AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

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Page 1: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


AD 2755515


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Page 2: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

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Page 3: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies







C *4PROJECT P&L 3D).* TAM U9 N1 -1go f I'"Of 28 w92


(Prvaed uodw CoubWa No. AF 33(8I6).?S41by Syzttm Tedhosk-v. !L.%'

Auffi-: Ju1jn W4ovItc. Pay ?.Cqiaeoo, Duawme dw,D-stogt Criuso. Jobe 4d~owseU)

Page 4: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


When Cývcrnment drawings. srocificatio-s, or other data are reed for any purposeother than In connection with a definitely related Government procurement operado. theUnitod States Government thereby incurs no responsibility noreny obligatlio wbstsoe r.and the fact t t he Governtret may have formulatd. furnished, or It un way supp)4e2the eadd d&'wIngs. apeclftcations. or other dee. Is not to be regarded by Implicston orotherwise as in any manner licwncing the ho~der or any other persoo or corporaltUo orconveying any rIgbta or perminieo to manufacture. use. or eL% av patented inventionthat may in any way be related thereto.

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Page 5: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

"11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies.7-e kNieaxc% rported ---s sponsored by the Plight Control Intorstory of theAcrorautical Systrs DIvteion under Proje,' To. 8219. It van conducted atSystzes TC.ennology, Inc. under Contract Nto. AV 5,(616)-7841. The AnD projecternineers were Mr. R. 0. Anderson and IA. L. Schwartz of the Flight Controllahonatory. The princil investigators were Messrs. D. T. Meihier and DunstanGrahan. The principal contributors to this report are listed as authors. Messrs.D. T. MW-uer acAd Dunstan Grshans, Sy-te=s Technology, Inc. teehnicel directors,piwined t.he geieral a.-oach nad contributed many dreails. J. bielkovitch, $21proj.ct engineer, wrote the report and originated the mstcrel of Chap-ers IVa= V. hay ftdall.no originated Appendiceb A and B, and John McDonnell producedthc =r-.p,he "d detailed relatiorxhipr of Chapter lI.

The authors wish to exrress their thanks to v--. V. J. KKcacevich for hisdiligent work in gener•i•g the M2 and 712279 general and standard forms, andto Lt. L. Schwartz for his thorough check of the AE iteri.vation and for evaliable ccments. Acrnowledgment is CrstefelL• made to Mr. J. Taira, and toMr. H. R. Pass who contributed zany of the calculations, and to Messrs. W. E.Ellis and R. N. Nye for their careful work in preparing the final ilnustrationsfor Lhis report.

Permissio, haa been granted by the AIEE to publiab material from theTransactions. Volume 7Z. in this ASD Technical Report.

AsD TR 6-0 5om

Page 6: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


Pcrformance measures and ascoclated criterla for lincar constant coef-ficient systena forced by deterministic i r.cut are Inventleateed, vtth particu-lar referer.ce to flight ccntri.d cystens. 1i is shown that the, application ofperforn-ncc ensures i flcilltatcd by substituting for the actual flight con-trol systm " ý.u-ivalcnt lou-order lineariýed system having similar dynamiccharacteristics. A critical survey of current performance neasures is given,and iwv suthods for the as.lytle evaluation of some !ndicial error measuresarc presen:ted.

Th-•.u ,ritorla are examined vith regard to their validity, selectivity,and case of application. Nir:.alized pr-sentations are ýued so that practicallimitations on the tine scale of the response (e.g., due to power/irnrtia re-strictions) cae be taken Into account separately. It is concluded that mini=fl. (intecr.eec tine moment of absolute (.crrr) and ntnimr ITE2 (integratedtine moment of error-squared) have particular nerit. The lIAr criterion yieldssmooth irdicial responses having little oversnoot, but Its analytic descriptionis complicatcd. Of the eriteria-ninina IIE- (integrated error-istarc4), mini-num MT2, l12•-, IT'E2 (Integrated tinrst-, second-, and third tine sarcnte oferror-square.))-Isa ha sIgple analytic fo•rs, but selects poor ind-ci•l• re-sponses IT32 respooses are an duod as those selected by lITA, but IT352 (and'alo iT12) aaljic exoression arc too complicated for general use. I se-lects moderately smooth and veil-damped respons=es (less good than fTAE), butpossesses tractable analytic form-. Thurefare, 1112 is reccmended for analyticirnvesttCtiors, uheress IMAR is prtfe.-r for optii=sation using analeg coaqiters.Some other criteria also anpear proms!rng for use In conjunction 'with digitalcomputers, but require further invrastigt•_on t deternine tics valdity andsel-ettivty.


This report IAs been revic'ed and Is approved.


Chief, Aerospace-cehtancs BranchFlig-ht Control laboratory

ASD V 61-,o1 Mi

Page 7: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies



f•,IfRODCfON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


II SYSTEM. CHAMC STI'.C3 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 11

Formulae for Indicia] Reponse Characteristics ....... 21

General Correlation of System Charnteristics ... ...... 30

III INDICIAL ElROR R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X

Derivation of IE2, ITE2

, and IT.......... 39Evaluation of IsL, ITE

2, and 1T-92? as Perfcsnee Measures. . . 45

.rivwtion of IA•, ITAE, and 1T2AE ........... !A

Other Indicial Error Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Other Standard Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

IV IWECT OF A P TIM JAG UPO u DICIc L niz MoAS'jpS . . .. 67

Effect uf Time Wan on ITAZ and ITS2

for 3econd-Order7ero-?oGtion-"-rror Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69App-oxtmation to Performance Measures of Higher-OrderOptimal 7.ero-Position-Error Systeo .......... . IEstimation of Delay Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Interpretation of q, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75Example of Approximate Calculation of Perfora-nccW-asures for Hieh-Order Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 81Further Approximationc- to the Delay Tim ......... 81


IS for General Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Genernl Rclationc Betveen Certain Mcauurcs ofOpen-l,4p ri Cl•os•-Loop 3Z-Lysc . ...... ........... . 5

SUtWARY AND COWCIUIOU. ........ .............. 103

FannaU ... ..........................

ASD TR 61-5o01 Iv

Page 8: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies



Clcu, tic, of the Inm.vLai Error Responzc of =

Unit-Numerator Cecond-Order System ... 11.

Eveluation of lAS .. *.. 1.

Lealuation of ITAS ................ 116

Calculation of IT2AE ............... 113


A Wthod for Lsullmtlrr IABE and ITAL for Third-Odcr Systems. . 1°5

Ihterm•irt-Cn of tie Transfer Function of a Pall-Vave Rectifier. 125

Characterization of the Input Signal, x(t) ........ 127

Characterization of the Output SigrAl ......... 128

Evaluation Of C(t,m) ............... 130

Numerical Che•k of Epres3slo for je(t)I ........ 15

Evaluation of IAE ................ 136

Calcumletion of IaE for Optimum Third-Order System ..... 153

Evaluation of Iw ................ 15j


)ctsils of the Example Flight Control SystcM Used tuDemonstrate the Equivalent System Concept ........ 159

ASS TR 61-o31


Page 9: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

I . Open-Loop Bode Diagr of G(Qo) Transfer Function . .... 6

2. Comparison of Exact and Approximate Closed-Loop BodeDiagrtme of O(jwo)j1 + 0(3w) Transfer Function. .* 7

3. Idealized Partitioning of Indicial Response ....... 12

4. Comaerison or Actuol asid Approximate Phase Margin. . ... 18

5. Cc;parison of Actual n Approx1mat Bandvidths ...... 18

6. Compariscn of Actuc. 2-rd Alproximate Settllng Times ..... 22

7. Comparison of Actual and Approximate Equivalent Time Constants . 24

8. Peoparison of Actual and Approximate Delay Times ...... 25

9. Ccmparison of Actual and Approximte Rise Times ...... 26

10. Pesk Overshoot of Unit-Numerator Second-Order System . . . . 28

11. Time-to-Peak of a Unit-Numorator Seccnd-Order System . . . . 29

12. Settling 'Tim- ef - Th~rl-Order System ......... 32

13. Rice Time arc Peak Overshoot of a Third-Order System . . . . 33

1i. Closed-Loop Bode (jc) Diagrams of Stndard For ...... 46-47

15. Indlcial Responses of Standard Form-s .......... 48-49

Is. c-jpA o Ana calandExperimentally Determined10 ., WETsr and o IfAn icrfors o -asi.res ........ 5

17. Cuaparinon of Analytical. and Experimentally Determined

IAE cr4 ITAE for Unlt-Numerator Second-Order Syst. .... 58

18. CcTcerison of Analytical and Experimentally DeterminedIt

2AE for UV.it--Ncx:t--•or .cond-Order Systm ....... 59

19. Poclm. U~ Loain f UiLNsoorSewun-Opljr Stsxulrd For.&. 32

P0. Pole Locations of Unit- -.-erator Thbrd-Order Fo..• ..... 63

21. Pole Locations of Unit-Numerstor Fourth-Order For--m ..... 64

22. AE for a Second-Order Zero-Position-Error Syntcm with a

ime Delay, T.... . ...... ................. 72

ASD TR 61-5o1 vi

Page 10: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

23. ITE? for a Second-Or-ier Zero-Position-Error System with a

Time Dela., .................. 73

24. PA-p Appro%-st!=t- to Upt!._l System .......... 74

25. V-azotion or Dcezy Tmc vitn Integrated Errorfor Otimum ITAE Zzrc-r'osjtIon-Error Syste-.s ....... 76

26. Variation of Delay T1e with Integrated Errorfor Opti-um IE2, IE2, 152E', and IT

5 System ...... 71

27. Variation or Delay Time vItn Integrated7,..r -or Butterworth Filters ............ 78

26. Indiclal FLsponaes of iuttcrworth Filt-rs of FirstThrc•ugh Eighth Orderr (reproduced from Ref. 37) ... . 79

29. Effect of a Time Delay on ITAI. for a Unit-lhrerator

Sýcond-Order System ................

30. Ccoparisot. of Measured ean Predicted ITAE ...... ........ 83

31. indicial Responses of ITAE Standard Forms of Second-Throug c ,ig:t.h-Order (reproduced from Ref. 37) .... ....... 84

32. Correlation of Del" TJme with Coefficient of an-I forith-Order Unit-Huerator ITAE Standard Forms . ........ 86

33. Correlation of Delay Tine with System Order for

Sor=ai.ed Unit-Numerator Standard Form .............. 87

34. Rectifier Transfer Char-cter tle.....c ...... ........... 125

35. Inversion Contours .......... ................ 126

.%. Contour of Integration for C(tm) Coefficients .... ....... 130

37. Calculat-d Value of Ie(t)! for Third-Order Optiemi ITAE System

vs RNuber of Harmonies at t . 4.55 Normalized Se.. ...... .. . 7

38. Calculated Value of Ie(t) for Third-Order Optimal ITAE Systemvs Niser :f FHarmonics at t - 3.20 ,ormalized See .... ...... .13

Ny CacuLated VaLue of je(t)i %or Third-Order Opt=l rTS Systemvs NHmuer of Harmonica at t - 6.13 Norm•lized See .... ...... 13

40. Calculated Value of le(t)l for Third-Order Optimal ITAE Systemvs libter of Harm=onlcs at t . 6.41 Normalized See. .... ...... 140

41. Calculated Value of Ic(t)I for Lightly Damped Syste2"vs Number of Harmonics at t - 0.4105 Normalized See ... ..... 1.1

ASD TR 61-w0o vii

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42. CMCl~ated va•ue of Ie(t)l t•o- Lightlj Dsped SZys-vs Ihmber of HarmOnics at t o 3.664itomnized See ...... 142

ASD Th. 61-5woii

Page 12: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

1 Stability Mesures for Constant-Coefficieot Linear Syste=n. . 9

II-A Single-Loop r:edht•.k System Cr~cteristicnersosfer Function Ktsures ............. .3

II-B Transient Response Characteristic3 ........... ii

III Correlation of Se-ond-Order Unit-1hoeratorSystem Characterlstie ............... 19

IV Indiclal. rror **&sures .............. 37-38

V Lieal. lorms of Integals Required for Ij, ITR2

, rmdITE for Systems of Pfrst- Through Fourth-Order ...... 43-•

VI Standard Forms Eor Unit-Mzcrator Systems•merator is f0O bere n is System Order) .... . . . . 51

VII Freq.ency-Dcsn Charfteristics of Standard Fors ..... 52

VIII Itlic'-l Response Cearscteristics of Optimal Systems ..... 60

AisD TR 61 -501 ix

Page 13: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


A~t) - ýc7 (in' Al-per.Ix B)

[A) )'atrix or oeoffilclnt,' (Cee 1"~bln 7)

a Coet"Cieint -if aperis41v term in tr,-1r responxe

23 Arument of CMux,* function ( j,ý)

skj Azeu.%nt of fGnsrn luictions( 3/2)

;jw=$ýcft of 'ft-- f5C1Ct'.O, (. ',2)

al Coefficient of 21 in charncterlstic equaucn, &(a) o

aj Co-ffIcient of n- i' 'IrenocInAter Cr E(fC)

2 Set Fq -3 nd B30(ApperAix B)

B(z,a0 ) -I'(z)r(C0)/r(z + CO)p the seta function

b. - eg

b Coefficient of e- inj qh

bo Normalizei Coefficient of r,'In deonionator of C,'s)/li(s)

C(s) -/Ct

C(t,() See E4 B-18 (Appendix B)

C%~) /- ~iýC(t,:) -


C3 Paths of integration (s". Fig. a.3)

I --/ -P (in AppendLAB)

e COefficltat Of 4 1- i:q h7

CO r- IIC .,eli'. , - dcv. mirneo of C(a)/Bt(s)

ASD fli61,41 X

Page 14: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

C Peak oyerskoot

,(t.) RetsK03e MCe

D "sncfer function dermitor

di Ooefficient of co'in ot~erstor of E(s)

'-(Z) .I ptoi

eA -24O18

-0 Error responst

Gr C(5J).ft(-) G (L)/I + G(S)

G_ E(:)/B(3) 1/1 ~

go Arqg.snt of Beta functI~o

b Ik Ej B-4i4 (Appendix W,

it, See E4 1-83 (AppeodIn B)

b(0) - 14 Pb-, the trenafer eb t~rls^ýcel'~ the full-wave lioear *ectifier

h+ I Tat p~rt or transfer cbaxasteristtz for % positive or !Iegatiw-ph- respectively

IAS Intevml of*bsolute eror, .`*j*It~d-

XE Litegral of irror, jP'0(t)dt

AVID TH61-5M1 xi

Page 15: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


Integral of error-squ.red, P. (~D t) ý't

MTE Integral of timc-elg1toX aLbzolute error, fl'tez d

IT. Integral1 of tiae-velatted erwror f.'~ te(t)dt

r=2 integrali of time-veisbtc-i error.sqTmzv6, J.' t am 't)

n2E2 zuteiru of ti1.e-sqimredl times error-somedre,. t2

r(t) d

IT3E, Integral of time-cubed ýLmes. error-squezed, t3 .'t 2C

rzOE Integral or nth~ time-xmaot of error, f.' t0


fl¶7 ttldt

111 Integral of a functIon of error not involving Usme expluc~tly, foo' uWc

16,(z) YNcdtfie' Aessel function of the first klW~

ja~q) Beacel functio-


I See Eq r-19 jEpl-en'x )

k Coefficient of oscinakrr t~i in error r-24ponse of tnirn-order sfaets(Appeclix B)

Sei Eq B-61 (Appedlx B)

L. aplace transform operator

Inverse laplace transform operator

10 Noiling moet derivative with ri-spect to sideslip

See E-1 -61 (Apperzlix D)

mp Peak mg-ificatlon ratio

a Order of 'Larmr~ct in output signal

l.sD mt 6-501 x~i

Page 16: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

N Transfer function nuzrotor

ni Number of ciockucc cn-cimlricrjts of -1 by C(S)

-90 Yawing mncent ae:1'~n-.ve with respect to sideslip

N, Set Pq D-33 (Appendix B)

* S-t-tion or infinite product index for Beta function,

* Sy~teu order

P ihmber of poles vf %s5) in right-,alf Plane

21 Coeffictezit of k1

in the nmaerator of Eq 19

p laplace transfer voriabie it s is ±ndepe:,dsot variable

Pi Colefficient of 11 In the numerator of Eq 23

Qj Coefficier* Of 1." in the densslrntor of Eq 19

q Bq-Aunt (Appendix 2)

qd Coefficient Of I" In the dereanLmtor of Eq 23

q1 Co0efficienlt Or s It, Ctn)/fRs denc~inator

It(s) tr(t)

r SimatILoc Index

r(t) Treput

J.- ~ *5 [5:.st-+a .4a

a laplace trsnsform -ariable

31-1bs sin- b,

T A tine conns-nt

I- Atr :-% cm-~

T, .(ln(a/kj]/y - n. ti~e when uatio of envelo'pes equals oreTe flevtor se.v: -.lze constant

Teg Equdvilenc tin: cmbn.Ltn

ASS 6'-,01 xiii

Page 17: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

T1 Closed-loop tdn constant

t Time, or rwmrl.zed time

t1 -firc or n^rum-slt4 time

tdj Delay timle

tp Tiw to peak

ta Rie tine

ts Settling time

U. Set Eq !ý4 (Aprendimnr

V An error function, not involving ttw etplictity

V(W) = ke-nt

w.-) 2- Eq B-69 (Appeo~nz B)I2

d o, + " .- I t*

x Be I..t) 1-o I 2t

x or1(t) !n-¶xt to #?Uf.%v^, liner rertlfler

Y Open-loop tr .isfer function

y . InI:)

y)or 0Ottut of the 'l-Avsve linear rectifieryAt)

Page 18: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

. Nlumber of zeroo of i + G(c) in rivptht.lgf plane

Zor::(t) See Eq B-37 (Appenixi' B)

z - X* J) complex Narlable

I Real Pa~r' of c--7ex roota Of tbird-order art,.

Q(S) Vf~mzrator of G(S)

:5 Ieagnrary Par' Of cccplex rootf Of tbird-ordler 3yste*.

19,14i- or (Appendix A or.Ly)

P(S) r1ezom~natar or G(s)72

'Wx Cama f'onticn

71 Real roo0t Of tbird-order syatra tran~sfer functicon denmirntor

Y thplaze trosforo VI~riabio (in abapter III)

I2 Ste Eq B-6! (Append%. B)

-A3 -tan-, 2aa

a2 - 32

S A time coon-tant5e Elevator deflection

£.1 a2 01,?,.. So.:-wr factor

"41'J~) * * + J, rplxvariable

Dampinz ratio

;j Closei-locp d4-ing ratio

ASE -R 61-301 xc

Page 19: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

o Angle of pitch

G(t) .Pt + * - ,

x Open-2ocp gain

C, Pqialization gain

KU Gain Of rýrwv tzr plus a.Ulller cucbinstion

K1/•C (,.in mnrgln

Kt/IK GCcialIceII gain UMargi

S •,Open-loop time constant

1 -S4o0

p Wbgnit%-.e of laplace transform variable, a

PC Generalized crossover frequency

t - Re (0)

4 DazpiAg ratio cf c3-5ei.ioop roots

o Real part of colplex variable, a

a, A particular value of a

"I Time delay

o: -*e- T1 e

92 Pixe margin

On Generalized phase margin

E - t ar 7 M, (pta angi)

Normalized fxvqýuAcy

0 imaginary Part Of coXVIeX variabla, a a +4 jw

A~TR 6:.-5oi

Page 20: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

0 Laplace transform yarlable vb•o x is the independent virlable

ab Bandvidth

CDC Crossover frequr,-cy

9I Closed-loop rvot natural frequency

e() See Fq D-72 (Appendix B)

1 Undaeepd naturml frequency

1 Peak maniflceation freq7.ncy

1, Frequency of instability

.4 Angle

I I Absolute value

I I~b )Mnitude in decibels

~, Partial dertynktive


U Prc•uct

ASD . -=01 xvii

Page 21: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Dynamic perfo=3nn-e Is only ore of rany fa.tora to It crtaidered in

assessing the merit of a flight cono:o1 4satem. Coat, ueight, reliability,

schedule, etc., must also be taken into account. The beat choice for ony

given requlrement can be found only by veighting each of these factors accord-

ing to their relative Iaportance. Cost, weight, etc.t are measured directly

&a unequivocally In termr of dollars, pounds, etc., but at the present time

assessment of dynamic perforance depends heavily on intuition. '!is is cot

du- to aso shortage of performance wasuree; many have been proposed. The

Problem Is which measure or combination of seasures to choose, and, baving

made the choice, how to apply the resulting criteria to the system tnder con-

sideration. It is to the solution of this problem that this report is directed.

The work reported here vwa performed under an Air Force contract directed

at providing

1. A foundation for the specification of dynamic performance

criteria for automatic flight control system

2. The methods of analysis required to apply uc-h criteria.

It vas convenient to present the results of the study in two part=. The

present report deals vith Performance criteria appropriatO to deterainistic

inputs; randm inputs and associatvd topics are discussed In a subsequent


Chapter I consists of a broad discussion or dynamic performance, and out-

lines exact and approximte calculation procedures. It is shoWn thet although

actual flight control systems are descrited by differential equations of high

order, moe tractable equivalent systems of low order can provide a convenient

and sufficiently sacurate basis for analytical optimization techoiques. Qasli-

ties defining the merit of the dynamc perfamance of given systems are out-

lined, and their interpretation into rmuerl.s peerformance Measures is dic-

cussed. Performance criteria a t.en defined in ter=$ of optlrmi ralutc of

xnece measures, and the requirements of validity, selectivity, and ewe of

application tmt a Cood criterion should possess are formulated.

Ibnuacrt released by authors 11 Deceaber 1961 for publication as an ASDR eport.

An mR 61 -5w

Page 22: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Chapters II and 17I survey published measurcs a dysmaic performance.

Chapter 11 deals prlcarliy with criteria rot explicltly involcing Integral

ftuctiors of error (e.g., phase rmrgin, bandwidth, race tli, etc.), and pre-

sents exten¢zve correlatios of tiese criteria for second-order systems.

Chapter III is concered wits ndicinal error masures; i.e., criteria directly

measuring somne tZstgrased !'•nction of the errnr response to a step Input. This

clas: incis-les sore of the rost useful crlttri•, such as IM (integrated time

cer•,t of a.oolutte error), Ie (integrate.d error-squared), etc. Calculation

procedures for these crit-ria are presented; in particular, analytical expres-

sions for ITAE and some other measures not previously expressed in analytical

- -.ir- -•b.hished for the first tire. Chapter III concludes with a survey

of the closed-loop and ccpn-loop charsntriatics of those optimal systtma which

-rinntotc particulvar :rndicial error ressures.

C!Apter IV derives geersi exact for---= expressing the efftct of a pure

time loG on syste. idzicial error measures. By comining these foruslae with

the ob.servastion that the responses of high-order good =dC opt -,4 systess

closely approin•te to the resposes of lover-order systems vwil a tire delay,

a -ctnod of sppro'týizting to perfornAnce reasures of high-order systems is

drvissd. X- ecenple is give. to show how this approximation simpilfies opti-

sltatios prozedurces

Chayter V Cenerai•tes some of the fcr-sIan for iroicial error reasures to

cvnO tate t••o crre.spoming nessures for inputs other than steps. Relationships

be open- sA1 closed-2oc- 'oc-= of certain measures are also discussed.

Chapter VI discsses -easures or sensitivity to parameter changes, and

pover rciree..t, ans prnsste the conclusions reached from the present study

c,. zriteris, for inetcroin'stic inputs.


Page 23: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies



The dyr-4-c pertormance of a control system or element is assessed by

comidering the folloving fectors:

1. Stability2. Response to desired inputs3. Response to unwanted inmptsl4. Accuracy5. Insen-tivity to parameter changes6. Power and/or energy demands.

The quantitative specification or dynamic perforsance c-neistt of choosing

measures or tme alove qualitlos (either -inciy or in coblunatlyn), and setting

desirable values or linlt3 upon these measures. Defining a "per foreance meas-

ure" as a quantity characterizin6 dynamic perfor=ance, the term 'perfiemnce

criterion" may be defined as a standard or reference value or a perfcrvance

measure which provIdcs a basis for a rule or test by which soe aspect of

dr-. c perfr---nnce is evsl',ted in forming a ýudqment of system quality.

Pcr a perZormance criterion to be of ue it must be valid, selective,

and readily applicable. Validity implies that the criterion is associated

with desirable performance characterittics for the input crviroent of interest.

Thc -rcquircnn of selectivity decend3 thee the criterion should differentiate

sharply between "good" system and those which are merely "acceptle-." For

the criterion to be readily zpplicable, its exprecssion i. term of system

pa-a-meters should be compact, %Ac convenient procedures for its evaluation

should exist.

In principle, the p:oc-ss of designing a rfstem to meet the specified

performance consists of calculating the dyn-ý-" lcrforance, apyirg the

measure to the system under conxideration, and thenp If necessary, modifying

the system so that the specified pericrsance is attsined or approached as

closely as Practicable. For convaueuisuu in isplemetinUg this stap-by-step

sequence, analytic pzucedurea for the calculation of the parformece mea

should be aval able. However, mas:y flight control sMstes are so eo.plic. don

that their response to any given input can only be described by a differential

Page 24: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

equation of high order, or by a large number of siLultaneous differential

equations of lover order. Physical realities thus tel te be o tz.cA !n a

fog of zathe-atics. To avo~d this situation, a :ober of simplifications can

he intriun d 1-. the analytical repmesentatior.s of actuAl flight control

systees. Poreort zmong these Is the ass=mption of small perturbation: ant,

hence, ltneerity. The further a-umption is then cmonly made that changes

in vehicle configuration and cnrirorent occurring during the motion are

ctsli, so tkat the coefficients of thn differertial equaticns are effectively

constant. The resulting linear constant-coefficient equations arc still of

high order. For purposes of calculation, a lover-order system which posatsese

(for a given input) approximately equivalent domnant amoe dyanics can be con-

structed. This artifice is particularly valuable in tVe ci;culation of perform-

ince criteria. It will ibe demonstrated beloo 'bat this =mre tractable equiva-

lent srteu Ja relatively easy to deduce from the open-loop trcnsfer function of

the particular loop that is being stAlcd. later in this report it will also be

shown that the result provides a sufficiently accurte basis for the calculation

of perforvance criteria.

The geze~ul procedure by which ecuivalent systems ar derived is ,oat

¢clarly illmutrated by an example. Cinsider a pitch control system for the

fighter airplace detailed Jn Appendix C. The open-Icop tra-nfer function for

the pitch loop Is

0.060) Trnsers.

Airplane Funcsteon (i)

Controflar Transferunction

Page 25: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

The Bode diagmra for G(3() is snown In Fig. 1. The closed-loop system has

three regions of interest defined by

Io(=)I >> 1, over which IG, *.•1

Io;(n)I << 1, over whichjrIf IIIO(J.) I

The form of the closed lcop transfer function, G O) , in this lost

re.ion 4IPnes the "do=inant =- 'c" of the closed-'icp syste dyzs-,ic response

for Impulse and step inputs. In most cases G(jzl/j) - 4(b)] in the regionwhere ;o(3•)I i of thz order of unity can be approximated by a first-, second-,

or vtird-order syste, the modes of which vwlt dctermine the major features of

tin response. The open-loon amplitude asymptotes of an appropriate equiv-cent

system for this exsnp2e are shown in Fig. .

Applying this approximation tc tht prer.nt example yields the closed-loop

(to)) Bode diagram of MS.- 2. 1he B'- diets for the esact closed-loop system

Is also shown for cemparatlie purposes. It wil be observed that the error of

tL. approximAtion is small. If greater accurzacy is required, nore complicated

open-loop equivalent systems can be produced by retaining more of the terms in

the complete open-loop transfer -function.

In the enmople cited, the servo break frequency is of the order of .. Hore

Lypiý•.iy, this frejeLzy will "e >> xv; the effect of the associated high-fre-

quency leads ar. laegs can the,. be approxiza-ted by replacing them In either the

open- or closed-loop transfer function, by a pure time delay term, e-13. A satis-

factory approximation for the time delay in r - -(Tlees - 'lag)hgh frequency.

(A~termativc approxinstloýs ar- discussed in Chapter IV.)

In general, airplane transfer functicn break frequencies and tine constants

nrcspaccd so that C($v) z Um, rsgiw. of crossover can be satisfactorily approxi-

mated by a system of nD. more than fourth order.

The equivalert system concept can be ap;lied to form rnuerical rsurmes of

each of the ss.erts of dynamic performac c acIz-ed at the beginning of thiz

chapter. However, -etcrinascion of stoablity Is us'slly (koly slightly more

Page 26: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

21 0


Figuxe I1. Opta-toop Bode Lia,,Or. o G(,ýA) Tra.nsfer PFrnction

Page 27: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

*2e .C PrsllutE - 1)vrm~eCoajo

bc~cDý&w-sof -7L ý47 T vvýýer I 0


Page 28: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

conplijted fcr .the eomplece linearized system model then for the simplified

equivalc.t. ?ablc I =srriszes techniques for Investigating rtab2Vity. Since

the as W epplication of almost all stsard performance criteria requires

lost W-e system shall ve stable, the use of one of t'he tests listed in Table I

:orc a prerequisite to tibe applicatino of more refined criteria.

Of the retaining aspects of dyrnaic performance listed at the beginning

of this chap•er, this report is principally concerned with Item 2, "response

to desired !nputz, and the main body of the von, presented herc Is concerned

with the !.ecrpratstioa of this quality In numerical terms as a performance

&essure. Investigation of the --•.t'o ceiacity to suppress most unwanted

Inputs requires cons!&lrstion of gustcs noise. etc., which are best described

tn statistiJcal terra, t-Ac then fal~l outsidc the,--: W? thope seeit re:port.

Hovcer, teo= unvanted insuts (e.g., engine faLlure) are vell-describ.- by

deterministic expressions; for these inputs the mezhods of the present report

are quite applicable. inc topics of accurazy, lnsensitivity to parameter

cianges, and power/ener 5 y dcrmnds are discussed In Chapter VI in terms of

.iAl-eI performance measures.

tonventionasy, Lic quantitatire interpretntion of the response to desired

inputs is acieve1 by scarns of me•sures of the motion follso'm s. limited

selection of determinrstic inputs. These inputs are:

1. Impuls (Dirac delta func-tion)2. Step3. RaAPhs. Power srles5. Sine wave.

Besides their conventional nature as test Inruts, the first four of these are

saso representative of a vile variety of flivit contrul system -mmand, dMa-

turbqnce, or initi.l condition inputs.

The well-krnn convolution relationships of linear theory (4-.g.9 Duhnel's

inceg"l), scat sy•p.-i•e.d t-chnricuer dec.ribed in tf. 36 ar•d 72, rnable tU.

response to any •et•r•inistic input to be calculated from a knowledge of the

response to any of the inputs listed above. A comprehensive surrey of perform-

ance measures that have b-ee propoced for detaxr.Instlc Input: is presented in

the follovwn two ct*ptezs.


Page 29: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


N.C.,t.s f~. M.f -- & Cf.Ara.e1ristle equation, a(s) 0 Pushe of vmxI&,tio. In .lgn

dsAW*$ CO,4±tlo- X0 rOt.TistIc q-tl. 4(-, , 0 71.1.11 v~w e0s oflid) cofficiens;

Oteo.oIft.4 Ru.lsao 1110 HMIf~e 104 at.,1.11c equgtlio,of Signs &M 0 -&W )... Maher CC '"I.Ll000 I..

7.OslbCbmle.rnsti equati~ ~ ~ ±on, a,*&) - 0 Hurul.1110 fotetlt..

r-o,.lloed 710.th-110lt: Mol41110 'etweerl.tlceV.tlont R-.t1. test functionsor C. 0,ItsCriterion &(A) -0 : 4(x) ot10010fo 101 1fild

LEpoAf '1.1115lkrl of oe0.ficlent., ( A]; oe. 5 701U,. r,at.I f.- or Uo.sytm1galoss I h 010~ JAyo.tr10 04111 [P]

(o-[A] [Z]

lakw0115 Crieloor., Also M-s-eotr1.tle equation In f=,E ' O -4.. - A(2 - jYj(cw!) Hoot. of A(.2) on4 b1(.2)

motor of .I.01r01.sto N, or -1. a-5.0401 of %-#o Ps of No,) - 0 in

C.right holf pla-

CwyluatOpcs-Iscp 1001.01. function, .n 11±17*t1

9-ta s0.1. tability

Mob-e of e01000.of -1, -A Cs._b1 of seýs In pC.) 11111 real partsgstlr 1100 o, or daVIsg mt.110 1es-

G3.rllo C rnoclto Op-oo m~e f--Cs 1 etefe 9~.o n

Page 30: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

TA=2 I-.tV4ILITl MAU402 Fdt 020270 T-COOF.4102? L02EA 012202

.021 DI= M%=IPLIC&I.Ca 21u2612 A=2 AIDS; leMWX

~~ct ~ ~ LUcoeft3~t ,, ~ U~ ficients of Cass sign - .ce.tc-*3"7, tout not 9odffcient, 00.02024.tfor

rarI.tlonu, of sign of 4t(-), [(t.(.)j.-

0.1.t'so v0200. of als) 001 of~lcts -'-l2Oo.2tions for clot of 6(c) .,o'ýO (.1 > 0), to betopnl- .02 real .oe: - o 10..1.1-ic of u. .. 6 Aj =1. 11o (] add [so. selj

* -c f. -. *ýl In -19 All coef-!tI-t. 1Z Sae sign ano a decessr.ooy uo ot onfflelent, condit0o for allroots to t.an neg~tire real parts LeCa than a .ogned "a'. or -.

?coyide necessary and sufficient condcitions for stablhity; also detec.2.e numer ofP-oth too-t !.-otion; root. In right half h1mum. Routh'i Algorithm i a0 Ssimle aid for deveoopoet of

b1~her-'rder test fi..tions. One test function 1s crttical %iben a pargater variationtauscs a otoog too.ý et.Oflty to insotability. (Rtef. 22)

* R-,.th teo toi... o;i- "lruit. OrcId. necee-ory and o~fficient conditions for MOCt0 to ban real purt. 1ess tha.4oto,.nant. f-, .0.11! el *o.l..d .011... of -c..c:.orcterlstioc.4t0 01

lyotc- 10 .ye-Ptfl.11cs nta10 if the m-rlo J0], ohito Is2 ri

too~iee ~f,,. fro 0toO ~'~[PJ j.P~), satisfying the stri. toto [A~JP [IJEL] -[-(I]hT,ýýtricratrs, [] cl t, of [?] are found fr=the 02. o +. 01)2 tlowltsc.Ots equetito. resultiog from

eximi1di0 the &,stch, eqution tav 0e. The tbecred can al"0 be stated Io terms of theLh.Po-~ff foorolon, Y([o]) -o 3P1]

lyx o4 rlotoeo~ooo ofcoo. oht~tO O fltto of 00121 or intbhilit.,.oooof o(oý) and B(.;-) In001 tolo.rooAo) 0.13() 0oeoop. real, .01 positice;

and tbey alternate in tO. zcqmon#rol A D A D, etc.; usually aplied graphically.

1.02cr of C~loct , -f - 1 .02 .- cco.4- r of n od,Z.I.p4 2 oftI 0(3% -Olnr~bujbet plf anso. tOdLoarily00rof zerns, F, of 0(& 1'r applled graphically -. -"Ir ;act -r G(J. od ý diagram..

3s1,. 00 g1t, "in. riusnpc mees..y for otarl. z-ability.ooro toot~lloyI'ctvol_________

10.00 aargi., n~. T.c~ ~ ored for neutral stabUilty, .202 gainbc! 01 constant.91 )- wor.ooI stability ____

Peak ..ooiZ.stsooo rati., mp reooluces ==tIs= dioed-ioop resonance. Ubually deteraljoed frcý-cm oloop ýplot. (pails,or logerithmic gLoinphase) and clotod-boo, overlays (M otreles or 31000. dr

3000cr If o'olrclemeots of;' and vs C . -r0c of t-r- of 1 (o 0 uft200 be" cool parts pn-ter tO.j, or dapingnot, of Inco X.2() otOro ot o:.10 10 .OrtioLy "plied with G(s) 301. diagras.

tre.e too. I~ orIopo Itoll

Gteroltocid gain margin,

USU.o) L -I GIr zr000e g. eired to, schoser routs .102. specified I wrt

top iý''12ofcoo-op Copoeafn-w I; syte trasfe cberat~ortic~.oc coot. knowedg opcf Inp: ct.

9 2

Page 31: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies



The term "system charncerlstie" vwill be used to denote all p•eorfance

mensures not expressed as explicit functions of error. For example, phase r

Gin 4 ti.--to-pech arc both system charscterlstics, whereas Mr, is classi-

fied as en "'.i-cial error measure" and is discussed In Chapter IIn. Although

an infinite number of syst= characteristics could be devised., useful performance

rm.asure In practice are obtained only fro. characteristics directly descripu e.

ot the systes transfer function or the inpulsive or In-iciel (step-Lnput) re-


Tables If-A and fl-B summarize a bread cross-zection of system character-

istics. All the characteristics that have been found in the references listed

at the end of this report are includcd, vwih one exception (the product of peak

overshoot and tine-to-peak), which is discussed on page 27. The characteristics

listed in Table fl-A are quantitics directly obtainable from G(s), G(cm), or the

closed loop ro ,. . It Is possible to gererU-d-e some of the

G(O) neasres, such as phase nargin and gain malgn, Into analogous quantities

for G(s) for.-. Apart from the error coefficieont:, the remainin~g entries on

Table fl-B deccrihe the response to a step input: and wIll be called "Inilcial

.-- posse characteristics."

Ideally, the indicile response character.rtics weld partition the response

into the reglons indicated in Fig. 3. -Dead tine" in the tine to attain 10 per-

cent of the final value, rise tie in the time to -_o from 10 percent to 90 per-

cent, and decay time Is the tiL-e for tLe transient to decay from 90 percent to

witLin 5 percent of the final value. The sum of the dead tine, rise ti=, and

decay tine Is known as the scttlng tine (*.;tch can he deflned directly as the

tine for the indicial response to rea~h and thereafter remain within 5 percent

of the final value). Unfortunately, only the settling and rise tines are read-

ily related to transfer function characteristics, so the quantities Involved in

the Idealised partitioning of the indicia) r'cponse are replaced by the some-

what orerlapoing measures indicated on Table II-B.


Page 32: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

105% 6--100% -

95*/- --

90% I

Rise reow wa

fls-e 3. Idealtzed fwtrttoanlo or Thaidl Bep.se


Page 33: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

c...i.eft uinwitr I i..'u4II,- - .Un~ta _W.*i~ ii60GO) - ~ Ic.p. III~tn~. - - tw

S. t.c - wfltSt =W

a ( .4 im.2 GaAj .

*Q.C.i) t

O...7t...7 ~rr,.Oct.)i

,~~99 -.1W ?

1 usqa. ~ St .80..) - -

Page 34: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

us In Is.. ~mammo ý ?pmmm


ICA) flR m

?g~s~ 5~ U-S ~ /

Seha.. ,I~. . .. n - 11 .,a

* Ct~lQ ft~ t ~flkaflSWSI)~~~ WC 1 t .JC cl-

SmI~ - t. nS ,. .C:C3

Page 35: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


Step Fi..i VoIlw Ill. )* C(.)

V-t ofo flMo~l .a-p

tq.lOl--1 t TI- t tfor ltot.. "0000 to

0100~(7 ro 120)~ ~ ~j 0

T- f totloit -opo-o to 0_ ___

T!, too 10010101 00000 to -. . .

Rio. Ti-, ri r ro0 too.2 to W0 I.-.oroof 1.6 oito Mo.1 V.I.

looko~oooo.~ o~ Ib ý 00.10 of lo100001 *v4~0


Page 36: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

IN TIF= -F al"t.LO IN 1ENO Or C1CC=.1O

recpovo toIN7. 5. 700ý fi00t-o000S. 40.10.0 mod. ts -.~o~e ~ - 1. '~ ~zo rig. 6 otoo oo.wo1. of -~t o.1-s with LhuCob 0~OOJ ~ ft, 06 Peoo~o plld to . -..oo.1. *Y.1-.

(tir. 36)

reo~~~oolo -f- ~ - - ~ ( . ~ ed.ee.. Apeo-, ;t - 1 un-t-tbl. for -.. d-0

rtfl-r-,to I 0.7ro_.lof fLi 7ik 0.'~ se FIN.7

I 0?0to 2

20~~~ e~00. h.6. 2-2 * 0-2- 000000 vithO. C30i P-00 for 0.1 <O a

lb. Croo elfflcl.U0 -~ b. Il.epeted 1. Woe. of

goj L (Iwt. 72 .04 72.pur V) 1.C' 0 ~ 1 L.e~. toeb fte711 00

go .01. . 3om.


Page 37: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

In order to assess the me--it of any given system dynamic performance from

its Indicial respoose, It Is necessary to define "good" dynamic performance in

term of the indical response. It is generally agreed that "good" dynamic

perforcarr iTelies low overshoot, short dcns tin, fast rlse tine, cend good

danping of motionz ibscq'cnt to the decay tLie. (The last requirement implies

low settling time.) Thus a good Isldicial responsc 411 comply with certain

specifications on its "shape,- which can ..e defined in terms of overshoot,

ratics or dead-tine to settling-tine and rise-time, etc. However specifica-

tions of "shape" alone Is insufficient to ensure that the indicial response

will be satisfactory; soe parameter defining the time scale of the response

"ist also be specified. The implications of this last requirement will now be

discussel briefly.

The over-all time scale of the indicial response depends upon the bandwidth

of the system. Practical cornzidcratlons of inertia, powcr demands, etc., result

in increasing penalties in ,eight and complication as bandwidth is increased.

However, In this gensallzrd investigation it is not possible to set these upper

limits upon bandwidth explicitly. For statistically described inputs and for

deterministic inputs (such as rectangular pulses) which ore of finite specified

durations, lover limits on bandwidth can be set at least approximately. For

example, the settling time should not exceed the pulse duration. However, for

impulses and step inputs, upper limits on settling time cannet be specL•ied in

the absence or further information regarding the operating envirornent. Thus

this chapter and Chapter III are essentially limited to a study of those aspects

of dynamic performance which can be represented by the "shape" of the indicial

response. To focus attention on "shar-' rather than time scale, performance

measures such as settling-time, rise-time, etc., are all expressed in nondimen-

sional forms. For example, second-order system characteristics such as rise-

tie, scttling-time, et,:., are normalize•i through nultiplication by a,, where

ah is the system undamped naturml frequency. A more general procedure for nor-

malization wil b,- given at the beginning of Chapter ImI.

The general procedure for obtaining syste. characteristics is to construct

the appropriate transfer function reprecentation or indicial response, and read

the teasure directly. T-hus, crossover frequency, phase and gain margins, a.nd

frequency of instability may be obtoined from the open-loop C(jks) Bode diagram.

Application of sie wuified servo analysis method of Ref. ,3 (hereafter referred


Page 38: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


to as U.S.A.M.) facilitates cwift construction of the closed-locp G(5m) Bode

diagram, inspection of which yields peak maeicflcation ratio and freqzency, and


For second-order systems, it is possible to develop -xact fosunlaa for

Many cystem characteristics and approximations for the remainder. Tables 31-A

sod fl-B list these forzulse In terms of open- and closed-loop parameters for

a system having the open-loop transfer tunction.

G(s) K (2)

a&= a closed-loop transfer function,


where % is thc "nde-ned natural frequency, and t is the damping ratio. The

closed- and open-loop parameters are related by the equations

2 (4)

S1 * (5)

(This second-order system corresponds to a wide variety of equivalent systems

encoutered in flight centrol applications). Elementary operations on theor

relntions enable exact fomulae to be found ror all transfer function frequency

doeain characteristics. The resulting formulae are listed in Table fl-A, to-

gether with references where derivatiors can be found. Simpler approxteate

fortnalae may sometimes be rreferred, and two standard approximations are dis-

cussed belov.

Page 39: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Figure 4 Illustrates a lineor approximation to phase margin

TZ37 (6)

Compari•on vith the exact result inLcates acceptable accuracy for ;6 < 50 deg.

Barnwidth may also be found approximately using

+ {I ÷ • .% (7)

'tich is obtained by neglectirn term in ý in the exact expression in Table III.

Equation 7 in cocyured with thi exact bandyi•t- for a second-order system in

Fig. 5.

Pbas': uargin, bandwioth, and peak magnification ratio are widely used for

performance specifJcation. The phase margins of all the standard foms pre-

seated in Chapter III (Table MII) are between 0 a.-d (0 deg. In systems with

a dominant seccd-order nrto, this would be ekoected to yield adcquite (t Z 0.7)

,iaoping. Sixilarly, elimination of the frequency response peak leads to &do-

quate damping of the dominant modes. The connection of these measures with the

transient response is, in general, neither unique nor explicit, except for

---ýn 41sQcunsd it. -ýcnzeon with Tabll M.I

A good syste. for a given application =mst of necessity have phase margin,

banowidth, and peak magnification values which lie %ithia ,vlatively narrov

limits, but a system utich complies with these limits is not necessarily eood.

This follow, or course, froe the fact teat the behavior of the actual transfer

fumctions of interest is defined only in a gowns ==c•o over a rr-" -frequency

band by these particular measures. In eeneral, therefore, none of these

characteristics taken alone yields a valid, selective, wen reliable measure.

Of the indicial response characteristics listed in Table fT-D, exact

formulae exist only for tlme-to-peas and peak overshoot of second-order sytens.

For hieher-order systems, time-to-peak, settling time, and rise time can be

estimated for some special classes of systems by means of the charts of Ref. 13,

17, and 2h. Reference 13 presents rise times for several classes of third-

aiter systems; the resalts are discussed on page 31. The rest of this chapter

is mainly devoted to a discussion of the calculation and interrelation of

second-order system characteristics.


Page 40: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


Or4z 1146C, deg

60- //cto

40- s(s+M

0 0.2 0.4 06 0.8 LO

?3.gre 4. C=Paris'-n of, Act~a ýA~ Aproxfrate Phase Nshinns

Approximation wib-(l'+e!)wc

3 1 1 Altual

0 0.2 0.4 c 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 4. r,.--ario-. o:- kt~a ard A~pr:xi" &-Lwiidtai6


Page 41: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

lo 2t cot(p

9, tan 1 2t% I

(I - 2C2) sin q_ t o9.%


2-M 2•

Vý( ý4 k -Ztan 46 VIFcs % - slne q

-2 - +2 sin

(Approx. 1(i-o)(~7 2)/ I +40.35 tanq.os/ j



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S"• - 42,

sin q6 taan;~2

2 ._-

YI- -...% - 1/2

2i zi~t n 2 6 an

:i;ý atnn 2 sinY t a in 1/2n2

- + 0.35 1, % - o/2 (14o495I IT

-sin %~ tan 2

!. ~1+: [-HI'o.2q >

_ x + I

Page 43: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies






I -eýrj ---y + eX[,

3 (6-"

+F r i +,


Page 44: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


- _ _ ___1/__

,p-7 )(• • ' -••'• ,'I[.-• (• )•- .2-b•,]


1 21/ 2X 1i e1/2(~-


_ _ J _ _ __1__

j '9C41

Page 45: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

(ftpprox.) tp

tang 2d36 (%td) 4.8%,- 1)2+I1/

--l 2 q2) (2-%2 - Rtp2)


2.04't %ta, - 17e /2a~~

(" 2 ____ x2 + I

t 0~i +o-7ý) V, t

* Jtd

1.i&27%(%td -*

1+ -2.O4(matd )

Page 46: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

__ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ Cp

Lan-1 V~qxr-7,1/2tan- 2 In (c, -1) ]2 In2 (ep -1) + [4+ 2K2 n

2 (cl,-1)+

(2-2ý )[2 -4 tf (Cp- - iniJCx2 + ]I2 (cp _-[1)

1/2 ~~~n~p x2+12(p-1

X2) 2rIn (c. - 1)


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K 2+ IM2 (c, - 1.) 11/2

tal, 2 In 2 (cp 11 ' I n2 (cp -) + r + 2x2 1 n2 (Cp - 1) 4 5 In4 (Cp - / 1/2~

J X2 +e -n (1) 1E]In(cp1)

2 4In( [-i-) .2

22 +n (Cp -c 11

+ rl2 + In2

(Cp 1)J

in (cp - I

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Exat. f.o-nue n.- not available for some of the indicial response charac-

teristics, end the range of validity of the approflcatiorr quoted In Table 11-B

requires some considcerstio.

The Irndiela response of a closed-loop system having the oper-loop trams-

fer function G(s) - * s

C(t) - . V g e" t sin tain%% _-2

t - 0) (8)

&here V tan - Co-.


This equation can be solved e-Actly for dt , yielding tine-to-peak anddtpeak overs'oo .

Settling tine is cononly approy.r•ted by considering only the envelope

of the response

ce(t) 1 71 1 - 7. 711

For an overshooting response c(t . ) - 1.05-. Putting ce(t.) - 1 .05 in Eq


Equation i0 differs from the approximation givcn on pages 22-hi of Ref. 36 .tre

the 4,1 -7 tern is replaced by unity. Figure 6 compares Eq 10 and tee further

approximntion ts - 3 given in Ref- 1 vith t.e settling tine obtained by direct

nescurenent of analog compter rcz;npees. It should be noted Uat approxirations

to settling time (e.g., do not reproduce the sawtooth shape of the ejact



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C(s) 2

RSZ s+2~C,~s+4.ý




_0 0.2 OA 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 6. Ccep~rlsof of Actual and Appmuz~ate Settling ie$


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The Equ'vslc.-t Tim~e Constant ceazure in cost approtriate for c.ystens jith

a dorant first-order =ode. To the exivrt La' .Uz obtsico, Te•;q I/Z, and

Sparticularly simple connection exists betL.- the frequý.,, .1. tiL-e ---rxlrs.

When extended to second-order syste-s, the variation of Equivalent T-n. Constant

"i.tn C In =ore .reguwar thwa th- settilrZd tine, alth=.q the =sasure is t.tzally

inappropriate. For imsance, Fig. 7 illustrates .easured Teq, and the asrroxi-

nation of R-f. 36" ..q - 7c fr n .. eood-ordier syste=, uith tihe cpen-2.oop -rans-fer f.'nction of EL i. Note that the -inism value of To, occurs at. ; - 0.

Delay tine is derlned here as the tine for the ixileial response to .

aThteve ýO percent of its final value. The exa-t value Is •;aredý vith t.e

np.o'--atiun ((iven in Ref. 7-2)

in Fig. 8. Th-Is aprox'l-tion Zs satlsfactor- only in -_2 "cpLal" region 3f0.6 < ý < 0. . •n e-ý trlca.l linear -elation t. - is =m gener

applicable. Again, as vith TeIZ, n-Ini delay tin i xIleved ea . 0.

Equation I1 Is I .xten.tl to hiWoer-order syste=s in Mhapter IV, "here It Is

sho-., that for otc-al systetMS, sinyle arn accurate aFprcxiatic•s to delay

time can be obtained.

Rise ttne is defined as the tine for the i=ndclal -esponse to rise :u

10 to -O percent of its final vr• 2.•. Reference ý6 presents the siu=.pl ap-

proxmnetion tr, I *.-'. This is cocpared wjth tie exact rise time, ,.ti a toreref ied approxiat

1on (Eq 12) in Fig. -

A inL1- rise tire syste- rossesses a 10. 1- Am apprc1iate for=-'a for

rise tine is given in Ref. 2'

; ;

vhere E1 ar-A are tie velocity and acceleration dynanrJe error coefficients

aeflined at the bottom of Table Tl-B. For the second order syste- consldered,

the accuracy of this approdnation is far inferior to Eq 12.


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R(s) S2+2C 4ns+w.n

Time to reach63 percent of


0.2 0.4 ý 0.6 Q8 1.0


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C(s) Wn2.0-- F(s) S2 +2C.,S+.,

S Approximation, td;2±! f

// I Region of valid

0.5- / approximotion

/7. I

0 I0 0.26 0.4i 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figue 8. Co~prisn of Actaal end A~ppoxirato Delay Tlaes


Page 53: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Ic wfor 0=.707

1.3 t 7.040~+0.2


2 /Actual

0 02 04 06 QS LOC

Figure 9. Co~ariscrn of Actual and Approximate Rise TineL


Page 54: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Fi•ured 10 and 1. illustrate tr -,-Y .r-r-hnct and tine-to-peak, respec-

tively, for a unit-numerator second-order system. 7he ninira occur at • - , and

0 0, respectiiely.

It should nov be apparent that a criterion based on a single jndicial re-

sponse tine or transfer function measure is unlikely to be valil for the variz.ty

of systems encountered in flight control optimization. toat of the measures

specify only particular elements of the response, A:,I/or are restricted to spe-

clsl types of G(s) behavior in the region Io(jw)I ' . Miniizsatien of the

measures results iller i, low damping rttiln, !.-6 lase 'rgins, etc., or is

unselective. The enor use of toe indaicisa response end c1i.esoary transfer

function measures is for specificator, purposes; this will be discussed furtherbe!¢'".

One indicial response measure, i.e., settlin.; ti•ne is a possible cxception

to the general statement abovy. Miniims, or nearly mind- settling tins is

often uscd &z a crterion, and because it gives a • - 0.69 for second-order sys-

temz, it it- worth ý==1==&irngI the li_,ht of -h 1wTeir..as foýr "r!-"ia.

Settling time is a possiblo cxzcption to te ntstutme.,t above. Sinco "good"

indicial respone Implies low settling time, it is reasonable to inquire whether

tue caiterrin of low settling time always results in irnlicisi responsea which

are satisfactory in relation to overshoot and the other parameters definirg the

"shape" of the response. Figure 6 shows that for t unit-ntmerator cormalized

second-ordecr syctem, the criterion nr 4-n', -ttling time selects * 0.69.

Howver, the sawtooth graph yields almost equal settling times for 0.43 < C < 0.68,

with sudden Jumps at each end of this range. Similar discontinuous selectivity

characteristics occur with hiahe,-order systas, an shown in Ref. 32 (which pre-

sents an exhastive investigation uf settling times for higher-order systezs,

including standard forms of first- through eighth-erder). These diecontiruities

can be remcved by using approximations to -ettling time (such as t, - 3&,/,, see

Fig. 6), but ruch apprcximtions re difficult to derive for higher-order tyates,

-ie.. don.I•nt nodes can be idsntifled. in general, therefore, minimum settling

time cannot be reccemnended for use as a sole criterion.

Minisization of the product of tine-to-peak and peal overshoot, proposed as

& criterion In Ref. i',ý Is also examined in Ref. 32. Its failure to discriminato

against undershooting respcnses and frequent selection of very poor response mrske

this characteristic unsuttable for use as a porforstane criterion.


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00 QZ2 04 06 08 10

PI~are 10. Peak 0vemhQt of Unit-Nllýtrtcr Second-0-der Syste=

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Th.e uce of error :ucfficiento as performance criteria Is discussed in

Chapter V. It is .hown that each error coefficient it" p;;,ortWisl to a Li,,n-

weignted Integral of the error response to an Lu.ei-e input. The error reef-

ficients are thus c-he su of positive end negative errnr integraAs, and fail to

'odicat.e vhether a small value of this sum represents a smal absolute error,

or a e-al difference betwen larpe positive and negative error). It is con-

eluded, therefore, th--t e-rr '-rlcients by themselves do not provide vaid

performance criteria for general systems.


It is not .urprisirZ ttat nor of the init~ad l response characteristics

considered in this chapter provides an acceptable performarne criterion. these

characteristics are suitable tor performncee pecdflcation, rather than opti-

notation. For example, it may be convenient to s;ecify system performance in

teer= of bandwidth and time-to-peak. It is imprtant that any spemlfication

framed In terms of system characterixslcs shoa be prncically realizable (i.e.,

mutuasly exclcalve values or limits of characteristics nmst be avoided). To

facilitate this process, it is desirable t have complete correlation express-

Ing each system cht.rascrictie in terms of any other dystem characteristic.

Table IlI kwt been prepared for this p•rpo3e. Crossover rrequercy, bandyidth,

phase eLargin, peak frequency, magnificaticon ratlo, time-to-peak, pshk overshoot,

and delay tlire are all expressed in terrs of C, ct, and each other, for % second-

For flght control systems, despite the presence of nmer•vs unalterable

eleorot: ,::r'tte vilti t" veh-cle econfiguration, the variety of possible

systa.3ý Ic n-o gr-at thkt no meczure Of the iniicial response based, u;=n anr

single instant, or meaure of transfer function cheractrietics at a si•gle

frequency, can hope to pro"id wire tVa neceesssry rather ta•n eufficient con-

ditions for system goodness. Recegnitio'r of thi's fact has led many investiga-

tors to prOp3e e'ssures bsed upn integrated f.ntlons of the indicLal error

response. T:ease initstl arrsr meaures axe discussed !n th- next chpter.

The precedi discussion of system ch•racteristIcs has examined the merit

of each characteristic as a perfors-nce crlterion for unlt-nmercetor second-

order systems. Thls type ef sysem v33 selected because nany equivalent flight

control systrei are In this cWStory, and cmsequently- It provides a fair basis


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for inritii asscsac2:nt. Systen charxateriotlcs that do lot yield natIsfactoly

,erforcance criteria for second-or4er svs*-rx need =o be ec-.-i•ired f.rt.er In

the scarch for a s.tisfactory performance crIterion. The diaeratty of possible

*-1rd. and higher-ordwi fi£j.L- precludes a gencral currelttion of syst4m _har-

acteristicsp as ta" been achieved for second-order systems. Hvwcer, t.ere is

saw value .1n collecting the limited data avallable on synt-. chircterisatLes for

third- ard higber-order syste-, and c=kz'irg trm resuit, wl-v,.sr fr-cticabIt.

Me vell-known charts of Chestr.at and Yer (Ref. 15) reproduced in pef. 36

cornelate time-to-peak and settling time vith frIeq"ncy response ch=,oot.-stic#.

Elgerd (Rcef. 24) presents indiolal response tine histories of a variety of third.

ord.r systems from wotch rise tise, time-to-peak, etc., msy be sesti dixect1ty.

To ezanine the implicatioc.n of his resultt, and to compare then with those ob-

tcaned frm0 other sources, a standardized third-oarer unit-numerator systen Is


Thos fo•. In not covs•d by the charts of Ref. 36, tut Is discussed by Clenent

(R-^. ,7), wno presents ricc t4.-, Lettllng timse and peak overshoot for A

normalized system having the following transfer fanetton:

RrO (I( b.-,) 2s

FiL,,rr 1U illustrates Clent's resuitn on settling. tIe for tMe standardized

system of Eq 1i. The points mzrhed doa te wslvus ert-,ed by means of the tran-

sient responses of Eef. 24. The a6reem0't Is Cox4, satzugh l-locance must be

cadi for tle Pact that the saytooth chaps of tin settling time graph has been

s-ooted in ReC. 17.

Wrnett and Shua*se (2tef. 15) Oe-ueice rife tire with peak power for a

variety of -thi-d-order sysleza- TM resulting Talses of rise time and over-

shoo-. for t!". cyste. of Eq 14 are presented in Fig. 13, from which it vill be

seen that the agreenbot vith Ref. .A is 1norally cl•se.


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C (S) [(3-2 (.5)(.3s+113210-xx

xxx ~Ref ;7*

2- xx Ref 24

0 2 4 6 V


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I• I'T- -0

01 ..- If)-/o E

tv<~+ 0 0Itc

x +

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Toe term "Indicial error measure" in. be used to denote integrated fumc-tionr of the error response to a step Input. Table IV summarIzes all the

indicial error measures that have been suggested as criteria in the references

listed at the end of this report. Most indicial error measures are of the form

00IU - f Udt (iQ)

U Cf tUdt (17)



where U is a gene.ral functIon of error, cuch as E2, IEI, etc., not involving

tine explicitly.

These measures are meaningful only for zero-position-error systems; cost of

the published investigations of the relative merits of these measures haye been

concerned with their application to systems haring unit-numerator closeO--1-pinput-output trmnsfer functions. Since many flight control oystems reduce to

unit-n'•.•tor equivalent systems, this Is a fair as well as convenient basia

for assecsmcnt of criteri-a. To achieve comact presenttion, It is custom•ry to

nornalize the systems and associated performance ceasurte. Thus, a cysten baring

the transfer -function

R(7) C +09)

where 7 Is the Laplace transform vari-able at this point (eltevwhere a Isempuyned)

can be put in norzal1:ed form by the procedure uf Ref. 37, reproducod below for


Page 62: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

1. Dcftin a constant % so that

'ý . %(20)

2. Define nev coefficients t.or the numerator ean denominator terns

1 - , 2,-..n (21)

Pj11 p- - , I C, 1, 2, ... =(22,1

3. Divide tbh numerator and dencirator of Eq 19 by Q0, A apnply theaefintions of Eq 20ý 21, and 22. The transfer fu.lction theu becomes

2w _.. _ Pj %n12

72 _ qleL + 4A (23)

,. Introduce a r"v transfer variable so that

2.- (24)no

Then the transfer function reduces finally to the normaized form

C(s) POR (.) ' n + 4n-1 sn'• + -.- + q=; 2*2 + q + 1 (25)

From diL-nsiooral onsiderat'l-n it = S:l.o .. i 4L to convert a nOAlze6d per-

forrAnce measure to its denornalined form, the folloving relations should be used:

i,(n"v o -- •3e r c.,l- ) (26)

Iog I(I O.i) (27)

IT2U (28)

Ibc normalized fora of the ciosed-loop sec.~-.1roer system cusnilac-'i pre;Ic~iiy


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Page 64: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

'TA= IVMNICIAL ZR1f NEASUHM _________________________


if constrained to conoverehooting second-order syst-e,t - 1..if overhotocts are eacued,ý t - 0 is

telected. Lack tf J.aidity and selectivity eliminatesAs a criterion. (Bef. Y[)

If constrained to noroverzzlootlng second-omo.r system, For impulsive response (not step) each of these measurest . 0. Appiles aeavier ve~xgnt-ing (amd ftoe is PrOpertioula to a particular error coeffilent.e-ic-tivity) " system with. ; > I t;.an tim control (Sec Tnole 33-B And Chapter V)Area criterion. If overthootz ame Allowed. - 0 isselected. Ian" of general validity eliminatos as acriterion. (11-f. 37)

Similar to j, te(t)dt, except Veigits responses for

ý > I even zero.

For normalized second-ordcr system# critcriots selects.o.63. Criterion Is moderately selective on

low-order unit numci etor system; but nonselective onF:rveoiyerror systems And higher-order sytm. Aaltc form given In Chpe 132 ,,,55

Easily.mechanized on analog cosputer. lack ofAdAppen&ix A.

selectivity eliainate* as & criterion. (R~ef. 37)

Criterion is thoroughly explored end is good in nearlySeclcctive, rellable, And easy to apply for all every respect, except complicated nature of sneaiytiesyntens (through tighth-order) investigated. for=s. Analog coaputer-derived standard forms andApproachcs the ideal criterion for routine tresslent, responses exist for zero-dlsplacemeet errorOPt~szfttIcn employing Analog ecmputer"- (Pef. 37) system through eighth-order; zero-velocity and zero-

Acceleration error system through sixth-order.(Ref. 37)

Highly selective, giving -0.6 for a normalized

"send-order unit-numerator system. Analytic fore rtro amc cctoogl xlrdthnMEis very complicated And less easy to apply than rM, Prtronsi s not crh lthe ethra l eomploredtthn ovr MAE.Also less convenient than lITk for analog computer ' Psil o ot h xr opiainoe iRnechanization.

Is the simplest of tns higher-order messures to applyanalytically (,w?. 63), yin:

for(~t- 1 D(rEOd

Se'Lene a vslue of -0.5 for second-order systems. N) isElack of selectivity snd specification of highly which Is a vell-tabulated Integral. (BarF. 44, 58)osct.latory responses for higber-order systems General sod optimsl (standard) form. sod transientmcasn use Go a criterion unsuitable. (lHer. 37) responses through fourth-order exist (Tables T an~d VI)

And allow a fairly sigpie dct-rssinatioo of effect& ofuncertainties In system parameters. (Can be evaluatedfsirly easily by operations on normal design charts.)These two sdvantsges seke its use as a criterion cootonIn ipite of Its relative lack of selectivity sod

Ya ii d it y ._ _


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r=2~ Jto(t)dt M.im-o .a-~ nnllomblt y for hlmi*er-ondcr systmn(thnnili fOMath Order)- (atf. 70) Appl-n

anry "toiaig " - laos 10 Anlto7 nritenianIn n. .yt.. *taiine.

Fn,aOOM.dan0. nystas, 0 .65ta,TV, fnY(d X11 l- 0. (FAn. 3?) 3sac.tivlty become

1 1a5 0~~geee f"n ~ n ctnan Incrnsaa. and onitanlon 41,

bncns an. MM MFX to ASawn.

ý2-.toMdf nn (Wn. 73) Res not Ynt t--41. nltndnd for blaon nd.- nYet-s.

at Yd Vel tl -Ay~) m.nnny~ inability tas or thjon mo:Itan.1 tof.a ae . raa d~itfflfht toJ(tnn-qoa

2dt _ont. .an n itb provnot toir, af nrtntnon

Probnbly tI ail ndy nynllonIit7 test.

dittlint to an.

Nit yet enniottd. A i4nl tn.4 fori-o[ -t Ign,)4t_4

0 )]2t ieliee TIna a t-sa alto finit. 5altla error. 0.1in.bern n/t I. - .nIt n.-r a

T. in stbltnay.

Tod -Me inl K vsgn wd sinynt

.In~ t~u- .. tKrogdt yaft-na (%nf. 5%)

t.f..an t (j.a"g i xnt X. **tN4-t~.bt. W In . pitointnnindnontno


Page 66: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


§WhtotnIY sky to apply O-1yttcllr 00 It -n to Ol.±

( 57 M. foAr _ nv 'tty-Iro f.ta "It~lot - o. 0.0. be,.

I(toroob foarth older)- (hR.f 70) A33.00 no..., 0 iscrre as010 a0 poro., in to.. Integration. 000.001vey r~a~e r n del nior citrin ndCM se (-tsNord) f~re. nod transient reapnoen oohrowogh

anlyi t0031 asoin. fourth. 0rd.r .01.1 (Tabl.s 5 and 6) and allow analytic*Ydolmnto of effects of yatm0 ooaoertsotol...

I ~Analytical c ýreno~n beoon,. am. diffti. as a increases, v102

70.?' To seodo rde systees 30.. 0.65 for t6ztt,( 1)o ! 1O"P 1on. nt, o 2.(Mr. 31) 0010041O1y "oo~ 6 K.-tot I .I00 0 ~ Eo.Zo.4

greater 00 0Loon..., and criterion al-. Standnt ort o. and "omitted traonot~t re00100000 to" b~eoboon. no 0o1oo o oo00..1olved f,- n - 1, 2, 3 u.100 rcospors. (3.?. 70)

I.00 (1 ., nno rrn raefn, preoonn'd Il1.1 ta.lStandard000 torn In.010 6. renernfll not norto. t0. extra

00000t104 effort ov. 0 J0


Yield. *0.867 for -.onod.r4or .yot- wtot... -lue. cn be foent .oal~ttc&UY (Ref2. 73), 01100000It 010 &I fcr o- to (P f. 73) Has0 00t yet bonn -o tega1~. mOn.. are fairly COM10o. Onlortift Of . to

1.1-ot.4 for 0151.0 onder 0yst- svoi~on,7.

A typiral critonim' for. .,.ltoble for &*olotwvia 01 oynnowlPr~rooeltot tecnibns~. This00 oneha boen fro a1.01

AL t0 J2, red splCY 1iionb1ty, toot for the 0001 (r.-7-18, 9, 31, 1.6, 47) because tit reduces Io

00000.06 ctorfloco.,t 03.4,4 rorIdror 11.41105 00000, to criteria 1101 have onrit for .10"1 oottrt;1a ot%. orwaretro, 11). born. Choi- of a 1, nebitr~oy, -oir the onofltn t 03to,

ease001n tLe 000000 tares of reference. e08., .ltnt. J c~dt vhbti. tI 2d-cm ?W001.04. 0.7 for ytexo-od~ 100. (002. 63) 000 notboon evaluated for hi~otr-order 01,0.00 Vill boona so..foonter and itporient se dyno.Io P-rnctrlog o~lo

Probes1 fa1l, rc.Ay tnitoitotltt tot. V[, t, At] iso Cn ooral fortflon if -rror, thie, and syntes,60.8. Choit. of Po Isabitrary. ft"Ig Z- t~ ne ,or-i jn lrs..o Al. p(t) to the. prob,'Ilt-tltmt the1 MI0. Vtln ~ be0

f0,. of Z00 o.0. awe- -doftood end dead. 60300.1. asn aoi1..ooro0oo s otr~to~1n.dIffiO.t to states.

I ot. -t arolonOM. A logcarl fr, for A obonor u0e of 1.40000 fot10. I eotinn nev tog the Integral1100 ml. ysteas Vitto foinit poottmno~n ror. Cho1ce appears 10 nof 3. nbich sago oo..10on to.. caa oithto o

of To t. arbitrary. lapboo 10p0t. Key 0.e" &il~tiotno to speca o dMrootm "nIno

966,9 Not yet .o"oat.4 . taok of flood .01... for bovoceod a00 ̂ F-e-raltood nooforoýo - -or. o Innoobot

T00sake thin asever K-g. 04 tnflt.f 0. Inea Red whn . - 0 of2, ~ t

5. Mttoo11factory response fnr btl..r order 9144 .Plrt..t to Ie33t-ootPto~ loll t foofr fgottoa 1n.Yet-. (hft. 34) eas 02 00 error coefficients or. related to 61f."L0150.

10o13e poono of error (See Chapter V).

5 1 0IOdateOO.to


Page 67: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


- 1 *(29)

For systems with a nonzero steady-otztc crror folloving a 3tep input, Indicial

error measur-.o= ssL - •plio~iie, nu so. n d asove. Howeer. It is easy to derive

associated - d response measures yielding fin ite criteria values; four

such rnasures are appended to Table IV.

The measures win noi be examined with regard t^ their validity, selectivity,

and ease of applucation.

Au tnted In 7ahbl TV, TR, YPE, and ITnEr ire al: ir.v•,-•ated by thoi

iuability to discriminate býtwzen rms~onocs which are C-od I,) the sense that the

obsolute error is srall or d-cOy3 xstidly, and oscilittory responses which are

lightly damped, and in vhich the large pcsItiv. Asm .-eeti~e errors ýpproximately

caucsl. Similar drawbacks apply to the associated isclUaiie respcnse measures

fo c(t)dt, £otnc(t)dt Therefore, tLv.. measures will sot be Alscxsod fur-

.her in this chapter, except insofar as they reprez:nt limitins valucb of other

measures (e.g., ITAE - IE for sonovershoating resptrce). :fou of the rcaizs.ier

of this chapter will ta devoted to a stuay of •be ý.Zasures IE2, ZTE2, IT

2E , IAM,

ITAE, and IT2AE. Pirticular attention vill be gl .en to the analytic evaluation

of -iese measures, not only b,'c-se of the inSgiii. U1&at acoiYtc esressions

;,.uviue, but also because -kcy enable a cte!:k to t- male on puhdashed valut.s

obtained by mechanizat'on of nnalog comput'r rr. n-t.. As will be shomn,

several errors have been detected.


Tables Civing IE2 for noonit numeratr systems of first. throish 3:•,-th-

order in terms of nwerator and dencminatnr ,oefffrleCtg Are given In Ref. ".

Appendix F of Ref. 58 extende these tubler. through tenth-order, and corrc•ts an

error In the soventh-n;i.er intef.i-' ,,f P-r 44. These literal exprecsicns are

lcngthy, wad .i f. 4L notes that t1.. int-grals can be expressed aore -apect•y

in terms of Hurwitz dete-mirnants, a poinc which is discutsed further in Ref. 6

and 4

;. Table- for IT-' (Arnd IS•% a-e S;You ly *WLtL (Ref. 79) for systems

ol first- thrmgh rourth-order. The topzc also been stalled by Xoothe (Ret.

48) and Stons (Ref. 70), using a o..what different approach thSn t's previous

Page 68: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

referinceI. StneIs procedure, •Id that of Westeot, is outlined very briefl...


The Laplace traz.sform of the error can be erlreesed as

Fi) - iiil i i - n-i i - + d (30)

. 5 +5+ + +.

Stone first calculates literal expressions for

•i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d,- +i i, a,,ni _ii • -Z-- - ' + + d= - --

.. _ -+ .an1 .. 4- an .1.

IE2 say thez be obta~ned by use of the final value theorem

- I Ih f1 E s1 ] 21 1£ d ,n-I + dhan- I + .. + d n11 j 2. .. *a05 + a:..+ei an

rr? LimIa I Ill 4tr Il

,.2 11rsd212

The Pro-tedare is sisple, In principle, once th~e literal fure, for Sq 31 has beenObtained, Hzwever, in practlie, for systemssb -- 4A- -- -4. -Iferm becomes exceedingly long. (Stone prtents such a form for a ononnt runrmr-

.tar 'etb-zd.i zyatem t•w. h o ccpleero nine pages.) a =sy bn

Introduced into the differedniation required to obtain 12

by the apir

neglect of tcrms in s nd show, wichv'crsh s-w as illowed to tend to zeroin the second derivative. liwer-rsIeas, Wletcottl'A rocedure seems to te zcoo-

what briefer, sod is preferred for the pfrpose of ctktnnir.S ITEaM r22-.


Page 69: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

i*s2I i~oli.ving Per. 44 ezrl ý8, ftnlq.ys PasevsI Is theo'ez. to express

rE -Co 2 +3w 13f. t [.") -2_ . E(S)E(o - 3)ds (3

.bich, tor a t.~b~t, system. bezcmea

Wbea E(s) is, in addtin, a rutio of rationa ply omazI&~ Eq 36 is.o £yetri-

cal. rational funt!m 01- the poles of E~s), being the sum of the rosiduez at

W%"e jyuIee "i ceo therefcoie be expresýeI iP tors of tin coefficents or

E~s) only. The procedure Is well-illustrated by eovsinerl~kg the simplest ease:

L2n dB do (38)2t3 fJ o, (son , =1)I -V~ + aý)

vbich has a single pole at S- -6/s enclond Iy the contour integration which

is an arbtrc.arily large w cictin the left-half plane. Ths residue at this

po~l ix equa to Mand is Six-m by

a5j -C s)-.I a rr So a 1 ] 2a (39)

The proeedure for c-naining m2 Ind.Imicated by Eq 33.

f~i I. t (t)f dt 0 b f h ka~tj. - s)ds tw")

It is not possible to take 'be ow-o 0 mUzang process under the Integral sign

vithrit first pemrfomng tea differentiation. lTo ohcain a ryumtricalk function,

Page 70: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

j, as-.uwed to be real and p .:. , the ccocoxr is teken as the aiidole of the

d•splac~w-nt of the E(s) and E(-s) functions, copleted by n large se•=icrcle

occupying the left tLtlf, and per. of thR r4Mt half, ecrpez plane. This is

"-q-tvalnt tao vmply cl-angin the variable a to a + (oa/2), eoýv treting the

contour Integral na an lodlrry Integral. ZT..stlon 36 them beces


Td - •Ids

By substituting a =o/2,

. . -o0 l L, I H(s. + o)E(o - .)dr]

Tais my now be solved by making use of the X7 tables. For x le, taking

the .aplest case,

E(s) " do (42)

the Intrgrsn Lecomes2

(uOO # c0C + 4,)(-aow t0. 771

Tht group a, + e.,a ro corresponds to al in Eq 36; Z'ee the tpproc'rte substi-

tutltoo in Eq kO yields

1 22

L. a i o ro kd a. , 0-42(3

By zeans of the procedure, Westcott cbtains literal forms for iC-;. •e process

has been extended by a further -Z/A operuton to obtain in2E I the present


Table V preser•s the resulting literal forms for TIF, TTTý, a-d -IrE2


systems of first- throu.. '- rtb-order. ý.h- I=? results havs been rster-ved

1roe eeden,•y of Vestvott's vork, srf4 eheck his valuea exactly. So g=era)


Page 71: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


2 tam n,



POR inilE OF Pi=- MtRQ PO'J17n-UWES

rr -1r


84 a o.*3 *

.~~4.0 - Sc) * a

W- 41- *03 -Klts (4 - j(j~-

--A - %i4 -

-1-3 W[L) ah3

Page 72: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

TADLZ V (Continued)


13 - ~~,



113 3ee(3i P 44Al(3-02 --

* %s.,4 ,4. -~t

-,-~%:-v34 - a) - "(4 - a4ast 1(ua.c

,. ^ 4- *t 3

"fah4o4- 6"3% t ~.3 5 4A(; ~.2(~

Page 73: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

literel valjaec or Tk havt pierlously teen publi3shed; hence, it is not port-ble

to have a .ccp~ctc Irdepcndent check on this =casure, althm-.h, as will be noted

it tnc follovurng section, pflrtisZ cheek 4ots cxist.

L'VaW& mO a it2, LTE2, Mt WJs? As kmuowmc ts=Wsnt

1ndlelisi recpeoues Of nonaliz-ed unit-nmmrator ninirun le?, I?!?, rS,22

=1n 1T3E2 ryrteon= 3e Zgiven !n tic!. 70. Thee ar-c =;reprduced In i. , f=

ease of recferene, sno corresponend dlozed-loop Bode diagran are given In

Fig. 14. The transfer fuLnctiona coefficients that mi' '-'-e these nornelteed n2',


, etc., perfornance tcesures are call.-' standard tones, i.e., the partied

4,ariva~ive of the raernsltzcd pcrfoeno~ee nase=re with respect to each coefficiett

of t1- :'olorl-locj- transfer function Is zero uthen the trarafer fjnctlion nas the

appro-priate etanoaco torn Table vi preaentt. such standard forma for a variety

^f ;,erfwr-sne criteria, incluling minit:= M2?, T!E2

, a=d =l2i

2. Thee- ho.ve

her obtaines by differteu..ating tin: general. nnslytlz .=rzrza.=3n of Ts.e.: V

with respect to the tronfer function cocfficiznts. The results -rece with ttose

Or Def. ?0 chich %were obtained by a digital icesputer jrograred to? iterative

Plnleizatiwr. (This provide' a partial cheati On the accuracy of the 112!? gen-

eral ton-s.) flfermcce 70 a]t- pr-snts atandteI force. aor,! undieal risponses

"tor opti-a lI!St? syateces. Theae nave not bceen cntcsed, but are includedL in

Table V1 to ensure torpl~teness. The aralrtic expressLun for IT31 fo Lya'a

of higher tha... Gecccnd-order are very cecplihcat-.l, adI'2' dee =et nertooff-!r advantages over r2or IT20 that wculd heuffi.-o Coresainfo h

ecocputlng efforts Involved In practi-al optinietion cerlulations.

Nbls N7 also lnets the open-loop t.-ansfer function coefficients associated

with the stanlsed fores. As with the etoer!d-lozp coefficients, the sieosti+vity

of te ntorzalined perfocoance neasune to *=dlz changes in these coefficlent:

tuout the -specified values is set- Ver.u-ever, toat the ,.cnormalized per-

forrance ecanure in affected by still changes in open-loop Coefficients tronm the

standard ton.s.

Tne c-iosea-.Loop o acn naxarama tor tee 1 t;2, ia-2

, ±' s?,ao TL

ntcArerd fort arc given in Fig. i1h. (; tc-,.astcs cerrcel to one sIgnificant

f,gur em urhsed to construct these UtvSraaS.) By operatiors on a Nlichols chart,

or by direct fartorinatlon of the lower-order synteun. the nsacciatcd open-loop

=-a'cterlsttes of phase nargir. erousever fr-q1ae-y, etc., Iavc 'een found.


Page 74: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

40, 40

j 20.920


O O 0 O 9I 0

oj L 00w0.1 LO 0. 0 w.

, 40, . 40,


\ .cJ• \\ IC ~ r- \\

\9 _g >~~ 90

ITAC '~ -80SI'. ..... "-- -I,

Figu. 14. Cloud-Loop Weic (:w) Ditag.-.s. of Stwxldrd F0.=3


Page 75: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

0 40 ~ 401

0 -20.

"" L J


_____134 - z~

Wj 1o v.0Ow 0.. 1.0 W.0w


-90 n~ System Order

-1 ns 4n=\

0A ~ w -W

Page 76: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

_ _ _ III

-t AE Chu S a a w ThC

Fi.xý V,. I Thdicial Responses or' St~ndard Forms


Page 77: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


4 //i'~*LEG=

Fig~~~rt 15 (onl~


Page 78: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Tl'ese m_•r resezted IL. Table "I1, together with thp eorrvscr...ln vo1"", for

mlntims, HAE systems and otter standard forms. Table V1I and Fig. 15 isdicate

that the standard fora having the nmoothest indicial responses possesj phase

zag-- t een so ad 70 degrrs.

For a norznlized second-order unit-rsnraur "YstsL having a transfer func-C(n) Ition aescribhd by Eq 29, II *- ,. The general expressLona for !z2,

I132, and 1T2232 sheplify to

le, .~

112E2 (46)

These reasourc• have been eval.ated ard graphed in Fig. i6.

The rapns of Ref. 37, which were obtained by mcnhanization of analog :o_-

puter responses, are also shown in Fig. 16 for comperativc purposes. The dis-

crepancle in these ruces are likely to be attributable to

1. A scaling error of a factor of 10 for r1j2

2. A scaling error of approximately 16 for IT2

3. -A.-f4cr drift for t > 0.9 for all three measures

The con~lusiens of Ref. 37 regarding the value of these measures as 'ritcria for

nor-alized second-order syste--_ Ped not be clanged by the correction of these

errors. M is min•ni-td by ý - 0.5, which is not obviously dedsirable, althsrfih

rather high-t damrpts ratios Qt - 0.7) are usually preferred Zor step respons-s.

The strongest objection to IE n a performance measurc for zecon.--order

systems is Its lack of salcctivity. Vsrfylg ', from 0.2 to 1 ., raises 1ý2 from

its lnridc- vnluc of 1 to only I .g'. qy contrst, 1232, winch has a rninam value

of 0.9 at ý - 0.67, increases "0 percent (to 1.35) at - 0.51 .a ; - 0.9. Fes'

the nerealized third-order system investigated in Ref. 37 with the transfer func-


M C bs - cs - 1


Page 79: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


________________________________________ Ctugmxxxro in fu, wHK14ly nis syWEI24 ORDEJR)l


4 110 Vo P.0mlf)"(lb 02 2(.')Uau :1

aI I .W() 0n 4

n2- r, + .1'p8~2 * 2(.t;,)5)voG 4 0* 42.0) z4(a4.1)E2 + 2(.24.j)(1 .2y'f"OU +


13 ~ ~ ~ o + 11 .. 47wZon P +.4~ a* tA)a 2(. 3P.) (I .227n0)o a (1 .227. o1

13 41 .),2PO 4 ..1.l0 '-'( 2'oC f8it ('e' 4(7I(.9n~ 2~ 0.~,,i~jp*~(i .84 (10)1

THE 4TMINUMPa34 it 0' 0

02 4 ~41 2 2(22)noc3 41 .66:j*8cl" 80 4 7041o L 2 (.1-2')% (191* 6 0-1

*I.6jo'4 2.09141ýn 4 (a.,1n)[2 *2110)2]( '9f2 + 2.35(1 Y35ri

5ie 4 1 o 5476 o +nn

L; 1 *)rjflOC l + f? +,2*~ 2(.43 6) 0I Io5 + I M

64 2. 1.Oj +IC 3.4n 2 2a -7001%[a 0 2(.4.)(.18O)fl (1.752.11103'4 00 2.7ln 4o +~ 2(.318)(1-33'I10-a + (1 .33300)21J[02 2+ .24(TOl

I~ou it C2 +2(.7)gos + '3 . 1.5500, 2

4 .10 4c +a .6610o)[02 + 2(.361) (1 .V50)c + (.2300).

Cl4 + 1.6o0,10 3 - 3.150882 4 ~ 2(grg 2 + 2n(.75)(.691fl0)1 + .9n)jo

a 4 1 no +4 1. 0

4-0a 1 ".040 4 n2 + *o) 2(.5)Pi *

e~~~~~~4~& 2.nn 4p~3 13 * On +. 11 &2(4f~ .*4 2.6fn r3 + 3.4a802 + 2.6Xlg * p (9)nnu g2 (8"


* 2f4 *n (10 no)2

42+2 n 4 ngno'V4l4 G- * xr~ *14an 4 (a3 C4

14A 2+ ian

Page 80: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

TANJE~ V It3TANPI)A IAI UM3 FOR 111IT-NUMeRATOR :YIynTii wrffas~ mtim4. i, T

(flUtKHATONt 1.1 IC. U14HEl. R 18 SYSTI-24 OWNr~) - fNlu:'AIi4xi iAi 14. wmirm. 1



4_04No L2( .:')c'(Iý06 )B

THE Mla.uJI _ ft~c2dt T - ,#nr~rJf

02 2( l.Y)!))v'o * 00 0)i

(f) 4 .6,N)Ea2 , +(a'( (I +~~2 L

. Ž(bI:).6~)c+(.WO )-2, 2(1'+ .9~ go * E* (Id (.2 4 ( .66,Ap))"j V


2. +

TH IW.MMN4?J ~~s THEKMINdIMUM 4 ~710 A a0'+ 110

52 "2 +(I'.~o * .' 4 1uO

(',70I)V*~.2~ o~ (1.1~,2:10)'l y (', 704'2 0 ) &2 +2.1)(11


112 2(.6)no + n 2( .6)iioc

+ 24 318)(l-'113o~)u + (I.333 0o)2J1. [B* 2(.824)(.7500OO)s ( ___________________+_(1_33300_2]___

4.6)[ +2(6)(.Q)c4 .6)J ( + .66100)(a2*(p 2.b).6910 o)[ (. 2.36I)2] [2Xr + 't'.23-0-0-y)2] & i.2?1la~~0~ 2 4


*2 2(.,()Iloe + its42.7%

& 2a ) a 2(.920o1 * a * g [a2 2 f(g

.no) (ano)

(S. + g) 2 (a +*o~


Page 81: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

VIN~ MINI"IM flu,'.I

' *1. ~ *u(s

* ~ ' ~ .~(c~~I(t )~ (I fl~~ * Awj,U

0); u'wL AO,4nB 1'a.


AA). .~ )~ L2 4 C(. 'I) I'A0 (1 u" [a- ;?.J lý(&iv ~.42911O u * (1 hýý,g


n* '+ 1

N +: * b, (J02)(1 .1,211 0 )c + (1 .'#Zu')L 6& 4i.A~ .42)3 + 0IIa)2,]

THF M1141 4UN/'

u + 11 5~ JIa~

4U- 4 2(.,16)(1lj.1or, GO11,~)J ()()I~~di)

* (u1).:;~) (.(..,:1[,P 1.2)I~~AO. (1.:~)J ; I. 1 irn 34 .,2 "1 s


02 + 2(.'[6)110L 4 s+I !.O

+ . . 661,~ 0 0 [ a2Ž + L'(.J 1,ui)(i P3 0R )n + ( i . M O ) 1 g [ 03 I~)1 C W ~ c2 . 15iu)l * 2.I 4 503o* ~(.~~i)(1(.61,100) * (.92')(1.4,too0)a .5~O~]a~ *Ph


4~ + ~ I .I9ii. 0 2

& 2(~:(.9l +a * .90) 2 + 2(. 2)(1a4oo) +09 4~o) .0c 2 ~j4

* (a + 00)

(a*~ (B + s(441?o Poo

(g + ,,(0) 3 2(.866)(1.73Mlou +4(

(8 4 fl) 4 2w0)[sl + 2(.707)(l44ý)%(1. 4114'0)n

Page 82: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies





lp, db

2 1.00o% 0

butteryorth - 3 1.05 0 04 1.0o0% 0

2 1.00 no 0

ITA Minim=a J tleldt 3 1.05% 00 0.95 no 0

2 1.00o% 0

..Mini= SettliP3 Time 3 1.1t, % 0

:4 0.80% 0

2 1.280 1.%

IE2 Mi== 2d 3 1.52%0 1.5

"" 1.67% 2

2 1.16 ni 0.5i t t2dt 3 i.4o % 0

S1.58 0o 0

2 1.00% 0

ITA? Him t2e.dt 3 1.15 % 0"0 i 1.'5 % 0.25

2 1.00% 0MY Mni==-or t3e2dt 32 .5

1 .o % 52

l -2

Page 83: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies




On Mp, db IC 9q6p deg Gan Margin, db

2 1.00 no0 0 o.67 no 64. ----

3 1.05 ra 0 o.,9 Po 60 134+ 1.00o% 0 0.38 fo 60 8

S2 1.00o 0 o.61 o 67 I I

tleldt 3 1.05 0 o.48 A 66 11.51+ 0.95% 0 0.37% . 60 8.5

2 1.C0o% 0 o.67 % 61----ng Time 3 i.14 % 0 0.50 %n 67 10.2

1+ 0.80 Do o.37 60 8.6

2 1.28 0 1.3 0.77 f 52 ----e

2dt 3 1.52 % 1.5 0.56 no 71 6

14 1.67 % 2 0.45 %D 53 6.5

S2 1 16%0 0.5 0.75 % 56 ....e2dt 3 1.40% 0 0.55 %n 68 8

4 I.581%8 0 o.1o% 60 6.5

2 1.00% 0 0.66% 62 ----t2 e2dt 3 .15 % 0 0.490% 68 9,5

t3e2at 2 1.00% 0 0.64 % 66 ....

3 1.0o %) 0 o.46 % 66 8.1

14 1.00%n 0 0.!o8% 6+8.3


Page 84: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

1T2E2 -

Io Calculated-- Re' 37


ik TE

.2 \ \\ _ 8 1.2 2.

Figure 16. Ccprrlw% cr in~'cal &-,A Epcri~entaI1l Dt~l.nedrt12E

2w r2erformAnce 34aeaumf

Page 85: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

10 lcares "ern :s .! ieti'z ;s chow' in Fie. 11 of lief Y1, for b rangingS

iron 1.Z'5 to 3.0, c can be vrrted fro= 1.5 to 3.O 4ti, 1::: than 10 percent re-

smltier !sts.n Is E2. The judicial respo.!es or Fig. 15 Indicate that antn-

misatoio' of IZ- ýcicnt: oscillatory responses fOr higher-onier systems.

An advantage or XE2 is ta.&- its t.±ljt~ic exprenclomi are simpler than those

roe t-F2

,An )~2

The last es eIs h~ghly s~eletive, but it is d',ubt~il

vhcth-n tie. %dded conpilicat'on of the general forms is worth,& the extra conputa-

tio A!i effort required, ciryared -.o rIi?.

Having stet.-it the advaiu.tages and disadvantoge: of 1Z2,jb

1 o IA S

sn= alternaktIve criteria can no'J be assessed to arrive at a unique selert!len,

if such, a asiection can be -ide. Theý next section uf this chanter ia concerned.

vIlt TAS, ITfS, ar-nd 12 %-t ±t ma:.A be 2inlcadt-g Wo close toae dlc~ussion of

1L' .t7e. etc.,p vithout . ix.,r ligresetor. relat- rg to the suitatnlity of thtescriteria for statistical Inputs.

A strong arp~esft in fsz~r of 102

is Vat, for attatlastical isasts,- the ccr-

responding measure 7(t) a fT m a enthruhyinsl

ganed, ani form the founrdatict 'or an extensive litcrature, Znsl1udlng eny rf

tee =ot valuable and vidsy used contributiors to ol.tinisatimse theory.

Statistical inputs fail sutsate the scope of th'. present re:port. Uilsuever,

it wcould me Unrealistic to ignore the ract that s'LJght control syatera aref 4us-

Jei-ted to both statistical and deteelteso I" nguts, sea it s.U :ý' is ufortumte

if the already considerable gap between -anar end detcreiniatic =nies:oz Ofanalysis was widened y dcdoe ral Pr different eriteuia for ecah type of input.

It Is suaeested then tic possibility ol' developing a os. at4ble criterion nLght

.ell fern the subiect Of a Cutcs'e svrestigatios. Mlwever, for the remninder of

this reps?', statistica:- csn~idernt-c' wll- -~ dlee'gaveed, end assesesnts of

Zndiciai error nca:.a'es will be s=ce with rew,'eni only to their "stutbility for

the task of see-sur'inG nsyten perfomnnrce fol'ovirg j ;ti-p input

.he 3AP, LIA-R, and zT5 eazu~cs- have been J-seostigated in 7cf. 37, 35, and

39. Reference 5o7 includes en extensive study of the propertiets of ITAE obtained

by nsctanlratioo CZ &arlor Conpitcr res.pones for unit--orerator sewo-position-

error aystess of flnt-- Threseh citzth-zrdcr. fiSrst-order nmerat.r sect-velocity-

Page 86: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

- -: ..joc... . *v. u-jg u a)fl tat-l'der, x4d zrro-aeceleratIon-error systens

if third- th-rongh, IAith-order. jtxiitsl reopenerz and stamdaxd ferns for 'sob of

t s~e.ycte=n art nrtnented. DSo- ?%tta are als'r given on IKE and IT22AS, but WlAS

c=;. ý-Iz it .-.& I- . n-,w-t've than L%--, end -- teazcaer to apply Liar,

n- As. ( Cl car itVslly sre Wte andteaed en an analog ocqput~er, -t.j.

using tierzple .Iirest describe,' in Ref. 37.)

The pr~sernt rrc~ert ennt-ore; th* I iventigetie, of these ,eaaurss. Exact.

,vrlytie expressinen for MAZE, XTAE, sar. IT'AE of eceonl!-crLvr ys-4=s ere pre-

rented, PM tthe -esadle are exsploeyd to eheeck those cf Ref. 37. As will be showrn,

'mn, -- rvc arL d'tr-ted4. An 5.anar Ic eti-ed rer cfhtairnir W.? TTEAR, CAn I-AE

fo:" hicncr..odcr sreter: Is sinso -n' 1r-4 In vdditllcl: Cbayg,,r .'d~jczilcen

pruceodre for the apprex~nte caleoletic . of lIkE for near-uptime system.

Ti-e precedirt for cale-ttatlrg WI, MEAnd. md 2AE for a se!.-nr-s-

ten. Is detailed in Ajprndlix :7, mut bey 'rie belt..'

,he £tarilg poInt ts Ire ealeusltiun Of' the taplaee rnfr of the Lb-

ac-zt,!~ error tins hicte-y, 4Oce en'; b&- been obtalled, IM, rVAR, and

172AZ ere r:Sily estained by mcans o1 tie' final valuee tttoree., an indicated

1A I- e't)'dx al"r LA(S)(h,

-cj ace a0.' 7

The metbnd for obtaining U4s) afL~ytmr-011 i,- an exteosior of the torh-

nique utrd -or obtaining Uth leplace .r>x*orm of' a re-titled sine wave. The

err-or- time history Is a damped nine wave w',tb a phase lag

e(t) - e-.-j.- ~Aa in t(52)


Page 87: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

where -a& j

Fro, eKe -rassor, t-hles Of Prr. 16,

!'S 'd. e - ýO." li tA (cotn ~-(4) (~

As show. in A4~psodx A, tL, dasigm factor e.% cto In'1 314 ean be .eceoat.4 for

by replAcing a with a + ts 441 to ohtAin Cieýýntslo i. The Phase lag itote-drsn cileavinneA. b',' tw~e tiedl rewilt it, reeSoeobl, ecm~et.

tns -+ tý S + 2;0:t ("A)

Mrae that tb': ;As* term in Zj 5t Is sitPly E~s).

Qoi prteedze 1 ýe bt&anig an smeslytical expression for Ie(t)I, or E4(s),for ýxccC& higher-order systems is nore ccoii!.csted. For these systems, thethe rawv ckwtnas of' be error time hixtter, are nwt eqnUj opaces. and Eq 53*V1.ts tov Ap;iy. ýt' procedure used in Appemiix B for a third-order system havirgz. crclet pair o: roots ^s to represen.t the error response bj a Fourter-likke

&eries, the coeffl.ients of which arm ti-.iependent. The first result ib quite

eocp~lested. It providesa Abests for fwrther tiheoretiral stýuies, and for cheek-

!cg eooriný,tslly obtatrned MA, et:., but seems too involved for routine opti-

risetiM.; cwlculattons.

7ro a normalized uait-=araror secona-oroer s7:=tzs described ty Eq 2y, toe

IAE sr4 IMA are gives by

erA tV77 ehct(ir;lI ~ (5


Page 88: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

bIAu t.• +rrr 2 sin-'c .

(!7~~_ +s (56)

T nO=O P onsiO , n a • q AO 0 aprodA- orwrick th..at l erits u e

rented in Fig. 17 and ex, sod are -Ccpred with too var'• •obtained by Graben

s:4 aitr, - .l Ref. 3-.. It ir evident that o sealine error of to eyists In the

-1 al IOo graplh for _ePAA. Ade t on IoE ids exrellefe; some ae or

discrepancies exist iT IA. X1 itinzatiou ancurs at 0.7 instesa of , '0.7,

but this error Is insigoifieartt.

The o eonclusirnt of Grasuan s Iathroe regarding the relative merits of these

criteria am not altered by the present study. Ps would be artclpated, Usi ,

Mre, r4o r9AE exhibit sinilyr characteristics to le'yerIe' sod ITa ,t respec-

tivntly. la, IS Sod T12

A% is too complicated, therefore, eaR is

preferrvd. l•%h 3ha been explored wore thaortghly than any iedicial error

neasuieýe %d the consierable bacrgrosd of knowledge established by Tef. Vi Led

38 permits thir nossure to be used '-ith confidence. For each east lerostigated.

in Ref. 17, vin m T. A lAER yielded "goodr responses. s.-S toe criterio, reale d

highly selective for cystens of third-, fourth-, and fth-order.

Cr--psred with lIE2

, lIAR has the advantages Of giving les. 03CiLiatory In-

dl cilx standirid focus end of bel g rore thoroughly explored, but it is the mare

difficult of the two measures to express &anayticciLly. The choice between thesecriteria nust depend on the circumc-tsnces of thc Individual easts In% which they

are to be applied. Possiblyr ITE2 world be sore convenient for so analytical in-

vestiga~tion, and IER boest for optinizatien using analog co~uters, because of

the ease with which 1z can be mchanized szA scaled.

cliosed-loop Bodec diagram- of the I=A standard forms listed Inx Table VI are

given in Fig. lb. Associated indicial responses are given in Pig. 15. Table VIII


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Page 90: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


I Calculated

~5I Ref 37



c* 5

o /w



04 0. 6 Q8 1.0 .


Ficu.-e ;6. cc~parisoo or Ao.iyticil "n Eztripe1-,tafly Deter=ioedIT'A:- for U it-N=-t'.v Stvc d0-Od~.r System

Page 91: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


Time SettlingDelay TI RseTie hoot Costn TI-


maimu sttling 1.63 2.2h 4 60 0.046 1.46 2.96

4ýwtje(t)Idc 1.51 2.56 503 0.023 1.86 3.47

.fo e~t) 24t 1.32 1.65 3-62 02i65 1.56 5.34

f" et)2 14 1.86 3.93 o~o6 1.67 5.26

f 0 ,t2

e(t) 2ýt 1.114 2.00 6.25 00o62 1.72 5.03

f 0 ~tS e(t) 2dt 1.5 2.21 4 .6 0.041 1.81 3.05


M~nim= SattlIng .2 20 .2 ,3 .2 35

f£wtle(t)Ils± 2.11 2.3 6.67 0.029 2.66 3.58

f~cot e(t) 2

dt 1.96 1.93 3.90 '.051 2.:n 6.98

J~t2 e(t) dit 2.0 2.32 h.16 0.063 I 2.30 6.,

fo't3 a(t) 2dt 2.03 2.20 h.%6 0.038 2.37 3.61

Nmaimao Settling~ 2.56 2.17 6.78 0.05 2.88 3.8Ti-

f£ntje(t)Ilt 2.62 2.67 5.66 0.027 3.03 6.23

J~e(t) 2dt 2.40 1.83 7.75 0.141 2.6a 10.32

F .W3e(t) 4d 2.49 2.23.9

I t e(t)' 2dt 2.5a i.16 is.6 i o.-06 2.86 5.0

Irt ajt 6d .2 22 .9 j 0.060 2.9.3 j 3.93


Page 92: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

cmtwarizes the indicial response characteristics of aU the standard form of

Table VI. Standard tom root locations am shown in Fig. 19, 20, and 21.

0102 UTICIAL L.( ;=

The measures discissod in the previous section4 of this chapter .avi- all

been integrated functions of error. It in pconible to -encr-!4-e-, ' thi measues

by tneludi functions of the ti= derivitlyes of error. Thus, several recent

references (e.g., Ref. 79 an,! ,0) have proposed optimotion procedures based on

the following very general mewiure:

F~e(t), t, vj]ptt)dt

Here F[(et), t, y1] is a general function of error, tiae. sad system parameters

), and pi is the probability tht the output A11l be used. The gemermlity of

this measure is both its #Avantage asd Its dravbadk. It cannot be put into con-

crete, usable form vithout -4n a mzber of arbitrary choices to arrive at F.

aonsideration of the resmaning measures listed in Table IT Illustrates this

point. The criterion

fe (t,)dteo + c e2(t)d, Jon (~r dt

yields, for a orer-lized sccond-order unit-numerator system, - 0.866 for

a co and 0.5 for - 0. (As shown in Ref. 73, the ý selected by the crite-

rion can fall out- -de the 'ae 0.5 to 0.866 for a negative a.) No guarantee is

failsaole that an a suitable for a Aecond-order systen wul yield acceptable re-

spaz-as wlihn the same criterion is applied to a eystem of higher order. Hove-er,

the -riterion cannot be relected on this basis alone without further investigation,

partic;.arly as its rando•n areIn should be easier to usr With statistical i.rut3

thU. the rendo= Oanalog of tine-weighted cr-tteit.

Arbitrary constants also appear in the =,L stic form associated response

zeas-res listed at the bottam of Table IV, and In the very ge.ri%2 nessure

Page 93: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Second Order -2

LEGEND L5-no Measure0 IIAEx IE2

0 rrt2 Iwa hT3E2 x7' PWorrm Setlin Twme+ Butterworth/


L L I -- - J

-2 -1.5 -1 -05 0T~

7101"~ 19. Pole Incations of thit-Rumeratcr Second-Order Steandar Porms

Page 94: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Thir Order -2

LEGM -. 5

ITrAEx 1E2

o3 T ~ 2w0 1T2E2 1* 1T3E2

+'V Wiimin SetflingTi


I 0-2 -L5 -I-Q5 0

Figw~e 20. Pole !Locatforno of Unit-f'o ermt.r Th.ird-Oder Fors

Page 95: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


ymbo, Measure A0> ITA-EX IE2

a rrE2


v Minimum SetkngT•me+ Butterworth

Se x -05



-2 -15 -I -0.5 0

PFiure 21. Pole locations of Unit-Rumrato,- Pourtb-Oder Por=

Page 96: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

f"D dt. n-0 dt •J d

Here the choice or & a2 , ... , an Is arltitrary, so that czy desired weightingof the elecents of the c'literion may be used. Unfortunately, little gaidarce isavailable on the choice of al, a2 ,. .. , an and considerable effort may be required

itf it ti necessary to evaluate the interrals. (However, this m•asure has usuallybeen proposed in conjunction with dynamic programing procedures exploying digital

computers. For ouch applications, the latter disadvantage would be inslgairlcant.)

New maesures are constantly being added to the already vast literature on

this subject." It is perhaps worhwvnile adding a plea for caution in acceptingthese m*atures as valid criteria. Tt Is all too -asy to present a "reo" per-

foroaknce criterion which is valid, eclective, and even readily applicable fcrcome particular systen. The task of foraulating a criterion which retuinc thes.

merits over toe range of syctems encountered in flight control design is much

sore difficult. Of the indlcial error measures diseusa.d in hias chapter, ITT

stands out because of the thoroaghnuss vith which Jt has been investigated. The

large number of examplez given in the studies of Graham and Lathrop lend credence

to thoir assertion that the IARE cr.terion has ex•e-•lonal meril.

Thia point is weli-il1atrated b1 rve. 42, which was received whoLm the presentreport was being typed. In addition to MEB, MT

2, ITAE, I-T, IT?2, And I2AE,

Ref. 42 Investigates the following nanures for normalized unit-aroerator second-and -hird-order systems:

f0Vet dt, ( Jtle(t)I dt, f t11ie(t)I dt,0 -e0

t4lett7, dt. and] _* Ato• , + (e(t)J0

Both digital and analog computers were employed to generate the measures. Theresults are generally in agreement with those of Ref. 70 aed this report, exceptfor errors (in Ref. 42) of apprixiately 10 percent on acme standard feorcoefficients.


Page 97: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

orimi srAwioti Frop;

Ts* standard !,,r.i; dll ----- d rerln? 1n this chapter have afl been cptlral

the- stuttit ti-ey - U-t In ,AIIW% V61-1, of parthedlar iuldilal error4- r ft-riq could kA used for optiniouniun, asia Aid. Dd pP...Lhs

tro stnndard f.Tors asocniljtd with minimu= settlino tir-.e for systems of see erA-

throne tighth-ordl-r. TIhe necond-, tnhrd-, and fenrth-oraer ioins assA associated

transient respomnse acm r- r',eed- in 7t1.- VT &:,d Fig. 15. Figure 14 illustratesthe T-ode ( %(,I di._--:: f,:s these- systems. Table VI asons linan bin.Aial andflotirusrth ateanudwd rm ThL bnioimial forcs are not optIL&alsIi the a%=- sen"e

as tae stanzdar forms considered previously, being generatcd by the following ox-

!ee S the isystem order.

The Butterwesrtn for=s arc characterized b) the lact tnat their Doles areequtuly spaced arowel % -;ericirole of radius 12 in t-* cosplets plane. The

frequenny-dcezsercrse.ato of th- ?neitiflZ ireestfer functiorin Iý lulusratedin Fig. 11. for seccond-, thirdn-, and foerth-oncdr systems, the indicial responses

are given in Fig. 15. iiatterwnrth farce are naxls=aldy flat, i.e., at jus 0, thefirst I, derivativ-. us en- ssnpistesle..frsqeeer.scy diagv=~ axe sees, b*ut their tran-

sient respolnse: tIave increasinpjy large overnshoot: me the noder of the systen isin=rez-&I. rIt~rr..e $7' iv Leetransient responses of tic k$utterwortn ftlte.rs

for first- throegh eighth-order, cvltch nrc ropreceured In P12. 28.

11- Itleer the Buttersrre, :.Or tIec binoutal standard firms are of direct "ce Infitei., cenre: system' nptizicstione. Hlowever, they do provide a convenient start-

ing point for devising, otter stastard terms.- The ITAE standard forms of Grahan

and Intisrop were, In fact, generated b., nystesatically modifying Buttelrworih feces-

of the -pprclpriate order.


Page 98: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies



This chapter presents vnnnrol vxect forziulae expressing the effect of

system time Is on indicial error =ea3urC3. These forn i•n eay be used to

obtaln approxinate relatiors expressing performance measures for some high-

order systcr= in terms of the performance of "eqvJivale-t" lc-'er-sr-er systemns

Possessing time las.-

As is usual, the analysis -4ii be restricted to systei, having zero

s•e•dy-stat* error In response to u step-input, to obviate infinite values of

Indiceal error measures. Three classes of indicla2 error measuras vill be

UoDsiderod, desiGnated It in tq 16, 17, 13 of Chapter Ills and repeated below

for convenience:


z1J - f tUP 07)0

tf. (18)

It r-l1 bn sioc. that when a pire tiýe d Ilay, s Introduced, the measores

can bu expressed in terms of the meatures appropriate to the undlayed syite-c

1,7 =-%z "fth !ollowing formulae:

Iu.U d . (50)

ITV - Uo 'I!,. l lo (5")

nI" - u. l2IuI2,.o+ + l- lJ + l I"l,..o (6a)

wiire S(3.


Page 99: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies



IUI, 1IU, IT2, etc., can be caleula.ed by application of the final value

tbeorem. Thus,

*u .lt . • . 1 U(s) (61)

s-.o0 i d.;62-IV .Ji " d• U(S) (62)

110 l. d (63)

For tOe syltem vi-th 1g,uo

U() - ! (I -e--) . e-" u (s) (64)

By the fizal vaue theorem, expnding e-'sr • -Ii + (is)2


iiif W .-. 0 " " ) - 0 u(S) (65)0

r"vo ÷ 1M .(4) (66)

"- • ÷u0 .0 (67)

vhIc. checks Eq 58.

171 Is evaluated sizlsrly. From Eq 62 and (4,

/£tU(t) . -~J(.) I....e [L,. o -- j -U (68)

e r... U O,1 02+ .o(S) - - + ! (69)


Page 100: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Applyingq Me final va~ue theorem

CDtUft)dt "a' e7's I U_ (a+ 2ia Te.u

ii.U0.1's Tj l-t (70)S~ r, 2

[ 1 ITEUI. + +T[I] +o 2. %0 7

v h ic h e k a " k E q 5 9 -

So evaluate ITJ q 63 am ý ame tc±omied o give

LtU~t) .U(g) -- 1e-' #U (a) -e" -2- Te' u.(s)-

-13 A.. u s.e a2- U00

-e da T- _d` 0,.0(2) ~-~ -t-.e

ST "-t d - t-'s -0

-se - (73)

After trte rzluction, thit yicldý

2I[=] [r2]. -[~ (74a)

Vhic~ htk C!caq 60.

DV=2~ C TDO L-- Or, ITAE ArD Ir P S0 D- C8ýSE2

12te effects Of A time lag., to on soe erformance measures for a second-

order zero-potitioo-errur f.yst= are ow considered. Apart froa their jotrivaie

valt.*, tbc results also provide approImsaticas to performance mesures of nigber-

order systems. The transfer functice of a second-order systen with lag applied

directly to the input is


Page 101: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


It ij c.nvcz,.iet to work 1i ncn,•flcd (non..-dl.craL) time so that

C3) 0" (76

De,wr=MIZatiC% of perfor=anee measures ic easily a=cn=spUed by use of

Eq 26, 27, crn ;.8 of Cl-z-zr MI.

For the System of Eq 7> vith a Step input

E(.) - s 2t (77)s2+ 2ýs +

Appendix A hc-3 that for this systca

Va.0 T,- [,t" ~ 1 2ý (78)



,T 7 2o21j, t2 24 If 2 4F;1

+ 4t2 (79)

For t > I

[,TA].O- - , (•)

[ *TJy],.o _[],.. q2 (81)


Page 102: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

SubtItut•.io of z.hese expressioi,a into Eq V9 yieldz the -*,edte qiaphed in

Fig. ZZ. TVP effect of tI m lag cn IT2

has been caculated similarly. F-meCiaptrr 1II.

ne -r ~~ ]2d,- C2 (4.5)

h.- c-ffct of yarrouz tlre delays on IT2

is snorn in Fig. 23p, hich Las

bet-n constructed by co•blnotre Eq l, , seud o.


Pig"re 1 -ilusttratts the indicial responce time hictoriec cf ipt;-i TlrAi',

le2 and rT2E

2 :.rO-position-error systens. There criterin ray all be regarded

a- r=c-hil vnl' d &-.d aectIxce at. lossi Au, the system orcers shown. Ineach case, It vwil be rnted that the optiým nth-ordor systen response (where

n > 2) ca.. be fa'rly well ap I~ leated by adding a tl= I=-. to *.he opti=ýmsccond-order renpo=e.. Thin tme lag is conveniently chosen as equal to theeifference betveen the delay time of the stcuni c-tel and the delay time Ofa zero time lag secona-order systeL. (Note ttat the delay time is defined &ath- t'C. f.r the -=:o:--•c tu ac-i;c 0 pOe x.t of Au finsi value.)

A pessltle procedire for r .roxicating to the perfur-m.zce measures ofr.ig%-order systezs now becomes ar•,arent. The actual system say bp replaced by-, equivalent second-order system •ith time lag, and the performance measurecilc.•-lat-cd f.r. the latter syste= by =eans of Eq 58, •9, and 60. Thin pro-cedure is in fact quaite aimp.Le, and of reasonable accuracy, as vill be demon-strated for te IMAE performance measure. Hoverer, It does demand knowledge ofi-he delay time, and a method for ertinating this parameter vill nowr be 4c-


Each of the optiC-s responses shown in Fig. 15 can oe roughly approli-=ated by a delayed reap function ter-minatei .,c=r L•c rirt c(t) zerv crozzind,

as sa "tched In Pig. 22.. If the delay times of the actual wd approximnted

response are ra•de equal, ther

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30- tyST-fT-40

25 -T50T3

20 T =20




0 02G4 06 08 LO 12 L4 L6Dompirg Rfijo,

n1re2. TTAF fro a Second-Ord.r Zero-Poslt~on-Ermr Syste= vith a T1w Deylay T


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I 0I ~~r6) 2 +s4




02o 04 06 0.8 10 L2 1.4 1.6 18 zo 2a2Dompig Ratio,C

kigure 23. M fl or a SecorA-Order Zero-Posltion-Error System 11tb a Time Delay, T


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Figuz 24. ha~ Approimtion to OptL-al Systo=

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t * - To+ coty (7)'

To and y cay be ftrt-e: -4•latcd to the actual recy•nce by deanding th.at the

integrated error of t•e aetual and appivflmate reoporena shall be enyenl. Thia

kmplies that(To . cot 7) ' To

q, - - (8a)

where q1 is the coefficient of a In the tyiten tra.sfer function. (Note: ql - IE

for a urit-numerstcr system) (See Chapter V) If the ramp approximation I- valid

(as It is for the mlnim= fl!2

, iT291, IT31?, and ITAE systems of Fia. i,ý. r.q 83

,411 be losely satisfied, and can be colined with Eq P2 to &ive

q, - td (84)

Figures 25 and 26 show that Eq 84 is closely satisfied for the minimum ITAE,

T-172, Tl42, and fl r+-s. It also predicts the delay time for some nopti-

mal systcms with good accuracy. For example, F1i. 27 Illustrates the delay

time/q1 rolationship for the Puttenwrn * iere v! first- tnrcotgn el.o.*order.

"The indicial responses of these filters are graphed In Fig. 28. It will be

observed tat even lor tne eighti-order filter, the delay tlie exceeds q1 by

orl) 6.8 percent. It Is therefore coclskl that Eq. 84 predicts the delay time

vit good accuracy for optimum I['E, ITE2

, 114V, %-V -yte, and for systems

such an Puttervorth filters which have responses approaching ttese optima.


The coet•i:Ie".t q, is equal to the IE for a unit-numerator systen, since

•n-i sn-2

- a l i m .L ( ) . a n - :, + " ' " + q _a o q4! sts*'t + ... + qa I

ql (which in the generalized inverse velocity constant of Ref. 72) can also be

interpreted in I-rrz of the open-loop system characteristics, as follovc:

rut C 8) - n 1 * 1 (An)

R .,n. + qls +1 1I


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6-n System Order

/ n:8/ °5 /on=7



/n :

NI I sonI I n

0 I 2 3 4 5Nord.mensional T'rne

Delay Tine (Time To 50% FI%' Value)

FJgure 25. variation of Delay T,2e ywth Integmted rrrorfor Optim IAer Zero-Positio-ErTor Systems


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I / 0 11202

I /x 3- L OE2


o?1/ x

OL I - - -IL- - - -

0 1 2 3 4 5

Nondimensional Time

Deloy Time (rime To 50% Fnc: Volum)

Figure 26. Variation of Dehy Time vItk I1te-ral& errorfor optimus &E, iTE2, fleE2, sod iT-. system


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na System Order

onn=8• --=7V

o /on=5o /0


b 2-

C n/

//b 2

v I ! I1I0 2 3 4 5

Nondimensaonol me

Delay Time (Time To 50% Finol Value)

Fgr 27/. Varatz•u of ueZly Ti wi•th Intpeted.Enhr for Btterwrot Filters


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Figue 28. Indic1l Responses of Btte vorth Fi±t-..s of First Throw=_Eighth Orders (reproduced from Ref. 3?)


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""I , q1,(X,. 1)(. , 1) ... N-16 + (87)

unerFe - --t- c. etc. are the open-lwn. z+,ot.s

rfasue for a rormolized mro.-p•,•tion-error systen, ]r/(s) is alvays of tme

rout= 9(X, * )(G I 1) .)-.. (+,a.:a + I),

q, (88)

vnere K is '.. realized gair. (or Inverse velocity constant).

A further Interpretation can be obtalned by applying forculae expressing the

coefficients of a polynceal It- *.er-s of its roots (e.g., Ref. 71U).


an qr..1 sn * .<..qls. - ( %- , )(- a2) .. v.(sa-o) (89)

v ere a,. a2. anr a te ctLtlose.-o,,, poles.

Nov -.. • a," .-.- . (90)


Divi -- -. Eq 91 by Eq 9

-,J (02)

Hence, for 01'2 ... n all real, q, is sl--ply eqVlal to the Sun or the &ýStem

tine constants. (A second-order factor yields tao 'tine constants' uSznlg to

the approprinte 2t/%)

Some furth-r approximations to delay tL.te are discunsed later In tnis


Having obtained a good aeproxinaticn to d&lay time, and interpreted its

-nI&-if±-'.c, the result =ay nwov e applied to the calculation of perfox-r=ce


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* ~~~~To -omoKne*1trat the -petitol proposed, It 1-is bcc .,Tlin~t ' tý "eigte

oZ flAB for nonmalized wnit-noueratcr systezmw of third- tL~rough eighth-Ord-er.

The opt!=u response of each of tesse syatpee has been approxlested by a delayed

secornd-order syst-m vitt a &.-ping ratio of 0.7. FIigre 29 above how the Ml42

of suer. a system varies wita the tinuc lig. Ti-c nessnered sand predicted optiac

flVt are cakparsd In FigE. 30. The- agreement is seen to be good, espacisily for

systems of third- through sixth-order. Mhe slight falfloff In accuracy obtained

with seventh- and oighth-ordsr syatees Is dun to the deparL re of these systezre

from tbe approrimatirng fors. Figurz, 51 illustrates this well; the egregious

behavior of the seventh- an! eighth-order time tiatories is ratened by a cor-

respc-viigly unn. a-td distrinution- of poke (Flg. 21 of list. N). There due.snout seen to be any erpisestion or this phena-zeson. in %.is connection, the do-parture of the delay tine from the predicted value for the Deveoth- andi eighth-

order systems shown in Pig. 25 should also be noted. Fur htg-oi-rer systems, it

is important that the effective z should be estimated as closelZ. as possible.

Thus, whorerer onse-t vzalues of the delay tize are availab)le, they should býe used

in preference to the approxneste xg ; 4. insis sLpproxisation Is setisfaetory for

systems of mhini- through sixth-order, hut undecesticates IMTAX for the eighth-

order sycten by 20 percent. Hceoevvr, in vin-Y of 11w large Ovexohocts ti cfuea

"opt" -AEh seventh- and .i~htbt-oedrT systn''.: it -. "- 1--. t%- .ƒ

discreperoyf will he significant in practissi optimization problems.


In the course of neveloping the spproxintinn described above, a zneter ot

alternatives we-re Lnvestigated. It is folt that a brief discussion of two 02f

th1se wcald be of interest.

7w~, ýý- MAX values for tot -sixth-, seventh-, swee igbth-onter systemswere ',btoincd by applying Sicpscons rule and the trapezoidlftL-grt ruletc the cptinje r~sponsea shown in Fig. V, *icd by then averaging the reoults.Keasured MES volues for optin,. second- through flth-order system are givenin zAnC. Y,7.

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1 - J i~24 MR___$14____ ___ ___ ___ ___




0 1 2 3 4 5

Twne Delay

P1iure 29. Efect 0: a 21z~e De~ay ou VIME for A thet-Nuera-zSecd-ordor System

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Time Log - Delay rime-Delay Time For SecondOrdsr System

2- Damping Ratio, CS0.7 For SecondOrder System




14 o0,n=n


t n-5

c 6-

I0 12 14 16 18 20

Measured I T.AE. For Optimum System

F1gre 30. C=;riamn of Xeased and Predicted rVA!

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Plý4ure 31. Indicial Dc~p~-c of ITAE Stzndarld Forms of Second- Tw~ouighElg5hth-Order (repradotrd from Ref. 37)

Page 116: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Pimt, delay time was plotted against th- coefficient of sn'1

for varous

ntila sy3tes as shown In Fig. 32. The relation Is not lintar, excelpt for Ut.

binomisl filters w4ere thc coCfficients of s and san- are identical.

As show =n ha. 53o, a faLiry litear relation exists for ttc cpti- 'ff.E

systes between delay tine and system order; this linearity is retained for

lnosial filters although the slope changes. Liuearity for the blnmiul tiltera

would toc anticipated since the coecfiCient of s1

"1 (- coefficient of a) -. equal

to Lhe system order. P.r the optin IT!?, ITE2

, s)d 1l3


tystems, the cot-

relation with zjnt.- so isn cot as good.

It Is concluded that bol, or these approximtions yield lower accuracy than

the reli-t•hip eoxressed by Eq 8li.


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6 +

5+ 0

4 +

3[ +

c 0 ITE2

o / A 1E2+ O ITAE

+ Binomial



_0 I 2 3 4 5Delay Time Nondiinesir.'aIl


Figure 32. CDrrelation of Delay iTee vIth Coctr~cinL or' sn fornth-Order Unit-N*merator ITAH StwrAard Fhras


Page 118: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

co+ 4- 1>Nc

WCJ 4 01>

+ (> o



-+ (m 00



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PEaMru(AC Mwdzu- Aft GMMPL rnMOwMnc IWMr

Mte lisp inpIt has become stanlasrided as the Input required1 to generate

the responses from which most perforns~ne measures are obtained. Ibdicsl3

'eR,.,-' ere. easily generated on an analog computer, sl provide a ,co,ve'ctut

means to calculate te .esponae to -e..een lnatt. -h., theb use of

- 1' -- tegra, sr epivent time-zerle3 procedures. It would be extr.eely

convenient if perftorncc r-asures appropriate to inputs other than steps could

be calculated in a si=ilarly direct fashion. (ID general, it is necessary first

to calculate the response, and then to appiy toe seasure to the respoow). in

this chapter it is shown how for ace measures this procedure can be -short-

clrcultd- i.y calcujlating the response Assure frrA sasures applied to the

Input and to the synte indictal or Impulsive response. Thus, instead of ap-

plying anesut.- to a in.lice trsnsforr of high order, it my be calculated by

algebraic operations on measures mp'lled to two Laplace transforms of lower

order. It is also shown how certain perforzance measures of closed-loop systems

my sWI1iarly be callelated directly frum perfw.-unce ,",,res for the open-

loop system.

,hese procedures constitute the first step towrs the establishment of a

"calculus or perfor•ance measures," i.e., a method of expressing performance meas-

ures for complicated system in terms of (tore readily computed) measures for

simpler sysLte. This chapter concludes with a brief discussion of error coef-



The response to a unit ipnlae, or Dirae 8 function, will be referred to

here as the "Lpu.lsive admi4ttance." It is also known as the "weighting function"

and memory functlon." A system having an impulsive adaittance vhich is nero at

t - cm will now be considered. By the final value theorem

1 . Efi) - o (93)

whr E- is the syste= transfer function.


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W4 arca enclosed by the i-*plsive edmittance and the t-axis is

-cf k:td lim si1~(%B -- so


The area ealosed by the Input and the t-axis is, silarly,

R S(s) - inut

Tie area -closc by the error response to a general input r(t), satisfying the

conditicn that r(t) O 0, is

s- -0o " 1$ R(s) - 1 (9-)

Tis ara is tLi it-grated ereor response produced by the actual inpet. De-

notirc this area by IE yields the simple formula

I" - "ad-itta.ce x i' pt (98)

The implications of this formula for systen optimization using the 19 criterion

are wortbh of comment. To opt'ization proeedzre is assured to consist of t•e

atjustzert of aystem paramters to that the TR 'a ,*ddin.d:,*the irxt being

fixed. Minimization of the i3admttance vwil thus result in the minimzation

of the it for any speolfl.' flenltt inpt.

Note that the conditions that have been Imposed on the admittance arn on

the Input result in a firite (or zero) iE.

As noted In Table rv, constraints must be imposed to avoid selecting C 0 for

minima it.


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Intciated Error (19) tor Step Inputs

There is ,o ese-iti, difficulty in extending the analysis to deal with

atep Inl•ts to tero-position-, veioc.ty-, or a~celcrati"--crrc- Cynte=s, but the

straichttorvard geo-metric interpretation of Eq 98 1i lczt. For exasple, con-

sider a zerc.pozlcim-errer cystem hAving the trensfer function

aC 1 ... 1 qe (99)

lik +n G n1 n , ... . all + 1

For a step Input

S1 an %.1 +.. + ql. I

0 + a. ;.s n• a0

+ ..' + 1 + 1(101)

- q,

To apply Eq 98 here, it is necessary to replace the actual systom by a

substitute which b"n an Impulive edmittance identical to the IndLicial respone

of the orieinal systen. For s-eh a systez, the transfer function is

* ""e t q, (102)

Rs a n. + + a +


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The I•adttta.cc is

un I sn + £ -1sn-' +. qs6-0 + qu " ' + - . 1

_0 ... + y'-i + +

The Uinput is unity for a Dirac function. Fence Eq 98 r-duccs to the trivial


L . Ta•dmittance of substitute system 1

Integrated Tim moment of Entr (mT)

With the same restrictine =n the input asd asoittance as in the previou


iE-, E a -- o s • -; • -t [-iEs)J d1o.s)

c (So - I t a0 ).i (106)

-(. [If1lf<.>..) (t --• B.s))

• (.) <, R(S)•• •<,, MO=

/ 8-0 d. aR FEj (107)


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But .iR -./t t (•i) s . I E,- )

f ((-1E•ct C ~~t - t 6s(19

are_ tl..- t Etc1 CD , d

im a I Ld~s 010EC- da M34~ i(s) aITo~ittsce(1)

Hence, Eq 10 can be interpreted as

1 - adnittance x TlEinlut * r admittanee x EEi-nput (11)

An example of the eczlelation of Uý r1E by the itse of this formula now follows.

Tk, implicatioas of Eq 111 with regard to optimization are discussed sub=-


Ezaple of the Calculation of MTE for a Second-Order Syst

The fufloving exampleMs 1~atratoa the proxced.rc for calulting =E =ingZq 111, and checks the result against that obtalued by direct calculation.

The transrer function of the systen considered is

- (112)

The input is assumed to be describe4 by P(t) - e•ct - e d. Evaluating each

-iar.tity on the right side of Eq 111

•Lt ftI (eCat- e-bt)dt (113)'Esamittance * t_•co f.

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I 1 1 1

a 1

1 1 -(116)

U ia I at t bt

.tt.ace -t (te - te )dt (117)

limo 1 dL. I a d 1, (18

Similarly, minput (120)

Inserting these results in the general for--la, Eq 111 yields

S.. . (121)

= - z, .

a.2 b bj b2c ac db2

Conventionally, this formula can be derived by direct application of the Laplace


1i - IA '


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IE - !! [ 4 (I , na - i - c

s-0 Gn - a)(z - e)2 Cs + e)(s + a), (s _ a)(s _+,

(rn- d(Z -a)' (S -b) (s -e)2

(n'_ tUs .b-)2

( s - W(s + d)2 -s )(s - sa 125

aL_ ,.c .. ... -- bed)

whien in identical with the result ottatr-e' freom t'se fornuha


The. relations 01 tie runlonc= section have been 1ýlelcieLly expressed in

uf zls,-Il.--., pa-ameters. Squivalent. svr.-lolp exprennior: Are now

derived. These exprvsniont enable the cloned loop Sb end ITE to be calculated

withost factorinjg (or even -'riting) the eloned-loop transfer function.

Iziegs-ated Error

Denoting tin. open-Icop transfer function by G(s), the eloned-loop transfer

function, with unity feedhac-le milating cerrr to input is

R& *h 1_ws (127)

Pro; the Fýevio~s section,


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I~lsdlo ad~wc 1+ s ~ s ea *--.. T (0) (129)

1~,as zc~in


3 ý IEnPut 1 0 3


=tlo.ed loop 5ad IonCme I TVjopen loop adnttttw,co

Me'e~r~t-d Time-vtiment of Ekr~o

For a unit.y feedbacK closed-loop Ssytem,

E(x) (I * C(sa] - (s) (132)

Differentiating vith' respec- to s,

A-G-- Go(9,, Ed s R *1 (133)

7UAIdng the limit as s -. O, and. uking use of the results previously jbtaioed

for 13 and M1, Eq 133 caa be rewritten as

-13 .113 -tIE(134)


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flea a -1x1i

from Aich I .~i-at - Z o x Penlo. , a-'mittancc 0*5uopmloop c- ttznee

As outed it. Qiapner li, -e nn..-;- A- optirni syttcusu *za'l and

TAEA and 1hZ Can be approxtated e!tv. ioot accuracy t7 =i --- it.en-,thn toe

"-.-ts of validity of thim approxiation, the formulae developed in the present

chapter for it and .E with general Inputs, and for open-loop nit closed-loop

forms of in and IE, can also be applied to ITA and IME. Corrsponding re-

lationsaips for IZ9, 1i72, 1. ad enact formulae for TUEA "n 1AE have not yet

bce. Obtained.

The time--mighftcd -e r: of the L-," e re.s.ase, referred to asn) "lttance I., this cr:apter, are simply related to the drraL error otef-

ficients discussed briefly in GCapter In. The relationship veLl now be damon-

strnetd (follo-Inr Ref. 11 and 72), and its implications tudied.

Error Coefficient.

The generalfie4 dynamic crror Coefficieut are defined in Ref. 72 as suc-

cessive coefficients of a power s-lres expansion of

-().E E0 .3 1 - B2 2? .. (136)-Uls)

wniere X, Fj, ... are the dynamic error coefficients.

2s) -s) F;() ;:r) t~%() -:. (137)

For an impulsive Input R(s) - 1.

z(s) . +o . (138)

e(t)dt i 1 1 E(s) - (130)

cW te(t)dt • • [E(.]o._ (- ( ) . .z. (A,)


Page 128: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

a de

%: m 'f ve LflcFICI"' ore Airectiy proportional W tdAiointeGrals of tr" 1ni. delve response.

For a secord-erder "nit-ntroerator sy.tem having the transfer function

Ea (14?)

d E 3l + 2t.,. * 2')(2. * 2~C.) (- 2 * 2gwns)(2s *2t..) (144)a.- 4 (.2 +(5

Taigthe Uni.t s: -O0

-l -725P -

SuSJamr'r. !t cnr be shc'e. that

E2 (11.6)

None of' those error coefficients results In & satisfactory criterlon for en

izpualive input t. toe second-order system cotsidercd. As noted in Chapter II,error cuefftivints fail s. =rei:s =ms of their inibility to -distingu.-sh

between positive &nM negative error contribjt-4l-.. f )e(t)vd*fctgqLt, etc.


Page 129: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


AcMxmwY, cý=-vIT, ANlD roMIn/lacr ThmM

In Chapter I, it vas stated that the dynamic perfouasnce of a control

systen or element is assessed by considering stability, response to desired

inputs, resp•nse to .ra.nto- inputs, accuracy, Insensitivity to pgrreter

,hanres, and pacrenerr, dcmw--z. T'hI. rujczL is pri'n-ipj concvrned with

the rcsponse to desired inputs. Az previcutly noted, the topic of response to

undesired Inputs requires cornsideration of ztsti.sticsily-cc=rtb'- inputsp, and

falls outside the scope of the pesent report. Stab•lity s-o-ures have been

otoarized In tabie I; the r-ealnLng chsra-eristllcn of ac-urac)s, in:r.itivlty

"to parameter cstnges, and power/energy demands are greatly dependent upon the

cctalaj =ectnlzation u,1 aseruynseic properties of the particular flight cma-

trol cynic. being azsesbed, and do not lend themselves readily to generalized

.Lulies. This chapter tnresore prrconto only a brief discussion of each or

these tile-e topics from a hturistIc viewpoint.


a. accuracy is enacutial. the suppression of error, it can be studied

by the direct or t.ntegratcd error s.asres discumsed in previous chapters. Rest

cf these neasures have beer, related to zero-positton-error systems. Fcivalcnt

syste=s are nornafly of this form, althooi the linearized mdel of the actual

eos ky siossesc a •-•al position error. ThIs ateady-statc error is explained


A unity feedback syste wilt be considered, vith Open-loop transfer func-

tion G(s).

Ef I~Gs)(i7

For a step inp•t

E(t) lis I I 1t--w s--o a " " 7 "3 (108)


Page 130: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Thus, the system is a trie zero-position-error system oly for G(O) - Go. In

deri•nR equtd lept oystems, this lnaccuracy In genera3y neglected, because for

a ogood system, the open-loop asplitude ratio at 1-v ercqr4n' is usually

high. The. equivai-rnt 9 y ndetolctA '_n Chupter I i sutrmtd zhis veil1 !he

resI8-A&I error Is - 0.6db for the eXnd system; U in error ~a ý_Zet~ed In

forming the equivalent syztes. T general, it i3 believed tiat this neglect is

justfined; noveyer, circumtances may arise vteiv steady-state errors of this

magnitude ecoud be significant factors in perheemnce assessmet. In such cases,

the system would either be modilf-d by addin integration to the equalization

to remove trim errors, or a steady-state error would bo permitted, and V- PAri-

tde considerd together with other criteria in judging the over-all performance.

lnsensitivitt to Parameter Ch-npes

lI in desircble that the dynamic performance Cf Z given syste shall not

be degraded by c?--,en In parameters cc=-rrine either as a 'evult of a change In

fligtt conlitions or because of xcspsies !betren prect:.- d =t• oki cc-

ponent characteristics. In flight co•r.al sstmy the latter "r ^% my become

particularly acute, because of the well-known uncerteainties in derivative eotLma-

tion. Important derivatives such as II and lp are often made up of eeoponents of

approxmately equal magnitude and opposite sign; the relative magnitude of the

over-= derivative is thus very sensitive to =all changes in any of its aero-

dkamic components.

Foruslation of the performsnce measure L-ing employcd In analytic term is

the firt step iowards =%stering this .; . . . .... _ _' _"ti

Process is carried only to the stage of defining the performance masure i terms

of the transfer function pole a zero locations. The further step required is

to define these root locations In term of the aeredycs.ic derivative•, eP solo

pilot gains anA time constents. Referer.ce 4 describes the approximate factoriza-

tion of conventional aircraft =t=sfer 1xlactions in such Literal terms. To apply

the procedines outlirnv in thý ror it is desirable to study (by the techniques

outlined in Ref. 4) the sensitivity of zhe equivalent system prmetems to uncer-

taint,et in the basic aerodynamic and autopilot charactexistics. A rood under-

standing of the effects Cf sea.l chnge In pern••etcrzo s=y also be Obtainel

throueh the ti-- rector method or Rf. 12 and 21. Further analyses of sersitivity

ar$ given in 1,ex. 3; and 57, which investigate the changes in the roots of tLe


Page 131: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

characteristic equation restating ftoo :=all changes In Its coefflaieeur, and

In Ref. 75, vhich uses root-locus techn.i-es to Study the sennltlvlty of the

closed-loop roots to open-loOD pamreter changes.

Pwer/Energy Detwnds

As noted in Ref. 67, "if the gain in a physLcal system ir mdc large enough,

a point is reached at which the peak acceleration of the output response exhlbited

In toe liear rxodel excced that wbich -y he phyrically obtiined from the power

e.ctuator c2 the act-ml systen. At trte point, th linear rodel my cease to be a

,ailid basic for design. Either a nc-llaý.-r cteoticsl model mat be ceployed,

ir the design procedure =zt be modified so that, although loaed no linear theory,

"z!-x. po=' 11ity of saturati.n is recotnized.-

It is therefore neceo-sery to have o=ne c1eck as to whether or not saturation

is occurring. Frequently, this my b" acceplished by ezacing the onnit3wei

of the peak overshoot of the output rmsp==. "the %pprop.-lat. systems charge-

terietics gaphsa •iven In Chapter In, and in Ref. 13 and 24, wiu be f-.-d •u•ef

for this purpose.

Poucr/enerey d-maods my also be of interest as direct perfcr-ance measures.

In space vehicles particularly, stringent limitations zst be enforced on those

ncators. Under these conditions, dynamic performance optiamiation Is achieved by

=eans of comined or con.-ninsed criteria. Co1birwA criteria am tiypicailY of

the for•

indicial error measurce plus a constant times total energy measz.=]L ~~~equals a ils.j

Constrained criteria are merely single criteria of any of the classes discussed

earlier in this report with l•..•tlctns upon z power, torque, or total


Generalized assessc.ent of combined criteria is very difficult because, In

the absence of any specific application, selection of the comstant becams cm-

pletely nrbitrary. However, such criteria say be very valuable for a given ap-

plication. It 1c hoped that a discussion of tihe use of these criteria say be

included In a subsequent report.


Page 132: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Procedure' employed for calculating certain judicial error measures say also

be employed to calculate energy requirements vr specified syst-oS. .4fr---ence •4

cortiderr a-n Lnerti•-wheel attitasd cortrol cystem, aer shows how the crplex

convoltion ethod ct•ojed to -0slclate 1R2

c be ate',-.i vlth littt.. -

tion .to calculat- tic cncr9Y eXpMres in sBtalilmling the respav3e to & step in-

put. Because the tine htstory of the power required Is a damped sinusoid, the

IAE calculation methods or the present report could al.o t0b cplted to ttiL caze

to cclculste flPIdt (w.hich equals the total enrCy when no provision is made for

recovering the kinetic cner- of tIe inertia wheel).

Page 133: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies


I. Perfomnce -- t-"" -p4 ,sse:lst4 'ritcy-t, 1-" 11 ...r 'cstant cr

fioeut systea with deterministic inputs b•a.e been Investigated, with particular

reference to flight control systems. The application of performance measures has

been fsc'iltsted by substituting for the actual flight cotiol system an "equiva-

lent" low-order linearized system having similar dyrAnic ch-racteristic. This

cqulvaIent systen was ronstructei by dividing tte actual sycten transfer function

into reicios of ir.crczt defined by

IG(u)i 1, eves which 1

I3,(:,-,)I <i, ove.......n __-_--_" -" o,)

Th, for- of In this last regnt t.efljnes the dc-.---t mode.. of tie

clcsed-loop nysten response, and can usually be closely approxi-ated by a s -tte=

Of fIrst-, scconrd-, or third order.

?. At critical and exhamustive survey of currentt performance measures baabe - cn-snct". Analytic fe•rn f r IT-AE, •A•, etc., are presented, And a nob""

of errors ir previously 1-itlishe4 mesures have tben corrected. A complete cor-

reletion hat been given of crossover flcsyncy, bandr•dtz, phase margin, peak

frcqi-ency, regnifiestion ratio, tire-to-esk. peek overshoot, a-6 a-lay i-4

second-order unlt-numerator systems. Normalized presentations are used so that

yjrsici•ies limitations on the time scalC of the response (e.g., due to power/

inertia restrictions) nay be taken Into account separately. It is concluded that

sininu= IMkE and minima ti2

t•es satisfy the co-ined requir-eents of vsliity,

selectiv.1ty, and case of application. The IM criterion Ir.cld- stooth indicisl

respts•rcs havin; little evers"t. but its analytic description is complicated.

Of the other Ln-icial error =cosu'es exasnied, mlnim I!E has sisplz analytic

fo.se. ba it lcts pOor in.-••nc rsponss IT-E- responsei areý m good as

thoat, selIetead by ITls, but flT'T (a.'d Qsos IT2E) ,nalytic expressionss are t=o

Page 134: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

coplicstcd for general use. M2 selects "-dertoly smooth ald vell-damped re-

sponses (less good than I-M), but it porsesses tractable analytic form. There-

Core, Mho .s r-tcnwded for analytic investigations, uherccz ITAE is preferred

f tr nit•atlc. a.An analog ccoputers.

3. The inteaated errcr-vti sc sal lte6rated tk-.we 0 -,-Ac error re'

sponac of closed-leop rystems to a general deterministic input have been related

to the corresponding meairec of the response to the impulsive input, ahich in

turn have been expressed in term of open-loop pmramotcrc.


Page 135: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

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Rp• urenwpapeho. 1", Albu London, LY>J.

78. Wescott, J. H., "The MY~n~xm Moment of Error-Squaree Cr~terlont A NowPerfornance Criterion for Servos, Proc. Inst. Elee. Ers., 195•7,p. In.

79. Zaborzzky, J. and J. W. Diesel, mProbabilstio Error as a Meassure ofControl System Performance,m AMEE Transhctlo, Vol. 71, Pert 11, :959.

60. Zaborszky, J. and j. W. Diesel, "A Statistically Averaxed Error Cr-Aerionfor Feedback-Systex S•nthGe,,* J!oinnal of the AMO/SME Sciences,Feb-uary 196C.


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FM wlt-TNw*MtAlw SEWIW-ORERf 516136

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The transfer fnot tico of the system ccfdxx:&

R (A-2)

wbr a step input


c(t) - 4,-'-1 -ICaht . _k2 +(tq (A-4)

9-tan a in _ -1 ,


L~b(tfl e s. Ii[%, r-7 t Iit

if -t,--+ - - '


Page 143: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Ljb~tI e-. lsin 'ol Ir e s~ ~Id

fe/ (P-6)

*jh.--tcr vint egm, (v1ban beenn eitted- for brev.ity) 1:

f~~~ ~ STsiiflot w'O

e- nl - 2 2 2 (A-7)

With the approlriate limits, the results of the Integration are

. 2

f 3Tm.+ -x/

0 0

- ml -2.s~/0. .~t

F 0 --54t/m -e 5,/0&2 +0


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B(S) I ex/ -2so +et/ A8

&2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _(4

EA- - BIs

where EA(z) is the !*jI.ee transform of the absolute error. Naklnig the substitution,

IAh _ '] _I(A-11)

c-t -'[ C O 1 (A-12)

Notirz Clint + .~2


43 Nri7

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XAE -[Coth(A-1 3)


ITAE is defined as

I2Az f flemt)4t - l~temitIt]

- 1..'' -!L[tmoct]) - a~ 0- -Lia -11

where EAC:) is tht Laplace transform of tJ'e absolute error (Eq A-Il) I EACs)

In eale-1ahted as follows;: let

Then Eq A-11 becomes

EAWs - c1 a Cti.]+Gt% (A-I-,)

dA Es)do dE (A-l6)

and - -li

[('ot xm

11 -111 02m


Page 146: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Since m

ITAE ct C.X-

+ 1 1 - } (A-19)

Vaking the substitutio-

(lT o .)2,, cot - 2 in-'

Both the IAU an HIAF have been calculated &ýd cc.i.red vith the values obtained

by Glraben an lAthzvp (Rlef. 3I7) (l'r-a -1 coIutpr w.-c~h-mlt•on) in Fig. 17.

Th analytically obtane results agree well vith those of Ref. 37 for LJE an~d

show rdr discrepancies on ME.

A t ý1 i . er expression (sq A-20) heemes indetez-irmte, but ••

Aldditlopaillyý the liesmaxles may be written in terja of the norumlized maue

by a~plicaiton of Eqo 26 and 27 of thle mai tex of this r-eport.

".A(q,%% . u(v i)1.•

• ,( - _ __CO (A-.)

Ji -

Sa .•

Page 147: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

11, I. d2EA(s)

-12Ak -(A-21)

As sh1own previouS)',

A B C D E A-~

The differentiation rsy be simplified by grotning the terma as shovn by the

br"ckci., and operating on X gxOk~y at a Ine.

Then !A- -A(lBi + E (A-25)

d2EA(.) A C D A E

and - + (A26)ds

2 (A.+B C D + LE)

Mhe calculation of ca= group is out.l]Acd on the follocrmi rases.


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II =.A ----% % (A-27)

a (A-29)

2 2 2( A - 2 8)


.V, -t2(A-52)

C C&th~ 112

t2 (A-331

2w 2rn

ii CV


Page 149: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

(. ý. , -- -

D- - T-, 2- - (c (A-38).Vt We

2fv O. (coth 8.4 1)

E' ~ a 2 C9) 2 -, C (A-40)


, -,,0)-

&Iio N -. ( - 1) (A-41)

--- [2 '- - t a I (A-42)



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2(1 - 2t2((I.~ _ I _____ A-.

ý71 W,

exrW Ag oC.~J ~

0- - 2 "

21 0.,2 -2(,

Page 151: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

The last tez= of Eq A-48 is the IT2



rle -4r-&alizcd IT2AE w.1 -22E ane graoed in Fig. 18, and coparmd vith the

values Obtainee oj Ortham san Ifthrop (Ref. YO). A scaling error of 2 is

detected In the latter curve.


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T•is appendix presents an analytic prx.elure for evaluating IA and ITAE

for third-order systems. The zeros of the error tirt history for these systees

are not equally spaced, and the procedure In Appcndla A cnrrnt be used. Ii. the

-vrk presented here, the error time history is d(scrlbed by a Yourier-llke

series, the coefficlents of vAich are time-depenment. A isimlar technique was

emp.oyed in Ref. 20 to describe the output of a linear full-vave r-tirfler sub-

J-cted to r. d-,--ed---. 3snicidt i:ut (second-order error response). This appendix

extends the procedure of Ref. 20 to third-order responses consisttig of . deaped

sinusoid pluss an .-ý ,itita! tam, ai u•.•s now the resuitine expression ror

le(t)l my te Integrated to give IAM. The ,rocedure to, obtaining I•TA is also


ro examine the aceuracy of the method (i.e., the -.=bar of hsxmnics

required to give acceptable rcpr-xentations of the actu-ol functions), several

examoles or the calculation of Ie(t)j are given. It is shown that only three or

four harennics need be taLem In mont cases to achieve an accurmcy of within 2 or

3 percent. The cnevergunce of the IAE Geri.n is even more rapid.


A full-wave linesr rectifier has a trausfe. characteidstic shown In Fig. 34.



Fi~ure 34. licotitiur ---*=far Characterintic

.aer,- . is the input signal.

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h,(x) .

C when x > 0

h _ ) - x I w e n x <C

Then y h(X) .h.(:) +h_(x) (B-2)

h,(x) arA bj(x) have unilateral Lapl.ace trar'sforms, f,(cs) uArjn). re.1jectiveiy,


f,(mn) -Jn,(x) e-" a.w

f -( o h-(A &("x N

The Output of thp fi11-urmc linear rectifier Is gieen by t~e following lIn-

verse Laplace transform (Fig. 35):

h 2x) - *m)e s.J fj.(m) edx (B-i.). c_ JCD-C-jco

Where > 0

wzu+jv plane

,77 - -

Figure 35. lr-vrýnIon C-e-...


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T-.e trensforma f,(n) and f..(c) can be evariated as follows:

f.(=c) x -dx . -

f-(W) - (-x)e-dx - d

and h(x) in Eq B-2 teccues

which can be condensea to give

hCx O C J ()D (B-6)


The input signal is the Indi.tFs1 -rror response of a nors~lized untt-

m-erstor thi4rd-order aystem

for Il(s) I /s

E(s) g2- b~s + C. s2 +bos +co (B-8)

where (.42 - ft2)7-

1ý 2 + 7n


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from flieb

e(t) ae-7t +tkeCt

elmm (-,t + 0-9)

vhere a

$ taz &-I tar1


c('.) m~y be Vritt~ln

xt(t) ae(t) aA(t) + Vlt) ecos 0(t) (B-10)

vhere A(t) a -7

V(t) a ca

O(t) ti-


The output my be obtained by substitutLng 4~t)(Eq B-10) in Eq B-6.

. CKA, v *cise) -c(A4+Vcosa0)y(t) . .- edeea (B-11)

The erponrtth± terz =my be expanded usaing the followinhg '.iforml? con-

vergent s-flee(3tco'hl-Ar.Cer for'wAU, 3t-. 52, p. i8 snd Hoef. 20, p. ;62).

4,us -S 1.(z) Cosq (33-12)

vhare Z. 2 (aa-l, 2, ,

I..z it the vnti11e. '.I? on. sft '%c tr


Page 157: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

Naking use or the reiaLImnstap X,,(-z) - (.i )ni(z),

At) m co me+ 3)

Uev Mt

"a V(L)lo Cos so 5B+3o Em(OPrL.+ (-I)em.-b]dt

y(tm) fB-Ja,

yc)-V(t) l C b(tm) +cot 0(~


E %(tc) co V (t) I -lb(+ ) +o co 0(tj (B-17)


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r(t,U) -, ~ ,) ~(-8

To evaluate the coaffie .ents C(t,u), first c=Lnder the integrel of C(ttt)amunnA the contrur hm in r±g. 36.


+J0~j plane

-jB .maC4

Figure 36. Contour of Integration for !(t,e) Coefficients


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Witning1CX, x2,iC. X4, as follo~s:


30 (2.19)

X3 -f C4t,09~,-JA

r,-f c(t,.:)d , C = t-,0

K1Then as 0 -. • -. C(t,m). Because

) L+ (ý + ((B )- u.1 2(3+1)(m+ 2, J'

"the Bessel unetion I.(z) my be qlwroxiated by sm for ml values oa .

The discassion is initially restricted to Lt. cue a > 21 •hen the SA9u-

larity of C(t,C) at the origin vanIshes, old C(tAj) becon amalytic insidp, and

on the contour of Fig. 36. It the-efore folLws fro ucy's theorem that

KI + K֥- 4 - 0 (B-21)

2hbe integrals K2 + 1h will ow- be conside,+ed. An araptotic expa•sion for

a(z) for lsame values of 121 is

1(z) - - ~2..(6z)2 -~ . Ba


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INobec, for large values off 0

- eb14'O) (.lUebt~~]d~(15-24)

IX215IS [ebe(a) (B-26)

'v JV (.1 .e(b)B) + c.~ 5 aoie(1 b)) -3.0 as o-w(D .?

Ths 2-3 0 and, sixljsluz, 94 -300 as p -. . Bence,

K1 - X3 -J C(t,t)dt 03-8)

- C(t,t).d(329

Note that



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On the i-,iflry axis

K3 - - -dq


r.0 - ?JOT(-I) (-

for as even

2 0~ ''~ . ~ (-~

for a l

Y3 2- J-(ii) a- bqd, J- J3 ,) min b-. q (-5


(D-36)sin (-b.1) -- sin bqi

These integral~s ame Fourier cosine and Fourier sine transforwa, reepect~f.ely

(Rtef. 26). They ame

Coes (u.~ia O s (m )aT b l < I

a even In b> I



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c si ms t omW - (j sin bos. b 1S-•r•e(r 1 ()--

U -odd -(-os jvb + mb>

* (• -1)? r. 1

where a - sin-lb

.- O - IF 2

*B - b +479-7

Applying L'Boepltal's rule to the second terms or z and W it can be shorn that


SIm.1 b >_ I

Becase Z (foe a even) and W (for a odd) .r,- single-valued analytic func-

tions of m for a> 0, the theory of analytic continuation (Ref. 16) permits the

rcntrictlon a > 2 to be rrmoved. The output signal can ow be found by cotbln-

tug Di B-15, =B-37, and B3-.

F a-fl xe-t sin (P~te - e(t) b>1I

Ifjbs + cjt1(K + r) sin (Pt *+)I

y~~t) ~ -C Y oa a(0i a oeven} b5 < Ii'

Lv V in xOt sodd


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vhere b -

V It -a"t

n sin lb

8- -- b2

mc coo n + b sin ma=(n2 - 1)

som sin ms - b con rasg - 1)


Equation B-41 expresses I e(t) for a third.-oriter system indicial response

as a Fourier-like series id.h tine-dependent coefficients. As wil be shovn,

ZME and ME can ba derived from this series by a straightforward procedure.

Ile uatfuinens or Eq B-J.1 depends upon the rapidity of the convergence of

tie series, i.e., how many haronics must be Included to obtain acceptable ccu-

7-. ." "-.,y of cLc-- g this poilut would be to evaluate UAK and compare it

with the published values in Ref. 37, or with wnlues obtalned by direct Integra-

tic-. uowver, as shou in Fig. I I of Ref. 5ý, IAE Is very 143ensitive to

par---ter coArs-. It would appear therefore that, with a sU number of

examples, a mteb -I.- sensitive and thorough check can be obtaiacd by eowting

lei at selected instasts. Integration produces a msoothing effect so the number

of harmonics required to represent ZAU accurately will be less than the onuber

required for e6(')1-

Two responses are considered: the I= standard form ani a lightIy damped

responsp. For the standard fore, the parame.r in Eq r-39 are

a - 1.2

k - 0.72T57 - 0.707

- 0.52

0 - 1.07

$- -O.279 rador -16deg


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and therefore e(t), Eq B-9, bec=es

e(t) - 1.2 e"'C TO7t - 0.7?,e`Z'•" sin (1 .-0it - 0.9) (P-p)

For the lightly dampped system the folloving parameter values vere selocted:

a - 0.426

k - O.798

7 - 1.1142

CL 0.03112

9-0.93.5$ - x/2 - 0.7611

and therefore e(t), Eq B-9, becomes

e(t) - O.'264e""2t O ' 4 .790e Sin (0.935t . ./2 - 0.7611) (n--13)

The Standar form le,"" wa exained at t - 3.20, 4.55, 6.13, -A 6.41

nondiluetlnnal see, there values being chosen for convenience of calculation.

Tre IiOj4 oa&peo response wes examined at t - 0.4105 and 3.66 normalized 'ec.

100 ro.t atsre illustrated in Fig. 37 through 112, vhich show that the use of

only the first five basonics fYe$ valuer vithin -1ercent of the true Ie(t)I.By taking 6 or 7 hararcics accurscy of vithln 2 or 3 percent can be obtained.


he integral of the absolute error can be found from Eq D-41 for y (t)

f °inE- yltldt - No E = Us (B'lA)

NOh f T, e()dt

O,"•i U f Ie(t)Idt

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Numb~r Of Harmonies

FIgure 37. CaIuuated valt of io(t) I for 7hird-Order OPtlual ITAR ~rstemvf. gambr of Haxbcoics at t - 4.55 Wormioea Sec


Page 166: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

W s3+bs4CS+l



50 5 0!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OL - I

Number Of Harmonics

F1•are "S. Calculated Value of le(t) I for Stird-Order Optiml IfTA Systemva Number of Hav•=lcs at. t - 3.20 Normal3zed See

Page 167: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

1371 S



500 -.-- - - -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C, 9 10

Nwxnber Of Hormonics

FP1.~m 39. Calculatt.I Va3.ve of Ie(t)! rai Whrd-Order Optimal ITAB Gyýeve It\wber of At~c at. t m 6.13 Ntoimalled See

Page 168: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

R(s) I




S 2 3 4 5 9 10

Number Of Harmon-cs

'Vxr1r 40. Cacuak2ted Value of le(t) I for lMrx1-CTder Optime ZTA. systen.as hlmer of Hermouica at t - 6.4l s•malOized Sec


Page 169: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

1 50.- 1

6 4 5 7 8 9 10

Num~ber Of flormonitcs

Fium~ 41 opcat Value of ;e(ti for udoikv au-' sy*fT-- Yer ar Afiz.ones 4t t - o.doo5 Rormuiedt s.ee

Page 170: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

a-6 I

2 34 3 3 7 8 9 101

Nmnber Of H1a~mxucs

Fgm-2. Cal1..fttd Vnlrue of Ie(t)I ter Lwk-kv Syo-t-v- Ls~brr : : .tmc At t . rejr=I5ze S-c

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T, in k

ANt Yric%'. tent of So a be evaluated in a ctraigtf-iw~rd anner.

t a7

The procedure for integrating the! Um frmes is more cump~licated, and wlll cow be

described in detail.

Evaluation of U0

7cr= Eq B Li and Eq S iii,

*o X (bz +c)catdt (B-46)

let t - 2-1

Note tbat m Is not repl-ced by p In b. s, ox c. ETc resulting expreossio can

be likened to laplacc tranaftita. Other. advantagv will sccreni vhen ITO isevsl'.nate4.

2.U0 - AO (¶'i13, -cO&'-dT (B-47)


b, - -


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L10 . fo. t f('Zid -0(1 / C~er'dT

Integrating. the f~rst teim by parta

A0 [i4..L ] p+~ f0~he d-: J . 2.j-g

(1 -ý')'Ie-dl 29 (Bet. 26) (B-DC)

Eq B-4 1-n

-, B( 2,/2) 2(2-, 3

r(z)r(g0 )ihere BCr, so) - fr--e' is the Beta function

P- vbe--e z - x + jy Is a general complex variable

Eya2'fation Of U,

rmF4e 26A-I4 arA 3-~4

U,- C (bc + a) *n(Pt +J vieCt~t(-2

lett +T

p a

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f (blc1 . at) sin (gn + * * fl 1 )e'PTde (B-53JAO 0


- b1 1 + 'I

W )- LP. - f (bP,1 * n,)e]

* , U 1 . / w,(p - j13) - W 1(p' J0)\ ) v( + Sin + W,(p+ JAO 2.1 2


4 - v •

The exwesaial tor W, (p) is ;sinr tc that for U10, the differ•nc•c be!g the

replacenent of p by p - g in oa t.rm, and by p + S in the otner term.

111(p) 2p (B-")/222p

The Beta function with ane covlei argumnt can, be written as either an

idfinitý series; ar an infinite product (Ref. 52). The Actual calculation of lAX

for spclific para-eter wTaen In simpler vith the Infinite product, but the infi-

"-dtc zries allows a simple derivation of ITMY, as wll he demonstrated.

The beta function with an. cclcx arrant can be vritten

CO (-'i)n 90(6 - 1)(90 - 2) ... (go " n;/ \

- Ed . ' (D!)

withL g, real and positive and z copoex

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D~. - Y~, 90 ) -D(z+ 3Y, 90) .(0-1(, 2 ,g -1)


B(X -jr, B(Z 4 •'yo go) OD -1) o(go •o : o( . - 1)(go - 2)...(go "n)

" 2 p 2 "

0 air% cog t- . "p]"g- --a

(Iaoa- 1aOo ) - .(so -( -


2o, ts that tbe first eoeeficieuz.• of esc:, •ri~S IF rn.t,Ot• g i•. On oo~binin6

Eq 2-5•, 2-••, aa B-57 U1 be/c

i ii s+ �# ".o01n;ilmm < -o I (• •+•;+•

"""-i l . ((-)% (o-i)(o" 2)---(so"- n))

II BE r-o L. ;-o--

ii 2 J=-E

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An BLets function vith Ont OU owleftg~ent can also be viitt,-n Cuer.

;-ge 2)

3(x +jy, gfJ g)(x_)

'go jy/,n


X +% 4M

vherec - Eulers constant - 0.'577

.. (x.'Y, 90 - 3(1.%,) 17 n-~(-0n. 1*[ JL B-

When Eq B-55 snd B-60 are substituted into Eq B->ý4, -o becomsXA0

I~ . X(p Cos 9 psin 9) + in . n0+'J(-1ro 2(p


2 +~


S- 0~ (t----147

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k2 B_ .0 D g.29a(



'\2 .2M 2 - s W 00t~' ¾~ sn r r r

&I- 3/2


The eviasluton oZ ;41. k2 , A, ead 1s an be performed by opertions or. a Bode

'Usgeco- becauase N1 &adM ceesist of sn alteruttirg sct tt poles sod zeros If .10is cegaried as tbc lApin" variables9. O'ly those term with breskpoints less

than a few times ft need be inclWAed, beeaust each pair of poles snd zeros wre

qu-te oboze together.

Lrsiostlon of U

Fros Eq B-41 snd B4t

V2 ' A f oz(t) ro. :)(fw + qie'u~t (B-62)

t -¶T 1

p CL

1- 12. co s + b, sin 2as Co. 2(p, +~ n 1 )e'pTd ("-3)

-3' r l- b2,)3/2 .0. 2CmT + * + (3-Oh)?T

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* (I - b2)/

5/2 n

FCobmn Eq B-65 an -6 r zn q35,V ~oe

290 .. 0 as)n a~t )~t (-8

kt (P -2p +4

Ln~usion f U , x 3, odd

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Co - : V.('r) si ZO .+ C)epd (D-69)0 u-

wn)- sin MB1 b,~ twno

W,(p) - aw

2 1=~ wo I(J w

Z - S)I : n7 (B-70)

a oda sn0

co e and sin me, Chi be expanded by the roilowing iormuue (iter. e3):

-0 -~n2r>3 rdL 0


s aidR-71)

With th11.c a tres-Ciatn for C~sM and sin "s, 1.4) bemms

A~(P) I -.u br1 )K ( 3 s-a

1(-2) 3'

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-3( . (aJ - 20e ,) - . 2r +4a)w 2g

U. jS ýUbtIled by Combining Eq B-72. B-57 asBf-IC. The renulting e.ni

1. tkrcer cospmitted. andl is not given here.

_vIujtt~en ofU 4,i

q B-4 wan B-44&

U5 -4tt~ f-'sc- coS . b csos n(pt + V)e_"tlt (B-73)

m even

let t +. tT

2 sOD -Um ~ - )~ r I vII) cos m(8¶,O~_ý*- (B-74)

ms even

.(r[) MCI Cos Mal + b s ma,

); -a 210;w( 435j

2 m 4 Vp -j wn(*p + 3n0))

m -yven - 23 i:j

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Cos ab, i RL. SU. lca e expared by I:w foIn oing .

ý06 ms _ -' ~'r'•: OD m I)!Cl=• 0,---

sin A, O- .1)2 -r b"

>2' r0O

m even (B-

Because ' (P) is the IaplaL.e tranrfcrM Of um(.C

W((e) - (mc Cos MI b" sin me *" (P-78)

m even

,lr~~r~~e-r ( ) ) (B-79)r 0

2 even


- ~ ~ ~ ~ m/2+1 ~ e8n2

(P P) .~ *(1) (a-20 1T

(-L (+ - 2r)B~ M~ - r)32,

By coabining iEq B-7,.57, and B--, the expression for U. can be found.

Again the exrreunion Is ~cmplicau.d, arAu2.1 e-ut, ixcL 1- l= e.

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CArnATTON I? In: PMi Cv'TwWrnca Y 4

.he jn.at.t' .cquisvd fur tie C&lcu!&tico Or tLM for the thi i-ore sys-

tern are g-ceor just prior to So B-42. Thu vuluts of the first. few cocponer~t or!AS are

I- 1.913

U,. - 0.285

V,- -3.109

Total -2.6

The value tf Vkr ecaled o,. .,; F2ig. 11 of Recf. 57 Is spprnedmat" 2.05, and

the calculated eaite of ISA! ±s tbercftre oidtbIL £Wjrcx±.tsý $ý ur 6 percent or

the experimenzafl obtained value. 'foe irctation of murm components of IA! would

Lzmp-nr the Gccc'racy.

The ±'tfnnie product representation (S4 t-61) for tne Bets function was used

fczthe nuzncal mcmlulatxon of IA!. only the first foeu, raýt-3r "re 'n-' -

tee accuracy was Judged to be acceptable.

rnmnIcu OF ITEA

1raz Is defined by

ITAR f c t!e(t)idt (-'0

Because the expression nee-d fr lei is In two p..rtm:

r fT'tedt IfC tlelat (B-82)

It Is convenient to derine

Hl .- T tedt , -1K tjejdt 'a-83)


Page 182: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

i-.e eunds ML correcpsod~s to late m'tI erap~c.cent of the contrfl.'tion of the second

7-s* xrruiNs ur 1; 1141.1c tos tev. Lcn-i -re , in~volved ss.J IengsLhy.

llt,.rictl checks usill tot h-u attempted, '-tII sr.I No .0.11 be evaluated in lit-

ormal.s :Lr 'asu Lwte cd cuisticsn .2f ti-rP too expressions Is the nsat difficusit

part if cvalusting MrA.

ýrro Eq 0-: 1 and P-83,

III tit - a tc-ystt dt t sin (Pit . t)ot0dt (sBa64)

The first of these integrals ic quitc simlM,# but the secoad is rather In-!-j ., ca w, eritten as %integrating &he tinrt terv)

. 1. _ .-,T,(,(sirsUtvos v coL fss in+)cet at

- "t sIn (Pat + )euidt (B-851

Thc tt.and te m or Eq 3-O) !s Usc. laplate taannforua ox t. oin 0t and t c04 alt

with aL repiacing the Laplace -'sarI-bi- 5. The tntir. term car' be snily Z-vslvated.

by mRsking a chu'er nt nisWbl. 'Ir + T,. Upon integrating the s-stond te~,m L11


- -e I(i - YT-)) hi sin (* )

-ke-'1 f (r * T.fl(sin If" coo i * -, PT si'&,il d ý-6

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£yu.amticn ot •

"- T t(b. * c)e'd. (3-88)

11, 1 31" +



tcalýU in or i ex1eee esU;t Uoe0r00eep h

t"aetr (i + T.) fr. th fr.tfe~tandx. -3ince tkle eX'-:sion can be ]lkened to a

Laplace t~raceft-n'I 55 - T(

Page 184: AD 2755515 - DTIC · "11.is repart, represents ore phase of an effort directed at the use of per-forrwne criteria as elenentz in flight contrel system opttnizeatio studies

(10 s gi-n by Eq B-51, but tir deribative with icepezt to p offtrs .=a

difficultj. Reprusentation of the Bets. ft-z-ticn by atn Infinite senfez (24 3-56)

cieqi2 tfiles tbz aif-ferentiat' *a crmnA,.rat!Zy r.sez occurn Only in the- ter=

The dcrivatlve with -expect to p or I,' + ut is. -aey a/). ' withL a

rwItiplicative constant. Accordingly,

-c 't I i/) + ( )- 1'a 0 (a0 ) - i)(to - 2) .. o.A0 2(p - ) n-0 +~gnt( 1 4 ~

on (0 +)0 (:- )C n)?

The expressions for N I > 1, vii be oiSiii-r to Eq B-89 ard B-9U

The desiratt:lity af the ne~es r natefom the Beta. fwiotn is Isi

dent. Note that tle terms; of k, should eunrexqe smre mrapil tUan tb~eofU

because there is S=emeslly &n anditiorat -acto of the torn 1 /(z + n) in each ct-with -rente tU n.


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DUM!Ib 0-' T2{k LKAWL* PL'rhr WrW2p1. M-i-M MW

ý-on I of Cha.pttr I Li~ Is.& "n bcd-7 of the mtpcrt cxprcscst4.( f--

'01 t -:Ater fuw~tirn rtiati.,t pf.t.2. &Ltitudc tý elc-.tar derztetionr. or tee

fighter ixrnekee !ct~iled In Tabli. I11-1 .ýf Ref. 2. iTbe altitude It Pole=~ ft,

t!hc -b Z C,:4ý0 It, ýLZ ýr6C M:.i.PeCl 4b 660 rt/Cee (I4~rh NO- C) The

ai.1TiSne tiazfe func.tion Is Sb quoted it. Htr. 2,

_2 2 0c-i)

The servomotor ;lux, s:pllficr tronefer function is estimated as

(C-2)MI7 a- ~

Inc equeliation Ut deacribec. by ic, (y, 1). Combining this Vith the product

xr C-1 and C-2 yields the open-loop trannfcr function of thc cooplete system.