EuropeAid State of Play of the 2007-2013 ENPI Cross Border Cooperation on the Eastern Border and Perspectives for the Future Alejandro Eggenschwiler DEVCO, European Commission Elblag, 18 November 2011

A.eggenschwiler presentation elblag 18 nov 2011

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State of Play of the 2007-2013 ENPI Cross Border Cooperation on the Eastern Border and Perspectives for the Future

Alejandro Eggenschwiler

DEVCO, European Commission

Elblag, 18 November 2011

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EuropeAidOutline of the presentation

• Overview of the state of play of the ENPI CBC Programmes

• Evaluation of the ENPI CBC Programmes

• Next generation of ENPI CBC Programmes

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EuropeAidWhat is ENPI Cross Border Cooperation?

• The purpose of the ENPI CBC programmes is to support cross border co-operation projects focusing on 4 general objectives (economic development, secure borders, common challenges and people to people contact) between the Member States and the partner countries along the external borders of the European Union.

• Innovation of ENPI CBC: seven-year programming period, single budget, common legal framework, common implementation rules on both sides of the border (Member State / Partner Country)

• 13 ENPI CBC programmes are operational (15 foreseen in the Strategy Paper) 11 ENPI CBC programmes are implemented on the Eastern border

• EU financial allocation of approximately € 1 billion for the period 2007 – 2013 (ENPI+ERDF)

• Budget mainly spent through calls for proposals and to a certain extent through direct award for large scale infrastructure projects (LSPs): up to 30% of the budget in 9 programmes.

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EuropeAidENPI CBC in the Eastern Neighbourhood (I)

• Baltic Sea Programme (Belarus; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; Germany, Latvia;

Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden) (€8.8 million)

• Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova Programme (€126.7 million)

• Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Programme (€68.6 million)

• Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Programme (€186.2 million)

• Black Sea Programme (Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova,

Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) (€25.7 million)

• Lithuania-Poland-Russia Programme (€132.1 million) (€43.9 million Russian


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EuropeAidENPI CBC in the Eastern Neighbourhood (II)

• Estonia-Latvia-Russia Programme (€47.8 million) (€71 million with Russian

and Estonian co-financing)

• Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme (€ 41.7 million)

• Kolarctic Programme (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Russia) (€ 28.2 million) (€

70 million with Russian, Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian co-financing)

• South-East Finland - Russia Programme (€ 36.2 million) (€ 72 million with

Finnish and Russian co-financing)

• Karelia Programme (Finland, Russia) (€ 23.2 million) (€ 46 million with

Finnish and Russian co-financing)

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EuropeAidEligible regions (I)

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EuropeAidEligible regions (II)

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EuropeAidENPI CBC General Overview

• 12 programmes have finalised their first calls for proposals (some

programmes have also finalised their 2nd and launched their 3rd call).

• => 29 calls for proposals have been launched out of which 25 are closed.

• 2,173 applications received in total and 392 projects selected.

• The total budget of the calls for proposals launched amounts to €488 million

• 37 LSPs for a total of €200 million have been submitted for EC approval.

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EuropeAidEvaluation of the ENPI CBC programmes(Implementation to date)

• 2 assessment exercises are currently underway:

• Mid-term evaluation [Art. 6(2) IR] of the 13 programmes: just launched;

results expected in mid-2012, will be shared with the programmes.

• Result–Oriented Monitoring (ROM) of programmes and projects over €1 million.

• 2 programmes monitored: HU-SK-RO-UA (8 projects) and SE FI-RU (4 projects)

• Despite a slow start and administrative procedures considered as heavy:

o First results of ROM are positive (partnership, impact an d sustainability


o Interest in the programmes: requested contribution for applications

largely exceeded the available budget.

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EuropeAidNext generation of EN(P)I CBC programmes

• ENI draft regulation: CBC maintained and reinforced (like in the current ENPI

regulation, up to 5% of the ENI budget could be allocated to CBC).

• Programming document (indicating the number of programmes and budget

per programme) to be developed in 2012.

• CBC implementing rules: towards deepened shared management and specific

solutions for programmes with co-financing.

• On-going consultation with stakeholders (conferences, technical meetings,

questionnaires ,etc.).

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EuropeAidUseful links

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