitus.D. Distal renal tubular acidosis: block o &roton"# ! &um&

    '. Patient on high doses o albuterol: enhances the a"# ATPase &um&3 hence increasing cellular u&take

    o # ! and cellular loss o a!

    A. Addisons disease: no loss o mineralocorticoids results in hy&erkalemia since the a"# ATPase &um&

    in the distal and collecting tubule is dysunctional. This is the &rimary &um& or remo(ing excess

     &otassium rom the body.C. Aldosterone blockers: no same ex&lanation as or A.

    ). Destruction o the uxtaglomerular a&&aratus: no destroying the O+ a&&aratus lowers renin which

    lowers AT II and aldosterone. Decreased aldosterone results in hy&onatremia 4%er3"-e!)" and normal

    A+ metabolic acidosis. This is called ty&e IG 9TA and is most oten secondary to diabetic renal diseasewhere the aerent arteriole is damaged by hyaline arteriolosclerosis.

    ;7. Ehich o the ollowing conditions are commonly associated with &eaked T wa(es on an

    electrocardiogramF SELECT 'A. Patient with se(ere diarrhea

    B. Patient taking excess digitalis

    C. Patient with chronic renal ailure

    D. Patient on high doses o a β%blocker '. Patient with &roximal renal tubular acidosis


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Answers (, C, D:  &eaked T wa(es indicate hy&erkalemia: B. Patient taking excess digitalis: blocks the

     a!"# ! ATPase sym&orter so more # ! is &um&ed out o the cell

    C. Patient with chronic renal ailure: cannot excrete &otassium -CC0 D. Patient on high doses o a β% blocker: inhibits the ATPase &um& causing a loss o # ! rom cells and gain in a! 

    A. Patient with se(ere diarrhea: no it &roduces hy&okalemia and a < wa(e

    '. Patient with &roximal renal tubular acidosis: no it &roduces hy&okalemia owing to loss o &otassium

    when it combines with bicarbonate in the urine and is excreted. @odium is also lost in the urine when itcombine with bicarbonate to &roduce sodium bicarbonate.

    ;8. Ehich o the ollowing is the initial ste& in the management o hy&erkalemiaF

    A. ,oo& diuretic

    B. Thia/ide diuretic

    C. Calcium gluconate

    D. Cationic exchange resins

    '. Insulin with glucose inusion

    Answer: C. Calcium gluconate: &rotect the heart with calcium gluconate. It does not lower &otassium

    le(els. All the other choices deal with either shiting # ! into cells -e.g. insulin albuterol0 or excreting # ! 

    -e.g. diuretics0

    A. ,oo& diuretic: yes but not as the initial ste& since it does not immediately &rotect the heartB. Thia/ide diuretic: same ex&lanation as A

    D. Cationic exchange resins: yes they do bind to # ! in the bowel and aid in its excretion howe(er it doesnot work ast enough to &rotect the heart

    '. Insulin with glucose inusion: yes it shits # ! into the cell by enhancing the a"# ATPase &um&

    howe(er it does not do it ast enough to &rotect the heart.

    ;;. The &ur&ose or &lacing &atients at risk or thrombosis on low dose as&irin is to &re(ent

    SELECT '

    A. strokes

    B. &latelet aggregation

    C. intra(ascular coagulation

    D. acute myocardial inarctions'. thrombosis in dee& (eins o the cal 

    ). thrombosis in su&ericial (aricose (eins

    Answers A, D, D: A. strokes

    B. &latelet aggregation

    D. acute myocardial inarctions. The &ur&ose o using as&irin is to &re(ent &latelet aggregation and the

     &otential or orming a &latelet thrombus o(erlying atherosclerotic &la2ues in the coronary artery or at the

     branch o the carotid artery in the neck. As&irin blocks &latelet cyclooxygenase which &re(ents the

    synthesis o TQA$. TQA$ normally causes &latelet aggregation.C. intra(ascular coagulation: no as&irin does not aect the coagulation actor &athway. Disseminated

    intra(ascular coagulation is due to acti(ation o the coagulation &athway -extrinsic intrinsic or both0

    leading to the ormation o ibrin clots in small (essels throughout the body. Coagulation actors that are

    normally consumed in a ibrin clot are used u& -e.g. ibrinogen &rothrombin G GIII03 hence the &atientis also anticoagulated.

    '. thrombosis in dee& (eins o the cal: no (enous clots resemble ibrin%clots that de(elo& in a clot tube

    -red to& tube0. They are due to acti(ation o the coagulation system rather than acti(ation o &latelets to


    ). thrombosis in su&ericial (aricose (eins: no same ex&lanation as in '


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    ;=. Ehich o the ollowing coagulation actors is an actual com&onent o both (enous and arterial


    A. )ibrin

    B. )actor QII

    C. Prothrombin -actor II0D. )actor G

    '. )actor GIIIAnswer: A. .)+r)n: )ibrin is res&onsible or the stability o both (enous and &latelet thrombi. )ibrin has

    cross%links that increase its tensile strength. Platelets normally ha(e ibrinogen rece&tors. Ehen &latelet

    initially aggregate ibrinogen -carried by the &latelet0 attaches to the &latelet rece&tors and loosely holds

    them together. Ehen thrombin is ormed the ibrinogen is con(erted into ibrin which makes the &latelet

    thrombus stable. In (enous clots ibrin also holds the clot together and tra&s 9BCs &latelets and

    leukocyte in its meshwork.

    B. )actor QII: no it is the &rimary coagulation actor that when acti(ated initiates the clotting se2uence

    in the intrinsic system. It is not an actual com&onent o the &latelet and (enous clot. 9ecall that &latelet

    thrombi generally occur in the setting o turbulence and endothelial cell damage in the arterial system

    while (enous clots de(elo& in the (enous system in the setting o stasis and hy&ercoagulability. 4ne

    cannot ex&ect a (enous ty&e ibrin clot which tra&s 9BCs &latelet and leukocytes to de(elo& in a ra&id

     blood low situation. *owe(er &latelets become tightly adherent to areas o endothelial damage in highlow situations hence they are more likely to de(elo& o(er atherosclerotic debris within the arterial

    system &articularly when they begin to occlude the lumen and &roduce signs o ischemia. This is not to

    say that the intrinsic or extrinsic system are not acti(ated in the arterial system when endothelial inury

    occurs because it is acti(ated and will &roduce thrombin howe(er it will not be able to tra& 9BCs &latelets and leukocytes in it due to the ra&id blood low. The thrombin howe(er will be able to con(ert

    ibrinogen holding &latelets together into ibrin to orm a &latelet thrombus.

    C. Prothrombin -actor II0: no it is used u& in the ormation o a clot and is not an actual com&onent o

    the &latelet and (enous clot.

    D. )actor G: no it is used u& in the ormation o a clot and is not an actual com&onent o the &latelet and

    (enous clot.

    '. )actor GIII: no it is used u& in the ormation o a clot and is not an actual com&onent o the &latelet

    and (enous clot.

    ;>. A $5%yr%old man is &laced in the intensi(e care unit ater sustaining emoral bone ractures multi&le

     &el(ic ractures and a laceration o the s&leen rom a motorcycle accident. )orty eight hours later

    he de(elo&s a sudden onset o dys&nea &etechial lesions on the thorax and mental status

    alterations. ,aboratory studies re(eal hy&oxemia and thrombocyto&enia. The &rothrombin time and

     &artial thrombo&lastin time are both normal. The &atient most likely has which o the ollowingdisordersF

    A. Disseminated intra(ascular coagulation

    B. Pulmonary embolism

    C. )at emboli/ationD. Air emboli/ation

    '. PneumoniaAnswer: C. )at emboli/ation: this is a classic case with all the clinical indings. icroglobules o at

    rom the marrow and surrounding adi&ose enter the microcirculation and circulate throughout the body

    since they are small enough to mo(e through ca&illaries. The atty acids released rom the at damages the

    endothelial cells in the micro(asculature causing &latelet adherence to the damaged endothelium hence

    they are used u& and &roduce thrombocyto&enia. Blockage o the microcirculation is thereore due to the

    microglobules o at as well as tiny &latelet thrombi. The endothelial cell damage does not occur

    immediately and re2uires at least $6%6= hrs hence the delay in sym&toms in at emboli/ation. Dys&nea is

    due to blockage o the &ulmonary ca&illaries -&erusion deect leading to hy&oxemia0. Thrombocyto&enia


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    is due to increased utili/ation in the ormation o &latelet thrombi in areas o endothelial damage and due

    to adherence to the microglobules o at. Thrombocyto&enia is also the cause o the &etechial lesions

    -&in&oint areas o hemorrhage0 in the &atient. ental status abnormalities are due to minute hemorrhages

    into the brain rom the blocked ca&illaries leading to cerebral edema.

    A. Disseminated intra(ascular coagulation: this may occur in the setting o trauma howe(er since thecoagulation system is acti(ated in this disorder resulting in the ormation o ibrin%clots the &rothrombin

    time and &artial thrombo&lastin time should be &rolonged -ibrinogen II G and GIII are consumed0B. Pulmonary embolism: this may also occur in se(erely traumati/ed &atients howe(er there is no

    history o cal tenderness -sign o dee& (enous thrombosis0 or &leuritic chest &ain which in(ariably

    accom&anies a &ulmonary embolus. In addition a P' does not &roduce thrombocyto&enia.

    D. Air emboli/ation: the clinical setting in this &atient is not one or air embolism. This usually occurs in

    head and neck ty&es o surgery.

    '. Pneumonia: the clinical setting is one o trauma not inection. There is no mention o &hysical indings

    in the lung that would lead one to sus&ect a &neumonia: e.g. signs o consolidation in the lung crackles

    in the lung with ins&iration.

    =?. A $5%yr%old scuba di(er who is di(ing in 1?? eet o water is orced to ascend to the surace owing

    to mechanical diiculties with his di(ing gear. Eithin 1?−17 minutes ater resuracing blood begins to oo/e out o both ear canals his skin becomes mottled and &ruritic and he begins to lose both bladder and bowel control. The &athogenesis o these indings most closely correlates with

    which o the ollowing actorsF SELECT 2A. )at emboli/ation

    B. Carbon dioxide narcosis

    C. itrogen gas bubbles in tissue"(essels

    D. o(ement rom a high to lower atmos&heric &ressure

    Answers C, D: C. itrogen gas bubbles in tissue"(essels: atmos&heric &ressure increase by 1 or e(ery 55

    eet descent into the water which dri(es nitrogen into tissues. 9a&id ascent causes the nitrogen to come

    out o solution to orm bubbles that block (essels and damage tissue

     D. o(ement rom a high to lower atmos&heric &ressure

    A. )at emboli/ation: no this usually occurs in the setting o trauma with ractures o the &el(ic bones or

    emur B. Carbon dioxide narcosis: no this is a eature o res&iratory acidosis leading to retention o C4$ and

    se(ere hy&oxemia.

    =1. Ehich o the ollowing are the most common sites &redis&osing or (enous thrombosis and

    emboli/ation res&ecti(elyF

    A. Dee& (ein o cal " dee& (ein o cal 

    B. @a&henous (ein " dee& (ein o cal 

    C. Dee& (ein o cal " sa&henous (einD. )emoral (ein " dee& (ein o cal 

    '. Dee& (ein o cal " emoral (ein

    Answer:  '. Dee& (ein o cal " emoral (ein: most (enous thrombi initially de(elo& in the smaller caliber 

    (essel in the dee& (eins o the cal. In this location they &ro&agate towards the heart hence extendinginto the larger caliber emoral (ein where emboli/ation is more likely to occur.

    A. Dee& (ein o cal " dee& (ein o cal: no it is not the C site or emboli/ation

    B. @a&henous (ein " dee& (ein o cal: thrombi in the sa&henous commonly occur in the setting o

    (aricose (eins howe(er the emoral (ein is the C site or emboli/ation

    C. Dee& (ein o cal " sa&henous (ein: thrombi in the sa&henous (ein which is the su&ericial (enous

    system o the legs cannot emboli/e since the thrombi could ne(er get through the &enetrating branches to

    the dee& (enous system

    D. )emoral (ein " dee& (ein o cal: no this is re(ersed


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    =$. Ehich o the ollowing is the greatest risk actor or a (enous clot in the lower extremity in a

     &atient who is 7 days &ost%o&erati(e or remo(al o a gangrenous gallbladderF

    A. Turbulent blood low

    B. @tasis o blood low

    C. Increased &lasma (iscosityD. @e&ticemia

    Answer:  B. @tasis o blood low: lack o mo(ement o the &atient in bed &redis&oses to stasis and (enousthrombi that most commonly de(elo& initially in the dee& (eins o the cal hence the im&ortance o

    ambulation in the &atient as soon as &ossible.

    A. Turbulent blood low: no turbulent blood low more oten occurs in the arterial system at sites o

     biurcation and o(erlying atheromatous &la2ues. Platelet thrombi are more likely to de(elo& in this setting

    leading to a myocardial inarction or stroke.

    C. Increased &lasma (iscosity: although this would &redis&ose to (enous clots the clinical setting in this

     &atient would not lend towards a (iscosity &roblem due to an increase in Ig -Ealdenstroms

    macroglobulinemia a malignant disorder o lym&ho&lasmacytoid cells0 or a disorder in(ol(ing globulins

    that oten congeal in cold tem&eratures -cryoglobulins0

    D. @e&ticemia: although se&sis is a common inding in a gangrenous gallbladder it would most likely

     &redis&ose to disseminated intra(ascular coagulation with ibrin clots de(elo&ing in ca&illaries

    throughout the entire body

    =5. A 87%year%old man with tachycardia associated with an irregularly irregular &ulse de(elo&s a

    sudden onset o &ain in multi&le digits in his oot. The digits are &ale swollen and &ainul to

     &al&ation. Ehich o the ollowing is the most likely cause o the &atients clinical indingsFA. Genous thrombosis

    B. Arterial emboli/ation

    C. Atherosclerosis o digital (essels

    D. Paradoxical emboli/ation

    Answer: B. arterial emboli/ation: the &atient has atrial ibrillation -irregularly irregular &ulse0 which

     &redis&oses to stasis in the let atrium and clot ormation -R(enousR ty&e clot related to stasis e(en though

    it is in the let heart0. A) is the most dangerous arrhythmia &redis&osing to systemic emboli/ation. 'mboli

    to the digital (essels has &roduced early signs o inarction o the digits related to ischemic coagulati(enecrosis.

    A. (enous thrombosis: the clinical setting o atrial ibrillation a(ors arterial emboli/ation than a (enous

    thrombosis o digital (ein (essels. This would more likely occur in certain ty&es o (asculitis -e.g.

    scleroderma @,'0.

    C. atherosclerosis o digital (essels: the digital (essels rarely undergo atherosclerosis. 'lastic and large to

    medium%si/ed muscular arteries are more oten &redis&osed to atherosclerosis.D. &aradoxical emboli/ation: his reers to emboli/ation o a (enous clot to a site in the systemic

    circulation. )or this to occur the &atient would ha(e to ha(e a &atent oramen o(ale -atrial se&tal deect0

    which would allow a (enous clot to tra(erse the right atrium and enter the let atrium.

    =6. In &atients who are hy&o(olemic rom massi(e blood loss or loss o salt%containing luids -e.g.

    diarrhea luid sweat0 which o the ollowing is the irst ste& in management o the &atientFA. 5 *y&ertonic saline

    B. ?.> ormal saline

    C. ?.67 ormal saline

    D. ?.$7 ormal saline

    '. 7 Dextrose and water 

    Answer: B. ?.> ormal saline: only luid that is isotonic to &lasma can raise the blood &ressure in any

    hy&o(olemic &atient. ?.> normal saline has the same tonicity as &lasma and essentially acts like &lasma

    exce&t or the absence o &roteins. '(en the hy&o(olemia associated with loss o whole blood can initially


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     be managed with normal saline until blood is a(ailable or transusion. It is not &ossible to raise blood

     &ressure with a hy&otonic salt solution -C. ?.67 ormal saline D. ?.$7 ormal saline or '. 7

    Dextrose and water0.

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    =;. A 5>%year%old homeless man is brought into an emergency room by a riend. The man is stu&orous

    and is unable to answer 2uestions. ,aboratory tests are ordered and return with the ollowing

    (alues: serum sodium 15; m'2", -157−16;0 serum &otassium 7.= m'2", -5.7−7.?0 serumchloride >; m'2", ->7−1?70 serum bicarbonate 1$ m'2", -$$−$=0 serum blood urea nitrogen 6?mg"d, -;−1=0 serum creatinine 6 mg"d, -?.8−1.$0 and the urinalysis contains numerous crystals

    that look like the back o an en(elo&e. Ehich o the ollowing statements a&&ly to this &atientFA. ormal anion ga& metabolic acidosisB. Pre%renal a/otemia

    C. Treatment with intra(enous ethanol

    D. Patient drank methyl alcohol

    '. *y&erkalemia is most likely iatrogenic

    Answer: the &atient has ingested ethylene glycol -antiree/e0 and has de(elo&ed acute renal ailure

    -choice B%&re%renal a/otemia is incorrect0 due to obstruction o the renal tubules by calcium oxalate

    crystals leading to an increased anion ga& metabolic acidosis -choice A% normal anion ga& metabolic

    acidosis is incorrect0 C. Treatment with intra(enous ethanol: both ethylene glycol and ethanol are

    metaboli/ed by alcohol dehydrogenase and com&ete with each other or substrate binding to the en/yme

    -exam&le o a com&etiti(e inhibitor0. By increasing ethanol -substrate0 more ethanol is bound to the

    acti(e en/yme sites than ethylene glycol lea(ing it unmetaboli/ed -normally con(erted into oxalic and

    glycolic acid0. The unmetaboli/ed ethylene glycol can then be remo(ed by dialysis. The osmolal ga&

    would be J 1? m4sm -measured P4sm % calculated P4sm0.

    A. normal anion ga& metabolic acidosis: no the A+ is 15; % ->; ! 1$0 H $= m'2", - 1$ !"% 60. The

    oxalate anions are re&lacing the buered bicarbonate anions hence electroneutrality is maintained.

    B. &re%renal a/otemia: no the ratio o B

  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    Ser! N"#

    51'6 1789

      Ser!  #

      5';6 6;09

      Ser! C-<

      5=6 1069

    Ser! HCO'<

      522 2>9

    An)$n "%

      C. 15? 5.? 1?= 1? 1$

    =>. A ;?%year%old man with urinary retention caused by &rostate hy&er&lasia de(elo&s e(er and warm

    skin. A blood culture is &ositi(e or Escherichia coli. Ehich o the ollowing chemical mediators is

    most likely res&onsible or the warm skin in this &atientFA. Com&lement C5b

    B. ,eukotriene B6

    C. ,eukotrienes C6 D6 and '6

    D. itric oxide

    '. Thromboxane A$

    Answer: D -nitric oxide0 is correct. The &atient has se&tic shock due to E. coli as a com&lication o

    urinary retention due to &rostate hy&er&lasia. 'ndotoxins released rom the cell wall o E. coli directly

    damage endothelial cells causing the release o nitric oxide -40 and &rostaglandin I$ -&rostacyclin0

     both o which (asodilate &eri&heral arterioles. Eides&read arteriolar (asodilation causes warm skin.

    4&tion A -com&lement C5b0 is incorrect. Com&lement C5b is an o&soni/ing agent that acilitates

     &hagocytosis by leukocytes. It does not &roduce (asodilation o arterioles.

    4&tion B -leukotriene B60 is incorrect. ,eukotriene B6 acti(ates neutro&hil adhesion molecules and is achemotactic agent or leukocytes. It does not &roduce (asodilation o arterioles.

    4&tion C -leukotrienes C6 D6 and '60 is incorrect. ,eukotrienes C6 D6 and '6 cause (asoconstrictiono arterioles and bronchoconstriction.

    4&tion ' -thromboxane A$0 is incorrect. Thromboxane A$ causes (asoconstriction o arterioles and

    enhances &latelet aggregation.

    >?. A 7?%year%old man with alcoholic cirrhosis has ascites and de&endent &itting edema in the lower

    legs. )luid accumulation in the &eritoneal ca(ity and legs occurs by which o the ollowing


    A. Decreased &lasma oncotic &ressure

    B. Increased &lasma hydrostatic &ressure

    C. Increased (essel &ermeability due to histamineD. ,ym&hatic obstruction with lym&hedema

    '. o(ement o water into the intracellular com&artment

    Answer: A -decreased &lasma oncotic &ressure0 is correct. 'dema is the accumulation o luid in body

    ca(ities -e.g. ascites0 and in the interstitial s&ace -e.g. &eri&heral edema0. 'dema caused by cirrhosis o

    the li(er in(ol(es alterations in (ascular hydrostatic &ressure and oncotic &ressure. An increase in

    hydrostatic &ressure and"or a decrease in &lasma oncotic &ressure -hy&oalbuminemia0 causes outlow o a

     &rotein%&oor luid -transudate0 into body ca(ities and the interstitial s&aces. In cirrhosis the &ortal (ein

    encounters increased resistance to em&tying blood into the li(er sinusoids due to com&ression o thesinusoids by regenerati(e nodules and ibrosis. This causes increased hydrostatic &ressure -&ortal

    hy&ertension0 that contributes to ascites ormation. The synthetic unction o the li(er is com&romised in

    cirrhosis the synthesis o albumin is decreased. This decreases the &lasma oncotic &ressure urther

    contributing to ascites. It is the &rimary mechanism or &eri&heral edema -de&endent &itting edema0 incirrhosis.

    4&tion B -increased &lasma hydrostatic &ressure0 is incorrect. In cirrhosis increased hydrostatic &ressure

    only contributes to ascites ormation and has no role in the de(elo&ment o &eri&heral edema.

    4&tion C -increased (essel &ermeability due to histamine0 is incorrect. Increased (essel &ermeability due

    to histamine causes a non&itting ty&e o &eri&heral edema. The edema luid is a &rotein%rich exudate -J 5

    g"d,0 that contains &olymor&honuclear leukocytes. The edema o a transudate is &itting and the &rotein

    content is 5 g"d,.


  • 8/18/2019 Acid Base F12


    4&tion D -lym&a