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What if God is more concerned with you

trusting Him than He is with you having the perfect

college experience?

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Copyright ©2020 Grace Bible Church, College Station, TX.

Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®,

© Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995

by The Lockman Foundation, used by permission.

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of Grace Bible Church, College Station, TX.

A ten-day devotional for Actives in Sorority Recruitment

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For some of you, it’s your first time recruiting and for others you’re a seasoned veteran at this point, some of you are thrilled to talk to as many girls as possible and others of you may be feeling overwhelmed. We know recruiting can be exciting and fun but also frustrating and challenging all at the same time. Recruitment is filled with a whole range of emotions, and this devotional is designed to help you look up throughout the upcoming week. This ten-day devotional will walk through each day of Recruitment through Bid Day. We want you to know and believe that this moment, this week, and this life matters, they can be used for good and bring glory to God.

You and me, each one of us, were made to know God and be fulfilled in Him alone. 2 Corinthians 4:6 says, “For God, who said, Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” Like the dawning day, that brilliant light that God has shone into you and into me is the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior. When we gaze into the face of Jesus and see Him by his love for us, we know Him. Not just knowledge of Him or about Him; we know HIM. His heart, His Grace, His Patience, His forgiveness towards us. This is our purpose and fulfillment in life; to know Christ for who He truly is, and be known fully by Him.

No matter where you are in your relationship with God, we hope you will use this devotional to read and reflect on who God is, His message of hope, and the meaningful relationship you can experience with Him through all seasons of life. Before jumping in, we want to share who we are with you!

Made For More Made For More is written by a few women and prayed for by many more. We’re all Greek women, who have been in your shoes. We’re from different chapters and have different backgrounds, yet we are united by our sisterhood in Christ, and we are thrilled to give this devotional to you, believing in faith that it’s God’s encouragement for you!

We believe that despite what we see in the world around us and the hurts inside ourselves, there is Good News of how we can be restored to God through Jesus. This is the most foundational truth of all - the Gospel! Look at the graphic and let us ask, “Where are you?”

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GOD’S PERFECT DESIGNOut of his love, God made people to enjoy a deeply connected relationship with Him and to represent Him through our lives. (Genesis 1:26-28, 31)

BROKENNESSYet, when we look around our world, we see brokenness- oppression, injustice, disaster, corruption. If we are honest, we also see brokenness inside ourselves - jealousy, hatred, self-indulgence. This is because we have rejected God’s perfect design and chosen to follow our own way of living.

Our rejection of God and His ways is what the Bible calls sin. Our sin results in separation from God which the Bible calls death.

Unless our sin is forgiven, we will be separated from God forever. (Romans 1:20-21; Romans 3:23)

JESUSBut God did not leave us in our brokenness! He graciously provided a way to forgive our sin and freely give us eternal life - a life connected to God both now and forever. (Romans 6:23; John 17:3)God’s only Son, Jesus, picked up all of our rejection and sin and died in our place. Then, Jesus rose from the dead. Since He is God, even death could not beat him. He conquered sin and death forever. (1 Corinthians 15:3-5; Romans 5:8)

BELIEVEIt’s not enough to just read these things, we must respond to Jesus by believing in Him. Anyone can choose to thank God for this gift of rescue, believe Jesus has conquered and forgiven their sin and receive eternal life with God. This is the only way we can know God personally and experience the life we were designed to live. (John 3:16-17)

To believe in Jesus means that you no longer try to earn God’s approval through what you do, nor do you deny that you need forgiveness and rescue. Instead, you accept God’s free gift of eternal life and learn to grow in a healthy relationship with Him. (John 1:12; Ephesians 2:8-9)

Have you believed in Jesus? Have you put your trust in Him alone to be reconciled to God?

Do you want to take your first step with [email protected]


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Eat lunch with a friend you haven’t talked to in a while.

Ask someone how you can pray for them today, andpray in that moment.

Take 10 minutes today to reflect on one of the versesin this study .

Affirm someone today.

Pray for a girl you talked to yesterday.

Take 10 minutes today to pray for the girls you will talk to.

Try not to get on your phone until the recruitment day has ended.

Write a note to someone in leadership or bring them a treat.

Get to know an advisor you have never chatted with before.

Invite someone to grab coffee with you that you’ve never really gotten to know before.

We’ve thought up a few ways for you to lean in this week! Feel free to come back to this page and do some or all of the things on this list. Also, you can add your own!

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Day One is tomorrow with a great week of Recruitment to follow, woohoo! Before the week gets started, we encourage you to take inventory of your emotions. These questions are intended to help you reflect on where you are personally. Throughout this week, we hope you feel the freedom and comfort to think on these questions, and flip back here later to remember your personal why.

What words would you use to describe your expectations?

What are you feeling most excited about?

What are you feeling most anxious about?

Why did you decide to join a sorority?

What have you gained through this experience?

Is there anything you feel like is missing in your experience so far?

If there’s any encouragement we can give you right off the bat it’s this:This week will be full of opportunity! There is no other time where you will have endless time with the girls in your house, get to have so many conversations, and greet so many new faces. You have an opportunity for impact. You can deepen relationships this week, create new ones, and make those around you feel loved and valued through your conversations with them.

No matter how this week goes, with all its ups and downs, you’re in your house for a reason, and there is purpose behind you reading these words even now. What if God has more for you this week than just recruiting girls to your chapter?

We invite you to dive into these pages for the next ten days and discover what it means to be Made for MoreMade for More.

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D A Y 1P U R P O S EWhy does a week of chants, wedges, and tradition matter? You might have some way to answer that question like, “It matters because my mom did this.”, “It matters because I get time with my friends.”, or “It matters because my little could be in this recruitment group.”. All of these things are great, true, and can be motivating as you step into a full week of Recruitment, but I want to respond to that question with answers that are always true... regardless of the week or day you’re stepping into.

Each moment of your life matters. Hang with me… life is not just about Recruitment, college, or even mundane Mondays. Each day that you wake up breathing matters because God chose to put breath in your lungs on that specific day. He dreamed you up, on purpose, long before you were in your mother’s womb. He wrote out the days (the exact amount) and plans for your life before one of them came to be. He says He has good plans for your life for you to walk in. He handpicked YOU for this time on Earth, with purpose! And believe it or not, it wasn’t just to eat, sleep, get a degree, be in a great sorority, make friends, get married, have some kids, and die.

The Bible talks about how God created humans out of an abundance of love. He created us so that we could be in a relationship with Him and KNOW HIM. Really knowing Him is the best kind of overwhelming. He is an abundance of grace, kindness, patience, generosity… the list goes on and on. Which is the second reason He created us… to help other people know Him and all that grace, kindness, patience, and

generosity! To know Him yourself and to make Him known: That’s the whole purpose you were created. It seems so simple, but if that’s the whole reason God created you, it's enough to spend all the days of your life on. Think about a pen. It was created to write. When it lays in the back of a drawer, its existence doesn’t really matter. If I try to cut my vegetables with the pen, I’m wasting my time. However, when I pull that pen out and sign things, that pen has purpose. It is doing what it was created to do. You were created to know God and out of that abundance, make Him known.

This doesn’t look one way. God is creative and individual in the ways He invites us to know Him and make Him known. And He creates ways each day, for each of us, no matter where we are and who we are with. He isn’t limited to camps, mission trips, or even church buildings. Although those are all great places to know God and make Him known, this is good news for weeks like Recruitment. It means Recruitment isn’t meaningless or something you just have to hustle through to get onto the actual stuff that “matters” in life.. You can lean in this week, expectant for new ways to know God and allow Him to use you to make Him known…. Because that’s what really matters!

What do you know about God? What from this list do you want other people to know?

Which moments do you feel like matter? Which do you write off?

What does it look like to believe every moment matters?

Is this encouraging to think about? Discouraging? Overwhelming?

What does it look like to keep your purpose at the front of your mind this week?

P S A L M 1 3 9 : 1 3 - 1 8For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.

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D A Y 2I D E N T I T YWhat do you do at Texas A&M? What are you involved in? These are some commonly asked questions in Aggieland. They aren’t bad questions. In fact, a lot of times they help us get to know someone or connect with someone that we just met. But, unfortunately, our involvement, our resumes, and the things we do can end up defining who we are.

I spent a lot of time in college spouting my resume. “I’m in a sorority. I lead this. I am involved with that on campus. I study this...” If I am honest, I felt like it built my significance. On the flip side, there were seasons when I wasn’t involved in as much, wasn’t involved in the “right” thing, or was denied from something and my significance felt crushed. I let what I did define who I was. This was a shaky identity. Some days I felt awesome, some days I felt not so great.

Jesus came to bring abundant life (John (John 1010::1010)). He makes a new creation ((22 Corinthians Corinthians 55::1717) ) of anyone who is in Christ. This means although we were once known by our mistakes, heartaches, and our lack of measuring up, we are no longer. God created you, therefore He loves you. He desires to lavish each individual person He created in His overwhelming love. Belief in Jesus alone brings you into the family

of God. Children of God receive a new, unshakeable identity that is defined by God.

He sees you, all the time, as His Daughter. This is true on your best days and your worst days... You didn’t do anything to earn daughtership, it’s just who you are. What does that mean? God smiles at you. God is crazy about you. God knows you. God is near to you. God cares for you. God takes care of you. This is the heart of God for you whether you spend every waking minute thinking about Him or have never thought about Him. I am not talking about that girl or that woman, although it is as true for them as it is for you. But, I am talking about you.

We have already been given a beautiful, lasting, identity defined by grace and love! When we realize that we don’t need to strive for perfection or conform ourselves to unreachable standards, we experience a freedom that only comes from allowing God to define who we are (John (John 11::1212)). So, whether you feel like you’ve heard it all before, or this is the first moment it is sinking in, look to God and to His Word, and ask yourself this question: “Do I believe that I am a daughter of God and that Jesus alone defines my identity?”

Do you believe this about God?

What is hardest for you to believe? What is easiest for you to believe? Why?

Ask God to help you believe these things. Ask Him to anchor your identity in these unchanging truths. How can it change how you live?

How can you lean in today? There are some ideas at the front of this book. Do you have any of your own?

Ask yourself: Who am I? How am I finding my identity in things outside of God? Is it working? How can I trust the identity God has given me? (Galatians 2:20)(Galatians 2:20)

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And why worry about your clothing?

of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.

M AT T H E W 6 : 2 8 - 3 0

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D A Y 3B A R R I E R S So, we have talked about God’s clear and creative purpose for your life and how much He adores you. However, I don’t want to rattle all these truths off and act like, just because you hear them, you believe them.

It’s hard to believe the things we’ve talked about, even though they are TRUE. Here’s why: there is a real enemy. The Bible talks about him explicitly. He hates God. He wants people to love him and NOT God. He does NOT want you to believe the things God says about you. He knows that when you believe the things God says about you, you live differently. When you’re focused on knowing God and making Him known wherever you are and believing that you really matter to God… this is a threat to the enemy. The more we know and believe who God is and who He says we are, the less we believe the lies of the enemy. The Bible says the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy you. He is evil, all the time, and he is sneaky. He puts lots of

barriers out to trip you up… we will talk about some specific barriers in the days ahead.

Before we get specific, I want to assure you of some truth from Scripture. It can feel scary to acknowledge an enemy, but when we do, it helps us get serious and recognize him for who he is. Now, here’s the good news. God is victorious over this enemy already (Hebrews (Hebrews 22::1414)) and He will kick Him once and for all (Revelation. (Revelation. 1212::99)). So in the meantime, the enemy can prowl and try to trip you up but rest assured, he CANNOT take your salvation, your place in Heaven, or your relationship with God. (Romans (Romans 88::3838--3939, , John John 1010::2929) ) In addition to security, when you are saved, God seals you with His Spirit and the Spirit that lives in you is MORE POWERFUL than the enemy (Ephesians (Ephesians 11::1313)). So you are equipped. That means you have the tools to fight him. I believe fighting starts with noticing where he’s trying to trip you up.

What’s getting in your way today? What’s keeping you from seeking more of God or giving God away to other people?

What do you need to move out of focus so that God can be magnified?

For God to be pleased with you, what do you think you should be doing?

Read Ephesians 6:10-20 Ephesians 6:10-20.

How could your life change if you actively thought about putting on the armor of God?

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D A Y F O U RC O M P A R I S O N If you believe what we’ve been talking about… that your purpose and your identity are secure, I want you to look around the room you’re in or picture some of your people’s faces. The same is true for them. Security means steady or locked in. What God has planned for you and what He thinks about you is locked in and independent of what He thinks about her and has planned for her. God’s purpose and plans for your life do not threaten the plans and purposes that He has for her life. God’s loving heart towards you does not change or shift out of His love for her. You are specific and individual to Him. So is she.

However, the enemy loves to create a barrier when you compare your life with hers. For example, he whispers that when she succeeds, there is less success for you. Or when good things come towards her, there are less good things for you. Or when she is affirmed for her gifts and strengths, you must not be that great.

Or when God is unfolding epic plans for her life, you worry subpar plans are coming for you. This is NOT how God works. God does not have any of us on Earth playing Monopoly. If you’ve played this game, you know, there is only a certain amount of money in the bank and what she takes, means less for you. If she spins the mansion, too bad for you. This is how the enemy wants you to think, but not God. God is abundant, limitless, and specific. He has designed life together much more like solitaire at the same table. You have a deck. She has a deck. The cards that you are flipping and moving around, in no way, affect her. At the same time, the cards that she is flipping, in no way affect you. We are not taking anything from each other and we don’t have to. God has plenty of good thoughts and good plans wrapped up specifically for you to unfold!

Why do you think the enemy wants you to operate like Monopoly?

What are the lies you are believing? Replace them with truths from scripture.

There are some examples below, and we encourage you to add your own!

L I E S I B E L I E V EL I E S I B E L I E V E T RU T H F RO M G O DT RU T H F RO M G O DI’m too shy; No one will like me. I can’t step out of my comfort zone.

No one understands how I feel; I am alone.

I’m not good enough; I will never measure up.

I’m not beautiful; I’m not pretty enough.

I am unlovable.

I’ve been given a spirit of power, love, and self-control – not fear. (2 Timothy 1:7)

I can find grace and mercy in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)

I know that God will complete the good work He started in me. (Philippians 1:6)

I am God’s workmanship. (Ephesians 2:10); I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139: 14)

I cannot be separated from the love of God. (Romans 8:35-39)

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H E B R E W S 1 3 : 2 1

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D A Y 5C E L E B R A T I N G O T H E R SLet’s be real here. Most likely, you are surrounded by hundreds of girls this week and with all this time together, you’ve become more aware of some insecurity. Maybe it's a physical insecurity that has surfaced about the way you look or the way your body is built. Maybe it’s an emotional insecurity about some lack you feel in your personality. These are probably buried silently in your mind and heart but plaguing you in some way. I hate that for you and I want to grab your shoulders and tell you every single gift that is woven deep within YOU. I also want to remind you that it’s not about the girls surrounding you, it’s about an enemy who wants to tear you down and he loves to use the people around you to do this.

Remember, he is on the prowl and trying to trip you up with all sorts of barriers… refer back to day 3. I know it’s a hard war for our minds, I battle it daily, too. Going back to the Monopoly analogy from yesterday, I think it’s easy to see something great in her and immediately decide what that means about you. This is how comparison breeds, insecurity rises, and it can be really divisive in our relationships.

I want to tell you that it is possible to see the good in others, without knocking yourself down in the process. What would it be like to notice or think something great about someone else and pause. Before you start silently tearing her down so that you don't feel bad about yourself OR before you start thinking about

what you are not… Could you tell her what she is?

I have found that pausing and speaking affirmation, honor, or praise into someone else actually is a tool to fight comparison. It frees me up from competing. (Remember, you have a whole deck of cards in front of you! Her great cards are not threatening what is in your deck at all!)

So, why can we celebrate other’s strengths and gifts? Because we are confident in what God says about us, thinks about us, and has for us. And what do we benefit from living like this? True friendship instead of competitors. We were designed for friendship and deep relationships. God Himself lives in a trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). He created the first person (Adam) and said “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis (Genesis 22::1818)), and then created Eve. He instructs us to live in relationships with people (Hebrews (Hebrews 1010::2424--2525)). We are not good by ourselves. We need friends to help us know God and make Him known and to help us believe what HE says about us. To have healthy friendships, we’ve got to stop competing.

It’s not too late to build these kinds of relationships. Maybe you feel like it’s already too late. Maybe you don’t know how to do this. Well, you can start small. Start by thinking through these questions and use this week. This is a great time to branch out, to meet new people and to forge new friendships that are true, deep and meaningful.

Has there been a time in your life where you have felt uplifted by someone else? What did that feel like? How can you focus more on making others feel the way you did on that day?

Who is someone you can encourage today? What can you give without needing or expecting anything in return? A compliment? A shoulder to lean on? A note?

Why would the enemy prefer you to compete with those around you? Why is friendship a threat to him?

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D A Y 6D O U B TThere are hard things in life on Earth. I am confident that you are not surprised by this statement, but more than likely nodding right along. Although God promises no tears or pain in Heaven, God actually didn’t promise an absence of hard things on Earth. Jesus said in John John 1616::3333, “...In this world you WILL have trouble, but be courageous, for I have conquered the world.”

When you are faced with something hard in your life or someone else’s, I think this is a space that the enemy wants to create a barrier by making you question things about God and His character. Questions aren’t a bad thing. In fact, I think trust is proved in a relationship when you are able to ask hard questions. But remember, the enemy’s end goal is to use those questions to make you believe God doesn’t really love you. He tries to be sneaky about this.

When you are in the midst of “hard”... questions might sound like: “Did God really say that?”, “Why would God do that if He loves you?” or “Do you really believe that?” Sometimes flat out lies are whispered to you like, “This is just too much to be forgiven.”, “There

is no way this can turn for good.” or “This is all your fault.”

It is so important to know the voice of God, so that you know when it is NOT Him talking. God gave us the Bible so that we know what He sounds like. When we read His word, we learn His heart. This helps us be able to decide the things that sound like something He would say and things that DON’T (John (John 1010::2727)).

When you hear words that make you doubt what you have heard to be true about God (His goodness, His love for you, His care for you, His power, etc)… line them up with the truths in the Bible. Ask God to help you sift through the words and hear what is true and what is NOT.

God has prepared good things for you and for your life that He wants you to walk in! Your life is not just a series of random or bad events, but it has purpose! Ephesians Ephesians 22::1010 says “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them”.

How have hard things pushed you closer or further from God?

What thoughts are you hearing today? List it out… good, bad, ugly…

Do you have any questions for God? Ask them. Sit long enough to listen.

Which thing that you have heard or read about God do you doubt the most? What is hardest for you to believe about Him?

Let’s ask “God where can I experience you today?”

Voice your feelings to God. He is a good and loving Father who cares about you. Trust what He has for you today.

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Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you. I’ve called your name. You’re mine.Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you. I’ve called your name. You’re mine.When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.When you’re between a rock and a hard place,When you’re between a rock and a hard place,it won’t be a dead end—it won’t be a dead end—Because I am God, your personal God,Because I am God, your personal God,The Holy of Israel, your Savior.The Holy of Israel, your Savior.I paid a huge price for you:I paid a huge price for you:all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!That’s how much you mean to me!That’s how much you mean to me!That’s how much I love you!That’s how much I love you!I’d sell off the whole world to get you back,I’d sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you. trade the creation just for you.

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D A Y 7D I S T R A C T I O NPerhaps one of the enemy’s sneakiest tactics is to get you distracted. Distraction is a huge barrier to our relationships with God. We all know the feeling of sitting in a class, getting a text that totally takes your brain elsewhere, and then the professor asks a question that you couldn’t even pretend to know the answer to. I bet you also know the feeling of thinking about the next thing you need to do and it keeps you from really hearing what the person across the table from you is even saying. These are feelings of distraction.

I’m not sure we really choose to be distracted, but I think it’s scary how often we can look up and realize we’re there. The enemy wants us distracted in much larger ways than text messages in class. He wants to keep us distracted from God and His purposes for us. He can use little distractions like texts and people to keep you from really connecting with God as you read your Bible, sit in a small group, or try to pray. He can also get you distracted thinking about something you’re worried about because then you might just forget what God says about being with you, never forsaking you, working things out for good, and caring about you!

We can also get distracted by good things, like good relationships, good goals, and even good productivity. We can get distracted by our own schedules that are filled with good activities. We can get distracted by a future that we really want and likely it is full of things even God says are good, like marriage, work and

children. We can get distracted thinking about a job that we really want. This distraction, for example, can lead us to spend a ton of our time and energy pursuing the job, potentially forgetting about the people around us, the moment we are in, or even to ask God what He thinks about it. Dwelling too much, even on a good thing, causes us to take our minds off what really matters and can lead us astray.

When our time and energy lands on any one thing and we forget to look up and consider God, His thoughts, His guiding, and His purposes for our lives (to know Him and make Him known), we’re distracted. Like I said, I am not sure we choose distraction… but we need to be aware of it, so that we can choose to fix our eyes back on Jesus.

Think of a boat that drops an anchor to keep from drifting too far away in open water. The shorter the line to the anchor, the less the boat drifts away. With this image in mind, I often find myself asking God to keep shortening my line to Him. So as soon as I drift my life away from the centrality of Jesus (because I will-- often), He would bring me back to Him so quickly that it would be as if I never left. You, too, can pray this prayer often, so when distractions tempt you away from His anchor, His Holy Spirit would be quick to remind you of your purpose to know Him and make Him known, and He would bring your heart and mind back to the centrality of Jesus, where the fullest, most satisfying life is lived.

What are you focused on right now? Where do most of your thoughts, time, and energy go towards?

What good things might be distracting you?

What could you be missing by this distraction?

What have you been turning to as you seek fulfillment?

Fill in the blank: __________ must get smaller for God to get bigger in my life .

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D A Y 8D I S A P P O I N T M E N TI tend to make lofty plans for my life that often turn out differently than what I hoped or expected. We all will find ourselves let down by failed plans, people, and sometimes we can feel let down by God. Disappointment is a valid feeling and it deserves time to be processed through, but the enemy would like to use disappointment as a barrier. I think he would love to use disappointment to make you feel hopeless, insignificant, and maybe even make you distant from God. This does not mean that when you are disappointed, you should just sweep it under the rug and keep going. Instead, this is a grand opportunity to acknowledge why you are upset and take those hurts to God.

Psalm Psalm 5757::22 says “I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me”. We too often forget that God can handle our honest feelings of disappointment. It’s okay to mourn life’s unmet

expectations and tell God when you feel let down or disappointed. In fact, your honesty makes your relationship with Him sweeter and deeper. It shows that you trust Him even if your words aren’t there yet.

But here’s where the rubber meets the road: disappointment is inevitable when we’re running races we weren’t meant to run and chasing after things that weren’t meant to fulfill us. The beauty of God’s grace is that He can use life’s most hurtful disappointments to redirect our steps toward our true identity and purpose: being His daughter, knowing Him and making Him known. When life doesn’t seem like it’s going quite like you think it should, look for the ways God is working to bring you back to Himself. God is with you in the midst of unmet expectations (Hebrews (Hebrews 1313::55)), and you can trust Him with His intentions and discover joy, hope and excitement in the purpose God is so eagerly waiting to unfold for YOU!

When you feel disappointed or sad, what is it usually about?

What are the things you think about most?

Is your college experience what you’ve expected thus far?

Do you think God’s definition and path for success is better than your own? Do you trust that God’s desires for you are good?

Do you think you control your life better than He does?

What does it look like to relinquish control?

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S E T S Y O U F R E E ,S E T S Y O U F R E E ,


J O H N 8 : 3 6J O H N 8 : 3 6

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D A Y 9F U L F I L L E DSo we've talked about all of these barriers that get in the way, but maybe you're wondering, ok, so what's this actually mean going forward? Well let me ask you do you feel empty, dry, or bored day to day? Do you feel like something is always missing—like there’s a longing that you keep trying to fill but nothing seems to be working? God is the One who wants to and is able to fill all the gaps. He knows that nothing can satisfy you like He can. He created you in His image (Genesis (Genesis 11::2727)) and He knows you and loves you deeply.

There is no limit on the distance He would go to bring you in (Matthew (Matthew 1818::1212--1414)), no boundaries to His love, no limits to His grace. He wants you! He created you and He loves you and He wants you to find satisfaction in Him.

Maybe it seems like this gets harped on a lot and you keep thinking “I’ll figure that out when I graduate”, or maybe it seems too good to be true.

But this matters now. You matter today and everyday.

And God wants your heart, all of it.

I hope you’ll believe me when I say that all the things that you think can bring you life will only leave you feeling emptier than you did when you began. My hope is that you’ll break the cycles the world is telling you to chase for fulfillment and choose Jesus- daily. Choosing Jesus daily starts with just acknowledging He’s the best there is, that He is the most fulfilling, and He is worth listening to and following.

Here’s the best news: He already chose you!

What do you want to leave behind? What do you want to move toward?

What has God shown you about Himself this week? About yourself?

Do you feel like He wants something from you? What is it?

Why do you think God lets us struggle, even though He is still with us in it?

E P H E S I A N S 3 : 1 6 - 1 9I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

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D A Y 1 0T R U S T Trust sometimes feels hard when everything around us is crumbling, but it can feel even harder in the everyday little moments. God has called us to trust Him with all of our moments, the big, the small and everything in between. Often, this looks like trusting Him over and over in everyday moments. For example, when your roommate needs help deciding what to wear before getting picked up for a date while you’re single. This takes trusting that God has good for you. Or, listening to a friend whose feelings got hurt even though you have a test the next day. This requires trust that God will give you what you need. We aren’t at the center of our lives— God is. And He is going to work all things together (Romans (Romans 88::2828)). We can TRUST that God has an orchestrated plan and we can be faithful in where He has us. There is so much freedom in finally realizing that God has so much more for us than we could imagine, even if it is so different from what we would

imagine for ourselves.

What is trust? We all know people we trust and people we do not trust. The people I trust are people I lean on and depend on. I want to lean on and depend on God like I really trust Him. So, how do we build trust? Trust is built through time, shared emotion, and proved character. The same is true with God. I want to trust that God treasures me and cares about me. I want to trust that He has specific plans and purposes for my life to unfold each day. If I want my life to display trust, I really believe time has to be spent on this relationship. I believe emotions have to be open and honest, and I believe there has to be steps out of our comfort zones allowing opportunities for God to catch us. Trust is giving Him an opportunity to show how faithful He is. Faithful is different from Him just doing what I want. Faithful is Him being true to HIS Word and promises.

How can you continue to lean in and pursue Jesus this semester?

What is keeping you from trusting God with every aspect of your life?

Is there anything that you need freedom from?

What do you need to hear to place all your trust in Jesus?

Do you feel like God is holding out on you?

What does it look like for you to move forward from here?

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A U T H O R ’ S N O T EWe hope this resource, Made for More, has been helpful to you over the past ten days of Recruitment. All of the main authors take part in a ministry called Legacy: Greek Ministries that exists as a resource to sorority women during their college years and beyond. Our vision is to build generations of Christ-centered laborers who make and multiply disciples in their chapter, Greek community, campus, and around the world.

Our prayers for you will continue beyond Recruitment, specifically that you seek Christ during your time in a sorority and that you would find a community of faith in your local church that encourages you toward abundant life found in Christ!

If this devotional has benefited you, will you go follow our Instagram page or website and let us know? We’d love to connect you to more resources as they come out and be real life friends! To get involved in our bible studies, simply visit our website.