ADS Nyanza Osiri and Seme Implementation Site

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Page 2: ADS Nyanza Osiri and Seme Implementation Site

There is reduced domestic violence resulting over SRH, generally there is improved utilization of SRHR services.

Duty bearer have lately been keen on taking up SRHR issues including other Rights issues and able to handle them as an obligation and not as a duty. In Osiri, the Ass. Chief kept a girl of 17 years in his custody (at his home) as the case was still being handled by the paralegals.

ADS – staff managed to bring together some of the organizations working on rights – paralegal for breakfast meeting and out of that, APHIA Plus, accepted to support general paralegal leadership meeting – culminating into the formation of umbrella paralegal network.

Improved service provision (Health: MNCH, FP, PAC), they are also quick in handling of rape, defilement cases. A case in Manywanda Health Center.

Formation of Community Paralegal Networks at the County Level and for both Kisumu West and Seme. Registraion and launching are in process.


ACHIEVEMENTS: KRA 1: Enhanced capacity of right holders in the fishing communities to understand, respect and individually and collectively promote and claim their SRHR

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2012 2013Site Male Female Total Male Female Total

Osiri PMTCTImmunization FPVMMC














Rights Holders seeking SRH Services

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Community members promptly report cases to the paralegals which they hold with highest esteem.

Both men and women have progressively been elected in leadership posts after change in status brought about by paralegal training and these key positions held by paralegals contribute much in service delivery for the people. E.g. Seme and Kisumu Sub County Volunteer Children’s Officer, BMU leaders, community health committees'.

In SW Seme, the paralegals lobbied from the Births and deaths registration department who accepted to bring the services nearer to the community members. The activity took place at Manywanda Chiefs camp and those children who had baptismal and birth notification cards were issued with birth certificates. They mobilized the community members and birth certificates were issued to over 200 (109 boys and 91 girls) children.

ACHIEVEMENTS: KRA 2 Fishing communities empowered with regards to awareness of human rights and collectively advocating for these rights in various Decision – making bodies locally, nationally and regionally

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More women both in Osiri and SW Seme are engaged in different enterprises and are able to provide for their households needs. They are particularly involved in VSL and SLAs that enable them access money for their enterprise

There are 10 groups in S W Seme actively involved in SLA and have a total of Kshs. 250,000.00 circulating within the groups. The groups are saving with SMEP.

In Osiri 16 groups are actively involved in VSL and practicing table banking. There is increased income as Osiri has 2 Million circulating among the groups. They are thinking of forming a Micro finance Institution.

ACHIEVEMENTS : KRA 3 Fishing communities of Lake Victoria have been economically empowered and improved their standard of living.

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UFADHILI Zingira NALEAP (National Legal Aid Program). Legal Resources Foundation. FIDA Plan International, Omega Foundation, TEAM

Kenya, USAID – Aphia Plus, K-MET and KELIN Kenya.

Ministry of Health. Department of probation and Aftercare Services.


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The paralegals appreciated being brought together (KCPA, LRF, Plan International and Omega Foundation) to work from one leadership.

Child defilement is rampant is a cross – cutting issue in both Seme and Kisumu West Sub counties.

The MOH – duty bearers in Seme Sub county were more receptive as compared to Kisumu West S. County – Osiri.

The existence of the link between CHW’s and Paralegals enhances referals.


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Child abuse Rampant teenage use of Contraceptives