ADVANCED LONG- DISTANCE SPONSORING ACCELERATED STEPS for SERIOUS business builders www.mlmdevelopment.com THE TRUTH ABOUT OBJECTIONS: Why prospects “fake” it Advanced step-by-step training on: 4Navigating prospects worldwide 4Tracking results & setting ratios 4Handling 10 common objections 4Using multiple follow-up methods INSIDE

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business builders




Why prospects

“fake” it

Advanced step-by-step training on:4Navigating prospects worldwide4Tracking results & setting ratios4Handling 10 common objections4Using multiple follow-up methods


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A Message From Motivated Mike ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 1 21st Century Networking ......................................................................................................................................4

Chapter 2 Mindset & Expectations ........................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 3 Key To Success With Your Mindset ........................................................................................... 6

Chapter 4 Preparation ..............................................................................................................................................................7

Chapter 5 Immediate Response ............................................................................................................................................9

Chapter 6 Using Phone Scripts ..............................................................................................................................................10

Chapter 7 Outline For First Call .............................................................................................................................................11

Chapter 8 Prospecting Example ............................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 9 First Call Script .......................................................................................................................................................14

Chapter 10 First Call Blues .....................................................................................................................................................15

Chapter 11 Handling Voicemail .............................................................................................................................................16

Chapter 12 The Appointment ..................................................................................................................................................17

Chapter 13 Multiple Exposures ..............................................................................................................................................19

Chapter 14 Four Major Reasons ............................................................................................................................................20

Chapter 15 Three Options For Any Prospect .............................................................................................. 21

Chapter 16 Peak of Emotion ....................................................................................................................................................22

Chapter 17 Help the Prospect Decide ...................................................................................................................................23

Chapter 18 Handling Objections ............................................................................................................................................24

Chapter 19 Follow-Up Strategies ..........................................................................................................................................32

About The Author .......................................................................................................................................................................36



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A Quick Note...


Getting better at sponsoring, local or long distance, will take time, practice and effort, just like anything else worthwhile in life.



The following is a guide to help you with the process. You will want to incorporate your specific company or team system as you use this guide. Nothing here is set in stone. You will want to adapt what is said here to fit your own particular style and personality.

Long distance sponsoring will help you reach interested individuals throughout your country and around the world. If your company does do business globally, this is one of the best ways to take advantage of the world marketplace. If not, this is one of the best ways to meet interested people in cities across your country that you otherwise would never have had a chance to interact with.

If you talk with super successful network marketers, most would tell you that they accelerated their success by using lead programs and long distance sponsoring. They will also tell you that when they first started, they were terrible at it and improved the more they worked at it.

Whether you are brand new or a seasoned networker, this guide will give you tips and suggestions to help you increase your success and build your organization outside of your local warm market.

Again, refer to your specific company or team system and use this guide to enhance your efforts.

Motivated Mike

Please take the time to visit and get familiar with Motivated Mike’s website.

There are trainings and additional resources archived there, which can help you accelerate your success in not only long distance sponsoring, but also every other aspect of network marketing and personal development.

If you aren’t already receiving Motivated Mike’s ezine, take the time to sign up. It’s free and will give you all kinds of information, including where and when you can attend his workshops and trainings.


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21st Century Networking


Let’s face it, times have changed. Things seem to be changing at a very rapid pace all around us, everyday. As network marketers, we must take advantage of every possible change that can help accelerate our success curve, yet not lose track of the basics of the business. The basic fundamentals worked extremely well in 1960 and still work extremely well today. By incorporating 21st century technology INTO the basics, you get the best of both worlds.

We’re not suggesting that you run out and buy state-of-the art technology and all the bells and whistles this industry has to offer. What’s being said is this: In the 21st century, at the very least, learn how to use email effectively. This step alone will accelerate your prospecting capabilities and increase the growth of your business.

So, why is it CRITICAL that the 21st century network marketer must ADAPT to the changes?


If you’re going to build a 21st century organization, then you must accommodate the 21st century prospect.

The world is growing smaller because of technology. The Internet, as big as it seems, is still a baby. The 21st century prospect prefers the information you are offering to be received quickly, usually through a company or personal website. Will the ways of the last four decades still work? Without a doubt, they worked then and they’ll work today.

The 21st century prospect wants the information faster. And because of this, the whole sponsoring process is accelerated.




It is CRITICAL for the 21st century network marketer to ADAPT to the GREAT changes in the industry.


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Mindset & Expectations


Commit to leads for years, not months.Commit to training & personal growth.

All great accomplishments, whether in everyday life or in building a strong and successful networking business, take TIME and COMMITMENT in order to produce results. As you go about working a lead program, get committed to working that lead program for a period of 1 year to get the maximum from the effort you are putting forth.

Working any lead program easily compares to getting physically fit. Results happen over time with consistent effort. Some of the leads you call today may not take advantage of the opportunity you have presented until the time is right for THEM, and THAT might be 6 months from now.

Personal growth and training go hand in hand with the decision to commit to the success of your business. Are YOU growing and becoming a better person...are YOU getting better at presenting your opportunity and asking the prospect to join? Are YOU willing to do what it takes to get the job done and realize the goals you have set for yourself? If the answers to these questions are not yes, then you’d better START with personal development and training and get involved with a lead program at a later date.



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Key To Success With Your Mindset


Tracking the results of your efforts will show you, in black and white, when you are starting to improve. By comparing the numbers, you will have the ability to develop a ratio of any of the results you are obtaining. Developing these ratios is CRUCIAL.

For example, you’ll be able to determine how many times you have to dial before you actually talk to a prospect; how many prospects you have to talk to in order to set an appointment for another exposure; how many exposures before the prospect joins, and so on.

Do not expect fantastic results overnight. You have a learning curve that you must go through, just like EVERY successful person before you. When I first started to work lead programs I was terrible, but I knew I had to learn how to walk before I could run the high hurdles. As I tracked my results and developed my ratios, I could see that my skills were improving and that my calls to appointments ratio was decreasing, as was my exposures to sign-up ratio. I was getting better! I could see right before my eyes the results of my hard work...and THAT motivated me to work harder and get even better.


Track Results.Develop a Ratio.


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Commit to tracking your results.Organize your leads.

Plan on daily calls and weekend follow-up

If you are going from point A to point B, you must prepare for the journey. You MUST commit to tracking your results, getting organized and staying organized. Now once again, don’t try to develop some fancy software program to do this. Use a note pad to write things down... dates, times, calls, contacts, phone messages left, set appointments, sign ups, etc. Then,

budget your time for both DAILY calls and for weekend follow-up calls. Remember, the fortune is in the follow-up. Most prospects are contacted once or twice and never contacted again. Why? The answer is what makes the difference between a $100/month residual income and a $10,000/month residual income.



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As you start to make your contacts, remember that you are only the MESSENGER...take nothing that happens or is said personally. RELAX and HAVE FUN. Too many networkers are WAY too serious when working leads. All you are trying to do is NAVIGATE the prospect through a series of exposures regarding your business.

Ask yourself – “What if I don’t”?Once you are correctly prepared and organized, start to do what must be done. You have GOT to do what must be done to get the results that you want to achieve. Keep asking yourself “What kind of a business will I have if I DON’T take action?”

NEVER pre-judge a PROSPECTThis is the biggest of the big. NEVER pre-judge a prospect. Never think a person has too much money to be interested. They may really want time and freedom. Never think someone doesn’t have the money. If they want to break the pattern badly enough, the money will be there. Don’t ever think they are too old, too young or too busy. Whatever you may be thinking can be the exact reason they WOULD be interested.


Remember you’re the Messenger.Relax and have FUN.

Your job is to Navigate.


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Immediate Response


KILLER SECRETTwo words can just about sum it all up:

IMMEDIATE RESPONSE!This is a relationship business. I’ll say that again, this is a relationship business. So, start that relationship as soon as the lead becomes available to you. If you are using “real time” leads, CALL the prospect as soon as humanly possible; immediately, if you’re online when it comes in. If you’re working list leads and you get 25, 50, even 100 at a time, CHOOSE to do what has to be done. Sit down and call as many as your time will allow, but call them ALL quickly. Anyone can make 30-45 or more dials in any given 60 minute time period. I know, because this is one practice I owe my success to. The leads I didn’t connect with, I called over the weekend. Why is immediate response so critical?

Emotion = MOTION

You MUST, MUST, MUST respond to the lead within 24 hours! By respond, I mean call. When the prospect filled out the online form or mailed/called

for information, their emotions were high. They had a reason for doing it and when your response comes quickly, those emotions are fresh in their mind.

21st century technology is great when used to speed the process of exposures, but too many networkers today are still looking for an easier way and are letting the technology do ALL of the work for them.

Have you ever received an email from a name you never heard of with “Here’s the information you requested” in the subject box? I don’t know about you, but I hit DELETE. CALL the prospect, create a dialog, start to form a relationship and NAVIGATE them to the next exposure...maybe via an email that they’ll expect and actually read. Whatever way you choose, get the prospect in MOTION.



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Using Phone Scripts


1st Call Script...I have used this script for years and it works. One of the keys to your success is to get good at developing good HABITS. Get GOOD at using this script instead of getting GOOD at starting OVER.

Read scripts out loud to relax...Do this to get familiar with the flow of the words. When you get the prospect on the phone, you’ll feel more relaxed while “chatting”.

Mold it to fit you...Put some personality into it. Be yourself and have fun. If you have fun, the prospect has fun.

1st call is short...All you are looking to do is gather information and take your prospect to the next exposure. Follow the outline for the first call. Keep it short, sweet and to the point.

Don’t waste time...Too much time is spent trying to convince uninterested prospects. Time is precious. Why spend more time than you have to with someone who hasn’t even reviewed your website?



Phone Scripts


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Outline For First Call


First Call

1. ContactA contact is exactly that; the person you are trying to reach is on the phone with you.

2. IntroduceAs the script shows, this is short and sweet. If you notice, there is NO MENTION of the company you represent. You are the messenger at this point, so prepare to deliver.

3. Ask questions/listenAsk probing questions, LISTEN to what the prospect tells you and take notes of the answers given. Find their hot buttons.

4. Identify if possibleIf you did a good job of asking questions and listening, you will probably be able to identify with the prospect on something like having kids, working from home, etc...

5. Provide TOOL (website, etc...)Since we are talking about a 21st century prospect, direct them to visit your Web site. Again, will a CD, DVD, video or cassette tape work? Absolutely, but let’s use something that will DUPLICATE and be DELIVERED faster.

6. Tell them to reviewPlace a sense of URGENCY on the task of reviewing the tool as soon as possible. As an example, if directing them to a Web site, ask if they can review it within the next 24-48 hours.

7. Set SOLID appointmentExplain that you have your appointment book out and you’d like to set up an appointment time to call back and answer any and all questions they might have. Then set a definite appointment. Then KEEP that appointment. If you said you’d call at 6PM on Tuesday, call at 6PM on Tuesday. Remember, you are forming a relationship and this shows them you do what you say you will do.



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Outline For First Call


8. Place VALUEBy placing value on the next call, you give the prospect a reason to keep the appointment. In the script it is stated to the prospect that this is the “most important part of your decision”. Placing value on the next call is also YOUR most important part of this process.

9. Place ResponsibilityWhen you explain that you treat the next call just as if you’re meeting for coffee, it places some responsibility on the prospect to keep the appointment or let you know they can’t make it. Will all the prospects take this responsibility to heart? Of course not. Are they rejecting you? No. They just missed the appointment. Just make sure you don’t.

10. ConfirmRepeat the time of the appointment, thank the prospect for their time and tell them you look forward to going into detail and answering their questions.

Again, the goal here is to create a simple outline for you to follow every time you call your leads. Everyone has a budget of time and money. Even if you’re part-time, you can achieve incredible results if you stick to the basics.

On the next page is a sample of what might happen if you’re working leads part-time, a few days a week. The results, of course, may vary for you, but at least you can create some goals based on the numbers shown.


First Call (cont.)


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Prospecting Example


50 Dials30 Conversations15 Appointments8 Show Up


As stated, the numbers will vary. For the part-time person, this example may take a week or a month. Or, as was mentioned before, the 50 dials can be done in an hour.

The important thing is that when you track your numbers and develop your ratios, you can see exactly what results you are producing. What the above example shows is that for every 50 DIALS, one or two people may end up joining. As you improve, it could get down to one every 40 dials, then 30, 20.


Because over time, your lead database gains MOMENTUM!

Every month, your intellectual property gains INTEREST!

After a couple of years, you will have more leads than you NEED!

This is something everyone needs to understand, but most QUIT working lead programs way too soon. To hit the income level you should have written down as a goal, you have GOT to COMMIT for the long term.

How Successful Do You Want To Be?

The one and only Jim Rohn once stated that what he lacked in SKILL, he made up with NUMBERS. That takes discipline, and discipline comes from personal development.

Do you have YOUR goals defined and written down?

Visit www.MotivatedMike.comfor a FREE goal-setting manual!



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First Call Script


“Hi, ___________? This is _________ from ________ (optional) returning your call. You requested information from me today on working from home – how are you? (small talk, if possible) Great! Listen _______, I am not going to take up much of your time. I just want to get you the information that you requested. Before I do that, I would like to ask you, what do you do for a living? (ask another question about their answer) How long have you been ______________________?

That’s great. I assume you’re looking to do something part time for now? Maybe down the road you would like to be working from home full time? (at this point, if you have a survey, use it for any additional questions if needed) ___________, do me a favor and grab a pen. I want to give you our website so you can spend some time reviewing our company, product and compensation plan.

Here you go. (spell out and remind them again to review the site as soon as possible) All I want you to do is review the website and write down any questions you have. Why don’t we get together, say

(suggest a time and day similar to your call and ASSUME that it’s ok) tomorrow at ___________? Does that work for you?

Do me a favor – mark your calendar and I will do the same. I like to treat these appointments as if we were meeting for a cup of coffee! So if something comes up – let me know and I will do the same for you. Sound good? (assuming you emailed your contact info or they wrote it down)

By the way _____________, when we get together ________, (remind of appt.) I will answer any questions you have on our company, BUT most importantly we will discuss our unique success system, which will help you in achieving your goals. So, if you want to make $1000 a month part-time, our system will allow you to do this.

In fact – what we will talk about (appt. time again) will be the most important part of your decision. I look forward to our talk – and I really enjoyed meeting you.” (the key is to place value on your 2nd appt.)


Mold the following script around yourself. Put some personality into it and have fun!

READ the whole script OUTLOUD at least 2-3 times so it becomes natural.Did you get that last sentence? When reading to yourself, you are really thinking to yourself, but when you speak it out loud,

you are also hearing it. Listen for where you might feel most comfortable pausing for a breath yet continuing with what you are saying. Listen for how you are saying things. Be yourself. Have fun. But don’t forget to breathe.


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First Call Blues



The art of Staying on track

When you start to work your leads, just as in life, things will go wrong from time to time. You can react to what happens and get yourself down or, respond. Your response should be to just accept these things...they happen...it is part of the game.

Wrong numberOnce again, the 21st century technology steps up and makes it possible to reference the Internet and possibly get the right phone number.

Initial response from prospect“I didn’t respond to this ad!”“I’m not interested right now.”“What is this all about?”“How much does this cost!”

It is important to maintain control with the prospect. STAY on track by saying something like this, “Hey, that’s the reason I called, to give you that information, so grab a pen for me.”

NOW, just get back on track and IGNORE the question. This may not work every time, but most of the time it will.


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Handling Voicemail



Got Voicemail?Just about everyone today has voicemail, and the only solution is to learn how to effectively deal with it. It’s going to be an important part of the process, so get familiar with the steps. I do want to make a strong point, though. You can leave the greatest voicemail the world has ever heard, but don’t expect a call back.

Track when you make the callThis is part of tracking your results. Document the date and time you left the message and mark that you did, in fact, leave a message.

Morning, Afternoon, or Evening?What part of the day did you call? If you called in the morning and got voicemail, make the next attempt to contact them in the afternoon, and the next, in the evening.

First VM should be a CURIOSITY messageNothing fancy, elaborate or detailed. You are creating curiosity and some prospects will call back solely for that reason.

Example:“Hi______, this is ______ returning your call. I will be in today until _____ and can be reached at _____. I look forward to hearing from you again.”

2nd and 3rd VM should be a BLUNT messageThese should be more to the point.

Example:“Hi ______, this is _____ again. I have some exciting things to share with you about working from home and our unique success system. Give me a call at _______ just as soon as you can.”

Try again on weekendAlways try over the weekend if there has not been contact during the week. The prospect might be traveling, on vacation, or just had a bad week.

File the lead if no return callAfter four messages and a couple of weeks, file the prospect into your re-contact file or place them into your auto responder system.

Auto responders HELP – but don’t RELY on themAuto responders are another tool of the 21st century and they do come in handy. But don’t RELY on them. Many people only check their emails once a week, some every two. When they finally do check, their finger gets over-worked hitting the delete key.


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The Appointment



Reviewing is Crucial

Find out IMMEDIATELY if they reviewed.This will be the first question you ask. Did you have a chance to review the Web site, video, information, etc? If they did not, stop right there and reset the appointment.

Reset the appointment and ask questionsAs you go about resetting the appointment, do a bit more probing and re-qualify the prospect. Ask a few more questions to find what their interest

level is, and remind them of why they requested the information to begin with (hopefully, these were written down during the first conversation you had with the prospect).

IF THEY REVIEWED THE INFORMATION...Here is the suggested strategy: ask KEY questions such as the examples listed on the following page...


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The Appointment



Key questions

“What did you like best?” This is always the first question you want to ask, and you want to ask it in that way. Never ask a prospect “what did you think?” They just might tell you.

“Did you have any questions on our company?” If for some reason, you don’t know an answer, tell them you’ll get the answer. Or, ask them to hold, and arrange a 3-way with someone in your upline.

“Our products?” Don’t get too technical here unless the question they ask needs a more technical answer. You know all about your product. This is only their first or second exposure. The best thing to do here is to share a testimonial or two.

Encourage use of the products. This is when you want to talk about the features and benefits of your products. Remember, the prospect wants to hear about “What’s in it for me? What will it do for me?”

“Our compensation?” Most compensation plans can be fairly complicated to explain if you get too deep, too fast. At this point, you want

to touch on a few key ways the prospect can create income and, unless they go on to ask more detailed questions, let it go at that.

Discuss 5-10 KEY points in your system. Prospects want to know that there is a system to follow. This is where you want to go into further detail. This is a very important area, so open up. Talk about the company tools, the training, the events, lead programs, and the team; find the top key points and DISCUSS why they are important.

Remind them: no sales & little time needed. This is one you always want to cover. Most people are scared to death of the word ‘sales’ even though we all are selling ourselves every day. Most people are also very busy. So explain how this can easily fit into their schedule.

3-way... call your upline. Too many networkers underutilize this tremendous exposure. This is one of the STRONGEST exposures that the prospect can get. Use it.

Additional exposures if needed.


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Multiple Exposures





MULTIPLE EXPOSURES is the KEY!On average, the prospect will need about 5 exposures of one kind or another before they choose to join the opportunity. All along the multiple exposure process, it is imperative to remember that you are building that all-important relationship.


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Four Major Reasons



Four Major Reasons prospects will NOT join your business TODAY, this WEEK or this MONTH!

TimingIf the timing is OFF, the prospect will not join! Sometimes it’s best to get back to them at a later date when the timing is better.

MoneySometimes we need to create the sense that NOT having something will end up costing MORE. Realize that people spend money for two reasons, short-term gains and of course, long-term gains. Your job is to help them SEE a return.

Disbelief & Fear Some people will love your opportunity, BUT, if they don’t believe they will succeed, or fear they cannot do what you’re doing, you having NOTHING at all! Share stories and display your system as much as possible so they understand that anyone can do it.


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Three Options For ANY Prospect



Only Three Options for any prospect!

Prospects, will JOIN your business, USE your products or services, or TELL you they are not interested.

Join Opportunity

Buy Products

NOT Interested


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Peak Of Emotion



4 Major Reasons prospects will NOT join your business TODAY, this WEEK or this MONTH!

The object of the entire process is to navigate the prospect through multiple exposures and help them to MAKE A DECISION. One of the BIGGEST mistakes made while prospecting is the failure to ASK THE PROSPECT TO JOIN!

After you provide multiple exposures, you have a prospect that is capable of making a decision. It’s your job to ask when they are at this PEAK OF EMOTION. If you don’t – you will have to eventually start over.



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Help The Prospect Decide



Ask people to join!


You MUST get into the habit of asking people to join.

If you FEEL the prospect has enough information to make a business decision, then ASK them to JOIN YOUR BUSINESS before they join the...“Witness Protection Program”!

Summarize and Ask to Join• Money per month• Time per week• Hot button• Ask to join


“________, I know you want to make______ a month, working

about ____ hours per week, and of course your long-term goal is to fire your boss...”

“So, what else do you need to know before you begin?”

or: “So, when would you like to start your business?”

or: “How soon would you like to get paid?”

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Handling Objections



Handling Objections

Remember that objections are part of the game, and nothing more than a breakdown in communication.

Focus on working through the initial objection, or what is called a “fake” objection. This will help you to uncover the REAL objection!

Look at this analogy...

Remember your first flight? Remember the first time you experienced turbulence? This can make one quite nervous. But after a few flights, you realize that this is normal, and is to be expected on every flight.

Objections are like “turbulence”. We have to learn how to deal with them because, while prospecting, objections are inevitable.


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Handling Objections



Universal Rebuttals


A rebuttal is a statement or question you ask when you receive an objection from the prospect. The rebuttals listed here will work on ANY and ALL objections you receive in the marketplace today.

The ECHO method: Simply repeat what they say until you hear the real objection.

Example: “I need to think about this.” You say, “Think about this?” NOW they might say, “Well, I need to do more research.” You say, “Do more research?”

Feel, Felt, Found method:This has been around for years and is effective when applied. When you hear an objection, you respond with, “I know how you FEEL. In fact, I FELT the same way, but you know what I FOUND...”

Catch them off guard method: Use this phrase often: “I’m so glad you said that!”

Example: They say, “I’m not interested.” You would say, “I’m so glad you said that! This business is perfect for uninterested people! If you lead me to interested parties, you benefit!”

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Handling Objections



Most Common Objections

Money: They say, “That’s expensive.” You can say, “Compared to what?” or “How much did you think this was going to cost?” The ECHO may lead to them saying, “I can’t afford this right now.” You might ask, “Today? This month, or what?”, or simply state, “That’s exactly why you need to JOIN!”

When it comes to money, the key is to create the sense of “NOT HAVING THIS WILL COST THEM MORE!”

Risk: They say, “Starting a business is risky.” You might say, “Life is a risk!” or “What if this does work?”

HELP THEM TO SEE THE CUP AS HALF-FULL & NOT HALF-EMPTY.A great way to show this would be to make a list of the risks and rewards

of starting a business. This will always work out in your favor (pros and cons sheet).

Not interested: Sometimes this is our own fault. If we’re not using the system or tools, then we are not duplicating.

They say, “I’m not interested.” You could answer with, “May I ask why not?” or you could use “FEEL FELT, FOUND” or say “I’m so glad you said that because our business is perfect for uninterested people! If you lead me to interested parties, we compensate you! Even if you were a vegetarian, you could certainly still own a McDonalds and take the profits, couldn’t you?”

Some of these may sound a bit aggressive, but why not ask yourself, “What do I REALLY have to lose?”


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Most Common Objections (cont.)


Ask for referrals: This is another option that should never be overlooked. Just say, “I appreciate the fact that you took some time to review our business, and if something changes down the road, you have my information. Before I let you go, would you mind helping me with something? Do you know anyone in sales? Anyone in network marketing?”

Timing: It is best to ask if this is the right time. Timing is something you have no control over when it comes to prospecting. If it is not the right time, then be PROFESSIONAL, and get back to them when the time is right.

Spousal: This is a BIG category when it comes to objections! These are HIDDEN objections. People FEAR putting their spouse through the waiting game again or another possible failure. The solution? It is BEST to INCLUDE the spouse!

“Will your spouse be involved? Do you and your spouse plan on working the business together? If not, you may have a struggle.”

Not enough time: It seems that there is never enough time. But we all know that this business can be worked using only a few hours a week. It’s perfect for the busy person.

Example: They say, “I don’t have enough time.” You say, (ECHO) “Enough time?” or (feel, felt, found) “I know exactly how you FEEL. I FELT the same way when I first joined. But here is what I FOUND out: this business is designed for busy people.”

No sales experience: “I’m so glad you said that because we do not SELL anything. We SHARE our great products, and this leads to the opportunity.” Or, once again, use FEEL, FELT, FOUND.

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Most Common Objections (cont.)

Is this MLM?: “Do you like MLM?” NO MATTER what they answer, you say, “Then you will love this! This is network marketing, or referral-based marketing. Let me explain how it works.” Then show the compensation plan again.

Is this a PYRAMID scheme?: Most of the time this question comes up because of the lack of education about the business and how it works. We all know pyramid schemes are illegal.

You say, “Let me ask you, ‘What is a pyramid scheme?’” At this point, it’s best to get them to relate to any huge, well-known, corporation. “Would you consider _____ to be a pyramid scheme? The person at the top makes

the big money, and everyone underneath makes less and always will. Here, you have the ability to make as much money as you want. YOU are the one who determines the size of your check.”

MOVIE EXAMPLES WORK, TOO: “Let me ask you, have you seen the movie Top Gun or Titanic? (let them answer) Did you tell anyone how good the movie was, and recommend they go see it? (let them answer) Did the movie theater send you a referral fee or even give you a free box of popcorn for recommending the movie? (they’ll say no) Well, with this opportunity, when you share information about the company and the product, and the person follows your recommendation, you get paid.”


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Most Common Objections (cont.)


Belief: These are sad but true. The prospect doesn’t believe in some aspect of what you have said, or they just might not believe in themselves. Whatever it might be, you may have to go through a few rebuttals before you get to this real objection.

You might hear “I need to think about this.” Use the ECHO, “Think about this?”, which might lead to, “Well, I need to do more research.” ECHO again, “Do more research?”, which can lead to something like, “I want to make sure this will work.” Echo again, “Make sure this will work?”, and then they may reply with “To be honest, I’m not sure if this is for me.” BINGO! THAT’S the REAL objection!

Self-image: Self esteem, call it what you will. Some people believe they will NOT succeed in this industry. Throughout life, many people have been conditioned to expect the worst or to expect to fail at whatever they attempt.

Some of these beliefs are deep-rooted because no one has ever believed that they would succeed. They were never encouraged to keep going, to strive higher, and to “be all they can be.” Instead, they have been conditioned for failure.

The key here is to EMPOWER.Encourage the heart. Believe in the person’s ability, and voice that belief.“_____, I believe in you. You remind me of a person in our company...” Share a story about a person who succeeded with your company against all odds. Every company has stories like this. Find them and use them. Empower the prospects to believe in themselves. Or, if they say, “I can’t see myself doing this”, simply ask, “What makes you say that?”

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Most Common Objections (cont.)

Spending money: Whenever we spend money, it’s usually for something that typically will satisfy our need for instant gratification. We go to the mall, go out to eat, go to a movie or something of the kind. This is a “short-term gain” spending habit. Something that will benefit us over the long term is a “long-term investment”. To get the prospect to understand that they are investing, not spending, you must create value in your opportunity or product. Use the word investment if the prospect starts to talk about spending money.

While you are on the topic of money, the prospect might ask, “How soon will I start making money?” Your response should be, “How soon would you like to?”

If the prospect asks, “I don’t know if I have the money”, simply ask, “You mean this week, or this month, or what? If your car broke down, would you find the money to fix it?”

I need a LOCAL sponsor: The simplest way to overcome this one is to ask this question, “What makes you say that?” Explain that, whether local or not, what they really need is a good sponsor. And a good sponsor will be there for them no matter where they are located. Also, explain that if they are looking to build a national or international team, they need to be able to build and work independently.

Also, ask them this, “What will you do if your friend wants to recruit someone out of state? Will you tell them not to?” The bottom line is that you need to share your SYSTEM more than anything else to help the prospect understand the support elements.

I do not want to approach my friends or family: Simply answer, “This is up to you. We do have alternative prospecting methods, but remember, when you start to make money, you will have to explain to your friends and family why you did not tell them about this!”Or, Try the FEEL, FELT, FOUND method.


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Most Common Objections (cont.)


How do you know if you are LOSING the prospect?

Look for these tell tale signs:• Dead silence after you make a strong statement• Repeating words like...”yeah” or “okay”• When you hear: “Well maybe”, or, “If you say so”, or, “That sounds too good to be true”

You will find that the more you work through any of the objections, and learn how to deal with them effectively, the more money you will earn!

The bottom line is RESULTS!And to increase results, we must increase ACTIVITY!

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Follow-Up Strategies



The All-Important Follow-Up Call

Follow up. Follow up. Follow up. How many times has it been said, this is where the fortune is. Here’s a true story that drives this point home:

An experienced networker requested information from an ad he had seen in a magazine. When taken through the process, he loved the opportunity, the compensation and the product, but didn’t join. He kept saying the timing wasn’t right. Over the course of the next 24 months (TWO WHOLE YEARS!), he was systematically followed up on, in one way or another. The day finally

came when he said yes, and he joined the opportunity. In just seven months, his income hit over $100,000. Was the override worth the work? Put the figure into your own compensation plan and see what a six-figure earner would do for your income.

How much money would have gone into someone else’s pocket if the follow-up had not continued?


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Follow-Up Strategies



The All-Important Follow-Up Call (cont.)


Identify the playersEvery week will bring some good prospects, great prospects and even bad prospects. Identify all the HOTTEST prospects! Then, focus on them using good follow-up techniques.

Clean out the house every weekAt the end of each week, take the players and call them one more time, send one more email or hand-write and send out one more postcard.

Auto respondersProgram a series of emails to follow up for the next few weeks or months.

If you need some suggested emails to send your prospects, visit www.MotivatedMike.com and review some examples that you are free to use.

Individual emailsPersonalized, attention-getting emails may help with some prospects, BUT remember that not everyone is checking email everyday!

Individual phone callsLeaving a message or just touching base every once in a while is SMART! You never know when someone is ready to join.

Handwritten postcardsThis may seem old-fashioned, but have you ever received a postcard and NOT turned it over to see what it said? It’s a powerful and memorable technique. It makes no difference what you say on the postcard: the key is that you sent one.

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Follow-Up Strategies



Creativity • Persistence • Good Attitude

This is a great follow-up motto:Creative persistency with the right attitude is the key!

You never know just when someone will join your opportunity, but it’s important to understand that your follow-up discipline can help you make a fortune.



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About The Author

“Motivated Mike” Lemire is the founder of Millionaires’ Lifestyle Marketing and Development and is also the creator of the Jim Rohn Challenge in conjunction with Jim Rohn International. MLM Development has trained over 85,000 people in over 70 countries on subjects such as motivation, leadership, goal setting, attitude, sales skills, working leads, handling objections and more! Due to his strong belief in the universal secret to success that states “as you think, you shall become,” Mike has strived to improve not only his personal life, but the lives of everyone he comes in contact with. His dynamic, high-energy approach to living life to its full potential through personal development has helped many to take a different attitude toward what they can do, starting right now, without changing their present circumstances. “Motivated Mike” helps people to understand that it’s not how good they think they are. It’s all about how much greater they think they can be. Mike has shared the stage with many industry masters and legends such as Jim Rohn, Bill Bailey, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hanson, Bob Burg, Tom Wood, Doug Firebaugh, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Dave Roller, Michael Clouse, Tom “Big Al” Schreiter, Jeffrey Combs, Randy Gage, Jan Ruhe, Jerry Clarke, and many more! Motivated Mike has trained for many companies in our industry including Herbalife, Harvesting America, PPL, Excel, Ameriplan, Melaleuca, Royal Body Care, Unicity, TCS, New Vision, Shaklee, New Image, ITI, ACN, Starlight, Premier Health, Usana, Cognigan, Morinda, Life Wealth 8 and WGI. Recently Mike became a member in the 2003-2004 WHO’S WHO in Executives and Professionals. With over a decade of sales, marketing and networking experience, Motivated Mike offers a variety of training, consulting and development for the marketplace today.

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“ This series is exactly what people need to develop their prospecting skills. I am recommending your CDs to my entire organization. Thank you!” –Barbara Holmes

Find the Answers to These Vital Questions Inside:• What are signs you’re losing the prospect?• How many times should you expose your business?• When is following up a bad idea?• How much should you be dialing before a sign-up?• What’s the best way to ask a prospect to join?

Also Included: Phone Scripts, 10 Steps to a Successful First Call, Top 4 Questions to Ask Your Prospects, Tips for a Profitable Follow-up, and much more!

Mediocre Networkers Beware! The contents of this 2-CD training set may turn you into a Master Prospector! Follow advanced tips from expert “Motivated Mike” Lemire, and watch your skills improve within seconds.

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