Tuesday, April 5, 1910 METHODISTS ANGER T. R. (Continued From Page One.) The statement of Dr. Tipple, which caused Roosevelt to cancel the reception, was a bitter ar- raignment of Catholicism and praise of Roosevelt for refusing to visit the Vatican. While Roosevelt looks upon the Vatican incident as closed offi- cially, it is no betrayal of confi- dence to say that the affair wor- ried him, and is worrying him to- day, probably more than any other controversy in which he has ever been involved. There is not a shadow of doubt In hla mind as to the propriety of his course, but he fears that a host of his Catholic friend 3in America may not fully understand the situation from lack of informa- tion. The principal purpose of the re- ception was intended to have em- phasized the religious toleration for which Roosevelt stands. The colonel was offended at the fierce attack of Dr. Tipple upon the Vatican, which was the very thing that Roosevelt sought to •void. Pope Is «'ril i.-i/.MI. PARIS, April 5. —Pournier's Rome correspondent wired today that the members of the American colony at Rome, both Catholics and Protestants alike, severely criticize the Vatican's attitude in regard to Colonel Roosevelt. Americans freely express the •pinion that the pope was ill-ad- Tlsed and that otherwise the "in- cident" never would have oc- curred. As a result, the colonists have derided to boycott the Vatican, ac- cording to the correspondent. THE NEW KING OF ABYSSINIA KING L.IDJ JKASSU. ' The new king of Abyssinia, Lidj Jeassu, claims to be a direct de- scendant from the all-wise Solo- mon by the queen of Sheba, i through his grandfather, the late King Menelik 11. The young ruler is 14, and was married less than a year ago to the 7-year-old grand- daughter of Menelik's predecessor. Wipe Out Vice District In Bellingham BELLINGHAM, April s.—Chief of Police Cade baa Issued an order to the effect that all women now living In the restricted district shall be ordered to move. Cade's order means the extermination of the red light district. BARD'S CONDITION CRITICAL OXNARD, Cal., April s.—The condition of former Senator Tho«. B. Bard is considered so critical today by Dr. Livingston, his at- tending physician, that he has asked for a consultation of phy- sicians. Bard Is suffering from - congestion of thel ungs. Busfiness Chances \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- I "It SAI.K AT A BARGAIN Fine business location, confection- ery, stationery, fruit, Ice cream, to- bacco, cigars, etc. Phono 2491, 5237 Union aye. •\u25a0•on MLI \u25a0 Lodging house. 29 rooms. Apply 1143 So. D at. - \u25a0 - Doing good strictly CASH BUSI- NESS. Low rent and living apart- ments if desired. Close In. Owner leaving city. * See STEARNS. 305 National Bank \u25a0 .of Commerce Bldg. A dyeing and"cleaning establish- ment, good location, good name and good business. Price less than half machinery cost. N-l, care Times. FOR SAMS OH HESiT Restaurant In good location, cv- ., erything new, and low rent; must \u25a0ell on account of sickness. See White & Anderson, , 633 Provident UTdg. ;-.-..- - \u25a0 ..-, •:'.-. . :.>; - Will Sacrifice ; \u25a0A ¥ fine - stock of \u25a0 musical \u25a0 Instru- ments and talking machines for sals. Good reasons for selling. Will con- \u25a0 Her trade. rL, \u25a0 care , Times. \u25a0, •• r». \u25a0 \u25a0»'\u25a0 h'^Jr- -' ' FOR haw- •\u25a0\u25a0 ' - Store at BIOV4 11th St.; stock of umbrellas and all fixtures', good lo- v cation tor fruit stand or other bus- iness. Rent $5.60 per month. Owner must sell on account of other busi- ness. Apply 1553 Tacoma aye. Main •MS, .'.»;•*..*,:..- \u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0_\u25a0:.. :;i,,;i.(t *;.: ;. \u25a0 '$100 or more. If you are looking -'for a chance 1 to ' put money Into vJ,- something that will •! make you a COOP i PROFIT, B0 * ABSOLUTKJUX BAFE AND StThK, •«• me, HANDALI. BVBB raBS 310 ICalifornia t Bid*. REAL ESTATE! bum mum rmowKwrr— tic ant ucvjb horn— afflisUiMi ; Will ljease For 5 Years. 5 acres garden land, on the Se- attle Interurban line, finest of gar- den land, close to station. Remem- ber this la A-l bottom land. McColley & Hall 407 California Bid*. North End Snap Strictly modern 4-room bungalow with 2 fine lots, for $1,700. In good neighborhood, near Whltworth col- lege, 4 blocks to Point car*. Terms to suit. 11. 1.. BIIM Mil HI.I II 111 10th Three fine dairy farms for sale by G. P. Wood, Roy, Washington. ~110 YOU WANT TO SKI,I. -YOUR 111 ai, I.MIIH or uimnesm If so, see us at once. We guaran- tee to dispose of your property for cash within 30 days. Reference. i«UTiirii;i.n a piioitoh 408 Provident Bide. Main 8301 FOR SALES BY OWNER 2 level lots, $750, also 6-room cottage and I lots, 10 blocks from Milwaukee depot; $100 cash, bal- ance . small monthly payments. Phones M. 802, A 3802. BRING IN VOl'H 111 MUM. PROPERTY - Anything from a cow to a farm in exchange for city lots and houses. Our trading list, la the largest in the city. MUTUAL REALTY CO. 20 California Bldg. Got to Sell My Home 2-room new house; 2 lots, all cleared: city water and all city con- veniences; on car line, only 15 min- utes' out. Small payment down, balance $10 per month. Take Trac- tion car, get off at 36th St., ask for Williams, owner. Home every day. business] CHANCES | Store-Light Grocery, Cigars. Candies, Ice Cream Big Profits Doing good, strictly cash . business. Low rent and living apartments if de- sired. Close in. Owner leaving city. PRICE ONLY $500 see: Steams 806 Natl. Bank Com. Bid*. FOR SALES OR EXCHANGE! OUR EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT. Whether you spend your old im>- In the nuiialiliie of prosperity or un- der the clouds of poverty may de- pend altogether on whether you act on the advice given or whether you throw this paper aside without fur- ther consideration. $450 —Tract of fertile tomato land on Henderson bay (4 acres) to swap as part pay on a 'North or West End cottage. Client will assume and pay $250 to $500 cash. REMKMBER—We can oftentimes obtain a good swap for you when a direct attempt to sell Is absolutely futile. List your property and we will adver- tise same faithfully. One and a quarter acre* less 100 foot atrip off north end reserved for road. The tract equals over 11 full lots. Close to Point Defiance car and North 33d and Cheyenne St.; right In the choice residence district. Price $2,250; $500 cash, balance in five annual installments at 6 per cent. Complete abstract and war- ranty deed. Remember, lots along- side are selling •at $400, which would make above 11 lota yield $4,- --400, or 100 per cent profit. Cozy 6-room cottage and 1 nice lots to exchange for vacant lots or will sell on $10 monthly Install- ments. Value $1,550. Take McKln- ley car, thence via Division lane. The above Is new and clean, - all nicely papered and painted. The number 3580 Must L St., known as the Haskell place.. For Exchange— Zft acres of ele- gant waterfront peninsula berry land, valued at $450, for part pay- ment on small Tacoma property or two close-in lots. Client will, pay some cash and assume. - Also one 6%-acre tract with 500 feet on bay, for $900; will swap same as above.. Two nice'lots at 5704 South Park aye, all fenced, cleared and sew- ered. These are beauties. . Price $700; $10 down, $5 monthly. Ask for Mrs. Foster. . , , Bountiful bntldlnr plot, 82x100, on Bast M near 36th st, close to Rog- ers school and all the factories and railroad yards. -* You «have.- to i pay rent anyhow, why not. put your sav- ings Into a nice lot on which a lit- tle cottage may be built, thus sav- ing rent, while 'at the same , time you'll obtain i the Increase •In land values? » Price $800; < $25 cash, {Id monthly, t Ask . for Mr. Osborn, 3582 East M St., via McKlnley car. < Get off at Division lane. Will swap for small 6-acre farm or house and pay $500 cash. »•., \u25a0•.-.'\u25a0 •,.... ; List' your mortgages with ; us. We will find you a cash buyer. -\u25a0 We al- so list, land v contracts. .. 'S Borrowers are: also f hereby notifi- ed that a client I ha* '81,0001 to \u25a0 lend cut ai. 7 par pant. Come and set the money. t rnvtxoo^, I.NNNOX TRUsrT CO, •52Vs Pacific aye. 2 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED FOR SALE OR TRADE Has a good 6-rootn house, with lovely yard In lawn, flower*, etc Entire two acres under cultivation and Is excellent soil; a nice hearing orchard, good water, large barn, chicken house and other outbuild ings. Is located at a nice suburban little town on car; good schools ami church. Is an Ideal homo for a family. Price only $3,100. on easy terms, or owner will trade for a home in Tacoma. Surety Bonds. Fire Insurance. E. F. Gregory Co., Inc. 8. R. Webb. E. F. Gregory. 120 Twelfth St. i LOTS *190 EACH We are selling over 200 lots In Paxton K. McMillan's add from $130 to $250 each. POSITIVELY there is no other addition as close to the business center where you can get any kind of lots at this price. Be- tween two car lines. Vtli aye. and llth st. H. 11. 111' 1/. .v CO, SO4 ML IIIiIk. "homesteads In Central Oregon: first and second parties all filed; third party will leave Tacoma .Saturday Apr.'l 9. All who went with us came back well pleased. Why not .try it yourself? PROGRRSBIVB 111: AI, TV CO". IBO4H Jefferson Aviv Walter Taylor. .las. W. Youk. FOR SALE OR TRADE Several modern five and six-room bungalows close to car line; $100 down, balance by the month. . Will trade for waterfront acreage. 120 acres Irrigated land In Cen- tral Oregon. Will divide, sell on payments, or trade. 1 have some beautiful lots in the Sixth addition on which 1 can build you a home to suit. Have you money to loan? I have several good loans and equities. Claude F. Gray 3902 South M. Main 000::, H. 1004. Full SAI.I'J 11V OWNK.It 160 acres of lund, house, barns, 6 chicken houses and other buildings. Sold In half or in whole. Located near Hoy, Wash. Call or address, 133 South E st. Phone Main IDGO. Buy From Owner Two" of my four closest in tide- land lots will be sacrificed on ac- count of ny inability to meet pay- ments. Will sell for $100 lens per lot than present selling prices. Call Main 1) ll)» After 0:30 p. m. BUILDERS.—This week only, 2 lots above grade, close In, $850, value $1,200. Address Don GOO, care Times. FOR SALE—Fine corner, 5 lots, 7- room house, Mason are. and 35th ft. 1 block from Point Defiance car. Main 6516. d»i DOWN «M A WEEK VASIION ISLAND Fill IT LAND II M.I 111. TRACT »100 Rich shot clay soil. You can raise more, better and larger strawber- ries and fruits at Vashon earlier, and market at higher prices. These tracts are closest to Tacoma. Street to "each tract. Fine view, Ideal lo- cation for country home. THEY iU UOI.VIi FAST Reserve one or more tracts TO- DAY, subject to your approval after Inspection. A big opportunity to se- cure a tract of good land at low price and very easy terms. It will double In value before paid for. See plat and obtain full informa- tion Hii.i.mi G. -•! r. \ii\o 304-5 Natl. Bank of Commerce Bldg. MIDLAND ACREAGE 60 acres, Just south of where the Tacoma Eastern IS. R. crosses the Puyallup line. All within Va mile of the town of Midland where values are Increasing rapidly. Will sell you any size tract you wish from 1 to 60 acres, at $225 an acre. Very easy terms. Garretson-Palmer Agency " 319 Fidelity Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER— B- room house, all modern, hot air fur- nace, paved street in front. In- quire 1109 No. Prospect st. «TH AYE. DISTRICT a ROOMS AND BATH $300 CASH. PRICE $1600 Balance $15 a, month which In- cludes Interest. A dandy new fine bung-alow. Lot 58x140. WILLIAM «J. STEARNS 304-6 . .atl. Bank of Commerce Bldg. 10 Acres Near Kdgewood that I will sell very cheap, close to pood ; school, good roads and only 7 miles from Taco- ma. :Jos. Sparling 220 Bankers' Trust Bids. i, Phone 2665. FOB MUD OR TH.UMi Two lots and 6-room house,' close in; streets graded, sewer and water In. Price $ MOO. Will t trade for •mall chicken > ranch. Address Owner, R. F. D. Box 46, South Ta- coma. \u25a0 Buy From Owner $50 to $100 down, balance by the month, 10 per cent discount allowed on all extra payments, < 4-6-room bungalows and \u25a0 cottages, modern and close to South Tacoma car lino. . CLAITDB 9. <;ur.V '<\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0. ~ «...->»»•» So. M. .-, . \u25a0 •'^•"\u25a0•\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0*#\u25a0!,.\u25a0< FOB HALF! "'•\u25a0 *"\u25a0' ' -' Half block of fin* lots In North End, 18th and Washington. Will sell by lota or whole piece. Address - •\u25a0\u25a0 - >-'--\u25a0- G. F. MKSSER y. w - ,- ; Box .«<.,' v ;l Gig, Harbor. 'Wash. -': V: BUY FROM OWNER :- .!/'>* \u25a0•\u25a0 2-room house, 2 lots, - city water, electric \u25a0 lights, >\u25a0\u25a0 near \u25a0'» school .«\u25a0 and church, 15 minutes' ride. Price $800, $60 cash, $10 1 month. ,' Take Traction car, get off at SSth. Ask for Will- lams, , owner. "r i -- 'iTHwhWim . »10 A * MONTH i BOMB * ;.:.'\u25a0'; \u25a0 Ready Ito Imove Into, 2 good I lots. Tou can . gat ; It for your own lat th« price of' $ 10. * . month. ',\u25a0 Order - the transfer man to move you ' right In. Tak* Traction j car, get of' at 36th •t. and, ask for Mr. Williams, owner. THE TAOOMA TIME 3 (REAL tESTATEi BCBINKSS PROPKRTT—VAOfVNT LOTB— HOMES ACRBAOR Right In Your Hand Yon liave but to rcuch out and take the article Ron •MlilCm.l.AWori New and Id nano) . <ar.es. D. A. Tyler. 151» Pacific aye. FOUR Ducks. 1 Monarch. 1 Eclipse, 1 St. Clalr, 1 double oven Majestic. » larg« reservoir Charter Oak and Imperial rmigos. Purkey Bros., 1349 C st. . . . . FOR SAI.K -1 second hand Majestic and 1 Garland range. 1*»1 C at. J. C. Purkey. KOGS for hatching. Main 3302. I»UKI< HOOK eggs for setting. 1950 Wilkcson it. M.. 1683. \u25a0 (00 sacks charcoal. Savage Fuel Co-. Main 2390 So. Tacoma. v.- --2 water tank sprinklers. A-l shape. Wallla & Bon, 152* O St. ' PULL blood Huff Orpington egg; for hatching. II per IS. Main 6820 BUFF HOCK eggs for hatching. 50c. 1115 No. Oukes at. FOR BALK—One iT-foot launch, now. Price $160. Knqutre H. H. I Trlpler. Carlton Hotel, Main 849. FOR SALK CHEAP— Household fur- niture. Main 280. (INK chair barber shop for Bale. Shop in fine location In suburban, town, within city. Living room In back. Box lot. car* Time*. | FOR BALK— Fine frosted glass par- tition with door, locks, etc. Will make two rooms out of one or an ' alcove. Inquire 420 Cal. Bldg. FOR SALK First class baby's wardrobe. 60S Kast 30th. for BALJC A young dairy cow. | Can ho.seen at INI No. I*'ll at. HOItSK for late, wrelgbl about 1200 lbs. Main 2204, 3502 So. I.MIi. KOU HALK Itt wagons. fSO ii i.l *t>u. one with bunks for logs anil pole*, an good an new. John Waller. it. F. D. No. 2, City. FOR BALK —Paying wholesale busi- news. $600 will handle this. Ad- dress <'. IT., 111 80, 11th. FOR BALK :i"-ft.. 7 horsepower I gasoline launch, with cabin. Price < $500, on terms. Taylor & Youk, IGO4V* Jefferson aye. MIST sell Immediately my J-room house, furniture and 2 lots, .small payment down. Phone 938. liinNi'i away, will sell cheap, 3 minim of new furniture; houae to sell, lent $10. Call and aaa 1213>,4 So. I: St. GOOD Jersey cow. giving milk, full i mile east of Harvard sta- tion. Inquire Frank Jucobson, old Military road. ITOR BALK I new first <-limit \u25a0 riiiißes, l heater. I'luiuu 2797 ox call at .117 13. 25th at. PLANT "Hllhs' ESarly Triumph" po- tatoes and Increase your quality anil yield. Albln, 1515 Pacific aye. For HALE —Team of horses, weight 'about 2400 His., work single or double. Sen Brown at Northwest Orocery Co., 1191 CammtrM st. MONOI TO };****_ .** ON CITY and farm property, Butld- i lng loans. Large loans on busi- ( ness, timber and mill property a specialty. Mortgages, contracts, | bonds bought. RANDALL iir.'.ii, 310 Cal, Bldg. ~" KOH RKVT FOB RKNT —Cosmopolitan rooming house. C. K. Palmer, 410 Fidelity 8H acres, with good house mil barn, will mnki> a fine place for store, on Marshall aye., In the res- ervation. Small factory with all machinery, has a railroad sidetrack, one block from Center St., $25 per month, Store on Commerce, $20. 9-room houso on No. X, gas, elec- tric lights, in good repair, (22.50. BERTELBON & CO. 1306% Pacific avo. i,k(;ai, ROTICKI ,\»«irr <<> ('rrilKum No. 6779 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Pierce County. In the mutter of the estate of Lars Bather, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un- dersigned duly appointed adminis- trator of the estate of Lars Rattier, deceased, to the creditors of. and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within one yeur after the first publication of this notice, to the undersigned at Rooms 408 and 409 Berlin building. Taco- ma, County of Pierce, and State of Washington, being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate. Date of Issuing and first publica- tion of this notice, March Ist. 1910. J. J. TVETKR, Administrator of said Estate. Thomas Muttison, Any for adminis- trator. i PBIMONAI* Turkish Baths "^^ Scalp massage, London certificate, lady manager, 930 Pa/If aye. Phone A 3625. Flat No. 25 and 26. KlßK!!—lnsure your House and fur- niture In reliable companies. We have them. If. J. Schwlnn & Co., Sit Bankers' Trust Bldg. SOBER laborer, Danish, 40. wishes to meet lady, object matrimony. Box 40, earn Times. REAL ESTATE . Win stl.K Owner leaving city, will sell house and 4 lota, all In fruit, between 2 car lines. Take Regent's Park car to Tyler st. No. 1001. . %-ACIIH Til ACTS within the city limits, city water, electric lights, close to school. 5c car fare. These tracts are on the west slope, suitable for fruit. Price (250 and up; small* monthly pay- ments. 2000 feet lumber- will be furnished with tract to . parties wishing to build. Her« la a chance to atop paying rent and make your- self Independent. . j ..-.- ii. ROBERT PAUL * co, OWNERS 311-312 Bankers' Trust Bldg. . '\u25a0\u25a0 jJij .-\u25a0.-.,,'". V, .'\u25a0>\y* -' \u0084.„ \u25a0(THIMKHI . '[. -"\u25a0-',; fly On tbe Flyer Taooma-Beattla Route. iFour Reran* Trips Dally, Leare* Taaoma 8 85 a. •a,. 12:15,. I iltTtf Iff \u25a0p.I m. d Single ' Far*, . Ho. \u25a0 Rotind . Trip, too. V Ply«» Book. A. jB. t Nessnoson, Agent. .. . | 3"* lr^B^rß TpT mt I (bill J |b' B.INDIANAFOLId I \u25a0 -\u25a0'\u25a0 The taateat v and ' (Inut «ay ; \u25a0 \ steamer lon the \u25a0 coast r '.t-nxr .»J{ \u25a0 i rOIIR > ROUND TRIPS i»ar.t« \u25a0 Leaveo Tacoma from N. P. I wharf T:00. 11:04 a. m.; 1:00, Kj 7 ;0»> p. nv. i*eU~ \u25a0\u25a0» ;->•»• as' \u25a0 --•^.*»a* I Leaves - Seattle from Coln I swv*? *•mi l:Wk *-> X ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0', Phone Main M46^ that you want and need right now. Typewriter? Motor? Boat? Table? Revolver! Desk? What is it then? Head the "For Sale Miscellaneous" Want Ads ev- ery day in the Times and get what you want by reaching. out and grasping it. Money, good value at that, right in your hand for anything you have and desire to sellsomeone else wants it—now. Phone your ad to The Times. Times Wants bring things to you. Phones: Main 733 or A 17:5:5. ssßßsaslissKia hKuS By bS^bbm a fi« b'ffi'^CT j. \u0084 You Save Rent SEE US TODAY. 5 Homes Cheap Today "I*l rooms—s2s.oo per month 5 rooms—s2o.oo per month 4 rooms— per month 3 rooms—slo.oo. per month : 2 rooms—s 5.00 per month All of these pretty little homes have two fine level lots, streets graded, cement walks sewers, also gas to cook with, and electric lights. When you can; buy homes like these for these terms and you are paying rent, you can move right in one of these and figure you get it for nothing. Gill Home Investment Co. 920 Pacific Aye. Write for booklet, "Dollars Made From Sense." SPECULATE A LITTLE ' * 160 acres, pood land, 100 acres Wired and seeded, a few acres clear- m; small house, barn, chicken and pi* house; So rods from N. P. sta- tion. Good bench land; no stone; no gravel. $1,200; 1400 cash ba! terms to suit. E. J. Dunham & Co. ....... 106 S3 10th . \u25a0 ' , Beautiful 2-Acre Home COUNTRY ENVIRONMENTS, CITY ADVANTAGES Two acres fully Improved, berries, fruit, orchard, chicken yards lawn and roses; large 9-room house, hardwood floors, tile floor kit- chen, 2 fireplaces, furnace, brick foundation and basement, larsre at- tic; situated between two car lines. 1 block from paved street, all street assessments paid. Price $9,500; M,BOO cash, balance 3 to 6 years A. H. inH\ni»i:i, to. 422 California Bids. ' M 7200 ' \u25a0"" \u25a0'-'\u25a0"'' ' '•\u25a0 -'" ""\u25a0''. . ' .:\u25a0\u25a0', - $200 Cash Balance Monthly Buys lot 40x120 on NE corner of So. L. and- 58th, above grade, level and seeded, graded streets, cement walks, cement steps and front walk, woodshed .board walks side and back, front and back porch, 6-room new bungalow, vestibule, column i between parlor and -. dining mm.ill plate rail in dining room, bath rooi between the 2 bed rooms, best <M\ plumbing, all Inside work in mcdl urn dark fir. This is a good buj a i good location, 2 blocks from Sc ' Tacoma line. A well built house)] will pay you to look at it if yofl want a home. D. M. Morgan 208-209 Bankers' Trust, Bids;. 4-8j ] LISTEN TO THIS :'l < A neat, well built ; C-room cot tage with pantry, closets, I bath am toilet,' lots in nice lawn, good out buildings, cement walks, grade* streets and all - assessments s full; paid. -In - Rood neighborhood, \u25a0 I blocks to school, - 2 . blocks . to : good car service, 10 minutes' ride to bus- iness center and price only $1,050. T Mina to be arranged. \u25a0> - \u25a0 Surety Bonds. .Fire Insurance. !E. F. Gregory Co., Inc. \u25a08. R. Webb. ;* v :'..>B. F. Gregory. »! 120 Twelfth St. V ' MOIM'.RN BUNGALOW -' ' \u25a0 sji.rvi—«ino cash :,!, •: 5 rooms, porcelain? bath, v concrete foundation j and I full basement, attic. Located on a corner near AVhltworth college. AH i street improvements In and -.\u25a0 paid. :. \u25a0 Monthly n payments. -•( A snap. .We have : never before offer- ed a new s plastered* home with bo many a modern \u25a0 conveniences. for this) money. •; •' '-\u25a0";•:-'''\u25a0;,\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 I: v• \u25a0.. "• \u25a0 •-• '\u25a0 '- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 --**; -, i \u25a0\u25a0- ;; \u25a0'. '. .... ,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.- .- \u25a0.;,: >Jr \u25a0SBBaSVSHSVBSVSK^BSB^BUWSSSaBBNBsBsBBS ixtana. 10S JOth St. Mortgage! MUnsss^^s%^»4S»n^sidtßtUd«BC»Mks<tw $15 DOWN \u25a07 PER MONTH BOMB Two good lota and a new house ready to move Into, located 4 blocks from car line. In a good suburb of Tacoma. This place Is a good one for the price, which Is only $350 If purchased at once. .1. M. CURTIS A CO. 314 Bankers' Trust Bide. w For Sale by Owner 7-room house, unobstructed ma- rine and mountain view; North Springs water, hearing; fruit trees; I+4 blocks from P. I), car and Wash- ington school; all Improvement* in and paid; $1,700. 2710 No. Washing- ton aye. Phone Main 7182. , . HOMESTEADS ji Do U Want One !9it:--!*-;''-: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;>:. •-\u25a0•\u25a0 , : vv- :si--v--;>^ Bis land opening, price $1.25 per acre. Pay 25 cunts per acre cash, balance 7 rears time. Fine valley ' wheat and alfalfa land; 2 new rail- ' roads building—now - throwing . dirt I near > us. Oet - busy if you want :>, 16,000 claim NliAliI the grade. - Call,: Saturday with people that have been < on the ground. Open Saturday even- Ing and Sunday ; until noon. Kino weather In Oregon. Send 10c for book of Homestead > Laws. v:. .. , I .We want no money In advance. Forrest Land Co. 101S Pacific are. -' Tourist Hotel ?,' * * YAKIMA VAUGT:> 1.AN C: ':% 10-acro tracts, choice soil, well; lo- cated, 184 per acre, : easy >. terms; no Interest. - This: will net .you. .100 iu-r mil anniMtlly. luvect!g*to uukw, if you want 'one. h Call * 111 \u25a0>« 10th W St. Tallniaa-Thorupsun Co. office. I PAQE SEVEN |[Wme 9s want ad>H i I'OR !U:\T—KIITS FOR RENT— Modern 5-room flat, with gas range. In good order, [corner 6th aye. and Prospect, by K. «'. Jonas. Phones: M. 8814, A 13«. \u25a0 _______ ______ , , HOTKI.S lIOTF.L UK HO. corner 21st and Jeff aye.. double and single hskpß. rooms, prices reasonable. M. 7133. n<UM:Ki:i:ri\u iiuomh HOUSKK and single rooms for rent. 454 80. i: at. Phone D033. Furnished housekeeping rooms $1.00 week up. 1943 So. 1> A Jefferson. FURNISH KD housekeeping rooms, 2 and ,1-room suites; light and sunny; well furnished and very con- venient. 611 Ho. 7tr FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all modern conveniences. Phone M. 488S or call 618 Ho. I st. FOR HKNT —Five suites of housn keeping rooms, $\u25a0' \u25a0•> up. Ilyland Hotel, 1554 So. D St. HKI.I* W.tVrKII— KK>I.\I.H ~ WANTKD—At 1020 No. L St.. n Rood woman cook for a small crew of men. WOMAN for general housowork, small family. Apply Til South GOth St. WANTKD—A woman to care for elderly lady, good wuges. Address Box 57. Parkland. Wash. WANTKD-A good solicitor foT a first class proposition. Call at 0n,,, 31U 11th st. WANTKP—I..niI, to see our new. up-to-date millinery sold at rea- sonable prices. Mrs. If. C. iU<la;e- -vvay Millinery Parlors, 6-25 Union n\i'.. 80, Tacoma. Wo give green \u25a0tamps. LAD'IKS, lava money; buy your hat of Mrs. lleeman, successor to Mr- Keon, MclCinley aye. and Morton St. LADIES can earn $ltl per week working fancy work at home; no experience required. ('nil at 111 Ho. 18th St., between Tacoma avo. and 0 St., flat 2. "~ HtViKli 'HI HIV ' WANTKD TO BUY —A small second- hand proof press. The Times. lIICI.P *^ti':"—MAI.I9 _7T" WANTISD—CIond boys over tS years of age to sell papers on the street. Apply to Newsboys' Union or this oflice. WANTED First class salesman to take orders for a staple article that will Hell Itself. A good propo sltion to the right party. Call at 764 C st. CARPI3NTKRB, carpenter helpers, plasterers, lathers, plumbers and men for street work; top wages to | reliable men. GUI Home Investmont Co., 920 Paclflo aye. WANTKD—Men to register with v. M. C. A. Kmp. Sec. Positions In all linen. Genl. office help a specially. WANTKM- Hoy or girl to strip to- bacco. <'nii 311 11 th st, so. Base- ment cigar store. STKADY sober man to work on dairy (arm, out or town, $30 per month and board. For particulars see Smith, 801 So. Stnto St., after « p. in. WANTfSD TO BOH HOW [-WANTED MORTGAGE MONET «Jet 7 per cent for your money on Tacoma Real Batata Mottgagea, Over 20 years experience in this city. We collect Interest. Responsibility over $100,000. NnvlnttH Department I.IJVMIV TIIUST COMI'AWV Suite- 4,1 - | »62Vi Parlflu aye. 1 P >'• Tacoma. I Wash. . WANTKD TO BORROW —$100 or more. Pay at least 10 per cent. Make your idle money work. Safe, I sure, Randall Bubb, 310 California i Bid K. | WANTED TO BORROW—S4OO at 8 per cent, real estate security. l Address Boy DOl, care Times. .-.•-,'- r<?y.I.*IUBO lt<*°'"*.':-..: BDOBWOOD. 1101 Canter »t. single \u25a0nd liojkpg.. $1.00 week and up. ONE nicely furnished frunt mull »2» Ho. O at. Main 471». Workmen, mil li.Si trrtk up. Free •\u25a0mp. i.mi l«,y,i a SiOl.' 1317 D. , I'ui nlali.-il rooma, ft per week tint up. 1544 South D at. Till: QRAHAIf, furnished room* (or Unlit housekeeping. aliiKla and in siilltw. SITVi Tacimiii aye, "" K'Ull MKNT— HOI ;IK> ..l;'i; \u25a0 i-i,- .- -i,- - il-<-H*«'i|-.'M"l' Til Hi: furnished hoiisoUt'iiplnK rooms. tIo.SO per monln; no chil- dren. 816 So. 2&tli. fc'Oll HKNT—UFKUK* - » KOK RUNT—HaII of arm.(l office In California lil.lnr.. "partition** oft.' Cheap. l'h.iim Main f>!>o2. "\u25a0 Fine Suite of Ground Floor Offices WITH VAULT \u25a0Aliio three fnrnlHlu-<l offlc« booth* comprlHlnit lialf of Talliunii-Thomp- \u25a0on affloa. Call at 111 10th st. 1038 So. State, «-r $12.00 430 No. L St., T-r. innili-rn. .. .SIO.OO 4-r. bungalow, Willow June. .SIO.OO 1210 So. Wash., «-r.. imulorn. .»VB.»# H. 11. UITZ * CO. Main 4663. ANMOUN I ;KMKNTS (loiilliniiiti wlsli.vi place to »toro lilhiim. Aililrt-HH Hot U3. euro 'I'llii*a AUK you (1l«K'«»to(l with your cleaning, |irtßßlllK anil dyelnKT Now try a firm with aoma experi- ence any way. Not how cheap but how Koud. Class . A work only. Clothing sent to us by express will receive prompt attention. Tel. 741(9, 311 iltli lit. J. A. Donaldson. AUK YOU disKusted with your I'h'iiiiliiK and pressing business? Now try us. 26 years e*perlenc», II years in tamo stund. We dy» black only, Class A work. Clothing sent by express receive prompt at- tention. Telephone Main 7480. 311 Ho. Uth. J. A. Donaldson, Wanted—Children to board. 1111! I. MUST CLASH barbor shop, bath- . mom and hand laundry, 16.1? So. C Fl«i;iO—$10 set of plum to «very buyer of 11111* Sea Vmw Park lots. Prices $176 up, while they last. ;Terms, $SOO monthly. (20 Pacldo aye. Upholstering. Hart, 1022 Yak. 11.7 m Moult; \<;io loan* SICK mo If you need money on your reel ostate. Oeu. Wilier llutsoll, 938,4 Pacific ava. rl'R.WlillllSO HOl'Mhia AMI) \u25a0(»<)-*\u25a0 UuKlneiin Women's Kxcli. and Fre« Inf. Uureau. 628 Cal. A1428. M.1421 TOR »AI.B OB B»CIIANBK~ For Hnlo Of Trade—Hanrli, 100 acres near small town; -story hausa, 100 ucn-M of Krass, 'i nog houses, 1 chicken houses, stream, barn and sheds. Price $1,000. Terms. Ad- dross llox 102, care Timed. TRADK uii'i'Utio for equity In hits or house and lot. Half Dollar Utility Co., IDS So. 12th St. Main Si'J». SITUATIONS WAFITHP VISHALU Curtains lai.'iUvi'od. 350 pr. M. 2141. OIHI, would Ilka work In store or factory, 6 years experience M. 7045. ' W.IHTHII—MISC •aSJ.I.Af^U I WK want to buy your second hand furniture. M. 7184, 1347 Tac. aye. ~. !-— - t \u0084*\u25a0«. - " i;i'|T|.,> ".hn-..i »-: -. \u25a0-, \u0084 -* \u25a0 - "ft ' I BUSINESS DIRECTORY AB»T»ACTI OF T|' rl''> COMMONWEALTH TITLE TRUST CO~ Tel. M. 101. 10» So. 10th at TITLE INSUUANCE & INVEST- MENT CO., Phone 6053. 1006 A AHBUUKCM T C * B. Trans. Co. M. 43, A 4J43. 10» Bth. Stables. 9th & Bt. Helens. Pacific Transfer Co., M. 44. A 2904. ATTOttWICV" ,_r, ririrr n"V. LANarORD. 942% Paclfio A s ve- Phones: M. 5171. Home AJlg6B^ 5. B. Aldrlch, »1» SaTage-Scofleld. jf~W. ANDERSON. Cat. Bidg. A1670 "' CI^BAWIWQ * PYB WOItKB Reliable Dye Wka. 522 No. K. Up-to- date dye works, M. 8087, A l»^»- CAHPET CLEANING ,ju-,r,r,r. nNFAL * - HOUCK, carpet beating, ° rVmtlni and laying; feather 'So* ovatlng and uphol1"*!--."0?',, 0 Bouth J St.; phone Main itt. A 2tzt. OARPBTB, ruga and everything ; cleanedl In. your home. Satisfac- tion or no pay. Santo Vacuum Cleaner, Co.. T6» C. M. »481, A 2144. *" LICENSED CHinOPRACTOHi . Dr. Nina A. Derby, 711 80. K. COMTKACTOHi W B. YOUNG —Cor. 11th and Yak., store fronts, shelving, screens, all kinds of Job work. Shop equipped with machinery. Vf* send men out by day or hour. A 4510 M. 4610. .. C. P. KADtIKN. 1711 »».Lit,«tU ; nates furnished on all kinds of otmerete work. Mala »414. A 4»ll "~ PHlNTll*O_A>rp_Bl>rpiWQ ' \u25a0'. COMMERCIAL Bindery ' * Printing v Co., lit Commerce st. Main 417. JI7NK DISALKRI _ :*\u25a0-•*.;'. TACOMA » JtTKK : CO. Best prices .guaranteed. 2134 Com. at. M. 7312. APsIAPATIIIC PHYSICIAN <~~ j Naprapathy « (chiropractic) w spinal adjustment by hand, vibration, vi- olet rays \u25a0 cure when, drugs fall. 1 24 treatments $85. Licensed. Dry Nina A. Derby,.lll 80. X.->,-,\u25a0..>;: t;.v;tl ., \u25a0\u25a0,:,, ; A - r; \u25a0\u25a0 OITBOPATBI MlW'^rvi \u0084, wfUWTf-i 1-1-1 \u0084-1 \u25a0iWW<n > i, Mj DRS. A. L. * W. P. OOFF, graduates .of Still College of f. O*t«opatny Call* promptly s answered . day, or night. Phone ;M. j 50». ,M. ;, »2«t. *: ; , '. Dr. Macy. No cure tno pay. ; Glasses g fitted. . 114<H ;Pactflo aye. ;,; .^ ,:. H. A. Sjotenbur •>. Try. In T*coma. •2 The .Webster,; Cor *tb * St. Helen! DR. LUKMA. O. JOHNSON. Lady Oe- i.> leopßOv . nesldence r* and office. 1014 Stlf nv. Phones Mafn H0«, AJS22. ' -:'. /.f »KTgIC« Alf t —— ."•»,-)* i.4»:SD»."*-a isll-*CAB»*B?t«jvKr !..--,>:'« J .=:«i (>»«.B«.. X St. «....«"-. Offloe Hours: * to 4 p. m. s;3S* DR. WARIXRK BBOWTI •' Disease* £of Wome a t and i Oentto- Urlaury and Bkln Uiaeaaaa. tllM Pacliflo aye. DR. EL O. BUTTON,* French Bid., M. 6*58. Hei. U. «t«i; 10-12; >-4; 7-8. I'll MIII.\O \u25a0'\u25a0___. i»i' {;V' IVM. B. COFFEE I'LUAIUINO CO™ 1012 A at. "It's all In the. work." It'tia^juKAtiUHa -\u25a0:-, PETERSON BROS., 10th and X, . wood, coal, hay, grain, straw; can take order* at short notice. M. 311. »i;i'i;viii;i!j 8. REST A SCAVKNaiiRCa OfflM 602 Bar nice, K. 6413; res. M. 6071 Tacoma Garbage Co., Oliver Ilenrj prop. Office 1210 Aat Phone M. 4 99, A 14»». Res. M. 6408. A 40.28. \u0084 NOMEI TO LOAN :.\u25a0..-\u25a0 . , •.«\u25a0 . MONEY, Je«»e H. Read. Cal. Bidg. MONEY FOR EVERYBODY / ANYONE * Steadily : employed can borrow flO, $20. $30. $50, $75, $100 On Your Personal Note. ; No Mnrtaaifo. -No Indorser. Easiest Payment, Lowest Hales. Absolute Privacy. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 r STATE SECURITY CO. 307 California Bids. ; Hours: 8 a. m. to « p. m., Wed. and Sat. Eves Till I p. m. •\u25a0_*,\! . :, lI.TV OP WON ICY TO LOAN On, furniture, pianos, vehicles, eta No delay, no publicity. . Call an) time you need money Central Inv & Loan Co., 428 Cal. Bide:.. M. 471J.' MONEY TO LOAN on any kind- ot security, chattel, land, warehouse receipts, small real estate loans es- pecially. .- We also buy mortgages Our rates arc the best In the city and easiest paid back. UP. Robert* *«,&"• "* iot 8°- "h *< I KAVB Just received |l«,»0« "c"t •astern i money to be loaned at 7 per cent on Improved city property Inquire without I delay at 407 Cali- fornia Bids;. ~.\u25a0\u25a0- -a- \u25a0 --.. -." . * \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;. \u25a0-\u25a0- - . -"' "^f^^----- C1U»»CBN» . RBIALTr * | *dW \u25a0 - \u25a0;- \u25a0 COMAMY;'• ;\u25a0; #: B <sflak .; Short Time Loans Real Estate, Rent*. CoW > lections and Insurance. ':-'...:;*^,.:.: .;;'.:;-.:;Ti«-.«0.-i.o \u25a0t^r.xf,:^ IX>ANS for home velldiag or to pay \u25a0 off* old mortgage. \u25a0 Lowest I rates) ra pacltl privilege* to borrowers, 3 to g years. No commission or delay. H J. Schwlnn * Co.. Inc.. Sit Banker? Trust am-rK" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0%•- i '--- t n^ MONEY FOB SALARIED ? PEOPLH lii .. women Keeping house , and other: furnished I upon . tlulr own ;i note* ! -'. without I security. Cheapest Jw rates easiest payment*. Offices in «3 prin." rlpal citlea. D. H. Tolinan. sal Provident Bidg. ',-• \ . •Jted3g&&s£ 6 PER CENT money lout ou - Improved : real estate. « Privileged to repay ? any ,f amount : after ont \u25a0 year. H Loan* i payable ?. Id . mmtiU m monthly Installments If desired. L R. MANNING * CO. ', : Equitable jBuilding. ™*wi?T? i!*~^?*i^* <. Bi_»." fIDBLITT TRANSFER * STGHAQM x Co. BE Largo ; trucks, f umltaro vans ,> tnd ; baggage iwagons; : S day storage Bg free on baKKiigo; . piano . hoisting. >retghtlns and teimluif. 1718 P-clfio S iv»,« osposlle *N. P. depot. Phone*; **' •*• A HBT. \u25a0~. 1 1 .\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 rATB»IfFA'TTO WTtig!V» V.rf-ek" J.'f H. I. Elliott. «1» Bitre. Trutt«Bld^. Patents, design*, blueprint*. Cac,' Off.iSupply Co^" typewriters > * |fj o«, auppliea. Hi »th. P-

ACRES HIGHLY Right In Your Hand IMPROVED SALE OR · Tuesday, April5, 1910 METHODISTS ANGER T. R. (Continued From Page One.) The statement of Dr. Tipple, which caused Roosevelt to

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Page 1: ACRES HIGHLY Right In Your Hand IMPROVED SALE OR · Tuesday, April5, 1910 METHODISTS ANGER T. R. (Continued From Page One.) The statement of Dr. Tipple, which caused Roosevelt to

Tuesday, April 5, 1910


(Continued From Page One.)The statement of Dr. Tipple,

which caused Roosevelt to cancelthe reception, was a bitter ar-raignment of Catholicism andpraise of Roosevelt for refusing tovisit the Vatican.

While Roosevelt looks upon theVatican incident as closed offi-cially, it is no betrayal of confi-dence to say that the affair wor-ried him, and is worrying him to-day, probably more than any othercontroversy in which he has everbeen involved.

There is not a shadow of doubtIn hla mind as to the propriety ofhis course, but he fears that ahost of his Catholic friend 3inAmerica may not fully understandthe situation from lack of informa-tion.

The principal purpose of the re-ception was intended to have em-phasized the religious tolerationfor which Roosevelt stands.

The colonel was offended at thefierce attack of Dr. Tipple uponthe Vatican, which was the verything that Roosevelt sought to•void.

Pope Is «'ril i.-i/.MI.PARIS, April 5.—Pournier's

Rome correspondent wired todaythat the members of the Americancolony at Rome, both Catholicsand Protestants alike, severelycriticize the Vatican's attitude inregard to Colonel Roosevelt.

Americans freely express the•pinion that the pope was ill-ad-Tlsed and that otherwise the "in-cident" never would have oc-curred.

As a result, the colonists havederided to boycott the Vatican, ac-cording to the correspondent.



' The new king of Abyssinia, LidjJeassu, claims to be a direct de-scendant from the all-wise Solo-mon by the queen of Sheba,

i through his grandfather, the lateKing Menelik 11. The young ruleris 14, and was married less thana year ago to the 7-year-old grand-daughter of Menelik's predecessor.

Wipe Out ViceDistrict InBellingham

BELLINGHAM, April s.—Chiefof Police Cade baa Issued an orderto the effect that all women nowliving In the restricted districtshall be ordered to move. Cade'sorder means the extermination ofthe red light district. •


OXNARD, Cal., April s.—Thecondition of former Senator Tho«.B. Bard is considered so criticaltoday by Dr. Livingston, his at-tending physician, that he hasasked for a consultation of phy-sicians. Bard Is suffering from- congestion of thel ungs.



I "It SAI.K AT A BARGAINFine business location, confection-

ery, stationery, fruit, Ice cream, to-bacco, cigars, etc. Phono 2491, 5237Union aye.

•\u25a0•on MLI\u25a0 Lodging house. 29 rooms. Apply

1143 So. D at. - \u25a0 -Doing good strictly CASH BUSI-

NESS. Low rent and living apart-ments if desired. Close In. Ownerleaving city. *

See STEARNS. 305 National Bank\u25a0 .of Commerce Bldg.

• A dyeing and"cleaning establish-ment, good location, good name andgood business. Price less than halfmachinery cost. N-l, care Times. •

FOR SAMS OH HESiTRestaurant In good location, cv-., erything new, and low rent; must

\u25a0ell on account of sickness. SeeWhite & Anderson, , 633 ProvidentUTdg. ;-.-..- - \u25a0 ..-, •:'.-. . :.>;

- • WillSacrifice; \u25a0A ¥ fine - stock of \u25a0 musical \u25a0 Instru-ments and talking machines for sals.Good reasons for selling. Will con-\u25a0Her trade. rL, \u25a0 care , Times. \u25a0, •• r». \u25a0 \u25a0»'\u25a0

h'^Jr- -'' FOR haw- •\u25a0\u25a0 ' -Store at BIOV4 11th St.; stock of

umbrellas and all fixtures', good lo-v cation tor fruit stand or other bus-

iness. Rent $5.60 per month. Ownermust sell on account of other busi-ness. Apply 1553 Tacoma aye. Main•MS, .'.»;•*..*,:..- \u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0_\u25a0:.. :;i,,;i.(t *;.: ;.

\u25a0 '$100 or more. If you are looking-'for a chance 1 to ' put money Into

vJ,- something that will•! make • you aCOOP iPROFIT, B0 * ABSOLUTKJUXBAFE AND StThK, •«• me,

HANDALI. BVBBraBS 310 ICalifornia tBid*.

REAL ESTATE!bum mum rmowKwrr— ticant ucvjb — horn— —afflisUiMi ;

Will ljease

For 5 Years.5 acres garden land, on the Se-

attle Interurban line, finest of gar-den land, close to station. Remem-ber this la A-l bottom land.

McColley & Hall407 California Bid*.

North End SnapStrictly modern 4-room bungalow

with 2 fine lots, for $1,700. In goodneighborhood, near Whltworth col-lege, 4 blocks to Point car*. Termsto suit.

11. 1.. BIIMMil HI.I II111 10th

Three fine dairy farms for sale byG. P. Wood, Roy, Washington.

~110 YOU WANT TO SKI,I. -YOUR111 ai, I.MIIH or uimnesmIf so, see us at once. We guaran-

tee to dispose of your property forcash within 30 days. Reference.

i«UTiirii;i.na piioitoh408 Provident Bide. Main 8301

FOR SALES BY OWNER2 level lots, $750, also 6-room

cottage and I lots, 10 blocks fromMilwaukee depot; $100 cash, bal-ance . small monthly payments.Phones M. 802, A 3802.


Anything from a cow to a farm inexchange for city lots and houses.Our trading list, la the largest inthe city.

MUTUAL REALTY CO.20 California Bldg.

Got to Sell My Home2-room new house; 2 lots, all

cleared: city water and all city con-veniences; on car line, only 15 min-utes' out. Small payment down,balance $10 per month. Take Trac-tion car, get off at 36th St., ask forWilliams, owner. Home every day.

business]CHANCES |

Store-LightGrocery,Cigars.Candies,Ice Cream

Big ProfitsDoing good, strictly cash .business. Low rent and

living apartments if de-sired. Close in. Owner

leaving city.



Steams806 Natl. Bank Com. Bid*.



Whether you spend your old im>-In the nuiialiliie of prosperity or un-der the clouds of poverty may de-pend altogether on whether you acton the advice given or whether youthrow this paper aside without fur-ther consideration.$450 —Tract of fertile tomato land

on Henderson bay (4 acres) toswap as part pay on a 'Northor West End cottage. Client• will assume and pay $250 to$500 cash.

REMKMBER—We can oftentimesobtain a good swap for youwhen a direct attempt to sellIs absolutely futile. List yourproperty and we will adver-tise same faithfully.

One and a quarter acre* less 100foot atrip off north end reserved forroad. The tract equals over 11 fulllots. Close to Point Defiance carand North 33d and Cheyenne St.;right In the choice residence district.Price $2,250; $500 cash, balance infive annual installments at 6 percent. Complete abstract and war-ranty deed. Remember, lots along-side are selling •at $400, whichwould make above 11 lota yield $4,---400, or 100 per cent profit.

Cozy 6-room cottage and 1 nicelots to exchange for vacant lots orwill sell on $10 monthly Install-ments. Value $1,550. Take McKln-ley car, thence via Division lane.The above Is new and clean, - allnicely papered and painted. Thenumber 1» 3580 Must L St., known asthe Haskell place..

For Exchange— Zft acres of ele-gant waterfront peninsula berryland, valued at $450, for part pay-ment on small Tacoma property ortwo close-in lots. Client will, paysome cash and assume. - Also one6%-acre tract with 500 feet on bay,for $900; will swap same as above..

Two nice'lots at 5704 South Parkaye, • all fenced, cleared and sew-ered. These are beauties. . Price$700; $10 down, $5 monthly. Askfor Mrs. Foster. . , ,

Bountiful bntldlnr plot, 82x100, onBast M near 36th st, close to Rog-ers school and all the factories andrailroad yards. -*You «have.- to i payrent anyhow, why not. put your sav-ings Into a nice lot on which a lit-tle cottage may be built, thus sav-ing rent, while 'at the same , timeyou'll obtain i the Increase •In landvalues? » Price $800; < $25 cash, {Idmonthly, t Ask . for Mr. Osborn, 3582East M St., via McKlnley car. < Getoff at Division lane. Will swapfor small 6-acre farm or house andpay $500 cash. »•., \u25a0•.-.'\u25a0 •,....; List' your mortgages with ; us. Wewill find you a cash buyer. -\u25a0 We al-so list, land v contracts. ..'S Borrowers are: also f hereby notifi-ed that a client Iha* '81,0001 to \u25a0 lendcut ai. 7 par pant. Come and setthe money.

trnvtxoo^,I.NNNOX TRUsrT CO,•52Vs Pacific aye.


OR TRADEHas a good 6-rootn house, with

lovely yard In lawn, flower*, etcEntire two acres under cultivationand Is excellent soil; a nice hearingorchard, good water, large barn,chicken house and other outbuildings. Is located at a nice suburbanlittle town on car; good schools amichurch. Is an Ideal homo for afamily. Price only $3,100. on easyterms, or owner will trade for ahome in Tacoma.

Surety Bonds. Fire Insurance.E. F. Gregory Co., Inc.8. R. Webb. E. F. Gregory.

120 Twelfth St.i


We are selling over 200 lots InPaxton K. McMillan's add from $130to $250 each. POSITIVELY there isno other addition as close to thebusiness center where you can getany kind of lots at this price. Be-tween two car lines. Vtli aye. andllth st.H. 11. 111' 1/. .v CO, SO4 ML IIIiIk.

"homesteadsIn Central Oregon: first and secondparties all filed; third party willleave Tacoma .Saturday Apr.'l 9. Allwho went with us came back wellpleased. Why not .try it yourself?

PROGRRSBIVB 111: AI, TV CO".IBO4H Jefferson Aviv

Walter Taylor. .las. W. Youk.

FOR SALE OR TRADESeveral modern five and six-room

bungalows close to car line; $100down, balance by the month. . Willtrade for waterfront acreage.

120 acres Irrigated land In Cen-tral Oregon. Will divide, sell onpayments, or trade. 1 have somebeautiful lots in the Sixth additionon which 1 can build you a home tosuit.

Have you money to loan? I haveseveral good loans and equities.

Claude F. Gray3902 South M. Main 000::, H. 1004.

Full SAI.I'J 11V OWNK.It160 acres of lund, house, barns, 6

chicken houses and other buildings.Sold In half or in whole. Locatednear Hoy, Wash. Call or address,133 South E st. Phone Main IDGO.

Buy From Owner •

Two" of my four closest in tide-land lots will be sacrificed on ac-count of ny inability to meet pay-ments. Will sell for $100 lens perlot than present selling prices.

Call Main 1) ll)» After 0:30 p. m.

BUILDERS.—This week only, 2lots above grade, close In, $850,value $1,200. Address Don GOO, careTimes.

FOR SALE—Fine corner, 5 lots, 7-room house, Mason are. and 35th ft.

1 block from Point Defiance car.Main 6516.



II M.I 111. TRACT »100Rich shot clay soil. You can raise

more, better and larger strawber-ries and fruits at Vashon earlier,and market at higher prices. Thesetracts are closest to Tacoma. Streetto "each tract. Fine view, Ideal lo-cation for country home.

THEY iU UOI.VIi FASTReserve one or more tracts TO-

DAY, subject to your approval afterInspection. A big opportunity to se-cure a tract of good land at lowprice and very easy terms. It willdouble In value before paid for.

See plat and obtain full informa-tion

Hii.i.mi G. -•! r. \ii\o304-5 Natl. Bank of Commerce Bldg.

MIDLAND ACREAGE60 acres, Just south of where the

Tacoma Eastern IS. R. crosses thePuyallup line. All within Va mile ofthe town of Midland where valuesare Increasing rapidly. Will sellyou any size tract you wish from 1to 60 acres, at $225 an acre. Veryeasy terms.

Garretson-Palmer Agency" 319 Fidelity Bldg.

FOR SALE BY OWNER— B-room house, all modern, hot air fur-nace, paved street in front. In-quire 1109 No. Prospect st.


$300 CASH. PRICE $1600Balance $15 a, month which In-

cludes Interest. A dandy new finebung-alow. Lot 58x140.

WILLIAM «J. STEARNS304-6 . .atl. Bank of Commerce Bldg.

10 AcresNear Kdgewood that Iwill sell verycheap, close to pood ; school, goodroads and only 7 miles from Taco-ma.

:Jos. Sparling220 Bankers' Trust Bids.

i, Phone 2665.

FOB MUD OR TH.UMiTwo lots and 6-room house,' close

in; streets graded, sewer and waterIn. Price $ MOO. Will t trade for•mall chicken > ranch. AddressOwner, R. F. D. Box 46, South Ta-coma. \u25a0 •

Buy From Owner$50 to $100 down, balance by themonth, 10 per cent discount allowedon all extra payments, < 4-6-roombungalows and \u25a0 cottages, modernand close to South Tacoma car lino.

. CLAITDB 9. <;ur.V'<\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0.

~ «...->»»•» So. M. .-, . \u25a0

•'^•"\u25a0•\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0*#\u25a0!,.\u25a0< FOB HALF! "'•\u25a0 *"\u25a0' '

-'Half block of fin* lots In North

End, 18th and Washington. Will sellby lota or whole piece. • Address -•\u25a0\u25a0 - >-'--\u25a0- G. F. MKSSER y. w • - ,- ;Box .«<.,' v ;lGig, Harbor. 'Wash.

-': V: BUY FROM OWNER :- .!/'>*\u25a0•\u25a0 2-room house, 2 lots, - city water,electric \u25a0 lights, >\u25a0\u25a0 near \u25a0'» school .«\u25a0 andchurch, 15 minutes' ride. Price $800,$60 cash, $10 1 month. ,' Take Tractioncar, get off at SSth. Ask for Will-lams, , owner. "r i -- 'iTHwhWim

. »10 A* MONTH iBOMB * ;.:.'\u25a0';\u25a0 Ready ItoImove Into, 2 good I lots.Tou can . gat ; It for your own lat th«price of' $ 10. * . month. ',\u25a0 Order - thetransfer man to move you ' right In.Tak* Traction jcar, get of' at 36th•t. and, ask for Mr. Williams, owner.



Right In Your Hand

Yon liave but to rcuch out and take the article

Ron •MlilCm.l.AWori

New and Id nano) . <ar.es. D. A.Tyler. 151» Pacific aye.

FOUR Ducks. 1 Monarch. 1 Eclipse,1 St. Clalr, 1 double oven Majestic.

» larg« reservoir Charter Oak andImperial rmigos. Purkey Bros., 1349C st. . . . .FOR SAI.K -1 second hand Majestic

and 1 Garland range. 1*»1 C at. J.C. Purkey.

KOGS for hatching. Main 3302.

I»UKI< HOOK eggs for setting. 1950Wilkcson it. M.. 1683.


(00 sacks charcoal. Savage Fuel Co-.Main 2390 So. Tacoma. v.-

--2 water tank sprinklers. A-l shape.Wallla & Bon, 152* O St. '

PULL blood Huff Orpington egg;for hatching. IIper IS. Main 6820

BUFF HOCK eggs for hatching. 50c.1115 No. Oukes at.

FOR BALK—One iT-foot launch,now. Price $160. Knqutre H. H. I

Trlpler. Carlton Hotel, Main 849.FOR SALK CHEAP— Household fur-

niture. Main 280.(INK chair barber shop for Bale.

Shop in fine location In suburban,town, within city. Living room Inback. Box lot. car* Time*. |

FOR BALK—Fine frosted glass par-tition with door, locks, etc. Will

make two rooms out of one or an '

alcove. Inquire 420 Cal. Bldg.

FOR SALK — First class baby'swardrobe. 60S Kast 30th.

for BALJC A young dairy cow. |Can ho.seen at INI No. I*'ll at.

HOItSK for late, wrelgbl about 1200lbs. Main 2204, 3502 So. I.MIi.

KOU HALK— Itt wagons. fSOii i.l *t>u. one with bunks for logs

anil pole*, an good an new. JohnWaller. it. F. D. No. 2, City.

FOR BALK—Paying wholesale busi-news. $600 will handle this. Ad-

dress <'. IT., 111 80, 11th.

FOR BALK :i"-ft.. 7 horsepower Igasoline launch, with cabin. Price <

$500, on terms. Taylor & Youk,IGO4V* Jefferson aye.

MIST sell Immediately my J-roomhouse, furniture and 2 lots, .small

payment down. Phone 938.

liinNi'i away, will sell cheap, 3minim of new furniture; houae to

sell, lent $10. Call and aaa 1213>,4So. I: St.

GOOD Jersey cow. giving milk,full i mile east of Harvard sta-

tion. Inquire Frank Jucobson, oldMilitary road.

ITOR BALK — I new first <-limit \u25a0

riiiißes, l heater. I'luiuu 2797 oxcall at .117 13. 25th at.

PLANT "Hllhs' ESarly Triumph" po-tatoes and Increase your quality

anil yield. Albln, 1515 Pacific aye.

For HALE—Team of horses, weight'about 2400 His., work single or

double. Sen Brown at NorthwestOrocery Co., 1191 CammtrM st.

MONOI TO };****_ .**ON CITY and farm property, Butld- i

lng loans. Large loans on busi- (ness, timber and mill property aspecialty. Mortgages, contracts, |bonds bought.

RANDALL iir.'.ii, 310 Cal, Bldg.~"


FOB RKNT—Cosmopolitan roominghouse. C. K. Palmer, 410 Fidelity

8H acres, with good house milbarn, will mnki> a fine place forstore, on Marshall aye., In the res-ervation.

Small factory with all machinery,has a railroad sidetrack, one blockfrom Center St., $25 per month,

Store on Commerce, $20.9-room houso on No. X, gas, elec-

tric lights, in good repair, (22.50.BERTELBON & CO.1306% Pacific avo.

i,k(;ai, ROTICKI

,\»«irr <<> ('rrilKumNo. 6779

In the Superior Court of the Stateof Washington for Pierce County.

In the mutter of the estate of LarsBather, Deceased.Notice is hereby given by the un-

dersigned duly appointed adminis-trator of the estate of Lars Rattier,deceased, to the creditors of. and allpersons having claims against, saiddeceased, to exhibit them, with thenecessary vouchers, within one yeurafter the first publication of thisnotice, to the undersigned at Rooms408 and 409 Berlin building. Taco-ma, County of Pierce, and State ofWashington, being the place for thetransaction of the business of saidestate.

Date of Issuing and first publica-tion of this notice, March Ist. 1910.

J. J. TVETKR,Administrator of said Estate.

Thomas Muttison, Any for adminis-trator. i


Turkish Baths"^^

Scalp massage, London certificate,lady manager, 930 Pa/If aye.Phone A 3625. Flat No. 25 and 26.

KlßK!!—lnsure your House and fur-niture In reliable companies. We

have them. If. J. Schwlnn & Co.,Sit Bankers' Trust Bldg.

SOBER laborer, Danish, 40. wishesto meet lady, object matrimony.

Box 40, earn Times.


. Win stl.KOwner leaving city, will sell house

and 4 lota, all In fruit, between 2car lines. Take Regent's Park carto Tyler st. No. 1001.

. %-ACIIH TilACTSwithin the city limits, city water,electric lights, close to school. 5ccar fare. These tracts are on thewest slope, suitable for fruit. Price(250 and up; small* monthly pay-ments. • 2000 feet lumber- will befurnished with tract to . partieswishing to build. Her« la a chanceto atop paying rent and make your-self Independent. . j ..-.-ii. ROBERT PAUL *co, OWNERS

311-312 Bankers' Trust Bldg. .'\u25a0\u25a0 • jJij .-\u25a0.-.,,'". V,

.'\u25a0>\y* -' \u0084.„ \u25a0(THIMKHI . '[. -"\u25a0-',;

fly On tbe FlyerTaooma-Beattla Route. iFour Reran*Trips Dally, Leare* Taaoma 8 85 a.•a,. 12:15,. IiltTtfIff\u25a0p.I m. d Single 'Far*, . Ho. \u25a0 Rotind .Trip, • too. V Ply«»Book. A. jB.tNessnoson, • Agent. .. . |

3"*lr^B^rß TpT mt I(bill

J|b' B.INDIANAFOLId I\u25a0 -\u25a0'\u25a0 The taateat v and '(Inut «ay ;\u25a0 \ steamer lon the \u25a0 coast r'.t-nxr.»J{\u25a0 irOIIR > ROUND TRIPS i»ar.t«\u25a0 Leaveo Tacoma from N. P.I wharf T:00. 11:04 a. m.; 1:00,Kj 7 ;0»> p. nv. i*eU~ \u25a0\u25a0» ;->•»• as' \u25a0 --•^.*»a*I „Leaves - Seattle from Coln I

swv*? *•mi l:Wk *->X ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0', Phone Main M46^

that you want and need right now. Typewriter?Motor? Boat? Table? Revolver! Desk? What isit then?

Head the "For Sale Miscellaneous" Want Ads ev-ery day in the Times and get what you want byreaching. out and grasping it.

Money, good value at that, right in your hand foranything you have and desire to sellsomeone elsewants it—now.

Phone your ad to The Times.Times Wants bring things to you.Phones: Main 733 or A 17:5:5.

ssßßsaslissKia hKuS By bS^bbm a fi« b'ffi'^CT

j. \u0084

You Save RentSEE US TODAY.

5 Homes Cheap Today"I*lrooms—s2s.oo per month

5 rooms—s2o.oo per month4 rooms— per month3 rooms—slo.oo. per month :2 rooms—s 5.00 per month

All of these pretty little homes have twofine level lots, streets graded, cement walkssewers, also gas to cook with, and electriclights. When you can; buy homes like thesefor these terms and you are paying rent, youcan move right in one of these and figureyou get it for nothing.

Gill Home Investment Co.920 Pacific Aye.

Write for booklet, "Dollars Made FromSense."

SPECULATE A LITTLE '*160 acres, pood land, 100 acres Wired and seeded, a few acres clear-m; small house, barn, chicken and pi* house; So rods from N. P. sta-tion. Good bench land; no stone; no gravel. $1,200; 1400 cash ba!

terms to suit.E. J. Dunham & Co........ 106 S3 10th . \u25a0 ' ,

Beautiful 2-AcreHome

COUNTRY ENVIRONMENTS, CITY ADVANTAGESTwo acres fully Improved, berries, fruit, orchard, chicken yards

lawn and roses; large 9-room house, hardwood floors, tile floor kit-chen, 2 fireplaces, furnace, brick foundation and basement, larsre at-tic; situated between two car lines. 1 block from paved street, all streetassessments paid. Price $9,500; M,BOO cash, balance 3 to 6 yearsA. H. inH\ni»i:i, to.422 California Bids. ' M 7200

' \u25a0"" \u25a0'-'\u25a0"'' ' '•\u25a0 -'" ""\u25a0''. . ' .:\u25a0\u25a0', -

$200 CashBalance Monthly

Buys lot 40x120 on NE corner ofSo. L. and- 58th, above grade, leveland seeded, graded streets, cementwalks, cement steps and front walk,woodshed .board walks side andback, front and back porch, 6-roomnew bungalow, vestibule, column ibetween parlor and -. dining mm.illplate rail in dining room, bath rooibetween the 2 bed rooms, best <M\plumbing, all Inside work in mcdlurn dark fir. This is a good buja i good location, 2 blocks from Sc 'Tacoma line. A well built house)]will pay you to look at it if yoflwant a home.

D. M. Morgan208-209 Bankers' Trust, Bids;. 4-8j

] LISTEN TO THIS :'l <A neat, well built ; C-room cottage with pantry, closets, Ibath am

toilet,' lots in nice lawn, good outbuildings, cement walks, grade*streets and all - assessments s full;paid. -In - Rood neighborhood, \u25a0 Iblocks to school, - 2 . blocks . to : goodcar service, 10 minutes' ride to bus-iness center and price only $1,050.T Mina to be arranged. \u25a0> - \u25a0

Surety Bonds. .Fire Insurance.!E. F. Gregory Co., Inc.\u25a08. R. Webb. ;* v :'..>B. F. Gregory. »!

120 Twelfth St.

V ' MOIM'.RN BUNGALOW -' ' \u25a0

sji.rvi—«ino cash :,!, •:5 rooms, porcelain? bath, vconcrete

foundation jand I full basement, attic.Located on a corner near AVhltworthcollege. AHi street improvements Inand -.\u25a0 paid. :. \u25a0 Monthlyn payments. -•(Asnap. .We have : never before offer-ed a new s plastered* home with bomany a modern \u25a0 conveniences. for this)money. •; •' '-\u25a0";•:-'''\u25a0;,\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 I: v• • \u25a0.. "•

\u25a0 •-• '\u25a0'- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0

--**;-, i \u25a0\u25a0- ;; \u25a0'. '. .... ,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.- .- \u25a0.;,: >Jr

\u25a0SBBaSVSHSVBSVSK^BSB^BUWSSSaBBNBsBsBBSixtana. • 10S JOth St. Mortgage!



Two good lota and a new houseready to move Into, located 4 blocksfrom car line. In a good suburb ofTacoma. This place Is a good onefor the price, which Is only $350 Ifpurchased at once.

.1. M. CURTIS A CO.314 Bankers' Trust Bide.

w For Sale by Owner7-room house, unobstructed ma-

rine and mountain view; NorthSprings water, hearing; fruit trees;I+4 blocks from P. I), car and Wash-ington school; all Improvement* inand paid; $1,700. 2710 No. Washing-ton aye. Phone Main 7182. , .

HOMESTEADSjiDo U Want One!9it:--!*-;''-: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;>:. •-\u25a0•\u25a0 ,:vv- :si--v--;>^

Bis land opening, price $1.25 peracre. Pay 25 cunts per acre cash,balance 7 rears time. Fine valley 'wheat and alfalfa land; 2 new rail- 'roads building—now - throwing . dirt Inear > us. Oet -busy if you want :>,16,000 claim NliAliI the grade. - Call,:

Saturday with people that have been <

on the ground. Open Saturday even-Ing and Sunday ; until noon. Kinoweather In Oregon. Send 10c forbook of Homestead >Laws. v:. .. , I

.We want no money In advance.

Forrest Land Co.101S Pacific are. -' Tourist Hotel

?,' **YAKIMAVAUGT:> 1.AN C: ':%10-acro tracts, choice soil, well; lo-

cated, 184 per acre, : easy >. terms; noInterest. - This: will net .you. .100 iu-rmil anniMtlly. luvect!g*to uukw, ifyou want 'one. h Call * 111 \u25a0>« 10th W St.Tallniaa-Thorupsun Co. office. I


|[Wme 9s want ad>Hi I'OR !U:\T—KIITS

FOR RENT— Modern 5-room flat,with gas range. In good order,

[corner 6th aye. and Prospect, by K.«'. Jonas. Phones: M. 8814, A 13«. \u25a0_______ ______ ,


lIOTF.L UK HO. corner 21st and Jeffaye.. double and single hskpß.

rooms, prices reasonable. M. 7133.n<UM:Ki:i:ri\u iiuomh

HOUSKK and single roomsfor rent. 454 80. i: at. Phone D033.

Furnished housekeeping rooms $1.00week up. 1943 So. 1> A Jefferson.

FURNISH KD housekeeping rooms,2 and ,1-room suites; light and

sunny; well furnished and very con-venient. 611 Ho. 7trFOR RENT —Two nicely furnished

rooms for light housekeeping; allmodern conveniences. Phone M.488S or call 618 Ho. I st.

FOR HKNT—Five suites of housnkeeping rooms, $\u25a0' \u25a0•> up. Ilyland

Hotel, 1554 So. D St.


WANTKD—At 1020 No. L St.. n Roodwoman cook for a small crew of

men.WOMAN for general housowork,

small family. Apply Til SouthGOth St.

WANTKD—A woman to care forelderly lady, good wuges. Address

Box 57. Parkland. Wash.WANTKD-A good solicitor foT a

first class proposition. Call at0n,,, 31U 11th st.

WANTKP—I..niI, to see our new.up-to-date millinery sold at rea-

sonable prices. Mrs. If. C. iU<la;e--vvay Millinery Parlors, 6-25 Unionn\i'.. 80, Tacoma. Wo give green\u25a0tamps.

LAD'IKS, lava money; buy your hatof Mrs. lleeman, successor to Mr-

Keon, MclCinley aye. and Morton St.

LADIES can earn $ltl per weekworking fancy work at home; no

experience required. ('nil at 111 Ho.18th St., between Tacoma avo. and0 St., flat 2."~

HtViKli 'HI HIV '

WANTKD TO BUY—A small second-hand proof press. The Times.

lIICI.P *^ti':"—MAI.I9 _7T"WANTISD—CIond boys over tS years

of age to sell papers on the street.Apply to Newsboys' Union or thisoflice.WANTED —First class salesman to

take orders for a staple articlethat will Hell Itself. A good proposltion to the right party. Call at764 C st.

CARPI3NTKRB, carpenter helpers,plasterers, lathers, plumbers and

men for street work; top wages to |reliable men. GUI Home InvestmontCo., 920 Paclflo aye.

WANTKD—Men to register with v.M. C. A. Kmp. Sec. Positions In all

linen. Genl. office help a specially.

WANTKM- Hoy or girl to strip to-bacco. <'nii 311 11th st, so. Base-

ment cigar store.

STKADY sober man to work ondairy (arm, out or town, $30 per

month and board. For particularssee Smith, 801 So. Stnto St., after «p. in.


[-WANTED MORTGAGE MONET —«Jet 7 per cent for your money onTacoma Real Batata Mottgagea,Over 20 years experience in this city.We collect Interest. Responsibilityover $100,000.


Suite- 4,1 - • | »62Vi Parlflu aye.1 P .« >'•

Tacoma. I Wash. .WANTKD TO BORROW —$100 or

more. Pay at least 10 per cent.Make your idle money work. Safe, Isure, Randall Bubb, 310 California i

Bid K.|

WANTED TO BORROW—S4OO at 8per cent, real estate security. l

Address Boy DOl, care Times.

.-.•-,'- r<?y.I.*IUBO lt<*°'"*.':-..:BDOBWOOD. 1101 Canter »t. single

\u25a0nd liojkpg.. $1.00 week and up.

ONE nicely furnished frunt mull»2» Ho. O at. Main 471».

Workmen, mil li.Si trrtk up. Free•\u25a0mp. i.mi l«,y,i • a SiOl.' 1317 D. ,

I'ui nlali.-il rooma, ft per week tintup. 1544 South D at.

Till: QRAHAIf, furnished room*(or Unlit housekeeping. aliiKla and

in siilltw. SITVi Tacimiii aye,

"" K'Ull MKNT—HOI;IK> ..l;'i;\u25a0 i-i,- .- -i,- - il-<-H*«'i|-.'M"l'TilHi: furnished hoiisoUt'iiplnK

rooms. tIo.SO per monln; no chil-dren. 816 So. 2&tli.

fc'Oll HKNT—UFKUK*- »

KOK RUNT—HaII of arm.(l office InCalifornia lil.lnr.. "partition** oft.'

Cheap. l'h.iim Main f>!>o2."\u25a0

Fine Suite of GroundFloor Offices

WITH VAULT\u25a0Aliio three fnrnlHlu-<l offlc« booth*

comprlHlnit lialf of Talliunii-Thomp-\u25a0on affloa. Call at 111 10th st.

1038 So. State, «-r $12.00

430 No. L St., T-r. innili-rn. .. .SIO.OO4-r. bungalow, Willow June. .SIO.OO

1210 So. Wash., «-r.. imulorn. .»VB.»#

H. 11. UITZ * CO.Main 4663.


(loiilliniiitiwlsli.vi place to »torolilhiim. Aililrt-HH Hot U3. euro 'I'llii*a

AUK you (1l«K'«»to(l with yourcleaning, |irtßßlllK anil dyelnKT

Now try a firm with aoma experi-ence any way. Not how cheap buthow Koud. Class . A work only.Clothing sent to us by express willreceive prompt attention. Tel. 741(9,311 iltli lit. J. A. Donaldson.

AUK YOU disKusted with yourI'h'iiiiliiK and pressing business?

Now try us. 26 years e*perlenc»,II years in tamo stund. We dy»black only, Class A work. Clothingsent by express receive prompt at-tention. Telephone Main 7480. 311Ho. Uth. J. A. Donaldson,

Wanted—Children to board. 1111! I.

MUST CLASH barbor shop, bath-. mom and hand laundry, 16.1? So. C

Fl«i;iO—$10 set of plum to «verybuyer of 11111* Sea Vmw Park

lots. Prices $176 up, while they last.;Terms, $SOO monthly. (20 Pacldoaye.

Upholstering. Hart, 1022 Yak. 11.7 mMoult; \<;io loan*

SICK mo If you need money on yourreel ostate. Oeu. Wilier llutsoll,

938,4 Pacific ava.

rl'R.WlillllSO HOl'Mhia AMI) \u25a0(»<)-*\u25a0

UuKlneiin Women's Kxcli. and Fre«Inf. Uureau. 628 Cal. A1428. M.1421


For Hnlo Of Trade—Hanrli, 100 acresnear small town; -story hausa,

100 ucn-M of Krass, 'i nog houses, 1chicken houses, stream, barn andsheds. Price $1,000. Terms. Ad-dross llox 102, care Timed.

TRADK uii'i'Utio for equity In hits orhouse and lot. Half Dollar Utility

Co., IDS So. 12th St. Main Si'J».


Curtains lai.'iUvi'od. 350 pr. M. 2141.

OIHI, would Ilka work In store orfactory, 6 years experience M.

7045. '

W.IHTHII—MISC•aSJ.I.Af^UI WK want to buy your second hand

furniture. M. 7184, 1347 Tac. aye.~.

!-— - t \u0084*\u25a0«. - "i;i'|T|.,> ".hn-..i»-: -. \u25a0-, \u0084 -* \u25a0 - "ft '


COMMONWEALTH TITLE TRUSTCO~ Tel. M. 101. 10» So. 10th at



T C * B. Trans. Co. M. 43, A 4J43.10» Bth. Stables. 9th & Bt. Helens.

Pacific Transfer Co., M. 44. A 2904.

ATTOttWICV" ,_r,ririrr

n"V. LANarORD. 942% Paclfio Asve-Phones: M. 5171. Home AJlg6B^

5. B. Aldrlch, »1» SaTage-Scofleld.

jf~W. ANDERSON. Cat. Bidg. A1670


Reliable Dye Wka. 522 No. K. Up-to-

date dye works, M. 8087, A l»^»-


nNFAL *- HOUCK, carpet beating,

°rVmtlni and laying; feather 'So*ovatlng and uphol1"*!--."0?',, 0

Bouth J St.; phone Main itt. A 2tzt.

OARPBTB, ruga and everything; cleanedl In. your home. Satisfac-tion or no pay. Santo VacuumCleaner, Co.. T6» C. M. »481, A 2144.


Dr. Nina A. Derby, 711 80. K.


W B. YOUNG —Cor. 11th and Yak.,store fronts, shelving, screens, all

kinds of Job work. Shop equipped

with machinery. Vf* send men outby day or hour. A 4510 M. 4610. ..C. P. KADtIKN. 1711 »».Lit,«tU;

nates furnished on all kinds ofotmerete work. Mala »414. A 4»ll"~ PHlNTll*O_A>rp_Bl>rpiWQ ' \u25a0'.

COMMERCIAL Bindery ' * Printingv Co., lit Commerce st. Main 417.

JI7NK DISALKRI _ :*\u25a0-•*.;'.

TACOMA » JtTKK : CO. Best prices.guaranteed. 2134 Com. at. M. 7312.

APsIAPATIIIC PHYSICIAN <~~• jNaprapathy « • (chiropractic) w spinal

adjustment by hand, vibration, vi-olet rays \u25a0 cure when, drugs fall. 1 24treatments $85. Licensed. „Dry NinaA. Derby,.lll 80. X.->,-,\u25a0..>;: t;.v;tl., \u25a0\u25a0,:,,

;A-r; \u25a0\u25a0 OITBOPATBI MlW'^rvi\u0084, wfUWTf-i 1-1-1 \u0084-1 \u25a0iWW<n > i, Mj

DRS. A. L. * W. P. OOFF, graduates.of Still College of f. O*t«opatny

Call* promptly s answered . day, ornight. Phone ;M. j50». ,M. ;, »2«t. *: ;,'.Dr. Macy. No cure tno pay. ; Glassesg fitted. . 114<H ;Pactflo aye. ;,;.^ ,:.

H. A. Sjotenbur •>. Try. In T*coma.•2 The .Webster,; Cor *tb * St. Helen!DR. LUKMA. O. JOHNSON. Lady Oe-i.> leopßOv . nesldence r* and office.1014 Stlf nv. Phones Mafn H0«, AJS22.

' -:'. /.f »KTgIC« Alft ——."•»,-)* i.4»:SD»."*-a isll-*CAB»*B?t«jvKr!..--,>:'« J.=:«i(>»«.B«.. X St. «....«"-.

Offloe Hours: * to 4 p. m. s;3S*

DR. WARIXRK BBOWTI•' Disease* £of Wome a tand i Oentto-

Urlaury and Bkln Uiaeaaaa.tllM Pacliflo aye.

DR. EL O. BUTTON,* French Bid., M.6*58. Hei. U. «t«i; 10-12; >-4; 7-8.

I'llMIII.\O \u25a0'\u25a0___. i»i'{;V'IVM. B. COFFEE I'LUAIUINO CO™

1012 A at. "It's all In the. work."

It'tia^juKAtiUHa -\u25a0:-,

PETERSON BROS., 10th and X, .wood, coal, hay, grain, straw; can

take order* at short notice. M. 311.»i;i'i;viii;i!j

8. REST A SCAVKNaiiRCa OfflM602 Bar nice, K. 6413; res. M. 6071

Tacoma Garbage Co., Oliver Ilenrjprop. Office 1210 Aat Phone M.

4 99, A 14»». Res. M. 6408. A 40.28. \u0084

NOMEI TO LOAN :.\u25a0..-\u25a0 . , •.«\u25a0 .MONEY, Je«»e H. Read. Cal. Bidg.

MONEY FOR EVERYBODY /ANYONE *Steadily : employed can borrowflO, $20. $30. $50, $75, $100

• On Your Personal Note.;

No Mnrtaaifo. -No Indorser.Easiest Payment, Lowest Hales.Absolute Privacy. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 r

STATE SECURITY CO.307 California Bids. ;

Hours: 8 a. m. to « p. m., Wed.and Sat. Eves Till I p. m. •\u25a0_*,\! . :,

lI.TV OP WON ICY TO LOANOn, furniture, pianos, vehicles, etaNo delay, no publicity. . Call an)time you need money Central Inv& Loan Co., 428 Cal. Bide:.. M. 471J.'MONEY TO LOAN on any kind- otsecurity, chattel, land, warehousereceipts, small real estate loans es-pecially. .- We also buy mortgagesOur rates arc the best In the cityand easiest paid back. UP. Robert*

*«,&"• "* iot 8°- "h *<I KAVB Just received |l«,»0« "c"t•astern i money to be loaned at 7per cent on Improved city propertyInquire without I delay at 407 Cali-fornia Bids;. ~.\u25a0\u25a0- -a- \u25a0 --.. -." . * \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;. \u25a0-\u25a0- - . -"'

"^f^ -̂---- C1U»»CBN» . RBIALTr *|*dW \u25a0 - \u25a0;- \u25a0 COMAMY;'• ;\u25a0; #:B <sflak .; Short Time Loans

Real Estate, Rent*. CoW> lections and Insurance.

':-'...:;*^,.:.: .;;'.:;-.:;Ti«-.«0.-i.o \u25a0t^r.xf,:^IX>ANS for home velldiag or to pay\u25a0 off*old mortgage. \u25a0 Lowest Irates) ra•pacltl privilege* to borrowers, 3 tog years. No commission or delay. HJ. Schwlnn * Co.. Inc.. Sit Banker?Trust am-rK" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0%•- i'---tn^MONEY FOB SALARIED ? PEOPLH lii.. women Keeping house , and other:furnished I upon . tlulr own ;inote* ! -'.without I security. Cheapest Jwrateseasiest payment*. Offices in «3 prin."rlpal citlea. D. H. Tolinan. salProvident Bidg. ',-• \ . •Jted3g&&s£

6PER CENT money t« lout ou- Improved : real estate. « Privilegedto repay ? any ,f amount : after ont

\u25a0 year. HLoan* ipayable ?. Id . mmtiU mmonthly Installments If desired.

L R. MANNING * CO.', : Equitable jBuilding.

™*wi?T?i!*~^?*i^*<.Bi_»."fIDBLITT TRANSFER * STGHAQMxCo. BE Largo ; trucks, fumltaro vans ,>tnd ; baggage iwagons; : S day storage Bgfree on • baKKiigo; . piano . hoisting.>retghtlns and teimluif. 1718 P-clfio Siv»,« osposlle *N. P. depot. Phone*;

**'•*•A HBT.

\u25a0~. 11 .\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 rATB»IfFA'TTOWTtig!V» V.rf-ek" J.'fH. I. Elliott. «1» Bitre. Trutt«Bld^.Patents, design*, blueprint*.

Cac,' Off.iSupply Co^" typewriters > *|fjo«, auppliea. Hi »th. P-