Active Sussex Trustee Recruitment Pack Our main aim is to improve local people’s health and wellbeing through the promotion of sport and physical activity for all members of the community, no matter their level of activity.

Active Sussex · 2018. 2. 7. · Encompassing the counties of East & West Sussex, as well as the City of Brighton & Hove, Active Sussex is a partnership of public, private and voluntary

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Page 1: Active Sussex · 2018. 2. 7. · Encompassing the counties of East & West Sussex, as well as the City of Brighton & Hove, Active Sussex is a partnership of public, private and voluntary

Active SussexTrustee Recruitment Pack

Our main aim is to improve local people’s health and wellbeing through the promotion of sport and physical activity for all members of the community, no matter

their level of activity.

Page 2: Active Sussex · 2018. 2. 7. · Encompassing the counties of East & West Sussex, as well as the City of Brighton & Hove, Active Sussex is a partnership of public, private and voluntary



Active Sussex ......................................................................................................................................... 2

About us ............................................................................................................................................ 2

Meet the trustees (ctrl+click for video) ............................................................................................ 2

The Board .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Board Composition ........................................................................................................................... 3

Board Aims, Objectives and Principles ............................................................................................. 3

Remit of the Board ............................................................................................................................ 4

Committee Chairs and Champions ................................................................................................... 5

Board Champion Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 5

Safeguarding Champion Role ............................................................................................................ 5

Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 5

Equality Champion Role .................................................................................................................... 6

Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Current board structure .................................................................................................................... 6

Page 3: Active Sussex · 2018. 2. 7. · Encompassing the counties of East & West Sussex, as well as the City of Brighton & Hove, Active Sussex is a partnership of public, private and voluntary


Active Sussex

About us Active Sussex is the brand name of the Sussex County Sports Partnership (CSP) Trust, the only countywide organisation for sport and physical activity recognised by the national body Sport England.

Encompassing the counties of East & West Sussex, as well as the City of Brighton & Hove, Active Sussex is a partnership of public, private and voluntary sector organisations who are collectively committed to increasing participation in sport and physical activity across the county, adding value by working together.

Active Sussex’s Board has been formed to independently oversee, scrutinise and guide the work of the CSP, to make decisions where appropriate, and to ensure good governance of the CSP. The Board also oversees delivery of the emerging 2018-21 Strategic Framework for Sport and Physical Activity for the county. The Active Sussex executive team is tasked with coordinating this work. The Strategy will focus primarily on how increased participation in sport and physical activity can enhance the lives of Sussex residents, and as a priority will focus on three priority groups:

1. People living in areas of socio-economic disadvantage and/or on low income

2. Older adults, and those with life-enduring disability

3. Children and young people

The CSP also works to support other relevant networks to improve opportunities, to attract funding/investment for sport, including facilities and to improve coordination, networking and partnership working across the sector in Sussex.

Meet the trustees (click for video)

Find out more about Active Sussex and our work as a charity (video).

Page 4: Active Sussex · 2018. 2. 7. · Encompassing the counties of East & West Sussex, as well as the City of Brighton & Hove, Active Sussex is a partnership of public, private and voluntary


The Board

Board Composition The recently published UK Code of Sports Governance (2017) requires that a Board shall be of an appropriate size to:

a) meet the Requirements of the organisation;b) have the appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge;c) manage changes to its composition (including that of its committees) without undue

disruption; andd) promote an open dialogue amongst the directors.

Active Sussex’s governing document allows for a maximum of 12 trustees (Article 11) on its Board. The CSP considers that this number to be an appropriate size to manage changes to its composition, and that of its sub-committees. It’s current structure consists of 12 trustees, including the Chair and Vice-chair, and there are three sub-committees (see diagram) on which appropriately-skilled trustees will serve.

Article 11 drives the annual trustee recruitment process, whereby one third of its trustees (up to four) must stand down each year. In accordance with its governing document, the schedule of appointments informs the Trust who is due to step down from each sub-committee, and when, and trustees are recruited annually to fill any gaps.

Board Aims, Objectives and Principles

● To set the values, strategic direction and policy of Active Sussex● To respond to local, regional and national influences, including the representation of Active

Sussex and physical activity on all relevant local, regional and national policy and strategyconsultations

● To advocate for sport and for Active Sussex● To ensure Active Sussex is fit for purpose● To advise on the annual business plan and associated budget, and receive performance

management information● To scrutinise the CSP’s governance, risk management, financial management, strategy

implementation and delivery team (Active Sussex Team) performance● To account to Sport England for the performance of the delivery team (Active Sussex Team)

and the allocation, use and management of its grant funding● To manage the Active Sussex Board and senior staff recruitment process

These aims and objectives will support and complement the outcomes highlighted in the Government Strategy Sporting Future: A New Strategy for An Active Nation (December 2015), where sport will be assessed in its contribution in Sussex to:

● Physical wellbeing● Mental wellbeing● Individual development

● Social/community development● Economic development

In addition, the Board’s aims and objectives will also seek to complement and contribute to local strategic priorities and stated outcomes for physical activity in Sussex.

Page 5: Active Sussex · 2018. 2. 7. · Encompassing the counties of East & West Sussex, as well as the City of Brighton & Hove, Active Sussex is a partnership of public, private and voluntary


Remit of the Board

● The Board is the overall Governing Body of the Sussex County Sports Partnership Trust. It isan independent Board which makes decisions where appropriate and provides goodgovernance of the CSP

● The Board will take responsibility for setting the strategic direction of the CSP, monitoringand evaluating the effective delivery of the CSP’s objectives and being accountable for theachievement of key targets and outcomes

● It is the Board’s responsibility to ensure that these aspects of the CSP’s business aremaintained and improved to the satisfaction of partners and funders through transparentand planned processes

● The clear separation of the Board (the Governing body) and the staff (the CSP’s workforce)is fundamental to good governance of the CSP. Day-to-day management of the CSP is not aBoard function, and authority is delegated for achieving the strategic outcomes, togetherwith the necessary authority to make decisions in a specified range of activities to the ChiefExecutive.

Within this, specific roles will include:

Strategic Leadership & Planning Risk Management o Providing clear direction for sport and

physical activity in the county through theproduction of a CSP strategy and annualbusiness plan in order to motivate, inspireand drive the team and their partners

o Providing implementation leadershipo Promoting the CSP vision, aim and core


o Maintaining the CSP risk register and reviewing it ona quarterly basis

o In addition to having and using a risk managementand internal control system (as in section 14 below),together with the Trust's regular systems reviews,the Board (assisted by the Governance & AuditCommittee) will stand back and annually take afresh look at their risk system or framework as awhole, and review its effectiveness

o The same action (separately) will be undertaken forthe Trust's internal control systems or framework

o These will both be documented in the Board TORs.Advocacy Good Governance

o Ensuring the CSP meets appropriate standards ofgovernance

Partnership Building Accountability

o Opening doors for sport and physicalactivity and for the CSP

o Encouraging collaborationo Valuing and supporting people to achieve

the CSPs goalso Engaging stakeholders in a consistent and

managed way to ensure commitment andsatisfaction

o Ensuring implementation and continuousimprovement of CSP strategies and business planswith a customer/client-centred approach

o Reporting on performanceo Assuming responsibility, both moral and legal, for

the actions of the CSP and its resources (financialand non-financial)

o Advocating the benefits of sport andphysical activity and Active Sussex locally,regionally and nationally

o Recognising and celebrating success in theCSP

o Securing resources for sport and the workof Active Sussex


Page 6: Active Sussex · 2018. 2. 7. · Encompassing the counties of East & West Sussex, as well as the City of Brighton & Hove, Active Sussex is a partnership of public, private and voluntary


Committee Chairs and Champions

Active Sussex currently has three Committees: Business Development, Governance & Audit and Human Resources & Nominations, whose terms of reference can be found in the Sussex County Sports Partnership Trust Board Governance Handbook (PDF). The Board can appoint any of its members, with appropriate delegated authority, to chair these committees.

In addition to this, the Board can appoint trustees to champion the minimum operating standards of:

● Equality● Safeguarding

Board Champion Responsibilities

The following responsibilities underpin each of the Champion posts:

● To provide high level leadership on the theme● To promote and help raise the profile of the work area with partners● To act as subject matter expert within the designated champion role● To act as the Executive Board’s single point of contact for all matters relating to the

development of the Champion role● To be an advocate for the implementation of best practice in the specific work area across

the Partnership and to encourage innovative new ways of working● To support the lead member of staff in the preparation of policies and action plans relating

to the area of work● Wherever possible, and appropriate, to attend relevant meetings, seminars, task and finish

groups organised by the Partnership in order to champion the work area. Whereappropriate this could include chairing or speaking at the event

● To share information and communicate progress/issues, in the designated activity area, toExecutive Board colleagues and Active Sussex staff and encourage others to shareinformation and knowledge on the subject across the Partnership

● To ensure that there is an appropriate level of knowledge transfer to Core Team members● To ensure that the relevant Active Sussex officer is provided with information for each

Board meeting in a timely manner

Safeguarding Champion Role

To promote the adoption of best practice with regards to safeguarding children, young people, and adults at risk in sport.


● Advocate at a senior level; partnership working within safeguarding and child protectionand adult services

● Work to support the relevant officer to develop greater support and integration from thestatutory child protection and safeguarding organisations in the county

● To consider the issues surrounding safeguarding when funding application policies,strategies or action plans are presented to the Executive Board

● Keep Board Members informed of partnership safeguarding work via quarterlysafeguarding reports

● Attendance at meetings and training events where appropriate● To support and mentor CSP staff involved in this work area

Page 7: Active Sussex · 2018. 2. 7. · Encompassing the counties of East & West Sussex, as well as the City of Brighton & Hove, Active Sussex is a partnership of public, private and voluntary


Equality Champion Role

To promote the adoption of Trusts Equality Policy and ensure the Trust meets the equality standards set out in the Code of Governance for Sport and Equality Standard for Sport.


● Advocate at a senior level; partnership working within Local Authorities, Public Health,Community Voluntary Sector and Community Sport Sector

● Work to support the relevant officer to develop greater support and integration of theequality standard requirements stated in the Code of Governance for Sport and EqualityStandard for Sport

● To consider the issues surrounding equality when funding application policies, strategies oraction plans are presented to the Executive Board

● Keep Board Members informed of partnership equality work● Attendance at meetings and training events where appropriate● To support and mentor CSP staff involved in this work area

Please refer to the Sussex County Sports Partnership Trust Board Governance Handbook (PDF) for information on the following;

● Membership, quorum and voting● Meeting procedures● Declaration and conflicts of interests● Frequency of meetings● Code of conduct● Equality and Safeguarding● Accountability and reporting

Current board structure

Vacant posts are: Independent Chair, Vice Chair & Senior Independent Director and two Independent Trustees.

Page 8: Active Sussex · 2018. 2. 7. · Encompassing the counties of East & West Sussex, as well as the City of Brighton & Hove, Active Sussex is a partnership of public, private and voluntary

University of Brighton Sports CentreFalmer Campus, Brighton BN1 9PHt 01273 643869 f 91273 644102 e [email protected]

Active Sussex is the brand name of the Sussex County Sports Partnership Trust, a company limited by guarantee. Company No. 6166961. Charity Registration No. 1122082