ME469B/4/GI 1 Advanced Computational Models Grid Adaptation Non-conformal Interfaces Moving Boundaries Deforming Boundaries…

Advanced Computational Models FLUENT_NOTES

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Page 1: Advanced Computational Models FLUENT_NOTES

ME469B/4/GI 1

Advanced Computational Models

Grid Adaptation

Non-conformal Interfaces

Moving Boundaries

Deforming Boundaries…

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ME469B/4/GI 2

Grid Adaptivity

The computational grid can be refined and/or coarsened based ongeometrical and numerical solution data

Useful for:Capture flow features in detailsIncrease resolution in near-wall regionsImprove grid quality…

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ME469B/4/GI 3

Grid Adaptivity Example

Computational DomainFlow in a complex passage

A uniform triangular gridis likely to be inappropriate tocapture all the feature of the flow

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ME469B/4/GI 4

Adaptation Process

Definition of the adaptation function (based on geometrical and/or solution data)

Selection of the cells to be refined or coarsened (marking or tagging)

Selection of grid refinement/coarsening scheme


Interpolation of the previous solution onto the new grid (automatic)

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ME469B/4/GI 5

Adaptation Functions

GeometricalRegion BoundaryVolume

Solution basedIsovalue Gradienty+

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ME469B/4/GI 6

Region Adaptation

This is the same option we used for “global” grid refinement to study thegrid convergence of the solutions

Adapt Æ Region

Select a region shape

Input the geometrical definitionof the region

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ME469B/4/GI 7

Boundary Adaptation

Adapt Æ BoundarySelect a boundary of the computational domain

Three options:cell distancenormal distancevolume distance

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ME469B/4/GI 8

Boundary Adaptation

Adaptation based on a cell’s distance from the selected boundary measuredin number of cells. (1 means only the cells attached to the boundary)

Adaptation based on a cell’s normal distance from the selected boundary

Adaptation based on a target boundary volume(specify a target volume and a growth factor a)

Vcell = Vtarget e ad

This adaptation attempts to generate boundary-layer type grid

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ME469B/4/GI 9

Volume Adaptation

Adapt Æ VolumeBased on cell volume (area in 2D):

Two options:magnitude (threshold values)change (neighbor change)

Allow to compute the range in your grid

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ME469B/4/GI 10

Isovalue Adaptation

Adapt Æ IsoValueAll field values are available (includingequation residuals, customized and grid-related functions)

Method:specify the functionspecify a rangespecify the inside/outside option

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ME469B/4/GI 11

Gradient Adaptation

As before all field values are available(including equation residuals, customizedand grid-related functions)

Method:specify the functionspecify a range

Note that the option is refine/coarsenCells above the Refine Threshold are RefinedCells below the Coarsen Threshold are Coarsened

Adapt Æ Gradient

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ME469B/4/GI 12

y+ Adaptation

Adapt Æ y+Useful for turbulent flow simulations

Method:specify the wall boundariesspecify the range (as before)

Note y* is a friendlier version of y+

y+ = r yp ut /m y* = r Cm1/4 kp

1/2 yp /m

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ME469B/4/GI 13

Mark (Tag) and display

Before performing the adaptation you can mark the cell selected (based ona certain adaptation function) and display them

Adapt Æ Region Æ Control Æ Display

Only the selected cells will be displayed

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ME469B/4/GI 14

Mark or Adapt?

Mark allows to evaluate the effect ofa refining/coarsening procedure withoutactually changing the grid

Marked cells are saved in registers thatcan be combined or manipulated before Adapting

Adapt is usually used only at the end whenall The desired cells are marked


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ME469B/4/GI 15

Managing Registers

Adapt Æ <method> Æ Manage Marked cells are saved in registers

Adapt registers: collection of cellsMask registers: binary tagging to all cells in active and inactive

Operations on the registers are:

Union: combine two adapt registers (or more)Intersection: combine adapt and mask registersChange Type: convert a adapt in mask and viceversaDelete: eliminate a register

Exchange: swap an adapt register (coarse Æ refine)Invert: swap a mask register (active Æ inactive)Limit: apply the adaptations limits to a register Fill: mark for coarsening all the cells not in the register

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ME469B/4/GI 16

Adaptation controls

Adapt Æ <method> Æ Manage Æ Control Set limits on the adaptation procedure(i.e. maximum number of final cells)

Select the adaptation schemeConformalHanging Nodes

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ME469B/4/GI 17

Hanging-Node and Conformal Adaptation

Cell to be refined

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ME469B/4/GI 18

Hanging-Node Adaptation

Selected cells (father) are refined homothetically (kids)

Nodes are added on the edges of the father cell andconnectivity information are generated to linkthe kids to the father neighbors

Memory penalty associated to the additional connectivityInformation required and to the presence of an inactive father cell

Neighboring cells are not allowed to differ more than one-level of refinement(because of inaccuracy related to large volume variations)

Coarsening can be only performed on previously refined regions. Kids are deleted and the father cell becomes active



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ME469B/4/GI 19

Conformal Adaptation

Selected cells are refined by splitting the longest edge

It is inherently conservative because the cell connectivity is not modified

No memory penalty (the old cells are deleted and the only the new are stored)

Low quality meshes can be improved (refinement not homothetic)

Coarsening can be applied everywhere and corresponds to a local remeshing

Can only be applied to triangular (tetrahedral) grids

In is NOT as local as the hanging-node approach

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ME469B/4/GI 20

Grid Adaptivity Guidelines

Surface mesh should be fine enough to capture all the essential geometricalfeatures of the model (especially for high curvature surfaces)

The initial mesh should be fine enough to capture the overall features of theflow

A reasonably converged solution must be obtained before adapting the grid

Suitable flow-adaptation criteria are crucial to obtain increased resolution ofselected region (i.e. velocity gradients are better than pressure gradient inincompressible flows and high values of turbulent quantities are relevant forturbulent flows)

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ME469B/4/GI 21

Boundary Grid Adaptivity

Original geometry

Poor boundary resolution cannot be improved via grid refinement

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ME469B/4/GI 22

Non-conformal grids

Grid generation can be simplified in certain problems by meshingvarious components separately. The grids have to be coupled usinga non-conformal interface

Triangular grid

Quadrilateral grid

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ME469B/4/GI 23

Non-conformal grid interfaces

The matching conditions between the two faces have to be definedCoupled interface: the interface is actually an internal face (no bc)Periodic interface: the matching allows to specify pressure gradients

Define Æ Grid Interface

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ME469B/4/GI 24

Non-conformal grid interfaces - Example

Channel flow

Periodic Boundaries

Non-conformal interface Velocity contours (cell values)

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ME469B/4/GI 25

Non-conformal Interface Guidelines

Grid interface can be of any shape (2D and 3D) but the surfaces to be machedMUST be based on the same geometry especially for highly curved surfaces

Grid resolution at the two sides of the interfaces can be different; accuracy(and fluxes conservation) degrades for highly different mesh size

Non-conformal interfaces are binary connectivity between two (and onlytwo) zones.

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ME469B/4/GI 26

Moving Zones

Several industrial applications involve flow through a domain which containsa moving component (propellers, turbines, etc.)



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ME469B/4/GI 27

Advanced Computational Models

• Grid Adaptivity• Non-Conformal Grid Interfaces• Moving Zones

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ME469B/4/GI 28

Modeling Moving Zones

Different approaches can be followed:

1) Single Reference Frame Model (SRFM)2) Multiple Reference Frame Model (MRFM)3) Mixing Plane Model (MPM)4) Sliding Mesh Model (SMM)5) Mesh Deformation6) Remeshing

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ME469B/4/GI 29

Simplest model available; entire computational domain is referred to a rotating reference frame (domain moves with the reference frame)

The equations are rewritten in the moving reference frame and a Coriolisacceleration term appears as a source for the momentum balance

Boundaries that move with the frame can assume any shape BUT boundariesthat are stationary MUST be surface of revolution

Single Reference Frame Model

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ME469B/4/GI 30

Single Reference Frame Set-Up

Define Æ Models Æ Solver

Velocity formulation

Absolute: the unknowns are the fieldvariables in the stationary reference frame

Relative: the unknowns are the fieldvariables in the moving reference frame

Note: the relative is only available in theSegregated solver and it is usually faster

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ME469B/4/GI 31

Single Reference Frame Boundary ConditionsDefine Æ Boundary ConditionÆ Fluid Æ Wall

Define the axis of rotationSelect moving reference frameDefine the angular speed

Stationary surfaces: zero absolute rotational speedMoving surfaces: zero rotational speed relative to

the adjacent zone

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ME469B/4/GI 32

Many rotating machinery problems involve stationary components thatcannot be represented as surface of revolution or move at different velocity

The extension is to consider separate reference frames for each component

The set-up is similar to the SRFM

MRFM ignores the relative motions of subdomains and the Coriolis body-forces are local to each region (no equivalence between stationary andmoving reference frame)

Suitable for problems where the interaction between rotating and non-rotatingcomponents is small

Multiple Reference Frame Model

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ME469B/4/GI 33

Sliding Mesh Model

Like the MRFM the domain is divided into moving and stationary components

Unlike the MRFM the mesh in each subdomain moves with respect to one anotherand the problem is inherently unsteady

The equations are solved in the stationary reference frame and the meshes aremoved at each time step (no approximations to the governing equations)

The sliding mesh interface is defined as a non-conformal interface

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ME469B/4/GI 34

SMM Example

Velocity distribution


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ME469B/2/GI 1

Grid Generation

• Geometry definition (simple shapes, CAD import)• Grid generation algorithms• GAMBIT• Grid quality and improvement• Automation

ME469B/2/GI 2

Grid generation package: GAMBIT

The User Manual is available from the class Web Site

Geometry Grid BC Tools







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ME469B/2/GI 3

Geometrical types - Topology

• Vertex

• Edge (2 or more vertices) • Face (3 or more edges)

• Volume (3 or more faces)

Bottom-up approach: generate low dimensional entities and build on top of them higher dimensional entities

ME469B/2/GI 4



• Input Coordinates…

• Line segment (connect 2 vertices)• Circular arc• Quadratic functions• NURBS: Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (connect N vertices)

Topologically any edge is ALWAYS a connection between 2 vertices(additional vertices used to build the geometry are NOT part of the edge)

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• Rectangular• Circular• …• Sweep (translation or rotation of an edge)• Wireframe (connecting 3 or more edges)

ME469B/2/GI 6


• Cuboid• Sphere• Cone• Pyramids• …• Sweep (translation or rotation of a face)• Wireframe (connecting 3 or more faces)

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ME469B/2/GI 7

Manipulate Geometry - Boolean Operations:

• Unite• Substract• Intersect

Volume 1

Volume 2

it generates theintersection edge

ME469B/2/GI 8

Manipulate Geometry - Blend

smooth sharp edges

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ME469B/2/GI 9

Create Entities - Faces

ME469B/2/GI 10

Create Entities - Faces

Some entities generated using “primitives” have fewer lower topological entitiesExample:

Cube volume: 6 faces, 12 edges, 8 verticesCylinder volume: 3 faces, 2 edges, 2 vertices

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ME469B/2/GI 11

Manipulate Geometry – Create Entities

Parametric representationof the face

Create a vertex on a face

ME469B/2/GI 12

Manipulate Geometry – Create Entities

Create two edges by splitting an edge

Parametric representationof the edge

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ME469B/2/GI 13

Import Geometries

• Realistic geometries are TOO complicated to be generated from “simple” shapes• Engineering design is based on CAD systems

• Gambit is based on ACIS geometrical libraries• ACIS (Andy, Charles & Ian’s System) is the most widely used 3D modeling software technology (http://www.spatial.com)

• It can also import:• STEP (STandard for Exchange of Product model data; ISO standard)• IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification; ANSI standard)• STL (STereo Lithography; Rapid Prototyping Standard)• ….

Translation between CAD and CFD system is a major bottleneck

ME469B/2/GI 14

Clean-Up a CAD Model

• Eliminate components not exposed to the flow

• Eliminate duplicated entities

• Eliminate small details

• Water-proofing the surfaces

• Rebuild geometrical connectivity between parts

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ME469B/2/GI 15

Example: Helicopter Rotor

The rotor-shaft connectionis VERY complicated

ME469B/2/GI 16

Geometrical entities

The geometry consists of 10 components3 blades, 1 shaft support, 6 connectors

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ME469B/2/GI 17

Example: Import IGES Model

IGES export is available from everyCAD system

IGES models are a collection of“untrimmed” edges and faces

Imported geometry consists of:0 volumes~250 faces~1100 edges~1000 vertices

ME469B/2/GI 18

Example: Import STEP Model

STEP export is available from manyCAD system

STEP models are a collection of partsor components

Imported geometry consists of:10 volumes~190 faces~450 edges~300 vertices

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ME469B/2/GI 19

Components “exploded”

For aerodynamic analysis the details of the rotor-shaftconnection are not important. The geometry of theblades MUST be preserved




ME469B/2/GI 20

Geometry simplification

Connectors eliminated

Support generated as a “simple” cylinder with blended side

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ME469B/2/GI 21

Geometry simplification

Blade edge cleaned andsealed

Blade-support connectoris a “simple” cuboid

ME469B/2/GI 22

Clean Geometry

This example is available on the class Web site

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ME469B/2/GI 23

Grid Generation

• Geometry definition (simple shapes, CAD import)• Grid generation algorithms• GAMBIT• Grid quality and improvement• Automation

ME469B/2/GI 24

Grid generation techniques

• Structured grids• Ordered set of (locally orthogonal) lines• Several Techniques can be used to Map a computational domain into a physical domain: Transfinite Interpolation, Morphing, PDE Based, etc.• The grid lines are curved to fit the shape of the boundaries

• Unstructured grids• Unorganized collection of polygons (polyhedron) • Three main techniques are available to generate automatically triangles (tetrahedra): Delaunay triangulation, Advancing front, OCTREE• Paving for automatic generation of quads in 2D

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ME469B/2/GI 25






Physical Domain Computational Domain




e A




Side B

Side D

Structured Grids: Mapping



Side A1

Side C

Side B



ME469B/2/GI 26

Unstructured Grids: Triangulations

• Delaunay• Empty circle principle: any node must not be contained within the circumcircle (circle passing through the vertices of a triangle) on any triangle within the mesh• Automatic triangulation of random set of nodes• Nodes are inserted locally in a triangulation and triangles are redefined locally to satisfy the Delaunay criterion (available mathematical tools)

+ Inherent grid quality+ Elegant mathematical basis - Boundary integrity

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ME469B/2/GI 27

Unstructured Grids: Triangulations

• Advancing front• Triangles are built inward from the boundary surfaces• The last layer of elements constitutes the active front • An optimal location for a new nodes is generated for each segment on the front; the new node is generated by checking all existing nodes and this new optimal location • Intersection checks are required to avoid front overlap

+ Surface grid preserved+ Specialized layers near surfaces - Computationally complex - Low quality

ME469B/2/GI 28

Unstructured Grids: Triangulations

• OCTREE• Squares containing the boundaries are recursively subdivided until desired resolution is obtained• Irregular cells (or triangulation) are generated near the surface where square intersect the boundary

+ Requires least of surface representation+ Highly automated - Cannot match surface grid - Low quality near surfaces

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ME469B/2/GI 29

Unstructured Grids: Paving

• Advancing front technique based on quads (instead of triangles)• Only in 2D

Triangulation Paving

ME469B/2/GI 30

Unstructured Grids: Coopering

• 2D mesh sweeping• Only for cylindrical volumes• unstructured surface mesh is generated on surface A (source face)

• structured grids are generated on cylindrical surfaces C & D

• mesh on surface A is sweeped in the volume to generate the full 3D m esh

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ME469B/2/GI 31

ß Standard Elements:

Hex Tet Pyramid Wedge

ß Hex: Maximum Volume Covered per Edge Size

ß Hex: Maximum Ratio Nodes/Elements

ß Hex/Wedges: Clustering at Solid Wall with High Quality Elements

ß Tets: Automatic Meshing of Extremely Complicated Regions

ß Pyramids/Wedges: Transition Between Tets & Hex

Unstructured Grids: 3D elements

ME469B/2/GI 32

35K Total Elements 410K Total Elements

We NEED Hex-Based Meshing because:

ß Equiangular Tets are NOT Good for Thin Volumes

ß Too Many Elements for Reasonable Resolutions

(estimated >2M grid Points in conical-annular Swirler)

Cross-Section of the Swirler

Unstructured Grids: Hex or Tets?

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ME469B/2/GI 33

What is available in GAMBIT

• Structured gridding (mapping)

• Unstructured triangulation (2D/3D)

• Unstructured paving (2D)

• Unstructured coopering (3D)

All GAMBIT meshes are exported as unstructured collection of (mixed) elements












& C









h si


ME469B/2/GI 34

Grid generation – 1D - Edges


Select number of pointsSelect distribution of points

Edge direction is defined from 1st to 2nd vertexClustering toward one side is defined accordingly

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ME469B/2/GI 35

Grid generation – 2D - Faces


Select number of points• use predefined edge meshes• use uniform spacing

Select meshing scheme• constraints on the edge meshing for mapping and paving schemes

ME469B/2/GI 36

Grid generation – 2D - Faces

It is possible to force the cell element typeat face-vertices

Mixing element-type is one of the main advantages of unstructured meshtechnology

elementsforced tobe triangles

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ME469B/2/GI 37

Grid generation – 2D - Mesh-patching options

Matching interface Non-conformal interface

Overlapping interface Mixed-element interface

ME469B/2/GI 38

Grid generation – 3D - Volumes

Not so easy

Select number of points• use predefined face meshes• use uniform spacing

Select meshing scheme• constraints on the face meshing for mapping and cooper schemes

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ME469B/2/GI 39

3D Grid generation – Advanced Cooper technique

“Creative” way of coopering: multisurface to multisurface sweep

ME469B/2/GI 40

Grid generation – Sizing functions

Instead of the bottom-up approach (1D to 3D) grid generationSizing functions can be specified to mesh volumes directly

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ME469B/2/GI 41

Grid generation – Clustering points

Sizing functions can be used effectively to define the size of thecells BUT they cannot provide directional control (anisotropy)

One option is to build (grow) elements from the boundaries andto form “viscous” layers

ME469B/2/GI 42

Grid generation – Boundary Layers

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ME469B/2/GI 43

Example – meshing a circle

Mapping Triangulation Paving Multiblock mapping

Boundary Layer Boundary Layer Boundary Layer Boundary Layer Transition Paving Paving Multiblock Paving Multiblock Paving

Circle defined as segments

ME469B/2/GI 44

Mesh linking

Edges, faces and volume meshescan be linked

Define corresponding entitiesand ALSO reference entities

Needed to “enforce” coincidentgrids on different entities (i.e. forperiodicity bc)

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ME469B/2/GI 45

Virtual Geometry

GAMBIT operates on two different type of entities

REAL: with corresponding geometrical and topological characteristicsVIRTUAL: defined only with reference to REAL entities

REAL entities are what we used and described so far;VIRTUAL are used to SIMPLIFY, CLEAN UP, DECOMPOSE real entities

Note that some geometry tools cannot be applied to virtual entities(boolean operation, volume blending, creation of volumes by sweeping faces, etc.)

Real entities can be transformed in virtual but NOT viceversa

ME469B/2/GI 46


Virtual Geometry Clean-Up

Example of edge connecting operation

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ME469B/2/GI 47

Grid quality

Quality measures are NOT absolute but should be considered inconnection with solution schemes

The final accuracy of a procedure is ALWAYS a function of the gridquality

Several geometrical measures can be defined:

• Depending on the size of the elements• Depending on the shape of the elements• Depending on relative dimensions of neighboring elements

ME469B/2/GI 48

Quality measures available in GAMBIT

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ME469B/2/GI 49

Examine meshes

Equiangular skewAspect ratio

• Define mesh element to examine• Define a cutting plane • Define the quality measure

ME469B/2/GI 50

Mesh improvement

• Smoothing operators are applied to redistribute nodes

Equiangular skewAspect ratio

Typically, improvement in 3D meshes are based on improved 2D meshes

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ME469B/2/GI 51


• GAMBIT saves a “journal” file with the commands issues during a session

• Journal file are ASCII editable files

• Commands are quasi-English and easy-to-use

• They are useful to trace-back sessions to find errors

• They can be made general by introducing User Defined Parameters

ME469B/2/GI 52

GAMBIT Journal file

The command:

Volume create width 1 depth 1 height 1 offset 0 0 0 brick

Generates a cube of size 1 centered at 0 0 0

On the other hand the sequence

$W = 2.3$D = 1.5$H = 4Volume create width $W depth $D height $H offset 0 0 0 brick

Generates a cuboid of User-Specified Size centered at 0 0 0

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ME469B/2/GI 53

/ --------------------------------------------------------/ CYCLONE GRID GENERATION/ ME269B - Spring 2002/ --------------------------------------------------------// R1 = External radius of Cyclone/ R2 = Gas Outlet Pipe (External)/ R3 = Gas Outlet Pipe (Internal)/ RB = Particles Outlet (Bottom)/ H1 = Height of the Cylindrical Part of Cyclone/ H2 = Height of the Conical Part/ HE = Depth of the Outlet Channel into the Cyclone// inletl = Length (x) of the Gas Inlet Channel/ inleta = Height (z) of the Gas Inlet Channel/ inletb = Span (y) of the Gas Inlet Channel/ outletl = Length (z) of the outlet (gas) pipe// cellsize = Average size of the cells// Remark: z-axis is the Cyclone Axis/ --------------------------------------------------------// Input Quantities/$R1 = 1.555$R2 = 0.45$R3 = 0.4$RB = 0.75$H1 = 4.5$H2 = 5$HE = 3.6$inletl = 2$inleta = 1.03$inletb = 0.7$outletl = 7.2$cellsize = 0.18//

Example of Journal file

ME469B/2/GI 54

Grid generation research

ß Structured grids: automatic generation

of mappable subdomainsNLR 2000-366 Report

(PDF available from class web site)

ß Unstructured tetrahedral grids: anisotropic Delaunay schemes

Shimada et al. “High quality anisotropic tetrahedral mesh generation

via ellipsoidal bubble packing” (PDF available)

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ME469B/2/GI 55

Grid generation research

ß Unstructured hex-dominant grids: OCTREE based

SAMM – Computational Dynamics Ltd.Hexpress – Numeca International Inc.

ß Unstructured purely hexahedral grids: Whisker-Weaving

CUBIT – Sandia National Lab. (PS report available)

ME469B/2/GI 56

Grid generation – Links and References

• Links• Mesh generation and grid generation on the Web http://www-users.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~roberts/meshgeneration.html• Meshing research corner http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/sowen/mesh.html• General CFD: Topic mesh generation http://www.cfd-online.com

• References:• Handbook of grid generation. Thompson, Soni, Weatherill, CRC Press• Numerical Grid Generation: Foundation & Applications. Thompson, Warsi, Mastin. North Holland Press

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ME469B/2/GI 57

Example #1Geometry Modeling

Objective: generation of a swirl-generator model in GAMBIT

• Four rectangular ducts inject tangentially in an expanding pipe.• Select the dimensions appropriately

The duct offset DO is the main design variable: with fixed mass flow the swirl generated is a function of DO

The shape of the pipe/ductintersection is a function ofthe duct offset

Use the “cyclone.jou” example as a baseline


ME469B/2/GI 58

Example #2Grid Generation

Objective: generation of a grid for a swirl-generator model in GAMBIT• Generate an all-tetrahedra grid• Generate an all-hexahedra grid• Compare the quality of the grid especially in the channel-pipe intersection

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ME469B/3/GI 1

Solution methods for theIncompressible Navier-Stokes Equations

l Discretization schemes for the Navier-Stokes equationsl Pressure-based approachl Density-based approachl Convergence acceleration l Periodic Flowsl Unsteady Flows

ME469B/3/GI 2

Background (from ME469A or similar)

Navier-Stokes (NS) equations

Finite Volume (FV) discretization

Discretization of space derivatives (upwind, central, QUICK, etc.)

Pressure-velocity coupling issue

Pressure correction schemes (SIMPLE, SIMPLEC, PISO)

Multigrid methods

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ME469B/3/GI 3

NS equations

The advection term is non-linearThe mass and momentum equations are coupled (via the velocity)The pressure appears only as a source term in the momentum equationNo evolution equation for the pressureThere are four equations and five unknowns (r, V, p)

Conservation laws:

Rate of change + advection + diffusion = source

= 0

ME469B/3/GI 4

Compressible flows:

The mass conservation is a transport equation for density. With an additionalenergy equation p can be specified from a thermodynamic relation (ideal gas law)

Incompressible flows:

Density variation are not linked to the pressure. The mass conservation is aconstraint on the velocity field; this equation (combined with the momentum) canbe used to derive an equation for the pressure

NS equations

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ME469B/3/GI 5

Pressure-based solution of the NS equation

The continuity equation is combined with the momentum and thedivergence-free constraint becomes an elliptic equation for the pressure

To clarify the difficulties related to the treatment of the pressure, wewill define EXPLICIT and IMPLICIT schemes to solve the NS equations:

It is assumed that space derivatives in the NS are already discretized:

ME469B/3/GI 6

Explicit scheme for NS equations

Semi-discrete form of the NS

Explicit time integration

The n+1 velocity field is NOT divergence free

Take the divergence of the momentum

Elliptic equation for the pressure

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ME469B/3/GI 7

Explicit pressure-based scheme for NS equations

Velocity field (divergence free) available at time n

Compute Hn

Solve the Poisson equation for the pressure pn

Compute the new velocity field un+1

ME469B/3/GI 8

Implicit scheme for NS equations

Semi-discrete form of the NS

Implicit time integration

Take the divergence of the momentum

The equations are coupled and non-linear

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ME469B/3/GI 9

Implicit scheme for NS equations

Compute an intermediate velocity field

(eqns are STILL non-linear)

Define a velocity and a pressure correction

Using the definition and combining

Derive an equation for u’

Enforce divergence-free condition at n+1


ME469B/3/GI 10

Implicit pressure-based scheme for NS equations (SIMPLE)

Velocity field (divergence free) available at time n

Compute intermediate velocities u*

Solve the Poisson equation for the pressure correction p’ Neglecting the u*’ term

Compute the new velocity un+1 and pressure pn+1 fields

Solve the velocity correction equation for u’ Neglecting the u*’ term

SIMPLE: Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations

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ME469B/3/GI 11

Implicit pressure-based scheme for NS equations (SIMPLEC)

Velocity field (divergence free) available at time n

Compute intermediate velocities u*

Solve the Poisson equation for the pressure correction p’ Use an approximation to u*’ (neighbor values average u*’ ~ S u’)

Compute the new velocity un+1 and pressure pn+1 fields

Solve the velocity correction equation for u’ Use an approximation to u*’

SIMPLE: SIMPLE Corrected/Consistent

ME469B/3/GI 12

Implicit pressure-based scheme for NS equations (PISO)

Velocity field (divergence free) available at time n

Compute intermediate velocities u* and p’ as in SIMPLE

Solve the Poisson equation for the pressure correction p(m+1)’ u*’ is obtained from u m’

Compute the new velocity un+1 and pressure pn+1 fields

Solve the velocity correction equation for u(m+1)’ u*’ is obtained from u m’

PISO: Pressure Implicit with Splitting Operators

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ME469B/3/GI 13


In SIMPLE under-relaxation is required due to the neglect of u*’

un+1 = u* + au u’ p = pn + ap p’

There is an optimal relationship ap =1- au

SIMPLEC and PISO do not need under-relaxation

SIMPLEC/PISO allow faster convergence than SIMPLE

PISO is useful for irregular cells

ME469B/3/GI 14

NS equations

Conservation laws:

Rate of change + advection + diffusion = source

= 0

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ME469B/3/GI 15

Segregated solver in FLUENT

FV discretization for mixed elements

The quantities at the cell faces can be computed using several different schemes



ME469B/3/GI 16

Options for the segregated solver in FLUENT

Discretization scheme for convective terms1st order upwind (UD)2nd order upwind (TVD)3rd order upwind (QUICK), only for quad and hex

Pressure interpolation scheme (pressure at the cell-faces)linear (linear between cell neighbors)second-order (similar to the TVD scheme for momentum)PRESTO (mimicking the staggered-variable arrangement)

Pressure-velocity coupling SIMPLESIMPLECPISO

Discretization of the equations

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ME469B/3/GI 17




Solution of the equation

f is one of the velocity component and the convective terms must be linearized:

This correspond to a sparse linear system for each velocity component

Fluent segregated solver uses:Point Gauss-Seidel technique Multigrid acceleration

ME469B/3/GI 18

Set-up of problems with FLUENT

Graphics Window

Text Window

Command Menus

Read/Import the gridDefine the flow solver optionDefine the fluid propertiesDefine the discretization schemeDefine the boundary conditionDefine initial conditionsDefine convergence monitorsRun the simulationAnalyze the results

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ME469B/3/GI 19

Solver set-up

Define Æ Models Æ Solver Define Æ Controls Æ Solution

define/models/solver segregated solve/set/discretization-scheme/mom 1define/models/steady solve/set/under-relaxation/mom 0.7

… …

Example: text commands can be used (useful for batch execution)

ME469B/3/GI 20

Material properties

Define Æ Materials

Quantities are ALWAYS dimensional

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ME469B/3/GI 21

Initial and boundary conditions

Solve Æ Initialize Æ Initialize Define Æ Boundary Conditions

Only constant values can be specified BCs will be discussed case-by-caseMore flexibility is allowed via patching

ME469B/3/GI 22

Initial conditions using patching

Adapt Æ Region Æ Mark Solve Æ Initialize Æ Patch

Mark a certain region of the domain(cells are stored in a register)

Patch desired values for each variablein the region (register) selected

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ME469B/3/GI 23

Convergence monitors

Solve Æ Monitors Æ Residuals Solve Æ Monitors Æ Surface

Convergence history of the equation residuals are stored together with the solutionUser-defined monitors are NOT stored by default

ME469B/3/GI 24


Display Æ Contours Plot Æ XY Plot

Cell-centered data are ComputedThis switchinterpolates theresults on the cell-vertices

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ME469B/3/GI 25

Detailed post-processing

Define additional quantities

Define plotting lines, planes and surfaces

Compute integral/averaged quantities

Define Æ Custom Field Function

ME469B/3/GI 26

Fluent GUI - Summary

File: I/O Grid: Modify (translate/scale/etc.), CheckDefine: Models (solver type/multiphase/etc.), Material (fluid properties), Boundary conditions Solve: Discretization, Initial Condition, Convergence MonitorsAdapt: Grid adaptation, Patch markingSurface: Create zones (postprocessing/monitors)Display: Postprocessing (View/Countors/Streamlines)Plot: XY Plots, ResidualsReport: Summary, IntegralParallel: Load Balancing, Monitors Typical simulation

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ME469B/3/GI 27

Example – Driven cavity

Problem set-up Solver Set-Up

Material Properties:r = 1kg/m3

m = 0.001kg/ms

Reynolds number:H = 1m, Vslip= 1m/sRe = rVslipH/m = 1,000

Boundary Conditions: Slip wall (u = Vslip) on top No-slip walls the others

Initial Conditions:u = v = p = 0

Convergence Monitors:Averaged pressure andfriction on the no-slip walls

Classical test-case forincompressible flow solvers



Segregated Solver

Discretization:2nd order upwindSIMPLE


ME469B/3/GI 28

Example – Driven cavity

The effect of the meshing scheme

Quad-Mapping 1600 cells Tri-Paving 3600 cells Quad-Paving 1650 cells

Edge size on the boundaries is the same

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ME469B/3/GI 29

Example – Driven cavity

The effect of the meshing scheme – Vorticity Contours

Quad-Mapping 1600 cells Tri-Paving 3600 cells Quad-Paving 1650 cells

ME469B/3/GI 30

Example – Driven cavity

The effect of the meshing scheme – Convergence

Quad-Mapping 1600 cells Tri-Paving 3600 cells Quad-Paving 1650 cells

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ME469B/3/GI 31

Example – Driven cavity

Symbols corresponds toGhia et al., 1982

x-velocity component in the middle of the cavity

Quad-Mapping Tri-Paving Quad-Paving

The effect of the meshing scheme

ME469B/3/GI 32

Example – Driven cavity

Grid Sensitivity – Quad Mapping Scheme

1600 cells 6400 cells 25600 cells

Vorticity Contours

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ME469B/3/GI 33

Example – Driven cavity

1600 cells 6400 cells 25600 cellsSymbols corresponds toGhia et al., 1982

x-velocity component in the middle of the cavityGrid Sensitivity – Quad Mapping Scheme

ME469B/3/GI 34

How to verify the accuracy?

Define a reference solution (analytical or computed on a very fine grid)Compute the solution on successively refined gridsDefine the error as the deviation of the current solution from the referenceCompute error normsPlot norms vs. grid size (the slope of the curve gives the order of accuracy)

Problems with unstructured grids:

1) Generation of a suitable succession of grids2) Definition of the grid size

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ME469B/3/GI 35

Generation of successively refined grid

1) Modify grid dimensions in GAMBIT and regenerate the grid2) Split all the cells in FLUENT

Adapt Æ Region Æ Adapt

Element shape & metricproperties are preserved

The region MUST contain theentire domain

ME469B/3/GI 36

Driven Cavity - Error evaluation

Reference solution computed on a 320x320 grid (~100,000 cells)Reference solution interpolated on coarse mesh to evaluate local errors

Quad-Mapping Tri-Paving Quad-Paving

Note that the triangular grid has more than twice as many grid cells

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ME469B/3/GI 37

Driven Cavity – Accuracy evaluation

Quad-Mapping Tri-Paving Quad-Paving

Quad and Pave meshingschemes yield very similaraccuracy (close to 2nd order)

Tri meshing scheme yieldsSlightly higher errors and loweraccuracy

Note that the definition of Dx isquestionable (a change willonly translate the curves notchange the slope)



or (




Nominal 2nd order accuracyNominal 1st

order accuracy

ME469B/3/GI 38

Driven Cavity – Fluent vs. other CFD codes

FLUENT StarCD NASA INS2DSymbols corresponds toGhia et al., 1982

x-velocity component in the middle of the cavityQuad Mapping Scheme (1600 cells)

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ME469B/3/GI 39

Techniques for the incompressible NS equations

Pressure correction schemes

Fractional step methods

Artificial compressibility approach

Vorticity-streamfunction formulation

Density-based approach

ME469B/3/GI 40

Vorticity-streamfunction approach

It is effectively a change-of-variables; introducing the streamfunction and the vorticityvector the continuity is automatically satisfied and the pressure disappears (if needed thesolution of a Poisson-like equation is still required). It is advantageous in 2D because itrequires the solution of only two PDEs but the treatment of BCs is difficult. In addition in3D the PDEs to be solved are six

Artificial compressibility approach

A time-derivative (of pressure) is added to the continuity equation with the goal oftransforming the incompressible NS into a hyperbolic system and then to apply schemessuitable for compressible flows. The key is the presence of a user-parameter b (related tothe artificial speed of sound) that determines the speed of convergence to steady state

Techniques for the incompressible NS equations

Fractional-step approachSimilar in concept to pressure-correction schemes, but the pressure (or a related quantity)is only used in the final correction step; it is equivalent to an approximate factorization

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ME469B/3/GI 41

Density-based solvers for the NS equations

The equation are written in compressible form and, for low Mach numbers,the flow is effectively incompressible

The energy equation is added to link pressureand density through the equation of state

In compact (vector) form:

ME469B/3/GI 42

Stiffness occurs because of the disparity between fluid velocity and speed ofsound (infinite in zero-Mach limit)

The equations are solved in terms of the primitive variables

The time derivative is modified (preconditioned) to force all the eigenvaluesto be of the same order (similar to the artificial compressibility approach)

Note that the continuity becomes (again) anevolution equation for the pressure

Density-based solvers for the NS equations

Several choices are available for G

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ME469B/3/GI 43

FLUENT density-based solver

Explicit SchemeMultistage Runge-Kutta schemeResidual SmoothingMultigrid acceleration

Implicit SchemeEuler (one-step) implicitNewton-type linearizationPoint Gauss-Seidel iterationsMultigrid acceleration

ME469B/3/GI 44

Example – Driven cavity

Problem set-up Solver Set-UpClassical test-case forincompressible flow solvers



Coupled Solver

Discretization:2nd order upwindImplicit


Material Properties:r = 1kg/m3

m = 0.001kg/ms

Reynolds number:H = 1m, Vslip= 1m/sRe = rVslipH/m = 1,000

Boundary Conditions: Slip wall (u = Vslip) on top No-slip walls the others

Initial Conditions:u = v = p = 0

Convergence Monitors:Averaged pressure andfriction on the no-slip walls

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ME469B/3/GI 45

Example – Driven cavity

Effect of the solver - Quad mesh (1600 cells)

Vorticity Contours

Segregated Coupled

ME469B/3/GI 46

Example – Driven cavity

Segregated CoupledSymbols corresponds toGhia et al., 1982

x-velocity component in the middle of the cavityEffect of the solver - Quad mesh (1600 cells)

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ME469B/3/GI 47

Multigrid acceleration

Basic idea: the global error (low-frequency) on a fine grid appears as a localerror (high-frequency) on coarse meshes.

Why it is important: linear system solver like Gauss-Seidel are effective inremoving high-frequency errors but VERY slow for global errors. Note that,on structured, grid line-relaxation (or ADI-type) schemes can be used toimprove the performance of Gauss-Seidel; on unstructured grid similarconcepts are extremely difficult to implement.

Convergence Speed: number of iterations on the finest grid required to reacha given level of convergence is roughly independent on the number of gridnodes (multigrid convergence)

ME469B/3/GI 48

Two-grid scheme

1. a smoothings are performed on the fine grid to reduce the high-frequency components of the errors (pre-smoothing, aS)

2. the residual (error) is transferred to next coarser level (restriction, R)3. g iterations are performed on this grid level for the “correction” equation4. the problem is transferred back to the fine grid (prolongation, P)5. b smoothings are performed on the fine grid to remove the high-

frequency errors introduced on the coarse mesh (post-smoothing, bS)

Parameters to be defined are a, b, g

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ME469B/3/GI 49

Restriction & Prolongation Operators

Fine LevelCoarse Level

ME469B/3/GI 50

Algebraic Multigrid

The coarse levels are generated without the use of any discretization on coarselevels; in fact no hierarchy of meshes is needed

Geometric multigrid should perform better than AMG because non-linearityof the problem are retained on coarse levels (correction equation)

AMG is effectively a solver for linear systems and the restriction andprolongation operators might be viewed as means to modify (group or split)the coefficient matrix

The same multigrid options (cycle type and a, b, g smoothing) are available

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ME469B/3/GI 51

Driven Cavity – Accuracy evaluation

Quad-Mapping Tri-Paving Quad-Paving

Quad and Pave meshingschemes yield very similaraccuracy (close to 2nd order)

Tri meshing scheme yieldsSlightly higher errors and loweraccuracy

Note that the definition of Dx isquestionable (a change willonly translate the curves notchange the slope)



or (




Nominal 2nd order accuracyNominal 1st

order accuracy

ME469B/3/GI 52

Multigrid for unstructured meshes


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ME469B/3/GI 53

Algebraic Multigrid Performance

Convergence for the segregated solver

1600 cells 6400 cells 25600 cells

ME469B/3/GI 54

Algebraic Multigrid Performance

Convergence for the coupled solver

1600 cells 6400 cells 25600 cells

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ME469B/3/GI 55

Periodic Flows


Periodicity simply correspondsto matching conditions on thetwo boundaries

The velocity field is periodic BUTthe pressure field is not. The pressuregradient drives the flow and isperiodic. A pressure JUMP conditionon the boundary must be specified

ME469B/3/GI 56

Periodic Flows – Set-Up

Segregated solver Coupled Solver

In the segregated solver periodicity can be imposed by fixing either themass flow or the pressure dropIn the coupled solver periodicity is enforced by fixing the pressure drop

Define Æ Periodic Conditions Define Æ Boundary Conditions

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ME469B/3/GI 57

An analytical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations (Poiseuille flow) canbe derived:

Solution in the form u=u(y)

The pressure drop balances the viscous drag on the walls

Navier-Stokes equations

Velocity distribution in the channel

Averaged velocity

Periodic Flow Example – 2D channel


ME469B/3/GI 58

Periodic Flow Example – 2D channel

Problem set-up Solver Set-Up

Material Properties:r = 1kg/m3

m = 0.1kg/ms

Reynolds number:h = 2m, Vave= 1m/sRe = rVsliph/m = 20

Boundary Conditions: Periodicity Dp=0.3 No-slip top/bottom walls

Initial Conditions:u = 1; v = p = 0

Exact solution:Vave = 1

Coupled Solver

Discretization:2nd order upwindSIMPLE


Periodic boundaries

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ME469B/3/GI 59

Periodic Flow Example – 2D channel

Quad-Mapping Tri-Paving

x-velocity distribution in the channel

Cell-centered valuesshowed (no interpolation)

ME469B/3/GI 60

Nominal 2nd order accuracy

Quad-Mapping Tri-Paving

The error in this case CAN be computed with reference to the exact solutionIn this case the computed averaged velocity error is plotted

This test-case is available on the class web site


Nominal 1st order accuracy

Periodic Flow Example – 2D channel

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ME469B/3/GI 61

Unsteady flows

The algorithms we used so far are time-marching:From an initial condition they iterate until a steady-state is reachedThe time-evolution of the solution is NOT accurate

Typical Implicit Time-Accurate Scheme

Unsteady transport equation

1st order time integration

2nd order time integration

ME469B/3/GI 62

Unsteady flows – Dual time stepping

At each time step we build a steady-state-like problem and we use an iterative algorithm

Inner iteration steady-state

pseudo time-step

Outer iteration(time-step)

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ME469B/3/GI 63

Unsteady flows – Set Up

Define Æ Models Æ Solver Solve Æ Iterate



ME469B/3/GI 64

Again an analytical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations can be derived:

Unsteady Flow – Impulsive start-up of a plate

Solution in the form u=u(y,t)

The only force acting is the viscous drag on the wall

Navier-Stokes equations

Velocity distribution

Wall shear stress



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ME469B/3/GI 65

Unsteady Flow – Impulsive start-up of a plate

Problem set-up Solver Set-Up

Material Properties:r = 1kg/m3

m = 0.1kg/ms

Reynolds number:Re = r VwallL/mVwall = 5.605L = mVwall/twall

Boundary Conditions: Slip wall (u = Vwall) on bottom No-slip wall (top) Periodicity Dp=0

Initial Conditions:u = v = p = 0

Exact Solutiontwall = 1 @ t = 1 H/L ~ 10

Segregated Solver

Discretization:2nd order upwindSIMPLE




periodic boundaries

ME469B/3/GI 66

Unsteady Flow – Impulsive start-up of a plate

This test-case is available on the class web site



or (




Nominal 2nd order accuracyNominal 1st

order accuracy

1st order 2nd order

Time discretization

The error CAN be computed withreference to the exact solutionIn this case the computed wallshear stress is plotted

Influence of the BCs

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ME469B/3/GI 67

Overview of commercial CFD codes

About 30 packages.

Three major general-purpose products (covering ~50% of the market):FLUENT, StarCD, CFX























MultigridDensity BasedPressureBased

Grid Type

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ME469B/5/GI 1

Advanced Physical Models

• Heat Transfer• Buoyancy• Combustion and reaction modeling• Multiphase flows• Solidification and melting

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ME469B/5/GI 2

Heat Transfer

Thermal analysis are crucial in many industrial applications

Turbulence is enhanced is internalturbine cooling passages to improveheat transfer

Roughness elements (ribs) areplaced in the channels

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ME469B/5/GI 3

Heat Transfer Modeling

An energy equation must be solved together with the momentum and thecontinuity equations

For incompressible flows the energy equation is decoupled from the others(r is NOT a function of the temperature)

For laminar flows the energy equation can be solved directly; for turbulentflows after Reynolds-averaging the equation contains an unclosedcorrelation:



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ME469B/5/GI 4

Heat Transfer Modeling



The Prandtl number is the measure of the momentum diffusivity vs. thethermal diffusivity

Pr=cp m/k

Pr is order 1 for gases (typically 0.7 for air)

Prt is an additional parameter in the turbulence model (typically 0.9)

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ME469B/5/GI 5

Set-Up for Heat Transfer Calculations

Activate the energy equation

Define Æ Models Æ Energy

Specify material properties

Define Æ Materials

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ME469B/5/GI 6

Wall thermal boundary conditions

The options are:

1) Fixed temperature2) Fixed thermal flux (temperature gradient)




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ME469B/5/GI 7

Flow-thermal simulations

For incompressible fluidsthe temperature andmomentum equations aredecoupled

For the energy equations all the numerical options (discretization, under-relaxation, etc.) are available

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ME469B/5/GI 8

Periodic flows

Many heat-transfer devices are characterized by geometrically periodicconfigurations (ribbed passages)

Temperature behaves like the pressure: it varies in the streamwise direction butits variation (gradient) is periodic

The energy equations can be rewritten in terms of a scaled temperature:

And the modified energy equation can be solved with periodic BC

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ME469B/5/GI 9

Wall heat transfer (temperature gradients) are strongly connectedto wall friction coefficients and therefore to turbulence modeling

Example of Heat Transfer Calculations

Ribbed Passages

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ME469B/5/GI 10

Problem set-up Solver Set-Up

Material Properties:r = 1kg/m3

m = 0.0001kg/msCp = 1000 J/Kg/oKk = 0.142 W/m oK

Reynolds number:h = 1m, L=10m, H=LReh = rUbh/m = 10,000

Boundary Conditions: Periodicity m=rUbH=10Kg/s No-slip walls

Initial Conditions:u = 1; v = p = 0

Turbulence model:k-e

Segregated Solver

Discretization:2nd order upwindSIMPLE


Example: Ribbed Channel Flow


Periodic boundaries




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ME469B/5/GI 11

Grid points are clustered at thewalls and in the shear layers

Grids in Ribbed Channel Flows

Unstructured gridding allows to separate the bottom and top BLshaving different resolutions in the streamwise direction

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ME469B/5/GI 12


Heat Transfer Predictions

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ME469B/5/GI 13

In many cases the correct prediction of the thermal field in a devicerequires the inclusion of conduction effects in solids

Conjugate simulations are referred to coupled fluid-solidtemperature calculations

Conjugate Heat Transfer

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ME469B/5/GI 14

Set-Up Conjugate Heat Transfer

We need to specify two zones (fluid and solid) in the grid generationAnd then specify the material properties

Define Æ Materials Æ Fluid Define Æ Materials Æ Solid

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ME469B/5/GI 15

Wall thermal boundary conditions

The boundary between the two zones is ALWAYS a wall and a shadowzone is created automatically by Fluent







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ME469B/5/GI 16

The temperature field is affected by the treatment of the rib walls

Conjugate Heat Transfer

The rib is insulated

The rib is heated from the base

The rib is uniformly heated

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ME469B/5/GI 17

Effect of the Thermal Wall Bc

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ME469B/5/GI 18

Effect of the Thermal Wall Bc

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ME469B/5/GI 19

Comments on Thermo-fluid simulations

In incompressible flows the energy equation is decoupled from themomentum equations and can be solved a posteriori with the velocityfield frozen

Additional modeling is involved for the solution of thermal equation inthe RANS context (therefore additional approximations and errors)

Wall quantities (temperature and heat flux) are very sensitive to themodeling of near-wall turbulence

Conjugate heat transfer (coupled fluid/solid) are often necessary todescribe accurately a physical device

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ME469B/6/GI 1

User Programming

• What are User Defined Functions• Introduction to C• Set-Up C User Routines in Fluent• Implementing a Custom Turbulence Model• Programming in other CFD Commercial Codes

Acknowledgement: this handout is partially based on Fluent training material

ME469B/6/GI 2

Introduction to UDF Programming

Why programming in commercial codes?

• The codes are general-purpose but cannot anticipate all needs• New (physical) models can be developed in a user-friendly environment• Large number of problems (test-cases) can be addressed with the same implementation

What is a the User Defined Function (UDF)?

• C (Fluent) or FORTRAN (StarCD, CFX) routines programmed by the user linked to the solver to perform certain operations:

• initialization• special boundary condition (i.e. space or time dependent)• material properties• source terms• reaction rates• postprocessing and reporting• debugging• ….

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ME469B/6/GI 3

A Simple UDF ExampleSpecify a Parabolic Velocity Profile at the Inlet

Goal: The UDF (inlet_parab) set the values of the x-velocity component at the cell facesof the inlet boundary zone

1) Determine the cell-faces belonging to the inlet zone2) Loop on all those faces3) Determine the coordinate of the face centroid4) Specify the x-velocity component


ME469B/6/GI 4

Parabolic Velocity Profile:

A Simple UDF Example

function inlet_parab


Loop over all the inlet cell faces

Evaluate the face centroid coordinates

The function return the velocity

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ME469B/6/GI 5

A Simple UDF Example

Compile/interpret the UDF:

Define Æ User Defined

Attach the profile to the inlet zone

Define Æ Boundary Condition

Equivalent to attach the profile from a separate simulation

ME469B/6/GI 6

Solve the equations

Solve Æ Iterate

Final Result

A Simple UDF Example

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ME469B/6/GI 7

C Programming

Typical C function:

ME469B/6/GI 8


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ME469B/6/GI 9

Basic Programming Rules

Statements MUST end with a semicolon Æ ;

Comments are placed anywhere in the program between Æ /* …… */

Statements are grouped by curly brackets Æ { …… }

Variables defined within the body functions are local Variables defined outside the body functions are global and can be used byall the functions that follows

Variables MUST be ALWAYS defined explicitly

Integer/real/double functions have to return a integer/real/double value

C is case sensitive!

ME469B/6/GI 10

Basic Statements

Arithmetic expressions in C look like FORTRAN

a = y + (i-b)/4;

Functions which return values can be used in assignment

a = mycompute(y,i,b);

Functions which do not return values can be called directly


Mathematical and various other default functions are available

a = pow(b,2); /* pow(x,y) returns x raised to y */

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ME469B/6/GI 11

Data Types and Arrays

Arrays of variables are defined using the notation

Note the brackets are square [] not round ()!!

Note that the arrays ALWAYS start from 0

Standard C types are: Integer, Real, Double, Char

C allows to define additional types

typedef struct list{int id, float x[3], int id_next};

int a[10]; /*define an array of ten integers */

ME469B/6/GI 12


A pointer is a variable which contain the address of another variable

Pointers are defined as:

int *a_p; /* pointer to an integer variable */int a; /* an integer variable */

Set-up a pointer

a = 1;a_p = &a; /* &a return the address of variable a */

*a_p returns the content of the address pointed by a_p

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ME469B/6/GI 13


Arithmetic Operators Logical Operators

ME469B/6/GI 14

Conditional Statements

if and if-else Example

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ME469B/6/GI 15

Loop Procedure

for loops Example

ME469B/6/GI 16

C Preprocessor

It handles Macro substitutions

#define A B#define my_f(x,y) x+y*3-5

The preprocessor replaces A with B It also handles file inclusion

#include “udf.h”#include “math.h”

The files to be included MUST reside in the currect directory

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ME469B/6/GI 17

Programming in C

Of course much more than just this….

Additional information are:


Plenty of books:

“The C Programming Language”, Kernighan & Ritchie, 1988

ME469B/6/GI 18

UDF in Commercial CFD Codes

Commercial CFD codes allow the development of User Defined Functionsfor various applications. Anyway, the core of the software is closed.

UDF must be compiled and linked to the main code

Most codes provide macros and additional tools to facilitate the use of UDFs

In Fluent there are two options:Interpreted

The code is executed on a “line-by-line” basis at run time+ does not need a separate compiler (completely automatic)- slows down the execution and uses more memory- somewhat limited in scope

CompiledA library of UDF is compiled and linked to the main codeOvercomes all the disadvantages reported above

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ME469B/6/GI 19

Interpret the UDFs

Define Æ User Defined Æ Interpreted

Default stack size might be too small for large arrays!

Display of code translation in assembly(and eventual compiling errors)

ME469B/6/GI 20

Compile the UDFs

Define Æ User Defined Æ Compiled

The library MUST be precompiled in a directory tree

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ME469B/6/GI 21

Directory tree for compiled UDFs


Makefile src lnx86

makefile my_udf.c

2d 3d

makefile my_udf.c libudf.so

makefile my_udf.c libudf.so

Machine dependentirix6r10ultrahp700…

ME469B/6/GI 22

Makefiles for UDFs

In the directory


There are two files

Makefile.udf to be copied in the directory my_library makefile.udf to be copied in the directory my_library/src

The first one does not require modifications. In the second one two macros MUST be modified

SOURCE = my_udf.cFLUENT_INC = /usr/local/Fluent.Inc

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ME469B/6/GI 23


Boundary ConditionsInitial ConditionsAdjust FunctionSource TermsMaterial PropertiesExecute on DemandUser Defined ScalarsUser Defined Memory

Pointers to threadsGeometry MacrosCell and Face VariablesArithmetic and Trigonometric Functions

Available MACROS


ME469B/6/GI 24

Boundary Conditions

The inlet profile specification is based on the macro DEFINE_PROFILE

DEFINE_PROFILE can be used for wall boundary conditions as wellto impose temperature, velocity, shear stress, etc.

It is possible to specify a constant value, a position-dependent ortime-dependent values and to link the values on the boundary to the valuesin the internal cells

Note that the BCs are applied to the faces of the cells (face centroids)




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ME469B/6/GI 25

Initial Conditions

The initial condition specification can be performed using the macro DEFINE_INIT

Space-dependent conditions might be imposed

The routine is executed once at the beginning of the solution process

It is attached in the UDFs hooks

Define Æ User Defined Æ Function Hooks

ME469B/6/GI 26

Initial Conditions

Note that the difference between the DEFINE_PROFILE and DEFINE_INITis that the former performs a loop on the face-centroids belonging to a certainzone whereas the latter loops on the cell-centroids


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ME469B/6/GI 27

Adjust Function

Similar to the DEFINE_INIT but it is executed every iteration: DEFINE_ADJUST

Can be used for postprocessing, clipping, etc.

It is attached in the UDFs hooks

Define Æ User Defined Æ Function Hooks

ME469B/6/GI 28

Source Terms

To add a source term in the equations: DEFINE_SOURCE

Can be used for:ContinuityMomentum (component by component)Turbulent quantitiesEnergy

It is different from the previous macros because it works on a cell-by-cell basis(no need to perform loops!)

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ME469B/6/GI 29

Define Æ Boundary Conditions Æ Fluid

Source Terms

Activate source terms

Attach the UDF

ME469B/6/GI 30

Source Terms

In FLUENT the source terms are written in the form

S (f) = A + B f

where f is the dependent variable

A is treated explicitly and B f is treated implicitly

In the DEFINE_SOURCE both terms A and B have to be specified

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ME469B/6/GI 31

Material Properties

To define the properties of the materials : DEFINE_PROPERTIES

Can be used for:ViscosityDensityThermal Conductivity….

As for the source terms works on a cell-by-cell basis

ME469B/6/GI 32

Material Properties

Define Æ Material Property

All the available UDFsAre shown in the menu

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ME469B/6/GI 33

Execute on Demand

Define Æ User Defined Æ Execute on Demand

To perform operations instantaneously : EXECUTE_ON_DEMAND

It is executed when activated by the user

Can be used for:DebuggingPostprocessing….

ME469B/6/GI 34

User Defined Scalar

In addition to the Continuity and Momentum Equations (and Energy) generic transport equations can be solved (up to 50!)

To include scalars in the calculations

1) Define the number of scalars

Define Æ User Defined Æ User Defined Scalars

2) Define the diffusion and source terms in the generic equation

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ME469B/6/GI 35

User Defined Scalar

Define Æ Material Property

When UDS are defined in the material property panel the diffusivity of thescalars MUST be defined

Note that the default diffusivity for the scalars is constant and equal to 1!

ME469B/6/GI 36

User Defined Scalar

Boundary conditions for the scalars can be defined as

Constant ValueConstant GradientUser Defined

Define Æ Boundary Conditions Æ Wall

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ME469B/6/GI 37

User Defined Scalar

The Source terms for the scalars are set using the DEFINE_SOURCE macroIntroduced before

The scalar equations can be further customized

1) Convective terms can be modified using the macroDEFINE_UDS_FLUX

2) Unsteady term can be modified using the macro DEFINE_UDS_UNSTEADY

ME469B/6/GI 38

User Defined Memory

The User Defined Scalars are used to solve additional equations eventuallycoupled to the mean flow equations

Sometimes it is useful to define temporary field variables to store and retrievevalues not directly available

UDM are defined:

More efficient storage compared to User Defined Scalars

Define Æ User Defined Æ User Defined Memory

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ME469B/6/GI 39

I/O in UDF

User Defined Scalars and User Defined Memory are AUTOMATICALLYStored in the Fluent Data files

Additional I/O (from and to the Fluent Case and Data files) can be Accomplished using the macro DEFINE_RW_FILE

Define Æ User Defined Æ Function Hooks

ME469B/6/GI 40

Detailed Programming

The macros introduced before are interpreted/compiled and attached tothe various Fluent panels

The detailed programming is based on additional macros that allow toloop on cells to retrieve field variables, etc.

Loop MacrosGeometry MacrosField Variable MacrosControl MacrosArithmetic and Trigonometric Macros

Before looking at the Macros, the Fluent Data structure in introduced

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ME469B/6/GI 41

Data Structure

It is based on a hierarchy of structures

Threads (zones) are collection of cells or faces Domain is a collections of threads








ME469B/6/GI 42

Every zone is associated to a single ID (available in the boundary conditions menu)


Given the ID of a thread the pointer can be retrieved as:

Thread *tf = Lookup_Thread(domain, ID);

Given the thread pointer the ID of the zone can be retrieved as:

ID = THREAD_ID(thread);



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ME469B/6/GI 43

Loop Macros

ME469B/6/GI 44




Cell-face connectivity

When looping on faces the surrounding cells can be accessed using the macros:

cell0_thread = F_C0_THREAD(face,thread)cell1_thread = F_C1_THREAD(face,thread)cell0_id = F_C0(face,thread)cell1_id = F_C1(face,thread)

When looping on cells adjacent faces and cells can be accessed using the macros:

for(nf=0;nf<C_NFACES(cell,thread);nf++) { face_id = C_FACE(cell,thread,nf); face_thread = C_FACE_THREAD(cell,thread,nf); }

Number of faces of each cell is unknown

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ME469B/6/GI 45

Geometry Macros

Many more available; refer to the FLUENT UDF Manual

ME469B/6/GI 46

Field Variables Macros

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ME469B/6/GI 47

Field Variables Macros

Many more available; refer to the FLUENT UDF Manual

ME469B/6/GI 48

Control Macros

Many more available; refer to the FLUENT UDF Manual

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ME469B/6/GI 49

An example of User Defined Programming

Development of a custom turbulence model can be accomplished using theUDFs.

k-e model with damping functions formulation:

Low-Re k-e model


ME469B/6/GI 50

Low-Re k-e modelAn example of User Defined Programming

Eddy Viscosity

Damping functions

Turbulent Reynolds number definitions

Wall boundary conditions


P = Turbulent Kinetic Energy Production

S = Strain Rate Magnitude

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ME469B/6/GI 51

Required UDF Routines

Source Terms DEFINE_SOURCE(k_source, thread, eqn) DEFINE_SOURCE(d_source, thread, eqn)

Diffusivity DEFINE_PROPERTY(ke_diffusivity, domain)

Boundary Condition DEFINE_PROFILE(wall_d_bc, domain)

Adjust Routine DEFINE_ADJUST(turb_adjust, domain)

ME469B/6/GI 52

Required field variables

Density C_R(cell,thread)

Molecular viscosity C_MU(cell,thread)

Eddy viscosity C_MU_T(cell,thread)

Strain Rate Magnitude Strain_rate(cell,thread)

Wall distance C_WALL_DIST(cell,thread)

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ME469B/6/GI 53

#include "udf.h"

/* Turbulence model constants */#define C_MU 0.09#define SIG_TKE 1.0#define SIG_TDR 1.3#define C1_D 1.44#define C2_D 1.92

/* User-defined scalars */enum{ TKE, TDR, N_REQUIRED_UDS};

UDF Header

Required: includes all Fluent macros

Constant definitions (global)

Assign a number to each scalar

ME469B/6/GI 54

/* Reynolds number definitions */real Re_y(cell_t c, Thread *t){ return C_R(c,t)*sqrt(C_UDSI(c,t,TKE))*C_WALL_DIST(c,t)/C_MU_L(c,t);}

real Re_t(cell_t c, Thread *t){ return C_R(c,t)*SQR(C_UDSI(c,t,TKE))/C_MU_L(c,t)/C_UDSI(c,t,TDR);}

/* Damping Functions */real f_mu(cell_t c, Thread *t){ return tanh(0.008*Re_y(c,t))*(1.+4/pow(Re_t(c,t),0.75));}

real f_1(cell_t c, Thread *t){ return 1.;}

real f_2(cell_t c, Thread *t){ return (1.-2/9*exp(-Re_t(c,t)*Re_t(c,t)/36))*(1.-exp(-Re_y(c,t)/12));}

Damping Functions

These are defined on a cell-by-cell basis

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ME469B/6/GI 55

Source Term Routines

DEFINE_SOURCE(k_source, c, t, dS, eqn){ real G_k;

G_k = C_MU_T(c,t)*SQR(Strainrate_Mag(c,t));

dS[eqn] = -2.*C_R(c,t)*C_R(c,t)*C_MU*f_mu(c,t)*C_UDSI(c,t,TKE)/C_MU_T(c,t); return G_k - C_R(c,t)*C_R(c,t)*C_MU*f_mu(c,t)*SQR(C_UDSI(c,t,TKE))/C_MU_T(c,t);}

The production term in the k equation is:

e is obtained from the definition of the eddy viscosity to increase the couplingbetween the equations and to define an implicit term

ME469B/6/GI 56

Source Term Routines

DEFINE_SOURCE(d_source, c, t, dS, eqn){ real G_k;

G_k = C_MU_T(c,t)*SQR(Strainrate_Mag(c,t));

dS[eqn] = C1_D*f_1(c,t)*G_k/C_UDSI(c,t,TKE) - 2.*C2_D*f_2(c,t)*C_R(c,t)*C_UDSI(c,t,TDR)/C_UDSI(c,t,TKE); return C1_D*f_1(c,t)*G_k*C_UDSI(c,t,TDR)/C_UDSI(c,t,TKE) - C2_D*f_2(c,t)*C_R(c,t)*SQR(C_UDSI(c,t,TDR))/C_UDSI(c,t,TKE);}

The production term in the e equation is:

It contains already both k and e. No need for manipulations!

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ME469B/6/GI 57


DEFINE_DIFFUSIVITY(ke_diffusivity, c, t, eqn){ real diff; real mu = C_MU_L(c,t); real mu_t = C_R(c,t)*C_MU*f_mu(c,t)*SQR(C_UDSI(c,t,TKE))/C_UDSI(c,t,TDR); switch (eqn) { case TKE: diff = mu_t/SIG_TKE + mu; break; case TDR: diff = mu_t/SIG_TDR + mu; break; default: diff = mu_t + mu; } return diff;}

The diffusion terms in the scalar equations are set-up together

But each equation can havea different value

ME469B/6/GI 58

Eddy Viscosity

DEFINE_ADJUST(turb_adjust, domain){ Thread *t; cell_t c;

/* Set the turbulent viscosity */ thread_loop_c (t, domain) if (FLUID_THREAD_P(t)) { begin_c_loop(c,t) { C_MU_T(c,t) = C_R(c,t)*C_MU*f_mu(c,t)*SQR(C_UDSI(c,t,TKE))/C_UDSI(c,t,TDR); } end_c_loop(c,t) }}

The eddy viscosity is set in the adjust routine (called at the beginning of each Iteration) and it is used in the mean flow and in the scalar equations

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ME469B/6/GI 59

Wall Boundary Conditions

DEFINE_PROFILE(wall_d_bc, t, position){ face_t f; cell_t c0; Thread *t0 = t->t0; /* t0 is cell thread */ real xw[ND_ND], xc[ND_ND], dx[ND_ND], rootk, dy, drootkdy;

begin_f_loop(f,t) { c0 = F_C0(f,t); rootk = sqrt(MAX(C_UDSI(c0,t0,TKE), 0.)); F_CENTROID(xw,f,t); C_CENTROID(xc,c0,t0); NV_VV(dx, =, xc, -, xw); dy = ND_MAG(dx[0], dx[1], dx[2]); drootkdy = rootk/dy; F_PROFILE(f,t,position) = 2.*C_MU_L(c0,t0)/C_R(c0,t0)*drootkdy*drootkdy; } end_f_loop(f,t)}

Only the boundary condition for e is complicated because it requires the value of thederivative of k (the square root of k)

The derivative is rootk/dyrootk is the sqrt of k in

the adjacent cell centerdy is the distance between

cell and face center

ME469B/6/GI 60

Set-Up the Problem

Set-Up a case using the standard k-e

Define two scalars (TKE, TDR)

Compile and Attach the UDFs

Deactivate the Equations for k and e

Initialize and solve the RANS + TKE and TDR

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ME469B/6/GI 61

Attach the UDF

Source terms

Boundary conditions

ME469B/6/GI 62

Open UDF Library

Output in the text windowAre the functions available

After compiling the libraryIt can be opened in Fluent

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ME469B/6/GI 63

Perform the SimulationThe convergence is for the mean flow + the two scalars(turbulent quantities deactivated!)

For postprocessing purposes the UDS have to be used instead of turbulent quantities

ME469B/6/GI 64

Additional Information

Many additional macros are available to implement different physical modelscombustion modelsparticles-based models….

It is formally possible to develop additional numerical methods flux discretizationsvariable reconstruction and clipping….

Information are available in the FLUENT UDF manual (class web site)

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ME469B/6/GI 65

UDF in other commercial CFD CodesCFX

CFX (v4) is a structured code; the data structure is much simpler because thefield variables are accessed directly. It uses 1D arrays where the quantities arestored in succession

CFX UDFs are written in FORTRAN

For example:

U(I,J,K) Æ U(IJK) where IJK = (K-1)*NI*NJ+(J-1)*NI

There are no macros, but examples of subroutines to perform the customization


ME469B/6/GI 66

UDF in other commercial CFD CodesStar-CD

StarCD is an unstructured code similar to Fluent in term of data organizationBut similar to CFX for the organization of the UDF.

StarCD has threads (as Fluent) and the UDF work normally on a cell-by-cellbasis

StarCD UDFs are written in FORTRAN

There are no macros, but examples of subroutines to perform the customization


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ME469B/3/GI 1

Simulation of Turbulent Flows

• From the Navier-Stokes to the RANS equations• Turbulence modeling• k-e model(s)• Near-wall turbulence modeling• Examples and guidelines

ME469B/3/GI 2

Navier-Stokes equations

The Navier-Stokes equations (for an incompressible fluid) in an adimensional formcontain one parameter: the Reynolds number:

Re = r Vref Lref / m

it measures the relative importance of convection and diffusion mechanisms

What happens when we increase the Reynolds number?

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ME469B/3/GI 3

Re < 5 Laminar Attached Steady

5 < Re < 40 Laminar Separated Steady

40 < Re < 200 Laminar Separated Periodic

200 < Re < 350K Laminar Separation/Turbulent Wake Periodic

350K < Re Turbulent Separation Chaotic


Reynolds Number Effect

Experimental Observations

ME469B/3/GI 4

Laminar vs. Turbulent Flow

Laminar Flow Turbulent Flow

The flow is dominated by theobject shape and dimension (large scale)and by the motion and evolution of small eddies (small scales)

Challenging to compute

The flow is dominated by theobject shape and dimension (large scale)

Easy to compute

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ME469B/3/GI 5

Why turbulent flows are challenging?

Unsteady aperiodic motion

Fluid properties exhibit quasi-random spatial variations (3D)

Strong dependence from initial conditions

Contain a wide range of scales (eddies)

The implication is that the turbulent simulations MUST be alwaysthree-dimensional, time accurate with extremely fine grids

ME469B/3/GI 6

Direct Numerical Simulation

The objective is to solve the time-dependent NS equations resolving ALLthe scale (eddies) for a sufficient time interval so that the fluid propertiesreach a statistical equilibrium

Grid requirement: N ~ (Ret)9/4 ~ 1x107 for Ret = 800

Time step requirement: Dt ~ (Ret)-1/2 ~ 1x10-5 for Ret = 800

y+ = r yp ut /m ut = (tw/r)1/2

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ME469B/3/GI 7

Typical DNS channel flow simulations

Instantaneous Flow Field – Vortical Structures

ME469B/3/GI 8

DNS of Channel Flow: Averaged Results

Laminar and Turbulent Velocity profiles

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ME469B/3/GI 9

DNS using Commercial CFD Codes?

Channel flow @ Ret = 395

ME469B/3/GI 10

Beyond DNS

DNS is possible but only for low Reynolds number flows (and simple geometries)

The (time and space) details provided by DNS are NOT required for design purposes

Time averaged quantities are appropriate for engineering purposes

Large scale resolution (not to the level of the smallest eddies) is enough for applications

Can we extract time-average and large-scale quantities at areasonable computational cost?

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ME469B/3/GI 11

Flow over a Backstep


Time averaged

high velocityregionslow velocity


Length of the recirculation region is of engineering interest

ME469B/3/GI 12

Velocity & Velocity Fluctuations

is a function of time with rapid fluctuations (turbulence)By re-defining it as the time average and the fluctuations




Velocity measurements in the turbulent wake of a cylinder

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ME469B/3/GI 13

Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations


Define Reynolds-averaged quantities

Substitute and average:

ME469B/3/GI 14

Unsteady RANS?Every turbulent flow is unsteady BUT not all the unsteadiness is turbulence!

RANS averaging based on time average can be applied only to “statistically”steady flows. What if flow has a large scale periodicity (vortex shedding)?

We can define the Reynolds-Averaging procedure in terms of Ensemble Average:

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ME469B/3/GI 15

Turbulence modeling

Define the Reynolds stresses in terms on known (averaged) quantities

1) Boussinesq hypothesis - simple relationship between Reynolds stresses and velocity gradients through the eddy viscosity (similar to molecular viscosity) - isotropic (eddy viscosity is a scalar!)

2) Reynolds stress transport models - equations derived directly manipulating the NS equations - still contain unknown (undetermined) quantities - no assumption of isotropy - very complicated and expensive to solve

3) Non-linear Eddy viscosity models (Algebraic Reynolds stress)

4) Model directly the divergence of the Reynods Stresses

ME469B/3/GI 16

Eddy viscosity models

Boussinesq relationship:

Guidelines for defining the eddy viscosity:

1) Dimensional arguments- units are [m2/s]- define 2 out of three scales: velocity, length, time

2) Physical arguments- asymptotic analysis- consistency with experimental findings

3) Numerical arguments- simple and easy to compute


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ME469B/3/GI 17

Classification of eddy viscosity models

The various models (about 200) are classified in terms of number of transportequations solved in addition to the RANS equations:

1) zero-equation/algebraic models:Mixing Length, Cebeci-Smith, Baldwin-Lomax, etc

2) one-equation models:Wolfstein, Baldwin-Barth, Spalart-Allmaras, k-model, etc

3) two-equation models:k-e, k-w, k-t, k-L, etc.

4) three-equation models:k-e-A

5) four-equation models:v2-f model

ME469B/3/GI 18

Zero-equation model Prandtl Mixing Length

From dimensional arguments and analogy with molecular transport

Definition of L is different for each problem (boundary layes, mixing layers, etc.)

Eddy viscosity is zero if the velocity gradients are zero

No “history” effect; purely local

L can be made “universal” using ad hoc functions of distance from the walls,pressure gradients, etc.

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ME469B/3/GI 19

One-equation model k-model

An equation from k can be derived directly from the NS equations (using the definition)

k1/2 is assumed to be the velocity scaleit still requires a length scale L as before to define the eddy viscosity4 out of 7 terms in the k equation require further assumptions

Production is computed using the Boussinesq approximationDissipation is modeled (using dimensionality arguments) as k3/2/L Turbulent transport and pressure diffusion are modeled together:

ME469B/3/GI 20

One-equation model k-model

The ONLY advantage with respect to zero-equation models is the inclusion of thehistory effects.

Modern one-equation models abandoned the k-equation and are based on a ad-hocTransport equation for the eddy viscosity directly.

Spalart-Allmaras model:

The final form of the model is:

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ME469B/3/GI 21

Two-equation model k-f family

The main drawback of the k one-equation model is the incomplete representationof the two scales required to build the eddy viscosity; two-equation models attemptto represent both scales independently.

• All models use the transport equation for the turbulent kinetic energy k• Several transport variables are used

e: turbulence dissipation rateL: turbulent length scalew: inverse of turbulent time scalew2


ME469B/3/GI 22

k-e model

The k equation is the same as before:

The e equation can be obtained from the NS equations but it contains several undeterminedquantities; it is therefore derived “mimicking” the k equation

The eddy viscosity is obtained as:

There are 5 free constants

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ME469B/3/GI 23

Determining the constants?

The constants can be determined studying simple flows:

1. Decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence

2. Homogeneous shear flow

3. The Logarithmic Layer

4. …

Or by comparison with experimental data

Standard k-e refers to a certain choice of the constants (Launder & Sharma 1972)

ME469B/3/GI 24

Structure of the Turbulent Boundary LayerUniversal Law (velocity profile)

At High Reynolds number the viscous dominated layer is so thin that it is verydifficult to resolve it

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ME469B/3/GI 25

Wall Function Approach (High-Re k-e)

The laminar sublayer is NOT resolved

First grid point is assumed to be in the logarithmic layer (y+>11) and the velocity is assumed to be described by:

u+ = (1/k)ln(Ey+)

A slip condition (u ≠ 0) is imposed at the wall (imposed shear stress)

k boundary condition is usually imposed as a zero-gradient.

e is obtained by equilibrium condition (Pk=e )

If first grid point is too close (viscous layer) then the velocity is: u+ = y+

ME469B/3/GI 26

Near Wall Region Modeling

From a physical point of view:

It is important because solid walls are the main source of vorticityand turbulence (local extrema of turbulent kinetic energy, largevariations of turbulence dissipation, etc.)

In engineering applications:

Wall quantities (velocity gradients, pressure, etc.) are very important in several applications

Flow separation and reattachment are strongly dependent on a correct prediction of the development of turbulence near walls

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ME469B/3/GI 27

Damping Functions Approach (Low-Re k-e)

The equations are integrated to the wall WITHOUT assuming an universal lawfor the velocity profile and an equilibrium conditions for k and e

The problem is that the model predicts the wrong behavior for k and e nearthe solid walls (from DNS and experimental observation)

The equations are modified using algebraic functions to “damp” certain terms:

The damping functions are designed to correct the behavior of the eddy viscosity

ME469B/3/GI 28

Damping Functions

We need to specify 5 constants plus 3 functions:

MANY choices are available (about 30 different formulations!). Fluenthas 6 different versions

Classic model is the Launder and Sharma model:

Others might be function of the distance from the wall, the pressure gradient, etc.

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ME469B/3/GI 29

Two-Layer Approach

The computational domain is divided in two regions: viscosity affected (near wall)and fully turbulent core (outer region)

Two different models are used: the complete k-e model for the outer region anda simplified model (typically a one-equation k-based model) for the near-wall

The separation between the two regions is defined in terms of a distance from thewall (y+~30)

The main assumption is related to the definition of e which is based on

ME469B/3/GI 30

Near-Wall Treatments for k-e models


+/-++/-+/-Two layer




Summary and Comparison

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ME469B/3/GI 31

Problem set-up Solver Set-Up

Material Properties:r = 1kg/m3

m = 0.0017kg/ms

Reynolds number:h = 2m, L=1mRet = rUth/m = 590

Boundary Conditions: Periodicity Dp/L=1=Ut

No-slip top/bottom walls

Initial Conditions:u = 1; v = p = 0

Turbulence model:k-e with wall functions

Segregated Solver

Discretization:2nd order upwindSIMPLE



Periodic boundaries

Example: Turbulent Channel Flow




ME469B/3/GI 32

Turbulent Channel Flow

Velocity and k profiles

Ret = 590

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ME469B/3/GI 33

Grid Convergence?

Velocity and k profiles

Ret = 590

Turbulence Channel Flow

ME469B/3/GI 34

From High-Re to Low-Re k-e

Grid Turbulent kinetic energy

Wall boundary conditiondk/dy=0 k=0

Wall clusteringy+=30 y+~1

Ret = 590

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ME469B/3/GI 35

Velocity and k profiles

Low-Re k-e model

Ret = 590

Turbulence Channel Flow

ME469B/3/GI 36

Pros & Cons of k-e model

+ Simple+ Affordable+ Reasonably accurate for wide variety of flows (without separation)+ History effects

- Overly diffusive - Cannot predict different flows with the same set of constants (universality)- Source terms are stiff numerically- Not accurate in the region close to no-slip walls where k and e exhibit large peaks (DNS and experimental observations) - Near wall treatment

A lot of variants have been introduced to overcome these problems

One (or more) constants become coefficients varying with S, distance from the walls, pressure gradient, etc.: RNG k-e, realizable k-e…

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ME469B/3/GI 37

Alternatives/Improvements to k-e models

The k-w model was developed from the realization that most of the problemsexperienced by k-e-type models are due to the modeling of the e equation whichis neither accurate or easy to solve (e has a local extrema close to the wall)

Mathematically this is equivalent to a change of variables w~e/k

The v2-f model is based on the argument that k/e is the correct turbulent timescale in the flow (close to the wall and in the outer region) but k is not theappropriate turbulent velocity scale

An additional equation for the correct velocity scale v2 (independent from k) hasto be solved. Moreover, the damping effect produced from the presence of the wallis NOT local (as assumed in the damping function approach) but must beaccounted for globally using an elliptic equation

ME469B/3/GI 38

Velocity and k profiles

k-w model

Ret = 590

Turbulence Channel Flow

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ME469B/3/GI 39

Reynolds Stress Models

Attempt to model directly the “new” terms appearing in the RANS equations

Mathematically is expensive because we have 6 additional equations:

More importantly ONLY the production term are exact, everythingelse MUST be modeled

RSM are extremely stiff numerically due to the coupling between theequations and suffer of the same near-wall problems of the k-e

ME469B/3/GI 40

Models available in Fluent

One-equation model

Two-equation modelk-e (3 versions + 3 wall treatments)k-w (2 versions)

Reynolds Stress model

Note that the coefficients might be adjusted!!!

Define Æ Models Æ Viscous

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ME469B/3/GI 41

Models in Fluent hidden behind the GUI

Mixing Length

define/model/viscous/mixing-length y

Two-equation modelk-e Low-Re (6 versions)

define/model/viscous/turbulence-expert/low-re-ke ydefine/model/viscous/turbulence-expert/low-re-ke-index 2

Some turbulence models are NOTdirectly available in the GUI!!!

ME469B/3/GI 42

Comparison of Models

Velocity and k profiles

Ret = 590

Turbulence Channel Flow

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ME469B/3/GI 43

Channel Flow Summary

Wall functions are accurate if the first grid point is in the logarithmic layer

Grid Convergence Study with wall functions approach FAILS

Damping Functions (and Two-Layer approaches) are accurate for the velocity profilesBut the turbulent kinetic energy peak is underpredicted

k-w model is a viable alternative to k-e and has less sensitivity to the grid clustering

SA model and v2-f model are equivalent in capturing the velocity profile

v2-f model is accurate in predicting the peak of turbulence kinetic energy near the wall

ME469B/3/GI 44

Inlet boundary conditions for turbulent quantities

At inlet boundary conditions additional quantities have to be specified inturbulent flows depending on the turbulence model selected. Typically thereare three options:

1) k-e

2) Turbulence Intensity and Turbulence Length Scale

3) Turbulence Intensity and Turbulent Viscosity

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ME469B/3/GI 45

Example: Asymmetric Diffuser

Problem set-up Solver Set-UpMaterial Properties:r = 1kg/m3

m = 0.0001kg/ms

Reynolds number:h = 2m,Re = rUh/m = 20,000

Boundary Conditions: Inlet profiles available from experiments No-slip top/bottom walls

Segregated Solver

Discretization:2nd order upwindSIMPLE


Initial Conditions:

u = 1; v = p = 0

Turbulence model:

Two-equation models



ME469B/3/GI 46

Flow in Asymmetric Diffuser

k-e Low-Re

k-e Low-Re



Experiments indicatedthe presence of a largerecirculation region

k-e models with dampingfunction do NOT capture it

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ME469B/3/GI 47

Flow in Asymmetric Diffuser

Skin friction on the bottom wall

ME469B/3/GI 48

Flow in Asymmetric Diffuser

Streamwise Velocity Turbulence Kinetic Energy

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ME469B/3/GI 49

k-e with wall functions

No separation is captured!Series of grids generatedwith different clustering at wall

ME469B/3/GI 50

k-e with wall functions

In “complex” configuration it is impossible to generated a grid with the first grid pointin the logarithmic layer…..

…in addition, for complicated flows with recirculation the Universal Law is inaccurate

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ME469B/3/GI 51

Example: NLR Two Component Airfoil

Problem set-up Solver Set-UpMaterial Properties:r = 1kg/m3

m = 3.98E-7Kg/ms

Reynolds number:h = 1m,Re = rUh/m = 2,512,600

Boundary Conditions: Constant velocity at AOA=a No-slip walls

Segregated Solver

Discretization:2nd order upwindSIMPLE


Initial Conditions:

u = cosa; v = sina, p = 0

Turbulence model:

SA and k-e models


ME469B/3/GI 52

Computational Grid

Due to the high Reynolds numberresolution of the boundary layersrequires extreme clustering

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ME469B/3/GI 53

How this grid is generated?

Multiblock Structured Grid

ME469B/3/GI 54

Pressure distributions

Pressure Distribution at Low and High Angle of Attack

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ME469B/3/GI 55

Why k-e fails?


Turbulentkinetic energy

Spurious production of k in the stagnation regionsFix: Use of a production limiter:

define/model/viscous/turbulence-expert/kato-launder-model y

ME469B/3/GI 56

GuidelinesSimulations of turbulence flows require “decisions” based on:

1) Flow Physics to characterize the flow features (turbulence, high gradients, etc.)2) Computational requirements to evaluate the grids resolution required for a certain accuracy3) Project Requirement to evaluate the need for sophisticated turbulence models

Turbulence model Computational grid







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ME469B/3/GI 57

Modeling procedure:

• Determine relevant Reynolds number to estimate if the flow is turbulent

• Select a turbulence model option and a near-wall treatment

• Estimate the physical dimension of the first grid point off the wall (y+)

• Generate the grid

• Perform the simulation

• “Reality” check (experiments, literature, model consistency)


ME469B/3/GI 58

Estimating y+

Definition: y+ = r yp ut /m

y+ = r yp ut /m

ut = Ue (cf/2)1/2

To estimate ut we can use “classic” relationships for the skin friction:

• Flat Plate: cf/2 ~ 0.052 (Rex)-0.142

• Pipe: cf/2 ~ 0.046 (Rex)-0.2

Note that there are different laws for different Re number ranges

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ME469B/3/GI 59

“Final” Guidelines

For k-e simulations:Two-layer is preferable over wall-functions (grid dependence + accuracy)Realizable k-e or Kato&Launder limiter have to be used

For k-w simulations:SST is usually better than standardGrid should be clustered at wall

SA is usually a good compromise between accuracy and simplicity. It also hasvery good convergence properties (as compared to the two-equation models)

Reynolds stress model is expensive and it require a good initial guess (typically ak-e-type simulation)

ME469B/3/GI 60

Summary of turbulence models in Commercial Codes










