If you solve a complex problem that you accidentally (unintentionally// unexpectedly) created yourself, you feel like a genius for a brief moment.” Negotiators and campaigners have reacted angrily to the failure of many environment ministers to attend UN talks in Bonn. We are all anxiously (apprehensively, uneasily) awaiting this El Niño to bring rainfall relief to the Western USA. For Pinter, the love object is always the unknowable other, a territory to be anxiously claimed but never conquered. the ruling sits awkwardly among some. McCarthy, the likely next Speaker of the House, stuck to an awkwardly worded script. fingers so badly (gravely, seriously, severely) frozen they had to be amputated they were badly in need of help I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it” The instruments are beautifully (attractively) scaled to one another, and both harmonious and distinct in their timbres. Even before the season started, Mr. Meenan designed T-shirts that boldly challenged the notion of Yankees supremacy. When asked which enemy he was most proud of, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley boldly declared “the NRA.” The games’ sole Russian delegate continued to draw stares for bravely (courageously) defying the tropical heat in a fur-and-rhinestone cat suit. So, in order to help patients with malaria, my colleagues and I bravely volunteered to be the first people to take the extract.

Adverbs of Mafdsznner

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Page 1: Adverbs of Mafdsznner

If you solve a complex problem that you accidentally (unintentionally// unexpectedly) created yourself, you feel like a genius for a brief moment.”

Negotiators and campaigners have reacted angrily to the failure of many environment ministers to attend UN talks in Bonn.

We are all anxiously (apprehensively, uneasily) awaiting this El Niño to bring rainfall relief to the Western USA.

For Pinter, the love object is always the unknowable other, a territory to be anxiously claimed but never conquered.

the ruling sits awkwardly among some.

McCarthy, the likely next Speaker of the House, stuck to an awkwardly worded script.

fingers so badly (gravely, seriously, severely) frozen they had to be amputated

they were badly in need of help

I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it”

The instruments are beautifully (attractively) scaled to one another, and both harmonious and distinct in their timbres.

Even before the season started, Mr. Meenan designed T-shirts that boldly challenged the notion of Yankees supremacy.

When asked which enemy he was most proud of, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley boldly declared “the NRA.”

The games’ sole Russian delegate continued to draw stares for bravely (courageously) defying the tropical heat in a fur-and-rhinestone cat suit.

So, in order to help patients with malaria, my colleagues and I bravely volunteered to be the first people to take the extract.

Fortunately, Jeb Bush learned that lesson, as was obvious when he bravely declared a willingness to “lose the primary to win the general.”

Brightly coloured murals adorn the walls of the 'Little Hands' nursery.

they were busily engaged in buying souvenirs

No, they smile politely and manage to explain calmly, either in the tourist’s language or by an incredilish movement of their hands, what it means.

he spoke calmly to the rioting students

Page 2: Adverbs of Mafdsznner

carefully, cautiously, she worked assiduously on the senior thesis/// Then they hired artisans to painstakingly replace the arms and legs of plaster cherubs in the formal rooms.

“he cheerfully agreed to do it”//

Ago, quite, very, much, too, hard, hardly, hardly any, hardly ever, hardly at all, no, not, since, fairly, rather, hardly, scarcely, barely