Aditi Mam Final Assingment

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  • 8/2/2019 Aditi Mam Final Assingment


    HRM Case Study and Suggested Solutions

    Beachside hotel human capital dilemma

    This is a case of two competing hotels, Sunrise Hotel and Beachside Hotel

    that are both located in a medium sized, tourismbased town in the

    Northeast U.S. The hotels are both competing for the same set of guests,

    as well as the same set of potential employees. They are both budget

    hotels, right next door to each other, with 60 guest rooms each and a view

    of the beach. The occupancy during peak season for the Sunrise Hotel is

    98%, but during the winter months goes down to 65%. The Beachside

    Hotel has peak season occupancy of 90% and off peak occupancy of 50%.

    Joe is the General Manager of Sunrise Hotel and has been in his current

    position for 5 years. He has been with Sunrise Hotel for a total of 10 years.

    He worked his way up at Sunrise Hotel from front desk agent to front desk

    supervisor, and finally to Assistant General Manager before he became the

    General Manager. He does a good job of screening potential employees for

    his front desk area of the hotel because he realizes the importance of that

    area of the hotel, especially in tourist areas. He also has incentives set up

    for excellent performance of the front desk agents and training and

    development programs designed to give everyone information that will help

    them do their job better. There is a sense of teamwork at Sunrise Hotel and

    that helps everyone want to do a good job. His guest satisfaction ratings

    for his hotel are overall excellent. On a rating

    scale of 110, his hotel averages a 9. The average length of tenure of his

    employees is 4 years, and his current front desk supervisor was promoted

    from within, along with his Assistant General Manager. Because of the

    small size of the hotel, Joe is actually involved with all of the hiringdecisions and helps to give training programs himself,

    along with his leadership team. The employee turnover

    at the Sunrise Hotel is 25% overall and that is primarily when

    hourly employees graduate high school or college and leave

    the Sunrise Hotel for a career somewhere else.

    Brian is the General Manager of the Beachside Hotel and

    deals with a very different situation. Brian was brought in

    from another hotel in the same hotel group about 6 months

    ago. He was told by his boss that he needed to fix this hotel

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    so that it would start having better customer satisfaction ratings

    and more return guests. Despite the fairly high occupancy

    noted during peak seasons, the off peak season occupancy is

    only 50%. Also noted by his boss, the occupancy should be as

    good as the Sunrise Hotel. Brian has been with his hotel group

    now for 2 years and he came out of the accounting and finance

    department in his old hotel. He has a great understanding of

    the numbers in the lodging industry, but has not been involved

    with the human resource aspects of the job.

    The turnover of hourly employees at Beachside Hotel is

    120% and that means that Brian is constantly running the hotel

    short handed and with new employees. The Beachside Hotel

    has been doing the hiring through a human resource practitioner

    in the hotel that was put in the position because she

    really could not handle serving guests at the front desk very

    well. Mary was promoted to human resources a year ago after

    she had one too many altercations with the guests at the front

    desk. The owner of the hotel wanted to make sure that she

    would not make any of the other guests angry, so he promoted

    her to a human resources practitioner. Since that time, she has

    been busy trying to keep up with hiring and she has had no

    time for training employees. Because she is so busy, paychecks

    often come out to employees late, there are no policies written

    down for employees to use as a guide for performance, customers

    are treated badly by new and poorly trained employees,

    and the departments of the hotel do not communicate

    very effectively and therefore everyone blames everyone else

    when things go wrong.

    The average length of tenure of the front desk agents at the

    Beachside Hotel is 3 months and the customer satisfaction rating

    at the Beachside is a 6 out of a 10 possible rating. Most of

    the front desk agents that are hired come from other hotels in

    the area after they quit or are fired. Brian is not involved in the

    hiring for the hotel at all, and does not get involved with training

    and development. He spends most of his days looking atthe financial reports for the hotel and analyzing average daily

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    rate, occupancy rates, and REVPAR.

    Brian knows that he has many problems to deal with and so

    he goes to the Sunrise Hotel to observe things over there for

    a while. He sees a happy crew and talks to Joe about how he

    is making that happen. Joe is happy to help, but wants Brian

    to go back and observe his employees first and come up with

    ways that he specifically can help guide Brian.

    Class or small group discussion questions

    1. What systems should Brian implement in order to start

    changing the human capital practices in the Beachside


    2. What could Brian learn from Joe in terms of the human capital

    aspects of running a hotel?

    3. How could training and development programs be implemented

    in the Beachside Hotel in order to help with turnover

    and occupancy rates at the hotel?

    4. How could a return on investment perspective help or hurt

    the Beachside Hotel in trying to compete with the Sunrise


    5. What other human resource initiatives could be undertaken

    by either the Sunrise Hotel or Beachside Hotel in order

    to help with the overall performance of their respective


    This case study gives many examples of issues that could be

    improved upon in order to help with the human capital performancein the Beachside Hotel. The Sunrise Hotel offers many good practices

    that help to ensure a return on investment in their human capital

    practices. The low turnover, length of service of employees, and the

    positive ratings regarding guest satisfaction all point to the positive,

    human capital focused culture of Sunrise Hotel. The above questions

    give some discussion points that will help to focus students

    and practitioners on some of the positive actions that can be taken

    by Beachside Hotel to help improve performance and the tone of the

    company. Here are some partial solutions to the case study questions.

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    1. In order to start changing the human capital practices at the

    Beachside Hotel, there needs to be a serious shift in the culture

    there. Since Brian did not have any human resources background,

    he does not get involved in hiring, training, and ensuring that

    these functions are used to build a stronger service culture. Mary,

    the HR practitioner, was put into place because she could not work

    with customers, yet she is now in charge of the internal customers

    in the organization, the employees. Brian needs to get involved

    in building a stronger culture by making sure that he works with

    Mary to make sure that she is focused on people and creating a

    positive atmosphere. Investments need to be made in training and

    development of the people currently employed at Beachside Hotel

    and also in the new people to build a committed workforce.

    2. Brian should start out by learning more about the human capital in

    his own hotel first and getting himself immersed in the people of the

    company. The service profit chain starts internal to the organization

    and then looks to the external guest. Brian could then observe

    some of the human resource practices that are being used at the

    Sunrise Hotel and apply them to his own hotel. Joe gets involved in

    all of the hiring at the Sunrise Hotel as well as the training there.

    Brian should implement more of a focus in the top management of

    Beachside Hotel in order to emulate Joes focus on developing a culture

    of service and in taking pride in the people that work for him.

    3. Brian needs to focus on hiring the correct people for the various jobs at the

    Beachside Hotel and should then work with each person

    to determine what it would take to get them to be satisfied in their

    jobs. Training and development not only give people the skills

    that they need to be successful in their jobs, but also they help to

    develop people in other facets of their life, i.e., time management

    skills, money management skills, and even tuition reimbursement

    for college classes. These development classes help people feel

    a sense of connection with their jobs and would help them to besatisfied in their overall lives. The more satisfied employees are, the

    more that they tend to stay at a place of employment and the more

    they tend to satisfy the guest that they serve. Having the top management

    in a company get involved with the training and development

    of their people, helps them commit to their future growth and

    helps the employee feel that their employers believe in them.

    4. Since Brians job is to fix the Beachside Hotel, there will need to

    be an initial investment in order to get the human capital practices

    to a point where there are some significant improvements. Theseimprovements will hopefully drive the service level up at the hotel

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    and thus drive occupancy and repeat customers. There needs to be

    a return on investment focus for the hotel as they try to change the

    culture. It appears that currently, there is not a focus on investment

    in human capital at all and the cost is the low customer satisfaction

    scores, high turnover, and a lack of repeat guests. This

    hotel needs to encourage a focus on the human capital areas as well

    as focusing on the return on investment in this area. It needs to be

    noted that the return on investment may take a period of time to

    show a positive return, but hopefully the effort will be worth it.

    5. Some of the other human resource initiatives that could be undertaken

    by either or both properties are: regular and thorough performance

    reviews, 360 degree feedback programs, round table

    discussions with employees to focus on their needs, incentive programs

    to reward employees for positive performance toward the

    objectives of the organization, offer reward programs for guests inorder to boost the level of repeat guests to the hotels, more open

    communication regarding progress toward the goals of the organizations

    in order to keep employees in the loop regarding performance,

    top management needs to focus on having a focus on the

    service profit chain regarding the internal guest satisfaction as

    well as the external guest satisfaction.