CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper. 2002; 14:261–285 (DOI: 10.1002/cpe.635) Advanced concurrency control in Java Pascal Felber 1, ,† and Michael K. Reiter 2 1 Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, U.S.A. 2 Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, U.S.A. SUMMARY Developing concurrent applications is not a trivial task. As programs grow larger and become more complex, advanced concurrency control mechanisms are needed to ensure that application consistency is not compromised. Managing mutual exclusion on a per-object basis is not sufficient to guarantee isolation of sets of semantically-related actions. In this paper, we consider ‘atomic blocks’, a simple and lightweight concurrency control paradigm that enables arbitrary blocks of code to access multiple shared objects in isolation. We evaluate various strategies for implementing atomic blocks in Java, in such a way that concurrency control is transparent to the programmer, isolation is preserved, and concurrency is maximized. We discuss these concurrency control strategies and evaluate them in terms of complexity and performance. Copyright 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS: concurrency control; isolation; transactions; Java 1. INTRODUCTION Writing concurrent programs is a challenging task. While it is well known that shared resources must be protected from concurrent accesses to avoid data corruption, guarding individual resources is often not sufficient. Sets of semantically related actions may need to execute in mutual exclusion to avoid semantic inconsistencies. While databases have native support for such ‘transactional’ constructs, most concurrent programming languages lack adequate mechanisms to handle this task. The system model and assumptions of concurrent applications are generally different from those of databases: Unlike databases, concurrent programs generally manipulate transient data and may not be able to ‘undo’ a set of actions (rollback). This means that concurrency control mechanisms should avoid situations where rollback is necessary (such as deadlocks), and should implement conflict avoidance rather than conflict resolution. This can translate into the use of pessimistic locking strategies instead of the optimistic strategies often used in databases. Another difference is that the code of a concurrent application may be arbitrarily complex and may not easily be reduced to read and write operations on Correspondence to: Pascal Felber, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] Received 1 October 2001 Copyright 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 20 January 2002

Advanced concurrency control in Javareiter/papers/2002/CCPE.pdf · lightweight concurrency control paradigm that enables arbitrary blocks of code to access multiple shared objects

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Page 1: Advanced concurrency control in Javareiter/papers/2002/CCPE.pdf · lightweight concurrency control paradigm that enables arbitrary blocks of code to access multiple shared objects

CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCEConcurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper. 2002; 14:261–285 (DOI: 10.1002/cpe.635)

Advanced concurrency controlin Java

Pascal Felber1,∗,† and Michael K. Reiter2

1Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, U.S.A.2Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, U.S.A.


Developing concurrent applications is not a trivial task. As programs grow larger and become morecomplex, advanced concurrency control mechanisms are needed to ensure that application consistencyis not compromised. Managing mutual exclusion on a per-object basis is not sufficient to guaranteeisolation of sets of semantically-related actions. In this paper, we consider ‘atomic blocks’, a simple andlightweight concurrency control paradigm that enables arbitrary blocks of code to access multiple sharedobjects in isolation. We evaluate various strategies for implementing atomic blocks in Java, in such a waythat concurrency control is transparent to the programmer, isolation is preserved, and concurrency ismaximized. We discuss these concurrency control strategies and evaluate them in terms of complexity andperformance. Copyright 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEY WORDS: concurrency control; isolation; transactions; Java


Writing concurrent programs is a challenging task. While it is well known that shared resources mustbe protected from concurrent accesses to avoid data corruption, guarding individual resources is oftennot sufficient. Sets of semantically related actions may need to execute in mutual exclusion to avoidsemantic inconsistencies. While databases have native support for such ‘transactional’ constructs, mostconcurrent programming languages lack adequate mechanisms to handle this task.

The system model and assumptions of concurrent applications are generally different from those ofdatabases: Unlike databases, concurrent programs generally manipulate transient data and may not beable to ‘undo’ a set of actions (rollback). This means that concurrency control mechanisms should avoidsituations where rollback is necessary (such as deadlocks), and should implement conflict avoidancerather than conflict resolution. This can translate into the use of pessimistic locking strategies insteadof the optimistic strategies often used in databases. Another difference is that the code of a concurrentapplication may be arbitrarily complex and may not easily be reduced to read and write operations on

∗Correspondence to: Pascal Felber, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, U.S.A.†E-mail: [email protected]

Received 1 October 2001Copyright 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 20 January 2002

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data items. This is especially true of code that was not developed with concurrency in mind, but isexecuted a posteriori in a concurrent context.

Concurrency control mechanisms that implement mutual exclusion of multiple actions in concurrentapplications face a tradeoff: On the one hand, control over shared resources must be acquired in aconservative way to avoid situations where rollback would be necessary. On the other hand, control overthese shared resources must be held for the shortest amount of time possible to increase concurrency.While this tension has been extensively studied in databases [1], surprisingly little work has beenperformed in the context of concurrent programming languages.

This paper discusses concurrency control mechanisms for implementing atomic sets of actions inJava, a general-purpose, object-oriented concurrent programming language. The goal is to providesimple yet efficient mechanisms to implement mutual exclusion on arbitrary sets of objects, in orderto increase concurrency of multi-threaded applications without violating safety. We take advantage ofthe object-oriented nature of the language to guarantee isolation in a transparent way and decouplethe declaration of critical sections from the underlying mutual exclusion mechanisms. Code executingin an atomic block does not need to be aware of concurrency, and existing applications only requiretrivial modifications for taking advantage of our mechanisms. Several concurrency control strategiesare presented and evaluated in terms of complexity and performance. While the mechanisms discussedin this paper have been packaged as a class library for ease of implementation, they could easily beadded to the language through a simple extension of Java’s ‘synchronized’ statement.

This paper makes several contributions: First, we discuss the provision of advanced concurrencycontrol mechanisms that preserve consistency and isolation of shared objects across multiple operationsin multi-threaded environments. We identify several deadlock-free locking strategies that satisfy therequirements of our application model—four variants of two-phase locking protocols and a tree-basedlocking protocol—and we discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each strategy.

Second, we specifically address the problem of transparent concurrency management in Java. Themechanisms introduced in this paper permit seamless addition of concurrency control to arbitraryblocks of Java code, without modifications to the actual code within critical sections. Becauseconcurrency management is fully decoupled from the application logic, features like the lockingstrategy can be modified as late as at runtime, independently of the application’s code.

Finally, we evaluate the cost of transparent concurrency control in Java applications. We make acomparative analysis of the locking strategies implemented in our framework under various workloadsand we measure the overhead of the techniques used to make concurrency management transparent tothe application’s code.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces background concepts andpresents the motivations of this work. Section 3 briefly discusses related work. Section 4 describes thevarious locking policies supported by our Java concurrency control framework. Section 5 discusses theimplementation of atomic blocks in Java using the locking policies previously introduced. Section 6presents experimental results from our Java implementation, and compares the different policies interms of concurrency and runtime performance. Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper.


Consider the simple problem of transferring money from one bank account to another. This transferoperation must be atomic, in the sense that any other entity accessing these accounts concurrently will

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1 class Bank {2 void transfer(Account from, Account to, int amount)3 {4 atomic {5 from.withdraw(amount);6 to.deposit(amount);7 }8 }9 }

Figure 1. Atomic transfer between bank accounts with an hypothetical ‘atomic’ keyword.

see their balance before or after the transfer, but not in between the withdrawal and the deposit. Forinstance, a concurrent operation that computes the sum of both bank accounts would return inconsistentresults if it sums the balance of bank accounts after the withdrawal but before the deposit: the sum ofthe balances is a semantic invariant that should not be violated.

Databases have native support for such constructs. They guarantee that operations gathered intotransactions satisfy the four so-called ACID properties: atomicity, i.e. transactions executes completelyor not at all; consistency, i.e. transactions are a correct transformation of the state; isolation, i.e. eventhough transactions execute concurrently, it appears for each transaction T that others transactionsexecute either before T or after T , but not both; and durability, i.e. modifications performed bycompleted transactions survive failures. Databases implement this behavior by controlling access toshared data, and undoing the actions of a transaction that did not complete successfully (roll-back).

The cost of running a transaction in a database is not negligible, and applications that do not needall four ACID properties could benefit from using more lightweight mechanisms. In this paper we onlyfocus on isolation guarantees for concurrent applications that essentially manipulate transient data, donot need durability and never need to abort (mandating arbitrary actions of a concurrent application tobe reversible is incompatible with the goals of keeping concurrency management transparent). Using adatabase in this context is obviously inadequate.

In our bank application, application consistency can be preserved by making the withdrawal and thedeposit part of an atomic block that cannot be interrupted by concurrent threads accessing the samebank accounts. In the rest of this paper, we will refer to the set of operations of an atomic block usingthe generic term of ‘transactions’, even though they are not formally equivalent to database transactionsthat satisfy all four ACID properties. Figure 1 shows how the bank transfer might be implemented inJava if the language had an ‘atomic’ keyword for declaring atomic blocks.

In a programming language that does not natively support transactions, like Java, isolation mustbe implemented using concurrency control mechanisms. Java’s built-in concurrency support allowsprogrammers to create multiple threads and let them execute simultaneously. Each Java object containsa synchronization lock which can be used to implement mutual exclusion: only one thread at a timecan hold the lock. Additional concurrency control mechanisms, such as semaphores, can be easilyconstructed using Java objects’ synchronization locks.

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Java defines the ‘synchronized’ keyword to acquire the lock of an object and guard a method or ablock of code. Synchronized methods acquire the lock of the target object or class for the durationof the method. The more versatile synchronized block construct locks an arbitrary Java object for theduration of the block. However, it is not possible to atomically acquire the locks of multiple objects fora synchronized block.

As noted in [2], there are essentially two approaches to solving the bank transfer problem in Java. Afirst solution consists in making the ‘transfer’ operation of the bank object a synchronized method (or,equivalently, associating a binary semaphore to the bank object and acquiring/releasing it before/afterthe transfer). The synchronization lock of the bank object is acquired when entering the method andreleased upon completion, thus ensuring that no two threads can execute this method concurrently.This approach systematically serializes concurrent transfers, even if they do not access the sameaccounts and thus do not interfere. If the bank manages a large number of account and interferencesare not frequent, this approach is obviously inadequate: it guarantees isolation but significantly limitsconcurrency.

The second approach alleviates the limited concurrency problem through the use of multiple locks.Instead of acquiring a lock on the bank, threads obtain the locks on all account objects involved in thetransaction. This can be implemented using nested synchronized blocks or multiple binary semaphores.The major problem of this solution is that it introduces risks of deadlock. A deadlock is a form ofliveness interference in that it prevents progress. Two threads performing concurrent transfers on thesame accounts but in the reverse order may block forever: if one thread locks the first account at thesame time as the other thread locks the second account, we run into a deadlock situation because eachthread will try to acquire a lock held by the other thread. Database systems traditionally solve deadlocksby selectively aborting some transactions. In a concurrent program, it is generally not possible todetect deadlocks and/or abort transactions, and the appropriate strategy is to avoid deadlock. Deadlockavoidance may be implemented by imposing a total order on lock acquisition (in our example, we couldfor instance acquire the lock in increasing order of account number), but at the price of some increasein the complexity and size of the application code.

Another problem of this second approach is that it cannot easily be applied to an arbitrary numberof objects (not known statically). For instance, it is not straightforward to implement a method thattakes an array of bank accounts and compute the sum of their balances, because the number of nestedsynchronized blocks depends on the number of accounts, which is not known at compile time. Thelimitations of Java’s concurrency control mechanisms for transactional operation are further discussedin [2].

The main motivation of this work is to provide generic mechanisms to solve these kinds of problems.Isolation mechanisms should have minimal impact on the application’s code (non-intrusiveness) andshould increase concurrency while avoiding deadlocks, i.e. provide both liveness and safety.


There exist numerous languages or libraries for parallel programming with various levels oftransactional support (see [3] for a survey). They introduce high-level tools and paradigms adaptedto the development of parallel applications, by enabling the decomposition of complex programs intomultiple tasks that can execute concurrently on parallel or distributed architectures. When available,transactional semantics are generally implemented through distributed commit protocols.

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In contrast, general-purpose programming languages with multi-threading support (such as Java)generally provide low-level concurrency-control mechanisms like locks, semaphores or monitors thatguarantee mutual exclusion to specific sections of code [4]. While flexible, these mechanisms are notwell adapted to non-trivial problems such as the isolation of multiple concurrent transactions.

For efficiency reasons, database management systems (DBMSs) generally implement advancedconcurrency control mechanisms for executing numerous transactions concurrently while guaranteeingACID properties [1]. DBMSs focus on persistent data management and provide no or limitedconcurrency control mechanisms for code executing outside of the DBMS.

The mechanisms presented in this paper have a different, less ambitious goal than parallelprogramming languages or DBMSs. Instead of defining new tools and paradigms for parallelprogramming or transaction management, our goal is to provide a few simple, transparent mechanismsfor increasing the concurrency of Java applications while preserving some limited form of transactionalintegrity. These mechanisms can be easily added to existing applications, without the need of aspecialized programming language or deployment of the application’s data in a DBMS.

Java already offers two transaction frameworks: the Java Transaction API (JTA), part of theenterprise edition of the Java platform (J2EE) [5], and Jini Transactions [6]. The Java TransactionAPI is a set of local interfaces between a transaction manager and the parties involved in a distributedtransaction system: the application, the resource manager and the application server. It includestransactional application interfaces, a Java mapping to the standard X/Open XA protocol and atransaction manager interface.

While JTA aims at providing a complete set of transactional mechanisms to Java applications, theJini Transaction Specification provides a minimal set of protocols and interfaces to allow objects toimplement transactional semantics. The responsibility of actually implementing these semantics is leftto the individual objects that take part in a transaction. Coordination between transaction objects isachieved through a two-phase commit protocol, which is the most widely used protocol for distributedtransactions.

Both Java transaction frameworks differ from the work presented in the paper by several aspects.First, both JTA and Jini transactions essentially target distributed transactions, (1) as APIs to acomplete distributed transaction system or (2) as minimal interfaces for distributed coordinationbetween transactional Java objects. A consequence of distribution is that these frameworks must dealwith situations where transactions abort because of exceptional conditions that affect only some of thedistributed components (such as partial failures or local scheduling conflicts). Finally, JTA and Jinitransactions essentially provide a declarative API to the basic components of a transactional systemand thus require a transaction participant to support specific interfaces and take part to well-definedprotocols. In contrast, the work presented in this paper is more restrictive in that it does not deal withdistributed transactions, it does not guarantee transaction durability nor allow transactions to abort, andit focuses on providing transparent integration of transactional facilities into the programming languagerather than through a programmatic API.


To ensure mutual exclusion on a set of shared resources, threads must lock these resources prior toaccessing them, and release the locks when they are no longer needed. The strategy used for acquiring

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T1 : a.op() ; b.op() ; c.op() ; d.op()

T2 : a.op() ; b.op()

T3 : c.op() ; d.op()

Figure 2. Three sample transactions.

and releasing locks is called the locking policy. Locking policies try to maximize concurrency byminimizing the time during which locks are held. In this paper, we only consider locking policies thatavoid deadlocks and thus do not require undoing partial transaction execution.

In this section, we present several locking policies that offer various tradeoffs in terms of overhead,concurrency, and required transaction knowledge. A good understanding of these policies is importantfor maximizing the performance of a concurrent application. The first few policies are variations ofso-called two-phase locking (2PL) strategies [7], while the last one is a non-2PL policy. Our Javaimplementation of atomic blocks can use any of these policies.

To illustrate these locking policies, we consider the following simple example that involves threetransactions T1, T2 and T3 executed concurrently on four objects a, b, c and d (Figure 2). Unliketypical database transactions, we do not distinguish between read and write operations: we assume thateach object has a set of operations (‘op’ in the figure) that can perform arbitrary accesses to the stateof the object.

4.1. Two-phase locking

The best-known deadlock-free locking policy is two-phase locking (2PL). All objects accessed by atransaction are locked during the first phase and released during the second phase. It is not possibleto unlock an object before all objects have been locked, or to lock an object once any lock has beenreleased. There exist several variations of 2PL protocols, some of which are discussed in the rest ofthis section.

In order to avoid deadlocks, objects should be locked in an order consistent with a total order onthe objects. We assume that there exists a unique value #o associated with each object o that canbe used to assign ranks to objects. Objects are always locked in increasing rank order, thus avoidingdeadlocks (the order in which resources are unlocked does not matter). In our example, we assume that#a < #b < #c < #d .

4.1.1. Conservative 2PL

The most basic 2PL protocol is conservative 2PL (also known as static 2PL). With this protocol, allobjects are locked before starting the transaction, and unlocked after the transaction has completed.Operations of the transaction execute only when all objects are locked.

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a b c d

T2 a b

L(ab) U(ab)


L(cd) U(cd)

c d




a b c d

L(a) L(b) L(c) L(d)



c d

L(c) L(d)

T2 a b

L(a) L(b) U(ab)




a b c d

U(a) U(b) U(c) U(d)

T2 a b

U(a) U(b)L(ab)



c d

U(c) U(d)


T3 c d

T2 a b

T1 a b c d



Figure 3. Execution of the transactions of Figure 2 with various locking strategies. (a) Conservative 2PL.(b) Late locking. (c) Early unlocking. (d) Optimal locking.

Figure 3(a) shows an execution history of the transactions of Figure 2 with a conservative 2PL policy.A transaction is represented by a horizontal line, split into multiple segments that represent individualoperations. We indicate above each operation the object accessed by that operation. Lock acquisitionand release are represented in the figures using the notation L(o) for locking an object o and U(o)

for unlocking o. We consider that each individual operation consumes one unit of time and successfullocking and unlocking takes no time. Therefore, execution of all three transactions take 6 units of time.

4.1.2. 2PL with late locking

A first optimization to conservative 2PL is to wait until an object is actually accessed for locking it.This technique, known as strict 2PL in the database world, will be referred to as 2PL with late lockingin this paper. As with conservative 2PL, objects are locked in increasing rank order to avoid deadlocks.The late locking protocol works as follows (Figure 3(b)). Before accessing an object o, the transactionT checks if o is already locked. If it is not the case, T locks every object o′ accessed by T such that#o′ ≤ #o and o′ is not yet locked, in increasing rank order. Therefore, the effectiveness of this policystrongly depends on the order in which objects are accessed. If objects are mostly accessed in the same

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order as their rank, then the late locking policy can significantly increase concurrency over conservative2PL. On the other hand, if the first object accessed by a transaction is the object with the highest rank,then late locking is equivalent to conservative 2PL.

4.1.3. 2PL with early unlocking

2PL with early unlocking is another variation of 2PL. However, unlike late locking, the effectivenessof early unlocking does not directly depend on the order in which objects are accessed. First, allobjects accessed by a transaction are locked at the beginning of the transaction (Figure 3(c)). Aftereach operation, the protocol checks if the object accessed by the last operation will be accessed againby the transaction. If this is not the case, the lock on that object is released. In other words, objects arelocked from the begin of the transaction up to the last operation that accesses them.

Early unlocking usually performs better than conservative 2PL. It also generally achieves betterconcurrency than late locking, because late locking requires objects to be accessed in the same order asthey are locked to perform optimally. On the other hand, the early unlocking protocol has the drawbackof requiring to know when an object is no longer needed in the transaction, i.e. the application mustprovide a description of the transaction for taking advantage of early unlocking.

4.1.4. Generalized 2PL

The last flavor of 2PL discussed in this paper is generalized 2PL. It combines the optimizations oflate locking and early unlocking. Locks can be acquired late and released early as long as the lockingpattern complies with the basic 2PL protocol. In practice, a generalized 2PL protocol usually tries toacquire locks as late as possible and, when all locks have been obtained, releases them soon as they areno longer needed. (Note that this might not lead to an optimal 2PL schedule.) With the transactions ofFigure 2, this protocol is almost equivalent to late locking and executes in 5 units of time.

4.2. Tree locking

The deadlock-free 2PL locking policies have in common that no object can be unlocked before allobjects have been locked, and objects must be locked in a predefined order. Tree locking [8] is a non-2PL policy that avoids these limitations by using different rules to decide when and in which order tolock and unlock objects. Tree locking is a deterministic, deadlock-free locking policy that is optimalfor our example: it executes all three transactions in 4 units of time, as shown in Figure 3(d) (lockacquisition and release are not shown in the figure and will be discussed after the tree locking protocolhas been introduced).

Tree locking was originally developed to take advantage of the hierarchical structure of a database,represented as a tree. Transactions always access data items by following paths in the tree. Any node inthe tree can be locked, and locks held on a node implicitly propagate to all of its children. A transactionstarts by locking‡ the top-most node of the tree. Then, it travels down to the data item to be accessed,

‡For simplification we assume that there is only one type of lock.

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a b dc


1 2

Figure 4. With tree locking, shared resources are organized in a tree.

locking every intermediate node. A node N can be unlocked when the transaction has obtained all thelocks it needs on N’s children. Once unlocked, a node cannot be locked again. A direct consequenceof this protocol is that the order in which locks are obtained depends on the structure of the tree, not onan order relation between individual data items.

To increase concurrency of atomic actions in concurrent applications, we use a variation of the treelocking protocol used in databases. Resources are organized in a tree: data items (i.e. shared objects)are located on leaves of the trees, and internal nodes are ‘artificial’ objects that impose relationshipsbetween resources and coordinate lock acquisition and release. Since internal nodes are not dataitems, the tree does not depend on the physical structure of the data and can dynamically evolve intoconfigurations that are optimal for the transactions being processed. Details of the tree locking protocolare given in Appendix A.

The tree locking protocol with the tree of Figure 4 results in optimal execution for the transactionsof Figure 2. It takes only 4 units of time, which is the length of the longest transaction, and thereare always two transactions executing concurrently. Tree locking has, however, the same drawback asearly unlocking: the protocol needs to know when an object is no longer needed in the transaction.In addition, the runtime overhead of tree locking is the biggest among all protocols presented in thispaper, since more locks need to be acquired and released. Indeed, transactions need to lock the nodesof the tree, in addition to the data items actually accessed.

4.3. On performance and concurrency

In this section, we have presented several 2PL locking protocols, as well as a non-2PL tree lockingprotocol. Each locking protocol has benefits and drawbacks. A general rule is that complex protocolshave more runtime overhead but potentially achieve increased concurrency. Although we will discussperformance in Section 6, we present a few preliminary observations here.

First, when there is low contention (i.e. it happens rarely that two transactions compete to accessa shared object at the same time), policies that have small runtime overhead perform better. In thisscenario, conservative 2PL is generally the best choice.

However, when there is much contention it is important to maximize concurrency, even at the priceof additional runtime overhead. In these situations, a locking policy like generalized 2PL or tree lockingis more adequate. Experiments show that 2PL policies permit significantly more concurrency than treelocking with a static tree and random transactions. However, with a tree that is ‘adequate’ for a set of

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transactions (i.e. the structure of the tree is optimized for these transactions), tree locking can increaseconcurrency substantially over 2PL protocols. In particular, tree locking appears to be a promisingapproach when working with structured data.

The problem of finding a tree that is adequate for a given set of transaction is not trivial. We haveidentified four adequacy criteria that characterize a good tree for a given set of transactions (seeAppendix B): (1) The root node of a transaction should be as deep in the tree as possible. (2) Theacquisition of a node must pay off and concurrency can be optimal when transactions access allresources located below that node. (3) Concurrency is increased if accesses to the resources of a subtreeare adjacent in a transaction. (4) Concurrency is generally increased if shared resources are accessedby multiple transactions in the same order.

When data are naturally organized in a hierarchical manner and accesses follow structured patterns(e.g. traversal of a sub-tree), then a good tree can be trivially inferred from the data’s hierarchicalstructure. However, when data and accesses are not structured, finding a tree that is optimal for a givenset of transactions appears to be computationally hard (a more detailed discussion can be found in [9])and we know of no efficient algorithm for computing an optimal tree in general. As a result, we haveprimarily focused on heuristics for building a good tree efficiently. To evaluate the effectiveness of treelocking with unstructured data and transactions, we have implemented a simple greedy algorithm thatproduces balanced binary trees where objects are organized according to their frequency and proximityin the transactions. This algorithm tries to place objects that are close in the given transactions inthe same subtree, with the priority given to objects that are accessed more often. The details of thealgorithm are given in Appendix C. Experiments results with tree locking and the tree constructionalgorithm are discussed in Section 6.


This section describes the implementation of atomic blocks in our Java Concurrency Framework (JCF).We first present the design goals and introduce the notions of atomic object and atomic block. We thendescribe the various mechanisms used for providing transparent concurrency management and discussthe benefits and drawbacks of each of them. For ease of implementation, these mechanisms have beenpackaged as a set of Java classes; we do, however, believe that basic support for atomic blocks wouldbe a desirable extension to the Java language, as proposed at the end of this section.

5.1. Goals

Implementation of atomic blocks in JCF was influenced by the following design goals.

• Transparency: code should not be modified for executing within an atomic block.• Generality: atomic blocks can be placed around arbitrary Java code.• Efficiency: atomic blocks should add as little runtime overhead as possible while maximizing

concurrency.• Separation of concerns: the declaration of an atomic block should be independent of the locking


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The first goal—transparency—states that atomic blocks should not be visible by code executingwithin the block and should not require modifications to that code. This also means that legacycode, written without concurrency in mind, can execute safely in a concurrent environment just bysurrounding critical operations with atomic block constructs.

The second goal—generality—requires support for arbitrary code inside atomic blocks, as within a‘synchronized’ statement. This code can perform arbitrary operations and use any language construct,as long as it executes in the context of a single thread of control. Transactions do not need to bedescribed in a separate language, such as SQL, for managing concurrency and maintaining consistency.

The third goal—efficiency—means informally that the runtime overhead of concurrency controlmechanisms should not be higher than the performance improvements resulting from increasedconcurrency. On the one hand, serial execution can be implemented with very low runtime overhead,but no effective concurrency. On the other hand, advanced concurrency control mechanisms havehigher runtime overhead, but also better concurrency. Atomic blocks should try to minimize runtimeoverhead and maximize concurrency.

The last goal—separation of concerns—states that the locking strategy used for ensuring isolationof atomic blocks should be independent of the atomic block declaration. In other words, theapplication developer can declare an atomic block without having to know how concurrency controlis implemented, and the system developer can program a locking strategy for atomic blocks withouthaving to know the application’s code. It follows that it must be possible to configure the lockingstrategy at deployment time (or even at runtime) without changes to the application’s code.

Note that JCF does not aim at being a full transaction framework, intended to replace a DBMS.It rather focuses on transparent mechanisms to ensure isolation and atomicity of concurrent objectinvocations and seamless integration with programming language constructs. A consequence of ourtransparency goals is that we do not distinguish between read and write operations and we consider arestricted transaction model that does not guarantee durability and does not allow transactions to abort(no rollback). JCF can be used, for instance, to maintain consistency of in-memory data structures (e.g.B-tree, XML data tree) accessed by multiple threads. Such data do not need to be persistent, but itscomplex structure and large size can making explicit concurrency control error-prone and subject topoor performance. JCF hides this complexity by allowing non-trivial operations such as moving dataor traversing subtrees to be performed concurrently on arbitrary nodes without having to explicitly dealwith concurrency control.

5.2. Atomic objects and atomic blocks

An atomic object [10] is an object that can be accessed concurrently by several threads. Even thoughaccesses are concurrent, an atomic object behaves as if accesses occur one at a time, in an order which isconsistent with the order of invocations and responses. The smallest granularity of atomicity supportedby JCF is the invocation of an atomic object. JCF also provides concurrency control mechanisms thatguarantee isolation of sequences of invocations on atomic objects. Such a sequence of invocationsforms an atomic block.

An atomic object is essentially an application-specific object whose concurrency is managed byJCF. Application can render an arbitrary object atomic by calling a JCF-specific method (this is aone-time procedure performed during application initialization). If the application object does notalready behave like an atomic object (i.e. it does not support concurrent invocations), JCF transparently

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1 class Bank {2 void transfer(Account from, Account to, int amount)3 {4 AtomicBlock ab = Atomic.newAtomicBlock(new Object[] {from, to});5 ab.begin();6 from.withdraw(amount);7 to.deposit(amount);8 ab.end();9 }10 }11 // Initialization12 for(int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++)13 accounts[i] = (Account)Atomic.makeAtomic(accounts[i]);1415 // Thread 1:16 bank.transfer(accounts[0], accounts[1], 1000);17 // Thread 2:18 bank.transfer(accounts[1], accounts[2], 2000);19 // Threads 1 and 2 conflict and execute in isolation2021 // Thread 3:22 bank.transfer(accounts[3], accounts[4], 1500);23 // Thread 3 executes concurrently with treads 1 and 2

Figure 5. Atomic blocks improve concurrency while ensuring isolation.

serializes invocations to that object. This guarantees that objects remain consistent individually. Global(or transactional) consistency is maintained using atomic blocks.

An atomic block executes sequences of invocations to atomic objects (and other instructions) inisolation. It is instantiated with the set of atomic objects that it manages as a parameter, and issemantically bound to a thread of control. Atomic blocks can be arbitrarily nested in practice, but in thatcase—similarly to ‘synchronized’ statements—there exists a risk of deadlock. Atomic blocks providestwo methods, ‘begin’ and ‘end’, that act as delimiters. The code executing between these methodsexecutes in isolation of other atomic blocks. Atomic blocks are represented by objects that implementthe ‘AtomicBlock’ interface. There are several kinds of atomic blocks that implement different lockingpolicies.

Figure 5 shows an implementation of the bank application of Section 2 that uses atomic blocks.Initially, all account objects are made atomic (lines 12–13). In the transfer method, an atomic blockis instantiated with the source and destination account as parameter (line 4). The money transfer isperformed inside the atomic block (lines 6–7), delimited by the invocations to ‘begin’ and ‘end’ on theatomic block object (lines 5 and 8). The runtime concurrency control mechanisms ensure that the first

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and second transfers (lines 16 and 18), which conflict, execute in isolation. The third transfer (line 22),which does not conflict with the other transfers, can execute concurrently.

Atomic blocks can be customized in several ways (via overloading of the ‘newAtomicBlock’method). In particular, they are optionally parameterized by a locking policy, which can be chosenat runtime (some guidelines for selecting a locking policy are given in Section 5.4). In the case oftree locking, the programmer can also provide a tree generator, whose function is to construct a treeadequate for the given transactions. Trees can evolve over time, and it is possible to use different treesfor non-intersecting sets of objects. For locking policies that require a description of the transactions’structure (tree locking and 2PL policies that implement early unlocking), atomic blocks are furtherparameterized by a ‘Transaction’ object, which enumerates the individual operations of the transactionand the objects they access.

5.3. Intercepting invocations

As previously stated, a major goal of atomic blocks is to manage arbitrary code, without having toperform modifications to that code. A direct consequence is that the JCF runtime must be able totransparently perform concurrency control operations during execution of an atomic block. Indeed, alllocking policies discussed in this paper except conservative 2PL acquire and release locks in the middleof atomic blocks, immediately before or after invocations to atomic objects.

JCF performs dynamic concurrency control management by intercepting invocations to atomicobjects. As part of the process through which objects are made atomic, JCF transparently encapsulatesthe application object inside a system-level wrapper that can pre- and post-process any request targetedto the application object. The wrapper holds a binary semaphore and other data structures used byJCF to manage concurrent accesses to the application object. Among the operations performed by thiswrapper are object atomicity (if an application object is not atomic, the wrapper serializes invocationsto that object) and block isolation (lock acquisition and release according to the atomic block’s lockingpolicy).

JCF performs the actual interception of invocations through the well-known technique of objectproxying. A proxy is an object that acts as a surrogate or delegate for another object, and usuallybehaves in such a way that the its invokers have no indication that they are dealing with a proxyinstead of the underlying object being proxied (see the proxy design pattern in [11]). Object proxyingis implemented in JCF using one of three approaches: dynamic proxies, static proxy generation andcustom proxies. These approaches are described in the rest of this section.

5.3.1. Dynamic proxies

Dynamic proxies are a mechanism introduced in Java 1.3, which permit the creation of a class thatimplement a set of interfaces specified at runtime [12]. A dynamic proxy object receives all invocationtargeted at the proxied object(s) and can perform arbitrary tasks instead of, prior to or after forwardingthe request to its actual target.

JCF’s dynamic proxy implementation permits registration of pre- and post-invocation handlers. Eachlocking protocol provides its own invocations handlers, which are registered upon entering an atomicblock and unregistered at its end. Various locking protocols have different needs in terms of invocation

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handlers: conservative 2PL does not use invocation handlers, 2PL with late locking only uses pre-invocation handlers, 2PL with early unlocking only uses post-invocation handlers, and generalized2PL and tree locking use both. In addition to pre- and post-invocation handlers, dynamic proxies alsoensure object atomicity.

Dynamic proxies have three drawbacks. First, they are a recent addition to the Java language and arenot widely deployed yet. Second, because of their dynamic nature, they have a non-negligible runtimeoverhead. Indeed, dynamic proxies intercept and process requests using Java’s reflection API, whichhas a high cost in terms of performance. Finally, dynamic proxies only intercept operations declaredon interfaces. In other words, for using dynamic proxies, all operations of the application object mustbe declared in interfaces implemented by that object.

5.3.2. Static proxy generation

The second approach for intercepting invocations consists is generating static proxies for atomicobjects. A static proxy implements the same methods as the actual object. Each method of the staticproxy performs three operations: pre-processing, invocation to the actual object and post-processing.During pre- and post-processing, the static proxy performs the same concurrency control operations asdynamic proxies. The actual processing of the request is delegated to the target object through a staticmethod call.

The static proxy generator uses reflection to discover the methods implemented by applicationobjects. Proxy generation can happen at compile-time or at runtime. In the first case, the code of theproxy is generated in a file that must be compiled to produce the proxy class. In the second case, theproxy is directly generated as bytecode and dynamically loaded in memory by the Java class loadingmechanisms. The latter approach is more convenient because the developer does not need to deal withproxy classes. It does, however, require runtime permissions that may not be granted to code executingin a protected environment, such as applets.

Since static proxies intercept and invoke operations on application objects statically, their runtimeoverhead is significantly smaller than dynamic proxies. Static proxies also do not suffer from thesame limitations as dynamic proxies, which only intercept invocations to the methods declared onthe interfaces implemented by an object.

5.3.3. Custom proxies

JCF provides a third approach to intercept invocations, in which the developer can explicitly controlhow concurrency control is applied to application objects. With this method, the programmer isresponsible for ensuring atomicity of objects, and for calling JCF pre- and post-invocation handlersat relevant places in the code (concurrency control is explicitly delegated to JCF).

Custom proxies are the most flexible approach, because the programmer can control when and howconcurrency control is applied to application objects. This may lead to fine-grain optimizations, suchas disabling concurrency control for methods that are not required to execute in isolation. However,custom proxies are also the most ‘dangerous’ approach because the programmer has to comply with aset of rules that, if not followed, may lead to violations of transaction isolation or deadlocks. In addition,it requires code modifications, which makes its application to legacy code less straightforward.

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5.4. Design and runtime choices

JCF is a versatile concurrency framework that offers a variety of choices. The locking strategyinfluences the concurrency degree of the application, and the interception mechanisms affects theruntime overhead and in some respects the programming model.

Decisions about the locking strategy can be performed late in the development cycle, as late as atruntime. It is possible to use multiple locking policies in the same application, with the followingrestrictions. All 2PL policies are compatible with each other and any combination of these policies canbe used simultaneously in an application. Tree locking and 2PL are not compatible and they shouldnot be used to manage the same resources. When using tree locking for a set of objects, all threads thataccess these objects concurrently must use the same tree to guarantee isolation. This is enforced byJCF runtime, which does not allow an object to be part of multiple trees.

The locking policy should be chosen to yield the best performance for the application. Theexperimental results presented in Section 6 can give guidelines on how locking strategies behave withsome type of applications. If the application exhibits repeatable access patterns, it may be wise to testeach locking strategy and choose the most efficient prior to deploying the application.

Unlike with locking policies, the criteria for selecting an interception mechanism are not only basedon performance. Transparency and security constraints are other factors that can influence this choice.Dynamic proxies require almost no modifications to legacy application but are limited to proxyinginterfaces and add significant runtime overhead. Static proxies are more efficient and powerful, butthey can be cumbersome to manage and require additional permissions in the case of runtime proxygeneration. Custom proxies are the most flexible approach, but it requires the programmer to performsubstantial modification to his/her code. The runtime impact of the different interception mechanismsis discussed in greater detail in Section 6. Note that all three approaches are compatible with eachother: objects that use different interception mechanisms can coexist in the same application.

5.5. Limitations and programming pitfalls

Atomic blocks have a few limitations that programmers need to be aware of to ensure correct executionof concurrent applications.

• Atomic blocks only guarantee isolation of invocations to the objects declared at blockinstantiation. In particular, concurrency control is not applicable to primitive types.

• Atomic blocks control concurrency of accesses to shared objects on a per-thread basis. When anew thread is forked inside an atomic block, isolation is not guaranteed for accesses by the newthread.

• As discussed previously, some locking strategies are not compatible together and they shouldnot be used simultaneously for the same set of objects.

• Atomic block operations never throw exceptions. However, the application code within an atomicblock may throw an exception. The programmer is responsible for explicitly terminating anatomic block, even when an exception is thrown inside the block. Therefore, a good practiceis to include the instructions of an atomic block in a ‘try-finally’ statement and end the atomicblock in the ‘finally’ block. This ensures that all resources and locks acquired by the concurrencycontrol protocol will be released when exiting the atomic block.

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Note that most of these limitations are due to the fact that atomic blocks are implemented as a libraryrather than as an extension of the Java language.

5.6. Atomic blocks as an extension to the Java language

The Java language defines a ‘synchronized’ statement that locks an individual object for the durationof the associated block. A simple extension to support atomic blocks in the Java language would beto allow multiple objects as argument of the ‘synchronized’ statement. Without offering the wholespectrum of concurrency control strategies discussed in this paper, the virtual machine could use aconservative 2PL policy to lock all objects in a deadlock-free manner. Since conservative 2PL does notneed to know the structure of the transactions in advance, nor does it need to acquire and release locksduring execution of the atomic block, no additional modifications should be performed to the syntaxand semantics of the ‘synchronized’ statement. In contrast, support for other locking strategies wouldrequire additional information to be provided to the Java runtime, e.g. using a thread-specific interfaceor extra arguments to the ‘synchronized’ statement.


This section presents experimental results with JCF and the locking policies described in this paper.These results confirm other studies found in the literature (e.g. in [13]). We also quantify and discussthe runtime overhead of the different interception mechanisms presented in Section 5.

6.1. The model

For concurrency measurements, we assume that the actions of locking and unlocking an object take anegligible amount of time. This assumption is realistic with applications where operations that executein mutual exclusion are time consuming (e.g. disk access, remote invocation, complex computations).The goal of these experiments is not to provide absolute performance figures, but rather to measure thedegree of concurrency of an application relative to a serial version of the same application.

For runtime overhead measurements, we concentrate on the cost of concurrency management andinterception mechanisms. For this purpose, we ran transactions with operations that do not perform anyactual processing (empty operations). All tests have been performed with Java 1.3 on a single-processorPC (P3/750) running Windows NT 4.0.

We have implemented a benchmarking application to compare the different concurrency controlstrategies. This application tests the different features of JCF under various workloads. The testenvironment permits the specification of the number of concurrent threads, the length of transactions,the number of objects in the system, the duration of operations, etc. Time consuming operations aresimulated by yielding the processor to other threads for a given amount of time (as an I/O operationwould do, for instance). The transactions are chosen randomly, but the same transactions are usedfor all concurrency control strategies. In the following tests, we only used binary trees for treelocking. The benchmarking application and an implementation of JCF are available at http://www.bell-labs.com/user/felber/atomic/.

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300








rial e




Nb obj

Concurrency of locking policies(32 threads, 2 op/trans)

Serial executionConservative 2PL

Late lockingEarly unlocking

Generalized 2PLTree locking

Figure 6. Low contention tests.

6.2. Low contention tests

We first consider the case of applications where contention is low, i.e. conflicts are infrequent. Forinstance, in the example of the bank application, transactions typically have few operations (two fortransfers) and the number of accounts is much larger than the number of concurrent transactions, thusleading to low contention.

We have run tests with 32 concurrent transactions, each composed of two randomly-chosenoperations, on a set of object of variable size. As the number of object grows, contention decreases.The experimental results are shown in Figure 6. The ordinate shows the concurrency degree expressedin percentage with respect to serial execution (i.e. in the case where there is no effective concurrency).

As one can see on the figure, all 2PL locking policies perform well and the concurrency degreeapproaches the theoretical optimum (3200%) as the number of object grows and contention decreases.There is only little gain from using more elaborate 2PL strategies (e.g. generalized 2PL) over strict2PL.

However, tree locking performs poorly and remains almost constant as the number of object grows§.This is due to the fact that, with random transaction, there is a 50% likelihood that a transaction withtwo operations accesses objects located in different halves of the tree, and contention appears on theroot and intermediary nodes of the tree rather than on the actual object being accessed. This exampledemonstrates that tree locking is not suitable for random transactions.

§Figures 6 and 7 show the performance of tree locking with ‘non-optimized’ trees, i.e. without using our algorithm forconstruction good trees: there was no noticeable improvement when running these experiments with optimized trees, because ofthe random nature of the transactions.

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35








rial e




Nb op/trans

Concurrency of locking policies(32 threads, 16 obj)

Serial executionConservative 2PL

Late lockingEarly unlocking

Generalized 2PLTree locking

Figure 7. High contention tests.

6.3. High contention tests

In situations where a large number of threads compete for a small number of resources, contention ishigh. This may be the case with resources such as files, I/O devices (disks, printers, network interfaces)or more generally, application objects that have a large granularity (e.g. a bank object instead of anindividual account). The nature of such applications strongly limits the concurrency degree and, ascontention grows, we can expect only little gain over serial execution.

Figure 7 shows execution of 32 concurrent transactions, each composed of variable number ofrandomly-chosen operations, on a set of 16 objects. As one can see on the figure, as the number ofoperation per transaction grows and contention increases, the concurrency degree approaches a constantvalue approximatively 1.5 times better than serial execution. Conservative 2PL and early unlockingeven show no gain over serial execution starting from 8 (respectively 16) operations per transaction.Tree locking performs empirically better than 2PL locking policies when contention is high. However,the difference may not be significant enough to justify the use of tree locking over a 2PL policy.

6.4. Hierarchical data tests

In situations where data can be organized in a hierarchy, it is straightforward to build a tree that matchesthis hierarchy and is adapted to tree locking. For instance, XML data can be naturally stored as a tree.Let a ‘subtree transaction’ be a transaction that accesses every object of some subtree exactly once. Wehave performed tests with 32 concurrent subtree transactions on a variable set of objects. Since we onlyconsider balanced binary trees, the number of objects in the tree is always a power of 2. In addition,because each transaction accesses all the objects of sub-tree (set), transactions also have a length equalto a power of 2. The subtree accessed by each transaction is chosen randomly.

Figure 8 shows that, with subtree transactions tree locking performs as much as five or six timesbetter than 2PL locking policies. This can be explained by the fact that, since the structure of the

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8 16 32 64 128 256








rial e




Nb obj (log)

Concurrency of locking policies(32 threads, monotonous trans)

Serial executionConservative 2PL

Late lockingEarly unlocking

Generalized 2PLTree locking

Figure 8. Hierarchical data tests.

tree matches the access patterns of transactions, many transactions that conflict can still executeconcurrently with tree locking. Therefore, the nature of an application and the access pattern of itstransactions have a strong impact on the effectiveness of locking strategies and are the key factor forchoosing the best strategy.

6.5. Tree construction algorithm

When data accesses in a set of transactions are purely random, we noticed that tree locking does notperform well, independent of the structure of the locking tree. We also showed that for hierarchical dataand structured accesses, tree locking can significantly increase concurrency. We performed additionalexperiments to test the effectiveness of the greedy tree construction algorithm presented in Appendix C.For this purpose, we have generated ‘skewed’ transactions, where the objects accessed are chosenaccording to a Zipf distribution [14]. Some objects are accessed much more often than others, makingit important to locate these objects close to each other. For this experiment, we have used shorttransactions and a variable number of threads.

The results (Figure 9) show significant improvement with the optimized tree, even though the treegenerated by the algorithm is sub-optimal. Since real-world applications do not generally access objectsat random but according to repeatable patterns, algorithms for generating locking trees adapted to thesepatterns could be a promising approach for increasing concurrency of those applications.

6.6. Runtime overhead

In this section, we compare the runtime overhead of the various locking policies and the differentinterception mechanisms. For this purpose, we have run experiments with a single thread that executesa sequence of transactions, each made of 32 empty operations. Since there is only one thread and

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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100








rial e




Nb threads

Concurrency of tree locking policies(32 obj, 2 op/trans)

Random TreeOptimized Tree

Figure 9. Tree construction algorithm.









Runtime overhead of concurrencycontrol mechanisms








Dynamic proxyStatic proxy

Figure 10. Runtime overhead of the different locking policies and interception mechanisms.

operations take no time, the results reflect the cost of concurrency management when there is nocontention and no effective processing.

Results are shown in Figure 10. We have measured the cost of each locking policy with dynamicand static proxies. The column labeled ‘no locking’ corresponds to execution of the application withthe interception mechanisms but with no actual concurrency management. Serial locking acquiresand releases a single global lock. 2PL locking policies acquire locks on all objects accessed by thetransaction. Tree locking additionally locks and unlocks intermediary nodes of the tree.

The results are not surprising. Static proxies are clearly more efficient than dynamic proxies.The cost of using reflection to intercept invocations appears to be significantly bigger than the costof concurrency management. In applications that perform time-consuming operations, the runtime

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overhead of dynamic proxies may be negligible in comparison to processing time. However, inapplications that perform short operations, this overhead may become a bottleneck and static proxiesshould be preferred.

Among all locking policies, tree locking exhibits the highest overhead. This is easily explainedby additional concurrency management performed on the nodes of the tree. Early unlocking andgeneralized 2PL pay the cost of post-invocation filters. Late locking performs slightly better becauseit only uses the less costly pre-invocation filters. Conservative 2PL does not use invocation filters atall and has the smallest overhead among 2PL policies. Finally, serial locking prevents concurrency byusing a single global lock, thus minimizing runtime overhead. While these figures show the benefits ofusing simple locking policies, one has to balance the runtime costs with the increased concurrency ofmore complex locking policies. For application that perform time-consuming operations, concurrencymust be the key factor for choosing a locking policy and runtime overhead should be ignored.


In this paper, we have presented mechanisms for implementing atomic sets of actions in Java. Thesemechanisms transparently manage isolation on a set of shared objects on behalf of the application, byincreasing concurrency while preserving safety and liveness. They reduce the burden of the developerof concurrent applications, reduce the likelihood of semantic errors, and have the potential of increasingconcurrency in complex applications.

We have presented various locking policies adapted to our application model, which consider asimplified form of transactions where operations are performed on transient data (no durability) andactions never need to be undone. Each strategy has specific benefits and drawbacks, and the choice ofthe best strategy ultimately depends on the nature of the application.

We have introduced several techniques used for the implementation of atomic blocks in Java andgiven some guidelines for choosing the technique best adapted to a given application. Transparentconcurrency control management is achieved through object proxying. Finally, we have presentedexperimental results that illustrate the concurrency degree and runtime overhead of the variousstrategies discussed in this paper. These results show that there are tradeoffs between concurrencydegree, runtime overhead, transparency, and flexibility.

We believe that basic mechanisms for atomic blocks would be a relevant addition to the Javalanguage. A simple yet elegant approach for this purpose, without adopting all the features of ourJava concurrency framework, consists in extending the ‘synchronized’ keyword so that it can take anarray of objects as argument and lock them conservatively using a deadlock-free conservative 2PLstrategy. We are considering implementing this extension in an open source Java compiler.


The tree locking protocol follows these simple rules.

• A transaction T always starts by acquiring the lock on its root node, which is the lowest commonancestor of all the objects accessed by T .

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T3T1 L(b)b.op()





c d











U(N1) L(N2)U(N0)





c d

















c d








Figure A1. Execution of the transactions of Figure 2 with a tree locking protocol. (a) T1 executes in the left branch.T3 can execute concurrently in the right branch. (b) T1 and T3 do not interfere because they execute in separatebranches. T3 completes. (c) T1 moves to the right branch. T2 can execute concurrently in the left branch. (d) T1

and T2 finish their execution in separate branches without interfering.

• To access an object o, T follows the path that leads from the last accessed node (initially the rootnode) to the leaf holding o. On that path, T performs the following operations.

– Let N be the current node in the path, and N ′ the next node in the path. T first acquiresthe lock on N ′ (if T does not already hold that lock).

– If there is no object o′ in the remaining operations of T such that N is an ancestor of o′,then T releases the lock on N . (This situation happens if T has performed all its operationson the objects of a branch, and is moving upstream along the path.)

– Otherwise, if for each object o′ in the remaining operations of T such that N is an ancestorof o′, N ′ is also an ancestor of o′, then T releases the lock on N . (This situation happensif all remaining operations of T are confined in one branch, and T is moving downstreamalong the path towards that branch.)

• After its last operation, T releases the lock on the last accessed object.

Figure A1 shows an execution history of the transactions of Figure 2 with a tree locking policy. Thetree is a balanced binary tree with three levels, three internal nodes, and four leaves. Transaction flow is

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represented by dashed arrows. Intermediary actions (i.e. locking, unlocking, operation execution) areindicated along the arrows as they occur. The different transactions on a figure execute concurrentlyand time flows in the direction of arrows.


We discuss here the four criteria that we have identified to characterize a good tree for a given set oftransactions.

A first observation is that transactions can execute concurrently if they are confined in separatebranches of the tree. Obviously, if all transactions compete to lock the root node of the tree, thenconcurrency will be equivalent to or worse than conservative 2PL. On the other side, if the root nodeof some transactions are in separate subtrees, they can execute in complete independence. Criterion 1:The lower the root node of a transaction is, the better concurrency is.

Nodes high in the tree are more crucial than nodes low in the tree, because they control a largernumber of resources. It can be highly inefficient to lock a node high in the tree to access a singleresource below that node. For instance, with the tree of Figure A1, a transaction that accesses a

and c will prevent concurrent accesses to b and d because it locks nodes that control these objects.Concurrency is thus better if the transactions that lock a node access a large number of the resourcescontrolled by that node. Criterion 2: The acquisition of a node must pay off and concurrency can beoptimal when transactions access all resources located below that node.

The order in which transactions access resources is also an important factor for concurrency. If atransaction leaves a subtree in which it will return later, it has to keep locks on that subtree. On theother hand, if a transaction leaves a subtree definitively, it can release the locks it holds on the subtree.Therefore, if all accesses to the resources of a subtree are adjacent, the transaction can release alllocks on the subtree when leaving it. This is the case of T1 with the tree of Figure A1: once T1 hasaccessed a and b, it can leave the left branch of the tree and release all the locks it holds on that branch(Figure A1(c)). Criterion 3: Concurrency is increased if accesses to the resources of a subtree areadjacent in a transaction.

The first three criteria apply to individual transactions, i.e. they define if a tree is adequate for eachtransaction in isolation. A fourth criterion can be defined on sets of transactions. It derives from theobservation that, if multiple transactions access the same subtrees, concurrency can be increased ifthey access these subtrees in the same order. For instance, in the tree of Figure A1, if we define a newtransaction T ′

1 which accesses the same objects as T1 in the same order, T ′1 can start executing in the left

branch as soon as T1 moves to the right branch. If T ′1 was accessing objects in the reverse order from

T1, then it would have to wait until T1 completes before starting execution. Criterion 4: Concurrencyis generally increased if shared resources are accessed by multiple transactions in the same order.


Given a set of n transactions T1, . . . , Tn with sizes m1, . . . ,mn, where each transaction Ti iscomposed of mi individual operations oi

1, . . . , oimi

on shared resources r1, . . . , rl . Informally, ourgreedy algorithm for building binary locking trees works as follows.

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T1 : a.op() ; b.op() ; a.op() ; c.op()

T2 : c.op() ; b.op() ; d.op()

T3 : a.op() ; b.op()

Figure A2. Three sample transactions.


c d


4,2 3,2 1,1


Figure A3. Access graph for the transactions of Figure A2.

1. Shared resources r1, . . . , rl are organized in an ‘access’ graph G = (V ,E) with a weightfunction w such that w(ri , rj ) is a pair of values (wd,wn): wn is the number of occurrencesof operations on both ri and rj in each transaction T1, . . . , Tn, and wd is the sum of the distancebetween these operations. Let L be an (ordered) list initially empty.

2. Select the vertex u that maximizes∑

(u,v)∈E,v∈V wn(u, v). If there is more than one candidatevertex, select the one that minimizes

∑(u,v)∈E,v∈V wd(u, v). Add u to L.

3. Select the vertex u′ /∈ L that maximizes∑

(u′,v)∈E,v∈L wn(u′, v). If there is more than one

candidate vertex, select the one that minimizes∑

(u′,v)∈E,v∈L wd(u′, v). Append u′ to the end ofL. Repeat this step until L contains all vertices of V .

4. Create a balanced binary tree with l leaves and arrange the resources the resources r1, . . . , rl inthe leaves of the tree in the same order as they appear in L.

For instance, given the transactions T1, T2, and T3 in Figure A2, the algorithm will produce the graphin Figure A3 and a tree equivalent to that of Figure 4.


We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.


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