“Native Advertising: Case StudiesNancy Lane, President, LMA J if Fl Di t C t tM k ti AdT i Jennif er Flanagan, Director, ContentMarketing, AdT axi Networks Chris Lee, President , Deseret Digital Media AdTaxi emerge Case Study Case Study Native Advertising: Case Studies

AdTaxi emerge Case StudyCase Study...cause marketing, inbound marketingand programmatic buying • Heavy emphasis on the revenue opportunities associated with social, native, email

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Page 1: AdTaxi emerge Case StudyCase Study...cause marketing, inbound marketingand programmatic buying • Heavy emphasis on the revenue opportunities associated with social, native, email

“Native Advertising: Case Studies”

• Nancy Lane, President, LMA

J if Fl Di t C t t M k ti AdT i• Jennifer Flanagan, Director, Content Marketing, AdTaxiNetworks

• Chris Lee, President , Deseret Digital Media

AdTaxi emergeCase StudyCase Study

Native Advertising: Case Studies

Page 2: AdTaxi emerge Case StudyCase Study...cause marketing, inbound marketingand programmatic buying • Heavy emphasis on the revenue opportunities associated with social, native, email

Our Approach

The story is surrounded by the advertiser’s message and is 

An educational or entertaining story that aligns with a brand’s message, while also being relevant to our audience.



Ongdelivered to readers via our newspaper.coms, where they already come to read content they’re interested in.


Audience Brand

Product Features

C t t C ti Di bilit S i l E t i

Publish original, custom 


Integrate content on  Allow content to be shared


Content Creation Discoverability Social Extension

g ,content across our news properties on web and 



NP.com to drive organic readership of content. Use targeted banners to further promote brand’s message and direct users 

to content. 

across readers’ social channels, further 

extending its reach and longevity. 



Native Advertising: Case Studies

Page 3: AdTaxi emerge Case StudyCase Study...cause marketing, inbound marketingand programmatic buying • Heavy emphasis on the revenue opportunities associated with social, native, email

Product Detail

2 – 40 pieces of content per 

Articles integrated into relevant editorial section, with clear notation of sponsorship

p pmonth distributed across Digital First Media properties

Series or channel options based on volume of content

notation of sponsorship


100% SOV on content pages, driving readers to brand’s site

Content produced by qualified freelance journalists or brand

Case Study: Denver Post Energy Supplement

20 pieces of content per month d li d D P t

Select articles reverse‐published into print

delivered on DenverPost.com

S d h l i d

Multiple advertisers included in ad sponsorship


Sponsored channel integrated into site navigation

Strong engagement on article pages

Native Advertising: Case Studies

Page 4: AdTaxi emerge Case StudyCase Study...cause marketing, inbound marketingand programmatic buying • Heavy emphasis on the revenue opportunities associated with social, native, email

What’s Working?

Content strategy

Quality of content


Integration within newspaper.coms


Where is everyone?


Native Advertising: Case Studies

Page 5: AdTaxi emerge Case StudyCase Study...cause marketing, inbound marketingand programmatic buying • Heavy emphasis on the revenue opportunities associated with social, native, email

Looking Forward

T ffi M bil S l bilit……………


Traffic Mobile Scalability




Thank You

Jennifer FlanaganDirector, Content Marketing

AdTaxi [email protected]


Native Advertising: Case Studies

Page 6: AdTaxi emerge Case StudyCase Study...cause marketing, inbound marketingand programmatic buying • Heavy emphasis on the revenue opportunities associated with social, native, email

Native AdvertisingStrategic Insights from DDM

The Trusted Digital Voice

Challenge of monetizing digital contentDisplay overload and ad blindness

Native Advertising12

Native Advertising: Case Studies

Page 7: AdTaxi emerge Case StudyCase Study...cause marketing, inbound marketingand programmatic buying • Heavy emphasis on the revenue opportunities associated with social, native, email

The next disruption is here: mobile

Smaller space, lower inventory, lower CPM rate

“Print dollars to d kt di t

Native Advertising13

desktop dimes to mobile pennies”

Native Advertising Value Chain

Brand Strategy Content Strategy

Content Creation

Publication & Merch

Promote Externally

Analytics & Reporting

Understand What is Execution: Which sites Social media CTR to story brand message and target audienceEstablish goals and metrics

message?Who creates?Who posts?How often?

HeadlinesText LengthImagesVideo

and where?SchedulingMultiple access points Relationship to other content

EmailContent distribution partnerships

Content views (Page views, video views, etc)Social sharesTest brand lift and awareness


Native Advertising14

trad publisher


integrated native publisher

Native Advertising: Case Studies

Page 8: AdTaxi emerge Case StudyCase Study...cause marketing, inbound marketingand programmatic buying • Heavy emphasis on the revenue opportunities associated with social, native, email

• Native placement in flow of content

Native Principles

• Clarity / transparency of sponsorship• Management and production of native

content separate from editorial team• High quality content

Native Advertising15

• Metrics include brand results plus traditional direct response

Organizing for Native


VP Content Products

Director Editorial




Deseret Connect

VP Ad Products VP Sales

Native Advertising16

Content Producers / Reporters

Content Producers

Native Advertising: Case Studies

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Native Advertising17

Native Advertising18

Native Advertising: Case Studies

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Native Advertising19

Native Advertising20

Native Advertising: Case Studies

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Each of these measures is equal to or better than the average article on KSL.com

Key Metrics show “native” performance

• Homepage impressions in queue: 431,509• CTR from homepage to article: 2.2%• Article uniques: 8,055 • Article views / reads: 9,600

• (compared to 7,100 for average article)

Native Advertising21

(compared to 7,100 for average article)• Time spent engaged: 2:11 • Social shares per article: 248

Case Study #3:  The Elkhart Truth

Launching in Q1 2014

Structure: sold by the advertising department; content controlled by The Elkhart Truth

Products: www.elkharttruth.com with heavy distribution to social sites; soon to include niche sites

Strategy: starting with freelancers; experimenting with pricing models right nowright now

Revenue: Native and it’s impact on other revenue categories will be six-figures in year one. Huge opportunity with a new product ‘Flavor574’ – a

food magazine (www.flavor574.com) - launching in April.

Native Advertising: Case Studies

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Native Advertising Plan:  The Elkhart Truth

Advertising Products:

Display Advertising (CPM, Modular or Column Inch)Sponsorships (Page, weather, etc.)Press Releases (Run print and online)Advertorial (either stock, provided or created‐ all edited of course)

Native (Consumer Driven, DIY, Evergreen)∙ Content written, controlled and edited by The Elkhart Truth

Di l d li “S d C t t”∙ Displayed online as “Sponsored Content”

Native Advertising Plan:  The Elkhart Truth

∙ Content is not an ad… rather, it is consumer‐centric. There may be quotes from experts that the advertiser employs (ex. landscaper or snow plow driver) but the content does not go into the products/services/prices that the advertiser offers. Content is meant to be informational or educational. If done correctly, users will post the page link to Pinterest.

∙ Elkhart Truth will use content in its distribution strategy thru social.

∙ Content only lives on elkharttruth.com and other related websites. Advertisers may clearly link to the story or share it, but they may not copy and use it on their own websites. Google can penalize for this practice.

∙ Various pricing strategies are being tested with advertisers right now. (Word count, One time charge, Monthly charge, Extras (video and photo galleries) are all being explored and researched)

∙ Cost is freelance writer, photos/videos and posting time. We will not be using journalists in phase I of this rollout.

Native Advertising: Case Studies

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Native Advertising Plan:  The Elkhart Truth

Case Study #4Chicago Sun-Times community


Launched native advertising program in local markets. See www.napervillesun.com for example.

Structure: started a new business unit with separate staff. Hired former journalists to write the content. Sales reps sell it

and then turn it over to an account manager.

Average monthly cost: $600/month sold as annual contracts ($7,200 per advertiser)

Results: Sold 35 packages in first six weeks for total annual sales of $250,000.

Native Advertising: Case Studies

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Napervillesun.com – for examples

Chicago Sun-Times community papers


May 21‐22Chicago

ONLY $395 FOR LMA MEMBERS THAT REGISTER BY 4/15Heavy Emphasis on Native Advertising

• Registrants will attend a live SMB advertising workshop hosted by the Sun‐Times; conducted by Mike Blinder – heavy emphasis on native

• A toolkit will be provided to build a native advertising business plan at your local media company ($399 value)

• A turnkey 14‐week sales training guide is included, complete with templates & a workbook ($159 value)workbook ($159 value)

• Gordon Borrell will share his Top 10 ideas to grow revenue now Unique topics include: cause marketing, inbound marketing and programmatic buying

• Heavy emphasis on the revenue opportunities associated with social, native, email & more

• Best revenue ideas from TV, radio, directory publishers & newspapers will be featured throughout

Native Advertising: Case Studies