Ad Ib 2012 Solved

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  • 7/28/2019 Ad Ib 2012 Solved


    Thanks to Last Island for

    Number of SAARC member countries? 8 (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives,

    Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)

    Ban Ki-moon belongs to which country? (South Korea)

    UN Security council has its HQ in which city ? (New York, USA)OIC headquarter is situated in which city? (Jedda, KSA)

    What is the capital of Libya? (Tripoli)

    London Olympic hockey champion (Germany)

    When will US forces withdrawn from Afghanistan, announced by Obama (2014)

    Bashar Hafez al-Assad is the current what of Syria ? (President)

    What is the national flower of Pakistan? (Jasmine)

    The name of the park where Lahore Resolution was passed ? (Minto Park)

    Who was the main person in ALLAHABAD address? (Allama Iqbal)

    Pakistan.Iran.India pipeline Name? (Peace Pipeline)

    First constitution of Pakistan was passed in which year ? ( 23rd March 1956 )

    Sindh ML passed what resolution in 1938? ( establishing 'independent states' in the north-western and eastern zones)

    Pakistan Resolution in Punjab Assembly was seconded by? (Maulana Zafar Ali Khan)

    Highest civilian award of Pakistan? ( Nishan-e-Pakistan )

    Naval head quarter in which city (Karachi )

    Last constitutional amendment

    a) 21,

    b) 18

    c) 20

    Acting president in absence of president? (Chairman Senate)

    Diamier Basha Dam is builted on ( Indus )

    Head of State bank is called? ( Governor )

    7 NFC AWARD in which year ? ( 2009)

    The mega project to irrigate Baluchistan is (Kachhi Canal )

    Gawadar built with the collaboration of which country? ( China )

    Petroleum sector regulate by (OGRA )

    Result of 1937 elections for Muslim league? (ML lost )

    First mughal emperor was? ( Babur)

    Muslim League formed in ( 1906, Dacca )

    In Pakistan main source of power is (Hydral)

    Friction is not present in

    a) Swimming

    b) Walking,

    c) Slipping on ice,

    d) None of these

    What is protecting earth from radiations of sun? ( Ozone layer )
  • 7/28/2019 Ad Ib 2012 Solved


    Instrument to measure humidity of atmosphere is? (Hydrometer)

    Branch of science that deals with study of sound etc? ( Acoustics )

    History is study of

    The environment friendly energy resources are?

    Prism splits Light into _______ colours (7 )

    Effect of heat on the temperature of boiling water? (No effect)Natural way of keeping the soil fertile is _____

    a) Crop rotation

    b) Growing same crop

    In respiration process during night time plants

    a) take carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen

    b) take oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide

    For burning which agent is necessary?

    Device which doesnt store data

    a) Hard disk,

    b) CD

    c) MicroprocessorWhich is not a good insulator of heat

    a) Wood

    b) Iron

    c) Wool

    Fish respire through?

    a) Fins

    b) Gills

    Main gases of green house ( carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone)

    How do the planets stay in orbit around the sun?

    Which is the hottest planet of the solar system? ( Venus )

    Heart Rate of normal Human Being is? ( 72/min )Light year is unit of (Distance )

    Deficiency of iodine causes? ( goiter )

    First written constitution in history was? (Meesaq e Madina )

    Number of hudood mentioned in Holy Quran are?

    Total books of sahi sita? ( 6)

    Who is called Ravi (

    Usul-e-Fiqah was first written by?

    Al Hidaya was written by

    City which is known as home of Hadith.

    a) Makkah

    b) Madinac) Baghdad

    Shrimps are found in the market which are great source of Foreign Exchange

    The word round in "He took round in" is----parts of speech?

    a) Noun

    b) Adjective

    c) Verb

    Afridi is one of those who never submits to the miseries of his life.

  • 7/28/2019 Ad Ib 2012 Solved


    Brian prevailed of his friend to sell his car to me

    Where------------his books?

    One of the player score highest goals in the tournament.

    In the absence of facts we can -------- from facts

    a) Conclude

    b) Deducec) Infer

    Due to the shortage of fuel the government has asked the public to------ consumption

    a) Exclude

    b) Reject

    c) Economize

    Police had to ---- to another road as there was terrible riots going on

    a) Divert

    b) Desert

    c) Delude

    d) Derive

    He sets two alarm clocks so as to ----- that he did not oversleepa) Assure

    b) Confirm

    c) Reassure

    d) Ensure

    As the clouds darkened, it soon became obvious that a storm was ----

    a) Prominent

    b) Eminent

    c) Imminent

    He ---- that it was 5'o clock

    a) Recognized

    b) Realizedc) Resolved

    She was---- the people present?

    a) Between

    b) In

    c) Besides

    d) Among

    I cant even thin ----borrowing money

    a) Of

    b) For

    c) With

    Where ----- his books?a) He puts

    b) Did he put

    The word "hoping to enter the university" is a

    a) Clause

    b) Phrase

    c) Sentence

    His book ----- next week

  • 7/28/2019 Ad Ib 2012 Solved


    a) Will be published

    b) Will publish

    Diamond is

    a) Noun

    b) Proper noun

    c) Abstract nound) Material noun

    A straight fence is to be constructed from posts 6 inches wide and separated by lengths of

    chain 5 feet long. If a certain fence begins and ends with a post, which of the following

    could not be the length of the fence in feet? (12 inches = 1 foot).

    a) 17

    b) 28

    c) 35

    d) None of these

    2 Cars moving in opposite direction with 8km/h speed difference b/w both covers a total

    distance of 208 miles in 2hrs. Calculate average velocities

    Average of multiples from 10 to 190 (10&190 included)Tickets of children are sold at half rate as compared to adults. There are five adults tickets

    sold and 8 childrens. Find what was rate for adult tickets. If total cost of tickets was 27?

    What comes next 1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,

    Positive integer whose tenth digit is 5 longer than its unit. Sum of digits is 11.

    Which one is correct

    a) -5 > -3.1

    b) l - 23l = 23

    c) 7/0 = 0

    d) None of these

    How many combinations of word STUDY can be made?

    There are 78 students enrolled in an exam. 48 have chosen German 24 have chosen French.09 have chosen both. How many have not enrolled.

    What percent decrease makes 160 pound to 152 pounds?

    (-2)^9 + (2)^9

    If 2x:5y=3:4 then x:y=?

    f(x)= 3x^2 - 7x + 23 = ? when x = 2

    Complete the series 012358...

    What is the 150% of 48?

    a) 56

    b) 72

    c) 96

    d) None of theseWhich is the prime number?

    a) 2

    b) 3

    c) 7

    d) All of these

    2^3 + 2^3 =

    a) 2^6

  • 7/28/2019 Ad Ib 2012 Solved


    b) 2^5

    c) 2^4

    d) None of these