ADRE ® System Bently Nevada Asset Condition Monitoring GE Energy

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ADRE® SystemBently Nevada™ Asset Condition Monitoring

GE Energy

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The ADRE System – The Professional’s ChoiceIn 1980, we had a revolutionary idea. What if the methodsfor collecting machinery and process data on tape and thentediously turning it into plots could be automated? It wouldmean a dramatic reduction in the time needed to diagnosemachinery conditions, allowing engineers to spend less timereducing data and more time interpreting it . We called it the ADRE* System – Automated Diagnostics for RotatingEquipment – and it truly revolutionized the industry.

More than 25 years and five successful product generationslater, the ADRE System is globally recognized as the tool ofchoice for professionals tasked with assessing machineryconditions in the field and on the test stand. It has becomethe standard against which all others are measured when it comes to on-demand, flexible, field-rugged multi-channelmachinery data acquisition.

Today, GE Energy is pleased to introduce our latestgeneration of the ADRE System. Far more than justincremental improvements to its predecessors, our all-newADRE System reflects a complete redesign culminating inentirely new hardware and software. The result is everythingyou’ve come to expect from the world’s premier dataacquisition system while exponentially boosting its powerand performance.

FlexibleThe ADRE System is designed to handle a broader range ofdata acquisition tasks than ever before. Whether you arecollecting data from control valves to understand processdynamics, studying the electromagnetic behavior oflocomotive motors on a test stand, or collecting start-updata on the rotor dynamics of a recently overhauled steamturbine, the flexibility of the ADRE System makes it a perfectfit . Whatever your parameter of interest, if it is available asan electrical signal, the ADRE System can handle it , allowingit to be used for more applications and in more industriesthan ever before. And, unlike many generic data acquisitionsystems that – although feature-rich – are difficult toconfigure and use, you won’t spend hours configuring theADRE System. You can go from “out of the box” to “collectingdata” in as little as ten minutes.

• Pulp & Paper• Cement• Food & Pharmaceutical• Water/Wastewater• Mining• Machine Tools

• Aerospace• Automotive

• Rotor Dynamics• Bearing Design• Predictive Maintenance• Machinery Diagnostics

• Fossil Fuel• Hydro• Wind• Nuclear• Geothermal

• Refining• Offshore Platforms• Pipelines• LNG• Chemical/Petrochemical Processing

• Test Stands• Research & Development• Balancing Stands• Field Engineering• Start-up Assistance• Remote and On-Site Troubleshooting

Continuous and DiscreteProcessingIndustries



Power Generation

Oil & Gas

Original EquipmentManufacturers &Repair Facilities


It’s All About the UserFor a quarter century, customers just like you have beencontinually helping us refine the ADRE System to beeverything it needs to be. In fact, it’s the tool used by ourown machinery diagnostics field engineers around theworld – “power users” who rely on ADRE Systems every dayto do their job. It’s also the tool used by the field engineersof many leading machinery manufacturers and consultantsaround the world. It’s found in plants, research labs, teststands, and academic institutions. But no matter whereADRE Systems are found, its users have this in common:they insist upon the very best capabilities and the very bestvalue. In the ADRE System, they’ve found it.


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An Instrument and An AnalyzerThe ADRE System’s design philosophywas to provide fully parallel, real-timesignal processing of not just everychannel, but every configuredparameter as well. Unlike devices thatrely extensively on recording raw dataand then post-processing that data forthe parameters of interest, the ADRESystem is different. It works as a real-time instrument allowing you to streamnot just raw data, but processed dataso you can see changes as they happen– not after the fact. With the ADRESystem, you don’t sacrifice post-processing flexibility either. It deliversboth. Data can be manipulated andprocessed in many different ways, as needed.

One Device Does It AllWith the ADRE System, gone are thedays of lugging separate instruments –oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer,analog or digital tape recorder, vectorfilters, signal conditioners, and ampracks. Skeptical? Don’t be. Dramaticadvances in digital signal processingmake it possible to truly capture all thedata, just as if you were armed withanalog tape. No more carrying reels,cassettes, and recorders “just in case.”No more compromises between dataresolution and storage capacity. TheADRE System truly liberates you to thefreedom of a single instrument that’seasy to use and easy to transport –without sacrificing any of the data.

Enhancing Your ProductivityYour value is in interpreting data. Theless time spent gathering and reducingthat data, the more time you have tosolve problems and deliver informa-tion. We understand. Everything aboutthe ADRE System has been designedwith this in mind, allowing you to getthe data – all the data – quickly, easily,and even remotely when required.

• Collaborate EasilySimultaneous data sharing via client/server architecture

• Reduce TravelFull remote operation via LAN/WAN –even through corporate firewalls

• Save Time“Out of the box” to data acquisition inminutes

• Lighten Your LoadEverything you need is in one, easy-to-carry, integrated instrument


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ADRE 408 DSPi Hardware

Convenient User InterfaceA menu-drive front panel user interfaceallows you to operate the instrument usingpre-configured settings without connectingto a computer – particularly useful for fieldjobs where connection to a laptop isinconvenient, impractical, or impossible.

Versatile PackagingThe 408 DSPi is equally at homemachine-side or in the lab via itsstandard carrying handles or 19-inch EIA rack-mount options.

WAN/LAN EnabledSpecially engineered to work acrosscorporate firewalls and networks,allowing you to Move Data, Not People*

easily between a 408 server andmultiple ADRE Sxp software clientslocated anywhere on the globe.

Dynamic Input Cards Each card accepts up to 8-channels ofdynamic waveform inputs and/or staticinputs. Up to 32 inputs per 408 DSPi.

ModularEach 408 DSPi chassis has 4 slots for signalinput cards, allowing you to mix 3-channelphase/speed input cards and 8-channeldynamic input cards for the specific channelcounts and types needed for each application.Populate your 408 with only what you need.

Flexible Speed/Phase InputsThe 408 accepts conventional proximity probe,magnetic pickup, and optical sensors for phase andspeed measurements. It even provides the necessarypower. Also, with the 408’s advanced on-board signalconditioning, there’s no longer a need for bulkyexternal devices to multiply/divide or condition signals.

True Client/Server ArchitectureMultiple ADRE Sxp software clients can accessa single 408 simultaneously, or connect tomultiple 408s operating independently. Eachclient has completely independent access todata, just as with any true server.

Convenient CertificationIndividual signal input cards can be returned tous for factory metrology certification, withoutthe need to return the entire 408 DSPi unit,allowing you to keep working with reducedchannel capacity or – if you have spare inputcards – full capacity.


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Keyphasor* lnputsUp to two Keyphasor cards can be introduced toone (or an array) of 408 DSPi instrument(s). EachKeyphasor card accepts as many as three inputs,for a total of six phase reference signals. Up to sixsimulated Keyphasor signals can also be providedin addition to six physical signals.


Up to four 408 DSPi instruments canbe interconnected in master/slaveconfiguration, providing as many as 6 phase reference and 120dynamic/static inputs.†Connecting up to four 408 DSPi instruments will besupported after first release. All required hardwareis currently in place.

Stand-Alone OperationRecord all data in “stand-alone” mode withoutthe need for an externally connectedcomputer, making it far easier to leave systemmachine-side for hours, days or weeks while itcaptures data, limited only by availablestorage capacity. Ideal for temporary real-time surveillance of problem machines.

Integrated DisplayThe 408’s vacuum fluorescent display isbright, easy to see, and features a wideviewing angle, making it visible undervaried lighting conditions.

Large Internal Storage CapacityAn on-board 130 GB hard drive capturesdays – even weeks – of high-resolutiondata. When even larger capacity isneeded, a convenient port is provided for connection to off-the-shelf externalhard disk arrays.

Differential InputsChannel pairs can be easily configuredfor true differential measurements.

Discrete Trigger InputsExternal contact closures, such as from analarm, machine start, process condition, orother parameter can be used to automaticallyinitiate data acquisition or change from oneacquisition mode to another. Two inputs areprovided, each independently configurable.

Industry-Standard ConnectorsRobust, convenient SMAconnectors are used for allsignal inputs, providingcompatibility with cabling usedin the majority of today’s testand measurement devices.


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Move Data, Not People

A 408 DSPi is placed on anoffshore platform in the Gulf ofMexico to collect data on a machinewith intermittent problems. Theinstrument communicates over anetwork in the platform’s controlroom, gathering data completelyunattended for several months whilebeing viewed securely at thecompany’s headquarters in Mexicovia their corporate WAN. Partwaythrough the investigation, the teamat headquarters suspects that theproblems may be process-inducedand remotely re-configures the408 DSPi to trigger high-resolutiondata capture when certain processconditions occur.

A jet engine manufacturer runsa prototype design for the firsttime. Employees at the test standlocation observe data related toengine efficiency. Militarypersonnel in the South U.S.witness the test remotely.Simultaneously, design engineersat the OEM’s west coast officestudy blade dynamics and ask teststand technicians to prolong thetest duration while they remotelyadjust tracking filter settings.

A large hydro unit in Colombianeeds to be balanced. Plantpersonnel connect a 408 DSPi to themachine’s transducers and a BentlyNevada machinery diagnosticsengineer connects remotely viasecure VPN to remotely configure theinstrument. The machine OEM inNorth America views the collecteddata, uses Bently BALANCE* softwareto compute an optimal balancesolution, and provides recommendedbalance weights and locations backto the customer site. The OEM andthe Bently Nevada machinerydiagnostics engineer collaborate inreal-time to verify the data and therecommended balance shots.

No matter where your ADRE 408 DSPiinstruments are located, you havecomplete and secure access to theirdata and complete control over theiroperation. That’s because the 408 DSPiis a true server, allowing multipleADRE Sxp software clients to connectsimultaneously, each viewing differentdata – whether real-time or archived.The result is virtually unlimitedflexibility in where and how you canconnect your ADRE hardware andsoftware.


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Engineering specialists at acentral office support colleaguesat two remote plant sites,collaborating in real-time to assistwith reviewing start-up data afterplanned outages on large steamturbine generators. An additionalspecialist from the company’s UKheadquarters is consulted to sharedata from a similar machine thathas been archived. The partiescollaborate in real-time, eachconnecting to the same ADREhardware from four distinctlocations.

A customer in Chinatroubleshoots unwanted processdynamics thought to be related topoorly tuned loops and excessivevalve stroking. The valvemanufacturer in Europe observesreal time test data by connectingto the customer’s network usingthe world wide web and VPNtechnology. Simultaneously, thecustomer’s process controlspecialist at a US locationconnects via the corporate WAN,examining dynamic flow andpressure data, collaborating withthe valve manufacturer and sitepersonnel.

A locomotive manufacturerconducts studies of problems in anengine’s electric drive units for acustomer in eastern Russia. A 408is carried on-board the engine as ittravels, using the railway’s WANinfrastructure to provide real timedata to the OEM’s field office inMoscow where engineersdiagnose the problem.


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ADRE Sxp Software

Totally PowerfulADRE Sxp software gets the job done by providing theextensive plot, import/export, and analysis tools you need.ADRE Sxp software is industrial strength, built by peoplewho solve machinery problems every day in settingsranging from the lab to the test stand to the turbine deck.

And it’s not just data analysis and reduction tools that makeADRE software powerful. It’s the extensive attention to detailin its configuration environment, allowing you to spend lesstime setting up, and more time solving problems. Fast,intuitive, flexible, powerful. That’s ADRE Sxp Software.

Totally BalancedADRE Sxp software is fully compatible with Bently BALANCE*,the industry’s most powerful multi-plane balancingsoftware. Specifically designed for your most complexbalancing tasks, Bently BALANCE software addresses eventhe most difficult balancing scenarios, such as findingoptimal solutions for multiple speeds and loads – or whenthe number of measurement planes does not equal thenumber of balance planes. Data such as 1X vectors, speed,and transducer locations/orientations can easily bedownloaded from your ADRE Sxp software toBently BALANCE, eliminating the tedious, error-pronepractice of manually typing data.

Supported Plot Types • Current Values • Tabular List • Orbit/Timebase†

• Orbit† • Timebase† • Polar• Bode • X versus Y • Spectrum/Full Spectrum†

• Trend • Multi-variable Trend • Waterfall/Full Waterfall• Cascade/Full Cascade • System Event List • Shaft Average Centerline

Graphical display of plots Virtually Unlimited

Graphics export jpg, .bmp, .wmf, .gif (by plot, page, or group)

Data export Comma Separated Variable (CSV)

Client display unit preference Per-client Simultaneously

Balancing Software Bently BALANCE

View Data From Multiple Runs Simultaneously Yes – Virtually Unlimited

Keyphasor Dynamic Display Per Keyphasor

LAN/WAN support Yes; specially designed for firewall management

Supported Operating Systems Microsoft® Windows® XP††

Remote 408 DSPi Operation via LAN/WAN Yes

† With option for superposition of baseline data.†† ADRE Sxp software can be installed on Microsoft Windows 2000. Please contact Technical Support at +1-775-215-1818 for details.

Totally Functional


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Totally NetworkedWe’re connected. You see, the ADRE System was designedwith corporate networking in mind, making life easy for bothyou and your IT department. With integrated 10/100/1000Mb TCP/IP Ethernet communications, each 408 DSPi can beconnected to your LAN or WAN using a variety of topologiesand media. We’ve specifically engineered the client/serverarchitecture of the ADRE System to work within and throughthe firewalls and other IT infrastructures common in today’senterprises. The result is secure, trouble-free access to yourADRE System whether you’re simply connecting via your LANacross the office, or connecting using technologies such asVirtual Private Networking (VPN) from remote locations.


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TrainingWhether you need product-specific training to getthe most from your ADRE hardware and software,fundamentals of data acquisition, or an in-depthfoundation for performing machinery diagnostics,and rotor dynamics, GE Energy offers acomprehensive selection of training classes to meet your needs.

Training can be conducted at your location or one of 15 specially-equipped training centers at convenient global locations serving everycontinent. We are deeply committed to trainingthat focuses on hands-on learning with smallstudent-to-instructor ratios, allowing personalizedattention. In addition to standard course offerings,we can also tailor curriculum to address yourspecific requirements, ensuring that you receiveinstruction matched to your skill levels, industry,and goals.

You’ll find an up-to-date listing of courses in our informative catalog, available by contacting your nearest salesperson or atwww.bently.com/service/training/tindex.htm.

SupportIt’s not just product quality that has madeGE Energy’s portfolio of Bently Nevada* AssetCondition Monitoring solutions the world’s numberone choice for nearly half a century, it’s servicequality as well. With factory-direct, factory-trainedfield salespeople, field engineers, and fieldtechnicians at more than 100 offices in the principalindustrial centers of 40+ countries, we’re alwaysthere when you need us – in your time zone,speaking your language. Whether it’s training,product repair, technical questions, or accessories,you can count us for the support you need, whenyou need it.

And the Bently Nevada name means far more thanjust expertise in condition monitoring instruments.It also means machinery diagnostic expertise. Withmore than 70 highly skilled machinery diagnosticengineers globally, we have gathered andinterpreted data for our customers for more thanthree decades in thousands of jobs spanning manymachine types, processes, and industries. Our toolof choice for on-demand data acquisition? TheADRE System. You can confidently draw on theexpertise of this team to assist you in acquiringand understanding your own data.


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† Multi-chassis interconnection not available until after first release. All required hardware is currently in place.†† Delta amplitude sampling not available at initial release.

Physical Weight @ 32 channels 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs) per 408 DPSi Unit (32 channels w/power supply)Environmental 0° to 50° C; 0 to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing)Mounting Benchtop or optional 19" EIA rack mounting kitChannel Status LEDs Per channel: Over-range, NOT OKPower Requirements 110 to 240V 50-60 hz

InputsNumber of Dynamic Channels 8/16/24/32 per chassis – expandable to 128 (4 chassis linked together†)Throughput Rate Up to 50 MB/sec per channelTransducer Inputs Displacement/Velocity/Acceleration/Phase Reference/SpeedDifferential Inputs Selectable: True differential or single-endedProcess Inputs Programmable: +4 to +20 mA; 0 to +10 Vdc; -12 to +12 Vdc; -25 to +25 VdcVoltage Input Range Programmable lower and upper values from -25 Vdc to +25 VdcGain Selections Auto Gain between –25 Vdc and +25 VdcInput Impedance > 700 kΩSignal to Noise Ratio (Dynamic Range) 110dBFrequency Span (All Channels) Up to 50 kHz – All Channels SimultaneouslySpeed Range 1 – 120k RPMSpeed/Trigger Input Sources Proximity probes, optical sensors, magnetic pickupsSpeed Input Capacity 3/6 physical, 6 simulated (internal)Trigger Sources Multiple “OR” voting of Speed/Time/Amplitude/External ContactsKeyphasor Multiplier/Divider/Conditioner/Power Integrated (per speed input)AC/DC coupling Yes; Configurable per channelChannel Bandwidth Up to 50 kHz (simultaneous, all channels)

SoftwareRequired Software ADRE Sxp, real-time and post-processingView Data From Multiple Runs Simultaneously Yes – UnlimitedKeyphasor Dynamic Display Per KeyphasorInstrument Mode Display Update 100 ms/sample (max)Communications Integrated 10/100/1000 Mb Ethernet TCP/IPLAN/WAN Support Yes; specially designed for firewall managementRemote Operation via LAN/WAN YesSecurity Administrative/Read Only/No Access

Signal ConditioningA to D Resolution 24 bitFiltering High-/Low-Pass: selectable; Bandpass: 2-, 4-, 6-, 8-pole selectableTracking Filters Realtime; up to 6 nX per channelTracking Filter Bandwidth Configurable: 1.2/12/120 CPM; constant bandwidth auto-switchingAuto Switching Tracking Filters SelectableSub-Synchronous nX Tracking Configurable: 0.1 to nX (in .01X increments)nX Vectors Configurable – up to four different vectorsSampling • Simultaneous Processed and Raw Data (All Channels)

• Multiple Simultaneous Sampling Rates (Synch and Asynch)• Delta Sampling for RPM, Time, or Amplitude††

• Synchronous Sampling configurable for 2 Rates Per Channel• Continuous and Discrete (configurable)• Realtime simultaneous synchronous and asynchronous

Synchronous Sampling Rates 16/32/64/128/256/360/512/720/1024 samples per revolutionAnti-Aliasing FIR Filter (passband @ 50 kHz, – 100 dB @ 64 kHz)Waveforms 4 per channel simultaneously (user-configurable) + RawSpectral Resolution Configurable – up to 6400 lines (all channels simultaneously)True Zoom Capabilities Yes

RecordingData Storage Capacity Internal: up to 130 GB; External: unlimited via external drive arraysPre- and Post-Event Data Capture Yes; configuration dependantVector-to-Waveform Storage Ratio n:1 configurableContinuous Digital Recording Yes; internal

OutputsSpeed/Trigger Outputs 3/6 Digital and Analog Conditioned


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imagination at work

GE Energy1631 Bently Parkway SouthMinden, NV 89423

P: 775.782.3611

Learn more about ADRE online at:www.gepower.com/o&c/ADRE

Copyright © 2005 General Electric Company.All rights reserved.

*ADRE, Bently BALANCE, Bently Nevada, Keyphasor, and MoveData, Not People are trademarks of General Electric Company.

Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks ortrademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

GEA-14121 REV NC (09/2005)