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Active and passive voice 1

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Page 1: Active and passive voice 1

Mariana Gisela Martínez Ortíz. A01421808 22/03/2014

ACTIVE VOICELINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxbQ2U3Uuv0



USE: We use active Voice when the subject is explicit mentioned and the action too.

FORM: subject + verb + object or person ACTIVE SENTENCE

Object + Verb + (By Subject)

EXAMPLE: Jake + swept + the bedroom.

This doesn’t happen always, some sentences are completed without object.


PASSIVE VOICELINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxbQ2U3Uuv0



USE: We use Passive Voice when we want to point to the verb or action and it is not relevant who or what is doing the action.

FORM: Object + Verb + (By Subject) PASSIVE SENTENCE


Page 2: Active and passive voice 1

Mariana Gisela Martínez Ortíz. A01421808 22/03/2014

Subject + verb + object or person

The bedroom + was swept + by Jake

PASSIVE VOICE ACTIVE VOICEThe food is cooked by the chef The chef cooks the food.The homework is done by the student. The student does the homework.The letters are delivered by the mailman The mailman delivers the letters.The car is washed by my father. My father washes the car.The postcards are sent by my friends My friends send the postcards.The flowers are planted by the gardener. The gardener plants the flowers.The trees are cut by the people. People cut the trees.

PASSIVE VOICE ACTIVE VOICEThe books were taken by the students. The students took the booksThe letter was written by the secretary. The secretary wrote the letter.The songs were sung by the band. The band sang the songs.The house was cleaned by the maid. The maid cleaned the house.The soda was bought by the boy. The boy bought a sodaThe window was cleaned by my mother. My mother cleaned the house.The car was driven by my brother. My brother drove the car.The cake was made by my grandmother. My grandmother made a cake.The grass was cut by the gardener. The gardener cut the grass.The liter was thrown away by the maids The maids throw away the liter.