Adding PF-Status, Header and Footer in ALV using class CL_SALV By Nagaraj Kalbavi, TCS

Adding PF-Status, Header and Footer in ALV Using Class CL_SALV

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Adding PF-Status, Header and Footer in ALV Using Class CL_SALV

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Page 1: Adding PF-Status, Header and Footer in ALV Using Class CL_SALV

Adding PF-Status, Header and Footer in ALV using class CL_SALV

By Nagaraj Kalbavi, TCS

Page 2: Adding PF-Status, Header and Footer in ALV Using Class CL_SALV


We can develop ALV using different ways like using type pool SLIS or using the class Cl_GUI_ALV_GRID.

In this article we will see how we can add PF-Status, Header and Footer to the ALV which is developed using class CL_SALV .

Code Snippet

In this program we will see adding PF-STATUS, Header and Footer to ALV using a single class CL_SALV_TABLE.

REPORT ZNAG_SAMPLE_01.*----------------------------------------------------------------------** CLASS lcl_report DEFINITION*----------------------------------------------------------------------***----------------------------------------------------------------------*CLASS LCL_REPORT DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION.*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Final Output Table*----------------------------------------------------------------------* TYPES: BEGIN OF TY_MARA, MATNR TYPE MATNR, ERSDA TYPE ERSDA, MATKL TYPE MATKL, MTART TYPE MTART, LVORM TYPE LVORM, END OF TY_MARA. DATA: O_ALV TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE, " ALV Reference T_MARA TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF TY_MARA.*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Methods to Fetch Data and Generate Output*----------------------------------------------------------------------* METHODS: GET_DATA, "Data Selection GENERATE_OUTPUT. "Generating Output PRIVATE SECTION.*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Methods to Set PF-Status, Header and Footer*----------------------------------------------------------------------* METHODS: SET_PF_STATUS CHANGING CO_ALV TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE, " Default Pf Status SET_TOP_OF_PAGE CHANGING CO_ALV TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE, " Set Top of page SET_END_OF_PAGE CHANGING CO_ALV TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE. " Set End of pageENDCLASS. "lcl_report DEFINITION*----------------------------------------------------------------------** CLASS lcl_report IMPLEMENTATION

Page 3: Adding PF-Status, Header and Footer in ALV Using Class CL_SALV

*----------------------------------------------------------------------***----------------------------------------------------------------------*CLASS LCL_REPORT IMPLEMENTATION.*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Data selection*----------------------------------------------------------------------* METHOD GET_DATA. SELECT MATNR ERSDA MATKL MTART LVORM INTO TABLE T_MARA FROM MARA UP TO 20 ROWS. ENDMETHOD. "get_data*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Generating Output*----------------------------------------------------------------------* METHOD GENERATE_OUTPUT.*Exception Class DATA: LC_MSG TYPE REF TO CX_SALV_MSG.*----------------------------------------------------------------------** We are calling the static Factory method which will give back* the ALV object reference.*----------------------------------------------------------------------* TRY. CALL METHOD CL_SALV_TABLE=>FACTORY IMPORTING R_SALV_TABLE = O_ALV CHANGING T_TABLE = T_MARA. CATCH CX_SALV_MSG INTO LC_MSG . ENDTRY.************************************************************************* In this area we will call the methods which will set the* different properties to the ALV************************************************************************* Calling Set PF status method CALL METHOD SET_PF_STATUS CHANGING CO_ALV = O_ALV. "set_end_of_page* Calling the top of page method CALL METHOD SET_TOP_OF_PAGE CHANGING CO_ALV = O_ALV.* Calling the End of page method CALL METHOD SET_END_OF_PAGE CHANGING CO_ALV = O_ALV.************************************************************************* Displaying the ALV* Here we will call the DISPLAY method to get the output on the screen************************************************************************ O_ALV->DISPLAY( ). ENDMETHOD. "generate_output************************************************************************* In this area we will implement the methods which are defined in* the class definition************************************************************************* Setting Default PF-Status METHOD SET_PF_STATUS.

Page 4: Adding PF-Status, Header and Footer in ALV Using Class CL_SALV

DATA: LO_FUNCTIONS TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_FUNCTIONS_LIST.* Default functions LO_FUNCTIONS = CO_ALV->GET_FUNCTIONS( ). LO_FUNCTIONS->SET_DEFAULT( ABAP_TRUE ). ENDMETHOD. "set_pf_status* Setting Top_of_page METHOD SET_TOP_OF_PAGE. DATA: LO_HEADER TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_FORM_LAYOUT_GRID, LO_H_LABEL TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_FORM_LABEL, LO_H_FLOW TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_FORM_LAYOUT_FLOW.* Header object CREATE OBJECT LO_HEADER.*----------------------------------------------------------------------** To create a Label or Flow we have to specify the target* row and column number where we need to set up the output* text.*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Information in Bold LO_H_LABEL = LO_HEADER->CREATE_LABEL( ROW = 1 COLUMN = 1 ). LO_H_LABEL->SET_TEXT('Header of the ALV Output in Bold').* Information in tabular format LO_H_FLOW = LO_HEADER->CREATE_FLOW( ROW = 2 COLUMN = 1 ). LO_H_FLOW->CREATE_TEXT( TEXT = 'This is text of flow in Header' ). LO_H_FLOW = LO_HEADER->CREATE_FLOW( ROW = 3 COLUMN = 1 ). LO_H_FLOW->CREATE_TEXT( TEXT = 'Date of List Generation' ). LO_H_FLOW = LO_HEADER->CREATE_FLOW( ROW = 3 COLUMN = 2 ). LO_H_FLOW->CREATE_TEXT( TEXT = sy-datum ).* Set the top of list using the header for Online CO_ALV->SET_TOP_OF_LIST( LO_HEADER ).* Set the top of list using the header for Print CO_ALV->SET_TOP_OF_LIST_PRINT( LO_HEADER ). ENDMETHOD. "set_top_of_page* Setting End_Of_page METHOD SET_END_OF_PAGE. DATA: LO_FOOTER TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_FORM_LAYOUT_GRID, LO_F_LABEL TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_FORM_LABEL, LO_F_FLOW TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_FORM_LAYOUT_FLOW.* Footer Object CREATE OBJECT LO_FOOTER.* Information in Bold LO_F_LABEL = LO_FOOTER->CREATE_LABEL( ROW = 1 COLUMN = 1 ). LO_F_LABEL->SET_TEXT('Footer of the ALV in Bold').* Tabular Information LO_F_FLOW = LO_FOOTER->CREATE_FLOW( ROW = 2 COLUMN = 1 ). LO_F_FLOW->CREATE_TEXT( TEXT = 'This is text of flow in footer' ).* Set the end of list using the header for Online CO_ALV->SET_END_OF_LIST( LO_FOOTER ).* Set the End of list using the header for Print CO_ALV->SET_END_OF_LIST_PRINT( LO_FOOTER ). ENDMETHOD. "set_end_of_pageENDCLASS. "lcl_report IMPLEMENTATION*----------------------------------------------------------------------*START-OF-SELECTION.*----------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: LO_REPORT TYPE REF TO LCL_REPORT. CREATE OBJECT LO_REPORT. LO_REPORT->GET_DATA( ).

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ALV Output:

Spool Output:

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