•y% .-.•I Ui PBOVISIOI»8.—Beef in limited demi at former rates. Pork unchanged. . Bi is steady. '. Lard unchanged. j AOSTBIA.—It ia stated that Mars] Radetski has representedto hisr@ov< ment that unless certain symptoms of citement in the Velasian Frovii cease* he should demand thirty'fnousant troops es, he l?'th, the shift Sarah. JBridant..passed the atrendonV&itt-'A'iaetican Territory. Art iaiperiBl^decTeevaotifie« thafcto- ttssaat^th^ development of the RuesiaDjnaval power' the adtDiniitration oi fleets and harbors tl»r^^'te^»c«*^er.tbe^epe!jden| contrqioof tfcft$0ver«raft W Efcatera SP An..oxpeditionisfittiiigTont ! for Bussiatr * Amerira.toJsail-inexfcnaontb- '^.tiP •-. -.{• ,The papersBayitishidw settled that -ud i g aJn^oTapeaieuif i w ^ ;be'-dltniHed«from: r ns8ia-thi»sea«B,ia»idihnndted8iofve«eel» in. the;BIack Sea will Teturn>:ampty. •' i ^ <"! Etjn'ee MensehiBoffhiabeen summoned fromrenretrifint by the'Emperor/tbcdnsult re8pectingth6)nim6red<mibtary'expedition in AsiaiA fe *,i..ijfc:-i w| »,-.« s«s«-.,p ; •-> The latest aa^cesft'bteSii'Pet^rBbnrghi: 8tate-tbatin;corise(Vuenc^Vif^hedearness : br: pitjvisiblfe itt ^eS'^Gil^^^d^aef gicfeieas whictl prevails • t ^ ^ r i^ife^ ; %d'nSee6 passed* prohJbitiifpli'bfertoDa'np? inhabit tante, from laudihf^™^-' * "' ,r '•" ,J ' riT THE EASTS^ to the 7thVs¥ate; Lord Gough irrvestea" Marshal Pel' _. and the BnglisfiGeiierals •rtath the order of the Baths.*"™ '' 6 ' :<tir -''- s " ^ - '"• i " < The eVadkllon of tfie^riiiieaprdce^ rapidly. ^Balahlava wotild^oe*leared hy the'ISth of JofflP" •*< ' n- - • COHGBE88. Al)stract,o£ tbe ; Bepor1f of-the Eansaa HOOTB-,bm^BEtikrA«iyEi.'...,, •'. ..WASjauijSTOKii-sluljr'1. Mr* Barclay moved' & recoasider'atibn of the vote bvwhich'th;e3K-ansB8 s b'iir*as i re- jected, aridlin aMp^fe^ifibnffdtWtt' log 80,8af^»t«)Mt#ie arrestfif Gqv,,Eeeaeh rot treason... Tha he regarded asrfarcical.. JEE© was_dispo8&d to-rebuke it hy^now votingfop;the bill in order tOjproterje*the-people of Kansas* Mf.'HdUBt&ifeSurtod regret <tbw the wsmmmmmmmmtmL iUfa lodge, coijrafied all the snb»ea-ueht theMissourW AMh* eleSpon in*5p^ vember S9tb, ^ » & r ^ 4 e l e ^ a t 6 b pdjjr gresfethere- ^at^6jBinden^^«-,jrfta «&, •fisttleaSai emails- vehJi. the 9 votes were eaat therem^Maer^ remote > 5*,* . ^ .ano^on-rqsinehfc by citizens of Missouri. ing legal y/bteavf »»bunt- IJ%'J?I^B|4J^ild1j»v^ been elect' ea witWutihe md of ^the Mietonri votes, he: remvfeg a pfdraH^" WvSFic&rvbtei cast. Daring the winter of 1854 '55, |te« f |xcite*ej8JLew8ted. jnj^e^errito. manire«ted,»t $ * jKebratjy, 1855** censns •«rs«*i*a^beJ«ii»fee;oElegal>wteo,rWB« a^erMMe*to^bW&9M^iPreyidoS'tothe ''ele^^tefif^p^M^^^ tion was effect|ri? ^me|sj,%ere chosen; tenta. provisions', *tnmnnifion and arms distributed, and the fprcea were drilled in companie^^ltttlM^nd'i'iiMCon the day in catiteqittBe« of hi* inhuman treatment •*j» pushed tIiqro!>ghly% W|„flo»»t«nfc exetcm while laving t«> b^wRafted.anrfls easHv selected %y its briab6lppe«anc;6, |indfer«t*M^bsr*• oneof -Oat. ci|izen¥ h«s obtained one of the erftdns^aM'iateajhi to sM#it t» J | e » t * W$ Beeabw»^«K;^reliO' «rW?gW^B*^teo»t#gJ%,., -<. fbte jJ^ard ^agtandi E*q., tmg& Stata* Commisuoner, l Befora vkatit they proved in aitotV by flvi» or gi? reliable tnt-, nesges. he was «^BWte4wft<»«ifl»lV. iftSKL before the rnat commei^isjl^lbat^flie proyed a M J i f c ^O'iof the be«. men^w. iPbpekifc; J >ft*o^»^ W? , -^r^^jiljanj^.and J6lro^rpwTi..Jc3^16j<> Kansasriandlcompanies werit;into. every rep^se^a^^ cept one. , • ., , , In, detailing the a,c^Wtt;of|aese eoni. WJJJ,„ ftaa^io^aiiti^.^^H^nig^ by'them t cw.1?stt6iwing Scljit -,_._ „^ , ... ^ i < « e t e illegal voleirsllr'andlggm^ccnrtttf 50uO^er'e;ih6se;df%6n-re'8iaeBi8l "* -- * *PHe/ m a j o W o f t^8 i memb8r8'*faf both Htmses ofthS'iCegisIatnre-wbnld have beea Pree-'StiWe^elriP there 'had Been , no in- vttiidh 6f Misgbnriali|. *••-«• '•rfie QoVeriidr §et 'aside the electibft in s-mfafb'f*<Waiiriette aha'Hf new'*lecdd.o todfe-piSce: the'rein m *th&22a day! r«^nlt- iri(fifr the;' choice"or®fee State meb' iri ^ ^ : r k * # •-.„.••*-., ^ • • v?jU,ap^end t & j e w r t , TOfn«,fsom, % true pony inrn^heihy^tiB^^^GSe* ;o/iRha,9ouw, syhushapeaJtafbrifiseliF*' ,,-Pif '" • • -i ,i "'A acde. ;f; miftlpSBmx >m»-JftrofElim. sees y •rtir '<> , T a^ipaM^fQ(Hg|:> •TV. '«^P, »adtea»i«Wrg^ uUbcbratn. He willow beabhsioresBtrje nls .seal 4wing ih«pre*«t»e«IoB, .. 8onndouthe SlaTirjftuMtion. :. JM*9&SU». ABOtTT BT «as » •KA»>AItO»K» IPO-W*. .'•%.- .i •&M»jy&&i£t&i ^^gg^^mmm '••\ t- »terplM»»OTort{»on,tl>«atimlite6rtJi«>;i>*p«rter^. Btigmattz<»onr caadjdatws'as- tn& Menampr- "4fl: To, Oonuniirioa«r» <p/£. Mitflnw^m; lR,SbrUl"a^Soa««.° , cp»«^.-*m*nrtt! oiatnMmqiiiyjitat'a*..^; *^___ were •hoitrred' npon them without number. Tne matron, the m*fd»thes*re,the grand sire jhe|OBth and the ^ e were ail overjoyed at ; 4fceft fpp»|ifin^. ^rpknding the mm ^^ anno^nwd in ft«^r«gr«i&iae/'U^ b^italfiioo, Th9feeiebfa'tlwofrfe4th fa Qpknsbiirgh ^ M l n front « t * ? S i . , ^ i | 4 ^ . aWe)^ .passed, off mok*dmB«%.-Not an acciMt, ^rher4Jud,cwsgwgattd fee. largeteid^ntie ofli»»08t«JtWil #li»rteter «xnmato«Mpj s^r^eaW^inO^ensbprgh. rtfee h^ik th,f»ttWli«»«f.iie day, ..^'.'-' /X -^-!****»" b>ek^ith^tato^ p^^1 Theday^aa.u»her?dftbyonef«ft<4ay -wasfilledto oyernowin|-, ^hestreew h|t Jlttaarise * national *4ote"t*» wayaerb^^eblop^itte^ry diteetion wer^ bht this begins ja ^ery 3iv^y history in hichljtasyonng.tiei'o^and the emigrants are ids tdTwiM^jeonspieobns place, and it II- ilWtes ft^fifio^ and vicissitnde criiwn- [ 4ilh •oc^ss. tBiey * Brother have it. . 'The OeW»ratioix. f'Aeraa.OOOlffla.v^tswniog rulawoftka U n i o t i , »rtHl not hft contlent with a man isr1wii«nn* iti&ttif «l*«rvient 1* their ii* isftfea 4ti|the, Oincinnafi Platfor%ilaa *ha|^ *rilL*jiwrw S » con^*tctoy iff Thetbrert, mttk *BGtuer «#W^*fe^1W»W d^^son^mand^ok^mni^.^^ - -. ;r The ^ f ! ^ f T ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p W i of December oi mat year. Mt^^^,the ! ?lM&ritf emb» Ihekn«hibefeh^to|rea|r.Wgmet»ted, ^ ^ ^ t o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ; ^ ' , , , originally announced by te^Udtfntf^ttluAtad^ S S t e 3 e ^ r i S ^ e ? r t S h S ^ three vol- *#ioKle^mn»^ia^^ M^^^^^}^^m^i^AMs0^^ r ^^'---- ^ -'•' printers^ OP ^rDOEGE WiSHlNQTOll.by'^ashiDg- ^tpii Irving, Vol ^1. New^York. G P. s Pierce has received the third volume of [this.great work ot one ol the greatest ol ^tterica* authors,. upon ihe greatest ot t^njeri¥atL«Bf^ 'The vbiam]e opens wiihihi |oii5feigi»i^e5(r.|ersey to aims. and e traces ^Mm^tigferesa^e-'prihciples of-il»V ;*%^rtV-^«>wJ«l':W *hichi ! tobi the^r 1'.- "This donventitin' ofJdrelegates,. a*ell| bledtnf « u W c # ' d t ^ a f q addre5Mtt11o i«p»6Tp r tJgtea i ^ ^tho)lt hiSmo p&irpoHtteaf ; 3jtfe?ehc>8'or. <fr vieidhtf,' m »re OppMed to tjie ' reneiil of the Missouri CompronrSbftp' InoT.rM- ic'f bft&i prisenV'iaaumsitatiori ^folOie eWefflbf rjf-SIaVe^^tff.'&Sb Territory, » ^.BaMh^rep^%«M froni a.iconscientipus .sense of,.ont« wonld-npthe inftmidatea bwjth^jlash, , .,. Mr.Houston dieavawedAny'mtentwn to impeach the integrity of .the- gentleman, nor did ho censnri^ him^vfie moved' to lay the mbfion-tof'reconstaer'oh'the'tabter m^Oriiriaoire'd'Of MH Bartlay *rhat he e ^ f d ^ f i ' q c s n i p l i s h ^ y tap^ig/ibr a recpn^|ira|jp;n;.pf | h e y o t e ; ,by s w^ch.^e bill^aMjBjgcfeair ,„•: '. • , . , •« ••>(•• Mri Barclay repUed.fldtb'avie^^f vq? tingaforjits, passage and -recording his.senti- ments as^representative oE Pennsylvania against the%btttrt|e8. : • •' ^ ^MriOrt^lf thfe. was the -eentlematfa object, 'wfijeaid Be" tioivbte yeaterddy for; thebatt' :•:,' .•;:;::. ;, l .... Mr. Barclay repeated he preferred Mr. Stephens' b8H"bu|, that tot political purpo- ses was encumbered 1 with proposition ;t0 restore the MissonTi restricaon, ands thus wasobjectionablie^tohinr^ 5 He held him* self resp6nsibie^"rm ; manirlthe'iH«iuse for bJs b ,nol&ca*&cBO&'' He did aa faMihobght iSm^wkr -": ' '-, . Mr* Hfflttton ; *auLhe did not injpeaw Mr. Barcla:y'tJntegrity, but expressed his astonishment that the* gentleman -should have, .after ypjinj? against the ball, changed his mind in the short, period, of N a snmme.rl? night, .... . , ,, ; . , , ti . v , Mr . tm% mtfffl je m\M *$ disapproved of thejBjpctple^otA** "H 1 * t i, 'Mr. ^00810^-^101(^.^^60 had m the strongest Jangnage condemned* the bill yesterday'byvotuJ^tagainst it." •'».•• i tftn6nV ! Vegttrdin|*ltbe '^ocdedin^ «bf the L 1 !«sl|tive , 'AssIn>myr^nich i: pri J 'c'ee^ the^siate are ctiarletifjrijsetf^bf recWesV trtiss and •injustice; lT ' ' t Tlje report like-wisfe altndes td the mor- d«r*3« robberieB andbthercrimes-comnrittedl ih the, Territory, and says that in^no Case, ffl^ept that of ',McRay, (a Free-SAM* tnan,) itfas thdre^ny provofcatibnfo>"those- olisnces. No^indictmentsVere 1 - found, no arrests made, and no' meagrtres taken to brfflfe the'perpetrators to justifce- ' The repfift ctrntaros^faTl ari-3 complete' aetaili of eieryiBingcuhnmwl' withKi*- *»spribr^t!othe 19t'h ( of March last, and says that it iaclefarly proven that Samnel J. Jones, the Sheriff, was the main Cattsft cf the receiit ^disturbances in" which he so pronjihently Bpred, ••ihe're^rt^o states that Mr. ! tibhb;ffifde|SeL_ ,. ,,. '^edejral ''Conitffirifioiii'are •essflpfiiiX. , 'to the pregBrvatfrEi#'"drtf^^ eid ihatf t 'tfiS t yj*,W>rftM» rights of the Stai Si ^oK«o«ia)*»t,. iJOHN ,0. I N M O S T . Hew Adveitisementa. , Vn1i^aroteil4 I >«lail6*«anSt.- ,! '' ' Auodw0«a»r». 1> 8ro«i, DUMl#ltt-l , X«!»lt*It«T*IJ»..' i i sM of hatipltiesS, u tfid il inat-*.- , ipi;; rirahary. objectandufterior 'designof.<mf JftfetuL Soveramenrwfire-iio-gecure; thpw -ri,~ t> *- to all persona sdthl RepuBliiian fathers. diction : .that «-ourl for moyjng, for <net" re^dhBiderja^on of th'e . ,-* i?'W) '.. ^ vote*,*. •,..,„.> ;-,.., /.,-. - ,.,. ; . Mr«Bat,clay^ri appeal to theigentleman of. New York to.permit the gentleman of Alabama to go on^to'.bis hearrs contents • Mr. Benriett acquiesced. ! '•'• Mr* Hbus^B f 'r^spied; saying he. only wished ' ^ e i ^ ^ W r ^ g r e i that his fefeaa from Pennaylvaniahad' not made uphia mindjaooner* .•• . , ,i ,«,- ,. t-, .Mi^PnnnjupapMtp^, r |ijlr^.BBrclayto say that,h^ QDnnr^A) ^o^osi^otftpresttire' the Missouri' Cbrnpromisd was deugnea foV poetical'^rposegr Nothing oPtfie, kind-antered into hit* mind^ He did 'not agree with Mr. Barclay that the peoplfrof Kansas hasej* ri^Mla-eatablish Slavery. ^ar^^tttSnft^S Mr. Hou8ton|in*^|)that Mr. Barclay'^ motion to r e c o ^ d ^ m - M d on the table- Be^re Iwtfier Jefcion ^was taken, Mr. Howard %5e. toia\qneslibn .of pnvSege. wishing to make a report from the Eansaa Investig'atingrOomJnittee. Pehajje, eMuedJuyolving ^ie, ppint .thaf if\**$^j^fem^ML8ffl pt^te, tov|tnld Hr^cIude^rtOUvWflX aai~ """ ~ ' "" Oliver rbne'^f tne InV^siigatipg Committee) %ent into Missbnrr 3 with one of the invading ifompanies' and made a speech in the 5th Electidn'Dfatrict; but says it is not proven •tBat fievotied. -''TheWepirt nllftdes to obstructions that *ere thrdwn in thb Wiy df the Committee and the general opinion which, pre vailed in the-Territory:'•'•'• ''" ' ' TJiecbnclnsion^oftbffCdmjinitteeare-i- •<> First* Wit each election ih thS Terri 1 - tbry, held'Under' the organic or alleged TemtoriaHaw; has'been carried byorgan- Ked invasion's from the State of Missouri, by -which: the people* of the Territory bavi been presented from 'exercising the rights ^Secoiid,. fHrnf ttte" alIeg^a" J Territorial •EegislattrrV' was 11 arf illegally" constituted body, .and had no power to pass valid laws, Bifdtn'eir enactments-'are thereforb null and ^oia^ •• •• ••'•"• • • ' •• "•'Third, 'that.thfi-ie alleged law have npVei a getterSl thing; beetl used to protect personl>rid f property and'to'punish wrong, batffor'urd^'-vfnrpu>p'6sesi - "'• • • '' s '""'Mttrtfir'That thss^elecrioa nHder Which the; siftitfg; ^Delegate,, John W . Whitfield,; holds h ^ e d t ) wis nor held in^hrsnanco df ady validlitwi aad that it shtftttd be re* *ghrd6d!oniy a* the'expressibh of the choice of those ^eside-nt citiiepB -"vhd Voted for tnml "• •" ' ' ""' ' ^'^iflk, Thatthe election tader which the contesting' Delegate', Andrew H.'Eeeder, claimfeliis' seat, *as ho^'held in pttrenttnije of law, and that it should Be regarded only «* : the ext&essiotrof-the» choice of thoife res- ident! citizefls v»hd vbtei fbrnim. • • '•' Sixth,' THatfAndre'w'SC- Reeder'receiv- ed a greater number -of votes bf resident citizefisthan ^ohtt W.'Wfiitfield, for del- e'gate. '' ••"•» "'" "' " ' : '" Sebtntk, ThaS in th^present conditio^ nf the Territory a fair •sfecTiibn' canhofr be Ti'eia'With'o.ut a new census! a stringent' tmd Wfeir'gflard'e'ar efection, 1HWV tBo 1 iele'Ciaori' , df •impartial -Wd^es, arid the pr%seifei?rff Uni- ted ^tateaitrdops at ever'y'plac&oi'^lSctlbii.- v^tiaM, That'thb vtodW'eleqSbn^heia •hyltte Bebple of ih^pmtdWJreiraiWrV have beeffas regular fts'the''disturbed; cori- jmrtj$WT§rit6ry ; w^n'iaillow; nfld, ^^thBG6nsr3tntiotf l pasS«a"'bytB© Cbd- -VtSntioiS held in purroaiiceof f Baid elections. erahrirle»*the wllf of rhajority Of the -peopled •- '•>•''" ••'-'< •'"''', 'Afc it is nb? thtf pSSvihce bf your Cora- 'rrnttee to- suggest"ret*de"aies fer the existing ttoubles'k'thd'TSrritbW of Kansasrthey content -thefflreTeirMtB-the foregoing statemehVoffactsr ''••'•• J , A;ll of wMeh isirespectfalte snbmitted, when they-had^-sjitolisbeii S l a v e r y in ^ all our Nat4pnSlTami^ry»i^M|diedj.TJiat no person should be dspnved of life, bberty ,or property.t .^ithotitf-atift jbrbceii tif r }i&, it hecottiM,onr dhty'l^rhaintain tbwb provip- iott'bf theiGonstiwdon-againstAU attempts to \dol«te,U-for thflipntpotejofc establishing Slavery in; the.TJnittedi ,-Siates;by .positive, iegiBlation,fpi»3bibiitjngiit»existence. Or «x- tensiottthereip*, That we deny. <the> a»- thontyaf,Congre'is<of.aTomtori8l..Leg- islaturei) of'any iiadividbaldr association of iudividualsvto |giye ,ltfgal' iassistance to rSJavery in any Territory ot the XT. States, wihile- the.pre»enlf:..Constitnti«n, shall be jnajntained, ^. _ , -..• ' .t- • t , ; , ,-' •«.. Be»olvedi(Thftt-thej(3ormnittee.-ton- fbrrbpdnCongress sovereign' pqwo* over .the; Territories: ©f the- 'Onired States for their governmentu and that, in the exercise of this power it is both the .right and t! tihe dnty of Congresa'to.pifohipitia the Territo- ries those, twin- relliciof. barbarism—Poly- gamy an^Slavery. >;.•,, : ...J • .! > f-^TReBolved^Thas^lBle-tli©! CJonstitu- UljirtrlaifofiisMiotifOf ^ lybrttrJftWWM COllUiraMi KaiitsJ in Congreai.-' tionpof th*-.I3oite(J.'State».wa».«rdaiaedand enijbliihfidjfoy tte peopte jB.wd« f i™* ,'amore..peril6a'Uaio»»;«eWDli3h jUticSi ln- •aure domestic. titananility, provide for the 'common-defense. a»(J peqnrethQblessingB 'of liberty** and .coptajrw-ample provisions fot-the protectiaifiot IjheJUe, liberty and property of every cifcwen. tb.e tfeve-it con- stitutional rigbui of ttbe: people ol Kansas have been fraudulently and violently taken from,.thejn.3 •• .•- . •< .TJ^ewOJerritoiyJiasbeen invaded by an armed force•« , ••,. _ . Spnrionaand,pretended Legislative.Ju- tlicMlind Esecmtivef pfficera have been set oVerthetn, by whose' usurped aathority. sustained by- tb)s>. .military power of the Government tyrannical and unconsti- tutional law» have heen enacted and errforc- ifld > * *- ' ,Th0ng1bt».oi^e people to k eep mi beac arm* hase been infringed ; Testdatba'Oli m $*trao,rdinBry and en-. tangHng..n»tnre) h*V^^ 5 ^ imposed as a condition of exercising, tha.right of suffrage and.holding;ofHce; - < , The right of anaocflsed pflrfon, to aspee- ;4yana#u^lic triaht*/ ah impartial jury ha».b.eepfdeniedi.j •»>. n .. -i' {ftn^llgtoitf people t o b* «fn*g^m t,hat#e t^$mM*$mmWPl the C^mitte^^eAitpare^,^^ pressed M/mapM p*^m%w& «How^|B|^njblfJ5me ta^JS^J^i his col -«rW^»M^rtf8^alP^,^ P? e P M%thBOTTOr|x^|pflt4tiq^|!:ihb contentfjo| ip*0&S!tet&^p..^ ^i HowiWi aiOTvea^e^.oh,Jajtorday mDm- ing^Ma^M^iv^n^Jie^flnmg in their persons, houses, papers and effects »gairist/nn.tea8onablesearche»and- seizures has been violsited f . , i>: • ••. . . They.hSVe .been deprwed/jf We, tn> perty#.«ndipropjerly without^ due process of law ''Q •' J * ^ f c W b e * freedom of sieecb and of the I prese-bas, heen abridged: A . . .-, , ^he?oghtrto,fihoj>se'their representa^vei hfta.he"en made of no effect ;• . : : . Murders, rc-bberieja, and ^rsoruhhayejbeen instigK^a an# encouraged^infl the offend- er* h«jve heBri.HUo«e4t()!«c>. nnptifftihefl,; That all tnese! thing* have been' done with the krinwiedgeestactiottrand prOcure- ment'of the present- Administration,, and tbaffor this llikb«rime .agaimfti the Con« stitntion, the Union, and humanity, we ar- rafgfl ihaf-Admini8tr«tiodJ the President bis idvi^r^^gentftr.iTOpporteM, apologiiti WehareiHtuofKjpe forjEree Easnsai, *t Ih* bands or the present session! ofCoogws. In- thrsefcatev whateVir Wf be professed. by'b$$aV, ^diib#&-eb:i.*mefe 'seems 'UglVdlspprition to s ^ e W e ^ c r i l l i e i ; 'ex- L cep^ upop 's^cb tcrniif ,%s. Bna]il,«ec?}re a' ^ri- i^rap]) ip the,pro.sj'a^ extenslpni*t». .A new bill reported by^Benaioi! XJowglais, pi which we give an abstract in another'place, proposesto^ke a censu* of toe legal* Tutors in the t e W t % on tt« «**/'*^-1866,-and that In November next sUcli persons shall wocee'^9 eject delegates ,tt|4 corrWation to fprnj a doastjtutlon.,, This provfsion, while it9clcno.wledges.the necessity ot dolnx iome- thlog to aulet Kan»a»v pr.oce.eds, 'upon, the principle ofsecuring W the Border Enfflans, the fruit 1 of their t/surpaiioni Aitet haVlbg killed, arreitef'folc itfaioni ordriron out all the Free SiA^e setders'spossible, it is now proposed to, deliverrthe; fate ol Kansas into the handiof ihepppnlattpn'tnatremaiMjapd theae.withom regardt to their numbers aie to determine the definiteand permanemt char- acter of the Territory.' This simply rewards raicatity by secnring"lo it'the traits of its (rani .The bill passed lhe Senate by a vote ol 33, to 18, and was sent to the House. In the mean time, the House was engaged upon the bill to admit the State of Kansas under the Topeka Constitution. This was called up a'few days since, and lost by 106 to 107, bill Mr. Barclay of Pennsylvania dis- covering that his .vdte)n the negative con- firmed the prosecuiion fpr constructive trea- son, for which several ot the Kansas patri- ots arc indicted, moved a reconsideration-— At this point Mr. Howard of the Kausa* in- vestigating comndttee, .claimed the righlto make his report. We publish elsewhere, the Conclusions ot the majority report. This laid over Wfr. Barclay's motion. The report shows, that st the.March election .of the Xtg- isjativq assembly «f Kansas, jfe 1,85$, tha* of % 1 ivo»s .cast, *^9S1 of : 'ihaia were ca»,t;.by invaders from Miwourh That otdy 1,410 legal tote*irew casi f and a majority oi tb«e were for the Free State candidates. Taat thls'inirasioa extended to »y the- connfcil "dls- tricts,aadtQ all ihe jejreslintatlTe ilii'triet* W on?, and elected ai\d controlled & lalgo majority of both Rouses.' The faws^pasied by that legislature haye ptnnged'lo the depth ol infamy, and being enacted by jLjlegmatme not jrepicMutljg the people, of K«nsa*>.aaa having no authority to legislate lor the T e n i - > . Tory have no blndlngforce upon its inhabH- antii-WhocannotWlgoilry of treason for di»-' obeyW^ihen^., ' :s *' ' ' , ', I h e n^o.iion,. of | l r . Barclay was callecT m> .qnJhV *ii,>pd,carri?4,;and:the U}\ passeatlby a vote pf 100.to87. -Among the nays aje M». •JEUvxiri-the Twpttfntrai&mfukv^frjert oiMnFillmore. Messrs.Valkaad-WJIii*- oBi?«nri-*po»tlesV ^the'Su^ i ^ ^ n a i both: Platforrd|n« cauaiaa'tes Afe siTts*4CT* n,i,j!o" *HK ^9s*vapRtfpt7ibti8 ?TTrctet»fe y^^w^'ywj*^-;,;.-'t't'-" •<'•'*$ *' The ahnftltmWriftg ofJ*e^oung Men!s A-/L_:..i~i >;«Mt 1,.' h«MT irf ;tVoir»T(irim«. the;repoVteof theofficerftswill be lubmib ted. 'On the .next dayi (^Friday the lltb): liec&m of officers wUtb'e Heidi alcthb,88rAe- place and hour. , , ,j .,y. . -.It is not too muchftOjiWge the memhem of the Association to attend - both those •ifatetop and to come fbfyTard with 'their yeatipues; It if f 4e8iraWe th^'the. nei^ Committee be placed in the posses- aiqnJ^of -funaa^ta secure the success oi-tteensumpectffi^seasoa^by the fem» ^d^ment oU|e;i|if ! |' plir/fctnrere^f- Thiais thfe clc^«ftbe/four|h year, of its existence, nhd;thougbit havboen -compel- fedtor "struggle -yrithSsSriBus difficulties, i t b^auca^^ediB.walMg,t.hp.Vec^ of .»;*»llcqadnctod series oi^wpulaeiectures kf thp-'^nter ifllt by* iho comnranity.i'r Thea'tieriaandb tipott the lecture* ahring the las,t^easpii .has, aho™^**; .W 15 ??? 86 *in-" terest in the- efforts of:the .Gommittee--r- Anappeal is now 'made tothe' jrablic to come foif^ardtoft'eenefoua aupbortof the . tMV'.' i * * . fl !'.''•' *•* '•' • ' Association. > .. ,, .• The receipts'from ibe? Century Piant so generously given to the' Association-by 'Mr^Art'BjrtsswJueB^'pid fair'to placeit in,|hepo»fes»ipnof a fvp&l which, jtf xn- vetted, Will yield, material permanent if. Stance, and if this Cad be-increasea from, year to yeari the organization wxjl become a,permanent eonrc^. of rational gratifica- tion and improvement, and a pride to the •VillagV. At-any tute it is desirable - that the annuarmeejing'andthe election bgiul- |y.att^ea,v. .'.':• of the1'ahfli'^'%iM - .a^ncj,„jma %JgpW aU ^ybl id^fafcW fBur ' a b M » turn as tt& JBS, wat?5,j|n#e,r| heb.alf. x am KeM^ae^r^^hil^^t^a^g^in^lli,^^ SBPtij^nif-flfteVoi'eJivMvjs: wx^edg^^y^i^ mm ttimyyi cannot? ouwo tge-.'awn ana^suh1irhitv;.tf the^cMelfefoi pbUanthfi|>ic' % i r r t o p W i ; a l l a ^e?®cm.t, * ^omaii Catholio 1 WeabndVcare to make' any remarks .Opoo, tl»e propriety p^ enlering^nto an inves- tigatfdV-of.thp /eligious sentiments of a can- didate jw office. It iaenongb lor ns that the Constitution has. dedaredtthat 'no religious test shall ever be- required aa qualification to any office or pbbHctrtttt 'undef the UriR ted Btatrs*—So J'ong'ai'we-eontirind in- the defence of that instrnmemve-are cbntehtto let p>r .acts, aland for dut p*ofcialooi~ fl/hCD we lakegfo'nndagainst the^pirit and intent of that*|nstrnmentitwillbe.time enough to makej>r<j/«»tonj<ot.devqtion u> it. But we feel compelled} bytheconreeoi cotemporary prinu to reply lb reckless assertions as to the religions sentiments of Col." Fremont— 'The truth of history must be vindicated.'— The St. Lawrence American, in its last two numbers, has studiously endeavored to cre- ate the impression that Col. Fremont is a Ro- man Catholic. We quote from its last num- ber: The New-York Express, of the 26th ulu, says that the Tribune aflects not to under- stand how it is,-that the Eoman Catholie Germans, under their priestly leaders, will go lor Buchanan, when Fremont Is up:—as we *&y, trained- in the Roman Catholic Ckurck,' Speaking oi the action of the Republican Convention, it says, ' It pitched upon a man known to be a Roman .Catholic in his religious pro- ieMWBi,/r*?#A& kaping ken married fy a Romin CdO^ic JPriQl in Washington.' The American will pardon ns for, the •firgp7neniu-nj.jidkom.imi.vi, but by ajiarUy Of ret>oning.il»3Bditor4» &&JSpi*eopalian, which w» thlnki he'does not protesa to-be. '- «BntfeN» memi^rsoVw^'Anierica^ party >ave'l»e6m'e8f(!lf eriodgh of -Americana to leadWWarmlhfgainiM Pr^laYerT'Bo. CatiiUcaspvraktfortM PmUtiiqffi'l < . T h e American o'oght to b* better inibrmbd. ^e %\\l'$&J&yt$i'p. cha;racter;lie;tfjijse B^itenient^-Am f e^oj contraoict them irijne ,rno»)iemp|att9^ann.er/. T^at it, may,>o jft)nget impose; Jjponthe credulity .qMts. reftd- :ers, we quote'tke tallowing authoritative! de- claration front the eourier & Enquiter. u since theirto>r|titr«ppi ...... isiugle^ntpin^ M^^SS&ct <M« ^^.glyeany^mgi^a^on^ .g^^ffi^'Sgjfe' && W W descripiLotti Of .^el| M$W -Jffi^ satire'. awa^pm^eneswtVleneflfidng, fo^W genius abainvention *ere stretclied^lmmeas. reprcheisi|le purpose of -haridihg posterity urahiy in ^ i ^ p i ^ g ^ ' A i i W i ^ itehitjiM, ddvirb' fe¥ir 'ah^t&rei ]Mmm^tUW and horses, which •*bmposed'- thi#$mposing selves into^nifieanrtfhef^eifhe Vastfies$ cavalcade. A-corap8T»y ol C a v a l i y ^ n e of -.of the pftsri^milwlucji 1 Actuates yon «n- ArtUlerv, one ot-Mfantr^nd alr/anH of near- ^ S ^ ^ ^ ' ^ i * ! * ^ * ^ * ^ ^ ly MtV r ^ m m ^ ^ c ^ The ^ N r ^ ^ B ^ r ? ^ * ^ ^ 4 4 ^ " mountedcompRuylead thetywe&ioti, and wascornp^e^fJiie,fi|i M nian. japd ,the lean man, the Wild lndhin,fn.d tt\eja?^.i•African. The hprs$s f yaried.ia wze.'troiu «he>Eennsyl- vanian draughtfhtjirsfttrji tKerpigmy.Shetland pbney. The Surg!ewihder*'*"(<nJttsicians) came next. TJ^ir ids^ftmentsMere unique, curious and laoghaliily'ebsurd^ Two, bass drums, three snaw c- drtimS,~twt?' flies, a pair', ol stove pipe cyrajaah},.a,,IjnrleBO,^ organ, grinder,twoJ^n^fcwrflBtf i«!ariheti a bar- rel .drummer, a .abeet irpn bpx.dkummer, ten horns of dim.ensionSi and shapes, ranging from the common dinner -horn, to 7 one of mammoth dimensions, the tin oi which .alcme, caijit,three dollars,* banjo, a triangle,^ tam- borine, and a couple «f horse fiddles. The music produced waf unlike that ever before heard. •TAe^niantrylfoirowSa' n e x i Their dresses resambled= the *tripes?of the Zebra as deRcribedJbytbeenth^rastittihowjrjan^fffbr- ty-nineaana narfbne alike.' Their arms and a % cc6hWmeati,' TWrt'-JlW-ltolf dresBea'as cVnipareri'with'each other, Then came the fleetoif; artillery, cbiisisting ^ v ^«e ''field pieces, £w*6 : jji them fia'li pounders^ one brass, Stnof ohe'ffoiij ihey were -mounted on large carrlagesfahd drawn by Jb'tfr horses each.— The horses, were hajnessed w j t h v |ar^ and caparji^ned to ma'tch,andied by grooms. The ,thij'oV ; wa,8 < ,rnaae.of ..wood pjf,.th?,; aimensions ol v aits. punpSer^ and gilded to resemble brass, and waKtaouutedon*small carriage and drawn by one man. After the artillery followed ** batbert establishment, a Kansas emigrant 'laniily and.-a load of pro-slavery settlers. T?he Terrible* paraded the streets till eight 'd'eioekj to the infinite amnsement of the entire populace. Thousands' ot Gran- gers had made their entre into town at sun- rise, tqr the purpose of witnessing this excru- ciating spectacle. Every street through which they passed, was lined almost impas- sably with spectators. . . •,. T H E OIROTJB. » Shdrtly alter the disappearance Ol the ter- ribles, Lent & Welch's circus entered town. They gave three performances during the day. puooEsaioir, OBATKMT *O. mpared wi glomerated 2 ~ ltimily» cam .. '" '"; v ."' "Tlie , lltltfosterity, has .cajledlyon '%&xm»ti^M9J %™P- ped tops p t f the e^tej;narjuusj nor. the deep fo/uiiing hversi present no 'spectacle . that could deter your purpoSey., The jesting language of the Stratford ofbm'd upon Avon Spokeshave, when in his comical tragedy, he writes,, '£iay onto Mftptia, ( tjill he<cries damn it! hold'!- enough!'}" ft^ets nd re- sponse here. The day when plowshares snail be beat into swords, .and pruning hooks iri'to spearsi' we 'cohgralMate qur- lielvei^ have- daWneuVand the too'-agSa iiword have been swopped oft for .ft ypjing- W*fflk •' CJatcBirig up th^'-spirit whfeh in- vests the age, we are. wifling to let our friends spill, their blood-for ns* in our de- fence .... Let me ex poetulate yon on yonr ji -i,—. heTe TJATEK PE0M.KAH8AB.- , l.hAVftalresdylstabitN•: *#M ^riwnejra(8!*eft QwmW- $#*> **$**» teatsanear. Qsta^attamie )»adr'he«D ta>e« StoTecuiaselifbitriirt. Tbe-tnal cameoff ana^mmaikv^^MUimt^rSmi^.i ssd wj»|^h>'j| igoupNonthe ney/dt thU'Snue^lalie; the authors WMtfMj^ m recordi,.^-.?., iv&.h ;.i -..v. % *»..i. ?.jb9&;tae#• .topt:jewr yfiiW thwwere taken about two weeks*,,guar^- tW?S«^itea^Statej|)troop«were were: or- dettsa t&Sflep therifin irons the, «tost?df -rr-^m*™ m-ww^vr—-, ,,WA rt^M^MmM^Mf>J» tojemovethcrfl toW.**# A e < ^ # * » a 4 b e 4 ^ . p ^ M e d , p a ^ilTecamsel^wA .seehe thett fpllowed m^^%^m&M^-nmt d^y;.w,««>. ; twd-by.#Jtwi{ ; ii^^i^«^ **$ eitha1w«nlo^te*linjg,aviato^ whjtch waaso8«e^»|^jtta^e.a4pMcl«*p aronna theankle.^ tilke i ^ ^ a l j i y e s . Other: followed* tclBrpg Go«^SS0eilh«tefoj» -iL- „. ceiv^lMf.the-«fpor**prthaM . ., Much (tfnfusiottpreViuled^ procfcd'wgSfc andiithe House beingdiyiaedi ^^^^6^S&M!^ ^(dwtwee,jfr ^|^^f»^:^WK: atoWl fem^bi^naU^fc»aM^s«thjB«^ WMotl» tf»' ;Wrin^tqrthem t .ffib>y.*e;ftju8acctMitom- *' *• ^(Mi»8Weaj.j»»ti}j»e^;%p»^^»oae *atjshurflaiari^»aisgt!»tt»»sigblt i» a . _j^«tv«JEmiliut~ta>;,#se .fccshaaiBd^gang s ol^^i^^hf^,^aptto| m- r #&* liWfdmm^mptiw J. ' '.-5-J^y;**ve,<^«ipte|i-':three^^^ r ^mm.m>im. " ••-—*- -""" w1tb?feisr%rtot liee ^hsfihnioif. it M'at i mic^thffmoaefhVt^^wiLy^-securing-to her cStizeiiB the enjoyment of tMrights «hd privileges to whtch fhiy are entitlea and' oi inding'tihe civil Strifenow raging m hef l> >»mmw\*&,Mtithb highwayman'*, plieaihtl 'mightlrMak^^right.' etabodiedltt tb%' Oste^'ffl--Ciirci»lar t ^*iTiB?-«*er2f- iresp*cc trhworthy of ^American 5 - dipl6t*tcy# Ind* would brfcg^ shame and dishonor-upoo any 'GoVernnien|»of rjebplefthat'gaveit; their ^aldtibii.* i'S f a A &iii,' i';.,-^.r ..... ;vt •' •'YritedblVea,* i S a i i <Bai|roid*«©*&# Pacifife OettSfa? 1 ^ m&ha*?Xcentral teid Mrac^icat m&M- f t e i e ^ f i N t r demaaded" % thfr &&&Wm *hole«l*ttty\ J anoT vthat thtt FedlrittGdveTnMnentijogbftoiren- Express hasmo Sh?to"nwddie, afii which ndethot- concerh iffi.-pi&p(a-jof;tiK<tJhte* Stalei^ ItrappilW however, that enquirieahar* been made ;f 4if tbs : »wper.ao«^ r *4?^M < ML*^^E' ^At noonf afqcepjtoafwas formed., at the St. La^ence^otel, headed "^by OlSVBrass Band^ maicbed . to. the, ^leflxodist -Chn^ch, Wheifl tufl: ejeiSiieB were held, The Declar- ation was read by R, ;Q. Pfittibone. The Oration by H. G. Foote, Esq., was an able and 4nterestthg ; prodocti0ff, admirably writ- ten and proacrurfded. His theme was the final trltfmpb t»f IbC' 'Dfcmbrjratic' principle, which he traced' ; from its beginning to the present time, and vindicated as'the best and most.BUccessfnT ijasis oi human'government. It was listened to with marked attention.— The singing was'performed by the Ogdens- borgh Harmonic v 8oclety. '9pBDISNBE. At two o'clock "a dinner was served up at the St. Lawrence Hotel. The following were the Joistsj regular and; vOJpnteer |! j 1 Th»J)aywGi\#ratt.—Cheers 1 Music 2 The immortal memory of George Waehing- ton.—Drank standing andin silenoe.^ 8 ThcDtclaratiiiridfJndtpiHdentti—'ZhQ-gTva- olplea of man's political regohoration. Oheerst Ve*y "liflAaisbr2ft^y responded to by the HOT. Mr. Millar. '"• -' 4- •• i Tht A«eriea*-J?e4»lutfei».-*iIt established the essential equality of human beings and the tens prinoiplespfolvililiberty^ Cheersl. -, , Ably respondea t^by D : Mftgo'ne, Jr. \.,_ .JB Tht Comfitution of the Vhitid toga^yho shoet-anohor of'ijhe Umon^-the art of ouz Jib- brtieiV 'Qhasralf V ' "" ft JTwlTnion,—lyhile.stands the Oonslatution it shall stand—when falls the Constitution it ehsUfrll.' Ohejfrsi •/ Bssutlfullyt«*ponfled to by J. ftoNaughton. "I Thi 1 Judiciary.—The' -DfepairiaHaiv ; Whioh sWffirtjBtween'ttie' making and the execution of rftfil*W8u-'0nBerj>. J&uno. n..; . . ,j<ft^r^ndedtOrby.-Ji|i;,Dpud.",-. &<g7tiiJPreuerrlU> freedom thrt Jaulwark of Uberty,, -fts engtoyemept the instrument of a Common SeJiopUt—4he, iiurjeiieB of wo - ^ j s a d In^lU|ence.oftiefi^uMio. Oh'tt! lQl^i5^1M»'0/#»f»»*«9l J5«r«ratf«ttVp- ^.nactesswii^bed. on. : the monnmental extraordinary milhngtary experience to-day, and the increase iff yrtur numbers, whicji.ia MtrahspareKt. We ate the mightypreservers of the nations pe>ce"! Upon a mm, disorganized malicious rests the security cfthe citizen. , Fellow Sogers.-_ Saving converged from your places Sr* requlTeritent, to suffer the services of your heBentry upon this ojfi- cious^day, -you have leen greeted 1 'with shouts of heartfelt commiseration. The youth upon whose'" head the^snows of many surnme.rs'h'ave fallen,'and the old man. just emerging-onto life, look* upon _ your beaming faces \yith irresponsible and irreproachable amazement- Fellow Sogers ; If ever the Battle Axe shall' soubd the war cry, let us all rush to the arms of those we love to have defend usv.an'd'"if die we must, let; us .sell, bur- selves aS cheap as- possible, ahd go- ddwn with our backs to the foe, shouting death and 4 victory ! And when the clods of the silent yalley haye closed qver our animated bodies, our ancestors will be stimulated to go^d'do'iike^e. ., * *v The-Oration was'delivered in a manner quite'ire'ditaby to the Prdfessor,/and -was re- ceived "wjth wild exclamations of delight.— After the speech, the Terribles procteded to raeWmbry, b d quieiff .Uilpefted. The disguises were so pertect that it was impos- sible tq tell one's nearest associate. FXflB WOBES.- - The.S'irjs Works iuslhetevenlng were wit- nessed by ihouBan'ds.- They were placed on the'edge ol the dock on Mr* Parish's new grounds. It is enough to say, they fully jus- tified the anhouncemei^t fq the ProgrAmme. ^mssi JU> a note to the ^present volume the |a^og^ates%at the theme has unexpected- ly l ^^sso|gd|under hicpen, and 4ha»- he now |ifs^s^I^o^meV-p>tore the,-tubHc with $taitB^|^pie^apa&efe Thishe hopes «To fjf 4 * 1 ^&%§^mf*m "truthful picture' "3if3he ;JRevolotibn antf of the per- 'eonages^ conceried in, ii, required much 4S8SU-*P* A%?h8M<|^W' tBal lhe scenes might be placeil:i|?^jc»per light, and thelchafaeters 'introducelUmlght speak for themselves, and have spacexin which to play their parts.' nSW..-\ ;v.* ^ •• SO f far as the publicarVeoncernett, this un- expected expansion of the WOrk, will not be unacceptable. <The name'of Washington s.wells every true Am'eVicah'heart with pride, and every patriotic .man desjjes that his bi- ography-toay be fully written, and'not in any stinted measure by one so eapablo of bestow- ing upon it' the graces ot letters, and the mature judgment pf scholarship grown ripe in contributions to American, literature that have shed Instre on the American name— "EKer.y.line' ol the work bears the impress ot the simple taste and high cultivation of the author,' fie has not aimed af an ambitious style, orat a dramatic effect,.or at an eulo- gy upon his. noble subject, but at a plain, methodicaj and lucid narration of facts which embody, not only the biography of Washington, but a history of the entire Revolutionary struggle—its'hope's, its iears, its'Successes and reverses. More "perhaps than any biography ever written of him, those volumes lay open the heart of Wash- ington—'his high sense ol duly, his sublime sell-sacrifice,, and deep devotion to. the liber- ties of his' eountry. While they are thus lumnious upon its principal subject, the author, fbtnake his Work,as perfect a pictur e of the period through which the life ot Washington ^extended, has interwoven sketches of the characters of his principal coadjutors in tne^pttblie-service, as well as ot the leading generals in the British service. Thus the biography swells into a history 'bf the'Revolutionary times, it is not our prov- ince to criticize, nor do our limits allow us to review the work, .but,it. is nottoomuch to say that the American who does not readlrving's great work upon Washington will be den- cient.in his knowledge of American Litera- ture', and the library that does not contain it will have a vacancy which nothing else caD fill. We shall'look With anxiety lor the next volume, and hope the author will not feel himself compelled, to cometoa close with that. ' "•'•'' "' J3^"The parades of the Terribles, have been, productive of one,, ggprh. -.^he^jyoang ones who. generally make night hideous,went to bed early on the night of 4he 3d^in>order to be up" iii season to see thVTerrimes. 8 ' fikr- jrels, boxes, signs and steps, reposed in qniet for once in Ogdensbnrgb. 'Success to the Terrible^, .' ' * CoxniuerQJJaJ. The receipts of produce'at' this port, for the week ending.July 8th, were as follows: Flour, bbls,. : 8,409 i. Pork, bbls | W heat, bni : ' 4,600 iBe'ef,. bbls, j [Cbrn bu. . 25i000 TftJlpW, bbls, . Lard, "bbls, ,900 Eggs, bbls. Oats, bu. ,'^,'000. Total since opening.^ navigation. Floor, bbls. 83,0W Pork, bbls. ' 12,452 WWtybu, l39joi8 Beef, bbls. ,".' 3 9 8 Coru,bu. 94,768, Tallow bbls 352 r Lard, bbls. 2,575 Eggs, bbls, ••'- Oats,bm^< 3iv9lfc , 1,112 .^W» 424 anrnh.cOn»fauent^/,Wehate.b^ Iitireon- ^eTimpJwiliate^nd e1fflaeti«ia» . .. atYuctuiri, and & *n auxiliary t^hew*|; n tb6; Jmm'eoiaift^eewWdtxon ; « !aa!;t«5!igtant '{• 6 as to whether the report; .should t)e«edOrs; Wk^v^^SBmfmkX^ -., ; gt?(M<*m'teii«llv#cM^y nwvedii -teiiat^i^•m^0mkm. cierhv! the^t^'iadjo,oTiiea ? ,'.^ «-^/. Z-^V,^ anaaifcesehrMseith^iMowdr'.ai^^ ,. , M .., facts—before the country ana.beibre; >the> **«dete'nV of the Anlfcric«8, Know^WoWang: •Worldi} ana that it'i* our'fixed purpose to Policy;, withal! the Sbnih* A>er^cir^-'-ai^ " ""' ' all,the>^rte»of^chtoWiri^ fous ortWgeli iancttneir, ae*Mmpuce* soatTh'li'ia^n omtnoui cbalition bf^ttniSre. "rWrpeiu- changed, Milt* *n/l it i»fpt^ikely thit -either; ^^i tttoa ^ ! ^) i mmit^.mm9ibmyti»M wBl're'ceM*.' 'tiM&'vi&^^lffiW.: **l*|beTc f fb(r^rl^^ «h« ^»r^wiiUr«TOrikhilieB^hft.»*c^ . •**<• " i i U m t ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ m ^ m ^ ^ ^ >"-'Th4Htesf»dvlfcei£ f»ti^Eiigla«a:'-lpBir ; 1ap.' M Jf« a il^^i*^#ft?^fr Wfo* idi W ktV^allih&mfttf&piM&lC rtseitation^^.tfWaa^ t& ; .,te jcandi^ ahd 'ty^En^ahd^'T^diCwr^^ •fettled// m ! i?«8«"wW 'm%ij&m<h' flte,air r chey 1 '.w:ti!«a^irelag«». t-v*. ^rd-C'la^do^yavin^afnotr^'thti.ft^^ -y^i\ «•'•-,•'?.v-V.iiit^ssit'.".! V'!- " - eJttrpBiAiy ; pr«mat»re t»iejitet iatn. «»y dft-* i§^'niteg':np^ii-a©tf4^1taaft*,«h* rescue -cussibRppoft.ffift -»ubi«tj,%utl i pet^»l»jf- ,L«^«ii^.i,^---».tfHi ^^.MJ.^*i-**.- rejoice £j ih« an|«un^a«nt wMch ha» twwt: mm*mm*te tot* »tot»*»nd jn#*onv .auj^ph»ae*by on* MtofsteR and ^io»**n-: m»»iu¥e 9f hunisn/f^^om. Ofieera!' Muaio. rrw M jkAM,Mlw «^tt«i>.M-ribj1 tn-Kt, xte\r, TV-, o. 'M$&pS%0®& tojby I it t^^i*p.tj^e^8t»ium^,-mPMRepublic^— "'lte«poiS»% HJ 4a>tel6*6ok; y W ! 1fa6U'lMtti~$iB iUuriribuS'moth^ e^^a-glorib^rogsny.' Cheersl - .. * w is- Tie i ^ ^ i ^ i r sweet volwweVerittto- muT—tTnionV 'fSieers! Huste. !,^he|4e4^|nf'Jbl'&e, day, Hon. D. d. jhnjiw^'ii^^ haa been" his good fortnn^to narlfcipate fl> lb«v«elebr»tionis4n «his connQ - C<wnearly half ^ e n t o r y i . . He briefly glanced at the ^w;- gressbf-the country, at the development of ifeifspatces/iP' increase- ol Its population, ind'idvaiicement in all the elements oFatib- *stlniTal p'rbspei-ity, 5 aBdpkrilcnlalr'ly htthe | * ISTOnr old friend B. F. Brooks, the*v«e- jjrani lAuetjc-neer, fto^ Oneida Ceunty ( , is •talking lo the citizens ofc-Ggdensbttrgb, in 'Myers' B*lock. As we w«re walking uj) feofd street the other day, we fancied ourselves in Grenesee 2 %t.- 1 tftica." ; We Ste||el'lb and Brooks w.as halloing, VgoinftgpBrr'W'e aakedjbii) where he "waSgoirfgl- 'He said, iij, am^going back to Utica as Won' 681 dis? ,rjp»gpt.thJs stock ptgoodsj andamy, pjders are to sell the goods if 1 do not get over 60 cepji bn the' "dollar." We should; ittijge" by jthAWey he i» sejlipg.igppds, t they > o u l d pot %rfng even that; and one thing' weNoticed ithaipegoods'^ere iili \<M>ti 'the ! SfelieSt bidder,. aodthajPtheeale. wasjconductedMn a fair and honorable manner. ¥hose wan are |{^ng tor bargains^ ' and, see Brooks, ni*-lgood» are--"; ."-•)• •• imam m* '••' [From the Malohe, Palladium.! A Terrible Tornado. THE YlLLAGUOl^iTEAUGAYIN •.wnm-^ri&k iWBumiiNGs ,IN BURKE DESTRCXTID1—LOSS OF LIFE! Between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock, -on Monday morning last, a-fearful tornado passed over the towns pf Constable, Burke and Chateaugay, in this County, and ex- tended into Clinton Connty doing an in- calculable amount Of*damage—sweeping down forests, scattering fencesj destroying allmanner of buildings and«tber proper- ty!, and leavinjg hothihg but desolation in its track. .<-,;.. . !? . • ... A heavy and portentous cloud was first observed rising-in the north west ahd soon anothe'r-'appeared in 'th' south we^t, mov- ing in -thedirection ofthe-fomipr. These cloudB met about two mil& norlth' of this village, anda friend aifc-TirsV'MrJL. Wyman of Constableville, Wbo^waswatching their 'fjrhgre^mfb^ms.iia^^hat he hOticdain their coming, together, Ahat there was an instant crash Of falling -trees, a, scattering offences, ap4,,4estr 4 Uc|ion 1 ,^f everything in us course'";;;; # ; 4 ^ ~,' f .;. ;v . f From iJuiS point it swept-on with tear- ful rapidity and force, making a path ..through,the.forests ajidover th.e$elds ,ift nearly aitdireet; course ^to Burke and Chafc- Baugtxyrrrlevelipg treeS, of every size, and buildings as it went. It stauck the North StxeetofBnrke near the Town House.— ThlSfefe.ol,Keelei & Stewart : wa4|b% luiroofert 'as werT also" &&0 1 Sw#iu| houses and other buildings', and passing a sr/n^|ioJ^-w|th|it^e r aaTi»aj|e, .it again struck with force a'fdujth! or half a mile further OB'1 ittd fromVtiiisfpoirit to Chat- e^ugay, a,^stanct^fX«rnU^, hardly a building escaped; unlnipedi^aDd noFa barn was' lea siandihg^li.i'ot?. the whole distance the street was thickly settled for a f&Vm district. Mitchell's Store was destroyed, his goods scattered in every direotic-B,, and a large amouat.entirely lost. •"..-.• Jeremiah Tbomas, in the employ of Mr. Mitchell was. killed atihisKplace, - From the west line of Burke to and in- cluding the?fiotel of <8. D. Bbberte, at Cbateauaay Corners, one hundred and eighty-five buildings, either unroofed, blown down or moved from .their founda- tions, catt be- 4 counted as you ride along paralaurilhfed, by'tfihhJas'ofb.few'shm- gles or the tearing off of^brUons »f cover- ling, b,ut such as are iteariy or qri&~<dea- y^do'*eUtr4lf<tm . H e lis a clever lellwaadj troffd. -"gbWfl'"' '* •' % The village^Ohatejftjigi»y is a complete m went into the TerrlMw squatterm^ngs, passed resolt nodneing AbbliSomsttaiia ;d«ck alwrary exiited therein. ^ n* - -1 ^jfrftt A«iiimX'*t^*^ c»l society « » t t M ; A P 6 h » I wtaFnaHntrwc^wn ^mum route 0«ltb9"lh« of-therailroad »8. B^MHirVeoVTiwr*WF^ i |»W , h t ^nirert^tfeirn'pvettehV Itrb^ri; # 1 nsaonai ohiia^w^tieqywa; for the icsr^m«baitflo¥«llbl»^h% of W eXiBtihg corooiereer«re-*uthorized by tha Con«ituiBdn,andjn^tified by the obligation •oi Goveimmenti W-|rqtectJ»tb*;-Irvei^taa; ^wttanico-ppe^ respects, in support of the bnncjple*' h?r^ in^deciarodV indi>elklviDg; that A e a p i n t n l wi>instiitnt&iflam welt-m-itoCNwtStuoott ,off3Bfet^bniii' r ".tl|e ^gh>^,,via4i?at? r ;teteouj#oftBy,.3E*Wt w«m» ^'^^^^^^^m^^^^^y^ t » r b r k a a a t ^ ^ f > r ^ j ^ o f K«ii'»M WM Jtbiy;coaW %f .r^tb^f>ha»ver«ga!Sj«% f. tt*ira»iN»,4iil.»^-5*Ven.,%o*t ; hin«.*'««4i ^ ' ; - | > l » e ^ S ^ 0 W ^ - > \ ! » .;!jrJ^,ieti5oi« 1J --"-""H.WI*W» ^wm> (trunk faia' .$^1^ ; ^''W^^ (or ,iu>g«l>paper* «#S«-iwiift«».l5«rei«MwJtt the report. T^bwiiaiM hare with thaaa, tad . 4tluiir wluUltasi aximtM waoh ..—.._„ ilift«aat»p«&uwie«^ effi^ »w4&I 'MM** a^#^ : mmmn «••««.t*«*crwcau.a^^ tWrwbote aathority h * * ^ f i * t ^ W f c ? f*r f tk«tth* OnlJ^ltaMa-,<jr»Wtitn«nt'taWfi*^ |n«f <*i»» of complaint against u», 1 rejoice F - the C«Ss*i» W e aaactloae* ibe opinio* that:, 'America ' h * 4 * Jhst eausii.i* wmplato tltfiM-iMaCottftfr i»«a> aWt«r;r-'Al-^he- present moment I wilt not enter fafota^dlsv mmlm of themedU »f the cause.. 1 rejoico: ihonrevwthat « • have aekjwwledged o«r «t- wHf.ahhooEli ondonbteaiyw*h*Te done «» by aabmiuuig tolhat which lmt»t «ay la hu* mSUa«h*on ihepattottbla yoonlry-toJiab- «kitjtQ-f«a«eit, ihifetaoytl \k theanwow* ty of the Otifted Sutea orthe Mtabrftt at ihif «o»nlrT. (Hsar.hsar. '. -..•" . . '• 'BubJiihH hee» immf^m^l x>f K*«tinr> »»d Is now in prtson. Beaatorfir4mn«r&*tni^tJiSnBlatr*« r «»d :nc.etajr l #.;tteiri'''"' t|« wa^».|^c*e^^^e;.bjjHpt'^;% the maaseaiof jftie.^eppie, and closed?^r|th, the Ioi(o*i^^tMem;^v •>)<„.• v.-'.. - ,{\ ; D^fews^y^mythehexthtiU^^ f£%ii*lly'imHedy'equslly*progrs»Bive in j ciTU lib««y^;iaTm*nM|^atoe«, in.indlTidaal ts^Visr^Jid ptoirrtrity, s< inthe last. " VrtniOB NOTICE.-« We* eall attentia^ to ibis notice. The charter, as amended, au- ^offies'aMax of-'SSOaJforroBinary expenses, Butab^avingeo>e'to^tow}."lin.*fea8on, it than$500^ T ThxexjjenseB of ,the village re- .qujife the'fnll flOfW. -, ie)n8 raise it t n Katnhof Wf ict^f^ td1ht%eelittg^ •',: Tj. 4 x"i) -> ff-ii'i.wji.' pmxmri,"ir'-^;Siv\^ '^WibiM' deny, --tha* •F^'mdailajubw' 'a Sla*«lolde^t*-fifc;J&|i#,'4«». ( :-* *'-i > , «'.,.: " tlfe,aoj';iriH''4e chaii&j^ m* : 'Am : ericjni?. tonrodcc^lta^roo^ , : \<y {,; r ;J(\, S !': [ - ''litia^sraV^hef .eo'r^p%d^ht. of lth« *jE%«* J<W*dymty ^flW.^'^hicia^' in relation to the; Harmonic Society, la- bdra-amdev'*' | r e a ^ t ^ f i p r e h f i ^ 6 * i n t o n e patticulari' Sewiyf the Fourth rf ivty Cormi»rieo;om|tt^-io pr^4efpTthesingr e» In the wiay^irefreirtnieBti'^ff-wki thBjgentlemea4ftthe Society |aocured|the ainnet at.Pinara J » mt-thei* ownc-ex] FttEiNdfe'& B'i 5 i5fe:tjs". i; =rhiJrfirm; it will be JslehifasMissbived. \ l £$&\\a business#«i hereafter bs carried on by Mr. G,, A. Fr^neb. Mn F. is a thorough druggist, attenifve to his business, ;a?»a tnerits /fhe yvblieTfpnfc dencei8oi«reit bestowed upon the&efnr|a.-T. r Weirriislthe- miy meet success,; : ~.-- - >:•> Books jaiii atACrAzaoffis. - a ie»/ Bythe|»tno'r oftti« 'Watchman,' •he Old'-ppcttrif i f e New-York. E. D, i i.^«-: •* ' tfil. it? •.•.•.'•! ;' wdridwmede)jgh|ful productionB. T6 e^by*ny«tt«m ifmAattneeaflpense of the m eveuihg. «a»de- wet* morvs, densely f^amiirtett-of^^'Ahtngerneni^ . i^thexwise « ^ e d^ a jni%*»t»ain& Their march ,m*\-j (>*>•>--j.z~ *««" 'i"'f t i'i t! >.l .-•'.-*• *• ! •- *-- •• -,: "-'V'---.;- w-^-'Jr ••-. ' 4!ifliesrf- Thet desolation #fl>-&4wMlpg escaped mju- j-y, and asgceaJ number-r-we do not know how manv—ate coi^pletely destj-oyed.-- es descrptioii. how many---ate The scene is ohew] -gtores, cbuytheft &y$®PM * arn - edB ' •' 7 lAfam(i Kmiufa a«i*:*«Stt*v|«^A J '3»We •aim,- <hv4W»ilay ,«f juhlle w j o i t o ^ e y ^7 V»i,I>.ir^»*ia, JJirthil of the dsyi, ,,$ £litntitf ,Fig«^;.^.,|?attoM^^mo#<>—• n»yl£^*^J»'*>reH»aY ' ;'.' .. '•'' -' • - "1 'ilr^?^^!^/' :•'; ••;'.': " TheM^%piy,f)ahfwas.,apqint pfaV trapdC%J IjB^fbmber of. Visitors .having ^^^S^Sara^Aa^- ^ ^ V ; : ' - . l ; o y / ^ i ^ n ^ p | ; f ^ % n ' modeled; At:0p;^tlieT*rrible8 made their even-^ ^Upon* VWfr t^WK^i. *f haye heen Ingparaae^ Shbstanlialiy in the tame dtaer * ^bsety-fashionedaiter' the original,' - It is aain the mbraSog f wfth> the dutetenee that hot a story of the olden; ,ti«ae, for the fitst the iero Ibode;ofpovertfi;^h^next chapter opeh| «ahbtit 3tior3Syeat'sago* with the arrival of an emigrant ship at the port of New-Yurk.— W e ctftttot trace the course of the narrative, * .3!:. 1 1 r . i "-•'•« •1 & H 8 i^u^buiiatas^^^'^^^ 6 1 6 " they are awfully shattered and broken to 1 pieces. ythwaBsafetheplace soon after #0#t«9t«Ophevhufcwehave* no power to ;desoriheita appeaMcej and ihthe generhl consternation and anxiety, We could gath- er few paHICularj. Seveial persons were ipj[u»3a—-some eeriously hh* we believe ^noDfehave died at this place.' How tbey fthoula have f scaped is amystery-*a Prov- Icteace., ,Nohuilaing was hn*hed-* cir- cumlstrtace td us unaCCOtthtttble. '- Beyomi Chateaugay we have heard of frohM^*^se¥enty^bu^aing&w^ were more ofleffi hfitirea. Thetotnado extend- ed aidfttariee bf from thirty'tef&rty inBes ~perhatti 6u*her, and itwast have inju- red and deBteoyed nearly 400-lKdlding8.— ftlW,000, will.not, jprohably, cover the o^age, Fences are deetroyed and cattle andiSrseehte roaming at large through 'the'fteiaB. , K/A. Taylor, lsq.,of1hisvinage r who pasejd over the road on Tuesday, informs nfrtbftt'tiheTe axe 364 buildings, of t u kinds, from the west line of Burke to and HtioAng Jhe village of Chateaugay, tot Were inmred, uioooffeaj'aad destroyed— and more, than two thirds oflhat number compfetelyririhea. Ambag-fhe 364, are l^lwjBlfingSj* etowev 2 i b m h ^ a n d 3 school housee. : . • > ? 1 Td*sT.—»felere labtode heroes fite, pled and tied- mit de patties of Puniier Bin—of whom 2 9m one V ni>a5hi»»wijftlimj!t_'ij i.*"i. \~.'i'!''-•'*!•' J *''"''•'

adtea»i«Wrg. '«^P, ^ ^^gg^^mmmnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85026901/1856-07-08/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · •y% .-.•I Ui PBOVISIOI»8.—Beef in limited demi at former rates. Pork

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Page 1: adtea»i«Wrg. '«^P, ^ ^^gg^^mmmnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85026901/1856-07-08/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · •y% .-.•I Ui PBOVISIOI»8.—Beef in limited demi at former rates. Pork

• y %



P B O V I S I O I » 8 . — B e e f in l imited demi at former rates. Pork unchanged. . Bi is s teady . '. Lard unchanged. „ j

A O S T B I A . — I t ia s tated that Mars] Radetski has r e p r e s e n t e d t o hisr@ov< m e n t that unless certain s y m p t o m s o f c i tement in the Ve las ian Frovii cease* h e should demand thirty'fnousant troops

es, he

l?'th, t h e shift Sarah. JBridant..passed t h e

atrendonV&itt-'A'iaetican T e r r i t o r y . Art iaiperiBl^decTeevaotifie« thafcto- ttssaat^th^ development o f the Rues iaDjnaval p o w e r ' the adtDiniitration oi fleets and harbors tl»r^^'te^»c«*^er.tbe^epe!jden| contrqioof tfcft$0ver«raft W Efcatera SP

An..oxpeditionisfittiiigTont! for Bussiatr * Amerira.toJsail-inexfcnaontb- '^.tiP •-. - . { •

,The papersBayitishidw settled that -ud i

gaJn^oTapeaieuif i w ^ ;be'-dltniHed«from:r ns8ia-thi»sea«B,ia»idihnndted8iofve«eel»

in. the;BIack Sea wi l l Teturn>:ampty. • •' i <"! Etjn'ee MensehiBoffhiabeen summoned

fromrenretrifint b y the'Emperor/tbcdnsult re8pectingth6)nim6red<mibtary'expedition in AsiaiA fe *,i..ijfc:-i w | »,-.« s«s«-.,p ; •->

The latest aa^cesft'bteSii'Pet^rBbnrghi: 8tate-tbatin;corise(Vuenc^Vif^hedearness:br: pitjvisiblfe itt ^ e S ' ^ G i l ^ ^ ^ d ^ a e f gicfeieas whictl prevails • t ^ ^ r i ^ i f e ^ ; %d'nSee6 passed* prohJbitiifpli'bfertoDa'np? inhabit tante, from laudihf^™^-' * "' , r '•" , J ' r i T

T H E E A S T S ^ to the 7thVs¥ate; Lord Gough irrvestea" Marshal Pel' _. and the BnglisfiGeiierals •rtath the order of the Baths .*"™ ' ' 6 ' :<tir-''-s" ^ - '"•i"<

The eVadkllon of tfie^rii i ieaprdce^ rapidly. ^Balahlava wotild^oe*leared hy the'ISth of JofflP" •*< ' n- - •


Al)stract,o£ tbe;Bepor1f of-the Eansaa

HOOTB-,bm^BEtikrA«iyEi . ' . . . , , •'. ..WASjauijSTOKii-sluljr'1.

Mr* Barc lay moved' & recoasider'atibn of t h e vote bvwhich'th;e3K-ansB8 sb'iir*as ire-jected, aridlin aMp^fe^ifibnffdtWtt' log 8 0 , 8 a f ^ » t « ) M t # i e

arrestfif Gqv,,Eeeaeh rot treason... T h a he regarded asrfarcical.. JEE© was_dispo8&d to-rebuke i t hy^now voting fop ;the bill in order tOjproterje*the-people o f Kansas*

Mf.'HdUBt&ifeSurtod regret <tbw the

wsmmmmmmmmtmL iUfa lodge, coijrafied all the snb»ea-ueht

t h e M i s s o u r W A M h * eleSpon i n * 5 p ^ vember S9tb, ^ » & r ^ 4 e l e ^ a t 6 b pdjjr gresfethere- ^at^6jBinden^^«- , jr f ta «&,


emails-vehJi. the9

votes were eaat therem^Maer^

remote >

5*,* .

^ .ano^on-rqsinehfc by citizens o f Missouri. i n g legal y/bteavf »»bunt-

I J%'J? I^B |4J^ i ld1 j»v^ been elect' ea wi tWutihe md of ^the Mietonri votes, he: remvfeg a pfdraH^" WvSFic&rvbtei cast. Daring the winter of 1854 '55,

|te«f|xcite*ej8JLew8ted. j n j ^ e ^ e r r i t o .

manire«ted,»t $ * jKebratjy, 1 8 5 5 * * censns •«rs«*i*a^beJ«ii»fee;oElegal>wteo,rWB« a^erMMe*to^bW&9M^iPreyidoS'tothe

' 'e le^^tefif^p^M^^^

tion was effect|ri? ^me|sj ,%ere chosen; tenta. provisions', *tnmnnifion and arms distributed, and the fprcea were drilled in companie^^ltttlM^nd'i' i iMCon the day

in catiteqittBe« of hi* inhuman treatment •*j» p u s h e d tIiqro!>ghly% W|„flo»»t«nfc exetcm while laving t«> b^wRafted.anrfls easHv selected %y its briab6lppe«anc;6, |indfer«t*M^bsr*• oneof -Oat. ci|izen¥ h«s obtained one of the erftdns^aM'iateajhi to s M # i t t» J | e » t * W$ Beeabw»^«K;^reliO' « r W ? g W ^ B * ^ t e o » t # g J % , . , -<.

fbte j J ^ a r d ^ a g t a n d i E*q., tmg& Stata* Commisuoner, l Befora vkatit they

proved i n aitotV by flvi» or gi? reliable tnt-, nesges. he was «^BWte4wft<»«ifl»lV. iftSKL

before the rnat commei^isj l^lbat^fl ie proyed a M J i f c ^O'iof the be«. men^w. iPbpekifc; J > f t * o ^ » ^ W?

, -^r^^jiljanj^.and J6lro^rpwTi..Jc3^16j<>

Kansasriandlcompanies werit;into. every r e p ^ s e ^ a ^ ^ cept one. , • ., , ,

In , detailing the a ,c^Wtt;of |aese eoni. WJJJ,„ ftaa^io^aiiti^.^^H^nig^ by'them t

cw.1?stt6iwing Scljit -,_._ „ ^ , ... ^ i < « e t e il legal voleirsllr'andlggm^ccnrtttf

50uO^er'e;ih6se;df%6n-re'8iaeBi8l "* --* *PHe / m a j o W o f t^8imemb8r8'*faf both Htmses ofthS'iCegisIatnre-wbnld have beea Pree-'StiWe^elriP there 'had Been ,no in-vttiidh 6f Misgbnriali|. * • • - « •

'•rfie QoVeriidr §et 'aside the electibft in s-mfafb'f*<Waiiriette aha'Hf new'*lecdd.o todfe-piSce: the'rein m *th&22a day! r«^nlt-iri(f ifr the;' choice"or®fee State meb' iri

^ ^ : r k * # • - . „ . • • * - . , ^ • • v?jU,ap^end t & j e w r t , TOfn«,fsom, % true pony inrn^heihy^tiB^^^GSe* ;o/iRha,9ouw, syhushapeaJtafbrifiseliF*' ,,-Pif — '" • • -i ,i " ' A


;f; miftlpSBmx >m»-JftrofElim.


y • r t i r '<> ,Ta^ipaM^fQ(Hg|:> •TV. '«^P,


uUbcbratn. H e wi l low beabhsioresBtrje n l s .seal 4wing ih«pre*«t»e«IoB, ..

8onndouthe SlaTirjftuMtion. :.

JM*9&SU». ABOtTT BT « a s » •KA»>AItO»K» IPO-W*.


. i

•&M»jy&&i£t&i ^^gg^^mmm '••\ t-

»terplM»»OTort{»on,tl>«atimlite6rtJi«>;i>*p«rter^. Btigmattz<»onr caadjdatws'as- tn& Menampr-

"4 fl :

T o , Oonuniirioa«r» <p/£. Mitflnw^m;

lR,SbrUl"a^Soa««.° , c p » « ^ . - * m * n r t t !

oiatnMmqiiiyjitat'a*..^; *^___

were •hoitrred' npon them without number. T n e matron, the m*fd»thes*re,the grand sire jhe|OBth and the e were ail overjoyed at

; 4fceft fpp»|ifin^. ^ r p k n d i n g the mm ^ ^ • anno^nwd in ft«^r«gr«i&iae/'U^ b^italfiioo,

Th9feeiebfa'tlwofrfe4th fa Qpknsbiirgh ^ M l n f r o n t « t * ? S i . , ^ i | 4 ^ . aWe)^ .passed, off m o k * d m B « % . - N o t an a c c i M t , ^rher4Jud,cwsgwgattd fee. largeteid^ntie of l i»»08t«JtWil #li»rteter «xnmato«Mpj s ^ r ^ e a W ^ i n O ^ e n s b p r g h . rtfee h ^ i k th,f»ttWli«»«f. i ie day, ..^'.'-' / X - ^ - ! * * * * » " b > e k ^ i t h ^ t a t o ^ p ^ ^ 1

Theday^aa .u»her?df tbyonef« f t<4ay - w a s filled to oyernowin|-, ^hestreew h | t J l t taar i se * national *4ote"t*» wayaerb^^eblop^i t te^ry diteetion wer^

bht this begins ja ^ery 3iv^y history in hichljtasyonng.tiei'o^and the emigrants are ids tdTwiM^jeonspieobns place, and it II-ilWtes ft^fifio^ and vicissitnde criiwn-

[ 4 i l h •oc^ss . t B i e y * Brother have it. . 'The OeW»ratioix. f'Aeraa.OOOlffla.v^tswniog rulawoftka

Unioti, »rtHl not hft contlent with a man isr1wii«nn* iti&ttif « l*«rvient 1 * their i i *

isftfea 4 t i | t h e , Oincinnafi Platfor%ilaa * h a | ^ *rilL*jiwrw S » con^*tctoy i f f Thetbrert,

mttk *BGtuer « # W ^ * f e ^ 1 W » W d ^ ^ s o n ^ m a n d ^ o k ^ m n i ^ . ^ ^ - -. ;r The ^ f ! ^ f T ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p W i of December oi mat year.

M t ^ ^ ^ , t h e ! ? l M & r i t f e m b » Ihekn«hibefeh^to|rea|r.Wgmet»ted, ^ ^ ^ t o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ; ^ ' , , , originally announced by te^Udtfntf^ttluAtad^ S S t e 3 e ^ r i S ^ e ? r t S h S ^ three vol-

* # i o K l e ^ m n » ^ i a ^ ^ M^^^^^}^^m^i^AMs0^^r^^'----i£^ -'•' • •


OP rDOEGE WiSHlNQTOll.by'^ashiDg-^tpii Irving, V o l ^ 1 . New^York. G P.

s Pierce has received the third volume of [this.great work ot one ol the greatest ol ^tterica* authors,. upon ihe greatest ot t^njeri¥atL«Bf^ 'The vbiam]e opens wiihihi |oii5feigi»i^e5(r.|ersey to aims. and

e traces

^ M m ^ t i g f e r e s a ^ e - ' p r i h c i p l e s of-il»V ;*%^rtV-^«>wJ«l':W *hichi ! tobi the^r

1' . -

"This donventitin' of Jdrelegates,. a * e l l | bledtnf « u W c # ' d t ^ a f qaddre5Mtt11o i « p » 6 T p r t J g t e a i ^ ^tho)lt hiSmo p&irpoHtteaf ;3jtfe?ehc>8'or. <fr vieidhtf,' m »re OppMed to tjie ' reneiil of the Missouri CompronrSbftp' InoT.rM-ic'f bft&i prisenV'iaaumsitatiori ^folOie eWefflbf rjf-SIaVe^^tff.'&Sb Territory,


^ . B a M h ^ r e p ^ % « M froni a.iconscientipus .sense of,.ont« wonld-npthe inftmidatea bwjth^jlash, , .,.

Mr.Houston dieavawedAny'mtentwn to impeach the integrity of .the- gentleman, nor did ho censnri^ h im^vf ie moved' to lay the mbfion-tof'reconstaer'oh'the'tabter

m^Oriiriaoire'd'Of MH Bart lay *rhat he e ^ f d ^ f i ' q c s n i p l i s h ^ y tap^ig/ibr a recpn^|ira|jp;n;.pf | h e y o t e ; , b y s w ^ c h . ^ e bill^aMjBjgcfeair ,„•: '. • , . , •« ••>(• ••

Mri Barclay repUed.fldtb'avie^^f vq? tingaforjits, passage and -recording his.senti­ments as^representative oE Pennsylvania against the%btttrt|e8. : • •' ^ ^ M r i O r t ^ l f thfe. was the -eentlematfa object, 'wfijeaid Be" tioivbte yeaterddy for; t h e b a t t ' : • : , ' .•;:;:: . ;, l . . . .

Mr. Barclay repeated he preferred Mr. Stephens' b8H"bu|, that tot political purpo­ses was encumbered1 with proposition ;t0 restore the MissonTi restricaon, ands thus wasobjectionablie^tohinr^ 5 H e h e l d him* self resp6nsibie^"rm ;manirlthe' iH«iuse for bJsb,nol&ca*&cBO&'' H e did aa faMihobght

iSm^wkr -": ' '-, . Mr* Hfflttton;*auLhe did not injpeaw M r . Barcla:y'tJntegrity, but expressed h i s astonishment that the* gent leman -should h a v e , .after ypjinj? against the ball, changed his mind in the short, period, o f Na snmme.rl? night, . . . . . , ,, ; . , , ti. v

, Mr. tm% mtfffl je m\M *$ disapproved of thejBjpctple^otA** "H1* ti,

'Mr. ^ 0 0 8 1 0 ^ - ^ 1 0 1 ( ^ . ^ ^ 6 0 had m the strongest Jangnage condemned* the bill yesterday'byvotuJ^tagainst i t . " •'».•• i

tftn6nV!Vegttrdin|*ltbe '^ocdedin^ «bf the L 1!«sl | t ive , 'AssIn>myr^nich i :pri J 'c 'ee^ t h e ^ s i a t e are ctiarletifjrijsetf^bf recWesV trtiss and •injustice; • lT ' • ' t

Tlje report like-wisfe altndes td t h e m o r -d«r*3« robberieB andbthercrimes-comnrittedl ih the, Territory, and says that in^no Case, ffl^ept that of ',McRay, (a Free-SAM* tnan,) itfas thdre^ny provofcatibn fo>" those-olisnces. No^indictmentsVere1- found, no arrests made, and no' meagrtres taken t o brfflfe the'perpetrators to justifce-' The repfift ctrntaros^faTl ari-3 complete' aetaili of eieryiBingcuhnmwl' w i t h K i * -*»spribr^t!othe 19t'h( of March last, and says that it iaclefarly proven that Samnel J. Jones, the Sheriff, was the main Cattsft cf the receiit ^disturbances in" which h e so pronjihently Bpred, • • i h e ' r e ^ r t ^ o states that Mr.

!tibhb;ffifde|SeL_ ,. , , . '^edejral ''Conitffirifioiii'are •essflpfiiiX.,'to the pregBrvatfrEi#'"drtf^^ e i d ihatft'tfiSt y j * , W > r f t M » rights of the Stai Si

^oK«o«ia)*»t, .


H e w A d v e i t i s e m e n t a . ,Vn1i^aroteil4I>«lail6*«anSt.-,!'' ' Auodw0«a»r». 1> 8ro«i, DUMl#ltt-l,X«!»lt*It«T*IJ»..' i i

sM of hatipltiesS, utfidilinat-*.-,ipi;; rirahary. objectandufterior 'designof.<mf JftfetuL Soveramenrwfire-iio-gecure; thpw -ri,~t>*-to all persona sdthl

RepuBliiian fathers. diction : .that « - o u r l

for moyjng, for <net" re^dhBiderja^on of th'e . , - * i ? ' W ) '.. ^

vote*,*. •,..,„.> ; - , . . , / . , - . - ,.,. ; . Mr«Bat,clay^ri appeal to theigentleman

of. N e w York to.permit the gentleman o f Alabama to go on^to'.bis hearrs contents •

Mr. Benriett acquiesced. ! '•'• Mr* Hbus^B f 'r^spied; saying he. only

wished ' ^ e i ^ ^ W r ^ g r e i that his fefeaa from Pennaylvaniahad' not made u p h i a mindjaooner* .•• . , • ,i ,«,- ,. t-,

.Mi^PnnnjupapMtp^,r | ijlr^.BBrclayto say that,h^ QDnnr^A) ^o^osi^otftpresttire' the Missouri' Cbrnpromisd was deugnea foV poet ica l '^rposegr Nothing oPtfie, kind-antered into hit* mind^ H e did 'not agree with Mr. Barclay that the peoplfrof Kansas hasej* ri^Mla-eatablish Slavery.

^ar^^tttSnft^S Mr. Hou8ton|in*^|)that Mr. Barclay'^

motion to r e c o ^ d ^ m - M d on the table-Be^re Iwtfier Jefcion ^was taken, Mr.

Howard %5e. toia\qnesl ibn .of pnvSege. wishing to make a report from the Eansaa Investig'atingrOomJnittee.

Pehajje, eMuedJuyolving ^ie, ppint .thaf

if\**$^j^fem^ML8ffl pt^te, tov|tnld Hr^cIude^rtOUvWflX aai~ """ ~ ' ""

Oliver rbne'^f tne InV^siigatipg Committee) %ent into Missbnrr3 with one of the invading ifompanies' and made a speech in the 5th Electidn'Dfatrict; but says i t is not proven •tBat fievotied. -''TheWepirt nllftdes to obstructions that

*ere thrdwn in thb Wiy df the Committee and the general opinion which, pre vailed in the-Territory:'•'•'• ''" ' ' TJiecbnclnsion^oftbffCdmjinitteeare-i-

•<> First* Wit each election ih thS Terri1-tbry, held'Under' the organic or alleged TemtoriaHaw; has'been carried byorgan-Ked invasion's from the State of Missouri, by -which: the people* of the Territory b a v i been presented from 'exercising the rights

^Secoiid,. fHrnf ttte" alIeg^a"JTerritorial •EegislattrrV' was11 arf i l l ega l ly" constituted body, .and had no power to pass val id l a w s , Bifdtn'eir enactments-'are thereforb null and ^ o i a ^ •• • • ••'•"• • • ' • •

"•'Third, 'that.thfi-ie alleged l a w have npVei a getterSl thing; beetl used to protect personl>ridf property and'to'punish wrong, batffor'urd^'-vfnrpu>p'6sesi - "'• • • ''s

'""'Mttrtfir'That thss^elecrioa nHder Which the; siftitfg; ^Delegate,, John W . Whitfield,; holds h ^ e d t ) wis nor held in^hrsnanco df ady validlitwi aad that it shtftttd be re* *ghrd6d!oniy a* the'expressibh of the choice of those ^eside-nt citiiepB -"vhd Voted for tnml "• •" ' ' ""' ' '^iflk, Thatthe election tader which the contesting' Delegate', Andrew H.'Eeeder, claimfeliis' seat, * a s ho^'held in pttrenttnije of law, and that it should Be regarded only «* :the ext&essiotrof-the» choice of thoife res­ident! citizefls v»hd vbtei fbrnim. • • '•' Sixth,' THatfAndre'w'SC- Reeder'receiv­ed a greater number -of votes bf resident citizefisthan ^ohtt W.'Wfiitfield, for del-e'gate. '' ••"•» "'" "' " ' : '"

Sebtntk, ThaS in th^present conditio^ nf the Territory a fair •sfecTiibn' canhofr be Ti'eia'With'o.ut a new census! a stringent' tmd Wfeir'gflard'e'ar efection, 1HWV tBo1iele'Ciaori',df •impartial -Wd^es, arid the pr%seifei?rff Uni­ted ^tateaitrdops at ever'y'plac&oi'^lSctlbii.-v ^ t i a M , That'thb vtodW'eleqSbn^heia •hyltte Bebple of ih^pmtdWJreiraiWrV

have beeffas regular fts'the''disturbed; cori-jmrtj$WT§rit6ry;w^n'iaillow; nfld, ^^thBG6nsr3tntiotf lpasS«a"'bytB© Cbd--VtSntioiS held in purroaiiceoffBaid elections. erahrirle»*the wllf of *» rhajority Of the -peopled • - '•>•''" ••'-'< • ' " ' ' ' ,

'Afc i t is nb? thtf pSSvihce bf your Cora-'rrnttee to- suggest"ret*de"aies fer the existing ttoubles'k'thd'TSrritbW of Kansasrthey content -thefflreTeirMtB-the foregoing statemehVoffactsr ' ' • • ' • • J ,

A;ll of wMeh isirespectfalte snbmitted,

when they-had^-sjitolisbeii S l a v e r y in all our Nat4pnSlTami^ry»i^M|diedj.TJiat no person should be dspnved of life, bberty ,or property.t .^ithotitf-atift jbrbceii tifr}i&, it hecottiM,onr dhty'l^rhaintain tbwb provip-iott'bf theiGonst iwdon-againstAU attempts t o \dol«te,U-for thflipntpotejofc establishing S l a v e r y in; the.TJnittedi ,-Siates;by .positive, iegiBlation,fpi»3bibiitjngiit»existence. Or « x -tensiottthereip*, That we deny. <the> a»-thontyaf,Congre'is<of.aTomtori8l..Leg-islaturei) of'any iiadividbaldr association of iudividualsvto |giye ,ltfgal' iassistance to rSJavery in any Territory ot the XT. States, wihile- the.pre»enlf:..Constitnti«n, shall be jnajntained, ^. _, -..• ' .t- • t , ; ,

,-' •«. . Be»olvedi(Thftt-thej(3ormnittee.-ton-fbrrbpdnCongress sovereign' pqwo* over .the; Territories: ©f the- 'Onired States for their governmentu and that, in the exercise of this power it is both the .right • andt!tihe dnty of Congresa'to.pifohipitia the Territo­ries those, twin- relliciof. barbarism—Poly­gamy an^Slavery. >;.•,, : ...J • .! >

f-^TReBolved^Thas^lBle-t l i©! CJonstitu-


^ lybrttrJftWWM COl lUiraMi

KaiitsJ i n Congreai.-'

tionpof th*-.I3oite(J.'State».wa».«rdaiaedand

enijbliihfidjfoy tte peopte jB.wd« f i™* ,'amore..peril6a'Uaio»»;«eWDli3h j U t i c S i ln-•aure domest ic . titananility, provide for t h e 'common-defense. a»(J peqnrethQblessingB 'of liberty** and .coptajrw-ample provisions fot-the protectiaifiot IjheJUe, l iberty and property of every cifcwen. tb.e tfeve-it con­stitutional rigbui of ttbe: people ol Kansas h a v e been fraudulently and violently taken from,.thejn.3 •• .•- .• •<

.TJ^ewOJerritoiyJiasbeen invaded by an armed force•« , ••,. _ . •

Spnrionaand,pretended L e g i s l a t i v e . J u -tlicMlind Esecmtivef pfficera have been set oVerthetn, b y w h o s e ' usurped aathority . sustained by- tb)s>. .military power of the G o v e r n m e n t tyrannical and unconsti­tutional l a w » h a v e heen enacted and errforc-ifld > * *- • '

,Th0ng1bt».oi^e people to keep mi

beac arm* hase been infringed ; Testdatba'Oli m $*trao,rdinBry and en-.

tangHng..n»tnre) h*V^^ 5 ^ imposed as a condit ion o f exercising, tha.right of suffrage and.holding;ofHce; - < ,

The right of anaocflsed pflrfon, to aspee-;4yana#u^lic triaht*/ ah impartial jury ha».b.eepfdeniedi.j •»>. n .. -i ' {ftn^llgtoitf * » people tob* «fn*g^m

t,hat#e t^$mM*$mmWPl the C ^ m i t t e ^ ^ e A i t p a r e ^ , ^ ^

pressed M/mapM p*^m%w& «How^|B|^njblfJ5me ta^JS^J^i

his col - « r W ^ » M ^ r t f 8 ^ a l P ^ , ^

P ? e P M % t h B O T T O r | x ^ | p f l t 4 t i q ^ | ! : i h b contentfjo| ip*0&S!tet&^p..^ ^i

H o w i W i aiOTvea^e^.oh, Jajtorday mDm-i n g ^ M a ^ M ^ i v ^ n ^ J i e ^ f l n m g

in their persons, houses, papers and effects »gairist/nn.tea8onablesearche»and- seizures has been violsited f . , i>: • ••. . . • They .hSVe .been deprwed/ j f We, tn> perty#.«ndipropjerly wi thout^ d u e process of l a w ''Q •' J * ^ f c W b e * freedom of sieecb and of the I prese-bas, heen abridged: A . . . - , , ^he?oghtrto,fihoj>se'their representa^vei hfta.he"en made of no effect ;• .::

. Murders, rc-bberieja, and ^rsoruhhayejbeen instigK^a an# encouraged^infl the offend­er* h«jve heBri.HUo«e4t()!«c>. nnptifftihefl,;

That all tnese! thing* have been' done with the krinwiedgeestactiottrand prOcure-ment'of the present- Administration,, and tbaffor this llikb«rime .agaimfti the Con« stitntion, the Union, and humanity, we ar-rafgfl ihaf-Admini8tr«tiodJ the President bis idvi^r^^gentftr.iTOpporteM, apologiiti

WehareiHtuofKjpe forjEree Easnsai , * t Ih* bands or the present session! ofCoogws. In- thrsefcatev whateVir Wf be professed. b y ' b $ $ a V , ^diib#&-eb:i.*mefe 'seems 'UglVdlspprition to s ^ e W e ^ c r i l l i e i ; 'ex-Lcep^ upop 's^cb tcrniif ,%s. Bna]il,«ec?}re a' ^ri-i rap]) ip the,pro.sj 'a^ extenslpni*t». .A new bill reported by^Benaioi! XJowglais, pi which we give an abstract in another'place, proposesto^ke a censu* of toe legal* Tutors in the t e W t % on tt« «**/ '*^-1866 , -and that In November next sUcli persons shall wocee'^9 eject delegates , tt |4 corrWation to fprnj a doastjtutlon.,, This provfsion, while it9clcno.wledges.the necessity ot d o l n x iome-thlog to aule t Kan»a»v pr.oce.eds, 'upon, the principle ofsecuring W the Border Enfflans, the fruit1 of their t/surpaiioni Aitet haVlbg killed, arreitef'folc i t fa ion i ordr iron out all the Free SiA^e setders'spossible, i t i s now proposed to, deliverrthe; fate ol K a n s a s into

the handiof ihepppnlattpn'tnatremaiMjapd theae.withom regardt to their numbers aie to determine the definiteand permanemt char­acter of the Territory.' This simply rewards raicatity by secnring"lo i t ' the traits of its (rani .The bill passed lhe Senate by a vote ol 33, to 18, and was sent to the House.

In the mean time, the House was engaged upon the bill to admit the State of Kansas under the Topeka Constitution. Th i s was called up a'few days since, and lost by 106 to 107, bill Mr. Barclay of Pennsylvania dis­covering that his .vdte)n the negative con-firmed the prosecuiion fpr constructive trea­son, for which several ot the K a n s a s patri­ots arc indicted, moved a reconsideration-— At this point Mr. H o w a r d of the K a u s a * in­vestigating comndttee, .claimed the r i g h l t o make his report. W e publish e lsewhere, the Conclusions ot the majority report. T h i s laid over Wfr. Barclay's motion. The report shows, that s t the.March election .of the Xtg-isjativq assembly «f Kansas , jfe 1,85$, tha* o f % 1 ivo»s .cast, * 9S1 of :'ihaia were ca»,t;.by invaders from Miwourh That otdy 1,410 legal tote*irew casif and a majority oi tb«e were for the Free State candidates. T a a t thls'inirasioa extended to » y the- connfcil "dls-tricts,aadtQ al l ihe jejreslintatlTe ilii'triet* W on?, and elected ai\d controlled & l a l g o majority of both Rouses . ' T h e faws^pasied by that legislature haye ptnnged'lo the depth ol infamy, and being enacted by jLjlegmatme not jrepicMutljg the people, of K«nsa*>.aaa hav ing n o authority to legislate lor the T e n i - >. Tory have no blndlngforce upon its inhabH-antii-WhocannotWlgoilry of treason for di»-' obeyW^ihen^., ':s *' ' ' , ', I h e n^o.iion,. of | l r . Barclay was callecT m>

.qnJhV *ii,>pd,carri?4,;and:the U}\ passeatlby a vote pf 100. to 87. -Among the nays a je M». •JEUvxiri-the Twpttfntrai&mfukv^frjert oiMnFi l lmore . Messrs.Valkaad-WJIii*-

oBi?«nri-*po»tlesV ^the'Su^ i ^ ^ n a i both: Platforrd|n« cauaiaa'tes Afe siTts*4CT* n,i,j!o" *HK ^9s*vapRtfpt7ibti8 ?TTrctet»fe

y^^w 'ywj* -;,;.-'t't'-" •<'•'*$

* ' T h e ahnftltmWriftg o f J * e ^ o u n g Men!s A- /L_ : . . i ~ i >;«Mt 1 , . ' h«MT irf ;tVoir»T(irim«.

the;repoVteof theofficerftswill be lubmib ted. 'On the .next dayi (^Friday the l l t b ) : liec&m o f officers wUtb'e Heidi alcthb,88rAe-

place and hour. , , ,j .,y. . -.It is not too muchftOjiWge the memhem of the Association to attend- both those •ifatetop and to come fbfyTard with 'their yeat ipues ; It iff4e8iraWe th^'the. nei^ Committee be placed in the posses-aiqnJ^of -funaa^ta secure the success oi-tteensumpectff i^seasoa^by the fem» ^d^ment o U | e ; i | i f ! | ' plir/fctnrere^f-Thiais thfe clc^«ftbe/four|h year, of its existence, nhd;thougbit havboen -compel-fedtor "struggle -yrithSsSriBus difficulties, i t b ^ a u c a ^ ^ e d i B . w a l M g , t . h p . V e c ^ of .»;*»llcqadnctod series oi^wpulaeiectures

kf thp-'^nter ifllt by* iho comnranity.i'r Thea'tieriaandb tipott the lecture* ahring

the las,t^easpii .has, aho™^**; .W15???86* in-" terest in the- efforts of:the .Gommittee--r-Anappeal is now 'made to the ' jrablic to come foif^ard to ft' eenefoua aupbortof the

. tMV'.' i * * . fl !'.''•' *•* '•' • ' Association. > .. ,, .• The receipts'from ibe? Century Piant so generously given to the' Association-by 'Mr^Art'BjrtsswJueB^'pid fair'to placeit in,|hepo»fes»ipnof a fvp&l which, jtf xn-vetted, Will yield, material permanent i f . Stance, and if this Cad be-increasea from, year to yeari the organization wxjl become a,permanent eonrc^. of rational gratifica­tion and improvement, and a pride to the •VillagV. At-any tute i t is desirable- that the annuarmeejing'andthe election bgiul-| y . a t t ^ e a , v . . ' . ' : •

of the1'ahfli'^'%iM-.a^ncj,„jma %JgpW aU ^ y b l id^fafcW fBur ' a b M » turn as tt& JBS, wat?5,j|n#e,r| heb.alf. x am K e M ^ a e ^ r ^ ^ h i l ^ ^ t ^ a ^ g ^ i n ^ l l i , ^ ^

SBPtij nif-flfteVoi'eJivMvjs: w x ^ e d g ^ ^ y ^ i ^ mm

ttimyyi cannot? ouwo tge-.'awn ana^suh1irhitv;.tf the^cMelfefoi pbUanthfi|>ic' % i r r t o p W i ; a l

la ^e?®cm.t, * omaii Catholio 1

W e a b n d V c a r e to make' any remarks .Opoo, tl»e propriety p^ enlering^nto an inves-tigatfdV-of.thp /e l ig ious sentiments of a can­didate j w office. I t iaenongb lor ns that the Constitution has . dedaredtthat 'no religious test shall ever be- required aa qualification to any office or pbbHctrtttt 'undef the UriR ted Btatrs*—So J'ong'ai'we-eontirind in- the defence of that instrnmemve-are cbntehtto let p>r .acts, aland for dut p * o f c i a l o o i ~ fl/hCD w e lakegfo'nndagainst the^pirit and intent of that* |nstrnmentitwi l lbe. t ime enough to makej>r<j/«»tonj<ot.devqtion u> it. But we feel compelled} b y t h e c o n r e e o i cotemporary prinu to reply lb reckless assertions as to the religions sentiments of Col." Fremont— 'The truth of history must be vindicated.'— T h e St. Lawrence American, in its last two numbers, has studiously endeavored to cre­ate the impression that Col. Fremont i s a Ro­m a n Catholic. W e quote from its last num­b e r :

T h e New-York Express, of the 26th ulu, says that the Tribune aflects not to under­stand h o w it is , -that the Eoman Catholie Germans, under their priestly leaders, wil l go lor Buchanan, when Fremont Is up:—as we *&y, trained- in the Roman Catholic Ckurck,'

Speaking oi the action of the Republican Convention, it says,

' I t pitched upon a man known to be a Roman .Catholic in h i s religious pro-ieMWBi,/r*?#A& kaping ken married fy a Romin CdO^ic JPriQl in • Washington.'

T h e American wil l pardon ns for, the •firgp7neniu-nj.jidkom.imi.vi, but by ajiarUy Of ret>oning.il»3Bditor4» &&JSpi*eopalian, which w » thlnki he'does not protesa to-be. '- «BntfeN» memi^rsoVw^'Anierica^ party >ave'l»e6m'e8f(!lf eriodgh of -Americana to l e a d W W a r m l h f g a i n i M Pr^laYerT'Bo.

CatiiUcaspvraktfortM PmUtiiqffi'l < . T h e American o'oght to b* better inibrmbd.

^ e % \ \ l ' $ & J & y t $ i ' p . cha;racter;lie;tfjijse B^itenient^-Am f e^oj contraoict them irijne ,rno»)iemp|att9^ann.er/. T^at it, may,>o jft)nget impose; Jjponthe credulity .qMts. reftd-:ers, we quote'tke tallowing authoritative! de­claration front the eourier & Enquiter. u

since theirto>r|titr«ppi . . . . . .

i s i u g l e ^ n t p i n ^ M^^SS&ct <M«

^ ^ . g l y e a n y ^ m g i ^ a ^ o n ^ . g ^ ^ f f i ^ ' S g j f e ' && W W descripiLotti Of . ^e l | M$W -Jffi^ satire'. awa^pm^eneswtVleneflfidng, f o ^ W genius abainvention *ere stretclied^lmmeas. reprcheisi|le purpose of -haridihg posterity urahiy in i ^ p i ^ g ^ ' A i i W i ^ itehitjiM, ddvirb' fe¥ir 'ah^t&rei ]Mmm^tUW and horses, which •*bmposed'- thi#$mposing selves into^nif ieanrtfhef^eifhe Vastfies$ cavalcade. A-corap8T»y ol C a v a l i y ^ n e of -.of the pftsri^milwlucji1 Actuates y o n «n-ArtUlerv, one ot-Mfantr^nd alr/anH of near- ^ S ^ ^ ^ ' ^ i * ! * ^ * ^ * ^ ^ ly MtV r ^ m m ^ ^ c ^ The • ^ N r ^ ^ B ^ r ? ^ * ^ ^ 4 4 ^ " mountedcompRuylead thetywe&ioti,and w a s c o r n p ^ e ^ f J i i e , f i | i M nian. japd ,the lean man, the Wild lndhin,fn.d tt\eja?^.i•African. T h e hprs$s fyaried.ia wze.'troiu «he>Eennsyl-vanian draughtfhtjirsfttrji tKerpigmy.Shetland pbney. T h e Surg!ewihder*'*"(<nJttsicians) came next. TJ^ir ids^ftmentsMere unique, curious a n d laoghaliily'ebsurd^ • Two, bass drums, three snawc-drtimS,~twt?' flies, a pair', ol stove pipe cyrajaah},.a,,IjnrleBO,^ organ, gr inder , twoJ^n^fcwrf lBt f i«!ariheti a bar­rel .drummer, a .abeet irpn bpx.dkummer, ten horns o f dim.ensionSi and shapes , ranging from the common dinner -horn, to7 one of mammoth dimensions, the tin o i which .alcme, caijit,three do l lars ,* banjo, a tr iangle ,^ tam-borine, and a couple « f horse fiddles. T h e music produced w a f unlike that ever before heard. •TAe^niantrylfoirowSa' n e x i T h e i r dresses resambled= t h e *tripes?of the Zebra a s deRcribedJbytbeenth^rastittihowjrjan^fffbr-ty-nineaana n a r f b n e alike.' The ir arms and

a%cc6hWmeati,' TWrt'-JlW-ltolf dresBea'as cVnipareri'with'each other, T h e n came the fleetoif; artillery, cbiisisting ^ v ^ « e ''field pieces , £w*6:jji them fia'li pounders^ one brass, Stnof ohe'ffoiij ihey were -mounted on large carrlagesfahd drawn by Jb'tfr horses each.— The horses, were hajnessed wjth v | ar^ and caparji^ned to ma'tch,andied by grooms. T h e ,thij'oV;wa,8<,rnaae.of ..wood pjf,.th?,; aimensions ol v a i t s . punpSer^ and gilded to resemble brass, and w a K t a o u u t e d o n * s m a l l carriage and drawn by one man. After the artillery followed ** batbert establishment, a Kansas emigrant 'laniily and.-a load of pro-slavery settlers. T?he Terr ible* paraded the streets till eight 'd'eioekj to the infinite amnsement of the entire populace. Thousands' ot Gran­gers had made their entre into town at sun­rise, tqr the purpose of witnessing this excru­ciating spectacle. Every street through which they passed, w a s lined almost impas­sably with spectators. . . •,.


Shdrtly alter the disappearance Ol the ter-ribles, Lent & Welch's circus entered town. T h e y gave three performances during the day.

puooEsaioir, OBATKMT *O.

mpared wi glomerated 2~ ltimily» cam ..

'" ' " ; v . " ' "Tlie , lltltfosterity,

has .cajledlyon '%&xm»ti^M9J %™P-ped tops ptf the e^tej;narjuusj nor. the deep fo/uiiing hversi present no 'spectacle . that could deter your purpoSey., The jesting language of the Stratford ofbm'd upon Avon Spokeshave, when in his comical tragedy, he writes,, '£iay onto Mftptia, (tjill he<cries damn i t ! hold'!- enough!'}" ft^ets nd re­sponse here. The day when plowshares snail be beat into swords, .and pruning hooks iri'to spearsi' we 'cohgralMate qur-lielvei^ have- daWneuVand the too'-agSa

iiword have been swopped oft for .ft ypjing-W*fflk •' CJatcBirig up th^'-spirit whfeh in­vests the age, we are. wifling to let our friends spill, their blood-for ns* in our de­fence....Let me ex poetulate yon on yonr

ji - i ,—. • heTe


, l.hAVftalresdylstabitN•: * # M riwnejra(8!*eft QwmW- $#*> **$**» teatsanear. Qsta^attamie )»adr'he«D ta>e«

StoTecuiaselifbitriirt. Tbe-tnal cameoff

ana^mmaikv^^MUimt^rSmi^.i s s d wj»|^h>'j| igoupNonthe

ney/dt thU'Snue^lalie; the authors WMtfMj^ m

recordi,.^-.?.,iv&.h ;.i -..v. % *»..i. ?.jb9&;tae#• .topt:jewr yfiiW

t h w w e r e taken about two weeks*,,guar^-tW?S«^itea^Statej|)troop«were were: or-dettsa t&Sflep therifin irons the, «tost?df

-rr-^m*™ m - w w ^ v r — - , ,,WA rt^M^MmM^Mf>J» tojemovethcrfl toW.**# A e < ^ # * » a 4 b e 4 ^ . p ^ M e d , p a ^ i l T e c a m s e l ^ w A .seehe thett fpllowed

m^^%^m&M^-nmt d^y;.w,««>. ;twd-by.#Jtwi{ ; i i^^i^«^ **$

eitha1w«nlo^te*linjg,aviato^ whjtch waaso8«e^»|^jtta^e.a4pMcl«*p aronna theankle.^ tilke i ^ ^ a l j i y e s .

Other: followed* tclBrpg

Go«^SS0eilh«tefoj» -iL- „ . ceiv^lMf.the-«fpor**prthaM . .,

M u c h ( t f n f u s i o t t p r e V i u l e d ^ procfcd'wgSfc andiithe H o u s e b e i n g d i y i a e d i

^ ^ ^ ^ 6 ^ S & M ! ^ (dwtwee,jfr ^ | ^ ^ f » ^ : ^ W K : atoWl fem^bi^naU^fc»aM^s«thjB«^

WMotl» t f » ' ;Wrin^tqrthem t .ffib>y.*e;ftju8acctMitom-

*' *• ^ ( M i » 8 W e a j . j » » t i } j » e ^ ; % p » ^ ^ » o a e

*atjshurflaiari^»aisgt!»tt»»sigblt i» a . _j^«tv«JEmiliut~ta>;,#se .fccshaaiBd^gang

s o l ^ ^ i ^ ^ h f ^ , ^ a p t t o | m-r#&*

liWfdmm^mptiw J. •'• '.-5-J^y;**ve,<^«ipte|i-':three^^^

r^mm.m>im. " ••-—*- -"""

w1tb?feisr%rtot l i e e ^hsfihnioif. i tM'at i

mic^thffmoaefhVt^^wiLy^-securing-to her cStizeiiB the enjoyment of tMrights «hd privileges to whtch f h i y are entitlea and' oi inding'tihe civil Strifenow raging m hef

l> >»mmw\*&,Mtithb highwayman'*, plieaihtl 'mightlrMak^^right.' etabodiedltt tb%' Oste^'ffl--Ciirci»lart^*iTiB?-«*er2f- iresp*cc trhworthy of ^American5- dipl6t*tcy# Ind* would brfcg^ shame and dishonor-upoo any 'GoVernnien|»of rjebplefthat'gaveit; their ^aldtibii.* i 'S f a

A&iii, ' i';.,-^.r.....;vt •' •'YritedblVea,* i S a i i <Bai|roid*«©*&#

Pacifife O e t t S f a ? 1 ^ m&ha*?Xcentral teid Mrac icat m&M- f te ie^f iNtr demaaded" % thfr &&&Wm *hole«l*ttty\JanoT vthat thtt FedlrittGdveTnMnentijogbftoiren-

Express h a s m o Sh?to"nwddie, afii which ndethot- concerh iffi.-pi&p(a-jof;tiK<tJhte* Stalei^ I t r a p p i l W however, that enquir ieahar* been made ; f4if


^At noonf afqcepjtoafwas formed., at the St. L a ^ e n c e ^ o t e l , headed " by OlSVBrass Band^ maicbed . to. the, ^leflxodist -Chn^ch, Wheifl tufl: ejeiSiieB were held, The Declar­ation was read by R, ;Q. Pfittibone. The Oration by H. G. Foote, Esq., was an able and 4nterestthg;prodocti0ff, admirably writ­ten and proacrurfded. His theme was the final trltfmpb t»f IbC' 'Dfcmbrjratic' principle, which he traced'; from its beginning to the present t ime, and vindicated as ' the best and most.BUccessfnT ijasis oi human'government. It w a s listened to with marked attention.— T h e s inging was'performed by the Ogdens-borgh Harmonicv8oclety.

'9pBDISNBE. At two o'clock "a dinner w a s served up at

the St. Lawrence Hotel. The following were the Joistsj regular and; vOJpnteer | ! j

1 Th»J)aywGi\#ratt.—Cheers 1 Music 2 The immortal memory of George Waehing-

ton.—Drank standing andin silenoe.^ 8 ThcDtclaratiiiridfJndtpiHdentti—'ZhQ-gTva-

olplea of man's political regohoration. Oheerst Ve*y "liflAaisbr2ft y responded to by the HOT.

M r . M i l l a r . '"• -'4 - •• i Tht A«eriea*-J?e4»lutfei».-*iIt established

the essential equality of human beings and the tens prinoiplespfolvililiberty^ Cheersl. -, , Ably respondea t ^ b y D : Mftgo'ne, Jr. \.,_

. J B Tht Comfitution of the Vhitid toga^yho shoet-anohor of'ijhe Umon^-the a r t of ouz Jib-brtieiV 'Qhasralf V ' ""

ft JTwlTnion,—lyhile.stands the Oonslatution i t shall stand—when falls the Constitution i t ehsUfrll . ' Ohejfrsi •/

Bssutlfullyt«*ponfled to by J . ftoNaughton. "I Thi1 Judiciary.—The' -DfepairiaHaiv; Whioh sWffirtjBtween'ttie' making and t h e execution of rftfil*W8u-'0nBerj>. J&uno. n..; . . ,j<ft^r^ndedtOrby.-Ji|i;,Dpud.",-.

&<g7tiiJPreuerrlU> freedom thrt Jaulwark of Uberty,, -fts engtoyemept the instrument of

a Common SeJiopUt—4he, iiurjeiieB of w o - ^ j s a d In^lU|ence .of t ie f i^uMio. Oh'tt!

l Q l ^ i 5 ^ 1 M » ' 0 / # » f » » * « 9 l J5«r«ratf«ttVp-^ . n a c t e s s w i i ^ b e d . on.:the monnmental

extraordinary mi lhngtary experience to-day, and the increase iff yrtur numbers, whicji.ia MtrahspareKt. We ate the mightypreservers of the nations pe>ce"! Upon a mm, disorganized malicious rests the security c f the citizen. ,

Fellow Sogers.-_ S a v i n g converged from your places Sr* requlTeritent, to suffer the services of your heBentry upon this ojfi-cious^day, -you have l e e n greeted1'with shouts of heartfelt commiseration. The youth upon whose'" head the^snows of many surnme.rs'h'ave fallen,'and the old man. just emerging-onto life, look* upon_your beaming faces \yith irresponsible and irreproachable amazement-

Fellow Sogers ; If ever the Battle Axe shall' soubd the war cry, let us all rush to the arms of those we love to have defend usv.an'd'"if die we must, let; us .sell, bur-selves aS cheap as- possible, ahd go- ddwn with our backs to the foe, shouting death and4 victory ! And when the clods of the silent yalley haye closed qver our animated bodies, our ancestors will be stimulated to go^d'do'iike^e. ., * *v

The-Oration was'del ivered in a manner • quite'ire'ditaby to the Prdfessor,/and -was re­ceived "wjth wild exclamations of delight.— After the speech, the Terribles procteded to

raeWmbry, b d quieiff .Uilpefted. The disguises were so pertect that it was impos­sible tq te l l one's nearest associate.


The.S'irjs Works iuslhetevenlng were wit­nessed by ihouBan'ds.- They were placed on the'edge ol the dock on Mr* Parish's new grounds. It is enough to say, they fully jus­tified the anhouncemei^t fq the ProgrAmme.

^mssi JU> a note to the present volume the |a^og^ates%at the theme has unexpected­ly l^^sso|gd|under hicpen, and 4ha»- he now | i f s^s^I^o^meV-p>tore the,-tubHc with $ t a i t B ^ | ^ p i e ^ a p a & e f e Thishe hopes

«To f j f4*1

^&%§^mf*m "truthful picture' "3if3he ;JRevolotibn antf of the per-'eonages^ conceried in, ii, required much 4S8SU-*P* A % ? h 8 M < | ^ W ' t B a l l h e

scenes might be placeil:i|?^jc»per light, and thelchafaeters 'introducelUmlght speak for themselves, and have spacexin which to play their parts.' nSW..-\ ;v.* ^ •• SO ffar as the publicarVeoncernett, this un­

expected expansion of the WOrk, will not be unacceptable. <The n a m e ' o f Washington s.wells every true Am'eVicah'heart with pride, and every patriotic .man desjjes that his bi-ography-toay be fully written, and'not in any stinted measure by one so eapablo of bestow­i n g upon it' the graces ot letters, and the mature judgment pf scholarship grown ripe in contributions to American, literature that have shed Instre on the American n a m e — "EKer.y.line' ol the work bears the impress ot

the simple taste and high cultivation of the author,' f i e has not aimed a f an ambitious style, orat a dramatic effect,.or at an eulo­gy upon his . noble subject, but at a plain, methodicaj and lucid narration of facts wh ich embody, not only the biography o f Washington, but a history of the entire Revolutionary struggle—its'hope's, its iears, its'Successes and reverses. More "perhaps than any biography ever written of h i m , those volumes lay open the heart of W a s h ­ington—'his high sense ol duly, his sublime

sell-sacrifice,, and deep devotion to. the liber­ties of his' eountry. W h i l e they are thus lumnious upon its principal subject, the author, fbtnake his Work,as perfect a picture

of the period through which the life ot Washington ^extended, has interwoven

sketches of the characters of his principal coadjutors in tne^pttblie-service, as well as o t the leading generals in the British service. T h u s the biography swel ls into a history 'bf the'Revolutionary times, it is not our prov­ince to criticize, nor do our limits allow us to review the work, .but,it. is not too much to say that the American who does not readlrving's great work upon Washington will be den-cient.in h is knowledge of American Litera­ture', and the library that does not contain it will have a vacancy which nothing else caD fill. W e shall ' look With anxiety lor the next volume, and hope the author wi l l not feel himself compelled, to come to a close with

that. • ' "•'•'' "'

J3^"The parades of the Terribles, have been, productive of one,, ggprh. -. he jyoang ones who. generally make night hideous,went to bed early on the night of 4he 3d^in>order to be up" iii season to see thVTerrimes.8' fikr-jrels, boxes, s igns and steps, reposed i n qniet for once in Ogdensbnrgb. 'Success to the Terrible^, .' '

* CoxniuerQJJaJ. The receipts of produce'at' this port, for

the week ending.July 8th, were as fo l lows:

Flour, bbls,. : 8,409 i. Pork, bbls | W heat, bni : ' 4,600 iBe'ef,. bbls, j [Cbrn bu. . 25i000 TftJlpW, bbls, . Lard, "bbls, ,900 E g g s , bbls.

Oats, bu. ,'^,'000. Total since o p e n i n g . ^ navigation.

Floor, bbls. 83,0W Pork, bbls. ' 12,452 W W t y b u , l39jo i8 Beef, bbls. ,".' 398 Coru,bu. 94,768, Ta l low bbls 352

r Lard, bbls. 2,575 Eggs , bbls, ••'- Oats,bm^< 3iv9lfc,





Iit ireon-^eTimpJwiliate^nd e1fflaeti«ia» . .. atYuctuiri, and & *n auxiliary t^hew*|;ntb6; Jmm'eoiaift^eewWdtxon;« !aa!;t«5!igtant

'{• 6

as to whether the report; .should t)e«edOrs;

Wk^v^^SBmfmkX^ -., ; g t ? ( M < * m ' t e i i « l l v # c M ^ y nwvedii

-teiiat^i^•m^0mkm. cierhv!

the^t^'iadjo,oTiiea? , ' .^ « - ^ / . Z-^V,^

anaa i fcesehrMse i th^iMowdr' .a i^^ ,. , M . . , facts—before t h e country ana.beibre; >the> **«dete'nV o f the Anlfcric«8, Know^WoWang: •Worldi} ana that i t ' i* our ' f ixed purpose t o Policy;, w i t h a l ! the Sbnih* A>er^c ir^- ' -a i^

" " " ' ' all,the>^rte»of^chtoWiri^ fous ortWgeli iancttneir, ae*Mmpuce* soatTh' l i ' ia^n omtnoui cbalition bf^ttniSre.


changed, Milt* *n/l it i»fpt^ikely thit -either; ^^itttoa^!^)immit^.mm9ibmyti»M wBl're'ceM*.' 'tiM&'vi&^^lffiW.: * * l * | b e T c f f b ( r ^ r l ^ ^ «h«

^»r^wiiUr«TOrikhil ieB^hft.»*c^ . •**<• " i i U m t ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ m ^ m ^ ^ ^

>"-'Th4Htesf»dvlfcei£ f»ti^Eiigla«a:'-lpBir;1ap.' M J f « a i l ^ ^ i * ^ # f t ? ^ f r Wfo* idi W ktV^allih&mfttf&piM&lC r t se i ta t ion^^. t fWaa^ t&;.,te jcandi^ ahd ' t y ^ E n ^ a h d ^ ' T ^ d i C w r ^ ^ •fettled// m!i?«8«"wW 'm%ij&m<h' flte,airrchey1'.w:ti!«a^irelag«». t-v*. ^ r d - C ' l a ^ d o ^ y a v i n ^ a f n o t r ^ ' t h t i . f t ^ ^ -y^i\ «•'•-,•'?.v-V.iiit^ssit'.".! V'!- " -

eJttrpBiAiy ;pr«mat»re t»iejitet iatn. «»y dft-* i§^'niteg':np^ii-a©tf4^1taaft*,«h* rescue -cussibRppoft.ffift -»ubi«tj,%utl ipet^»l»jf- , L « ^ « i i ^ . i , ^ - - - » . t f H i ^^.MJ.^*i-**.-rejoice £ j ih« an |«un^a«nt wMch ha» twwt:

mm*mm*te tot* »tot»*»nd jn#*onv .auj^ph»ae*by on* MtofsteR and ^io»**n-:

m»»iu¥e 9f h u n i s n / f ^ ^ o m . Ofieera!' Muaio. rrwMjkAM,Mlw « tt«i>.M-ribj1 tn-Kt, xte\r, TV-, o . 'M$&pS%0®& tojby I

it t^^i*p.tj^e^8t»ium^,-mPMRepublic^—

"'lte«poiS»% HJ 4a>tel6*6ok; yW!1fa6U'lMtti~$iB iUuriribuS'moth^ e^^a-glorib^rogsny.' Cheersl - .. *wis- Tie i ^ ^ i ^ i r sweet volwweVerittto-muT—tTnionV 'fSieers! Huste. ! ,^he |4e4^ |nf 'Jbl '&e, day, Hon. D. d . j h n j i w ^ ' i i ^ ^ h a a been" h is good fortnn^to narlfcipate fl> lb«v«elebr»tionis4n «his connQ- C<wnearly half ^entoryi . . He briefly glanced at the ^w;-gressbf-the country, at the development of i fe i fspatces/ iP' increase- ol I t s population, ind'idvaiicement in all the elements oFatib-

*stlniTal p'rbspei-ity,5 aBdpkrilcnlalr'ly htthe

| * ISTOnr old friend B. F. Brooks, the*v«e-jjrani lAuetjc-neer, fto^ Oneida Ceunty(, is •talking lo the citizens ofc-Ggdensbttrgb, in 'Myers' B*lock. As we w«re walking uj) feofd street the other day, we fancied ourselves in Grenesee2 %t.-1tftica."; W e S t e | | e l ' l b and Brooks w.as halloing, V g o i n f t g p B r r ' W ' e aakedjbii) where he "waSgoirfgl- 'He said,

iij, am^going back to Utica as Won' 681 dis? ,rjp»gpt.thJs stock p t g o o d s j andamy, pjders are to sell the goods if 1 do not get over 60 cepji bn the' "dollar." W e should; ittijge" by jthAWey he i» sejlipg.igppds, t they > o u l d pot %rfng even that; and one thing' weNoticed ithaipegoods'^ere iili\<M>ti 'the !SfelieSt bidder,. aodthajPtheeale. wasjconductedMn a fair and honorable manner. ¥hose wan are | { ^ n g tor bargains^ ' and, see Brooks, ni*-lgood» are--"; ."-•)• • •• imam m* '••'

[From the Malohe, Palladium.! A Terrible Tornado .

THE YlLLAGUOl iTEAUGAYIN •.wnm-^ri&k iWBumiiNGs ,IN BURKE DESTRCXTID1—LOSS OF LIFE! Between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock,

-on Monday morning last, a-fearful tornado passed over the towns pf Constable, Burke and Chateaugay, in this County, and ex­tended into Clinton Connty doing an in­calculable amount Of*damage—sweeping down forests, scattering fencesj destroying allmanner of buildings and«tber proper­ty!, and leavinjg hothihg but desolation in

its track. .<-,;.. . !? . • .. . A heavy and portentous cloud was first

observed rising-in the north west ahd soon anothe'r-'appeared in 'th' south we^t, mov­ing in -thedirection ofthe-fomipr. These cloudB met about two mil& norlth' of this village, anda friend aifc-TirsV'MrJL. Wyman of Constableville, Wbo^waswatching their 'fjrhgre^mfb^ms.iia^^hat he hOticdain their coming, together, Ahat there was an instant crash Of falling -trees, a, scattering offences, ap4,,4estr4Uc|ion1,^f everything in

us course'";;;; # ;4 ^ ~,' f.;. ;v. f . » From iJuiS point it swept-on wi th tear­

ful rapidity and force, making a path ..through,the.forests ajidover th.e$elds ,ift nearly aitdireet; course to Burke and Chafc-Baugtxyrrrlevelipg treeS, of every size, and buildings as it went. I t stauck the North StxeetofBnrke near the Town House.— ThlSfefe .ol ,Keelei & S t e w a r t : w a 4 | b % luiroofert 'as werT also" &&01 S w # i u | houses and other buildings', and passing a sr/n^|ioJ^-w|th|it^eraaTi»aj|e, .it again struck with force a'fdujth! or half a mile further OB'1 ittd fromVtiiisfpoirit to Chat-e^ugay, a , ^ s t a n c t ^ f X « r n U ^ , hardly a building escaped; unlnipedi^aDd noFa barn was' l e a siandihg^li.i'ot?. the whole distance the street was thickly settled for a f&Vm district. Mitchell's Store was destroyed, h i s goods scattered in every direotic-B,, and a large amouat.entirely lost. • " . . - . •

Jeremiah Tbomas, in the employ of Mr. Mitchell was. killed atihisKplace,

- From the west l ine of Burke to and in­cluding the?fiotel of <8. D. Bbberte, at Cbateauaay Corners, one hundred and eighty-five buildings, either unroofed, blown down or moved from .their founda­tions, catt be-4 counted as y o u ride along p a r a l a u r i l h f e d , by'tfihhJas'ofb.few'shm-gles or the tearing off of^brUons »f cover-

l ing, b,ut such as are iteariy or qri&~<dea-y ^ d o ' * e U t r 4 l f < t m

. H e lis a clever l e l l w a a d j trof fd . -"gbWfl'"' '* •' % T h e village^Ohatejftjigi»y i s a complete

m went into the TerrlMw squatterm^ngs, passed resolt nodneing AbbliSomsttaiia ;d«ck alwrary exiited therein. ^ n* - -1 ^jf r f t t A « i i i m X ' * t ^ * ^ c»l society « » t t M ; A P 6 h » I

wtaFnaHntrwc^wn ^ m u m

route 0«ltb9"lh« of - therai lroad »8. B^MHirVeoVTiwr*WF^i|»W, ht

^nirert^tfeirn'pvettehV Itrb^ri; # 1 nsaonai ohiia^w^tieqywa; for the icsr^m«baitflo¥«llbl»^h% of W eXiBtihg corooiereer«re-*uthorized by tha Con«ituiBdn,andjn^tified by the obligation •oi Goveimmenti W-|rqtectJ»tb*;-Irvei^taa;

^ w t t a n i c o - p p e ^

respects, in support of t h e bnncjple*' h ? r ^ in^deciarodV indi>elklviDg; that A e a p i n t n l

wi>instiitnt&ifla m welt-m-itoCNwtStuoott

,off3Bfet^bniii'r".tl|e ^gh>^,,via4i?at?r ;teteouj#oftBy,.3E*Wt

w«m» '^^^^^^^m^^^^^y^

t » r b r k a a a t ^ ^ f > r ^ j ^ o f K«ii'»M W M Jtbiy;coaW % f .r^tb^f>ha»ver«ga!Sj«%

f .

tt*ira»iN»,4iil.»^-5*Ven.,%o*t ;hin«.*'««4i ^ ' ; - | > l » e ^ S ^ 0 W ^ - > \ ! » .;!jrJ ,ieti5oi« 1 J--"-""H.WI*W» ^wm> (trunk faia' . $ ^ 1 ^ ; ^ ' ' W ^ ^ (or , iu>g«l>paper* «#S«-iwiift«».l5«rei«MwJtt t h e report. T ^ b w i i a i M hare with thaaa, tad

. 4tluiir wluUltasi aximtM waoh

. . — . . _ „ i l i f t « a a t » p « & u w i e « ^

e f f i ^ » w 4 & I 'MM** a^#^ :mmmn«••««.t*«*crwcau.a^^

tWrwbote aathority h * * ^ f i * t ^ W f c ? f*r f tk«tth* OnlJ^ltaMa-,<jr»Wtitn«nt'taWfi*^ |n«f <*i»» of complaint against u», 1 rejoiceF-

the C«Ss*i» W e aaactloae* ibe opinio* that:, 'America 'h*4 * Jhst eausii. i* w m p l a t o tltfiM-iMaCottftfr i »«a> aWt«r;r-'Al-^he-present moment I wilt not enter fafota^dlsv mmlm o f themedU »f the cause.. • 1 rejoico: ihonrevwthat « • have aekjwwledged o«r «t-wHf.ahhooEli ondonbteaiyw*h*Te done «» by aabmiuuig tolhat which lmt»t «ay la hu* mSUa«h*on ihepattottbla yoonlry-toJiab-«kitjtQ-f«a«eit, ihifetaoytl \k theanwow* ty of the Otifted Sutea orthe Mtabrftt at ihif «o»nlrT. (Hsar.hsar. '. -..•" . .

'• 'BubJiihH hee» immf^m^l x>f K*«tinr> » » d Is n o w in prtson. • Beaatorfir4mn«r&*tni^tJiSnBlatr*« r«»d


t|« wa^».|^c*e^^^e;.bjjHpt'^;% the maaseaiof jftie.^eppie, and closed?^r|th, the I o i ( o * i ^ ^ t M e m ; ^ v •>)<„.• v.-'.. - ,{\

; D ^ f e w s ^ y ^ m y t h e h e x t h t i U ^ ^ f£%ii*lly'imHedy'equslly*progrs»Bive injciTU l ib««y^; iaTm*nM|^atoe« , in.indlTidaal ts^Visr^Jid ptoirrtrity, s< inthe last.

" VrtniOB NOTICE.-« We* eall attentia^ to ibis notice. The charter, as amended, au -^offies'aMax of-'SSOaJforroBinary expenses, Butab^avingeo>e'to^tow}."lin.*fea8on, it

than$500^T ThxexjjenseB of ,the village re-.qujife the'fnll flOfW. -, i e ) n 8 raise it t n

Katnhof Wf i c t ^ f ^ td 1ht%eelittg^ •',: Tj. 4 x"i) -> ff-ii'i.wji.' pmxmri,"ir'-^;Siv\^ '^WibiM' deny, --tha* •F^'mdailajubw' 'a Sla*«lolde^t*-fifc;J&|i#,'4«».(:-* *'-i >,«'.,.: " tlfe,aoj';iriH''4e chai i&j^ m*:'Am:ericjni?. tonrodcc^lta^roo^ ,:\<y {,;r;J(\,S !':

[ - ' ' l i t i a ^ s r a V ^ h e f .eo'r^p%d^ht. o f lth« *jE%«* J<W*dymty ^ f l W . ^ ' ^ h i c i a ^ ' in relation to the; Harmonic Society, la-bdra-amdev'*' | r e a ^ t ^ f i p r e h f i ^ 6 * intone patticulari' S e w i y f t h e Fourth rf ivty Cormi»rieo;om|tt^-io pr^4efpTthes ingr e » In the wiay^irefreirtnieBti '^ff -wki thBjgentlemea4ftthe Society |aocured|the ainnet at.PinaraJ» mt-thei* ownc-ex]

FttEiNdfe'& B'i5i5fe:tjs".i;=rhiJrfirm; it will be JslehifasMissbived. \l£$&\\a bus ines s#« i hereafter bs carried on by Mr. G,, A. Fr^neb. Mn F. is a thorough druggist, attenifve to

his business, ;a?»a tnerits /fhe yvblieTfpnfc dencei8oi«reit bestowed upon the&efnr|a.-T. rWeirriislthe- m i y meet success,; : ~.-- - >:•>

Books jaiii atACrAzaoffis.

- a i e » / Bythe|»tno'r oftti« 'Watchman,' •he Old'-ppcttrif i f e New-York. E. D, i i . ^ « - : •* ' tfil. it? • . • . • . ' • !

;' wdridwmede)jgh|ful productionB. T6

e^by*ny«t t«m ifmAattneeaflpense of the m eveuihg. «a»de- wet* morvs, densely f^amiirtett-of^^'Ahtngerneni^ . i^thexwise « ^ e d ^ a j n i % * » t » a i n & Their march

,m*\-j (>*>•>--j.z~ *««" ' i " ' f t i ' i t !>.l .-•'.-*• *• ! •- *-- •• -,: • "-'V'---.;- w-^-'Jr ••-.

' 4!ifliesrf-T h e t

desolation #fl>-&4wMlpg escaped mju-j-y, and asgceaJ number-r-we do not know how manv—ate coi^pletely destj-oyed.--

es descrptioii. how many---ate The scene is ohew] -gtores, cbuytheft &y$®PM *arn^» -edB'

•'7lAfam(i Kmiufa a«i*:*«Stt*v|«^AJ'3»We •aim,- <hv4W»ilay ,«f juhlle w j o i t o ^ e y

^7 V » i , I > . i r ^ » * i a , JJirthi l of the dsyi, • ,,$ £litntitf ,Fig«^;.^., |?attoM^^mo#<>—• n»yl£^*^J»'*>reH»aY ' ;'.' .. '•'' -' • -

"1 ' i l r^?^^!^ / ' :•'; ••;'.': " TheM^%piy , f )ahfwas . ,apqint p f a V trapdC%J IjB^fbmber of. Visitors • .having ^ ^ ^ S ^ S a r a ^ A a ^ - ^ V ; : ' - . l ; o y / ^ i ^ n ^ p | ; f ^ % n ' modeled;

A t : 0 p ; ^ t l i e T * r r i b l e 8 made their even-^ ^Upon* VWfr t^WK^i. *f haye heen Ingparaae^ Shbstanlialiy in the tame dtaer * ^bsety-fashionedaiter' the original,' - It is aa in the mbraSogf wfth> the dutetenee that • hot a story of the olden; ,ti«ae, for the fitst

the iero

Ibode;ofpovertfi;^h^next chapter opeh| «ahbtit 3 t ior3Syeat ' sago* with the arrival of an emigrant ship at the port of New-Yurk.— W e ctftttot trace the course o f t h e narrative,

* . 3 ! : . 1

1 r. i

" - • ' • « • 1




i ^ u ^ b u i i a t a s ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ 6 1 6 " they are awfully shattered and broken to

1 pieces. ythwaBsafetheplace soon after #0#t«9t«Ophevhufcwehave* no power to ;desoriheita appeaMcej and ihthe generhl consternation and anxiety, We could gath­er few paHICularj. Seveial persons were ipj[u»3a—-some eeriously hh* we believe ^noDfehave died at this place.' How tbey fthoula have f scaped is amystery-*a Prov-Icteace., ,Nohuilaing was hn*hed-* cir-cumlstrtace td us unaCCOtthtttble. '- Beyomi Chateaugay w e have heard of frohM^*^se¥enty^bu^aing&w^ were more ofleffi hfitirea. Thetotnado extend­ed aidfttariee bf from thirty'tef&rty inBes ~perhatt i 6u*her, and i t w a s t have inju-red and deBteoyed nearly 400-lKdlding8.— ftlW,000, w i l l .no t , jprohably, cover the o ^ a g e , Fences are deetroyed and cattle andiSrseehte roaming a t large through

'the'fteiaB. , K / A . Taylor, l s q . , o f 1 h i s v i n a g e r w h o

pasejd over the road on Tuesday, informs nfrtbftt'tiheTe axe 364 buildings, of t u kinds, from the west line of Burke to and H t i o A n g Jhe village of Chateaugay, tot Were inmred, uioooffeaj'aad destroyed— and more, than two thirds of l h a t number compfetelyririhea. Ambag-fhe 364, are l ^ l w j B l f i n g S j * etowev 2 i b m h ^ a n d 3 school housee. : . • > ?

1 Td*sT.—»felere lab to de heroes fite, pled and tied- mit de patties of Puniier B i n — o f w h o m 2 9m one V

ni>a5hi»»wijftlimj!t_'ij i.*"i.\~.'i'!''-•'*!•'J*''"''•'