v from mentors to investors In associa)on with

Activist Angels - Leadership Development Brochure

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Activist Angels | Leadership Development Programme | Content, Objectives & References

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Page 1: Activist Angels - Leadership Development Brochure

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from mentors to investors

In  associa)on  with  

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“We  are  each  of  us  angels  with  only  one  wing,    and  we  can  only  fly  by  embracing  one  another”  Lucre)us  

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   When  a  woman  develops  a  sustainable  business,  her  en)re  community  benefits  through  an  evidenced  mul)plier  effect  of  change.    

 To  sustain  this,  we  need  angels.  

 Ac)vist  Angels  provide  knowledge,  social  and  financial  capital  to  women  social  entrepreneurs,  who  have  a  posi)ve  influence  on  people  and  planet.  

 They  invest  in  ideas,  people  and  communi)es.    

 They  also  invest  in  themselves,  as  they  learn  in  the  process.  

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“I  gained  exposure  to  a  thriving,  vibrant  emerging  business,  new  rela)onships,  and  a  chance  to  contribute  and  learn  about  challenges  of  a  different  business  model.”    

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•  Why  Ac)vist  Angels?  •  Gender  lens  inves)ng  •  The  investment  landscape  •  Risks  –  rewards  –  impact  •  Futures  thinking  –  foresight  •  The  mindset  of  a  social  entrepreneur  •  Open  innova)on  –  social  innova)on  •  Decision-­‐making  skills  –  trust  building    •  Angels  technical  skills  •  Due  diligence  –  reputa)on

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Gaining  and  sharing  knowledge    

 Personal  leadership  development  

 Building  an  impacPul  network  

 Developing  posi)ve  aQtudes  to  risk  and  decision-­‐making  

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Having  close  insights  in  customer  needs  

 Impor)ng  new  ideas  from  a  wide  range  of  disciplines,  industries  and  domains    

 Shortening  professional  innova)on  cycle  

 Feeling  the  reward  of  influencing  “good  business”  

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“I  realised  that  my  'big  corporate'  experience  is    valuable  to  small,  emergent  businesses.”  

“The  clearest  and  most  stand-­‐out  is  the  opportunity  to  get  to  know  and  interact  with  (something  much  more  meaningful  than  ”networking”)  professional  women  who  I  would  not  have  otherwise  met.”    

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“I  learnt  a  whole  new  world  of  managing  growth  to  scale  whilst  coping  with  significant  day  to  day  challenges  and  reali)es  for  the  entrepreneur.  It  really  helped  that  my  investee  is  so  energe)c  and  open  to  new  ideas  and  input.”  

“I  learnt  that  being  an  Angel  is  some)mes  about  valida)on  and  reassurance  too!”  

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Over  2  months:  

•  1  day  face-­‐to-­‐face  session  in  Central  London  •  4  teleconferences  •  Resources  (videos,  reading  sugges)ons,  peer  events)  •  Connec)on  event  with  real  social  leaders  •  Mee)ng  other  Angels  •  Do  it  for  real,  be  an  Ac)vist  Angel!  •  Op)onal:  Individual  Angel  Coaching  

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•  Middle  managers  |  Senior  managers  

•  Teams  who  want  to  foster  new  ideas,  be  exposed  to  new  development  ideas,  new  types  of  risk  

•  Individuals  who  want  to  grow  their  posi)ve  influence  on  communi)es,  people  and  planet,  as  a  career  progression,  or  to  “give  back”  

•  Individuals  who  want  to  invest  knowledge,  social  or  financial  capital,  in  “good  businesses”  

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e:  [email protected]  |  m:  07932982379  |  w:  www.ogunte.com  |  t:  @ogunte  

Servane  Mouazan  MA,  MAC,  FRSA  Execu&ve  coach,  Social  Enterprise  UK  Ambassador  Ceo  &  Founder  Ogunte  

Bonnie  Foley  Wong  CA,  CFA,  BMath,  MAcc,  IMC  (UK)  

Chief  Investment  Innovator    Founder  Pique  Ventures  

hhp://piqueventures.com/people/  hhp://uk.linkedin.com/in/servanemouazan