Admit 0001

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  • 8/13/2019 Admit 0001


    Greetingsrom nternat.onaltudentndScholarerviceslq ned esrs, nd eg,srerforyor

    and ompuringedeE In Io NbcaFas. hesuffaoobbinngadruers .-ABe, siiE,or hea(hnsmnce, pprlhgior ir rps amoicorhe6..ommrnq La*,srldenrslhoro heprhem u.ceed s each g

    whchwe.a uBtwearedarghredaii ghe,dese wea.ecoifdenirharpe60naaid p,ofessonaroqh,aidenfthinc ha rengngand rad ng.Wea,e ad ohavehechandeos.horarseNces(sss) sssseryesproudemm96r0nseruices,a^diralaid onto ngofedaronprocrasroday iemare6 legobra nsad rve rs i .enseandSocasedu r tycad) cutu6rprccrammigaDd

    oreital0n Duingtheoienaioiprog,anwe rherpyou edFrabretocetyou B D.ard, mai

    afrerheorenbronpogGm. 3 mm,gcroi ceu i ons, fd c 1 raoogcmssuch s niemar nacr 0ra procms.we ofiei a Iin.phoneandma mmc6ro. prcsam nda rcgsrarontom.Yoummigrarioicgu onsandappryrorthe mmgEtion enef(sor we rookopad b meeriie ou buyig, interdivig. srN hgprcpaoronlobsearchtipsand

    VisaApplicationips nsideced i.areor vha Erigibirity.n hisnws etteLweofiar$me herpru

    Applyhg ot youtStudentVisa ............ aEeSEy,S ee..,,..,,,............-.....-....--....,...,....r%geWhatdo CoBttat Off@ts ook ot?,..., age3Advi@ ot fout Visa ntetuiew...........,,..Page

  • 8/13/2019 Admit 0001


  • 8/13/2019 Admit 0001


    ApplyingorYour tudent isac e n f c r a o i : a E s b ' i y ( F o m r 2 k o r c s s r h e m n g r a r o n o f f . a r a r l ' e P o i o i Eo ,Ds2o ls l As lo . reoobaby has lhe ighr ro ,useFladmGsio i rcrwae ga igadmissonroas m. ,e we { rc i g .omnend rhaty

    layth,oLgbA e * saresanso4-g athe blsed moni[s o, s ie

    sm ln J phcrogEprspan rn re:ah.h apprcd0n D.ess rhesafnceFhcsr ii . ndr go r i,1.fJt,t rr

    r o bee gb Ao ,3 G3 . s . .mu .

    govemmederocyou an opearty nrheu.s andraisfeitrgorchafgngpog,amsordesreerevebljlt needo pay he.Inmigcron3nd domt E^forcenertcE)maiitafsaions rd Frequedykkad estioisuch ane, tai payigbyma

    u.s. rmmigrjon customs ntome entlyAsked u6t oNonr]nesEv|sFeefuymenlwebsite

    PEperEvs Fee%yfre"i Fom(use@ice&v a[ ae ]trdoudioB? c.nbd th. u.s.consura

  • 8/13/2019 Admit 0001


    WhatdoConsularfficersook ol?Thevmustbe sure hat youhave e ahililyand nbntiontobe a lulltime sudentatt;e schooltowhich ouhavebeenacceptecl:J ;iil;;-j.;":]".,1,:,":,lJ;:'l'' :,';::"jllj:H;1':1":1("";?':: ::j:j'"L{WII+:*;i{tiii;fj"::'r-j''i'jh"Tieymuslbesure hat,olrhave dequarcinanciate.t; ivinE xpensesihoLrneedingo

    , . o - ' e -e i \eodnhoa ' { pd ' d o ' and j sc_EI no o c ' , o ' d dd"m

    rcsourcesoW forallofYourworkwhilen theu S.YoUFUsishowsufiicientfiancaIresourcesbys|rowingtheconsu]aloffcelyoulfinanc]aldoc

    a5sstan6h'p e5urcrraLrourwad ettersPrnted noffciadepanmentmmedLalervooi univeGtYetlerrieadaPe'nvtsity epatmntetteft adpape''; , . ; ; ; : - ; " ; , " ,o" " - ' " * - ' , " "p- - .0" . ' r " ,

    :[****[**"l'***'rn*#-sure hatyou ntendogo otireu shave o intention fworkhElleEatty'

    to study.TheYnustbefhey mustbe surcthatYoudonot ntend o innigate to the U'S:;-:'"1,f1"";:::,,:;d,""{# ::,;i::,i::';:xt..liii:;,*'."",oo rGr i onha tvou nv dndLoc0@mPUruus iu r '*rl'.,"'" '" v",' n".".",^t' "fier(omprtinevou'studEsyoumu*aftempttodocumentvouintdsofretunne-horebf:Tl,'":",iiI1H:"31i:l?::" , :"-:;"JJ".T';;i::;" ; .1"li,1;;;;.i1;1;;3;:,iL.lJ:J;i"3.'"-'i'i i;l"ii.l':,1 ,""?['ii: l- ; 1;; "; l " "*l;:;:i_]n:-;' -'"'.::[,::;.:Y;]:i;;;;,::i :';;:;' ":."\-"*.'d"i:.::.:::"*illff}::;;'i5"",1*,1":"ll3l:l'":J,;;: ,;:"';'Br;:"'-d:1:",11.1t",.""'t"i;til'.-"';:,'j:"i,:11,::"r:,,jj"; ":i"#:."""":,,":u.t;":,titiii"li:ll';,""":',i:;" ; ; : ; l "J '1""; ; ; ," i" : : i : , ;" ; i :L; :-. ; ;; ' i .s ' " u i-- P'dE'd N Ud"'vsaapp cauonmavbe ened