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Acupressure points for sleeplessness

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Acupressure points for sleep healing

Acupressure is particularly effective in treating insomnia. Many people report immediate improvements in their sleeping habits. With acupressure, the sensation of

sleep comes easily, lasts without interruption, and is deeper and more refreshing.

The Acupressure Points (K 6 and B 62) between your heel and anklebones (on both

sides) have traditionally been used to relieve and prevent insomnia. The acupressure point on the inside of the heel below your inner anklebone is called Joyful Sleep. Can you guess what to do to obtain joyful sleep? Just hold this ankle acupressure point while taking deep breaths for a few minutes before you go to bed.

The Acupressure points on the outside of your heel, below your outer anklebone are called Calm Sleep. Pressing these ankle points together by placing your thumb on one side and your fingertips on the other side of your ankle, can relieve pain from the waist down, and enable your body to relax deeply for a good night’s sleep. This acupressure technique and the following tips are easy to teach your child.

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Acupressure Points for Relieving Insomnia.

Working on these points can help you get better quicker. You do not have to use all of these points. Using just one or two of them whenever you have a free hand can be effective. Points (A) -- Wind Mansion Location: In the center of the back of the head in a large hollow under the base of the skull. Benefits: Relieves insomnia as well as mental stress. Points (B) -- Gates of Consciousness Location: Below the base of the skull, in the hollow between the two large vertical neck muscles, two to three inches apart depending on the size of the head. Benefits: Relieves arthritis, headaches, and neck pain that causes insomnia. Points (C) -- Heavenly Pillar Location: One-half inch below the base of the skull on the ropy muscles located one-half inch outward from the spine. Benefits: Relieves insomnia, stress, burnout, and exhaustion. Points (D) -- Vital Diaphragm Location: Between the shoulder blades and the spine at heart level. Benefits: This upper back point relieves insomnia, and calms high emotions such as anxiety, which can inhibit sleep. Points (E) -- Inner Gate Location: In the middle of the inner side of the forearm, two and one-half finger widths from the wrist crease. Benefits: Relieves insomnia and several other common complaints that can keep one from sleeping, such as anxiety, palpitations, nausea, and indigestion. Points (F) -- Spirit Gate Location: On the inside of the wrist crease, in line with the little finger . Benefits: Relieves anxiety, cold sweats, and insomnia due to over excitement. Points (G) -- Third Eye Point Location: Directly between the eyebrows, in the indentation where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead. Benefits: Relaxes the central nervous system for relieving anxiety and insomnia. Points (H) -- Sea of Tranquility Location: On the center of the breastbone three thumb widths up from the base of the bone. Benefits: Relieves nervousness, chest congestion, and the anxiety that causes insomnia.

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Points (I) -- Calm Sleep Location: In the first indentation directly below the outer anklebone. Benefits: Relieves insomnia and the back pain that makes it difficult to sleep. Points (J) -- Joyful Sleep Location: Directly below the inside of the anklebone in a slight indentation. Benefits: Relieves insomnia, heel and ankle pain, hypertension and anxiety.

Acupressure for Acid Reflux or Heartburn

Apply medium pressure (minimum 60 seconds, at least 3 X day) with your finger, thumb or knuckle to: Pt 1 - 2 inches up the palm side of your arm from your wrist crease, between the tendons. Stimulating this point alone has been shown to reduce esophageal sphincter relaxations (the most important mechanism of acid reflux / GERD) by 40%. Pt 2 - 3 inches below the lateral eye of your knee, 1 finger width lateral to your shinbone.(Great for almost any digestive disorder - has an incredibly strong regulating effect on digestion)

Pt. 3 - half way between the bottom tip of your breastbone and your navel. Pt. 4 - 2 1/2 fingers from either side of your navel. Pt. 5 - on top of your foot, between the 2nd and 3rd toes, just where the web between the toes begins. Natural Headache Relief Pressure Points Head Pressure Point: One of the pressure points for headache relief is called the Gb20 and is located at the base of your skull. To activate it, stand, sit or lie on your back. Now place your hands on your head, and with your thumbs, locate the depressions at the base of your skull. The points are outside the large muscles running down the sides of your neck, at about 2'' out from the middle of your neck. Use your thumbs to press in and very slightly upward in the direction of your eyes. Keep up the pressure only as log as you feel a comfortable pain. While applying pressure, massage the points in very small circular motions for 1 to 2 minutes. However, if the points are very tender, then reduce the

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pressure slightly. This stimulation may relieve and prevent headaches, especially those that affect the temple region and the sides of your head. Hand Pressure Point: Another important pressure point to treat headache is called the Co4 and is located on both hands. This pressure point helps relieve pain in the head and face such as a headache, toothache or sinus pain. The point is located on the area between where your thumb and index finger join. Apply pressure to the spot 1.5'' in from the edge of the webbing between your thumb and index finger. Press down with your left thumb on the right hand point, and place your left index finger on the palm side of the webbing, so as to press the point from both sides. Press and massage the point in small circular motions for a minute or two. Do the same for the point on the other hand. Try to close your eyes and focus on the points as you apply pressure. Ensure that you do not activate this pressure point during pregnancy, as it can stimulate uterine contractions. Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/headache-relief-pressure-points.html

Acupressure Point Location of GB 20: Below the base of the skull, in the hollows on both sides of the neck, between the two vertical neck muscles. You will feel these large hollows underneath the skull bone, below the occipital ridge between the “traps” (trapezius) and other neck (sternocleidomastoid) muscles.

Self-Acupressure Treatment Application: Take a few full, deep breaths, as you press underneath the base of your skull on both sides, about four finger widths – or three inches – apart. Use your thumbs, fingers, or knuckles to gradually apply pressure into the hollows of your skull. Close your eyes as you tilt your head back slowly. Take long, slow deep breaths as you hold for two to three minutes. Direct the pressure slowly and firmly into the center of your head.

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Abdominal Hernia

• Many hernias of this type will need surgical intervention to make sure everything stays in place once it has been put back there, but ayurvedic massage may help with the pain and help to strengthen the muscle wall. Ayurvedic massage is based on a map of 107 pressure points, or marmas, throughout the body that are considered to hold toxins that can be released by gentle, circular pressure. For relief before having surgery, lie on your back and relax. Breathe in deeply and release several times to relax your abdominal muscles. Place a hand on the affected area and gently push inward, holding this position for a few seconds. It's possible, if the hernia is slight, that this may help the intestine slip back through the muscle wall. If this occurs, continue to lie still and allow your body to adjust. Avoid straining this area again and follow a gentle strengthening regimen like yoga. Several yoga positions are specifically designed to strengthen the abdominal area. Two to try are the wind releasing posture (pawan muktasana) and the raised feet posture (utthan pada asana). In the first, lie on your back and slowly raise one knee to your chest for a count of ten. Lower your leg and repeat on the other side. Do these three or four times on each side only. For the raised feet posture, lie on your back and slowly raise both feet off the floor a couple of inches. Don't repeat this motion more than five times a day. Be careful doing these exercises and pay close attention to what your body is doing to avoid a relapse.

Acupressure Instructions


Gently palpate the acupressure point on the inside of the arm at the elbow joint just above the crease in the elbow and to the right of the bottom of the bicep muscle. This will help relieve stomach and digestive discomfort and feelings of fullness in the

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chest accompanied by anxiety. Press around the area until you feel a tender spot and continue pressing until tenderness subsides.


Find the gallbladder meridian on the highest point of your shoulder, following a line straight up from the nipple. Move your fingers along the top of the shoulder muscle until you find the tender spot near where the neck and shoulder meet. Exert pressure until tenderness subsides and hiatal hernia symptoms lessen.

• 3

Press along the inner side of the wrist on either side of the central tendons, about two finger widths below where the hand meets the arm. This area relaxes muscles in the upper digestive tract and chest.

• 4

Locate the point where the ribs meet the sternum, just below your breast bone. Lying down, exert firm, gentle downward pressure, massaging this area and moving fingertips slowly downward along the belly to about halfway toward the navel. Repeat this massage several times while relaxed; practice this routine regularly at least twice a day to relieve sensations of fullness and heartburn.

• 5

After resting from the abdominal massage for several minutes, drink a glass of water. Jump downward from a bottom step or from a low stool to relieve the upward pressure of the hernia and dislodge it from within the diaphragm. The water adds

weight to the stomach and helps it drop back into its correct position and away from the hiatus opening to the chest cavity.

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Acupressure Points for Relieving Hangovers.

Working on these points can help you get better quicker. You do not have to use all of these points. Using just one or two of them whenever you have a free hand can be effective. Points (A) -- Third Eye Point Location: Directly between the eyebrows, in the indentation where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead. Benefits: Relieves headaches, indigestion, and low morale; helps those who feel their spiritual growth is blocked. Points (B) -- Drilling Bamboo Location: In the indentations on either side of where the bridge of the nose meets the ridge of the eyebrows. Benefits: Relieves hangovers, red and painful eyes, headaches, foggy vision, sinus pain, hay fever, and head congestion. Points (C) -- Facial Beauty Location: At the bottom of the cheekbone, directly below tlle pupil. Benefits: Relieves head congestion, burning eyes, and bloodshot or swollen eyes. Points (D) -- Abdominal Sorrow Location: On the lower edge of the rib cage one-half inch in from the nipple line. Benefits: Relieves hangovers, nausea, ulcer pain, indigestion, appetite imbalances, abdominal cramps, and hiccups. Points (E) -- Bigger Rushing Location: On the top of the foot, in the valley between the big toe and the second toe. Benefits: Relieves headaches, tired eyes, hangovers, allergies, and arthritis. Points (F) -- Wind Mansion Location: In the center of the back of the head in the large hollow under the base of the skull. Benefits: Relieves hangovers, headaches, vertigo, stiff necks, head congestion, and mental stress Points (G) -- Gates of Consciousness Location: Below the base of the skull, in the hollows between the two major neck muscles, two to three inches apart depending on the size of the head. Benefits: Relieves eye pain, throbbing headaches, dizziness, stiff neck, coordination problems, and irritability. Points (H) -- Heavenly Pillar Location: One-half inch below the base of the skull, on the ropy muscles one-half inch outward

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from the spine. Benefits: Relieves stress, burnout, exhaustion, insomnia, heaviness in the head, eyestrain, stiff necks, and sore throats. Points (I) -- Joining the Valley Caution: This point is forbidden for pregnant women until labor because its stimulation can cause premature contractions in the uterus. Location: In the webbing between the thumb and index finger, at the highest spot of the muscle that protrudes when the thumb and index finger are brought close together. Benefits: Relieves general pain, especially frontal headaches due to hangovers, shoulder pain, and labor pain.


1. Take divya:-chandrprbha bati 2-2 tablet twice daily with I galas of hot water( with consult of doctor)

2. In this blog we shown acupressure points for enlarge prostate. Pressure these points ( which shown in image as black circle) 5-5 minutes twice daily.

3. Use homeopathic medicine Chimaphilla umbellate 30 with consult of your doctor. ( Homeopathic treatment is based on symptoms so match your various symptoms at this link


4. Done a simple exercise daily with empty stomach. Shrink up your anus and leave it again shrink up your anus and leave it……….done it 20 times daily.

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5. If you take chandrprabha bati, acupressure, shrink-release anus exercise with symptoms base homeo medicine your prostate may cure without operation in 3 months you may feel results in first 2-3 days.

Acupressure Points for Breaking Addictions: Here’s a simple self-acupressure technique to break addictive patterns – with eating, smoking, drugs, alcohol, and other unhealthy habits. Are you ready to work on counteracting your addictive behavior by practicing this twice daily?

Directions: Place your fingertips on your temples in the hollow areas level with and just outside your eyebrows. Place your thumbs between your upper and lower jaws and press the muscle that pops out when you chew. Clench your back teeth as if you were chewing, then release. Clench and release in a rhythmic pattern, approximately once per second.

Each time you clench down on your molars, you should also feel a muscle pop out in the temple area, underneath your fingertips. Exert steady pressure on these points with the muscle movement, coupled with long, deep breathing. Take long, slow deep breaths.

Continue clenching and breathing with your eyes closes for full three minutes. These acupressure points in the temples activate areas of your brain that govern memory, concentration, mental stress, body temperature, addictions and obsessions.

Most people find it difficult to do this for three minutes. At first, you can rest your elbows on a table for support. Do what you can, and build up your timing slowly to 5

minutes a day. For instance, you may practice this meditation for 2 or 3 minutes, twice a day.

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Acupressure Points for Relieving Improving Memory & Concentration.

Working on these points can help you get better quicker. You do not have to use all of these points. Using just one or two of them whenever you have a free hand can be effective. Points (A) -- One Hundred Meeting Point Location: On the crown of the head in between the cranial bones. To find the point, follow the line from the back of both ears to the top of the head. Feel for a slight hollow toward the back of the top of the head. Benefits: Good for mental concentration and improving memory; relieves headaches. Points (B) -- Sun Point Location: In the depression of the temples, one-half inch to the outside of the eyebrows. Benefits: Improves memory and concentration; relieves mental stress, headaches, and dizziness. Points (C) -- Gates of Consciousness Location: Below the base of the skull, in the hollows on both sides about two to three inches apart depending on the size of the head. Benefits: Remedies headaches, poor memory, and relieves arthritic pain that inhibits the ability to concentrate, regardless of the pain's location. Points (D) -- Heavenly Pillar Location: One-half inch below the base of the skull on the ropy muscles one-half inch outward from the spine. Benefits: Relieves stress, burnout, overexertion, heaviness in the head, and unclear thinking. This point will help relax your neck allowing greater circulation into your brain. Points (E) -- Third Eye Point Location: Directly between the eyebrows, in the indentation where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead. Benefits: Good for improving concentration and memory; clears the mind and uplifts the spirit. Points (F) -- Middle of a Person Location: Two-thirds of the way up from the upper lip to the nose. Benefits: Improves memory and concentration, and relieves cramps, fainting, and dizziness. The effectiveness of this point often increases by pressing it firmly each day over a period of several weeks. Points (G) -- Sea of Tranquility Location: On the center of the breastbone three thumb widths up from the base of the bone. Benefits: Aids concentration; relieves nervousness, chest congestion, insomnia,

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depression, anxiety, and other emotional imbalances that inhibi! concentration and clear thinking. Points (H) -- Three Mile Point Location: Four finger widths below the kneecap, one finger width outside of the shinbone. If you are on the correct spot, a muscle should flex as you move your foot up and down. Benefits: Strengthens the mind and body as well as aiding mental clarity. Points (I) -- Bigger Rushing Location: On the top of the foot, in the valley between the big toe and the second toe. Benefits: Relieves poor memory, headaches, fatigue, and poor concentration.

Acupressure Points for Relieving High Blood Pressure.

Working on these points can help you get better quicker. You do not have to use all of these points. Using just one or two of them whenever you have a free hand can be effective. It's important to drink plenty of warm water after the massage, helps to clear away toxic substances in our body.

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Acupressure Points for Relieving Coughing.

Working on these points can help you get better quicker. You do not have to use all of these points. Using just one or two of them whenever you have a free hand can be effective. Points (A) -- Heaven Rushing Out Location: At the base of the throat in the large hollow directly below the Adam's apple. Benefits: Relieves dry cough, bronchitis, sore throat, chest congestion, and heartburn. Points (B) -- Elegant Mansion Location: In the hollow below the collarbone next to the breastbone. Benefits: Relieves chest congestion, breathing difficulties, asthma, coughing, and anxiety. Points (C) -- Heavenly Pillar Location: One-half inch below the base of the skull on the ropy muscles one-half inch out from either side of the spine. Benefits: Relieves sore throat, stress, burnout, overexertion, and heaviness in the head. Points (D) -- Ding Chuan Location: To the side and a little above the vertebra that protrudes at the top of the spine when the head is tilted downward. Benefits: Relieves throat problems, coughing, shoulder and neck pain, and thyroid imbalances. Points (E) -- Vital Diaphragm Location: Between the shoulder blade and the spine at the level of the heart. Benefits: Relieves coughing, breathing difficulties, and respiratory problems. This calming point also helps balance the emotions.

Acupressure Points for Relieving Improving Memory & Concentration.

Working on these points can help you get better quicker. You do not have to use all of these points. Using just one or two of them whenever you have a free hand can be effective. Points (A) -- One Hundred Meeting Point Location: On the crown of the head in between the cranial bones. To find the point, follow the line from the back of both ears to the top of the head. Feel for a slight hollow toward the back of the top of the head. Benefits: Good for mental concentration and improving memory; relieves headaches. Points (B) -- Sun Point Location: In the depression of the temples, one-

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half inch to the outside of the eyebrows. Benefits: Improves memory and concentration; relieves mental stress, headaches, and dizziness. Points (C) -- Gates of Consciousness Location: Below the base of the skull, in the hollows on both sides about two to three inches apart depending on the size of the head. Benefits: Remedies headaches, poor memory, and relieves arthritic pain that inhibits the ability to concentrate, regardless of the pain's location. Points (D) -- Heavenly Pillar Location: One-half inch below the base of the skull on the ropy muscles one-half inch outward from the spine. Benefits: Relieves stress, burnout, overexertion, heaviness in the head, and unclear thinking. This point will help relax your neck allowing greater circulation into your brain. Points (E) -- Third Eye Point Location: Directly between the eyebrows, in the indentation where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead. Benefits: Good for improving concentration and memory; clears the mind and uplifts the spirit. Points (F) -- Middle of a Person Location: Two-thirds of the way up from the upper lip to the nose. Benefits: Improves memory and concentration, and relieves cramps, fainting, and dizziness. The effectiveness of this point often increases by pressing it firmly each day over a period of several weeks. Points (G) -- Sea of Tranquility Location: On the center of the breastbone three thumb widths up from the base of the bone. Benefits: Aids concentration; relieves nervousness, chest congestion, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and other emotional imbalances that inhibi! concentration and clear thinking. Points (H) -- Three Mile Point Location: Four finger widths below the kneecap, one finger width outside of the shinbone. If you are on the correct spot, a muscle should flex as you move your foot up and down. Benefits: Strengthens the mind and body as well as aiding mental clarity. Points (I) -- Bigger Rushing Location: On the top of the foot, in the valley between the big toe and the second toe. Benefits: Relieves poor memory, headaches, fatigue, and poor concentration.