Acts 8:26-40 1. The Man To Be Converted. Treasurer of Queen Candace. ◦ Great authority, trust. Verse 27 Religious man (Jew or Proselyte). Verse 27

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Acts 1:8 3

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Acts 8: The Man To Be Converted. Treasurer of Queen Candace. Great authority, trust. Verse 27 Religious man (Jew or Proselyte). Verse 27 Devout. Traveled a long way. 2 Acts 1:8 3 Red Sea empties into The Indian Ocean 1500 miles south of Egypt California is 840 miles long Philip teaches the Eunuch Acts 8 4 5 Acts The Preacher Philip the evangelist. Angel spoke to Philip, not the Ethiopian. Verse 26 Holy Spirit spoke to Philip, not the Ethiopian. Verse 29 7 The Ethiopian Was Reading. Reading aloud. Verse 30 Note: Philips manner of introduction. Verse 30 Understandest thou what thou readest? The Ethiopians request. Verse 31 NOTE: His question. Verses Philip preached Jesus How? Tell of his ancestors. Incidents of life. Last sayings & death. Jesus ancestry. Birth. Baptism. Temptations. Miracles. Betrayal. Trial. Death. Burial. Resurrection. Last sayings, ascension. Can you preach Christ and leave out baptism? cf. Matthew 3 & 28:19 9 The Ethiopians Response. What hinders? Verse 38 His confession. Verse 37 Confession is necessary. Romans 10:9-10; 1 John 4:15 All thy heart (Intellect, Will, Emotions). His baptism How was it done? Verses Rejoiced. Verse 39 10 Suppose You Met The Ethiopian Would he tell you about the angel? Would he tell you about the Holy Spirit? What would he tell you? Was reading the Scriptures. Philip preached. I believed I confessed I went down into the water I was baptized I rejoiced 11