Action in Africa 2015 Update

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[email protected]

Uganda ContactPO BOX 37011Kampala, UgandaSarah Nininger +256.776.950.868Ann Kayigwa +256.783.436.293

United States Contact63 Logan A-5Denver Colorado, 80203Sarah Nininger 970.309.0202Lance Finkbeiner 970.309.0066

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Action in Africa strives to Educate, Inspire, and Empower people in Uganda by focusing on education and community development. Our goal is to provide sustained education, allowing

individuals to reach their untapped potential and incite economic growth by becoming the next leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs in their country.

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Having worked in Uganda for over 8 years, we have learned from our past mistakes and upended the classic Western style of philanthropy. In order to revolutionize our approach, we have developed three bold models that will facilitate the achievement of our objectives.

Scholarship not SponsorshipThrough Action in Africa, you will not find an opportunity to sponsor an individual student in his or her studies. After years of selecting a handful of students and directly funding their education, we realized the inherent flaws in this system. Rather than benefiting the individual students, the program created a hierarchy in our partner schools and a sense of dependency amongst sponsorship recipients. Likewise, it did not empower the students or their families to play an active role in their education. In response to these problems, we have established a variety of scholarship funds that benefit a multitude of students. At the hjaeYjq�d]n]d$�o]�hjgna\]�gf]�dmeh�kme�k[`gdYjk`ah�^mf\�lg�Kl&�Bg`fkgf�k�HjaeYjq�K[`ggd�l`Yl�ak�mk]\�lg�dgo]j�lmalagf�^gj�l`]�entire student body. Now instead of impacting a few students, we are responsible for providing a discounted education to 340+ primary school students.

Upon graduation from primary school, students are encouraged to go through our rigorous application process in order to be considered for a secondary school, vocational program, or University scholarship. In order to be considered, applicants not only have to apply, but they must also interview, maintain high grades in all subjects, have perfect attendance, and volunteer at The Center.

Since the shift from sponsorship to scholarship, we have seen a drastic difference in our students, their families, the schools we ogjc�oal`$�Yf\�l`]�[geemfala]k�o]�ogjc�af&�>gj�]pYehd]$�Kl&�Bg`fkgf�k�ak�fgo�gf]�g^�l`]�egkl�Y^^gj\YZd]�hjaeYjq�k[`ggdk�af�the village, leading to marked increase in student enrollment.

Zero HandoutsMany times we are offered supplies to distribute to the kids and their families. Whether it be shoes, clothes, electronics, etc., Action in Africa now avoids handing out supplies to individual students carte blanche, as this behavior has been quite harmful in the past, creating a cycle of dependency and lack of ownership. Instead, we have begun to generate reward-based services that have more of a lasting impact than just one item, which can be broken, sold, stolen, or out grown. For example, we now offer free HIV testing, uniform tailoring, after school programs, counseling services, and, simply an open door. The supplies that we do collect are items that can be used by the general population at The Center, such as art supplies, sports equipment, school supplies, books, etc.

Community Generated Offerings One of the most unique aspects of Action in Africa is our honesty and transparency. In the past, we have come to Uganda with ideas that seemed really great from a western perspective. Some of our initiatives worked, but many failed because we simply did not take the time to understand what the community needed. However, since we have begun to maintain a consistent presence on the ground and to open our ears to suggestions from the community, Action in Africa has thrived. Some ]pYehd]k�af[dm\]�gmj�ca\�k�Y^l]j�k[`ggd�hjg_jYeaf_$�l`]�Oge]f�lg�Oge]f�_jgmh$�l`]�Y\mdl�=f_dak`�d]kkgfk$�Yf\�l`]�@AN�testing clinics. Action in Africa implemented these offerings in response to real needs voiced by real people in the village who told us how we could help. Now those are some of our strongest programs in Uganda.

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- We opened a community center that offered after school programing to over 600 children in the village, English lessons for adults in the community, and a support group for vulnerable women.

- Two US team members are now living on the ground in Uganda to oversee our programs.

- A graduate of one of our scholarship programs was awarded our first ever business loan to begin his very own photography studio.

- We hosted three different volunteer groups, short and long term, working alongside us in Uganda.

- Our Facebook page received over 1,000 likes and we reached nearly 3,000 followers on Instagram.

- We renewed the scholarships for all of our secondary students for the 2015 school year due to their outstanding academic performance.

- We put our first ever student into university, where he is on pace to obtain a civil engineering degree.

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- Implement a reading program that cultivates a reading culture among the children and adults in the village.

- Increase the reach of our community center by more actively engaging local families in a variety of activities.

- Offer consistent English classes for adults in the village.

- Engage closely with our partner primary school, St. Bg`fkgf�k$�lg�aehjgn]�l`]�imYdalq�g^�]\m[Ylagf�g^^]j]\�lg�over 340 students.

- Partner with a local clinic and/or organization to offer free HIV testing and counseling.

- Establish a consistent schedule of Ugandan volunteers to lead an ever growing portion of Action in Africa's operations.

- Launch internship programs to maintain consistent operations in the United States.

- Begin to lead sustainable food, water, and energy projects in Nakuwadde.

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After recognizing the lack of safe after school activities for kids in the village and the requests of parents to have adult education lessons, we decided to explore the possibility of opening a community center. In 2014 we officially opened “The Center,” a community facility that serves as a place for people in Nakuwadde to Be, Belong, and Become. The Center offers daily after school, creativity-based programming for kids in the village as

well as weekly programs for adults.

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M O N D A Y 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM Homework Tutoring 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM Reading Workshop

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F R I D A Y 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Women to Women 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM English Lessons 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM Homework Tutoring 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM Art Workshop

S A T U R D A Y 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM English Lessons



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Gf]�q]Yj�Y^l]j�[gfkljm[lagf�Z]_Yf�af�*((0$�9kh]f�k�9[lagf�af�9^ja[Y�;geemfalq�Library was officially opened. Today it stands as one of the few public libraries af�l`]�CYehYdY�Yj]Y&�9kh]f�k�9A9�;geemfalq�DaZjYjq�g^^]jk�Y�nYja]lq�g^�Zggck$�

ranging from novels to encyclopedias to the textbooks used in both primary and secondary classes. It is open to the public Monday through Friday and will eventually host programs to help foster a culture of reading within the village.

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The students we work with in Uganda have infinite potential, and we hope to cultivate their talent with our guidance and resources. This must take place both inside and outside the classroom, which is why we offer a variety of after school creative workshops at The Center Monday through Friday, including music, dance, story telling, creative writing,

painting, and craft making. These programs are designed to enhance the education of our students while tapping into their creativity and inspiring them to believe in themselves

and their futures.

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a group fund that will eventually be used for a group project, loans, or school fees.

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While our original vision focused on working with children in Uganda, we recently realized that the kids were going home to parents that also had the desire to learn and empower themselves. For years many of the families we work with requested that we offer adult English lessons.

After completing various trial runs with a handful of students and teachers, we hired an instructor

this February and have begun offering introductory classes. On March 2nd we officially

launched an English lesson series at The Center.

Since the development of our no-handouts policy, we have worked tirelessly to implement programs and projects that can greatly benefit the community at large without perpetuating

the cycle of dependency. A few months back, a community member suggested we offer free

medical services. We loved the idea and decided to give it a shot. On February 20th we

hosted the very first Free HIV Testing and Counseling clinic and it went remarkably well.

We tested 68 people, all of which were negative. It went so well that is it now a program that will be offered monthly

at The Center.

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At Action in Africa, our main objective is to provide educational opportunities for the youth of Uganda. We strive to make it affordable for kids in the village to

attend school through various scholarship funds, partnerships with local schools and loans. Our objective is to provide these opportunities in order to improve the

lives of over 400 Ugandan children each year.

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playing field for each and every student at the school, establish accountability from the parents/guardians, and break the cycle of dependency that comes with the

traditional sponsorship model.

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While approximately 86% of Ugandan children between the ages of 6 and 12 attend primary school, only 17% of 13-18 year olds attend secondary school. At Action in Africa, our belief in the importance of continued education drove us to institute an application-based secondary scholarship program. Many of our students demonstrate a commitment to their education,

illustrated by their academic achievement, teacher recommendations, and overall attendance. We reward their hard work and dedication by offering secondary scholarship opportunities.

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Very rarely, if ever, do we meet someone and instantly know that he will have a profound impact on our lives. Everyone who has had the distinct pleasure of meeting Ssembatya John

knows that he is the exception. He was our translator, our comedian, our friend, our mentor, and our father. John displayed a commitment to bettering the lives of everyone around him. He worked with Action in Africa for many years because he knew he could

change the lives of hundreds of students, giving them opportunities he felt every Ugandan citizen deserved. For this reason, Action in Africa has created the Ssembatya Scholarship

Fund, named after our dear friend. John always wanted us to give our students the ability to continue their education, and with the Ssembatya Scholarship Fund, we will be able to do

just that, sending several students to university each year.

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but are not limited to rent for our new facility (The Center), the salaries of our Ugandan staff, internet cost, website fees, postage/envelopes/printing, etc. If you can help us by covering these

recurring costs, we will be able focus our finances on our scholarship funds and community \]n]dghe]fl�afalaYlan]k&�L`Yfc�qgm�^gj�qgmj�kmhhgjl�

join at www.actioninafrica.com/donate

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VISIT www.actioninafrica.com/VOLUNTEER

Action in Africa has the unique opportunity to host volunteers on the ground to experience the impact we are making in Uganda. Whether you are a student, a family, church, or school

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where you would sleep? What every day looks like? How long you can stay?

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Action in Africa would not survive without the support of our chapters at high schools and colleges across the country. All of our Action in Africa chapters support us in a variety of ways. Whether it be fundraising, supply drives, volunteering in

Uganda, or advocating on our behalf, they are truly the backbone of our organization. We are constantly on the lookout for individuals that are interested in

helping us start new chapters at their schools and in their communities. Join the movement!

join at www.actioninafrica.com/start-a-chapter

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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the

only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead

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All featured artwork are originals from participants

at The Center!