® Action Request System Gateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

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Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

9030708 E18i


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Copyright © September, 1998 by Cabletron Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

Order Number: 9030708 E18

Cabletron Systems, Inc.P.O. Box 5005Rochester, NH 03866-5005


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Action Request Systemii Gateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

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Cabletron has tested its software with current virus checking technologies. However, because no anti-virus system is 100% reliable, we strongly caution you to write protect and then verify that the Licensed Software, prior to installing it, is virus-free with an anti-virus system in which you have confidence.

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9030708 E18iii



Purpose of This Document .................................................................................................. viiIntended Audience............................................................................................................... viiPrerequisites for Users........................................................................................................ viiHow to Use This Guide....................................................................................................... viiiTypographical Conventions.................................................................................................. ixRelated Documentation........................................................................................................ ixQuestions about SPECTRUM Documentation ................................................................... ix

Chapter 1 Introduction

Tools For Solving Network Problems ................................................................................ 1-1What the ARS Gateway Can Do for You............................................................................ 1-2ARS Gateway Users ........................................................................................................... 1-3Specific Components in the ARS Gateway ........................................................................ 1-4ARS Gateway Options ........................................................................................................ 1-5The Advanced Level Trouble Ticket .................................................................................. 1-6

Chapter 2 Installing the ARS Gateway

Overview ............................................................................................................................. 2-1Before Installation.............................................................................................................. 2-2Custom Installation............................................................................................................ 2-2Confirming the Installation ............................................................................................... 2-6

Chapter 3 Preparing For Ticket Generation

Overview ............................................................................................................................. 3-1Summary of Requirements and Options ........................................................................... 3-1Importing Definitions (on UNIX systems) ........................................................................ 3-2Importing Definitions (on NT systems) ............................................................................. 3-5How to Set Up a New ARS User Named SPECTRUM..................................................... 3-7NT Setup Instructions........................................................................................................ 3-9

Setting the AR Home Directory................................................................................... 3-9Modifying the System Path Variable......................................................................... 3-11Verifying the Server List in the Windows NT Registry ........................................... 3-12

Modifying the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket Schema....................................................... 3-13What You Can Change ............................................................................................... 3-14What You Should Not Change ................................................................................... 3-14

Defining Your Own Trouble Ticket Schema .................................................................... 3-15

Contents Action Request Systemiv Gateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Chapter 4 Automatic Trouble Ticket Generation

Starting the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator ............................................................4-1Stopping the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator ...........................................................4-2

Chapter 5 Alarm Filtering

Two Types of Filtering ........................................................................................................5-1What You Can Do With ARS Gateway Filtering ...............................................................5-2ARS Gateway Filter Criteria..............................................................................................5-3How to Add or Edit a Filter Entry .....................................................................................5-4About Cause Codes .............................................................................................................5-7

Chapter 6 Using the ARS Gateway

How To Access ARS Gateway Options ...............................................................................6-1Accessing the ARS Gateway Submenu from SpectroGRAPH ..........................................6-2Accessing ARS Gateway Options from the Command Line..............................................6-3Using the ARS Tools & Gateway Configuration Option....................................................6-4Using the Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets Buttons ..........................6-5

The Show SPECTRUM View Button...........................................................................6-7The Show Similar Tickets Button................................................................................6-8

Using the Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket Options.............................6-9

Appendix A Error Messages

Error Message Location..................................................................................................... A-1Automatic Trouble Ticket Errors ...................................................................................... A-2

Appendix B Customizing the Resource File

Two Ways To Change Configuration Values ..................................................................... B-1The Resource File (.arsgrc) ................................................................................................ B-1

Base-Level .arsgrc Parameters ................................................................................... B-4SANM-Enabled .arsgrc Parameters ........................................................................... B-7

Appendix C The ARS Gateway reconfig Tool

Purpose of the reconfig Tool............................................................................................... C-1What the reconfig Tool Does .............................................................................................. C-2Running the reconfig Tool.................................................................................................. C-3Example reconfig Tool — NT Output ................................................................................ C-4Example reconfig Tool — UNIX Output ........................................................................... C-5


9030708 E18v


Figure 1-1. Advanced Level Trouble Ticket ............................................................................ 1-6Figure 2-1. Installation Configuration Dialog Box ................................................................ 2-3Figure 2-2. Component Selection and Selection Filters Dialog Boxes .................................. 2-4Figure 2-3. Installation Monitor and Install Completed Message Box ................................. 2-5Figure 2-4. ARS Gateway Submenu ....................................................................................... 2-6Figure 2-5. Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket Options in Alarm Manager

Window .................................................................................................................. 2-7Figure 3-1. File Selection Window .......................................................................................... 3-3Figure 3-2. Import Definitions Window .................................................................................. 3-4Figure 3-3. Import File Window .............................................................................................. 3-5Figure 3-4. Import Definitions Window .................................................................................. 3-6Figure 3-5. ARS Submit User Window (as displayed on a UNIX system) ............................ 3-7Figure 3-6. Login Dialog Box ................................................................................................... 3-9Figure 3-7. Login Information Dialog Box ............................................................................ 3-10Figure 3-8. System Properties Window ................................................................................ 3-11Figure 4-1. arsgated Command ............................................................................................... 4-3Figure 5-1. ARS Gateway Configuration Window .................................................................. 5-4Figure 5-2. Edit Entry and Add Entry Windows .................................................................... 5-5Figure 5-3. Configuration Window with Multiple Entries ..................................................... 5-6Figure 5-4. Cause Code File, Prob00010401 ........................................................................... 5-8Figure 6-1. Starting ARS Tools from SpectroGRAPH ............................................................ 6-2Figure 6-2. Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets Buttons ............................. 6-6Figure 6-3. SPECTRUM DevTop View ................................................................................... 6-7Figure 6-4. Resolution Pop-up Dialog Box .............................................................................. 6-8Figure 6-5. Icon Subview Menu in the Alarm Manager Window (UNIX) ............................. 6-9Figure B-1. SANM-Enabled .arsgrc File .................................................................................B-2

Figures Action Request Systemvi Gateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

9030708 E18 Prefacevii


The Preface lists background information for understanding the

Action Request System

Gateway User’s Guide


Purpose of This Document

The Action Request System (ARS) Gateway enables you to use SPECTRUM in conjunction with the Remedy Corporation Action Request System to integrate the intelligence of SPECTRUM’s network management capabilities with the problem-solving workflow process provided by the Action Request System. This guide provides the information necessary to use the ARS Gateway.

Intended Audience

This guide is intended for SPECTRUM administrators and users who want to use the ARS Gateway with the Remedy Action Request System to generate trouble tickets for SPECTRUM alarms.

Prerequisites for Users

Prior to using the ARS Gateway, administrators should be familiar with UNIX, the X Window System, and

OSF/Motif. They should be experienced with SPECTRUM and SPECTRUM administration as outlined in the

SPECTRUM Administrator’s Reference

. They should also be familiar with the administration of the Remedy Action Request System as outlined in the Remedy Corporation’s

Action Request System Administrator’s Guide


Users should be familiar with the

SpectroGRAPH user interface, and with the user functions outlined in the

SPECTRUM Operator’s Reference

. They should also be familiar with the user functions of the Action Request System as detailed in the Remedy Corporation’s

Action Request System User’s Guide


How to Use This Guide


Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

How to Use This Guide

This guide describes how to use the ARS Gateway to manage SPECTRUM alarms in conjunction with the Remedy Action Request System. It is organized as follows:

Chapter Description

Chapter 1,


This chapter provides an overview of the Action Request System (ARS) Gateway and describes what the ARS Gateway can do for you. The chapter also describes the specific components in the ARS Gateway, who should use the ARS Gateway, and the additional functionality that is available to the ARS Gateway when used in conjunction with SPECTRUM Alarm Notification Manager (SANM).

Chapter 2,

Installing the ARS Gateway

This chapter describes the procedures for installing ARS Gateway and then confirming the installation.

Chapter 3,

Preparing For Ticket Generation

This chapter describes how to set up your system so ARS and SPECTRUM can work together.

Chapter 4,

Automatic Trouble Ticket Generation

This chapter shows you how to start and stop the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator and describes startup options using a UNIX man page format.

Chapter 5,

Alarm Filtering

This chapter describes the alarm filtering that is available with the ARS Gateway software.

Chapter 6,

Using the ARS Gateway

This chapter shows you how to access and use the ARS Gateway options and buttons. These are the features that the ARS Gateway adds to SpectroGRAPH and the AR System. The chapter does not describe ARS procedures. If you need explanations about the AR System, you should refer to the Action Request System User’s Guide and the Action Request System Administrator’s Guide.

Appendix A,

Error Messages

This appendix contains error and warning messages you might see while using the ARS Gateway.

Appendix B,

Customizing the Resource File

This appendix describes how to change the ARS Gateway configuration.

Appendix C,

The ARS Gateway reconfig Tool

This appendix describes how to use the ARS Gateway reconfig Tool.

9030708 E18 Prefaceix

Typographical Conventions

Typographical Conventions

Certain typographical conventions are used throughout the

SPECTRUM ARS Gateway User’s Guide


• User-supplied parameter names appear in angle brackets. For example, the parameter name for a password appears as


. You should type your password in the place of



• Text displayed on-screen appears in



• Text to be typed in by the user appears in



• Referenced chapter titles and section headings appear in



hypertext-blue italics

for on-line readers).

• Referenced SPECTRUM publications appear in

bold italics


• Referenced third party publications appear in



• The SANM icon, shown on the left, identifies sections in this manual that describe ARS Gateway functionality that is enabled by SANM.

Related Documentation

Use this guide in conjunction with the following SPECTRUM documents:


ARS Gateway SRN

SPECTRUM Administrator’s Reference

SPECTRUM Operator’s Reference

SPECTRUM Installation Guide

Questions about SPECTRUM Documentation

Send your questions, comments or suggestions regarding SPECTRUM documentation to the Technical Communications Department directly via the following internet address:

[email protected]

You can download SPECTRUM documentation from:




Questions about SPECTRUM Documentation


Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

9030708 E18 Introduction1-1

Chapter 1


This chapter provides an overview of the Action Request System (ARS) Gateway and describes what the ARS Gateway can do for you. The chapter also describes the specific components in the ARS Gateway, who should use the ARS Gateway, and the additional functionality that is available to the ARS Gateway when used in conjunction with SPECTRUM Alarm Notification Manager


Tools For Solving Network ProblemsSPECTRUM constantly monitors the devices on the network. When it detects a problem, SPECTRUM analyzes the information in its database to determine the source of the problem and how serious it is. If the problem fits certain defined criteria, SPECTRUM generates an alarm. When SPECTRUM generates an alarm for a device or a section of the network, the color of the device or network icon changes to designate the severity of the alarm. In addition, SPECTRUM creates an entry describing the alarm and its probable cause in the Alarm Manager window for each alarm.

SPECTRUM, itself, provides you with a way to manage the problem that caused the alarm, such as the capability to automatically assign troubleshooters to that alarm. However, the ARS Gateway provides you with many more tools for managing network problems.

The timely resolution of problems and service requests is one of the fundamental requirements of a network management system. The Action Request System (ARS) Gateway gives you the tools to efficiently detect, track, and resolve these network problems and service requests. The ARS Gateway ties SPECTRUM alarms into the Action Request System developed by the Remedy Corporation, therefore enabling network administrators to create a workflow process for support staff while automatically capturing a database of information to use for problem solving. Both end users and support staff can take advantage of the ARS Gateway.

What the ARS Gateway Can Do for You


Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

What the ARS Gateway Can Do for YouThe SPECTRUM ARS Gateway gives you added capabilities for managing network problems and their resolution. You can use the ARS Gateway in the following ways:

• To generate ARS trouble tickets automatically from network problems detected by SPECTRUM.

A trouble ticket provides a description of the problem. You can have the ARS Gateway generate trouble tickets automatically either for all SPECTRUM alarms or for selected ones.

• To determine the type of alarms that should generate automatic trouble tickets.

You can filter alarms on various criteria depending on whether you are using the base-level or SANM-enabled ARS Gateway. These criteria allow you to determine the sensitivity of the gateway so that you only generate tickets under well-defined situations.

• To generate trouble tickets manually from SPECTRUM’s Alarm View.

If you do not want to have trouble tickets generated automatically, you can generate them manually instead. Remember, however, that you can only generate a trouble ticket for the device when it is displayed in SPECTRUM’s Alarm View.

• To enable administrators, troubleshooters, and network users to communicate with each other.

ARS gives everyone who is involved an easy, direct way to communicate about problems. When a user records a problem, the administrator can see the report on-screen instantly. When the administrator assigns someone to fix the problem, the troubleshooter can receive a notice automatically. When the troubleshooter resolves the problem, the administrator and original user can both receive messages. ARS gives you an efficient way to organize the notification process.

• To build a database of problems and their resolutions, which the administrator can use to analyze, solve, and, as a result, avoid network problems.

Each trouble ticket—describing not only a problem but also its resolution—is added to a permanent database, which you can use to solve (and avoid) future problems. When you have a trouble ticket open you can view other trouble tickets with similar problems to see how those problems were resolved.

9030708 E18 Introduction1-3

ARS Gateway Users

ARS Gateway UsersThose who will use the ARS Gateway and the various functions of the Action Request System (ARS) include:

• The Network Administrator

- Network Administrators can use the ARS User Tool to monitor Action Requests, including trouble tickets generated by the Gateway, and decide how to handle each one by either investigating the problem personally or by notifying a troubleshooter with the ARS Notification Tool.

- Administrators can use the ARS Gateway to regulate automatic trouble ticket generation, turning it on or off and setting its sensitivity to different kinds of SPECTRUM alarms.

- Administrators can use the trouble ticket schema to customize the content and design of trouble tickets.

• Client Users

- Users with the appropriate access privileges can use the ARS User Tool to manually generate Action Requests.

- Clients can also use the ARS Notification Tool to stay informed about the progress being made in the resolution of Action Requests.

• Troubleshooters and Support Staff

- Troubleshooters can use the ARS User Tool to see the Action Requests assigned to them and to update the Action Requests after fixing the problems.

- Troubleshooters can view other trouble tickets with similar problems to see how problems were resolved.

- They can also use the Notification Tool to receive immediate notice of problems. They can receive notice by electronic mail as well.

For more information, refer to the Remedy Action Request System Administrator’s Guide.

Specific Components in the ARS Gateway


Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Specific Components in the ARS GatewayThe ARS Gateway consists of the following components:

• ARS Gateway Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator — This component is a UNIX daemon (or in NT, a service) that monitors SPECTRUM alarms and generates Action Request System trouble tickets in response to the SPECTRUM alarms. The administrator can control which SPECTRUM alarms generate trouble tickets.

• ARS Gateway SpectroGRAPH File menu interface — This component allows workstations that have both SpectroGRAPH and the Remedy Action Request System installed to access the Action Request System tools —User Tool, Administrator Tool, and Notification Tool—and the Gateway Configuration option from the SpectroGRAPH File menu. The Gateway Configuration option enables the administrator to set the gateway’s sensitivity to alarms.

• ARS Gateway Alarm View menu interface — This component consists of two options, Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket, which appear in the Icon Subviews menu in the SPECTRUM Alarm View. The Show Trouble Tickets option enables you to see the trouble tickets that have been generated for the highlighted model. The Submit Trouble Ticket option enable you to manually submit a trouble ticket for the highlighted model.

• SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket Schema — This component is an Action Request System trouble ticket schema that specifies the format used when the ARS Gateway generates a trouble ticket for the Action Request System. Administrators use the schema to customize trouble tickets or to create their own schema.

• Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets buttons — If Active Links and Filters are imported, then the SPECTRUM View and the Show Similar Tickets optional buttons appear at the bottom of the Trouble Ticket Schema. The Show SPECTRUM View button brings up the SPECTRUM DevTop view of the device represented in the trouble ticket. The Show Similar Tickets button allows you to view solutions described in other trouble tickets for devices with similar problems.

9030708 E18 Introduction1-5

ARS Gateway Options

ARS Gateway Options

The ARS Gateway is one of several SPECTRUM applications that gains additional functionality from SPECTRUM Alarm Notification Manager (SANM). These applications perform a set of base-level operations when used


SANM. As soon as you install SANM, all applications that work in conjunction with SANM gain additional functionality. In this manual, the ARS Gateway is referred to as “SANM-enabled” when it is used with SANM.

The following is a brief description of the different levels of functionality available for the ARS Gateway.

base-level ARS Gateway

functionality allows you to monitor alarms from a single SpectroSERVER using the ARS Gateway alarm filtering mechanism.

For each SpectroSERVER that you wish to connect to an AR Server, you need one ARS Gateway daemon/service. Normally you would have just one daemon/service running on your network. However, other configurations are possible. You may wish to have two daemons/services that transmit alarm information from a single SpectroSERVER to two separate AR Servers. Alternatively, you may wish to have two daemons/services that monitor two separate SpectroSERVERs and send alarm information to a single AR Server.

Advanced level ARS Gateway

benefits from the increased functionality and policy-based alarm filtering capabilities of SPECTRUM Alarm Notification Manager (SANM).

In a SANM-enabled environment with a single SpectroSERVER, all the network information is collected and filtered through SANM’s Policy Administrator. This feature provides you with greater control over network alarm filtering and the ability to provide more information in a Trouble Ticket.

Advanced level ARS Gateway with multiple SpectroSERVER capability

provides all the functionality of advanced level ARS Gateway listed above, plus the ability to monitor alarms from multiple SpectroSERVERs, not just a single SpectroSERVER. A SANM-enabled environment with multiple SpectroSERVERs also allows you to monitor alarms from multiple SpectroSERVERs using a single ARS Gateway daemon/service.

The right configuration for your network depends upon factors such as network size, geographic distribution, and division of responsibility among multiple network administrators or troubleshooters.

For more information about SANM, see the

SPECTRUM Alarm Notification Manager (SANM) User’s Guide


For more information about Remedy Corporation’s Action Request System, see the Action Request System documentation.


The Advanced Level Trouble Ticket


Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

The Advanced Level Trouble TicketIn addition to the base-level fields, the advanced level Trouble Ticket includes Location, Notification Data, and Associated Event fields. See Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1. Advanced Level Trouble Ticket

The three additional advanced level fields.

Action Request System - - SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket (coffee)



Alarm ID

Alarm Date/Time





Notification Data




Oct 02 1997 12:00:00


Initial Brown Gray

Red Orange YellowCondition

Model Name

Model Type

IP Address


SpectroSERVER Node






New Hampshire:Nashua



Current Status












Probable Cause Code

Symptom/Probable Cause

Details of Problem

History of Problem


Associated Event



Thu 02 Oct, 1997 - 12:00 -Contact has been lost

ping script echoes Network is unreachable

MIS updated routing table so that remote host was reachable

Show SPECTRUM View Show Similar Tickets

Oct 02 1997 04:23:431


Oct 02 1997 04:23:431


Holmes:Hill or Edmond

Edit Query Actions Macros Windows Help


( ) * -+ * / % !== < > <= >=



9030708 E18 Installing the ARS Gateway2-1

Chapter 2

Installing the ARS Gateway

This chapter describes the procedures for installing ARS Gateway and then confirming the



You install the SPECTRUM ARS Gateway with the standard SPECTRUM installation script,


. This is the same installation script that installs SPECTRUM, SPECTRUM management modules, and SPECTRUM applications and tools.


first retrieves the ARS Gateway from the CD, then builds the correct directory structure, and then installs the product. For more information on


, see the

SPECTRUM Installation Guide


Cabletron recommends that you perform a custom installation. Therefore, this chapter describes only custom installation procedures. If you need to perform an automatic installation, see the

ARS Gateway Software Release Notes

for details.

You install the ARS Gateway and the SpectroGRAPH menu interface on the network administrator’s workstation. SpectroGRAPH allows users to start the Remedy ARS Tools from within SpectroGRAPH on other workstations.


When you install the ARS Gateway,


overwrites any files from a previous version of the ARS Gateway in the installation directory. If you wish to save the previous version, you must move it to another directory.If you are reinstalling the ARS Gateway on NT, then be sure to backup your




files from your ARS Gateway installation directory. See Setting the AR Home Directory in Chapter 3.

Before Installation

Installing the ARS Gateway2-2

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Before Installation

Before you install ARS Gateway, do the following:

• Install both the SpectroSERVER and the AR Server on your network. It does not matter where you install these servers. Note their location, however, because


asks you where these servers are.

• Install SpectroGRAPH and the ARS Tools on the administrator’s workstation and also on other workstations where you plan to install the SpectroGRAPH menu interface for the ARS Tools.

See the

SPECTRUM ARS Gateway Software Release Notice

for specific information on system and software requirements for installation of the ARS Gateway software.

If you need to install SPECTRUM or the ARS, follow the installation instructions in Cabletron Systems’

SPECTRUM Installation Guide

and Remedy Corporation’s

Action Request System Installation Guide


Custom Installation

Follow these steps to install SPECTRUM ARS Gateway:

1. Before you install ARS Gateway, install SPECTRUM according to the instructions in the

SPECTRUM Installation Guide


2. Log on to a workstation as root (superuser) and use the


command to navigate to the directory where SPECTRUM is installed.

3. Insert the CD and start the installation using the procedures in the

SPECTRUM Installation Guide


An Extraction Key dialog box appears.

4. Enter the Extraction Key code in the dialog box.

A SpectroINSTALL dialog box appears asking you for confirmation.

5. Press the


button in the SpectroINSTALL dialog box to continue with the installation.


evaluates your system resources and displays the results in a Spectrum Host Evaluation dialog box.

6. If your system resources are adequate, press the


button in the Spectrum Host Evaluation dialog box. This displays An Installation Configuration dialog box similar to that shown in Figure 2-1.

9030708 E18 Installing the ARS Gateway2-3

Custom Installation

Figure 2-1. Installation Configuration Dialog Box

7. Enter the appropriate information in the Installation Configuration dialog box. The fields change depending on your selections.

In the Component Configuration section be sure to specify you want the

Enable custom script prompting


8. When you have entered the required information in the Installation Configuration dialog box, click on the


Individual Components


A Component Selection dialog box appears. See Figure 2-2.

japan: Installation Configuration


Target Ownership: Smith

Windowing System Paths

Installation Type Choices


Component ConÞguration

Select all SpectroSERVER components

Select all SpectroGRAPH components

Select all external applications

Total Disk Space Required: 13805 KB

Enable custom script prompting



Re-link previously Installed components

Validate previously installed SpectroSERVER

Source Directory: /cdrom/Install

Lib Path:

Toolkit Lib Path:



Location Configuration

Reset Cancel Exit Help

Select the Enable custom script prompting option if you want a custom install.

Target Directory: japan:/usr/data/Spectrum/5.0

Click on Select all SpectroGRAPH components for both custom and auto install.

Custom Installation

Installing the ARS Gateway2-4

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Figure 2-2. Component Selection and Selection Filters Dialog Boxes

9. Check the SG status box in the Component Selection dialog box to make sure that it contains the letter


. If the SG status box contains the letter


, click in the status box to change the





10. Then click on OK in the Component Selection dialog box.

When you click on OK in the Component Selection dialog box, you are returned to the Installation Configuration dialog box. See Figure 2-1.

11. In the Installation Configuration dialog box, click on the Start button.

After you click on the Start button, a Main Location Server dialog box appears.

12. At the prompt, enter the host name of the Main Location Server and click on OK. To set up the machine you are using as the Main Location Server, enter the current host name.

After you click on OK, an Installation Monitor dialog box appears. See Figure 2-3. The Progress Meter in the Installation Monitor shows you how much of the installation has taken place. The Log field shows you the operations that are taking place.

Component Selection

Component Description Total KB of Disk Space Required: 3191

Select All

Deselect All

Selection Filters

Collapse AllThis application combines the problem detection features of SPECTRUM with the problem resolution features of RemedyÕs Action Request System (AR System).


Components Available for Installation:

F Part Name Status Part Type Descriptive Name Version SS SG EXT KB

- SA-REM1000 DIST ManMod AR System Gateway 5.0 rev 1 Y 3191

Expand All

Make sure the SG status box is correct.

9030708 E18 Installing the ARS Gateway2-5

Custom Installation

Since this is a custom installation, a Custom Prompt window appears in front of the Installation Monitor dialog box. Figure 2-3 presumes the installer has already installed SANM or is installing SANM at the same time.

Figure 2-3. Installation Monitor and Install Completed Message Box

13. When custom prompting begins, answer the questions that are displayed on the screen. Type Y if the default answer is correct, N if it is not. If you type N, Install asks you to enter the correct answer.

If you have SANM installed on your system, you will see that the SANM enabled features are also installed.

Target path: japan: /user/data/Spectrum/5.0

Log:LOGS_042696/inst_log.11.37 Freeze Scrolling

Status Phase Progress Meter Free Disk Space

Complete FileArchival 42175

Installation Monitor

ExitCancel Help

*****************Installing ARS Gateway*****************

Are you installing an ARS Gateway patch? (y/n) ? Is "/usr/ar" the correct AR Installation Directory (y/n) ? Is "rudead" the correct ARS Server host name (y/n) ? Is "rudead" the correct SpectroSERVER host name (y/n) ? Is "0xBEEF" the correct SpectroSERVER socket number (y/n) ? Modifying CsStdMenu...

Installing ARS Gateway in /usr/data/Spectrum/5.0/ars_gateway...

Installing the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator...

Modifying ARS Gateway scripts...

Modifying .arsgrc...

Alarm Notification Manager is enabled.

Upgrading /usr/data/Spectrum/5.0/ars_gateway/.arsgrc...

i Install has completed successfully.



If you upgrade your ARS Gateway by installing SANM separately after importing the schema, you have to re-import the schema before using the gateway, or unpredictable results may occur.

Confirming the Installation

Installing the ARS Gateway2-6

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

When all files are installed, the custom prompt window closes and returns you to the Installation Monitor. The Progress Meter in the Installation Monitor dialog box and a message box indicate when the installation is completed. See Figure 2-3.

14. Click OK in the message box. Then close the Installation Monitor dialog box by selecting the Close button.

Confirming the InstallationWhen you have completed the installation process, check to make sure the ARS Gateway options are accessible in SpectroGRAPH. When you restart SpectroGRAPH, you should be able to see the following options:

• The ARS Gateway submenu in the SpectroGRAPH File menu.

• The Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket options in the Icon Subviews menu of the Alarm window.

To confirm the ARS Gateway submenu options:

1. Start SpectroGRAPH, or exit and restart if it’s already running.

2. Select the File menu and make sure that you can select the ARS Gateway submenu. You see the ARS Tools and Gateway Configuration option in the ARS Gateway submenu. See Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4. ARS Gateway Submenu







* File View HelpUniverse of type Universe of Landscape coffee: Primary

Edit Ctrl+e

ARS Gateway

Export Data





Close Altl+F4


User Tool...

NotiÞcation Tool...

Administration Tool...

Gateway ConÞguration



9030708 E18 Installing the ARS Gateway2-7

Confirming the Installation

After you have checked to see if the ARS Gateway submenu options are present, you need to see if the Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket Options are visible.

To confirm the Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket options:

1. From a SpectroGRAPH View menu select New View and then Alarms (or Enterprise Alarms, depending on your configuration).

The Alarm Manager Window appears. See Figure 2-5.

2. Select any model in the alarm field.

3. Pull down the Icon Subview menu by clicking on the right mouse button.

The options Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket are near the middle of the Icon Subview option list in the Alarm Manager window similar to Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5. Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket Options in Alarm Manager Window

Alarm Manager: Main

File View Options Model Alarms Troubleshooter Help

Condition Model Type Model Name Probable Cause A... C...Contact Lost BdgCSIETW frog29 MANAGEMENT AGENT LOST

Contact Lost Host_HP capital ASX DS3 YELLOW ALARM DET... x




Minor Landscape IP Routing ALL INTERFACES FOR PROTO...



frog29 Model Name Frog29

Network Address

Contact Gilbert


Probable Cause Events Location Alarm Status Device Notes

Management Agent LostSYMPTOMS:Device has stopped responding to polls.PROBABLE CAUSES:



Suppressed MinorMajor MaintenanceInitial

Filtered by: Condition, Model, Secondary Alarms


Filter Shown Prev Next

Displayed 7 of 7







Default View



Show Trouble Tickets

Submit Trouble Ticket




Device Topology

Device Performance


0 3 7

Contact Lost



? ?

Confirming the Installation

Installing the ARS Gateway2-8

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

9030708 E18 Preparing For Ticket Generation3-1

Chapter 3

Preparing For Ticket Generation

This chapter describes how to set up your system so ARS and SPECTRUM can work together.


Once you have installed all applications, you must then set up your system so that ARS and SPECTRUM can work together. To do this:

• Import into Remedy ARS a Trouble Ticket schema and, if desired, the SpectrumView, the SpectrumSubmitAlert filter, and SimilarTickets active links. The Trouble Ticket Schema can be the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket Schema or a schema of your own design.

• If you want to have automatic trouble ticket generation, you must define SPECTRUM as a legitimate ARS user so that ARS will generate trouble tickets for SPECTRUM alarms.

• On NT, you must set the user SPECTRUM’s AR Home directory, modify the System-Environment PATH variable, and verify the Server List in the Windows NT Registry.

Summary of Requirements and Options

When setting up the ARS Gateway, it is important to understand the following points:

• You must import the

SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket schema

(or your own) into the ARS so that ARS can generate trouble tickets for SPECTRUM alarms.

• It is optional to import the

SpectrumView active link

(available with the

SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket schema

). If you import the SpectrumView active link, you see a Show SPECTRUM View button on the trouble ticket. This button enables you to bring up the SpectroGRAPH DevTop View for the device that is represented in the trouble ticket.

Importing Definitions (on UNIX systems)

Preparing For Ticket Generation3-2

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

• It is optional to import the

SimilarTickets active link

(available with the

SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket schema

). If you import the SimilarTickets active link, you see a Show Similar Tickets button on the trouble ticket. This button enables you to review prior solutions to the problem recorded in the trouble ticket.

• It is optional to Import the


filter (available with the

SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket schema

). If you import this filter, the ARS Gateway notifies you that a trouble ticket has been generated when you use the SubmitTroubleTicket menu option.

• If you want to have automatic trouble ticket generation, you must define SPECTRUM as a legitimate ARS user in the ARS.

• On NT, you must set the SPECTRUM AR Home Directory and modify the PATH variable.

• If you upgrade your ARS Gateway by installing SANM separately after importing the schema, you must re-import the schema before using the gateway, or unpredictable results may occur.

Importing Definitions (on UNIX systems)

From the administrator’s workstation, follow these steps to import definitions of the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket Schema, filters, and active links into the ARS:

1. Access the ARS Gateway Administrator Tool window by going to the File Menu in SpectroGRAPH, selecting the ARS Gateway submenu, and then clicking on

Administrator Tool

(For how to access it in other ways, see

How To Access ARS Gateway Options

in Chapter 6.

2. Login as a user with administrator privileges.

3. In the ARS Administrator Tool select


from the Category menu, then select


from the File menu.

This displays the File Selection window. See Figure 3-1.

9030708 E18 Preparing For Ticket Generation3-3

Importing Definitions (on UNIX systems)

Figure 3-1. File Selection Window

4. In the File Selection window, use the Filter button to help you navigate to the ARS Gateway directory where you installed the ARS Gateway files.

5. Then select SpectrumSchema and press the OK button.

When you press OK, an Import Definitions window appears. The schemas, filters, and active links that you can import are listed in this window. See Figure 3-2.

The Import Definitions window allows you to select all or some files. The filter and the active links are optional features so you do not have to import them. However, you must import the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket schema.

OK Dismiss

Import DeÞnitions -- File Selection -- gillig




Directories Files



gateway/ .ateway/ ..



Importing Definitions (on UNIX systems)

Preparing For Ticket Generation3-4

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Figure 3-2. Import Definitions Window

6. Select the files you want to import in one of the following ways:

• To import all the files, select the

Import All


• To select individual files, click on the button beside the file name.

7. Press



A message appears in the Import Definitions window indicating that the files have been imported.

8. Press


to exit the Import Definitions window.

Apply Dismiss


mport DeÞnitions -- gilligan

Filename: /usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway

Select File



Spectrum Trouble Ticket





Import All

9030708 E18 Preparing For Ticket Generation3-5

Importing Definitions (on NT systems)

Importing Definitions (on NT systems)

From the administrator’s workstation, follow these steps to import definitions of the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket Schema, filters, and active links into the ARS:

1. Access the ARS Gateway Admin Tool window by going to the File Menu in SpectroGRAPH, selecting the ARS Gateway submenu, and then clicking on

Admin Tool

. (For how to access it in other ways, see

How To Access

ARS Gateway Options in Chapter 6.)

2. Open the server by double clicking on its name in the server window. This displays everything related to that server.

3. Select Import Definitions from the


menu. This displays the Import File window. See Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3. Import File Window

4. In the Directory field of the Import file window, select




(for ars_gateway — the ~ indicates letters not displayed in a file name longer than 8 characters).

5. For the File Name field, select




(for SpectrumSchema).

6. Click on


. This displays the Import Definitions window. See Figure 3-4.

List Files of Type Drives

d: disk2AR DeÞnition Files (*.de Network...




File Name Directories





Import File

SPECTR~1 d:\...\spectrum\ars_ga~1

Importing Definitions (on NT systems)

Preparing For Ticket Generation3-6

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Figure 3-4. Import Definitions Window

The schemas, filters, and active links that you can import are listed in the Import Definitions window.

The Import Definitions window allows you to select all or some files. The filter and the active links are optional features, so you do not have to import them. However, you must import the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket schema (or your own schema).

7. Select the items you want to import in one of the following ways:

• To import all the items, click on the

Select All Items

box and then click on the



• To select individual files:

1. Select a tabbed folder.

2.Click on the desired files in each tabbed folder.

3.Click on the


button after each selection.

If the server window is open and the Schemas/Filters/Active Links are displayed, you will see the items added as you add them.

8. Click on the



9. Click on


to exit the import definitions window.

10.To exit from Admin Tool, select


from the file menu of the AdminTool.

Import Definitions

X Import Cancel HelpSelect All Items

SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket

Schemas to ImportD:\USR\DATA\SPECTRUM\ARS_GA~1\

Add >>>

<<< Remove

<<< Remove All

Add All >>>

New Name

Schemas Filters Active Links

Schemas in File

9030708 E18 Preparing For Ticket Generation3-7

How to Set Up a New ARS User Named SPECTRUM

How to Set Up a New ARS User Named SPECTRUM

If you want to have automatic trouble ticket generation, you must define SPECTRUM as a legitimate ARS user so that ARS will generate trouble tickets for SPECTRUM alarms.

Follow these steps to define SPECTRUM as a new ARS user:

1. Access the ARS Gateway User Tool by going to the File Menu in SpectroGRAPH, selecting the ARS Gateway submenu, then clicking on User Tool (For how to access it in other ways, see How To Access ARS Gateway Options in Chapter 6. This displays the AR Login window.

2. Type Demo as the login name (no password) and click on Apply. This displays the AR User Tool window.

3. From the File menu of the AR User Tool window, select Open Schema (on a UNIX system) or Open Submit (on an NT system).

This displays the list of available schemas.

4. Select User from the Available Schemas list and click on Apply/OK.

This displays the Submit User window dialog box similar to Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5. ARS Submit User Window (as displayed on a UNIX system)

Full Name

Alarm Monitor

Login name



Action Request System - - User (coffee)

Entry-Id Status


Group list

License Type Full Text License Type

Read Fixed Floating Fixed FloatingNone

Email AddressDefault Notify Mechanism

Notifier E-mailNone


Last-modified-by Modified-date



( ) * -+ * / % !== < > <= >= LIKE AND OR NOT Fields

File Edit Query Actions Macros Windows Help

How to Set Up a New ARS User Named SPECTRUM

Preparing For Ticket Generation3-8

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

5. In the Login Name field of the ARS Submit User window, type the name SPECTRUM (in uppercase letters).

6. In the Full Name field, enter the full name for your program and in the Creator field, enter Demo. (You can enter any name here; just do not leave the field empty.)

7. Select a Group List with administrative privileges.

8. In the Password field, if desired, enter a password. This is an optional field. Remember that if you give the SPECTRUM user a password, you’ll need to use that password whenever you start the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator. On NT, the password must be in the file:<spectrum>/ars_gateway/ar.ini.

9. For the License Type, click on the Fixed button.

10. On a UNIX system, click on the Apply button.

Or, if on an NT system, in the Actions menu, select Apply.

On an NT system, to exit from User Tool, select Exit from the file menu of the User Tool, or first click on the control box and close the Submit window and then select File, Exit from the User Tool window.

For more information about passwords and Group permissions, see the section Setting Up Groups and Users in Remedy’s Action Request System Administrator’s Guide.


Information that you must enter has bold headers on your screen. Other fields are optional. Fill in the fields as described in the following steps.

9030708 E18 Preparing For Ticket Generation3-9

NT Setup Instructions

NT Setup InstructionsAfter you install ARS Gateway on an NT system, you need to do the following:

• Set the SPECTRUM user AR Home Directory to be the ARS Gateway directory.

• Add the AR bin directory (that is C:\Remedy\bin) to the system Path variable.

• Verify the Server List in the Windows NT Registry.

Setting the AR Home Directory

To set the AR Home directory to be the ARS Gateway directory:

1. Access the ARS User Tool by going to the File Menu in SpectroGRAPH, selecting the ARS Gateway submenu, then clicking on User Tool. This displays the AR User Tool window. (For how to access it in other ways, see How To Access ARS Gateway Options in Chapter 6.

2. In the ARS User window, select Login from the File menu. This displays a login dialog box similar to the following. See Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6. Login Dialog Box

3. Enter the user name SPECTRUM if it is not already displayed. Also enter the password if your system administrator has required it. The password can be optional.

4. Click on the Login Information button. This displays a Login Information dialog box similar to the following. See Figure 3-7.

OK Cancel Login Information _ _ _

User Name:




NT Setup InstructionsSetting the AR Home Directory

Preparing For Ticket Generation3-10

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Figure 3-7. Login Information Dialog Box

5. In the Login Information dialog box, edit the AR Home Directory by setting it to the ARS Gateway directory and clicking on the Modify button. Then click on the Close button.

6. To exit the login box, click on the OK button (if you are not yet logged in) or the Cancel button (if you are already logged in).

7. To exit the AR User window, select Exit from the File menu.

Login Information







belle AR;NTgilligan AR;NT

User Names:


** Default Login



Login Name:

AR Home Directory:




User Information:


You can modify the login information only after you install the ARS Gateway and setup a new ARS User named SPECTRUM


These steps will cause




files to be created in your ARS Gateway installation directory.

9030708 E18 Preparing For Ticket Generation3-11

NT Setup Instructions

Modifying the System Path Variable

Modifying the System Path Variable

To add the AR bin directory to the System Path variable, do the following:

1. Click on the


button and select



2. From the program selections, select

Windows NT Explorer


3. In the Explorer window, scroll down to

Control Panel

and click on it. This displays the contents of the Control Panel.

4. Double click on


contained in the Control Panel contents. This displays the System Properties window.

5. In the System Properties window, click on the


tab. This displays a system window similar to that shown in Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8. System Properties Window

System Properties ? x



System Variables:

User Variables for Edmunds:






Variable Value

Variable Value libMSDEVDIRpath

Set Delete

OK Cancel Apply

General Performance Environment

User ProfilesHardware ProfilesStartup/Shutdown



NT Setup InstructionsVerifying the Server List in the Windows NT Registry

Preparing For Ticket Generation3-12

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

6. In the

System Variables

box, scroll to the


variable (the variables are in alphabetical order) and select it.

7. In the


box (at the bottom of the window), append the following to the end of the Path variable:


8. Click on the


button and then on the


button. This sets the new value to the variable and closes the System Properties window.

9. Exit the Explorer by clicking on the


box in the upper right corner of the window.

Verifying the Server List in the Windows NT Registry

See the Remedy ARS documentation on information about the Server List required in the Windows NT Registry. If the Server List exists, then verify that your Remedy Server is listed. If the list does not exist, then create a new entry for your Remedy Server.

For information on the registry in ARS 2.0 and 2.1, see the

Administrator’s Guide

. In ARS 3.0, see the

Installation Guide



This is the default location of the AR bin directory. If you have placed the AR bin directory in another location, then you must edit this value accordingly.

9030708 E18 Preparing For Ticket Generation3-13

Modifying the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket Schema

Verifying the Server List in the Windows NT Registry

Modifying the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket Schema

If you want to customize SPECTRUM trouble tickets for your particular needs, you must modify the Trouble Ticket Schema. The Administrator Tool in the ARS Gateway submenu under the SpectroGRAPH File menu enables you to do this. When you open the Trouble Ticket Schema, you can rearrange the field layout, add new fields, and set up permissions to control user access to certain fields.

Before you make changes to the Trouble Ticket Schema, follow these steps:

1. Make a backup copy of the existing schema for safekeeping.

2. Turn off the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator so that trouble tickets are not generated while you are making changes to the schema. See

Stopping the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator

in Chapter 4.

To modify the Automatic Trouble Ticket Schema, follow these steps:

1. Select the

Administrator Tool

from the ARS Gateway submenu in the SpectroGRAPH File menu.

The Admin Tool appears.

2. In the Admin Tool, select


in the Category menu. Then highlight SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket and double click on it or select an edit function from the Edit menu.

The Schema window appears.

3. To edit a field in the schema, first select it and double click on it (or select it and then select the Edit function from the Edit menu). This displays the field’s properties.

4. Follow the instructions in the following sections,

What You Can Change


What You Should Not Change

, on what you can edit and what you should not edit.


There are some field properties of the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket schema that must not be modified. If you change these properties, automatic trouble tickets will not be generated. Make sure you refer to the information in Table 3-1 before you modify the Trouble Ticket schema. For example, if you double click on the Alarm Date/Time field, you will see 255 in the number-of-characters property box. You can change that number.

Modifying the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket SchemaWhat You Can Change

Preparing For Ticket Generation3-14

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

What You Can Change

The SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket Schema contains the field ID’s listed in Table 3-1. You can change the information printed in


type, namely:

• Any field’s label or display length.

• The definition property (length) of the following character fields: Assigned-to, Details of Problem, Related-to, Resolution.

• The number and labeling of the options in the following selection fields: Current Status and Assigned-Priority.

In addition:

• You can rearrange the layout of the fields on the screen.

• You can, with one restriction, change the group permissions for the fields. (You should not change the Submitter’s permissions for any of the fields the ARS Gateway fills in. These fields are indicated in the table.)

• You can hide any fields you don’t want to see.

• You can add new fields of any kind for your own use.

What You Should Not Change

Do not change the following:

• Do not shorten the definition property (length) of character fields, other than the ones indicated by footnote 1 in Table 3-1.

• Do not change the number or labeling of options in selection fields in the screen menus, other than the ones indicated in

What You Can Change


• Do not change the meaning of “New” in the Current Status field.

• Do not modify the Submitter’s permissions for the fields the ARS Gateway fills in.


The ARS Gateway selects the first Current Status option, “New,” when it generates a trouble ticket. Although you could change the name to “initial,” you should not change the meaning of this first option.

9030708 E18 Preparing For Ticket Generation3-15

Defining Your Own Trouble Ticket Schema

Defining Your Own Trouble Ticket Schema

You have the option of defining your own schema should you choose not to use the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket Schema supplied with the product.

To use the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator with your own schema design, you must change the .


resource file parameters to include the new schema name (SCHEMA_NAME). You must also add your schema field ID numbers to the fields that the new schema uses in that file. You must comment out or leave blank the field ID parameters not used.

If your schema is to generate Manual Trouble Tickets from the Alarm View, you must make some modifications. You must change the


script in the SG-Support/CsScript directory and the


macro in the ars_gateway directory.

To Show Trouble Tickets from the Alarm View, you must also change the


script in the


directory and the


macro in the



See Table 3-1 for a description of all available fields. You can change fields presented in



Table 3-1. Schema Field Options

Field Data Type

# of Char’s

or Select’s

WhoFills In

Description and SCHEMA_NAME parameter,

when usedField ID




Integer Gateway Length of time (seconds) alarm aged before reporting Trouble Ticket.(AGE_FIELD_ID)

Acknowledged Selection FalseTrue

Gateway Acknowledged flag for the model for which the alarm was generated.(ACKNOWLEDGED_FIELD_ID)

Alarm Date/Time DateTime 255 Gateway When SPECTRUM generated this alarm.(ALARM_DATE_TIME_FIELD_ID)


Alarm ID Integer — Gateway SPECTRUM’s unique ID for this alarm.(ALARM_ID_FIELD_ID)


Alarm State Selection ExistingNew

Gateway A when generated state for the alarm.(ALARM_STATE_FIELD_ID)

Alarm Status Character 255 Gateway Alarm status of the alarm.(ALARM_STATUS_FIELD_ID)

Defining Your Own Trouble Ticket Schema

Preparing For Ticket Generation3-16

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1



Selection LowMediumHigh

User Priority assigned to problem by admin.




Character 30 User Person assigned to this AR by admin. 4

Associated Event


Character — Gateway Possible cause of the alarm.(ASSOCIATED_EVENT_FIELD_ID)


Condition Selection RedOrange Yellow Brown Gray Initial

Gateway SPECTRUM alarm severity.(CONDITION_FIELD_ID)


Create-date DateTime 255 ARS When this AR was submitted 3

Current Status


Selection New Assigned Fixed Rejected Closed

Gateway, User

Current status of this AR—initially set by Gateway, then updated by user.(CURRENT_STATUS_FIELD_ID)


Details of Problem


Character 255 User User’s description of problem 9

Entry-ID Character 15 ARS Unique ID for this Action Request (AR)


History of Problem 2

Diary 255 ARS Who has accessed this AR and when 10

IP Address Character 15 Gateway IP address of device with alarm.(IP_ADDRESS_FIELD_ID)


Landscape Character 16 Gateway The landscape containing the model for which the alarm was generated.(LANDSCAPE_FIELD_ID)


Last-modified-by Character 30 ARS Person who last modified this AR 5



Character — Gateway Location of the model for which the alarm was generated.(LOCATION_FIELD_ID)


Long Model Name Character 1024 Gateway Untruncated version of SPECTRUM model name of device or other entity with alarm.(LONG_MODEL_NAME_FIELD_ID)

Table 3-1. Schema Field Options (Continued)

Field Data Type

# of Char’s

or Select’s

WhoFills In

Description and SCHEMA_NAME parameter,

when usedField ID


9030708 E18 Preparing For Ticket Generation3-17

Defining Your Own Trouble Ticket Schema

Model Handle Character 10 Gateway Model handle of the model for which the alarm was generated.(MODEL_HANDLE_FIELD_ID)

Model Type Handle

Character 10 Gateway Model type handle of the model for which the alarm was generated.(MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_FIELD)

Model Name Character 128 Gateway SPECTRUM model name of device or other entity with alarm, truncated to 128 characters.(MODEL_NAME_FIELD_ID)


Model Type Name Character 16 Gateway SPECTRUM model type of device or other entity with alarm.(MODEL_TYPE_NAME_FIELD_ID)


Modified-date DateTime 255 ARS When this AR was last modified 6

Notification Data


Character — Gateway A list containing notification data for each alarm filter that the alarm passed.(NOTIFICATION_DATA_FIELD_ID)


Notify-method Selection NoneNotifierE-mail

User Method for notifying submitter about AR status.



1 Character 128 User Person’s notes on related ARs. 11

Repair Person Character 30 Gateway Repair Person assigned to the alarm.(REPAIR_PERSON_FIELD_ID)

Resolution1 Character 255 User Person’s report of problem’s resolution.


Security String Character 255 Gateway Security string for the model for which the alarm was generated.(SECURITY_STRING_FIELD_ID)


Character 16 Gateway The SpectroSERVER Node that generated this trouble ticket.(SS_NODE_FIELD_ID)


Submitter Character 30 Gateway This AR’s originator—for automatic trouble tickets, “SPECTRUM”.(SUBMITTER_FIELD_ID)


Symptom/Probable Cause 2

Character — Gateway SPECTRUM’s description of problem and alarm cause.(CAUSE_TEXT_FIELD_ID)


Table 3-1. Schema Field Options (Continued)

Field Data Type

# of Char’s

or Select’s

WhoFills In

Description and SCHEMA_NAME parameter,

when usedField ID3

Defining Your Own Trouble Ticket Schema

Preparing For Ticket Generation3-18

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Probable Cause Code

Character 16 Gateway SPECTRUM’s hexadecimal code for the Symptom/Probable Cause.(CAUSE_CODE_FIELD_ID)


User Clearable Selection FalseTrue

Gateway User clearable flag for the alarm.(USER_CLEARABLE_FIELD_ID)

1 The length (definition property) of the field can be modified.2 This field can be expanded in an ARS Text Edit window to display more information.3 Empty field ID’s are those not used in the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket Schema.

— Blank field lengths are assigned the maximum length allowed by Remedy.* This parameter is available only in SANM-enabled environments.

Table 3-1. Schema Field Options (Continued)

Field Data Type

# of Char’s

or Select’s

WhoFills In

Description and SCHEMA_NAME parameter,

when usedField ID3

9030708 E18 Automatic Trouble Ticket Generation4-1

Chapter 4

Automatic Trouble Ticket Generation

This chapter shows you how to start and stop the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator and describes startup options using a UNIX man page format.

Starting the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator

Once you have imported the appropriate files into the ARS and defined SPECTRUM as an ARS user, you are ready to start the Automatic Trouble Ticket (ATT) generator.

You can launch the ARS Gateway with the arsgated command alone or with various options, some of which are SANM-enabled.

To start the Automatic Trouble Ticket (ATT) generator, follow these steps:

1. Before starting the Gateway, make sure that the SpectroSERVER specified by VNM_NODE_NAME in your resource file is up and running.

2. Navigate to the directory where you installed the ARS Gateway. Type the following, replacing <ARS_Gateway> with your own directory name:

cd <ARS_Gateway>/ars_gateway

Stopping the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator

Automatic Trouble Ticket Generation4-2

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

3. Start up the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator in one of the following ways:

• If you are working with the base level Gateway, use the options in the following format:

arsgated [-p <password>] [-r <resource file>]

• If you are working with the SANM-enabled Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator, use any combination of options in the following format:

arsgated [-p <password>] [-r <resource file>] [-n <application name>] [-tl details|summary [-tn <trace file name>] [-ts <size>]]

For more information about the options, see Figure 4-1.

Stopping the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator

The ARS Gateway will run continuously until the application is terminated.

To stop the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator, type one of the following commands in the arsgated window:

• If arsgated is running in the foreground:


• If arsgated is running in the background:

kill -2 <PID>


9030708 E18 Automatic Trouble Ticket Generation4-3

Stopping the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator

Figure 4-1. arsgated Command


Syntax: arsgated [-p <password>] [-r <resource file>]

arsgated [-p <password>] [-r <resource file] [-n <application>][-tl summary|details [-tn <trace file>] [-ts < size>]]

Description: arsgated is the ARS Gateway Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator.

Options: -p The -p option allows you to specify a password other than that in the resource file. If a password is required and not specified on the command line with the -p option or in the resource file, the user will be prompted for the password. On NT, this option is ignored. If a password is set for the SPECTRUM user, then it must be in the ar.ini file in the ARS Gateway directory.

-r This option allows you to specify a resource file other than the default resource file .arsgrc.

-n This option allows you to override the APPLICATION parameter in the resource file and specify a different name for arsgated such as arsgated1, arsgated2. This option enables you to launch multiple instances of arsgated and to execute unique policies with each instance of the application. If you have not assigned a value to the APPLICATION parameter, you must use the -n option at startup. This option is available only if you have SANM.

-tl This option allows you to turn on tracing at the specified level—either summary or details. This option helps you debug SANM policies by creating a summary or detailed trace for these policies. A summary trace file contains a list of the alarms that were sent to the application. A detailed trace file contains both a description of the alarms that occurred and the reasons why each alarm passed or failed the current alarm notification policy. This trace option is available only if you have SANM.

-tn This option (available if you use the -tl option) allows you to specify the name of the trace file. Unless you specify the trace file name with the -tn option, the application creates the trace file in the trace subdirectory and gives the trace file a name consisting of the application name with the date appended to it (arsgated_021695, for example).This trace option is available only if you have SANM.

-ts This option (available if you use the -tl option) allows you to specify the number of lines in the trace file. The application writes this number of lines to the file and then wraps around to the beginning of the file. Entries are numbered sequentially and there is an “END OF TRACE” line after the last entry in the file. If you do not use this option, the default number of lines is 10,000. This trace option is available only if you have SANM.


Stopping the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator

Automatic Trouble Ticket Generation4-4

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

9030708 E18 Alarm Filtering5-1

Chapter 5

Alarm Filtering

This chapter describes the alarm filtering that is available with the ARS Gateway software.

Two Types of FilteringWith SPECTRUM, you can get two independent types of alarm filtering:

• Base-Level Filtering: the alarm filtering that comes with the SPECTRUM Action Request System (ARS) Gateway software described in this chapter.

This is the default alarm filtering that ARS Gateway software provides.

• Advanced-Level (Policy-Based) Filtering: the alarm filtering that comes with the SPECTRUM Alarm Notification Manager (SAMN) software described in the SPECTRUM Alarm Notification Manager (SANM) User’s Guide.

SANM installed filtering does more for you than the default ARS Gateway installed filtering. SANM Policy-based filtering adds to your filtering system the options of scheduling and managing alarms on a distributed network.


If you have SANM installed on your system, you cannot access the ARS Gateway base-level filter since the SANM policies replace the ARS Gateway filter.

What You Can Do With ARS Gateway Filtering

Alarm Filtering5-2

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

What You Can Do With ARS Gateway Filtering The ARS Gateway’s Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator, a UNIX daemon (or in NT, a service), constantly monitors SPECTRUM alarms. When you first install the ARS Gateway, the only filter entry is all:all:all:all:0, which indicates that the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator will create trouble tickets for all alarms. If there are too many alarms on a network, you may want to limit the number of trouble tickets that are generated. The ARS Gateway enables you to do this. The ARS Gateway Configuration window allows you to define filter criteria so that ARS generates trouble tickets only under specified conditions.

The ARS Gateway allows you to filter alarms based on the following five criteria:

• Model Name — the unique name assigned to the model by the user

• Condition — the alarm condition, either RED, YELLOW, ORANGE, INITIAL, BROWN, GRAY, or all

• Cause Code — the hexadecimal number assigned to the alarm cause

• Model Type — the model type of the device

• Alarm Age — the length of time ARS Gateway should wait before generating an alarm

The ARS Gateway Filter allows you to specify the exact Model Name, Condition, Cause Code, Model Type, and Alarm Age that should generate an alarm. When you do not specify any filter, the ARS Gateway defaults to “all:all:all:all:0,” therefore generating trouble tickets for all alarms for all Model Names, Conditions, Cause Codes, and Model Types, immediately. To limit the number of automatically generated trouble tickets, you must edit or add new entries to the ARS Gateway Filter.


Periodically, you may want to adjust the trouble ticket generator’s sensitivity to different kinds of alarms. When you make these adjustments either from SpectroGRAPH or from the command line, be sure to use the same login that you used at startup.

9030708 E18 Alarm Filtering5-3

ARS Gateway Filter Criteria

ARS Gateway Filter CriteriaThe Configuration window lists the filter criteria in the following order and format: Model Name: Condition: Cause Code: Model Type: Alarm Age. The examples below show you how to read some sample entries from the ARS Gateway Filter.

When you work with filters, remember the following rules:

• If two filters apply to the same alarm, the gateway uses the lesser value for the Alarm Age. For example, if you have created two filters, all:RED:all:WS_SGI:0 and zeus:RED:all:WS_SGI:5, and SPECTRUM detects an alarm on zeus, then a trouble ticket is generated immediately because 0 is less than 5.

• If you want to generate trouble tickets for both RED and ORANGE alarm conditions for the same device, you must create two filter entries—one with a RED condition, the other with an ORANGE condition.

Filter Code Meaning

all:all:all:all:0 “Give me trouble tickets for all alarms immediately.” The filter code “all:all:all:all:0” is the default.

all:all:all:all:5 “Give me any trouble tickets for any alarms that are not cleared in 5 minutes.”

all:all:all:WS_SGI:0 “Give me trouble tickets for any alarms having to do with any SGI workstation immediately.”

all:all:10401:all:0 “Give me trouble tickets for all alarms having to do with invalid IP addresses immediately.” (A Cause Code of 10401 stands for invalid IP address.)

all:RED:all:all:60 “Give me trouble tickets for all Red alarms that haven’t been cleared in 60 minutes.”

all:RED:all:WS_SGI:0 “Give me trouble tickets for Red alarms having to do with any SGI workstation immediately.”

zeus:RED:all:WS_SGI:5 “Give me trouble tickets for Red alarms having to do with the SGI workstation named zeus that haven’t been cleared in 5 minutes.”

How to Add or Edit a Filter Entry

Alarm Filtering5-4

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

How to Add or Edit a Filter Entry

To access the ARS Gateway Configuration window, follow these steps:

1. From the File menu in any SpectroGRAPH View window, select the ARS Gateway submenu, then click on Gateway Configuration.

The ARS Gateway Configuration window appears. If you have just installed the ARS Gateway, the filter field contains the default filter as shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1. ARS Gateway Configuration Window

The ARS Gateway Configuration window contains the following buttons and File menu options:


The following directions apply to base-level ARS Gateway only. For information on adding or editing filter entries if you have advanced-level (SANM-enabled) ARS Gateway, see the SPECTRUM Alarm Notification Manager (SANM) User’s Guide.

Add Edit Delete Set/Exit

FileARS Gateway ConÞguration

Model Name : Condition : Cause Code : Model Type : Alarm Age


ARS Gateway ConÞguration

9030708 E18 Alarm Filtering5-5

How to Add or Edit a Filter Entry

2. If you are adding a new filter entry, click on the Add button or pull-down menu option. If you are editing an entry, highlight the entry and click on the Edit button or pull-down menu option.

The Add Entry or Edit Entry window appears. The two windows contain similar fields and buttons. See Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2. Edit Entry and Add Entry Windows

3. Enter the appropriate information in the filter criteria fields. Remember that if you leave the fields empty, the entry reverts to its default. The default for Model Name, Condition, Cause Code, and Model Type is “all.” The default for Alarm Age is “0” (zero).

• Model Name must be typed exactly as it appears in SpectroGRAPH.

Add Click on the Add button/option to create a new filter entry. When you click on Add, the Add Entry window appears.

Edit Click on the Edit button/option to edit the highlighted entry. When you click on Edit, the Edit Entry window appears.

Delete Click on the Delete button/option to delete the highlighted entry.

Set/Exit Click on the Set/Exit button/option to register the new entry with the daemon and exit the window.

Add Replace Cancel

ARS Gateway Filter: Edit Entry

Model Name all

Edit Entry

Condition all

Cause Code all

Model Type all

Alarm Age 0

Add Replace Cancel

ARS Gateway Filter: Add Entry

Model Name all

Add Entry

Condition all

Cause Code all

Model Type all

Alarm Age 0

How to Add or Edit a Filter Entry

Alarm Filtering5-6

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

• Condition criteria (with the exception of “all”) must be typed in uppercase. Your choices are RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, INITIAL, BROWN, GRAY, and all. You cannot put two colors in the same Condition field. Create a second filter entry instead.

• Cause Code must be a hexadecimal value.

• Model Type must be typed exactly as it appears in SpectroGRAPH.

• Alarm Age can range from 0 minutes to 1440 minutes (24 hours).

4. When you have entered the correct information, click on the Add button.

If you have entered invalid information, the program prompts you to correct the entry. Make your corrections, then press Add again.

The Add Entry/Edit Entry window closes and returns you to the ARS Gateway Configuration window. The new or edited entries now appear in alphabetical order in the entry field. See Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3. Configuration Window with Multiple Entries


If the SpectroSERVER and the AR server reside on different nodes, and the clocks on those nodes are not synchronized, then the difference between the Alarm Date/Time and the Create-Date fields in a trouble ticket may not correspond to the Alarm Age setting.

Add Edit Delete Set/Exit

FileARS Gateway ConÞguration

Model Name : Condition : Cause Code : Model Type : Alarm Age


ARS Gateway ConÞguration



9030708 E18 Alarm Filtering5-7

About Cause Codes

5. Click on the Set/Exit button or menu option to register the entries with the Automatic Trouble Ticket Daemon and close the window.

The Automatic Trouble Ticket Daemon will now generate trouble tickets according to the criteria specified in the ARS Gateway Configuration’s Filter.

About Cause CodesCause Code files are in the SG-Support/CsPCause directory in your SPECTRUM directory. Any time you need to know what a particular Cause Code means, you can open the Cause Code file and view the text associated with the code.

The important point to remember is that the file name of the Cause Code consists of the characters Prob with the hexadecimal cause code number (in an 8 digit format) appended to it. (Include the appropriate number of leading zeros in the cause code so that it becomes 8 digits in length.) For example, the Cause Code 10401 is in a file named Prob00010401.

Let us assume you want to find the meaning of the Cause Code 10401. To open the Cause Code file, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the SG-Support/CsPCause directory in your SPECTRUM directory. Type:

cd /<SPECTRUM directory>/SG-Support/CsPCause

2. Open the Cause Code file. Type:

cat Prob00010401

The following information in Figure 5-4 is displayed.


When the ARS Gateway generates a trouble ticket, it doesn’t automatically acknowledge the SPECTRUM alarm. You still need to do that in SpectroGRAPH’s Alarm View.

About Cause Codes

Alarm Filtering5-8

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Figure 5-4. Cause Code File, Prob00010401


This model has the same IP address as that of some other model.

9030708 E18 Using the ARS Gateway6-1

Chapter 6

Using the ARS Gateway

This chapter shows you how to access and use the ARS Gateway options and buttons. These are the features that the ARS Gateway adds to SpectroGRAPH and the AR System. The chapter does not describe ARS procedures. If you need explanations about the AR System, you should refer to the Action Request System User’s Guide and the Action Request System Administrator’s Guide.

How To Access ARS Gateway OptionsYou can access ARS Gateway options from five locations — the Remedy AR System group icon (For NT users only), the ARS Gateway submenu in the SpectroGRAPH File menu, the SPECTRUM trouble ticket, the Icon Subview menu in SPECTRUM Alarm View, and the command line.

These are the ARS Gateway options as they appear in the different locations:

• In the ARS Gateway submenu under the SpectroGRAPH File menu or (for the ARS tools on NT only) as icons in the Remedy AR System Group:

- The User Tool option

- The Notification Tool option

- The Administrator Tool option

- The Gateway Configuration option (if the ATT Generator is installed)

• At the bottom of the SPECTRUM trouble ticket:

- The Show SPECTRUM View button

- The Show Similar Tickets button

• In the Icon Subviews menu in SPECTRUM Alarm View:

- The Show Trouble Tickets option

- The Submit Trouble Ticket option

You can also type commands on the command line to access the ARS Gateway options. See Accessing ARS Gateway Options from the Command Line.

Accessing the ARS Gateway Submenu from SpectroGRAPH

Using the ARS Gateway6-2

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Accessing the ARS Gateway Submenu from SpectroGRAPH

Users must have both SpectroGRAPH and the ARS Tools installed on their workstations to access the ARS Gateway submenu options from within SpectroGRAPH.

Anytime you want to access the ARS Tools or the Gateway Configuration option, follow these steps:

1. In SpectroGRAPH pull down the File menu and select ARS Gateway.

2. Then select the desired option—the ARS Tools or the Gateway Configuration option—from the ARS Gateway submenu, as shown in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1. Starting ARS Tools from SpectroGRAPH







* File View HelpUniverse of type Universe of Landscape coffee: Primary

Edit Ctrl+e

ARS Gateway

Export Data





Close Altl+F4


User Tool...

NotiÞcation Tool...

Administration Tool...

Gateway ConÞguration



9030708 E18 Using the ARS Gateway6-3

Accessing ARS Gateway Options from the Command Line

Accessing ARS Gateway Options from the Command Line

If you do not want to use SPECTRUM to access the ARS Gateway options, you can type commands on the command line instead. The following commands are equivalent to the options in the ARS Gateway submenu in SpectroGRAPH. Notice that you must type the commands for the ARS Tools in the AR directory and the command for the Gateway Configuration in the ARS Gateway directory.

• To access the User Tool:

Navigate to the AR directory and type: aruser

The ARS User Tool appears.

• To access the Notification Tool:

Navigate to the AR directory and type: notifier

The ARS Notification Tool appears.

• To access the Administrator Tool:

Navigate to the AR directory and type: aradmin

The ARS Admin Tool appears.

• To access Gateway Configuration:

Navigate to the ARS Gateway directory and type: arsgconfig

In base-level ARS Gateway, the Gateway Configuration window appears.

In advanced-level ARS Gateway, the Policy Administrator window appears.


Using the ARS Tools & Gateway Configuration Option

Using the ARS Gateway6-4

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Using the ARS Tools & Gateway Configuration Option

The ARS Gateway submenu in the SpectroGRAPH File menu includes the ARS Tools and the Gateway Configuration option. You use the ARS Tools to perform all the ARS operations. You use the Gateway Configuration option to define filter criteria for SPECTRUM alarms.

The following table describes the specific functions of each option.

The Remedy Corporation provides complete documentation for using the ARS Tools. For more information, see the Action Request System User’s Guide and Action Request System Administrator’s Guide.

User Tool The User Tool enables the user to either submit information to staff or search for specific action requests. When you click on the User Tool (or type aruser on the command line), the ARS User Tool appears.

Notification Tool

The Notification Tool allows the user to specify the people who should be notified when action requests are submitted.When you click on the Notification Tool (or type notifier on the command line), the Notification Tool appears.

Administrator Tool

The Administrator Tool enables administrators to customize or define their own trouble tickets by setting up or modifying the trouble ticket schema. Besides designing the layout of the ticket, the administrator can also define the permissions of fields within the schema. When you click on the Administrator Tool (or type aradmin on the command line), the Admin Tool appears. The next section, Using the Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets Buttons, describes the procedures for using the Administrator Tool to customize trouble tickets.

Gateway Configuration

Base Level The Gateway Configuration option enables base level users to define the criteria for filtering alarms so that the ARS generates trouble tickets only under specified conditions. The ARS Gateway allows you to filter alarms based on Model Name, Condition, Cause Code, Model Type, and Alarm Age. When you click on the Gateway Configuration option (or type arsgconfig on the command line), the ARS Gateway Configuration window appears.

Advanced Level SANM-enabled ARS Gateway allows users a greater degree of alarm filtering through SPECTRUM Alarm Notification Manager’s Policy Administrator. For more information about the Policy Administrator, see the SPECTRUM Alarm Notification Manager (SANM) User’s Guide.


9030708 E18 Using the ARS Gateway6-5

Using the Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets Buttons

Using the Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets Buttons

The Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets buttons are optional features of the ARS Gateway’s SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket. You will not see these buttons unless you have already imported the SPECTRUM View and Similar Tickets active links into the AR System as described in Summary of Requirements and Options in Chapter 3.

If you have imported the active links, you will find the Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets buttons at the bottom of the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket. See Figure 6-2. If you do not see the buttons on the trouble ticket, you may have to scroll up the center pane of the trouble ticket or elongate the window until the buttons come into view.

Use the buttons in the following ways:

These buttons are located in the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket window. Open the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket window in one of the following ways:

• From the SpectroGRAPH File menu, select ARS Gateway and then click on User Tool. The ARS User Tool appears. In the ARS User Tool select the Open Schema option under the File menu. This brings up the Schema window. In the Schema window select SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket.

• Or, in SpectroGRAPH Alarm View highlight a specific model in the list of models with alarms. Click and press the right mouse button on the model’s icon to display the Icon Subview menu. Then select the Show Trouble Tickets option. The ARS Query List appears displaying the Trouble Tickets associated with that model. Select a specific trouble ticket.


Press the Show SPECTRUM View button to quickly access the SPECTRUM DevTop View of the device. From there you can navigate to Alarm View and all other SPECTRUM views.

Show Similar Tickets

Press the Show Similar Tickets button to see other tickets that have a similar Probable Cause. When you press this button, a Resolution pop-up window appears, containing information about how the problem was resolved. You can click on the Next or Previous buttons, if applicable, at the bottom of the Trouble Ticket and view the Resolution windows for all the trouble tickets that have a similar Probable Cause.

Using the Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets Buttons

Using the ARS Gateway6-6

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Figure 6-2. Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets Buttons

Action Request System - - SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket (coffee)



Alarm ID

Alarm Date/Time





Notification Data




Oct 02 1997 12:00:00


Initial Brown Gray

Red Orange YellowCondition

Model Name

Model Type

IP Address


SpectroSERVER Node






New Hampshire:Nashua



Current Status












Probable Cause Code

Symptom/Probable Cause

Details of Problem

History of Problem


Associated Event



Thu 02 Oct, 1997 - 12:00 -Contact has been lost

ping script echoes Network is unreachable

MIS updated routing table so that remote host was reachable

Show SPECTRUM View Show Similar Tickets

Oct 02 1997 04:23:431


Oct 02 1997 04:23:431


Holmes:Hill or Edmond

Edit Query Actions Macros Windows Help


Some model types do not have a DevTop View. In this case, when you click on the Show SPECTRUM View button, ARS Gateway displays the Device View. If the model does not have a Device View, ARS Gateway displays a DLM_Agent model type.


( ) * -+ * / % !== < > <= >=



9030708 E18 Using the ARS Gateway6-7

Using the Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets Buttons

The Show SPECTRUM View Button

The Show SPECTRUM View Button

Click on the


button to quickly access a SPECTRUM DevTop View window, similar to that shown in Figure 6-3. The SPECTRUM DevTop View window shows you the device for which the trouble ticket was generated and gives you access to all other SPECTRUM views such as Alarm View, Performance View, and Event View.

The ARS Gateway uses the IP address of the device in the trouble ticket to identify the device in SPECTRUM. Therefore, if your model is a landscape and does not have an IP address, the Show SPECTRUM View button will not function, but will display an error message in a pop-up window.

Additionally, if there are multiple devices with the same IP address, only the first device found will be displayed.

Figure 6-3. SPECTRUM DevTop View

Landscape 0x400000 - VNM coffee - Emme #2 of type HubSCIEMME


* File View Help?

Notesport 2



Network A


Automapped L

LAN 802 3

Automapped L

LAN 802 3






Notesport 2



Notesport 2



Notesport 2



Using the Show SPECTRUM View and Show Similar Tickets ButtonsThe Show Similar Tickets Button

Using the ARS Gateway6-8

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

The Show Similar Tickets Button

Click on the

Show Similar Tickets

button to view the Resolution fields of other trouble tickets with Probable Causes that are similar to that of your trouble ticket. When you click on the Show Similar Tickets button, a Resolution window appears if other trouble tickets are available. See Figure 6-4. You can then click on the




buttons, if applicable, to view the resolutions to other trouble tickets. The Number field above the Next and Previous buttons shows you the number of tickets that you can view.

Figure 6-4. Resolution Pop-up Dialog Box

Action Request System - - SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket (coffee)



Alarm ID

Alarm Date/Time





Notification Data




Oct 02 1997 12:00:00


Initial Brown Gray

Red Orange YellowCondition

Model Name

Model Type

IP Address


SpectroSERVER Node






New Hampshire:Nashua



Current Status












Probable Cause Code

Symptom/Probable Cause

Details of Problem

History of Problem


Associated Event



Thu 02 Oct, 1997 - 12:00 -Contact has been lost

ping script echoes Network is unreachable

MIS updated routing table so that remote host was reachable

Show SPECTRUM View Show Similar Tickets

Oct 02 1997 04:23:431


Oct 02 1997 04:23:431


Holmes:Hill or Edmond

Edit Query Actions Macros Windows Help


( ) * -+ * / % !== < > <= >=



Text Edit -- SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket (coffee) - - Resolution


MIS updated routing tables so that remote host was reachable. About 2hours required for a repair.

9030708 E18 Using the ARS Gateway6-9

Using the Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket Options

Using the Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket Options

The Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket options are located in the Icon Subview menu of the Alarm Manager window. See Figure 6-5. These options function in the following ways:

Figure 6-5. Icon Subview Menu in the Alarm Manager Window (UNIX)

Show Trouble Tickets

This option enables the user to see the trouble tickets that have been generated for a specific model. When you select a model in the Alarm List and then click on

Show Trouble Tickets

, the ARS Query List appears, listing all the trouble tickets associated with that model.

If you select a model with a blank IP address field, the Show Trouble Ticket query will show


trouble tickets in the database.

Submit Trouble Ticket

This option enables the user to manually submit a trouble ticket from the Alarm Manager. The user should select a model in the Alarm List and then click on

Submit Trouble Ticket

in the Icon Subview menu. A message appears notifying the user that the trouble ticket has been submitted.


Alarm Manager: Main

File View Options Model Alarms Troubleshooter Help

Condition Model Type Model Name Probable Cause A... C...


Contact Lost Host_HP capital ASX DS3 YELLOW ALARM DET... x




Minor Landscape IP Routing ALL INTERFACES FOR PROTO...




Model Name Frog29

Network Address

Contact Gilbert


Probable Cause Events Location Alarm Status Device Notes

Management Agent LostSYMPTOMS:Device has stopped responding to polls.PROBABLE CAUSES:

Suppressed MinorMajor MaintenanceInitial

Filtered by: Condition, Model, Secondary Alarms


Filter Shown Prev Next

Displayed 7 of 7







Default View



Show Trouble Tickets

Submit Trouble Ticket




Device Topology

Device Performance

0 3 7

Contact Lost



? ?

Using the Show Trouble Tickets and Submit Trouble Ticket Options

Using the ARS Gateway6-10

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

9030708 E18 Error MessagesA-1

Appendix A

Error Messages

This appendix contains error and warning messages you might see while using the ARS Gateway.

Error Message Location

If errors occur after you enter the


command but before the ARS Gateway starts running, error messages are displayed in the window where the


command was given. These errors begin with the words“

arsgated: Error...

On NT systems, after the ARS Gateway is up and running, errors returned from the AR Server are displayed in the window from which the


was started. Other ARS Gateway error messages are displayed in the

Administrative Tools

group window in the

Event Viewer

. Other applications also list error/events/messages in the application event viewer.

On NT, to see ARS Gateway error messages, select


from the


menu of the Event Viewer. Then, under the


column, double click on

User .

On UNIX systems, after the ARS Gateway is up and running, error messages are displayed in the console window. These errors begin with the words“

ARS Gateway: Error...


On UNIX systems, when the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator is running, ARS Gateway errors appear in the console window. If the ARS Gateway is not displaying these error statements, make sure your


file contains the following lines:

user.err;user.warning;user.info /dev/consoleuser.err;user.warning;user.info /var/adm/messages

or syslog(depending on the platform)

Look up syslogd in the man pages for more information.

Automatic Trouble Ticket Errors

Error MessagesA-2

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Automatic Trouble Ticket ErrorsTable A-1 lists and describes and provides possible solutions for automatic trouble ticket errors.

Table A-1. Automatic Trouble Ticket Errors

Message Cause Solution

Usage: arsgated[-p <password>][-r <resource file>]

Improper syntax Check your command syntax. See the arsgated “man page” in Figure 4-1.

Usage: arsgated[-p <password>][-r <resource file>][-n <application>][-tl <summary details >][-tn <trace file>][-ts <size>]

Improper syntax Check your command syntax. Refer to the arsgated “man page” in Figure 4-1.

arsgated: Error: ARS user SPECTRUM not defined

User “SPECTRUM” has not been defined in the Remedy Action Request System.

Set up a new ARS user named SPECTRUM. See How to Set Up a New ARS User Named SPECTRUM in Chapter 3.

arsgated: Error: Password for ARS user SPECTRUM incorrect

The password used when starting the Automatic Trouble Ticket generator is not the same as the password defined for user SPECTRUM in the Remedy Action Request System.

If a password has been defined for user SPECTRUM in the Remedy Action Request System, then that password must be used.See the arsgated “man page” in Figure 4-1 for more information about the -p option.

arsgated: Error:Unable to open resource file

When you tried to start the Automatic Trouble Ticket generator, the resource file was not in the correct directory or has the wrong permissions.

Make sure the resource file is in the ARS Gateway directory and has the correct permissions.

arsgated: Error: Failed to connect to ARS server

The name of the Remedy ARS server was entered incorrectly during installation of the gateway or the named server is not running.

Check the REMEDY_ SERVER_NODE in the resource file.

arsgated: Error: SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket schema has not been imported

The SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket schema has not been imported into the Remedy Action Request System.

Import the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket schema into the Remedy Action Request System. See Importing Definitions (on UNIX systems) and Importing Definitions (on NT systems) in Chapter 3.

9030708 E18 Error MessagesA-3

Automatic Trouble Ticket Errors

arsgated: Error: Cannot execute file arsgates

The file arsgates, which is installed with the gateway and which the Automatic Trouble Ticket generator needs in order to run, cannot be found or has the wrong permissions.

• If the file arsgates is present in the ARS Gateway directory but does not have execute permissions for all users, enter the command:

chmod 755 arsgates This creates -rwxr-xr-x permissions for the file.

• If the file arsgates is not present in the ARS Gateway directory, reinstall the gateway.

• Make sure the .arspid file has write permission.

arsgated: Error: Cannot read the directory CAUSE_FILE

The CAUSE_FILE directory, entered during installation of the gateway, cannot be read or the directory has the wrong permissions.

Check the CAUSE_FILE parameter in the resource file.

arsgated: Error: Password must be less than 30 characters.

The password defined for user SPECTRUM in the ARS database is 30 characters or longer.

Update the SPECTRUM user password in the ARS database. Make sure the password has fewer than 30 characters.

arsgated: Error: Unable to open .filterc

Upon startup, the .filterc file was not in the right directory or has the wrong permissions.

Make sure the .filterc file is in the right directory and has the right permissions.

arsgated: Error: Cannot read CAUSE_FILE(s) with prefix

There are no files in the CAUSE_FILE directory with the prefix specified.

Check the prefix of the CAUSE_FILE parameter in the resource file.

arsgated: Error: REMEDY_SERVER_NODE not defined in resource file

The Remedy ARS Server is not specified.

Check the REMEDY_SERVER_NODE parameter in the resource file.

arsgated: Error: APPLICATION not defined in resource file

The Application name needs to be specified either on the command line or in the resource file.

Check the APPLICATION parameter either on the command line or in the resource file.

Table A-1. Automatic Trouble Ticket Errors (Continued)

Message Cause Solution

Automatic Trouble Ticket Errors

Error MessagesA-4

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

ARS Gateway: Error: Invalid password for an existing user

This message is written to the system log and displayed in the console window if the password for user “SPECTRUM” in the ARS database no longer matches the password that was used when the Automatic Trouble Ticket generator was started.

Make sure that “SPECTRUM” is a valid ARS database user, and that the password is correct. Then start the program using the correct password. See Chapter 3 for how to prepare for ticket generation.

ARS Gateway: Error: Value does not fall within the limits specified for the field: field ID

The definition property of the field is not long enough.

Verify that the number of characters in the field is defined correctly. See Modifying the SPECTRUM Trouble Ticket Schema in Chapter 3.

ARS Gateway: Error:Initial SpectroSERVER:no model in SpectroSERVER to match user.

The user who attempted to start the Automatic Trouble Ticket generator is not defined as a user in SPECTRUM.

Make sure the user who starts the Automatic Trouble Ticket generator is defined as a user in SPECTRUM.

ARS Gateway: Error: Cannot connect to the AR server

The Automatic Trouble Ticket generator has lost contact with the AR server.

Stop the Automatic Trouble Ticket generator. Then restart the ARS server and the Automatic Trouble Ticket generator.

ARS Gateway: Error: No SpectroSERVER to talk to!

The name of the VNM was entered incorrectly during installation of the gateway or the named server is not running.

• Check the VNM_NODE_NAME in the resource file.

• Verify that VNM_SOCKET_NUMBER parameter is correct.

• Check if SpectroSERVER is running on VNM Node.

(ARERR 149) A user name must be supplied in the control record.

Remedy is missing information

• Verify that your Remedy Server name is in the Server List in the Windows NT Registry.

• Verify that there is a valid ar.ini file in your ARS Gateway installation directory.

Table A-1. Automatic Trouble Ticket Errors (Continued)

Message Cause Solution

9030708 E18 Customizing the Resource FileB-1

Appendix B

Customizing the Resource File

This appendix describes how to change the ARS Gateway configuration.

Two Ways To Change Configuration ValuesThere are two ways to change the ARS Gateway configuration values:

• The most efficient way to change the ARS Gateway configuration is to modify the resource file. This procedure can be done on the fly, with the only interruption in service being the time it takes to stop and restart the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator.

• The other option is to reinstall the ARS Gateway Software. This is somewhat more involved and will only change some, not all, of the variables.

The Resource File (.arsgrc) The.arsgrc file is located in your ARS Gateway directory. Figure B-1 contains a sample .arsgrc file. Notice that the last 6 parameters are only available if you have SANM installed on your system.

You might want to modify the resource file in the following ways:

• Turn off the existing alarm notifications at startup by entering “false” after the GET_EXISTING_ALARMS parameter.

• Specify a different name for arsgated so that the application can use unique alarm notification policies.

• Specify your own schema, if you are not using the default Spectrum Schema.

• Indicate a different SpectroSERVER name with the VNM_NODE_NAME parameter.

• Turn off parameters.

The Resource File (.arsgrc)

Customizing the Resource FileB-2

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Figure B-1. SANM-Enabled .arsgrc File



9030708 E18 Customizing the Resource FileB-3

The Resource File (.arsgrc)

Follow these procedures to modify the .arsgrc file:

1. Navigate to the <SPECTRUM>/<ARS Gateway> directory, make a backup copy of the .arsgrc file, and then open the file with a text editor.

2. Edit the file by turning off optional parameters or by entering new parameter values. Do not turn off required parameters and or delete parameters.

You can turn off a parameter by giving it a value of “false,” by leaving the value blank, or by commenting out the whole line. Notice that in Figure B-1 the SEND_ALARM_DELAY line is commented out. Do not, however, delete any parameters from the file.

3. Close the file and restart arsgated.

At start-up, arsgated reads the parameter values in the .arsgrc file.

The Resource File (.arsgrc)Base-Level .arsgrc Parameters

Customizing the Resource FileB-4

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Base-Level .arsgrc Parameters

The parameters listed and described in Table B-1 are provided with thebase-level arsgated. A check mark indicates that the parameter requires a value and should not be turned off.

Table B-1. Base-Level .arsgrc Parameters

Parameter Description

VNM_NODE_NAME✓ The name of the initial SpectroSERVER host that arsgated connects to. Enter only one name here.

VNM_SOCKET_NUMBER✓ The socket number on which the initial SpectroSERVER is listening.

VNM_MAIL_TIMEOUT✓ The amount of time (in milliseconds) before a request from arsgated to the SpectroSERVER should time out. Default value is 600,000 milliseconds (ten minutes).

SEND_ALARM_DELAY The minimum delay (in milliseconds) between successive trouble ticket generations. Default value is 1,000 milliseconds (one second).

GET_GRAY_INITIAL_ALARMS This parameter allows you to specify whether or not to receive Gray and Initial alarms.When SANM is installed this parameter will override any filter specifying that Gray and/or Initial Alarms should be reported. Valid entries; true, false.

REMEDY_SERVER_NODE✓ The name of the Remedy Server system.

REMEDY_PASSWORD The password for the SPECTRUM ARS user. If you use the -p option when invoking arsgated this parameter value is ignored. In addition, if a password is required and not specified on the command line or in the resource file the user will be prompted for the password.

CAUSE_FILE The path to the Probable Cause files in the following format:/disk2/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsPCause/Prob

Notice that “Prob” is not a directory but a Probable Cause file prefix.

GET_EXISTING_ALARMS This parameter allows you to specify whether you want to generate trouble tickets for the existing alarms that already exist when arsgated is invoked or only those that occur after arsgated is invoked. Valid entries: true, false.

ACKNOWLEDGED_FIELD_ID Acknowledged flag for the model for which the alarm was generated. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the flag to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME. The model name is truncated to 128 characters. See LONG_MODEL_NAME_FIELD_ID.

9030708 E18 Customizing the Resource FileB-5

The Resource File (.arsgrc)

Base-Level .arsgrc Parameters

ALARM_DATE_TIME_FIELD_ID When SPECTRUM generated this alarm. When a field ID is specified it will cause the alarm date and time to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

ALARM_ID_FIELD_ID SPECTRUM’s unique ID for this alarm. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the alarm ID to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

ALARM_STATE_FIELD_ID A when generated state for the alarm. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the state (either EXISTING or NEW) to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

ALARM_STATUS_FIELD_ID Alarm status of the alarm. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the alarm status to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

CONDITION_FIELD_ID SPECTRUM alarm severity. When a field ID is specified it will cause the condition (red orange, yellow, brown, gray, or initial) to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

CURRENT_STATUS_FIELD_ID Current status of this AR—initially set by Gateway, then updated by persons. When a field ID is specified it will cause a value of 0 (New) to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

IP_ADDRESS_FIELD_ID IP address of device with alarm. When a field ID is specified it will cause the IP address to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

LANDSCAPE_FIELD_ID The landscape containing the model for which the alarm was generated.When a field ID is specified it will cause the Landscape to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

MODEL_HANDLE_FIELD_ID Model handle of the model for which the alarm was generated. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the model field handle to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_FIELD Model type handle of the model for which the alarm was generated. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the model type handle to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

MODEL_NAME_FIELD_ID SPECTRUM model name of device or other entity with alarm. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the model name to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME. The model name is truncated to 128 characters.

Table B-1. Base-Level .arsgrc Parameters

Parameter Description

The Resource File (.arsgrc)Base-Level .arsgrc Parameters

Customizing the Resource FileB-6

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

MODEL_TYPE_NAME_FIELD_ID SPECTRUM model type of device or other entity with alarm. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the model type name to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

REPAIR_PERSON_FIELD_ID Repair Person assigned to the alarm. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the repair person to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

SECURITY_STRING_FIELD_ID Security string for the model for which the alarm was generated. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the security string to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

SS_NODE_FIELD_ID The SpectroSERVER Node that generated this trouble ticket.When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the SpectroSERVER name to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

SUBMITTER_FIELD_ID This AR’s originator—for automatic trouble tickets, “SPECTRUM”. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of “SPECTRUM” to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

CAUSE_TEXT_FIELD_ID SPECTRUM’s description of problem and alarm cause. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the probable cause text to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

CAUSE_CODE_FIELD_ID SPECTRUM’s hexadecimal code for the Symptom/Probable Cause. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the CauseCode, a hex number without the leading 0x, to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

USER_CLEARABLE_FIELD_ID User clearable flag for the alarm. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the user clearable flag to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

LONG_MODEL_NAME_FIELD_ID SPECTRUM model name of device or other entity with alarm. When a field ID is specified it will cause the value of the model name to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME. This is 1024 characters.

Table B-1. Base-Level .arsgrc Parameters

Parameter Description

9030708 E18 Customizing the Resource FileB-7

The Resource File (.arsgrc)

SANM-Enabled .arsgrc Parameters

SANM-Enabled .arsgrc Parameters

The parameters listed and described in Table B-2 are added to the .arsgrc file when SANM is installed.


Table B-2. SANM-Enabled .arsgrc Parameters

SANM-Enabled Parameter Description

APPLICATION The application name that identifies this arsgated application. If you use multiple arsgated applications on your network, you may want to use unique application names such as arsgated1 or arsgated2 for the different arsgated applications. This allows you to use unique policies with each application. In this case, you should enter the unique application name as the parameter value. If you use the -n option when invoking arsgated, this parameter value is ignored.

FORMAT_FILE The path to the Event Format files in the following format:/disk2/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsEvFormat/EventNotice that “Event” is not a directory but a Event Format file prefix.

LOCATION_FIELD_ID The location of the model the alarm was generated for. When a field ID is specified it will cause the location to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

NOTIFICATION_DATA_FIELD_ID This is a list containing notification data for each Alarm Filter that the alarm passed. When a field ID is specified it will cause the notification data list to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

ASSOCIATED_EVENT_FIELD_ID This is the event that caused the alarm. When a field ID is specified it will cause the associated event to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

AGE_FIELD_ID This is the length of time (in seconds) the alarm aged before reporting a Trouble Ticket. When a field ID is specified it will cause the alarm age to be entered into the specified field for the SCHEMA_NAME.

The Resource File (.arsgrc)SANM-Enabled .arsgrc Parameters

Customizing the Resource FileB-8

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

9030708 E18 The ARS Gateway reconfig ToolC-1

Appendix C

The ARS Gateway reconfig Tool

This appendix describes how to use the ARS Gateway reconfig Tool.

Purpose of the reconfig ToolIf you have run an auto install, the auto install sets the AR Server and AR directory names to the following default values:

• The AR Server is the hostname of the system on which you are installing.

• The AR directory is /usr/ar on UNIX or c:/remedy on NT.

If these defaults are not correct, then you need to reconfigure the ARS Gateway with the correct names.

You can use the reconfig tool to reconfigure the ARS Gateway to have the correct name and locations. Use the tool to modify files if there are any of the following changes:

• The SPECTRUM directory is moved

• The ars_gateway directory is moved

• The name of the AR Server is changed

• The AR directory is moved

What the reconfig Tool Does

The ARS Gateway reconfig ToolC-2

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

What the reconfig Tool DoesThe reconfig tool is used to reconfigure the ARS Gateway if any one or all of the following change:

• SPECTRUM directory

If the SPECTRUM directory changes, the following files are modified:

SubmitTroubleTicketarsgconfigresource file

• ARS Gateway directory

If the ARS Gateway directory changes, the following files are modified:

ShowTroubleTicketsSubmitTroubleTicketCsStdMenu (only if the Automatic Trouble Ticket Generator isinstalled and the system used is NT)

• AR Installation directory

If the AR installation directory changes, the following files are modified:

ShowTroubleTicketsSubmitTroubleTicketruntool (NT only)CsStdMenu (Unix only)

If the AR installation directory changes and the following files are not present in the AR installation bin directory, then they are copied into the AR installation bin directory:


• AR Server name

If the AR server name changes, the following files are modified:

resource fileshowTT.arqsubmitTT.arq** reminder to change ar file

9030708 E18 The ARS Gateway reconfig ToolC-3

Running the reconfig Tool

Running the reconfig ToolTo run the reconfig tool, issue the following command when in the <Spectrum>/ars_gateway directory:


To issue the command when in another directory, specify the directory path of the reconfig tool along with the command. For example:



If you do not have permission to update the files that the reconfig tool is modifying, then you will get a warning and the update will fail.

If you need to rerun the reconfig tool because you received a warning or error, it is harmless to run the reconfig tool again and update files that were already successfully updated.

If the CsStdMenu is modified, then you need to restart SpectroGRAPH for the changes to take affect.

Example reconfig Tool — NT Output

The ARS Gateway reconfig ToolC-4

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

Example reconfig Tool — NT OutputThis is an NT example of the output when running the reconfig tool. The SPECTRUM directory and the AR installation directory were moved from the C drive to the D drive. The resource file name and the AR Server Name were also changed:

$ reconfig

Is "c:/Spectrum" the correct SPECTRUM directory path (y/n) ? n

Please Enter SPECTRUM directory path: d:/usr/data/Spectrum

Is "d:/usr/data/Spectrum" the correct SPECTRUM directory path (y/n) ? y

Is "c:/Spectrum/ars_gateway" the correct ARS Gateway directory path (y/n) ? n

Please Enter ARS Gateway directory path: d:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway

Is "d:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway" the correct ARS Gateway directory path(y/n) ? y

Is "c:/Spectrum/ars_gateway/.arsgrc" the correct ARS Gateway resource file and path (y/n) ? n

Please Enter ARS Gateway resource file and path: d:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/valsrc

Is "d:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/valsrc" the correct ARS Gateway resource file and path (y/n) ? y

Is "c:/remedy" the correct AR installation directory path (y/n) ? n

Please Enter AR installation directory path: d:/remedy

Is "d:/remedy" the correct AR installation directory path (y/n) ? y

Is "puddytat" the correct AR Server Name (y/n) ? n

Please Enter AR Server Name: belle

Is "belle" the correct AR Server Name (y/n) ? y********* Modifying files that use SPECTRUM directory path *********d:/usr/data/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsScript/SubmitTroubleTicket update successfuld:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/arsgconfig update successfuld:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/valsrc update successful

********* Modifying files that use ARS Gateway directory path *********d:/usr/data/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsScript/ShowTroubleTickets update successfuld:/usr/data/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsScript/SubmitTroubleTicket update successfuld:/usr/data/Spectrum/app-defaults/CsStdMenu update successful

********* Modifying files that use AR Installation directory path *********d:/usr/data/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsScript/ShowTroubleTickets update successfuld:/usr/data/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsScript/SubmitTroubleTicket update successfuld:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/runtool update successful

(continued on next page)

********* Copying files into d:/remedy/bin *********

9030708 E18 The ARS Gateway reconfig ToolC-5

Example reconfig Tool — UNIX Output

d:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/runmacro.exe copied to d:/remedy/bin/runmacro.exe successful

d:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/tirpc32.dll copied to d:/remedy/bin/tirpc32.dll successful

********* Modifying files that use AR Server Name *********d:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/valsrc update successfuld:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/showTT.arq update successfuld:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/submitTT.arq update successful*** Don't forget to modify your d:/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/ar file***

Example reconfig Tool — UNIX OutputThis is a UNIX example of the output when running the reconfig tool. The SPECTRUM directory and the AR installation directory were moved from the /usr/data directory to the /disk2 directory. The resource file name and the AR Server Name were also changed:

coffee# ./reconfig

Is Ò/usr/data/SpectrumÓ the correct SPECTRUM directory path (y/n) ? n

Please Enter SPECTRUM directory path: /disk2/Spectrum

Is Ò/disk2/SpectrumÓ the correct SPECTRUM directory path (y/n) ? y

Is Ò/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gatewayÓ the correct ARS Gateway directory path (y/n) ? n

Please Enter ARS Gateway directory path: /disk2/Spectrum/ars_gateway

Is Ò/disk2/Spectrum/ars_gatewayÓ the correct ARS Gateway directory path (y/n) ? y

Is Ò/usr/data/Spectrum/ars_gateway/.arsgrcÓ the correct ARS Gateway resource file and path (y/n) ? n

Please Enter ARS Gateway resource file and path: /disk2/Spectrum/ars_gateway/valsrc

Is Ò/disk2/Spectrum/ars_gateway/valsrcÓ the correct ARS Gateway resource file and path (y/n) ? y

Is Ò/usr/arÓ the correct AR installation directory path (y/n) ? n

Please Enter AR installation directory path: /disk2/Remedy

Is Ò/disk2/RemedyÓ the correct AR installation directory path (y/n) ? y

Is ÒpuddytatÓ the correct AR Server Name (y/n) ? n

Please Enter AR Server Name: belle

Is ÒbelleÓ the correct AR Server Name (y/n) ? y

(continued on next page)

Example reconfig Tool — UNIX Output

The ARS Gateway reconfig ToolC-6

Action Request SystemGateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

********* Modifying files that use SPECTRUM directory path *********/disk2/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsScript/SubmitTroubleTicket update successful/disk2/Spectrum/ars_gateway/arsgconfig update successful/disk2/Spectrum/ars_gateway/valsrc update successful

********* Modifying files that use ARS Gateway directory path *********/disk2/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsScript/ShowTroubleTickets update successful/disk2/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsScript/SubmitTroubleTicket update successful

********* Modifying files that use AR Installation directory path *********/disk2/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsScript/ShowTroubleTickets update successful/disk2/Spectrum/SG-Support/CsScript/SubmitTroubleTicket update successful/disk2/Spectrum/app-defaults/CsStdMenu update successful

********* Modifying files that use AR Server Name *********/disk2/Spectrum/ars_gateway/valsrc update successful/disk2/Spectrum/ars_gateway/showTT.arq update successful/disk2/Spectrum/ars_gateway/submitTT.arq update successful*** DonÕt forget to modify your /etc/ar file***

9030708 E181

IndexAactive links 1-4, 3-1Administrator Tool 6-4Alarm Age 5-2, 5-6

multiple values for 5-3alarm condition 5-2

multiple conditions 5-3Alarm View window 2-7, 6-9all alarms 5-2, 5-5ar 2-1, 3-10ar.ini 2-1, 3-10aradmin 6-3, 6-4ARS Gateway

advanced level 1-5base level 1-5components of 1-4daemon 1-5defining a new user 3-7filter 5-2filter defaults 5-2installing 2-1multiple daemons 1-5options 6-1resource file B-1sensitivity 1-2

ARS Tools 1-4how to access 6-2how to use 6-4

arsgated 4-3man page 4-3

arsgconfig 6-3, 6-4aruser 6-3, 6-4automatic trouble ticket generation

preparing for 3-1starting 4-1stopping 4-2


Show Similar Tickets 1-4, 6-5, 6-8Show SPECTRUM View 1-4Show Spectrum View 6-5, 6-7

CCause Code 5-2, 5-6

finding the meaning of 5-7commands

aradmin 6-3, 6-4arsgconfig 6-3aruser 6-3, 6-4notifier 6-3, 6-4

Condition 5-2, 5-6

Ddaemon 1-5Document

how to use viiiintended audience viipurpose of viiquestions about ixrelated documentation ixtypographical conventions ix

EEnable Custom Script prompt 2-3Enable Custom Script Prompting 2-3error statements A-1

Ffilter 5-2

criteria 5-3defaults 5-2Gateway Configuration window 5-4how to access 5-4, 6-4how to add entries in 5-4

GGateway Configuration 2-6, 5-4, 6-4

Index Action Request System2 Gateway User’s Guide 5.0rev1

IIcon Subview options 6-1Install 2-1installation

about auto installation 2-1confirming 2-6Installation Configuration dialog box 2-3requirements for 2-2

MModel Name 5-2Model Type 5-2, 5-6

NNotice iNotification Tool 6-4notifier 6-3, 6-4


Gateway Configuration 5-4Show Trouble Tickets 1-4, 2-7, 6-9Submit Trouble Ticket 1-4, 2-7, 6-9

Ppolicy administration 6-3Prerequisites vii

Rreconfig Tool C-1Registry 3-12reinstallation 2-1resource file

.arsgrc B-1Restricted Rights Notice ii

SServer List

verifying 3-12Show Similar Tickets 6-5, 6-8Show Spectrum View 6-5, 6-7

Show Trouble Tickets 1-4, 2-7, 6-5how to use 6-9

SPECTRUMdefining as a new user 3-2, 3-7how to access DevTop View 6-7

Spectrum View active link 3-1Submit Trouble Ticket 1-4, 2-7

how to use 6-9syslog.conf file A-1

TTrademarks iTrouble Ticket Schema 1-4, 3-1

importing 3-2, 3-5modifying 3-13

trouble ticketsdescription of 1-2how to access 6-5modifying TT schema 3-13options 2-7preparing for TT generation 3-1sample trouble ticket 6-6starting TT generator 4-1stopping TT generator 4-2

typographical conventions ix

UUser Tool 6-4

VVirus Disclaimer i, ii

WWindows NT Registry 3-12