Thursday, October 24, 2019 Dear Friends in Christ, God of Zion, to you even silence is praise. -Psalm 65.1 Much of life seems pretty mundane, but for the psalmist, it is all praise. May we realize our lives are never-ending songs of praise to God. -Pastor Jonathan Adults Annual Church Conference: Next Sunday, October 27 Our Church Conference is next Sunday, October 27 at 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary. We have packets of materials available for you at the Connection Center. A special agenda item will be our vote to request forgiveness of unpaid apportionments from prior years of 2009-2017. Please come! The Conference will follow our Trunk or Treat, happening in our parking lot at 3:00 pm that same day!

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Thursday, October 24 , 2019

Dear Friends in Christ,God of Zion, to you even silence is praise.-Psalm 65.1

Much of life seems pretty mundane, but for the psalmist, it is all praise. May we realize our lives are never-ending songs of praise to God.

-Pastor Jonathan


Annual ChurchConference:Next Sunday,October 27Our Church Conference is next Sunday,October 27 at 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary.We have packets of materials availablefor you at the Connection Center. A

special agenda item will be our vote to request forgiveness of unpaid apportionmentsfrom prior years of 2009-2017. Please come!

The Conference will follow our Trunk or Treat, happening in our parking lot at 3:00pm that same day!

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Join Us for 10:30 am SundayThe Serendipity Sunday school class invites you to join us this or any Sunday. For the nextfive weeks we are going to watch and discuss stories from a video called “Tex Mix.” TexSample, retired seminary professor and pastor in Kansas City, tells moving stories to helpus think about the love and grace of God. Since each week is a stand-alone unit, join usin room 119 at 10:30 am any Sunday when it works for you.

"The Jesus Challenge"Brice and Nancy AntonJensen will lead a small group discussion Sunday mornings at10:20 starting with an intro lesson on October 27 for anyone interested in taking onThe Jesus Challenge by Justin LaRosa. It is a 21 day challenge that we will do in 6 weeksso we don’t feel too rushed, but are encouraged to grow in love of God and others as wework on practices to bring our faith into our normal lives! Join us in the Chapel to startthis study. If you want to purchase or download the book, Cokesbury and Amazon havesales, or you can contact Nancy for ordering at 319-360-4144 [email protected].

St. Paul's Cabin ReservationsIf you are interested in renting the St. Paul’s cabin at Clear Lake next summer, now is thetime to get the reservation form and deposit turned in. Starting November 1, 2019, St.Paul’s members can turn in reservation forms for the cabin in Clear Lake. The summerseason runs from May 22, 2020 to September 7, 2020. Reservation forms are available onthe website or from Shelby in the church office.

The rate for the season is $900 per week for members, with a $300 deposit due when thereservation form is turned in. Forms received without the deposit will be held until thedeposit is received. Balance of fee is due 60 days after receipt of the reservationform. Per-day rental rates are $200 each for Friday and Saturday, $150 each for Sundaythrough Thursday. All reservations are handled on a first-come, first-served basis, soplease provide at least one alternate date in case your first choice isn’t available.

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Please contact Shelby ([email protected]) if you have questions, comments, orconcerns.

Don't Forget to FallBack!, November 3Sleep tight and enjoy the extra hour,then join us for church.8:15 am | Chapel9:00 am | Traditional11:30 am | Worship Cafe(Contemporary)12:30 | African Nationals

All Saints' Day,November 3All Saints’ Day is held to remember allsaints who have gone before, includingthose members of our congregationwho have died in the last year.

Fleece Donations Requested forChildren & Youth Service ProjectOur St. Paul’s Children and Youth Ministries are asking for fleece donations for theirThanksgiving service project. Children and youth will be making tie fleece blankets forLast Hope Animal Shelter on November 6th. Any design or pattern, preferred that fleeceis no larger than 1 yard. Please contact Becca Nims, [email protected] or (319) 363-2058 . Donations will be accepted through November 5th.

Holly Jol ly Hol idayHol ly Jol ly Hol idayFair 2019:Fair 2019: Wed., Nov.6 (3:00-7:30 pm) &Thurs., Nov. 7 (10:00am-2:30 pm)Support UMW missions! Both days St.Paul’s UMW will feature their Craft

Boutique, Country Store, Cookie Walk, Fair Trade Table and the African WomenEmpowered Items. Note that only a very limited number of tickets will be sold theevening of the meal. Need tickets for the theme luncheon and Style Show on Thursday?

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Wonderful way to get in the mood for the Christmas season. Join us and bring a friend!You’re welcome to make a donation payable to UMW Holiday Fair 2019. Proceedssupport UMW missions.

Holiday Fair 2019 Flyer Facebook Event - Share & Invite

Help Support St. Paul'sEarly Learning CenterHelp support St. Paul’s Early Learning Centerby purchasing a Save Around Coupon Book!Hundreds of coupons to all your favoritestores and attractions. $25.00 a book.Please contact Julie Hanlin at 319-363-6349to purchase yours today!

Can You Help African National TutoringChildcare?We do not have enough volunteers to watch after children including infants and toddlerson Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. while their parent or grandparent receives tutoring.You can volunteer once, once a month, or as often as you like! If you have a friend whomight be interested, please share this with them!

We could also use a Pack n Play. If you have one to donate or are interested involunteering, please contact Stephanie Heifner at [email protected].

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Questions contact, Julie Hanlin, Director of Children's Ministry [email protected]

Mediacom DifficultiesMediacom has been having difficulties transmitting their

Community Service Programs (Channel 4). We are sorry that recently, you have not beenable to view our traditional service. It is usually shown Wednesdays at 6:00 pm. Therecording has been sent to them every week. We have been told Mediacom’s server isnot working and the problem will be solved soon. (FYI: we have no control over whichweek is shown.) - Wes Nygren and Gayle Buroker

New Children's Book by Rev. Lloyd Brockmeyeris in the St. Paul's LibraryDid you know that our Rev. Lloyd Brockmeyer has authored a children’s book about thecrazy and entertaining moods of cats? This easy reader is a “purr-fect” collaboration ofLloyd’s wit and humor and the imaginative art of children. The artwork in this whimsicalbook was done by Ms. Perry’s second grade class at Longfellow Elementary in Bozeman,Montana. Any child who has a cat, and even those who don’t, will chuckle at thisrendition of the many facets of feline moods. Stop by the library to check out this book, orany of the thousands of easy reader books for young children.

Visit our Facebook Page

Arts Ministry & Music

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Music VolunteerThere is a volunteer opportunity for an adult to lead music on Wednesday evenings foryoung people in Grades K-2, staring at 6:00 pm. This is a wonderful time to involve thesestudents in music and worship. Mentoring and support is available. Contact MarkBaumann ([email protected]) for more information.

Organ MusicIf you enjoy organ music, Mark Baumann ([email protected]) will be playing arecital before Homecoming Convocation at Cornell College in Mount Vernon thisSaturday, October 26, at 10:15 am in King Chapel.

Along the Way:Mixed Media Artwork by Holly KelloggOctober 27 to November 27 in the Upper RoomArtist talk Sunday, October 27, 10:20-11:20 am

Artist Holly Kellogg is a resident of Ames, received a BFA in Painting from the Kansas CityArt Institute, and is Charles' grandmother. She says: "Much of my mixed media pieces areformed from things found along my path, on the curb, in the street; things discarded orpast normal use. Perhaps too small, or out of date, but still beautiful or made appealingin the new context of the pieces I make.

The influences of my family of artists and architects are there in the midst. I draw fromstructure, organic forms, texture of my parents work and assemblages of my grandfatherand mother. May the viewer be left with a fresh look with eyes open to unexpected ."

Care, Serve, & Outreach

Be Healthy. Be Green.

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Did you know:Baby formula is the only food in the US legally required to bear a date stamp? Allother food dates are set by manufacturers who want to sell more food. Cannedgoods can last almost indefinitely. The smell test is the best to know if food is okto use.

Did you know:Discarded food is the largest part of municipal solid waste landfills? Plastics aresecond.

Did you know:In 2017, Iowans threw away over 556,000 tons of food, up 50% since 2011?Another 10% of materials also could have been composted.

State-wide Interfatih Gatheringon Climate Crisis, October 26Your Be Healthy. Be Green. task force encourages you totake a few hours Saturday morning, October 26, to joinother concerned Eastern Iowans in exploring our faithresponse to the current climate crisis affecting all parts ofour fragile earth. A keynote address by Katherine Hayhoe,an atmospheric scientist and professor of political science

at Texas Tech University, will challenge us as we consider the future of our planet. Ms.Hayhoe, the director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech, is widely known as anevangelical Christian who is deeply concerned about the signs of dramatic climatechange world-wide.

Join your friends &neighbors in discovering the challenges put forth by our young peopleto reverse the path we’re on so they might have a future! The free event is open to thepublic, and will be held at Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Hiawatha, Saturday, October 26,9:00 am-12:00 pm. See the attached poster for more information.

Statewide Interfaith Gathering on Climate Action Flyer

Calling All Quilt Lovers, November 2Did you know that you can buy a quilt and help others in need at the same time? A long-standing part of our Annual Iowa Mission Ingathering is a quilt auction held at each ofour 5 Ingathering sites. Our Cedar Falls site has a wonderful reputation of having someof the loveliest quilts for sale. There will be bed-sized quilts as well as baby quilts, wallhangings and table runners, all lovingly stitched with mission in mind.

Special this year: 4 beautiful, hand-quilted, vintage/antique quilts. The quilt tops werelovingly restored and given new backing - then hand-quilted by our group of quilters atFirst UMC in Cedar Falls. We know you will be tempted to bid on these quilts.

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The quilt auction begins at 1:00, but you’ll want to be there sooner so you can look overthe amazing array of quilts and decide which ones you will bid on. Ingathering activitiesbegin at 9:00 with mission workshops, followed by worship at 10:00 and lunch. Join Barb& Jerry Oakland at Cedar Falls First UMC, 718 Clay St, Cedar Falls, to see what treasureswe might find this year!!

Ingathering Quilt Auction Flyer

Fill the Truck,November 3Our Mission Partner Offering onNovember 3 is “Fill the Truck” for theLinn County Food Bank. Let’s continueto support the Linn County Food Bankwith cash donations, as well as fooditems. Did you know that $25 will feeda family of two with a 3 day supply of

food? The 15,000 individuals the food bank serves a year will be very grateful for yoursupport!

Mary Horn, RN, St. Paul's Parish Nurse, writes articles to share pertinent and timelyhealth topics on nutritional, mental, emotional, spiritual, and information on a wide-range of health topics.

Read Health Notes

Children & Youth

Fall Social for Club56, October 26You’re invited to a bowling party onOctober 26. 5th and 6th graders bringthe family and invite some friends for abowling party on October 26th at 2:00

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pm at Cedar Rapids Bowling Center,265 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids.$10 per person. Financial assistance isavailable. Sign-up by October 23rdthrough the following link:https://forms.gle/4mZ4oj4qddpNJZ716or contact Becca Nims by [email protected]

Trunk or Treat,October 27St. Paul’s UMC looks forward to hostingour neighbors at our annual Trunk orTreat event for an afternoon of fun,food, and of course CANDY!No TRICKS here...only TREATS! You andyour children can walk through ourparking lot, stopping at each parked car

to get candy. Join us at the 2nd Avenue parking lot on Oct. 27 from 3:00-4:00 pm for thisfamily friendly event.

Trunk-or-Treat Facebook Event - Share & Invite

Youth HalloweenParty, October 30Youth Halloween Party (grades 7-12)will be held on October 30 from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Youth Worship space(110). Put on your best costume andgrab a friend for a fun evening ofgames, snacks and a costume contest.All 7th-12th grade students are invited

to join us!

Senior High FallRetreat at theIngathering Event inCedar Falls,November 1-2Come join us for fun at UNI’s RecCenter for swimming, rock climbing and

open gym time! We will also worship and get to know new friends from across the state.

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On Friday, November 1 we will be staying at ThreeHouse: A Wesley Foundation at UNI.On Saturday, November 2 after breakfast, we will head to Lincoln Elementary School inCedar Falls to help sort donations bound for the Midwest Mission Distribution Center.Cost is $15 per person. Friends are welcome to join! We will meet at St. Paul’s at 5:30 pmon Friday to head up to Cedar Falls. Please RSVP by October 25 using the following link-https://forms.gle/j72yHy4uR2pfqZQz6 or by emailing Becca Nims([email protected]).

One Youth WorshipNight, November 3Join together with other students fromacross the Cedar Rapids Metro for anenergetic evening of worship. LastApril, we had 450+ students fromEastern Iowa come together andworship our One God as One Body!Mark your calendars and see you

November 3 at 5:30pm at Marion Methodist! We will plan to meet out at MarionMethodist, if your student needs a ride please let Becca know by email([email protected]). This is a free event and open to all 5th-12th grade students!Find the Facebook event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/682294692180266/

Holiday Fair Meal Servers,November 6Holiday Fair Meal Servers are needed onNovember 6th from 5:00-7:30 pm. SupportUMW missions! Both days St. Paul’s UMW willfeature their Craft Boutique, Country Store,Cookie Walk, Fair Trade Table and the African

Women Empowered Items. Wednesday there will be an Evening Dinner. Our Mid-Highand Confirmation Students have been asked to assist with serving at this year’s HolidayFair Wednesday Evening Meal. Note, for TGIW our Mid-High group will be assistingduring our normal meeting time 6:00-7:00pm. Sign-Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D44A4A62FAAFD0-holiday


Stephen MinistersStephen Ministers, wearing the bluebadge, are glad to talk privately withanyone going through a rough time.

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Prayers for:People caught in violence and war.Please keep our pastors in prayer as they prepare for their Spiritual Renewal andContinuing Education leaves. As a reminder, Pastor Sherrie’s leave is November 4-December 4, 2019, and Pastor Jonathan’s leave is January 22- February 25, 2020.

Continued healing & grace for:Gayle Buroker (Kate)Pat Jacobson (Stan)Dean Beer (Gale)Jim MorrowCraig Ekstrom (Colton Valenta’sfather)Marianne MickleBarb Zahradnik (Bob)Virginia Goehring (Genny Yarne’ssister)Merida NiyibarutaL.J. Schneekloth (Holli)Janice Hook (Carol Curry’s sister-in-law)Gerol Goodlove (Mary)Charman Banks (John)Dianne Berrett (Bob)Joe TrecekSally Schroder (Sherman)Roger Walker (Catherine)Emily Bell (sister of Matt Stoner)Dave Mather (Judy)Vestina BuchumiTiffani Schneekloth (L.J. & Holli’sdaughter)Gloria Hammond (Tom Young’ssister)Joyce Vick (Steven)Tom & Susan TitusTim Glenn (son of Laverna Hanson)Keri CollinsMary Brockmeyer (Lloyd)Denise Feltes (Ronald)Colleen LewisMichael WilkinsonMarti & Spence Grayson (DaveMahlke’s sister and brother-in-law)Linda JandikSally & Tom YoungEdie NekolaJoel Oxenford (Elaine Oxenford’sson)Elias MacumiRoger Simon (brother of KristinSimon)Jim Struve (Sandra)

John MatthewsGrace MareshRena BrodtBenjamin Van Winkle (JulieGladfelder’s grandson)Gary Hamond (Tom Young’s brother-in-law)Kristen Morlan (Kathleen Baker’sdaughter)Beulah Cave (Angela Stookey’sniece)Quinn Anton Jensen (Nancy & BriceAnton Jensen’s son)Char O’BrienSusan Moore (Lee Moore’s sister)Joe Boots (relative of Chris and MikeCrilley)Cheri Young (Gene & Carrie Young’sdaughter)Linda HadleyJustin Ilg (Sherrie & Larry Ilg’s son)Angela ShultzRhonda ViktoraCarrie Cummins (Jamie’s daughterand Steve and Kathy Davis’granddaughter)Jim & Rose MildenRaine Allen (Dixie & Roger Allen’sgranddaughter)James WaheNora Mae VanceSandy Pingel (Gloria Ford’s daughter)Mina Arbore (John)John McQuilkin (Jean Kwader’sfather)Ryan VickPam AnslynKris Yahn (Steve)

In hospice care:Robert Moore (Lee Moore’s father)Betty McCormick

Memorial prayers for the families andfriends of:

Robert Glotfelty

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View Worship Times

Worship is for the whole family. While childcare is available in our nursery for allSunday morning services, we welcome children of all ages at all worship services.
